The most interesting horoscope for the year is cancer. How to treat drug allergies. Pharmacological drugs that provoke allergies

From the new year I start a new life! " - for the umpteenth time you decide and this time you will not be mistaken. Horoscope for 2016 Cancer promises that changes will begin from the very first days of January and will first affect your social circle: due to some events, you clearly realize who is your friend and who is not quite. Such insights are rare, appreciate it. In the same period, Cancers will get a chance to successfully change their place of work: listen to the ideas of friends, analyze the offers on the labor market ...

In February 2016, your outstanding debts and unfulfilled promises will remind you of themselves. Focus on chopping off the tails: this will help you maintain an image of a responsible and reliable person who can and should be trusted. Reliability bonuses will appear already in March, when you will be lucky in business: responsible and highly paid projects or profitable part-time jobs are expected.

The workload will be great, but it's worth it: in April you will enter a confident person and your financial rear, confidently clicking on complex work tasks. And already in May, a dizzying romance will burst into your life to replace hard work. Not necessarily in the form of love: perhaps some of you will finally fulfill an old dream and go on a round-the-world cruise, someone will find some inspiration to sit down at a masterpiece, and someone realizes that there is nothing more beautiful and valuable than going together with children and drink evening tea on the terrace. But it will not do without falling in love: lonely Cancers will meet a person who seems to them to be an ideal, and will find a poet in themselves, and family Cancers will look at their “half” with a fresh look and admire.

In June 2016, the theme of the hearth will come to the fore: perhaps you are starting a renovation, or it’s time to update your annoying household appliances or furniture, or you’ll come up with an idea to try yourself in the role of a designer ... activities will become joy and lightness, which from now on will give you home.

In July it will be time to dream. In a literal sense: astrologers assure that dreams, conceived and clearly formulated in the first half of the month, have almost one hundred percent chances of being realized. The second half of July is the ideal time to look for a new job or start. educational process associated with the acquisition of an interesting profession: you are promised quick, easy and very monetary success.

But in August 2016, do not count on ease: work will require perseverance and the ability to defend your interests. The same qualities are welcomed in love: one of the romantic acquaintances, for which August will be generous, will most likely develop into a beautiful love story - but only if you prove yourself to be a confident, honest and reliable person.

September and October will give you a long-awaited respite: at work and in your personal life, relationships and affairs will develop harmoniously, and travel and travel will brighten up (and health will also be improved) - do not give up on them!

Some very good news and changes await you in November. The only fly in the ointment is the risk of rash spending, hold back your money. December is a completely home month. Pay more attention to your loved ones, and in return they will make you the happiest person.

Cancer 2016 love horoscope

This year, new promising acquaintances and many vivid impressions of romantic relationships await you.

Cancers of the 1st decade (23.0b-2.07). To find your soul mate, lonely Cancers of the first decade will have to work hard. Expand your circle of acquaintances, attend parties with friends, fairs, exhibitions, in general - the best public places to meet the opposite sex. If you put in the effort, then don't miss the opportunity to meet a truly soul mate and build strong relationships. Pay special attention to dating in January, August, and November. Trust your intuition in choosing a partner. Flirt freely, but do not forget that you cannot build a real relationship on empty flirting.

Cancers 2 decades (03.07-12.07). Cancers of the second decade, who have already found their love, this year will be lucky enough to get married or at least move their relationship to a new quality level. Do this only if you are absolutely sure that this person is your betrothed. If you are single, this year the stars promise you a passionate fast-growing relationship that will soon turn into a serious one. This year, you will change the way you look at the personality traits of your soul mate. In the period from September to November, ideological contradictions in your relationship may worsen. Remember to show love even in small things and in everyday life.

Cancers 3 decades (13.07-22.07). Cancers of the third decade this year, the partner will surprise you with an unexpected proposal, be it a civil marriage or a marriage proposal. An atmosphere of love and tranquility will reign in relationships. In addition, a loved one can help you change your field of activity to a more successful one.

Business horoscope for Cancer for 2016

Prepare to work hard - this year will be challenging, but your efforts will not be in vain.

Cancers of the 1st decade (23.0b-2.07). Cancers of the first decade of the star this year promise career growth. But you will get what you want only if you are not lazy and literally prove to your bosses that you deserve the best. This year you will be able to overcome even the most difficult problems and easily solve any assigned task. The main thing is to be creative in solving any issues and listen to professional intuition.

Cancers 2 decades (03.07-12.07). Cancers born in the second decade will receive a promotion this year, even if they always obey their superiors and do not want to climb the career ladder. You'd better use this opportunity - your chance doesn't come up often. To avoid financial losses, refrain from large spending and spontaneous purchases. It's better to plan your expenses a month in advance.

Cancers 3 decades (13.07-22.07). No matter how difficult the financial situation at the beginning of the year, do not borrow, do not take out loans. It will take a long time to pay, and the conditions, which at first seem favorable, will bring even greater losses. If you feel that your salary is not enough, look for a better paid job or additional sources of income. Your efficiency will allow you to gradually get out of the crisis and even increase your income.

Family horoscope for Cancer for 2016

The loved ones this year will surround you with love and care.

Cancers of the 1st decade (23.06-2.07). Realizing how important career growth is to you this year, your loved ones will provide you with all kinds of support and even take on some of your household chores. Be grateful and spend enough time with them. This year will be a real test for family relationships - your family will show how much they love you.

Cancers 2 decades (03.07-12.07). You will seek solitude, but this is only the result of nervous tension and accumulated fatigue. Ask your family for help and support. Communication with parents will develop positively this year. At the peak of nervous tension, there may be a desire to cheat on a partner, but know that this fleeting connection will not bring satisfaction, but it can become a source of disagreement and large-scale conflicts in the family.

Cancers 3 decades (13.07-22.07). To strengthen family relations, start the whole family to make repairs, update the interior. If you let your imagination run wild, your collective creativity will bear wonderful fruits, and mutual understanding will be at the highest level. Don't forget about your family vacation, plan it together in advance.

Health horoscope for 2016 Cancer

Strengthen the immune system and nervous system, avoid stress, otherwise this year you will often get sick.

Cancers of the 1st decade (23.0b-2.07). Cancers of the first decade this year can be engaged in improving their appearance. All cosmetic procedures will give the maximum effect. Even plastic surgery will have a positive effect on your appearance. Pay attention to the condition of the skin - gastrointestinal diseases and hormonal problems will cause frequent rashes.

Cancers 2 decades (03.07-12.07). This year emotions will literally go off scale, sexuality and passion will intensify. But panic attacks, tantrums and neuroses can occur, therefore, pay considerable attention to strengthening the nerves. See a counselor regularly and learn spiritual practices that can help relieve stress.

Cancers 3 decades (13.07-22.07). The digestive system and respiratory organs will be vulnerable this year. Therefore, stick to an exceptionally correct and complete diet, be sure to take the time to visit a health resort to support your respiratory system. You will be particularly susceptible to respiratory problems this year, so see your doctor at the first symptoms.

Cancer horoscope for 2016 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Rat

Your Achilles' heel in the coming 2016 is relationships with people. For various reasons, sometimes even beyond your control, you will now and then catch yourself getting involved in a quarrel, intrigue or conflict ... As soon as you catch yourself doing this, say to yourself "stop!" whom you inadvertently were going to offend - this will greatly simplify your life and help to avoid financial and any losses.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Tiger

The monkey will give you a playful mood and agility, thanks to which you will have a head start in front of other signs: while they worry about trifles, you will naturally head towards your goals. Another question is that you will be more attracted to idleness and entertainment than to hard work. Because of this, you run the risk of losing all the bonuses, so do not forget to weigh yourself "magic pendels".

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Dragon

The monkey promises you a sea of ​​accomplishments: a career takeoff, and a significant increase in profits, and the desired freedom for which you will be able to change a boring office chair, and the fulfillment of a secret dream ... But the foundation for all these achievements is the same - the strength of family ties and the inviolability of the home hearth. Native people should become the most important for you: only on this basis there will be both success and happiness.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Horse

Very enviable prospects loom in front of you, especially in the financial sphere: with the slightest effort on your part, the financial difficulties of 2015 will become a thing of the past, giving way to a stable cash flow. True, you will immediately have a desire to buy something large-scale with sudden money - a car, housing, a romantic tour ... The monkey welcomes this, but advises in no case to borrow.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Monkey

The year promises to be successful, despite the wave of small and large changes that will burst into your life from the very beginning of 2016. Keep your balance on the ridge, look for the bright sides in any, even, at first glance, the most difficult turn: in the end, all professional changes will only be for the better! As for the personal, many of you will be replenished in the family, and single Cancers will have a significant meeting.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Dog

Your main engine in 2016 is love. To please your beloved, you can do the impossible or create a masterpiece. For the love of children and family - break into a cake, build a house, make repairs, take them to Disneyland. Nourish love in yourself, showing responsibility, attention and care for those who need you and depend on you, and then the year of the Fire Monkey will seem like a fairy tale to you.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Ox

In 2016, you have a chance to experience true happiness. True, for this you need to say goodbye to the burden of the past, which has been weighing on you for quite a long time. You may have to start from scratch in some way - this Monkey lightens your burden, and thanks to it you will be able to fly faster and higher. Enlist the support of friends, set specific goals for yourself and forward to success!

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Rabbit (Cat)

"It won't be easy at all ... It will be fun!" - the Fire Monkey promises you. And he offers to hone convolutions, train speed and jumping ability: your ability to quickly navigate in a constantly changing situation, instantly make the right decision, not be afraid of changes and tenaciously grab your chance depends on how much the Bird of Fortune will be disposed towards you. Try to keep fit and be optimistic.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Snake

From the very beginning of the year, your knowledge, experience and wisdom will begin to attract people to you - get ready to advise, prompt, accept the laurels of an “invaluable specialist” and “this is such a comrade! ". But remember that popularity and demand are not a reason to relax. 2016 will be a great chance for you to land your dream job and win the love of an amazing person - if you put in the effort, of course.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Goat (Sheep)

At the beginning of the year, luck will come into your life to accompany you for the next 12 months. First of all, it will be reflected in the form of help and support from friends and old acquaintances: they will appear in your life at the right time, help out in difficult situations, make lucrative offers ... In addition, you will receive pleasant surprises, useful surprises and lottery winnings.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Rooster

In the coming year, you will be overcome by the desire "to love - so the queen, to lose - so a million!" But the maximalism of the Red Monkey advises to screw it up. For a simple reason: moving to the planned heights, you will have to work with your elbows and close your eyes to the needs of others, and this does not fit into the Monkey's concept of morality. Try to keep balance: move forward, while trying not to harm anyone.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer - Pig

You slowed down your run in the outgoing 2015, but already 2016 will open up such prospects for you that you will gasp and ... most likely, you will want to move back. Stop! It is not worth retreating in the year of the Monkey. The more goals you set for yourself, the more global they will be (not to meet someone, but to have a wedding! Not to improve your financial situation, but to buy a house!), The more chances they have to become a reality.

General horoscope for Cancers: what awaits them in 2016

Find out what awaits Rakov in 2016 - which months will be the most favorable, in which areas they will be lucky, where it will be smooth, and what needs to be worked on to make the year successful in all respects. You can also ask about the general horoscope for 2016 and find out what it will be for all signs of the Zodiac by following the link:.

Next year, according to chinese zodiac, will be held under the rule of the clever and quick-witted Red Monkey. What can she promise to prudent and unhurried Cancers in 2016?

The Fire Monkey calls on Cancers to become more resolute and firmer, finally stop backing away all the time and learn to stand their ground - this will certainly help to achieve incredible success! Conscious and purposeful Cancers 2016 promises good luck, a stable financial position and warm relationships with others.

What will be 2016 for Cancer: horoscope by month

The changes that await Cancers in 2016, as if confirming the proverb “ New Year- new life ", will be noticeable already from January... This month will show Cancers who is a real friend to them, and who is better left in the status of a nodding acquaintance and not too close to their personal life. People born under the sign of Cancer should not indulge in the temptation to go on a spree until spring in 2016, endlessly and recklessly celebrating numerous winter holidays, because it is in January that they may have a chance to significantly advance the career ladder. Stay alert and try not to miss it! It can be a promotion at the current place of work or a lucrative offer from another company - one way or another, the changes will only be for the better.

February 2016 is the time to pay off debts. Not only cash, although they, if any, should be returned first. Perhaps it is high time for relatives and friends to repay for their care and attention, or to help friends in something in need of a strong shoulder. February will become a month of spirituality and selflessness for Cancers, will help them to reveal themselves as a Personality and demonstrate to their loved ones the full breadth of their big soul. However, this responsibility and reliability will not go unnoticed, because all good deeds are rewarded at their true worth.

And Cancers will be able to make sure of this already in march when the time comes to reap the benefits. Everything in the world is interconnected, and your kindness and generosity will return to you, multiplied by a hundredfold. This month, everything will turn out easily and, as it were, by itself, luck will pursue in business, and harmony and tranquility will reign in personal life. Perhaps, just in March, the management will unexpectedly entrust Cancers with a promising promising project or send them on an interesting business trip.

V april 2016 Cancers will be able to state that they have grown significantly professionally. Past anxiety disappeared, fears disappeared, and leadership qualities were strengthened and applied. Self-confidence is added by a solid salary, which Cancers deserve in full.

And here May will be held under the sign of creativity and romance. Those Cancers who have considered themselves lonely for a long time will finally see that very pretty people are interested in them. And Cancers, who have long dreamed of giving out their abilities, will have the opportunity to realize themselves and create. Poetry, painting, music or dance - allow yourself to do what you have longed for. Everything will work out! In addition, the month is favorable for a long trip or an exotic vacation. In family relationships, stability and love reign.

June 2016 will bring with it the desire to make the home more comfortable, and those who still do not have a family nest will want to build one. Favorable time for buying real estate, for global renovation and just a good general cleaning with getting rid of everything old and unnecessary. Throwing away the obsolete things, do not forget that in this way they will soon be replaced by new ones, much more stylish and attractive. If all of a sudden Cancers have an irresistible need to change something in the interior and do it on their own, it is worth giving in to the impulse - during this period their design talents are on the rise, and the change of scenery will delight the eye and delight the family for a long time.

A July according to the forecast, it will be a month of planning and fulfillment of desires. The ideal option is to clearly and clearly formulate for yourself at the beginning of the month what else you would like to achieve, what to buy or see. The stars say that the dreams that Cancers have cherished for a long time will finally begin to come true. The main thing is to know exactly what you want at the moment. The second half of the month is favorable for studying - you can sign up for courses foreign languages or Photoshop, start learning the waltz or tango, or even try playing the guitar. Everything new will easily enter the life of Cancers and will certainly come in handy in the future.

V august the rest will be over - the work will again require complete dedication and great concentration. However, in their spare moments, Cancers, who are not burdened by marriage, will have the opportunity to have a passionate romance. The main thing is to behave appropriately and meet the expectations of your partner.

Autumn, namely September and October, will give you the opportunity to see the world again. At work, everything is going steadily, the process is streamlined, the subordinates work conscientiously, and the higher authorities are not opposed to giving Cancer a little rest. Do not neglect such an offer - feel free to go on vacation and gain impressions and new strength. In addition, it will help improve health and restore the nervous system.

November for Cancers it will be quiet and calm. The only thing to beware of is spontaneous and rash spending. Before making a large purchase, it is better to weigh everything several times and consult with your family, so that later you do not have to regret the money spent in vain.

But in December Cancers will finally be able to become more domestic and devote time to their family, analyze their achievements, make rough plans for the future. The end of the year will be sincere and will be held under the sign of love and attention from loved ones.

Cancer man horoscope 2016

For men born under the sign of Cancer, the Fire Monkey in 2016 will help to fully satisfy the thirst for adventure. It is likely that this will be a trip to her native hot countries, where Cancer can have a good rest and improve their health.

Also, 2016 will provide an opportunity to show organizational qualities and a remarkable mind at work. The management will notice and appreciate the hardworking Cancer. There will be a chance to learn a lot of interesting things or master a new area of ​​knowledge. The main thing is not to forget to take the initiative and not go into the shadows.

However, in parallel, it is worth remembering about the family - give them precious hours and minutes of attention, indulge in a joint pastime. Cancers who have not yet found love will plunge headlong into a whirlwind romance. It may not be long-term, but it will definitely pleasantly diversify your life.

Cancer woman horoscope 2016

Most likely, for Cancer women, the year of the Monkey will be troublesome, but it will be pleasant worries and activity that energizes. They will be in demand in the family, at work, and in the circle of friends - just have time to distribute advice and give everyone your attention. In addition, countless opportunities for additional income await the beautiful half of Cancers. Rest assured that the Red Monkey will bring financial prosperity and good fortune to your home.

The love horoscope for single Cancer women for 2016 promises every chance of meeting your soul mate. However, you should not be scattered on meaningless resort romances - fate has something much more in store for you. Family Cancers will enjoy harmony and mutual love.

But in the fall of 2016, a Cancer woman should devote time to her health - after all, it also needs your care. An excellent solution would be to sign up for a gym or pool.

Cancer love horoscope: romance and relationships in 2016

The kind naughty Monkey will do everything so that in 2016 Cancers can get the most out of their busy personal life. Pleasant family trips, cozy evenings and joyful moments with loved ones await them. Even in those months when work will take up all the time and energy, they will feel the powerful support of their soul mate and will be able to withstand any difficulties.

And in order to achieve complete harmony and agreement, it is worth remembering throughout the year that everyday difficulties are passing. You shouldn't find out, let alone spoil the relationship because of everyday trifles, take care and value each other!

Single and unmarried Cancers in 2016 expect new acquaintances, romantic dates and inspiring relationships. However, it is important to listen to your intuition here - it will tell Cancers which romance will be crowned with a wedding, and which one should not even be started due to its futility. And, of course, there is no need to wait for fate to knock on the door itself. In your free time you need to go to exhibitions, cinemas, parties and visit other interesting public places - to see people, to show yourself. And the Monkey will make sure that one fine day that very Man finds you.

Financial horoscope: Cancer money and career in 2016

The Red Monkey with a generous hand will pour money, success and luck in the working field to Cancers. However, only those who are ready to work hard first, and only then rest on their laurels with a clear conscience.

In order for Cancers to climb the career ladder in 2016, their main qualities must be diligence, determination and dedication. Working carelessly, and getting remuneration for this will not work - you will have to choose one thing. But if you set yourself the task of reaching certain heights and go to its solution in spite of everything, the Monkey will in every possible way contribute to the realization of the dream.

Cancers shouldn't be afraid to take on complex projects and time-consuming tasks - more self-confidence! Everything will go like clockwork, and the bosses will certainly mark your hard work with a salary increase and other pleasant bonuses.

However, in the first half of the year it is not worth borrowing large sums and, moreover, getting into a loan - it is better to adhere to the principle of the saying "stretch your legs over your clothes" and try to live within your means. The money borrowed at the beginning of the year of the Monkey will not do Cancers anything good, moreover, it may happen that the debt will be difficult to pay off. It may be necessary to tighten their belts for a while, but the stars claim that in the spring all financial problems will be solved.

Cancer health horoscope 2016

The main thing that Cancers should remember in the year of the Monkey is that all diseases appear on nerves. Therefore, no matter what storms of life are raging around, first of all, you should take care of your own peace of mind. And then the whole year there will be no serious health problems. But constant stress and anxiety for any reason can cause a lot of annoying troubles.
A good solution can be various spiritual practices - yoga, meditation, qigong, martial arts. If you like this, take the time and money and sign up for the appropriate studio according to your interests. This will help you to look at temporary difficulties philosophically and not let all the problems through yourself, and also teach you not to panic and concentrate on the good.
In addition, throughout 2016, Cancers have a risk of often ending up in the tenacious embrace of colds, so you should always dress for the weather and do not overdo it with icy drinks.
According to the horoscope for Cancer for 2016, the first half of the year of the Monkey is very favorable for cosmetic procedures. Cleansing, peeling, massages will give the maximum effect and bring untold pleasure. And if Cancer is planning to undergo plastic surgery, he will not find a more suitable time.

Forecast for Cancers for 2016 according to the Chinese calendar (year of birth)

Cancer - Rat

For economic and a little quarrelsome Rats, the Fire Monkey can arrange a relationship check. These lessons will teach Cancers born in the year of the Rat to be more tolerant and kinder to people, even when they, in their opinion, do not deserve it. Remember - as few scandals, conflicts, litigations and quarrels as possible! And don't be ashamed to ask for forgiveness if you were wrong. For this, the cunning Monkey will reward Cancer-Rat in 2016 with harmony with himself and the world around him, will give a state of bliss and financial success.

Cancer - Tiger

Imperious and regal Tigers, the playful Red Monkey will make you feel like little playful kittens. Playfulness and energy, activity and cheerfulness - these qualities will be with you throughout 2016. They will help Cancers, born in the year of the Tiger, easily achieve their goals, win the love and respect of others. However, getting involved in a whirlwind of fun and entertainment, do not forget that time is for business and an hour for fun. As if for the unrestrained dances and songs not to lose what has been developed by hard work.

Cancer - Dragon

The monkey promises self-sufficient and intelligent Dragons the fulfillment of all desires - such Cancers will be on the crest of the wave and will be able to achieve a significant improvement in their material well-being. The work will become more intense and less boring, you will have great ideas and inspiration will not leave you. But on one condition: the Dragon-Cancer in 2016 should not forget about the family, because it was his relatives who were support and support for him for a long time. Now is the time to thank them for this.

Cancer - Horse

For industrious Horses, the fair Fire Monkey will give a wonderful year, promising and joyful. In the purse of Cancers born in the year of the Horse, large bills will not be transferred and there will even be an opportunity to improve their living conditions. And here you need to be especially careful: there is a great temptation to look for a property or a car that you cannot afford, and as a result, go into debt in order to make a purchase. But the Monkey does not advise doing this: Cancer-Horses in 2016 should rely solely on their own strength.

Cancer - Monkey

The Red Monkey promises such Cancers an abundance - they will have everything in abundance, there is even a rather big chance of replenishing the family. Loners will finally find their mate. The whole year of Cancers, who were born in the year of the Monkey, will wait for changes, but they are all definitely for the better. Even if at first glance it seems to you that everything is going somersault, in fact it is not. Later, Cancer-Monkeys will understand that such a chain of events led them to something amazing and grandiose in 2016.

Cancer - Dog

For Cancers born in the year of the Dog, the Monkey prophesies love and great happiness. It is a sincere and light feeling that will inspire you and make you perform feats. Friends, children, parents and soulmate will not get tired of admiring such Cancers and thanking them for the attention shown, for the trips and gifts, for the time spent together. The whole 2016 will be held for Cancer-Dogs under the sign of kindness and affection. In a relationship, agreement and understanding will reign.

Cancer - Ox

The Fire Monkey strongly recommends Cancers born in the year of the Ox to leave the burden of problems and outdated relationships in the past year. It is better to meet the coming year renewed and, like an empty vessel, to be ready at any moment to be filled with happiness and joy. The monkey will give you a chance to start everything from scratch and promises his powerful support and patronage. Thanks to her, in 2016, Cancer-Bulls will conquer many peaks.

Cancer - Rabbit (Cat)

For Cancers, which were born in the year of the Rabbit, the Red Monkey promises a life full of rich events, interesting situations and cardinal changes. Maybe even you will have a chance to get acquainted with the mythical Bird of Happiness - the main thing is to be on the alert all the time, to radiate optimism and not to be afraid of something new. Cancer-Rabbits in 2016 will need all their natural speed and jumping ability - it is thanks to these qualities that they will be able to outrun the rest and take possession of the first prize.

Cancer - Snake

The Monkey will bring the Snakes the opportunity to bask in the glory. Their experience, wisdom, thoughtfulness and prudence will finally be appreciated. Those around you will tumble down to the Cancers, born in the year of the Snake, for advice, recommendation, or even just for a kind word. In parallel with this, Cancer-Snake in 2016 will have the opportunity to meet interesting people, meet new friends and climb the career ladder a couple of steps.

Cancer - Goat (Sheep)

The Fire Monkey will bring a little magic into the life of Cancers, which were born in the year of the Goat. All year long you will be accompanied by fantastic luck and pleasant surprises, it is even possible to win the lottery. In addition, Cancers will feel a reliable rear in the person of their relatives and friends, and with such support they will be able to move mountains! A successful 2016 for Cancer-Goat in terms of career, and in family life everything will be stable.

Cancer - Rooster

Maximalist Roosters are advised by the Red Monkey to moderate their ardor and act with an eye on those around them. You should not, forgetting about everything, push colleagues on the way to a career and trample people in the mud - this will not end with anything good. You need to move confidently, but at the same time not leave behind a chain of offended victims - then everything will work out, and the efforts of Rakov-Petukhov in 2016 will not go unnoticed.

Cancer - Boar (Pig)

Such Cancers will fly into the year of the Fire Monkey at full steam - to start acting, they will not need time to swing. And the Monkey strongly encourages such a course of events. You should not be embarrassed by difficulties, slow down and look around cautiously - work decisively and intelligently, and then fortune will smile at you all year. Set the most ambitious goals for yourself and confidently go to achieve them, your efforts will be rewarded.

Allergy to medicines: photos, symptoms, what to do, treatment

Allergic reactions to drugs are widespread, since absolutely any drug can cause a negative response in the body.

A person can experience both minor side effects, such as nausea or skin rashes, and more serious consequences, such as anaphylaxis, when life is at risk.

You can find out more about what medications cause allergies, how and where you can get an allergy test in the article.

Manifestation of drug allergy

Drug allergy (ICD Code - 10: Z88) is based on intolerance reactions caused by various mechanisms. These mechanisms include immediate reactions and delayed reactions, which consist in immunological processes involving antibodies and those substances that are associated with cellular immunity.

The main reason for an allergic reaction is that the body recognizes the active ingredient in the medicine as foreign. As a result, the immune system triggers defense mechanisms, producing class E antibodies that release the inflammatory mediator histamine, which causes the clinical manifestations of allergies.

Due to the large number of types of reactions, drug allergies can be very diverse in outward appearance and vary greatly in intensity.

Sometimes, the side effects that occur after taking the drug can be difficult to distinguish from a true allergy. Generally, side effects are most common and are associated with overdose medicinal product rather than the immune system.

The second difference is that the severity of the adverse reactions increases with the dose, whereas for people with allergies, even a small amount of the drug can cause an allergic reaction that can range from mild symptoms to a life-threatening situation.

In theory, any drug can cause allergies, but the most common reactions are:

  • antibiotics: penicillin, cephalosporins, and sulfonamides;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen and indomethacin;
  • blood pressure medications such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors;
  • drugs used to relieve rheumatologic pain
  • antiepileptic drugs;
  • insulin;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • antipsychotics;
  • vitamins;
  • quinine-containing products;
  • and even herbal homeopathic remedies.

Drug allergy can be caused both by the direct action of the drug, in the case of penicillin, vaccines, insulin and intravenous drugs, directly affecting the immune system, and indirectly, as a result of taking an agent that causes the release of histamine.

Drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, anti-inflammatory drugs, certain local anesthetics, or intravenous contrast agents may indirectly cause drug allergies.

The route of administration of the drug also plays a role: intravenous administration carries more allergic risks than oral administration.

Drug allergy - symptoms

What a drug allergy looks like: Symptoms can range from mild skin irritation to arthritis and kidney problems. The body's response can affect several systems, but most often it affects the skin.

Unlike other types of adverse reactions, the number and severity of allergic reactions do not usually correlate with the amount of medication taken. For people who are allergic to the drug, even a small amount of the drug can cause an allergic reaction.

As a rule, the onset of symptoms occurs within an hour after taking medications, which can be of the following types:

  • Skin reactions, often called exanthema. Drug exanthema (rash) is characterized by an allergic skin reaction that occurs after taking certain medications.

  • Redness and itching of the skin on the hands, feet and other parts of the body;

  • Airway narrowing and wheezing;
  • Swelling of the upper airways that obstructs breathing;
  • Drop in blood pressure, sometimes to dangerous levels.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Serum sickness. This is a systemic reaction of the body that can manifest itself in response to the administration of a drug or vaccine. In this case, the immune system mistakenly identifies the drug or protein in the vaccine as a harmful substance and creates an immune response to fight it, causing inflammation and many other symptoms that develop 7-21 days after the first exposure to the drug.
  • Anaphylactic shock. It is a sudden, life-threatening allergic reaction that involves all body systems. Symptoms can develop over minutes or even seconds.

The symptoms of anaphylaxis can be as follows:

  • labored breathing;
  • wheezing;
  • fast or weak pulse;
  • arrhythmia;
  • blue skin, especially lips and nails;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • dizziness;
  • redness of the skin, hives and itching;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • anxiety;
  • fuzzy speech.

Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency. If any of these symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance, describing in detail to the dispatcher how an allergy to medications manifests itself.

Other signs and symptoms may appear less than one or two weeks after taking the drug:

  • discoloration of urine;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • fever;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat.

Diagnosis of drug allergies

An accurate diagnosis and treatment of drug allergies is possible only with a comprehensive examination by a number of specialists, such as: an allergist, dermatologist, nephrologist and infectious disease specialist.

After collecting an anamnesis, the patient will need to undergo laboratory and other studies to assess the state of health in general:

  1. General analysis of blood, urine and feces;
  2. Tests for drug allergy: general and specific Immunoglobulin E;
  3. Radioallergosorbent test for the determination of Immunoglobulin class G, M;

You can take tests both in the district clinic and in specialized centers in your city.

How to find out which medications can cause allergies and how to prevent it?

In order to determine the causes of allergies, a skin test is prescribed, carried out on the hands or on the back of the patient.

Skin testing for allergens

The peculiarities of the procedure consist in the introduction of a small dose of the suspected substance into the human body by puncturing the skin with a special medical instrument. When rashes and edema appear at the puncture site, similar to an allergic reaction, the test result is positive, and the substance is certain, further treatment is prescribed.

Another option for the procedure is gluing special patches on the patient's back.

Patch test

As a rule, dermatitis and other skin allergies are determined using this method. Which option to use for diagnosis will be determined by the attending physician.

This method is used to detect allergens in adults. Drug allergy in children, as a rule, is diagnosed using laboratory research methods in order to avoid the manifestation of various complications.

Allergy to a medicine - what to do and how to treat it?

In the event that a person is allergic to pills or to taking medications of a different form of release, first of all, it is necessary to cancel their intake and use drugs for allergies, for example: Zodak, Allegra, Tavegil, Loratadin, which will help get rid of mild symptoms, such like itching, hives, rhinitis, watery eyes and sneezing.

If the reaction is severe, it may be necessary to use glucorticosteroids (hormonal drugs): Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc.

If a child or an adult is allergic to the skin, you can use ointments and creams both without hormones: Fenistil, Bepanten, Tsinocap, and hormonal ones: Advantan, Akriderm, Hydrocortisone, etc.

However, it should be remembered that these drugs have a large amount side effects, therefore, their independent appointment is not recommended, especially if you are trying to cure a rash in a baby.

Allergy therapy using sorbents that allow you to remove allergenic substances from the body should be carried out immediately when the first signs of a negative reaction appear.

As a rule, activated carbon, Polysorb, Sorbex, etc. are used. These funds are safe for both a child and an adult. In some cases, a prophylactic course of treatment is prescribed for 7 days.

Prevention of drug allergies

For warning negative consequences when using medications, a person should observe the following protective measures:

  1. Do not self-medicate.
  2. Observe the exact dosage.
  3. Pay attention to expiration dates.
  4. Eliminate the use of several drugs at the same time.
  5. Inform all healthcare providers about drug allergies.
  6. Before the course of treatment or before the operation, take tests for drug allergies and carry out skin testing, which allows you to check the body's response to the drug.


Home treatment for drug allergies

Now more and more people are taking medications without a doctor's prescription, which is the first cause of drug allergies, and subsequently - serious complications.

Allergic reaction groups

Allergy of the first group implies an instant reaction of the body to a drug and can cause anaphylactic shock, asthma attacks and acute urticaria.

The occurrence of an allergic reaction one day after the drug enters the body is an allergy of the second group, which causes pathological changes in the blood.

The manifestation of allergies a few days after the administration of the drug refers to a protracted form, which includes the third group.

Symptoms of a drug allergy

The most important allergy symptoms- the occurrence of a sharp attack with severe symptoms, and in rare cases, the manifestation of a febrile reaction. Allergy in a child is very dangerous, since potent drugs, along with general symptoms, can threaten the baby's life.

Also, certain medications can cause skin redness, blemishes and blisters all over the body. Skin rashes can be accompanied by the development of purulent formations on the body, such as eczema, so if the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Quincke's edema and acute urticaria are quite common in medical practice and are the main manifestation drug allergy that should be treated immediately.

Treating drug allergies at home

No allergy treatment caused by medications is impossible at home! The diagnosis and degree of an allergic reaction can only be established by a doctor, conducting a differential diagnosis. Oddly enough, but drug allergies are treated with medicines, of which there are now a large number.

In no case should you prescribe the drug yourself, as this can cause a repeated allergic reaction and will only worsen the patient's condition. Self-medication is dangerous to health and only a doctor can prescribe an antiallergic drug, based on the individual characteristics of the body.


How to deal with drug allergies: symptoms and factors for the development of the disease

Taking pharmaceutical drugs often provokes the development of a pathological reaction of the body to active substances. This condition is called drug allergy. The consequences of individual intolerance must be eliminated immediately in order to avoid serious complications. Treatment of drug allergy in adults consists in the prompt identification of the irritant and the organization of appropriate therapy.

Causes of pathology and risk factors

A pronounced allergic reaction usually occurs after the second or third contact with an irritant, since the production of antibodies against the allergen occurs gradually over 5 days. The unpleasant consequences of sensitizing the body to certain substances in the composition of drugs can occur for a number of reasons:

  • Genetically determined tendency to allergic manifestations. The special susceptibility of the organism, inherited.
  • Long-term medication intake. The more often the interaction of pharmaceuticals with metabolic processes occurs human body, the higher the risk of developing allergies.
  • Immune system dysfunctions. The lower the body's resistance to pathogenic factors, the greater the likelihood of allergic reactions. Weakness of the immune system is inextricably linked to the presence of chronic pathology, which is also the cause of drug allergy.
  • Acute infectious diseases lead to the emergence of a typical immunopathological process.

Factors contributing to the development of drug allergies:

Pharmacological drugs that provoke allergies

Medicinal substances that contribute to the patient's sensitization:

Symptoms of drug allergy

Some clinical manifestations of the pathological process can occur within one hour after the stimulus enters the body, other symptoms are formed in a day, and third reactions can develop after a few days or even weeks.

Skin changes are the most common symptom of a drug allergy.

  • Urticaria is the most common manifestation. Itchy blisters and swelling form on the skin.
  • Epidermal eruptions, irritation and dryness of the skin.
  • Allergic contact dermatitis, manifested by hyperemia, the formation of papules and blisters in the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Severe redness of the skin due to the expansion of the capillaries. It occurs mainly on the lower and upper limbs as well as on the face. The process is called erythema.
  • Eczema localized in the lower leg. Frequent reaction of the immune system of the elderly to the irritating component of the medication.
  • Allergic bronchospasm, manifested by shortness of breath and suffocation.
  • Fever occurring against the background of an increase in body temperature, headache, confusion.

Disease therapy

Treatment of drug allergies begins with the complete withdrawal of the drug containing the aggressive component.

Depending on the severity of the pathology, procedures can be prescribed to reduce absorption and prompt removal of the irritant from the body:

  • gastric lavage;
  • enema;
  • taking funds that absorb toxins and pathogenic microflora (enterosorbents).

Drugs for relieving skin symptoms

To eliminate allergic manifestations on the skin, antihistamines are prescribed, which can be in the form of ointments, tablets, injections. This group of medicinal substances effectively blocks the production of histamine, minimizing allergic manifestations.

The most common and effective antihistamines for drug allergies on the skin are:

Solutions for injection:

Remedies to relieve puffiness, muscle pain and weakness

Allergic muscle pain (myalgia) can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments:

Analgesic ointments are also prescribed to relieve pain:

Decongestants are presented in the following dosage forms:

Ophthalmic antihistamine drops:

Conditions of general weakness and loss of strength with drug allergies will help eliminate:

  • Vitamin complexes (Complivit, Vitabalans Multivit).
  • Herbal sedatives (valerian extract, motherwort tincture).

Hypoallergenic drugs to normalize digestion

To restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, probiotics and prebiotics are used, which create favorable conditions in the digestive environment. They have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and restore the gastrointestinal balance. Examples of medicinal substances:

Traditional medicine recipes

To relieve painful skin symptoms of ailment, compresses are used based on the following natural ingredients:

Each patient has a drug allergy has its own characteristics. Having noticed the first symptoms of this disease, it is important to immediately seek medical help and carry out the necessary diagnostic measures. Laboratory methods of skin testing will help to quickly identify a threatening factor and promptly cure the disease.

Mercury retrograde in the sector of the horoscope of the future and dreams may question your dreams, but this is just your insecurity. Be more confident in yourself. Mercury retrograde will affect your social relationships throughout 2016, so you may be rethinking how you communicate, connect, and what you want from others.

The lunar eclipse in the sector of the horoscope of family relations on March 23 will be the last in this sector of the horoscope for a while. This is the third and final eclipse, so you can see the end of positive change in your family and home. You will also be subject to emotional change and upheaval and focus on strengthening the foundations. As a result, you will become much stronger and will be able to cope with many everyday difficulties. This will be the beginning of a new emotional you.

Cancer 2016 love horoscope

This is an important 2016 for Cancer relationships. Pluto will be in this sector of the horoscope all year, and it will not be the first and not the last 2016 that will transform your relationship and force you to reconsider your approach to love and commitment. You want strong relationships with strong people and settle for nothing less than complete closeness. Together with Pluto, Mars will be in this sector of the horoscope from October to mid-November, and you will have the extra energy to create the strong relationships you want with people you can rely on. If you are lonely, it can really bother you at this time. And even when Mars leaves this sector, you will yearn for the strengthening of strong ties.

Mercury retrograde in your sector of the relationship horoscope will be in January and in the second half of December, so the beginning and end of the year will be marked by an even greater focus on this aspect of life. You will need to understand what works and what doesn't, who will leave and who will stay. And do the cleaning of the house. Mars will contribute to such a Cancer mood in 2016, which will be in the love sector of the Cancer horoscope in January and February, and you will want more love in your life, more affection and entertainment. Mars retrograde in the love sector of the horoscope in June will encourage you to reevaluate your love relationship, your relationship to love and how you express it. Mars, which returns to the love sector in July, will give you a chance to find the right path.

Career horoscope for 2016 Cancer

Throughout 2016, Uranus will be in your career sector of the horoscope, and you will want to change the direction of your career and life. You are not satisfied with the current status quo, as well as continuing to do what everyone is doing or what is expected of you. You want to do your own thing, no matter how different from “normal,” and the differences can be very, very large. Do not be afraid of this.

Saturn in the sector of the horoscope of work throughout the year will provide an opportunity to evaluate your work in terms of what you really would like to do. Someone could lose their job, especially if you hated it or didn't meet the requirements. The likelihood of such a development of events this year is high, given the fact that Mars will appear in your sector of the horoscope of work in March, and from mid-April to the end of May it will take a retrograde position. You may find yourself asking yourself tough questions about how satisfied you are with the job, how much you leverage your talents, or ignore them. If this is really not what you want to do, you may start to quarrel with people more often and be rude. This may be a sign that it is time to change something.

This may be 2016 a big change in work, but if you put in energy, it will be a change for the better. Mars will return to this sector in August and October, bringing with it the energy and motivation to do what you've always wanted.

Family horoscope for 2016 Cancer

Throughout 2016, relationships with parents will be ruled by Uranus, making it a little messy or reversing it. You will be able to see them in a new, unfamiliar light and this will change the way you interact with them. Jupiter in this sector of the horoscope will manage the relationship with siblings until September, so if you have them, you can improve your relationship with them. You will be able to see that their lives will be more successful, and this will also benefit you. This will be especially true during the September 1 solar eclipse. Mercury retrograde will be in this sector of the horoscope in September, so problems may return. Overall, this is an excellent time to renew and renew your relationship with your siblings.

Jupiter will enter this sector in September and will help improve family relationships and “home life” in all aspects. You will feel more intimate, want to spend more time together, improve your life situation, and expand your family tree. The lunar eclipse in March in this sector of the horoscope will lead to a more emotional attitude towards disagreement and consensus.

Mars in this sector of the horoscope will govern relationships with children in January and February, so if you have them, you can pay more attention to them. Mars retrograde will be in this sector of the horoscope in June, and children may show more rebellion and aggression, so be patient with them. Mars will leave this sector on August 2, so you can get your relationship back on track with them.

The mental horoscope for 2016 Cancer

Your mind will be very focused in 2016, Cancer. Jupiter in this sector of the horoscope will control your thoughts until September, which will help keep you optimistic. You will see the world in vivid colors. But with Mercury retrograde in this sector of the horoscope in September, it can be difficult, and you will need to carefully control your thoughts. It takes a lot of energy to maintain a positive attitude.

Neptune in this sector of the horoscope throughout 2016 will govern a high learning ability and expansion of the mind, as well as an interest in the metaphysical and spiritual. With this attitude, formal learning can be difficult, but it seems that you understand everything intuitively and can be very creative. A solar eclipse in March and a lunar eclipse in September will increase your chances of finding exciting new paths in life. Mars will appear in this sector of the horoscope in mid-December, so you will focus on new horizons at the end of the year.

2016 Tarot horoscope for Cancer

Opportunities, Participation and Integration

Become a Whole Personality in 2016. Integrate all aspects of your personality into a single entity. We all have many aspects that can fight against unification, feeling that we need to be either this or different. But you do not need to choose, you can combine everything in yourself. Once you do this, the world will open up many new possibilities for you, and it all depends on your understanding. Some new opportunities are an opportunity to help others in the same way as you helped yourself, and to make a huge contribution to the world around you and each person. All you have to do is be completely yourself.

2016 monthly horoscope for Cancer

Horoscope for January 2016 Cancer

Your relationship may be put to the test this month, so it seems like it's the only one that matters. But is it? Perhaps you are not quite clear about what you want, or are your expectations unrealistic? Try to take a step back and look at the situation from all angles. There are many factors to consider, and you need to listen before you say anything on any issue.

Horoscope for February 2016 Cancer

Your strength this month will be creativity, and you can apply it in a variety of ways in your personal and professional life. There is no need to restrain the manifestation of your creative nature. With its help, you can change your life for the better. And in the end, you will be able to feel great and enjoy life a little more than before.

Horoscope for March 2016 Cancer

In March, you can have brilliant ideas and big projects that will thrill you. You will finally close the issue that was emotionally draining you and you will be ready for new experiences, meeting new people, working on new projects and new incentives. You are optimistic and ready to change the world. You will be confident in yourself and believe that you can do anything.

At the beginning of the month, you will try to do as much work as possible, feeling that at the end of the month you may not be able to do it. You can sense the urgency and try to do your best to prepare yourself as best you can. Your attitude to work can lead to problems at the end of the month, so plan to work on important projects in early April. And give yourself some rest at the end.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer

You may start to question your hopes and dreams, and all because of the difficulties at work. Try to remember that this will not always be the case. And if now you have a difficult situation, then everything can change. Be patient, don't give up too early and you will get out. Instead, focus on small things, get distracted, and it will calm you down.

Horoscope for June 2016 Cancer

If you find yourself fighting with loved ones a lot this month, try to be patient. You are energetic, but this energy most likely has nothing to do with them. Everything you love matters to you, so you need to stay calm. Otherwise, you will not achieve anything and will only waste time with people who are not yours.

Horoscope for July 2016 Cancer

Your brain is working great right now, and your mood is better than usual. You want to enjoy yourself, have a good time, and keep in touch with those you like. This month is perfect for social activism, so go public and take action. You need the energy of happiness to feel the fresh breeze of change, and that's your initial need for this month.

Horoscope for August 2016 Cancer

It's time for all the work you've been putting off and still haven't done this year. You are determined to work, drive and enthusiasm propels you, and the more you do, the more you feel like doing. You now have a hands-on approach, making the most of your time and opportunities, handling responsibilities well, and setting new goals.

Horoscope for September 2016 Cancer

You need more time to think about everything you say in September. Do not rush and restrain what wants to be the first to get out of your mouth, because then you will have to regret. Listen carefully to what is being told to you and make sure you really understand it. Misunderstandings happen all too easily this month, so take the time to prevent them.

Horoscope for October 2016 Cancer

You may encounter strong people in high positions this month. On the one hand, this will inspire you to develop the same position in society, but on the other hand, you will be concerned about possible control from their side. Don't worry about them, think only about yourself. Focus on your inner strength, on what you can do for yourself, and take control of your life.

Horoscope for November 2016 Cancer

Think about the small changes in your life in November. It should be something that will improve your life and make you feel more confident. You have the courage and strength to make these changes, and deep down you know that this is exactly what you need to do for yourself in this life.

Horoscope for December 2016 Cancer

You will have significant ideas and want to do something with them in December, but you will need to make sure that you do not cross anyone's path when you realize your desires. Compromises can be tricky, but rewarding. Plus, when you focus on great ideas, don't forget those you love. They can help you if you let them.

Astroprofile Cancer

  • Influence: Moon
  • Symbols: clover, heart
  • Colors: pink, silver, green
  • Stones: emerald, pearl, calcite
  • Favorable numbers: all even
  • Element: Water
  • Antipode: Capricorn
  • Compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces.

Cancer woman

This woman can be recognized by her inexhaustible femininity. Her gaze is distinguished by piercing and at the same time childish naivety. The mysteriousness of this sign fascinates men and attracts their attention for a long time. Women of this sign have always been distinguished by their integrity, they value everything elegant, do not tolerate excesses in anything.

The Cancer sign has one peculiarity. These women magically manage to get better with age. There is a feeling that years have no power over them. Often they have affairs with men much younger than themselves.

What to expect from 2016

In the coming year, astrologers recommend that women of the Cancer sign completely reconsider their views on the world around them and themselves. Otherwise, they cannot avoid conflicts and unpleasant situations. 2016 will bring with it many difficult moments, because of which these women can ruin relationships with loved ones. It is also possible to spoil connections with new acquaintances.

The main reason for failure is lack of self-confidence. However, if they sort out their emotional experiences and can find, first of all, peace within themselves, then the black side will bypass them. The horoscope for Cancer women also suggests that it is worth paying special attention to new acquaintances. It is the people who have appeared in, will give you a lot of positive emotions and give a helping hand at the most crucial moment.

It's not only about work, but also about your personal life. If a woman of this sign starts a new romantic relationship, it is best not to let her companion close to her for the first time, but to look closely and study him from the outside. This will save you from possible heart shocks.

Beware of too annoying "friends". Even loved ones sometimes strive to climb on someone else's neck and dangle their legs. You are sometimes too reliable and trusting. You should learn to dot the "and" and, if necessary, indicate to people where they belong.


Throughout the year of the Monkey, the cancer woman will rush from the desire to build a stunning career to her dream of finding a strong family or keeping the existing one. In this matter, in no case should you ask your friends or strangers for advice. Firstly, there are many envious people around, and secondly, no one can know what you need better than yourself.

Try not to put pressure on your loved one in the coming year and ask him to make some important decisions. It will only scare him away and move him away from you. If you behave yourself correctly, give your partner tenderness, care and understanding, a beautiful marriage proposal awaits you. Love relationships at this time will unfold slowly but surely.

The peculiarity of 2016 for Cancer women is that they must learn to love themselves along with their shortcomings. Accordingly, a loved one will be able to look at them in a new way. At the beginning of the year, crayfish will face tantrums, scandals, and a showdown with a partner. A loved one will not take them seriously, but treat them as whims. This fact will upset you.

This will happen due to your lack of confidence in yourself and in your partner's feelings. But the sooner you pull yourself together and understand that the most important thing in a relationship is trust, the more chances you will have to build a strong family and keep a warm relationship in it. But for those representatives of the Cancer sign who do not understand this, there is a high probability of being lonely. However, a new relationship will not keep you waiting.

If main goal this year you set for yourself to build a family, do not hesitate, you will achieve this.

You need to rely solely on your intuition from the very first days of the coming year. Other people's advice is unlikely to help you; rather, on the contrary, it will harm you. At the end of spring 2016, you will be able to get a great offer. Your ideas will be highly appreciated by your superiors.

Most likely, they will start to lure you into another, more profitable job. It depends only on you which decision to make. If a Cancer woman in the year of the monkey behaves inattentively and carelessly, she can face great disappointments. You should NOT make expensive purchases this year, as they will not bring you much pleasure, but there will be a lot of problems from them.

The first half of the year is characterized by the possibility of loss of money, theft or loss of inheritance. It is best to install an alarm in the apartment. Keep your money in a safe place, but don't leave your purse anywhere. But do not worry, in the second half the money will start to accumulate, and you yourself will be able to get a new better job.

It is also possible to increase the salary at the current job.


In the new year, special attention should be paid to your immunity and nervous system. You need to avoid stressful situations. This will help you not only save yourself from headaches, but also exclude concomitant serious illnesses that may arise as a result.

Cancers born from 23.06 to 2.07 should take care of their appearance in the coming year. The result from any cosmetic services will be maximum. You can even do plastic surgery, which has not been decided for a long time. Gastrointestinal disease, hormonal problems and rashes can be threatened.

Those who were born from 3.07 to 12.07, in the year of the monkey, will overtake a special passion. You can often be haunted by a feeling of panic, watch your emotional state. Cancers 2 decades (03.07-12.07). This year emotions will literally go off scale, sexuality and passion will intensify. But panic attacks, tantrums and neuroses can occur, therefore, pay considerable attention to strengthening the nerves. It might be worth visiting a psychologist, doing yoga, and relieving stress in the pool or gym.

Girls born from 13.07 to 22.07 should pay attention to the digestive system and the respiratory system. Watch your meals carefully and, if possible, set aside time to travel to a health resort. At the first symptom of respiratory problems, see your doctor, do not joke with it. YOU will be especially vulnerable.

Which of the great women was born under the sign of Cancer

Anna Akhmatova, a famous poet and writer, was born under the sign of cancer and became famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. Her poems are still heard in many homes and excite the senses.

Liya Akhedzhakova is a cancer woman, People's Artist of Russia. She starred in many Soviet films. The famous writer Maria Arbatova was also born under this magnificent sign. Another representative of this romantic sign is Zhanna Aguzarova, a famous Russian singer.

Every woman born under the zodiac sign Cancer has an extraordinary aura and a desire for success. Her femininity at first sight fascinates men and does not let go for a long time. It is important that a cancer woman protect herself from envious people and do not let negativity and bad thoughts into life. I wish you success this year and the coming year!

An ideal life companion for women who dream of tranquility and a strong family. Gentle, romantic and responsible, this man is gentle and indecisive. But he goes to his goal right. Sometimes, it seems that he does not really like people, as he often closes in himself and does not really like to talk about himself. But this is only for people who do not know him well.

To open up, this man needs to be 100% confident in others. He does not spend money left and right, very frugal. But don't think he's not greedy at all. If you could see what pleasure he gets, giving money for something really worthwhile. Cancer gives all that he has to his family. This man is willing to work day and night to provide for his wife and children. He is a great worker, very responsible and sociable. Friends respect him, children are drawn to him.

What to expect from 2016

A cancer man literally from the first days of the year of the Monkey will have to feel the whole load of problems that the Monkey will bring with him. Yeah, get ready, the time is not easy. Impressionable cancers may even become depressed at first, but you need to find strength in yourself. Better to do it as early as possible!

Despite the difficult winter, by spring the crayfish will adapt to the new rhythm of life and gradually enter potassium. The Year of the Monkey for Cancer will be an opportunity to grow in their own and others' eyes, learn a lot new and, most importantly, understand how to cope with obstacles.

You will no longer look for help on the side, but will begin to take everything into your strong hands. The Cancer man will discover new talents, drawing, the ability to dance or sing. They will do this very much. It's even better if they can find like-minded people. V love relationship a lot of interesting things await crayfish. Some of them will meet their past love, this time feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.


In the new year, there is a high probability that long-forgotten feelings will flare up in you. The object of former love will remind of itself unexpectedly and leave a warm mark on your heart. Your past love will remind you of itself, letting you know that it has not forgotten about you for a minute. It should be noted that her feelings will be mutual.

Astrologers, in turn, do not recommend a Cancer man to rush into the pool with his head and allow ardent passion to overshadow his mind. The fact is that after a while the crazy sensations will get fed up, and all the unpleasant situations and words will begin to emerge in your memory, because of which you actually once parted.

It's up to you whether to let your loved one into your soul for a long time or not. In any case, if love does recede, do not remind each other of past grievances. Let go of the person who managed to give you a pleasant experience and wish the girl happiness. Let's reveal a secret to you, you will meet your soul mate far from home. So pack your bags, throw in your toothbrush and a pair of socks, and go on a trip.

Some crayfish will meet love on a business trip, and some on the seashore during their vacation. If you are already dating or married, the fun road should not be canceled. Take yourself on the journey loved one, the road alone will bring fun along with the parting.

Astrologers advise touchy crayfish to pull themselves together. In the new year, many situations await you in which you can easily flare up and undeservedly offend your soul mate. Start working on yourself.

In a cooling relationship, passion and romance will reappear, and already ardent couples will gain confidence in each other, and harmony. It is highly likely that the long-awaited replenishment will appear in the families of crayfish in the new year. And in those families where children have not yet been discussed, thoughts will appear that it is worth continuing the race.

In no case do not trust other people's advice in the new year, be it friends or strangers. Your own intuition will be useful to you now more than ever. Money in the new year will go into your hands on its own, but only on the condition that you do not miss out on opportunities.

The stars do not recommend making major currency exchange transactions. Do not make decisions under pressure, even if it seems that the circumstances are against you (others will try to convince you of this).

The main thing is to remember that success does not come to those who are sitting idle, but to people who know how to discern an opportunity in difficulty. A big plus will be the fact that your endeavors will be appreciated. You will find companions. Support is provided to you, the main thing is to be able to properly manage your small team and direct it in the right direction.

Astrologers recommend that you devote 2016 to hard work. Believe me, your work will meet all your expectations. You will begin to feel the flow of profit by the arrival of summer. Self-confidence and courage will become inherent in you. You should not lend money to anyone, you can not only financially go bankrupt because of this, but also lose friends.

Do not gamble and be careful on the road, there is a chance that you will lose control, but in general, enjoy your work. If you are offered another position or even a company, feel free to agree.


You will feel especially good in winter. Your nervous system will calm down a bit and there will be time to take care of your health. In the second half of the year, pay special attention to what food you eat. Your digestive system and stomach are naturally weak enough, and in 2016 it will be especially difficult for them.

It is best to switch to a healthy diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits, exclude fatty meats and, if possible, starchy meat. Drink plenty of water and exercise. Sign up for a swim, some kind of wrestling, or go to gym... Any physical activity in the new year will bring you great benefits. This will help you relieve stress and build up your strength for years to come.

Gaining excess weight can be another problem. It will be especially easy for you to type in the new year, so walking to and from work will be a great addition to proper nutrition. Try to spend more time on vacation, walk in the park with your family, or get a dog.

If finances permit, buy a bike and conquer the country roads.

Which of the great men was born under the sign of Cancer

Guy Julius Caesar, the ancient Roman state commander according to the zodiac sign is cancer. Marcel Proust, French philosopher and writer, is the true representative of this sign. Romantic and creative person. Marc Chagall, famous Frenchman, painter and also famous painter. John Rockefeller, an ambitious representative of this sign, is one of the richest Americans.