Methods of learning English for children. Methods of teaching English to children Methods of teaching English to children

In recent years, the number of people of all ages learning English has increased rapidly. This is due to the fact that without knowledge in English it became more and more difficult to manage in the process of life. The age of those who first started learning a language has also changed. In the past, most language learning methods were focused on schoolchildren. Now everything more parents try to start teaching their children the language at an early age.

And from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, preschool age is the most favorable time for such studies. According to the new social needs, the demand for qualified teaching staff has also increased. Their lack is fraught with unpleasant consequences. People who themselves have a low level of language proficiency consider it sufficient for teaching the language to children. The result of this approach is wasted time, damage to children's abilities in this area and, as a result, children's unwillingness to relearn, because it is much more difficult.

Even if the teaching of preschoolers is carried out by people who speak the language well, this may still not give the expected results. It is very difficult to teach young children; a special approach is important here, based on the methods of English language teaching programs for preschoolers. Faced with poor-quality or incorrect education, any child loses the desire to study, does not believe in himself, and even after many years may feel disgust for learning foreign languages.

Game elements as the main part of teaching children foreign languages

Most educators and scientists consider the main activity of children preschool age, bearing in mind that it is the game in this period of a child's life that is a tool for his development. Although many works have been written about the game, theoretically this is such a complex topic that a single game classification has not yet been created. One of the most common classifications of learning games used, including in foreign language classes with preschool children, suggests dividing all learning games into situational, sports, competitive, artistic and rhythmic-musical games.

situational- these are role-playing games that simulate situations of communication on various occasions. In turn, they are divided into games with a reproductive nature, in which children reproduce standard typical dialogues in various situations, and improvisational games, in which it is required to modify and apply various models. Of course, in role playing there must certainly be intermediate moments with elements of improvisation. Such games are great for trying to learn English for children 4 years old, as well as a little younger or older.

To competitive include most of those games that contribute to the assimilation of grammar and vocabulary. The winner in them is the one who mastered the material better. These are different auctions. board games with a linguistic workshop, crossword puzzles, execution of various commands, etc.

Rhythm music games are traditional games. These are round dances, songs and dances with the choice of a partner, which contribute to communication and improvement of the rhythmic-melodic and phonetic aspects of speech, immersion in the language environment.

Artistic (creative) games- these are games that stand on the verge of artistic creation and play. They can be divided into dramatic (preparation of small scenes in the language being studied), visual competitions (application, graphic dictation, etc.) and verbal and creative (rhyming, collective writing of captions for drawings and comics, collective writing of small fairy tales). On the border of creative dramatizations and situational improvisational games, there is such an activity as improvisation in the plot of a well-known fairy tale, known to everyone in its current form. In them, depending on the assimilation of new vocabulary and the number of players, new characters appear with their own lines.

Basic principles of teaching English to children

There are three principles, following which helps to get a quality result in learning English with a child.

  1. Subsequence. Do not rush to teach your child all the subtleties of spelling and grammar, if you still have even slight doubts that the baby is ready for such tasks. If you do not use ready-made study guides and make up the curriculum yourself, always give the material in sequence. But remember - a program compiled by professionals will be much more effective.
  2. Naturalness. Many people think that it is not worth starting to study with a child under five years old, you need to wait until he grows up a little, early classes “take away childhood”. However, if the classes are organized correctly and they take place in a natural form, the child will not feel any extra load.
  3. persistence. Surely, classes will not be as cloudless as you want. The method you choose may not be right for your child. It is worth interrupting classes for a while, and then resume training, but with other benefits.

Teaching Methods for Children

When choosing a methodology for learning English, you need to take into account the age for which it was developed.

    1. Game technique interests both children and teachers. It is effective, despite the fact that it is simple, in fact: the teacher conducts classes on learning and improving the language in a playful way. Advantages of the technique - it is adaptable for the age of one year, with the help of the technique they develop oral speech, pronunciation, knowledge of spelling, grammar, etc.
    2. Zaitsev's technique Designed for children over three years old. Now it has been adapted and adapted for learning English - letters of the English alphabet have also appeared on Zaitsev's famous cubes.
    3. Glen Doman Method designed for babies. The child’s visual memory is involved here, it is believed that pictures with words written on them will be remembered and will help simplify the process of learning to read in the future, you can make cards yourself - Glen Doman gives clear and detailed recommendations in his books. With cards, you can deal not only with babies, but also with older children, up to school age.

  • Design methodology designed for children from 4-5 years old. The language teacher selects a topic for a series of classes in which he offers different kinds activities that help children learn something interesting about a given topic. Children receive tasks for independent completion (or with the help of parents). When the time comes for the final lesson, the children come to it with creative large-scale works on the theme of the project.
  • Mixed method- here you can combine as desired different techniques. For example, you can play games, learn poems and songs, develop projects, etc. The advantage of the technique is its diversity. It will be much easier to interest the child by offering him different activities.

All the well-established practices of learning a language at preschool age will help you study independently with your child at home. Or, they will help you find a language school that takes into account all age aspects of learning. You can also help your kid do his homework or share his interests in his new exciting hobby.

Hiring an English nanny for a baby is an opportunity not only to solve the problems of caring for a child, but also to immerse him in an English environment from the first years of life. It is possible to make learning for children from 4-5 years old interesting and productive thanks to classes in a playful way with a native speaker. From the age of three, it is important for boys to lay the foundations of not only intellectual, but also physical, as well as moral development. English tutors are able to help in this. Specialized recruitment agencies can help you find a suitable and proven specialist for the education and development of your child.

English for Toddlers: Language Learning Programs from Childhood

For several decades now, English can be safely recognized as the language of global communication: it is used in all corners of the globe for both business and informal communication. Therefore, many modern parents believe that children should be taught English from a very early age: this way it will become like a “second native”. Is it so? Should a child be taught to speak a foreign language almost from the cradle? Who is better to hire as a teacher for a toddler? The answers to these questions are in our article.

First of all, it should be said that early childhood is divided into two conditional periods, in each of which the assimilation of a language (and all information about the world) is characterized by its own characteristics. Up to three years, the baby only accumulates vocabulary. At this stage, he can only perceive the speech sounding around him, process it and reproduce it. In a word, until the age of three, only learning through immersion in the language environment is possible: if the child is surrounded by people who speak English, he himself will begin to speak English.

By about the age of three, the so-called linguistic breakthrough occurs and a period of active development of the skill of oral speech begins. At preschool age, the child, like a sponge, absorbs more and more information. At the same time, he can already focus his attention for some time, there is perseverance, the ability to think logically. Perhaps the most grateful time to start a purposeful study of a foreign language. But, of course, not only with the help of cramming the rules and identifying linguistic patterns. How else?

Below we will talk about the methods and tools for teaching English to preschoolers.

On a note
If a baby is surrounded by people who speak different languages ​​from birth, he will speak both equally well. Numerous Scientific research prove that bilinguals are particularly flexible and creative.

Methods for teaching kids English

Of the many methods that modern pedagogy offers, experienced teachers advise choosing 1-3 and alternating them in the classroom. It is difficult to say which method is more effective, it all depends on individual ways child to perceive and remember information.

Zaitsev's technique

One of the most famous and widespread. It consists in teaching the baby to read and the ability to compose words with the help of special "grammar" cubes and systematizing tables. Cubes of different colors are used: first, there is a study of letters and training in composing words, then sentences. The combination of bright visuals and a playful element makes the method an excellent solution for learning English with the youngest students. The Zaitsev method helps to build algorithms for applying the learned rules and teaches you to look for patterns in the classroom in other subjects.

Doman technique

Although the Glenn Doman method is applicable from infancy, learning English with it is especially effective from the age of 4. Special information cards are used, the contents of which are shown to the child and at the same time spoken aloud. At first, the lessons are very short - for a minute or two, but the material is repeated many times until the information is firmly fixed. This method can be called "imprinting". When the child grows up, you can introduce game elements with cards, then show presentations, videos.

game method

Perfectly suited for preschoolers, while it can be adapted to any age. In games, you can learn both grammar and phonetics, as well as practice communication skills. The essence of the technique is clear from the name: all training takes place in a natural gameplay. Selected games:

  • Role (situational). In these games, scenes are played - models of real situations. They are divided into reproductive, that is, repeating, and improvisational. In the first case, children represent a typical situation and a dialogue in it, in the second, they use a creative approach, inventing their own scenario.
  • Competitive are based on the principle "who is better?". Who can solve the crossword faster? Who will write the most interesting story? Who will execute all commands correctly? Encouragement to compete helps children learn material faster, show more effort in mastering grammar rules and speech practice.
  • Creative. This type of activity develops not only language skills, but also artistic inclinations. There are several types of creative games:
    • Word games - writing poems, songs, stories;
    • Dramatic - staging small scenes first, then plays;
    • Visual - coloring, drawing, graphic dictations.
  • Musical. Learning songs, dances. The use of musical accompaniment helps to fix the rhythm of speech, to hear its melody, and physical activity and the possibility of communication diversify the learning process.

design method

Applicable for children 5-6 years old. Children, together with the teacher, choose a topic for the project, complete tasks over several lessons, collect information, and use a creative approach. In addition to the language content, the projects teach the child independence, the ability to search for material and combine disparate knowledge into a logical chain.

Immersion in the language environment

Communication with the child occurs only in English. At first, classes can be very short, then as the skill develops, they lengthen. It is useful to combine practice with everyday activities, for example: wash your face and have breakfast, commenting on actions, or discussing the past day while walking. As an aid, you can use visual materials (cards, tables).

Combined technique

As the name implies, in this method, at the discretion of the teacher, all the previous ones are mixed: from games to serious projects. The advantage of the approach is its diversity and a wide range of tools for classes.

Tools for lessons with a preschooler

If a textbook is enough for adults to learn English, then the entertainment component of classes is very important for children: it not only helps to keep their attention, but also makes learning the material more efficient.

  • Picture books. For the little ones - bright books with pictures, as well as with letters and words, for older children - with folk English songs, fairy tales, short stories. Illustrations will diversify the lesson, will not let you get bored and will help to figuratively present the written words.
  • Phonics and phonetic games. Short videos, audio tracks, cards, tongue twisters - everything that will help in practicing the correct pronunciation.
  • Cartoons in English. Muzzy, Baby Einstein, Super Why!.. The heroes of these cartoons will not only be loved by children with their adventures, but they will also teach the basics of grammar, practice pronunciation and composing phrases with the baby.
  • Workbooks and prescriptions. Big Red Bus, I love English- these training materials combine visibility and the possibility of practice. Almost all workbooks are supplemented with audio materials. Using the tool will allow you to replenish vocabulary, develop a creative approach to learning a language, practice writing, but it makes sense to use them with children aged 5-6.

The judicious use of any tools will increase the degree of interest of a small student and facilitate the format of classes.

Pros and cons of teaching kids a foreign language

Today's parents are increasingly trying to start the process of teaching their children as early as possible: they take their kids to early development centers, enroll in additional classes or study at home, considering it useful for the further development of the child. Teaching a foreign language is one of the three most popular areas.

Indeed, teachers believe that early learning of a foreign language has many advantages:

  • gives new sources of information about the world around;
  • promotes the development of communication skills;
  • develops logical and spatial thinking;
  • gives a broader concept of phonemic diversity;
  • facilitates teaching other subjects in the future;
  • trains memory.

But do not forget about the pitfalls. It is very easy for a child at preschool age to be overloaded with information, which will affect not only the effectiveness of classes, but also further motivation. You also need to make sure that the baby does not replace the concepts of one language with another. And of course, it is important that the baby learns the correct pronunciation, and for this, first-hand learning will be an excellent solution.

Why is it important to learn a foreign language with a native speaker?

Perhaps no one can teach English as well as the one for whom it is native. A native speaker teacher has the necessary vocabulary, knowledge of the necessary grammatical rules, and an understanding of how best to build a speech. The child will learn pronunciation and learn to speak English fluently by communicating with the teacher. But it is important to pay attention to the fact that the teacher has the correct, clean pronunciation, without the admixture of dialects and accent. It is also worth keeping an eye on the balance: communication in English should not prevail over communication in the native language, the ideal ratio is 50:50.

Early English language training is a great way to give more knowledge about the world from childhood and prepare the baby for a future life in a globalized era when language boundaries. But it is important that learning English gives the child pleasure and does not interfere with the normal development of children. A reasonable solution may be to hire a family nanny with knowledge of English.

English nanny - the first foreign language teacher for a baby

How to select qualified personnel who will become not only an assistant for parents, but also a teacher for the child, answers Valentin Grogol, an employee of English Nanny, head of the department for recruiting nannies from England and France:

“A teacher with knowledge of a foreign language is a great option for a family who wants to take care of the language development of children from an early age. But a nanny whose native language is English is a real find. With its help, a child can grow up to be a real bilingual, who, moreover, has absorbed the cultural traditions and moral values ​​of a people with a rich history.

But it is very difficult to find an employee with a pedagogical education, high qualifications and good recommendations on your own. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialized recruitment agency from abroad. For example, English Nanny has been mediating between foreign nannies, governesses, teachers and Russian families for over 30 years. All staff selected by us have passed all the necessary language and pedagogical tests, medical assistance courses, have a work permit and excellent letters of recommendation. We can help invite a nanny to your home, who will become the first English teacher for the baby, for older children - we will find a governess or tutor. With us, the task of finding a native speaker for teaching a child becomes easier.”

P.S. You can get acquainted with the services of the English Nanny agency at the company.

Wednesday, 03/28/2018

Editorial opinion

Do not forget that all foreign employees must have a document on the verification of criminal bases (CRB), as well as a certificate of English proficiency and the right to teach (in the absence of an appropriate higher education).

Tatiana Chernyshkova
Guidelines for teaching English to preschool children

Study of in English should start at an early age. Learning a foreign language, in case of proper organization of classes, develops children raises their educational and cultural level. Thus, as a result of the work carried out in schools England and Wales experiment involving 6,000 children, it was found that foreign language classes language have a positive effect on knowledge of their native language, many children with weak general abilities showed excellent success in speaking in a foreign language. language. Research by leading universities in the US and Canada has shown that bilinguals children cognitive abilities develop better than monolinguals. The beneficial effects of learning a second language L. S. Vygotsky proved the development of native speech, noted L. V. Shcherba, and other domestic scientists. Perennial experimental foreign language teaching carried out by the laboratory team teaching foreign languages Research Institute of General and Secondary Education of the APS RF, confirmed “the beneficial effect of the subject on children: on their total mental development(memory, attention, imagination, thinking, to develop children's ways of adequate behavior in various life situations, to better master their native language, on speech development children in general”. The sooner you start introducing your child to English language environment, all the better. So, during the first 4 years of a person's life, 50% of cognitive abilities are laid, by 7-8 years basic skills are formed. Starting from 8-10 years old, any abilities must be developed through training. The older you are, the more time you will need to devote and the more effort to invest. Therefore, the best option teaching English to children- This is to start at 4 years old, or even earlier. So the kids speak those languages, they hear. Thus, as soon as possible, the introduction into the life of your child of learning in English will contribute to its rapid setting. In the future, when the child grows up, colloquial English will be reproduced at a subconscious level without an accent, using the correct grammar.

Principles of presenting educational material preschoolers: For classes to be really effective and not overload the child, they must follow certain principles.

Voluntary occupation. Never force a child to learn. English at an early age. If the lessons become a duty, then they can quickly get bored, and subsequently it can be difficult for the baby to learn language. The main task of parents and teachers is to arouse interest in language, and the game helps a lot with this. Through the game, children learn the world and are easily involved in the process, mastering important language skills.

Motivation of the child and interest in the lessons. The child does not have the motivation to learn English that adults have. They don't need to build a career, they don't realize that English they will need in the future. Therefore, it is important to interest the child in something else. If he is interested in the process learning if it is fun and non-fatiguing, the child himself will strive for classes. Come up with your own motivation.

The comfort of the child learning. Comfort is another important point learning. Some children easily stay in a group with other children and a teacher, others need one of the parents nearby. It also depends on child's age, and from his character. If the classes are natural for the child, then he will easily begin to master the material. If you see that the child is resistant to learning, do not leave it unattended. Maybe it doesn't suit him. technique, the teacher doesn't like it or it's just hard for him. It is worth changing the approach in order to regain interest.

Subsequence learning. Up to six years it makes no sense to load children rules, spelling and grammar, but it is good to learn new words together through songs, dances, games. The main thing is that the presentation of the material is consistent and new knowledge is easy to "lay down" with which the child is already familiar.

Persistence. First of all, remember that you have embarked on a difficult path, the reward at the end of which is great. There will be times when there will be no visible results. In these moments, you should support your child and overcome the difficulties that have arisen together without losing momentum. Also, if technique chosen by you, your child does not like it - better pick him another methodology. The main thing is to find interesting methodology and perseverance will come by itself.

Criteria for organizing classes on English for preschoolers.

Forms learning should not be aimed at mastering as many lexical units as possible, but at fostering interest in the subject, developing the child’s communication skills, and the ability to express themselves. It is important to achieve certain qualities of mastery of the material, which should allow the child with a minimum of funds, assuming a subsequent increase in linguistic units in the competence of the child, use them situationally and meaningfully. Lesson forms can be next:

Daily 15 - 25 minute lessons, accompanied by a speech in a foreign language language during regime moments.

Classes twice a week, 25 - 45 minutes with breaks for outdoor games in a foreign language and time for modeling, drawing and making crafts related to the lesson.

Special classes - fairy tale lessons and watching video fragments - as an addition to the main classes.

Meetings with native speakers language.

Matinees and holidays where children can show their achievements - stage a fairy tale, recite a poem.

Lessons are conversations.

Foreign lessons tongue in nature.

The most successful methods based on the principle of gradual formation and development of speech action, when the simpler precedes the more complex. At all levels of presentation of the material, the principle of communication is implemented, that is, everything serves to achieve a certain result in communication. The independent use of speech units should be preceded by their listening comprehension, which corresponds to the psycholinguistic patterns of speech acquisition.

Let's list some methods for teaching English to children:

methodology for learning English - the Zaitsev method. Intended for children under 3 years old. Also known as learning English by method Zaitsev with the help of cubes;

gaming technique(game method). Very efficient methodology for teaching children English. The teacher starts games during which education. Develops all components of knowledge language- from grammar to colloquial speech;

Design technique. Intended for children from 4 years old. A certain number of lessons are devoted to a certain topic. Everyone will learn something interesting. At the last lesson on the topic, children should bring work on the past topic;

Combined technique. Mixing different teaching styles English for children. Here you can include both games and songs, dances, etc. The child will never be bored and he will switch from one type of activity to another, which will have a beneficial effect on the results. English teaching methods.

Associative method. For children with their developed imagination, this method works great. Its essence is that the studied phrase or word is associated with some very vivid image, picture. That is, remembering the word apple, they imagine a delicious juicy apple. Subsequently, a vivid image makes it easy to find the right word in memory.

Communicative method(lexical approach). This is method of learning a language through communication, discussion - this is how children gradually learn to think in English. You can discuss how the day went, how interesting the new book or movie was, where they went on the weekend. Thus, children learn phrases and expressions that are then easily used in speech.

Audio-lingual and audiovisual methods. With these methods well practiced oral speech. They are based on interesting dialogues, learning which children easily learn to speak.

Immersion method. Children watch movies, listen to songs, thus perceiving the original English speech. Good way- communicate with the native language who will not be able to answer in Russian. Method immersion teaches you to think on English is a good skill which will be very useful in the future. Peculiarities teaching children of different ages. English for preschool children. AT preschool age when teaching english to a child First of all, learns communication. The main focus is on making children understand English speech and could respond to it. In that age the foundations of pronunciation are laid. Children use elementary English words, memorize phrases from songs, learn to recognize words in games. It is important to English words denoted concepts that are familiar to children in their native language and that they can be easily combined with each other. Children in the younger age easier to remember names items(you can touch them) and action (they can be played). Items of clothing, body parts, family members, greetings, toys, animals - all these words children can already learn in English. English. Another feature of the perception of information in this age - in children figurative memory is well developed, so words are demonstrated visually. Real objects, pictures, toys help with this. Actively used in learning and drawing, coloring, cutting, tracing with dots - creative work also contributes to easier memorization of words. Often an obligatory component of the lesson is a physical education session, in which all exercises and actions are also accompanied by naming them on English. However, keep your attention it's hard for preschoolers, so the lesson usually does not exceed 30-40 minutes. As a rule, classes are held 2 times a week. Lessons English at preschool age develop memory, attention, intelligence, observation and well prepare the child for school.

Peculiarities teaching a foreign language to children of senior preschool age(5-6 years old).

Teaching children of senior preschool age has its own characteristics. Starting work with children, it is very important for the teacher to know that the level of development children is still insufficient for them to independently solve many problems that arise in the course of their activities (playing, productive, speech, etc.). Independence is formed in a child gradually under the guidance of an adult. The sixth year of life is important in preparing a child for school. At this time in the pedagogical literature it is recommended to apply techniques when teaching children that improve performance children, the development of mental activity and curiosity, the formation of elements of focused attention, arbitrary memory and imagination, the initial forms of conscious control of one's behavior. In this regard, great importance is attached to developmental learning methods- systematization of the proposed knowledge and skills, the use of visual aids that facilitate the child's learning process, the formation of skills to perform tasks of a certain type and apply them in new conditions. In the process of upbringing, an important role is given to the formation and development of children's relationships, the initial awareness of the moral meaning of the assimilated rules of behavior. Creating a friendly atmosphere in the group children, their ability to treat their peers with care, to show kindness and attention is a necessary condition for the successful completion of any task in the process learning. To understand the nature of relationships children, the teacher should constantly monitor communication children in various types of joint activities, especially in the game. To help children, especially preschoolers, tune in to the implementation of training tasks, constant monitoring of behavior is necessary children. A kind, attentive attitude of an adult will save him from many griefs and unnecessary experiences, to avoid stress. At children attachment to fair and affectionate people grows stronger, they respond to requests or instructions, strive to please them. Relationships with peers depend on how the child meets their requirements and how peers suit him. Need to learn children positive ways communication: treat peers kindly, show kindness, friendliness, justice, help organize joint activities, encourage success, teach them to give joy to people around them.

English for children of primary school age. Junior school age It is also a time of exploration and knowledge of the world. Children during this period are very inquisitive, active, it is still difficult for them to sit still, and they can quickly get tired. Therefore, often for elementary school age games, outdoor tasks, poems and songs, cartoons are also used. The child no longer loses interest so quickly during the lesson, but it is still important to build the process in an exciting way, to alternate different tasks. An important aspect of this age- the beginning of learning activities. Increases child's attention, it becomes more stable. By the age of 7-9, it is already much easier for children to carry out a given program for a certain period. Memory improves - it becomes consciously regulated. In the same age, the desire of children to achieve. They already know how to set goals and achieve results. This feature makes it possible to instill interest in English language. Lessons can already last 40-45 minutes, they can be held 2-3 times a week. Parents can teach English to preschoolers or children of primary school age, of course, and on their own. To do this, they themselves must be proficient language to put the correct pronunciation. You can use well-known methods developed by experts. However, firstly, parents do not always have the opportunity to engage with children regularly, and secondly, there may not be enough level language or teaching skills. After all, it’s one thing to be good at owning language, and quite another - to explain or help the child to study it. A good way is to hire a tutor. But such method more suitable for schoolchildren who need, for example, to raise the level. If you want classes to be easy and comfortable, and the approach to learning was systemic, then it is worth giving it to language school where there are special programs for children up to 7-9 years old. Classes are held there in groups, which contributes to the socialization of the child, and better development language. He not only teaches English but also develops teamwork skills. Professionals who use the most modern technologies work with children. methods and create the right interest. So, gradually, through the game and exciting tasks, English becomes a part of the child's life, which subsequently helps him to achieve success in life. Thus, methods of teaching English to children, as well as his teachings, are different. It remains to choose the one methodology which will be of interest to the child.

To learn to speak English, you need a certain system or, as it is more commonly called, a methodology for teaching English, which would allow you to solve the tasks as fully as possible, namely: to acquire the skills of reading, understanding speech by ear, speaking and writing in the target language.

Even 20-30 years ago, the classical method was the basis of education. 90% of the time was devoted to the theory of a foreign language. At the lessons, students studied new vocabulary, syntactic constructions, discussed rules, as well as read and translated texts, did written tasks and sometimes listened to audio recordings. The development of conversational skills took only 10% of the time from the lesson. As a result, the person understood the texts in English and knew the grammar rules, but could not speak. That is why it was decided to change the approach to teaching. So, the following methods have replaced the fundamental “classics” +:


Its main principle is to use the lexical units and grammatical structures studied in the lessons in speech, both oral and written. All classes that are developed according to the principles of this modern method of teaching English are, if possible, conducted in a foreign language, or with a minimum inclusion of native speech. Moreover, the teacher only guides the students, asks them questions and creates a communicative situation, while 70% of the time of the entire lesson is spoken by the students. It is noteworthy that it is this technique that is the basis for teaching a foreign language at school. Nevertheless, some of the techniques of the classical school are still used today. So, for example, teachers to this day share their knowledge of the theory of the English language with their students, set written exercises to practice grammar and vocabulary.


This method of teaching English to children, however, as well as to adults, has long been used in schools and universities in America, and recently it has become more and more learning activities our students. Its meaning is to use the studied material in practice and is optimal for use at the end of the whole module, when it becomes possible to assess the degree of assimilation of the educational material. So, for example, younger students are happy to present their projects on the topics “My home”, “My pet”, “My favorite toys”, while high school students are already engaged in serious developments, for example, on the topic of environmental protection.


Unlike the methods of teaching English described above, for which favorable conditions are created at school, the training approach is based on independent study, with the amendment that students are given already worked out structured material and clearly explained by the teacher. As in any training, the student receives a portion of theory, remembers the rules and uses them in practice. Very often, this technique is used in online learning, including on an educational resource. Its main advantages are the presence of a carefully thought-out program, the presentation of information necessary to improve the level of English proficiency in the most accessible form and the ability to independently plan the study schedule.

Offers to learn English with the help of texts, stories and fairy tales voiced by professional speakers. Each text is given a series of exercises for memorizing new words, listening and translation. By coming to our site, you can start learning English even with a zero initial level and, subject to regular classes, bring your knowledge to a level above the average. Here is an example of one of the short stories on the basis of which the initial training on our website is based.

your prayers

The Sunday school teacher asks Tom:
"Come to me and tell me the truth,
do you say your prayers before eating?”
Tom smiles proudly.
"No miss, no need
my mom cooks really well.”


The intensive technique has gained particular popularity among those who seek to learn to speak English in the shortest possible time. Achieving this seemingly unrealistic goal allows a high level of formulaic language - English is 25% cliché. Thanks to the study of a large number of set expressions, their memorization and development, a person can, in a relatively short time, learn to explain himself in a foreign language and understand the interlocutor.

Active methods of teaching English

The so-called active methods of teaching English are distinguished into a separate group; examples of the most widely used methods are given below.

So, these include:

  • Round table
    The teacher formulates the problem and offers the students a task: to assess the significance of the problem, to demonstrate all the pros and cons, to determine the possible result, etc. Students should speak on the presented issue, argue their position and eventually come to a common decision.
  • Brainstorm
    This technique is also aimed at discussing and solving a problem. However, according to this method of teaching English, the audience is divided into two groups - “idea generators”, who actually offer ideas, and “experts”, who, after the end of the “assault”, evaluate the position of each “generator”.
  • business game
    The teacher prepares a game on the studied topic and explains the rules to the students. As a rule, the proposed tasks imitate the tasks and situations of real communication, for example, searching and getting a job, concluding a contract, traveling, etc.
  • Game method of learning English for children.
    Its main advantages are the absence of a mechanism for forcing classes and great interest on the part of the child. The teacher conducts a wide variety of games with the children on the studied vocabulary and grammatical constructions, during which the children quickly memorize them and learn to apply them in speech.

Learning with online exercises. Example.

Whatever method of learning English you choose, remember that motivation is of great importance in learning a foreign language, and the key to successful learning is the regularity and systematic nature of your classes.

The way English is taught to preschoolers sometimes causes bewilderment in parents - why is it so, after all, we were taught in a completely different way ..? Indeed, the method of teaching English to preschoolers and younger students (7-8 years old) depends on their age characteristics, which adults sometimes do not think about. They remember how they taught foreign language themselves, at an older age. And this is a completely different age group and different teaching methods.

I already wrote about whether it is worth teaching preschoolers, when to start and how to do it. And today about why we teach preschoolers this way.

  • We don't teach, we play

The main difference from adults is that children do not learn English, they play it. That is, they teach, of course, but they themselves do not think so. At this age, it is useless to force something to learn - children predominate involuntary memorization , means positive emotions are necessary. And where to get them, if not in games? Naturally, educational.

One day I accidentally overheard a conversation between my little six-year-old student and her grandmother, who was picking her up from class. The conversation went something like this:

Grandmother: Did your teacher ask you in class today?

Girl: No.

Grandmother: Well, didn't she ask you: Tell me, how would you say "ball" or "train" or "airplane" in English?

Girl: Not…

Grandmother: Well, did she ask anyone else?

Girl: Didn't ask...

Grandmother: What did you do in class???

Girl: We played!

At the same time, at the lesson, the girl called all the words listed by her grandmother and many other words and phrases, but all this was in game moments. For example, when it was necessary to name a picture that disappeared from the blackboard or guess what the word was from a small piece of the picture, and it never occurred to her that the teacher was asking her. She played. One of the advantages of early learning is that children learn by playing, easily and naturally..

  • Bright and clear

preschoolers predominate visual-figurative thinking . Children think in images and this allows them to use the English language as much as possible when teaching - children do not need translation. It is enough to correlate the word with its image - the corresponding picture, toy, object, gesture. Hence such a popular (and by the way, extremely effective) method in teaching preschoolers and younger schoolchildren is the method of complete physical response. This is a method in which, when learning new words or phrases, along with each word / phrase, a gesture is invented and memorized to imitate them. For example, with the word apple, children repeat the gesture, as if biting an imaginary apple, etc.

  • No grammar rules

Grammar acquisition in young children is also different. Logical thinking begins to form only closer to school and becomes more or less developed by the beginning of younger adolescence. Respectively, when teaching preschoolers and younger students a foreign language, they do not rely on explaining the rules (rules are an abstraction, they are hard for children) , but for the development of certain structures - grammar patterns (pattern - sample, pattern). That is, to explain little child that the verb to be means "to be, to be, to be" and in the present tense it changes by person like this - it's useless. With children of this age, they simply take the most frequently used patterns and train them properly, ideally to the point of automatism. Therefore, most of my little students of 7-8 years old perfectly use, for example, I am / You are / He is ... etc., without having the slightest idea that these are forms of the verb to be. Grow up and find out.

  • Translation is not needed!

Since abstract-logical thinking is not developed among preschoolers, and among younger schoolchildren it is still in the process of formation, it is not always necessary to draw parallels with the native language and sometimes it is even harmful. The early start of learning just allows you to form a foreign language separately from your native one. Adults (parents of the student, as well as grandparents) often do not know this feature of the teaching methodology, so sometimes funny situations happen when at home the child begins to ask: “How to say in English this ...? And how will it be in English then ...? Most children, of course, will answer this question. But sometimes the child in such a situation falls into a stupor and is silent in response. They come to see the teacher. The teacher takes out picture cards or toys, shows the child and asks What’s this? And suddenly the child names all-all objects. That is, he, in principle, knows how the “apple” will be in both Russian and English, but these two languages ​​​​exist separately in his head and he cannot yet build parallels between them.

Or vice versa, parents sometimes complain that their child, a preschooler or a first-grader, can describe a picture in English, selects sentences in an exercise for pictures correctly, but does not translate. How, they ask, to fix this ... And what is there to fix? If he describes and selects correctly, then he understands what he is talking about. And the fact that he does not translate into Russian means precisely that his language is formed naturally and in the future, if the training is properly built, the child will not translate from Russian into English, but immediately build a statement in English.

  • Frequent change of activity

For preschoolers and younger students limited attention span They can't do the same thing for a long time. Frequent change of activities is one of the conditions for successful classes. Calculating everything is simple - we add 5 minutes to the age of the children - this is the maximum concentration time of the child. Those. children 5-6 years old can do the same thing for about 10 minutes. It will not work in another way: when children get bored with what they are doing, it will be difficult to calm them down.

Therefore, in courses for kids, children manage to do a lot of different things in a lesson: read, color, sing, dance, play with cards, watch a cartoon, and sometimes even do crafts. And all this is not a waste of time, as it may seem from the outside, but the elements of the lesson. Dancing is not just dancing, but again using TPR, for better memorization of words and grammar patterns. When coloring or doing crafts, children follow the teacher's commands, which means they develop the skill of listening and repeat the learned vocabulary - colors, names of objects in the picture, etc. Educational cartoons are also not superfluous at all. They are short (2-5 minutes), they also repeat the studied vocabulary and grammar, and they help to relax when children are tired of an active game or a difficult task.

I hope this article was useful for you. If something is missing or you want to ask a question - please write in the comments, I will try to answer.Good luck with your learning English!