Mirror next to the front door. Is it possible, according to Feng Shui, to hang a mirror in front of the front door. Why you can not hang a mirror in front of the entrance

A mirror in front of the front door can benefit the family, or it can harm. To benefit only, you need to know the principles of Feng Shui.

The mirror in front of the front door is endowed with a magical influence regarding the foundations of the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, which connects the properties of mirrors with the most powerful energy that can fill the premises with a positive charge. Let's take a look at all the secrets!

And such an ordinary piece of furniture as a mirror has always been endowed with a wide variety of prejudices and overgrown with many legends.

Interaction of door structures and energy flow

One of the most important components of Feng Shui are doors, as they serve as gates for the penetration of magical Qi energy. To enhance their effect, it is permissible to follow the advice:

  1. It is worth removing all obstacles in front of the front door. The accumulation of Qi requires space. In the absence of sufficient space, it is worth hanging a decorative lantern at the entrance, which will illuminate the path, show the way for the flow of Qi.
  2. When a flight of stairs is located opposite the door leaf of the opening, whether it rises or falls, it is necessary to soften it and make a low threshold at the foot. The teaching says that the ladder is a strong conductor of energy, which can create a leak of Qi, or a dangerous surge of Sha Qi. A small threshold will soften this effect. Musical pendants will also help.
  3. It is recommended to constantly monitor the closed position of the door viewing device - a peephole on the front door.
  4. Do not allow malfunctions and squeaks of door panels. A creaking door leaf will surely scare away the Chi force.

Do not ignore the placement of doors, as well as their decorative aesthetic appearance.

Incorrect location of the opening can lead to suppression of the flow of Qi.

The following combinations of doors can bring evil and bad luck to a private home and its inhabitants.

Placing three or more doors in a through order (one behind the other) is the most dangerous combination.

The effect is multiplied when one door is the front door, and the other is the spare. In such cases, it is necessary to put some kind of obstacle in front of the middle door or place a screen. Hanging Chinese bells and flutes will somewhat soften and improve the situation.

door triangle.

It is also a dangerous combination that spins negative energy and pours it into all the residents of the house, provoking scandals and quarrels. Deactivates the effect - an air bell hung in the center of an energy vortex.

Passage in front of the window.

You should not use a typical design, because the Qi energy does not have time to linger and settle in the house. A thick curtain on the window opening can soften the magical effect.

Opposite the tip.

The tip can be any corner, an architectural structure, a sharp ledge. Placing a door in close proximity to a typical object threatens serious problems for the owner of a private building. The angle symbolizes the indicator of the dark power of Sha-chi, which directs it and gives the target of defeat. There can be two solutions:

  • Remove or dull the protruding object, depriving it of endowed negative power,
  • Disguise with fresh flowers by placing the plant directly in front of the tip. Thus, it is possible to hide from the blows of Sha-qi.

When avoiding sharp corners, it is worth taking a closer look at the mirror being purchased. It is worth choosing mirror surfaces of a soft shape and a rather large size, so that the reflection of a person looking in the mirror is holistic.

Aisle in front of the toilet

You should not use a typical arrangement, since positive energy will immediately disappear when it enters the room, bringing nothing to the hearth.

  • It is worth keeping the door leaf of the opening overlapping structure in a permanently closed position - this will partially block the exit of Qi.
  • It is recommended to hang a mirror on the door leaf of the toilet door, it will bring positive energy back into the house.

The color of the door should directly depend on the location of the canvas itself. Since the cardinal directions, where it is facing, must be fueled by the right colors and decor.

Having made your installation for life, you can place and decorate doors according to Feng Shui.

The table below shows the main descriptions of the properties of doorways facing different directions of the world. In addition, the right paint colors and decorative elements (finishing materials, drawings) were selected:

  1. Beige, yellow, pink
  2. White, silver, gold
  3. Help, strength, strength
  4. White, silver, gold.

Location of mirrors relative to doorways

Mirror located in the hallway.

The ability to wield mirrors in the art of feng shui seems to be a great success. So a typical object is endowed with the power to reflect and attract Qi energy.

Incorrect placement can lead to the most serious consequences.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have been aware of the hidden and dangerous power of mirrors, and have attached special importance to them.
Often, mirrors are placed in the hallway, considering the typical location to be quite convenient with respect to several target directions:

  • Hanging mirrors in the hallway of the apartment visually increases the space. The reflection of small hallways, inherent in the layouts of multi-storey buildings, in mirrors, gives a visual unfolding of a small area.
  • An additional reason for the location of large mirror surfaces in a small corridor of the hallway is the ability of the surfaces to reflect both natural and artificial light, which makes the area brighter, thereby larger.
  • Of course, the use of mirror surfaces in the hallway at the exit of their apartment also has a direct function. So before leaving the house, everyone wants to see their own reflection, making sure they are in decent shape before going out. The mirror in front of the door, as many people think, escorts the inhabitants, as it were.

When asked whether it is possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door, regarding the opinion of adherents of ancient Chinese culture, the question is unambiguously negative. Why this is not possible, this factor is explained simply by the ability of mirror surfaces to reflect the main energy flows that come into the house.

So you can’t use a mirror hung opposite the entrance doorway in the building, it does not allow positive energy to get through and settle in the home.

Careless handling of the magical properties of mirrors can bring an imbalance in the home and in the lives of its inhabitants.

And why you can not use surfaces out of order, is discussed below:

  • The decision to hang a mirrored canvas opposite the entrance to the building is fraught with the loss of money earned. So there will be a feeling that money, as it were, comes in full for needs, but tends to run out quickly. Mirrors are not to be taken lightly.
  • When the mirror is located opposite the entrance to the dwelling, its inhabitants may feel constant fatigue, and even anger. So the positive energy that comes into the house, not having time to enter, is reflected from the mirror surface, being thrown back instantly. A person simply has nowhere to take a charge of positive energy.
  • Among other things, the reflection of the front door in the mirror sheet is fraught with a loss of positive energy at home. The whole gamut of positive energy, the health of family members, vitality and luck, simply flow out through the surface of the mirror out of the building and nothing can be done except to hang the canvas.

A few simple tips regarding the correct placement of mirrors in a building will help you use typical surfaces to the greatest advantage:

  • It is better to place the reflective surface somewhat away from the entrance opening, so that the reflection of incoming visitors and household members occurs casually. So the surface will serve as a kind of distributing device for Qi energy, which freely enters the house.
  • The most advantageous and correct arrangement of mirrors is accentuated on the surface of the entrance leaf itself, which increases and accumulates energy.
  • Excellent hanging mirrors with a reflection in it of something beautiful and sublime: flowers, paintings. A greater flow of positive energy is thus assured.

The mirror should not reflect the negative, it should be pleasant to look into it, and to do this, preferably in a good mood.

Source: dekormyhome.ru

Mirror opposite the front door, how to neutralize the bad influence

A mirror in front of the door is not the worst thing that can be, since not only good things go away, but also negative ones. However, the mirror well reflects evil thoughts and envy. Since the mirror cannot be removed, its impact must be softened.

To do this, you can hang a small rounded mirror on the front door, it will additionally reflect and return positive qi energy to the house. Depending on the location of the door, you can also hang this small mirror opposite the one that reflects the door.

It is also desirable to hang a small bell above the door, not wind chime, but a beautiful brass bell.

You need to find out in which direction the front door is located, and then choose the appropriate color for it. This will also help to harmonize the energies in the house.

In addition, you can make a small screen or a curtain, beautifully draped against the wall, either above the door or a little further (if the layout allows) from the inside. It is necessary to choose the angle so that the curtain is reflected in an unwanted mirror and, as it were, hides the door itself a little.

One can recall the experience of Soviet women who hung various straw curtains or multi-colored beads strung on a fishing line in the corridor.

In this way, you can perfectly beat the space and at the same time eliminate the problem. The cornice can be attached directly to the ceiling at a distance between the door and the mirror.

It is not necessary to make a curtain to the floor. It is enough to create a beautiful flowing waterfall of beads, which would be asymmetrical, and on the one hand it reached the floor, and on the other hand it was functional and did not block the path.

Experiment, you have a huge field for imagination!

Some houses or apartments have certain layout features that do not allow people to use the living space to decorate the interior exactly the way they wanted.

Ultimately, there is no other place for a mirror than in front of the front door, which, according to various signs, is not a very good option. However, it is possible to make sure that the negative influence of the mirror is completely neutralized.

The East Asian art of feng shui has its own rules regarding the placement of a mirror in front of the front door. Those who take care of the correct arrangement of interior items in the apartment should take them into account.

The first and foremost rule is the prohibition against using a cracked, chipped, broken or scratched mirror. This will visually worsen the overall appearance of the interior, and can also bring misfortune or lack of luck in business to the residents of the house.

When choosing a new mirror, it is recommended to purchase oval or round products. They should not have sharp corners. In order for the edges of the mirror and the energy load that it has to carry to be additionally protected, a beautiful frame will help.

In addition, you can put a vase of flowers, some kind of exposition, a small picture, a figurine and much more in front of the mirror, which has an attractive and pleasant look. This technique is aimed at ensuring that the house is saturated only with positive energy.

When cleaning a room, you should never forget to wipe the surface of the mirror. The accumulation of dust does not look aesthetically pleasing, the more it is unpleasant to look into such an accessory.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a person himself is able to saturate the mirror in the room with energy, and it depends only on him whether it will be positive or negative. You need to smile at your reflection as often as possible, say pleasant compliments. You can’t make scandals, quarrel, and even more so get angry near the mirror.

Very often, when moving to a new house, people, collecting their belongings and pieces of furniture, take a mirror with them. One can only guess what it went through and how many negative emotions it absorbed.

It is better to leave this product in the old place, and purchase a new accessory. And from broken glass, which is usually used as an interior decoration in a room, it is recommended to completely refuse.

How to neutralize

According to popular beliefs, it is not recommended to hang a mirror in front of the main entrance, because its reflection can bring money and good luck out of the house. And no one thinks that the negative can also disappear.

If there is no more suitable place for the product in the room, then its impact can be effectively mitigated, especially since human envy and anger can also be reflected in it.

The simplest thing you can do is to place a small rounded mirror on the front door. It is he who is entrusted with the task of reflecting and returning positive qi energy back to the home. In addition, a small beautiful brass bell can be hung above the front door.

Just do not confuse it with the music of the wind, it has a completely different purpose. In order for the energy in the house to be harmonious, it is advisable to determine the direction of the front door and choose the appropriate color for it.

For a more aesthetic look, you can abandon the curtain length to the floor. A beautiful flowing waterfall is enough, especially since now you can buy unique beads and other items that allow you to achieve a stunning design effect.

If none of the suggested methods is suitable for any reason, you can hang the accessory at a slightly angle, which will allow the front door to be reflected in it not completely.

Alternatively, the product will look good on the door itself, which, according to folk signs, promises material well-being, an improvement in the physical condition of all family members.

Drapery on the wall of a beautiful fabric will also look good, which will close one half of the door. This technique, in turn, will help neutralize the negative consequences of the location of the mirror.

Russian signs

Since ancient times in Rus', a mirror has been used as a magical object and a lot of rituals were not performed without it. And now it is believed that the product is able to collect, accumulate, give or reflect energy.

In folk signs, you can find an explanation of why it is impossible to place mirrors opposite the front doors:

  • positive energy will leave the home,
  • people living in a house or apartment will begin to be exhausted both mentally and physically, which can result in various diseases,
  • the owner of the house, going about his business, will feel an acute reluctance to return to his abode,
  • more and more uninvited guests will appear in the house,
  • material well-being will begin to deteriorate,
  • guests, entering the house, are able to leave their energy in the mirror, which can be negative, which will ultimately affect the household,
  • if luck, entering the dwelling, notices its reflection in the mirror, she will go in search of another haven, believing that everything is fine in this house without her. Plus, it can be pulled into the looking glass, which is fraught with negative consequences for residents.

These signs are related not only to one front door, it is not recommended to place a mirror opposite the interior openings. Whether or not to hang a mirror in front of the main entrance depends only on the owner of the house. If a person is superstitious or an adherent of the teachings of Feng Shui, then such an idea will definitely not appeal to him.

You can always find a way out of any situation. In extreme cases, a mirror can be hung on the side of the front door. This will keep positive energy and all households will be satisfied.

A mirror is not just a part of the decor, without which not a single person can do, it is a magical object known since ancient times. Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to the mirror.

When used correctly, mirrors can significantly improve your life, and when used incorrectly, they can harm you. What does the Feng Shui mirror opposite the front door promise us?

Feng shui mirror

The mirror is a conductor of positive energy flows

The magic of the mirror surface lies in the fact that it is a link between our physical world and the subtle world, invisible to the human eye.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a mirror is a conduit for the flow of positive Qi energy entering the house. From where it hangs, it depends where they go and how the streams of energy are distributed.

Without good energy, the house "dies" - the people living in it constantly have problems in everyday life, in love, in terms of health and business. A properly selected mirror will help neutralize the influence of negative energies on our lives.

Let's talk a little about the shape of reflective surfaces. According to Feng Shui, it can be the most diverse, so choose the one that you like and most harmonizes with the interior of your home. In China, they believe in the magical power of the Bagua mirror, which was used as a protective talisman. It has a round reflective surface enclosed in a special octagonal frame with symbols printed on it.

In no case should the talisman be hung inside the dwelling - its place is outside. The amulet is placed on the side of the house that is exposed to negative factors and requires correction. Such factors can be a noisy highway, a garbage heap, an intersection or a cemetery.

In no case should a mirror be positioned so that it reflects buildings where people live or work constantly.

As for the size of the mirrors, the Feng Shui teaching welcomes large mirror surfaces, where a person is reflected in full growth. It is especially good to place such mirrors in the hallway. The surface is selected for the height of the tallest member of the family, taking into account the additional space above his head. This “free” area from human reflection contributes to the spiritual, material and physical growth of family members.

According to the theory of Feng Shui, it is not necessary to use reflective surfaces that, as it were, "cut" the human body. They can cause health problems regarding "cut off" parts of the body.

And it’s not at all worth decorating the room with mirror tiles. The smaller it is, the more intense it “breaks” the human reflection.

Don't look in the mirror when you're sick

The main property of any mirror surface is the doubling of everything that is reflected in it. Based on this, Feng Shui advises to place in front of the mirrors only what is “pleasant to the eye”. If your walls are peeled off or tiles are cracked, do not hang mirrored surfaces in front of these places. Try to place them in such a way that they reflect a beautiful landscape, flowers, or happy faces of people.

You can place a talisman in front of a reflective surface, and it will double its strength.

The mirror surface "remembers" and multiplies all your emotions. Therefore, do not look in the mirror when you are crying, angry or scared. Do not look into it when you are sick or when you do not like yourself. Approach him at the hour of fun and joyful events in your life. Try on beautiful outfits in front of him that make you beautiful - let him "see" you only "in a good light."

The mirror in the hallway should be large

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the positive energy of Qi enters the house through the front door, and through it it can also leave. Seeping into the dwelling, energy flows spread throughout all the premises, filling them. If any reflective surface hangs opposite the front door in the hallway, positive energy leaves the house without having time to get into it. It is possible to live in such an apartment, but it is difficult - households are constantly haunted by failures in all areas of life, even the air in such a dwelling becomes heavy.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the mirror in the hallway should be placed on the wall, which is at an angle of ninety degrees from the front door. It is desirable that other rooms are reflected in it. Streams of positive Qi energy, entering the room, are dispersed throughout the house with the help of a properly placed mirror surface. In front of the mirror in the hallway, you can hang symbols of wealth and prosperity, which will double.

It is better to choose a large mirror in the corridor, in which you would see yourself in full growth. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Qi energy should circulate freely in the room, so if your hallway is tiny, a mirror surface will help you. Position it in such a way that it visually expands the room. If a long and narrow corridor stretches immediately from the entrance, then in this case you can lead a mirror on its two opposite walls. At the same time, check that these mirrors are not opposite each other.

Mirrors must be handled with care.

Mirrors do not tolerate careless treatment. If you want them to bring only good things into your life, try to adhere to some "rules of conduct":

  1. If the mirror is broken, do not fall into despair, mentally drawing terrible pictures of all kinds of disasters. Carefully collect the pieces and rinse them under running water, then wrap them in a dark cloth and discard. Running water can erase information from a mirror surface.
  2. The mirror must be kept clean and wiped regularly, but it is better to wash it in running water. As you know, mirror surfaces “absorb” information and emotions of a person, and they are not always positive.
  3. Do not hang mirrored surfaces with stains or scratches.
  4. Do not bring home antique mirrors, especially if they belonged to people with a "difficult fate."
  5. You can not look into mirror fragments or a cracked mirror.
  6. Do not place more than three mirrors in one room.
  7. You can't hang mirrors opposite each other, so you can create a "mirror corridor" which can be quite dangerous.
  8. Mirror surfaces, with applied patterns or engravings can distort information, which is undesirable.

The mirror in front of the front door is endowed with a magical influence regarding the foundations of the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui. The practice of Feng Shui associated the properties of mirrors with the most powerful energy that can fill the premises with a positive charge.

Life energy Qi: the correct distribution of flows

Feng Shui combines Qi energy with architecture and design, since the flow of this power is present everywhere, especially in houses, apartments, which should let in favorable energy, block bad energy, preventing it from stagnation in order to avoid illness and trouble.

Qi energy is a limitless force that has two sources:

  • Space (cosmic radiation, gravity, forces of nature, elements, weather),
  • Man (personality, aura, breath).

They are closely intertwined, forming a strong, positive energy that gives life, peace and harmony. With the flow of Qi energy with smoothness and calmness, it is possible to transform from a spiritual into a material essence: plains, rivers, clean air. With an unpredictable flow of energy (Sha-qi), angular mountains, steep rocks, swift and dangerous rivers are formed, which do not give peace and harmony.

A similar effect on a person according to Feng Shui.

Each item brought into the house is endowed with factors that have their impact on the correct distribution of energy flows.

And a typical extraordinary piece of furniture, like a mirror, has always been endowed with a wide variety of prejudices and overgrown with many legends and mystical events.

The Art of Rewarding Yourself with Positive Energy

It would seem that such a trifle is a mirror in front of the front door. Many people think that it is very convenient, you can always look at yourself before going for a walk. However, if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, then such an arrangement takes away vital energy. The person will feel low energy, have a headache, or bring misfortune upon themselves during the day.

If you know little about Feng Shui, then you can ask for help from a professional in this matter. He will help to equip the home in such a way that it is filled with only positive energy and strength.

The mirror in the house is an important detail

Each element in the house plays its role, influences the distribution of positive energy. Especially when it comes to a mirror. A huge number of prejudices and signs are associated with it. Since ancient times, it has been considered a magical, and even mystical object. Many legends prove that a mirror in front of the front door is not the best option.

  • When choosing a mirror, pay special attention to the one with non-pointed corners and medium size. It is not recommended to keep this attribute in the form of a rectangle in the house.
  • A mirror is a powerful energy store, for this reason be careful when looking into it. Try to make it reflect as many smiles and joy as possible, then the atmosphere in the house will be appropriate.
  • Forget about the mirror opposite the front door. Hang it on the side, for example. The effect of expanding the space will remain the same, but you will not let out all the good things that you have in your house.

The right mirror in the house

Every element in the house, every single part of the interior must be chosen correctly. Before moving on to the main question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door, it is worth figuring out what it should be like in general.

  • Large size so that the figure of a person is reflected in full growth.
  • Without sharp corners (preference is given to an oval). Soft outlines give the atmosphere calmness.
  • There should not be even the slightest crack or scratch on the surface, they attract more negativity. In addition, it can be a reminder of unpleasant situations from the past, which is also very bad.

Do they hang a mirror in front of the front door

Most people do not know about feng shui, much less how to navigate it. Superstitions are indifferent to them, so very often today you can find mirrors that the owners placed right in front of their front door.

Why is this done:

  • To create the illusion of more space, because reflective surfaces visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The room becomes brighter, because the mirrors reflect not only artificial light, but also natural.
  • So that you can take a look at yourself before leaving the house.

So why can't you hang a mirror in front of the front door, if some people do it and don't think about superstitions? The answer is simple. This attribute attracts external energy, and not always positive. And if you place it at the exit, you will let all the negativity from the street into the house. The opposite effect will also work - the release of energy from the house. Happiness, smiles and many more good things that you have can leave.

Consequences of incorrect mirror placement

Careless handling of reflective surfaces can lead to the following consequences:

  • In such a house, money will not linger for a long time. The earnings of the owners can be high, but all the funds will simply be wasted, and it is not clear what. Even if the owners notice this trend, they will not always be able to understand the reason for what is happening.
  • Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door? Definitely not. If you do this, then the person will constantly feel tired, the flows of positive energy do not penetrate the house, therefore there will be nowhere to take a good mood.
  • By placing a reflective surface directly opposite the exit, you run the risk that all home comfort, good luck and health will simply go outside. And such things cannot be given away, they must be kept in your living quarters.

Correct location

You can hang a mirror in front of the front door or not, it's up to you, no one forces you to believe in the magical properties of this attribute. However, there are some tips for a more correct arrangement of mirrors in the house.

  • If you want the space in the house to become a little larger and the room filled with light, you can go for a trick. Hang a mirror right on the door - this is not prohibited by the teachings of Feng Shui. Thus, you will be able to look at yourself before going out, and you will not lose positive energy.
  • If you choose a mirror for the hallway, then the best option would be to enclose it in a beautiful frame. This option will only increase happiness in your home.
  • Keep the reflective surface always clean. You can’t keep dirt in your home, constantly wipe the dust, a large amount of it is a harbinger of misfortune.
  • Feng Shui tells not only about whether it is possible to put a mirror in front of the front door. The teaching also says that you should not look at a reflective surface during a period when you are in a bad mood. The fact is that glasses strongly absorb and remember energy, so you can’t saturate them with negativity.
  • Before you go outside the threshold of the house, be sure to smile at your reflection, capture a great mood. Upon returning home, a stream of positive energy will greet you.

Summing up

It is not at all necessary to be a fan of the teachings of Feng Shui to know whether it is possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door. Just read a few useful tips that will help you properly arrange items in the house. In fact, the environment really has a big impact on mood. How you arrange your living space will affect your overall well-being.

If you can’t do everything on your own, you can always turn to designers - they will not only correctly position each item in the house, but also fill the room with light and joy. Beautiful right mirrors will be great helpers in design.

03.09.2016 52539

A mirror has long been mandatory - without it it is difficult to control your appearance, put your clothes in order or fix your hair before leaving the house. Choosing a location for installation is not an easy task and depends on many factors. In addition to purely technical problems, such as: a complex configuration of corridors, many doors leading into the hallway and a lack of space on the walls, there are also many signs and prejudices associated with the location of the mirror in the apartment and, in particular, on the contrary.

The practical side of the issue

From a practical point of view, you can hang a mirror at any point in the hallway convenient for the owner. The main requirement is to comply with safety rules - it is located in a place protected from possible damage, and securely fixed to the wall, since when falling, fragments can cause serious harm to human health.

To properly hang a mirror in the hallway, you need to take into account
recommendations for its minimum dimensions (not less than 40 × 120 cm) and placement height from the floor (about 50 cm). Such parameters allow you to see the reflection in full growth and at a glance evaluate your appearance from hair to shoes.

The mirror opposite the front door located at a short distance from the entrance is exposed to a number of dangers:

  1. When bringing long items (skis, skirting boards, water pipes) into the apartment, there is a risk of breaking it with a careless movement.
  2. A child in a hurry or in the dark can easily confuse the mirror opposite the entrance and the door, and serious injuries are possible.
  3. When exiting, turning from the mirror to the door, it is easy to hurt him with a bag, backpack or umbrella.

It is also possible to install a mirror on the front door on your own. The optimal material for the manufacture of such a mirror is a flexible organic glass based on acrylic. The advantages of this material include:

  • Durability - such mirrors do not break, do not crack and are absolutely safe.
  • Possibility of giving any form.
  • Easy installation - just remove the protective film from the back and stick it on a flat surface of the door leaf.
  • Easy maintenance and cleaning.
  • Restoration of a glossy surface with polishing agents.

Mirror on the front door

To properly hang a glass mirror, a number of simple steps are performed:

  1. The door leaf is measured and the product of the required size is ordered (when ordering, you need to take into account the space required to install the handle, peephole, hinges and other fittings).
  2. Fastening materials are purchased (the best option is liquid nails, it is possible to use metal or plastic clamps).
  3. The surface of the door is cleaned and degreased, glue is evenly applied to the surfaces to be glued according to the instructions.
  4. The surfaces are glued together, the remnants of liquid nails are removed after drying.

Every girl wants to check her outfit, hair and makeup before leaving her cozy nest. Therefore, almost all the fair sex will say that it is in the hallway that a mirror is a must. But few people know exactly how to arrange it in order to avoid superstitious fears.

Is it allowed to mount a mirror near the door at all?

It should be noted right away that it is strictly forbidden to hang a mirror in front of the front door. You can place it on one of the walls on the side of the entrance, many people prefer the left wall.

If you do not adhere to strict beliefs, you can use the opposite surface, but only if the door is made of metal. Some options for the location of the mirror next to the door are posted on the photo on the Internet.

Why is it forbidden to place a mirror in front of the front door?

Feng Shui Theory

Followers of the ancient teachings believe that energy plays a huge role in life and, as a result, the reflection of this energy. A mirror, both literally and figuratively, has the property of reflection.

According to “Feng Shui”, attention is drawn to the fact that positive energy is reflected without getting into the house from the outside, but the mirror absorbs negative energy like a sponge.

One of the disadvantages of this property of the mirror is that positive energy quickly leaves the house, and a person without the support of forces cannot live safely in his own house.

The mirror in front of the door according to “Feng Shui” also attracts bad people to the house, with envy and malice in their hearts.

The opinion of psychologists

Experts also do not recommend this location of the mirror, but argue otherwise. When a person comes home from work tired and exhausted, the sight of his reflection has a bad effect on his mood and well-being. As a result, people get irritated, get tired quickly or get sick.

There were also situations when a person woke up from noise, for example, a cat dropped something. A sleepy person goes to check what his pet has done, sometimes fearing an attack or mysticism in his soul. And then he sees his reflection in front of the door. A person immediately after sleep will first see the silhouette of a person in his house, get scared, and only then guess that it is himself.

Russian folk omens

In ancient times, when people were distinguished by special superstition, the mirror was used in many rituals. With its help, the girls guessed and contacted the dead, because it is not for nothing that it is believed that the mirror is the door to the other world.

Unfortunately, the opinion about the location of the mirror often changed in antiquity, and people arranged it this way and that.

Advantages of placing a mirror in front of the door

Some signs say that the mirror reflects all sorts of evil eyes and damage, that is, it protects the inhabitants of the house from the evil eye.

It is worth considering that before the mirror was more of a luxury than a necessity, so the mirror immediately indicated the prosperity of the house and attracted abundance.

Cons of this location

It is believed that children under one year old and those who have not been baptized should not approach the mirror. This refers to the mirror hanging opposite the entrance to the house. Entering the dwelling, an image of a relative who has recently died may appear in the mirror. In a house where a mirror hangs in this way, conflicts often occur, and a breakdown comes from the owners.

It turns out that you need to know how to properly hang a mirror near the door, because there are some nuances here.

The best location for your mirror is on the wall to the side of the door. It is convenient both in terms of design and practicality, because the mirror is protected from chips and damage.

You can also consider the option in which the mirror hangs directly on the door, but keep in mind that then the reflective surface must be made of a special, more durable glass.

According to the teachings of "Feng Shui", the most successful location is on the floor, if there is no contact with the door. Some people think that you can hang a mirror, but taking into account the angle. That is, if the mirror is opposite the door, then it is better to turn it.

It is better to choose a wooden frame for a mirror, you can’t attach anything to it, but you can place decorations on top. And the last thing - you need to wash the mirror as often as possible, rub it to a shine.

Of course, the final decision is made by the owners of the house, and their opinion will be formed not only from superstitions.

Photo of mirrors in front of the door

A mirror is perhaps the most vital object for a person, the irreplaceability of which has not been lost for centuries. Mirrors surround us everywhere - in the house, office, on the streets and in transport. Precisely because they literally live life with us, from ancient times this irreplaceable attribute was considered truly magical and could predict events.

Sorcerers, magicians and esotericists still use mirrors in their magical rituals to this day, with their help you can fill the room and even the soul of a person with both positive and negatively charged energy. After all, its surface literally mirrors what they want to put into it.

Mirrors open doors to other worlds - therefore, everyone has known since childhood that if someone has died in the house, you need to cover all the mirrors with something for nine days so that the soul of the deceased can enter the other world, and not get lost in the looking glass. Also with the well-known divination: two mirrors forming a corridor will predict the future.

At least, girls who are guessing on Christmas Eve still see a betrothed in such a corridor or, what is more terrible, a queen of spades. Therefore, even non-superstitious people are very sensitive to these objects. Particular attention is paid to where to place the mirrors in the house. For example, all signs say that it is absolutely impossible to hang a mirror in front of the front door.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that the magic of mirrors was insidious. This indispensable item in everyday life is unique in that it is able to pass through itself information and energy - even positive, even negative. That is why it was called in two ways - "the devil's gift" or "a window through the looking-glass". Because of this, all signs and superstitions say that you should not hang a mirror in front of the front door.

  • Here it absorbs any energy that enters the mirror zone from the outside. Positive and evil thoughts - everything is “eaten up” instantly.
  • The energy flow is disrupted, the energy of the home and household leaves the house, and the chaotic atmosphere of the street or entrance enters the house.
  • Such an arrangement can bring ill-wishers and envious people into the house.
  • Homeowners can suffer trouble and illness.
  • If good energy leaves the house through a reflection in the mirror, an unhealthy situation will reign in the house - scandals, quarrels and squabbles will settle here, which can lead to the breakup of the family.

In the modern sense, the sign that hanging a mirror in front of the front door is life-threatening also has a negative connotation. After all, your house is visited by people with good and evil intentions, which you can only guess about.

And if, upon entering the house, they are immediately reflected in the mirror, they will definitely leave part of their negativity in your family. Even if it's only for a short time. So it is better to refrain from such an arrangement of mirrors.

It is better not to risk and not hang it in front of the front door if there are children under the age of three in the house. Toddlers are endowed with the gift of seeing what we do not see, and if a child sees something terrible and otherworldly in the mirror, his psyche can be seriously affected.

Yes, and we, adults, can easily meet in it with entities that were “picked up” on the street. The probability of such a “meeting” is especially high at night or in the evening. So is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door - what does the Eastern teaching of Feng Shui say about this?

Feng Shui value

Small cramped hallways, similar to nooks and crannies, are difficult to furnish with taste and convenience. Therefore, many people give an honorary "meeting" place to a large mirror in front of the front door. Convenient - and the place is preserved, and visually the hallway is lengthened, and if you suddenly forgot something and had to hastily return - you looked into it and stuck out your tongue.

But the eastern doctrine of the harmony of everyday things and the human soul, feng shui, is against hanging a mirror in front of the front door. And here is the rationale:

  1. The house will be left without positive energy. Thus, vital energy flows, which are called Qi, are blocked. They will automatically leave the dwelling through the reflection as soon as the front door closes. Success, joy, happiness and harmony will leave the house.
  2. Households will begin to wither, diseases will overtake the family.
  3. The Feng Shui teaching about the mirror opposite the front door says that if luck sees its reflection right at the entrance to the dwelling, it will simply turn away and leave, realizing that it is superfluous here. Worse, if she gets lost in the looking glass.
  4. The house will begin to attract uninvited guests with a negative attitude. Visits of thieves and robbers are not excluded.

Where is the best place to place a mirror in the hallway

If, nevertheless, there was no other place for him, except opposite the front door, then it is better to install a mirror on this door. By the way, modern designers are increasingly using mirrored doors in their practice. And the Feng Shui teaching is not against such a place for mirrors:

  • The space of the hallway increases visually, the positive energy from the house will not go anywhere.
  • If you choose a beautiful frame for such a mirror, the success and well-being of the family will only increase.

Interior designers and esotericists are inclined to believe that in the hallway it is best to install it on one of the side walls. You can also use the wall of the closet in the hallway. Small interior solutions for the hallway, for example, floor furniture with a mirror that can be easily moved from place to place, will also solve the problem.

If there is only one place left for the mirror in the hallway and it is opposite the front door, it is better to be smart and deceive superstition and feng shui: hang it a little at an angle so that the reflection is changed.

Where in the house it is better not to hang mirrors

Bioenergetics and the designers themselves single out separate places in the house where a mirror will come in handy or where this vital attribute should not be installed in any case.

Good places for mirrors:

  • Hall or living room - where all the household and their guests gather. It’s good if there are flowers next to him, family photos - positive energy will definitely be reflected and multiplied.
  • On the right or left side of the front door. Good energy will only accumulate here and will not leave the house.
  • Opposite the entrance to the bedroom or the kitchen, in order to accumulate good energy and create a good mood for the household.

Bad places for mirrors:

  • Across from the door. All the good energy at home will disappear, and the negative will accumulate and be reflected in the life of the household.
  • In the bedroom opposite the bed. Fashionable wardrobes with mirrored doors, standing opposite the bed, are a real evil for a sleeper or a rest. Taking away peace, mirrors can deprive a person of sleep or he will suffer from nightmares, insomnia and headaches.
  • Children's. Here it is better to refrain from mirrors - children subtly feel not only negativity, but they can also see entities from other worlds. Why once again hurt the psyche of the child?
  • Kitchen. The reflection of the household will take away their strength and they will quickly get tired.
  • Restroom. This is a zone of accumulation of bad energy, so the mirror will be able to take away the remnants of positive emotions from a person.
  • Bathroom. If a person is reflected in the mirror while washing, he cannot avoid serious illnesses.
It is important not only where to place the mirror, but also in what condition it is. For example, since ancient times it was believed that a clouded mirror, or even a little cracked, can bring a lot of trouble to someone who looks into it. It is better to part with this immediately and not regret it.

When choosing a mirror, it is better to buy such items with rounded edges, so positive energy will gradually accumulate and spread throughout the house. Looking in the mirror for a long time at a party or on the street is not recommended - here you can collect someone else's, not always good energy. It must be kept clean - the negative must be washed off carefully and more often.

Where to place the mirror correctly - everyone decides for himself, but you need to remember one simple rule: you should always look in the mirror in a good mood and with a smile. This is our reflection, it will give a charge for the whole day and it depends only on us what it will be like.

And like any superstition, you need to treat the mirrors kindly and with love, then the signs will start working "for you." Good mirrors and only bright reflections!


Is it possible to place a beautiful mirror in front of the front door in a house or apartment, or maybe in your own bedroom? Folk Russian signs, the teachings of the ancient sages of the world give their advice and recommendations. Next, we will analyze why you should not hang even the most beautiful mirror in front of the front door. As is the bedroom. And most importantly, what can be caused by non-compliance with simple rules.

Ancient signs and superstitions

Folk omens have been composed for centuries and many have believed in them and still believe. And Russian folklore, existing folk signs say the following in this regard.

  • installed in front of the front door - the latter absorbs any, both positive and negative;
  • when placing a mirror in the hallway, the energy flows in the house change, households can feel phobias and fears;
  • placed incorrectly - in the family, at home, quarrels and scandals constantly show themselves;
  • such a mirror discourages good people from the house and vice versa, it will constantly attract evil and envious personalities, blocking cash flows.

Important! If you hang a mirror in your own house on the front door, it will absorb the negative from the street and increase it many times over.

The modern justification will take

Many will say - you need to hang a mirror on the front door. Signs of ancestors should not be taken into account. But from the standpoint of etiquette and the usual rhythm of life, such negative aspects can be distinguished.

  • Hallway. The first place where at the entrance they see themselves, their own reflection in the mirror. “Dark” people can come to the house and the mirror absorbs their negativity.
  • If the family has children no older than 3 years old, they can meet negative subjects and spirits in the mirror. As a consequence, fright and stuttering are many childhood phobias.
  • The threshold is a feature that lets into the other worlds and through it a variety of spirits and evil spirits can be displayed in the mirror surface.

That is why it is so important to know how to properly hang a mirror. And not just bring it to the apartment, placing it in the room. How to hang it and where is the best place to place a mirror so that the correct, positively charged flow of energy fills the house without attracting negativity.

  • It is worth choosing a large, full-length mirror that does not “divide” the display in half, otherwise diseases cannot be avoided.
  • There should be a lot of space between the floor and the edge of the mirror - this is such a scope for growth, spiritual, physical.
  • They do not place two mirrors opposite each other - this is how the corridor for evil spirits opens, it penetrates into our world. Place a picture, a floor lamp, beautiful flowers between them. Anything associated with positive emotions.
  • It is optimal to put a mirror in furniture - in a closet on the back walls or internal sliding walls.
  • If placed at an angle of more than 90 degrees, it will attract positive energy to the apartment, cutting off the negative.

Important to remember! Given these points and rules - you can attract positive energy into the house, take away the negative.

According to the ancient Chinese teaching of harmonization of space and energy flows of Feng Shui, it was strictly forbidden to place a mirror in front of the front door. The only exception is the placement of a mirror in front of a metal door, which puts a block on any negative energy flows.

With regard to advice - according to the ancient teachings, the science of harmonizing space, it is worth placing this piece of furniture in this way.

  • If placed in front of the door - positive energy will "fight back" in the opposite direction.
  • When the dirt of the landing and the mess in the house are displayed, not the best events will happen in the life of the home.
  • Apathy, loss of strength, fatigue and spleen are the result of improper placement of a mirror in the house in front of the front doors.

That is why it is so important to place the mirror at an angle of 90 degrees or more - this is how the mirror surface cuts off the negative from the positive, preventing the first one from entering the house.

Important! In order to increase the influx of positive energy, the mirror surface must be regularly looked after, wiped, and cleaned of dirt.

Mirror in front of the entrance to the rooms

If we talk about what the sign promises when the mirror is placed opposite the front door - it carries different messages, it is important to take into account the features.

  • it is recommended to use small mirrors in the hallways of a small area - they expand the boundaries, respectively, and increase positive energy;
  • do not hang it in the nursery - this will negatively affect the development of the child;
  • if the latter stood opposite the window in the nursery or bedroom, a screen is placed between it and the rest of the room;
  • they also put it opposite the entrance to the kitchen, but in such a way that it displays the dining table, preferably always set;
  • you should not put it in such a way that the anxious, bustling hostess of the house is constantly displayed - this will double, arrange troubles.

The main thing is not to create mirror corridors when placing mirrors - this is how they open the way for evil spirits, dark forces.

Mirror and bedroom entrance

Here it is necessary to be extremely careful. For example, waking up at night and seeing your disheveled head or an uninvited guest from the next world, you can be very scared. This is especially dangerous for small children.

Important! Before you look in the mirror in the morning, you need to dress beautifully and comb your hair, and look into it in a good mood.

The mirror acts as a kind of witness to our life and life - it can enhance the sexual energy of a person, becoming a kind of third in a pair. On the other hand, it acts as a witness - this can plunge into disorientation and confusion. This piece of furniture in the bedroom during sleep can draw energy from the sleeping person, spoil health, both on a physical and mental level. But the worst thing is that in a dream the soul can go into the looking glass, stay there forever.