How to make a bow in Minecraft. How to make a bow in Minecraft, and what is it crafted from? What you will need

Take, for example, skeleton archers or creepers. The first ones attack the player from a distance, not letting them get close to them, and the last one, the most famous mob in the game, explodes when approaching the player. To prevent this, you need to kill him from a distance. But how to make a bow in Minecraft, and what is it crafted from? Let's find out!

This is a really good weapon that is able to resist most mobs in the game. Using a bow in the game is simple, just hold down RMB and do not release the key until the shot is fired. The more the arrow is pulled, the more penetrating power it will have. Basically, mobs die from 1 - 2 arrows. To defeat the boss you need about 20 arrows.

The bow is very effective against:

  • mobs that attack from the air;
  • skeletons;
  • spiders;
  • creepers.

How to craft a bow in Minecraft?

Before you start creating a bow, you first need to acquire all the necessary ingredients. Any item in Minecraft consists of several others that are combined on a workbench. To create a bow, you need to have 3 sticks and 3 strings. Threads can be obtained by killing a spider or simply collecting threads from spiders that died in the mine, but to do this you need to go down into it. The feathers come from killed chickens. Sometimes bows and arrows can be obtained without crafting: simply picked up from a dead skeleton. But you still have to resort to creation, because nothing lasts forever in the game.

The bow is practically created, but you need to shoot something with it, otherwise what is the use of it? If our weapons are ready, now we need to deal with the arrows. Arrows are created not individually, but in blocks of 4 pieces. So, to get such a block, you need to find flint, feather and sticks.

Experienced players know that all these materials are not cheap, and they are very difficult to get, so after use, in order to save money, it is better to select arrows. In 80% of cases, the arrows do not break, and you can walk around the battlefield after the battle, looking for any remaining ammunition.

At this stage, you have learned how to make a bow and arrows for it, now you need to practice shooting. The bow can be made more powerful, add a shock wave to it, or make fire arrows. All this is achieved by enchanting weapons. The game has a level and upon reaching a certain level you will be able to enchant weapons. The higher your level, the stronger the spell will work. For example, strength gives more damage to a bow, shock wave - throws the target back when hit, fire or ignition - sets the enemy on fire and endless arrows, which are not spent, but require 1 arrow. Weapons can also be repaired, this is done in the following way: two worn-out bows are placed on the anvil, and the output is one completely repaired.


As mentioned earlier, archery is simple. It is worth remembering that by pulling the bowstring tighter, you waste time, and in battle conditions there is very little of it. There is gravity in the game, this also needs to be taken into account, because the arrow will fly along its own trajectory and will only decrease with distance. When aiming, try to aim a little lower than the enemy's head and then there is a high chance that you will hit the target. Over time, you will learn to determine the right trajectory, because this comes with experience. However, if possible, it is better to spend precious seconds and shoot with all your might so that the enemy is crushed with one hit.

Getting things with a bow

The bow is one of the components of such an item as a dispenser. Most things in the game can produce some items, and the bow is no exception. If you combine a bow and seven cobblestone blocks, as well as redstone, the result will be quite a useful thing. We advise you to learn how to craft things, because this skill will diversify the game and bring more emotions and pleasure. But now you know exactly how to create a bow in Minecraft!

Remember that in the game world everything is done simply, only sometimes you need to understand how this or that thing is created. There are many other news for this, information from which you can find out in just a couple of clicks! Share the article with your friends, leave comments and ratings, thank you!


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The sandbox game The Forest was released relatively recently. However, given the high popularity of this trend, she very quickly gained her fans. The plot here is very simple - as a result of a plane crash, you find yourself on an island, the only survivor among all the passengers. However, as it turns out, you are certainly not the only living person on this island. An aggressive tribe of mutants lives here, each member of which dreams of catching you and killing you. Accordingly, you have to fight for survival, having at your disposal only everything that you can find among the wreckage of the plane and its contents, as well as what nature gives you. Naturally, first of all you should think about weapons, since with their help you can defend against mutants and get your own food. At the moment, the game is at the beta testing stage, that is, players can already purchase the project and play it, but the developers are constantly adding to it and correcting it, listening to the reviews of gamer testers. In one of the additions, a new type of weapon appeared - a bow. This is the first weapon with which you can deal with opponents at a long distance - before this, the game only had melee weapons. And then a pressing question for the game The Forest arose: how to make a bow?

What will you need?

So, if you decide that you definitely want this new type of weapon, then you will have to try. The fact is that not all resources can be obtained so easily. in The Forest? You will need one stick, one rag and one ball of rope. If with the first two objects everything is quite simple and easy (you can find the first anywhere on the island, and the second - at the site of the plane crash, as well as among the wreckage), then with the third everything is much more complicated. The fact is that at the moment the rope is only available in the mutant cave, which many players do not risk going to. But if you are still confident in your abilities, then you can go down and get yourself the necessary part.

After this, all the elements need to be connected to each other, and you will get a full-fledged, albeit rather rough at first glance, bow. It will come in handy in your attempts to survive. You now know how to make a bow in The Forest, but by itself it is absolutely useless. Naturally, you also need arrows for it.

Making arrows

As you can see, not everything is so simple on this unsafe island. You have already learned how to make a bow in The Forest, but you cannot use it until you make arrows for it. Here everything is not so difficult - you don’t have to go to the mutants’ cave and engage in an unequal battle. To create one arrow you will need one stick and five feathers. You already know how to get sticks, but feathers will fall from dead birds. Of course, you have to kill them for this, but you can use them not only to create arrows from feathers, but also for food, so the activity is useful in any case. So, after combining the sticks with the feathers, you get arrows. But what now? How to use all this? Obviously, a bow and arrow in The Forest will make your passage much easier, but for this you will need to develop certain skills.

How to use a bow and arrow?

In the game The Forest, passing is survival, so any items and any skills will be very useful to you in one situation or another. So it's great that you can now create a bow and arrow, but it's time to learn how to shoot a bow. To do this, of course, you need to arm yourself with it, then press the left mouse button. The character will begin to pull the bowstring, and here comes a very important moment. You need to control the tension of the bowstring - the tighter it is, the faster and further the arrow will fly. So you can completely control its flight using the left and right mouse buttons. By the way, the right button is also very useful - it allows you to loosen the bowstring, so if you've pulled it too tight, use the right button. And if you are ready to shoot, release your left hand. As you can see, in The Forest the bow is not that difficult to use. However, there are also some rather significant nuances.

Features of using a bow

Those players who have spent some time in The Forest already know that this project does not have a sight. That is, you are a healer by eye, and if in close combat this is not so scary, then in the case of a bow the lack of a sight is critical.

But there is no point in complaining to the developers - this is not a glitch and will not be fixed - the sight has been removed for maximum realism, so you have to seriously practice to learn how to shoot accurately. Perhaps in the future there will be The Forest mods that will add a sight or something to compensate for its absence, but for now everything will remain this way.

The future of onions

This weapon was received very warmly by gamers, so now it is clear that it is here to stay. It is also clear that the bow will not have a sight in the official version of the game. But what will happen next? Given the great success of this weapon, the developers are planning to introduce several other types of bows into the game, for example, not a homemade one, but a professional one.

The game “The Forest” has quite a variety of weapons, but the bow is far from the least useful. Its only drawback is the lack of a sight in the game, so you will have to get used to shooting. But how to make a bow in The Forest?


It's actually quite simple and shouldn't cause you any big problems. You need the following ingredients:

  • One stick
  • One rag
  • One ball of rope

I think there is no need to explain where to get sticks, there are plenty of them in the forest. You can get rags in the suitcases of tourists, and you will find a rope in the natives’ cave, it will hang on the ceiling in the room with the corpses of passengers. You can also craft rope yourself using fabric.

This is all good, but you need arrows to shoot. And this is partly what makes the bow so useful, because arrows are also easy to craft, so you will have virtually endless ammo.


To craft arrows you will need:

  • Five feathers
  • One stick

Feathers in The Forest, of course, come from birds and the easiest way to collect them is on a yacht.

The arrows themselves, by the way, are different. In addition to regular arrows, you can use fire and poison arrows.

In the first case, you need to combine an arrow and a bottle of alcohol in the crafting window. The resulting arrows will cause increased damage, and enemies will also burst into flames, causing panic among their allies.

If life is not sweet to you, let me see the torment of the enemy, then poisoned arrows are your friend. To make it you will need an arrow and four twinberries. Such arrows cause less damage than fire arrows, but the poison lasts for a long time, so you can make fun of the victim to your heart's content.

In addition to the sword, the Minecraft game design includes another effective weapon - the bow. Any user knows that in Minecraft it is most advantageous to use a sword when fighting unfriendly mods at close range and it is almost impossible for it to reach flying enemies, and this weapon, through arrows, effectively deals damage at distant approaches to your virtual character and will be able to shoot a flying enemy .

Use in the crafting world

Using a bow in minecraft is easy. To fire a shot, you must press and hold the RMB. Thus, you pull the bowstring. The stronger the tension of the core, the greater the penetrating effect of the arrow in Minecraft, the damage inflicted on enemies and the further it will fly. By pulling the vein to the limit, you will cause damage of 4.5 hearts, if by half, then 3, with a weak tension 1-2. Usually unfriendly mobs die from 3-4 shots. For the boss, you need to spend up to 20 arrows.

After version minecraft 1.0.0, the bow began to have durability (up to 385 uses).

It is effective against:

  • flying mobs,
  • Ghastov,
  • skeletons,
  • creepers,
  • spiders,
  • wither skeletons,
  • skeleton riders, that is, those mobs.

Users have noticed that a bow and arrow is good to use in Minecraft against mobs that use a ranged attack or are extremely dangerous at close range.

When shooting at long distances in minecraft, users need to take the elevation above the target to compensate for the force of gravity acting on the projectile. When shot through lava, the arrow lights up and when it hits a mob, it ignites it without causing any additional damage. After a while they will go out on their own. Arrows fired from a bow enchanted with fire will burn forever and cause additional fire damage to the enemy. The maximum flight range is up to 50 blocks. A bow enchanted to fire is used to activate TNT (explosive).

How to create a bow and arrow

To craft a bow you will need:

  • three wooden sticks,
  • three threads that can be found in the treasury, obtained as a drop from killing spiders and spun from sheep's wool.

You need to do this on a workbench like this:

To directly use this weapon, you need arrows (they do not have a strength limit), which can be obtained in two ways:

  1. drops after destroying skeletons,
  2. do it yourself.

In order to make an arrow you need:

  • flint (falls out when breaking cobblestones with a pickaxe),
  • wood stick,
  • feathers (fall out of chickens, you can also kill a chicken, then it appears as a drop).

To make a penetrating projectile on a workbench, you need to arrange the items like this:

Repairing and enchanting this weapon

In minecraft, gamers are given the opportunity to make enchantments. To do this, you need to reach the highest level and make an enchantment table.

Enchantments cast in:
- increased damage power,
- adding a shock wave,
- ignition of the arrow,
- infinity (one arrow is needed, then arrows are not wasted).

To repair, two damaged bows are placed on the anvil and at the end you get one repaired one.

Onions can be used as a crafting ingredient. It is used in the process of crafting a dispenser (red dust + 6 cobblestones + bow):

The dispenser is used as a trap weapon, which is activated by pressing the platinum (lever, button and circuit made of red stone). At the same time, he throws an object at the enemy.