Is it possible to plant seedlings in open ground. Proper planting of tomato seedlings in open ground. Optimal conditions for planting tomatoes

The kaleidoscope of the January holiday holidays lasts almost a whole decade, at which time you have time to enjoy the holiday, have plenty of fun and get bored. And only gardeners know how to appreciate every free winter minute, so they put things in order in seed stocks, and also think about early planting seeds for seedlings. In this article - the pros and cons of early planting vegetables for seedlings, seed preparation, agricultural technology for growing vegetable and flower seedlings.

DIY seedlings: pros and cons

To begin with, I would like to talk about the need to grow vegetable seedlings with your own hands, because in the spring many firms and private nurseries offer an abundance of ready-made seedlings of various cultivars and ornamental species. So why suffer from the winter, lining all the window sills with boxes with plastic or peat cups, when you can safely buy the entire range of vegetable seedlings immediately before planting plants in open ground?

Despite the laboriousness, growing your own seedlings has significant advantages:

  1. Compliance with the declared variety - when purchasing seed material in companies with a high reputation, you can be sure that in the end, exactly those cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage that you have chosen according to certain positive signs will ripen in the garden beds.
  2. Mandatory seed treatment before sowing - when seeds are prepared for sowing on their own (disinfection, soaking, stratification, scarification, stimulation, soaking, warming, bubbling), you can not worry about the health of seedlings in the future. Buying young plants from the hands does not give such confidence.
  3. Hardening - gardeners carry out mandatory hardening of seedlings, which helps to form strong, squat plants that are resistant to returning frosts. When purchasing seedlings in stores or markets, one cannot be completely sure that the plants have undergone a hardening procedure and will withstand planting in open ground if a short-term drop in temperature occurs, and this is quite possible even in the middle of winter.
  4. Terms of sowing seeds - experienced gardeners strictly observe the recommended terms for planting seed material in the ground for germination, so their own seedlings do not stretch and do not outgrow.

Now we have come to the main question of this article, when should garden plants be sown for seedlings?

When to plant vegetable seeds for seedlings

How to plant seeds for seedlings, and at what time is it preferable to do this? Not everything is so simple, the timing of sowing certain crops depends on many factors:

  • individual timing of seed germination;
  • growing time before picking;
  • ambient air temperature;
  • certain phases of the moon when planting vegetables in the ground is possible;
  • planting sites (greenhouse complex, greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground);
  • expected harvest time.

Dependence of seedlings on temperature

Vegetables are divided into cold-resistant and heat-loving, a feature of these groups are different temperature requirements when growing plants in open ground.

Cold-resistant crops (cabbage; radish; radish; parsnips; rhubarb; carrots; beets) can be sown directly into the ground before winter or early spring in garden beds, but it is allowed to grow vegetables through seedlings.

Heat-loving crops are often grown in seedlings. These include cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pumpkin, pepper.

Important! Seedlings of heat-loving vegetables should not outgrow by the time they are planted in open ground, otherwise they get sick for a long time, do not adapt well in the fresh air, such plants will yield a crop later.

The temperature regime that should be maintained when growing seedlings of different vegetables:

Name of culture

Temperature range

Name of culture

Temperature range

From +10 to +11C

From +10 to + 12C

From +13 to +15C

From +13 to +14C

From +2 to +3C

From +8 to +13C

From +10 to +12C

From +2 to +3C

From +15 to +17C

From +15 to +17C

Subject to such a temperature regime, all seeds will germinate in due time, seedlings will be strong and friendly.

Individual timing of seed germination

Each vegetable crop has individual seed germination times, which can be found in the table below. Of course, these values ​​are average, because old dried seeds can germinate much longer, but the given values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be used as a guide when calculating the time for sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings indoors (greenhouse):

Name of culture

Term in days

Name of culture

Term in days


The best lunar days for sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings

You can believe or not believe in, but the old-timers claim that the mysterious planet is able to influence the rate of seed germination and the harmonious growth of seedlings. Therefore, I will give the best dates for sowing seedlings of vegetables in January (second half of the month) and February 2018.

vegetable plants

Sowing date

vegetable plants

Sowing date


Spicy herbs, lettuce

Subject to the temperature regime of growing seedlings and additional illumination of plantings with special fluorescent lamps, it can be said with confidence that seedlings from seeds can be grown in January. However, it is worth noting that young plants will overgrow too much until May, when vegetables can be transplanted into open ground without fear of recurrent frosts. Therefore, seedlings planted in January are only suitable for growing in a greenhouse and obtaining early ripe vegetables. The only outdoor crop that should be sown for seedlings in January is celery. A vegetable plant has a too long growing season (up to 160 days), so it will just form by the time it is planted in open ground.

The optimal age of seedlings for planting in open ground

Each vegetable plant needs a certain time to form strong seedlings from seeds. Approximate terms of growing crops (in days) after sowing and picking before planting in open ground.

  1. Early tomatoes - up to 45-50 days.
  2. Mid-ripening tomatoes - from 55 days.
  3. Tomatoes late-ripening varieties - from 70 days.
  4. Cucumbers - 30 days.
  5. Eggplant - up to 60 days.
  6. Cabbage - from 35 to 40 days.
  7. Pepper - up to 65 days.

Young seedlings easily tolerate transplantation, take root faster in open ground beds or greenhouse complexes.

Desired harvest time

This factor is very important, because if you wish, you can shift the timing of obtaining high-quality vegetable products by growing seedlings a little earlier or a little later. Usually in the southern regions several crops of cucumbers are obtained:

  1. In the greenhouse (very early) - sowing seeds for seedlings in January-February.
  2. Early open ground - seeds are sown from mid-February to the end of March.
  3. Average harvest - sowing seeds in open ground or for seedlings in April.
  4. Late harvest - sowing seeds in the ground or seedlings in June-early July.

Of course, this does not depend only on the desire of the gardener; a lot of factors influence the formation of the crop, one of which is climatic conditions. Sometimes it happens that the seedlings are grown on time, and their quality is excellent, but they cannot be planted - the earth has not thawed, and frosts are observed every night.

When seedlings are warm and when cold

Experienced gardeners divide the sowing time (planting seedlings into the ground) for cold-resistant and heat-loving plants into two indicators (terms):

  1. Cold - at this time, cold-resistant plants can be planted without hesitation in open ground, and heat-loving vegetables - in greenhouses. Measuring the temperature of the soil at a depth of about 8-10 cm will help determine this period. If the temperature in the depth of the vegetable garden is 8 degrees, then you can sow carrots and beets, onions, garlic, mustard, and plant tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers on greenhouse beds.
  2. Heat - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and seedlings of other vegetables that do not tolerate frost can be planted in open ground. This indicator can be found in the reports of meteorologists, and it also coincides with the end of the flowering viburnum.

Read the information on the seed packet

Each package of seeds, in addition to colorful pictures and descriptions, has a lot of useful data. To calculate the time for sowing seeds for seedlings, you will need such an indicator as the duration of the growing season, which is a different amount of time for vegetable crops.

This factor is taken into account when calculating the time for planting seeds for seedlings.

Calculation of planting vegetable seeds for seedlings by timing

Overgrown seedlings do not contribute to a bountiful harvest and improvement in the taste characteristics of vegetables, so you should not rush to sow seeds, unless the plants are intended for growing in greenhouse conditions.

An example of calculating the sowing of cabbage seeds for seedlings for growing in open ground.

Take, for example, the white cabbage variety Eliza F1. The plant belongs to cold-resistant species, therefore, in the south, cabbage seedlings can be planted in open ground as early as early April. The age of seedlings before planting should be about 30 days. This means that for the southern regions cabbage can be sown in mid-February - early March. Full-bodied crispy heads of cabbage can be harvested as early as June. For the middle lane, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings shifts by about a month and a half. This early maturing variety will have time to ripen even in a temperate climate.

In January, referring to the lunar calendar, cabbage can be sown on seedlings for growing in a greenhouse on January 24-26 and January 28-30, transplanting seedlings to greenhouse beds - early March, the crop will ripen at the end of May.

Friendly shoots to all!

For the avid gardener, growing seedlings is an amazing and exciting process.

Solving the most important questions, what kind of crop to plant, what soil to choose as the basis of the planting mixture, at what time to stop the grown sprouts and many other issues, give the gardener great pleasure.

What plants to sow in seedlings?

As we know, seeds can be planted in open ground or seedlings can be sown with further transfer of seedlings to open ground.

Strong seedlings.

Seeds planted in open ground have a significantly lower percentage of germination than seeds sown for seedlings. They are in more danger. This is the unpredictability of the weather, and insects eating seeds, weeds and many other dangers.

Horticultural crops grown through seedlings allow harvesting at an earlier date. In regions with a harsh climate, horticultural crops with a longer period of development and growth can be grown exclusively by sowing seedlings. These include tomatoes, various varieties of peppers, demanding eggplants, and other crops.

In addition, through seedlings, you can reproduce the variety of crop you want, which is difficult to find in specialized stores.

auspicious days

Even ancient gardeners found a relationship between the lunar phases and the rate of plant development. Modern science has confirmed the dependence of plant growth on the lunar phases and the ability of plants to attract or repel water molecules while in certain phases of the moon.

The period of revolution of the Moon around our planet is divided into four phases. The gravitational force of the moon on the earth during the new moon and full moon is the same. It is on these days that the lunar attraction contributes to the intensive growth of plants.

There is an abundant influx of nutrients to the tops of plants. But note that Plants receive more light during the full moon.. Therefore, the process of photosynthesis does not stop, which contributes to the development of the terrestrial part of plants.

The process of planting in peat tablets.

The basic rule is that after the new moon period we plant horticultural crops with terrestrial fruits, and after the full moon we plant crops with underground fruits.

For gardeners who make a sowing plan taking into account the lunar phases, there is a basic rule: do not plant anything on the full moon itself and the two days closest to it. Also, on the new moon and the next couple of days, it is not advisable to plant root crops for it.

Dependence of landing time on the region

Vegetable crops for the most part come from countries with a mild climate, where the frost-free period lasts all year round. In such a climate, plants in the open field go through the entire cycle of their development.

The time of planting seeds for seedlings depends on the duration of the frost-free period in the region, because the plant should preferably finish its development in open ground.

In the Ural and Siberian zone the frost-free period is only 65 days. The beginning of the frost-free period falls on the beginning of June. Frosts begin in October.

As for the more southern regions, for example, Belarus, then here the number of frost-free days reaches 180. The beginning of the frost-free period occurs at the beginning of April. In this region, it is possible to transplant seedlings into open ground much earlier than in areas located in the northern and central parts.

What and when to start planting at home?

The date of planting seeds is directly related to the period of development of a particular plant. The moment of planting seeds in the soil is the beginning of the growing season. In our latitudes, the number of warm days necessary for the full cycle of development of many plants is limited. Therefore, for most crops, the growing cycle begins on the windowsill of our homes.

Before landing in open ground.

The duration of the development period is different not only for different types of crops, but also different for different varieties of the same crop. Now breeders for gardeners of northern latitudes have bred many early ripening varieties, with a shortened period of development. The period of cultural development is usually indicated in the attached annotation to the planting rules.

Terms of sowing vegetables: schedule

For greater clarity, we present a table indicating the timing of planting for seedlings of the most common vegetables. The periods are indicated for planting vegetable seeds in the middle part of Russia. To determine the exact time of planting seeds in other parts of Russia, the table is subject to adjustment for the corresponding climate.

Terms of sowing seedlings of vegetables:

Table of sowing annual and perennial flowers

Seeds of flowering plants are subject to sowing for seedlings in their time periods, which differ from the periods of planting vegetables. The sowing dates for some flowering plants are shown in the table below.

Scattered seedlings.

Terms of planting seedlings of flower crops:

Name Planting period Emergence of the first shoots (days)
Begonia evergreen December - January 20
verbena garden March, April 10-12
Carnation January February 5-10
Heliotrope January February 15-21
Dahlia summer March 10-12
Sweet pea February 5-115
Calendula April May 5-15
Cosmos doubly pinnate March, April 10-12
matiolla February March 3-6
Lobelia Erinus February March 5-7
mimulus January February 10-12
Nasturtium April May 10-14
forget-me-not Chinese March, April 12-14
Petunia March 7-10
Rhodochiton March, April 20-30
Rudbeckia March, April 12-14
fragrant tobacco March 15-20
Marigold March 7-10
Zinnia April 8-10

It must be understood that the germination of sprouts is directly related to many factors. This, temperature, planting pattern, the size of the selected container for planting and many other factors.

How to grow pepper?

We start sowing seeds for seedlings around March 10-20. Before planting, the seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seed sprouts must start up before they are buried in the soil. To do this, the seeds are left in a well-moistened tissue for 7-14 days in a warm and dark place.

Plants planted in the garden.

The planting container must be disinfected. The soil can be used both purchased and made independently. Sprouted seeds should be laid out carefully with tweezers at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other.

After cutting through the sprouts, we shift the container to the windowsill, the pepper loves light and heat. Before transplanting pepper into an open space, it is stopped without deepening twice. Pepper seedlings are fed twice one and a half or two weeks after picking.

tomato seeds

You need to plant in the twentieth of March. It is advisable to soak the seeds in water before planting. To do this, you can take an ordinary saucer. Pour water into it, spread the seeds, cover with a clean cloth. Seeds must be soaked for 10-12 hours, but no more than 24 hours.

Then we fill the disinfected container with the previously prepared special rational mixture for tomatoes. The mixture must be sufficiently moist. Seeds are planted at a distance of two centimeters from each other. Planting depth is not more than one and a half centimeters. Cupping is done when the plant has two leaves. Buy without deepening.

Remember, tomatoes love light and heat, but do not like excess moisture.


belong to a very demanding culture. Seeds for seedlings are planted in the twentieth of March. The soil should be neutral, loose and fertile. The container is filled with soil mixture approximately 20-24 hours before planting. The soil mixture is well moistened.

Before planting, the seeds are disinfected. Then wrapped in two layers of moistened napkins. For seven days at night we store in a cold place, such as a refrigerator, during the day at room temperature.

Illumination of seedlings on the window.

After seven days, soak for twenty minutes in melted water with the addition of a growth stimulator. Dry to a crumbly state and plant in the soil to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. We buy at the stage of development of two leaves. We water the seedlings in 5-6 days.

Cultivation of cabbage

Seedlings for white cabbage should be planted in early April. Before planting, be sure to neutralize the seeds. Sown seeds must be well moistened before germination. After the emergence of seedlings, they are thinned out. The distance between the sprouts should be at least two centimeters.

Two weeks after the descent, the seedlings dive with deepening. Two weeks later they are transplanted again. The distance between the shoots should be at least five centimeters. There is little daylight for cabbage. Seedlings need to be illuminated.

The optimum temperature for growing cabbage seedlings is 18-20°C.

Cucumbers for the garden

Cucumber seedlings are planted within May 5-10. Seeds of culture before planting in the ground require pre-treatment. First, soak them in a solution of three percent common salt. You can plant those that remain at the bottom of the container.

The snow should not melt yet, and the gardener will already know whether the seeds germinate and whether it is time to plant seedlings. For different plants, the requirements will be different, and the time of planting, and the characteristics of the soil, and primary care. But in general, the algorithm is the same, by correctly observing it, the stage of growing seedlings can be passed unmistakably.

When is it time to plant seedlings in the ground

Seeds cannot be planted in open ground immediately - these are the basics of vegetable growing. Seedlings are more adapted to negative external factors. If you plant seeds, then changes in the weather or the actions of pests can destroy the entire crop.

Plants transplanted from pots are more resistant. In general, it is possible to determine whether pre-planting seedlings are needed by seeds. The larger the seeds, the more likely the plant is to sprout after planting in open ground. Small seeds need to be planted in pots, and this will be right.

Understanding when a plant needs to be planted is not difficult. There is a certain algorithm for growing seedlings. Of course, you also need to read the recommendations on the package. Usually, manufacturers place a scale there, and they indicate in it exactly when to plant seedlings, and when the plant is ready to take root in the ground.

But gardeners do not always use purchased seeds, they are often purchased "from hand" or directly collected by summer residents themselves. In this case, the disembarkation time is calculated independently.

Planting pepper seedlings (video)

How to calculate planting time

You need to be based on the date of landing in the ground. Don't do it too early. If, for example, the ground is protected, then the seedlings are planted in May, on the twentieth.

From the preliminary planting date, you need to subtract the number of days that the growing season of the plant takes. Plus, add another 10-12 days for the seed germination stage.

You can consider this on the example of early ripening tomatoes. Their growing season is 90 days. After five, a maximum of ten days, the first shoots of tomatoes appear. This means that a little more than three months are taken from the landing period in the ground. It turns out that in March, in principle, you can plant seedlings.

It is impossible to be strictly equal to this calculation, because the determining factor is the climatic conditions that are characteristic of your region.

The average time for planting plants in the ground:

  • pepper - 70 days after germination;
  • cabbage - after 50 days;
  • cucumbers - after 40 days;
  • tomatoes - after 60 days.

For seedlings of flowers, the timing will be slightly different. Before the beginning of June, it is not worth planting heat-loving flowers, but cold-loving ones can be safely planted already in May. For example, petunias. In February, you can plant seedlings of flowers, from which cascading forms with fairly large flowers are usually formed.

But marigolds at home are planted for seedlings already in April, and already in the ground - in June. These plants do not like frost, so early planting dates are not for them.

Seedlings planted in February

Seedlings are planted in February:

  • early varieties of vegetables, plants for greenhouses;
  • root celery;
  • black onion;
  • eggplant;
  • salad;
  • basil;
  • peppers;

Dill and can also be planted at this time.

Planting seedlings of early cabbage (video)

Seedlings planted in March

In March, the planting of tomato seedlings begins. And although April is indicated on many instructions, it is still correct to carry out this process in March. Most summer residents plant tomatoes from March 5 to March 10. Such an early date is due to the fact that tomatoes are susceptible to late blight, and to prevent this from happening, early seedlings are required.

For the harvest of early cabbage, seedlings should be done in mid-March. Cold-resistant varieties will be the best choice.

What is needed for seedlings

The list of necessary tools and materials for seedlings includes:

  • ready ground,
  • seedling containers,
  • seeds directly,
  • expanded clay,
  • watering can,
  • sprayer,
  • scapula.

How to choose good seeds? Carefully study the information on the package, if the month until which you can use these seeds falls on the last month of the current or the first of the next year, the seeds are suitable.

Soil for growing seedlings can be harvested independently or purchased ready-made.

To sow seeds, you need to prepare seedling boxes. Gardeners, in general, prefer containers with sides of 8 cm. These can be ordinary plastic containers, or peat pots that are loved by many summer residents. And some gardeners are faithful to tetra-packs - the cheapest containers, which, meanwhile, do their job in an excellent way.

You can also use it as a container for seedlings.:

  • juice boxes,
  • large ice cream boxes
  • dessert boxes,
  • plastic yogurt jars.

Drainage holes must be made in these containers so that there is no stagnant water in such mini-beds.

Planting seedlings of cucumbers (video)

The planting process

A layer of expanded clay is laid out at the bottom of the container. It is about a centimeter. Soil is poured on top, it needs to be lightly tamped, and leave room to pour earth to the seedling.

The lunar calendar can and should be used during the landing process. For example, crops with above-ground fruits should be planted on the growing moon, and with underground ones - on the waning one.

If there are a lot of seeds, then large seeds in a pot can be planted in 2-3 pieces: it will be possible to choose the strongest seedling from the seedlings. Small seeds do not need to be sprinkled with soil, but they are watered with a sprayer.

There are not so many difficulties in planting seedlings - rather, it is a painstaking process that requires care. Having got the hang of it, it will be easier to plant seedlings every year, and many things will turn out automatically. The main thing is to do everything on time, not to rush, and let the plant gain strength.

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse (video)

Spring is on the calendar, and outside the window is frost and knee-deep snowdrifts. Our grandfathers in gardening were never guided by a calendar. The timing of planting vegetable crops in the ground was determined by the signs of nature - folk signs.

Unfortunately, their observations are not relevant in a changing climate, and there is no one to make new signs.

If calendar dates are a poor guideline, and folk signs “do not work,” then how to determine the optimal timing for planting seedlings in open ground? Study the biology of culture and record meteorological parameters.

There are country weather stations on sale that remember the parameters for several days in dynamics and issue a short-term weather forecast. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to calculate the average daily and average night temperatures.

Optimal conditions for planting tomatoes

Tomatoes are a fairly hardy vegetable crop. Mature plants are able to survive a night temperature drop to 5-6 ⁰C without slowing down growth and disrupting fruiting. However, like all heat-loving plants, they die even with light frosts, when the temperature drops to zero.

To assess the readiness of seedlings for planting in open ground, the following factors are analyzed:

  • seedling condition: the age of seedlings of early maturing varieties should not exceed 60 days; high-quality planting material has a thick stem 20-30 cm high and 1-2 flower brushes; before planting, the seedlings undergo a 2-week hardening with exposure to fresh air under direct sunlight and, in the last days, leaving for the night on an open terrace or balcony;
  • temperature regime: average daily air temperature 14-15 ⁰C, soil - 10-12 ⁰C;
  • the ability to create additional protection in the event of a nighttime drop in temperature or a severe cold snap: a film or white covering material is used to protect the plantings.

Advice! If the seedlings outgrow, and the weather does not allow planting in the ground, then it must be taken out to a cool place with night temperatures of 10-6 ⁰C and provide good lighting.

Approximate calendar dates for planting tomatoes in open ground in the Middle lane and the Moscow region: the last week of May - the first week of June; in Western Siberia: from 10 to 15 June; in the southern regions: in early May.

A favorable temperature for the growth of tomatoes is considered to be 22-25 ⁰C. Periodic short-term decrease in daytime temperature to 15 and night to 6-8 ⁰C does not cause growth retardation and delay in fruit ripening. For early ripening varieties, it is not scary to drop to 3-4 ⁰C at night. At temperatures above 35 ⁰C, growth stops, the fruits cease to set.

Conditions and terms for planting seedlings of peppers

Unlike tomatoes, they are more sensitive to temperature conditions. It is a delicate tropical plant. For normal growth, an average daily temperature of 20-25 ⁰C is needed. Slowdown of development is observed already at 15 ⁰C, and at 13 ⁰C growth stops. At the same time, pepper does not tolerate drought and is demanding on lighting (the ovary is shed in shading).

Seedlings are grown without picking, and an extra transplant into a greenhouse is not desirable for her. To obtain high-quality seedlings, the seeds are sown in individual containers of sufficient volume and create optimal conditions.

Seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of 50-55 days. By this time, the plants should have 8-10 true leaves, a height of 20-25 cm and unblown buds. The soil should warm up to 15 ⁰C. To speed up warming up, ridges are made in advance and covered with a black film. In Central Russia, pepper in open ground is recommended to be planted on June 1-10.

When to plant cucumbers?

Cucumbers are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. During the growing season, night temperatures below 18 ⁰C provoke the development of root rot, and when it gets cold below 16 ⁰C, ovary growth slows down and yields decrease. In cold soil, the root system rots and dies.

35-day-old seedlings are planted in open ground. Under the growing conditions, the seedlings are stocky, with short internodes. Landing is carried out when a constant temperature of 18-20 ⁰C is established and the threat of frost has passed. The first week after planting, the plants are covered overnight.

Sowing cucumber seeds in open ground is carried out after the soil warms up to 12-13 ⁰C, and the average daily air temperature passes the mark of 15 ⁰C. In the Moscow region, cucumbers are sown in late May - early June.

In Western Siberia, sowing dates are calculated so that seedlings do not fall under return frosts, usually after June 10th. Do not rush to sow during a severe cold snap: in cold, moist soil, the seed will not sprout and may rot. With a cucumber, it’s not scary to miss deadlines and get a late harvest.

For your information! According to folk signs, cucumber should be sown in open ground when lilac and acacia bloom. Seedlings of tomato and pepper are boldly planted when the wild rose blooms and the oak leaves blossom. Such signs are a good guideline, since the development of wild plants is also subject to the temperature regime and daylight hours.

How can a gardener become a grandmaster and win a game against the weather?

Scientific advice and understanding of the requirements of the plant is not yet a guarantee of successful cultivation of vegetable crops. The weather often surprises with unexpected surprises in the form of June hail, cold showers, hurricanes and late return frosts. But what if the seedlings require planting, and it is raining and cold outside: plant or wait?

The note! In 2017, in the Volga region at the beginning of June, the weather was cold and rainy. Many gardeners delayed planting seedlings in the ground, fearing night frosts and hail. As a result, overgrown and frozen seedlings of tomato and pepper were planted only in mid-June. Of course, the harvest from such bushes was very poor or completely absent. Those who took the risk and planted seedlings at the end of May won. The fruits were formed medium-sized and ripened for a long time, but the harvest was.

Focusing on weather conditions, we must not forget about the growing season of the crop. In pepper, from germination to the appearance of fruits of technical ripeness, at least 95-100 days should pass. In tomatoes, ripe fruits can be cut off 100-105 days after germination. These are terms under favorable growth conditions. Lowering the temperature, transplanting, interruptions in watering slow down development and delay the onset of fruiting.

As a result, it turns out that, armed with all the recommendations, the gardener himself must assess the risks and make a decision. Over the years, an agronomist's instinct, or intuition, or the ability to observe nature is developed - whoever is closer.

Formula elements

The optimal sowing time for seedlings, even for the same crop, can vary markedly, which is why, for example, I am very skeptical of general recommendations such as “you need to sow tomatoes from March 1 to March 10.” In my opinion, it is almost impossible to name a universal sowing time - too many individual factors determine it. But it can be calculated, and with great accuracy.

For this we need to know:

  • the length of the growing season for a particular crop;
  • the optimal age of seedlings for a given plant when it is planted in the ground;
  • plant heat requirements ;
  • growing conditions (greenhouse, greenhouse, open ground);
  • desired harvest time;
  • seed germination period;
  • climatic conditions of your region.

At first glance, a lot and difficult, right? But let's take a closer look at these elements of the future formula, and you will see that everything is not so scary))

Length of the growing season

We are talking about the time that passes from the moment of emergence of seedlings to the full formation of the plant and harvest. Naturally, the duration of this period is different for different crops, and it is those that have a long growing season that we usually grow in seedlings - otherwise, in our latitudes, they simply will not have time to produce a crop.

In addition, the duration of the growing season differs for different varieties of the same plant. On this basis, distinguish early ripe, mid-season And late-ripening varieties. It is clear that late-ripening crops require more time to form a crop than early-ripening ones, and we, of course, must take this into account when determining the time of sowing.

The seed packet says length of the growing season in days- that's what we need. Well, for reference, you can remember the "average" data on the most popular vegetable crops:

  • tomatoes- from 80 to 140 days;
  • Sweet pepper- from 90 to 140 days;
  • eggplant- from 100 to 150 days;
  • White cabbage- from 50 (ultra-early) to 190 (late) days.

As you can see, the range is quite large, therefore, for example, tomatoes of late varieties for seedlings are sown already in February, or even in January, and early ones - in March-April.

Optimum seedling age

For picking, transplanting seedlings and planting them in the ground, each culture has its own optimal age - it is at this time that young plants most easily endure the traumatic procedure, take root faster and get sick less. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose the time of sowing in such a way that by the time of planting the seedlings have reached the most suitable age.

  • early ripe tomatoes- 40-50 days;
  • mid-ripening tomatoes- 55-60 days;
  • late-ripening tomatoes- 70 days;
  • Sweet pepper- 50-65 days;
  • eggplant- 45-60 days.

Please note: these figures are indicative; specific values ​​depend, among other things, on the length of the growing season. We will certainly talk more about this in articles on growing seedlings of the most popular vegetables.

plant heat requirements

Most of the vegetable crops that we grow in seedlings are very thermophilic. The only exception is, perhaps, cabbage, which tolerates relatively low temperatures well. Why is this important to us? Because this indicator will ultimately affect the time of planting seedlings in the ground.

Do not forget: shelter shelter is also different. And if the possible timing of planting plants in open ground is determined mainly by climatic and weather conditions, then planting seedlings in a greenhouse or hotbed largely depends on your capabilities. What kind of greenhouse do you have? What is she covered with? Does it have heating? Can you additionally cover the plants in case of an unexpected cold snap? Only the amateur grower himself knows the answer to these and many other questions. Therefore, the dates and dates indicated in your favorite magazine or on the website will have to be adjusted independently - taking into account the existing conditions.

Desired harvest time

Yes, this parameter will be very relative: no matter how much we want, we probably won’t be able to get a tomato crop in May at the dacha in the conditions of the Middle Belt)) Then what is its significance? It's simple: by changing (within reasonable limits) the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings, we influence the harvest time, which means that by making sowing in several stages, we can prolong the fruiting period.

Want a super early harvest? We choose the most early-ripening varieties and sow them for seedlings as early as possible - taking into account other conditions, of course. We sow in several terms - we will get seedlings of different ages, which will begin to bear fruit at different times. True, it will also have to be planted in stages - this must be taken into account.

Seed germination time

This “little thing” is often forgotten in calculations. Meanwhile, for some vegetable crops, the period from sowing to germination can be 10-15 days, and this, you see, is not at all short!

When making calculations, it should always be taken into account that seed germination time can vary even within the same culture. And it does not necessarily depend on the quality of the seeds, but also on the temperature of the soil, humidity, the depth of seed placement - that is, the conditions that we created for them.

Seed treatment with some preparations (for example, immunocytophyte or zircon) can speed up germination, make it more friendly. Shoots appear differently from dry and pre-wetted seeds. In a word, there are nuances. But we are guided, of course, again by the average indicators for the selected culture:

  • tomatoes- 4-6 days;
  • Sweet pepper- 12-15 days;
  • eggplant- 8-10 days;
  • White cabbage- 4-5 days.

Climatic conditions

This factor is key: in our formula, it will become the starting point. And the easiest way to navigate, in my opinion, is according to the scheme that offers author of the system of Organic Living Agriculture V.I. Kuznetsov. His calculation method is based on two main terms:

  • term "COLD", or cold sowing time- the time when cold-resistant crops are sown in open ground and seedlings of early-ripening cabbage are planted, and seedlings of heat-loving tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers can be planted in closed ground (in greenhouses and greenhouses);
  • "WARM" term, or warm sowing term- this is the time of sowing and planting seedlings of heat-loving crops in open ground.

Approximate dates of these dates for different latitudes are given in table number 1:

But there are also objective signs that allow you to accurately determine that the time has come.

Term "COLD"

It is determined by the temperature of the soil and its moisture content, or more precisely, by physical ripeness.

If in the daytime soil temperature at a depth of 8 cm it reaches +8 degrees - this is enough for crops. How to determine? Using an ordinary thermometer and a small spatula :) We dig a hole and measure the temperature of the soil.

No desire or ability to dig? An indirect sign that the soil temperature has reached the level we need is the first leaves blooming on the birch. If you are working with the earth at this time, you still feel its cold, but your hands are no longer cold.

Another important factor is soil physical maturity, its readiness for sowing. How to define it? Easier than simple: take a handful of soil, squeeze it in your fist and drop a lump from a height of about 1 meter, and then evaluate the results:

  • a lump forms, but does not crumble when falling - the soil is still too wet, do not hurry with crops and plantings;
  • a lump does not form, the soil crumbles in the hands - time is lost, spring moisture has left the soil, and watering will be required before sowing;
  • a lump is formed, and when falling it crumbles into pieces - the soil has reached the ideal level of physical ripeness, time to sow.

By the way, contrary to the well-known statement: "This in the mud - you will be a prince," - V. Kuznetsov categorically does not recommend rushing. In his opinion, based on long-term observations, in soil oversaturated with moisture (namely, this is “dirt”), the seeds and roots of planted plants suffocate from lack of oxygen. If they do not rot, then they will certainly hurt.

Term "HEAT"

It is determined by the end date of the very latest, last spring frosts. How to recognize him? Of course, the weather forecast and weather reports will help us :) And also weather observations. So, V. Kuznetsov refers to the words of his friend and colleague, an agronomist with 50 years of experience V.I. Kornilov: “This is the time when the starling chick looks out of its house, and the last viburnum fades, when the swallows arrived, summer began” .

Number of warm days

In the system of V. Kuznetsov there is another interesting calculated indicator: the number of frost-free days. It is he who helps to determine whether you need seedlings of a particular crop at all, or you can sow directly into the ground at the right time for this.

We have already talked about the length of the growing season. And it is clear that the plant, so that it can develop from a seed to harvest, needs warmth - especially when it comes to such heat-loving sissies as eggplant or pepper. Accordingly, if the number of frost-free days at your latitude is noticeably greater than the duration of the growing season of the selected crop, seedlings will not be required - the plant will have enough time, even when sown directly into the ground.

Unfortunately, the climate of most of our regions does not allow us to count on such an opportunity, which is why we occupy home window sills with numerous seedlings in early spring. But it is possible to calculate for interest the number of frost-free days in your area, it is not at all difficult: we subtract the term “HEAT” from the estimated period of the first autumn frosts. Approximate data for different latitudes are given in table number 2:

Let's move on to calculations

So, all the components of our universal formula are there)) What to do with them next?

1. Based on our climatic conditions, we choose an approximate disembarkation dateseedlings(you can use table number 1). Depending on the growing conditions, we can take the term "COLD" (for greenhouses and greenhouses) or the term "HEAT" (for open ground) as a starting point.

2. Subtract from this date optimal seedling age selected culture. At the same time, do not forget to take into account length of the growing season indicated on the bag of seeds, and if necessary, adjust the resulting interval.

3. Subtract from the calculated date seed germination time- we get approximate sowing dates.

We can refine and supplement this basic calculation. For example, depending on desired harvest time choose (within their capabilities) several sowing dates. Or slightly shift (earlier or later) the estimated date of planting seedlings, depending on heat requirements, presented by the chosen culture. Well, whoever plants and sows will certainly choose from the possible sowing dates the one that is best consistent with the movement of the moon .

One thing is important: do not rush. After all, overgrown, too early sown seedlings will not give, contrary to expectations, early and high yields. So is it worth tormenting plants and tormenting yourself? Those who have tried to get early seedlings know for sure that it is not easy: there is still little light, there is not enough heat either, and much more effort is required for growing!

Calculation example

For example, let's consider the calculation on specific data. For example, we will calculate when to sow seedlings of the popular Moskvich variety for seedlings in the conditions of the Middle Strip for planting in open ground.

1. Despite the fact that this variety of tomato is considered resistant to low temperatures, planting in open ground should not be started earlier term "HEAT". For the Middle lane (the latitude of Moscow), this is approximately June 10 (see. table number 1).

2. "Moskvich" - an early ripe variety, duration his growing season- 90-105 days, so optimal seedling age for landing in the ground will be 40-50 days. We subtract this period from the date of planting seedlings - we get the period from April 20 to May 1.

Let's check ourselves: Based on the length of the growing season (90-105 days), this variety of tomato, when planting seedlings at the age of 40-50 days, will need another 50-65 days to form a full-fledged crop. The number of frost-free days in the Middle lane is approximately 90 (see Fig. table number 2), which means that plants in the open field will be able to successfully grow and please us. Although we understand, of course, that the August cooling and phytophthora can significantly shorten this period - but that's another story))

3. tomato seeds germinate, on average, about 5 days. We subtract them from the received period - we get the approximate sowing dates: April 15-25.

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