Home flowers blooming and their decorative names. Home and family. New rise of sansevieria

Not all of us, not even imagining a comfortable life without green pets, can afford to grow dozens of species of various indoor plants. Indeed, in order for even the most modest cultures to please both with health and attractiveness, they need to pay attention and find time in a busy schedule of work and household chores. And those who, on duty, are often on the road, only dream of a full-fledged collection of plants. But among indoor crops there are also "Spartans" - unpretentious indoor plants, which, thanks to their natural adaptability to the most severe conditions, easily adapt to an unstable regime and forgive the shortcomings of care. Such plants can be grown even by those who do not have even an extra minute.

Houseplants. © Christina Kayser Onsgaard Content:

Endurance, unpretentiousness and other characteristics of room "Spartans"

The most hardy, unpretentious and resistant houseplants are called "Spartans" for a reason. These are proven, reliable companions that will show off and thrive in conditions in which most of their brethren will quickly wither away. Such plants are united by the ability to endure drought, not die after missed watering, and put up with any care regimen.

We can say that it is not we who indulge the plants, but they pamper us, gratefully responding with attractive foliage and original views even to the most modest attention. There is also an important common feature: all indoor plants from the group of hardy favorites belong to decorative leafy crops, and only a few of them are able to bloom at least a little attractively indoors.

The most resistant indoor plants should be chosen not only if you have no time to take care of systematic, meticulous care. Such unpretentious cultures are a real find for everyone who:

  • wants to add green accents to the interior without burdening household chores;
  • only gets acquainted with indoor floriculture and tries himself in a new hobby.
  • wants to involve children in the care of green pets.

Houseplants. © dragfepic

The best of the best hardy plants

The basis of the group of so-called "Spartans" are cultures belonging to succulents - capable of accumulating moisture in the roots, stems or leaves of a plant. Even the most modest succulents are characterized by a bizarre appearance and unusual growth forms. But only succulents range of unpretentious indoor plants is not limited. These include the most hardy and unpretentious of indoor decorative and deciduous crops, which will perfectly fit into the company of “water storage”.

The best indoor plants that can grow with minimal care and forgive our miscalculations include crops such as:

  • crassula, often referred to as a fat woman;
  • chlorophytum;
  • cacti;
  • bokarney;
  • aloe;
  • "shoemaker's palm" aspidistra;
  • rubber ficus;
  • spathiphyllum;
  • sansevieria;
  • Zamioculcas;
  • haworthia;
  • echeveria;
  • ivy;
  • spurges.

It is worth paying attention to other cultures. There are "Spartans" among palm trees (dracaena, monstera), and among tropical crops (epipremium and philodendron).

Top 7 Unpretentious Houseplants

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas). © Emily May

1. Zamioculcas - trendy but hardy

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) - a stately, spectacular and today a super-popular indoor handsome man. This unpretentious representative of the Aroid family today is rightfully considered one of the most fashionable plants. Zamioculcas conquers with the compactness and beauty of the leaves. Interesting patterns make the base color even more attractive.

Thick petioles emphasize the beauty of the shiny lobes of feathery leaves, and the plant itself seems both elegant and strict at the same time. In room culture, Zamioculukas is limited to 80 cm in height.

Even with poor care, if the plant sheds its leaves due to a prolonged drought, it will quickly release new shoots and recover when normal care is resumed. It tolerates drought, is thermophilic, tolerates both partial shade and bright sun.

Ivy (Hedera). © Malagahosteleria

2. Ivy - the first "Spartan" among the vines

Even in room culture ivy lives up to its garden reputation as a virtually invulnerable, unpretentious and extremely hardy plant. He is great both on supports, and in the ability to create green sculptures, and as an ampel or draper of green walls. It is a showy climber with flexible shoots able to take root at the points of contact with the soil, fast growing and surprisingly hardy.

Ivy has many varieties - both with classic dark green leaves, and with a variety of borders and patterns on leaf plates. But the main advantage of ivy is not variety at all. This spectacular and flexible climbing vine is a real shade lover, which does not lose the ability to adapt to both bright and the most meager lighting (although variegated varieties lose their characteristic color in the shade).

Ivy is best grown with stable soil moisture, but it is not afraid of gaps in care and recovers well even after extreme conditions.

Epipremnum (Epipremnum). © Maja Dumat

3. Heart-shaped leaves of universal epipremium

Epipremnum ( epipremnum), better known to us under the name scindapsus also, like ivy, can boast of versatility. It climbs beautifully over supports, but is not as good at filling large spaces as ivy. But on the other hand, in ampels, the beauty of its foliage is fully revealed. It is especially effective when grown on sticks, stakes, a vertical central support, along which it rises like a column and on various racks.

Unpretentious epipremnum can be grown both in bright light and in partial shade. It tolerates shearing well, allows the use of long-acting fertilizers and is not afraid of droughts.

Sansevieria (Sansevieria). © Plezir Store

4. New rise of sansevieria

The houseplant, known to us either as a pike tail, or as a mother-in-law's tongue, has endured a real era of oblivion. But thanks to trends in interior design and the active introduction of Western trends to unpretentious sansevieria (sansevieria) today again riveted everyone's attention. This is an ideal culture for landscaping offices and modern interiors.

Like swords or swords, large, elongated leaves are so tough that they do not lose their shape even in extreme drought. Beautiful variegated varieties with a wide variety of patterns and borders have long supplanted the classic green-leaved sansevieria. And the ability to form bushes similar to dense sods, to produce new shoots relentlessly, makes sansevieria an almost indispensable modern indoor plant.

Sansevieria is not accidentally considered a miracle that can endure even serious violations in care. It is a succulent that can adapt to the driest soils. Sansevieria delenki can be grown in water and is great for hydroponics.

Spathiphyllum, or Spathiphyllum "Picasso" (Spathiphyllum 'Picasso'). © Han Keat Lim

5. Spathiphyllum - almost calla, but not quite

The Spartans are rightfully considered the pulp - a culture known throughout the world under the botanical name spathiphyllum (spathiphyllum). This is a plant with beautiful, rosette leaves on long cuttings and very attractive flowering.

The flowers themselves, collected in yellowish-light green inflorescences-cobs, are inconspicuous. But the white blanket, reminiscent of calla lilies in shape, but completely different in texture, looks very impressive. It is one of the few hardy flowering crops that can tolerate extreme conditions and careless care.

This houseplant can be classified as shade-tolerant, adapting well to lighting of varying intensities. Spathiphyllums do not require special care. The plant blooms without any stimulation, and in normal lighting it blooms almost all year round. They need top dressing only once a month, and otherwise it is unpretentious. True, in order for the flowering to be continuous, it is better not to allow the earthen coma to dry out completely.

Euphorbia tirucalli (Euphorbia tirucalli). © Uređenje home

6. Succulent with a twist - an unusual indoor spurge

Euphorbia, both in garden and indoor culture, belong to the most unpretentious plants. But one of the types Euphorbia Tirucalli (Euphorbia tirucalli) - even able to outshine his fellows in endurance. But still spectacular appearance is considered his main pride.

In this succulent, the leaves are almost invisible - modified, they are not visible on the shoots. It is the “branches” of Tirucalli milkweed that are the most attractive part of the plant: thin, dense, fleshy, similar to sticks or pencils, bright in color, they branch like cacti and form bizarre graphic silhouettes.

This is a heat-loving plant that cannot stand temperatures below 15 degrees, which loves rare watering.

Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum). © Achieve Homes

7. Air rosettes and the amazing tenacity of chlorophytum

Always great chlorophytum (Chlorophytum). Long shoots-lashes carrying daughter rosettes of plants, spectacular "bunches" of leaves of the mother bush and a bright palette of variegated varieties do not detract from the ability of chlorophytum to look great and grow actively in almost any circumstances.

Chlorophytums feel great in the shade, and partial shade, and in the brightest sun. And he is not at all afraid of missed irrigations or not very fertile soil. And the ability to almost constantly propagate a plant, replacing old cultures with new rosettes rooted in water, expands the possibilities to almost limitless.

And desert stars...

In the ranking of the most hardy and unpretentious indoor plants, it is impossible not to mention cacti. These desert stars, which have become the hallmark of all succulent cultures, have become famous for their undemanding nature. They can survive for a very long time in almost complete dryness and require occasional feeding.

Minimum comfort - maximum return

In order for the most persistent and unpretentious houseplants to delight us with their beauty, grow with little or no interference and adapt to any care features, they need to be provided with minimally comfortable conditions - lighting that meets their habits (for most cultures - a fairly light or at least semi-shady location).

Lighting is the only parameter that is really vital for such plants. And in order to choose the optimal lighting, it is worth paying special attention to the selection of locations. Put the plant in different places and watch it, change from brighter sun to partial shade of varying intensity until you find the optimal mode.

It is better to check the ability of the plant to endure drought. Some plants tolerate only skipping 1-2 waterings, others, for example, bokarney, aloe and echeveria, can survive without watering even for 7-14 days, before leaving the plant for a long time without attention, it is better to check how it reacts for missed irrigations and whether it tolerates prolonged drought.

For all unpretentious houseplants, with the exception of cacti, it is better to use long-acting fertilizers. And cacti and succulents, for which top dressing is rarely applied, will not burden your life in any way: top dressing is applied to the water for irrigation with special fertilizers at large intervals (about 1 time per month).

Unpretentious people also need attention

It should be understood that when we say that cultures can withstand almost any conditions, we are not talking about criminal negligence and extreme neglect. If you skip watering, spend it late, delay top dressing, the plants will not suffer. But if you completely forget about them for a month, then even the most resistant houseplants will suffer.

And as with any indoor plant, the more attention and care, the more attractive the plants look. If you provide them with minimal care, the "Spartans" will surely surprise you with their capabilities.

The most unpretentious plants

If you don't have flowers indoors because you don't have the time or experience to take care of them, choose hardy plants to suit your taste; believe me - there are more than enough of them.


The heart-shaped philodendron is a robust ornamental plant that has been the most popular indoor gardening plant for many years. It has heart-shaped leaves and adapts well to low light. Philodendron weaves very beautifully along the edges of bookshelves or other furniture.
Pros: Tied to a moss tube or root plate, the philodendron takes on the shape of a green tower.
Name: Philodendron hederaceum oxycardium
Size: 2-3 m long creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of this plant are highly poisonous and can cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew its leaves.

Mother-in-law language

This unpretentious flower does not require special care. It is ideal for beginner gardeners who have only dealt with artificial plastic plants. All varieties of mother-in-law's tongue tolerate the lack of light well, but still prefer bright lighting. Do not water this plant too much or root rot may occur.
Pros: The plant is very unpretentious and has beautiful, xiphoid leaves.
Name: Sansevieria trifasciata "Laurentia"
Growing Conditions: Low to bright light; temperature 15-26 C; let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: up to 1.2 m in length and width
Important: May cause irritation on sensitive skin.

corn palm

Do not confuse it with a vegetable with a similar name. This beautiful plant has bright straight leaves that seem to stretch into a palm tree. Plant several corn palms in one large container for a spectacular interior design.
Pros: Colorful yellow-green striped leaves on a straight stem.
Name: Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana"

Important: Poisonous to dogs.

English ivy

In most cases, English ivy is known as a creeping plant. For a decorative effect, place a pot of ivy on the edge of a fireplace or on a bookshelf with its stems hanging down. Try trimming the plant to give it shape. English ivy is very easy to propagate: it is enough to cut off a 10-centimeter piece of the stem, tear off the leaves from below and plant it in moist soil. If you remember to water the seedling, it will take root in a few weeks.
Little tip: The plant is often damaged by the red mite. To scare it away, periodically rinse the ivy in the shower or in a bath at room temperature.
Pros: This is a hardy climbing plant with dark green variegated leaves.
Title: Hedera helix
Growing conditions: Medium or bright light, temperature 12-23 C, uniform watering.
Size: 1.8 m long creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of English ivy are poisonous, so make sure children and animals do not chew it.


Peperomia is a group of diverse small houseplants with waxy leaves. Peperomia with red edges has wide creamy leaves. Wavy peperomia, watermelon peperomia, baby doll peperomia and silverleaf peperomia are well known.
Pros: Peperomia's waxy, colorful leaves fill the room with color and the plant itself doesn't take up much space.
Name: Peperomia spp.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 15-23C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 30 cm in height and width.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs and cats.


This plant, like its name, is very impressive. It has tufts of long, narrow, dark green leaves and red woody gray stems along the edges. The Tricolor variety is distinguished by pinkish-cream edges on the leaves, which is why it is also called the rainbow plant.
Pros: Herbaceous leaves on tall stems give the dracaena a festive look.
Name: Dracaena marginata.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 18-23C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 3 m long and 0.6 m wide.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs.

Ficus (rubber tree)

The old-fashioned classic plant gets its second name from the sticky, milky juice it releases when cut. It grows quite tall, but by trimming the long stems, you can control its growth and even turn the rubber tree into a bush.
Pros: Large dark green ficus leaves are very pretty. The older the ficus, the larger its leaves. This creates a wonderful decorative effect.
Name: Ficus elastica
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 15-26C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.2 m wide.
Important: Ficus juice can cause irritation on sensitive skin.


This shrub tolerates semi-darkness, but its leaves take on the brightest color in good light. They cast gold, pink and orange hues in the sun. Rinse croton leaves from time to time to keep them looking radiant.
Pros: Strong leaves of beautiful shades.
Name: Codiaeum variegatum pictum.
Size: Up to 1.2 m high and 0.9 m wide.
Important: This plant is poisonous, therefore dangerous for children and animals.


One of the most common and unpretentious indoor plants, the syngonium has arrow-shaped leaves of a pronounced shape (hence another of its names - arrow-shaped syngonium). Unlike many other plants, syngonium has a lot of species and varieties. Most of them are distinguished by bright leaves. Depending on the species, the leaves may be green with white markings or bronze green with a pink tinge. Young plants begin to curl over time, so take care of an artificial trunk or hanging planter for them.
Pros: Colorful leaves allow you to brightly decorate every corner of your home.
Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Growing conditions: Low or bright lighting, temperature 15-23 C, uniform watering.

jade tree

If you constantly forget to water your plants, the jade tree seems to be made for you. It goes well with cacti. The jade tree prefers room temperature during its growing season, but it will grow better if you keep it cool and give it enough moisture to keep its leaves from drying out in winter.
Pros: An unpretentious tree plant with interesting twisted branches and fleshy leaves.
Name: Crassula ovata.
Growing Conditions: Bright light, 18-23 C (12 C in winter), keep soil dry
Size: Up to 3 m high and 0.6 m wide


Goya, or wax tree, is distinguished by waxy leaves and waxy-scented pink flowers. Golden goya has cream-colored leaves. Goya can curl, form a topiary, or just look good in a flowerpot.
Pros: Goya has beautiful flowers (often with a pronounced aroma). This is not a very water-loving plant, so do not be discouraged if you suddenly forget to water it.
Name: Hoya carnosa
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 12-23°C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Can curl up to 1.2 m in length.

norfolk pine

The secret to the health of the Norfolk pine is rich light and moisture. In low light, the lower tiers of leaves may turn yellow and fall off. When the room is dry, the plant becomes a tasty morsel for red mites.
Pros: Perfect tree for Christmas or any other holiday. In addition, it brings a unique cozy atmosphere to the house.
Name: Araucaria heterophylla.
Growing conditions: Bright light, temperature 15-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 3 m high and 1.5 m wide


This hardy climbing plant, also known as pothos or devil's ivy, is often confused with the heart-leaved philodendron. Like the philadendron, pothos has heart-shaped leaves and can be grown in a pot on a tabletop, in a hanging basket, or tied to an artificial trunk. This plant does not require a lot of light, but the more it is, the more colorful the leaves will be.
Pros: Devil ivy is one of the most practical houseplants. It looks great in a hanging basket.
Name: Epipremnum aureum "Marble Queen"
Growing Conditions: Away from direct sunlight; temperature 18-23 C; the soil is relatively dry.
Size: creeping plant 2-3 meters long.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may irritate the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew the leaves.

boston fern

The lacy, arrow-shaped leaves of the Boston fern make it an ideal plant for planting in a pot or planter. However, don't let this delicate-looking plant fool you: it can grow for decades if you remember to water it and keep it in a medium-light, medium-humidity environment. Variety "Dallas" is more unpretentious to dry air.
Pros: Boston fern creates a classic look in any space. It goes well with country or rustic style.
Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
Size: Up to 1.2 m in height (length).

green dracaena

Some varieties of green dracaena, such as "Janet Craig", are distinguished by strong green leaves. Others have white, cream, gold, or yellowish green stripes on the leaves. All varieties have rosettes at the beginning of growth, but then become upright growing green plants. They normally tolerate poor lighting, but the leaves take on a richer color in medium to bright light.
Pros: Long-lasting unpretentious plant with beautiful leaves.
Name: Dracaena deremensis.
Size: Up to 3 m high and 0.9 m wide.
Important: This plant is poisonous to dogs.


Surely you remember how your grandmother grew this plant; chlorophytums were and remain very popular. Just look at the number of their varieties - from species with simple green leaves to decorated with cream or white stripes.
Pros: Growing chlorophytum does not require much hassle.
Name: Chlorophytum comosum
Growing conditions: Medium or bright lighting, temperature 15-23 C, uniform watering.
Size: Up to 30 cm long and 60 cm wide.


It is also called an eternal plant, because Zamioculcas is durable, does not require much light and care. The petioles of the leaves of this plant are so thick that you can mistake them for plastic ones. Zamioculcas grows slowly, so buy it already large. Cut stems stay green and healthy looking for weeks, even without water.
Pros: This plant is so unpretentious that you still have to try to get rid of it.
Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Growing Conditions: Low to bright light, 15-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: 0.6-0.9 m long and wide.
Important: This plant is poisonous, so make sure that children and animals do not chew it.

grape ivy

"Ellen Danica" - a variety of grape ivy - is also called oakleaf, because its leaves are more prominent than those of other varieties of this plant. Grape ivy is a climbing plant, the shoots of which willingly master a lattice or pole.
Pros: This is a great plant for neat hanging baskets.
Name: Cissus rhombifolia
Growing conditions: Average lighting, temperature 15-26 C, uniform watering.
Size: Up to 1.8 m long climbing plant.

Aspidistra (cast iron plant)

One of the most hardy plants, aspidistra can withstand lack of care, light, humidity and a wide range of temperatures. It grows slowly, so buy a large plant already.
Pros: This plant really lives up to its name. It is very durable.
Name: Aspidistra elatior.
Growing conditions: Little light, temperature 7-29 C, keep the soil well moist during active growth, lightly moisten the soil in autumn and winter.
Size: Up to 60 cm long and wide.


Also known as the "umbrella tree", this plant has "glossy" green leaves that "spread" in different directions and resemble the spokes of an umbrella. A close relative of sheflera - dwarf sheflera - has shorter and smaller leaves. Both plants are sometimes classified as Brassaia species.
Pros: Chefler's bright green leaves create an instant tropical vibe.
Name: Schefflera actinophylla
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, evenly moisten the soil.
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.8 m wide.

Chinese evergreen aglaonema

A plant with beautiful leaves in silver, gray and green hues that will brighten up the dark places in your home beautifully. Use aglaonema as a neighbor to upright tree houseplants or set a pot with it separately.
Pros: Very hardy plant.
Name: Aglaonema commutatum.
Growing Conditions: Low to medium light, 15-23°C, keep the soil evenly moist.
Size: Up to 0.9 m in length and width.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew its leaves.

Ficus lyre

Ficus lyre is a wonderful tree that got its name from the dark green leaves in the shape of a lyre. It tolerates poor lighting well, although this may cause the lower leaves to fall off. If your ficus lyre is too tall, don't be afraid to prune it to the desired height, or cut off the shoots and plant them separately.
Name: Ficus lyrata
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 18-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 4.5 m high and 1.5 m wide.


There are several varieties of dieffenbachia. All of them are upright plants with white-green leaves. Grow one dieffenbachia as a tree, or grow several plants together to make a bush. One of the names of dieffenbachia, "mute rod", comes from the toxic sap of the plant, which seems to cause numbness in the mouth and throat.
Pros: Dieffenbachia's large white-green leaves add a tropical look to any space. It is great for decorating balconies and loggias in the summer.
Name: Dieffenbachia spp.
Growing Conditions: Low to medium light, temperature 15-26 C, evenly moisten the soil
Size: Up to 1.8 m high and 0.9 m wide.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew its leaves.

Plants for forgetful gardeners who forget to water.

Dracaena. Dracaena deremensis 'Lemon Lime'

Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Prefers bright light.

Haworthia fasciata (Striped Haworthia)

Palm ponytail. Beaucarnea recurvata

Cactus Rabbit ears. Opuntia microdasys. Prefers bright light

Zamioculcas. Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Panda plant. Kalanchoe tomentosa. Prefers bright light

Euphorbia Mil, Euphorbia beautiful (lat. Euphorbia milii)

Donkey tail. Stonecrop Morgan (Sedum morganianum) Prefers bright light, originally from Mexico

Crassula atropurpurea

Beef tongue. Gasteria bicolor. Prefers bright light

golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii). Prefers bright light


Peperomia Peperomia griseoargentea

Home plants are not only pleasing to the eye of their owners, but also able to be beneficial. For example, collect dust, refresh and even purify the air. Flowers with large leaves are especially famous for these abilities.

Home flowers with large leaves are quite common. The most famous of them are: Monstera, Anthurium, Sheffler, etc.

Almost all of them unpretentious, rapid growth and the ability to organically fit into any interior.

This shrub plant originated from South America and belongs to the Malvaceae family. In Russia, it also acquired a second name due to its shape - “indoor maple”.

There is about 150 varieties of this plant, which may differ significantly from each other.

It has a height of 1.5 - 2 meters and most often grows as a shrub or small tree. The flowers are bell-shaped in pink, white, yellow or orange.

With big leaves perfectly moisturizes the air in room. It is unpretentious in care, grows rapidly and pleases the owners for many years.

Avocado has American roots and belongs to the Laurel family. The type of "avocado" is about 150 species.

This plant is not truly indoor, because its height can reach 20 meters. But with good care, you can grow him at home, where he will grow up to 1 meter. At home, it is given the shape of a bush.

Flowers, and even more fruits at home, are very difficult to achieve.

The narrow leaves of the tree have the shape of an ellipse of dark green color about 25 cm, and the flowers are collected in inflorescences.

The second name of this plant is “flamingo flower”.

The homeland of a beautiful flower is America and the Caribbean, and the number of varieties reaches 1800. A feature of anthurium is glossy flower, which in its color and appearance resembles artificial plastic.

Anthurium, like all plants of the Aroid family, is poisonous. When ingested, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, and even swelling and breathing problems.

It can be painted in white and red colors. There are often problems in caring for him.

Herbaceous plant from the Aroid family. Thanks to the large bright sheets that can reach 1 sq. meters, can also be called - "elephant's ear".

Originally from Southeast Asia, which explains her love of warmth and high humidity. At home, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and lives on average 2 years.

Blooms very rarely in the form of a white-pink cob. It is unpretentious in care, even novice flower growers can handle it.

Alocasia looks great in spacious rooms and freshens the air.

The second name - "cast iron flower", she deserved due to her durability.

Aspidistra can tolerate many conditions: rare watering, transplanting at the wrong time, a sharp temperature drop, etc.

The homeland is the regions of China and Japan and belongs to the Lily-of-the-Valley family.

This plant has practically no stem, and the leaves are shaped like a long ellipse on petioles. Blooms rarely dirty - purple flowers at the base of the leaf. Due to the high content of chlorophyll, it is perfect for dark rooms, stairs.

The advantage is the ability to purify the air from benzene and formaldehyde.

This herbaceous plant is the territory of Brazil and Colombia. Easily adapted to life at home, where it grows quickly to a maximum height in 1.2 meters.

Does not require special care and lives for a long time. Like all plants of the Aroid family - poisonous.

Due to its "decorative" appearance, the flower is very popular. Flower growers are attracted by large multi-colored, spotted leaves, the color differs depending on the species.

Given the country of origin, Dieffenbachia loves warmth and humidity. In such conditions, it can bloom with a nondescript inflorescence in the form of a white-green cob.

This low herbaceous plant originated from Central America. It belongs to the Marantaceae family, which has about 400 species.

Maranta in height is no more than 30 cm, due to predominantly creeping shoots. The peculiarity of this flower is variegated striped leaves with a smooth edge.

It rarely blooms with small spikelets of white or pale lilac flowers. White-veined arrowroot is unpretentious in care, but red-veined arrowroot requires more attention.

The leaves of the Maranth family fold at night.

One of the most famous large plants in our country came from the tropics of Central America.

Belongs to the Aroid family and is a vine with large spreading leaves with slits. B feels good and grows up up to 2.3 meters in height. Another feature of this vine is aerial roots, which should be directed to the ground.

Monstera has unsightly flowers in pale green inflorescences, but practically does not bloom at home.

It got its name thanks to the legends, where the monstera acts as a killer plant.

This is a liana of the Aroid family, native to Central and South America. It can reach a size of up to 1.5 meters. The stems are thin and flexible, topped with leaves, resembling an arrowhead.

Due to its unpretentiousness in care, it is extremely common in our country. It can be found in houses and apartments, as well as in offices and various institutions.

Able to purify the air from xylene and formaldehyde.

Like other Aroids, it practically does not bloom.

Herbaceous variegated plant of the Araliaceae family came to us from Asian countries. Usually it is a shrub or small tree up to 1.4 meters in height.

It is remembered for its shape. They looks like an open umbrella- several oval-shaped leaves (from 4 to 12) emerging from one center.

They can be plain or covered with light spots and stripes. It is unpretentious in leaving and lives long enough.

Toxic to children and animals.

Growing plants is not always associated with great difficulties. If you choose an unpretentious flower, you can diversify the room and refresh it with a large green "tree" without much effort.

People will always be attracted by wildlife. We wean ourselves from it, moving into the concrete chaos of cities, living among cars and asphalt. But what a healing effect on our souls a flower seen somewhere in a glimpse, standing on a windowsill, or on the floor in a pot! Even a person who is wrapped up in his own affairs will linger for a moment near this green miracle, and a slight shadow of a smile will surely slip in his eyes. We are happy with any flower in the house, but we are especially attracted to large indoor plants that remind us of the forest, of wildlife.

Benefits of Large House Plants

Popular rumor "settled" indoor plants on the windowsills. And this is partly true. Window sills for many years were the only place where plants could exist tolerably, being tied to sunlight. "Step to the side", into the depths of the apartment, threatened with inevitable death from lack of light.

Therefore, flower growers tried to acquire medium-sized specimens that could fit on a narrow windowsill, and even in the company of a dozen of the same "kids". Large indoor plants were a rarity, they were usually found in public institutions: clinics, canteens, in the corridors of scientific research institutes.

But in the last couple of decades, the picture has changed dramatically! Apartments with large, spacious rooms appeared, cities were full of numerous offices of a large area. Many flower lovers have acquired their own winter gardens, and home flowers can no longer be called residents of window sills. There was a huge demand for large species of indoor plants.

But, indeed, they have many advantages!

  1. A large plant can be used as a tapeworm, that is, a specimen that is beautiful and self-sufficient. He doesn't need other colors.
  2. A large indoor plant can successfully set off an element of decor, or, conversely, hide some interior flaws, attracting the main attention.
  3. Such plants are a real find for the designer, allowing you to perform many home improvement tasks.
  4. Large flowers are in perfect harmony with spacious rooms and high ceilings, where miniature plants look ridiculous, lost in space.
  5. Large flowers are often unpretentious. They are easy to care for, besides, due to their size, they have a certain “margin of safety”.
  6. Unpretentiousness allows you to keep these plants away from windows, especially considering that large offices and studios often have huge windows.
  7. And, finally, a large plant is able to saturate the air of the room with an additional amount of oxygen, which small flowers cannot cope with.

Choosing a large indoor plant

It is known that the question of choice is one of the main ideological issues. We are faced with a choice every day, whether it is an item of clothing or an important act. When purchasing a large plant, you also have to choose, taking into account several important factors. Moreover, there are a great many large indoor pets.

When choosing a large plant, at least the following important points should be considered:

  • How difficult will it be to maintain? Do you have experience in caring for plants, do you have enough free time to mess around with a flower.
  • How fast will your pet grow. Are you willing to wait a few years before it gets big, or will you buy an already grown copy. Is the care process itself important to you, or do you need a result “here and now”.
  • If there are several plants, consider their compatibility. Imagine how they look in the same room, whether they negatively affect each other.
  • Learn about the agricultural technology of the plant; think about whether it meets the conditions that are created in your room.
  • And finally, just think: what kind of large houseplants do you like, what do you prefer in the appearance of a flower.

The location of a large flower indoors

Actually, this factor could be attributed to the list of previous ones, but it is so important that it deserves special consideration. Often a large tapeworm plant is located away from windows. In this case, it must either be very shade-tolerant, or for it you need to consider a separate constant backlight. Having a large flower, you have to be a designer. It is important to understand whether the plant will stand on the floor, or you will have to purchase a special stand for it. Keep in mind that in both cases, the growing container (large pot), or stand, becomes a prominent design element. They should be perfectly combined with the plant itself, have an aesthetic appeal. It is not uncommon for a container for a large plant to decorate a room no less than the plant itself.

If a large plant is bought as an adult, it can take a very long time to get used to a new room; this must not be forgotten! It is much better if your pet grows up in the place intended for him from the beginning of his life.

Well, now, after such an extensive "introductory", let's talk about the plants themselves. What species are suitable for the role of "big and serious"?

Popular large indoor plants

Needless to say, there are a lot of names of large indoor plants, and their list is constantly growing! In this article we will give a brief description of only the most popular.

Large plants from the category of traditional, classic


Longtime and permanent regulars of large premises. In fact, there are many of them, but we are talking about everything known rubbery ficus, "grandmother's plant". The view is extremely unpretentious regarding soil and lighting, easily tolerates dry air. It does not require much time for care, besides it grows quickly. Recently it has become widespread and ficus benjamin, with small variegated leaves. This is a wonderful office tree, but it is much more capricious than the "indestructible" rubber ficus.


The name "Chinese rose" is popular among the people. A longtime guest of window sills and even peasant huts. In a large room it becomes a chic tapeworm, blooming a lot. In recent years, thanks to selection, varieties with flowers of various colors have appeared. With the help of skillful pruning from the hibiscus crown, you can create real garden masterpieces.


It also has a popular popular name - "pike tail". Perhaps it will surprise someone that this small regular of our window sills got into such a company. But the fact is that with sufficient care, with space and a large capacity, sansevieria is able to grow to the height of a person!

If you plant several plants at the same time in a large beautiful pot, in a few years you will get a wonderful specimen that looks great! Especially if modern variegated varieties were used to create the composition. And care... It's hard to imagine a more unpretentious pet!


The so-called "room maple". His main trump card is very fast growth. Unpretentious, except that it requires a good level of lighting. Created varieties blooming with pink, yellow, white flowers.


Refers to indoor plants with large leaves, the diversity of which leaves no one indifferent. It grows quickly, with good care it will even rest against a three-meter ceiling. The owner will require only regular watering.

indoor palms

A whole group of large plants standing apart. Some of them, such as date palm, are also classical. Most palms are valued by people for their unpretentiousness, shade tolerance, for the beauty of openwork foliage. The disadvantage of the date palm is one: it grows slowly, so they need to be bought either already large, or for people who appreciate the process of growing.

But among the palm trees there are also fast-growing ones: date palm, canarian date, chamedorea.

There are types of palm trees that are very different in their foliage, but also capable of growing to large sizes: Washingtonia, Livingston, Areca. They share one traditional drawback: slow growth. Some palm trees, such as Hamedorea graceful able to bloom beautifully.

Beautiful indoor conifers

How to get around this group of plants, because they have their fans!


The popular name is indoor spruce. A difficult plant that requires a cool wintering. It is good to keep it in poorly heated rooms, for example, large halls, corridors. In addition, she does not like dry air, she grows slowly. But a large araucaria is just a miracle of the interior! Moreover, its phytoncides perfectly freshen the air.


Not such a big plant, looks good on a high stand. Fills the home with a pleasant coniferous aroma. Likes light and cool winters.

Large creepers

All the time we talked about large houseplants that have a tree shape. But there are also beautiful "climbing" species that can reach very large sizes.


Perhaps the most popular of these flowers. It grows quickly, unpretentious, its giant leaves sometimes reach a meter in diameter! It can crawl up and to the side, it would be a good support. Monstera is often used to decorate public spaces. Requires a wide container, releasing aerial roots.


The so-called wax ivy. An old resident of our houses. It has dense, juicy foliage, blooms beautifully and for a long time with fragrant flowers. It grows slowly, does not like permutations, requires a lot of light. For several years, it is able to decorate a whole corner in an office or apartment.


Indoor grapes. Unlike hoya, it literally grows before our eyes, although it does not bloom. An extremely unpretentious plant used in the interior to create a lush "green corner".

Unusual large houseplants

Actually, all plants are unusual in their own way. But among large home specimens, there are sometimes those that are rarely used in interior design, but in vain!


Or just shut up. Absolutely unpretentious succulent. It grows quite slowly, but after a few years it can reach human growth. At the ends of narrow, trihedral stems are bunches of bright, green leaves. The plant is valuable in that it grows only upwards, practically without growing in width. It takes up little space, at the same time it looks elegant, unusual.

Prickly pear

A large cactus that blooms beautifully, looking attractive and neat. In addition, it is quite unpretentious and grows quickly! It should not be kept where children and pets are frequent.

Known as "elephant's foot". A large plant (up to 2 meters), with a characteristic thickening at the bottom of the trunk and narrow leaves on top. He loves an abundance of light, but looks so unusual that he always attracts attention.


Relatively rare "sill" plant. If there is a spacious place and a voluminous tub, it can grow by a meter and a half. It will not bloom in the depths of the room, but its crown is magnificent. It is easy to form, exudes a pleasant resinous smell, purifies the air. The spherical crown of the myrtle looks great on a high separate stand.

In a brief review, not all popular home large-sized ones are mentioned. Chefler and Fatsia, lemon and aucuba, croton and dracaena were left without attention. Anthuriums and pandanuses are undeservedly forgotten. And these are only those plants that have been known for many years. And how many interesting novelties have appeared lately! They are waiting for their inquisitive, nature-loving owner.

Do you want to decorate your home with beautiful plants? Today on our website we will provide you with the most popular indoor flowers - photos and names, care at home. Flora for your own home should be chosen not only in appearance, but also according to existing home conditions. If the plant feels uncomfortable, its appearance will not please the eye.

Indoor flowers - photo

Indoor Flowers - Illustrated Names of Popular Varieties


This is one of the most common indoor plants. The photo shows what highly decorative properties it has. Azalea blooms almost all winter, which makes it especially desirable for growing at home.

In the photo, the beautiful Azalea

To get a truly beautiful indoor plant, you need to follow the following care rules:

Lighting- Azalea loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct midday rays.
Moisturizing- it is necessary to take care of high humidity and regular watering. In this case, you can not spray the leaves and flowers.
Temperature- Azalea blooms best in cool conditions (10-18 ° C).
Top dressing - carried out once a month, during the flowering period more often.

It is very important to regularly trim the azalea bush so that a beautiful ball flaunts in the pot.

Maranth family

Of the beautiful indoor plants without flowers, representatives of the Maranth family (about 400 species) have won special love. At home, you can find various varieties from the following genera:

Maranta is a compact and unpretentious home culture that easily tolerates dry soil and air.
Calathea is a tall plant (up to 80 cm) with large leaves, very demanding to care for.
Ktenanta - in care is as demanding as Calathea.
Stromantha is a compact plant with long sharp leaves that needs especially careful care.

Indoor flowers of the Maranth family

Home care for representatives of the Maranth family:

Lighting- good, but without direct rays.
Humidity- watering should be frequent, and the air should be humid (regular spraying will help).
temperature- it is impossible to allow drafts and cooling down to +18 ° С.
Fertilizer - the culture should be fed once a month.

areca palm

This type of palm differs from the rest in its special decorativeness and rapid growth. At home, most often you can find such a variety as Chrysolidocarpus yellowish.

Areca palm for home use

Care to maintain the beauty of the palm tree should be aimed at creating conditions for the hot tropics:

Lighting- Areca palm prefers bright sunlight. It is not recommended to abruptly change the position of the pot.
Humidity- Recommended frequent watering and spraying.
Temperature- the ideal option is to maintain the air temperature within 18-25 °C. If the air warms up more, it is necessary to increase the humidity.
Fertilizer- held at intervals of 2-3 weeks, but only in spring and summer.


For those who like to decorate windows with live green balls, Soleyroliya is suitable. This openwork grass grows rapidly, creeping along the ground and creating an air cushion above the pot. Different species differ in the shade of small leaves. Soleyroliya is often planted in flowerpots with large flowers to increase the decorative effect.

In the photo, openwork Soleyroliya

Care at home:

Lighting- soleirolia loves shade, so it will feel bad on well-lit windows.
Humidity- a resident of the subtropics is demanding on the amount of water. It should be watered through the pan and often sprayed over the entire cap.
Temperature- should be maintained at a level of 18-23 ° C. The plant does not tolerate cold, and when it is hot, the soil dries quickly.
Fertilizer- once a month in winter, more often in summer.

indoor bamboo

In fact, bamboo is not grown at home, but the stems of Sander's dracaena, painfully similar to it, are very similar. The shoots turn out to be very tenacious, and they grow them at home completely without soil.

Caring for indoor bamboo is very simple.

Features of caring for indoor bamboo in water:

You need to deepen the lower ends by 1-2 cm.
Water change weekly.
Once a month, add liquid top dressing.
Avoid bright light.

After the roots appear, the plant can be safely planted in the soil. It is necessary to use a light substrate and arrange a good drainage layer. Dracaena Sandera needs well-moistened soil, frequent spraying and warmth. It must be accustomed to the sun's rays gradually.


This very common plant is popularly called female happiness. Flowers may be white or red. Spathiphyllum is known for its ability to purify the air at home.

Spathiphyllum purifies the air at home

Light- scattered.
Humidity- high, frequent spraying.
Temperature- comfortable for the person.


Zamiokulkas, or a dollar tree, looks quite unusual, which, along with unpretentiousness, fell in love with so many people. It is suitable for any interior at home or office. Zamioculcas is a plant for the laziest flower growers. It retains a supply of moisture in the stems, and therefore can survive even a long drought.


Conditions and care:

Light- plentiful but scattered.
Moisturizing- moderate watering; in summer (during the period of active growth) - plentiful. You can carry out a rare spraying.
Temperature- constant heat (not lower than 18 °С).

Indoor violet

There are many varieties of this delicate house plant with different leaves and flowers. Violet is by and large unpretentious in care, but she should fully enjoy the proposed living conditions.

Indoor violet is great for growing at home

Primary requirements:

Lighting- long (12-14 hours), but no direct rays.
Moisturizing- do not let the earth dry out, pour water only under a bush or in a pan, do not spray the leaves.
Temperature- 18-25 °С. At higher values, increase the humidity.
Fertilizer- in spring and summer once every three weeks, the rest of the time - once a month.


This vine began to be grown as a houseplant several centuries ago. A special support is installed in the pot, or the branches are allowed to trail along the wall. The genus Philodendron is represented by many varieties, the main difference of which is the size and shape of the leaves.

Philodendron at home

Philodendron care:

Lighting- the liana is used to climbing trees in dense forests, so it will calmly develop in the back of the room only with artificial lighting.
Moisturizing- the soil should always be moist, and the humidity at home should not be lowered more than up to 55%.
Temperature- a tropical guest needs constant warmth (not lower than 15 ° C).
Fertilizer- make only in the warm season once every 2-3 weeks.


Blooming Kalanchoe is a lovely home decoration (see photo) if those living in it do not have allergies. It is often presented as a gift instead of a bouquet. If you provide the plant with proper care, the flowering period will be long and often repeated. It is worth noting that medicinal varieties do not bloom and are not used to decorate living space.

In the photo blooming Kalanchoe

An indoor flower called Kalanchoe is undemanding to care for. Here are the main conditions:

Lighting- bright, but scattered, no more than 10 hours a day (in view of this, flowering occurs in winter).
Moisturizing- Kalanchoe tolerates drought well, it should not be heavily flooded (especially in winter).
Temperature- growth and flowering occur when this indicator is between 18-28 ° C.
top dressing- carried out only during the flowering period.


This miniature palm always looks good at home, refreshing the interior. Of the hundreds of species in everyday life, only a few of the most unpretentious are grown. The photo shows one of them. The plant is famous not only for its grace, but also for the ability to purify the air from harmful impurities.


A little about maintenance:

Lighting- bright, but without direct rays.
Moisturizing- watering is carried out as the top layer of the earth dries out; in summer, foliar moistening is additionally carried out.
Temperature- for subtropical Dracaena, cool conditions are created in winter, and for tropical ones, this indicator is always maintained at 18 ° C.
Fertilizer- top dressing is applied only in summer once every 2-3 weeks.

Money tree (fat woman)

This plant is now in almost every home. Someone likes its unusual round and thick leaves, other flower growers believe in the magical ability of a fat woman to attract money to the house. The leaves of this room culture have medicinal properties - they are eaten or applied to wounds.

Pictured is a money tree

Home care:

Lighting- the fat girl loves the bright sun, so the south window is perfect for her.
Moisturizing- the money tree tolerates drought well, but reacts extremely negatively to waterlogging. In winter, watering should be especially scarce.
Temperature- to maintain growth in the warm season, the temperature is maintained at 20-10 ° C, for the winter it is reduced to 12-14 ° C.
Fertilizer- use top dressing for succulent plants and only during the growth period.


A popular houseplant with summer flowering, it is a relative of the room violet. Koleria is a flower with a dormant period. For the winter, an empty pot or dug tubers are stored in a cool place (10-15 ° C), moistening from time to time.

Different types of Koleria at home

A few words about care:

Lighting- koleria loves light, but not direct summer rays.
Moisturizing- Watering should be moderate.
Temperature- 20-25 ° C in the active phase, 10-15 ° C - during the rest period.

Additional list of indoor flowers with photos and names

In the photo Plumeria

Pictured is Hathior

In the photo Orchid

Pictured is Bougainvillea

christmas star