Kim Chen In. Kim Jong Ir - the Son of the Commander of the Red Army, who became the leader of North Korea, Korean President Kim Jong Il

Kim Chen In - North Korean senior leader, party leader, army and the people of the DPRK, Chairman of the Korea Labor Party (TPK), First Chairman of the State Committee for the DPRK. Kim Jong Yun is the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, Marshal of the DPRK, deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK.

Childhood and education Kim Jong Yana

It is believed that the biography of Kim Jong-Yana is twisted by the mysterious fler. From publicly available official materials, it is known that Kim Jong Yun was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang. But there are other opinions. For example, sources of special services report that the Korean leader was born no earlier than 1984. In the biography of Kim Jong Yana in Wikipedia, it was reported that "discrepancies in the date of birth are explained by the desire of the leader to look older" and that first representatives of the DPRK argued that Kim Jong Yun was born on January 8, 1983.

Father - Kim Jong Ir. (1941-2011) - Former head of North Korea (1994-2011).

Mother - Korean ballerina Ko Yong Hee. - Favorite Kim Jong Ira.

Grandfather - Kim Il Saint (1912-1994) - the founder of the North Korean state and its first actual leader (1948-1994).

Kim Jong Yun, as claimed, received education at home and has no diploma. Although South Korean special services reported that Kim Jong Yun studied in Swiss international School In Bern under the name of Yun Pak. However, now the school leadership denies this fact. Then since 2002, Kim Jong Yun studied at the University of Kim Il Sena and the Military University named after Kim Il Sena in the DPRK.

In 2013, the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Yun was awarded an honorary degree in the economy of the University of Help - a private Malaysian educational institution.

Political career Kim Jong Yana

About Kim Jong, they spoke when rumors about the fatal disease of his father Kim Jong Ira appeared. The mother was able to convince the leadership of the republic that Kim Jong Yun is the favorite son of Chen Ira and should be his only successor.

Kim Chen Yun while the father of Father Kim Jong Ira received the title "Brilliant Comrade" and was appointed head of the state security service of North Korea.

On December 17, 2011, Kim Jong Il died from a heart attack, and on December 24, in the central printed organ of the TPK - the newspaper Nodon Sinmun, Kim Jong Yun was named the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army. But before the people of Korea Kim Jong Yun appeared in 2012 during a parade dedicated to the century of his grandfather Kim Il Sen. And in the same year, Kim Jong Yun was recognized as a man of the year (2012).

Despite the sanctions constantly pursuing North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong-Yun on the rating compiled by the GUARDIAN edition, took the first place in the world of Millenielov (young people born between 1981 and 2000).

Foreign policy Kim Jong Yana

The leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Yun achieved that North Korea entered the Cosmic Power Club. Kim Jong Yana did not bother, thereby his country violated two resolutions of the UN Security Council (2006 and 2009). Of course, it caused the indignation of the international community. And when in February 2013, the DPRK successfully conducted a third nuclear test in its history, the indignation of the Western powers and the United States reached apogee. North Korea was declared "world evil." It fell out sanctions from all sides, who tightened every year.

On July 4, 2017, the DPRK launched an intercontinental ballistic rocket toward the Japanese Sea. The flight lasted 40 minutes, the rocket collapsed in the exceptional economic zone of Japan. It was noted that the rocket was able to rise significantly above the mark of 2.5 km. Secretary General of the Government of Japan Yoshihide Suga Named the launch of the rocket from the DPRK provocation, which violates the UN Security Council resolutions.

Kim Chen Yun said that the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "Hwanson-14" is able to bear a major and heavy nuclear charge.

New Start of Rocket Kim Jong Yana commented on the head of the White House Donald Trump, stressing that the United States, as well as the countries, this region will not continue to put up with the tests of the DPRK.

Kim Jong Yun was not afraid, but on the contrary, he himself began to threaten a possible preventive nuclear strike on the United States. Then the DPRK followed the cancellation of non-aggression agreement with South Korea, which was signed in 1953. However, at the seventh congress of the Labor Party, Kim Jong, stated that North Korea nuclear weapons would be applied only as a means of defense.

Earlier at the UN Security Council meeting, Russia and China made a proposal, according to which Pyongyangs should stop testing its ballistic missiles, and other countries should not be held by military exercises near the banks of the DPRK. But Kim Chen Yun gave instructions to his scientists to continue working on ballistic missiles and stated that Pyongyang intends to continue their tests until "the United States and their vassals would make the right choice."

On September 3, North Korea held another nuclear test. This happened just a few hours after Pyongyan's statement about the creation of a hydrogen bomb. The South Korean General Staff estimated the power of the explosion in 100 kilotons, the Japanese authorities - at 70 kilotons. According to various data, the explosion caused an earthquake by force from 5.7 to 6.3 points on the Richter scale (previous tests caused a maximum of 5.3 points).

After the President of America occurred, Donald Trump said that she was ready to apply nuclear weapons to protect his country.

Possible conflict of the DPRK with the United States has become an important trend of 2017 news. Donald Trump has exercised all year in insults for Kim Jung, called him a madman with nuclear weapons, "a short one with a rocket" and psycho. In September, Trump came up with a new nickname for Kim Jong Yana, calling him a "missile man." A little later, Kim Chen Yun said that the United States will pay expensive for his speech. He also called the replica of Trump "Eccentric expressions", insulting him and his country. "Why Kim Jong Yun insulted me, calling" old ", I never call him" little and thick. " Well, I hardly try to stay his friend with difficulty - and maybe someday it happens! ", I wrote Trump in his Twitter in response.

At the same time, in August, Donald Trump has positively appreciated the decision Kim Jong Yana to refrain from launching rockets to the GUAM island area, which is under the US jurisdiction. "Kim Jong Yun from North Korea accepted a very reasonable and weighted decision," said Trump. - Alternative would be a catastrophic and unacceptable! ".

"Free Press" reported that the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov compared the behavior of the leaders of the United States and the DPRK with the conflict of children in children's garden.

Internal Economic Policy Kim Jong Yana

Becoming at the head of state, Kim Jong Yun not only threatens the United States and the world of Nuclear War, but also tries to conduct economic reforms.

One of the first was agricultural reform. Kim Jong Yun introduced the so-called "link" in a row. "Small link" is one family and two families living nearby - gained land for treatment, and a significant part of the crop obtained remained the "link itself". This reform led to the fact that in the first year of its implementation (2013) a record crop of grain crops was obtained.

In industry, state-owned enterprises were actually translated into a hostect.

In the actions of Kim Jong Yana, a more loyal attitude towards private business was seen. A network of special economic zones was created to attract foreign investment. But in connection with the application of sanctions to the DPRK, Kim Jong EN began to pay more attention to the development of national production.

For appearing in the press, Kim Jong Yana can often be seen on the defense plants of North Korea and on missile trials, but it periodically visits various enterprises for the production of civilian products. In the world media published a photo of a visit to Kim Jong of the Perfumery Plant. The DPRK is actively developing his own perfumery industry and creates its own brands, such as "Burhayanga" and "Unhasa".

In North Korea, information technologies began to spread quickly. So in 2014, China imported smartphones and mobile phones by 82 million 840 thousand dollars.

In 2013, the news it was reported that the DPRK engineers developed their own Smart Smartphone. The leader of North Korea Kim Jong Yun was pleased with the work of scientists: rated ease, appearance and smartphone functions, high-quality display and megapixel camera.

Personal life, hobbies and health Kim Jong Yana

North Korean news and public television on July 25, 2012 reported that Kim Jong Yun is married. Photo Kim Jong Yana and his wife appeared in the media a few weeks before. His wife - Li Sol Zhu - Graduate of the University. Kim Il Sena in Pyongyang. Father Spouses Kim Jong Yana is a teacher, and the mother is a doctor. It is assumed that Kim Jong Yun married in 2009.

News also reported that the North Korean leader has two children. In the biography of Kim Jong Yana in Wikipedia, it was reported that the first child was born in the fall-in winter 2010 or in the winter of 2011, the second - at the end of December 2012.

Kim Jong Yun is fond of basketball, loves pop culture. As Daily Mail reported, Kim Jong Yun is a big fan of the English football club "Manchester United".

As for health, in 2009 in the news it was reported that the North Korean leader Kim Chen Yun suffers from diabetes and hypertension. Nevertheless, he is an avid smoker.

Photo Kim Jong Yana from public events was not published in September and October 2014, in the news of the state-owned NPRC reported that he suffers from the "uncomfortable physical condition". When Kim Jong Yun appeared again in public, the photo could be seen the leader of the DPRK, resting on the cane.

In 2015, Kim Jong Yun began to weigh 130 kg, recovering for 5 years about 30 kg.

At the same time, in April 2015, the official informburero of the country distributed a photo on which Kim Jong Yun stands on the top of the Packtusan mountain in a fairly light coat and shoes. Internet users, and for them and Western media, laughed at the North Korean leader, who conquered the most difficult top of North Korea without serious equipment, reported RIA Novosti.

In the summer of 2017, American doctors came to the conclusion that the head of the DPRK Kim Jong Yun takes steroids, because of which he then becomes aggressive. The doctor of Rock Positano from the Hospital of Special Surgery in New York noted that according to their data Kim Chen Yun suffers from the gout, it was said in the news.

Scandals with Kim Jong

Kim Jong Yun was repeatedly accused of the cruel persecution of competitors in the struggle for power. December 2013 67-year-old Chan Son Taek, Uncle Politics, which for a long time headed the "Regent Council" with the young Kim Jen Yune and was considered the "second person" in the state, was executed by the court sentence for an attempt to overthrow power. Later it became known that the spouse of the executed, Kim Gene He., Located in a coma - a woman was carried out an operation to remove the brain tumor. It was reported that she could die from a heart attack or commit suicide.

Almost all native Chan Son Tek, executed uncle Leader of the DPRK, were sentenced to the highest punishment, the news agency "Renhap" (South Korea) reported.

In the news it was also reported that in North Korea about a dozen popular artists in the country were shot. All of them were recognized as guilty of the production and distribution of pornography. One of the victims was the singer Hen Sleep Vol, considered the former girlfriend of the North Korean leader, with which Kim Jong Yun broke up at about 10 years ago at the insistence of Father Kim Jong Ira.

According to the deputy from the ruling party of South Korea "Seenuri", four musicians of the National Orchestra "YNHASU" were executed by order of the DPRK leader, they were accused of espionage for issuing information about the life of the family Kim Jong Yana.

However, the news from South Korea about the executions of Kim Jong Yana is not always confirmed. On May 13, 2015, a number of media reported with reference to the South Korean news agencies of the kiodo, which in North Korea was shot by the Minister of Armed Forces for the fact that he fell asleep at an important military event. But minister Hen En Chhol Appeared in television after the news about his execution.

But on the air will no longer appear Cum Kim Jong Yana 45-year-old Kim Chen uswhich was killed on February 14, 2017 with the VX-poisoning substance, walking over Terminal 2 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. It was also reported that two women with "poisoned needles" were attacked. Foreign news with reference to the police transferred that the DPRK authorities were involved in death.

According to the Tax, in May 2017, a group of terrorists have been discovered, which penetrated into the DPRK on the order of the CIA of the United States and South Korean intelligence officers in order to commit a terrorist act against Kim Jong.

According to The Korea Times, in 2014, North Korean men had to do a hairstyle, as in Kim Jong Yana, while earlier, they could choose from 10 species approved by the state male hairstyles. Also Kim Jong Yun banned officials to smoke foreign cigarettes.

The whole biography of Kim Jong Yana is not officially confirmed. The Board of Kim Jong Yana was noted by the continuation of the development of missile and nuclear weapons, conducting economic reforms, deterioration of relations with South Korea and the countries of the West.

Kim Chen Ir (eng. Kim Chen IR) was born on February 16, 1941 (according to the official version - February 16, 1942) in the village of Vyatka Khabarovsk Territory, RSFSR, USSR. Died on December 17, 2011 in the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il is the head of the Peace of People's Democratic Republic (since 1994), General Secretary of the Korea Labor Party, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army (1991), Chairman of the DPRK Defense Committee (1998).

Kim Jong Ir - the Son of the "Great Leader" Kim Il Senya, has the title "Great Head," during his father he was called "Favorite Head."

Family, childhood and youth

Father Kim Jong Ira - Kim Il Sen (1912-1994), "Great Leader", founder of the North Korean state, the chief ideologist of the country, who developed the Korean version of Marxism - juche.

Mother - Kim Chen Suk (1917-1949), the second wife Kim Il Senya, State and Party Worker of North Korea.

Mother Brother Kim Jong Ira drowned in the river in 1948, and the consolidated Kim Pen Il (Kim Pyong-Il) currently holds the post of Ambassador of the DPRK in Poland.

According to the official biography, Kim Jong Il was born in a guerrilla camp in a log hut on the highest and revered mountain of North Korea - Packtusan. At the time of his birth, a double rainbow and a bright star appeared in the sky. Soviet and Chinese documents confirm that Kim Il Saint was born on the territory of the Soviet Union - in the village of Vyatskaya Khabarovsk Territory, where the 88th separate Rifle Brigade of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army was located (the Father commanded one of the battalions). At birth, he was named after Yuri Irsenovich Kim. He spent his childhood in the military garrison, her mother lost her early, her father almost did not see.

In November 1945, Kim Jong Ira was transported to Pyongyang, where his father returned to Pyongyang. During the Korean War (1950-1953), the family was evacuated to China, where he graduated from elementary school.

Kim Jong Il passed a course of general education at school for children of party workers in Pyongyang (1953-1960), received higher education At the University named after Kim Il Senya, his specialization is Political Economy (1960-1964). The labor practice of the "Son of the Prime Minister" was held at the Pyongyang plant for the production of weaving equipment, and to protect the diploma, they were elected the topic "The role and importance of weapons in the construction of socialism". According to the unofficial biography of Kim Il Sen also studied in the Aircraft Academy of the GDR (1960-1962), studied at the University of Maltese english (1970).

The beginning of the way

Kim Jong Ir lived and brought up in relative luxury, without hiding his habits for good cigarettes, films, books, but his interest in politics arose in school years. He was an activist of the Children's Union, in his school headed the department of the Union of Democratic Youth (Democratic Youth League, Dyl), advocated the strengthening of ideological education and organized competition for the knowledge of Marxist theory.

In 1961, Kim Jong Il joined Korea's employment batch (TPK). He worked in the TPK Central Committee apparatus by the instructor, the head of the sector (since 1964) and in the personal guard of Kim Il Sen. On July 8, 1971, a new year was adopted in North Korea, the leading countdown from 1912 - the year of birth of the Great Chief.

In 1973, Kim Jong Il was elected secretary of the TPK Central Committee (he was called the Center for the Party), and in 1974, a member of the Political Committee (Politburo) of the Party, becomes the successor to the Chairman of the Party of Kim Il Sen.

International analysts traditionally associate with Kim Jen Iir of the Action of Korean terrorists, it is believed that it is Kim Jr. who led the work of the special services (1970-1980). He was accused of organizing the terrorist attack in Burma (1983), when 17 high-ranking Korean officials were killed and in the explosion of the South Korean liner (1987), when 115 people were killed.

At the VI Congress of the Labor Party of Korea Kim Jong Il was elected a member of the Presidium of the Politburo of the Central Committee, the CC Secretary, a member of the Central Military Committee of the Party (1980).

Kim Jong Il is a deputy of the seventh, eighth and ninth convocations of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Korean People's Democratic Republic. In December 1991, Kim Il Sen announced the transfer of its powers of the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Iru.

Kim Jong Il - Leader of North Korea

"The Great Leader of Marshal Kim Il Saint", who was in power of 49 years old, died in Pyongyang on July 8, 1994. According to official conclusion, death occurred as a result of a heart attack. The country plunged into mourning for three years.

Despite the complex economic situation, a long-term food crisis, which was experiencing North Korea, Kim Jong Il continued the ideology of Juche, "socialism with a support for his own strength." In general, the meaning of the philosophical term Juche is much wider and more difficult; "Chu" means "master", and "chhe" - "body, essence, nature", according to Korean-Russian dictionaries, the term translates as "main part", "originality". He managed to consolidate power and, although the post of president of the country was forever assigned to Kim Il Sen, Kim Jr. became the general secretary of the Korea Labor Party and Chairman of the National Defense Committee. He defined the army a leading role in socio-political life ("Songun Politics") and several liberalized the country's economy. In the field of international relations there were positive shifts: with the South Korean leader Kim Dee Jung (Kim Dae Jung) was signed on "Policy sunlight"Under this contract, joint ventures in the cross-border casson area were opened, the development of the tourist region Kymgansan began (since 1998). Thanks to US humanitarian assistance, Japan, South Korea, the food crisis was overcome. In 2001 and 2002, at the invitation of President V. V.Putin Kim Jong Il visited Russia. He took advantage of a graduate train, which proceeded on the Trans-Siberian railway From Pyongyana to Moscow.

Since the "great lead" Kim Il Seine North Korea began to develop a nuclear program, which, thanks to the US efforts, was canned (1994). But at the end of 2002, representatives of the DPRK reported the renewal of the program, thus North Korea came out of the Nuclear Weapon Non-Proliferation Treaty. Negotiations between the DPRK, South Korea, Russia, the USA, PRC and Japan did not lead to the desired result. In 2005, the DPRK proclaimed himself a nuclear power and start testing ballistic missiles. On October 9, 2006, international observers recorded the first test of nuclear weapons in the DPRK.

In early 2009, North Korea declared the exit of all the previously achieved peace agreements and their readiness for the war with South Korea.

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the DPRK (2008) there were rumors about the death of Kim Jong Ira: in the Japanese weekly "Sukan Ganda" Professor Tosimitsa Sigamura published an article in which he stated that the "great leader" of North Korea died back in 2003. Official Pyongyang immediately denied these rumors, and North Korean special services hurried to declare to prevent the attempt on Kim Jong Ira.

Personal life

Kim Jong Il is not as ascetic in his personal life, as his father was. He pays more attention to the protocol issues, the formal side of his cult, "prefers black glasses Pink," loves to distribute caustic characteristics with their subordinates. He owns many works: "On the ideas of the Juche", "about some issues arising from the study of the chuchhe philosophy", "about cinema", "On literature based on the principle of chuche" and others. "Great Leader" - a passionate fan of cinema, they It was written not one filmcenery about the life of his father. He took an active part in the filming of films promoting the ideology of the Juche. It is believed that Kim Jong Il is a great composer and architect.

Kim Jongly the title of the Hero of the DPRK, was awarded three times the Order of Kim Il Sena, as well as 89 orders and medals 29 countries. He is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In North Korea, he is called "Father of the People", "Bright Star of the Paria", "Bright Sun Juche", "Iron All Publishing Command", etc.

Family status

Kim Jong Il marriage several times. He has three sons: Kim Chong to us, Kim Chon Chol and Kim Chon University, who declared his successor (May 28, 2009).


Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011 in his armored spent during an inspection trip around the country. The official version is "Excessive mental and physical overwork caused by continuous inspection trips around the country in the interests of building a prosperous state. His successor was the younger son Kim Jong Yun.

Kim Jong Ir.

(born in 1942)

Head of the Korea Labor Party, Supreme Commander, Marshal of the DPRK, Chairman of the Defense Committee. Conducted his father to Kim Il Saint, the policy of tyranny and isolation based on the ideas of "Juche".

Kim Jong Il inherited power from his father - the founder of the North Korean state Kim Il Senia - after his death in 1994 as a father, he is an object of infinite worship for the people of North Korea. His birthday is an essential event in the history of the country. Unlike the Father, whom they called the "Great Chip", Kim Jong Ira are called "the Grand Head." He possesses the absolute power in the country, although not president, since this post was eliminated after the death of his father.

Personal life Kim Chen Ira is fully classified. Few people know what his family he has, how many times he was married, how many children have. Even the birth of it is shrouded in secret. According to the official biography, he was born on February 16, 1942 in the camp of the Korean partisans at the foot of the Packt Mount on the border with China. According to others, Kim Jong Il was born in the Khabarovsk Territory, where at that time he was his father, and in childhood he was called in Russian - Jura. In the fall of 1945, after the liberation of Korea from the Japanese Kim Il Saint, he moved to Korea. When the Korean War began (1950-1953), the family of the leader went to China. There Kim Jong Il graduated from elementary school, and at the end of the war he entered the military school near Pyongyang, completing general education there. Since 1960, Kim Jong Il studied at Pyongyang State University named after Kim Il Senya. After 4 years, by completing their studies, he began to work in the personal guard of his father. Soon Kim Jong Il began to work under the leadership of his uncle in the Central Committee of the Korea Labor Party, occupying a consistent post of instructor, deputy head, and then the head of the department. Father was preparing a successor to himself, gradually passing all the cases under the control of the Son. In September 1973, he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, next year - a member of the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the TPK and the successor to the Chairman of the Party of Kim Il Sen. In the hands of Kim Jong Ira, the leadership of the party, society and the army was increasingly focused.

Since 1980, the power of Kim Jong Ira increased even more, the number of posts increased: a member of the Presidium of the Politburo of the Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Committee, a member of the Central Military Committee of the Party, Deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly. After 10 years, he became the Supreme Commander (although this post should occupy the president of the country), Marshal, Chairman of the Defense Committee. Immediately after the death of Kim Il Sayna, on July 12, 1994, a decision was made on the closed plenum of the Central Committee of the TCP on the transfer of all the completeness of power in the country Kim Jong Iru. In October, he was first officially called the Great Leader. From that moment on, Kim Jong Il began to appear in public. Only in 2000 he met with the President of South Korea and the US Secretary of State M. Albright, and next year he made a multi-day trip to the armored spent on the territory of Russia.

The beginning of an independent board coincided with the difficulties associated with both the inept leadership of the country and natural disasters. In 1994, a hurricane hit the DPRK, the floods were washed off sowing. Next year disaster repeated, and then drought began. As a result of hunger, hundreds of thousands of people died in the country. Attempts to solve the food problem with the introduction of potatoes, which in Korea almost does not cultivate, were not crowned with success.

The life of the Korean people is the most ideologized and fully controlled by the state. Studying Labor Kim Il Sena and Kim Jong Ira is the basis of a well-established propaganda system. Politzanyathy and interviews are held daily. Young people should actively participate in motion for the title of "Exemplary reader", mastering at least 10 thousand pages of labor of leaders for the year. In numerous propaganda brochures describe the tense rhythm of the work of Kim Chen Ira, examples of his concern about the people and about specific people.

In addition to the Ministry of Public Security, the total control over the population is carried out by the Ministry of Protection of the State (Could), which has its own management in each province, in each county. He could register the population, issues permission to travel around the country; All information about the behavior, actions, the statements of most Koreans are flowing here. All residents of the DPRK, depending on the origin, are divided into 51 groups that form three layers: "the main", "hesitation", "hostile". What kind of layer belongs to the person, has a decisive influence on his fate. From this depends on study and work, standard of living, the opportunity to live in Pyongyang or other prestigious cities, the severity of the sentence in the event of a court and much more. In addition, the entire population is associated with a circular order and divided at the place of residence on the so-called folk groups in which up to 40 families. The chapter is the official who is responsible for everything that happens with the members of his group. According to his discharge, members " people's Group"Must participate in various business work, in meetings that are not working from among the Group's ideas" Juche "and listen to the stories about the greatness of their leaders. In addition, this official can enter any of the wards of apartments as day and night. Each Korean night, no night, is obliged to contact the official, in charge of which he has become an apartment who has become overnight stay, present his documents, explain the cause of his appearance and get a written permission to stay for the night. To go to the next city, it will also be required to resolve. If someone from the members of the People's Group committed a crime, the punishment may be subject to all the other "Sogrupniks".

In general, any movement in the country is extremely limited. No one has the right to go beyond their county without a special resolution of security bodies. Without it, it is impossible to buy a ticket. Perrons railway stations are often guarded by soldiers of internal troops, and you can only go to the peer through the checkpoint by presenting time documents, permission to travel and a ticket. The crime is considered to have a receiver who does not have a fixed setting on the wave of Pyongyang radio. This is strictly followed by representatives of the Ministry of Public Security. Receivers are issued on orders and coupons, as well as as gifts of the Great Manager. Until now, public executions are widely used in the DPRK. In September 1997, the secretary of the Central Committee of the TPK with Gwan Hee and 17 party functionaries, who laid the blame for the collapse of agriculture and followed by hunger. True, execution with a large crossing of the people now only in the province. Among the audience, the convicts convicts must be present.

Despite the classifiedness of the personal life of the great leader, something is still known. From drinks, he prefers French cognacs and wines. A favorite dish is rice balls, stuffed with dried radish or sauer-cucumber. It is also known that Kim Jong Il is a skilled rider and an avid collector of films; He gladly listen to music - both folk and classical and modern. With a special pump in the country, the 60th anniversary of his birth was celebrated. In the message of the leader of the party, the army, representatives of the authorities swore completely devote themselves to the ideas of Kim Jong Ira and be to the end of the devotees to him. Thousands of children with flags and banners danced and performed acrobatic tricks against the background of a huge portrait of the leader.

The DPRK is now experiencing not the best times. The country has not worried such an acute economic crisis for the entire existence. Industrial production Almost fully stopped, electricity is served only a few hours a day. Apparently, this circumstance made Kim Jong Ira stand on the path of change of foreign policy positions. In 1999, the famous intercorean summit was held - a meeting of the leaders of North and South Korea. In addition to others, agreements were reached on establishing economic relations. However, these relationships are constrained by the presence of US troops in the South Korea, which Americans are not going to bring. In 2001, Kim Jong Il visited China, where in addition to economic issues was interested in the experience of economic reforms while maintaining political control over society.

The DPRK has nuclear weapons and back in 1998 brought its first artificial satellite to an near-earth orbit. And this means that she has intercontinental ballistic missiles that can deliver nuclear charges to any point of the planet. In January 2003, the DPRK was published from the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This caused greater concern in the world, and the United States, resorting to the tactics of pressure, ranked North Korea - along with Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran - to the "axis of evil". But Kim Jong Il is unshakable - he is inspired by the spiritual will of the "Great Leader" Kim Il Sena: "The resistant revolutionary spirit and a noble sense of communist moral debt ... are the source of our ideological spiritual system. It was a guarantee of our revolution. So it was, there will be ".

This text is a familiarization fragment.

August 29, Yonhap, with reference to South Korean intelligence, reported replenishment in the family of the leader of the DPRK KIM Chen Yana. On the eve of the birth of a child, the floor and the name of which are unknown, the representatives of the National South Korean intelligence service reported at the briefing. According to their data, the child was born back in February.

According to the media, this is already the third heir to Kim Jong. It was reported that two of his older children were born in 2010 and 2013. But there is no official confirmation of this information.

A little bit known about the family of the North Korean leader and his neighbor and distant relatives. Dynasty Kim - in the Photo Gallery of RBC.

Kim Il Sen (1912-1994)

Eternal president and founder of the DPRK. Generalissimus. The grandfather of the current head of North Korea Kim Jong Yana.

The founder of the ideology of Juche (Marxism based on national traditions).

Childhood, together with his family spent in China, where he joined the Marxist circle, for which he was in prison for 17 years. In 1945 he became Chairman of the North Korean Organizing Bureau of the Korea Communist Party (1945-1946). In 1948 he headed the country. In 1998 he was announced by the Eternal President of the DPRK.

He was married twice. The first wife died shortly after the birth of their son. The second wife became Kim Son E, which is believed to be the secretary of the Chief of Personal Protection Kim Il Sen.

Since the mid-1950s, the regime tightening began in the DPRK. All North Korean students had to return from Europe and go through the course of ideological retraining. It was at Kim Il Seine that the entire economy of the country moved to rigid central planning. Market trading was declared bourgeois-feudal remnant and liquidated.

Kim Chen Suk (1919-1949)

Mother Kim Jong Ira, wife Kim Il Sena, Grandma Kim Jong Yana.

About Kim Chen Suk became known only a few years after her death. In 1972, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the DPRK, and then the titles of the Heroine of Antiappon War and the Great Mother of the Revolution. In addition, if the DPRK speaks about the "three commander", then everyone knows that it is about Kim Ire Seine, Kim Jong Ira and Kim Chen Suk.

Kim Jong Il (1941 (1942?) - 2011)

The Great Head of the Korean People's Democratic Republic. Generalissimus (posthumously). Senior son Kim Il Sena. Father Kim Jong Yana.

Kim Jong Il was born in 1941, although, as was customary in the DPRK, the official biography reduces the age of the ruler for the year. Like the Father, he studied in China. Returning to his homeland, he began working in the party, initially believed to the successor Kim Il Sen.

After the death of the Father, for three years, he led the country de facto, officially not taking the highest senior positions in the country. Thus, the traditional Korean norms were observed, in particular the Confucian principle of synenial relationships, prescribing adherence to a three-year-old mourning.

After Russia stopped working with the DPRK in the 1990s, the country was forced to look for new allies. In May 1999, Kim Jong Ira took place to China, in 2000 - a historical meeting of the leaders of the hostric south and north of Korea. In October 2000, the then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright flew in Pyongyang, after which preparation for the visit to North Korea at the end of 2000 US President Bill Clinton began. However, he never took place, and the new US president George Bush - the youngest was in no hurry to restore relations with the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011. The funeral took place on December 28th. According to the South Korean newspaper The Chosun ILBO, they cost $ 40 million.

Ko Yong Hee (1953-2004)

Mother Kim Jong Yana.

Ko Yong Hee is one of Wives Kim Jong Ira and his younger son Kim Jong Yana. Before acquaintance with Kim Jong Irom was a dancer. Died in 2004 in Paris from breast cancer. In recent years, before his death in the DPRK, she was not called anything other than the "respected mother."

Kim Chen In

The youngest of the three sons Kim Jong Ira, grandson Kim Il Sen.

In January 2009, the South Korean news agency Renhap reported that, fearing for his health, Kim Jong Il appointed the successor of his younger son Kim Jong Yana. He was educated in Bern (Switzerland), then studied at the Military Academy in Pyongyang. In 2010, he was elected to the Central Committee of the Korea Labor Party, became the Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Committee of the Party.

After the death of the Father in 2011, Kim Jong Yun was announced by the highest leader of the party, the army and the people of the DPRK.

I know very little about Kim Jong, and almost all-of books, which was published in Tokyo in 2003. Its author allegedly became a cook Kim Jong Ira. From the book, in particular, it became known that Mother Kim Jong Yana was one of the wives Kim Jong Ira actress Ko Yong Hee.

With Kim Jong, North Korea adheres to the course on the development of the economy in parallel with the strengthening of nuclear arsenals. A few nuclear tests were conducted, an artificial satellite of the Earth was launched.

Since 2016, the United States has been applied to Kim Jong Yana, introduced due to human rights violations in the country.

In 2012, it was announced that Kim Jong Yun is married to Sol Zhu. According to different sources, from 2010 to 2013 a couple had a daughter Kim Zhu E.

Fourth wife Kim Jong Ira, stepmother Kim Jong Yana.

In the last, the fourth time Kim Jong Il married in 2006. His wife became his former Personal Secretary of Kim Ok. The South Korean media reported that Kim Ok learned the game for piano at Pyongyang University of Music and Dance, and the personal secretary of the DPRK leader became in the early 1980s.

Li Sol Zhu

The first lady of the DPRK. Wife Kim Jong Yana.

On July 25, 2012, the Central Telegraph Agency reported on the opening ceremony of the Runna's Entertainment Park, where Kim Jong Yun came to his wife - if Sol Zhu. It was the first mention of the first lady as his wife leader of the DPRK.

Until now, it is almost nothing known about it and its acquaintance with Kim Jong. Many observers note that her name and appearance indicate similarity with the young singer, speaking in 2010 at one of the solemn New Year concerts in Pyongyang.

According to one of the versions, which were expressed in the South Korean media, whether Sol Zhu graduated from Pyongyang University named after Kim Il Senya, studied natural sciences. Her father is a professor at the same university, and the mother is the administrator of a major Pyongyang clinic.

According to another version, whether Sol Zhu did not study at the university, but he received a musical education in Beijing.

Kim Chen us (1971-2017)

The Senior Son of the Great Head of the DPRK Kim Jong Ira and his native brother (on Father) Chairman of the State Council of the DPRK Kim Jong Yana.

About the eldest son Kim Jong Ira is known even less than about the current chapter of the DPRK. His mother was the actress Son He Rome. The media reported that in childhood, like Brother, Kim Chen studied in Switzerland. There are no official confirmations of this information.

In 2001, Kim Chen was detained when attempting to enter Japan on a fake passport to visit Tokyo Disneyland. Was deported to China, where he lived all the time before his death. February 14, 2017, the South Korean Renhap agency with reference to the source about the murder of Kim Jong Nama at Malaysia Airport.

Kim Chon Cholol

Elder brother Kim Jong Yana.

Born in 1981. The media wrote that Kim Chon Chol, like a brother, studied in the Swiss school. For some time (from 2003 to 2009) it was believed that he could be a successor to father as a leader of the DPRK. In 2007, Kim Chon Chchol was appointed to the position in the Korea Labor Party.

Known as a big fan of the creativity of the guitarist and singer Eric Clapton: the media reported that he was seen at the last concerts in 2006, 2011 and 2015.

Kim Gon Hee.

Daughter Kim Il Siena, the younger sister Kim Jong Ira, aunt Kim Jong Yana.

In 2010, together with her husband, Chan Son Thekom was appointed a hearthritis of his brother and, in the event of his death, a guardian of Kim Jong Yana was to become a guardian. In the government Kim Jong Ira led the light industry of the DPRK, and her husband was deputy Kim Jong Ira in the State Defense Committee. In 2013, Chan Son Taek was accused of state treason and execution. Data on the death of Kim Hung Hee is not confirmed.

Chan Son Taek (1946-2013)

Uncle Kim Jong Yana.

In 2013, Chan Son Taek was accused of an attempt to seize the highest power in the party and the state, as well as selling national resources to foreigners on unreasonably low prices and execution. Prior to that, he was deputy head of the State Committee for Defense, he entered the Politburo and headed the Organizing Department of the Central Committee, who conducted a selection of personnel and supervised the special services. Many experts called him a gray cardinal, right hand and mentor Kim Jong Yana.

Kim Yu Zhong

Junior sister Kim Jong Yana.

Born in 1987. He studied at the International School in the Swiss Bern in 1996-2001 together with his brother - Kim Jong. Perhaps also studied at the Military Academy in Pyongyang after returning.

In 2014, Kim Yu Zhong was appointed Deputy Head of the Department in the Central Committee of the TPK. Kim Yu Zhong is the only relative of the leader of the DPRK, which is officially confirmed by the post in the country. According to South Korean sources, it is responsible for recruitment, as well as propaganda.

Kim Chen Il (Cor. 김정일; in Conveyors, Kim Johnil, Yury Irsenovich Kim; February 16, 1941 or 1942 - December 17, 2011) - Head of the Korean People's Democratic Republic, Secretary General of the Korea Labor Party, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army (fourth The number of army in the world), Chairman of the State Committee for the Defense of the DPRK, the Son of the "Great Chief" Kim Il Siena. Unlike the Father, he had the title "Great Manager" (위대한), earlier, before the death of the Father - "Favorite Head" (친애 하는). It is often called the "commander" (장군).


Kim Jong Il was born on February 16, 1941 (according to the official biography - February 16, 1942) in the family Kim Il Sen and Kim Chen Suc. The official biography claims that Kim Jong Il was born in a Packtusan secret partisan camp in a log hut on the highest and worshiped mountain of North Korea - Packtusan (Self-Sadzien County), and at that moment a double rainbow and a bright star appeared in the sky. According to Soviet and Chinese documents, he was born on February 16, 1941 in the USSR in the village of Vyatskaya, in the Khabarovsk Territory, and at birth, Yuri Irsenovich Kim was called. Childhood spent in the village of Vyatkoe, where the 88th individual Rifle Brigade PKKA was located, one of the battalions of whom he commanded his father - at that time the captain of the Red Army, and later the President of the DPRK.

At the end of World War II, in November 1945, Kim Jong Ira was transported to Pyongyang, where his father had already returned a month before. During the Korean War (1950-1953), he is again exported from the country, this time in China. It is assumed that it was there that he received a majority of his education, although the official biography claims that he received a school education in 1950-1960 at school for children of party workers in Pyongyang, and then, in 1964, he graduated from the University of Kim Il Sen Pyongyang, with a specialization in political economy.

Carier start

In 1961 he joined Korea's work. According to North Korean sources, Kim Jong Il since June 19, 1964 began its work in the Central Committee of the Korea Labor Party (but there is no final confrontation) under the leadership of his uncle, it is positioned by the instructor, deputy head, and then the head of the department of the Central Committee. In September 1973, he is elected by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, and in April (according to other data, in February) of 1974 - a member of the Political Committee (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the TPK and the successor to the Chairman of the Party of Kim Il Sen. In the 1970s, in the Korean press, he is beginning to be called the Center for the Party (당중앙; before it was not the title of one person, but another name of the Central Committee).

In October 1980, at the VI Congress of the Labor Party Korea Kim Jong Il was elected a member of the Presidium of the Politburo of the Central Committee, the CC Secretary, a member of the Central Military Committee of the Party. Propaganda began to praise his superhuman wisdom with the force, with what she might only acts of his father. From February 1982, he is a deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Korean People's Democratic Republic. According to some information, Kim Jong Il led the work of the special services. He was accused of organizing the terrorist attack in 1983 in Burma (now Myanmar), as a result of which 17 officials were killed from the Republic of Korea, and in the explosion of the South Korean airliner in 1987, when 115 people were killed. Proof of Kim Jong Il's guilt, but international analysts believe that Kim Il Sen continued to control foreign Policy Throughout the 1980s, providing a son more control on internal affairs.

On December 24, 1991, at the plenary session of the TPK Kim Il Sen declared the transfer of its powers of the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Iru. In almost a year, on April 13, 1992, Kim Il Saye was awarded the title of Generalissimus, and a week later, Kim Jong Il received the title of Marshal DPRK. In April of the next year, Kim Jong Il became Chairman of the DPRK Defense Committee.

At the head of state

Kim Il Saint died from a heart attack on July 8, 1994. "Eternal president" was buried in a mausoleum specially created for him, and three-year-old mourning began in the country. The death of the father became a strong blow to Kim Jong Ira. The former chef of the North Korean leader told:

"While my father was alive, Kim Jong Il responded to his slightest call. It was worth only to sound a call from his father, and he immediately walked into his office. I think the influence of Kim Il Shen on him was so great that it may have been Too heavy noise. He told me and some other employees that almost a month after the death of his father he sat alone with a charged gun. "

On July 12, 1994, a decision was made on the closed plenum of the Central Committee of the TPC on the transfer of all the completeness of power in the country Kim Jong Iru. On October 6, Kim Jong Il was officially called the title "Great Leader", while the Father called the "Great Leader". Since the death of Father, Kim Jong Il actually leads the country and TPK, oversees the economy, culture and national defense, manages the implementation of the country's nuclear program, determines the policy towards South Korea. On October 8, 1997, a special message of the Central Committee of the Korea Labor Party and the Central Military Committee of the Korea Labor Party was published, in which the people were reported on the election of the "great leader" Comrade Kim Jong Ira as the Secretary General of the Korea Labor Party. A year 5 September 1998, Kim Jong Il was elected to the post of Chairman of the DPRK Defense Committee, the post of which provides for the leadership and command of the political, military and economic forces of the country as a whole.

Human rights

North Korea during the Board Kim Jong Ira was reodically accused of violations of human rights such as public executions, slavery, coercion for abortion, abduction of Japanese and South Korean citizens, as well as the creation of concentration camps. The media was under the full control of the government, propaganda worked around the clock in the television-and radio; Listening to foreign gears strictly was prohibited.

Cult of personality

At Kim Jong Ira in North Korea, the policy of praising and degenidation of his personality, characteristic and for the time of the reign of his father, continues. According to observers, the cult of Stalin's personality cult in the USSR has established in the DPRK.

Portraits Kim Jong Ira are decorated with all public institutions, and any criticism of the manager is punishable by imprisonment in a concentration camp.

Since the 1980s Biography Kim Jong Ira, as well as his father's biography, became the official subject for studying in schools. All books or articles begin with a quotation from his work, and the name of the leader in North Korean prints is gained by a special bold font.

North Korean television every day demonstrates the love of the people to his leader, propaganda tells about the superconsisses of Kim Jong Ira to manipulate time and space. In honor of him, poems are made, salutes, the artists of the country are addressed to him, and the leader's birthday is the second state holiday of North Korea.

The country believes that Kim Jong Il is a wonderful composer, and six operas, whose authorship is attributed to him, were written in two years. His works "On the ideas of the Juche", "On some issues arising from the study of the philosophy of the Juche", "On Cinema", "On Literature based on the Buchery principle" are considered classical. In the country it is believed that he is a great architect who created the plan "Buchery Tower" in Pyongyang.

Personal life

Kim Jong Il was married three times, had three sons (Kim Chon, Kim Chon Chol and Kim Zhong Yun).


Having got up in the morning, Kim Jong Il usually trains his memory. He himself said about this: "Memory becomes better, if more often turn on his head. I get up in the morning early and train my memory. " To the question of ITAR-TASS, as he spends his free time, Kim Jong Il said:

"I love to go into the thick of the people, spending time with him. I'm interested in how the inhabitants of our country live and work, I take care of them, sincerely with them, I share my grief and joy - that's what is the most fruitful and rational business for me. And More - I love reading and music. The book and music is "food" for our case, this is our life. "

Some titles of Kima

당중앙 Center party
친애 하는 지도자 favorite manager
존경 하는 지도자 Dear Manager
현명 한 지도자 wise leader
수령 Chief
최고 사령관 Supreme Commander
조국 의 의 구성 pledge of homeland
민족 의 운명 Fate nation
백두 Bright Packtusan Star
인민 의 아버이 Father of the people
령도자 가 갖추어야 할 를 를 하게 지닌 친애 하는 지도자 지도자 Favorite manager who fully emphasizes the wonderful appearance, which should have a leader
민족 의 태양 Sun nation
장군 Polkovodtsov
백전 백승 의 의 령장 령장 iron all-facing commander
사회 주의 태양 Sun Socialism
21 세기 의 향도성 Guide Star of the XXI century
21 세기 의 세계 수령 world leader of the XXI century
주체 차란 차란 태양 Bright Sun Juche
21 세기 의 차란 한 태양 Bright Sun XXI century
위대한 령도자 Great Manager


Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011 in his train. Concent has come, despite all the necessary measures taken by doctors. Kim Jong Il was treated for a long time from heart and cardiovascular diseases. According to the media itself, he died from "physical and mental overwork, working for the benefit of the people", but the official cause of death is called a heart attack. The successor of the chapter of the DPRK was appointed Kim Jong Yun, the third son of Kim Jong Ira.


Hero of the DPRK (1975, 1982 and 1992)
Order State Banner I degree
Order Kim Il Senya (1978, 1982 and 1992)
Medal "Golden Star"
The medal "50 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 "" (May 5, 1995)
Medal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "90 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution" (2008)
National Order "For Merit" Guinea (Cavalier of the Big Cross)
Anna Pavlova Mercy Foundation Order
Order of the Foundation "For an outstanding contribution to the Renaissance and prosperity of the world"
Jubilee medal "60 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (March 2005)
Medal of the city of Trieste. (February 23, 1997)
Order "For the contribution to world culture"
Order "Star of the Macenate"
Order of Dmitry Donsky I degree
Commemorative Medal of Piskarevsky Cemetery


Prize Kim Il Siena (February 1973)
International Prize Kim Il Sen
Laureate of the International Prize "Good Angel of the World".


Honorary Dr. Far Eastern state University (October 27, 2005)
Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Culture and Art
Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Mediation
Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Public Sciences

Interesting Facts

During 2003-2004 Kim Jong Il according to the written list of the American magazine Parade was the worst dictator of modernity.
On May 28, 2008, one of the South Korean news services reported the death of Kim Jong Ira, as a reason was announced as a murder. However, later the news was refuted. However, Nikkei index (Nikkei) has already managed to grow about 3%.