Feminism - what is such simple words. Details about feminism and who are such feminists perspective: the nature of modern movement

Feminism is a phenomenon that can be viewed at least from two sides. First, this is a political movement associated with the struggle of women for equality. It is this aspect that is often associated with classic feminism, in particular with the movement of the soul fusion, which required to provide women with the right to vote in elections. It seems to us that such problems remained in the distant past, but at the beginning of the XX century women did not have election rights practically anywhere in the world. As a result of the victories of the early feminists, we have forgotten about it.

Secondly, feminism is an intellectual movement, in fact, the flow in philosophy, which in its content and argumentation is much more diverse than classic political feminism.

The origin of the concept

The term "feminism" occurs at the beginning of the XIX century. Under it in the journalism of this era it is understood as a combination of qualities inherent in a woman. Just as there are specific men's features - masculinity, there are feminost, or "feminism".

By the end of the 19th century, the word "feminist" appears in the context of the souffruse movement, which is originally called the female activists. Thus, by the beginning of the XX century, the value of the term gradually changes. For the last 100 years in feminists, we already definitely understand women who are fighting for their rights. And these rights can be understood in different ways, and the struggle does not always reduce the requirements of formal political equality.

The origins of feminism

Ideas close to feminism are circulated in Western culture since antiquity. In the fifth book "States" Plato, for example, it is reported that there are no obstacles in order for the woman to be the ruler. If a woman is smart enough and talented, then it should have the same rights as the most reasonable and talented men. Elements of feminism can be found in the Middle Ages, and in the Renaissance Epoch.

The first feminist is usually called the British Mary Walstonkraft, living in the late XVIII century. In the treatise "Protection of the Rights of Women", it sets questions related to the fate of a woman: how different the woman is from a man, how fairly the accusations of a woman in a shortage of her mind, as a woman affects the maternity and homemade work. The main slogan Walstonkraft, which caused the scandal, is that a woman can independently manage his destiny. Several in the shadow of Walstonkraft remains its compatriot Mary Estela, who relying on the rationalistic philosophy of Descartes, who did not make the difference between men and women. Walstonkraft is similarly influenced by Rousseau and elegate with him. When we read these early texts, the cartoon image of feminists is scattered: they offer a versatile, often ironic and sometimes unexpected argumentation. For example, Estelle as a possible alternative to the marriage and the transition of a woman "in the ownership of a man" discussed the creation of women's "secular monasteries".

Among the first feminists was at least one man, the classic of liberal philosophy John Stewart Mill, who in 1869 published the treatise "subordination of a woman" in defense of female rights. Most men, however, were tuned sharply against feminism. In part, they simply could not understand what these women want. One man author even said in response to the publication of the Treatise Walstonkraft that the requirement to protect the rights of women is just as ridiculous as the requirement to protect the rights of pets. In response to the movement of the souffeller, it was formulated and "classical refutation": the feminists allegedly become only very ugly women who cannot count on finding a worthy husband.

The first and second wave of feminism

The first wave of feminism is to determine the easiest way. This is the struggle of women for political equality and for the ability to elect and be elected in the elections. The first feminists appealed to liberal slogans: people have equal rights regardless of gender.

The soul fusionists were a very powerful movement of public policy in the UK and the USA: women united and achieved the desired. In 1920, a 19th amendment to the Constitution was adopted in the United States, according to which the floor could not be an obstacle to restrictions on participation in political life and, in particular, to participate in elections. After that, it seemed to many that feminism was over, because his main goal was reached, and other problems could be solved by politicians chosen by women in elections.

// Official_Program _-_ Woman_Suffrage_Procession_March_3, _1913

The second wave of feminism occurs in the 60s of the XX century and is a much more complex phenomenon. The oppression here is no longer coming down to the ban of women to participate in political life. It turned out that political equality does not exclude oppression in the family, oppression in the workplace. The key text of this era is the "second floor" of Simon de Bovwar. Feminists of the second wave criticize the idea that the main purpose of the woman is motherhood, understood as a pickup and a refusal of a career, care for the house. They challenged the thesis that women should not strive to exercise themselves outside of this "female world." The fact that allegedly a man is a natural extrovert, a woman is a natural introvert, and this social division of labor is predetermined forever some natural rules.

The list of topics that are associated with feminism is significantly expanding at this moment: now it is violence (real, homemade, symbolic - for example, the boys say "not be like a girl", as if to be a girl - this is something offensive), criticism of gender-related cries, The question of the unpaid homemade work is recognized as a social problem. In general, we are talking about the problematization of the figure of a woman in culture.

The second wave did not achieve the implementation of its goals in full, the problems that feminists wrote the 60s were preserved in today's world. But during the period of the second wave there is a real social revolution: women in the West are massively entering the labor market, which leads to a sharp increase in the wealth of society, and to a completely new idea of \u200b\u200breal gender policy.

Third wave of feminism

The third wave of feminism, the beginning of which is binding to the 90s of the 20th century, is an attempt to apply actual philosophical ideas to gender studies, primarily the idea of \u200b\u200bpost-structure, as well as postcolonial theory. The discussion here is built mainly around the concept of identity. In general, at this stage it is already quite difficult to talk about some theoretical unity of the ideas of feminism.

The key theme for the third wave feminists is awareness that in fact the question does not boil down to the fact that there are women, but there are men. The question comes down to an attempt to understand exactly how these gender roles, male and women's, are designed, as we become men and women. What makes us be a man or a woman? There is also a question that other gender roles can exist. The Quir-theory is engaged in the study of many gender identities.

In the third wave, the movement is especially highlighted. Riot Grrrl.Lounged around aesthetics not only liberated, but also endowed with the authorities (Empowered), which is able to be self-sufficient, talented, leading in the social world - and in this sense of superior men. Riot Grrrl. stated that push-Up Bra Does not contradict availability brains., and returned to everyday aggressive makeup and high heels, which have recently been considered a classic symbol of oppression from the man.

Thus, the feminism of the third wave seeks freedom including from those restrictions that were imposed on old feminism.

Liberal, Marxist and radical feminism

The chronology of feminism waves makes sense to supplement the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideological structure of motion.

Liberal feminism suggests that feminism is primarily a story about the equality of the rights of men and women. As soon as we guarantee formal and meaningful equality of rights, we can assume that, as well as we once decided the issue with racism, we decided with gender inequality.

Liberal feminism is mainstream, and in the Western world, large political parties are focused on him. Western political correctness against women is also primarily a product of liberalism.

The second variety is Marxist feminism. Marxist feminism suggests that the oppression of women is a special case of capitalist and class oppression. In other words, in the economy there is exploitation of hired workers, and women are one of the species of people who are exploited. Just both in the XIX century and later operated workers, and women are forced to work for men. Marxist feminism is interested in the fact that as its central theme introduces the problem of unpaid, free homework. There are memorial scientists who argue that the basis of the global economy is the work of housewives, which is not estimated in any way, but at the same time makes a key contribution to our welfare.

In Marxist feminism, Russia made a great contribution to Russia, and do not forget about it. The Government of the Bolsheviks in the early 1920s was from the point of view of gender equality: Formal political equality was guaranteed, formal election equality, women were taught, tried to free from "kitchen slavery" through the opening of centralized proletarian canteens. Those moves that were unacceptable for Western Europe at that time were made. In particular, the abortion was decriminalized. The most famous protector of the rights of women among the Bolsheviks - Alexander Kollondtai. After the first years of Soviet power, the attitude towards women becomes gradually more conservative. But before Comrade Stalin, we were an advanced feminist powers.

Radical feminism, the third type of feministic theories, assumes that all this is not enough, because men in any case are interested in preserving the Patriarchate regime. Patriarchate in this case is a special term indicating the principle of cultural, political and economic dominance of men. In Patriarchate, a man is a minider, a man is the one who does, and the woman is the one who is waiting for, a woman is a free household and sexy servant.

In the case of radical feminism, we have the theory that suggests that in fact all the old terms of political philosophy were invented by men, they do not grab the most important. What the problem is not in operation, not in the presence of classes, not in the bourgeoisie, not in the state, the problem is that there is a patriarchal government regime and a special case of oppression is the oppression of some men by others, while the fundamental institution of oppression is precisely gender.

The strength and at the same time the weakness of radical feminism is that in a sense, the words of feminists oppose not only various backward forms of the social device, but also against the current liberal democracy of the Western type. From the numerous ideas of radical feminism, it is worth mentioning "lesbian separatism". It is that women should not enter into sexual relationships with men at all, because any form of sexual relationships with a man one or another becomes a continuation of the centuries-old oppression. Ritual love rituals, for example, no more than the form of buying a female body and control over women's emotions.


Feminism literature is extremely extensive. As an introduction to the topic, I would recommend a journalistic, but very bright book Naomi Wulf "Myth of Beauty", which allows you to look at all familiar social practices, such as glossy magazines, diet or work of women in the office. The work of Valerie Bryson "Political theory of feminism" is a very capacious theoretical and historical introduction. A good idea of \u200b\u200ba modern radical feminism gives the work of Kate Millet "Paul Policy". Those who doubt that feminists are capable of refined and non-trivial philosophical arguments, I recommend to look into the texts of Judith Butler.

What makes feminists want and what their desires threaten you.
By the word "feminist" most of us are cautious. We know that feminists call on women not to paint, do not shave the legs and do not try to like men that they can not disappear. In addition, feminists are all the time against something protest, including against the things we treat positively. For example, to striptease. Nevertheless, not everything in the feminist movement is so sad. On the contrary, some of their requirements are ultimately quite reasonable and useful even from the point of view of men. We compiled a list of women's types according to the degree of feminism of their beliefs and found out that a lot of feminism is bad, but if feminism is too small - too, it is not good.

Initially there were trusters. In the whole of the 19th century, they sought elective law for women and by the end of the First World War in most European countries, especially in the USSR, civil, economic and political rights men and women were generally equalized. Women officially ceased to be considered socially infallible creatures in need of workers like children and crazy. In addition, humanity is just beginning to experiment with a variety of contraception, and women liberated from the need to give birth to 10-12 children (plus 3-4 miscarriages), they really began to actively participate in production, science and politics.

Since the 60s of the 20th century, the female movement, the name "feminism", gained the second breath, about which we now and talk. We will leave in the country of Islam and Africa, which still lives on its own calendar, and look at the so-called civilized world. A civilized world, surviving a fertility boom and a sharp increase in population density, has been trying to solve an important task for half a century - send a housewife to engage in socially useful activities. Even in the states, feminism overtance, each fourth married woman conducts life polishing the chest and cutting faces on the toasts in children's breakfasts, while rarely has more than two children and actively uses the services of a universal education system, including preschool. That is, a huge part of healthy people essentially removed from the creative social work only thanks to the stereotype that the place of the woman is in the house.

For what fought ...
And here, feminists came to the rescue. They were involved in the fight for pulling out the ladies from family nests, sincerely believing that they were fighting for the happiness of the oppressed half of humanity, against oblique government institutions. And these institutions could not wait for a better gift. Provide a woman maternity leave at the expense of the taxpayer, highlight the place of the child in the kindergarten, and send a mother to wave a kylom in the name of gender justice - yes this is a dream!
And women all do it with themselves, instead of sitting at home, sullenly clutching into their corsets and crinolines! The supply of labor in the market is increasing, and where only husband worked before, will now plow both spouses. The efficiency of society increases many times.

Another curious aspect is sexuality. The centuries-old struggle of religious fanatics for the female morality of feminists won one spit. Those drank on women, and these began to put pressure on men. The oldest profession began to exterminate, planting clients. Erotica pursue, fighting not in the name of patriarchal morality, but protecting the female floor from sexual sites. Maiden's honor is guarded by increasing the age of consent (if today poor Liza met with the seducer Eraste, he would have to fight off his criminal code). Beauty contests have surrendered to religious fanatics, but for referred under the pressure of feminists: "Women's beauty is not a product!" Under the pretext of protecting women, they were limited in the right to receive preferences, flirting with the bosses. That is, the movement that was created to make women freely, today in the extreme manifestations deprived of their many freedoms and traditional advantages. Well, lady, you wanted it yourself. Account Pay in half.

Using an imaginary scale of feminism, you can divide all women for seven types - according to their views on their position in society. And each of these types requires its approach.

A man is the king, God and the Lord. Women's share - obey and serve. Everything will have how you want (at least in words). Patriarchal readily recognizes its weakness and inferiority compared to you, the crown of nature. It condemns women of slutty, educated career and generally defile the bright image of his wife and the mother with any extraneous activities. The round-the-clock cooking and cutting of socks is the holy female destination, and everything else - from the evil. One hundred percent patriarchal is a rare flower in our latitudes, usually it grows on the basis, well-fertilized by traditional religions. A man who choose a patriarchal in his companion's companion, should be bonded, like horse-bituga, stubborn, like donkey, and energetic, like a focister one, because to rely on him only for himself: a friend, comrades and a partner from this Patriarchalka will not work. For initiative, enterprise and responsibility, from the point of view of Patriarchalka, are vices that in women's sinful nature should be eradicated in every way, replacing them with modesty and obedience. Yes, and the children will also have to do it: she spoils her sons, and daughters - inks.

What a man she needs
Easy to control the minider, defender and guardian. A person who is not only confident that his word in the family is a law, but also can pick up these words so that they have at least some meaning. If you are ready to bear full responsibility for everything that happens in your family and in my wife's life, if you are convinced that money, food, clothing and other benefits of civilization are problems exclusively a husband, and the female business is modestly to go to your neck, waiting What you still entertain it today and beat, the patriarchal type is simply created for you.

Also the girl is extremely traditional looks. In its value system, a man is a submitter of all kinds of benefits and the source of joys. To issue these joys from men, greedy and stubborn, they require bulldogs of jaws, which real princesses, gently say, are not deprived. No, it is in no way going to fight for equality with men - what nonsense? Of course, men are much stronger, smarter and in all respects talented. And women are needed only for male pleasure - it goes without saying. Just for pleasure it is necessary to pay. Girls with the views of the princess can be both frank content and quite virtuous wives and mothers. But the denominator here is one: a man must take care of a woman and provide her. If he does it bad - it needs to saw.
If it does not help - kick. If it is not corrected after the pins - you need to look for another. And what to do? Such is the female cross. Unlike patriarchalok, princesses usually do not get closed in the cozy world of their home, they continue to be a secular life and in marriage, as they constantly need a male admiration, as well as in a pare-three candidates for your place, if you suddenly begin to strike and capricious.

What a man she needs
With a big wallet and rainbow prospects for the future. Well, good, generous and caring, ready to treat a woman as a charming child. Heavy grain of rationality is there: the contract suggests that you take on all the material and most everyday problems, feel like a breadwinner and earfed, and in return you get sex, a pleasant society, a cozy house, children (need to emphasize).

Lady Suesday
Women of this type are found not only in post-Soviet spaces, but it was here that their concentration reached unprecedented heights. Initially, these ladies have quite traditionally patriarchal views on the role of a woman in society, but are forced to conduct a completely different life. In the USSR, the unmarried "Tunes" could go to jail, and the wages of her husbands were usually lacked for a family, so women had to work: putting the sleepers, build rockets and knock out in the diligeans. Often, they sought significant success on their field, but, returning home and removing special specials with a scaffle, tried to vibrate into unison with their dormant ideas that there are real women's happiness, to bring to the beloved dumplings in an embroidered front and all that. Because without a husband and children, the meaning in life they do not see and quite sincerely sympathize with the star sunbagging on their Canary Villa, if in the signature under the magazine image it is not married to the star in its 28 years. As a result, the Lady Sovieticus literally parse on two fronts - labor and family, not forgetting to run on the run still dropping the nails and vanish eyebrows. It is not surprising that, staying in a constant neighborhood with this fountain of energy, men completely and begged to feel themselves to feel heaven. Reliably fenced from the "Eagle" work on the house, detached from the upbringing of children and who are more observed than the heads of the family, men produce from the hands of all the Brazers of the Board. Lady Sovieticus, formally recognizing men of a certain important sacral functions of the "man in the house", everything is always solved by themselves, including those pants today should put on the "man" and how much money he can spend on beer with Toganych.

What a man she needs
The ladies of this type are very often married for the first oncoming, which will make a proposal of hands and hearts: they have a very developed lively Soviet stereotype "Men at all will be enough, take faster, what they give" (after the divorce, they are energetic, they go to the second oncoming, And then for the third). But to keep the world and peace in the family with it most of all have the chances of a man who has a difference in everyday life, does not climb into "women's affairs" and knows how to eagerly and actively express full satisfaction with what is happening, because it is frequent praise and compliments - the main fuel for Women of this type, without them everything loses its meaning.

Lady Balance
This girl believes that in a civilized world, men and women are equal in all, but at the same time sees a bonus in belonging to the female floor. She understands that society often refers to it condescendingly, and this condescension is pleased. She will try to get a good education and profession, she likes her independence, she can offer you to share an account in the restaurant, but it will not object to the podilated chair or the coat submitted. She is not looking for a getter and defender, so it's completely and next to the relationship with a cute peer, not particularly embarrassed by the fact that in his pocket only money issued by Mom on the passage. But again, she will not be absolutely not upfulr, if you endanger the prince, ready to give her pearl necklaces and pay bus trips for two. If she has to face male rudeness or, worse, violence, she does not blame for this whole male family expressing claims to one concrete elastic. It may seem funny sexist jokes, since she never truly felt himself neither oppressed nor inferior.

What a man she needs
Favorite. She does not see the buyer of her beauty and youth in you, it does not press her old stereotype "A lonely woman is a loser," she is not afraid to be an old Virgin or a single mother, so when choosing a life satellite, it is guided by the criterion "I love him, so I want Next to him. " Of course, in life there happens anything, but this priority usually becomes a strong cement for the foundation of future relations. But it is unlikely to suffer enhanced control over themselves - for lovers to command and dispose of this type of type does not fit.

- 78% of all property and all money in the world belongs to men. From a hundred richest people in the world only eight are women.
- Women's brain is less than male, probably so the overwhelming majority of discoveries are made by men.
- According to the International Business Report, the country with the largest number of women in senior positions is Russia. 46% of all leadership chairs are busy here. True, the higher the chair, the lower this percentage.
- Women take 10 times less crimes than men. The only kind of crime that women make more often than men are the store theft: 75%.
- Feminist is usually very ugly, a fat woman who has large psychological (and even mental) problems that are poured into trouble with men, because Feminists love to blame men in everything.
- Extreme degree of feminism, Childfries - Women who decided not to make children, but to start fashionable platitz and other magazine torture.

A strong and independent woman who has achieved a lot in life having a good income and often the boss. It relies only on herself, does not tolerate control, especially from the man, so often takes on the upbringing of a completely fluffy and obedient something, ready to wear slippers behind her, and more decisively not suitable for her. In this ideal tandem, she feels infinitely comfortable, and she usually takes rationality to make her silent joy in the form of pocket money, a quiet life, affectionate and elegant sponctions. Whatever comical couple they looked from the outside, it is necessary to understand that there is a contract as much as possible by both parties. Men of a different type feel in her society much less happy: it is purely automatically to exterminate their independence and self-esteem. If she gets a strong nut, equal to character and opportunities, both will soon be lit. With all this, Selfmade is indifferent to ideological feminism, since this problem is monstrously far away from it. On the contrary, she can often play the game "You're a man - you decide" and "pray for me, poor and helpless." And listening to the stories about oppressed women and women - victims of violence, she, in the depths of the soul, considers most of the victims of the inaccaterable fools who do not know how to deal with their problems.

Who needs her
Pokenger, in all the consonants with her opinion and able to demonstrate a deep admiration for her beauty, mind and talents.

This girl sincerely believes that women are weak and oppressed floors, white slaves of hosts men, and it's time to make a revolution. She communicates with like-minded people, collecting a collection of evidence of injustices of this world, and any man considers as a potential aggressor and an opponent until he proves the opposite. The world community of feminists is quite large and influential that in many countries it has already begun massively stamping laws on their demand. Some of these laws are quite intelligent (for example, an increase in marriage, the destruction of salary segregation on sexual basis, assistance to victims of violence, reproductive freedom of women), and part is perplexed (for example, the requirements of gender-politically correct revolutions in documents and the media, a ban on chauvinistic literature type "Snow White" in schools and the like nonsense).
In general, communication with feminist is a rather tedious event, as it is very easy to offend any random phrase, in which you can see male sexism, although you didn't mean anything like that. On the other hand, most feminists are aimed at equal partnerships with a man, they will not consider you as a big wallet on a little interesting legs. Subject to the coincidence of the views (if you are also moving on your head) and characters (if you are vegetable), a joint life with a feminist can be quite happy.

What a man she needs
Ready at least in words to maintain her feminist glances, as well as not experiencing disgust for households, for from now on his lot - cleaning
and cooking strictly in turn. In addition, you will have to closely monitor your speeches, as real feminists are traditionally offended and know how to see sexism even in the spots of Rorschah and phrases like "What a long-granddamy summer!".

But this is worth staying away.
However, you are most likely, and so do not let them. Radical feminists are women, sincere and hotly loving men, even if they claim the opposite. Among them are a lot of lesbians, but there are traditionally oriented - however, they are not generous to us from this. If an ordinary feminist requires gender equality, then radical feminists insist that the male floor should be seriously amazed in rights - on the grounds that we opposed women to thousands of thousands of women and still keep them in the position of maids. And the situation can be corrected, only inserting harsh restrictions for men and huge privileges for women.

Few women in large corporations? Enter the law prohibiting corporations to have less than 40% of women directors in the state.
Girls reluctantly go to programmers? Take applicants without exams. Interestingly, many demands of RADFEM almost coincide with the requirements of the most patriarchal and religious societies.
And those and others are categorically against the most ancient profession (however, Radf requires only customers of the priests of love - as people, "rape women with the help of economic levers"). And those and others believe that men need to be banned to be gynecologists and, let's say, mammologists. And those and others believe that women should not walk in mini skirts and heels, as it excites foreign men (Interpretation of Radaf: This embarger image of the society makes women spoil their health, moving in uncomfortable clothes and in unsafe shoes, "exploits women's Sexuality with the goal of obtaining financial benefits. "And the thought does not seem to be a periodically expressed in their forums - that in the ideal society of all men will be castrated in adolescent age, pre-taking seed material from them, and send them later to reservation. . Before indignant, think about the fact that Radaf exists in hell, where they are surrounding slave-owner rapists, where society despises women, where in every Karapuze, rushing in the sandbox, the future sexy maniac ripes. Their world is cruel and unfair to them, and They pay him the same coin.

What a man she needs
Masochist suicidal inclinations. Do not forget that some radical feminists are hotly supporting the ideas of Androcida - the total destruction of men on the planet.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Feminism is a familiar word, whose definition remains blurred for many.

For some - this is a movement for the equality of floors, for others - a perverted concept, considering men as a threat.

It is possible to understand what feminism is only familiar with the history of its development and modern interpretation.

Feminism: what it is and who are such feminists

The term feminism (from Lat. Femina, "Woman") can be viewed as:

  1. political Movement associated with the struggle of female representatives for equality;
  2. intellectual Movement, which is the subject of women's issues.

The very concept occurs at the beginning of the XIX century. At that time, it implied the totality of the qualities inherent in a woman.

Feminist is a woman who fights for his rights

The word "feminist" appears at the end of the XIX century. So called representatives of the suffrageist movement, who wanted to get the right to participate in the elections.

Starting from the 20th century, the feminist is a woman who fights for his rights. Moreover, the content of these rights can be understood in different ways.

Unfortunately, modern feminists - These are too radically tuned women who have long moved from the struggle for the equality of floors to the struggle for female dominance.

In the US, psychologists are alarming, for this struggle leads to the fact that men lose interest in life there, cease to show activity and. The struggle for the equality of the floors led to the beginning.

It is necessary to clearly understand the difference. Feminism today - This is the struggle for the rights of women, and not for the equality of the male and female. In the same states now the most vulnerable people are white men with traditional orientation. They are simply not allowed to fight for their rights, since they used to be "oppressors" of women, color and.

The origins of feminism

The roots of feminism can be found in antique philosophy. Back in the 4th century BC. Plato wrote that reasonable women may have the same rights as men.

Among the first feminists often mention the Englishman Mary Estel, who lived in the first half of the 18th century. In their works, she focused on the need female education. Estelle believed that the career capabilities of the woman should go beyond the scope of marriage and the monastery.

There was a treatise "Protection of women's rights". Author Mary Walstonkraft justified the right of women to dispose of their destiny. The answer to the Treatise Walstonkraft has become a statement that the requirement women's rights protection No less ridiculous than protecting the rights of pets.

The contribution to the development of the feminist movement was also introduced by John Stewart Mill, the author of the treatise "oppression of women". British philosopher supported. The question of the inequality of women was discussed by D. Didro, M. Kondors, S. Fourier and F. Engels.

Stages of the development of feminism

The division of feminism on the waves - allowing to highlight the stages of the development of this diverse movement. For each stage, its own issues are characterized.

The first wave of movement of feminist

Beyond the books feminism came out at the beginning of the 20th century. The first mass manifestation was the movement of souffruy. His representatives fought for the right of women to elect and be elected. The greatest movement has reached in the United States and the UK.

Women in New Zealand, who, who was part of the British Empire, received the first to be the right to be the right to be received. The result of the activities of the fusion in the United States was the adoption of amendment to the Constitution, which staging that the floor could not be the cause of restriction of participation in political life.

Soon, the voting rights were provided to women in Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Canada and a number of other countries.

In the same period, it appeared that the feminists became ugly women who could not find a worthy husband. Jules Renar, French playwright of the late XIX century, wrote that feminism is when they are no longer counting on a beautiful prince.

Second wave

In the 60s of the XX century, the problems of feminism significantly expands. If earlier the key was a political aspect, then the feminists concentrated attention on oppression In the family and in the workplace. The slogans of that epoch are represented in the book "Second Paul" Simon De Bovwar.

A sharp criticism that the refusal of a career and care of the house is the only feet of a woman.

Feminists oppose home and sexual violence imposed by gender roles. The question of the level of wages is actively discussed. The epicenter of the new stage is the USA.

The outcome of the 2nd wave of feminism is the social revolution, as a result of which women massively enter the labor market.

The third wave of feminism began in the 90s of the XX century. Since then, it is impossible to talk about the theoretical unity of feminists. The perception of women in the quality of a homogeneous group disappears. It is emphasized that some women, for example, wealthy and, can inject other representatives of their sex.

For representatives of the 3rd wave, a desire to get rid of the restrictions imposed by old feminism are characteristic. The new stage of feminism marked the appearance of the Riot Grrrl movement, which found its expression in punk rock. His participants were famous as an arbitrariness of abortion.

Movement of feminists in Russia

In Russia, a new attitude towards a woman originated in the epoch of Peter I. The fame of the journalist who set the "female question", discouraged the literary critic of the middle of the XIX century M. Mikhailov. In his article, the requirement of women's equality was called for the first time.

In the origins of the Russian female movement stood a resident of large cities and representatives of privileged layers.

The beginning of the movement of femistry in Russia was associated with attempts to provide women with access to professional employment and to higher education. The "feminist triumvirate" was sought to this, which included V. Trubnikov, A. Philosophian and N.Stasov.

In the XIX century, Russian women who were involved in the movement for equality could not require political rights, as the majority of the population was politically powerful in Russia.

The first rally in Russian history for the political rights of women occurred during the revolution of 1905. In the same year, the All-Russian "Union of Equality of Women" appeared.

At the beginning of the 20th century, two directions of movement of feminists are formed in Russia - Liberal and Marxist.

The first focused on charity, labor care and enlightenment, and the second insisted on the recognition of a woman with a full-fledged subject, which man was considered. The well-known representative of the Marxist destination - Alexander Kollontai.

Russia made a great contribution to the development marxist feminism. At the legal level, equality with men fastened the Constitution of 1918. Formal political equality was guaranteed. There was a decriminalized abortion. Russian women were the first to be able to preserve their name in marriage in marriage.

But already in the 30s of the XX century, the attitude towards women became more conservative. The ideal of a woman in the USSR becomes a working mother. But patriarchate officials of the official power significantly limited the presence of women in the public sector.

The revival of feminism began in the 1970s, the truth is on illegal grounds. The reforms of the mid-80s allowed the Russians to stand on the path of struggle for real gender equality. Currently, Russian feminist organizations polarize the principles of complicity in solving social problems: violence, drug addiction, trafficking in women, etc.

Ideal directions of feminism

Currently, feminism is a variety of movement.

Consider the directions that have gained wide fame.

Liberal feminism

The basis of liberal feminism is the idea of \u200b\u200bequality of the rights of men and women. His supporters believe that the oppression of women provoked by educational and legal restrictions that should be eliminated.

The main goal of liberal feminists is to receive equal rights with men in different fields of activity. In the West, this theory takes into account many large political parties.

Marxist feminism

Supporters of Marxism consider feminism by a private case of capitalist and class oppression. Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxembourg made a great contribution to the development of this direction. The central theme of this direction is unpaid homemade work.

Marxist feminists argue that the liquidation of the capitalist economy will eliminate all forms of oppression.

Radical feminism

The basis of radical feminism is the criticism of the patriarchate, under which the cultural, political and economic dominance of men is meant.

Supporters of this movement believe that a woman must stop being free household and sexual servants of a man.

They insist on a separate existence of women from patriarchal structures.

From radical feminism grew "". His representatives declare that women should not enter into sexual relations with men, because it is a continuation of the tradition of oppression. In their opinion, rituals, characteristic of love, is a form of buying a female body.

The feminism can be treated in different ways, but it is unlikely that someone will decide to deny that this phenomenon played an important role in the formation of modern society. It only remains to wait, what changes will entail the next wave of feminist movement.

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Everyone heard about such a word as feminism. But his definition for most of us remains a bit erased, blurred. Therefore, in this material, we will define the significance of this concept, and also learn who those feminists and what they achieve.

Today, the term feminists most often means for society 2 concepts. The first is clearly defined, the optional concept, the second is even a bit aggressive.

Feminist call a woman who fights for their rights.

This phenomenon appeared in the 19th century, and then meant the right to participate in the elections and receive education. But today, feminists are aggressive and radically tuned women. They no longer think about equality, but just want to dominate men. And everything would be nothing, but such movements of feminists lead to the beginning of the genocide of men. And yes, in the US, psychologists are seriously trying to change this situation, as men become infantile and lose interest in life.

Who are feminists and how did they appear?

As we said, the term was indicated in the 19th century. But also an ancient thinker Plato said that if the woman was smart, then she should have the same rights as a man.

The first feminist is called Mary Estel, who was born in 1666. She promoted equal educational opportunities for women and men. Mary was one of the first, which could freely discuss with men about their rights.

So, in the 20th century, feminism received the greatest development in the United States and the United Kingdom, and gradually spread around the world.

Who are the feminists today?

Today feminism means the struggle to protect the one who is at least a little structurally deprived. He opposes discrimination not only in sexual sign, but also against racism, oppressing people with disabilities and so on.

In some countries, the struggle is underway for the right of women to work, receive education, against violence and sexual exploitation. And this is an important part of the work of feminists.

But on the other hand, today there was an opinion that feminism is fashionable, although sometimes it differs little from idiocy. Some female representatives with foam from mouth are calling for almost hating men and the whole world. We are talking about the so-called childfries (why am I, so beautiful, should go to such victims and give birth to a child?) And supporters of the bodypositive (the main thing in life is my body). So the conclusion here is one: yes, women should have the same rights with men definitely, but everything should not move reasonable boundaries.

In modern society, such a concept as a feminist is often found. This term is not quite new, although its appearance can be attributed to 18-20 centuries. What such feminism explains the popular Wikipedia portal. This is the combination of various ideologies, views aimed at achieving the political, social, financial, personal equality of women and preserve their rights.

Feminist movements are fighting for the right of weak gender to participate in elections, choose work, to have a labor payment on a par with men, the right to inviolability.

How feminism was born

The beginning of the motion of women feminists refer to the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries. At this time, the Patriarchate reigns, and the woman is subnetped. The first feminist According to Wikipedia, Abigail Smith Adams is considered. Women first nominated their demands during the war of independence.

At the end of the XVIII century, a magazine appeared dedicated to the struggle of women for equality. It happened in France.

The first wave went from 1848. A congress for the protection of women's rights was organized. A declaration was adopted here, which covered questions about the rights of a woman in various spheres of life.

The second stage belongs to the 60s of the XX century. It has already occurred focusing on social, legal equality, elimination of discrimination.

The third wave began with the 90s of the last century and continues and today. The modern concept of feminists is already a struggle for sexuality.

Who are feminists

To call itself a commitment to this direction, it is necessary to clearly understand what a feminist means. Now this is a fashionable word, but women relating to this flow, do not always correctly assess its meaning.

The feminist girl wishes to be, act, think on a par with men. They do not accept restrictions on their freedoms. Activists arrange processions, rallies, communicate with the press.

One of the famous feminists - Clara Zetkin, whose biography. Thanks to her, we celebrate the Women's Day.

Men perceive the direction of directions like aggressive, independent, even threshable, dominant. There are representatives who show the hatred of men and the unacceptability of relationships with them.

Types of feminism

Like any course, feminism has varieties.

  • Anarcho feminism. - The main problem of society, and with him it must be struggling.
  • . Both fees are recognized as equal.
  • Individual. Protects the individuality of the weak floor.

Most of the representatives of the flow of a woman. Nevertheless, there is a male option. The feminist in this case is called Mascilism.

Influence on society

What makes feminists have had a wide impact on society. The meaning of this flow is huge: women received the right to participate in elections, to own property, decide whether to give birth to children, choose work, get a divorce. They affected the development of the language by introducing new terms and concepts. Feminists contributed to the upbringing and training of children.

In modern society, men and women have to adapt to new conditions. The feministic look has an impact on family roles when a woman is dominant or prefers to raise a child independently, rejecting relations with a man.

In some religions, women are allowed to become members of the clergy, which definitely affects this side of life.

Discussion, how significant the phimistic direction and useful for society continues now. A variety of free forums are being created, where women discuss problems, ways to defend their interests.