Rating of management companies in the housing sector. HOA or management company - which is better? Management company and HOA: pros and cons Worst management companies

Based on the results of work in the first half of 2018, a rating of organizations managing multi-apartment housing stock in the Moscow region was compiled, voting was held on the Dobrodel portal and took into account 13 criteria for evaluating the work of management companies by analogy with the assessment of hotels according to the star system, the press service of the Ministry of Housing and public utilities of the Moscow region.

“The rating included about a thousand managing enterprises, but only a third of them received three or more stars. The most "star" management companies (MC) serve 131 apartment buildings, about 1 million meters of living space (in total, in the Moscow region, the multi-apartment housing stock is about 197 million square meters). According to the rating, four-star companies service some houses located in Podolsk, Serpukhov, Ivanteevka, Domodedovo, Krasnogorsk, Ramenskoye and Shchelkovsky municipal districts.

As recalled in the press service, in the spring of this year, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrey Vorobyov, instructed the regional Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, in cooperation with the heads of municipalities, to create a rating of management companies (MC) that is understandable for residents of the Moscow region, which manage the common property of multi-apartment housing stock.

To implement this task, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region, together with the regional Goszhilinspektsiya, Gosadmtekhnadzor and the Association of Chairmen of Councils of Apartment Buildings (APSD), developed a new methodology for assessing the management companies, in accordance with which in the Moscow region the classification of management companies was carried out by analogy with the assessment of hotels according to the system stars, explained in the material.

“In total, 928 enterprises entered the regional rating, of which eight enterprises received the highest rating - four stars, including MUZHRP No. 12 in Podolsk, City Utility Company LLC in Serpukhov, two organizations in Ivanteevka - Pionerskaya 11" and Stroyregister LLC, Zhilservis-A LLC in the Shchelkovsky District, DomExCom LLC in Domodedovo, Vesta-Service LLC in the Ramensky Municipal District, Service Dom LLC operates in Krasnogorsk and the Shchelkovsky Municipal District. In addition, 346 managing enterprises received three stars, 507 - two stars, 67 "managers" have one star each.

It explains that about 20,000 residents cast their votes for the criteria. Management companies were evaluated according to such criteria as the quality of interaction with the councils of apartment buildings (MKD), the quality of maintenance of entrances and yard areas, the presence of high payment discipline in settlements with resource supply organizations, the organization of the work of dispatch services to the population through the unified dispatch services (EDS) of municipalities, the implementation repair of entrances, uninterrupted supply of utilities, including heat supply, hot and cold water supply, electricity supply to residents. In total, 13 criteria for assessing the UK were taken into account in the rating calculation. The data that significantly influenced the rating calculation was collected and processed through an extensive network of chairmen of the Association of Chairmen of Councils of Apartment Buildings.

“The rating turned out to be really popular, since the residents themselves chose the list of all evaluation criteria by Internet voting on the Dobrodel portal, which was held this spring,” said Yevgeny Khromushin, Minister of Housing and Public Utilities of the Moscow Region.

According to him, everyone could choose or propose their own criteria for evaluating management companies, which made it relevant and absolutely transparent, enabling apartment owners to form a correct understanding of what the UK rating is made up of. Based on this rating, the administration of the municipality can initiate the process of re-election of management companies that do their work in bad faith and receive a low rating based on the results of the rating, and apartment owners will be able to be guided by the presence of stars when deciding at a meeting on the extension of the services of the former or the choice of a new management company.

“The new rating of managing organizations will now be clear to residents. Its criteria are exactly what is important for residents: high-quality uninterrupted resources, so that the houses are warm, light, clean, openness of the managing organization and timely response to requests, this is the absence of debts and proper management of the house in the interests of the owners! In relation to those managing organizations that have two or less stars, we, together with local governments, within two months from the date of publication of this rating, will initiate a general meeting of apartment owners to select a new managing organization, from among those who have three stars or more, - said Yulia Belekhova, chairman of the coordinating council of the Association of Chairmen of Councils of Apartment Buildings of the Moscow Region, whose words are quoted in a press release.

Where heating is provided, gas, water, light, of course, are very comfortable compared to your own home, where you have to think about everything about it. But at the same time, in order for the pleasure to be complete, the services provided must be monitored and properly managed. To do this, apartment owners have the right to choose the most convenient form of government for them. In our article today we will try to find out: an HOA or a management company - which is better.

Management Company

This organization is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur that manages MKD. This is an entrepreneurial organization, which means that its goal is to make a profit.

The main document according to which the activity is carried out is a management agreement concluded with more than 50% of the owners of the house. The percentage is set by counting the area, not the number of owners.

The functions of the Criminal Code are to ensure the repair and maintenance of houses, in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations. In this case, the owners have the right:

  • to receive the information they are interested in within five working days after the request;
  • information on the volume, list and quality of services rendered;
  • check the performance of work;
  • demand the elimination of defects and monitor the completeness of the service provided;
  • from the first quarter to receive a report on the work performed from the managing organization.

On the other hand, the management company does not intend to reduce the cost of maintaining the house. In addition, its financial activities are not always transparent to residents, although the latter are rarely interested in this. Moreover, this company employs much more employees than the HOA. Accordingly, they will spend more on wages. Therefore, residents have a legitimate question about what is more profitable - an HOA or a management company.


In one house there can be only one HOA. But one HOA can unite several houses. So, let's figure it out, HOA or management company: what's the difference?

Let's start with the fact that the HOA is a non-profit organization created in accordance with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The meeting approves the governing bodies - these are the members of the board (who are elected for a period of not more than two years), and the general meeting. The financial plan for the year can only be approved at the general meeting. A report on its implementation is submitted to the Audit Commission. And the management of the HOA reports at the general meeting.

If costs are allocated wisely, then funds will be collected when necessary. The financial activity of the HOA is more transparent. After all, each resident can influence decisions on improvement. Without intermediaries between tenants and the contractor, deficiencies will be fixed at a lower cost. On the other hand, some one-time jobs can cost more. Therefore, apartment owners will benefit only if the management of the HOA will consist of truly literate and caring people.

Management company or HOA: pros and cons

Supporters of the Criminal Code believe that the main advantage of their work lies in the fact that they take into account the opinions of all owners living in the house. So, at least, the management companies themselves say, although it is hard to believe in it. At the same time, experts unequivocally speak out in favor of the Criminal Code in the sense that their services can be refused at any time if there are complaints about poor quality service. But it will take more time.

On the other hand, it can be problematic for residents to obtain specific information about the organizations themselves, although the law prescribes such an obligation for the latter. Taking into account the fact that the management company is a commercial organization, that is, one whose main goal is to make a profit, it can be unprofitable to give them full control.

So what to choose - HOA or a management company?

The optimal form of government

Most experts agree that the best today is a mixed form of government. That is, this is not an HOA or the Criminal Code, but an HOA and the Criminal Code. concludes a service agreement with the management company. Then all residents will know where the funds go. Moreover, each of them has the right to ask for a report from the chairman, and the latter must report. The HOA can also dispose of the house property at its own discretion, as well as place billboards on the facades of the building.

We create an HOA

So, if you were faced with a choice: an HOA or a management company, and you decided to create an HOA, a number of the following steps must be taken to organize it.

An initiative group is being created from among the owners of residential premises of an apartment building. Any resident can act as an initiator. But in order for the information, organizational and propaganda activities to be crowned with success, it is necessary to recruit such a number of people that will pull all the work.

Informing people about the essence of the HOA

Next comes the legal and information education of people by the initiative group. At this stage, you need to be able to answer the question in an accessible way about whether the HOA or the management company - which is better. And also to convince everyone of the benefits of the first option.

The answer here is already contained in the organizational and legal form of the company: if the UK is a commercial organization, then the HOA is non-profit. It turns out that the goals of the first are, first of all, to make a profit, and the other is to solve social, legal, managerial and similar problems.

In addition, in the UK, the incoming funds are distributed according to the established procedure. But in the HOA - by decision of the meeting of its members.

HOA can also engage in entrepreneurial activity, but it is in the Criminal Code that it is the main type.

The profit received is distributed among the founders in the management company, and in the HOA it goes to the implementation of the statutory goals.

Working with people and recruiting

The next stage is the preparatory work for the creation of the organization. For this:

  • a register of owners is drawn up;
  • the address of the HOA is determined;
  • the Charter is being prepared;
  • looking for candidates for the chairman, members of the board, audit and counting commissions, chairman and secretary of the meeting;
  • prepare newsletters;
  • give notice of the meeting at least 10 days in advance;
  • in the same period send this notification to the CHI.

Meeting on the creation of the HOA

  • election of the chairman and secretary of the meeting;
  • counting commission;
  • about the method of management;
  • the Charter is approved;
  • elect the chairman and other persons;
  • a representative of the owners is appointed to register the HOA;
  • choose the place where the information will be placed;
  • choose a place to store documents.

Other issues may also be addressed, depending on the needs of the home. However, if it was not possible to gather the tenants of the house at the general meeting, then an absentee vote is announced. To do this, ballots are prepared, and each of the owners votes.

Finishing organizational work

  • list of owners;
  • protocol of the counting commission;
  • minutes of the general meeting.

HOA is registered. To do this, an application is submitted to the tax office with attachments to the charter, information about the voters, a receipt with paid state duty).

You should register with the statistical authorities, in the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the medical fund and make a seal.

After that, you can start working by notifying interested parties about its start. The organization needs:

  • get technical documentation;
  • draw up a register of property, examine it and draw up an appropriate act;
  • study the rules for providing the population;
  • study the rules for the provision of housing services;
  • with the direct management of the HOA, it is necessary to conclude agreements with resource supply organizations, as well as determine the organization with which the receipt of funds will be kept;
  • and if management is carried out through the Criminal Code, then the HOA concludes an agreement with them.

And yet: HOA or management company - which is better?

It is up to the tenants to decide which form of management to choose. But recently, more and more often they are inclined towards a joint form of government. On the one hand, there are often cases when the opinion of tenants is replaced by the opinion of one chairman in an HOA with direct control.

On the other hand, a person who is competent in technical matters is not always elected chairman. But management companies employ specialists who often know better what is needed for a house at one time or another.


Having considered the question (HOA or a management company - which is better?) and deciding in favor of one or another option, residents should understand that none of the forms of organization can be truly effective if the residents themselves do not take part in the management process. When they remain indifferent, do not go to meetings and are not interested in current issues, the organization of the HOA often falls into decay, and the management company sometimes overstates the cost of its services.

Therefore, for the better functioning of the house, first of all, caring owners are important, who must understand that management comes from them, regardless of the form chosen, whether it is an HOA or a management company. It is then that the affairs in the house will flourish, and the tenants will be satisfied and happy to live in it.

The methodology for assigning and updating ratings of reliability and quality of services to management companies is an Agency document containing a systematic approach to the qualitative assessment of management companies using a number of indicators grouped into six blocks.

These groups, in the opinion of the Agency, cover the most important aspects of the activities of management companies that affect the ability to manage investments, as well as the quality of services provided, regardless of short-term trends in the financial and operational performance of management companies.

The Agency carries out regular monitoring (current monitoring) of rated entities.

  • Company and staff. The analyzed factors in this section include: the period of operation of the company, the influence of owners on the development of the company, the experience and stability of the composition of key personnel, the main development strategy and organizational structure.
  • market positions. The analyzed factors in this section include: the scale of the company's business, market share, business lines, sales network, customer base characteristics, product line, competitive advantages.
  • investment process. The analyzed factors in this section include: the size and dynamics of assets under management, assessment of the quality and risks of infrastructure, investment strategy and portfolio of financial investments.
  • Management and methods of control. The factors analyzed in this section include an assessment of the risk management system and its independence, approaches to managing the level of risk, the quality of corporate governance, the level of information disclosure, investment decision-making procedures, accountability and control over the implementation of the adopted strategy.
  • operational sustainability. The factors analyzed in this section include an assessment of sources of financing, operational efficiency (historical indicators and trends), diversification of the revenue base, stability and diversification of the client base. The purpose of assessing the financial performance of this block is to assess the resource base necessary to maintain the stability and quality of the investment process, and the degree of its compliance with business objectives, the scale and specifics of the company's activities, taking into account the proposed investment products.
  • Assessment of the quality of services. The analyzed factors in this section include: the quality and loyalty of the customer base, the quality of investment products, the quality of customer service, control and management of reputation, professional achievements of the company.

MOSCOW, April 18, RIA FederalPress. Specialists of the Association of Companies Servicing Real Estate (ACON) have identified the best market players among management companies (MC) in 2016. The results of the study, which covered 5,000 enterprises, were made public today during a press conference at the Interfax news agency, a FederalPress correspondent reports.

According to Sergey Khrekov, head of the ACON Board of Trustees, the selection was made according to 4 criteria - the area of ​​serviced houses, the number of employees, the average area of ​​a serviced house (portfolio) and financial indicators. For each of the criteria, it was possible to get 250 points, the maximum for the sum of indicators - 1000. At the same time, the rating did not take into account the indicators of homeowners' associations (HOA) and housing construction cooperatives (HCC), since their tasks do not include making a profit from their activities, although, as Khrekov notes, HOAs are more efficient than management companies in terms of economic potential. At the same time, he records an increase in the number of refusals from this form of association, since it is difficult and uninteresting.

It must be said that 5,000 companies were included in the main rating, but the speaker did not read it out in full, but went through the leaders only, deducing the overall indicator. According to the results of the study, the TOP-5 of the best management companies included the companies GBU Zhilischnik Yasenevo District (Moscow), OOO PIK-Comfort (federal), DS Exploitation (Moscow), GBU EVAZhD (Moscow), OOO Exploitation GS-Spb (St. Petersburg). They are the absolute leaders in the ranking.

According to the Portfolio indicator, the leaders in the TOP-5 included three companies from St. LLC "TSZH Stolitsa" The average area of ​​a house serviced by these firms varies from 74,971 sq.m. up to 141754 sq.m.

In the list of leaders in terms of the total area of ​​serviced houses by region, the situation is more diverse. This rating includes two federal management companies - GUZHF LLC and PIK-Comfort LLC, as well as companies from Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod - GUK Zhilfond LLC, GUK-Krasnodar LLC and Nash Dom LLC respectively. At the same time, the absolute leader is GUZHF - more than 16 million square meters. meters of serviced housing (539th place in the overall ranking), in second place is the GUK "ZhilFond" - about 9 million square meters. meters of housing (294th place in the overall ranking) and the company "PIK-Comfort" closes the top three - more than 7.5 million square meters. meters of housing (2nd place in the overall ranking). "GUK-Krasnodar" and "ZhilFond" serve about 6.8 million and about 5.5 million square meters. meters of housing, respectively.

In terms of the number of employees, the championship belongs to 3 management companies from the Central Federal District, one all-Russian and one company from the North-Western Federal District. The leaders in terms of the number of employees are Zhilischnik JSC from Smolensk - 2481 employees, Zhilischnik Mitino District State Budgetary Institution of Moscow - 2341 employees, GUZHF LLC - 2174 people, EVAZhD State Budgetary Institution from Moscow - 1860 people and ZHKS No. 1 Nevsky District LLC » from St. Petersburg - 1694 employees. From the general list of leaders, only one company got into this TOP-5.

The leaders of the rating in terms of revenue are the companies with the largest volume of serviced housing stock. Absolute in this case are the companies "GUZHF" and "PIK-Comfort". The volume of revenue of the first is more than 3.757 billion rubles, the second - more than 2.433 billion rubles. Slightly less revenue from the Krasnoyarsk "Housing Fund" - more than 2.313 billion rubles, significantly less from the Nizhny Novgorod company "Nash Dom" - about 1.776 billion rubles and closes the top five "GUK-Krasnodar" with revenue of 1.747 billion rubles.

According to Sergey Khrekov, this rating was compiled on the basis of open data from Rosstat and information published on the Internet resource "Housing and Public Utilities Reform". The representative of ACON notes that the market is currently static in many regions of Russia and the competitive environment in the field of housing and communal services is rather weak and the public figure considers it necessary to develop it. To do this, he believes, it is necessary to introduce a single federal license for the registration of management companies so that they can conduct their activities on the territory of other subjects.

“If the barrier with the license is removed, it will promote the development of competition. Even if more documents are to be issued for this,” Sergey Khrekov said, expressing the hope that by the end of 2017 there will be more companies included in the rating. As reported in the reference cited by ACON, so far the rating includes companies that account for about 50% of all multi-apartment residential buildings in Russia, or 1 billion 154 million square meters. meters of housing that serve 250 thousand people. The annual revenue of management companies under the item "Maintenance and operation" is about 300 billion rubles.

How to properly check an investment company? What does the rating of the most reliable investment companies in Moscow look like? What are the features of an international investment company?

Hello readers of the HeatherBober online magazine! This is Denis Kuderin, investment expert.

We continue the theme of profitable investments. The question that will be discussed in detail and thoroughly in a new article is how to choose an investment company.

The material will be useful for both novice investors and those who already have some experience in financial investments.

So, let's begin!

1. What is an investment company and what does it do?

Remember the main postulate of business - "money must work"? So, profitable investing is the most affordable and at the same time the most effective way to make finances work for you.

Money that is kept "in a stocking" is lost money. Even in a month, their real value decreases by several percent, and over the year, inflation often reaches 10-12%.


According to Rosstat (the main department of statistics in Russia), in 2015 the inflation rate in the Russian Federation amounted to 12.9%. And the cost of essential products increased by 15-17%.

Conclusion: capital should be invested in profitable investment instruments. Skillful investments create passive income - this type of income is ultimately sought not only by professional businessmen, but by all reasonable people.

4. Rating of TOP-7 investment companies in Moscow

To make it easier for our readers to navigate the boundless financial ocean, we have compiled our rating of investment companies for them.

The offices of the organizations below are located in Moscow, but this does not mean that residents of other cities cannot use the services of these companies.

Thanks to the Internet and the use of modern payment systems, you can make deposits from anywhere in Russia, as well as withdraw them to your accounts.

So, TOP-7 main players of the Russian financial market.

1) TeleTrade

A group of companies focused on various investment areas. Investors' money is managed by professional analysts, traders and brokers, making long-term and short-term investments in stocks, Forex market, futures, precious metals.

Among the advantages are 20 years of successful work in the investment market, training programs for clients (video tutorials and traditional training), information support for investors.

2) Simex

is an investment platform focused on online deposits. Not only residents of the Russian Federation, but also citizens of other countries can become investors. A wide range of investment projects - investments in shares, existing businesses and promising start-ups.

The list of the company's advantages includes the minimum amount of initial investment, the possibility of investing "in two clicks", earnings through an affiliate program with zero initial capital. Users can sell their shares to other members.


The company was founded in 1994. It is a member of the National Stock Association, provides users with trading and brokerage services, as well as annual and current financial reports.

Clients have access to a unique service on the Russian market - individual investment accounts. There is also the possibility of buying / selling shares to individuals on the over-the-counter market.

- profitable investments in developing sectors of the Russian economy. Cooperation with legal entities and individuals, advice to investors, constant search for promising investment areas.

A course towards a stable income of depositors and direct participation in improving the economic situation in Russia. Full responsibility for the development and implementation of financial strategies of investors, insurance assistance in order to increase the security of clients.

A diversified investment company operating since 1992. It is included in the TOP-6 largest organizations of the Russian Federation in terms of the amount of capital raised. Laureate of the Russian award "Financial Olympus".

The list of investment products is extensive - brokerage services, online trading, trust management of capital, trading in the foreign exchange markets, venture capital investments, financial consulting.

- the company is part of the investment and construction holding E3 Group, founded in 2009. The main profile is investment in real estate. Holds a course for long-term deposits (due to the specifics of the investment instrument).

Among the advantages of the company are the ability to start with a small (for the real estate market) amount (from 100,000 rubles), three types of insurance for each deposit, and collective investments.

7) Golden Hills

Professional management and increase of private capital. Guarantee 15% per annum with minimal risks for the investor. A new look at profitable investment and a new approach to financial management.

The company adopts the experience of Western investment companies and uses it in the Russian market. The list of directions for deposits includes stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, art objects, direct investments.

For clarity, we present the main characteristics of investment companies in the form of a table:

Companies Estimated Profit Features of working with deposits
1 teletrade not fixedThe possibility of trading on Forex through intermediaries
2 Simex From 24%Focus on modern online technologies
3 From 20%Individual investment accounts for investors
4 Depends on the size and type of depositFocus on investment in the Russian economy
5 Depends on the choice of investment productLarge list of investment areas
6 25%-45% Investments in liquid real estate
7 From 15%Deposits in Russia and abroad

5. How to check an investment company - 5 signs that you are collaborating with scammers

In times of crisis, investors' risks increase. The point is not only in economic instability, but also in the increase in the number of various kinds of scammers.

Many swindlers are eager to cash in on the trust of depositors and invest their money not in profitable projects, but in their own pocket.

To protect your savings, act with the utmost caution. There are signs by which one can easily distinguish dishonest "merchants" from conscientious participants in the financial market.

Sign 1. Absence of open financial statements and other constituent documents

Certificates, licenses and other documentation, without which the existence of an official legal entity, has already been mentioned above. I will add that self-respecting organizations are always ready to provide users with financial reports for the past and current period.

If a company claims to have a department of traders who earn money for investors in the currency / stock markets, it is obliged to present trading reports and trading certificates upon request.

Sign 2. There was no agreement between the investor and the company

Relations formalized in the form of an official contract are the basis of security and a long-term mutually beneficial partnership.

Often on sites it is offered simply to issue an offer - to put a tick in an electronic document. More reputable companies conclude real contracts with signatures and seals. Such a document, whatever one may say, inspires more confidence.

Symptom 3: There is no management photo on the company website

Without a photo of the head or members of the board of directors, the company's website looks somehow inferior, as if hiding something.