Why dream of flying in a dream. Why does an adult dream of flying in a dream - a dream book. Interpretation of various dream books

Perhaps every person had to fly in dreams, and someone flies, in general, constantly. So, it's time to figure out why this is a dream. In a dream, you can fly towards achievements, growing up, spiritual searches, fulfillment of desires and fantasies. The dream interpretation is sure: the exact interpretation depends on the specific details of the plot.

The opinion of psychologists and esotericists

To begin with, the opinion of psychology and esotericism on this matter is somewhat different.

Psychologists are sure that this is how the growing up of the dreamer as a person is reflected. The ability to fly symbolizes the successful application of skills, knowledge, natural abilities. It confirms that you continue to grow in your chosen area no matter what.

Esotericists believe that night flights reflect the vitality of a person and his achievements in spiritual aspirations. By the way, visions of flying before the age of twenty testify to physical growth, and later - spiritual.

The dream book reminds: when flying in a dream, it is important to know one nuance. The physical body is connected with its dreaming counterpart by a thin silvery thread. Although it is stronger than any rope, it can break in extreme cases. To prevent this from happening, do not fly too high.

What does it mean if you fly often

Often flying in dreams means striving for freedom, independence, power, influence, glory. In the same way, an attempt is transmitted to break out of the vicious circle, the desire to find a solution to a problem, to overcome an obstacle that has arisen.

If in a dream they tried to learn to fly, the dream book has two options for decoding: either you want to free yourself from something, or consciously strive to become better.

Have you been able to fly for a long time and started teaching someone else? This is a sign that you have a great store of knowledge and are eager to pass it on to others. Very often, such dreams are dreamed of by those who are engaged in various esoteric practices.

Interpretation according to the dream book Enigma

In a dream, did they fly freely and easily, like an angel? In all your endeavors, fate itself favors you. Perhaps not everything planned will come true, but life will be eventful and interesting. But flying very fast like a rocket is bad. Dream Interpretation Enigma claims: this is a symbol of delay.

If you had to fly with some effort, then it is worth postponing the implementation of plans. Have the nights skyrocketed? You will be able to free yourself from addiction, throw off someone else's influence and find freedom in everything.

At the same time, this is a sign that you want to distance yourself from boring problems at least for a while. A lot depends on who the dreamer is:

  • For the young, flight is a symbol of growth.
  • Mature - good luck, promotion.
  • Elderly - completion of the life path.
  • Healthy - happiness and prosperity.
  • Patients - convalescence or, on the contrary, a sharp deterioration.

What does Miller flight mean?

What is the dream of the plot under consideration based on Miller's dream book? If you've flown too high, prepare for an unhappy marriage. It is possible to fly rather low above the ground in front of difficulties or illness.

Seeing muddy water underneath in a dream - to gossip or empty talk. To fly over a green forest - to a prosperous period, a dry tree - to trials, and over ruins - to trouble and even tragedy.

If you saw the church below, then you have to wage a desperate struggle for your love and position. The same plot is sometimes a warning of a serious illness. It's not good if you manage to fall. Mr. Miller predicts a major defeat.

Why is Freud's plot dreaming

Traditionally, Freud's interpretations are related to the intimate side of being. If a man flew in a dream, he is proud of his potential and tirelessness in bed. Why does a woman dream of a similar vision? Freud's Dream Interpretation believes that she cares about her reputation.

For a man to see a flying woman means that he wants to have intimate contact with her, but is afraid of failure. Flying men in women's dreams reflect the desire to meet a skillful and indefatigable lover.

The following meaning can be considered the final chord. For dreamers of both sexes, flying with open arms literally means that they strive for a variety of sexual relationships. But at the same time, they are somewhat afraid of the consequences of promiscuous sex.

Meaning according to the Islamic dream book

Why do you dream of flying in a dream according to this interpreter? He associates it with the imminent acquisition of power and respect. If we flew up without wings, then the plans will be successfully implemented, and life will improve.

A level flight signifies an imminent journey. If you flew in the clouds surrounded by some creatures or souls, then soon doubts or worries will melt away without a trace.

By the way, the Islamic dream book believes that falling down is also good. Remember exactly what you landed on: this is what you will get in reality. But for a person in power, the plot is a bad omen and bodes well for loss.

Decoding a dream according to Wang

The interpreter of the seer Vanga considers flying a sign of freedom, the ability to overcome any obstacles, to solve problems. If in a dream you had to literally float in the air, making movements with your hands, then you clearly experience some kind of limitations or dissatisfaction.

Why dream of how they soared in pitch darkness? You will find yourself in a desperate situation. If at the same time the bright moon was shining, the dream book promises unearthly bliss. Seeing the sun above you is best. It is a symbol of divine revelation, spiritual exaltation.

Had a dream about how you tried your best to fly as high as possible? In reality, you are also trying to take a higher position, but the lack of knowledge or skills will not allow you to do this.

Why fly up to the ceiling

The dream interpretation is convinced: flying in a dream is a sign of a real separation of the soul from the physical body. If they took off in the room to the very ceiling, then this is a sign of the awakening of spiritual forces.

But when flying indoors, be sure to remember all the details. If it was low and gloomy, then you are in a depressed state, experience fear, self-doubt. Being in a light and airy room testifies to a positive attitude, purposefulness, and faith in the best.

If you always feel that an invisible ceiling prevents you from climbing up, then you yourself have built some kind of restrictions. And they slow you down not only in a dream, but also in everyday life.

Did you dream that you took off under the very dome of the circus? The dream interpretation believes that you give too much importance to some problem. In fact, the problem that you think is incredibly difficult is not and is very simple to solve.

Be like a seagull, raven and other birds

The interpretation of the action in question may depend on the nature of the flight. For example, if you flew like a seagull, then your rebellious soul is in constant search. Being like a raven in a dream means that you are hiding bad intentions and vicious desires. The same image promises gloomy business circumstances. Also, at night fly like:

  • Parrot - to spread gossip and rumors.
  • Peacock - to irrepressible pride and unrealistic plans.
  • Sparrow - to fussiness, confusion.
  • Rooster - to get into a stupid situation.
  • Bumblebee - to monotonous workdays.

If wings have grown like a beetle, then you will experience dissatisfaction and irritability. In this case, you should be careful when signing the papers.

Why fly with mom or beloved

Why dream if strangers were flying around? Get ready for trouble and word of mouth. If your mother fluttered nearby, together you will participate in important, but joyful events.

But flying in a dream with dad indicates positive changes in the business sphere. Flying with mom and dad also reflects the right path and parental blessing.

According to the dream book, it is bad to see your grandmother or grandfather flying. This is a sign that old people are at the end of their earthly existence. For a man to find a girl fluttering next to him - to a fleeting, but rather stormy connection.

If you happen to soar with your loved one, this means that you yearn for each other. A girl flying nearby promises a real miracle, and a boy - chores.

What does it mean to see animals in a dream

Why dream of flying with some animals? With your dog or cat - for joy or recovery. Flying next to a penguin can communicate with an important person or peace of mind.

If you dreamed of an ordinary horse flying, then the circumstances at work will turn out easily and successfully. Pegasus appeared in dreams? You will be covered with a wave of creative inspiration. The dream book reminds: sometimes this image is interpreted in the reverse order and then it promises complete stagnation.

An elephant was flying nearby? Your merits are recognized, despite their some awkwardness. A flying fish, especially a gold one, guarantees extraordinary luck.

I dreamed about flying on objects

It is equally important to give a decryption for the objects used for lifting into the air.

  • Chair - career advancement or job loss.
  • An umbrella is protection from adversity.
  • The bed is an unusual twist of fate.
  • Icon - help in difficult circumstances.
  • A stick is luck in a hopeless situation.
  • Household appliances - to the purchase of what you flew.

Flying on colorful balloons in a dream is a sign of change. But watching how the ball flew away without you is a missed opportunity. A huge balloon hints that a good idea will help solve the problem.

Why dream that a bus or car took off? The desired will be fulfilled as soon as possible. Flying in an airplane? Dream book advice: take a chance and everything will work out. To fly on an unidentified vehicle is to gain unusual knowledge.

Choose your dream 👇

Hello! 🤗

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Who dreamed just today. This particular night ️ 🌃.

Likes are spinning 😍⭐️

    I was in a restaurant, but almost naked, without a top, I wanted to get somewhere quickly (not home, I was in an unfamiliar place). I went out into the street and ran, the night city, unfamiliar, everything seems damp, slipped, but instantly got up again and ran again, got confused in the streets, but I don't stop. Mechanically on the run I wave my arms and took off, wanting to look from above and understand where I needed to. I took off easily, but I can't move forward in the air, only back. I decided to climb even higher so that it was convenient to fly backwards and inspect everything below. Below me was a huge city without borders, houses, houses, houses ... I did not understand where I needed to, a night dark city the size of New York. He screamed violently in despair, woke up.

    I dreamed of falling from a crumbling mountain. At the same time, he disassembled it (destroyed). When he fell, he suddenly soared and saw white wings behind him. The flight was easy and joyful. Downstairs, someone from my acquaintances started filming and rejoiced at my abilities.

    He took off with a girl on a swimming board (like), high, fast, flew between rocks, quarries, gorges ... but landed in the water ... What is it for?

    • With the chosen one, you will experience vivid sexual emotions. But do not think that in this relationship everything is based only on intimacy. When the passions subside, you will find in her a woman with whom you want to connect life 😏.

      I flew at a height of 7-10 storey buildings. I often fly in my sleep, in different places. He flew fast and it was difficult to control the flight. Most often I try to fly away from someone: either just some people, or some fabulous strange characters.

      • This means that your potential has not yet been revealed) You can be an adult, but your soul is still very young! The brightest life events are ahead, and victories too. Look for yourself - something interesting is prepared for you 😉.

        Today I dreamed of swinging on a swing, and then a small black thin mattress on which I lay high in the air in pitch darkness.

        • You are so caught up in your current idea that you do not notice anything around. Literally soar in creative fervor. And the slightest disappointment can knock you down and take away your inspiration.

          27-Sep-2019 Oksana:

          Today I dreamed that I saw a sabbath of young witches and joined them flying in a black dress over the castle. It was easy and pleasant for me, but then they saw the pendant with the Virgin Mary and fled from me.

          • Tired of worries, you spit on everything and allow yourself a little "devilry" 🤭. But it is not at all peculiar to your character and will soon get bored. Agree, it's nice to be yourself after all)

            I constantly dream that I am lifted off the ground, as if I am floating up not high, over people, trees, sometimes with the power of my thoughts I soar over houses.

            I took off holding on to some object, I can't understand why, it was very scary, I flew over the sea, then I landed in the water, the water is muddy, but shallow, the landing was accurate.

            I had a very beautiful dream. That I flew over the city and admired the beautiful landscape that we can see from above. There was also a game surrounded by my friends who watched me soar above. I got a very good impression from sleep.

            The first time I dreamed that I was floating in the air, about six months ago. I still remember these sensations even on a purely physical level: how I stood in the center of the room and with an effort pushed off the air with my palms, I remember the tension in the muscles of my arms and incredible delight, and surprise when I rose 50 centimeters from the floor, and then slowly and easily floated around the apartment. Moreover, the feeling of reality of what was happening did not leave me even for several minutes after waking up, and after that there was a pleasant aftertaste of impressions. Another time I had a dream where I try to explain my ability to my parents, prepare them, and then demonstrate. The physical sensations were the same, but to the delight of soaring in the air, the fear of how they would perceive it was added. I want to say right away that I am 45 years old, and since the age of 19 I have been living far from them. And about two weeks ago, I had a dream in which an unknown force, against my will, tore me off the kitchen floor, and I hung along the wall under the ceiling, while experiencing incredible horror, I tried to resist and go down, and when I did it, fled in panic from this house. So levitation in sleep is not always pleasant.

            9-Sep-2017 Vasya:

            I dream that I'm flying. I fly from time to time. I fly in different ways, sometimes high on the ground, sometimes normal, at the level of five-story buildings. In the first version, where above the ground, I remember, I flew in a cloudless sky above the skyscrapers of a large city. In the second version, in general, like a fairy hovering over a summer meadow where children were playing, I supposedly know some of them. There was a playground and a five-story building. He flew at the level of the fifth and sixth floors. I just stood around the children, talked with some of them, and then took it and decided to take off! I just decided and took off. I have no wings in my dreams. I fly myself. I make a running start with a little jumps, push off the ground and fly up. The way of taking off and the absence of wings is always the same in different dreams about flight, but the terrain, height, faces are different. I flew over children and looked at them. Some shouted that I was crazy, others that I was evil, and still others admired and wanted to fly as well. But my attention was attracted by a boy in the window of a five-story building, he smiled at me and waved his hand, looked at me with admiration, as if I was his favorite hero from a fairy tale or cartoon, and he finally saw me in real life. That was cute. I emphasize that I am not a lover of children, I treat them neutrally or negatively, sometimes positively, depending on the child himself. I am 22 years old. Fairy tales about everyone there "for love, for children in dreams" do not affect me, I am always alone. But if someone interprets my dream, why is this dreaming, I will be grateful. Well, I thought, since some people look and admire, others insult. Maybe this suggests that I will achieve success and fame in my business and fulfill my dreams, but I will have an obstacle, namely the opinion of people about me, a bad opinion? Or not? What do you think?


            Last night, I dreamed about a cemetery. A freshly dug grave and I bury it, the ground is soft as sand. And then she flew with someone without wings, without someone's help, over the cemetery, in front of the cemetery there was a canopy, flew under it. It turned back so beautifully, and a little scary.

            I dreamed that I was flying over the cemetery by myself in the dark. But I feel neither fear, nor any joy. There is a cemetery on both sides of the road, ordinary, only the road itself is sometimes kind of crooked, sunken in places. What is it for? Just also for Friday ...

As children, almost all people hear from their parents that flying in a dream is a good sign. Night dreams with such a plot indicate that the child is growing, developing. Should adults be happy or worried if they saw such a dream? It is easy to understand this by remembering the details of the mysterious dream.

Flying in a dream: up and down

Remembering your dream, it is certainly worth recalling the direction of flight. It is wonderful if in his nightly dreams a person soars upward, such a plot promises him prosperity in business. Flying in a dream may indicate dreams of power, which the dreamer indulges in if he rises to a great height. It is possible that the "master" of sleep will have to take a worthy position in society.

A dream in which a person is flying down does not bode well. It is likely that night dreams with such a plot serve as a kind of warning that something bad and dangerous is about to happen. Flying at low altitude, but not falling - such a dream for good. It is possible that career growth awaits the dreamer; success in other areas of life is also possible.


Should it be considered a good omen or a bad omen? It is easy to understand this by recalling the emotions that the dreamer experienced in his dreams. It is bad if this is insecurity and fear, such experiences indicate problems in the sexual sphere. Some interpreters believe that anxiety during the flight speaks of the infantilism of the "master" of sleep, his attempts to shift his problems onto others.

It is wonderful if flights in a dream are accompanied by joy and fun. If such a dream comes to a patient, he will have a speedy recovery. Also, joyful night dreams promise spiritual development, career advancement, and the conclusion of profitable deals.

Islamic dream book

Should I be worried if in his dreams a person feels like a bird, soars in the sky? Such a plot promises that in real life the dreamer will be able to demonstrate his talents to those around him, to restore his damaged reputation. If the "owner" of the dream grows wings, which he uses while soaring, events associated with changes await him: a job change, a trip to another country, a move.

What does it mean to soar up in a dream without having wings. states that such a dream is a good omen. In the near future, the dreamer will see his cherished dream come true.

Freud's dream book

What does Sigmund Freud say about whether a flight-related dream is a good omen? Flying on an airplane in night dreams, if you trust the interpretation of the famous psychologist, promises the "master" of sleep sexual satisfaction. However, only if an excellent airliner acts as a transport.

A completely different matter is a flight on a corn truck, such a dream suggests that in real life a person suffers from problems associated with the intimate sphere. The use of a military plane in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer is inclined to exaggerate his own love victories.

Dreams inspired by a plane flight that took place in reality are common. Most interpreters believe that it should not be taken as a prediction. Rather, it is a reflection of the fears that a person experienced in reality during the flight. If the dreamer in real life never experiences anxiety when boarding an airliner, but experiences negative emotions during an air trip in a dream, he should be wary of adventures that could end badly.


Not only airplanes are capable of appearing in people's dreams, but others as well. For example, a person can see himself in his night dreams, flying on a hang glider, an airship, especially if he has a developed imagination. It is possible that the use of such a transport in a dream suggests that in reality the dreamer was in a crisis situation. He is busy looking for non-standard solutions to the problem, but no action helps him cope with it.

Why dream of flying if a parachute acts as an aircraft? Such a dream symbolizes the danger that threatens his "owner", suggests that his future is under threat. It is likely that the dreamer intends to conclude an adventurous deal, embark on a dubious adventure.

A helicopter flight is a disturbing dream, if you focus on the opinion of the compilers of the esoteric dream book. It is possible that the dreamer is deceiving close people (friends, relatives), which may end badly for him.

Space Adventures

Sleep flights can also be associated with space. What does it mean on a rocket if you trust the opinion of the compilers of the dream books? Outer space in many people evokes associations with mystery, romance, adventure. A dream in which a rocket appears, in most cases promises a change for the better. It is quite possible that the "owner" of the dream will soon wait for the implementation of the most daring plans and make a dizzying career.

It is definitely worth remembering the emotions experienced by a person during space travel. If he took pleasure, felt joy, then such night dreams portend a pleasant journey. A different meaning is traditionally attributed to a dream, in which there is a flight into space, if the "owner" of the dream experiences anxiety during its commission. It is possible that in real life a person is trying to hide from problems.

A negative dream is a trip to the moon. Such a plot predicts catastrophes of world significance, foreshadows wars, epidemics, natural disasters.

Magic transport

What does flying in a dream mean if a person uses a witch's vehicle as a transport - a broom. If the "mistress" of the night dreams, in which the broom appears, is a representative of the fair sex, this suggests that in reality she is trying to replenish the wasted energy. Men visit such a vision if in real life they are not happy with their relationship with the chosen one.

A wonderful dream - a journey on a dragon. This fabulous beast symbolizes will, strength, endurance. It is likely that the dreamer will have an influential patron in the near future who will provide him with the necessary support. However, if a person tries to rise into the air on a dragon and is defeated, in reality only unrealized ambitions await him.

What's below

Flying in a dream over the forest suggests that the dreamer will soon discover a secret that worries him. He can also get out of a crisis situation by coming up with a creative solution to the problem. Seeing the city under your feet, in most cases, you can rejoice, since a dream promises quick recognition. If the city, over which the "master" of sleep flies, is destroyed, such a nightmare promises misfortunes in reality.

Also, a person can see himself in a dream hovering above water. It will be easy to understand the meaning of a dream if you remember the state of the reservoir. If he was dirty, in reality the dreamer has a lot of unfinished business, bad relations with someone from the inner circle. A clean, transparent reservoir, on the contrary, indicates that a person is ready for an inner insight that will not force oneself to wait. Flying over the sea foreshadows the sharpening of intuition, this will help to avoid many dangers in real life, to defeat your enemies.

Flying in a dream is a sign of good luck or great ambitions.

If you dream that you have flown too far, then the dream warns you that the person for whom you are suffering so much does not deserve it. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a long wait for something or someone.

To fly and fall is a sign of danger, trouble and collapse in business.

Flying over a familiar country or area in a dream means participation in important matters and respect for others.

In general, the nature of the landscape below will help you reveal the meaning of the dream. Therefore, you should look at the characteristics of the area by name (ruins, fire, etc.)

To fly and see the sun in a dream portends a good change.

Flying in a dark starry sky in a dream is a sign of great disasters.

Flying from roof to roof in a dream means that you are not satisfied with the present and everyone is trying to get things right, doing one thing and then doing another.

Flying over your house in a dream means that your family will condemn your crazy plans and, because of this, a scandal will break out in the house.

Flying over a foreign country in a dream is a harbinger of a long journey from which you will not return soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take on a completely new business.

Flying with wings in a dream is better than without them. In this case, the wings mean support or help from the outside. As you know, without support and help, it is more difficult to cope with some business.

Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of danger and risk.

Flying too high in a dream means that your desire is unfulfilled.

Soaring in the sky in a dream is a sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with great ambitions. For patients, such a dream predicts death.

See interpretation: airplane, balloon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream fly

By air, life and spiritual forces, achievements in personal, professional, creative or spiritual activities. Very often flights are dreamed of as a result of some kind of spiritual practice, which speaks of progress. Ambition is too high, unreasonable claims, conceit; collapse of plans. In heaven, spiritual revelation, self-knowledge; serious illness or death. Flying on a broomstick or riding an animal is fascination with demonic spiritual teachings, the imperceptible development of one's own passion, pride, the beginning of spiritual temptation and soul loss. On the chair, loss of place, position, or vice versa, service successes. On the bed, an original, unexpected turn of life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

What does dream fly mean

To improve the state of affairs, getting rid of danger, improving karma.

If you get an unpleasant impression of flying, then this is an indicator of the effect of witchcraft spells on you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological dream book

Dream to Fly

Fly - On a flying carpet, vacuum cleaner, bird - to travel long distances. With the help of something: wings, propeller - to purchase equipment (car, boat, TV, refrigerator). Without the help of anything - to the successful use of their abilities.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What Dreams Mean to Fly

Fly on your own low above the ground.

Advice of the day: for now, disregard the advice of your close circle and do what your heart tells you to.

Fly up to the sky on your own.

Tip of the day: Your dreams are unlikely to come true anytime soon. Direct your interest to a specific cause.

Fly on an airplane.

Tip of the day: you are on the right track. A little more effort and victory will crown your aspiration.

Fly in a hot air balloon.

Tip of the day: watch out for the person who shows you signs of attention.

Take off with ground transportation.

Tip of the day: Any business that you take now will work. Be more active.

Take off and fall.

Advice of the day: you will have to accept defeat and save strength for a new takeoff

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Tutorial on the interpretation of dreams

Dream about Fly

Flying in a dream is a symbolic separation from the physical body, astral travel.

It characterizes the elation of the dreamer's spirit, the ability to rise above his problems.

Flying in a dream.

Outdoors - evidence of a surge of vitality and sexuality.

Trying to fly under the ceiling is the awakening of spiritual forces.

Soaring high among the clouds is a disconnect from real life, a penchant for fantasy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Tutorial on the interpretation of dreams

What does it mean to fly in a dream

Well, success in business, joy, wealth, harvest, you will look for workers, recover (to the sick), repent, the road // illness, death (to the sick); fly down - failure awaits; up - joy, luck; low - the road; fly high - happy change // delusion; far - love // \u200b\u200blong wait.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream interpretation Fly

If you dreamed that you were soaring high above the ground, get ready for family troubles. Fly low - some ailments ahead. The dream in which you are flying over dirty water encourages you to devote more time to your business. Competitors will take advantage of your inattention.

Flying over the ruins can be a symbol of boredom.

If you are looking at the green grass from a height, then temporary difficulties await you, which will soon be replaced by luck.

A dream about a space flight to the Moon and other planets promises global cataclysms - wars, epidemics, hunger.

A dream in which you fly on black wings portends a bitter disappointment.

If during the flight you fall, then in life you are in danger of falling. But if at the last moment you woke up, then you will be able to cope with the problems.

For a young woman, a dream in which she flies from one city to another and lands on the dome of a church means that she has to defend her ideas and beliefs. She is also in danger of deteriorating health.

If she dreams that she was shot, then she should beware of the intrigues of enemies on the way to success.

D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “We often fly in a dream - this is a significant event, and sometimes we fly, so to speak, spontaneously, and in other cases we see a lucid dream and consciously choose a flight. But, as a rule, flight is always accompanied by an unlimited sense of freedom.

During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like wings, swing your arms to stay in the air. However, many dream that in soaring they are picked up by an unknown force. Usually, such dreams occur when we really want to travel or on the eve of a danger that requires an escape. In the process of lucid dreaming, we slowly rise into the air, soaring above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can do it. This is one of the types of astral, out-of-body, experience.

Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above the circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions. "

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Dream interpretation Fly

If a child, a teenager - to fly for growth (.

If you live in abundance) - to bliss.

In all other cases - to pleasant illusions, dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest dream book

What the dream predicts Fly

To fly - success in business, love - over a long distance - love experiences - to fall - trouble - on the wings - happiness - in heaven - for healthy people - happiness, for sick people death.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

Dream Meaning Fly

Seeing yourself flying - to a promotion and prosperity in business, which will cause discord with relatives.

If you see that you are flying on a plane with friends, you will be successful in business.

If you are alone on an airplane, your friends are jealous of your wealth.

A woman sees a stranger flying on an airplane - to parting with her husband or illness of children.

Feng Shui Dream Interpretation

In a dream see Fly

If the flight is given to you easily and freely: this is a sure sign that fate cares about you and itself opens the right path for you. Perhaps not all your wishes will come true, but your life promises to be rich and interesting.

At the same time, if the flight requires any effort or you are simply afraid of falling: such a dream is a sign of unrealizable hopes and fruitless dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book of the twentieth century

Sleep prediction Fly

If in a dream you soar upward like a bird, this in reality will bring you fulfillment of hope, success in business and love. If, on the contrary, you plan to land from heaven, you will become the cause and at the same time the victim of a family quarrel. Flying in the air low above the ground portends a long journey.

If in a dream you fly far, far and for quite a long time, in reality you are provided with love experiences, that is, joy interspersed with tears. If you dream that you are flying across the sky surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals, amazed at this, all the grief that has accumulated in your soul will melt like smoke. Seeing other people flying in a dream is in trouble. Flying on a plane portends happiness in your personal life, on a helicopter - you will have an accident, on an airship - do a brave act, in a balloon - you will regret a missed opportunity, on a hang glider - you will have fun.

Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you will soon receive news from a friend that he is in an unpleasant situation. Larks flying in a dream mean high goals, having achieved which, you will get rid of selfishness and develop the good qualities of both soul and mind. If a lark, flying around, falls on you, luck will turn to face you.

Seeing the flight of cranes in a dream foreshadows gloomy prospects in commercial affairs. If flying cranes descend to the ground, this foreshadows unusual events in reality. Seeing a flying turkey in a dream portends you success and fame, what will happen in the very near future.

If you see an eagle soaring high in the skies, in real life this portends you a desperate struggle to realize your goals and ideals, which sooner or later will lead to the desired success. A flying eagle means good luck in business.

Bats seen in a dream portend the death of a loved one. Flying in multitudes above you, they mean an imminent parting with a loved one. Seeing a pilot in a dream is a pleasant change in your future destiny.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book alphabetically

Why dream of flying

skip, miss the main thing, not participate or successfully pass the danger, difficulty. "Fly", "fly", "flew" the impetuosity, transience of the event, period of life.

"fly into the pipe" go broke.

"to fly with happiness." Fly home from work. "Soared High" is about rapid career growth.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream interpretation of idioms

Dream fly

For a long distance - love experiences; to fall is a nuisance; to fly on the wings is happiness; in heaven - happiness for the healthy, for the sick - death

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Hasse

What does dream fly mean

Seeing yourself in a dream flying together with someone and feeling the delight of flying is a stormy, but fleeting love.

Interpretation of dreams from

Flying in a dream is always good. This action reflects spiritual development, success in business and general well-being. Popular dream books will analyze in detail various plot options and tell you what they are dreaming of.

According to the collection of dream books

Did you fly in a dream? It is a symbol of movement and freedom. At the same time, the vision hints: you are too distant from real life and soar far in the clouds.

But if flying in a dream does not happen so often, then at the current stage you are trying to solve some problem, overcome an obstacle, get out of a difficult situation. The dream book also believes that you want to gain more influence, take a higher position, or, on the contrary, get rid of responsibilities.

Had a dream of how you flew without wings easily and freely in the sky? You will achieve what you have in mind. Did you have a chance to fly in any air transport in a dream? The cherished desire will soon come true.

According to the Islamic dream book

Why dream if you are lucky to fly? In reality, you will achieve power, you will receive incredible power, but only if you really deserve it. Did you happen to see that the flight ended in a fall? In fact, you will get what you fell for in a dream. Sometimes this is a sign of a close illness and serious problems.

Had a dream of how easily you flew from roof to roof? In reality, conclude a new marriage, a contract. The dream book also considers this a harbinger of an exciting journey. If you are lucky to fly on wings, then get ready for big life changes.

Why dream if you had to fly to another country? In reality, earn the honor and respect of others. Flying up without wings means that cherished dreams will come true soon, and the situation will improve significantly. However, flying very high in the sky is bad. Especially if in a dream it was not possible to return to earth. This is an omen of imminent death.

Did you dream that you flew far from your home? There is a possibility of a change of place of residence, work. The dream interpretation also hints at a close departure from life. Flying horizontally in a dream means the usual course of being without any special changes and bright events.

According to the Wanderer's dream book

Why dream if you happen to fly in the air without assistance or some kind of device? In a similar way, a dream reflects the presence of vitality, achievements in the spiritual and professional sphere, and creative upsurge. If in reality you are engaged in some kind of spiritual practice, then flying in a dream speaks of clear progress.

But flying too high means that you have overestimated ambitions, excessive conceit, unreasonable needs. Had a dream about flying high in the sky? This image symbolizes in a dream spiritual growth, self-knowledge, or death, a serious illness.

Why dream if you happen to fly on strange objects? The interpretation of sleep depends entirely on the type of object used. So, flying on an animal or a broomstick means that you are carried away by dark practices, indulge your whims too often, and are overly proud of yourself. The dream interpretation is sure: all this leads to degradation and death of the soul.

Had a dream that you were flying in an ordinary chair? If you lose your job, position, or, on the contrary, successfully advance in the service, you will find a profitable place. Flying in a dream directly on the bed means that a very unusual event will occur in life that will turn life around.

According to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

why does a woman dream that she was flying in a dream? This is a sign of withdrawal from the situation, abandonment of desires. You can find the right way out of the circumstances. Dreaming flights promise a woman energy harmony and peace of mind.

If a man dreamed that he was flying, then this is a sign of loss of vitality, as well as excessive daydreaming, a discrepancy between what is desired and what is real. After such dreams, a man can prepare for major losses, diseases, inadequate actions.

It is good to see yourself as a child and fly in a dream, or just feel the joy of flying. This is a sign of the ideal energy balance, peculiar only to children. The dream book considers a dream to be favorable and promises an increase in vitality, activity in business, literally a second youth. However, the same plot symbolizes in a dream a desire to hide from problems or responsibility.

According to D. and N. Winter's dream book

Had a dream that you had a chance to freely and easily fly over the ground in a dream? Be sure: fate itself leads you, it also keeps you from all sorts of troubles and serious difficulties. You are not sure that you will get everything you want, but you will live a bright and eventful life.

Why dream if you had to fly with great difficulty or did you constantly think that you could fall? The dream interpretation considers this a sign of deliberately unrealizable dreams and expectations. In addition, you have to literally everywhere and everywhere make your way on your own.

According to Medea's dream book

Why dream if you are lucky enough to fly in the night? The dream interpretation is sure: astral travel, the separation of the soul from the physical body, manifests itself in a similar way. The vision also calls in a dream to rise above earthly problems in order to see something more.

Happened to fly outdoors, outside a confined space? In reality, you will experience a surge of strength, a creative upsurge. Attempting to fly in a room under the ceiling means that spiritual forces are in the awakening stage. But, flying high in the sky symbolizes illusion, dreaminess, disconnection from reality in a dream.

Why dream if in a dream it turned out to fly without help quite low above the ground? In the near future, listen only to yourself and do not follow other people's, even the wisest advice. Did you ever fly up to the clouds on your own? Forget about dreams and channel all your energy in a specific direction.

Had a dream that you were lucky to fly on an airplane? You have chosen the right direction, and very little is left to the goal. Have you managed to fly in vehicles that are completely not intended for flights? Take a chance, now you can realize the most daring plans.

Did you happen to fly in a hot air balloon? There is a person in love with you who should not be missed. If in a dream you had to fly and fall, then you will have to come to terms with the loss in order to accumulate strength and try again later.

Why dream - to fly by plane, helicopter

If you happen to fly an airplane, you run the risk of getting involved in a dubious and unsafe business. Try to assess your capabilities sensibly. Flight by plane or helicopter also symbolizes an attempt to speed up movement, the course of events, to get to some place ahead of time.

Dreamed of a long plane flight? In a dream, it marks a period of hard work and great responsibility. Why dream if it happened to fly in a hot air balloon? If you are going on a trip, then it will be unsuccessful. A hot air balloon flight marks an improvement in the financial situation thanks to the success of some unreliable scam.

In the night, fly on your own, without wings

Why, in general, do you dream of flying? Until the age of twenty, they symbolize physical development, after the indicated age - spiritual. Did you dream that you were floating freely in the air? Wake up get complete freedom of action. If in a dream the flight was given with great difficulty, you had to wave your arms, then you clearly experience lack of freedom, limitation, oppression.

It is good to fly up without wings in a dream. This is an omen of successful development, both spiritually and professionally. Flying on your own also means that you will be able to find a non-trivial way out of this situation.

What it symbolizes is to fly on wings

Why dream if in a dream you used wings to climb up? Wake up, thanks to someone's support. Did you dream that you flew on black wings? Prepare for a major disappointment.

It is good to fly on white wings. In reality, there will be a tremendous success in love or business. If such a dream occurs often enough, then in real life expect an improvement in well-being, fulfillment of dreams, and long-term luck.

What does it mean to fly over the ground, the clouds

Had a dream about how lucky it was to fly relatively high above the ground? In reality, the dream will come true. Flying too low is worse. A minor illness or occasional misunderstanding will disrupt the plans. It's good to see yourself flying under the clouds. In real life, you are destined for a happy fate and a successful marriage.

Why dream if you happen to fly in space? You do not adequately perceive the surrounding reality, because you are completely immersed in dreams. Sometimes the plot hints at an excessive workload, a desire to be in time for everything, while simultaneously doing different things. In a dream, you dreamed that it happened to fly over water? If it is cloudy, then a collision with enemies is coming, if it is pure, then a desire will come true.

Why dream - fly and fall

If in a dream you managed to fall during the flight, then the sign should be taken literally: in reality you will not be able to achieve what you want, cope with the problem, you will know the bitterness of defeat. Falling from a height led to awakening? Get ready to face a blow of fate or a difficult test.

Flying in a dream - even more decryptions

For an extremely clear interpretation, it is very important to note where and on what they flew, what they saw underneath and other nuances.

  • fly low - road, journey
  • high - well-being, all kinds of improvements
  • very high - ambition, conceit, inflated needs
  • fly horizontally up through the air - achievements
  • from top to bottom - conflict, bad luck
  • very far and long - experiences, mixed events (good and bad)
  • fly over your house - excessive workload with household chores
  • over the city - you are tired of the hustle and bustle or, on the contrary, you need to be active
  • over dirty water - pay attention to business
  • over the ruins - boredom, failure
  • over green trees - a successful streak
  • flying surrounded by strange creatures - getting rid of sorrows, heavy thoughts
  • flying for a healthy dreamer - excellent health, a surge of strength
  • for the patient - death or miraculous healing (depending on the details)
  • fly on wings that have grown - happiness
  • without wings - success in the endeavor
  • like a bird - fulfillment of expectations, overall success
  • riding on an icon - protection, good luck
  • flying on an airplane - happiness in personal
  • on a comfortable liner - confidence, dedication, moderate ambitions
  • on the old maize - difficulties, problems, stress
  • on a military plane - inflated self-esteem, dedication, readiness
  • by helicopter - accident, accident, injury
  • in a hot air balloon - missed opportunities, unused chances
  • on a hang glider - idle leisure, fun
  • fly and fall - mental trauma, failure, defeat

Had a dream of how carelessly you flew, but you were shot (shot down) and you fell down? There are many pitfalls on the way to success, so think through your every action.

Anyone who has had to fly in a dream will confirm that the sensations received are simply fantastic. The symbolism of flights is almost always light, many superstitions say that flying in a dream means growing. Of course, the interpretation of any dream completely depends on the details that were dreamed. Any dream book will make a person fly for various reasons, putting forward his interpretation.

An interesting fact is that almost all dreams about flights are realized by a person.

In other words, the dreamer realizes that he is sleeping and can control his body in this dream. The most common desire embedded in such dreams is the desire to travel.

Why dream of flying in a dream

It is believed that flying in a dream can only be seen until a certain age. To a greater extent, this is due to the opinion that seeing oneself flying in dreams means a person's growth. Initially, it was generally associated with the development of the brain - free floating means freedom.

In dreams, details are important - what color were the wings, what was the sky, what time of day it was. Even more importance is attached to the time of year when one dreamed of flying in a dream.

Interpretation by the seasons

  • Autumn is a premonition of a whirlwind romance, but it is not recommended to rush into the pool with your head, as this can lead to trouble. Love will be passionate, but the relationship won't last long - a brief infatuation;
  • Winter - the dreamer should take care of his well-being, go to the hospital, since winter flights dream of illnesses;
  • Spring - despite the general ease of this time, in a dream, fly over blossoming trees and melted snow to the subconscious desire to perceive the world more real. A dream signals that dreams can lead to a crooked path, and if they get lost, a person will miss all the opportunities provided by fate;
  • Summer is a warm and vibrant season that symbolizes spiritual growth, especially for young people.

In addition to premonitions, dreams can be warnings.

Why dream of flying in a dream

Flying in a dream means taking control of life. It is quite possible that some unpleasant situation has already happened or is just about to happen, which distorts the usual way of life.

The flight signals that everything will work out soon - the dreamer will be able to return the reins to his own hands.

  • If the flight is easy - soaring, enjoying the views, without fear of falling, then the strength of a person's personality gradually grows. She is spurred on by something from outside: the support of family, self-confidence, success at work and on the personal front.
  • During the flight, a person sees everything from a new angle - such soaring can mean that he has changed his outlook on life, began to see things more broadly.

But most often this is interpreted as a pure sense of freedom - the subconscious mind seems to cheer up the dreamer, informing him that nothing is impossible. The ability to fly is hope, opportunity, freedom of expression and thought.

Why dream of flying on an airplane or helicopter

Progress has stepped forward a long time ago, allowing humanity to actually fly across the sky. What the ancient people dreamed about, attributing the possibilities only to the gods, is available to the common man. Airplanes and helicopters - allow you to climb as high as birds. But the interpretation of dreams about this is not so rosy.

  • Not to influence the flight of the plane in any way, to be just a passenger means not to control your life, is constantly under someone else's opinion. To trust people too much, not to be responsible for oneself - the dreamer should realize that his life belongs only to him.
  • On the other hand, the plane symbolizes dreams and fantasies brought to life. This can be interpreted as imminent opportunities in life, for example, a job change. To fly on an airplane means to be released from obligations, because these iron birds make long flights.

The helicopter has a more mundane meaning, indicating something orderly and future in the place where the dreamer is.

  • If you fly as a pilot, you will soon be able to put things in order in your thoughts and at the workplace.
  • Being a passenger and overseeing the land is a quick reward for hard work and honesty.

Fly in the night on your own, without wings

According to the opinion already mentioned, flying up to a certain age means physically growing, and after that - spiritually developing.

Free flight in a dream leads to complete freedom of action, but if you had to wave your arms in order to maintain balance, then the dreamer is oppressed in life, limited in his plans.

Flying alone in a dream is a good sign, as it means complete control over your body and life. It also symbolizes successful development, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

What it symbolizes to fly on wings

If in a dream the dreamer acquired wings, it means that in life he will be helped to climb up. The color of the wings is important:

  • black - to be in trouble, disappointment in a loved one. On the wings, the dreamer flies away from him so as not to see more;
  • whites - on the contrary, success at work, personal front - a beloved person will appear.

A recurring dream will lead to an improvement in well-being, the dreamer will lead a long time in business and in love.

What does it mean to fly over the ground, the clouds

In a dream, I dreamed of flying high above the ground to fulfill a dream, but low, on the contrary, to violate all plans.

  • Flying above the clouds to a happy fate, there will soon be a successful and long-term marriage.
  • But flying near the ground itself, literally levitation, leads to serious health problems.

Why dream of flying and falling

To fly for a long time, and then to fall from a great height means striving for a dream that will never come true. Wrong goals in life will lead to ruin. Moreover, a fall signals danger that spurs on the dreamer - from troubles to illness.

Various interpretations

Dream books interpret differently what dreams of flying in a dream mean. It depends a lot on the details of the dream.

Modern dream book

According to the interpretation, if a young man travels the world, and then flies to a high roof and looks down, then soon he will have to defend his point of view. On the other hand, a lot depends on the picture below:

  • a dirty lake or a river with muddy water - surrounded by someone who wishes evil to all undertakings;
  • the ruins of the city - the dreamer will soon get bored with his business, it is time to go on a new journey;
  • a well-kept park near the church - there will be minor difficulties that will soon be resolved and luck will appear.

If the dreamer looks up and sees clouds gathering over his head, then a loved one will soon die.

The opinion of Loff and Tsvetkov

According to Loff, light flight symbolizes a strong desire to travel. But what he saw on the ground during the flight portends a danger that can be avoided only by escaping to another city or country. Flying on a vacuum cleaner, a bird or even a boat shows how much the dreamer seeks to avoid misfortune in his life.

According to Tsvetkov, dreams are interpreted as follows:

  • flight in the air - quick success in business;
  • long flight time - love longing, waiting;
  • hovering in your own room is an imaginary ambition that does not allow you to go beyond comfort.

To soar high in the sky without any difficulty and enjoy the time spent - to great happiness.

However, if the dreamer is sick, then such a dream is more likely a premonition of deterioration or even death.

Shuvalov and Menegatti's predictions

The interpretation of what one dreams of flying in a dream, according to Shuvalova, is quite common - the desire for freedom. Flying means the inability to accept life as it really is, to fly away from problems.

The dream book of the Italian interpreter Menegatti suggests that a short flight is just a dream, and a long one is powerlessness and self-doubt.

Interpretations of Freud and Ellis

Freud's dream book interprets flying dreams as dreams of sexual freedom. It may be scary for a person to go beyond the usual relationship, but he wants to try. Many researchers agree with this interpretation, since dreams are a zone of free expression of subconscious desires.

The dream book of Ellis, a British researcher, says that such dreams have a common connection with breathing. Inhaling - in a dream, a person flies, exhaling - falls.

Zhou's predictions

The Chinese interpreter is sure that flight, with wings behind his back, symbolizes great happiness, and ascent to cloudless skies - rapid prosperity, rapid success in life.

In general, the interpretation is quite directional:

  • fly far - to an adventure in love;
  • on the wings - to a happy life;
  • falling is trouble.

The dream book predicts that flight is a bright dream about the near future, meaning the fulfillment of all desires.