Dog's heart. Heart of a Dog Heart of a Dog chapter 1 summary

Year: 1925 Genre: story

Main characters: Professor Preobrazhensky, Dr. Bormenthal and Evgraf Sharikov

In the winter of 1924-1925, the scientist Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky found a method to rejuvenate a person by transplanting the glands of an animal body. Once, a professor picked up a stray dog ​​with a sick appearance. Within a week, he cures the dog, and the dog becomes a friendly, gentle and docile animal. Then Philipp Philippovich plans to perform an operation on an animal and transplant human glands to him, namely Klim Chugunkin, twenty-five years old, who has already been in prison for theft three times and by this time has died from a stab wound. The operation is successful, and the dog is slowly turning into a human. Sharik's height and weight increase, he loses his hair and suddenly started talking!

A few weeks pass, and the dog has become an unsympathetic man, most likely similar to a person named Klim Chugunkin, even in character. From the dog he now only has that he does not like cats. This character chooses the name Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. Sharikov develops free-thinking and all the harmful, disgusting habits of Klim Chugunkin go to Sharikov, he begins to drink. Sharikov shows Preobrazhensky the paper, according to which he has already become a member of the residential community, and he is offered a share in Preobrazhensky's apartment. Accordingly, his "creator" is horrified by the one he created.

Time passes, Sharikov brings a girl to Philip Philipovich's house, wants to marry her and live together in the apartment he occupies. The scientist naturally tells Sharikov's chosen one about who he really is.

Then one of Preobrazhensky's patients brings a denunciation against him, which was written by Sharikov. Here he can't stand it anymore and says that his ex-dog should get out of his house. But it was not there. Sharikov showed him his fist, and with the other hand took out a pistol. In general, everything ends with the professor's assistant, Dr. Bormental, locking the main and emergency entrances and leaving with Preobrazhensky in the examination room. A police representative comes to the scientist's house with a search warrant and wants to arrest Preobrazhensky and his assistant for being accused of Sharikov's death.

Bormenthal and the professor explain that there is no Sharikov, that this is just a dog on which they conducted experiments. And they provide him with evidence: a dog with a bald patch, whose hair grows, walks on its hind legs, sits in a chair. The police officer loses consciousness. As a result, the dog turned back into an obedient animal.

This story teaches us to be content with what we are given. That you can not be arrogant and impudent. Otherwise, we may lose everything we have.

Summary of Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog chapter by chapter

Chapter 1

The plot of the work takes place in the capital in 1924-1925. It's terribly cold outside. A homeless dog sits in the corner of the gateway and suffers from hunger and pain in his side. A dog named Sharik was attacked by a tyrant cook who doused him with boiled water. Suddenly, an intelligent, neatly dressed gentleman came out of a nearby store. The dog was surprised when this man began to feed him sausage. Sharik, at the behest of his savior, follows him. He wanted to show gratitude to the master for his salvation by any means. They came to an unknown house and went inside. The dog watched this man with curiosity as he spoke to the apartment house's most popular dog-hater, Fyodor, the janitor. From this person, the master learns that people who will work on a plan to move into the house are moving into the third apartment. The gentleman is very upset, although no one claimed his apartment.

Chapter 2

An influential gentleman with a dog entered a luxurious seven-room apartment. The name of Sharik's rescuer was Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky, a professor of medicine. Sharik was taken to the examination room, which turned out to be not to his liking. The dog was euthanized with chloroform and the wound was bandaged. When Sharik came to, his side didn't hurt at all. Now he watched with interest as the professor received patients at his home. These people were completely different, but they all wanted to look younger than their own years. Philip Philipovich agrees to provide this service for a very large sum of money. In the evening, new residents of the house came to Preobrazhensky. They had to settle people in apartments that had "extra" rooms. The chief of them, Shvonder, claimed that this was a very large apartment for a professor and demanded that 2 rooms be vacated for new tenants. Philip Philipovich called one of his influential acquaintances, who smashed Shvonder to smithereens. The “housing companions” leave with nothing.

Chapter 3

The professor and his assistant sat down to supper and fed Sharik. The food was very tasty. That day they served fried fish and roast beef, he was so full that he didn’t even want to think about food, this had never happened to him before. The professor thought about modern times and about the new structure of the state. Sharik was sleeping quietly in a corner and was afraid that this could all be a dream. The dog was overcome with fear that he might wake up and find himself on the street again, without shelter and food. But everything was just great. He grew prettier before our eyes and eventually became a well-fed dog. Sharik went about his business, ate, slept, enjoyed life.

Philipp Philippovich was telling a friend how in the morning he heard the singing of the "residential comrades". The song was about destroying destruction. The professor argued that the settlement of the proletariat in their house would lead to the decline of everything around. Working people should work for the good of the state, and not waste precious time singing political songs and attending lectures.

Chapter 4

The ball begins to live well, eat. Now he has become well-groomed dog. He was taken for walks in the parks, fed with various delicacies. Even one stray dog ​​envied him and called him "master's bastard." Sharik became good friends with the professor's cook Darya Petrovna, who constantly gave him goodies.

But one unfavorable day, everything went wrong as usual. The bell rang, it was Professor Bormental's assistant, who said that the man had died about three hours ago. Soon the professor's friend returned with an interesting suitcase. The dog was taken to the examination room and given anesthesia. Then a most complicated operation took place to transplant the seminal glands and the pituitary gland, which were taken from a fresh corpse. The professor hoped in this way to achieve rejuvenation. But the scientist was sure that after such an operation, Sharik would not survive, like the previous animals on which this experiment was carried out.

Chapter 5

The professor and a friend began to keep a record of observations of Sharik, who nevertheless survived after a difficult operation. The changes that took place with the dog's body were stunning. The dog's hair began to fall out, and the weight grew and became approximately like that of an average static person. Changes were also observed in body temperature and pulse. Sharik learned to stand on his hind legs alone, and then to walk. He began to speak in a language understandable to man. Sharik's vocabulary was dominated by obscene words. Then his tail fell out. Rumors about a strange creature began to spread around the city. There were even articles in the newspaper about the miracle beast.

Philipp Philippovich began to notice that Sharik had learned to read certain words, and laughter was distinctly heard.

The professor realized that the transplantation of the pituitary gland does not lead to rejuvenation, but to the acquisition of human features. Bormental insisted that Sharik be brought up and trained. But the professor was already aware that all these efforts were simply useless, since Sharik completely duplicated the habits of the person whose pituitary gland was transplanted to him. This man's name was Klima Chugunkin - a thief, an alcoholic, a bully and a mischief-maker.

Chapter 6

Sharik became an ordinary man of average height, male. He wore a pale blue tie and boots. He began to communicate with Shvonder and every day surprised the professor and Bormental with his behavior. The antics of an incomprehensible creature were cruel and arrogant. He littered, spit on the floor, scared Zina, could come home drunk and go to bed right on the rug in the kitchen.

Philipp Philippovich wanted to talk to Sharik, but he also made his demands - addressed to Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov.

"Housing companions" demanded to make a residence permit for a man. The professor was indignant at first. Since Sharikov was not a biological person. But I had to make him a residence permit, because the law was on the side of the Polygraph.

Dog antics still remained with Sharikov. When a cat ran into the house, he rushed with all his might into the bath after her. The door slammed shut. As a result, she jumped out the window, and Sharikov remained in a locked room with a lot of water, as he opened the taps during the chase. The professor, Bormental and Zina began a rescue operation. Then, having freed Sharik, everyone began to clean the bathroom. Neighbors kept coming with complaints to Sharik that he was breaking windows and running after the cooks.

Chapter 7

Sharikov drinks alcohol in such quantities as a real alcoholic. He does not like cultural places - theaters, cinemas, the only thing with great pleasure is visiting the circus. It was possible to visit this institution with Sharikov in the case when there were no cats in the presentation script.

Preobrazhensky invites him to read a book, but he is already busy reading other information that Shvonder gave him. From what he read, Sharikov understood only that everything must be divided. The professor, jokingly, tells him that it is necessary to consider a case that happened recently - an incident in the bath and offers to return the money for the broken faucet and equipment, as well as for the lost working day. The professor asks Zina to burn the diary with notes. While Bormental and Polygraph were in the circus, the professor took out a vessel with the dog's pituitary gland, looked at it as if he had planned it.

Chapter 8

Sharikov receives the long-awaited documents. Now he has become even more impudent than before. The Professor quickly calms down the Polygraph by threatening him with hunger. Sharikov calms down, but this is a matter of time. He, together with his comrades, stole the professor's personal belongings and the money with which he bought alcohol and got drunk.

The professor's assistant suggests that he poison Sharikov, but Philip Philipovich is against such an act, since this act is criminally liable. He admits his mistake and promises to do something. The professor is upset, because such a wonderful dog turned out to be such scum that it even becomes ill.

In the morning, Sharikov returned and told everyone that he had found a job - head of the department for cleaning up the capital from homeless animals.

The professor's assistant insisted that Sharikov apologize to Zina and the cook, and also forced him to behave appropriately with Preobrazhensky and not make a mess in the apartment.

Sharikov brings a girl to the apartment and declares that he will marry her. He demands from the professor that he allocate a room for them and register a young lady. The professor tells the stranger the whole truth about Sharikov. The girl learns that he is far from the commander of the Red Army and his wound is not a combat wound. She is crying. A wedding is out of the question. Sharikov threatens her, Bormental promises the girl protection from his side.

Chapter 9

One of his acquaintances, a former patient, comes to the professor in a police uniform. According to the story of this man, Philipp Philippovich learns that Sharikov wrote a complaint against him and his assistant Bormental. As if they threatened Sharikov and Shvonder with murder, they keep firearms without a permit for him and accusations that they are counter-revolutionaries. Then they try to drive Sharikov out of the apartment, but it is useless. He gets bold and eventually pulls out a gun. Doctors twist his hands and take away the weapon. After that, they put him to sleep and take him to the examination room. The rest are advised not to leave the apartment. There is some activity going on in the operating room.


After 10 days, Preobrazhensky is visited by employees of the investigating authorities at the signal of Shvonder. They have a document confirming the right to search the housing and arrest on charges of murdering citizen Sharikov P.P. The professor explains to the investigators that this is not a person at all, but a dog, which for a while acquired a human appearance, and now has returned to its usual appearance again. At this time, a strange dog comes out of the room, which has already had a canine pituitary gland transplanted back. Wool in some places there, in some places not, a scar on the frontal part of the head. The dog either stands on all fours, or walks on two legs. The policemen were shocked by what they saw. They leave the professor's apartment. The professor begins to live a normal life, and Sharik is pleased that he was taken in by such a wonderful person.

Retelling very briefly for a reader's diary

Professor Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky decides to perform a complex operation to transplant a human pituitary gland into a dog. To achieve his goals, he finds the sweetest dog named Sharik and the fresh corpse of the criminal Klim Chugunkin.

The operation is successful, to the surprise of even the professor himself. All data are recorded in the observation diary. The dog gradually becomes a man and behaves boorishly: he litters, uses obscene words, scares Zina. As a result, Sharikov registers himself in the professor's apartment and brings the girl there. He announces to everyone about his marriage and demands to give part of the housing to a young family. Preobrazhensky realizes his mistake and decides to correct the matter.

The story teaches a person not to interfere with what is created by nature, otherwise it can lead to irreversible sad consequences.

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  • The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. Professor Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky discovered a way to rejuvenate the body by transplanting animal endocrine glands into humans. In his seven-room apartment in a large building on Prechistenka, he sees patients. The house is being "compacted": the apartments of the former tenants are being moved in by new ones - "residential comrades". The chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, comes to Preobrazhensky with a demand to vacate two rooms in his apartment. However, the professor, having called one of his high-ranking patients by phone, receives armor for his apartment, and Shvonder leaves with nothing.

    Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant, Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental, are having lunch in the professor's dining room. From somewhere above, choral singing is heard - this is a general meeting of "residential comrades". The professor is outraged by what is happening in the house: a carpet was stolen from the main staircase, the front door was boarded up and now they go through the back door, all the galoshes have disappeared from the galoshes in the entrance at once. “Devastation,” notes Bormental, and receives in response: “If, instead of operating, I start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will have devastation!”

    Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a mongrel dog on the street, sick and with frayed hair, brings him home, instructs the housekeeper Zina to feed him and take care of him. After a week, a clean and well-fed Sharik becomes affectionate, charming and beautiful dog.

    The professor performs an operation - he transplants the endocrine glands to Sharik of Klim Chugunkin, 25 years old, convicted three times for theft, playing the balalaika in taverns, who died from a stab. The experiment was a success - the dog does not die, but, on the contrary, gradually turns into a man: he gains height and weight, his hair falls out, he begins to speak. Three weeks later, this is already a man of small stature, unsympathetic appearance, who enthusiastically plays the balalaika, smokes and swears. After some time, he demands from Philip Philipovich that he register it, for which he needs a document, and he has already chosen his first and last name: Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov.

    From the former life of a dog, Sharikov still has a hatred for cats. One day, chasing a cat that ran into the bathroom, Sharikov snaps the lock into the bathroom, accidentally turns off the water tap, and floods the entire apartment with water. The professor is forced to cancel the appointment. The janitor Fyodor, called to repair the tap, embarrassedly asks Filipp Filippovich to pay for Sharikov's broken window: he tried to hug the cook from the seventh apartment, the owner began to drive him. Sharikov, in response, began to throw stones at him.

    Philip Philipovich, Bormental and Sharikov are having lunch; again and again, Bormental unsuccessfully teaches Sharikov good manners. To Philipp Filippovich's question about what Sharikov is reading now, he answers: "Engels' correspondence with Kautsky" - and adds that he does not agree with both, but in general "everything must be divided", otherwise "one of them sat down in seven rooms, and the other is looking for food in weed boxes. The indignant professor announces to Sharikov that he is at the lowest level of development and nevertheless allows himself to give advice on a cosmic scale. The professor orders the harmful book to be thrown into the oven.

    A week later, Sharikov presents the professor with a document, from which it follows that he, Sharikov, is a member of the housing association and he is entitled to a room in the professor's apartment. That same evening, in the professor's office, Sharikov appropriated two chervonets and returned at night, completely drunk, accompanied by two strangers who left only after calling the police, taking, however, with them a malachite ashtray, a cane and Philip Philipovich's beaver hat.

    That same night, in his office, Professor Preobrazhensky talks with Bormental. Analyzing what is happening, the scientist despairs that he has received such scum from the cutest dog. And the whole horror is that he no longer has a canine, but a human heart, and the lousiest of all that exist in nature. He is sure that in front of them is Klim Chugunkin with all his thefts and convictions.

    One day, having come home, Sharikov presents Philipp Filippovich with a certificate, from which it is clear that he, Sharikov, is the head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.). A few days later, Sharikov brings home a young lady, with whom, according to him, he is going to sign and live in Preobrazhensky's apartment. The professor tells the young lady about Sharikov's past; she sobs, saying that he passed off the scar from the operation as a battle wound.

    The next day, one of the professor's high-ranking patients brings him a denunciation written against him by Sharikov, which mentions both Engels thrown into the oven and the professor's "counter-revolutionary speeches". Philipp Philippovich suggests Sharikov to pack his things and get out of the apartment immediately. In response to this, Sharikov shows the professor a shish with one hand, and with the other he takes a revolver out of his pocket ... A few minutes later, the pale Bormental cuts the bell wire, locks the front door and the back door and hides with the professor in the examination room.

    Ten days later, an investigator appears in the apartment with a search warrant and the arrest of Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental on charges of murdering the head of the purification subdepartment Sharikov P.P. “Which Sharikov? the professor asks. “Oh, the dog I operated on!” And he introduces a strange-looking dog to the visitors: in some places bald, in some places with spots of growing hair, he goes out on his hind legs, then gets up on all fours, then again rises on his hind legs and sits in a chair. The investigator collapses.

    Two months pass. In the evenings, the dog naps peacefully on the carpet in the professor's office, and life in the apartment goes on as usual.


    The action of Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" takes place in Moscow. Winter 1924/25.

    Professor Filipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky lives and receives patients in a large house on Prechistenka. He lives and works in an apartment with seven rooms, which cannot but be noticed by the “housing association”, which is carrying out compaction in the house. The chairman of the housing association Shvonder comes to the professor and demands to vacate two rooms. But the professor calls one of his high-ranking patients (and the professor has many such patients, since he is engaged in human rejuvenation by transplanting animal glands), and he gives the command to leave the professor alone.

    During a lunch with an assistant, Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental, the professor expresses his dissatisfaction with the devastation, which, in his opinion, is based "in the heads" of the new government.

    The professor conceived an experiment, for the sake of which he finds a mongrel dog with a burned side on the street. He entrusts the dog to his housekeeper Zina. Two weeks later, the professor, together with Bormental, who is assisting him, performs an operation during which he transplants the endocrine glands of a man named Klim Chugunkin into a dog. Klim died from a stab in a tavern, he was 25 years old, and he played the balalaika. Immediately after the operation, the professor thinks that the dog died, but it is not so - not only did Sharik not die, he began to gradually turn into a man. Three weeks later, instead of a dog, the professor turns out to be a small man who speaks well, smokes and swears. And from the former Sharik, only the habit of chasing cats remained, which Sharikov (this man chose this surname for himself) is doing. In addition to his surname, he chose a name for himself - Polygraph Poligrafovich, having found this combination in the calendar, and also demanded that the professor straighten out his documents and register him in the apartment. Bormental is trying to teach Sharikov good manners, but it is useless - the genes of his donor, Klim Chugunkin, "wake up" in Sharikov, and at a meeting dedicated to the professor's experiments, he begins to play the balalaika, sing and dance.

    Everyone congratulates the professor on his success, but he himself is not satisfied with the results of his experience. He tells Bormenthal that he has achieved that the cute dog has become a man, and the most vile of existing people.

    One day, Sharikov brings the professor a document issued by Shvonder, which states that Sharikov has the right to one room in the professor's apartment. Then he shows a certificate that says that he works as the head of a subdepartment for cleaning up the city of Moscow from stray animals. And to top it all, he brings a girl into the house, claiming that he will live with her in this apartment. When the professor tells the girl about who Sharikov is, she cries and says that Sharikov told her that the scar on his head was the result of a wound in battle.

    The day comes when one of his patients comes to the professor and brings a denunciation written by Sharikov, which says that the professor is making counter-revolutionary speeches at home. The professor calls Sharikov and tells him to get out of his apartment. In response, Sharikov takes out a revolver. A few minutes later, Bormental locks the doors to the apartment, cuts the bell wire and closes with the professor in the examination room.

    10 days pass. An investigator comes to the professor's apartment with a search warrant and with the accusation of Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental of the murder of citizen Sharikov P.P. In response to this, the professor at first cannot understand who Sharikov is, and then he “remembers” that this may be the dog that participated in his experiment. He assures the investigator that the dog is alive, and shows him a very strange dog, which first walks on two hind legs, then stands on four, then again rises on two and sits in a chair. The investigator loses consciousness. Two months later. Sharikov again became a peaceful dog Sharik, but now he does not live on the street, but in the professor's apartment.

    A short retelling of "The Heart of a Dog" in abbreviation was prepared by Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.

    Wrote Heart of a Dog in 1925. Briefly tell what this story is about. In the early 20th century, many were fascinated by the idea of ​​improving the human body through cutting-edge scientific inventions. The author in his work gives a description of the result of one scientific experiment.

    Professor Preobrazhensky, respected throughout the world, decided to transplant a human pituitary gland into a dog. Instead of discovering the secret of eternal youth, the doctor suddenly finds a way to make a man out of a dog. So, the story "Heart of a Dog", summary by chapter online.

    The story begins with a story that a misfortune happened to a homeless dog named Sharik, who lives in Moscow - an evil cook poured boiling water over her. Exhausted from the pain in her side, she freezes in the yard.

    Suddenly, an expensively dressed intelligent person approaches the suffering animal and feeds him with inexpensive Krakow sausage.

    It was Professor Preobrazhensky. He called the dog to follow him, and Sharik ran after his new acquaintance, receiving another piece of sausage along the way.

    Passing through the dark streets, the master brought the dog to a luxurious house, with a beautiful entrance, guarded by a porter. Sharik's savior stopped to talk to the porter and found out that “they had moved housemates into the third apartment”. The news was received with horror by the master. Thus ends the first chapter.

    Chapters 2-3

    Once in a luxurious apartment, the dog first heard the name of his patron - Preobrazhensky
    Philip Philipovich. Noticing Sharik's side burned with boiling water, the professor and his personal assistant, Dr. Bormental, treat the dog.

    Soon the dog recovered and stayed with the new owners. The dog watches with keen interest as the professor sees patients.

    The elderly gentlemen who visited Preobrazhensky wanted only one thing - to restore their former youth and freshness. The intelligent dog realized that the return of youth to people is the main profession of its owner.

    In the evening, visitors of clearly proletarian origin came. Bolshevik activists with their leader named Shvonder demanded to give two of the seven rooms. When the conversation reached an impasse, Philip Philipovich called to complain to one of his patients - an influential official who was able to moderate Shvonder's ardor.

    The Bolshevik activists left the professor's apartment in disgrace, accusing him of hatred of the proletariat. During the meal, Filipp Filippovich talks about the culture of eating, about his attitude towards the proletariat and recommends postponing the reading of Soviet newspapers for the afternoon in order to avoid digestive problems.

    Professor Preobrazhensky cannot understand how working people can fight for their rights and steal at the same time. Why, instead of working, they sing songs about devastation, not realizing that they themselves are the culprits of what is happening around.

    Dr. Preobrazhensky sees in the Bolshevik ideology continuous contradictions to himself and "devastation in his own heads."

    Talk about the future of the dog intrigues the reader. Dr. Bormental learns from the pathologists he knows that as soon as a suitable corpse appears, he will definitely be informed. Meanwhile, the dog finally recovers, his wound heals completely, he eats well, enjoys life.

    When the pet begins to play pranks, Zina offers to flog him, but the professor strictly forbids her education by such methods. He says that both people and animals can only be affected by suggestion.

    The animal lives "like in Christ's bosom." Most of all, the dog is afraid that a well-fed life may end, and he will again be on the street, suffering from hunger and cold. One day, Preobrazhensky got a call, after which he fussed and asked for dinner to be served earlier than usual. Sharik was left without food, being instead locked in the bathroom. Then the dog was taken to the examination room, a rag with a disgusting smell was brought to its nose. As a result, the dog lost consciousness.

    Chapters 4-6

    The dog was lying on the operating table with cut pieces of wool - on his head and stomach. Professor
    Preobrazhensky began to operate on Sharik: first he removed the testicles, and in their place he inserted completely different ones.

    After that, Philip Philipovich opened Sharik's skull, making a transplant of the cerebral appendage. Sharik's pituitary gland was cut out and replaced with a human one.

    The dog began to weaken, the heart was already barely beating, then the doctor gave an injection in the region of the heart. When the operation was completed, neither Dr. Bormental nor Professor Preobrazhensky himself hoped for a favorable outcome of the operation.

    Despite the fears of the doctors, the dog came to his senses. Dr. Bormental begins to keep a diary, where he writes down in detail the changes that occur with Sharik.

    The changes in the dog were really phenomenal:

    • wool falls off;
    • the skull is modified;
    • the bones are stretched and become wider;
    • the voice becomes like a human.

    The young scientist Bormenthal makes a stunning conclusion: the replacement of the pituitary gland does not rejuvenate, but turns the animal into a man. Preobrazhensky himself diligently reads the medical history of a man whose pituitary gland was transplanted into a dog. At this time, a humanoid creature is already wearing clothes, has learned to talk and read.

    The professor and his assistant are trying to re-educate their creation. Despite the fact that the creature has already chosen a name for itself - Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov - it still continues to retain the habits of an animal.

    Such behavior greatly irritates intelligent doctors, so Philip Philipovich hangs posters throughout the apartment, on which he forbids throwing cigarette butts on the floor, using obscene language, and spitting. On the former dog draw up documents as for an ordinary citizen.

    Preobrazhenskikh wants to buy a new room in the house and move Polygraph Poligrafovich, but after a recent conflict, Shvonder sarcastically refuses the professor. Soon an unpleasant incident happens - the former dog ran after the cat and made a flood in the bathroom.

    Chapters 7-9

    During lunch, Sharikov not only enjoys eating, but also actively begins to drink vodka. Professor
    understands that the whole point is that the pituitary gland previously belonged to an alcoholic named Klim.

    Sympathy for the socialists was also inherited from Mr. Klim, so Sharikov reads the works of Karl Marx and actively communicates with ordinary workers of the proletarian class.

    Hearing that Sharikov fully supports the idea of ​​“Take and share everything”, the professor offers him to cover the damage from lost profits of 130 rubles when the patient’s appointment was canceled due to the flood. At the end of the chapter, Dr. Bormenthal takes the dog to a show at the circus.

    Sharikov continues to harass his benefactors: he rolls up a scandal and claims living space in Preobrazhensky's apartment. The latter threatened Polygraph that he would leave him without food. Such a threat had an effect on Sharikov, who temporarily calmed down.

    Soon his true nature takes over again:

    • the hero steals money from Philip Philipovich's office;
    • gets drunk and brings drunk friends home.
    • Sharikov's drinking buddies were driven out by the owners of the apartment, but managed to steal a beaver fur saber, an ashtray and the genius doctor's favorite cane.

    Dr. Bormental convinces Preobrazhensky that there are only problems from the creature obtained during the experiment and proposes to poison the former dog with arsenic. Preobrazhensky refuses this idea and says that one should not commit a crime. In addition, he really does not want to admit his scientific mistake.

    At night, the Polygraph molests the cook Darya Petrovna. The woman fights him off and kicks him out. Early in the morning, Sharikov leaves home with documents, and when he returns, he declares that he has got a job as a manager who is responsible for cleaning Moscow from stray animals. Dr. Bormenthal forced the former dog to apologize for molesting Darya Petrovna.

    Soon, Polygraph Sharikov brings a girl (his typist colleague) to Preobrazhensky's house, informs him that he is going to get married, and again demands his share of the living space. Then the professor, without thinking twice, told the bride all the ins and outs of the Polygraph.

    The girl was very upset and was about to leave, then Sharikov began to threaten her with layoffs at work. Dr. Bormenthal stands up for the poor girl and says that he is ready to kill the Polygraph.

    A former patient, a military man who enjoys great influence, comes to see Professor Preobrazhensky. The professor learns from him that Sharikov wrote down a denunciation in which he accuses doctors of "counter-revolutionary statements", "illegal possession of weapons" and "threats to commit murder."

    This was the last straw for the Professor, who immediately expelled Sharikov from the apartment. The polygraph at first flatly refuses to leave, and at the end he takes out a gun. Medics pounce on Sharikov, take away his weapons, twist him up and put him to sleep with chloroform. They forbid all other residents to leave their apartments or let anyone in. The professor and the doctor started a new operation.

    Chapter Ten (epilogue)

    The militia sent by Shvonder came to the scientists' apartment with a search warrant. The reason for the appearance of the policemen was the arrest on charges of murdering Mr. Sharikov.

    Doctors explain to law enforcement agencies that Polygraph Poligrafovich was created from Sharik's dog and has now again degraded to his original appearance.

    They explained that they had given the dog his own pituitary gland back.

    The dog looked strange: it walked on two legs, in some places there was no hair on the body. In this absurd creature one could still recognize the features of Polygraph Sharikov. The dog herself did not remember anything, her head hurt terribly. Sitting at the feet of her master, she was happy that she was left to enjoy a well-fed life in the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky.

    Note! A brief retelling will not allow you to fully appreciate all the aesthetic merits of the story, so we definitely recommend that you familiarize yourself with the original.

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    The main idea of ​​the story is that the revolution that took place in Russia was not a natural development of society, but simply an unsuccessful and improperly planned social experiment, and it would be better for our country to return to its former state as soon as possible.

    In contact with

    Retelling plan

    1. The dog talks about his difficult life.
    2. Professor Preobrazhensky takes him to him.
    3. Sharik's first impressions in the professor's house.
    4. Visit of members of the House Committee to Preobrazhensky.
    5. Conversation between Dr. Bormental and Philipp Philippovich about the new "orders".
    6. Operation.

    7. Dr. Bormenthal describes the stages of Sharik's transformation.
    8. Sharikov claims his rights.
    9. Sharikov becomes impudent.
    10. One more operation.
    11. Preobrazhensky and Bormental are charged with the murder of Sharikov.
    12. The dog stays with the professor.


    In the doorway near the public dining room lay a yard dog and complained about his hard life. The cook from the dining room poured boiling water over his side, and now he was unbearably sick. It was winter, there was a snowstorm, the dog was very cold. He thought that if he managed to eat, he might still recover. But the dog was ready to accept his fate. He scolded the cook, the janitor to himself, called them "human cleansings", said that he could not stand the proletarians. A girl passed by, a typist, she took pity on the dog. But the blizzard forced her to quickly hide in the dining room. The dog also felt sorry for the typist. He knew what kind of filth she had to eat in this cafeteria, but she did not have enough money for good food. The dog laughs at the nickname given to him by the typist - Sharik. In his opinion, Sharik should be round, well-fed, stupid, but he is shaggy, lanky and homeless.

    From the store opposite came a citizen in a good expensive coat, with a pointed beard and a fluffy gray mustache. The dog immediately smelled that he had sausage. “Sir, if you saw what this sausage is made of, you would not come close to the store. Give it to me." The dog gathered his last strength and crawled to the master. He noticed the dog, took out a sausage, broke off a piece and gave it to the dog. Then he called him after him. “Follow you? Yes, to the end of the world. Kick me with your felt boots, I won't say a word." And the dog crawled after the master. His side hurt, but the dog only thought about how to express his love and devotion to the "wonderful vision in a fur coat." The master brought the dog to his house. The dog noticed the porter and was very frightened, but the master led her on. The porter greeted the gentleman, called him Philipp Philippovich, said that “living comrades moved into the third apartment. Now they will move into all apartments.” Now they have a meeting, they have chosen a new partnership, and the old one has been expelled. This news greatly upset Philip Philipovich.

    Sharik began to study as soon as he was four months old. He began his training in flowers. Green and blue signs hung all over Moscow - meat trade. But he soon realized that green does not always mean meat, for example, he once went to an electrical supply store, from where he was chased away by being hit with an insulated wire. Then he learned the letter “a” in the word “Glavryba”, then the letter “b”, because it was more convenient to run up to this word from the tail, since at the beginning there was a policeman. He also knew other letters, knew how to put the word "sausage". But he could not read the signs on the door of the apartment to which the master brought him, because the word contained a strange "pot-bellied two-sided rubbish, it is not known what it means."

    The door was opened by a beautiful young woman. There was a lot of light in the apartment, and the dog began to look around. But then the owner noticed that the side of the dog was burned, and ordered the woman, whose name was Zina, to take him to the examination room. The dog decided that he was in a dog clinic, got scared and began to break out. He broke the glass door, bit his leg young man who helped Philip Philipovich to keep him. Then a sickening smell hit his nose, and the dog fell asleep.

    When he woke up, he realized that he had not died, but they had only bandaged his side, which now did not hurt at all. He looked at the young man, smearing the bite with green paint. Philipp Philippovich asked the dog why he had bitten Dr. Bormental and broken the glass, but the dog only whimpered plaintively. Zina asked how the professor managed to lure such nervous dog. “Weasel, sir, the only way that is possible in communication with a living being. Terror cannot do anything with an animal, no matter what stage of development it is at, ”answered Philipp Philippovich. Then he asked to feed the dog sausage.

    The professor beckoned Sharik into his office, surprising him with bright light and magnificent decoration. The dog was especially interested in a stuffed owl, which he immediately disliked. Clients began to come to the professor, whom he examined, and the dog lay on the floor and watched. Sometimes he fell asleep, but the call of new visitors or a loud conversation woke him up. He finally woke up only when four modestly dressed young people entered the office. One of them said that they had business with the professor, but Philipp Philippovich did not let him finish, but asked why in such weather they go without galoshes, because now they have ruined his Persian carpets. He addressed them: "Gentlemen", to which the young man replied that they were not gentlemen. Then the professor asked him if he was a man or a woman. It turned out to be a woman. All four head the new house management, Shvonder is the main one. Their council decided that Philip Philipovich occupies too much space, so they decided to take two rooms from him. But the professor replied that his apartment was exempt from eviction and compaction: he not only lives in the apartment, but also works in it, operates on people. Shvonder threatened to file a complaint with higher authorities. The professor called someone and told him that his operation was canceled, he was going to go abroad, because it was impossible to work in such an environment: people from the house management were going to take away his rooms. And since Philip Philipovich cannot operate on people where he butchers rabbits, he will not operate on anyone at all. The man on the other end of the receiver demanded that same Shvonder on the phone. After talking with him, Shvonder blushed, the others looked at him with their mouths open. Then the woman offered the professor to buy several magazines from her in favor of the children of Germany, but Philipp Philippovich refused, which caused even more bewilderment among the members of the house management. They left, and the professor went to dinner.

    There was so much food on the table that Sharik salivated. He sat near Philip Philipovich with the air of a sentry and waited for him to give him something. Philip Philipovich treated the dog to sturgeon, which he did not like very much, then to a piece of roast beef. After that, the dog could no longer look at food. He lay down on the floor and began to doze off. Singing was heard from somewhere above, and the professor asked Zina what it was. It turned out that there was another meeting upstairs. Filipp Filippovich remarked: "Kalabukhov's house has disappeared." First, in the evenings, the house management will sing, then the pipes will freeze in the toilets, then the boiler with steam heating will burst. And all because people are minding their own business. He said that he had been living in this house for a long time. Previously, there was a galoshes stand below. But now she is gone, because one day someone stole all the galoshes, coat and samovar of the porter. Why was the carpet and flowers removed from the entrance, because they did not bother anyone? For twenty years, the electricity was turned off only once or twice, and now they turn it off every month. “If I, instead of operating every evening, start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will have devastation ... Therefore, devastation is not in the closets, but in my heads.” Dr. Bormental noticed that the professor was saying counter-revolutionary things, and if anyone heard him, he would feel worse. But Philip Philipovich paid no attention to his words. He said that he was going to go to Aida in the evening. Then he reminded Dr. Bormenthal that if a suitable corpse appeared, he should be immediately informed.

    Sharik began to live with the professor. He decided that he pulled out the most important dog ticket. He called Philipp Philippovich a magician, and himself - "prince-incognito". The dog was waiting for the owner to go home and met him in the hallway with a cheerful bark. Once he tore apart a stuffed owl and smashed a portrait of Mechnikov. He was dragged to poke his muzzle at an owl, and he thought: "Beat, just don't kick me out of the apartment." We even bought a collar for the dog. At first he wanted to take it off, but when Zina took him for a walk, he noticed how enviously street dogs were looking at him, and put up with the collar. After he had a collar, the dog dared to enter the kitchen, where the cook Darya Petrovna was in charge. At first she drove Sharik away, but soon he began to lie quietly on the floor and watch her cook. Sometimes Darya Petrovna fed him. During the week spent with the professor, the dog ate as much as he ate in the last year and a half of street life.

    One morning, the dog began to be haunted by strange forebodings, he even ate breakfast without appetite. After Zina took him for a walk, the anxiety subsided a bit. But then an alarm bell rang. Philipp Philippovich got excited and ordered Bormental, who called, to bring something here immediately. A commotion arose in the apartment, which Sharik did not like very much. Bormental arrived and brought a foul-smelling suitcase, which he immediately took to the examination room. Philipp Philippovich rushed to him without even finishing his coffee. Zina was told to lock the dog in the bathroom. Sharik thought that in revenge he would tear apart the professor's new galoshes and a stuffed owl. But then he was taken out of the bathroom and taken to the operating room. There he noticed Bormenthal, whose eyes stubbornly avoided the dog. Zina, dressed in a white coat, had exactly the same eyes. Bormenthal went up to him and jabbed a piece of cotton wool in his nose. The dog's head was spinning. Through his sleep he heard Philip Philipovich ordering him to be put on the table. Then he stopped feeling anything.

    The ball lay on the operating table. His belly was shaved, now Bormental was shaving his skull. Zina asked permission to leave and disappeared behind the door. Philipp Philippovich took a knife and cut open Sharik's stomach. He pulled out his seminal glands with scissors, while Bormenthal gave him other glands, which the professor immediately sewed on to the dog. After that, Bormental began to quickly sew up the wound. Then they took up the head. First, the professor cut the skin on the skull, then with the help of a brace he drilled small holes in the dog's skull and cut it with a saw. Sharik's brain was exposed. "Sweat from Bormental crept in streams, but Philip Philipovich became positively terrible." Sharik's pulse began to drop. Bormenthal injected some medicine into his heart. And so Philipp Philippovich reached the most important moment of the operation. Bormenthal gave him an appendage, which the professor snatched from a jar. Finally the operation was completed. Bormenthal sewed the skin of the skull back in place. Philip Philipovich called Zina and told her to prepare fresh linen and a bath. He was sure that the dog would not survive. "Oh, Dr. Bormenthal, sorry for the dog, he was affectionate, although cunning."

    From the diary of Dr. Bormenthal

    Dr. Bormenthal describes the history of the disease of the dog Sharik. He writes that the world's first operation was performed on him: Sharik's seminal appendages and pituitary gland were removed, and instead of them, the seminal appendages and pituitary gland of a deceased man were transplanted. With this operation, the professor

    wants to find out the influence of the pituitary gland on the rejuvenation of the body. The dog gets better and worse, but soon he begins to get better. And then strange changes are observed in the state of health: hair loss on the forehead and on the sides of the body, barking remotely resembles a groan, the bones lengthen. The dog barks distinctly: "Abyr". The professor deciphered this word, it means "fish". The dog began to smile and walk on its hind legs. Then Sharik scolded Professor Preobrazhensky for his mother. His tail fell off, and he began to utter other words: "beer house, a couple more, a cab driver, there are no seats, an evening newspaper." Soon rumors swirled around Moscow. An amazing article appeared in the morning newspaper: “The rumors about Martians in Obukhovsky Lane are not based on anything. They have been disbanded by merchants from Sukharevka and will be severely punished.” An article about a newborn child who plays the violin appeared in the Evening Newspaper, and under it was a photograph of Dr. Bormental.

    “Philip Filippovich, as a true scientist, admitted his mistake - a change in the pituitary gland does not give rejuvenation, but complete humanization. That doesn’t make his amazing, amazing discovery any less.” The professor ordered to buy clothes for the creature. Sharik's lexicon is constantly enriched. Soon he began to speak consciously. So, when Professor Preobrazhensky ordered him not to throw leftovers on the floor, Sharik answered him: "Leave me alone, nit." Bormental realized that, being a dog, Sharik had heard different words in the street and was now repeating them.

    Something incomprehensible was going on in Moscow. Several Su-Kharev merchants were arrested for spreading rumors. They began to say that soon the earth would fly into the celestial axis and the world would end. Bormental moved to Preobrazhensky's apartment. When he told the professor about his hypotheses, about the possibility of turning this creature into a "highly psychological personality," Philipp Philippovich replied with a smirk: "Do you think so?" He began to study the medical history of a person from whom the pituitary gland was transplanted. It turned out to be Klim Grigoryevich Chugunkin, convicted three times. He was engaged in thefts, played the balalaika in taverns, was an alcoholic. In the end, the dog has completely turned into a man who dresses himself, eats human food, talks and smokes.

    In the evening Philipp Philippovich read a note written by Shvonder. It said that Sharik was the illegitimate son of Professor Preobrazhensky: "Everyone knows how to occupy seven rooms until the shining sword of justice flashed over him with a red beam." In the next room, the former Sharik played the balalaika and sang "The Moon Shines". Preobrazhensky asked to bring Sharik to him.

    “At the curtain, leaning against the lintel, stood with his legs crossed, a man of small stature and unsympathetic appearance ... The jacket, torn under the left arm, was strewn with straw, the striped trousers on the right knee were torn, and on the left stained with purple paint”, around the neck of a man hung a poisonous tie, and on his feet were patent leather shoes, from which peeped out white leggings. Preobrazhensky did not like the way the former Sharik was dressed, his patent leather shoes were especially irritating. He asked Sharik not to throw cigarette butts on the floor, not to talk to Zina, not to swear in the apartment, not to spit. Sharik replied that they were oppressing him too much, he didn’t ask for an operation on him, he demanded documents: you can’t live in Moscow without documents, Shvonder constantly asks him why he lives with the professor. It turned out that the house committee "defends the interests of the working people", and hence Sharik. He said that now he would be called Polygraph Poligrafovich, he found this name in the calendar. And he agrees to take a hereditary surname - Sharikov.

    Shvonder demanded a receipt from the professor, confirming that Sharikov was indeed born in his apartment in a laboratory way. “You can’t imagine anything more stupid,” said Preobrazhensky, but wrote a receipt. Shvonder said that Sharikov should be registered with the police, but he said that he was not going to fight, because he was sick, because he had to undergo such a serious operation. The professor and Dr. Bormenthal looked at each other meaningfully. Shvonder and Sharikov left the professor's office. Preobrazhensky admitted that he was more exhausted this week than in the last 14 years. But then screams and roar were heard in the apartment. The professor and the doctor ran to see what was the matter. It turned out that Sharikov saw a cat in the kitchen and ran after him. He drove the animal into the bathroom, and he himself was locked there. The cat managed to escape, but during the chase, Sharikon broke the faucet in the bathroom, and now the whole apartment was full of water. Sharikov could not get out of the bathroom because he had broken the lock. I had to call the porter Fedor. He fixed the faucet, opened the bathroom door, and the whole apartment was flooded. Fyodor told Preobrazhensky that Sharikov had broken the glass in the neighboring apartment because he had thrown stones at its owner. The professor asked to be sure to report on such incidents.

    During dinner, Bormental taught Sharikov how to behave at the table. Sharikov listened to him little, but constantly poured himself vodka. The professor asked what Sharikov was going to do in the evening. He wanted to go to the circus. Preobrazhensky reminded him that he constantly goes to the circus anyway, it would be better if he visited the theater at least once. But Sharikov refused. The professor asked what he was reading, and he answered: "Engels' correspondence with Kautsky." But he did not understand anything from it, except that everything must be taken and divided. “Otherwise, some have seven rooms and forty trousers, while others have to climb through garbage dumps.” “You are at the lowest stage of development,” exclaimed the professor. He wondered how such an undeveloped being allowed himself in the presence of two educated people give advice on a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity at the same time. Having found out that this correspondence was given to Sharikov by Shvonder, Preobrazhensky ordered Zina to throw it into the stove. Then he asked Bormental to take Sharikov to the circus, only if they didn't show cats there. When they left, Preobrazhensky went into his office, took out a jar with a dog's pituitary gland from the closet, looked at it for a long time, and then said: "Honest to God, I think I will make up my mind."

    Six days after the incident with the cat, Sharikov received the documents. He stated that he had the right to 16 square arshins in Preobrazhensky's apartment, so he was not going to move out of here for anything. The professor said that maybe he had rights to an apartment, but no one would feed him if he did not learn to behave decently. After these words, Sharikov did not disturb anyone for the whole day. But the next day, Sharikov stole money from the table and got drunk in a tavern. He dragged with him to the apartment two drunken individuals, who managed to drive away only with the police. But after they left, the professor's hat and the cane presented to him by the students with a dedicatory inscription disappeared.

    Late at night Dr. Bormental sat in the professor's office. Bormenthal thanked the professor for giving him shelter in his department when he was still a poor student. Now Preobrazhensky is more than a teacher for him. Preobrazhensky was very touched by his words, he asked for forgiveness for sometimes raising his voice to the doctor during operations. Bormental began to persuade the professor to perform the reverse operation, but Preobrazhensky did not even want to listen, because a scandal might arise, and they might be sued. And since they do not have a suitable labor heredity, they will definitely be imprisoned. If the professor can be saved by his world fame, then Bormental will be imprisoned anyway, and Preobrazhensky cannot leave him in trouble, because he is not only a student for him, but, as it turned out, a friend. Philipp Philippovich spoke about the fact that he had made the biggest mistake in his life. He could not understand why he had studied the appendages of the brain for so many years. Is it really in order “to one day turn the sweetest dog into such scum that your hair stands on end”? Bormental asked what would happen if, instead of Klim's brain, they took the brain of, for example, Spinoza. But Preobrazhensky did not see the point in cultivating geniuses in the laboratory, if nature itself can take care of this: “After all, Madame Lomonosov gave birth to this famous one in Kholmogory!” The professor recalled that he made all his experiments only in order to find the key to eternal youth.

    Bormental was horrified at what might grow out of Sharikov if Shvonder treated him properly. To this, Preobrazhensky replied that “Shvonder is the most important fool”, because he is now setting Sharikov against the professor, and what will happen to Shvonder himself if Sharikov is set against him? At that moment, some rustlings were heard in the corridor, and soon Darya Petrovna appeared on the threshold of the office. She was in one nightgown and dragged the stubborn Sharikov behind her: “Look, Mr. Professor, at our visitor Telegraph Telegrafovich. I was married, and Zina is an innocent girl. It's good that I woke up." After these words Darya Petrovna blushed and ran away. Bormental went up to Sharikov and wanted to hit him, but Preobrazhensky prevented him. Then the doctor promised to punish him tomorrow morning when he sobered up.

    Dr. Bormenthal failed to punish Sharikov the next day, as he disappeared from the apartment. Fyodor searched the whole house, and Bormental was even in the house committee, but they did not find Sharikov anywhere. The women rejoiced at his disappearance and hoped that he would never return at all. Two days later Sharikov arrived in a truck. He was wearing a leather jacket and leather boots. He said that Shvonder got him a job as the head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city from stray animals. The stench emanating from him, he explained as follows: “Yesterday, cats were strangled, strangled.” Bormental went up to him, took him by the throat and forced him to ask for petitions from Zina and Darya Petrovna for daring to come to them at night. Then he said that if Sharikov was going to live in the professor's apartment, then he should be quieter than water, lower than grass, otherwise he would have to deal with him. There was silence in the apartment for two days. Sharikov went to work in the morning, returned by lunchtime and dined with Preobrazhensky and Bormental. Two days later, Sharikov brought an embarrassed young girl. He announced that he was going to sign her, so Bormental must get out of the waiting room, in which he had slept until that time. Preobrazhensky called the girl to his office and talked to her there. She was crying: Sharikov completely intimidated her, told her that he had been wounded in battle, and now he was in charge of her. She can no longer eat corned beef in the dining room, she will soon be poisoned, and Sharikov promised her pineapples every day, and even took the ring from her. When the girl left the office, Sharikov threatened to fire her. Bormental grabbed him by the lapels and said that he would personally check every day whether she was fired, and if it turned out that she was fired, he would kill Sharikov.

    The next day, Sharikov left for work, and his old patient came to the professor. But he did not come to the reception, but brought the professor a paper written by Sharikov. It said that Preobrazhensky and Bormenthal were having counter-revolutionary conversations, threatening to kill the chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, and even ordered the servant Zina to burn Engels' book. In addition, Bormental secretly, without a residence permit, lives in Preobrazhensky's apartment. This paper came to the patient on his duty, and he decided to show it to Philip Philipovich, as he respects him, and considers Sharikov a scoundrel. He promised to destroy the denunciation.

    In the evening, Sharikov returned home, and Preobrazhensky called him into his office. There he asked him to pack his things and get out of his apartment. Sharikov began to threaten him and even pulled out a pistol. But Bormenthal managed to cope with him. Having twisted, they put Sharikov on the operating table. After that, the doctor hung a note near the entrance bell with a request not to disturb the professor, then closed the back entrance, took the key to the door and asked Zina and Darya Petrovna not to leave the apartment for some time. Then there was silence in the apartment. It was said that a bright light burned in the professor's examination room all evening. Zina said that after a while Dr. Bormenthal burned his notebook in the stove, in which he kept notes on Sharikov.


    Ten days after that evening, two people in police uniforms came to Preobrazhensky's apartment: one in a black coat, the other - Shvonder. The man in the black coat said that they needed to search the professor's apartment and, if necessary, arrest Preobrazhensky, Bormental, Zina and Darya Petrovna. It turned out that they were accused of killing Sharikov. Preobrazhensky replied that they did not kill any Sharikov, the dog Sharik lives in his apartment, but he is completely alive, although he underwent a serious operation. The policemen demanded that the dog be produced immediately. Bormenthal brought Sharik, who either walked on his hind legs or stood on all fours at once.

    The man in the coat looked at the creature and asked how it could serve in cleaning? The professor replied that it was not he who appointed him there, but Shvonder. The policeman asked how he used to talk? “Sharik can still talk, but less and less,” replied the professor. - Science does not yet know how to turn animals into people. So I tried, but only unsuccessfully, as you can see. He spoke and began to turn into a primitive state. Atavism". Sharik spoke, causing the man in the black coat to turn pale and faint.

    The ball finally turned into a dog. Sometimes he had a headache, but in the warmth of the apartment, the pain quickly stopped. He was happy because he now lives in such an apartment. “True, the whole head was slashed for some reason, but it will heal before the wedding. We don't have to look at it."