How to check if utility bills are calculated correctly. Validity of utility bills: how to check? What you need to know to calculate

Even a conscientious payer is not immune from insurmountable circumstances, due to which there is a delay in payments for an apartment. The owner or tenant intends to get rid of the debt as soon as possible, but he does not have the opportunity to go to the housing office or the management company and stand in line. In this case, you should find out how to find out the rent debt online and, if there are non-cash funds, immediately pay it off.

Where to find out

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a non-payer on the accounts of housing and communal services organizations faces quite serious sanctions - from the accrual of penalties to the termination of the provision of utilities (turning off gas, water, electricity, heating in the middle of winter) and even eviction from the home. The cost of consumed services should be accurately assessed, and the debt to their suppliers should be promptly repaid.

There are many fairly simple solutions on how to find out the debt for an apartment via the Internet.
Main ways:

  • through the portal of the State Service;
  • through the City System;
  • in your online banking account;
  • through the site of the management company;
  • using private online payment platforms that allow you to pay public utilities.

Some of the listed services allow you to determine your rent arrears via the Internet at the address, which is much more convenient than using a personal account or the name of the supplier company.

Let us analyze these ways to control the costs of housing and communal services in more detail.

Find out debt through public services

The portal is a government service that opens up opportunities for Russians to receive some government services without leaving their home or office.

Most public services, which still require a visit to a civil servant, are ordered online through a personal account, which also significantly saves time.

A simple sequence of steps - and the question of how to check rent arrears via the Internet is successfully resolved:
  1. visit the portal;
  2. register if you have not done so yet (first, just enter your name and mobile number, after the first login to the personal account, you need to fill out a profile - enter personal data);
  3. enter your personal account;
  4. find the desired section and request an extract from the EIRC, indicating the address of the apartment;
  5. receive an EIRC receipt in PDF format to your email address.

The owner of residential real estate will also benefit from the personal account of an individual taxpayer on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation It contains information on accrued and paid fiscal payments, as well as data on the property of a citizen - immovable objects and vehicles. is a tool to view the debt for an apartment on the Internet, but not for utilities, but for tax payments. The online service of the Federal Tax Service also allows you to independently check the correctness of the calculation of property tax.

Online banking: view and pay

Another option, how to find out the debt for an apartment online, is suitable for the owner or tenant of housing who uses a bank card. Almost all credit organizations provide cardholders with free Internet banking. This is actually the same personal account that allows you to check the account balance at any time, view the history of operations, independently make payments online, etc.

Let's consider how it works, using the example of the largest issuer of bank cards in the country - Sberbank of Russia. To register in the Sberbank Online Internet bank, you only need:

  1. click on the appropriate link, enter the card number in the form that appears and click "Continue";
  2. enter the SMS password that came to the phone linked to the card, and click "Continue" again;
  3. create and enter a username and password (the last one should be entered twice) to enter the system, following the prompts, and also specify an e-mail.

Internet banking allows the client of a financial institution to view the debt for an apartment online by going to the "Payment of utility services" section. Having found out the amount of the debt and finding resources for repayment, it will not be difficult to replenish the balance of the card and immediately pay off the utilities. Commission for such payments is not charged by Sberbank, and by almost all other banks, too.

Other options

Management company website

Another way to find out the rent debt via the Internet is to register on the website of your management company. The disadvantage of this option, which removes the question of advantages, is that not all management companies have acquired a service that allows you to enter your personal account and view payment information. To find out if your company provides such a service, a search engine (Google or Yandex) will help:

  1. if the organization has a website, it can be found by the name of the Criminal Code and the locality;
  2. if the site has a personal account, there is a link to it in a prominent place.

The system of "City"

Many organizations cooperate with the Federal System "City". Clients of the management company looking for how to find out the debt for an apartment via the Internet should try the Cabinet of the subscriber of housing and communal services on

Important: access to this service is provided only by the management company. To find out if your organization works with the City System and, if so, how to get to the Cabinet, you need to call the Criminal Code.

Utility payment services

There are also non-banking payment services on the Internet that allow you to find out the debt for utilities online and quickly pay the required amount.

Among them:

  • "City payments" on Yandex.Money. It is not necessary to have funds on your Yandex.Money wallet, payment by bank cards is accepted. To just see the amount of the debt, you need to go to the "Receipts";
  • payment service;
  • and other payment services with bank cards.

"Coordination Center of GU IS"

The GUIS system is also available to owners and tenants living in Moscow - invites you to find out the rent arrears online, also providing billing from the Bank of Moscow.

Instructions for using it are available next to the login form. It is possible to call with questions on hotline systems.

Once having spent a little time on the development of online services, the Internet user begins to constantly save a lot of time with their help. Let visits to institutions and waiting in lines be a thing of the past, and with them - rent debts!

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Housing and communal services are provided to the consumer on the basis of an agreement and in accordance with all legislative norms and requirements. Such services include water supply, electricity consumption, access to the Internet or telephone network, and much more. For the services received, consumers are required to pay a certain fee, which is regulated by tariffs.

Payment is made either through online services specially existing for this purpose, or through bank branches. All these methods are quite legal, but it happens that money can be lost and not get to the company's current account. Therefore, from time to time it is worth checking with utilities in order to prevent late payments. Debt is easily eliminated, you just need to contact the bank branch and pay off all existing debt.

At the moment, there is more than one proven method that allows you to control the passage of payment for utilities. You can turn to the help of bank employees, or go directly to the housing office. For those who do not have a lot of free time, there are special online services and official websites of enterprises.

Check utility bills online

Access to the Internet gives its users great opportunities. After all, without leaving the monitor screen, you can make various purchases, or pay utility bills. At the same time, in online time, you can also check the payment for a certain service if you doubt its charge.

Now many utilities have developed specialized official websites for their customers, providing all the necessary information about the enterprise. By registering for them, the consumer has access to many functions. You can view the tariffs for using the services, the history of your payments, the presence of debt and the timing of its repayment.

There are numerous sites that combine information about all types of utilities. Such a site makes it possible to pay a bill or check for a debt on a particular current account without leaving your computer. To do this, it is enough to know the personal data of the consumer and the current account of the enterprise providing utility services. If a debt is found that should not be, the consumer will be required to contact the utility service to verify the payments made. In this case, be sure to have receipts for the last period of time with you.

Check utility bills at

The most reliable way to check the payment of housing and communal services can be considered exactly the check at the address. What can not be said, of course, about the convenience of this option. After all, for this you will have to be sent to the housing maintenance office and stand in a long line of those who want to verify payment for services. If you have unlimited time or do not trust Internet services, then this ZhEK service is perfect for you.

When visiting the housing office, it will be enough for you to provide its employees with information about the consumer, in particular, his exact address. At this address, the entire history of payments for the period of interest will be found. You can also find out your current tariff, for example, for water supply or gas consumption. If necessary, you will be issued a receipt for the current period, and you will be able to make a payment in the same place to the employees of the housing office.

It should also be borne in mind that all information about the payments made, the appointment of penalties and violations is initially sent to the Housing Office. And only after that all the data is entered into the database on the sites. Therefore, although this method is not very convenient and fast, it provides verified and up-to-date information.

Check utility bills

To check the payment of utilities, it is not necessary to contact the Housing Office. Any major bank will be able to provide information regarding the payment of various utilities. To do this, you must provide the operator with your personal account number. A personal account is assigned to each consumer of housing and communal services to identify him in the database. Thus, according to the personal account, it is possible to determine what kind of services a person receives, and whether he pays for them in good faith.

If you do not want to stand in line at the bank operator, you can turn to the self-service terminal for help. Such terminals are located in almost every branch of the bank. With their help, it becomes much easier and faster to find out about the payment for services. It is enough to select the “Payment of utility services” tab on the screen and enter your personal account number in a special column. Next, you will be asked to select a specific service: rent, electricity, water supply, and others. And after your choice, the payment history and possible debt will be displayed on the screen. If you have a bank card, then you can immediately pay the existing debt.

MC is one of the forms of house management. Often they carry out their activities in bad faith, so you need to figure out possible measures to influence them. One of the most obvious violations committed by them is the unfair calculation of utility bills.

An organization that controls the correctness of the calculation of utility bills

The main organization that controls the full range of all housing legal relations is the housing inspection.

She has the right:

  1. Check the correctness of the calculation of utility bills.
  2. Punish those responsible for miscalculation.
  3. File a petition with the court for the liquidation of the managing organization, etc.

Of course, as herself Management Company(hereinafter we can abbreviate it as the Criminal Code) must clearly and correctly carry out its activities in calculating payments for residents of an apartment building. In case of unreasonable overstatement of tariffs, the management company may be subject to penalties.

Another body of control can be recognized as the FAS - the Federal Antimonopoly Service. It is engaged in the regulation of the market for goods and services and the prevention of the establishment of any Criminal Code on the market.

How to find out where to check if the rent is calculated correctly, what to look for

Of course, not all CCs are conscientious in fulfilling their duties. Therefore, a citizen must periodically check the correctness of the calculation of rent for housing and communal services.

The first thing the consumer should do is check the receipt itself, as everything is written on it. The indications indicated in the receipt must be verified with the indications of metering devices located in the entrance of an apartment building or directly in the apartment. Not always there are reliable indications.

You can independently establish the legitimacy of settlements by sending an application to the management company with a request to provide documents regulating the authenticity of the payment order, the procedure for settlements, etc.

How to check utility bills online

For the convenience of the consumer receiving information about the services provided, on the websites of the housing and communal inspection and managing organizations, it is possible to check the correctness of calculations and reconciliation of receipts.

To do this, you must specify the region of residence, a specific house and the name of the tenant. After that, all the necessary information will be provided to the consumer electronically. If necessary, at the request of a citizen, information can be provided on a printed medium.

Illegal issuance of utility bills - what is the responsibility

The main regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of management companies are Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services for the wrong appointment of utility payments will be subject to quite serious penalties. Illegal high rent entails causing significant damage to the population. That is why, at the legislative level, disputes do not subside over the fact that it is time to completely eliminate the Criminal Code, namely their intermediary activities, between the consumer and the utility provider. It is proposed to introduce a scheme according to which receipts will be generated not by the management company, but directly by the energy supply organization, the city water utility, etc.

The legislation of the Russian Federation, including separate resolutions of the Government, provides that a management company that conducts its activities in bad faith can be held liable for two types of liability:

  1. Fine.
  2. Deprivation of the right to engage in this type of activity (liquidation).

One of the most commonly used forms of punishment is a fine. It is paid to the Criminal Code, regardless of whether they paid compensation to the citizen himself.

The law establishes that the Criminal Code is obliged to pay to the state income fifty percent of the amount overcharged to a citizen. So, for example, if the management company registered in the payment for 500 rubles more than it should be, then from one receipt it is obliged to pay 250 rubles.

Where to complain, algorithm of actions

After it has been revealed that the receipt is filled out incorrectly and the rent is charged, the citizen has the right to receive clarifications from the managing organization, and if they do not satisfy the consumer, then he has the right to appeal such an unreliable receipt.

A complaint to the controlling structure in 2019 in Moscow and in other regions of the Russian Federation is submitted in the manner and according to the rules provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Bodies exercising control over issues of incorrect accrual:

  • Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • housing inspection;

It is to these authorities that a complaint can be filed. Another instance is Rospotrebnadzor, but as practice has shown, it is most effective to resolve issues through the courts.

Documents and statement of claim, sample

Any complaint sent to one or another authority must be accompanied by documents proving the rightness of the consumer. Verification of tariffs, meters is carried out precisely according to these documents of the applicant.

If it was possible to find out that the payment for housing and communal services is calculated correctly, then the citizen is denied a complaint.

The fundamental document preceding the trial is the statement of claim. It should include the following elements:

  1. Name of the document and address of the court.
  2. Indication of the full name or official name of the parties.
  3. Description of the essence of the disputed relationship.
  4. An indication of the evidence base.
  5. The date of the document and the signature of the parties.

Housing and communal services participate in the trial through its official representative. The court has the authority to cancel the accrued penalties, to award compensation for illegal charges, to cancel the delay, etc.

The act issued by the court regarding the consideration of the case is called a decision. It is mandatory for execution, both by the consumer and the resource organization.

Complaint to the housing inspectorate for incorrect accrual, sample

The prosecutor's office is not the only way to influence unscrupulous management companies. A citizen has the right to apply to other state structures, for example, to the Housing Inspectorate.

Complaining and applying to this body according to the law can be done both by filing a personal complaint, and by using Internet resources. In the complaint, it is necessary to indicate the bills and the amount of tariffs that exist today. All this will serve as evidence of illegal accrual and incorrect calculations.

A complaint in this body is considered in accordance with the federal law on the procedure for considering citizens' appeals in the Russian Federation.

How to correctly calculate interest for late payment of rent

Penalties, in essence, are penalties for unscrupulous citizens who do not want to fulfill their obligations to pay utility bills.

Before accruing penalties, it is necessary to notify the citizen about this. This happens by sending a written act in the form of a registered letter. Only after written notice can interest be charged. The rules for calculating penalties are regulated not only by internal local acts of managing organizations, but also by civil law.

Refund of an overpayment for a communal apartment: situations from practice

Of course, that incorrectly calculated sums of money for utilities entail large overpayments of the population. Checking and seeing the meters of water, gas, light can really help to establish the fact of overpayments in time and prevent this illegal action.

All receipts must comply with the standards established in a particular subject. Overpayment, as a rule, is returned only through the court. So, for example, the Serpukhov court considered this kind of case. The fact of overestimation of tariffs for natural gas consumption was revealed. As a result, an overpayment of sixty thousand rubles was formed.

The court, having studied the arguments of the parties, having considered the receipts and the previously established tariffs, came to the conclusion that the plaintiff was right. Thus, the managing organization was obliged to reimburse this amount of money in full.

Penalty for incorrect calculation of utility bills in 2019, who pays and to whom

As noted above, for incorrect accrual, a fine of fifty percent of the illegally received amount is provided. However, this is far from the only measure of punishment for unscrupulous management organizations. Mandatory payment of compensation to a citizen is provided for, regardless of the amount of the fine paid.

Thus, management companies and other structures involved in the accrual of utility bills can and should be fought. The law provides for many methods of influence, each of which is very effective.

There are several ways to detect rent arrears. including without leaving home. Among them are such as:


  1. The surest, but least convenient method of controlling payment for utilities is at the address of the client's residence. To do this, you need to visit the housing maintenance office and, as a rule, stand in a rather big line of visitors.

    To clarify information about charges, you need to voice full name and the exact address of the consumer, where the entire payment history will be found. Here you can also find out the current tariffs and pay receipts for the current period.

    IMPORTANT! It should be noted that it is in the Housing Office that you can find out verified and up-to-date information about payments, fines and violations, because it gets into the database on the sites later. This method will be the best even if there are controversial issues.

  2. The second way to verify payment is at any major bank. Here you can use the help of an operator or a self-service terminal. To do this, you must bring all the available receipts with you. A bank employee will enter the consumer's personal account and announce information on the existing debt.

    Through terminals, the procedure is faster and easier. It is enough to select the “Payment of utility services” tab on the screen and enter the personal account number in a special line. Next, you should select a specific service: electricity, water supply, heating and others. After selection, the screen will display the payment history and possible debt.

  3. With a similar check through a bank operator, you can clarify the debt for housing and communal services through post offices. A significant disadvantage here will be extremely high flow temporary resources. You can find out the debt at the post office both by personal account and by the address of the consumer.

Through the Internet

For those consumers who are not ready to spend a significant amount of time visiting the housing office and the post office, or who are on vacation abroad or on a long business trip, special online services have become a salvation. They will also help in the case of renting an apartment to check the timely payment of bills by tenants.

You can check your debt online in the following ways:

There are also portals where information is collected about all types of utilities:

  1. One of the sites for checking housing and communal debt is By the number of the personal account here you can get information about the payments made by e-mail.
  2. A site of this kind is Here you will need the data of an individual: full name, date of birth and phone number.

Step-by-step instructions for checking rates online

All current tariffs and regulations for electricity, gas, heating and water in all cities Russian Federation can be found on the official website of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation -

For this you need:

  1. Find at "Utility payment calculator".
  2. Select the locality of interest.
  3. Select the number of registered tenants in the apartment.
  4. Choose the size of the apartment.
  5. Get information about rates.

Having received data from the site, they can be compared with the indicators of the received receipt. If the amounts do not match, you should go with a claim to the management company. In this case, you need to remember about additional fees for common house expenses.

For Muscovites, there is a similar calculator on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow

How to see if there is a debt on a payment?

One of the portals that allow you to find out information on paying utility bills is the site The algorithm of actions looks like this:

It must be remembered that municipal authorities have established a certain responsibility for non-payment of utility bills. Penalties are charged as penalties for debts.

In extreme cases, housing office workers have the right to file a lawsuit and stop providing services by turning them off, therefore, each consumer should have timely and reliable information about payment for housing and communal services, choosing the most convenient of the methods described.


Utility payments is an area in which there are many opportunities for deception. The most common ways of cheating on the money of homeowners and how to deal with it will be considered in this topic.

Attributions and overvaluation

The increase in the actual cost of work performed and services rendered is probably the most common type of fraud. Overcharging is a fraud that is difficult to prove, since the overcharge can be reasonably justified, for example, by higher overhead costs.

Profitable for unscrupulous management companies is the distribution of funds that were allocated for major repairs. In practice, the materials used are inexpensive and often of poor quality, the work is performed by illegal migrants, and some of the estimated volumes may not be completed at all. But everything will be documented very expensively, since the Criminal Code will conclude an agreement with the contractor, they will add inflated amounts to the agreement, and then they will sign fictitious acts of work performed.

Failure to perform work

This affects the current maintenance of housing, that is, actions aimed at maintaining the working condition of equipment, communications, building structures, as well as snow removal, garbage removal, etc. The payment for this service is determined by the annual work plan, which is distributed by months and, depending on the region, is from 1000 rubles. per month or more.

Saving even 100 rubles. from one apartment will allow you to get a good income even from one house, and when the management company has dozens of serviced houses, then the income from only one service can exceed 100,000 or more rubles a month.

It is quite difficult to prove the above scheme, since all work will be supported by acts of work performed, that is, legality will be documented.

The difference between the counter and the standard

A popular type of deception is the overestimation of heat costs. In many apartment buildings common house heat meters have already been installed, but not all residents may be aware of this. In such cases, the management company may charge the owners for heat according to the standard per square meter of housing. They can also act in relation to cold and hot water or natural gas. The management companies themselves settle accounts with suppliers according to the meter readings, which will be lower.

Money in circulation and rent

The management of the management company, in some cases, may invest the payment received from the tenants for a short period at interest. Also leasing for shops, warehouses, attics, basements and other non-residential premises brings good profit to many management companies. The listed premises are common property, and the rent must go to the needs of the house. The same applies to billboards and banners that are placed on the walls of houses.

How to check the accrued amounts and where to complain

You can check the numbers in the payment on the website, which was opened by the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation. You can type in any search engine: FAS Russia Housing and communal services calculator- and a link to it will immediately appear. On the site you can find out the cost of standards and tariffs for utilities for all Russian regions and calculate the amounts that you have to pay monthly for water, electricity, gas and heat. If the data that the "Housing and Communal Calculator" gives you will differ significantly from those indicated in the payment, then this is a reason to start understanding the situation and taking action.

If you find additional payment points and inflated tariffs in the payment, then start by writing to the management company with a request to justify such expenses. It would be better if several owners apply collectively. Depending on the answer, it will be possible to determine a further plan of action. In situations where duplicate services appear in the receipt, you have the right to demand recalculation. In case of violations, it will be useful to file complaints with the housing inspectorate and the prosecutor's office.


Tariffs for utilities are constantly increasing, and fraud management companies are increasingly developing. There are a lot of fraudulent schemes, so it is almost impossible to list them all.

If your management company does not act in the interests of homeowners, then this is an occasion to think about changing it. But before choosing a new company for home maintenance, be sure to study the reviews about its work so as not to choose an unscrupulous management company again.