Plum details. Cultivation, useful properties and variety selection. Techniques for creating a beautiful flower arrangement of tulips on the site What flowers to plant tulips with

Spring tulips look very beautiful in the beds, even planted in rows or between other plants. But if you want your primroses to look especially luxurious, plant them in an unusual way. In this article, we will look at some examples of original tulip plantings and talk about some tricks for placing them in the ground.

How to plant tulips so that the flower beds are always beautiful

If you are already growing tulips in your garden or under your balcony, then you are probably aware of the problem of dry leaves. The agrotechnics of growing bulbs stipulate that they should be dug out of the ground after the leaves have completely withered and dried. It is not recommended to dig up tulips immediately after flowering - the bulbs still need time to ripen in the ground. It turns out that after a violent flowering, the garden bed does not look very neat for another month, because tulip leaves dry up on it.

  • So that dry leaves do not spoil the picture of the entire garden, plant tulips and all other bulbs in special plastic container baskets. They come in many shapes and sizes, and the choice of them depends on where and in what order you want to plant tulips.
  • After the tulips planted in containers have faded, you can very carefully, without damaging the clod of earth, dig containers with bulbs and bury them in a secluded place where withering leaves will not spoil the picture of the site.
  • Transplanting with a lump will absolutely not harm the bulbs and they will ripen quietly.
  • Bulb containers are absolutely not expensive, but you can build them yourself from large plastic bottles. See the video at the very end of this article for examples of using bottles for planting tulips.
  • Before planting tulips, draw a diagram of their placement on a piece of paper. Do not forget to also calculate the number of bulbs that you will need for a particular composition.

How to plant tulips beautifully so that the flower beds look unusual and original

Large color patches

Flower beds look very beautiful, on which flowers are planted in large groups. Choose tulips of different varieties and colors and plant them in large groups that close together. Choose varieties of tulips of the same flowering period and the same height.

Below you see an example of a large group of tulips, made up of plants of the same color range, but of different shapes and colors.

winding path

It is wonderful and very unusual to look like a kind of flower path. Plant tulips in such a flower bed of the same variety and be sure to shade them with flowers of a contrasting color. Small flowers are best planted that will bloom all summer. Then you can plant some other flowers in place of tulips and the path will delight you all season.

And here is the same path, but made up of only tulips, contrasting in color.

Round flower beds

Standard round tulip beds can look very original if you plant low multi-colored daisies or undersized daisies between tall solid flowers.

And this round flower bed looks absolutely charming due to the fact that botanical tulips grow on it. The so-called botanical varieties look stronger due to their small height and powerful flower stalks. You can dilute the overall compact picture with a few tall flowering plants. In this case, it is an ordinary hazel grouse. In color, it can match the color of tulips or be made in the opposite shade.

Another example of a round flower bed with tulips, which also serves as a fence for a tree.

in various containers

Blooming tulips in ceramic pots for home flowers will decorate the entrance to your home.

Large containers with blooming bulbs look great along garden paths. Place them throughout the garden as well.

These wooden boxed tulips will brighten up your yard and look great on your porch or patio.

And here is an example of using a completely unusual object for planting tulips in it. In this case, it is an old wooden boat. In the same way, you can use wicker baskets, grandmother's irons, buckets or barrels. Old items must be painted or treated with drying oil.

We hope that our ideas about beautiful tulip beds will definitely come in handy for you. And now the promised video about bulbous baskets.

Often readers ask the question: what to plant with tulips. To make it beautiful later, when the tulips begin to fade, which plants will brighten up these places in the flower garden. Before planning the planting of tulips, you need to decide for yourself whether you will dig up tulips annually or whether they will remain growing for 3-4 years in place. If you decide to dig up tulips every year, you should plant tulips densely and use bulbous plants as companions for them. Autumn is a beautiful combination of tulips with muscari, hyacinths and daffodils. Flowering is almost simultaneous, the flower garden will look in all its spring glory, and then you just dig up the bulbs and plant other plants in their place.

If we consider the option that tulips will not be dug up annually, then perennials and annuals can be planted along with tulips.

More often they combine tulips with hostas, when tulips are at their most beautiful, hostas only appear from under the ground, and then the yellowed leaves of tulips will close the blossoming hosta leaves in time. In place of the host, there may also be astilbes, bruners. The classic combination of tulips with forget-me-nots, all the voids between tulips densely sowed with forget-me-not looks very beautiful, especially now forget-me-nots come in different colors, you can choose variations.

Tulips and Viola: It is better to plant a viola of the same color and type, it will create a beautiful low background for tulips, you need to plant a viola tightly for the beauty of a flower garden.

Tulips and daisies: also plant tightly between tulips, or around tulips, around daisies. Also, primrose of different varieties is planted with tulips.

Planting tulips under ground cover perennials such as styloid phlox, sedum, arabis, and aubrieta can be called successful. Tulips will fade, turn yellow, you cut them off, and this place in the flower garden will be occupied by ground covers in all its glory, and, as a rule, they will bloom at this time.

Tulips and perennials such as verbena, petunia, which bloom early just after the tulips have finished blooming.

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You can plant in a month.

Decorating only flower beds with tulips is just one of the less. Tulips look attractive along with other flowers and ornamental plants. In addition, by choosing the right neighbors, you can not only emphasize the beauty of hiding, but also tulips, their fading stems and leaves after Options.

I usually dig up tulips and daffodils after they bloom and the green leaves turn yellow, you can keep tulips in one place without digging them out, but in order to propagate the variety, I dig them out every year. After digging, you need to rinse the bulbs well and treat them in the Maxim solution, if you don’t have it, then with a weak solution of manganese, then let it dry and put it in a dark, cool place, and in September you can plant it again, do not forget to put sand in the hole when planting , but in no case not manure, you can mulch it after you plant tulips.

  • Mistake number 2: We extract daffodils at the same time as tulips
  • Tulips are planted from September 15 to October 5. Their fastest rooting occurs at a soil temperature of 5-7 °C. If the temperature is higher, then the bulbs take root more slowly and are more often affected by diseases. In dry weather, watering is necessary after planting. Tulip bulbs are planted in sections (separately large and small)so that during the growing season the plants do not oppress each other.
  • The next day, rinse with a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • planting dates for tulips

If you have chosen the right place to store your tulip bulbs, with the ability to ventilate and reduce the temperature if necessary, all planting material will be perfectly preserved until autumn, and you will not have to cull moldy bulbs during planting. And as you already understood, high-quality planting material is the key to the successful cultivation of excellent tulips!​ Bulbs can be dusted with ash and sprinkled with sand on all sides;

Choosing the right time to plant tulip bulbs

Photograph of planting tulips

The love for tulips has not bypassed our flower growers: for some, planting tulip bulbs has become a favorite hobby, and someone, conquered by the charm of delicate buds, is just beginning to master the art of growing this bulbous culture.

And the distance depends on what and how many bulbs you have.

flowering, how to beautifully plant tulips with other plants in the garden: It is necessary to dig out when the bulbs fade and the leaf turns yellow, plant - in the fall, a month before the onset of frost. In general, daffodils can not be dug up annually, they do not need it. Unlike tulips, they do not have a clear dormant period, and the bulbs and roots are perennial.

The planting depth of all bulbs depends on the type of plant, but on average they adhere to the rule of three times the height of the bulb. This refers to the thickness of the soil layer above the bulb, and not the distance from the bottom of the hole or furrow to the surface.​

Brief instructions on how to plant tulip bulbs

Plant the bulbs in the ground.

- from the second decade of September until the last days of October. The right time to plant tulips depends on the region and the local climate. So, in central Russia, bulbs are planted starting from the twentieth of September, and in the southern regions - from October.

Tulips are one of the earliest spring flowers that appear in abundance in retail sales for the Eighth of March holiday, and after the snow melts, they begin to peep out from the warmed earth in private flower beds to soon bloom with fragrant delicate flowers. If you finally decide to plant lovely tulips in your garden, you will most likely have a logical question: when to plant tulips?

  • On top of the planting, cover with soil and level the surface of the earth with a rake.
  • That is why, to the question of beginners: “When to plant tulip bulbs?” experienced flower growers unanimously answer:
  • In the Netherlands, the cultivation of tulips has become a real cult - every year the endless fields are covered with multi-colored carpets of these bright flowers, causing admiration among travelers.
  • If a line - 10 centimeters.
  • Tulips are successfully combined with slender hyacinths, lovely forget-me-nots, small pansies, eyes and primrose;
  • Of course, delicate tulips are beautiful on their own, but imagine what an amazing effect you can achieve if you know how beautiful to plant tulips! Using various techniques of landscape design yourself, you can easily turn your site into a work of art with the help of various bright colors of shades. And even if the tulips in the garden do not bloom for long, the effort expended on them is worth that time. Do not deny yourself a wonderful spring fairy tale!​

A tulip bulb changes every year for a new one. As soon as flowering ends, the roots of the bulb begin to die off, because a new one has appeared, and this new one will grow roots only by autumn.

Planting depth of tulip bulbs

What to do with bulbs after tulips bloom?

Video about how to plant tulips You need to plant tulips in open ground until April, but if frosts are still possible in your area at this time, first plant the bulbs in a container of a suitable size, and only then carefully transplant them into a flower bed.

It would be logical to start planting bulbs in the spring, along with other flowers and vegetables. But it was not there! Most experienced flower growers unanimously argue that autumn is the only suitable time when it is better to plant tulips. Although there are also supporters of spring planting, who can give a lot of reasons why it is preferable to plant tulip bulbs in the ground in spring. So, when should tulips be planted, and who is right?

If the autumn is dry, the flower bed will need to be watered a week and a half after planting. As soon as stable frosts come, mulch the ground with peat, dry leaves, compost or straw. In the spring, remove the mulch so that it does not interfere with the tender shoots of tulips.


And of course, at first, newcomers have a lot of questions: For example, I make several "flowerbeds" half a meter by 20 centimeters (approximately) and plant them close in two layers - it turns out very beautifully in the spring.

You can often see bright blue muscari next to tulips;

In order to immediately achieve the desired correction and not later mistakes, think about how to plant tulips in advance. And since these bulbous plants are recommended to be planted in flower beds in the fall, it is worthwhile to start planning a flower garden for the next season during the summer months. Schematic sketches of flower beds in color will help you find suitable combinations of plants and will more than allow you to visualize how everything will look together in reality.​

When is the best time to plant tulips - in mid-autumn or early spring?

And the narcissus bulb, as it were, grows from the inside, “swells” due to the appearance of new scales. And if the soil is rich, a shady place and there is enough moisture, then daffodils can stand with leaves almost until the end of summer. Because they always have nourishing roots.

Nature will tell you the right answer

On heavy clay soils, the planting depth is reduced by 2-3 cm, and on light sandy soils it is increased by the same 2-3 cm. The tops of the bulbs should always be directed upwards when planting. If they turn upside down, they will germinate much later and will be weakened. Also, you can not fill up the bulbs to the side. In shady areas, a spring flower bed is arranged from shade-tolerant plants (Fig. 27).

The main thing, remember: no matter what time to plant tulips, agricultural technology must be observed carefully, otherwise, due to improper care, the bulb of the plant grinds, and after it the stems and flowers will become smaller.

You can determine when to plant tulips by soil temperature:

It is only important not to rush so that the bulbs do not sprout until frost, and not to delay the timing, otherwise flowering will come much later. It is necessary to choose such a time from mid-September to mid-October, when the soil temperature will stably stay at around +10 degrees at a depth of up to 15 cm.​

Oh, with tulips here is confusion and vacillation... and in the spring they plant stubbornly and already in mid-August they gathered ...

Best time to plant tulips

Tulip buds look spectacularly bright against the backdrop of lush hostas and ferns;

In landscape design, there are several basic techniques on how to most effectively arrange flowers and plants on the site. These techniques can also be successfully used during landing. Landing. Daffodils do not dig at all, after flowering, beautiful grass remains, when it starts to wither, just cut it to ground level. Tulips are dug up after flowering, and dried until the bulbs have taken all the juices from the leaves, then the bulbs are cleaned of dried leaves and stored in a dry room. Tulips are planted in September-October. In many areas there are places where there is little sun - near the northern wall of the house or under the crowns of trees. Very often such places are empty - it is believed that nothing will grow there. However, there are many flowers with different flowering periods that can successfully develop and bloom in the shade. Plants that bloom in spring are best planted under the crowns of fruit trees, since by the time the fruits are harvested, these plants have already faded.

It is not recommended to dig daffodils often, because the bulb lives for several years and is overgrown with children. This is usually done after three or four years, when the "family" becomes large. And some children can no longer pick up buds :) I don’t cut the leaves of the faded daffodils, I braid them and leave them to natural yellowing. Thus, the bulbs are better prepared for the next flowering.

As soon as at a depth of ten centimeters the soil temperature dropped to + 7 + 9 degrees, it was time to start planting the bulbs;

  • To come to the right conclusion when it is better to plant tulips, you should pay attention to how these flowers grow in nature. Having understood the natural rhythm of life of wild-growing tulips, you can easily understand what the more delicate varietal flowers growing in flower beds want.
  • So, in the spring you have fully enjoyed the graceful beauty of the blossoming buds, and now the question arose of whether to dig up the tulips or let them continue to grow in the same place? Those who have been growing this bulb crop for more than a year will answer you without hesitation that the digging of tulips must be carried out without fail. Otherwise, your flowers will become smaller and lose their beauty, because in the place of one bulb in the summer a nest of daughter bulbs is formed, which gradually become crowded and lack nutrients. If you leave such nests of bulbs in the same place from year to year, your flower bed will eventually become less attractive.
  • There is nothing wrong with planting tulips on frozen ground until early December, as well as spring planting bulbs - use the recommendations in the article to slightly speed up the flowering of tulips in this case.
When to plant tulip bulbs;

Tulips are planted when the soil temperature is +10 gr. In the suburbs, this is either the end of September or the beginning of October. Prepare the soil ahead of time. Bulbs are planted to a depth of 3 bulbs, not pressed, but carefully laid. Well-rooted bulbs winter well.

A very interesting composition can be planted, create tulips next to flowering shrubs - forsythia, luiseania, rhododendron and weigela;

Features of spring planting

tulips in groups

  • Daffodils should have been planted in the fall
  • Tulips are dug up when the leaves turn yellow. But not later, because then you will not find the bulb. Daffodils can not be dug up for several years. You need to plant in the fall, around October.
  • The tulip is called the king of spring flower gardens and has been worshiped by people for centuries. Its bulbs are renewed every year and replaced by new ones. When the leaves begin to turn yellow and the covering scales of the bulbs become light brown in color, it's time to start harvesting the bulbs. There is another way to determine the time of digging: if the end of the tulip stem can be easily wrapped around your finger, the bulbs can be dug up.

If the temperature is higher, the bulbs will sprout, which will die during the first frost, and rooting will be worse;

Video about the correct planting of tulips

When are tulips and daffodils dug up? And when are they planted again?

Bondarenko Olga

It remains only to decide when to dig up tulip bulbs: wait until the last, until the stems are completely dry, or immediately remove flowering plants from the flower bed so that they do not spoil the view? It is best to start digging when the above-ground part of the tulips has already turned yellow, but has not yet dried up, otherwise the nests will crumble, and some bulbs may remain unnoticed in the ground.
Before you start planting, you need to choose an unshaded place in the garden, prepare the soil and bulbs. The land in the flower bed should turn out to be fertile, loose, air and water permeable, and the bulbs should be sorted by size, rejecting all diseased, damaged and too small specimens. Immediately before planting in the ground, the planting material is freed from the upper husk and disinfected with potassium permanganate or Maxim.
What place to choose for them, and how to prepare a flower bed;


Advice - read articles on the Internet by Vyacheslav Khondyrev - a breeder and agronomist, an expert on bulbs.

Tulips invariably attract attention, growing against the background of greenery of boxwood conifers or plants.

No matter how much you want to buy a couple of bulbs of the variety you like, try not to succumb to this desire or buy several bulbs at once. The fact is that graceful beautiful tulips look only in group plantings, but if you plant different varieties one by one, the flower bed will simply turn into a vinaigrette. And single specimens scattered around here and there, then there, may even remain unnoticed, no matter how magnificent they are.​

Planted in August I don’t dig them up. They’ll disappear, I’ll think of new ones.

They dig in the summer, plant in the fall, so that they have time to take root before frost! !​

Practice shows that without annual digging, the multiplication factor decreases, the bulbs become smaller, the plant nutrition area decreases, the risk of damage to the bulbs by diseases and pests increases, the soil is depleted, and pathogens accumulate in it. Therefore, it is better to dig tulips annually.

At a lower soil temperature, the bulbs simply do not have time to take root well before the onset of frost, which will lead to a lag in growth of tulips in spring and unsuccessful flowering.

For most types of tulips, the homeland is Central Asia. Here, wild tulips are found in stony and sandy deserts, in arid mountainous regions, foothills, on scree, in rock crevices, and also in the steppes. In early spring, the slopes of the mountains and deserts of Central Asia are a truly picturesque picture - blooming tulips play with bright colors in the sun, covering the ground with flowering carpets.​

In the photo planting tulips


How deep to plant bulbs;


Tulips look better when they grow close, 10 cm is enough, you can get closer if you don’t need a large baby to grow. plant calibrated bulbs.​
Decorating their garden with tulips, flower growers invariably face the question: what to do, when will their flowering stop? You have to choose between economy and beauty - leave the withered plants in the flower beds, the bulb so that it has time to accumulate nutrients and optimal sizes to grow, or immediately dig out the fading tulips and get rid of them without regret, acquiring new planting material every year.
The color of several of the spots of tulips of the same variety and one shade looks much more spectacular. Moreover, if you wish, you can place several such “color spots” on one flower bed, creating a contrast or composition using a smooth transition of shades. It will also be interesting to look at a monochrome flower bed, on which tulips grow of the same color, but of different types: terry and simple, simple and fringed, simple and lily-colored, etc.
We don't dig them up. only new ones are planted. germany
But once I kept in my documents, a piece of an interesting article, I don’t even remember from where :(
Tulips and daffodils
Sufficient time for rooting the planted bulbs is about 20-30 days with optimal soil moisture and temperature in its upper layers up to +7 degrees.
As soon as the spring heat turns into hot heat, tulips quickly fade, dry up, and all life in them is concentrated in the bulbs. The bulbs go deep into the ground, and with the advent of cool autumn weather, they form new roots in order to bloom again in the spring immediately after waking up.
The optimal time for digging tulips in central Russia falls on the period from the third decade of June to mid-July. It is desirable that the weather at this time be dry.
How bulbs are planted:

Hope L

What to do so that the plantings do not freeze over the winter and give friendly shoots in the spring, etc.


Now if the leaves are yellow, dig them in the shade, dry them, at the end of August-September you will dig


From the city tulips, flower beds are dug up with green leaves and the bulbs are sent for growing. In private flower beds, yellowing gardeners try to cover tulips with other plants, digging up tulips when their foliage turns completely yellow. But the third is an option that is gaining more and more popularity: planting tulips in containers or Huge. baskets, the advantage of this option is that containers can be dug out of the ground at any time, filling the flower bed with summers, and putting the bulbs in containers or baskets for growing in another Use.

julia thelen

​Landing Altitude​

Nina Ablalimova

I transplant daffodils, divide them as needed, preventing large bushes from growing. When the bush is large, there are a lot of bulbs and they interfere with each other, they begin to bloom worse, they become smaller. I dig out when the leaves begin to turn yellow, die off.
Mistake #1: Tulip bulbs need to be dug up at the end of July

Tatyana Sergeeva

Tulips and daffodils do not grow well in mixed plantings, so they are best planted in separate flower beds. If it is planned to combine these flowers with other plants, then it is better to plant them in recessed containers that are easy to include in any flower arrangement. For this purpose, old galvanized buckets are suitable, at the bottom of which drainage holes are made, a layer of broken brick or gravel (5 cm) is poured, and then an earthen mixture. Each Container shall be provided with a tin, foil or plastic label indicating the type, grade or color to prevent confusion. You can plant 5-7 tulips or 3 daffodils in one bucket.​



Thus, the flowering of tulips in the natural environment occurs only after a period of winter cooling, which is necessary for the formation of substances in the bulbs that affect the germination and flowering of the plant.

Valentia Zvonoreva

Keep in mind: if you want to direct all the forces of the tulip to the formation of strong, large bulbs, the buds should be broken off even before they begin to bloom. At the same time, at least two leaves must remain on the stem, which are necessary for plant photosynthesis.

Make grooves or separate holes for tulip bulbs in the flowerbed, you can place planting material on level ground;

Since it is in the bulbs that all the organs of future tulips are laid and develop, working with planting material requires special attention. It is important to figure out in advance how to properly plant tulip bulbs, so that later you do not get upset because half of the seedlings did not appear, or the flowers turned out to be not at all as beautiful as expected.

As soon as it starts to get colder, I dig for onion "pits". The deeper the planting, the stronger and larger then the plants. At the bottom of the pit, I pour the purchased earth from the store, then carefully stick lilies, onions (where I need it), then tulips at a distance of 1 bulb, no more, in the form of filled patterns. I frame with crocuses in 3-4 rows, back to back. I fill the rest of the space with small blue bells (I forgot the name) And I make a couple more lines with daffodils. Then I carefully sprinkle everything with the same purchased land, and I fall asleep already with my native land. My friends still sow lawn grass on top, this does not allow weeds to grow, and the flower bed has a well-groomed appearance. Like this. It takes the whole day, there are about 400 plants in the flowerbed, but in spring the beauty is indescribable.​

The place of containers also allows you to solve the problem with soil on the site, because tulips need fertile light soil. In the case of baskets and containers, you won’t have to puzzle over where to plant them so that the tulips take root well - it’s enough to fill the container with suitable soil mixture and place the Source there.

Considering the height of the various varieties, they can be carefully arranged “by growth” by lining up a row of tulips with the highest peduncles in the background, in the middle of the middle height varieties, and in the foreground dwarf tulips or other undersized landing. tulip flowers in height can also be carried out in flowerbeds of multi-level stepped shape or on earthen-like mounds, fantasy will tell you. The main thing is that the plants do not cover each other.

Tulips are also dug, looking at the condition of the leaves. Dry and planted (in our region) - September-October. Preferably annually.​

- No way! The digging of tulips should not be tied strictly to the calendar. They are dug when the leaves begin to turn yellow. If you wait until the tulip leaves turn completely yellow or dry out, half of the planting material will be lost. Because by this moment the children are already separated from the bulb, and when you dig out, you simply won’t find them, they will remain in the ground.

Tulips in containers are dug up immediately after flowering and transferred to the store, where they finish the growing season, and summers are planted in their place. Containers with daffodils remain in place for 3-4 years, after which the bulbs are taken out, sorted and planted again in a fresh earthen mixture.

But if for some reason the recommended dates were missed, when can tulips be planted in this case? According to experienced gardeners, it is possible to plant bulbs until the first days of December - this is still better than postponing planting in the spring. And so that the bulbs do not freeze, and the tulips do not lag behind in development in the spring, it is recommended to cover the flower bed with spruce branches, dry leaves or straw and sprinkle with snow on top.

Tulips in garden design in combination with other plants?

After carefully digging the bulbs at the right time, sorting them by variety and size, you need to think about where to store the tulips until the autumn planting. For this purpose, you should choose a room in which the temperature will be kept at +20 degrees, there will be no dampness and sunlight. A dark covered terrace or a wooden shed is optimal.​

Pour some sand into the holes to prevent tulip bulb disease;

  • Video about planting tulip bulbs
  • There will be a new moon next weekend, it is better not to take risks, but to plant today or tomorrow. While the waning moon - it is necessary to plant. And the moon is in the sign of a lion, tulips will be especially beautiful.​
  • On the 20th of September, at a distance of 10-15 cm from the bulb. You can do it a little more often if you dig onions every year.
  • Planting by flowering time
  • I don’t dig up daffodils (they are transplanted after 5-7 years), and tulips every summer, when the leaves die off. And in order to make it more convenient to find, I plant them in boxes with holes (plastic), bury them in the ground, they will fade, I'm holding the handles and drying. I'll sort it out, dry it, in the basement. For daffodils, the best planting time is September. Bulbs take root well until frost. The depth of planting depends on the size of the bulbs - within 10-15 cm. For tulips - planting dates depending on the zone: in the middle zone - from September 15 to October 5, in the south - from October 100 to November 25, in the northwestern part - from 5 to 25 September.​

Important features of planting a garden in tulips?

And at the stage when the leaves have just begun to turn yellow and still have signs of greenery, the bulb is already ripe enough and can be dug up.

A spring flowerbed of tulips or daffodils looks great. These flowers belong to bulbous plants and reproduce by children, which are formed from the axillary buds of the bulb. Daffodils begin to be planted in August (in the northern zone) or in September-October (in the southern zone). With such planting dates, plants take root before frost and easily endure winter, and their spring flowering depends on this. Planting depth also plays an important role, which depends on the size of the bulbs.

It also happens that flower growers remember the need to plant tulips only on the eve of spring. The time, though not the most successful, but now do not completely abandon these graceful flowers. Tulips planted in spring also grow, but begin to bloom much later. You can speed up their flowering with a simple trick:

when and at what distance to plant tulips


The life cycle of cultivated tulips is the same as that of wild tulips, so autumn is the best time to plant tulips. Once in the ground, the bulbs have time to grow roots before frost, after which life freezes in them with the onset of winter. In the spring, a stem quickly peeps out from under the snow and tender buds form in a short time. At the end of flowering, tulips are dug up, and the bulbs are sent for storage until autumn planting.


Video about when and how to dig up tulips

cat bazilio

Determine the planting depth depending on the size of the bulbs - they are usually planted at a depth three times the size of the bulb (preliminary sorting of planting material by size will make your task easier);


Unlike most garden plants and flowers, tulip bulbs are not planted in spring, but in autumn. To understand why this happens, it is enough to pay attention to how tulips grow in natural conditions. Wild-growing tulips begin to bloom immediately after the snow melts, bright flowering does not last long enough, and by summer the plants begin to gradually fade and dry out. All the vital forces of tulips pass into the bulbs, which are temporarily buried in the ground and begin to form new flowers. Particularly active development occurs in bulbs in the cool autumn months and during wintering.
A couple of years ago, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article like "how to grow a tulip at home by March 8". It was recommended to plant the bulb in early October in a container with earth and put it in the cold (I kept it in the refrigerator), watering occasionally. After about a month or two, I put it in a dark place. On New Year's Eve, I "hatched" a wonderful pink tulip :))​
Planted at the end of September, beginning of October, three bulb sizes deep and at a distance of 10-15 cm between the bulbs
If you do not want the flower bed with tulips to be empty all at once, select different types and varieties so that they gradually bloom one after another. So, simple and terry early varieties of tulips begin flowering from the end of April, there are early-flowering tulips among some wild ones. species behind the earliest varieties bloom Kaufman tulips, varieties of the Triumph and Darwin classes as well, and hybrids of Greig and Foster tulips. During May, varieties of tulips of a group of numerous late flowering will open their buds. As you can see, the choice is very large, you just have to decide on a combination of tulips in one flower bed. ​


And I have planted tulips and daffodils since autumn! And I don’t dig!
The main signs of "maturity" are the color of the peel, scales. White - dig early. If it is the color of baked milk or pinkish - it's time: the children are still in place, have not fallen off, no one has been lost. If the scales are brown, then the bulb is fully ripe, it's too late to dig.
Planting daffodil bulbs

Tatiana Harsh

Tulip bulbs that have been stored all winter or were recently bought, put them in the refrigerator overnight (but not in the freezer!);

Elena Gubaidullina


Before storing, the sorted bulbs are dried for a couple of days, poured in two layers into mesh boxes so that the future planting material does not deteriorate or rot. Then the nests are divided into separate bulbs, which are cleaned from the upper scales, from the roots and pickled in potassium permanganate for half an hour. After such processing, boxes with bulbs can be sent for storage.​

please write me how to plant tulips correctly. and where. at the present time of the year.

Natalia Taranova

Maintain a distance between tulips twice the diameter of the bulbs;


Natural cooling in a special way affects the processes taking place in the bulb, allowing it to immediately sprout with the onset of spring and soon throw out new buds. Like other bulbs, tulips do not begin to bloom without a cooling period.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds How to plant seedlings of tomatoes

Tulips are incomparable, but they must be planted wisely - then the flowering plant will be presented to the eyes in the most favorable light. Conversely, the thoughtless placement of tulips among other flowers can even hurt: the tulip will lose its splendor among the "wrong" neighbors.

How beautiful to plant tulips? In the article you will find several ideas for the placement of single plants, one variety, the combination of tulips with other flowers and the spontaneous placement of a mixture of varieties. Very beautiful!

You can draw schemes for as long as you like, but the best combination of tulips with other flowers or the successful arrangement of monoplants can be seen in the photographs of flower beds and flower beds. We are inspired and plan a scheme for planting tulips in the fall!

If the list of tulip varieties at your disposal is large and there is a lot of planting material - that is, where to roam - and you can create amazingly beautiful layouts:

Monoplanting - if there is a little planting material, it is quite possible to plant tulips beautifully, see for yourself:

You can especially effectively beat single tulips or small groups of flowers next to the trees in the garden, having decorated the near-trunk circles at the same time:

With a small list of varieties, tulips look good in combination with other flowers - pansies, muscarics, etc.:

If the area allows, and there is an opportunity to create something stunning, then we think over combined landing patterns. The recipe is simple: a lot of tulips, a lot of muscari, hyacinths, primroses. We look at ways of implementation and get inspired:

And the most daring option is the spontaneous placement of tulips in a single array without any schemes on a single site. It is very beautiful, especially in combination with the lawn. With a hint of a wild tulip field:

On the subject: Scheme of a spring flower garden

Photo of flower beds in the country with your own hands how to come up with and make an unusual flower bed

For the correct design of a flower bed in a summer cottage, it is necessary to study the basic principles of formation. First you need to decide what shape and size the flower bed will be, the desired color scheme. Beautiful flower beds are obtained from different flowers, differing in the shape of the flowers, the height of the plant.

A variant of the border in front of the house of poppies and lupins. Both those and other flowers will not require "dancing with tambourines."

When planning a flower bed, we select flowers with the same flowering time, giving it an aesthetic appearance in the warm season. It is not recommended to fill the flower bed with a large number of flowers. Over time, the area occupied by one flower will increase and the neighbors will become crowded. Floral arrangements always look more attractive than single specimens.

Beautifully look flower beds containing bright shades of flowers. It is advisable to use flowers that grow and delight the eye during the warm season until the first frost. The created gaps are recommended to be filled with perennial plants.

A classic flower bed: marigolds, cineraria, fluffy ageratum - a combination of golden and heavenly hues looks invariably successful.

The choice of the appropriate design option depends on the composition of the soil, climatic conditions, and the intensity of illumination of the site. When planting plants in one flower bed, representatives of species that are similar in terms of conditions of detention are selected.

Regular style.

It is not recommended to overdo it with color schemes. If there are flowers of two or three bright colors in the flower bed, then the composition should be diluted with white or cream tones. People quickly get tired of screaming tones. The choice of flowers depends on the shape and location of the future flower bed.

A small flower bed of annuals.

Mixborder requires a different approach. It is located next to the wall of the building or fence. A combination of plants of various heights looks beautiful. It is recommended to start from the background and gradually plant low flowers or shrubs, smoothly moving to the foreground. As a ready-made option, you can plant chamomile, tagetis, buddley, sage.

Coleus mixborder. For the winter, these bright plants can be transplanted into pots, saving for the next season.

Before planting, the beginner draws up a plan and diagram of the future flower beds: it will be much easier to imagine the future creation and how to properly plant the plants for continuous flowering and comfortable arrangement.

Examples of tulip beds

Tulips are used in the spring for landscaping the area. They belong to the bulbous species, so they wake up earlier than other varieties. To get a beautiful flower bed in early spring, it will have to be created in late autumn. Bulb-type flowers are unpretentious and do not need special care. They look beautiful and fresh only in large quantities.

With the help of tulips, you can create a whole picture depicting a meadow, a stream and other natural elements. In addition, it is good to use rich crocuses. Tulips in blue tones look beautiful.

A natural manner is also welcome. Landing is carried out in a chaotic manner. It is recommended to plant along the paths, framing their shape. When planting onions from containers, a whole strict landing row is organized. With it, you can form any shape of a flower bed.

If there is not enough time for the manifestation of a creative approach, a special “show” technique is used. Tulips are planted in the form of single-color bouquets. You can choose any shape, including a square curtain. For guests, gardeners put signs nearby with information about each type of tulip.

The best option for busy people is a free flower bed. Tulips of different varieties are planted, and the composition is complemented by other bulbous varieties. In addition, daffodils and muscari are often used.

The only negative of the tulip beds is its seasonality. Although sometimes this is a plus: the bulbs can be dug up and planted with other flowers grown by seedlings, thus obtaining two radically different looks of the same flower bed during the season.

Unusual flower beds

First option - Regular flower bed. It is filled with a combination of perennial and annual flowers. For beautiful flowering, you need to allocate a lot of time, since each plant variety needs individual care. With the right approach and the implementation of all recommendations, throughout the season, the owners will receive incredible aesthetic pleasure.

The second option is Irregular flower bed. It is easy to care for and does not require much time. Flowers of different varieties with different flowering periods are selected and planted in the form of a cascade. During the flowering time, the cascade will bloom, changing tiers.

The third option is upbeat. All plants are in containers, pots of various shapes. The height of the structure reaches an average of a meter. The supporting structure is made of brick, stone or wooden boards.

Examples of stone beds

Decorative arrangement on the garden plot is a popular technique used by landscape designers. Natural stone on the site plays an enclosing function, decorative and solves several problems at once. Depending on the shape of the flower bed, the following types of stones are chosen.

  • Sandstone. The perfect addition to the raised look of the flower beds. It has a porous structure due to its rock.
  • Slate. Due to its layering, gardeners turn it into crumbs and scatter it as a designer decoration among flowers.
  • Pebble outlines and shapes the flower bed. Often used for roadside flower beds. Laying takes place on a cement mortar to fill free spaces.
  • Tuff of volcanic type. The stone is used for decorative purposes, thanks to its warm hues. If the flower bed is located near the reservoir, the free space is covered with tuff.
  • Examples of perennial flower beds

    Perennial flower beds are the best option for busy summer residents who do not have the opportunity to constantly care for flowers. The main advantage is the ease of planting and forming a flower bed.

    Bright mixborder, pleasing with a variety of shapes and shades. Such a flower bed needs a very "calm" background. You will need a neat lawn and a neutral style of surrounding buildings.

    The first option involves a chaotic landing of different representatives. For a natural effect, combine species with bright inflorescences and dilute with neutral colors. The result is a moderately bright flower bed that is pleasing to look at.

    The second option involves planting bushes. The grouping method is used with a clearly divided area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower bed. Bushes of the same color occupy their square and together make up a clear composition. Can be diluted with non-flowering shrubs.

    DIY flowerbeds

    Any gardener who wants to make wild dreams come true uses improvised means to decorate flower beds. The original idea gets rid of unnecessary things and saves money. A common material is an old tire. If a lot of them have accumulated, then you can paint them in different colors, as indicated in the photo, and make a flower bed of an unusual geometric shape. Often fertilized soil is poured into the tires and bright flowers are planted in the color of the paint.

    For creative types, forum user DragonFly offers several options for flowerbeds created from improvised means. It's amazing that from the simplest unnecessary items, you can make a real work of art:

    Don't throw away your favorites holey shoes. With their help, it is easy to organize a miniature flower bed, which will become the main decoration of the entire garden. It is recommended to use bright models that stand out among the plants.

    old jeans become unusable even in the country? No problem! We fill up the soil and plant perennial bushes with colored leaves. According to the DragonFly recommendations, you can even use it as a stuffed animal.

    If they meet at the flea market Watering cans of the same shape in different colors, it is recommended to buy a series. They are suitable for making bouquets or planting annual low flowers up to 10-15 cm.

    Interesting options are offered by the user Alla_cv with the "Garden" form. So from an ordinary old umbrella you can make an unusual center in a simple universal round flower bed. Having previously opened it, we stick it into the ground and fix it. We pour fertilized soil into the fabric and plant flowers. Preferably with flowers of medium diameter. True, such a design will not be durable, in the photo below - forged decorative umbrellas.

    For large plots there is no limit to the imagination. Old unusable furniture can be used as a flower garden. It is not only beautiful, but also practical.

    The second option is Border. Used as a fence and creates a clearly defined flower bed. It is easy to create a border on your own. It is recommended not to plant flowers longer than 60 cm. The homemade version looks beautiful, assuming the presence of two contrasting colors.

    The third option is a mixborder. Visually similar to the curb. The ideal location is considered to be the area adjacent to the fence or fence. The main difference from the curb is the lack of transverse symmetry.

    Gardeners who have a creative approach to planting flower beds delight with new creative ideas every season. For example, a butterfly flower garden. To create a butterfly, you need a plot with a large territory. To give clarity to the picture, the contour is planted with their shrubs or the same flowers, and the internal filling is distinguished by a variety of bright colors and shades - you can let your imagination run wild, using, for example, various varieties of alissums, daisies, pansies.

    Using standard planting methods, a novice gardener can achieve the fabulous beauty of a flower bed. It is necessary to remember the criteria for selecting shapes, colors and decorative elements to create the most favorable flowering conditions. It is not recommended to use decorative flowers of complex varieties in courtship when creating the first flower bed, choose unpretentious ones, like daylilies. Beginning gardeners are encouraged to practice the skill on perennial flowers and shrubs.

    Compilation on video

    The video below shows a collection of photos of colorful flower beds near the house, mixborders, borders.

    Secrets of a beautiful flower bed with your own hands 50 photos

    How often, when buying beautiful bags of flower seeds, we secretly hope to surprise everyone with a new beautiful flower bed in our country house. But the result is not always pleasing: not all grown flowers look like in the picture, not all have risen, and those that have risen for some reason do not look like a luxurious flower bed. We will tell you the simple secrets of decorating a flower bed in the country with your own hands, fashion trends in garden design and show you 50 photos of the most beautiful and spectacular garden beds.

    1. Very fashionable in garden design are flower beds in a natural style, where, along with garden flowers, decorative herbs and cereals are used, which give the flower bed density and volume.

    2. Choose a natural, flowing shape for the shape of the flower bed, which will add grace to the natural landscape in your garden.

    3. To create a beautiful lush flower bed, we need:
    a) base plants: ornamental shrubs, tall perennial flowers;
    b) plant-body of the flower bed: bright beautiful annuals, perennials with a short flowering period and ornamental grasses that will create the density of the flower bed;
    c) plants that create air volume: cereals, fennel, kosmeya, etc.

    4. Do not forget to use decorative perennial herbs in the flower bed - they will help you out while some flowers fade, while others have not yet bloomed. For the same purposes, perennial plants with beautiful foliage and after flowering are suitable: peonies, irises, daylilies.

    5. In order for the flowerbed to turn out neat and spectacular with your own hands, draw a planting plan on paper. In addition, you can use ready-made flower garden schemes, and even take them with you to the country. Plant shrubs and perennials first, adding annual flowers to them in the next step.

    6. In order to look spectacular, the plantings in the flower bed are quite dense, so consider the fact that the same type of soil, light regimen and watering regimen should be suitable for all your plants. It will be problematic to single out some plant you especially love for individual care in the flower garden.
    7. In order for the flower bed to have a neat appearance, cut off the plants that have faded in time.

    8. If the new flowers make you happy and grow well in your soil, do not forget to collect the seeds in time. The probability of germination will be many times greater than that of purchased ones. And yes, it will cost less.

    9. During the season, write down your ideas and observations regarding the new flower bed. It could be new color combinations you like, new planting options, or culling plants you don't like.

    10. Stability and splendor of flowering is the main rule when creating a flower bed with your own hands. Watch for those plants that have faded to have beautiful leaves throughout the season.

    Your flower bed in the country is a living composition that can change from year to year with the advent of new interesting varieties of flowers or your more daring ambitions. Only you will understand that such a living flower garden can never be perfect, but it is you who can make it the embodiment of a real fairy tale in your garden with your own hands.

    Of course, delicate tulips are beautiful on their own, but just imagine what an amazing effect you can achieve if you know how to plant tulips beautifully! Using various landscape design techniques, you yourself can easily turn your site into a real work of art with the help of bright colors of various shades. And let the tulips in the garden bloom for a very short time, the time and effort expended on them are worth it. Do not deny yourself a wonderful spring fairy tale!

    In order to immediately achieve the desired picture and not correct mistakes later, consider how to plant tulips in advance. And since these bulbous plants are recommended to be planted in flower beds in the fall, it is worthwhile to draw up a flower garden scheme for the next season in the summer months. Sketching flowerbeds in color will help you find suitable combinations of plants and will allow you to more clearly imagine how everything together will look in reality.

    In landscape design, there are several basic techniques on how to most effectively arrange flowers and plants on the site. These techniques can be successfully used when planting tulips.

    Video about tulips in garden design

    Planting in groups

    No matter how much you want to buy a couple of bulbs of the variety you like, try not to succumb to this desire or buy several bulbs at once. The fact is that graceful tulips look beautiful only in group plantings, but if you plant different varieties one by one, the flower bed will simply turn into a vinaigrette. And single specimens scattered around the site here and there may go unnoticed at all, no matter how magnificent they may be.

    A spot of color from several tulips of the same variety and one shade looks much more spectacular. Moreover, if you wish, you can place several of these “color spots” on one flower bed, creating a contrasting composition or using a smooth transition of shades. It will also be interesting to look at a monochrome flower bed, on which tulips of the same color grow, but of different types: simple and terry, simple and fringed, simple and lily-colored, etc.

    A spot of color from several tulips of the same variety and one shade looks much more spectacular.

    Height landing

    Given the height of the different varieties, you can carefully arrange them “by height”, lining up a row of tulips with the highest peduncles in the background, varieties of medium height in the middle, and placing dwarf tulips or other undersized flowers in the foreground. Planting tulips in height can also be carried out on multi-level stepped flower beds or on earthen embankments - as your fantasy tells you. The main thing is that the plants do not close each other.

    Planting by flowering time

    If you do not want the flowerbed with tulips to be empty at once, pick them up so that they gradually bloom one after another. So, simple and terry early varieties of tulips begin flowering from the end of April, there are early flowering tulips among some wild species. Following the earliest varieties, Kaufman tulips, Triumph class varieties and Darwin hybrids, as well as Greig and Foster tulips bloom. During May, varieties of tulips of a large group of late flowering will open their buds. As you can see, the choice is very large, you just have to decide on the combination of tulips in one flower bed.

    During May, varieties of tulips of a large group of late flowering will open their buds

    Tulips in garden design in combination with other plants

    Making a flower bed only with tulips is just one of the options. Tulips look no less attractive along with other flowers and ornamental plants. In addition, by choosing the right neighbors, you can not only emphasize the beauty of tulips, but also hide their fading stems and leaves after flowering.

    Options for how to beautifully plant tulips with other plants in the garden:

    • tulips are successfully combined with slender hyacinths, lovely forget-me-nots, small pansies, daisies and primrose;
    • often next to tulips you can see bright blue muscari;
    • bright tulip buds look spectacular against the backdrop of lush ferns and hostas;
    • a very interesting composition can be created by planting tulips next to flowering shrubs - luizeania, forsythia, rhododendron and weigela;
    • tulips growing against the background of greenery of boxwood or coniferous plants invariably attract attention.

    So that yellowed tulips do not spoil the decorative appearance of the flower bed, you can plant gypsophila next to them

    So that yellowed tulips do not spoil the decorative appearance of the flower bed, you can plant gypsophila next to them, which, in addition, will take excess moisture from the soil, which is undesirable for the bulbs.

    Important features of planting tulips in the garden

    When decorating their garden with tulips, flower growers invariably face the question: what to do when their flowering stops? You have to choose between beauty and economy - leave wilted plants in the flower beds so that the bulb has time to accumulate nutrients and grow to optimal size, or immediately dig out the fading tulips and get rid of them without regret, acquiring new planting material every year.

    Tulips are dug from city flowerbeds with green leaves and the bulbs are sent for growing. In private flower beds, gardeners try to cover yellowing tulips with other plants, digging up tulips when their foliage turns completely yellow. But there is a third option that is gaining more and more popularity:. The huge advantage of this option is that the containers can be dug out of the ground at any time, immediately filling the flower bed with flyers, and the bulbs in baskets or containers can be put in another place for growing.

    Thinking about the design of your site with tulips, do not forget that it is better not to plant them on the slopes and in the shade.

    The use of containers also allows you to solve the problem with the soil on the site, because tulips need light fertile land. In the case of baskets and containers, you do not have to puzzle over where to plant tulips so that they take root well - just fill containers with a suitable soil mixture and place the bulbs there.

    Thinking over the design of your site with tulips, do not forget that it is better not to plant them on the slopes and in the shade. And if you want to create a bright clearing of these graceful flowers under sprawling trees, choose the most hardy, strong varieties.

    Video about planting tulips

    Can't decide where to plant tulips to turn your garden into a real masterpiece? Do not be afraid to experiment, because most varieties still need an annual transplant, which means that every year you can design your site in a new way, gaining experience in landscape design.

    Tulips will spread in your garden in a continuous carpet, like in the gardens of sultans, will stretch in neat rows, like in European parks, will take place in mixed compositions or will grow in separate groups throughout the site - it's up to you!