How much does a tennis racket weigh. The weight of a modern racket. Materials for the production of rackets

Tennis is an activity for everyone. But, if one time he picked up a racket, then, one might say, he joined this sport. It is clear that the racket is selected according to individual characteristics. To choose the right tool, you need to know about all the intricacies of choosing it.

What are tennis rackets made of?
In their design, they do not represent anything complicated. But still, you should remember the name of the main details:
  • The head is the working area of ​​the racket, consisting of an oval rim and strings. The most important thing is that the strings are stretched evenly over the entire area.
  • Handle - the athlete holds on to it during the game.
  • Fork - the connection between the handle and the blade, has the shape of the letter V. It is this part that distinguishes tennis rackets from badminton.

All tennis rackets are classified according to the level of training of players:


Produced for athletes participating in competitions. They are heavy and designed for increased control during the game. The balance of professional models has been shifted to the handle, and therefore inventory management has been improved.

Benefits include:
  • Maneuverability.
  • Impact concentration.
  • Strength.
  • Durability.
  • Ergonomics.
  • Big weight.
  • High price.
  • Sold only in specialized stores.

High-quality rackets, but you can't play with them in big sports. Suitable for experienced tennis players.

Benefits include:
  • Strength.
  • Vibration damping.
  • Low cost.
  • Big weight.
  • The impossibility of maneuvers.
  • The mesh is stretched.

Suitable for beginner athletes who are just trying themselves on the court. When choosing such a racket, it should be remembered that beginners need to hone their playing technique, and not power and speed. These two qualities develop as you gain experience.

  • Light weight.
  • Suitable for honing technique.
  • Low cost.
  • Possibility of wrist injury.
  • Impossibility of maneuvering.
  • Not suitable for competition.

The easiest way to find the perfect racket for yourself is to hold it in your hand. Grasp the handle and measure the clearance on the handle with your index finger. If the finger calmly enters this distance, then such an inventory is for you.

But in general, the main rule is that the larger the handle, the more convenient it is to play. There are two systems for measuring handles - European and American. In the first system, rackets are simply assigned numbers from 1 to 7.

Children's racquet handle lengths range from 4 1/8" to 4 1/4". Women's have handles from 4 3/8 to 4.5 inches. Men's rackets are the longest. Their handles range in size from 4 5/8 to 4 7/8 inches. This length is specified according to the American system of measurement.

In addition to the length of the handle, the size of the blade matters:
  • Standard - this blade has an area of ​​​​426 square centimeters.
  • Midsize - These tennis rackets have a head area of ​​430 to 574 centimeters squared.
  • Midplus - those with large blades, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich varies from 575 to 677 centimeters squared.
  • Oversize - with heads up to 742 centimeters squared.
  • Super Oversize - the largest rackets, the area of ​​​​the blade of which can reach up to 871 square centimeters.

The last two types are more suitable for those who play at the end or in pairs. These types of equipment allow you to trim and spin the ball. But it should be remembered that the accuracy of these strikes is sharply reduced.

These tennis rackets are capable of powerful hits. Due to the increased center of gravity, the impact becomes comfortable. But if the ball does not hit the center, then such rackets “forgive” them.

Thickened rims have become common since the late 80s of the last century. The thicker the rim, the more powerful impact the racket provides. The thickness of the rim can vary from 18 to 30 mm. When choosing a tool, you should focus on your strike - the larger the swing, the narrower the rim.

Children's rackets

The main criterion when buying equipment for children is the size of the handle. A long handle will make it difficult to hold the racket. In addition, the young athlete must coordinate his strikes well. The shorter the handle of the tennis racket, the better the coordination of the child's movements.

Nuances of choice

To choose the perfect racket for yourself, you should determine its center. Take inventory in your hand and find the middle point. If it stays balanced when you hold the center, then the tool is balanced. When outweighing one part - the handle or head - the center of gravity is shifted. It is possible to play with such a racket, but it is difficult. At the same time, if the head is heavier, then the whole racket will feel heavy. By shifting the center of gravity towards the handle, the racket will seem lighter.

Handle balanced tennis rackets are designed for close play, while paddle balanced rackets are designed for play from the end of the court. But the best equipment is considered to be center-balanced.

Racket weight

Now they are trying to reduce the mass of rackets. First of all, graphite began to appear. Currently, their weight is about 300 grams. Moreover, this value is constantly decreasing. The weight of the equipment determines how much easier it is to swing. But light rackets are not as powerful as heavy rackets.

Inventory Care

To prolong the life of your racket, you need to properly care for it. If possible, avoid hitting the rim against hard objects. To avoid damage to inventory, store it in a special case.

The sun's rays have a negative effect on inventory, so if you are not using it, store it in a case. Moisture and extreme heat also negatively affect the racket. The strings cease to be elastic at a temperature of 43 degrees Celsius. But in hot weather, the temperature in the car can be up to 55 degrees.

To prevent the racket from slipping out of your hand, use absorbent tape. It is originally sold with inventory, but, unfortunately, wears out quickly. You should not allow this, because the success of the game depends on how firmly the racket lies in the hand.

How to choose a racket

The choice is not as easy as it seems to an ignorant person. There are a huge number of options, and many athletes are wondering which one is better. Many beginners buy rackets for professionals and make a big mistake.

To learn how to play, you need to hone your technique, and equipment for professionals is completely unsuitable for this. You should buy the racket that is suitable for the athlete according to his level. It is an amateur or training racket that will allow you to learn how to play.

Before purchasing a tennis racket, you should remember what exactly you want to achieve in the end. Experienced players already understand whether they want power, speed or agility. In general, if possible, you should play with different instruments to decide which racket will be ideal for you. In tennis clubs there is an opportunity to practice with various instruments.

Having tried this or that racket, you will understand whether it is comfortable for you or not. Sometimes when playing, pain in the hands and wrists is possible. In this case, you should choose equipment with large shock-absorbing properties that would absorb shocks.

Tennis is very popular today. Beginners in this sport often wonder how to choose a racket for tennis. After all, there are many of them for sale. Picking up the necessary inventory is not so difficult if you know the simple rules.

The article will talk about how to choose the size of a tennis racket, as well as the weight and shape. The selection rules for each player level are described below. Therefore, it will not be difficult to understand which inventory to choose for yourself.

What is required for tennis

The problem with how to choose a tennis racket for a child or an adult is becoming more and more relevant. Today, anyone can enroll in the section and understand all the advantages of this sport. Someone wants to go to the court just to get away from everyday problems and enjoy outdoor activities. And for some, sport is of great value. Despite the chosen goal, you will have to spend money on buying a tennis racket. Not every tennis fan knows how to choose equipment for a beginner, but professionals do not have such problems.

  • string surface area (head size);
  • weight (weight);
  • balance (balance);
  • length.

The rest of the parameters are rarely seen on the racket, so they must be checked with the seller before buying.

How to choose a tennis racket for beginners

People who are just starting out in this sport and go out to the court only on weekends do not need to go deep into the characteristics of the equipment. Understanding how to choose a tennis racket for an adult beginner is quite simple. After all, there are no special rules here. In this case, you need to pay attention to some details, among which are the length, string surface, weight and characteristics of the handle. The rest of the parameters are not worth considering.


Adults often ask how to choose a tennis racket for a beginner. A racket is designed for them, the length of which is about 69 cm. Of course, there are also options with a longer length on sale, but more experienced players buy them, since their purpose is to increase the impact force. At the initial stage, you don’t even need to waste time choosing a racket that is too long.

String surface area

For beginners, a racket with a string surface of more than 670 square meters is ideal. see This option will work well in the hands of an inexperienced player. Thanks to this area of ​​the strings, all the inaccuracies of the ball hitting the very center of the racket are perfectly smoothed out. And this happens to beginners quite often. In addition, the large string surface helps reduce stress on the joints. Therefore, the risk of injury during training or play is greatly reduced.


When solving the problem of how to choose a tennis racket, be sure to remember the weight of the product. Heavier options, of course, increase the impact force. Although this does not have a very good effect on the accuracy of hits during the game. If a person is sure that he can hit any ball without much effort, then he is recommended to choose a racket with a mass of no more than 275 g for this. It will be quite simple to disperse it, while not particularly straining the brush. The impact force will be slightly less, but you should not pay attention to this, since you need to learn to play without mistakes with light rackets. The weight of the inventory, and therefore the power of impact and the speed of the ball, must be gradually increased in order not to get injured.


Often, novice players are interested in how to choose a tennis racket for tennis according to the width of its handle. When grasping between the fingers and the palm, it is required to maintain a distance of about 1.5 - 2 cm. But it should be noted that this rule does not always work, since in most cases the players rely only on their own feelings. The racket should lie comfortably in the hand when swinging and hitting, so that the hand and fingers themselves do not strain too much.

The length of the handle should be chosen not too large, but not small. It should be enough to take it with both hands at the same time. This point is especially important in cases where a backhand strike is made. It is for him that you need to use two hands at once. A backhand is a blow that a player strikes from an inconvenient side for him, that is, left-handers - on the right, and right-handers - on the left.


Most players who decide to connect their lives with this game know how to choose the right racket for tennis. If a person has been involved in this sport for several years, then he will not have problems with the choice. But still, this issue needs to be approached in more detail. In this case, it is necessary to take into account your own preferences in the game itself, as well as highlight the advantages for yourself with the help of a racket.

string surface

To increase the impact force, it is required to choose not only a large string surface, but also the minimum string tension rigidity. If you buy just such a racket, the blow will, of course, be strong, but control over the ball will decrease. This point should never be ignored.

Professional players are advised to buy rackets where the string surface is no more than 645 square meters. see In addition, they need to consider options with the most rigid string tension. Thanks to this, players will be able to better control the ball at the moments of reflection of the most powerful shots of the opponent.

String Composition

As you know, there are two types of strings: natural and synthetic. The first are made from animal veins and are considered the most convenient. Thanks to the development of technologies for creating synthetic options, nylon strings are no longer inferior to natural strings in terms of playing qualities.

They have many other distinctive properties. The first advantage of synthetic strings is the affordable cost. Therefore, every player can afford such a racket. In addition, nylon strings have a fairly high wear resistance. For these reasons, tennis rackets with synthetic strings are actively used not only by amateurs and professionals, but also by beginners.

Stretch scheme

Few people know that it is the string tension pattern that indicates the number of transverse as well as longitudinal strings in a tennis racket. Their number is written through a fraction, in which the first number denotes longitudinal, and the second, respectively, transverse.

The rigidity of the string surface directly depends on the number of strings. The smaller they are, the weaker this indicator is, and vice versa.

Rim width

When choosing equipment for a professional player, be sure to take into account the width of the rim, which, in turn, affects the size of the strike spot. This term refers to the area in the very center of the string surface, which the ball must hit in order to better hit it.

If the width of the rim increases, then the spot becomes larger. But at the same time, the aerodynamics of the racket deteriorates significantly. That is why experienced players need to pick up rackets whose rim width is no more than 2 cm.

Ideal weight

As mentioned above, the impact force depends on the weight. Professionals in this sport are required to take rackets, the weight of which will not be less than 310 g. Thanks to such equipment, there is a good opportunity to strengthen the hand and significantly increase the impact force.


The choice of inventory should match the style of the game. You can check the balance of the racket quite simply: put the center on the index finger, placing the handle on one side and the head on the other. If it deviates towards the head, then it should be used for powerful serves and attacks. But if you want to strengthen protection, it is best to buy a racket, the balance of which will outweigh in the direction of the handle. Universal are considered options with a balance in the center. They are great for players who know how to change tactics based on the situation on the field.

Which racket to choose for tennis for children

When buying a kid his first racket, you should not pay attention to expensive items. As long as he has no experience in the game and there is no proven hitting technique, it will not work to feel the difference between rackets costing 400 rubles and 4 thousand rubles. When choosing a tennis racket for a small child, only its length and weight should be considered. Other parameters do not matter. Therefore, spending time and money on them simply does not make sense.

Inventory length and weight

The first and most important selection criterion is the length. A racket that is too long will not be comfortable for the child, as he simply will not be able to direct the ball to the center of the string surface. To date, many manufacturers are selling children's products that are ideal for young athletes. They are beautiful not only in design, but also in a comfortable length.

The weight of the racket for the baby should also not be too large. It should be remembered that during the game the child needs to have fun, and not exhaust himself with heavy physical exertion. Otherwise, the young player will quickly get tired of playing tennis, and he will give it up. The weight of the inventory should be selected for each child individually. Most importantly, the racket should rotate freely in the hand, without causing inconvenience.


There are many nuances in choosing the right equipment for the game. It is worth remembering that the perfect racket does not guarantee constant victories in competitions. Therefore, if you want to achieve any peaks in this direction, you need hard training and willpower.

Tennis is an Olympic sport that is popular among Russians. To play it easily and with pleasure, you need to know how to choose the right tennis racket.

Tennis racket device

The racket consists of several elements:

  1. Head. This is the working surface of the racket, in which the main place is occupied by the rim and stretched strings. A good racket should have a head without sagging, the tension must be the same at any point on the surface. When choosing, pay attention also to the material. It must be strong and durable.
  2. Lever. The part of the racquet held by an athlete when playing tennis. It is good if the handle is made of a reliable surface that will not slip out of your hands. Practice shows: often the loss occurs due to the inconvenience of the handle.
  3. Fork. It is a special connection in the shape of the letter V of the fork and handle. Technically, the task of the fork is to dampen the impact of the ball on the head. The inevitable vibrations are dampened and the player is less tired.

Important: novice tennis players can buy a racket without a fork. This is a gross mistake, since such rackets are used for another game - badminton.

Types of tennis rackets


Specially designed models for working out strong blows and developing playing skills.

Among the distinguishing features are a large head area. The minimum value is 690 square centimeters. Accordingly, such rackets increase in weight. It can reach up to 300 grams.

The maximum length of rackets is about 70 centimeters, and the balance shifts to the head. The center of gravity is usually located at around 38.5 centimeters, although different models may show different figures.

The grid is open and consists of 19 strings horizontally and 16 vertically. Experts usually explain: such a net stretches rather quickly, and therefore rackets are used relatively infrequently and exclusively for training.

Important: if you want to buy a racket that will serve you for many years without additional repair or improvement, it is better to choose a different model.

However, training rackets also have advantages. First of all, an affordable price and the ability to spin the ball due to the shifted center of gravity. Finally, a large head simplifies the game - hitting the ball is easier.

However, in the vast majority of cases, such rackets are used exclusively for practicing strikes.


Such rackets are otherwise called club rackets, and in English they have a wonderful name - tweener. The head can be from 590 to 660 square centimeters, and the maximum weight reaches 320 grams.

However, the balancing formula is already very different. In fact, amateur rackets can be found anywhere. Experienced tennis players decide for themselves what to prefer: agility or striking power.

Typically, such rackets are considered universal. This means that they are equally comfortable to serve or hit.

You can send twisted balls, which is very convenient in competitions. Practice shows that for most it is the most difficult to hit just such balls.

Most often, these rackets are sold with a neutral balance. This means their versatility, and the assortment presented in stores easily allows you to choose a model specifically for you.


Distinctive features of the rackets are their large weight, which can reach 370 grams, and a small head, whose maximum dimensions are only 610 square centimeters.

The balance shifts to the handle. The player manages to better control the game tool, but the impact becomes not very strong.

Important: the lack of impact force is compensated by the athlete’s own strength, as well as the well-developed playing technique.

Professional rackets are available only in specialized stores, and they are usually sold at a fairly high price. Therefore, to play tennis with professional rackets, you need to have significant funds.

However, professional rackets have perfect ergonomics, which has been tested in practice.

Criteria for choosing a tennis racket


Preferences depend on the characteristics of the athlete and the nature of the game. There is a rule: the heavier the tool, the stronger the blows. However, you should not immediately choose the heaviest rackets. Being unaccustomed can be uncomfortable.

The small impact force from light rackets can be compensated by the ability to play well and the player's own strength.

Racquets weighing from 240 to 280 grams are best suited for beginners, lighter equipment for children, and heavy equipment for men.

This rule is not universal. If you wish, you can choose another model that suits your playing style.


The preferred racquet length depends on your tennis experience.

Beginners choose short options up to 69 centimeters. Models allow you to beat and direct the ball better, are easy to maintain and manage.

Professionals prefer longer racquets because of the ability to hit much harder.

At the same time, long rackets cannot boast the same level of maneuverability.

Some prefer the sweet spot by choosing a medium-length racquet. However, most professionals believe that this approach will not allow you to make really powerful balls and will not give you the control that a small racket could give.


Tennis rackets can have three types of balance:

  1. To the head. Suitable for players who prefer to attack and deliver powerful blows. Professionals who remember that the best defense is an attack often recommend just such rackets. The enemy will be forced to switch mainly to defense, and for your victory it is enough for the enemy to make just one mistake.
  2. into the handle. Such a racket, on the contrary, is suitable for people who prefer defense. Accuracy and agility provide ideal protection, which will not be so easy to break through. The attacking opponent will not be able to defend himself and will lose - this is how another part of professional players think.
  3. Centered. The golden mean between power and maneuverability. It will allow you to both attack and defend, but it will not allow you to make such powerful blows as racquets with a balance in the head and as accurate as racquets with a balance in the handle.

Each player chooses a racquet with a balance that is ideal for his playing style.

Production material

The material determines the period during which the racket will retain high consumer properties:

  1. Aluminum. The material is lightweight and affordable. Breaking it is not an easy task, but bending it is quite possible.
  2. Graphite. The hit of the season and the choice of modern professionals. The material is lightweight and very durable. True, it is much more expensive compared to aluminum.
  3. Titanium. Suffice it to say that parts of space rockets are made of titanium alloys. Of course, a different type of titanium is used there, but racket material also has significant consumer properties. The only negative is that it costs more than graphite.
  4. hypercarbon. Material created by NASA experts. It weighs less than titanium, and the strength is much higher. Suitable for children and women.

The best performance is demonstrated by composite materials, which combine the positive properties of many materials at once.

string surface

The following marking options are found in stores:

  1. midsize. The smallest rackets Their advantage is the ease of control and the quality of the impact. But they can only be used by real professionals.
  2. mid plus. The most common. They allow you to hit the ball and provide the force of impact.
  3. oversize. Enlarged head. Suitable for beginners. Due to the size, the number of unsuccessful hits is reduced.
  4. superoversize. The largest rackets that allow you to make powerful shots, but are controlled much worse.

The number of strings also varies. Although a wide variety is found in stores, basically the weaving formula is either 16x19 or 18x20. The first option allows you to launch twisted balls, but the racket deteriorates quickly, the second option guarantees control, but there is a huge load on the handle.


Everything depends directly on the player. Usually the handle is selected under your palm. The most important thing is ergonomics. A good handle should lie in the palm of your hand.

Rim width

The wide rim is suitable for beginners who are just taking their first steps in tennis. Ideal for slow swings.

The narrow rim is suitable for professional players.

Tennis is becoming an increasingly popular and accessible sport - people are fond of it even from a very young age. The quality of your game depends not so much on the surface of the court and shoes, but on rackets- the main tool of a tennis player.

It is very important to choose a racket that suits your playing style, and at the same time will be comfortable, safe to use and as ergonomic as possible. As in other sports, you also need to choose a racket depending on your level - beginner, advanced or professional.

In the next section, we will talk about the important technical characteristics of tennis rackets, and then we will present to your attention some interesting models that can be purchased from the stores in our catalog. It is worth noting that these are only general recommendations - in the ideal case, it is better to be guided by the advice of professional trainers.

Key features to look out for


The weight, size and materials of construction of the racket clearly define its purpose - for adult tennis players or for children and teenagers.

The latter are distinguished by less weight, a short handle and a large area of ​​the string surface. As a result, it is easier for a child to handle such a racket and hit the ball. You need to select such rackets depending on age and height. It is best to purchase used ones, as children quickly outgrow them. For example, at the age of 3-4 years, you need to buy a racket with a length of 100 cm, at the age of 5-7 years - from 115 to 130, from 8 to 10 and more - 135-150 cm.

Tennis rackets for adults are heavier and longer. They are used by athletes aged approximately 13 years.

frame material

The racket frame material directly affects most of its qualities, so a lot depends on it in the game. Most often on sale there are models made of aluminum alloy, graphite, carbon and titanium.

Aluminum alloy is used in low cost racquets for beginners. It is not very strong and durable, and also quite heavy, but it will help in mastering tennis, because in which case the racket will simply bend, and not break completely.

Graphite differs from aluminum in lighter weight and greater strength. Falls, however, he experiences much worse. These rackets are a bit more expensive.

Carbon is considered the best material for the frame of tennis rackets - it is used in professional models. Carbon is very light, very strong and much more expensive.

Titanium is not as popular, but it also has a low weight and a good level of rigidity. Often used in conjunction with graphite, which has similar properties.

String surface area

The larger the string surface area, the easier it is to hit the ball and increase the force of the blow, but also the more difficult it is to direct the ball exactly where you want it. Because of this, racquets with a large area - 645 square centimeters and above - are mainly used by children and beginners.

string formula

Determines the string layout of a specific model. The first number indicates the number of longitudinal strings, and the second number indicates the number of transverse strings.

The rarer the racket strings, the easier it is for a tennis player to hit hard, but the accuracy increases along with the increase in their number. The most popular scheme for adult rackets is 16x19, and if you are confident in yourself, then you can choose more serious models. Children's rackets differ in schemes 16x17, 16x18 or even 16x16.


Different rackets may have a center of gravity shifted in different directions - to the “head”, to the handle or neutral.

The first type is felt heavier in the hands, and it becomes more difficult to deliver an accurate blow. At the same time, the power of the blows increases.

The second type allows you to perform less powerful, but more accurate strikes - such a racket, for example, will behave better when playing close to the net. The best option for beginners.

Neutral balance rackets are versatile - they are suitable for those who have not yet decided on their style of play.

Handle size

With the correct grip of the racket handle, there should be a small distance between the fingers and the player's palm - about the size of the index finger. For children and women with a small hand, it is better to choose models with a handle size 1-2, for adults - with a size 3-4. If you are a very large man, then you may need a size 5 pen.


One of the most important parameters of a racket. It directly depends on the height of the player, and you can’t make a mistake in choosing here. It is believed that the optimal racket size for adults is 685.8 mm, and the maximum (for very tall people) is 736.6 mm.

Rackets for children are selected according to the height of the child. Up to 118 cm - 533 mm, 119-135 cm - 584 mm, height 136-150 cm - 635-660 mm, height 151 cm and above - 686 mm and above.

In general, the length of the racket affects the power and accuracy of the strike - the larger the racket, the faster the ball will be, but also the less likely it will fly to the desired point.

Another very important parameter. It is difficult to give specific recommendations here, since a lot depends on the style of the game and the preferences of the player. You just need to know that heavier rackets "give" less vibration to the hand after impact, but lighter models will provide more speed and maneuverability. Often, beginners are recommended heavier rackets, and advanced players are recommended lighter ones.

Racket handle size. Racquet sizes for adults from 10 to 10 and 5/8. These are numbers in centimeters, they show the size handles, lines from the crook of your palm to the tip of your ring finger.

  • There is a proven way to take a racket in one hand and place the index finger of your other hand between your fingertips and the base of your palm.
  • If the index finger does not fit, then the racket handle is too small.
  • If there is too much free space, then the handle is too big.
  • If you have to choose between two sizes, choose the smaller one, because you can always make the handle bigger by wrapping it tape(soft, rag tape that wraps around the handle).

Head size. The size of the racket head will depend on your playing style.

  • Large rackets have a head area of ​​266-330 square centimeters. This is what makes them ideal for beginners - a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head with which they hit the ball means fewer misses. The larger head size also allows the ball to spin better and put more power into the shot.
  • Traditional medium sized racquets are used by more experienced players and the racquet's working surface is between 215 and 266 square centimeters. A smaller head size gives more maneuverability and reliability, but at the same time, there is a need to apply more force to hit.
  • The weight of the racket and the material of which it is composed. Most rackets are made from graphite. It makes the racquet light, controllable, and with all this, it can deliver a fairly powerful blow. All this makes it ideal for beginners. Other rackets for beginners are still made from lightweight aluminum or titanium. These rackets also develop good hitting power and at the same time improve ball control during the hit. The lightest and most rigid rackets, made of Kevlar or boron. As a result, when you miss, the vibration is transmitted to the hand. These rackets are more commonly used by professionals. It is possible to play with wooden and plastic rackets, but it is unlikely that you will be able to show your best game with them. In summary, for beginners, the lightest racquet is not necessarily the best because you need to hit the ball harder and you lose accuracy and ball control.

    Racket length. The traditional racket length is 68-71 centimeters, but you can take a longer racket, up to 73 centimeters. The longer the racket, the longer the swing and the stronger the blow.

    Rim width. The rim is the part around the head of the racket. A wide rim, due to the fact that the strings are springy, gives the blow a greater force, but at the same time the degree of control of the ball is reduced.

    String tension. In most racquets you buy, the strings will already be half-strung, but then, if necessary, you can tighten the strings. The tighter the strings are stretched, the greater the control of the ball and the more twisted the serve comes out. Therefore, if you are working on accuracy, it is better to tighten the strings. Less taut strings mean more punching power with less ball control. More experienced players prefer to play with the strings tighter, which gives them more control over the ball.