Large chicken eggs in a dream. Why dream of a lot of chicken eggs in a nest? Why do women dream of chicken eggs in a dream

Eggs are a symbol of the beginning of a new life, white, pleasant to the touch, inside with a golden bright yolk, this product cannot bear negative emotions. Dream Interpretation: why do eggs dream and how do dream books interpret this dream? We will find out which dreams have a positive interpretation, and which have a negative one.

  • Why dream of eggs?
  • Interpretation of sleep in detail
    • Why do chicken eggs dream?
    • Why dream of a lot of eggs?
    • Why dream of broken eggs?
    • Why dream of raw eggs?
    • Why dream of boiled eggs?
    • Why dream of rotten eggs?
    • Why dream of breaking eggs?
    • Why dream of collecting eggs?
  • Conclusion

Why dream of eggs?

The egg is, first of all, a symbol of new life. And seen in a dream, it means that you will soon acquire something new, reveal yourself anew, your potential. You are on the verge of important discoveries.

If you eat any dish made from eggs, you are in for some kind of event that is of great importance for your entire family. Something very good and important.

Another interpretation of the dream where you eat eggs is that you can soon win someone's heart, even if you yourself do not want it.

An interesting dream in which you paint eggs - you are disappointed in your lifestyle, you want to decorate your life. But one desire to embellish what is is undesirable. You need to look at the root of the problem, change something, and not hide it behind a beautiful picture.

Interpretation of sleep in detail

Why do chicken eggs dream?

If in a dream you are cooking chicken eggs, before that you clearly see how you break them, you may be expected to lose. Something will break. It remains to believe that it will be just dishes.

  • If you see a lot of eggs, in a lattice, in a store, expect guests with gifts.

  • If you broke eggs, dropping them, not for cooking, then in life you will find stinginess and greed on the part of your partner. Do not expect from him either material or spiritual generosity.
  • Chicken eggs lie in a nest that a chicken hatches, or you understand that the nest is in a chicken coop - a dream portends pleasant romantic acquaintances for you.
  • If you understand that the eggs have deteriorated or are rotten, then material losses await you. Be careful about spending, do not plan large purchases and investments.
  • A broken egg that you didn’t break is dreaming of a great gift of fate. Something will just fall at your feet. Perhaps you will achieve a goal that you have been striving for for a long time and which has never been given to you.

Why dream of a lot of eggs?

If you see a lot of eggs in a dream, in life it means a new life, a new beginning, new beginnings. This is assuming the eggs are fresh.

And if you see a lot of rotten eggs, you try to find eggs to cook them, but they all go bad, this means failure in real life. Don't try to start new businesses, don't plan big purchases, don't trust people you just meet.

When you see a lot of chicken eggs in an incubator, you understand that chickens will soon hatch from them - great luck awaits you in all the things that you start. For pregnant women, this dream has a very positive interpretation - it means easy childbirth!

Why dream of broken eggs?

If you bought or collected fresh eggs in an incubator or chicken coop and broke them, it means that some gift of fate awaits you soon. New perspectives will open before you, you can take on new ideas and not be afraid that you will not be able to achieve your goals. People around you will help you in all matters because of your self-esteem, justice and intelligence.

But not all dream books are so supportive of dreams with broken eggs. For instance, esoteric dream book interprets such a dream negatively. Portends disappointment in love, you will not be able to achieve goals in important matters. All transactions will be unprofitable, acquaintances will disappoint. Possible health problems.

Why dream of raw eggs?

Raw eggs mean that a sleeping person in real life will have great success in those matters that a person could have long forgotten about. A lot of effort was spent, but there was no result. And now is the time to reap the fruits of your labors.

If you broke raw eggs and the yolk retained its integrity and did not break, this means the emergence of new very promising plans and ideas. Do not be afraid to embody, it would seem, the most amazing.

Why dream of boiled eggs?

If in a dream you boil eggs or see already peeled ones, then in real life there is a place for gossip and intrigues that are woven behind your back. If you eat them, you like the taste, then you will be able to solve all issues, overcome adversity and come out the winner of the situation.

If you boil eggs, in real life you are too easy on many issues. Some aspects require a more serious attitude to them.

If you have found or bought a lot of eggs, then you are dreaming of finding a soul mate and creating a large and strong family with her.

If in a dream you are selling boiled eggs, then you want to have a baby. If you do not yet have a soulmate, then you choose her or him precisely from the point of view of procreation.

If you stole boiled eggs, expect anxiety or worries about minor problems. Think about whether it will also be important in a year? If not, then these problems are not worth your worries.

Why dream of rotten eggs?

If in a dream you bought a whole grill of rotten chicken eggs, then you are in trouble. But if only a few or a couple of eggs from all the purchased ones turned out to be rotten, or one or two eggs went rotten in the refrigerator, then good luck awaits you in business, everything planned will work out.

When a woman dreams of rotten or spoiled eggs, in real life some losses may await her, but not in family life rather, in work or affairs. They can go down sharply.

Dreams where rotten eggs are present are usually a warning to something. They signal trouble that may happen soon, warn of the need to be very careful. Carefully study all documents and do not make any serious decisions.

If you threw out rotten eggs, problems in the family may await you. Before arguing with children, you need to try to talk and find out the essence of the problem, rather than immediately chop off your shoulder.

Did you break a rotten egg in a dream? So you need to be a little more restrained in real life in your words and actions. You can offend loved ones who do not deserve it at all. It's all about your impulsiveness!

If you collect eggs knowing they are rotten, be prepared for some minor health issues. Visit the doctor in time so that they do not grow into big ones!

Why dream of breaking eggs?

If in a dream you broke a rotten egg, then you will be disappointed. Even the most profitable at first glance offers and prospects will turn out to be empty and worthless as a result. Don't count too much on them so you don't get disappointed.

If you break an egg on purpose, it means that in life you are burdened by relationships with your soulmate. It's time to talk seriously, you need to let go of the other person a long time ago, he can be happy with someone else. Sometimes you need to end a relationship to make both happy.

If you break an egg to cook scrambled eggs or an omelette, and it turns out to be rotten, then a mean act may be committed towards you. Be prepared for this so you don't have to worry too much about it. Although you still have to worry.

Why dream of collecting eggs?

If you dream that you are in a chicken coop and see a lot of eggs in chicken clutches, you will find an improvement in your financial situation, and a very unexpected one at that. Be sure to manage them properly. If the eggs in the chicken coop are not only in nests, but simply scattered everywhere, then you still won’t be able to properly use wealth. Try to make a list of priority areas where you need to spend money.

Collecting broken eggs means that you need to be careful and be more vigilant so as not to get into questionable situations.

If you put all the broken eggs in a basket or in one container and threw them into the trash, in real life you are a wasteful person, a spender who wastes his own money and effort.

If you have just collected eggs in a basket or bowl and dropped it, breaking all the eggs, then you will face failures and obstacles on the way to achieving your goals.


As in ordinary life, the egg is a good symbol, a sign of new life and new perspectives. But rotten eggs cause negativity, just like broken ones. It's simple, memorize the details and solve dreams to find out what the future will bring you.

If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

In an article on the topic: " chicken nests dream book" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

This is exactly what Miller's dream book proclaims - the eggs that you found in your dream in the nest promise you not only wealth and happiness in the house, but everything will work out in the family field in the best way. Moreover, if a woman saw such a dream, then for her it means frequent hobbies, various love adventures.

However, the dream book says - the egg that you eat in a dream portends trouble in reality. Most likely, they (troubles) will not be too serious, but they will be anxieties, unrest in your home. It’s good if the eggs dream fresh and broken. It is likely that Fortune will finally show you mercy and give you a very good gift. And who knows, maybe you will be so lucky this time that you will become a true darling of Fate?

At least this Source for the Interpretation of Dreams promises wonderful things to the dreamer. You will be noticed by others, your sublime mind and desire for justice will be appreciated. Unfortunately, not everything is going smoothly with the symbol in question, and here's what else the dream book says - eggs, chicken, which you dreamed rotten, do not bode well.

Such dreams are harbingers of loss. In particular, we are talking about your business area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in reality. It is possible that the started business will decline, material problems will arise. You can advise - to pray to God, but not to make a mistake for the dreamer himself, but to consult with the appropriate specialists. Maybe with lawyers.

But, as the same (Miller's) dream book says, eggs in a basket predict business success. Soon you will be involved in some kind of business venture that will bring you and your business solid dividends. Also, the bird eggs that you found in a dream in the forest promise potential profit in real life. It is possible to receive a solid inheritance left to you by distant relatives.

Another dream book considers eggs in dreams on a universal scale and calls them a symbol of the Earth, the planetary world, the life around us. But if they dream of being rotten, then this is bad and threatens life on Earth. The reason for the threat is the constant modernization of weapons of all kinds, which, if it falls into unworthy hands, is scary to imagine what it will turn out to be for planet Earth.

It is easy to guess that Wangi's Dream Interpretation offers such global prophecies. Apparently, it is permissible for a dreamer with the gift of the Prophet to interpret dreams in this way.

Here's what else this dream book says - the egg that you broke in a dream also promises danger to the Earth, but already of cosmic origin in the form of a meteorite hail. True, this will not happen soon, but all life will be destroyed.

Further, in Wangi's Dream Interpretation, the omens of all sorts of horrors that will come to Earth continue if eggs are dreamed of in any form and under any circumstances. As the author of this publication and a person who has been studying esotericism and various dream books including, I hasten to reassure readers. At the very least, if you don’t have a special Gift, like the woman whose name the dream book is named, eggs in a dream do not portend anything bad for you and your family if they don’t dream of you rotten.

And we will look into another Source for the interpretation of dreams, named after Nostradamus, who foreshadowed no less global events than the Bulgarian soothsayer. Here, in general, it also speaks of events that are more related not to the dreamer himself, but to some large-scale phenomena on the planet.

True, this dream book says, eggs from which chicks (chickens) appear can carry a message to pregnant women that the birth will be successful. Already good and yet closer to a simple dreamer and her personal life, and not a prophecy about the Earth, the Universe, the Cosmos.

Another dream book testifies to the birth of children in connection with such a dream. Eggs in a dream - to the birth of children, and if there are too many of them, then the children that you already have will make you worry. But Easter eggs are a very good dream and promises in real life the joy that children will bring you. They will treat you with respect and will always help you.

It seems that the dream in question is interpreted in most sources as good personally for dreamers and their families, business relationships. I wish you such good events!

Dream Interpretation Nest, why dream of a Nest in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of the Nest from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why the Nest is dreaming: interpretation of sleep

Seeing the Nest in a dream, what is the dream for?

Nest - dreams of illness and a long stay in the hospital. Evidence of the impurity of your body. House change. Axis 6 - 12 houses of the horoscope.

Why does the dreamer dream of a Nest in a dream?

The nest is a family. Empty nest - separation, collapse in business; a female hatching eggs - thoughts about creating a family; broken eggs in the nest - disappointment and failure; abandoned chicks - the desire to quit fulfilling their family responsibilities; a sense of guilt in front of children, as you have to devote a lot of time to your career; a nest full of white eggs - success in life; dead birds in the nest - fear of losing your family.

Azar's Bible Dream Book

What is the dream of a nest according to spiritual sources?

Nest - Find a bird's nest - move to a new place.

What is the dream of the Nest according to the dream book:

Nest - Seeing a bird's nest in a dream portends an interesting business in which you will take an active part. For young ladies, this dream means a change of residence. If the nest is empty, you will experience sadness from parting with a friend. Abandoned nest - failures in business endeavors. Seeing a nest full of eggs portends the opposite, plus successful trips. Chicks in the nest - to sorrows and awareness of one's own guilt. To see a bird sitting on eggs in a nest means that everything will be fine in family relationships, at least in the near future. If the bird flew away, and there were broken eggs under it, this is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Why is the Nest dreaming in a dream?

Nest - with chicks - an addition to the family, a bird builds a nest - settled life, permanent residence. A nest with many eggs - to large families. To devastate, to destroy a nest - to show injustice. A nest near your window is patronage from above. Seeing a nest among the branches of trees is an interest in a profitable business. To see how the cuckoo flies near the nest - a lovebird will appear. Nest with chicks - the appearance of a long-awaited child.

Why is the Nest dreaming in a spiritual sense?

Nest - An early change of "familiar place" - housing or work. Think of the nest as big, strong, and comfortable. The nest contains eggs or chicks. Caring parents bring them food.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Why is the Nest dreaming in a night dream?

Nest - A nest is a symbol of all kinds of connections. Seeing, finding a nest is joy, true happiness; family growth; the feeling of an established strong connection with another person. To have in hand is profit. To carry somewhere - to feel the “burden of connections”, to be burdened by them. Destroying the nest is a failure. To be in a big nest is to be a prisoner of various kinds of connections with people. A nest carefully lined with fluff, a hidden nest, to hide it - in your life there are connections with people hidden from your consciousness, and they determine a lot in your destiny. To see a swallow's nest in a dream - in the near future to live up to your home. To see a birdhouse in a dream, build, etc. - your relationships and connections with people are largely a figment of your imagination.

What is the dream of the Nest in the book of dreams?

Nest - Seeing or building nests can mean building or building a new home. Feeling like a mother, mistress of the house, the desire to “build a nest” is typical for pregnant women. The desire to return to one's home can also be reflected in this symbol.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

Why is the Nest dreaming, meaning:

Nest - you are dreaming of a bird's nest - you were not mistaken in choosing a profession; it is in this business that you are able to achieve the best results, because you were created for it. A young woman dreams of a bird's nest - it is possible that this woman will change her place of residence. You see in a dream a nest full of eggs - success awaits you; it is time to start new business; these works will glorify you; if you have a trip, then it will be successful; no sadness will overshadow your family happiness. You dream of an empty nest - a business on which you have spent a lot of effort will lead to nothing; your partners will be annoyed. You see a nest with broken eggs in a dream - a dream warns that you, relying on luck or the classic “maybe!”, do not always calculate the situation in advance; your frivolity can lead you to a mistake, as a result of which your affairs will be upset.

Why is the Nest dreaming in a dream?

The Nest is dreaming, what does it symbolize?

Nest - "Waspen's Nest" - concentration of dangerous influences; The cuckoo's nest is a sign of absence. “twist or twist your nest” - home improvement, family; "enemy nest"; "Nests" - accumulate, concentrate.

Why dream of a nest in the summer?

Nest - A nest dreams of wealth, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Why does a woman dream of a Nest, what is this dream about?

Nest - Seeing a bird's nest in a dream means that in the near future you will become interested in entrepreneurial activities. A young woman dreams of a nest for a change of home. An empty nest - to separation from a friend or failure in business life. A nest full of bird eggs promises a good start to many things, successful trips. To see a bird hatching eggs in a nest is to establish family relationships, the good behavior of your children. Broken eggs dream of disappointment and failure. Abandoned chicks in the nest are a sign of future sorrows, which will be caused by your rash behavior.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why the Nest is dreaming - the symbolism of sleep:

Nest - Symbolizes the "home nest". Finding a nest with eggs or chicks is joy, profit, family growth. Seeing an empty nest is poverty.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why is the Nest dreaming in dreams?

Nest - Betrothal, marriage; with chicks - big profit; with eggs - family happiness; to remove from a tree is a short-lived joy; to devastate, to break - to trouble, this is the interpretation of the Nest from the dream book.

What is the dream of the Nest, according to the popular beliefs of Little Russia:

Nest - Find a nest - great happiness, remove from a tree - soon a wedding; destroy the nest - your enemies rejoice

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of the Nest in night dreams?

Nest - To see a nest in a dream - to happiness and wealth, to find it - to joy, happiness, luck, if it is empty - to a mistake in business, to ruin it - to a breakdown in affairs, to hold it in your hand or see it with chicks - to profit.

Why dream of a nest in spring?

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Nest - Symbol of home, betrothal, marriage. With eggs, chicks - profit, happiness in the house; empty, destroyed - a break in relations, the children will leave the house. See add. Chicks, eggs.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the Dreamer's Nest dreaming of:

Nest - Looking at a bird's nest in a dream means that you will be interested in successful entrepreneurship. For a young woman, this dream portends a change of home. Seeing an empty nest is a sign that you will be saddened by separation from a friend. Seeing a female incubating eggs in the nest indicates that family relationships will go well with you, and your children will be cheerful and obedient. Seeing broken eggs in a nest portends disappointment and failure. An empty nest in a dream can also portend failure in business life. But a nest full of white bird eggs promises you a good start to many things, successful trips. Abandoned chicks in the nest are a sign of future sorrows, the fault of which will be your thoughtless behavior, so the dream that you dream is ambiguously deciphered.

Why dream and what does the Nest mean in our time?

Nest - Acquisition of some thing, a quiet life

What is the dream of a nest, interpretation:

Nest - Household chores. Ruined by small domestic troubles.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why the Nest is dreaming - the dream book interprets as follows:

See a nest in a dream - Empty - a joyful life - with dead chicks - poverty, longing

Old Russian dream book

Why is the Nest dreaming, according to the dream book interpretation:

Bird's nest - A good sign; to find him with birds means profit, and an empty end to business; a nest of a snake, a crocodile and another harmful insect portends great anxiety.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of the Nest, interpretation of sleep:

Bird's nest - You will move to a better place, family affairs, marriage (young); find - joy, well-being, happiness; ruin - the enemies lurk, trouble; remove from a tree - an ambulance wedding // not long to rejoice; with eggs - family happiness; with chicks - profit; with dead chicks - loss, poverty; the nest of an unclean creature is bad.

Dreamed / dreamed of Finding a nest - Well-being.

The ruined nest is dreaming - For divorce.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If the Nest is dreaming in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of the Nest according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If the Nest is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If the Nest is dreaming from the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why is the Nest dreaming from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of a Nest in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • What is the dream of the Nest in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Wed June 15, 2016, 10:44:34 PM

Tue August 18, 2015, 06:03:53 PM

Fri June 19, 2015, 12:17:29 PM

ThuFebruary 26, 2015, 07:17:50 AM

Mon January 19, 2015, 23:47:27

Nest in the dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

Why dream of collecting a lot of chicken eggs from a nest?

An egg in a dream is a symbol of life and death, rebirth and great chaos. The process of collecting eggs is interpreted as an agreement or a deal with someone, as well as the upbringing of the younger generation, the transfer of one's knowledge and skills to children or students. Next, we will take a closer look at what dreams of collecting a lot of chicken eggs.

What does sleep mean?

Collect eggs in the chicken coop portends an addition to the family, the celebration of an event exclusively in the family circle. For unmarried girls, a dream prophesies a large number of admirers and romantic hobbies.

If the eggs turned out to be broken, then this indicates that the sleeper will become the favorite of society for his high moral standards and intellectual abilities. If the eggs turned out to be rotten, spoiled, this predicts the loss of property or livelihood.

Collect eggs in someone else's chicken coop reflects the sleeper's fears of being in an awkward situation. Collect a whole basket of eggs - to financial well-being and a profitable investment.

The seer thought that collecting eggs in a dream speaks of preparing for hostilities in reality. It does not have to be a world-wide war - in most cases, this indicates a person’s readiness to declare a personal war on someone, to fight not for life, but for death, for their happiness.

If all the collected eggs turned out to be rotten, this indicates the poisoning of the dreamer's body with dangerous chemicals. Most likely, such poisoning was a malicious act on the part of ill-wishers.

Break all the eggs in a dream indicates a danger that will come from outer space. Perhaps soon a meteorite will fall on the planet.

Collecting eggs in the chicken coop indicates the dreamer's hidden desire to do something illegal, criminal and forbidden. Breaking eggs means that a person has already committed a crime and is now afraid that someone will expose him.

Seeing someone else picking eggs in a chicken coop means to become in reality a witness or an accidental accomplice of a murder.

Egg collection indicates gossip and gossip, weaving conspiracies against the dreamer. Collecting bright red eggs in a chicken coop portends an unusual event soon, the disclosure of some secret.

To break eggs means to be a victim of other people's intrigues or a scapegoat in some kind of conflict.

Collect two eggs means to expect the arrival of welcome guests who have come from afar. Collecting a large number of eggs means an unprecedented, stunning success, a breakthrough in any business.

Damaged, broken eggs indicate big waste, unintentional losses.

Collecting eggs in a dream indicates the uncertainty of the future dreamer, that some of his actions had catastrophic consequences, which cannot be corrected. Another interpretation of the vision is the dreamer's subconscious desire to return several years ago to his happy past.

Collect a lot of eggs means to experience in reality anxiety, some kind of nervousness. Such a state is born as a result of received unpleasant news, shocking information, as well as the disclosure of the terrible secret of the sleeping person. Broken eggs dream of misfortune and loss.

Collecting a lot of eggs in a dream means that in reality a person will have a successful marriage / marriage, which will last for many years, as well as the birth and upbringing of several children. For lonely people, such a dream indicates the successful completion of important work and promotion.

If the collected eggs turned out to be rotten, stale, this indicates treacherous, unfaithful friends. in the retinue of the dreamer, who are just waiting for his failure.

Collecting eggs in a dream portends an interesting acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex who is very good at intimate pleasures. To break an egg in a dream means that in his own words the dreamer offended some sensitive, notorious person. In this case, it is better not to try to apologize, but simply avoid this person for a while.

Collecting a lot of eggs in a chicken coop indicates that a person has extrasensory abilities, a subtle instinct, and the disclosure of some creative talents. The dream indicates that in order to gain success and even cash in on the abilities that have been discovered, the dreamer must work hard.

Collecting eggs in the chicken coop indicates the dreamer's love adventures in the near future. A large number of collected eggs portends the receipt of gifts, awards, as well as the arrival of unexpected but welcome guests.

To accidentally break one or more eggs in a dream means that in reality the dreamer behaves carelessly and can harm his family.

Collecting eggs in the chicken coop prophesies wealth and prosperity, a happy family life. For women, such a dream means that she behaves unnecessarily frivolously and brings shame to her man.

Break the collected eggs speaks of an unexpected gift of fate, of wealth that fell from the sky and respect for others. If the broken eggs turned out to be rotten, portends despondency and mental decline.

Collecting a whole basket of fresh eggs speaks of an imminent important event in which the dreamer will play an important role.

Collecting eggs in a dream suggests that in reality the dreamer is doing well, that he is succeeding in his business. And the more eggs collected, the more deafening will be the success of the sleeper in reality.

To be in a chicken coop and see how the hen laid a new egg, speaks of profit, obtaining new opportunities for the implementation of plans. To see how a rooster laid an egg means winning a dubious dispute, a bet.

Break the collected eggs warns that the dreamer's incontinence and impulsiveness will cause him significant harm.

What will the chickens say?

Chickens in a dream come to auspicious events, fun, pleasant gatherings with family or friends. For married people, a dream prophesies family well-being and marital understanding. For childless couples, a dream promises an addition to the family. For women with children, a dreaming chicken prophesies the loss of a husband, a divorce from a spouse.

To see in a dream how a rooster chases a chicken around the yard, portends a family quarrel, divorce, the cause of which will be the betrayal of the spouse. If a chicken attacked a rooster in a dream, then a quarrel in the family will be provoked by a woman.

Black chickens dream of self-sacrifice for the sake of the interests of a loved one. Such a sacrifice will not go unnoticed and the dreamer will be rewarded with interest. Red hens in a dream warn of the danger that threatens the home. In particular, such a dream portends a fire in the house, problems with electricity.

White chickens portend a quick wedding. If the dreamer is already married, then the wedding will take place with relatives or friends, and the sleeping person will be invited to it. Plucked chickens in a dream reflect the dreamer's personal qualities, such as greed, pettiness and selfishness.. Such a person cares only about his own well-being and does not take into account the interests and desires of even close people.

To a young girl to see how a chicken lays eggs portends happy love, and to young men - the receipt of funds, getting a profitable job. Hearing the loud clucking of a chicken prophesies a pleasant journey, a sudden business trip, which will turn out to be good luck for the dreamer.

If you dream of a chicken egg, do not worry - the sign is favorable. This may indicate the beginning of a new stage in life. But in order to decipher the dream as accurately as possible, remember as many details as possible.

General reference according to dream books

According to an old English dream book, dreaming of chicken eggs to success in trade and love

Often such a dream is interpreted as a good sign, but there are exceptions. Consider the decoding of a dream about chicken eggs according to various dream books:

  • Miller. If a man had such a dream, then ahead of him lies wealth, good luck on the love front. For a woman, a dream has a different interpretation, and suggests that she is very passionate about something or someone.
  • Vanga. An egg in a dream symbolizes the planet and all living things. If it is fresh, then expect good events in the future, but if it is cracked or rotten, it indicates a poor environmental situation in the world.
  • According to Freud. A girl who saw a chicken egg in a dream will soon meet a guy with an impressive manhood. If a representative of the stronger sex had such a dream, he is very obsessed with sex.
  • Tsvetkov. Eggs in a dream promise the arrival of guests. A good sign if a pregnant girl sees such a dream. Her birth will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy.
  • Nostradamus. Such a dream speaks of the birth of a new life. For a couple dreaming of a child, this may promise an early replenishment in the family.
  • Medium Hasse. Joy and pleasure awaits you. You may receive a bonus or a promotion.
  • Gypsy. Chicken eggs in a dream - for profit. Even such a dream can mean meeting with an old friend who will do you a good service.
  • Medea. The dream symbolizes the birth of an idea, the implementation of which will bring you financial independence.
  • Spring. A new person will appear in your life who will become your close friend and comrade-in-arms.
  • French. Expect good news from afar. There is a possibility that a distant relative wants to transfer part of his property to you.

It is interesting. To see in a dream the eggs that a chicken has just laid down, to the prospect of having large offspring in the future and devoting your life to children and family.

Interpretation by quantity

To see a lot of eggs in a dream, according to Aesop's dream book, to a happy marriage, good children and well-being for many years

According to the Mayan dream book, if you dreamed of one egg, then wait for the arrival of relatives. The esoteric Tsvetkov deciphers such a dream as a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex, whose heart you will conquer. But female dream book connects the dream with upcoming anxieties and unrest.

To see a lot of eggs in a dream, according to Tsvetkov's dream book, portends success in business. Your colleagues and superiors will notice your efforts and praise you. But the well-known interpreter of dreams, Lyudmila Shereminskaya, interprets the dream as upcoming worries. Some of your loved ones will get into a difficult situation and will not be able to get out of it without your help. The Mayan dream interpretation deciphers such a dream as upcoming love experiences.

According to Freud's dream book, seeing a basket full of eggs is evidence of your promiscuous sex life. It's time to take up your mind and focus on one partner with whom you can build a strong family in the future.

Should know. To see an egg in a dream, according to the Wanderer's dream book, to pregnancy and the birth of a child.

Interpretation by size

Small chicken eggs in a dream indicate that you are paying too much attention to minor problems, trying to make an elephant out of a fly.

If a woman had such a dream, then she spends her time on men with whom she cannot build a serious relationship. It is worth reconsidering your views on life and paying attention to more serious and decent representatives of the opposite sex.

If a man dreamed of one small chicken egg, it means that he is investing his strength in an unpromising business.

Sometimes people may dream of chicken eggs of a large or even huge size. Such a dream can be considered a good sign. You have every opportunity to achieve what you want. Doubt is not worth it, you need to act.

It is interesting. If you dreamed of large chicken eggs, expect praise at work and a monetary reward.

Deciphering sleep by color

According to the Mayan dream book, painting eggs in a dream means dissatisfaction with your lifestyle.

Sometimes we can see in a dream chicken eggs of an unusual color for them. A more detailed interpretation of the shade is offered by the French dream book:

  1. White - to the realization of the most cherished desires. If they dreamed of an unmarried girl, then wait for a marriage proposal. For a couple who are unable to have a child, such a dream promises a quick replenishment in the family. But for a man, such a dream means career success.
  2. Yellow is a sign that your past actions are fraught with consequences. If you have done something bad and hide it from others, then know that soon your secret will be revealed, and retribution cannot be avoided.
  3. Red - to trouble. An unforeseen obstacle will arise on your way, which will greatly harm you. For family people, a dream can mean betrayal of a spouse or spouse.
  4. Black - to great grief. It is especially bad if a pregnant woman had a dream. It can be a harbinger of miscarriage or difficult childbirth.

But clean and fresh eggs dream of good news.

The integrity of the egg in a dream: cracked, broken, rotten

If you dreamed of a cracked chicken egg, then soon, due to some unfortunate misunderstandings, all your work may be in vain. For a couple in love planning to get engaged in the near future, such a dream can even prophesy a break in relations.

We saw an Easter egg in a dream - wait for a declaration of love

According to Miller's dream book, seeing fresh broken eggs is a good sign. Soon fortune will smile at you and your business will go uphill. But according to the French dream book, to see such a dream is always to sadness and disappointment in the people you trusted.

According to most dream books, rotten eggs in a dream do not bode well. Expect betrayal of friends, betrayal of your partner, intrigues at work, loss of property and losses. If you had such a dream, then you should not immediately fall into despair. It is necessary to soberly analyze the situation, as the saying goes “forewarned is forearmed”.

It is important. Dirty chicken eggs dream of the collapse of your endeavors.

Actions: find, collect, buy, cook, beat, clean boiled, eat

Find chicken eggs in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, to joyful events. You can suddenly get rich or meet your love. For girls, such a dream predicts many promising fans, flirting and having fun.

Collecting eggs is an auspicious dream, promising prosperity and well-being. According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream portends a new stage in your life. All bad things will remain in the past, and in the future a series of pleasant events awaits you.

But the esoteric Tsvetkov deciphers such a dream as a desire for change. Your life is at a standstill right now. Routine and monotony are rather tired, and you are tuned in to drastic changes. Many after such a dream change jobs, go on trips and even move to other cities.

Buying eggs, according to the French dream book, prophesies a variety of life. But the gypsy dream book interprets the dream in its own way. Acquiring eggs in a dream is unfortunately and bad news. It may also indicate that for the sake of loved ones you give up your own happiness. It will not bring anything good in the future.

Boiling eggs means taking part in gossip and intrigue, which will soon cause considerable harm to your reputation. Fry - to the loss of both money and loved ones.

Breaking eggs in a dream is also a bad sign. If you did this, then in the near future expect problems with the law, you saw how another person did it - in reality you will become a witness to a crime.

But to clean a boiled egg - to improve the financial situation and promotion. Another such dream prophesies gifts and tempting offers in the future. The more pieces you managed to clean, the more presents fate will give you.

There are egg dishes in a dream - to auspicious events. If you ate with pleasure, then some incredible event awaits you ahead of you, which will make you a truly happy person.

Should know. According to Miller's dream book, to see yolks or squirrels in a dream means to get rich soon.

Each dream book deciphers the chicken eggs that we have dreamed of in its own way. For a more correct interpretation of a dream, check out several options for meanings and turn on the logic: dreams always come so that you can prepare yourself or your loved ones for something.

Eggs in the nest are a rather ambiguous symbol that can promise both favorable changes and a series of misfortunes. In order to correctly decipher such a dream, one should remember where the nest was, whose eggs were there, the dreamer's actions. Finding a bird's nest is harmony and a happy family life for married women. For young girls, such a dream portends an early marriage. However, ruining the nest is a bad sign: one can expect a major family quarrel, a break in relations with a lover, the emergence of conflict situations in professional activities.

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    Opinions of various dream books

    Interpretation of a dream about eggs in a nest by various dream books:

    • Dream Interpretation from A to Z: to find is a great joy, the appearance of offspring. Broken - poverty, an accident with close relatives, children.
    • English: if married women dream of a lot of bird eggs, you can expect loss of property, financial loss, deep disappointment, neglect of family values. For a young woman, a dream with a similar plot portends good luck, a magnificent wedding soon, success in all endeavors, a complete idyll in personal relationships. The nest is ruined - to great misfortune, betrayal, bitter tears and disappointments.
    • Eastern: a profitable business, you can take on a project that will give good results. For young girls, such a dream promises a quick move, a change of residence. Eggs are broken - adultery, vain hopes, vain expectations. If a woman sees how a bird hatches eggs, the dreamer will value the family above all else, rejoice with her children, live harmoniously and happily.
    • Lunar: for women - a prosperous period is expected in all areas of life. For an unmarried man, such a dream portends a successful marriage in the near future.
    • Small Veles dream book: if you dream of eggs in a nest - good luck that will accompany in all areas of life, a pleasant pastime, a happy event. To ruin a bird's nest - to be unhappy through one's own fault, unacceptable behavior, shame. Remove a nest full of eggs from a tree - family well-being, pride in your children. Empty nest - make an unsuccessful attempt to improve your financial situation, a waste of time on a deliberately failed business or business project. To see how chicks hatch from eggs in a dream - to make huge profits in reality, easy money, financial independence.
    • Modern: if you dreamed of a bird's nest - to the possible pregnancy of a woman, the appearance of the first-born in the family. Abandoned chicks and broken eggs are a great misfortune, a sad event, separation from a person from a close circle. To see chicken eggs that a chicken incubates is to be content with little, respect your parents, appreciate your family, create a cozy atmosphere at home.
    • Family: find a nest with eggs - successful business negotiations, prosperity in business, material well-being. For a young girl, such a dream promises a change of residence or a move to another country in the near future. Finding an empty one is an early separation from a close friend or best friend. Seeing the process of hatching eggs is happiness in family relationships, harmony and joy. Abandoned chicks - unfavorable life span, deep sadness, tragedy in the family, quarrels with household members, failures in professional activities.
    • Interpreter for lovers: for a woman to see a nest with eggs - to move, change the address of residence. Empty - strong feelings due to parting with your lover, increased emotionality, deep depression, moral emptiness. A bird that hatches eggs is a complete family idyll, a loving spouse, obedient and healthy children. Breaking is a great disappointment in your chosen one, betrayal, lies and slander. Seeing a nest with many white eggs is a romantic date, good news, a fun pastime with close friends and relatives.
    • Foreteller Grishina: to find a bird's nest - to receive good news from a distant relative, strong friendships, confidence in a loved one, trusting relationships. Pick up eggs - get a large amount, skillfully manage your finances, invest money wisely. Carry - a heavy burden, pangs of conscience, mental anguish. To ruin - to make a fatal mistake, to break family ties, to part with a lover.
    • Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn: self-realization, new ideas or successful projects. Seeing a bird's nest is a need for proper rest, depletion of vital energy.
    • Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: a nest with birds - successful business, moving and quick adaptation to change. Empty - parting with a lover, separation from a loved one. Abandoned chicks - neglect of family values, alienation. Finding white eggs - enjoying great success with the opposite sex, happiness in love, strong and harmonious relationships. Variegated - an unfavorable life period will soon be replaced by a joyful event. Broken - futile expectations, a collapse in business, a complete failure in all endeavors.
    • Miller's Dream Interpretation: look at the nest - achieve great success in professional activities. For a young girl, a dream portends cardinal changes in her personal life, moving to another country or city. Empty - to be in deep sadness due to separation from your best friend. To see a bird that hatches eggs is a complete mutual understanding and trusting relationship with all household members, a happy and strong family. Breaking - self-destruction, internal discomfort, a grandiose scandal, ruin relationships with all loved ones. To find abandoned chicks is to be defeated, a series of unpleasant events is expected due to the unacceptable behavior of the dreamer.
    • Female: career advancement, high social status. Empty nest - parting with a loved one, a long separation. Seeing a lot of eggs - successful undertakings, luck in all areas of life, profitable deals, successful business negotiations. A female hatching chicks - to live easily and happily, vivid emotions, pleasant events. Broken - experience disappointment, hypocrisy, betrayal, gossip, intrigue. Abandoned - future failures, quarrels, family troubles.
    • Dream Interpretation of Smirnov: a favorable atmosphere in the house and family. Empty - breaking friendly ties. Ruin - quarrel with your children, disagreements in the family.
    • Interpreter of Fedorovskaya: to find - to marry successfully. Break eggs - betray a loved one, adultery. Watching a bird build a nest - a wedding is coming soon.
    • Foreteller Tsvetkova: to find - to achieve significant success in work, harmony and family harmony. To remove a nest from a tree is to experience short-term satisfaction, short-lived joy, which will soon be replaced by great sadness and depression. Devastate or break - invite trouble, the collapse of hopes.
    • Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya: to find a nest with eggs - everything is going well in the dreamer's life, successful achievement of the intended goals, career growth. The bird hatches chicks - be proud of the success of your children, rejoice in their achievements. Empty nest - uncertainty, dissatisfaction with all areas of life, moral degradation.
    • Ukrainian: to find a nest - to experience great happiness and moral satisfaction, spiritual harmony. Remove from the tree - a significant event, a grandiose event is ahead. Destroy - the deceit of ill-wishers will bring the dreamer a lot of trouble.
    • Gypsy: the dreamer will soon have a wedding. Finding a lot of eggs is success in work and personal life. Seeing a nest with hatched chicks is a good trip with close friends, a good time, positive emotions. Empty - what was conceived will never become a reality, a complete failure in business and personal life.
    • Esoteric: a troublesome event, hard and painstaking work, which will soon bear fruit. Seeing a ruined nest is a family discord, the emergence of conflict situations with people from a close circle.

4.3 /5 (10 )

The symbol of an egg in a dream has many different interpretations. To correctly understand the meaning of sleep with this plot, you should remember all the nuances of night vision. In order to correctly interpret a dream, why do women dream of chicken eggs, you need to turn to dream books.

Why do women dream of chicken eggs in a dream

In real life, eggs are a complex symbol that has a partially sacred meaning. The mystery of birth, the riddle of what arose before that time.

The interpretation of sleep often has conflicting meanings. taken into account appearance objects, the dreamer's actions with them and other facts. Let us consider in more detail information about the interpretation of this symbol.


A dream about this white object predicts a person an unexpected offer from management. Most likely, this will be a promotion through the ranks, with the appointment of higher wages. Working in a new field will require care and responsibility.


When fresh food is dreamed, it means that the dreamer will soon receive a gift of fate. Thanks to a sharp mind, honesty, and the desire to fight for justice, a sleeping person in reality will be able to win the love and respect of many people from his environment.


Soiled food is a sign of chagrin and annoyance. Unusual coloring, except Easter eggs, means not fully justified hopes and profits are much less than the expected result.


The dream interpretation warns to be careful when dealing with financial issues when a cracked egg shell is dreamed of. There is a danger of making a bad deal.

Watch the video. Why see an egg in a dream?


Numerous chores in the house portend a dream of boiled chicken eggs. This will be facilitated by change. When shelled foods turned out to be delicious food in a dream, this promises a meeting in reality with an influential person who can assist in life matters.

A dream about spoiled food warns the dreamer about deception from people around him. When the dish is cooked in water with the addition of vinegar, the dream has an original interpretation.

Worrying about a new project will ultimately bring great satisfaction. The goal will be achieved, the tasks will be completed in full with a good result.


The plot of a dream about fried eggs predicts an acquaintance with a person who is able to turn the habitual way of life upside down.

When food is not prepared for your own dinner, it means that the dreamer will meet with a faithful companion.


When the dreamer ate spoiled food in night dreams, the dream promises an increase wages. If at the same time an unpleasant smell was felt, then a vacation abroad is expected.


A person who sees such a symbol in a dream should be more careful when communicating with people. Freud's dream book warns that a carelessly thrown phrase can offend the interlocutor and the relationship will be in jeopardy, and trust will be lost forever.


A large number of these items predict success in the implementation of their plans and ideas.


It is considered not a very favorable sign when colored eggs dream. This symbol portends a quarrel with household members. However, according to the interpretation of dream books, red objects seen in a dream promise good news and pleasant worries.


Seeing a cracked shell means broken hopes. Unfavorable circumstances do not allow the dreamer to complete the work he has begun.

Woman dreamed of chicken eggs

Ancient dream books claimed that eggs dream of guests, someone will come to the house. Modern manuals give a more complete interpretation of this symbol. It means the emergence of not only a new life, but also a new idea.


A dream about such a plot for a woman with a family warns that she should be attentive to her well-being, there may be problems with women's health.

When the shell is dreaming, the dream predicts a new streak in life. A certain period has ended, and a person is on the verge of life changes.

7 out of 10 dreams about eggs promise a change for a woman

The dream book advises to pay close attention to such a dream, which portends changes and new events, otherwise you can miss a chance that does not happen often in life.


A dream plot with this symbol for a woman expecting a baby reflects her condition. The emergence of life, to which the pregnant woman is directly related, requires the supervision of medical professionals. Then the process will end safely, and childbirth will be easy.


A dream where a girl holds a chicken egg, cooks it means that everything is going well with her. An alarming sign when a young lady cracked an egg or does not want to contact him.

In the nest

When the dreamer is very ill, then having seen such a dream, he will recover. The disease will leave him, the person will feel better.

In the chicken coop

When a dreamer dreams that he finds strong eggs in a chicken coop, he will have financial stability, material well-being and a happy family life. If they turn out to be gold, the dreamer will become a rich and influential person.

On the table

When in a dream this item is on the kitchen table, in reality a person experiences difficulties in relationships with people. The dream interpretation recommends showing more confidence and then there will be more ease when communicating with the interlocutor.

There is

A dream predicts a serious illness. If in a dream a person eats this product without measure, then in real life he can get sick. Overeating while awake is harmful, and dreaming increases this value. An egg yolk seen in a dream means annoyance and resentment of a relative.

Watch the video. The meaning of sleep about chicken eggs.


If the dreamer collects chicken products in a chicken coop in a dream, he may lose the trust of his life partner in reality. Probably jealousy contributed to this state. Collecting something in a dream is considered a favorable sign. It promises acquisitions and new opportunities.


When a person in the arms of Morpheus buys eggs, in reality he will become the owner of a valuable acquisition. It is possible that the dreamer will be issued a donation for an apartment.

Another interpretation of sleep is a new acquaintance, a meeting with an interesting person, your soulmate. The relationship that has arisen in the future will develop into a serious relationship and possibly lead to marriage.


What does the symbol of boiling eggs mean in a dream? The plot portends minor household chores and various assignments from the leadership in the labor field.


It is worth noting that these items symbolize birth and life, so seeing a dream about broken products can warn of a serious illness or death of a relative.


Dreaming of crushed eggs in a dream can mean family conflicts that have arisen, annoyance and resentment against their household members. Getting dirty with crushed foods means endless troubles that have piled up, from which it is difficult for the dreamer to get rid of in reality.

It is difficult to say when they will end, and how often they will occur, but dream books are strongly advised to listen to such a dream.


If the dreamer dreams that he is painting Easter eggs, he should reconsider sexual relations with a partner. Perhaps you should make adjustments to your intimate life? A few experiments will bring sharpness of sensations, return the fire of passion and give a lot of pleasure.


Rolling these items in a dream predicts good news, a rich harvest, material well-being and financial stability.

Dream Interpretation: to see chicken eggs in a woman’s dream

According to the dream book Sonan

The interpretation of such a plot according to this dream book means great luck and happiness, reciprocity in feelings, rapid career advancement, and an increase in wages.

When a person who does not have a family dreams of a large number of these products, he will soon have a wedding. When a person is married, a dream promises him happiness and a strong family, the birth of children.

A dream can predict the possibility of earning money in a new way. Spoiled foods warn of attacks by ill-wishers or envious people who will soon make themselves known.

85% of dreams about egg dishes promise surprises

When the dreamer eats a dish of these products, a pleasant event will soon occur in his family life.

According to the Mayan dream book

The dream in which this symbol appeared, according to this dream book, has both a negative and a positive interpretation. A favorable meaning about this plot means that the dreamer inspired someone with passionate love. Crumble eggs in a dream means disappointment in lifestyle.

According to the Russian dream book

This dream book has its own version of the interpretation of sleep about such objects. Boiling and frying this product in a dream means loss. A large number of items promise guests and gifts. Breaking an egg in a dream predicts the stinginess of a loved one.

A dream about an egg in a bird's nest means love adventures. Spoiled, rotten products dream of financial losses and financial difficulties.