How long should a child stand without support. At what age is the child. When the child begins to point with his finger, wave the pen

Hello dear readers. It's time to talk about what time the child begins to stand on his feet. Every mother is looking forward to when this moment comes, the baby will learn to stand confidently for the first time, and there the first steps of the crumbs are just around the corner.

Features of physical development

First of all, it is necessary to figure out what age, what level of physical development corresponds to, how the successive achievements of the baby occur on the way to the first attempt to stand up to their full height.

  1. At two or three months, the child begins to independently hold his head.
  2. At four to five months, the baby can roll over from back to stomach and back.
  3. At five months, he lies on his stomach, raises his upper body, resting his elbows on the surface.
  4. At six months, he makes his first attempts to sit on his own.
  5. At seven months, he sits confidently, begins to crawl.
  6. At the age of eight months, he begins to stand, holding on to a support.

What contributes to the development

Each child is not like the other, they are all individual. Therefore, do not be upset if your baby does not meet generally accepted standards. If the little one develops normally, but, for example, at 6 months he still does not know how to sit on his own, this is not a cause for concern.

There are factors whose presence favorably affects the timely development of certain motor skills in a baby:

  1. An important component is the psychological health of the child, so it is very important that the baby does not have stress, including scandals in the family, in the presence of crumbs. You also need affectionate communication with the little one.
  2. General physical health: absence of chronic diseases, serious pathologies.
  3. Having role models. Ideally, if the child has an older brother or sister, especially if the age difference is two years.
  4. The temperament of the baby is very important (active children learn to walk faster), as well as physique (a child of normal physique is more likely to be the first to learn to stand than a well-fed baby).

What time does the child start to stand

Starting at the age of seven months, some babies may begin to stand up. But this applies more to active and thin kids. It must be understood that at first the little one will stand, holding on to a support, and on his knees. Then the baby will learn to rise on one leg, and then on the second. The first attempts to stand will be short. It is still very difficult for a child to stay in this position for a long time. Mother's support is important here, because many children, having learned to rise, are then afraid to sit down. Therefore, if she sees that the child has risen for the first time, but does not sit down within four minutes, it is necessary to approach and help him sit down. Perhaps the baby is just scared to return to his usual position.

If you are interested in when the child begins to stand with support, then the optimal age for this event is 8-9 months. But do not forget that this is all individually. The baby gradually rises and can slowly move, for example, along the crib, holding on to the crossbar. When does a child start to stand without support? After the little one has learned to stand confidently while holding on to something, it's time to move on to the next step. So, from 9 months to a year old, children begin to stand on their own. Such a large range is due to the personal skills and characteristics of the character and physique of each child, so it will be the norm if your little one learns to stand without support, both at 9 months and if he learns to stand at 12.

My son got up for the first time by holding onto the bar in his crib when he was 8 months old. For me, it was a very pleasant feeling of joy. It seems that the age was already very suitable, but, for some reason, I still did not expect at all that he would rise to his feet. It should be noted that a week before that, I noticed that my son for the first time learned to kneel, holding on to the same crossbar in the crib. Rising, he liked to throw toys on the floor. For the first time to rise without support, my son was able at the age of 10 months.

When the baby starts to stand prematurely

There are cases when some children make their first attempts to rise much earlier than generally accepted norms. It's not always bad. If your baby has learned to sit before his peers, it is quite expected that he will start getting up earlier. If your child is already more than six months old, then you should not interfere with the undertakings of the crumbs. You must understand that the baby will still try to get up, and you are not able to control him 24 hours a day. But getting up on your feet before reaching the age of six months is not permissible, by such actions the little one will disrupt the proper development of the musculoskeletal system and can cause irreparable harm to your health. That is why it is very important to encourage the child to crawl, to show that he can move around the apartment to any corner, and there is no need to stand upright yet.


Very often, when the baby has learned to take a vertical position, mothers want the little one to start walking as soon as possible. For this purpose, walkers are bought. It is believed that they not only stimulate the baby to start moving independently, but also give the opportunity to be near the mother and follow her tail, the child has a new entertainment.

However, there are adherents that walkers do not play a positive role in the development of the baby, in addition, they can slow down his development, because the child may decide that it is much more convenient for him to move around, why else make an effort and walk on his own. Everything should be natural and the little one will start walking when the time comes.

So, each mother will have to decide for herself what is best for her child.

I didn't use a walker. My son took his first steps on his own at almost 12 months. My sister-in-law used this device. The niece really liked, in the literal sense, to run on a walker and this in no way affected the fact that she began to walk in a timely manner. So the choice is yours.

Teaching baby to stand up

Parents should understand how important, correct and timely physical development of the baby is. Therefore, they can take an active part in the process of growing up crumbs, stimulate him to make new achievements, develop the child's motor activity.

  1. It is important to give the child massage and simple gymnastic exercises. Be sure to dedicate time to this in your baby’s daily routine, preferably before lunch.
  2. You can train your toddler to keep his balance. To do this, you will need to lift the child to an upright position, hold him, and then let him go for a short while, this will be enough for the baby to understand that he needs to hold himself in space.
  3. It is better if the learning process is constantly in the same place, for example, in the crib or near it.
  4. Make sure that the place where you encourage the child to stand up is safe enough. Do not forget that the first time the baby is likely to fall on the ass.
  5. It is important to show the little one that he can rise by holding on to a support. It is important that anything act as a support, but not mother's hands. The kid must understand that this is his independent path and he must stand on his own, without anyone's help.
  6. When the child learns to stand at a low support, give him the opportunity to perform similar actions with a higher support.
  7. If the baby is already standing, holding on to a support, you can offer him to take something in his hands, such as his favorite toy. The peanut will reach out to her and let go of one handle to begin with. Then you can give him two toys, the child will need to use both hands. So he leans on the support, without holding on with his hands.
  8. Very often, having risen, the baby is afraid to sit down. Mom's presence at this moment is simply necessary. You can alleviate this situation by placing a bright toy near the baby on the floor. The child will try to reach her and sit down. Of course, at first, the mother should insure the little one.

After reading this article, you learned when it is time in a child’s life to rise to his feet, first holding on to a support, and then standing on his own. Remember that you can stimulate these initiatives. However, you should not think that without such actions, the baby will not learn to get up, everything has its time, and when your little one is ready enough, he will physically get stronger and mature, then he will rise on straight legs. This moment will be remembered for a long time in your memory, because we are so happy when our children make progress.

Features of the development of the child from birth to a year.

The life of a child up to one year of age is the most active period when he develops rapidly: he learns to hold his head and roll over, walk, sit, crawl, walk, say some words ... All this must be treated with a high level of responsibility, since the correct formation of skills and will depend on further adaptation to the conditions of the modern world.

Based on the fact that each baby develops according to an individual plan (ahead of development or behind it), a young mother must know the approximate age when new skills should appear in order not to miss the appearance of possible deviations in the development of the baby.

Baby development at 1 month

This is the most difficult time for a young mother, as she needs to get used to a new life, in which there is a little man who needs care and attention. During this period, the baby sleeps almost constantly, so he adapts to new living conditions, actively grows and gains weight.

Breastfeeding the first month

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. With it, the child receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients that are needed for full development. For the first month, the baby gains an average of 600-700 g.

IMPORTANT: If the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, it must be replaced with a special adapted formula!

When does the child begin to hold his head, to recognize the voice of his mother?

If during the first weeks of life, during active wakefulness, he can randomly swing his arms with clenched fists, and also press his legs to his tummy, then at the age of one month, the child begins to acquire new skills.

At the age of one month, the baby is able to:

  • hold the head for a few seconds;
  • focus on the faces of parents or bright objects;
  • make some sounds
  • listen to different sounds and voices of people;
  • recognize the mother's voice and her smell;
  • crying to indicate discomfort (colic, hunger).

Video: What can a baby do at 1 month old? Baby development

Baby development at 2 months

This is an active period in the development of the child, his height increases by 2-3 cm, and his weight - by 700-800 g. He begins to sleep a little less, eat more, and examine the surrounding objects.

Young parents often ask the question - when will the child begin to hold his head and walk ?! So, a two-month-old baby is already able to raise and hold his head for a short time due to strengthened neck muscles, as well as make cooing sounds.

When does a child begin to walk, smile, pull handles, distinguish colors?

Features of the development of a child at 2 months of age:

  • starts to roar;
  • raises head, holds it for several seconds;
  • can smile;
  • reacts to the grimaces of parents;
  • tries to pull the handles to the subject of interest;
  • calms down during breast sucking;
  • begins to distinguish colors that did not exist for him before.

Baby development at 3 months

The third month is characterized by the development of new skills that were not there before. The kid is very interested in the surrounding things and objects, sleeps less during the daytime. Able to hold the head, lying on the tummy rises to the forearms, gurgles and babbles.

When a child holds a rattle, removes a pacifier from his mouth, reaches for toys?

Skills of a child at 3 months:

  • holds the head
  • makes various sounds, reacts to the words of the mother, hums;
  • can lean on the forearms;
  • removes the pacifier from the mouth, inserts it back;
  • turns head;
  • smiles;
  • handles reaching for objects;
  • reacts to sounds and extraneous noises;
  • can hold a rattle.

Video: Child development at 3 months

Baby development at 4 months

At the end of this period, the child becomes heavier by another 700-800 g, and his height increases by 2-3 cm.

When a child rises on his arms, picks up toys, recognizes his mother, reacts to his name?

When a child is four months old, he is already able to:

  • independently hold the head;
  • climb on the handles;
  • respond to sounds, turn your head, look for the source of the sound;
  • take toys in pens, examine them, pull them into your mouth;
  • get to know mom
  • hold the breast with handles during feeding;
  • get up to sit down;
  • respond to your name;
  • laugh, pronounce syllables.

With each subsequent month, weight gain will decrease as the child begins to lead a more active lifestyle.

Baby development at 5 months

This period becomes the beginning of a new stage in the development of the child. He is already actively rolling over from his tummy to his back, and vice versa, he quickly learns the world around him.

When does the child begin to roll over on his own, sit with support, pronounce syllables, laugh?

At this age, the baby also knows how to:

  • sit with support;
  • confidently pronounce sounds and syllables;
  • laugh;
  • distinguish native people from strangers;
  • cry when he lacks attention;
  • suck on fingers and toes.

Every day the child becomes more and more interesting and mature, the mother needs to give the baby as much attention as possible so as not to miss the important moments of her development.

Baby development at 6 months

At the age of six months, the movements of the child become even more confident. He begins to show his character more actively and persistently.

When does a child begin to sit, get on all fours, distinguish names, pronounce syllables?

He can:

  • sit down without help;
  • sit with support;
  • transfer objects from one hand to another;
  • get on all fours when lying on the tummy;
  • pronounce the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba";
  • reach out to parents and things of interest;
  • distinguishes names, turns his head when you say his name.

Video: What can a child do at 6 months? baby development calendar

Baby development at 7 months

During this period, the baby begins to show his activity and interest in the world around him even more. Every day he has some new skills. The little fidget can no longer lie in one place, he quickly rolls over from his back to his tummy, and vice versa.

At this age, new foods appear in the diet of the crumbs - cottage cheese and meat, which are so important for the development of the whole organism and the formation of teeth.

When does a child begin to sit, stand up, look at books?

At 7 months, the child is already leading an active lifestyle. He moves more, tries to learn something new and interesting.

At this age, the baby may:

  • sit on the buttocks on their own, sit without support;
  • get up on your feet (holding on to a support);
  • walk with mother's support;
  • crawl, most often in the opposite direction;
  • actively play games for the development of motor skills of pens (for example, "Magpie");
  • pronounce different sounds;
  • memorize parts of your body, shows where his nose, mouth, eyes, etc .;
  • hold the mug while drinking;
  • look at bright pictures, illustrations for a long time.

Baby development at 8 months

From now on, the child should not be left unattended in order to prevent possible injuries due to his active movements.

When does the child begin to speak the first words, try to eat on his own, walk on the crib, dance to the music?

The eighth month differs from all previous ones in that the baby can say the first words - “mom”, “dad”, “woman”, “give”. In addition, the baby also knows how to:

  • move around the crib, along the walls and pieces of furniture, holding on to them;
  • sit on your own, stand on your feet, stand for a long time;
  • crawl quickly;
  • take food in your hands, put it in your mouth;
  • squat or dance to the music.

Baby development at 9 months

Very soon the baby will take his first steps, as he is more and more confident on his legs and walks with support. Perseverance begins to appear in his actions: falling, after an unsuccessful attempt to take a step, he rises again to repeat it.

When does a child begin to manipulate adults, understand simple words, repeat the movements of adults?

At the age of 9 months, new ones are added to the general baggage of knowledge and skills of the baby. The baby can:

  • manipulate adults with their crying;
  • show your negative attitude towards bathing, cleaning your ears, cutting your nails;
  • repeat the movements of adults;
  • say some words, the meaning of which is clear only to relatives and friends;
  • drink from a cup or glass;
  • change direction while crawling around the room.

Video: Child development at 9 months. How to teach a child to speak?

Baby development at 10 months

This age is characterized by the beginning of "communication" with children. For a child, their toys, strollers or things become interesting. He examines them intently - to get acquainted. With the help of his mother, he can already play.

When a child begins to walk, play with toys on his own, is it impossible to understand the word, to name toy animals?

You can see your baby's first steps as early as 10 months of age. First, he will break away from the support, take a few steps and fall on his ass, then rise again, fall again ...

After several unsuccessful attempts to take a step, confident steps will begin to appear, after which the baby will not fall on the ass.

  • At 10 months, a baby can:
  • take the first steps and walk;
  • crawl quickly, squat, dance;
  • play with toys: throw a ball, roll cars, pick up dolls, etc.;
  • remember the name of the animals, tries to repeat them;
  • understands the meaning of the word "no";
  • shows body parts, name them.

Baby development at 11 months

There is very little left before the first birthday. The kid grows up every day, shows his character, tries to do something on his own (repeat the movements of his mother).

When does a child start pointing, waving?

At 11 months of age, a child can already:

  • sit, crawl, walk, jump, squat;
  • wear socks, a hat;
  • show emotions at the sight of familiar people, favorite toys;
  • enjoy new toys;
  • eat and drink independently;
  • shakes his head - "yes" and "no";
  • played with small objects (sorting through cereals, peas, beans).

Child development at 1 year old

At this age, almost all children already walk confidently without support or support. They become adults, try to learn the world on their own.

When does a child begin to chew, drink from a mug, eat with a spoon, take care of toys, disassemble and assemble them?

At the age of one, the child already:

  • walks, jumps, runs, crouches;
  • helps to dress, comb, brush teeth, wash;
  • independently tries to chew solid food, cuckles with a spoon;
  • shows his concern for the dolls;
  • played by a designer: collects parts, disassembles them;
  • speaks easy words;
  • remembers the position of objects and things;
  • eats only the food that he likes.

The first year of a child's life was marked by the emergence of new skills, abilities and knowledge. During this time, the baby has become much more independent, mature and more confident in his actions. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead, the main thing is not to miss all this because of constant employment and various problems !!! Pay more attention to your children, it is very important for them!!!

Video: Child development at 1 year old Family from A to Z

The skills and abilities of the child are directly related to his age.

Walking, crawling, talking worries all parents.

After all, you need to know what age to focus on.

Babies usually start walking on their own at the age of one year.

But what should parents do if the child is already 1.2 years old, but he does not walk on his own?

When to worry and how to help your baby learn the skill?

At what time a child begins to take the first steps depends on his individual characteristics.

Some children, who are more active and mobile, begin to get up at 5-6 months, and at 7 months they take their first steps on the crib, holding on to the side, and a little later they walk on their own.

Others, even at 13-15 months, do not dare to walk without support.

Most often, babies master the skill of independent walking between the ages of 9 and 16 months. In many ways, it depends on the temperament of the baby, his constitution, and developmental features.

A premature baby begins, as a rule, to walk a little later than their peers.

Girls, according to statistics, take their first steps earlier than boys.

Expert opinion

Polyakova Lyudmila Igorevna - medical worker

Assistant obstetrician-gynecologist, mother of two children

It happens that the child has already taken the first uncertain steps, but then stopped walking again. So until his time has come. It is necessary to give the baby the opportunity to acquire a sustainable skill, to interest him, to help strengthen the muscles of the body.

Actively crawling children are often in no hurry to walk, because they can move on all fours. There is no need to rush the crumbs. Crawling is good for health and will help the child prepare the body for upright walking. Give the baby some more time.

The long-awaited moment came and the child took his first independent steps. The gait of a baby is very different from that of an adult.

He spreads his legs wide, puts his feet parallel to each other.

When walking, the child’s foot does not roll from heel to toe, but immediately becomes completely, so the baby “stomps”.

The center of gravity of the baby is shifted, so his position when walking is not yet stable, he often falls. Over time, the child will learn to walk correctly and confidently.

If the baby began to walk early - is it necessary to rejoice?

Parents whose child has gone before 9 months are often very proud that their baby is ahead of their peers. Is it really so good?

If a mobile and active child, without any help, got up and began to walk at 7-8 months, then he is already ready for this. But do not let him stay in this position for a long time.

Walking so early can negatively affect the fragile spine and bones of the baby's legs, causing their curvature.

Moreover, there should be no actions on the part of parents aimed at ensuring that the child goes so early. Gymnastics, massage, exercises with a child are important, but must be appropriate for the age of the child.

It is better to direct the efforts of the baby to mastering crawling, it is at this stage more beneficial to health.

Babies usually start walking after they have learned to crawl well, and if development of this skill is delayed, chances are your child will walk a little later. Want to know on all fours? Read our new material.

If the baby started walking late

If the child has not started walking before the age of one, then parents begin to worry about this.

Nevertheless, doctors say that if up to 1.3 years old the baby cannot walk on its own, but gets up, crawls, walks with support, then you should not worry.

If a child started walking late, this does not mean that he is lagging behind in development, and that he will speak later than others, and will continue to lag behind in everything. He has his own pace of development and these skills are not connected.

Perhaps he will speak before other children.

If the process of mastering independent walking dragged on much longer than the norm, then it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Help from parents - exercises and massage

How can parents help their child learn to walk? First of all, create conditions for mastering the skill:

The main movements during the massage are stroking, rubbing, slight kneading of the muscles, tapping and stroking again. The direction of movement is from bottom to top.

Read more about gymnastics to strengthen the back and legs in our video:

Choosing the first shoes

Usually the baby takes the first steps at home barefoot or in socks. However, he will definitely need shoes.

From its convenience depends on whether the child will be able to walk in it. After all, uncomfortable shoes will constrain the baby's leg, making it heavy.

Therefore, when choosing the first shoes, it is necessary to take into account such points.:

  • Shoes should be made of natural breathable materials;
  • The sole should be flexible and as thin as possible;
  • The leg should be well fixed: a solid back, good fasteners;
  • It is good if the shoes have an arch support and a small heel.
  • Shoes should be easy to put on, because the baby can not stick his foot in yet. And of course be on.

Skill lag

The child is over a year old and should start walking instead of walking, although all his peers have already mastered this skill. Why is the development of this skill delayed in a child? There can be several reasons for the delay:

In this situation, examination and treatment of specialists will be required.
If parents have doubts about the health of the child, then it is worth consulting with a doctor.

For more tips for parents, check out this video:

When to worry

If he does not get up and does not walk even with support, or he is already 1.5 years old, and he does not walk on his own, then you should consult a doctor about this.

If the baby gets up and moves, holding on to a support, nothing bothers him, he is cheerful and full of energy, then his time has not yet come.

If the baby walks on tiptoe

Sometimes situations arise that the child begins to walk on tiptoe. He does not put his foot completely, but walks on his toes. The reasons for this behavior can be different:

  • Most often this can be associated with increased tone of the legs.
  • It is believed that this condition is associated with fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and childbirth. The problem is usually fixed on its own.

    When a child moves a lot, crawls, climbs and gets off the sofa, bed, armchair, gets up, walks, then his muscles become stronger and the increased tone goes away. In some cases, massage and gymnastics help;

  • baby can, to get attention, get taller.
  • It is necessary to correct such walking, correcting the child;

    Did your baby walk on tiptoe?


  • Sometimes a child walks on tiptoes learning to walk in a walker.
  • In them, the baby stands more on toes than on the entire foot;

  • This may be due to diseases of the nervous system or the musculoskeletal system., but then the child will have other violations that cannot be overlooked.

The pediatrician will definitely pay attention to them when examining the child.

In any case, it is necessary to correct the child's gait in order to avoid problems with the spine and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

And a little more about walkers, they are in great demand among many parents, but more and more often pediatricians oppose this device, arguing that it can interfere with the formation of the right walking skill.

Komarovsky about walking and walkers

Watch the video about what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about walkers.

Why does the baby like to bounce when he is supported by the handles? Because his whole body is preparing to get up on his feet. While the baby is still unable to stand on his own, the muscles of the body are trained during such a children's dance. When does a child start to stand up on its own? We learn about it from the article.

Observant mothers notice how the baby begins to train the feet from the age of five months, doing the most real gymnastic exercises on his own: he twists the feet of the legs to the right / left figure eight, lying in bed.

Then, at six months, the baby gets on all fours and swings the body back and forth, cheerfully pronouncing his favorite sounds: yes-yes-yes, ma-ma-ma. What it is? This is strengthening the muscles of the back, preparing for standing up. Crawling on all fours also helps to strengthen the muscles of the back.

At the same time, the baby of six / seven months loves to bounce when the parents lift him by the handles and hold him in a standing position. The child does not want to just stand: he needs to jump cheerfully and babble his first childish words, understandable only to his mother and himself. This exercise trains the flexor and extensor muscles.

The physical education of the crumbs does not end there: he grabs his hands on the bed and, trembling with his whole body, tries to stand on his own legs! And he does it with enviable persistence, constantly. So its time has come! He gets up, lets go of his hands, falls on his ass and rises again. Don't let him do it!

And that's not all: the child tries to move along the crib, holding on to the railing. He likes this kind of work very much. The baby can enthusiastically walk around the crib, accompanying its actions with cheerful babble - as much as you like!

Getting up early

Some mothers worry about whether getting up early will hurt the child? If the baby himself shows a desire to get up, then it will not hurt. Even if the mother forbids the baby to get up out of fear, he will still do it: when he is left alone in the playpen or crib. As soon as mom turns away - and he has already risen to his feet.

Pediatricians are unanimous in asserting that it is strictly forbidden for a baby to stand on its legs at four months due to an undeveloped skeletal system.

However, when the child already sits down on his own and jumps cheerfully with the support of his mother, his physical development allows him to begin to stand.

To reassure moms: Initiate baby crawling if you're worried about getting up early. While crawling, the baby's musculoskeletal system is perfectly strengthened and thinking develops. If you stimulate the slider more often, attracting him with bright toys, there will be no problems with the crooked back and legs.

Walkers and tiptoeing

What do pediatricians think about such a children's simulator as a walker? Many parents seek to teach the baby to walk with the help of this device. Dr. Komarovsky strongly does not recommend training a child in a walker. The reason is simple: physical development should be natural.

A baby on a walker is in a “suspended” state: he does not feel the weight of his body. Agree, such a training will not lead to good: after all, when walking, a person must feel the weight of his own body, and the musculoskeletal system must withstand this weight.

Another disadvantage of walkers is getting used to touching the floor with your toes. The baby does not reach the floor with the whole foot, because it hangs on the seat: as a result, muscle tone is not formed correctly. Have you tried walking in limbo yourself? In the future, it will be difficult for him to relearn how to put his foot on a full foot: he will run on tiptoe.

If the child was not kept in a walker, but he still stands on tiptoe in the crib, then the baby has muscle hypertonicity. The pediatrician will advise how and when to massage the legs in order to bring the muscles into normal tone. Some children walk on tiptoe until the age of 1.5, and then everything returns to normal.

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Learning to stand

What should mothers do whose children are not yet able to stand on their legs? It's a shame if the neighbor's baby is already walking around the arena at seven months, and his own baby is still just sitting. Reasons for getting up late can be hidden in:

  • big weight crumbs;
  • phlegmatic character;
  • development features;
  • heredity;
  • low muscle tone.

If a baby at eight or nine months old has a normal weight category (by age), he eats well, but does not stand on his legs, contact an orthopedist and a neuropathologist. Perhaps the reason is neurological in nature.

If a baby at nine months old does not show interest in getting up, try to provoke him: lift his fingers, try to stir him up. Active babies jump from six months, even sitting in their mother's arms. Lifting the baby by the handles, try to turn his body in different directions.

Put bright toys in the playpen that will arouse the interest of the baby. But make sure that the toys are out of reach. With the help of such a game, you can teach a lazy baby to get up at nine or ten months. Be smart! Children have great curiosity, they always want to touch the object of interest with their hands and try “by the tooth”.

How else to help the baby, who is not going to get up? If the baby only likes to crawl on the floor, arrange “obstacle zones” for him: place pillows, large toys, some rollers along the way. All these obstacles will stimulate and encourage you to make a variety of movements in order to overcome obstacles. One wonderful day, the child will learn to stand on his feet.

Important! If a child at ten months is actively crawling, sitting and turning over - do not worry. Sooner or later he will get up and go on his own.

How long to wait for this event? Be patient.

Every mother is very interested in the question of when the baby will learn to stand and walk. But since each child is individual and unique, this process takes place in different ways.

Stages of child development

From the moment of birth to the first steps, the baby goes through several stages of development:
  • From 3 months - begins to raise his head and hold when he lies on his tummy.
  • From 4-5 rolls independently from back to tummy.
  • From 6 months they make the first attempts to crawl, and already at 7 months they move freely on all fours.
  • From 8 months, the child can already hold his body upright by himself. From this age, he slowly makes the first attempts to rise to his feet, holding on to the handles, for example, by the railing of the crib.
  • From 9 he takes his first steps with support. At first, not looking up from the furniture, but over time, with support under the handles.
From the age of 12 months, many children take their first independent steps, some a little earlier, others a little later, but by the year they can all stand on their legs in an upright position.

Who develops faster: boys or girls

Perhaps it is so laid down by nature, but girls develop earlier than boys. They are already born more mature, easier to adapt to the environment. Despite the fact that girls have less birth weight and height, the muscles have a smaller proportion, they still develop no less than a month earlier. The bone structure of girls develops and gets stronger ahead of boys, so girls get up on their feet and start walking earlier, by about 2-5 months. The same applies to the development of speech, girls are ahead by more than half a year.

When can a child be put on its feet

Each baby develops according to an individual program, but some points are common to most. The baby usually starts to stand up on its own, holding on to something. This happens at about 8-10 months. From this age, you can try to put on legs so that the baby learns to keep balance, but always with support.
By the way, the fact that the child crawls is very useful for his overall development. Some babies crawl so masterfully that not every adult can repeat their tricks. Modern experts do not recommend rushing to teach the baby to walk, he himself will stand on his feet when he is completely ready for this.

When the child starts to stand

Usually this happens at about 7 - 8 months, but everyone still has it individually. If you notice that the child is spinning intensively, sitting down, turning over, grabbing onto any support and, groaning, makes attempts to pull himself up, you are not mistaken, the baby will soon get up, will please you with the first step (well, this is a little later). Be sure to help him with this, he will not cope on his own.

If the child began to stand early

By and large, if the baby's body is not ready, he will not be able to rise, he will not be able to lean on his legs and stand. Therefore, if the child attempts to get up on his own, the way is trying, but this should not be encouraged. Still, the spine needs time to get stronger and take on the load, the same applies to the muscles and bones of the legs.

How to understand that the child wants to start learning to walk:

  • The child pulls himself up and manages to stand up on his own. He does not need help in this, so the muscles develop and the character is already manifesting, because this process takes a lot of time, he gets up, falls on his ass and, realizing that he succeeds, gets up again.
  • When it turned out to rise, the child holds on to the support and the legs bend, here the help of the mother is needed. He may be afraid to sit on the ass, everything is new to him, lightly support him by the armpits and help him stand a little or sit down.
  • First of all, support will be needed in any case, until the child gets up without it.
  • If he tries to make attempts to go along the support, support him and help.

When you should not rush to put the child on his feet

You should not encourage the baby to stand on its feet if at birth there were problems with the hip joint or muscle tone. By the way, getting up early may indicate just an increased muscle tone, so it makes sense to visit a specialist and consult on this matter.

How to teach a child to stand without support

  • Get a fitball. Inflate it so that the baby can sit on the booty and "fall through" a little. Holding it with its back to you by the ribs, gently swing it so that the legs touch the floor. This exercise develops coordination well and helps the child to balance and hold on.
  • Put the child on the table, squatting him, turning his back to you. And also tilting back and forth, slowly raise it, the main thing is not to rush. So he will learn to stand without support faster due to balance and the fact that he will just get used to standing.
  • Use your child's favorite toy. Take it and, inviting to play, drag the toy so that the child crawls after it. Bring her to an armchair or sofa and put her on the edge, let him reach for her and stand on his legs, holding on to the support, then take the toy a little to the side, he will let go of one handle, then the other and he will not understand how he stands on his own.
And remember, the child should always be interested and supported in any endeavor. Become a support and support for him in such an important event as the first step.

A set of exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system

For babies who do not yet walk, massage has a strengthening effect. It is necessary to massage each part of the body separately - arms, legs, upper body and lower.
Help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system:
  • Roll over onto tummy and back.
  • Crouching into the fetal position. Fold the arms and legs approximately as they were in the womb, bend and unbend.
  • Raise straight legs up.
  • Squat with support.
  • Hold under the handles and "put" the child on his legs on a hard surface so that he pushes them off.
  • Raise and lower straight handles.
  • Alternately bend and unbend the legs.
  • Give sticks or a ring-shaped object into the child’s hands so that he can hold on and from a lying position, holding on to this object, rise to a sitting position. In this case, you can not jerk sharply, but gently lift.
  • Crawl.
From a position on all fours, help the child get to his feet until he begins to stand up on his own.

Can walkers be used?

To help the child's musculoskeletal system to get stronger, you can use walkers, but they are recommended not earlier than from 7-8 months. At this age, the baby already holds his back, he will sit in a walker and push off with his legs, and over time he will begin to stand, holding on to the body.
Many experts say that walkers do not help you learn to walk faster, but they have a number of other advantages - they allow the baby to be busy for a while, he has the opportunity to actively explore the environment, while being safe. You can not use a walker for a long time, a maximum of 20-30 minutes. You need to start with 5-10, gradually increasing the time spent in the walker.

At the present stage, there is a statement that walkers harm children more than they contribute to their development. Abroad, they are banned due to the fact that many parents sought medical help for injuries that babies received due to the use of walkers, there were violations of muscle tone, development of the feet, and hip joints.

Most parents want their children to learn to sit, stand, walk early, but everything has its time. There is no need to rush into this. When the baby is ready, he will sit down, get up and go.