How to make a rainbow at home, or decomposition of white light into a spectrum. Research work "how to create a rainbow at home" Draw a rainbow experience in a notebook

Everyone likes the rainbow - both children and adults. Its colorful overflows attract the eye, but its value is not limited to aesthetics alone: ​​it is also a great way to get your child interested in science and turn knowledge of the world into an exciting game! To do this, we suggest that parents conduct several experiments with their children and get a real rainbow right at home.

In the footsteps of Newton

In 1672, Isaac Newton proved that ordinary white is a mixture of rays of different colors. “I darkened my room,” he wrote, “and made a very small hole in the shutter to allow sunlight". In the path of the sun's ray, the scientist placed a special triangular glass - a prism. On the opposite wall, he saw a multi-colored strip, which he later called the spectrum. Newton explained this by saying that the prism decomposed white light into its component colors. Then, in the path of a multi-colored beam, he placed another prism. With this, the scientist reassembled all the colors into one ordinary sunbeam.

To repeat the experiment of a scientist, a prism is not necessarily needed - you can use what is at hand. In fine weather, place a glass of water on a table near a window on the sunny side of the room. Place a sheet of plain paper on the floor near the window so that the sun's rays fall on it. wet the window hot water. Then change the position of the glass and sheet of paper until a small rainbow plays on the paper.

Rainbow through the looking glass

The experiment can also be carried out both in sunny weather and in cloudy weather. It requires a shallow bowl of water, a small mirror, a flashlight (if there is no sun outside the window) and a sheet of white paper. Immerse the mirror in water, and position the bowl itself so that the sun's rays fall on it (or point the beam of a flashlight at the mirror). If necessary, change the angle of inclination of objects. In the water, the light should be refracted and broken into colors, so that a sheet of white paper can "catch" a small rainbow.

chemical rainbow

Everyone knows that soap bubbles are rainbow-colored. The thickness of the walls of a soap bubble varies non-uniformly, constantly moving, so its color is constantly changing. For example, at a thickness of 230 nm, the bubble turns orange, at 200 nm it turns green, and at 170 nm it turns blue. When, due to the evaporation of water, the thickness of the wall of the soap bubble becomes less than the wavelength of visible light, the bubble ceases to shimmer with rainbow colors and becomes almost invisible before bursting - this occurs at a wall thickness of about 20-30 nm.

The same thing happens with gasoline. This substance does not mix with water, therefore, being in a puddle on the road, it spreads over its surface and forms a thin film that creates beautiful iridescent stains. We owe this miracle to the so-called interference - or, more simply, to the effect of light refraction.

musical rainbow

Interference causes iridescent overflows on the surface of CDs. By the way, this is one of the most simple ways"Production" of the rainbow at home. In the absence of the sun, both a table lamp and a flashlight will work, but in this case the rainbow turns out to be less bright. By simply changing the angle of the CD, you can get a rainbow stripe, a circular rainbow, and restless rainbow bunnies on a wall or any other surface.

In addition, why not teach a child the basics of musical literacy? After all, initially Newton distinguished only five colors in the rainbow (red, yellow, green, blue and purple), but then he added two more - orange and purple. Thus, the scientist wanted to create a correspondence between the number of colors in the spectrum and the number of notes in the musical scale.

Projector-night light

If a temporary solution is not enough for you, you can start a rainbow at home “at all” - for example, using such a miniature projector. It projects a rainbow on the walls and ceiling - even at night, even on a cloudy day, when invigorating colors are so lacking ... The projector can work in two modes: all colors together, or each separately. On the eve of the New Year holidays, this is perhaps a good gift idea for a child or just a creative person.

window hanger

Another version of the "rainbow without worries" (which, however, can only be enjoyed during daylight hours, and only in sunny weather) is the so-called rainbow disc, made using modern laser technology. A glass prism measuring 10 centimeters in diameter is enclosed in a chrome plastic case. It is attached to the window with a suction cup and, transforming sunlight, projects it onto the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. There are 48 color lines in total: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and all shades in between.

Flip book with 3D effect

In the past few years, books with interesting and unusual effects have begun to appear - for example, "flip books" with running pictures. Many of us are familiar with this technology from our own childhood: we drew pictures on the margins of a notebook, and then revived them by quickly flipping through the pages. The book on the principle of this fun was created by Japanese designer Masashi Kawamura. If you quickly scroll through it, you can see a three-dimensional rainbow!

If desired, a similar manual rainbow can be made with your own hands, and at the same time, you can clearly demonstrate the animation effect to the child. To do this, print on paper or draw squares of rainbow colors on each page of the notebook. In total, 30-40 sheets are needed. It is important to keep in mind that on one side of each page you need to draw them in the usual sequence, and on the other - in the reverse order, otherwise you will not succeed in a rainbow.

A rainbow you can touch

And one more fun way to get a rainbow, which will greatly decorate any modern interior, without taking up a single centimeter of space and filling it with rainbow radiance. To do this, Mexican designer Gabriel Dawe suggests using skillfully stretched sewing threads. With such an installation, of course, you will have to tinker for an hour or two, but the result is worth it. It is not for nothing that the artist's work was a huge success in many countries, including the USA, Belgium, Canada and the UK.


Ekimova Valeria

Pupil 2 "b" class GBOU secondary school No. 1 of the Russian Federation, Chapaevsk

Evseeva Oksana Pavlovna

scientific adviser, teacher of the highest category, teacher primary school, GBOU secondary school No. 1

Russian Federation, Samara region, Chapaevsk

Very often we notice strange and unusual phenomena in nature. They amaze our imagination and are remembered for a long time. Many of these amazing phenomena have already been explained by scientists, but for us they continue to remain mysterious. I would refer to such phenomena and a rainbow.

How is a rainbow formed? Is it possible to observe this beauty at home? What kind of rainbows exist? I have to find answers to these questions.

The object of my research- natural phenomenon RAINBOW.

I'm sure - the topic is relevant. After all, it is very important to understand how and why something that so fascinates our eyes happens.

The purpose of my work- try to repeat such a natural phenomenon as a rainbow at home.

In my work, I have set myself the following tasks: 1. Find out under what conditions a rainbow occurs. 2. Study what types of rainbows are in nature. 3. Get acquainted with the legends and myths, symbols and other aspects of people's lives associated with the rainbow. 4. Through experiments, find out if it is possible to reproduce a rainbow at home.

Research methods: analysis of publications, Internet materials on this topic; systematization and classification of the studied material; observation; experiment.

The meaning of the word "rainbow". Rainbow - God's arc, heavenly arc - a heavenly phenomenon; a seven-color arc under the clouds, from the sun behind the rain. (Dictionary of V. Dahl).

Legends and myths. The ancient Greeks believed that the rainbow is the smile of the goddess Irida. And in the Bible, the rainbow appears after the Flood. In Armenian mythology, the rainbow is the belt of Tyr (originally the god of the sun, then the god of writing, arts and sciences). The Slavs believed that the rainbow drinks water from lakes, rivers and seas, and then sheds rain. Sometimes she swallows fish and frogs along with the water, so sometimes they fall from the sky.

History of study. Why does such a beautiful color picture appear in the air? I looked for the answer to this question in additional literature and the Internet. Here's what I found out.

In 1672, Isaac Newton proved that ordinary white is a mixture of rays of different colors. "I darkened my room," he wrote, "and made a very small hole in the shutter to let in the appropriate amount of sunlight." In the path of the sun's ray, the scientist placed a special triangular glass - a prism.

On the opposite wall, he saw a multi-colored strip - the spectrum.

The word spectrum comes from the Latin "spectrum" - visible.

Newton explained this by saying that the prism decomposed the white color into its constituent colors. Then he placed another prism in the path of the multi-colored beam. With this, the scientist collected all the colors in one ordinary sunbeam. Moreover, initially Newton distinguished only five colors - red, yellow, green, blue and purple. But then, Newton added to the five listed colors of the spectrum two more - orange and indigo. He wanted to create a correspondence between the number of colors in the spectrum and the number of fundamental tones in the musical scale. Or maybe the number 7 had some other symbolic meaning for him. When it rains, there are a lot of water droplets in the air. The sun's rays pass through water droplets, white light is refracted and decomposed into 7 colors of the spectrum from red to violet.

Light refraction. Refraction of light is a change in the direction of propagation of light (light rays) when passing through the interface of two different transparent media (for example: air and water). An example of light refraction: if a straw is lowered into a glass of liquid, it will appear to us bent due to light refraction (Fig. 1). Each drop of liquid becomes a tiny prism. Since there are a lot of droplets-prisms after the rain, the rainbow is obtained in half the sky.

Drawing 1 . Refraction

Experience 1. I decided to make sure that the light consists of seven colors. To do this, I tried to conduct an experiment. From cardboard, I cut out a circle with a radius of about 5 cm. I divided the circle into 7 sectors. Each sector was painted with the desired color (like a rainbow) (Fig. 2). I made a small hole in the center of the circle and inserted a toothpick into it. I got a wolf. I started the wolf. When rotated, it turned white. Why? This is the process of "picking" the colors. White color is the keeper of all colors on earth.

Drawing 2 . Spinning top - rainbow

Types of rainbows. The rainbow that appears after the rain is the primary rainbow. Sometimes we can see an additional rainbow. In it, the colors follow in reverse order from purple to red. Maybe even a third and fourth rainbow. Why does the second rainbow appear? Also due to the refraction and reflection of light in water droplets. But before turning into a "second rainbow", the rays of sunlight have time to reflect twice, and not once, from the inner surface of each droplet. On a bright moonlit night, you can also see a rainbow from the moon. But the receptors of the human eye in low night light do not perceive colors, and the lunar rainbow looks whitish. The brighter the light, the "more colorful" the rainbow. Does a rainbow happen when rain is impossible - in a frosty winter? It turns out that such a miracle also happens. In winter, ice crystals “float” in the air. They divide white into seven colors.

Experiment 1 Let's try to repeat the rainbow at home. For this I need spray bottle as rain and sunbeam. We fill the atomizer with water and on a sunny day we create a cloud of droplets in the air (Fig. 3). We observe a rainbow on them (Fig. 4).

Drawing 3 . cloud of drops

Drawing4 . Rainbow

Conclusion: A rainbow at home, as in nature, is obtained. This is due to the refraction of the sun's ray in water droplets and its division into a spectrum.

Experiment 2 I needed a CD, a flashlight and a smooth surface (wall). I direct the flashlight beam at the disk. A rainbow appears on the wall! (Fig. 5).

Drawing 5 . rainbow on the wall

Experiment 3 The experiment required a container of water, a mirror, a beam of light, and a smooth surface. I poured water into a bowl. The mirror was placed so that one part of it was under water, and the other part was above it. I direct the mirror towards a smooth surface. I direct the beam to different parts of the mirror so that the reflected light falls on the wall.

Conclusion: Rays of light hit a mirror and are reflected. But, passing through water, white light is refracted. As a result, we get a rainbow on the wall.

Drawing 6 . Light is refracted as it passes through water.

Experiment 4 To me needed a solution for soap bubbles.

Figure 7. Rainbow patterns on soap bubbles

Conclusion: Thin soap films on the surface of the bubble are constantly moving and refracting light. We see constantly changing rainbow patterns (Fig. 7).

Based on the results of my work, I can draw the following conclusions. Rainbow can be obtained at home. An artificial light source can be used instead of a sunbeam. Rainbows can be observed not only during the day, but also at night, and even in winter. The goal - to learn about the rainbow and try to repeat it at home - was achieved by me. I conducted experiments and proved that the rainbow effect can be obtained at home and admire this beautiful phenomenon at any time of the year, which still holds many mysteries. The results that I got in the study of the rainbow should be interesting and useful to my classmates.


  1. Bogdanov K.I. “Not everything is so simple.” / First of September - 2006, - No. 3. - p. 31-33.
  2. Burova S.A. Unusual natural phenomena. / First of September 2003, No. 3.
  3. Geguzin Ya.E. Who is making the rainbow? - Kvant, 1988, No. 6.
  4. Family photo archive.
  5. Trifonov E.D. Once again about the rainbow. - Soros Educational Journal, - 2000, - v. 6, - No. 7.
  6. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
  7. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:

The rain will pass and now a beautiful rainbow has appeared in the sky. And you can also see a rainbow above the fountain, near the watering machine, and if you try and stock up on the necessary supplies, then you can make a rainbow yourself at home!

I remember very well when, as a child, I went to a drawing circle, they brought us a triangular glass prism and showed us the magical transformation of a ray of light. A white beam of light, passing through the edges of a prism, breaks up into all the colors of the rainbow. We don't have a triangular glass prism at home yet, so for the production of small rainbows we use earrings with pebbles and crystal pendants from a chandelier.

There is another very simple item that will help you make a rainbow at home on the wall. Don't believe? Check it out!

Decomposition of white light into a spectrum using a disk


  • old CDs,
  • white paper
  • flashlight,
  • it would be nice if it was a sunny day.

We played with the rainbow for a long time, so the sun hid behind a cloud, then a flashlight came in handy. Only from the flashlight the rainbow turned out to be less bright.

At the beginning, I wrote that a ray of light, passing through a triangular prism, breaks up into seven colors of the rainbow. The mirror surface of the disk is made of plastic, on which numerous grooves are located. These grooves act like many small prisms placed in a circle. So when light hits the disc, a rainbow is formed.

Sometimes a rainbow is formed completely by accident, and it happens that devices are needed to obtain it. Once I was drinking tea, and a ray of light, making its way into the glass, turned into a bright rainbow on the wall. But this happened only once: scratch: There was another case when we studied the refraction of a ray of light in water, then a rainbow was formed using a transparent plate, filled with water .

If you and your child study the rainbow, then do not forget to add riddles about this wonderful natural phenomenon to the lesson.

Coloring the world around with bright colors is quite within your power. Today we told you how to make a rainbow at home and give children a lot of positive emotions. Now in each of your rooms seven colors of the rainbow can flaunt. Have you played with the light? It's time to turn the page and continue your exciting journey into the world of science. I have a GIFT for you. A collection of entertaining experiments with sound. Let science be for you not only bright, but also sonorous. See you soon on the pages of Merry Science.

Successful experiments! Science is fun!

Why does such a beautiful, and even color picture appear in the air? We looked for the answer to this question in encyclopedias. Here's what we've learned. You can see a rainbow only if the sun and the rain screen are on opposite sides of the sky, and you stand with your back to the sun. A phenomenon similar to a rainbow can be observed in the splashes of fountains, waterfalls.

Consider the colors of the rainbow. Colored stripes differ in brightness, but their sequence is always the same - each color has its own place strictly assigned to it. The larger the raindrops, the brighter the rainbow. If the drops are small, the rainbow seems pale, barely noticeable. The sequence of colors in a rainbow is easy to remember if you learn the phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." In this phrase, the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the color name! Every (Red) Hunter (Orange) Desires (Yellow) Know (Green) Where the (Blue) Pheasant (Purple) Sits.

Getting a rainbow at home

To prove that a rainbow can be obtained at home, we conducted several experiments.

First experience

Equipment: soap solution, hollow tube.

We blew a bubble. Turned it so that the sun's rays fell on the surface. The ball “played” with all the colors of the rainbow. Experience turned out. It is very easy to perform.

Second experience

Equipment: a basin filled to the brim with water; a mirror set in the water at an angle; light source (sun or table lamp).

On a sunny day, a basin of water was placed near the window and a mirror was lowered into it. The mirror “caught” a beam of light, as a result of the refraction of the beam in the water and its reflection from the mirror on the wall or on the ceiling, a rainbow appeared.

Experience three

Equipment: bowl of water, nail polish, toothpick.

Dropped a drop of varnish into the water. A thin film formed on the surface of the water. It was carefully removed with a toothpick. The lacquer film plays with all colors, resembling the wings of a dragonfly. Experience does not require sophisticated equipment, this is its advantage. But in order to see a good rainbow, the film needs to be fairly large.

Chapter 3

If that's the question, then it's possible. It remains to try on paper.

I took drawing paper

I took watercolor paints (multi-color)

Tried to mix some paints.

Immediately removed the black and brown paint to the side, as they are too dark. It took me a long time to mix different colors. I took an interest in the library, and realized that we needed yellow, blue, red paint. By mixing these colors in turn, I got a rainbow.


A rainbow is an amazing natural phenomenon that leaves no one indifferent, causes joy, delight, admiration. Now we know how you can improve your mood. To do this, you need to create your own “home” rainbow. And this can be done at any time.

Working on this topic, we studied the literature, conducted experiments.

The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the materials obtained can be used by teachers and kindergarten teachers in conducting lessons and classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

Secrets of the multi-colored arc

There is a belief that at the foot of the rainbow you can find a treasure. The sight of a multi-colored semicircle in the sky causes pleasant, and even mystical feelings in people, a desire to admire it. But do we know everything about the rainbow? Consider the little-known external properties of this phenomenon, and even completely unknown.

Rainbows are observed in atmospheric clouds, rain screens, fog, waterfalls, fountains and other places where there is a thickness of water droplets that are suspended in the air or are in a state of fall. Effective observation is carried out from 9-00 to 18-00 at different times of the year, but always in sunny weather.

There are two rainbows: the first and the second, which look like concentric rings (circles) or their fragments (arcs), and are sometimes accompanied by phenomena described in the literature as a halo and a gloria. Under certain conditions, three phenomena can be observed simultaneously: a halo, a glory, and two rainbows. You can find the optimal location between the waterfall and the Sun and observe these phenomena simultaneously many times.

You can often see a rainbow in the evening, when the Sun has already touched the horizon, and less often in the morning. Few people pay attention to the fact that the plane of the rainbow at this time is inclined towards the observer and it seems that the sunbeam is perpendicular to the plane of the rainbow. The solar disk at this moment is behind the observer's head or below the head. Interestingly, when one day a narrow cloud on the horizon covered the edge of the solar disk, part of the rainbow arc disappeared.

A rainbow is an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere, which looks like a multi-colored arc against the sky. It is observed in those cases when the sun's rays illuminate the curtain of rain on the opposite side of the sky from the Sun. The center of the rainbow is in the direction of a straight line that passes through the solar disk and the eye of the observer, that is, at a point opposite to the Sun.

The arc of the rainbow is part of a circle circumscribed around this point with a radius of 42 degrees. The sequence of colors in it is the same as in the solar spectrum, while most often red is located on the outer edge, and purple on the inner edge. From the side of the inner edge, secondary colored arcs are sometimes visible, which are located next to the main arc. When the Sun is on the horizon, the rainbow looks like a semicircle, with the rise of the Sun, the inner part of the arc of the rainbow decreases, and at the height of the Sun at 42 degrees, the rainbow disappears. A phenomenon similar to a rainbow can be observed in the spray of fountains, waterfalls. Perhaps the appearance of a lunar rainbow and from an artificial light source. Often there is a second rainbow with an angular radius of 52 degrees and the reverse arrangement of colors.

The first theory of the rainbow was given by Descartes in 1637. A more precise theory was carried out in 1836 by the English astronomer John Ehre and developed by the Austrian geophysicist I. G. Perter at the end of the 19th century. This theory is based on the calculation of the phenomena of diffraction and interference that accompany the meeting of a sunbeam with a grating that forms water drops.

A similar explanation of the rainbow has passed into many publications, including school textbooks, and no one questions this statement. Many popular articles have been written on the topic of the rainbow and other light atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, at one time an attempt was made to generalize all the information on this topic in order to create a kind of starting point for the study and subsequent studies of optical phenomena in the atmosphere.

G. Minnart in 1958 wrote the book "Light and Color in Nature", which combined all existing theories on the topic of the rainbow. In the future, many popular and scientific books were written on this topic, but none of them added anything new to this unified theory.

After getting acquainted with the theory of the rainbow and other optical phenomena in the atmosphere (halos, crowns, glories, and others), a number of questions immediately arise. Descriptions of individual phenomena and their explanations give rise to such contradictions, due to which some conclusions completely or partially negate each other. Some of the descriptions are questionable. The question arises: is the phenomenon of the rainbow fully described? Therefore, it may be necessary to create one universal theory to explain all optical phenomena in the atmosphere, in which there should be a single approach to the study of all phenomena.

www. from-ua. com. Petr Kondratenko

Every person at least once in his life admired the view of the rainbow that appears after the rain and are interested in the appearance of the rainbow. I wanted to know more about what a rainbow is.

We think the light is white. But in fact, it consists of different colors. It happens that during the rain the sun will come out, and then the sunlight is refracted in droplets of water and “breaks up” into several colors. There are always seven of these colors, and they are arranged in a strict sequence: red - orange - yellow - green - blue - indigo - violet. So a beautiful multi-colored rainbow appears in the sky.

A how to make a rainbow at home It is not necessary to wait for rain to see this natural phenomenon. It can also appear in water splashes when watering plants in the garden on a bright sunny day.

All children love to draw a rainbow, depicting it with bright, saturated colors:

However, in fact, the colors of the rainbow are continuous and smoothly transition from one to another. In reality, they change thousands of shades, which means that there are much more than seven of them.

To admire the play of colors and shades, you can experiment and get a rainbow at home.

Rainbow experiments at home

I. Using sunlight

1. The easiest way

Wait for sunny weather. Take a glass of water and a sheet of white paper.

The sequence of your actions should be like this:

2. Method using a mirror and a flashlight

The experiment should be carried out in sunny weather. It requires a bowl of water, a mirror, a flashlight, and a sheet of white cardboard.

The actions are:

  • put the mirror in a shallow bowl of water as shown in the picture below;
  • position the bowl so that a beam of light - from a flashlight or from the sun - is reflected from the mirror onto a sheet of white cardboard;
  • if necessary, change the angle of inclination of objects.

In the water, the light should refract and break into colors, so that a small rainbow will be reflected on the cardboard:

Thus, thanks to the sunlight, it is not difficult to get a rainbow. But is it possible to “arrange” it with the help of objects of method 2 in the dark?

II. Without the use of sunlight (in the dark)

So, we decided to conduct an experiment in the bathroom, in complete darkness, using only a flashlight.

We hoped for a positive result, ideally similar to this:

But these are expectations 🙂

The reality is not particularly impressive ... Although a circular rainbow can be seen. The beam of light from the flashlight reflected from the mirror onto the bath:

This is how the image of the rainbow spectrum section on the bath looks like:

In general, the experiment was a success.

Thus, it is quite possible to make a rainbow at home, even without sunlight. What was required to prove 🙂

Magic Disks

By the way, there are other ways to get a rainbow at home, even without water. Instead of a mirror, an old CD is perfect for this purpose.