What is the purpose of tomato seedlings planted deep. How far apart should tomatoes be planted? When to plant: determine readiness for planting

After you have decided on tomato seeds and were able to buy seedlings, according to your climate zone, you can think about planting seeds. If you have prepared seeds for tomato seedlings obtained from tomato fruits with your own hands, then an example of planting and growing will help you.

How nice it is to pick up a tomato and even more pleasant to realize that you yourself planted its seeds in the ground, grew seedlings and then planted it in a real garden bed. With certain skills and experience, this is not so difficult.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings according to the lunar calendar 2018

All gardeners sow tomato seeds in different ways. It all depends on where you purchased them: bought them in a store or collected from your own tomatoes.

If you bought them in a store in factory packaging, you can plant them dry or wet them and apply only hardening.

And when you make seeds with your own hands at home, you need to calibrate, warm up, disinfect, treat with growth stimulants, harden them.

The timing of sowing seeds for tomato seedlings depends on the growing area. In the Urals, in Siberia and in central Russia, it is not necessary to sow before February 20. With an earlier sowing date, the seedlings will be overgrown, weak. This will lead to the loss of a significant part of the crop.

Now we live in 2018 and according to the lunar calendar, landing (favorable) days are:

  • in February - 16th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 26th and 28th
  • in March - 1, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28
  • in April - 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28
  • in May - 18, 19, 24, 25, 26

Non-planting (unfavorable) days in 2018 are:

  • in February - 2, 3, 9, 10, 15
  • in March - 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16
  • in April - 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16
  • in May - 2, 3, 7, 8, 15

Rules for sowing tomatoes

All measures for pre-sowing preparation of seeds require 10 days. This means that they must begin ten days before the best day of sowing according to the lunar calendar.

If you prefer to sow dry seeds, then do so two days before the best day of sowing according to the lunar calendar, to give the seeds time to swell and begin the biochemical process of cell division in them.

The container for planting (whether it be a wooden box, peat pots or plastic cups) should not be very deep - no more than 6-7 cm high. It should be filled with a well-moistened soil mixture, not reaching the top edge of 2 cm.

Firm the soil with a tablespoon, add more soil if needed, compact again and spread the seeds over the surface of the soil at a distance of 1 x 1 cm. Sprinkle 2 cm of dry soil on top and compact again with a spoon.

Cover the container with glass or film and place in a dark place.

At a temperature of 28-32 degrees, the seeds will sprout in 4-5 days, at 24-26 - in 6-8 days, at 20-23 - in 7-9 days. They will sprout even at lower temperatures, but only after two weeks, or even later.

The best shoots are those that appear in a week at 25 degrees. The very first shoots do not mean the best. The best ones are those that sprout together, as a whole group. Plants that are strongly (4-5 days) lagging behind the main group should be immediately discarded.

Weak plants sprout later, without shedding the seed coat, they have fused cotyledons, the first real leaves are irregular in shape, they lag behind the rest in growth and development. But if some of the seeds were sown a little deeper than the rest, they will sprout later.

And at the same time, a good, strong plant will not shed its shell from a seed that has been sown too small, or the soil has not been compacted after sowing. Hence the conclusion:

Seeds should be sown at the same and desired depth (from 1 to 2 cm), compact the soil after sowing.

After following these simple rules, weak plants can be easily rejected.

Sowing seeds for tomato seedlings

Not all gardeners are guided by the Lunar calendar, so we will frankly discuss the timing of sowing seedlings. It is known that for different varieties and hybrids - the terms are different. For large-fruited tall tomatoes, seedlings should be 60-75 days old after germination. Taking into account another 5-10 days for the appearance of these seedlings, the seeds should be sown approximately 70-80 days before planting the seedlings in the ground.

Don't sow too early. Seedlings will stretch and may even bloom, these first flowers will still have to be cut off, because the plant does not yet have a good enough root system.

For the regions of the Non-Black Earth Region and the North-Western Region, I want to collect tomatoes already in mid-July, and this will take about 150 days, then tall, large-fruited tomatoes should be sown at the very end of February - early March. Then plant them in greenhouses in early to mid-May.

For small-fruited, early-ripening, low-growing varieties, seedlings can be planted in greenhouses in mid-late May, and in the ground after the end of frost to harvest in mid-July. For this, seedlings at the age of 60 days are best suited, and therefore seeds can be sown on tomato seedlings at the end of March.

There are super-fast-growing tomatoes that are sown in open ground in a seedless way. However, in cold regions (Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Volgograd regions and others), you still have to grow them through seedlings. Sowing can be done in early April at home or directly in the greenhouse if biofuel is added or the greenhouses are heated. And when the spring frosts are gone, you can plant them in open ground.

And no matter what the terms are discussed now, anyway, every knowledgeable gardener with the experience of the past years has his own terms for planting both seeds and seedlings. And the best thing is to keep your diary of a gardener.

Soil preparation (land) for tomato seedlings

In order for a good-quality tomato bush to grow from seeds specially selected according to all the rules, you need to take care of the land for seedlings in advance. The land for her is best prepared in the fall.

If you have black soil in your garden, then mix it with sand, ash and humus and you will get nutritious and light soil in which it will be easy for seeds to germinate. We mix black soil, humus and sand in the following ratios 2:2:1. Then we sift through a large sieve with cells of 6-9 mm.

If you do not have black soil or you are afraid to bring pests with garden soil, then you can use ready-made peat mixtures. But they may lack nitrogen and phosphorus. You can make the soil mixture yourself using the same peat.

For each bucket of peat, take half a bucket of sand and a liter jar of wood ash. Stir - done!

Instead of peat, you can use sphagnum moss, pine needles or sawdust. They must be taken in the same proportions with sand and ash as peat. Only sawdust and coniferous needles must first be poured with boiling water, cool, drain the water, pour boiling water again, cool, drain the water and only then add sand and ash. When using fresh sawdust, it's a good idea to add 5 tbsp. tablespoons of any nitrogen fertilizer.

Such soil is good because the organic component in it rots slowly, and therefore, while the seedlings grow, the chemical composition of the soil does not change, the temperature is approximately constant, and there are no pathogens and pest larvae in it.

In general, there are a lot of recipes for preparing land for tomato seedlings. Gardeners try, experiment, observe, record and draw conclusions from their best potting mix recipe.

It is better to store prepared soil in the cold - this will help to further disinfect it. Store it on a cold balcony or garage. The cold will not only kill microorganisms, but also help get rid of earthworms. They have no place in a box or pots for seedlings, they will simply eat the young roots of plants.

Video on how to prepare the soil for sowing seeds for tomato seedlings

Containers for seedlings of tomato (tomatoes)

As you already understood, it is more convenient to sow tomatoes with seeds first into a common container (box), and then transplant them into small cups and into larger containers.

Their advantage is that one variety can be sown in one container.

Tomatoes easily tolerate transplantation and in general - the more transplants, the stronger the plant. In tomatoes, the damaged root system is quickly restored, and when it breaks, the sucking hairs begin to grow even thicker.

For growing seedlings, you can use various containers in the bottom of which there are drainage holes. It is better not to use wooden containers, since it is difficult to remove pathogens in a tree.

Plastic trays or bowls are best suited. Someone uses bags of kefir or milk - cut out the side wall and the box for sowing is ready. Again, lactic acid bacteria can remain in such bags, which then pass into the soil and mold will appear on its surface.

Therefore, it is better to use other available containers, such as plastic rectangular boxes with lids for cookies, sweets, juice. You can use plastic or paper cups. They need to be prepared in large quantities and do not forget to make 2-3 drainage holes with a diameter of 0.5 cm in the bottom of each.

You can buy a set of special pots with a removable bottom on a pallet. When transplanting, it will be easy, by pressing your finger on the bottom, to push out the whole clod of earth with roots from the pot. It turns out neat cubes of earth, braided with roots.

If we consider the budget option, then you can dive seedlings into plastic bags, where volume and shape are given with a stapler, make holes and put them tightly in any cardboard box covered with plastic wrap.

It all depends on your capabilities and imagination.

Why didn't the tomato seeds germinate?

Folk wisdom says: Forewarned is forearmed! And one more thing: Knowledge is power!

The reasons for the non-germination of seeds for tomato seedlings can be different, and here are some of them:

  1. Seed-borne infection. If the seeds were not disinfected before sowing, then pre-emergence germination of sprouts may occur.
  2. Infection introduced with seedlings.
  3. soil toxicity.
  4. Salt-laden soil.
  5. Too dense soil.
  6. Deep sowing. If, in addition, germination takes place at low temperatures, when the pre-emergence period is extended, there is a danger of subsoil rotting of the seedlings.
  7. Excess moisture. Waterlogging of the soil, combined with low temperatures, can lead to seed rot even at normal sowing depth.
  8. Soil acidification.
  9. Sowing seeds that have been stored at a low temperature for a long time. When stored in the cold, seeds can enter a state of deep dormancy from which it is difficult to wake them up. Such seeds may sprout in 2-3 weeks or not sprout at all.

In what containers to plant tomato seedlings - video

So, we have prepared the soil for seeds for tomato seedlings, determined favorable days for sowing, recommended containers for growing seedlings, and in the next article we will talk about caring for seedlings and how to grow them properly at home.

8 stages of growing healthy tomato seedlings A good tomato crop depends not only on proper plant care, but also on the quality of seedlings. Properly grown and prepared for planting seedlings at home is an indispensable requirement for a high yield of tomatoes. Tomato seedlings grown independently at home have a higher survival rate in the garden than seedlings purchased on the market. Time So, the seed material is purchased. now you need to pick up the dishes and time for planting. Sowing dates vary from region to region. It should be borne in mind that seedlings should be planted in the ground at the age of 60 days. Knowing the dates of the onset of stable warm weather, gardeners calculate the date of planting. Different sowing dates for early-ripening and late-ripening tomatoes. If landing in the ground is planned in mid-May, then they start sowing early tomatoes in mid-March. Late-ripening tomatoes have a longer growing season, they are sown in mid-late February, depending on the variety. Growing instructions are given on the seed packet.

Dishes For planting tomatoes for seedlings, both home-made devices and those purchased in gardening stores are used. It can be wooden and plastic boxes, dishes from sour cream, ice cream, yogurt, cakes, disposable plastic cups. Purchased containers with a transparent lid are very convenient. They place peat tablets or small cassettes for planting and close the lid to create a greenhouse effect. Peat tablets come in three sizes. For sowing tomato seeds, the average diameter is quite suitable. Soil At home, growing tomato seedlings requires careful selection of high-quality soil. From the beds where peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants grew, they do not take the land. To prepare high-quality soil, you will need: Sod land, peat, humus (in equal proportions); Superphosphate, potassium sulfate, urea (5 grams each); For more looseness, you can add sawdust. In order to neutralize the soil prepared at home, it must be allowed to freeze in a cold room. Accordingly, harvesting should be done in the fall. Soil disinfection helps prevent infection of seedlings with common diseases, as well as protect against insects and pests. The right option would be to buy a universal soil for growing seedlings of vegetables, it does not need to be pre-treated. And also, it includes additives necessary for plant nutrition. Shoots grown in it can not be fed. The containers are filled with moist earth, the tablets are soaked. seeds

The choice of seeds should be given special attention. First, you should consider the conditions under which tomatoes will be grown (greenhouse or open ground). Secondly, tomato varieties are divided into determinant (undersized, fruiting in the early stages) and inderermenant (tall, fruiting throughout the season). Seed material can be purchased at specialized stores, or you can collect seeds yourself from your own crop. It should be remembered that seeds are not collected from hybrid varieties of tomatoes. Preparation

The seed preparation procedure takes 1-2 days before the expected sowing date. In order to select a good seed, the seeds should be placed in a container of salt water, defective specimens (empty) will float. Such samples are not suitable for sowing; those with specimens that are immersed in the bottom of the container should be used. After that, the selected seeds must be disinfected and soaked for swelling. To disinfect seeds, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or table salt, the procedure will take about 20-25 minutes. Fresh seeds are ready for planting in 8-10 hours. If more than three years have passed since the collection of the seed, it will take more time to swell. To achieve the best effect, you can use a special solution for germination. To soak tomato seeds on a saucer, put a damp paper towel on which the seeds are placed, cover with a plastic lid. If the seeds were purchased in a store, they do not need processing, they are sold already processed with antiseptics. Sowing Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out from February to April. Here you should take into account the climatic factors of a certain region and the conditions for growing tomatoes. In moistened soil, holes should be made with a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm, the distance between them should be maintained at least 2-3 cm. Seeds are covered with a small amount of soil. If the seeds were not processed or soaked before planting (for seeds purchased in a store, processing is optional), then they should be sown to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. After sowing, carefully spill the seeds from a small watering can. Care

To begin with, the container with seedlings should be covered to create a greenhouse effect that promotes better germination. You can use polyethylene film or glass as a covering material. Until the first shoots appear, the air temperature in the room should not be lower than + 20-24 ° C. Lighting must be good. During the entire period of seed germination, condensate must be removed from the film. Watering crops during this period should be as the soil dries. For these purposes, a spray bottle with room temperature water should be used. After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed. After a week, the temperature in the room can be lowered to +18 ° C. Moderate watering and sufficient lighting during this period are very important, contributing to the formation of strong seedlings. If the plants are deficient, then the seedlings will stretch out and be weakened. Excessive watering can cause a plant disease such as "black leg". The first fertilizing with organic fertilizers can be done after the appearance of the first pair of full-fledged leaves. Seedling picking is done when the plants already have 3 leaves. Picking can be omitted if the seedlings are grown in peat-humus cups. Plants are transplanted into a deeper container with drainage holes. Dive will contribute to the formation of a good root system even before planting in the garden. After transplantation, the temperature in the room should be increased by 2-4 days, then return to normal temperature. Moderate and regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing, turning containers with seedlings around its axis will help strengthen the plants. With a lack of light and overheating of the tomatoes, very elongated seedlings will turn out. Hardening An important stage in the cultivation of tomatoes is the hardening of seedlings. When the temperature outside is above 15 degrees, the tomatoes are taken out onto the street or balcony. The first time it will be correct to leave the seedlings for 15 minutes. Every day this period is increased, after 5-7 days the tomatoes are left on the street, for the whole day. When warm weather sets in, leave it overnight. With this hardening of tomato seedlings, strong plants are obtained that will calmly endure the transplant. Do not be upset if, nevertheless, the seedlings turned out to be elongated. When it's time to plant the tomatoes in the ground, the long stems are coiled and placed in the hole. The root system will turn out to be powerful, respectively, and the harvest will be good.

Reading: 6 minutes

Your seedlings have grown, and frosts are a thing of the past. So, it's time to take care of the harvest and plant tomato sprouts in open ground.

To do this, when planting tomato sprouts, you need to follow a few rules that will help the seedlings take root better and provide you and your family with tomatoes until the next harvest.

When to plant: determine readiness for planting

Do not rush and start sowing in winter, because by the time the germinated seeds are planted in open ground, it will become who knows what. Focus primarily on climatic conditions and the variety of tomato.

Pay attention! The optimal time for most regions is mid-March. Long daylight hours and the frequent appearance of the sun will "program" tomato sprouts for a high yield.

The optimal "age" is 50-55 days. Since the landing is made at the junction of May and June, then the latest date when you can start sowing seeds will be the beginning of April. You can calculate approximate dates yourself. Subtract from the planting time the 45 days it takes for the seedlings to grow and the 7-10 days it takes to germinate.

For the successful development of the root system, it must be watered with a period of 6-8 days.

If, when growing tomato seedlings, you notice that they are very stretched, then reduce the frequency of watering and lower the temperature in the room.

Preparing tomatoes for planting

Site selection and preparation

Since the tomato is a light and heat-loving vegetable, it is best to plant it on the south side of the site. which will be protected from the cold wind. Even better, if there is a white wall nearby, which will improve the illumination of plants. Also, this species reacts negatively to high humidity, which means that low damp areas or a place with close groundwater are also not suitable.

The optimum level of soil acidity for tomatoes is pH 6.0–7. A good option would be loamy soil with organic and mineral fertilizers added to it. A good harvest in the harvest on the site, the soil of which has the following characteristics:

  • moisture capacity - 50%;
  • porosity - 70–75%;
  • air capacity - 20–25%;
  • density - 0.4–0.6 g / cm².

You should not plant tomatoes in the same area for several years in a row. It is not necessary to choose a place where pepper, eggplant or potatoes were grown last season, and you should not grow them next to tomatoes, as the risk of late blight disease increases. The best "predecessors" will be onions, cucumbers and cabbage.

Preparation of the site for planting a tomato begins in advance.

In the fall, it needs to be dug up and the following complex added to 1 square meter:

  • 40 grams of superphosphate;
  • 700 grams of lime;
  • 7 kilograms of organic fertilizers.

When it gets warmer, the site is dug up and regularly loosened. Additionally, 20 grams per square meter of potash fertilizers and superphosphate are added. 2–4 days before planting seedlings, ridges are prepared and fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers (20–30 grams per square meter).

Final preparations

Before planting seedlings, it is treated with Bordeaux liquid. Also, tomato sprouts can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. This is necessary to prevent disease.

How to plant tomato seedlings?

It is better to start transplanting seedlings on a day with high clouds or wait until evening if the weather is sunny. This is necessary so that during the night the sprouts get stronger and normally endure exposure to sunlight.

The sprout planting pattern depends on the variety of tomatoes, the irrigation system and the height of the tomatoes.

Each plant should be provided with the maximum amount of light and air. General recommendations can be formulated as follows:

  • for undersized varieties the distance between the ridges is - 50 centimeters, between plants - 40 centimeters;
  • for medium sized varieties, row spacing is 60 centimeters, and between stems - 50–60 centimeters;
  • for tall tomatoes, the distance between rows will be about 70 centimeters, and between plants - 70–80 centimeters.

It is advisable to plant future tomatoes in an open area in a checkerboard pattern. You also need to leave room for a technical opening. Between a pair of ridges, it is necessary to leave a passage about 50 centimeters wide. By following these intervals, you will not only provide the tomatoes with the necessary lighting and air, but also make it easier for yourself to water, as you will be able to throw a hose between the rows.

Given the "tenderness" of the sprouts, the planting process itself is not as simple as it might seem. The algorithm for planting tomato seedlings is as follows:

  1. Before planting sprouts in the ground, they are watered abundantly. This makes it easier to remove the seedlings from the pots and also reduces the chance of damage to the roots during transplanting.
  2. Holes for seedlings are made deep by the bayonet of a shovel. After digging the holes, they are filled to the top with water, and the gardener waits until it completely goes into the ground.
  3. When extracting seedlings from pots, it is advisable not to destroy the earthen ball. Depending on the growth of the tomato sprout, it is either planted vertically or placed on the edge of the hole.
  4. The root is sprinkled a little with soil, after which a little rotted manure or compost is scattered around it. After that, the hole is filled with earth and lightly compacted, and also watered at the rate of 1-2 liters of water per plant.
  5. For a garter, you need to install a peg near each sprout. But it is best to tie the tomatoes not to pegs, to synthetic twine (preferably) or wire stretched at a height of 1–1.2 meters.
  6. The first few days after planting, tomato sprouts are covered with a transparent film. After the rooting of the seedlings and the onset of warm weather, there is no need to cover with a film.
  7. During the rooting of the sprouts, they are not watered. On average, tomatoes need 8-10 days to adapt. 1.5–2 weeks after planting seedlings, it spuds to a height of up to 12 centimeters.

Care after placement in the open field

Proper care of tomato seedlings is a guarantee that your work will not be wasted. It can be divided into watering, loosening the soil, top dressing and picking.

The amount of water depends on the variety and weather conditions.

Before tomato sprouts take root, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. The soil must be loose. Otherwise, the resulting cracks can affect the root system, which will slow down the development of plants or their death.

Approximate amount of water needed for tomatoes:

  • when transplanting sprouts - 1.5–2 liters per plant;
  • when forming flowers and flowering - 20-35 liters per square meter;
  • when forming ovaries - 40-50 liters per square meter;
  • during the regular formation of fruits - 70-80 liters per square meter.

Before starting the harvest, to reduce the risk of late blight, tomato crackling and other problems, watering is gradually reduced.

After transplanting seedlings, the soil around it is loosened 1 time in 3-4 days after watering. To preserve the integrity of the roots, the loosening depth should not be deeper than 10–12 centimeters. A month later, you can increase to 14-16 centimeters. At the beginning of the process of closing the tops, it is necessary to carry out the slotting of the soil. To do this, cracks are made in the ground with a depth of 60 centimeters at a distance of 1–1.5 meters from each other.

Processing of young tomato bushes planted in a greenhouse.

The first feeding is done 2 weeks after planting the tomato sprouts. The mixture is mixed at the rate of 1 square meter:

  • 20–35 grams of potassium salt and superphosphate;
  • 8–10 kilograms of saltpeter;
  • 10-12 kilograms of nitrophoska or 5-6 kilograms of urea.

The second feeding is done 25-30 days after the first. The composition of the mixture and proportions remain the same. If, due to weather conditions, the tomatoes begin to wither, then the following mixtures will add strength to them:

  • a mixture of bird droppings with water in a ratio of 1:14;
  • a mixture of cow dung with water in a ratio of 1:10.

The mixtures are soaked for a day, after which half a liter is mixed with 10 liters of water and distributed over 3 tomatoes. After 7 days, top dressing must be repeated.

The first pick (removal of 3 lower leaves) is made 1.5–2 months after planting. A day later, the tomatoes are watered. This procedure is repeated at least once a week. If this is not done, then the plants will begin to hurt due to the resulting stagnation of air.

Useful video

In conclusion, watch a practical video on planting tomato seedlings in open ground:

Growing tomato seedlings at home is a process that requires a lot of time and attention. But later you will be rewarded with a generous harvest. Sowing tomatoes for seedlings begins at the end of winter or the beginning of spring, depending on the region.

Tomatoes suggest sowing for seedlings, because these are southern heat-loving plants, and it is the seedling method of growing that allows you to get a crop in a short summer. Therefore, we plant tomatoes in the ground with seedlings, and not with seeds. How to plant seedlings of tomatoes depends on their further development and the harvest itself. An experienced vegetable grower who knows how to properly plant tomato seedlings first determines the sowing date, then skillfully selects and prepares planting material, as well as suitable dishes. After sowing, you need to grow tomato seedlings at home strong and healthy, so that when the time comes, plant tomato seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse.

When to plant

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground occurs after 45–60 days of growth, when it has grown by 20–30 cm, has 5–7 leaves and a flower lash. Knowing the weather conditions of the area, it can be assumed when in spring the soil warms up to + 12 ... + 15 ° C and the threat of return frosts disappears. From this time, approximately 65 days must be subtracted - this will be the date when the cultivation of tomato seedlings is allowed.

In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, sowing is done even in winter. In Central Russia, summer residents sow tomatoes for seedlings after March 15, and gardeners in Siberia and the Urals - in the first half of April. If it is planned to plant seedlings of tomatoes in the protected ground of the greenhouse, then seedlings of tomatoes at home begin to be grown 20 days earlier. Sowing is best done with the growing moon, choosing the right day in accordance with the lunar calendar.

Selection and preparation of seeds

Preparation of tomato seeds for sowing seedlings begins a few days before a certain date by heating the seeds and determining the degree of their germination. Wherever the seeds were stored before, they should be moved to a warm room. Many summer residents prefer to hold a gauze bag of seeds near the battery for a couple of days.

To determine how many seeds you need, it is desirable to know the percentage of their germination. To do this, they take a certain number of seeds (the more, the more accurate the forecast will be), soak them with warm water, spread them on cotton pads or a soft cloth moistened with water, and keep them near the battery until sprouts appear. Then the percentage of germinated seeds is calculated and the required amount of seed is determined, if necessary, it is bought in addition.

Next, the seeds are culled by soaking them for a while: seeds that do not settle to the bottom can be thrown away. Usually this selection is carried out simultaneously with the preparation, since it still involves soaking the seed. Some gardeners simply soak the seeds in warm soft water for a day before sowing. This is enough for seeds purchased from a good manufacturer who has already disinfected them. If the seed was taken from its stocks or was purchased on the market (without certificates), then you should first hold it for 20–25 minutes in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry it slightly. You can soak the seeds for a day with an aqueous solution of aloe juice (take an equal amount of water and juice), which will make future plants stronger and positively affect the quality of the crop. You can hold them for a day in a soda solution (2 g of soda per 1 glass of water), which contributes to early fruiting.

Necessary conditions for growing

Not sure how to grow tomato seedlings? First of all, you need to prepare conditions that are comfortable for her: a balance of heat and moisture, the right amount of light, fresh air without drafts, suitable dishes. How many days does it take for tomatoes to sprout? The best temperature for germination is from +26 to +30 ° C, sprouts will appear in 3-5 days. At a temperature of + 22 ... + 25 ° C, tomatoes will sprout in 7-9 days, at a lower temperature - longer.

Light is not needed until sprouts appear, which means that the dishes can be stacked on top of each other and kept on the floor near the battery. But first you need to prepare the soil in which you can plant the seeds. Tomato seedlings grow well in loose nutrient soil that can hold the right amount of moisture. Humus and soddy soil taken in equal parts is a good option, you just need to add sand or sawdust for looseness. You can take black soil, sand and garden soil, sand and high peat, coconut substrate, peat tablets. The main requirement for the soil is that the pH should be 5.5–6.0.

It is advisable to sift the soil through a fine sieve so that its fractions correspond to the size of the seed, otherwise there will be air voids between the small roots and the ground. Also, the soil must be disinfected before use. To do this, it is shed with a hot saturated solution of potassium permanganate, kept for 30 minutes in an oven heated to 200 ° C or a couple of minutes in a microwave at maximum power. After that, the earth is moistened and left for 2 weeks at room temperature.


Planting tomatoes with seeds takes place in different containers. These can be cassettes, peat tablets or cups, individual pots or boxes. Peat tablets and cups are good because you can do without a pick; cassettes on a pallet are convenient for the possibility of bottom irrigation; most summer residents use wooden or plastic boxes to save space. It is enough to take boxes 10 cm high, fill them with prepared soil by 2/3, moisten it with warm, clean and soft water. Grooves are made in the soil with a depth of 1–1.5 cm at a distance of 3–4 cm from each other.

Prepared seeds are laid out in them, sprinkled with sand, earth or vermiculite. From above, the sowing is covered with glass or a transparent film, placed at a heat source. After how many days the seedlings sprout depends on the quality of the seed, temperature and humidity level, but immediately after that the glass is removed and the dishes are exposed to light.

Seedling Care

How to grow tomato seedlings before planting tomatoes in open ground? It needs to be watered, provided with the right amount of light, sometimes the aisles are loosened, and the air temperature is regulated. As soon as the seeds germinate, they reduce the air temperature to +16 ° C for a week so that they do not stretch excessively. But they need to be provided with light around the clock for the first 3-4 days. Then they will need a 12-hour daylight hours, so they will have to illuminate with a phytolamp, placing it above the box. A week after the appearance of the first sprouts, the temperature regime is set with a daytime temperature of about +22 ° C, and at night - + 16 ... + 18 ° C. It is believed that until the first true leaf appears, seedlings can not be watered, but it is better to check the condition of the soil and water if necessary.

You can moisten the ground from above with a syringe (without a needle) or a narrow neck of a watering can so as not to wet the stems. The older the plants, the more moisture they will need. With the appearance of 2-3 leaves, they are watered weekly, and with the appearance of 5 leaves - every 3-4 days. Water should be clean, soft, warm (a couple of degrees warmer than air).

After the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are thinned out so that the distance between plants is at least 5 cm. If there is a shortage of seedlings, they are carefully transplanted into empty places. If the seedling looks weak, it lacks nutrition, then you can feed it at the same time as watering the Agricola Vegeta solution or another special preparation, it is only advisable to dilute it in a lower concentration than indicated on the package. After picking, you can water the plants with a solution of charcoal, calcium nitrate and urea, and strictly on the ground so as not to burn the greens.


When the third true leaf appears in the plants, they dive into separate cups with a volume of at least 0.5 liters. The dishes are filled with the same soil as for sowing, moistened, a depression is made in the middle, and the plant is placed. Some vegetable growers shorten the central root at the same time, but others consider this unnecessary, since the root is still injured during transplantation.

So, how to plant correctly, everyone decides for himself. With a large number of seedlings, they dive in 2 plants, folded together, tied tightly with synthetic thread. When they are accepted in a new place, they will grow up to 15 cm tall, grow together with stalks, pinch off one top. This forms a strong plant with a double root. Be that as it may, planting tomato seedlings in separate cups greatly weakens them, so for several days they increase the air temperature for easier survival.

Terms of landing in the ground

When to plant tomatoes in open ground with seedlings depends on the region. The timing of planting seedlings in the ground varies from April in the south to early June in the north. For summer residents of the central regions of Russia, May is the best time to plant seedlings. It is better to coordinate the days for planting tomatoes in May with the lunar calendar, but you can plant tomatoes in the ground in May if the earth has warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. You can plant tomato seedlings in the ground if it has reached 30 cm in height, has 6–7 leaves and a flower lash. 2 weeks before the proposed planting of tomatoes, they begin to harden them, taking them out into the street. Walks begin with a short time: first put in the shade, then increase the time, accustom to direct sunlight.

How to properly plant

Before planting tomatoes in the garden, they loosen and moisten it, although the main preparation took place in the fall. When planting tomatoes in the ground, holes are often fertilized by mixing mineral fertilizers with the ground. Planting tomatoes takes place on a warm cloudy day. It is even desirable to shade them for the first two days.

Seedlings are watered abundantly to make it easier to remove from the dishes. They are placed in prepared holes together with a clod of earth, deepened to cotyledon leaves. If the plants are too long on the windowsill, you can plant even deeper by cutting off a couple of lower leaves and placing them at an angle in the ground. Then new roots will grow from the stem.

30 cm is left between bushes of undersized varieties, and 70 cm between rows. If the bushes grow tall and wide, then a gap of at least 60 cm is left between them, and at least 130 cm between rows. Planted plants are squeezed with earth, watered, mulched with sawdust , sand and peat.

Further care of the bushes

If the planting of tomatoes was successful, it still takes several days for the planted seedlings to adapt in a new place.

Next, be sure to remove the weeds, loosen the ground after watering. Fertilize for the first time 10 days after planting, and then after 2 weeks, if the soil condition requires it. Tomatoes require uniform watering, but not excessive, so as not to provoke fungal diseases. It is necessary to pinch plants in time, as well as form bushes.

Video "Planting tomatoes in open ground"

From this video you will learn how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground.