Chinese horoscope for the year for twins. Pettoch twins - a brown, attractive and incomprehensible nature. Celebrities born under the sign of the twins

A horoscope as a "forecast" of the future has always worried about the minds of many people. Some fully trust the "legends of the stars", others - relate to horoscopes skeptically. However, the relationship of heavenly luminaries and the month of human birth has long been a proven fact that should not be ignored. Horoscope for twins for 2018 It clearly shows that for each of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac, the family relations will take place in the first place in the hierarchy of life priorities.

Apparently, it will become for the twins, when all the problems forgotten or defused for an indefinite period of the problem or conflict will again be in their lives, and they decide to remind themselves at the most inappropriate time. All year, representatives of the sign will have to deal with both current and with sudden issues that have probably have once been postponed "for later."

The only rightful decision will end up, ultimately, a systematic and leisurely solution to hanging questions and unwinding all incoming problems. Anxiety and emergency measures will not help here.

The most correct will postpone the routine affairs and accumulate enough forces to plunge into the accumulated questions and easily solve each of them. The second half of 2018 will be more successful in terms of making important decisions, the distribution of priorities.

Gemini men

The beginning of the year by courageous representatives of its sign of the zodiac must be completely devoted to preparing for a serious jerk in a professional plan. And this is simultaneously with the decision of the current affairs. Multitasking is the main component of success.

All year old twin men will hugo to a romantic relationship. Possible non-losing love hobbies that will not lead to anything good.

Financial perspectives will be rainbow and cloudless for all representatives of the sign. But this does not concern those twins that did not bend the transactions "not clean" from a legal point of view. You also need to be careful with dubious acquisitions.

In general, the year of the dog will make it possible to work well, if working with full return. Personal questions will be easy to solve. The mood of the male part of the twins on the positive way will contribute to the solution of many difficult situations. Persistence in some issues will help achieve the desired result.

Twin women

Throughout the year, the beautiful part of the sign of the Zodiac twins will work fruitfully. Stressful work does not prevent, however, keep your hand on the pulse of personal relationships. Stars will give twin women ability to lightly respond to changes in love affairs. Decisitancy will become the important screw that will help the coordinated and uninterrupted "work" of love relationships.

The last summer month will become a favorable period for creativity. From each of the representatives of the Gemini sign, the twins will need an original and increasing approach to solving the whole pile of routine problems. It is necessary to be more dodged and persistent to be all intended. Such women's tactics will lead each brilliant results.

In no way will it hurt to twin women and a non-standard surroundings. To find the best ways to achieve all goals and is quite successful to solve cases that may seem hopeless female nature of the twins, they, first of all, should be guided by the cold mind and the ability to soberly assess the situation. Therefore, you do not need to "smoke hot," it is better to give emotions to cool. Also, twin women need to try not to give in to the ugliene, which is no no, and "will" raise the head "because of the obstacles often arise.

Gemini Health in 2018

Fortunately, almost all year of illness will be avoided by twins. However, for this they need to eat well, do not forget about charging and recharging immunity by vitamins. Of course, it is impossible to forget about rest. At the beginning of the year, it will not be superfluous to refer to a specialist for the prevention and exclusion of the exacerbation of chronic diseases. In winter, however, the risk of obtaining injuries of varying degrees of gravity increases, so caution is needed, both on the street and at home. Safety at work should be above all.

It is also worth avoiding overvoltage at work, otherwise twins can already feel a sharp decay of forces. To maintain your body in good shape, the stars recommend twins to make hiking, jogging, go swimming or sign up for fitness.

A family

At the beginning of the year, Gemini need to pay more attention to their parents, to surround them with love and care. It is also worth communicating more with relatives, both close and long-distance. Gemini can be sure - this will bring only positive emotions into their lives.

Marriage is preferable to enter into twins in the spring or at the end of autumn, then the family will be strong, and the relationship is very and very durable. The year of the dog has twins to repair, moving, even construction. With the support of relatives, everything conceived will be implemented.

Representatives of this dual sign of the zodiac should avoid conflicts with loved ones, try not to offend the relatives of a word or a word. It is better to listen to the opinion of the family. What will be the situation at family events depends only on the twins, which will have to work out notably over the preservation of the spiritual atmosphere in the family.

Love Horoscope Gemini 2018

Many twins will be able to count on reciprocity and harmony in romantic relationships. The mass of bright impressions and a circulation of love adventures can turn the head with windy twins. Stars advise not to lose self-control. Some of the relationship problems may be short-lived. To the gap is not painful, twins do not need to open your heart to a new person ahead of time.

Some lonely sign representatives are lucky to create a family. To establish a joint life for a good note, the twins need to be soldered to smooth out "corners" and once again silent when emotions will be overwhelmed. Then all the troubles and disputes are allowed to be loved by. Family twins should be spent more time with their second half so that the partner is not jealous.

Horoscope Career

The year of the dog will give the twins a real opportunity for career growth. For this, at the beginning of 2018, it is necessary to work in the hardening of its position in the workplace. The authorities will rightly evaluate the responsibility and diligence of twins, so that some of the signs of the sign will receive an excellent offer to take one of the leadership positions. Having adopted such a proposal to forget about humanity and communication standards with employees.

Twins-businessmen waiting for a successful breakthrough. But the stars do not risk in 2018. It is also worth refrain from any kind of adventure not to be deceived by unfriendliers or envious.

Forecast for finance and business

Who can rightfully be called bright and vitality in nature, so it is a rooster. He is honest, does not love Routine and the usual warehouse of life, often fantasies and is in search of novelty. The rooster has an inquisitive mindset and special organized in all matters.

The sincerity of the rooster can sometimes be cruel due to the directness peculiar to him. The rooster itself is assessed as an extraordinary person and demonstrates it in every possible way. This sign of the Eastern Horoscope loves to reflect and does not recognize its own shortcomings, however, at the same time, notes the disadvantages of others.

Working under whose beginning the rooster does not like, because it cannot tolerate someone else's criticism, especially those who stand above in rank. And its future rooster sees in such an ambitious light that the coming sign is more like a fantasy.

Flashing only temper the rooster, failed in something, he will immediately try again. Despite the vanity, friends of the rooster usually a lot. Own charm helps this Eastern symbol always to receive support for others and often be in the most thick of interesting events.

To better understand what awaits you ahead, pay attention to horoscope for the rooster for 2018. Astrological forecast for all representatives of the sign - men and women - will tell about health, love, work and, of course, how things will be faced with finance in.

Common horoscope for the eastern sign - Rooster

Throughout a year, you will have to spend quite a lot of time for work. But such a situation of things will not upset the hardworking rooster at all, because for his works he will receive a very decent remuneration, which will be spent on trips and romantic adventures.

But, nevertheless, it is not necessary to go to the right and left to the money to the right and left, because it may soon come for a long period of tapping when the funds are missing for everything "I want".

Good luck smile to those representatives of the sign, the profession of which is associated with public activities. The rooster will be able to show himself from the best side not only as an otnyny specialist, but also as a good person with whom it is nice to do business.

Your circle of friends will significantly expand, and even famous people will be among the new acquaintances. They will help with great pleasure to help the roostech to realize the long-time business.

In mid-2018, you can sharply fall into anything with any reason. Therefore, all media characters will need to pay more attention to their body. In search of the reason for the deterioration of health, a lot of time will be spent on visits to doctors. And in fact, everything is not so difficult, as it might seem at first glance - it's all about banal overwork.

That is the same hour when you can afford a small respite and arrange a short rest from work and problems.

Man - Rooster

The year will be heavy for most courageous signs of the sign. The leaders will experience many problems, in addition, hard will have to and subordinate the head-rooster. In the event that a man has not yet achieved a senior position, thirst to be the leader will have to compensate among friends and relatives.

But here it is very important not to overdo it, otherwise you can lose not only faithful companions, but also to climb the family. In order not to offend your loved ones, the rooster throughout 2018 will need to follow your own quick-tempered, trying to spill out negative energy somewhere else.

It will be not bad to schedule a grand construction site for the entire period of the board. Manifested by hard work, coupled with independence will bring their fruits. The contribution of the Petuha-Men will be invaluable, and the energy splashed into a complex physical work, in the appendage to ambitions, will help him not only to live a year hard in all respects, but also to remain ultimately with good profit.

With all the failures that can comprehend the carriers of a symbol in 2018, they will always remain avid optimists. Even with the most terrible circumstances, be it dismissal or wife's departure, he will not give his hands.

Another hook of fate-villain only will force a rooster to take all his strength in a fist and decide on a retaliatory blow. And, of course, Revenge will end the victory of the purposeful man-rooster.

Woman - Rooster

The year of the dog virtuoso "will force the wings" a bright and eccentric representative of his sign. Loving and seemingly reliable man can suddenly rush in search of a quiet and peaceful creek, which he would like to replace the mad kaleidoscope of emotions, emanating from the lady born in the year of the rooster.

If this happens, it will be difficult to recover from such a betrayal, but at the same time, a place for a new chosen one can be released, which may be much better than old love.

In turn, the behavior of representatives of the sign may seriously offend the girlfriends, and there will grow a real wall of misunderstanding between relatives, which will be very difficult to break. But these troubles can be successfully avoided.

In order to pay off the negative, which carries the combination of two warring signs - dogs and roosters in itself, and the dogs and a rooster, - the wonderful sex will be fully dedicated to the whole life.

It is necessary that the new occupation will absorb the purpose of the purpose of the female cock. And the new life under heart will cope with this task. But it is better to finish your wonderful state by childbirth in 2019.

Health in 2018

In the gust to earn money, yes more, the rooster forgets that you need to follow and for my own health. Sign representatives often do not notice overwork or deterioration of well-being. And such behavior leads to sudden ailments and urgent appeal to the forces of medicine.

Try more often to make a breather from work. Also, arrange yourself unhurried evening walks on fresh air, eat more vitamin food, do in the morning charging.

In addition to strengthening the body, the rooster should be engaged in the prevention of chronic ailments. To do this, be sure to visit the specialist and listen to its recommendations. If you need to be bothering to pass all the tests and go to session-other necessary procedures.

Love Horoscope for Rooster for 2018

The beginning of the year will give stability in love, which, however, will last not long. Your unreasonable jealousy will force a partner more and more often to think about the feasibility of relationship. In fact, the rooster fear treason is not because he loves, although this reason is important; Treason of your beloved person is irreparable vulnerable.

In no case should not look for a compromising, do not make half questions and, most importantly, believing your partner. Without trust, it is difficult to build a healthy relationship. Yes, and the dog appreciates sincerity and confidence. The mistress of the year will be happy to help the rooster find his love or withdraw a pair of a new stage in relations.

Family representatives of the sign do not threaten intrameal problems and conflicts if the work is not too distract from the home of the hearth. At the end of the summer, new emotions will be overwhelmed, and family life will be painted with bright colors.

Free roosters are better to start relationships in the autumn period. Then you are guaranteed to get the most passionate novels, the larger input and the best friendly relationship with the hint on what they will grow into something more.


The year of the dog, and without that difficult for all representatives of the sign, will prevent their difficulties at work. Petukhu will need to take care of it is not to take off the career ladder to a step-other, but about how it would not fall from his sixk. Therefore, you need to show high attention and caution.

Especially watch your tongue and try not to quarrel with the bosses. In any conflict situations, East (Chinese) advises the roostech to give up or at all do not participate in them. Otherwise, your desire to become a leader will play a bad joke.

At its initiative, it is not necessary to change the job, even if some special benefits promises a new place. In fact, it may be much more prosaic. It is best to do business at your workplace. Reasonable activity can be taken by a long-term project.

With a rather complex character. And in order to understand what features people born under the auspices of this zodiacal combination are possessed, to tell more about both signs.


People born in the year of this bird have a complex straight pendant character. They are focused on their own ambitions and they like to play the public. Roosters are enterprising personalities that easily organize things and come out of difficult situations. However, any work they perform (and benign), accompanied by noise, complaints, whims and nerves. Because of this, people surrounding such a person seems to be that he is about to come up.

But the roosters are inexlaries and in their rightness will kill anyone. They also possess an excellent dome of suggestion. True leaders are obtained from such people. It is not surprising that self-esteem for these personalities is always overestimated.

Naturally, such people need stable relationships, and their partner must be loyal and reliable. Although the roosters themselves are avoiding responsibility. They can change their second half, for example. In general, people born under this sign rarely get good marriages. Few people can withstand their terrible character and unacceptable in relation to the family behavior.


Now it is worth saying a few words and about the sign of the zodiac. Petto-twins are a combination that says that you are a completely incredible person. And the zodiac activity plays an important role here. Above it was said, as far as people born in the year of the rooster, a terrible character. So, the zodiac accessory seriously smoothes it.

Intellect is very well developed at the twins. They have clear thinking, thanks to which any, even the most confusing and complex tasks are solved easily and simply. In addition, they are smart and accustomed to thinking logical: such people always analyze the situation, reigning around them, and, of course, people. When they argue, they definitely retain the friendliness. They are really very charming. By the way, the twins have an incredibly powerful gift of conviction. And they are very restless, active and non-permanent.

Double characteristic

But now it is necessary to tell about the one who is the person in which the qualities of the rooster and twins are combined. First, it is restless and changeable. Such people rarely know what they want, and therefore they often change plans and goals. Although this person is constantly busy and does just what he likes.

Despite its inner freedom, the cock-twins are a man who depends on the circumstances. It annoys him, and he is nervous in trifles. In the girls born in this zodiacal combination, this problem is less pronounced. They have no permanent desire to make some active actions. They are more calm.

Petto-twins - a woman who will never burden himself with family and domestic affairs. It can be married, but the typical housewife will never become. It needs permanent social activity, this is her whole life.

Another person born in the year of the rooster under the sign of the twins is very important to find a favorite business as early as possible. So he will find himself and becomes more calm, balanced. It is not only necessary for him, but also to those people he surrounded. These people are not from those who experience everything that happens within themselves. In contrast, they spread feelings and emotions at all in the district. Many may be fattening.

In a relationship

Many wonder who this person can get good compatibility. Petupuses twins are not bad with a bull. Yes, this is a complete opposite of his opposite, however such an alliance is considered one of the best in the Chinese horoscope. Bull - a stable man, hardworking and responsible. Especially good is the relationship, if the person born in the year of this animal will be former. Because he, and his partner will understand each other perfectly. These are smart, perky people who are not alien to fun. And most importantly - everyone has the qualities that would be useful to learn another. Bull-Sagittarius is distinguished by sincerity, preferably and can seek the goals, going to them stubbornly and for a long time. Petto-twin - charming, creative and active personality. The union of these two may turn out not only to productive, but also useful for each of them.

But with whom it is certainly not worth contacting the rooster, so it's with a rabbit. Especially if a person who has emerged in this year was born under the sign of the fish. These sensual, calm, even shy people are clearly not a pair of brown roosters.

The zodiac characteristic is, of course, the topic is interesting, but first of all you need to listen to your feelings.

Horoscope For 2018, a pig will feel very ambiguous on himself. Often there will be a desire to quit everything and leave the bustle of away. And then again the desire to live an active and diverse life. And so throwing from the side towards the pig will be throughout the year. The main thing - in his moments of weakness to be from the worships so that they do not take advantage of this situation in their own interests.


In the new year, special health problems are not foreseen if the pig will respond in time to signals of their body. Because of the physical overwork, the immune system will also be. Failures can give a heart muscle. Some representatives of this sign will encounter hypertension. Also possible problems with joints. And with the slightest pains, especially in the lower back and back, it is worth a visit to a qualified technician immediately, so as not to contribute to the development of osteochondrosis, due to which Swing will be difficult to lead their active and mobile lifestyle. Stars advise while working frequently make small respite and be sure to arrange dinner to give their body to relax. And it is better to spend such a pause in the fresh air.

Love and relations

Love horoscope for boar for 2018 prepared a lot of peripetia. Passions that started raging last year will not quote in the new. We must try not to chop off the shoulder, otherwise it will be possible to lose everything that was created and lined up between people by many years. Lonely pigs lack of attention from the opposite sex will not experience, but also a serious relationship will not work. But those who have already managed to acquire a marital status, waiting for a lot of problems on household soil. And in such situations you need to learn to keep a constructive dialogue, and not listen only to yourself. Also to fix this provision will help a shared rest or journey. In a new setting, the couple will be able to reach another level of communication, it will be possible to even talk to souls and without quarrels to express all claims available to each other.


The pig is not used to calmly sit and wait for the weather by the sea. She constantly strives to move forward to conquer a new one for himself. And in this case, the horoscope for the pig for 2018 is no exception to the rules. At first everything will go pretty calmly. People of this sign will try to conquer the authority in colleagues and bosses, but there will be no special shifts on this. Stars advise just wait for a suitable moment. From June, the situation will begin to change and all the merits of the pig will be appreciated. However, in September, things can go worse again. And the changes that happen will not immediately be seen, which is why internal apathy may appear and dissatisfaction with themselves. It is not surprising that after such jumps, the pig wants to drastically change something in his professional life. Therefore, any business offers or projects it will take without prolonged thought.


For pigs next year, in terms of finance, everything will be quite stable. There are no special changes in the material situation. The desire to increase its income will give results, but very small and insignificant. However, it is also not worth a despair. Closer to the summer it will be possible to gain additional earnings. Therefore, pigs that have some hobbies must take it note and try to develop in this direction. But also seek to immediately get a weighty money reward is also not worth it. Many by the end of the year will think about changing housing or a large purchase. With such a desire, it is better to pay better and the more not worth it because of it to get into loans and debts, which then have to give long and with very high percentages.

For Men - Pig

For representatives of the strong sex, born in the year of pig, the new period will become a moment when it is possible to fully show their masculinity and volitional character. Life seems to be specifically to throw up various situations in which you have to show your heroism and become a real lifeguard. This will further raise the authority of pigs in the eyes of the opposite sex. In the personal relationship, the men of this sign will begin to show even more love and respect for their second halves. They want to protect and cherish those who are near. However, it is not necessary to completely dissolve in another person and try to give yourself without a residue. Not all the excellent individuals will be assessed. Also, the stars are very advised not to exhibit their lives and especially their feelings for display. This can lead to undesirable and not very good consequences.

For Women - Pig

Horoscope for a pig for 2018 Woman will be able to experience from the first month. It will be overcome by various doubts and desire to change something around him. She will move into question to set every act of his man. Inner dissatisfaction will not allow the opportunity to quietly enjoy family sessions and existing well-being. She will want to plunge into the pool of passions, again feel desirable and attractive. Because of such an internal aspiration, it can start an intrigue at work. And in this case, if you do not show due diligence, it will be possible not only to destroy your family, but also lose the workplace. Many women will need a certain excerpt. Fate will try their strength, throwing new difficulties and obstacles every time. The winners will come out those who will save composure and excerpt throughout the year.

Horoscope for a pig on the signs of the zodiac

Pig - Aries

As the Horoscope recommends for 2018, Aries The Pig Woman may think about improving its qualifications and about new accomplishments, which before that simply lacked time. The upcoming period will be rich and productive in career plan. This is an ideal time to do personal growth and development. Therefore, any internal aspirations should be implemented immediately.

Pig - Taurus

For representatives of the sign Taurus - Pig 2018, 2018 has prepared an important meeting that will fully change the old life. The main thing is to leave your comfort zone more often and try to get out of the house. You can start visiting various lively events with great accumulation of unfamiliar people. Perhaps it is there that is the most important person.

Pig - twins

As the horoscope foreshadows for 2018, the twins, the Pig Woman will face difficulties in family affairs. Neon understanding and coldness arising from the partner will be very injured by the twins born in the year of the pig. An alienation may arise between partners. As such, strong and loud quarrels will not be, but the indifference will beat all sorts of discord. But the situation will begin only closer to autumn.

Pig - cancer

Looking into a horoscope, Cancer - Pig for 2018 can expect major changes from professional growth. At work will receive a very interesting business offer, from which it is not necessary to refuse. This will give the opportunity to go to a new level, both in the career and in cash remuneration. Many think about opening their own business.

Pig - Lev.

After reading the horoscope, Lev - Pig for 2018 must plan its actions in advance and go through the planned scheme, without turning from such a way, only then the coming year will be successful. In this case, Lion - a pig awaits a great success. This is especially true of professional activities for which new opportunities will open.

Pig - Deva.

As the horoscope speaks for 2018, Virgo Woman Pig must spend more time with his family. Problems can begin with children who will become completely uncontrollable and will want to show their adoles in different ways. Therefore, it is important not to miss such a moment and try to influence the younger child with peaceful conversations and love.

Pig - scales

Horoscope Scales - Pig for 2018 recommends that all situations come only with humor. Only this will help with dignity to leave a predicament, in which the scales born in the year of pig will often be provided. But the positive trend will note in personal relationships, which seemed to have already begun to heal.

Pig - Skorpion.

Having read the horoscope for 2018, Scorpio Pig's Woman should think about what I have long wanted to do, but for this lacked forces and time. It is in the new year that a certain pause will arise in all matters, when you finally can do what the soul will do. The main thing is not to try to jump above the head, otherwise the forces will be spent absolutely in vain. It is necessary to sound and rationally approach their capabilities.

Pig - Sagittarius

Horoscope Sagittarius - Pig for 2018 will give the opportunity to earn good in the next period. On all sides, business and financial proposals will be replaced, promising good material remuneration. And the stars advise not to miss these gifts of fate. But from gambling and lottery games it is better to refuse. In this way, it will be possible to earn only breach in your own budget.

Pig - Capricorn.

Horoscope Capricorn - Pig for 2018 foreshadows complex situations that break the calm smooth of the family harbor. At work will have to constantly linger. Long-term business trips take off, which will also not be quite positively perceived by the second half. And to keep those relations that exist between partners, you will have to learn to lavage between all the spheres of your life.

Pig - Aquarius

Having studied the horoscope for 2018, the Aquarius of the Pig Woman must comply with diligence when signing important documents. Perhaps the envious will want to substitute the trusting Aquarius born in the year of the pig. It is better not to take unnecessary responsibility in work affairs, and all serious questions are solved only through higher managers.

Pig - Fish

Horoscope Fish - Pig for 2018 will present one important meeting, which will turn from the fleeting novel into a strong family. Family fish should think about replenishment. For this, the most appropriate period has come. You can also arrange a romantic trip that will further strengthen the existing union. In the professional sphere, everything will be quite calm.

This astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for pronounced (typical) representatives of the Gemini sign. If the overwhelming number of shone and the planets of your horoscope are in the twin sign, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Nepical representatives are usually born on the border of signs.

Gemini Horoscope for 2018: joy and luck

Almost every 2018, until November 9, Jupiter in the twins will be in the 6th house - areas of work and health. Then he goes into 7 house responsible for his personal life.


In 2018, the work will be given to the twins unusually easily. They will not be done by doing and will well earn. Representatives of this sign will manifest non-serve organizational abilities, but they themselves will be able to easily cooperate with other people if necessary. If they have to help someone, they will do it with pleasure.

Relationships in the workplace will be great, it concerns the entire team as a whole, subordinates and bosses. If the twins are offended by their boss, they will prefer this to hide, but if. For some reasons, they will not arrange subordinates, they will also try not to demonstrate it. The work will be constant, stable and well paid.

Under the influence of Jupiter in the 6th house, the twins can begin to engage in some kind of charitable activities, generously giving the fruits of their work for the benefit of needing or all society as a whole. Since 6 houses, this is also a house of health, then doctors born under the sign of Gemini will be able to achieve special success, including financial. In 2018, they will not have any problems with the clientele.


In the field of health, representatives of this sign in early 2018, and subsequently, no special problems are also expected. Even if they feel ailment, it will last long, the twins will quickly recover. They will be able to count, if necessary, at the best treatment and touching care of others.

According to the Horoscope of the twins of 2018, it will be a period when representatives of this sign will even enjoy their illness, and therefore they will have any problems at work or in personal life, they will be willing to pretend to be sick, counting on sympathy and understanding. And getting them fully. However, all diseases during this period will be caused mainly by non-harmony work, the desire to achieve a quick result or some excesses.

Gemini need to remember that everything is good in moderation and even positive results or impressions in too large volumes can damage.

With affected Jupiter, there are probabilities with the liver, a set of excess weight or the development of tumor processes.

Personal life

Starting from May 15, 2018, Jupiter of this sign moves to 7 house responsible for personal life, marriage and partnerships. From this day, a happy and beneficial period comes here. If the twins had some problems in relationships with a partner, they will be allowed to be most successful.

As the horoscope predicts the Horoscope for 2018, the twins may hope for a happy meeting with the love of the whole of their lives, which, at the same time, will also be financially secured. There will be a high probability of a very profitable and happy marriage. With incorrect use of the energy of Jupiter, the twins will refer to their partner with excessive optimism, without exposing it to any criticism, which can lead to affecting relationships.

In general, starting from the second half of May 2018, the twins will be able to count on complete mutual understanding with their second half, their relationship will be built for general purposes and mutual feelings, so they will be durable and long. Gemini will selfless serving their partner, receiving the same and fullest support in response in response.

In some cases, the Gemini partner may be older in age, in others - more wise and experienced. Such a partner will be able to play a major role not only in personal, but also in the professional sphere in the twins. Or in any other when it is necessary. Gemini will be able to do with their second half of some joint activities or go to a cognitive journey. All this will greatly contribute to your social growth and strengthening welfare.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: Difficulties and Tests

During 2018, Saturn will be in the twins in the 8th house - a house of birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and the change of Egregor. This house can take equally as success and destruction.

Extreme and fears

In 2018, twins will need to work out various extreme situations and their attitude towards them. Therefore, it is not necessary to be surprised that they will come from one crisis in another and their permission will need quite a lot of labor.

It will be very important to make the right conclusions during this period and it is true to express those signs that fate sends you. The challenge is that by careful analysis to learn how to find an output independently, using only its own will and enthusiasm. Refuse proud and egoism.

With the right use of Saturn's energy, in 2018, the twins will be able to successfully and consistently overcome any problems that arise, with negative - there will be a danger of the development of all sorts of phobias, sometimes very irrational.

Many twins in 2018 may arise great interest in occultism and various kinds of magical practices, as a means for overcoming crisis situations. If they are able to master them, it may develop a certain vanity based on the skill that is not available to others. And this will affect the development of twins not at the best side.

Someone else's money

Under the influence of Saturn in the 8th house, the twins will successfully dispose of other people's money, investing them in various funds, enterprises or some other way. It may be the money of business partners or a partner for marriage, relatives or friends. For the twins Horoscope for 2018 predicts that they will take away from someone to the debt to develop their own business and are already very soon able to return even with profits.

Special success in its activities with such a situation of Saturn can be achieved by bankers, financial brokers, politicians, lawyers. The main task of the twins during this period is a careful and reasonable order for what was entrusted to them, do not strive to get a quick profit, and slowly build the building on one brick.

In case of improper use of Saturn's energy, it is likely that financial disputes are likely, including due to inheritance, or a negligence attitude towards trusted money and, as a result, the subsequent trial.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: surprises and surprises

In 2018, until May 15, the twins will be in the 11th house - the house of like-minded people and goodwires. Then he goes to 12 house - the area of \u200b\u200bsecrets, restrictions, privacy and service to the highest forces.

Near environment

This position of uranium will bring many unusual new acquaintances to twins. According to the horoscope for 2018, the twins will help many of their surroundings, but do it in some strange or unusual way.

Despite the fact that during this period, twins will have many interesting ideas, not everyone surrounding them will understand due to the fact that those will seem somewhat arrogant. And all because the twins in 2018 will acutely need to admire those surrounding, at the same time, because of the inner grip, it will be very difficult for them to close the relationship with their new acquaintances. The more unusual friends appear in the twins, the better to feel themselves, because such communication will not only make their lives in various, but also put the necessary food for the mind.

Horoscope for twins for 2018 warns that unusual notes may appear in sexual relationships. Perhaps the twins will want to try something new for themselves in this area, in connection with which they may have certain problems. Either it will be a misunderstanding and rejection by the permanent partner, or the twins themselves will be disappointed with their failure or the experience gained. Sexual relations with several partners are possible - twin will be very much diversity. However, they will also not be limited to their partners.

With incorrect use of uranium energy, the twins will try to use their friends and acquaintances for their own purposes, and as soon as they achieve the desired, they will immediately forget about them. Such egoism will bring a lot of problems in 2018, both in public and personal life.

As the Horoscope promises for the twins for 2018, they will be very easy to display new ties and also to break them, fervent attachment and tender friendship will be replaced by a sudden and sharp alienation, right up to frank hostility. Scandals are likely to occur on this soil, including intimate character.

The same can be said about working in the team. In the horoscope for 2018, it was noted that the twins would be willing to take part in the work and just as willingly, without warning to leave the group. The desire for freedom is perfect, but it will be important to try to reduce the destruction of your destruction to a minimum.


After the transition of uranium in 12, the twins will try to completely destroy all the templates and restrictions imposed on them. Of particular interest they will experience to mystical events and any secrets. Yes, and the representatives of this sign themselves will not mind to surround their lives with all sorts of secrets, preferring with anyone to share their plans and act back.

Some will raise a lot of secret love intrigues, others - to indulge in solitude meditations and various spiritual practices, but so that no one has guess. Third to join some secret organization. Fourth may have some secret inclinations of a scandalous nature. The fifth will take careless charity.

In any case, all this can seriously complicate the life of the twins, will lead to neurosis and related diseases. And the exposure will threaten them with large scandals.

It is possible that during this period, the twins are attacked by some secret enemies. Rumors and gossip will be dissolved about them, the source of which will remain unknown. Under the influence of uranium in the 12th house there will be a serious danger to get for a long time in the hospital or subjected to imprisonment, home arrest.

Horoscope Gemini for 2018: Mysterious and Spiritual

During 2018, Neptune will be in the twins in the 1st house and will stay there for a long time. 10 House, this is the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal success and career, all sorts of social achievements.


The career aspirations of the twins in 2018 will be aimed at varying as many people as possible, ideally - all of humanity. But at the same time, they will desire to make it somehow an unusual way. In addition, the possibilities of twins during this period will not correspond to their desires. Therefore, with the incorrect use of Neptune's energy, representatives of this sign will begin to doubt themselves.

Career development will be particularly favorable from those twins that are engaged in some kind of secret activities, for example, are on the secret service. A lot can be achieved due to its natural diplomatic abilities. As the horoscope predicts, in 2018, the twins will perfectly understand the feelings and motives that drive other people. Good prospects have psychologists, astrologers, psychics and miners of the cult.

In 2018, Gemini will need to refrain from any intrigue on a service place. It will not contribute to the progress of the stairs up, on the contrary, can cause an unpleasant scandal, which will significantly damage to representatives of this sign, creating a negative reputation.

To succeed, you will need to set clear and clear goals. And this will be not easy, because in 2018 the twins will be inclined to unnecessarily fantasize, build air locks and incorrectly assess the current situation. Chaos and confusion will lead to disappointment and indecision, and this, in turn, will often contribute to the adoption of incorrect decisions.

On the other hand, the situation will conducive to those twins in 2018, which are engaged in some abstract activities requiring good imagination, for example, science fiction writers, philosophers, inventors, composers, actors. Exceptionally successful can be activities related to graphic design.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: Serious changes

Throughout 2018, Pluto will be at the Gemini sign in the 8th house - birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and shifts of Egregor.

Such finding Pluto again sends us to the field of collective finances, to the management of which in 2018, twins will have great abilities and the same opportunities.

In case of improper use of the energy of Pluto, the twins will risk getting into a serious financial scandal, from which it will be possible to release only at the cost of serious financial losses.

But this position of Pluto simultaneously gives significant abilities to classes by magic or spiritual practitioners. Therefore, in 2018, Gemini can feel serious interest in this area. Some signs of the sign will fully devour themselves to serving some spiritual cult. Or suddenly discovered the abilities of psychics.

Gemini will be able to provide a strong occult effect on others. Some of them will be treated for prophecies, while others use their ability to use in research work, where they can with incredible accuracy to predict at the level of intuition, the result of any experiment. Thanks to such abilities, the twins will not only be able to find a loyal way out of any extreme situation that they will have a lot, but will help you or advice to other people.

Finding Pluto in the 8th house often gives people powerful sexual energy. Therefore, in 2018, the twins will be incredibly attractive for persons of the opposite sex and will literally vote from them ropes. Unfortunately, it can also bring a lot of trouble in 2018. Reverse option is possible - care in absolute aspectancy.

Horoscope for 2018 twins: vector of your fate

The ascending Northern Moon Knot will be located at the twin sign in the 3 house - the house of the relatives, the near environment and information. The downstream southern moon node will be in the 9th house - the house of philosophy, travel and distant environment.

Of particular importance in 2018 for the twins acquire their neighboring environment - relatives, friends, neighbors and established traditions. And you need to send all your attention to improve life and strengthen your authority. It should also be more cooperating with those people who are near you - their help and contribution to the common cause will be invaluable.

In 2018, the twins may experience an instinctive fear of overseas travels or the rejection of all foreign - it is completely normal, such contacts should be minimized. It is better to abandon the turbulent public life at all, but to devote their time to relatives and home.

Your strength will be in secret knowledge that you made out of your past incarnations, and your task is to apply them in practice in real life. Gemini will need not to hide from the views of others, do not try to teach them, but listen to someone else's opinion and learn.