Durian properties. Durian. Composition, calorie content, useful properties

Durian is a tropical tree with unusual fruits, which are known throughout the world for their excellent taste and unpleasant smell. The plant, which reaches a height of more than 35 m, grows in the southeastern territories of Asia.

The same tree can be found in South America and in eastern Africa. The birthplace of the "king of fruits" is Malaysia.

The plant, which has pointed leaves, white or pink flowers, and spherical fruits weighing up to 10 kg, loves a humid, warm climate, so it settles in equatorial tropical forests.

Asians say that inside the fetus is heaven, and outside - hell. It's all about the taste and aroma of this exotic fruit. Outside, it is covered with a skin with numerous spines; rather large seeds are found in the cream-colored pulp.

The unripe fruit smells like fresh herbs, but as it ripens, there is a rotten and incredibly corrosive smell (due to the organic sulfur and indole contained), which many compare to the smell of sewers, rotten fish and eggs combined.

In many countries, it is forbidden to bring durian to public transport and hotels.

Despite this property, the fruit has an extraordinary taste that combines notes of sweet strawberries, nuts, ice cream and bananas.

The opinions of different people about the taste of the fruit differ, but everyone is impressed when they try durian for the first time. The pulp has a rich composition, due to which it has a beneficial effect on the body.

In addition, for medicinal purposes, decoctions of the leaves are used to relieve inflammation on the skin, as well as a drink from the roots in order to lower the body temperature.

Composition and characteristics

An exotic fruit has a fairly high nutritional value and includes many useful elements. Its calorie content per 100 g is about 145 kcal, the glycemic index is 10, so the fruit is not contraindicated in diabetes. Product BJU: 1.5 g - 5.3 g - 23 g. In addition, the fruit is rich in the following:

  • calcium, iron, phosphorus,

Due to the high content of B vitamins (folic and pantothenic acids, thiamine, niacin), regular use of the product improves the activity of the nervous system.

The fruit is useful for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle due to the presence of sucrose and fructose. Durian is an excellent source of energy and vitality.

Thanks to organic sulfur, the removal of harmful substances from the body is accelerated, the condition of bones, hair and skin is improved, and indole gives the fruit bactericidal properties.

One serving of tropical fruit contains 9 g of fiber, which is almost 40% of the daily requirement. Durian helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Baths from the leaves of the plant help to get rid of the symptoms of jaundice, decoctions are used to relieve fever, the roots, which have an antiviral effect, are indispensable for colds.

Beneficial features

With the regular use of a tropical fruit, well-being improves, immunity increases, and the energy reserves of the body are replenished. Due to its excellent astringent properties, durian is used to relieve diarrhea. In addition, other useful properties are noted:

  • stabilization of blood glucose levels;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • lowering bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • help in the fight against colds;
  • reducing the risk of heart disease;
  • getting rid of depression, alleviating stress;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening joints and bones.

In addition, regular consumption of fruit with a high content of tryptophan helps to improve sleep, normalize mood, get rid of irritability and anxiety.

Riboflavin, which is part of the tropical fruit, helps to get rid of migraines, improves memory and concentration.

Application in cooking

In Asian countries, the tropical fruit is widely used in cooking due to its delicious taste. It is added to mousses, ice cream, jams, and the filling for bakery products is prepared from the pulp.

In Thailand, a popular pasta recipe, the main ingredients of which are pumpkin and durian. Locals roast the fruit on the grill, make dried fruits and chips from the pulp.

Indonesians add durian to fish soups, while the Chinese consider it a gourmet treat that should only be consumed on holidays.

Exotic desserts are prepared from the pulp of durian. In Thailand, recipes for fruit soups, ice cream and mint sauces are popular. A Malaysian dish called "dodol" is popular.

The recipe is based on durian, coconut, sugar and rice. For those who do not dare to try the fruit in its pure form, there is an excellent alternative - fruit pulp jam with added sugar.

However, chips, dried fruits or jams cannot convey the unusual creamy consistency of durian.

The exotic fruit goes well with coffee, the pulp can be used to make a delicious milkshake, sweets. Unripe fruits can be used as vegetables, for example, they are stewed, baked or fried with spices. Dried, roasted and crushed plant seeds are an excellent spice for various dishes, and the bark of an evergreen tree is used in smoking fish.

How to open and eat durian?

You need to cut the fruit with a large sharp knife along the junction line. The shell is quite hard, so you need to make an effort. After opening, the pulp should be put on a plate or immediately eat it with a spoon.

It is best to eat the fruit fresh rather than buying already cut durian. You can check whether the fruit is fully ripe if a hollow sound is heard when struck with a wooden stick.

The first time eating a tropical fruit is best with a pinched nose. Another way is to exhale and sharply bring the piece to your mouth. The pulp is eaten raw or eaten with sweet rice or sugar.

If the fruit turned out to be unripe, it is also used with benefit, for example, as an original additive to rice. Unripe durian, cut into pieces, fried with spices. A product less exotic in taste and smell is fruit pulp powder.

It is a great addition to puddings, creams, ice cream and milkshakes.

Contraindications and possible harm

The main contraindication for use exotic fruit is an allergic reaction to the product. Moreover, it can manifest itself not only with skin rashes, but also with a severe runny nose, as well as swelling of the nasopharynx.

Despite the rich composition and beneficial properties, it is possible that drowsiness, loss of strength, severe thirst or belching with an unpleasant odor may occur from eating the fruit.

To avoid negative phenomena, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended daily dose- no more than 300 g.

  • with high blood pressure (dangerous with hypertension);
  • with individual intolerance;
  • when drinking alcoholic beverages.

Selection and storage

It is best to buy a tropical fruit in the growing area, only dried or canned pulp is suitable for export. In supermarkets, you can see unripe durian, fresh fruit is sold in markets and bazaars. When choosing, pay attention to the following:

  • The shell must not be damaged.
  • Spherical fruits have more pulp than oval ones.
  • When shaking, noise and knocks should not be heard. Otherwise, the durian has more seeds than pulp, or the shell is filled with water.
  • There must be an unpleasant smell. If the fruit does not smell, then it is not ripe. Too intense aroma indicates that the fruit is overripe, and it is also not recommended to buy it.
  • The peel should feel soft when pressed. In this case, the "king of fruits" is fully ripe.
  • Experts believe that you should not buy fruits with blunt thorns on the peel, as they do not meet quality standards.

The maximum taste can be felt if you eat the fruit immediately after opening. Store the unpeeled fruit should be no more than 5 days. Do not place durian next to other foods. Otherwise, they will be saturated with an unpleasant corrosive odor. The best way to store is in the refrigerator, in a dense cling film.

Source: //Royal-forest.org/blog/durian_svoystva_i_primeneniya/


Durian has such a disgusting smell that you are unlikely to be allowed into a public place with it. However, if you overcome disgust or just close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the concept of the king of fruits came from.

Of all the variety of fruits, only durian has become the owner of such a popular characteristic. Few people imagine that all this is the absolute truth.

Durian has such a "pleasant scent" that you should not enter hotels, elevators, shops, taxis and many other public places with it. Some of them even have a special sign in the form of a durian crossed out with a red line.

This means that entry with fruit is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the smell is very persistent and even after for a long time after eating it, the aroma remains and, most importantly, it does not disappear or be killed by cosmetics.

This is the main reason why it cannot be stored for a long time. There are many epithets around the world that are used to describe the smell of this fruit.

Despite everything, he is considered the king of fruits. You yourself will be able to verify this after you taste the pulp, which has a truly divine taste. Thais claim that it can be compared to a delicious cream made from milk and eggs. If you want to get an unforgettable experience, then by all means try durian.

The name originates from the Malay word for thorn - duri, as well as the suffix an, which means prickly fruit. Its homeland is India, Indonesia, Ceylon, Thailand, Philippines and Indochina. There is an opinion that the best durian grows on a plantation near Bangkok.

This fruit has rather large fruits that can reach 30 cm and weigh up to 8 kilograms. They are completely covered with a peel, which is "decorated" with thorns. Inside there are several oblong chambers, and in them are delicate yellowish-white tasty masses.

Durian is an evergreen tree - a giant growing up to 40 meters in height. It has shiny and leathery leaves that are slightly pointed and alternate. The upper part of the leaves is smooth, while the opposite is covered with scales.

This amazing fruit blooms for only a few hours: golden brown, white or golden flowers have a heavy sour smell. They open at dusk, and fall off by dawn.

The main period of fruit ripening is the beginning of spring, and ends at the end of summer.

How to choose

The purchase of durian should not be trusted to the seller, but to do everything yourself. This purchase will require special attention during off-season, because it is then that bad durians are often found on the shelves. When pressed, the fruit should be slightly soft. Overripe fruits are very soft, and unripe ones do not give in to pressure at all.

The maturity of this product can also be determined by the condition of the spines. If they move, then the fruits are of high quality and ripened, but if they are motionless, then he still has to lie down.

Pay attention to the smell of durian. If it has a very strong aroma, then it is very likely that it will be snotty inside - overripe.

You should not draw conclusions on the color of the fruit, because the colors of different varieties are very different.

How to store

It is best to immediately eat durian, but in a different situation, you can resort to storage. It should be noted that this fruit can not be placed in the refrigerator. At room temperature, this product can be stored for 5 days, but no more. Do not keep durian with other fruits.

In cooking

The seeds of this amazing fruit have been used in cooking for centuries. They are mainly used as a condiment. These fruits have a strong acrid smell that resembles a mixture of cheese, rotten onions and turpentine. Despite this, the pulp has a rather pleasant taste, so it is eaten as a delicious dessert.

Most often, durian is used to make milkshakes, chips, ice cream and dried fruits. Sometimes it is fried in the same way as potatoes. It should be noted that it goes well with coffee.

Reflection in culture

The Chinese value durian very much and it is quite an expensive delicacy for children. Buy it only for the holidays. On this day, the whole family should sit down at the table and eat the whole fruit in one sitting.

For the Malays, eating durian is a real ritual that can be compared to meditation. In absolutely all Asian countries in which durian grows, it is considered a medicinal plant.

These fruits have long been credited with rejuvenating power.

There is a legend that talks about a king who was in love with a charming girl, but she did not reciprocate his feelings. Because of this, the lord turned to the magician, who gave him the fruit. The king gave the girl a taste of the fruit, and she immediately fell in love with him.

The ruler was so glad that he forgot about the magician without thanking him. The magician became so angry that he cursed these wonderful fruits. When the lord came for a new fruit of love, he did not find it, but only a prickly and disgustingly smelling fruit. The king was overcome with anger and threw him to the ground.

He was very surprised when he found a "love mass" inside, which is why he gave it a new name, namely "durian".

durian calories

Raw or frozen, the calorie content of durian is 145 kcal per 100 g of product. This fruit is relatively low in fat and high in carbohydrates. Its excessive use can lead to the appearance of extra pounds.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

This fruit is very rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. It is very important to know that it does not contain cholesterol. The pulp contains vitamin C, niacin, carotene, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, iron, nicotinic acid and phosphorus.

In addition, it contains indole. It should be noted that only it contains organic sulfur.

Useful and medicinal properties

Durian is considered a unique fruit due to its organic sulfur content. It is she who is the cause of its characteristic and not very pleasant aroma. It is the only fruit with sulfur in the world that is edible.

An unpleasant odor is a characteristic sign of the presence of indole in fruits. It should be noted that highly diluted indole has a completely opposite aroma of jasmine. It is very useful because it has a bactericidal property.

At the beginning of the last century, many pharmacies began to sell Dur-India tablets, the main component of which was durian and a very rare Indian onion. The latter is very rich in vitamin E.

If within a few months, regularly use this drug, then the body will receive concentrated vital energy, which will make it stronger and more indefatigable.

These pills also have a positive effect on the human spirit, making it younger and clearer.

Durian has a wonderful property - it can increase potency.

The pulp of this amazing fruit is an anthelmintic. Durian roots and leaves are used to prepare a decoction, which will later be used as an antipyretic.

People suffering from fever apply the juice from the leaves of this plant to the head. To relieve skin inflammation, use a decoction of the leaves and fruits of durian. When bile spills, you should take a therapeutic bath from the leaves of this exotic fruit.

The ash of this plant is used in the postpartum period.

It should be noted that durian is the absolute leader among all fruits in terms of the content of nutrients, organic sulfur, antioxidants, fatty acids, protein, amino acids and vitamins. What is the cost of bioactive sulfur alone, medicinal properties which simply cannot be assessed.

The use of this exotic fruit is prohibited for people with high blood pressure. It is contraindicated to eat during pregnancy. Nursing mothers should also refrain from eating this fruit.

In no case should it be combined with alcohol, as this can cause poisoning and a number of complications.

Durian is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

will talk about what durian is and reveal the beneficial properties of this exotic fruit.

A pineapple
Banana Longan Lychee Pomegranate Passion Fruit Pitahaya Cherimoya Annona Rambutan

Source: //edaplus.info/produce/durian.html

Durian: benefits and harms, beneficial properties and contraindications

Today you will not surprise anyone with a variety of exotic fruits.

In our article we will talk about what durian is and how it is eaten, what are its benefits and harms, how it affects the human body.

What does durian look like and where does it grow?

Durian is represented by an evergreen plant with spreading branches. The tree can reach 40 meters in height. It has leathery, shiny pointed leaves. The upper part of the foliage is smooth, and there is a small pile below.

On the trunk and twigs that hang down, there are flower half-umbrellas with cups that look like bells. Flowering is short and lasts for several hours.

During this period, the tree is covered with white, pink or golden flowers with a sour smell.

Fruits begin to ripen in early spring, and fruiting ends at the end of summer. Now you know how durian grows and it's time to learn more about its fruits.

The fruits are spherical in shape, their diameter is 30 cm, and their weight is up to 10 kg. From above, the fruit is covered with a thickened shell and spines in the form of small pyramids. Inside the fruit box there are seeds, the size of which is from 2 to 6 cm.

They are red-brown or pale yellow in color. They have thick flesh with a creamy yellow tint.

A lot of talk revolves around what the durian fruit smells like: the unripe fruit has the smell of fresh green grass, but as it ripens, the smell becomes corrosive, sweetish-putrefactive. The terrible smell was the reason for the introduction of some prohibitions in Asian countries. So, durian is forbidden to be transported in transport, stored in hotels, supermarkets and appear with it in public places.

It is forbidden to export fruit from Thailand - this is prescribed in the special laws of the country. Due to the specific smell and original taste, tourists can only enjoy durian within the resort.

The birthplace of an unusual fruit is the southern regions of Thailand. The tree has been growing in these areas for 6 centuries. Durian cultivation is practiced in Malaysia, India and Indochina.

There are about 30 types of exotic fruit, but only 6 of them can be eaten.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Durian is a fruit that contains a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and elements. The calorie content of durian per 100 g of edible product is 147 kcal. Among them, 1.47 g of protein, 5.33 g of fat, 23.29 g of carbohydrates, 65.99 g of water, 3.8 g of dietary fiber, 1.12 g of ash.

Durian contains:

  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • magnesium.

Important!HIt is not recommended to consume more than 1-2 fruits per day, as this can cause poisoning and intoxication of the body. In addition, the fruit is a storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and PP.

What is useful durian

The durian fruit has the following health benefits:

  1. Helps reduce constipation. The pulp contains many fibers that perfectly absorb moisture, swell and help accelerate intestinal motility.
  2. Helps prevent anemia. Due to the presence of vitamin B9 in the composition, the fruit helps prevent the development of anemia. Vitamin contributes to the production of red blood cells and other blood cells.
  3. Improves skin condition. The vitamin C found in durian is essential for the production of collagen, which our skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels need. Under its influence, wounds heal well.
  4. Strengthens bones. The high content of potassium allows you to maintain the necessary doses of calcium in the body. Potassium is involved in the nutrition of bone tissue, prevents bone fragility.
  5. Prevents diabetes. Thanks to manganese, blood sugar levels are normalized, and the functioning of the endocrine system improves.
  6. Improves thyroid function. The fruits contain copper, which regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, metabolic processes and is involved in the reproduction of hormones.
  7. Normalizes the digestive tract. Thanks to thiamine, appetite normalizes and the production of hydrochloric acid improves, which contributes to better digestion of food.
  8. Fights migraines. Riboflavin can help relieve headaches caused by a migraine attack.
  9. Eliminates depression. The high concentration of tryptophan and vitamin B6 in durian allows you to quickly get rid of stress and depression.
  10. Helps strengthen teeth. The fruits contain phosphorus, which will ensure the health of your teeth and gums.

Also, the substances that are part of the fruit help to increase immunity, strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure.

How to choose when buying

Finding fresh fruit on store shelves is not an easy task, one might even say impossible. However, if you find yourself, for example, in Thailand, you will need some tips for choosing a durian:

  1. The most delicious and ripe fruit is considered to be the one that itself fell from the tree.
  2. If you do not plan to eat the fruit immediately after purchase, then it is better to purchase a whole rather than cut.
  3. You can set the ripeness by smell - if it is absent, then you have an unripe fruit in front of you.
  4. Tap on the peel - if the fruit is ripe and tasty, the sound should be deaf.
  5. The peel should not contain dark spots, the spines should be of the same size and shape.

If you are impatient to try the fruit, you should ask the seller to cut it - after pressing on the pulp, it will quickly return to its original shape. Also pay attention to the color - the flesh should be yellow.

How to eat it

Most often, the fruit is consumed fresh - so you can fully enjoy its taste. When it comes to what durian tastes like, people's opinions differ. To some, it resembles the taste of fried onions, while others compare it with whipped cream, pineapple, strawberries and almonds.

Important!It is not recommended to eat overripe fruit, as the processes of decay and fermentation have already begun in it. The pulp of an overripe fruit can be determined by the presence of bitterness in taste.In order to get to the pulp, you will have to do some manipulations:

  • take a long sharp knife and stick it into the durian to a depth of 8-10 cm;
  • then, using your fingers, try to separate it into parts. You will receive 2 halves;
  • using a knife, you need to make a deep incision in the fibrous section;
  • then it is worth separating the chopped pieces from each other;
  • the pulp must be scraped off the peel;
  • now you can enjoy the taste of fresh pulp.

Many are interested in the question why durian should not be eaten with alcohol. When combining these products in almost all cases, an upset stomach occurs, the mouth begins to smell bad. However, these are not the most terrible manifestations of the joint use of pulp with alcohol. Durian has the ability to increase blood pressure, and given the intense heat and the unpredictability of the reaction of substances produced by the fetus in the human body, the simultaneous use of durian and alcohol can have disastrous consequences.

How to store at home

Durian is highly perishable, so it's best to eat it immediately after purchasing it. The maximum storage period is 5 days.

We bring to your attention some useful tips for storing the fruit:

  1. If you do not plan to eat it on the day of purchase, it is better to buy an unripe fruit. Wrap it in 4-5 layers of cellophane, and before you decide to sit down, unfold and leave for 1-2 days at room temperature.
  2. The cut fruit is not subject to storage - it is consumed immediately.
  3. Durian can be frozen, but after defrosting, its flesh will become too soft and lose its taste.
  4. It is best to store the pulp by making preserves or jams from it. Such a product will always be in demand and tasty.

After reading our article, you learned what durian fruit is, how to eat it correctly. Despite its specific smell, the fruit is very healthy and will help strengthen the immune system.

Durian is actually a very funny fruit. If we keep approximate statistics, then nine out of ten people brought up on the values ​​of European culture cannot stand it. But every tenth durian simply idolizes. Do not believe it, but it's like I got into such a small percentage. And now I just can’t live without the alluring taste and smell…

1. First and foremost advice:

- How to choose?

You need to do this relying on the smell. The more aromatic, the tastier. When choosing, you can turn your nose as much as you want. Hold breath. Pinch your nostrils. Breathe through your mouth. But the essence remains the same:

- The nastier and stronger the smell, the sweeter the pulp.

And, of course, no one has canceled the “ripe watermelon rule”. The larger the fruit, the sweeter.

Can't make the right choice yourself? No problem. Feel free to ask the seller:

- And who is the best here?

This will be followed by an estimation procedure for size, color and smell. With love. Because connoisseurs and connoisseurs of durian need to be given the best piece. And then you can sell neliks to suckers. Fortunately, they walk side by side in packs.

2. Tip two. Suitable for beginners who just want to join the beautiful:

Don't sample a whole piece of fruit.

He is big. Do not eat it alone. Even if you really like it, which I personally doubt. Yes, and the whole fruit is expensive.

Take a bite for the first time. Slice. As a rule, where durians are sold, they are also cut there. The slices are packed on a tray and wrapped in a film. Typically, such a one-time portion will cost around 100 or 120 baht.

Just keep in mind that the portion must be fresh. Because when the carcass is cut, the fragrant pulp in the air quickly oxidizes and starts to stink two, no, three times stronger. And it's already stressful...

According to the same principle, it is not worth keeping an open durian for a long time. Better to eat right away. Throw away what you haven't eaten. And preferably away from the habitat ...

3. It is best to eat exotic outdoors. Most often near the point of sale

There will be a table where you can sit down and have a delicious meal. For the amusement of a noble audience. Tourists passing by will point fingers at you and ask:

How do they eat it?

And trying to capture your gag reflex for stories and instagram...

Don't like this turn of events? Then you can gobble up a yummy on the balcony of your room. The most important thing is not in the room itself. Do you know the gas chamber? Then you will ventilate the room for a long time.

4. Open the fruit. We hold the pulp in our hands. To the touch gruel. Or thick jelly in thin

film. You don't need to put the whole piece in your mouth. Firstly, inside the piece is a hard and inedible bone. Similar to chestnut. And secondly, if you already feel sick, then it’s more convenient to spit out a small volume ...

But if you like it, then the sweet pulp will go in small birds. Also, lick your fingers. And run for more.

5. Enjoying crazy taste is best not alone. And with that loved one,

Who will you sleep with? Because after a soulful meal with durian, it will certainly appear side effect in the form of a burp. All with the same wonderful aroma of rotten manti with onions. The scent will linger throughout the room. You're already rocking. Therefore, do not hesitate, if you eat durian alone, you will sleep in the hallway on the rug.

Although, in fact, a Russian person is no stranger. We have garlic...

6. There is a myth that durian should not be consumed with alcohol. Say, these two substances

incompatible. They threaten to undermine the health of the body, torn by overwork and unprincipled rest. I boldly declare:

Guys, this is crap! Drank. El. Alive and still healthy.

My body did not accept any additional claims. You see, this is like a warning to lifeguards that you can’t swim while drunk and in unequipped places. But are we swimming? Is not it?

In short, taste the exotic. Bon Appetit.

Durian is considered the king of fruits in southeast Asia, where the fruit was, in fact, discovered about 600 years ago. Its inimitable taste and softness captivated all the locals, and soon curious tourists. Durian is also found in the tropical part of distant Australia. The fruit itself can be the most unpredictable and therefore even more attractive shape - from round to heart-shaped and triangular. The diameter of the selected fruit reaches about 30 cm, and the weight is about 8-9 kilograms. The creamy pulp is stored in oblong compartments and has a yellowish-cream color.

Durian is a source of vegetable protein, healthy fats and fructose. Local residents of Asian countries believe that its pulp can cure many diseases. This fruit is rich in vitamins with antioxidant properties. In addition, the fruits contain ascorbic, pantothenic, folic and nicotinic acids, riboflavin, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Durian also contains a large number of hormones similar to human ones. This feature helps to maintain the activity of the reproductive system and the thyroid gland. The natural saccharides present in the fruits are in an easily digestible form and energize the entire body.

Evergreen durian tree. When do fruits ripen?

The tree itself is an evergreen giant with shiny fleshy leaves, the upper part of which is smooth and attractive, while the lower part is more rough and fleecy. The height of durian can reach 40 meters. At the moment of short-term night flowering, the tree is inimitably transformed. Its flowers acquire a brown-yellow color and a sour aroma. With the advent of the first rays of dawn, it completely resets the color. The king of fruits, durian, ripens in the spring and summer: Thailand enjoys ripened durian during the rainy season (from mid-April to September), the wonderful Philippines, more precisely, the island of Davao, feasts on fruit all year round, and beautiful Indonesia treats itself to creamy pulp in the winter months.

Application in cooking

A European traveling in Southeast Asia may consider himself very lucky if he finds a good ripe durian on sale in the market that he likes.

And for local peoples, eating durian is the most common thing, although they consider it a festive dish, they undoubtedly respect it. It is even called the king among fruits.

In the summer, when the plantations begin to bear fruit at the same time, it is not possible to sell everything to tourists, then the fruits go to processing.

Thais and Malays have accumulated rich experience in using the prickly king in cooking:

  • Durian is included in the recipe of many confectionery products: sweets, ice cream, cocktails.
  • From the fruits of the plant, jam or jam is boiled, dried like chips and dried fruits. In this form, you can save it for a long time and even bring it home from a trip.
  • Quite unexpectedly, this fruit (mostly unripe) is even fried. It turns out something similar to fried potatoes.
  • The seeds are dried, ground and added to vegetable and meat dishes.
  • Fresh pulp is added to main dishes and soups.
  • As a fresh vegetable, the young shoots of the plant are consumed.
  • Locals bake tubules and pies stuffed with durian.
  • The rind and bark of the tree are used to smoke fish.

The national Thai dessert "Dodol" is made from durian, glutinous rice and coconut milk. It is similar in color and consistency to toffee, and it tastes very sweet!

The specific smell in the dessert is preserved. It is sold in Russia, if you really try to find it.


The exotic fruit durian is considered an unsurpassed aphrodisiac, its pulp contains a shock amount of estrogens, which normalizes the hormonal balance of women and, accordingly, childbearing. The exotic king, in addition to estrogens, contains a powerful supply of iron, vital zinc, manganese and copper, in fact, durian hid half of the periodic table in itself.

Also, the smelly fruit durian is considered a storehouse of vitamins and macronutrients: the most important vitamins of groups A, B and even C are supplemented with folic acid and a quartet of calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Regular use of miraculous pulp allows you to restore the body's strength and regulate all processes.

Composition, calorie content, useful properties

The energy value of the product reaches 147 kcal per 100 g due to the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fats - 5.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 23.3 g.

The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of water (65%) and fiber (3.8%).

The mineral composition is quite rich, includes compounds of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron.

A characteristic feature is the presence of organic sulfur. Its volatile compounds, together with indole, create an illustrious aromatic bouquet.

Biologically active substances of the fetus - vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin A.

People's opinion

As for the very taste of an unusual fruit, those who have tasted the king are divided in opinion. Some consider the taste to be unsurpassedly soft, cheesy with hints of ripe nuts, while others highlight the invincible taste of custard burnt in places, and still others - bright notes of strawberries, bananas and onions. Vietnamese gourmets speak of durian as an edible source of organic sulfur, which improves the condition of hair, nails, cartilage and even the nervous system.

What does the durian fruit look like?

Durian fruits have an oval or oblong shape, reaching a diameter of up to 20 cm.

One such fruit can weigh about 8 kilograms.

The top of the fruit is covered sharp hard spikes, thus protecting its contents from various animals.

The color of the fruit is most often yellow-green, but different variations are possible.

known about 34 kinds of this plant, however, only a few (about 9 species) are edible, most often with the most unpleasant odor.

Inside there are five so-called compartments, one of which contains the seed, preferably orange-brown in color.

In the remaining departments there is a gentle soft substance of white, pale yellow or pink color.

How to choose?

To enjoy durian, you should learn how to choose the right unusual fruit:

  • for starters, it’s worth scrupulously sniffing the smell of the fruit in the tail zone: the richer the aroma, the tastier its pulp will be;
  • then it is worth knocking on the greenish-brown peel of the durian - if an empty muffled sound is heard in response, then the fruit is not ripe, only a barely audible gurgling sound can tell about the ripeness of the fruit;
  • the final indicator of maturity is the color of the durian thorns: they must be slightly yellowish and their tips slightly brown.

What does durian smell like?

Durian is truly the stinkiest fruit in the world. It is because of this that it is practically not exported and is consumed exclusively in the place of growth, so many tourists do not lose the opportunity to try this fruit, which smells bad, during their holidays.

In Thailand, it is very much appreciated, it is traditionally believed that its smell brings hellish visions, and its taste gives heavenly pleasure.

We can say that it smells differently for everyone, so there is no exact definition of its smell. However, it is unanimously noted that it is precisely unpleasant notes that prevail in the aroma. So, for some, it resembles a mixture of the smell of rotten eggs and boiled onions, dirty socks and sewage, garlic and stale fish, and sometimes you can find descriptions in which there is a touch of turpentine. The unpleasant smell of durian has long been a legend, so most people want to try at least a piece of this outlandish fruit. However, after cutting the fruit and the flesh of the fruit and smelling it, many refuse to taste its flesh.

How to eat?

The next stage of acquaintance will be eating fruit. It is necessary to eat very quickly such a capricious fruit durian. Reviews of many gourmets advise eating the fruit within the first 5 minutes after opening, otherwise the taste and aroma will become equally specific. It is possible to store durian no more than 5 days from the date of purchase, but it is worth saving the king from a possible neighborhood. Durian is a rather active fruit, its aroma can easily ruin nearby vegetables and foods.

It is worth feasting on the fruit in an open space, without leaving pieces “for later”. Constant contact with oxygen turns the already rotten smell of fruit into unbearable. Also, experts from Vietnam advise not to buy harvested and peeled durian: during storage in a plastic container, the smell will only intensify and the taste of the pulp will become too meager.

How to peel and eat durian

How do Thais and Asians eat durians? Residents of Asian countries cook pasta from them. The dish is used as a spice. If there is a desire to use a fresh product, then it is eaten immediately after purchase, without bringing it into the room. To eat the pulp, use a spoon. The fruits are not peeled, the shell is split into two parts. Cracked fruits are considered ripe. The fruit can also be broken off piece by piece. However, the corrosive smell after it is difficult to wash off the skin. After you have tasted the pulp, you should eat it quickly so as not to provoke an upset stomach.

Asians wash down the fruit pulp with salted water. The fruit can be combined with a coffee drink or spices. The seeds of exotic fruits are roasted and used as an exotic spice. The inhabitants of the island of Java add fruits to ice cream, the Indonesians prepare sauce for rice dishes from the product.

The fruits are also soaked in coconut milk and sprinkled with sugar. Such a delicate sweet dessert is especially loved by Asian children. You should not buy already cut pieces of fruit in plastic packaging. It is better to buy a ripe large fruit, split the shell and taste the pulp with a spoon.

With what to combine the fruit?

Ripe and high-quality fruit is amazingly satisfying. Its creamy consistency makes it easy to spoon or pair with fruit salads, some also describe coffee or candy durian. Fruit, a photo of which can be found in many modern cookbooks, is often rejected or replaced by housewives with mango or avocado. But it is worth opening and cutting the fruit correctly, and many opponents of the exotic fruit join the ranks of its admirers. Especially gourmets highlight a delicious combination of natural high-quality coffee and slices of peeled durian. Breakfast, spent in the company of the king of fruits, is considered an excellent start to the day.

Many are afraid to try because of the smell that the durian fruit gives off. What it smells like - rotten sweetness, sometimes rotten meat and spices, and many consumers emit a tart, rotten smell of fish and onions. To get used to the obsessive aroma of the king, it is worth inhaling the air in small sips, and eating the slices with a held breath, this will perfectly balance all the receptors and it will become easier to eat a specific fruit.

durian flavor

Ripe durian has very tender flesh. Durian tastes like nuts and cheese at the same time. Many compare the taste of the product with custard pastry cream. The exotic fruit combines the flavors of bananas, vanilla, papaya, mango and pineapple. The taste of durian is unparalleled.

Housewives prefer to make jam, ice cream and sweets from fruits. Sweet desserts have a delicate texture and a very pleasant delicate taste. Durian can also be fried in coconut oil or just cut into slices.

There is a lovely tale about how durian appeared. The fruit was created as a result of the spell of a sorcerer who tried to help the king in love to achieve the favor of the chosen one. The king, who treated the beauty to a fantastic creamy fruit with an unsurpassedly delicious aroma, completely forgot about gratitude to the sorcerer. He, angry, cursed all existing durian fruits. After the wedding, the king decided to once again taste the fruit of charming love, but the tree met him with thorny fruits with an invincible putrid smell. Angered, the king broke the plucked fruit on the ground and only then saw that inside the pulp was the same as before.

Harm and contraindications of durian

Fruit should be used with caution during pregnancy. Some doctors recommend abstaining from fetuses while carrying a child. This is due to the high content of folic acid in the fruit pulp. It is also undesirable to eat the product while breastfeeding.

It is important to know that fruit can be not only useful, but also dangerous. It should not be consumed in large quantities. In such a situation, the development of allergies and swelling of the nasopharynx is possible. At the first test, the product should not be combined with other fruits. You need to try a small piece of pulp from the shell and wait a while. The body of a European is accustomed to a completely different food, you need to be careful when eating Thai fruits.

Exotic durian and alcohol are not compatible. Alcohol compounds cause unwanted reactions from the body.

In no case should you drink fruit pulp with an alcoholic drink. You may feel unwell and develop a heart attack. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed no earlier than 5 hours after the fruit.

A sample of the exotic fruit durian will not leave anyone indifferent. A very corrosive sweetish putrid smell is not to everyone's liking and can kill the appetite. However, in the countries of Southeast Asia, the fruits are very popular and durian is considered the king of fruits. For an unaccustomed European, it is better to use the product only fresh and only a few slices after opening the shell. This will avoid the occurrence of discomfort in the digestive organs, allergies and dyspepsia.

Expert discussions. Contraindications

Many experts discuss the durian fruit. The beneficial properties of this fruit are quite stunning, many decide to try an exotic fruit without really knowing about the side effects of the fruit. Durian is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure and women during pregnancy and subsequent feeding. Too active intake of the fetus can lead to allergic reactions. Also, do not use durian for people with individual intolerance to vitamins or certain substances, which are very numerous in the composition of the fruit pulp.

What is useful and harmful

Thais and Malaysians eat durians all their lives.

Here are some observations about the effect of this fruit on the functions of the human body, they express:

But the consumption of any exotic product should be dosed. Its beneficial qualities have a positive effect only on local residents who have been eating this fruit since childhood.

But the result can be unpredictable for a tourist, up to individual intolerance.

First of all, it is worth remembering the following rules:

  • You should eat durian in the morning, no more than 200 g at a time.
  • No alcohol in combination with durian! Yes, many boast that they washed down this fruit with alcohol. But not everyone has had a successful experience.
  • For allergy sufferers, southern exotic is unequivocally contraindicated: foreign substances in the composition can cause an unexpected allergic reaction.
  • The tonic properties of durian can play a trick on people with hypertension.
  • Children under 5 years of age, pregnant, lactating women should use fruit with caution - primarily because of unexpected manifestations of allergies.
  • Another unpleasant consequence of eating is belching with a repulsive odor.

Chinese opinion

The Chinese, on the contrary, glorify durian. The fruit is easily shared among the smallest members of the family, and little kids decide for themselves how much to eat the fruit at a time. Specialists in medicinal plants attribute to durian an unsurpassed ability to renew the cells of the body. With regular use, its human body rejuvenates, metabolic processes and blood flow are significantly adjusted.

Chinese scientists also reveal the calorie content of durian - 100 g of fresh (or frozen for 2-3 days) contains about 145 kcal, but the carbohydrate content compensates for the lack of fat. Therefore, scientists forbid people with a predisposition to magnificent forms to get involved in durian. A tasty fruit can add a couple of kilograms in the shortest possible time.

What does a durian tree look like and grow?

In general, the tree has a fairly wide distribution and scope.

The tree can reach a height 40 meters, while the plant is quite spreading. The diameter of its straight trunk can reach up to 150 centimeters.

The leaves are dark green in color, their upper side is absolutely smooth, while the lower side has hairy scales of golden color.

The placement of the sheets is sequential. The flowers of this plant are large, most often white or red.

The petals can be white, pink or brown and reach up to 7 cm in length.

Flowers can be formed both on trunks and on large branches of a tree.

The plant is pollinated usually at night. bats However, it is possible that bees are also involved in this process.

Around the fourth year of its life, the tree begins to bear fruit.

Flowering and fruiting usually once a year, but some species may be an exception and bear fruit more often.

What do they think about the fetus in Asian states?

Many Asian countries categorically prohibit the introduction of durian into public places, especially transport and hotels. The specific aroma of the fruit does not disappear for several hours, and sometimes days (overripe fruits have a corrosive putrefactive odor). Therefore, gourmets, having found their favorite fruit, feast on it not far from the place of purchase.

In colorful Thailand, there are about 200 types of king - from the smallest and almost odorless fruits to the largest and insanely delicious durians. The season of mass ripening and trading in Thailand falls on hot May and August. Exotic fruit lovers plan their holidays in advance in order to get to the durian feast in time.

Durian in Thailand

It was the feature of the persistent heavy odor that vetoed the export of durian fruit from Asian countries, and if you try to take it out even a little for yourself or for friends, relatives, you will definitely be detained at customs control with the ensuing consequences.

One of the places on Earth of active cultivation of the Durian plant is Thailand, where you can get to know such a unique fruit.

Properties Durian

Durian in Thailand is very popular as a national dish with a special taste and breathtaking healing effect, but there are strict rules for its sale and use. That is why the fruits cannot be found on sale in stores, but only in open markets, and after the purchase it is simply forbidden to visit public places or transport them in public transport.

It is also recommended to eat it in an open area without leaving any leftovers, which is why friendly Durian fruit sellers are ready to peel the fruit right at the point of sale. When eating fruit, it is recommended not to touch it with your hands, but be sure to use cutlery, because. the specific aroma very quickly permeates the skin and it is extremely difficult to wash hands from the smell.

Properties Durian really unique:

  • This is a high-calorie fruit with a calorie content of about 100 kcal / 100 g, so when you eat it, the feeling of hunger disappears very quickly, and regular consumption in large quantities leads to rapid weight gain. The fruit is often indicated in various Asian diets as a high-energy product that perfectly invigorates, satisfies hunger and improves mood, therefore it is recommended to eat it in the morning.
  • Consider health benefits of durian it is necessary from its composition, in which there is a huge amount of micro and macro elements, minerals, and their concentration simply rolls over in comparison with other fruits. This is a unique fruit of its kind, because. only it contains a large amount of organic sulfur compounds that have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiac, nervous and reproductive systems. The fruit is actively used as medicinal product for people of all ages, and as a "growth promoter" for young people.
  • A large number of special easily digestible substances that affect the activation of the body for the production of serotonin (hormone of happiness) durian fruit to strong aphrodisiacs with an effect similar to a narcotic. For this reason, its use should be limited and controlled in terms of changes in physical health, because. metabolism is activated with an increase in blood pressure.

Composition of the fruit

The nutritional properties of the Durian fruit are much higher compared to other plants.

The pulp of the fruit (approximately 243 grams) contains:

  1. Calories: 357.
  2. Fats: 13 grams.
  3. Carbohydrates: 66 grams.
  4. Fiber: 9 grams.
  5. Protein: 4 grams.
  6. Vitamin C: 80% of the RDI.
  7. Thiamin: 61% of the RDI.
  8. Manganese: 39% of RDI.
  9. Vitamin B6: 38% of the RDI.
  10. Potassium: 30% of the RDI.
  11. Riboflavin: 29% of the RDI.
  12. Copper: 25% of RDI.
  13. Folic acid: 22% of the RDI.
  14. Magnesium: 18% of the RDI.
  15. Niacin: 13% of the RDI.


The table of each tree, as well as the branches of the durian, eventually become overgrown with semi-umbrellas of flowers with no more than three petals of different shapes and sizes. As a rule, the flowering period is extremely short and lasts only a few hours:

  • open in the evening;
  • fall off in the morning.

In addition to all of the above, durian fruits, without any exceptions, have their own ripening period. There is a full ripening of fruits in the period from the beginning of spring to the end of summer.

The fruits of these trees are harvested, of course, precisely at the end of the period of full ripening. At the same time, this process is not as simple as it might seem and requires some preparation from the person involved in the collection.

How to choose and store durian

Durian is a perishable fruit. For consumption, you need to choose fresh and ripe fruits. The short shelf life is due to an unpleasant odor that quickly spreads throughout the room. It is recommended to eat the fruit immediately on the day of purchase, without bringing it into the house.

How to choose a ripe durian:

  • the thorns of the fruit should be yellowish with brown tips;
  • small cracks are visible on the peel;
  • when tapping, a dull “gurgling” is heard;
  • the tail, located at the top of the fruit, has a more pronounced smell.

Durian is a fairly popular fruit in Eastern countries. Its unpleasant smell is repulsive, but if you overcome this hostility, you can enjoy the unique taste of a healthy fruit that does not leave indifferent even the most notorious gourmets! This product can be viewed in our catalog.

The smell of durian

Opinions about the fetus are divided. Some consider it a divine fruit, others call it a fiend. Why does the fruit stink so much? As a result of gas chromatography studies, 44 components were identified - chemicals that produce distinctive aromas. These included: hydrogen sulfide, acetaldehyde, methanethiol, ethylsulfanyl, methylsulfanyl. Thus, durian combines the smells of fruits, honey, onions, rot, sulfur, caramel, soup seasoning, rotten egg.

You can hear reviews about the controversial fruit in the video:


Experts warn: after you have eaten a mango, do not touch alcohol for at least two hours. It is impossible to bite mango alcoholic beverages - there is a danger of food poisoning. The fact is that the acids that these fruits contain irritate the gastric mucosa, and alcoholic beverages exacerbate the situation. The result - problems with the intestines, colic, diarrhea.

It is especially unsafe to eat overripe mangoes, as these fruits contain pathogenic bacteria that multiply rapidly. Here you can not get rid of diarrhea alone, the danger of food poisoning is quite real.

By the way, mango is generally an insidious fruit. In people suffering from allergies, mango can cause skin rashes (such as hives), and lips can swell. Allergy sufferers are generally advised to peel these tropical fruits with gloves. These are the problems that are at risk of adding to your piggy bank if you decide to use mangoes as an addition to alcohol.

Fans of fruit and alcohol cocktails should not forget about the possible danger. Experiment with papaya, carambola, avocado, but not with mango.

Rules for selecting and cleaning durian

On sale you can find fruits of various shades, but due to the variety of varieties, green peel does not always indicate immaturity. In order to choose the most appetizing copy of the fruit, you must adhere to the following rules:

Rules for choosing durian / Photobank Lori

  1. Fully ripe fruits crack open naturally.
  2. Uncut durian has a slightly tart flavor.
  3. The pulp of the fruit should be of a tender texture.
  4. Do not pluck durians directly from the branches. Ripe fruits can be found under the tree, they will be the most juicy.
  5. If you knock on the surface of a ripe fruit, you can hear a dull sound.

When purchasing a cut durian, you need to make sure that its flesh is uniform, without spots. It is best to buy whole fruits. You will most likely have to eat it on the street, so for convenience, you can ask the seller to peel and cut the fruit.

In order to get to the core on your own, you need to split the hard shell and remove the pulp into a prepared container. You can use a spoon. If you plan to store the peeled fruit in the refrigerator, it is important to place the pulp in an airtight container so that the rest of the products do not become saturated with a repulsive odor.

Product #4. Grapefruit

Unlike other citrus fruits, grapefruit significantly enhances the effect of alcohol on the body. This is manifested in the blocking of liver enzymes, which are responsible for the breakdown of toxic substances that have been ingested. If to speak in simple words, then grapefruit simply does not allow the liver to cope with alcohol, limiting its work. That is why a person who has eaten a juicy fruit gets drunk faster than everyone else, and stays in this state much longer. A hangover is definitely not going to be easy either.

That is why you should not abuse alcoholic beverages, which contain grapefruit juice.

Benefit for health

All parts of the durian plant - leaves, husks, roots and parts of the fruit - are used in traditional Malaysian medicine to treat a variety of symptoms, including high fever, jaundice and skin conditions.

Research has shown that fruits can have a positive effect on:

  1. Reducing the risk of developing cancer. Antioxidants neutralize cancer by scavenging free radicals. The extract prevents the spread of breast cancer cells.
  2. Prevent heart disease. Several compounds in durian may help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  3. Fight against infection. The peel contains antibacterial and antifungal components.
  4. Decreased blood sugar levels. Durian has a lower glycemic index than other tropical fruits. In addition, the fetus can prevent the absorption of glucose and stimulate the production of insulin.

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of this fruit.

Many thousands of years ago there lived a king in Asia. He fell in love with a beautiful girl who did not reciprocate. Then he turned to the magician for help. He gave a magical fruit with a marvelous aroma and a charming sweet taste. The girl tasted the fruit and immediately fell in love with the king. And the ruler was so delighted that he completely forgot to thank the magician. The wizard became furious and cursed these wonderful fruits. When the king came to the garden for a new "fruit of love", he saw a prickly, stinking fruit on a tree. Angry, the king threw it on the ground, but, splitting, the inside of the fruit turned out to be just as tasty as before. That is why the king named it "durian".

Botanical description of durian

The durian plant is a straight-stemmed tree, reaching a height of 46 meters in the wild (the growth of grafted cultivated plant species is much lower). The trunk is covered with regular leaves. The upper surface of the leaves is glossy and green, the lower surface is bronze-silver. Like many tropical plants, durian blooms at night. Its white flowers are arranged in clusters of 3-30; their strong fragrance attracts flocks of small bats (Eonycteris spelea) that pollinate the tree.

Durian fruits grow up to 30 cm long. Their weight often exceeds 5 kilograms. The flesh of an exotic fruit is hidden under a greenish-brown hard shell dotted with thorns. During maturation, the durian shell splits into five segments, revealing a pinkish, yellowish or creamy white flesh, inside of which are large seeds.

Popular varieties and varieties of durian

In nature, there are thirty types of durian, of which only eight can be eaten:

  • durio zibethinus (durian);
  • durio dulcis (durian maragang, lahong);
  • durio grandiflorus (munjit);
  • durio graveolens (durian merah, kuning, tabelak);
  • durio kutejensis (durian kulu, pulu, lai);
  • durio lowianus (chaarian);
  • durio oxleyanus (durian sukang, keratogan);
  • durio testudinarum (kura-kura).

The most popular species is the civet durian (Durio zibethinus).

seed germination

Depending on climatic conditions in countries, various subspecies and series of fruit are grown:

  1. Gaanyao, Montong, KOB Picul, Chanee, Kradoom Tong and Chompoosri are popular in Thailand.
  2. In Malaysia - D2 (Dato Nina), D10 (Durian Hijau), D16, D24, D98 (Katoi), D99 (Kop Kecil) D116 (Batu), D117 (Gombak), D123 (Rim 2/Chanee), Hew 3; D145 Tuan Mek Hijau/Beserah D158 Kan Yau/Tangkai Panjang, D159 Mon Thong/Bantal Mas, D169 Tok Litok, MDUR 78, MDUR 79, MDUR.
  3. In Indonesia: Sitokong, BaKul, Mac, Sitebel, Simanalagi and Simadat.
  4. In the Philippines, the following local varieties are recommended by the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC): Fancy, Arancillo, Atabrine, Duyaya, GD 69, Lacson Uno, Lacson Dos, Mamer, Nanam, Oboza, Puyat, Sulit and UPLB Gold.

What is dangerous durian

Durian is a tasty and healthy tropical fruit, rich in vitamins and minerals. However, it can be consumed in small quantities, and at the first test it is not advisable to combine it with other exotic fruits.

The body of Europeans, not accustomed to such exoticism, may react negatively to New Product, which is manifested by swelling of the nasopharynx and an allergic rash. Stomach problems may also occur after consumption.

For the first time trying an unusual fruit from eastern countries, you should limit yourself to a small portion of the pulp. If there is no reaction, the next time you use it, you can enjoy this unusual dessert, not forgetting that any exotic fruit should be eaten in moderation.

Durian increases blood pressure, so it should not be consumed by people suffering from hypertension.

Durian and alcohol

In no case should durian be combined with alcoholic beverages. The consequences can be very serious, even fatal.

What reactions can occur after eating fruit with alcohol:

  • a significant increase in blood pressure;
  • severe poisoning and intoxication of the body.

Durian is one of the most unusual exotic fruits. Returning from tropical countries, tourists talk about its heavenly taste and fetid smell. The fruits of this plant can only be appreciated by true gourmets, since most people simply cannot tolerate their sharp and unpleasant aroma. However, not everyone knows that they are endowed with many healing and beneficial qualities. In this article, we will take a closer look at this fruit and decide whether it is worth overcoming disgust and daring to try it.

Durian is a tropical tree belonging to the Malvaceae family and reaching 40 m in height. It has been cultivated in Malaysia, India, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries for over 600 years. This plant mainly grows in humid climates. Currently, about 30 varieties of it are known, while only 9 of them are edible.

Durian has rather large fruits, some of which reach 30 cm, and the largest can weigh up to 8 kg. They are completely covered with a hard peel with pyramidal spines, have a spherical shape and a fibrous structure. Only dried or canned fruits are suitable for export. Fresh fruits can only be consumed in the growing area.

The unpleasant smell imposes certain restrictions on the use and distribution of durian. It is strictly forbidden to bring it to public transport and serve it to hotels. Such a characteristic aroma appears due to the fact that there are large accumulations of organic sulfur in the pulp of the fruit. However, people who are accustomed to this fruit can bravely endure the stench due to its pleasant and sweet taste, reminiscent of a mixture of ripe bananas, mangoes, persimmons, various nuts and strawberries.

Durian is a source of vegetable protein, healthy fats and fructose. Local residents of Asian countries believe that its pulp can cure many diseases. This fruit is rich in vitamins with antioxidant properties. In addition, the fruits contain ascorbic, pantothenic, folic and nicotinic acids, riboflavin, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Durian also contains a large number of hormones similar to human ones. This feature helps to maintain the activity of the reproductive system and the thyroid gland. The natural saccharides present in the fruits are in an easily digestible form and energize the entire body.

  • Durian is used locally as a remedy for constipation. Scientists have proven that it enhances the microflora and intestinal motility. Rough dietary fibers perform the function of a kind of brush that frees the gastrointestinal tract from obstruction and severe congestion. In addition, the use of fruits improves the absorption of nutrients by the walls of the esophagus.
  • Despite the fact that durian is not a low-calorie product, and fats are present in its composition, it has dietary properties. The fruit is quickly absorbed by the body, removes cholesterol, saturates the blood with oxygen and promotes natural weight loss.
  • In our country, these fruits are used to treat and prevent anemia, due to the high content of iron. Durian increases the level of hemoglobin and seals the walls of blood vessels.
  • Folic acid present in the composition is an effective means of combating infertility.
  • The mineral compounds and proteins contained in fruits are responsible for the condition of hair, skin, bones, teeth and gums.
  • Durian is rich in thiamine, which has a positive effect on digestive processes, normalizes appetite and improves digestion of foods.
  • Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, the fruit is useful for people with a weak immune system. It will provide protection against salts of heavy metals and increase resistance to viral diseases and infections.
  • The presence of a large amount of water and fiber allows the use of fruits to cleanse the cavities of internal organs from poisons and toxins. Some of the substances contained in the composition are added to drugs aimed at treating oncology.

  • Durian is forbidden for people suffering from hypertension, as it increases blood pressure.
  • The fruit is an allergen, so its use can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It should be borne in mind that the fruits provoke thirst, which is often quite difficult to quench.
  • Durian is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • You can not combine this fruit with the intake of alcoholic beverages. This can lead to severe poisoning and other unpleasant complications.

Durian is often used to prepare a variety of nutritious meals for children and adults:

  • The resorts of Southeast Asian countries serve creamy and popsicles with slices of fresh fruit.
  • In prestigious cafes in Malaysia and Thailand, milkshakes with ripe fruit pulp are very popular.
  • Dried durian fruits are a healthy and high-calorie snack. Bags with them can become an original souvenir brought from vacation. When dried, this fruit can be stored for a long time and does not oxidize as quickly as fresh fruits.
  • "Khao Nam Ka Ti Turian" - this is the name given to the famous Thai dessert with glutinous rice, coconut syrup and durian.
  • "Dodol" is one of traditional dishes Malay cuisine. It is a candy that looks like toffee. In addition to the fruits of the “prickly” delicacy, their composition includes rice, palm sugar and coconut milk.

Durian bark is used for smoking fish and other products, which acquire a pleasant taste and aroma. Its pulp is used to prepare various sauces and is added to national fruit soups. From a mixture of this fruit and pumpkin, a pasty mass is prepared, which is a popular spice in many Asian countries.

An unusual exotic durian fruit has a specific unpleasant odor. This feature distinguishes the fruit from all other cultures. Scientists have not yet hypothesized what causes the flavor of durian. However, the king of fruits is revered by many fans for its delicious pulp.

What does durian look like

The civet durian is oblong in shape, the diameter of the fruit is about 20 cm. The peel is covered with large spikes. This is a kind of natural protection of the plant from animals. The durian tree is distinguished by large shiny foliage and a massive trunk. It reaches a height of 40 meters. The plant does not bloom for long, during this period umbrella inflorescences are formed on spreading branches. In one night, they fall off, and the ripening of exotic fruits begins.

Odorous, prickly and smelly fruit has a delicate edible pulp. Many gourmets highly appreciate her culinary taste. After cutting the fruit, 5 chambers can be seen. One of them contains seeds. The color of the fruit is light green or yellowish.

Selecting and storing durian

Choosing the most smelly fruit does not depend on its aroma. A foul-smelling product can taste delicious and delicious. Of the large number of varieties of durian, only 9 varieties are recognized as edible.

The raw pulp of the product is a delicacy. Delicious dishes are prepared from the pulp. The fruits can be preserved. You can only eat ripe fruits. If they are overripe, the flesh begins to taste bitter, and the taste deteriorates.

There are special rules for choosing durian:

  • the top of the fruit with a tail should have a more pronounced smell
  • the shell should have small cracks
  • when tapping on the peel, a dull gurgling should be heard
  • the ripe fruit has yellowish thorns with brown tips.

Durian is not stored for a long time. Basically, the fruit is immediately opened and its pulp is absorbed. Otherwise, the unpleasant smell will spread very quickly throughout the room. So that the pulp does not spread the smell, it is eaten immediately. The rind is used in industries for smoking fish. Smelly do not freeze and do not keep fresh. Candied fruits and desserts are prepared from it.

durian season

Where durians grow is of interest to many people who are fond of exotic delicacies. The tree grows in Asian countries with a humid tropical climate. It is found in Malaysia, India, Indochina, Thailand. The civet species is very popular. The variety grows in Ceylon, Brazil and Africa. The plant bears fruit all year round.

In Thai markets, durians can be found on sale from mid-April to the end of September. In season, it is also sold in supermarkets. Gourmets advise buying smelly fruit in Thailand from market vendors.

What does durian smell like?

The smell of this gives off unpleasant rot and is so specific that it cannot be confused with anything. The aroma of the king of fruits, durian, is reminiscent of the smell of rotten garlic. There is some sweetness in the stench, which can even cause nausea in a person. Storage of fruits after collection is excluded indoors.

Scientists explain the smell of fruits by the fact that their peel contains hydrochloric acid. When cut, it interacts with oxygen molecules. There is a certain reaction in which an unpleasant odor is formed. If a drop of fruit juice gets on clothes, then it will exude an unpleasant “aroma” for a long time.

Durian stinks so much that a passenger with this exotic product is not allowed on buses and planes. Thais believe that an unpleasant, corrosive aroma can bring hellish hallucinations to a person. Someone believes that the product stinks of rotten eggs, others compare the smell with fish waste. Some varieties of fruit stink of turpentine. So many people refuse to try exotic pulp just because of its smell.

durian flavor

Ripe durian has very tender flesh. Durian tastes like nuts and cheese at the same time. Many compare the taste of the product with custard pastry cream. The exotic fruit combines the flavors of bananas, vanilla, papaya, mango and pineapple. The taste of durian is unparalleled.

Housewives prefer to make jam, ice cream and sweets from fruits. Sweet desserts have a delicate texture and a very pleasant delicate taste. Durian can also be fried in coconut oil or simply cut into slices.

How to peel and eat durian

How do Thais and Asians eat durians? Residents of Asian countries cook pasta from them. The dish is used as a spice. If there is a desire to use a fresh product, then it is eaten immediately after purchase, without bringing it into the room. To eat the pulp, use a spoon. The fruits are not peeled, the shell is split into two parts. Cracked fruits are considered ripe. The fruit can also be broken off piece by piece. However, the corrosive smell after it is difficult to wash off the skin. After you have taken out the pulp, it should be eaten quickly, it is better not to leave it for later, so as not to provoke an upset stomach.

Asians wash down the fruit pulp with salted water. The fruit can be combined with a coffee drink or spices. The seeds of exotic fruits are roasted and used as an exotic spice. The inhabitants of the island of Java add fruits to ice cream, the Indonesians prepare sauce for rice dishes from the product.

The fruits are also soaked in coconut milk and sprinkled with sugar. Such a delicate sweet dessert is especially loved by Asian children. You should not buy already cut pieces of fruit in plastic packaging. It is better to buy a ripe large fruit, split the shell and taste the pulp with a spoon.

Useful properties of durian for the body

Durian benefits have long been known among Asian peoples. Fruits contain a lot of fructose and glucose, which give the body energy. The product is a natural energizer, it can be used for recovery after long workouts and hard physical work. The fruit relieves muscle fatigue and restores strength after a hard day.

Fruit pulp helps fight anemia. The benefit of durian lies in the high content of minerals and vitamins that prevent deficiency of substances in the body. The product has a positive effect on hematopoiesis and the functions of the circulatory system. If possible, it is useful to include fruits in your diet regularly.

The fruit stabilizes the level of sugar in the bloodstream, so it can be consumed by diabetics. The composition contains sulfur and manganese, which lowers blood sugar while maintaining its balance. Diabetes is often accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and poor health. A useful product does not contain cholesterol helps to feel healthy, relieving the symptoms of the disease.

The fruit is also useful for constipation, which is characterized by pain in the epigastric region, dyspepsia, and the inability to empty the intestines. Indigestion can be prevented by eating a fruit rich in fiber. The fruit helps eliminate chronic constipation, regulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the fermentation process.

A useful product prevents early aging and the appearance of wrinkles. The composition of the fruit improves skin quality, tightens the epidermis, enhances the delivery of nutrients and collagen production.

Another disease that the fruit is actively fighting is the destruction of bone tissue. Durian strengthens bones, saturates them with useful minerals. The fruit is good to eat for arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, fractures. Its healing properties are due to the high content of potassium in the pulp. The product relieves pain in the knees and spine, improves joint activity and the quality of synovial fluid.

Durian is good for the thyroid gland. Fruit pulp stimulates and stabilizes the production of hormones. The product contains a lot of copper, which normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. The product must be consumed with hormonal imbalance and thyrotoxicosis.

Also, do not underestimate the beneficial properties of dried durian. The product can be included in the diet to strengthen immunity, fight frequent colds and infections.

If you suffer from migraines, then the product will be able to cope with even the most severe headache. Fruits increase blood pressure, improve sleep, strengthen nerves.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The calorie content of durian leaves - 147 kcal per 100 grams. This is the average fruit. Useful, nutritious fruits can be used for fasting days.
The composition of durian includes:

  • water (65 g)
  • proteins (1.5 g)
  • fats (5.4 g)
  • coarse fibers (3.8 g)
  • carbohydrates (23.4 g).

Durian pulp contains macro- and microelements:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Manganese

The composition includes organic sulfur, folic acid, niacin, vitamins A, C, B vitamins, ash. The fruit is very useful for men, women and children, if consumed within reasonable limits.

Harm and contraindications of durian

Fruit should be used with caution during pregnancy. Some doctors recommend abstaining from fetuses while carrying a child. This is due to the high content of folic acid in the fruit pulp. It is also undesirable to eat the product while breastfeeding.

Almost any fruit can bring not only benefits, but also some harm - durian is no exception. It should not be consumed in large quantities - it is possible to develop allergies and swelling of the nasopharynx. When you first get acquainted with the exotic, you should not combine the product with other fruits. You need to try a small piece of pulp from the shell and wait a while. The body of a European is not accustomed to exotics - it is better to be careful when eating tropical fruits.

Exotic durian and alcohol are not compatible. Alcohol compounds cause unwanted reactions, poisoning from the body.

In no case should you drink fruit pulp with an alcoholic drink. You may feel unwell and develop a heart attack. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed no earlier than 5 hours after the fruit.

A sample of the exotic fruit durian will not leave anyone indifferent. A very corrosive sweetish putrid smell is not to everyone's liking and can kill the appetite. However, in the countries of Southeast Asia, the fruits are very popular and durian is considered the king of fruits. For an unaccustomed European, it is better to use the product only fresh and only a few slices after opening the shell. This will avoid the occurrence of discomfort in the digestive organs, allergies and dyspepsia.