Electronic swing Graco Sweetpeace: reviews, instructions. A detailed review of the children's motion sickness center Graco Sweetpeace (Graco Sweetpeace) Swing electronic graco sweetpeace plush

Parents no longer need to rock their newborn baby for hours waiting for him to fall asleep. Today, there is a great alternative to this process - the Graco Sweetpeace automatic swing. The child falls asleep in them very quickly, and the mother has a free minute to devote some time to herself.

History of the Graco brand

The beginning of the activity of the American brand Grado was laid in 1942 in Philadelphia, with the launch of a new production line. At that time, the company was engaged in the manufacture of mechanisms and metal parts, and its management did not even imagine that it would someday create the world's best goods for children. And this really would not have happened if not for one interesting case.

The engineer of the company, the father of nine children, watching how hard it is for his wife, developed a project for an automatic swing for motion sickness of babies for 18 months. And he really succeeded. In the mid-1950s, swings first appeared on the market. This was the very turning point in the history of the company, which forever changed the direction of its activities.

Today, the American brand Graco produces not only swings, but also a wide range of other products for children: car seats, sun loungers, walkers, high chairs and strollers. All products are certified and are of high quality safety.

Description of Graco Sweetpeace electronic swing

The new model of the Graco Sweetpeace electronic swing from the American manufacturer Graco is a real motion sickness center with a wide variety of functions and accessories. The name of the model in translation from English means "sweet world". And indeed, the baby in the chair is warm and comfortable. Here he is in his little world, where you can play the first games, and tired of them - sleep soundly under light swaying.

The Graco Sweetpeace children's swing has a stylish and modern design. This chair, outwardly resembling a chaise longue, is mounted on a high vertical footboard with a remote control or an electronic control panel. After selecting the desired program, the swing sets in motion, while rocking the baby.

The armchair mounted on the footrest is multifunctional. Firstly, its backrest has 3 tilt positions: lying, half-sitting and sitting. Secondly, the seat can be used separately as a carrier or lounge chair. Much attention is paid to the safety of the child in the seat. To fix the baby in the seat, are provided.

This is not only the place where the child falls asleep. Thanks to the educational toys located on the swing, the baby learns the world, develops fine motor skills and learns to play independently.

Main characteristics of the model

Graco's Sweetpeace multifunctional swing has the following features:

The assembly of the model is carried out manually, without the use of special tools. The Graco Sweetpeace swing is equipped with a deep hood that allows you to take it with you on the street, because protection from the sun is guaranteed. At the same time, thanks to the removable seat, they can be used as a regular cradle.

Materials and care

All materials that are used in the process of creating a children's swing are absolutely safe and hypoallergenic. The Graco Sweetpeace swing seat cover is removable, made of natural cotton fabric. As it gets dirty, it can be removed and washed. After that, the cover is put on the seat again without much difficulty.

The model is presented in three soothing colors that are safe for the baby's eyes and have a calming effect on him. These are Primo, Fake Far, Zen colors. All colors are neutral and will easily suit both boys and girls.

Melodies and sounds

When creating the Sweetpeace model, the manufacturer provided a large selection of different melodies and sounds. All music is of high quality, without extraneous, distracting noises. Using special buttons on the control panel, you can turn on 5 fast or 5 slow melodies, 5 sounds of nature, such as rain, water, wind, mother's heartbeat, which the baby heard in the womb, etc.

In addition, Graco Sweetpeace is designed in such a way that you can optionally connect an MP3 player or phone to the product and play music from these devices. In this case, the control unit with buttons will act as a microphone.


Educational toys are included with the swing. A small mirror will help teach the child to focus on his reflection. It is located on an arc, right in front of the baby's eyes. Nearby is a convenient teether. Another toy is attached to the top of the hood. This is a bright teddy bear, dog or baby elephant, which will surely attract the attention of the baby.

Electronic Sweetpeace contribute to the comprehensive development of the baby. In addition, along with the existing toys, you can add new ones that will be of interest to the child as he develops.

Advantages of the Sweetpeace model

The Graco rocking center has a number of significant advantages, which are noted by both specialists and parents.

The following advantages of the model should be noted:

  • imitates natural motion sickness on the hands;
  • the presence of developing accessories;
  • you can adjust the speed of rocking the cradle, thanks to the presence of a six-speed mode;
  • ergonomic backrest and special tab for the newborn;
  • replaces the usual children's swing and deck chair;
  • removable seat;
  • ease of care;
  • a connector for an MP3 player and a phone is provided;
  • Graco Sweetpeace electronic swings are battery operated and mains powered.

A child who spends at least a few hours a day in a Graco swing grows more calm and independent. And mom has free time for homework or leisure.

Graco Sweetpeace swing: assembly instructions

Most stores pre-assemble all parts of Graco's Sweetpeace Swing in-house. This is very convenient as it saves customers time. Already at home, all they have to do is install the model's chair on the footrest and they can send the baby to the sweet world of dreams.

For those who are "lucky" to receive the Graco Sweetpeace children's electronic swing disassembled, you should use the attached instructions or read them on the official website of the Graco manufacturer. It literally describes the entire swing assembly process step by step.

  1. Take two metal arcs and connect them into a ring. Tightly fix until it clicks to ensure the reliability of the structure.
  2. Install the vertical footboard with the electronic control panel. Lock until it clicks.
  3. Connect the chair holder to the footrest, after selecting one of the possible directions.
  4. Connect the two parts of the plastic chair together until it clicks.
  5. Put on a fabric cover on the seat, which is fastened with buttons and loops.
  6. Install the hood. Make sure it is securely fixed.
  7. Attach the game board to the swing.

Once again, make sure that all the parts are firmly fixed to each other, and only after that you can put or put the child in the swing.

When assembling the presented model, it is convenient to use the images available in the instructions. It can also be used to understand how to disassemble the Graco Sweetpeace swing if necessary. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, because all the same steps are performed as during assembly, but in reverse order.

Graco Sweetpeace swing: positive reviews

Most parents appreciated all the benefits of the Sweetpeace model from the American manufacturer Graco. And for those who are just going to buy a swing, they are advised to read reviews about them.

  • The baby is calm and comfortable in them. This is a real calming center. Even the most restless children spend at least half an hour a day in them.
  • Frees mother's hands in caring for the baby. Graco Sweetpeace is the modern parenting companion.
  • A quality item, hypoallergenic materials and a comfortable removable cradle.
  • Easy to assemble and disassemble without additional tools.
  • It is convenient that you can change the position of the cradle for motion sickness.
  • Stylish design, choice of colors.
  • Pleasant melodies from lullabies to nature sounds, to which the baby falls asleep easily.
  • Complete with a swing there is a cover and a pillow for the child from the special fabric which is well absorbing smells. It is enough for mom to lie down on them a little, and next time the baby will feel her presence next to him.
  • The swing is ideal as a gift for a young mother.

Negative consumer reviews

The disadvantages of the presented model include the following:

  • the swing is quite heavy, it will not be easy for a fragile mother to move them to another place;
  • there is noise during the operation of the swing;
  • from long motion sickness, the motor can overheat, and it cools down after about 10 minutes, after which the swing starts working again.

If you want your child to feel comfortable every minute in the first months of life, then you just need to purchase Graco SweetPeace- rocking center for newborns. This is the only center in the world that will completely imitate the environment in which he was before birth, as well as his mother's warm hugs. With Graco SweetPeace you will find the right combination of movements, sounds, vibrations, warmth, speed for your baby. You can create the perfect environment for him.

The Graco SweetPeace Electric Swing is the only soothing center for newborns that can swing in all directions. Graco SweetPeace completely creates the feeling of motion sickness in mommy's arms, your baby will always be calm and contented. This center always becomes a favorite place for children to relax, believe that yours will be no exception.

Key features of the Graco SweetPeace electronic swing:

  • electric swings are designed for children from birth to 8-9 months.
  • the chair can be used both on a high basis, and without it
  • 6 swing speeds that allow you to choose the ideal speed at the right time
  • 2 speeds for soft and pleasant vibration
  • a varied selection of melodies, sounds of nature that will soothe the baby
  • the ability to connect an MP3 player
  • 5-point padded safety harness that gently secures your little one in the seat without getting in the way
  • Graco SweetPeace's 3-position reclining seat allows you to adjust the seat to fit any baby
  • Removable fabric parts are gentle washable so your Graco SweetPeace electronic swing is always clean
  • bright soft toys will interest the baby
  • the adjustable canopy will protect the baby from unnecessary external stimuli, and the mirror will help him learn to concentrate
  • there is a special head pillow that mom can take with her to bed for a few days, and then the baby will constantly feel the presence of mom thanks to her smell
  • soft upholstery (removable) of the swing will further enhance the feeling of mother's hugs, the baby will be pleased to fall asleep in the center
  • weight - 11.6 kg
  • Dimensions - 76.2 x 86.4 x 91.5 cm

Graco Sweetpeace is positioned on the market not as a simple swing chair, but as a motion sickness center. This name is confirmed by a large number of functions and accessories. Good materials, quality assembly, thoughtful details. All this justifies the main disadvantage - a high price compared to competitors. Our rating: 5 out of 6.


  • + many swing modes,
  • + connection of an mp3 player,
  • + good fabric
  • + many accessories and toys.


  • - takes up a lot of space and does not fold,
  • - high price.


Swing chair of original design.

All mechanisms are well thought out. It assembles quickly, no tools are needed. The swing chair is designed for babies from birth.
The manufacturer does not recommend using the chair if the baby weighs more than 9 kg, is able to sit, is older than 6 months or more than 76.2 cm.
Graco Category 0+ car seats can be installed on the swing base.

The color scheme of the Graco Sweetpeace models is neutral.


The seat is soft and roomy.

The back height is 48 cm, the width under the booty is 23 cm, the length is 27 cm. The seat is wide at the shoulders. There is a headrest and a large tab for newborns.

It is convenient to adjust the back of the chair with one hand to one of 3 positions.

The seat is easy to remove and can be used separately as a cradle or carrier.

The cradle can be installed on the base of the swing in four positions. Depending on the position, the swing direction changes.
The five-point safety harness can be adjusted in length and fixed in two height positions.


The control panel is convenient, each function has its own button. Everything is thought out, there is a keypad lock.

Graco Sweetpeace has an original swing direction.
Depending on the position of the cradle relative to the power supply, the chair has three motion sickness modes.

The stop of the chair is very smooth.
Also in the cradle, you can turn on two vibration speeds.

The musical accompaniment is varied: 10 melodies, sounds of nature and the ability to connect the player through a standard audio input.
Melodies are different: from calm to energetic. Melodies are played in turn, one after another.
Soothing sounds of nature: the sounds of a mother's heartbeat in utero, the babbling of a stream, the cry of whales, the sound of a distant storm and the sounds of a forest. Sounds play continuously until you select a different sound or mode.
There are 5 volume levels. The lowest level is really quiet, and the highest level is moderately loud. The sound is clear and pleasant.

The operation of the chair can be limited by a timer for 30 minutes.
The chair can be operated both from the mains and from batteries (4 large batteries LR 20).

The vibration function only works with an additional battery (1 large LR 20 battery).

Materials and care

The fabric is good, pleasant to the touch.

The cover is easy to remove and machine washable at 30 degrees.


The dimensions of the rocking center: height 70 cm, width 80 cm, length 87 cm.

Compared to other swing chairs Graco Sweetpeace takes up a lot of space.
The distance from the floor to the cradle is 53 cm, which is more than most swings. It will be convenient to sit the child in a chair.
It will not work to compactly and quickly fold the swing chair. The chair can only be disassembled, which is inconvenient.


The soft, removable cushion can be secured with the vertical seat belts.
Removable bumper bar with toys and jumper between legs can be removed or opened by detaching from one side.
There is a movable mirror on the bumper.

It is very convenient to have a pacifier attachment on the seat cover. If the child spit it out, it will remain in the chair.

The removable visor can be used as a sunshade, or it can be fixed in front of the child so that the baby is not distracted by moving objects.

Different configurations have a different set of toys, so it is better to check with the seller for the availability of accessories before buying.

The Graco Sweetpeace baby rocking center is the flagship of the line of the American company Graco. The model has advanced functionality, so even in the manufacturer's catalogs it stands apart. This is more than just a swing or a deck chair.

The model has been produced for almost 10 years, but consumers from all over the world still continue to consider this particular center as one of the best.

From my own experience

No wonder they say that if you want to get a good result, do it yourself. Such a case took place in the history of the Graco company.

This company was founded in Philadelphia in the 40s, it was engaged in the production of spare parts and mechanisms. The management did not even think about starting the production of goods for babies. In those days, no one could have imagined that swings, strollers and cribs would bring worldwide fame to the company.

But one day one of the leading engineers, the father of nine children, thought about how to ease the work of his own wife. He saw how difficult it was for her, and decided to come up with a device that would be convenient for both the parent and the baby. And so the first swing appeared. In those days, no manufacturer of children's goods in the world made analogues.

The first production model went on sale in the early 50s. Years passed, production developed, technologies improved. The Graco Sweetpeace model was created at the beginning of the 21st century, and the manufacturer still considers it one of its best creations.


The Graco Sweetpeace Rocking Center can be used from the first days of a baby's life up to 6 months. At first, it is very comfortable for baby sleep. And when the child grows up, the center can also be used during wakefulness, and, being in it, the baby can not only watch his parents and admire the world around him, but also play.

Graco Sweetpeace design

Compared to analogues, the model is quite overall. The base is made in the form of a hoop, on which a stand with an armchair is fixed. A small hood can protect the child from the sun if the center is used on a balcony, veranda or in the garden.

The manufacturer produces this model in several colors. For example, Graco Sweetpeace Zen rocking center is made in blue tones, and Fake Far - in beige. All presented color solutions are pleasing to the eye, sustained in a calm range.

In the reviews, some parents note that the color names are not very convenient (some are presented as combinations of numbers and letters), which can make it difficult to find. Therefore, when buying in online stores, you need to check with the seller what color you are interested in.

Complete set and assembly

The set includes a chair with a textile cover, an insert for a newborn, a hood, a base with a remote control, a panel with toys and a disassembled ring-shaped stand.

On the panel, which at the same time performs the function of a bumper, there is a mirror, a teether, developing toys. Another toy is suspended from the edge of the hood.

The Graco Sweetpeace manual that comes with the center is written in English. But according to the parents, the illustrations given in it give a complete picture of how to assemble the model. This does not require any tools or special knowledge. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Connect the two arcuate parts of the base into a ring.
  2. Attach the vertical base on which the control panel is located. Attach a chair stand to it.
  3. Connect the parts of the chair, put on a fabric cover and secure it with buttons.
  4. Install the hood and game panel.
  5. Put the chair on the stand, after selecting the swing direction. Adjust tilt angle.

When connecting all the parts, you should pay attention to the sound: a click indicates that you are doing everything right.

Disassembly is done in the same way, only in reverse order.

Technical features

The control panel is located on the top of the support. It is clear and simple, it is easy to understand it. It is possible to block the keyboard, which is very important for any technology when there are children in the house.

Several modes of motion sickness are provided.

The chair, according to many parents, is quite spacious, the baby is not cramped. It can be installed on the base in one of four positions; it depends on the swing direction.

The backrest is not adjustable, but the bucket seat can be tilted. Management is carried out with one hand. The center can operate both from the mains and from batteries (LR 20, 4 pcs.). Please note: vibration only works with a separate battery.

There are several speed modes, as well as vibration during the swing. This allows each parent to choose the perfect option for motion sickness for their child.

The seat can be removed from the base and used as a carrycot. Its bottom edge is shaped like skids, so it can be wiggled. Many parents find it very convenient that Graco branded car seats are compatible with the base of the motion sickness center. But the swing seat for transporting children in a car is not recommended.

Materials and fabrics

The upholstery of the chair has a plush texture. Some parts are made of organic cotton. All fabrics used have safety certificates.

In the reviews, parents note that the material, soft to the touch, shows remarkable wear resistance. The fabric does not rub or fade in the sun. It is very convenient that the cover can be removed at any time and washed in a typewriter or by hand.

There are several volume levels. Reviews say that the minimum is really very quiet and delicate, and if you increase the sound to the maximum, it will be quite loud, but not deafening.

Melodies and additional features

The choice of melodies is quite wide. Among them there are 5 calm songs for sleep, 5 fun fast tracks and 5 relaxing audio recordings of nature sounds. In addition, you can connect your own smartphone or music player to the Graco Sweetpeace swing.


The seat is deep enough so that the baby cannot slip out of it. But additionally, five-point harnesses with soft shoulder pads are responsible for the safety of the fidget. The height of the attachment can be adjusted depending on the height of the child.

According to experts, the Graco Sweetpeace baby swing is very stable. The possibility of overturning, subject to proper operation, is excluded.

It is important for parents to remember that it is unacceptable to deviate from the manufacturer's recommendations. The model is intended for children whose weight does not exceed 9 kg and height is 72 cm.

Negative owner experience

Considering the reviews about the Graco Sweetpeace electric swings, let's start with the negative ones, since there are very few of them. The disadvantage that many parents complain about is the high price.

Rather impressive dimensions do not allow the center to be installed in small rooms, but rather, this can be attributed to the features, and not to obvious shortcomings. However, owners of small apartments should think carefully about whether a purchase that “bites off” an impressive space is worthwhile.

Some complain that over time the motor can heat up during prolonged use. The problem is solved without any difficulties: the swings just need to be allowed to “rest” for 10 minutes, after which they will continue to work.

Another feature of the model is instability on uneven surfaces. But in the case of the ring-shaped base, it could not be otherwise. Therefore, if you plan to take the center to the garden or take it with you to the country, consider this point in advance.

Some owners complain that the Graco Sweetpeace is difficult to transport. When disassembled, it fits into the trunk of a medium-sized car, but disassembly and assembly take time. This feature should also not be considered a clear drawback, since the model is not positioned as a mobile travel accessory, it is intended for home use. Families who lead an active lifestyle may want to purchase a folding lightweight lounge chair in addition to a comfortable motion sickness center.