Effective ways of waterproofing foundations of various types. What waterproofing to choose for the foundation How many layers of waterproofing are needed for the foundation

- the basis of the durability of the entire building as a whole, as well as the safety of the people living in it. Every self-respecting builder pays very special attention to foundation work, the so-called "zero cycle" in combination with earthworks. The foundation is not temporary or built by eye, since its reconstruction in most cases is irrational.

This underground element of architecture is constantly in an aggressive environment, periodically saturated with moisture, and therefore needs additional protection. Regardless of the material of the foundation, and the technology of its construction, a substance such as water can destroy even concrete. To avoid fatal damage, various waterproofing materials are used in today's construction practice. But how to figure out which one is the most suitable in our case? How to make the right choice of waterproofing so as not to spend extra money on materials and the work of craftsmen? And is it possible to do the waterproofing of the foundation with your own hands?

The processes of movement of moisture in the soil, or why it is necessary to waterproof the foundation

Moisturizing the foundation can occur in various ways. Precipitation floods it from the outside, perched water and groundwater from the inside. In addition to everything, this element, due to its constant presence in the ground, does not have the opportunity to dry properly and to erode excessive accumulations of moisture. The structure of concrete, an artificial stone material, has pores through which capillary moisture under pressure can penetrate several meters upwards, rising to the very floor of the ground floor.

The disadvantages of moisture accumulation in concrete can be grouped into the following list:

Flooding of the foundation with groundwater or perched water can also lead to its subsidence, and the roll of the entire structure. Since we are talking about stone materials that have extremely low flexibility, only a few degrees of deviation from the horizon are considered acceptable.

Types of waterproofing for foundations

There are many ways to waterproof the foundation base. Purely technologically, they are all aimed at maximizing the prevention of foundation moisture.

According to the nature of the application, waterproofing is divided into the following types:

According to the types of materials, waterproofing is divided into the following varieties:

We do the waterproofing of the foundation with our own hands

Consider in practice the work on waterproofing the foundation on the example of the foundation for a small country house. Low-rise construction is considered the most relevant and widespread, so we will make the foundation for our house in the form of a foundation slab under the basement walls with a height of 2.30m.

The list of waterproofing works is as follows:

  1. Filled pillow- to prevent groundwater that can rise to the level of our basement, we will make a pillow of sand or ASG, 10-15cm thick. On top of it, it is necessary to backfill with gravel in order to prevent capillary moisture from soaking into the monolithic foundation slab of the basement;
  2. Drainage- in the process of a seasonal rise in the water level in the soil, hydrostatic pressure is created, which one waterproofing cannot reduce. This problem is especially felt when the groundwater level is high, for example, when building a house in a low terrain. In this case, it is necessary to equip drainage. It is produced at the stage of completion of foundation work, before backfilling. In the ditch remaining from the pit, on the outside of the foundation, along its entire perimeter, a plastic pipe is laid with holes on its walls at the top and side. These pipes are connected at the corners into revision wells, which can be viewed if cleaning is required. This method eliminates excess accumulation of moisture near the walls of the foundation and frees it from excess water pressure;
  3. Vertical waterproofing- the outer walls of the basement, constructed from piece materials - brick, gas - or foam blocks - must also be waterproofed. After their construction is completed, it is easiest to process them dry with bitumen-polymer mastic. This method will save you the hassle of heating with a gas burner or delivering heavy rolls to your summer cottage. All you need is a container with waterproofing, a brush or roller to apply it to the walls of the foundation;
  4. Horizontal waterproofing- is made at the place of interface of the walls of the house with the foundation or basement floor slab. This is done so that capillary moisture is completely cut off from this structural element. Another reason not to miss this type of waterproofing is to exclude the influence of rain, surface water on the foundation;
  5. blind area- this element is mandatory in our case. It is he who is able to protect the walls of our basement from moisture, and subsequent destruction. The blind area is poured from concrete onto a ready-made preparation of sand or ASG, if necessary, reinforcing with a metal frame. For a small thickness, a mesh of BP rod with a thickness of 3-4 mm is suitable. The width of the blind area depends on the density of the soil and the width of the roof overhang. However, it is rarely made less than 70-80cm wide. The main condition for its device is that it must have a slope of at least 4-5 degrees, for sufficient runoff of runoff and floods beyond the foundation.

A good and reliable drainage system will help to significantly improve the situation with melt and rain water, and getting it into the ground under the foundation. Gutters and downpipes are capable of collecting rainfall at a planned drain point, such as a container or well.

The base of the house, being constantly in the ground, is periodically moistened. Saturation of concrete or stone elements with moisture can lead to a loss of their strength, and subsequently to their complete destruction. And since the entire structure is located on this element, measures for waterproofing the foundation should be taken seriously.

Waterproofing the foundation of a house is a complex undertaking. When constructing it, it is necessary to take into account the level of groundwater, and its seasonal change. Each element of the foundation must be waterproofed in time, since upon completion of earthworks, these measures will not be effective. And it’s not at all difficult to make waterproofing the foundation with your own hands, because modern materials allow even inexperienced beginners to work with them.

The video clearly shows the process of fusing rolled materials onto the walls and floor of the basement. Also considered are the main and most common errors in the waterproofing of foundations, their causal relationship. This video presentation details the procedure for working with rolled polymer-bitumen waterproofing, as well as the technological nuances of its application.

Waterproofing the foundation is no less important stage in the construction of a country cottage than the construction of the foundation itself. I must say, this is a necessary measure, thanks to which the foundation of the house will be reliably protected from the penetration of moisture, groundwater, rainwater or snowmelt. Therefore, everyone who has started building their own country house should ask themselves: how to waterproof the foundation?

The value of waterproofing increases many times if the house is planned to be built with an exploited basement or basement, as well as if groundwater is present on the site. The presence of fungus and mold on the walls in the basement and basement depends on the quality of waterproofing work. And, most importantly, the safety of the foundation depends.

External waterproofing of the foundation is a necessary measure to protect it from environmental influences. It will not be there, water will begin to seep through the capillaries into the walls of the base. In winter, it will freeze and expand, creating microcracks through which new moisture will enter, which will gradually lead to a loss of strength of the foundation material of the house and the subsequent need to repair the waterproofing of the foundation or the entire foundation as a whole.

Not the last issue in waterproofing is its quality. It depends on how long it takes to overhaul the waterproofing of the foundation. Agree, it is better to do everything well once and thoroughly than to redo it many times later. In addition, the repair of hydrolysis or only the foundation is very expensive. After all, to do this, you must first dig it out, clean it from the ground and old waterproofing, restore the foundation, and only then apply new insulation from soil moisture, and then you still have to return all the soil to its place and make a blind area.

There are many ways to waterproof the foundation, but they should be separated. Any single method of isolation from soil moisture may not be suitable for a certain type of foundation. It follows that the waterproofing of the foundation must be divided not only according to the principle of creating a waterproofing layer, but also according to the principle of building the foundation itself.

In the matter of waterproofing the foundation, you need to pay attention to its insulation, and to the waterproofing between the foundation and the walls of the house (log house, brickwork), no matter what your cottage is built from, and especially if according to the plan it is wood or wooden panels, waterproofing is needed.

What waterproofing to choose for the foundation

Let's take a look at what types of insulation exist, and what kind of waterproofing to choose for the foundation. Before dealing with the main one, and thinking about what kind of waterproofing should be chosen for the foundation, you need to understand what it is still worth protecting from?

When building a foundation of any type, it is protected from:

  • ground groundwater;
  • precipitation (surface water).

If there is groundwater on the site, then it is necessary to raise the question of the depth of their location. Also, keep in mind the level of seasonal uplift. And if the level of groundwater is very high, whether it is seasonal or permanent, that is, it is located above the base of the foundation, then one cannot get off with waterproofing, it is necessary to do drainage work and divert water from the building.

From the waters penetrating to the foundation from above (precipitation and spring waters), it is protected by a blind area. Precipitation exists in any region, so it is mandatory to install it. There will be no blind area, the foundation will be subjected to an additional influx of moisture, and it will be possible to damage it or its waterproofing.

So, from all of the above, it is clear that a number of external factors influence the choice of hydrolysis. Therefore, what kind of waterproofing to choose for the foundation depends on the conditions in which it is planned to build a house and on the type of foundation.

  • The slab foundation is isolated from soil moisture by the roll method, and the adhesive base is often bituminous mastic.
  • Several types of waterproofing are suitable for a strip foundation at once: coating, roll, membrane and injection (penetrating or injection waterproofing method).
  • Coating or paint waterproofing is suitable for a columnar or pile foundation, using bitumen or latex-bitumen compounds.

Types of foundation waterproofing

As can be seen from the above, there are many types of foundation waterproofing. They differ both in the method of application to the base, and in the material of manufacture, its composition and properties. Among them there are types of foundation waterproofing, which have long become traditional, and there are innovative ones.

We will analyze each type separately and consider the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the scope of their application in more detail.

Foundation waterproofing roll

Roll waterproofing of the foundation can rightfully be considered traditional. The oldest method of roll hydrolysis of the foundation was simple, hot bitumen was applied to the foundation as a binding base, after which roofing material was glued onto it. But the roofing material becomes brittle from low temperatures and is prone to decomposition, this is a minus, along with the laboriousness of pasting the foundation.

Now, roll materials for foundation waterproofing have become more reliable. These are hydroisol, hydrostekloizol, brizol, hydrobutyl. They also do not tolerate low temperatures well and show fragility, especially in places of kinks.

Among other things, the surface covered with rolled materials for waterproofing the foundation must be protected from mechanical damage caused by settlement of the house or backfilling. To do this, construct an additional protective screen. However, despite all the shortcomings, this method can be considered traditional. It is quite widespread.

Coating foundation waterproofing

Usually, coating waterproofing of the foundation was carried out with hot bituminous mastics. Coating materials for waterproofing were heated and applied to the foundation. But the service life of such bituminous mastics is short (5-6 years), they do not tolerate low temperatures, lose their elasticity and are easily damaged.

Currently, cold mastics are used, which are based on organic solvents. Such compounds (bitumen-rubber and bitumen-polymer) are much more durable than outdated products, they are more elastic, more convenient to apply.

It is worth paying attention to mastics based on polyurethane. They have high moisture resistance, they are resistant to chemicals and microorganisms, and have great elasticity.

Elasticity indicators are important for waterproofing materials, because the foundation, like the house as a whole, tends to settle over time, and therefore there are some violations and movements of the base and walls of the foundation. They lead to a violation of the outer waterproofing layer of the foundation.

A good choice could be Hyperdesmo-RV. This is a two-component composition, polyurethane-bitumen. It has one small drawback, before working with it, you need to mix the components.

Of the negative aspects of this waterproofing method, it is also worth noting that the coating insulation should be applied to a perfectly leveled foundation surface in order to avoid a non-hermetic coating.

Another nuance is the need to protect the coating. But there is no particular problem here, it is enough to put a layer of thermal insulation on top of the mastic or add a roll coating. Sometimes, in order to preserve the waterproofing coating, the foundation is covered with sand, in this case, additional protection is placed only on the base of the house.

The advantage of coating waterproofing over roll insulation is simplicity. The mastic can be applied with a brush or roller, resulting in a smooth, seamless coating, you can count on 25-30 years of its service.

The plaster method can also be attributed to the coating waterproofing of the foundation. He is quite labor intensive. With this method, multicomponent mixtures based on cement are used. The compositions of such solutions are glass-cement, polymer-cement, with the addition of activated shotcrete, etc.

The resulting plaster must be monitored for several days so that it dries evenly and cracks do not form on it. Sometimes a layer of waterproofing must be covered with a film or burlap.

Despite its complexity, this method of waterproofing the foundation is considered traditional. Therefore, when planning to build a cottage, you should pay attention to this method.

Membrane foundation waterproofing

By and large, membrane waterproofing of the foundation is nothing more than a kind of gluing or roll waterproofing system. The principle of operation is the same, only modern materials are used. In the membrane waterproofing of the foundation, special elastic systems are reinforced, capable of withstanding heavy loads.

The technology of waterproofing using membrane systems can be used in almost any conditions, so its scope is not limited. Unlike other materials, the thickness of the membrane coating is no more than a few millimeters, withstands the appearance of cracks on the base up to several centimeters, withstands dynamic loads and temperature changes.

An example of membrane systems is the LATICRETE 9235 system.

Foundation waterproofing injection

The principle of injection waterproofing is quite simple. The applied composition penetrates into the outer layers of concrete and fills the pores, displacing moisture and protecting it from the entry of a new one. In addition, the injection waterproofing of the foundation has the property of healing concrete and protects the reinforcement from corrosion. This tool is well in demand when repairing foundation waterproofing.

This is the only method that allows waterproofing without access to the outside of the foundation, i.e. the side that is in contact with the ground.

There are two ways to apply injection formulations: under pressure and without it. The first method requires certain injection tools that work under pressure, and is not suitable for independent waterproofing. The second way is more democratic. The injection composition is applied to the foundation or walls of the basement of the house in several layers with an interval in application of about a day.

There are many compositions for injection isolation, for example, you can use Maxseal, XYPEX, PENETRON, VANDEX, etc.

Foundation waterproofing device

The foundation waterproofing device must cover all parts of the foundation. Regardless of which method of foundation waterproofing is chosen, there is a certain sequence of actions and types of waterproofing.

  • Horizontal waterproofing;
  • vertical waterproofing.

Horizontal waterproofing works are usually carried out at two levels:

Horizontal waterproofing is carried out approximately in this way. If the future house or cottage has a strip foundation with open ground, then a layer of clay or other compactor is laid out on the ground, which is subsequently rammed. The next two layers of concrete must be laid at intervals of several days so that the first layer is sufficiently dry. Next, the selected waterproofing agent is placed on the concrete, usually a layer of mastic is applied before it is laid. Further, the waterproofing is poured with concrete, on which the moisture insulation at the basement level can be considered complete.

At the level of the plinth, waterproofing is carried out in a similar way, with the exception that a layer of clay or other soil compaction is not required.

Under vertical waterproofing is meant isolation from moisture of all vertical components of the foundation. Mostly basement walls. If the cottage will stand on dry ground, with a minimum content of constant moisture, then two layers of the selected mastic will be enough. If things are a little worse with the soil, there are groundwater, or significant seasonal fluctuations in soil moisture, then it will be necessary to arrange a watercourse if necessary, or limit yourself to a more thorough study of waterproofing according to the chosen method.

If the house will be made from a log house, then waterproofing is also carried out between the foundation and the log house. Usually it is arranged by laying the waterproofing material on the mastic in several layers. Basement and foundation walls are recommended to be treated on both sides. After backfilling the foundation, a blind area is necessarily arranged.

Foundation insulation and waterproofing

With proper construction, the cottage is planned to be insulated comprehensively, respectively, the insulation and waterproofing of the foundation will be an integral part of the plan. It should be noted that it is not worth neglecting the insulation, it will protect the waterproofing of the foundation from temperature extremes and heaving of the soil in winter. Thermal insulation of the foundation must meet the requirements:

  • maximum compressive strength;
  • low thermal conductivity and moisture absorption;
  • resistance to environmental aggression;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance.

In case of compliance with all requirements and norms, you can count on the durability of the structure. It is also worth choosing high-quality and reliable materials for both insulation and foundation insulation. Remember that the miser pays twice!

How to make a foundation waterproofing for a cottage or a country house

When laying a future home, along with general questions, you need to think about how to waterproof the foundation. This point is no less important than choosing the type of foundation or cottage project. Proper waterproofing will ensure the reliability of the house, the safety of the foundation

Waterproofing for the foundation is possible only taking into account several factors, such as: type of soil, groundwater level, climatic conditions, type of foundation. You can do without waterproofing in hot regions with a minimum of precipitation and low humidity, as well as with deep passage of groundwater. In other cases, waterproofing is necessary for any structure. Read more about what is foundation waterproofing, types of waterproofing, methods of application in our article.

External waterproofing of the basement Source ideas.mthoodwellness.com

How does moisture affect the foundation

Water leads to a violation of the integrity of the foundation in at least two ways.

First of all, this is the washing out of concrete, the appearance of roughness and potholes on its surface.

No less dangerous is the icing of water that has entered the pores of concrete. When water freezes, it tends to expand in volume rather than contract. Penetrating into the foundation structure, in a frozen state, it destroys it inside, forming cracks and crevices. Therefore, during construction, the waterproofing of the foundation should be carried out during the construction process.

Destruction of the foundation due to lack of waterproofing Source homeklondike.site

Why waterproofing

In the basement of a building without good waterproofing, flooding and smudges on the floor, mold on the walls will certainly appear. In such a house it is unacceptable to save food or household items. It is important to choose high quality materials for waterproofing, follow the technology of building a foundation in order to protect the house from the damaging effects of moisture.

Waterproofing performs important tasks:

  • strengthens the foundation and extends the service life;
  • prevents warping of the walls of the house and the formation of cracks;
  • prevents walls from leaking and the presence of water in basements, mold formation; protects from natural destroyers

Types of moisture insulation

It is divided into the following types:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • blind area device.

In some cases, all means of protection are used at once.

Horizontal waterproofing

It is used to prevent the transfer of moisture from one level to another. Designed for all types of foundations: strip, slab, individual supports.

Horizontal insulation - more often used to protect the walls of the house Source doerken.com

Such protection is the processing of the walls of an already finished foundation. Vertical waterproofing is designed to protect the foundation of the structure from the influence of surface water. It is necessary only for tape and columnar supports of the structure.

Vertical waterproofing directly protects the sap foundation Source acost.ru

blind area device

This type of protection protects the foundation from the action of precipitation and melted snow in spring. In this case, the width of the structure plays an important role. With insufficient width, moisture will be discharged a short distance and will be able to reach the foundation.

For its construction, the following means are used:

  • asphalt concrete;
  • concrete;
  • sidewalk tile;
  • clay;
  • waterproof membranes.

The method of constructing the blind area is selected, taking into account the architectural properties and the price of materials. The most budgetary option for a blind area would be its construction from concrete or asphalt. This method does not add decorativeness, but protects the base of the building without significant financial costs and labor costs. The construction of a blind area made of concrete or asphalt is widespread in the large-scale construction of high-rise residential buildings and collective buildings.

The blind area prevents moisture from running off the walls under the foundation Source domexpert.pp.ua

General technical rules

There are a number of technical requirements for each insulation method.

  1. Be sure to take into account the height of surface water.
  2. Consider the purpose and operating conditions of the facility.
  3. Provide for the possibility of floods or heavy precipitation.
  4. Take into account the properties of the soil during frosts.

The optimal method of strip foundation protection is to combine vertical waterproofing in combination with horizontal type protection.

Insulation according to application

Vertical and horizontal insulation according to the method of application can be divided into the following types:

  • pasting;
  • plastering;
  • painting;
  • mounted;
  • injection.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.


Pasting insulation against moisture is based on the use of roll products on a bituminous binder. A built-up or pasting material is used to waterproof the foundation. This method involves applying a heated layer of glue, and gluing it to the surface. To make such protection without using a layer of glue, you will need to use bituminous mastic instead of fastening.

Gluing waterproofing is most often applied in a "hot" way Source remdim.info

Adhesives include:

  • roofing material - the most popular method;
  • roofing, which is still used, given its cheapness, but it should not be used as protection for the main structures of structures;
  • glassine - thick cardboard impregnated with bituminous binder;
  • polymeric materials with bituminous impregnation.


This waterproofing belongs to the type of coating.

Now there are many means of protection against moisture - these are solutions in which, in addition to asphalt or cement with sand, there are additives that give useful properties.

The most common among them are: liquid glass, sodium aluminate, ceresite.

Plaster insulation is “smeared” on the foundation Source ecotg.ru

Painting shop

Paint waterproofing can be hot or cold and involves the application of a complex layer 1-1 mm thick of protective agents. The most suitable among them are hot polymer-bitumen and cold epoxy-rubber coatings. Such a foundation waterproofing device is widely used to protect against capillary moisture.

Paint insulation is more liquid than plaster. Source 76pss.ru


Various fiberglass, rigid polyvinyl chloride, prefabricated reinforced concrete products are used for mounted waterproofing. The disadvantage is the high cost and laboriousness of preparatory work. Such insulation is used when the use of conventional waterproofing is not possible.

Mounted roll foundation waterproofing Source kostroma-remont.ru


This method of waterproofing is based on the process of creating a membrane between a layer of wet soil and the foundation. The method consists in introducing a hydrophobic gel into the structure, which, when solidified, closes all the pores, preventing water from penetrating.

Video description

What is injection waterproofing and how it is used for restoration work, see the video:

What affects the installation of waterproofing

The foundation is the backbone of any home. The service life of the building as a whole depends on its construction. Before starting, you should outline a set of ongoing waterproofing works.

The following factors can influence the decision: the height of the flow of groundwater, the forces of a frost increase in the volume of the soil, the circumstances of the operation of the building, and the heterogeneity of the soil.

Types of foundation installation

With a tape type, the foundation is built in the form of a tape at a certain depth. The canvas rests on foundation slabs, which allows you to evenly distribute the load over the entire surface.

Pile - the most budgetary and simple type of foundation, in which the consumption of materials is minimal. It is a separate pillar and is used in the construction of buildings that do not need a continuous tape support. These are light houses, in the design of which there is a load-bearing lower beam and structures, and the walls consist of horizontal large-sized elements.

Pile-grillage foundation Source ra-spectr.ru

A slab foundation is the foundation of a building in the form of a flat reinforced concrete slab. For the foundation slab, there is no need to dig a deep pit, just remove the top layer of soil and fill it with crushed stone or gravel to protect the foundation slab from capillary moisture.

Surface water level

Consider how to make waterproofing at a particular water level. If the height of surface water below the base of the foundation is more than 1 meter, you can get by with vertical coating protection and horizontal with the help of roofing material. The location of surface water near the foundation, but below the height of the basement floor, requires an extended set of works. At the same time, horizontal protection is laid in 2 layers, and smeared with bituminous mastic. For vertical waterproofing, both pasting and coating methods are used. All concrete devices are treated with agents that prevent the penetration of capillary moisture.

If the location of groundwater is higher than the base of the foundation or basement floor, a drainage system should be added to the above methods. The cost of these works depends on its size, quantity and type of funds used.

House foundation drainage Source domsdelat.ru

The presence of excess moisture in the soil is a difficult but solvable issue for a land plot. At the same time, it is necessary not only to carry out waterproofing, but also to drain this area.

Experts recommend waterproofing at the beginning of the installation of the foundation. One of the most used methods is the use of waterproofing and water-repellent components for concrete mortar. After all, these components not only prevent the effects of moisture, but also speed up the solidification of the mixture, strengthen the foundation and enhance its frost resistance. At the same time, you can add components that simultaneously enhance both hydro and thermal insulation.

Video description

How waterproofing is done, see the following video:

How to protect an already poured foundation

If waterproofing was not carried out during construction, it's okay. There are methods of protection against moisture and for the finished building. In this case, gluing waterproof sheet or roll products made of bitumen-polymer material are used. Today, this work is done using self-adhesive materials. Coating insulation - cement, bitumen and polymer solutions, mastics or emulsions - for waterproofing the foundation, these materials are used both during construction and to correct and eliminate cracks or chips that have appeared in the foundation.

When waterproofing the finished foundation, additional earthworks are needed. Source makemone.ru

Trust the experts

As practice shows, it is difficult and expensive to correct errors in waterproofing during operation, therefore, for safety, you should contact specialists at the construction stage. It is better to do waterproofing when erecting a building, because repairing the foundation in the future will be more expensive and labor-intensive than erecting a house. Experts will analyze the surface of the building plot and advise the most suitable type of foundation. Competently and quickly calculate its installation, taking into account ventilation, sewerage and all engineering networks. Specialists of construction companies will qualitatively perform the construction of the foundation, the organization of waterproofing, as well as the insulation of the structure.

The foundation is a key part of any building. The quality of its arrangement largely depends on how durable the structure will be. And if the "imperfections" of the roof or walls can be eliminated relatively without problems, then repairing an illiterately designed foundation is extremely difficult and costly. Therefore, in order not to grab your head and wallet in a couple of years, it is very important to provide the foundation with comprehensive protection from negative factors at the construction stage, in particular, from the destructive effects of moisture. Various modern types of foundation waterproofing will help to successfully cope with this task.

Moisture is always present in the soil. These are groundwater, atmospheric precipitation, seepage water. If the foundation is not protected from such a “dangerous” neighborhood, destruction and loss cannot be avoided: in the worst case scenario, your cozy home can turn into dull ruins overnight.

There are two ways to protect housing - either to equip the drainage, or to waterproof the foundation. The drainage system removes water from the building, and waterproofing materials do not allow it to penetrate into the foundation thereof. A good option is to organize a combined drainage and waterproofing "system" - such a solution becomes especially rational with a low soil filtration coefficient and a high level of groundwater.

All waterproofing measures must be carried out taking into account the engineering and geological conditions of the area, the duration of snowmelt, the intensity of precipitation, the depth of the foundation, the density of sewer and water communications.

Depending on the purpose, anti-filtration and anti-corrosion waterproofing of the foundation are distinguished. The first is recommended for the protection of complex objects with a heavy load, located in aggressive conditions of excessively wet soils. The arrangement of anti-filtration waterproofing is an extremely complex undertaking, as a rule, only highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in this field can do it. The anti-corrosion protection of the foundation, which can be horizontal and vertical, is addressed much more often.

Timely waterproofing of the foundation is the key to the durability of the building

Anticorrosive vertical waterproofing

Serves to protect the outer walls from the ingress of moisture from the side. Occupies the "territory" from the sole of the base to the top point of rainwater spray. The calculation of vertical anti-corrosion waterproofing for the effect of water load is carried out on the basis of the accepted design scheme.

The joints of horizontal and vertical insulation must be protected as reliably as possible - the vulnerability of these areas is very high.

Before filling the pit, it is necessary to take a number of structural and technological measures aimed at minimizing the risk of mechanical damage to the waterproofing. It is required to select a suitable soil, determine the optimal thickness of the backfilled layer, equip protective screens from polystyrene foam boards or asbestos-cement sheets.

Foundation vertical waterproofing

Anti-corrosion horizontal waterproofing

It aims to protect the walls from capillary "retraction" of moisture. As a rule, two horizontal waterproofings are performed: one under the basement ceilings, the other right on top of the base slabs.

In the event that the basement ceiling is located too low (the so-called technical underground), additional external moisture protection will have to be equipped for the outer walls.

This is how horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is performed

Classification of foundation waterproofing by application method

Depending on the intricacies of the arrangement and the characteristics of the application, waterproofing is distinguished by coating, gluing, and plastering.

Coating waterproofing - these are waterproof coatings, the final density of which should not exceed three millimeters. It is made from bitumen-polymer mastics, bitumen emulsions, polymer solutions, polymer-cement compositions (both elastic and rigid).

Its purpose is anti-capillary, anti-filtration and, of course, anti-corrosion protection of diverse foundation structures. Coating waterproofing is a good choice when working not only with concrete and reinforced concrete, but also with bricks.

Film-forming, paste-like and liquid materials intended for coating waterproofing are applied using “publicly available” construction devices - paint floats and notched trowels. In some cases, sputtering technology is used.

It is recommended to reinforce coating waterproofing coatings with the help of reinforcing glass meshes.

Coating waterproofing of the foundation allows you to create a seamless protective layer

Gluing waterproofing - These are special waterproof membranes with a thickness of not more than five millimeters. Equipped with roofing felt or bitumen polymer supplied in rolls. These materials can be either self-adhesive or fused (applied to the surface using a gas burner or building hair dryer). They have an affordable price for a wide range of consumers and are characterized by good adhesion.

The main disadvantage of pasting waterproofing is the inevitable formation of seams, which can provoke a violation of the overall tightness of moisture protection.

Plaster waterproofing formed from several layers of composite materials. Their total thickness should not exceed twenty-one millimeters. The most popular for these purposes is a mineral-cement mortar with additives that increase the moisture resistance of the coating. Polymer concrete, various asphalt mastics, hydro concrete are used as additives.

Such waterproofing perfectly “copes” with capillary moisture, preventing it from penetrating deep into structures. Among the disadvantages of this choice is the risk of cracks in the waterproofing.

What type of moisture protection of the foundation is better

The main trend that can be traced in the market of waterproofing materials and technologies is a slow but steady rejection of rolled moisture protection. Its disadvantages are obvious - sooner or later the joint will begin to let moisture through. Liquid seamless coatings, in particular, from polymer cements, are in high demand today. The key advantage of such waterproofing compounds is the ability to form a sealed, reliable film with excellent adhesion with their help.

Waterproofing the foundation with bitumen is a short-lived option. Butim is organic matter, which is destroyed by both microorganisms and temperature extremes. The warranty period for such a coating is five years, at best seven. While for polymerizing compounds, this figure is close to fifty.

Bituminous mastic for foundation waterproofing

Professional approach

Waterproofing, regardless of the type, is an extremely responsible and complex undertaking. Therefore, no matter how confident you feel in the repair and construction industry, it is still better to trust professionals to carry it out. And not just professionals, but highly specialized craftsmen.

Practice shows that builders who know how to build houses well, in the vast majority of cases, are not able to cope with the waterproofing of the foundation.

The ability to equip moisture protection is a narrow specialization, and every second or even tenth definitely cannot be a guru in this matter. This work requires knowledge of many nuances, builders of a wide profile, as a rule, know nothing about them.

Waterproofing must be done "once and for all." Then getting to a poorly equipped coating for repairs is very, very expensive. It's better to be safe right now.

Foundation waterproofing work should be carried out exclusively by professionals!

The modern construction market is "teeming" with materials and brands. On the one hand, it's great, on the other, it's not. The advantage is that there is always an assortment, you can compare, there are solutions for any wallet. Minus - among the dozens of proposals for waterproofing the foundation, it is very difficult to navigate. Especially for an inexperienced person who is inclined to sincerely trust "screaming" advertising. Only a person who is not interested in selling a particular product can recommend the best option for your specific conditions. This is another advantage of working with specialists.

Waterproofing work should be taken in the warm season, the favorable period is from May to October. It is strongly not recommended to equip waterproofing during the rainy season and the period of active snow melting.

Measures for waterproofing the foundation can save the basement from flooding during prolonged rains or thaws. But they need to be carried out correctly - non-compliance with technology, even in seeming trifles, will nullify all efforts. And this is an additional cost that you want to avoid.

The benefits and harms of foundation waterproofing

What can damage the attempt to protect the foundation from moisture? After all, water leads to metal corrosion, and getting into the cracks of concrete products, it destroys them from the inside during the freezing process. In fact, the foundation does not always need to be isolated, and if such a procedure is carried out, then with a full understanding of the process.

If a deepened monolithic strip foundation will serve as the walls of the basement, even at the construction stage it is worth thinking about protection from water, which can flood supplies or inhabited underground premises.

At the same time, you should not forget - water will penetrate not only through the walls. If floors are made in the basement on the ground, no external waterproofing of the foundation will save - moisture will rise from below. So in this case, you need to make a closed waterproofing circuit also inside, protecting the floor screed from groundwater.

But the same buried tape in a house where a dry basement is not planned, isolating from the outside is not only pointless, but also harmful. After all, moisture is absorbed into the concrete in a capillary way - it is “drawn in” through the unprotected lower part, which rests on a sand cushion.

The only acceptable type of waterproofing in this case is horizontal. A layer of film between the sand cushion and the foundation will prevent cement "milk" from going into the ground, improving the quality of concrete, and another layer of insulation on top of the foundation will prevent capillary saturation of the basement and walls of the house with moisture.

Attempts to completely wrap the foundation with film will not lead to anything good. After all, solid additives in the concrete mixture (crushed stone and stones) will break through the waterproofing during the pouring process. One small hole is enough for water to penetrate between the film and concrete, forming an almost airtight "bath". And why then all the efforts and financial expenses?

Pillar foundations, all the more, do not need vertical waterproofing - they will be surrounded by earth on all sides. But, if the foundation is poured directly into the ground without formwork, it is better to line the holes in the ground with polyethylene - to preserve the cement "milk".

Once the concrete has hardened, the cellophane must be removed. Of course, all of it will not pull out, but it will no longer hold water near the foundation.

Unlike concrete, foundations made of wood or metal piles must be protected from moisture. But even here rolled or coating waterproofing is not suitable. The first will not provide complete tightness - water will still get between the film and the piles. The second is short-lived - after a few years, the mastic will begin to peel off.

The tree is impregnated with antiseptics or banal used engine oil. Also, as a protection against decay, the ends immersed in the ground can be evenly burned. For metal, an anti-corrosion coating is used. In both cases, the protective layer should be at least 10-15 cm above ground level - so that seasonal precipitation does not undermine the untreated parts of the piles.

Types of waterproofing and its application in various situations

All waterproofing can be conditionally divided by:

  1. Place of application:
  • internal and external;
  • vertical and horizontal.
  1. Application method:
  • coating;
  • penetrating;
  • pasting;
  • injection;
  • plastering.
  1. Materials:
  • roll;
  • liquid;
  • gel-like.

At the place of application, everything should be clear. External waterproofing is applied to the foundation outside the building, and internal - from the inside. The first must cope with water coming from outside, including under pressure - perched water and groundwater. The second - protects the premises from capillary moisture seeping through hygroscopic concrete.

Vertical waterproofing, as the name implies, is applied to the side walls, and horizontal - to the ends of the foundation. Horizontal insulation protects the building walls from moisture rising from the ground. So it is mandatory when building any type of foundation and fits between the foundation and the wall.

Coating waterproofing is a special mixture, most often based on bitumen. They are applied with a roller, brush or a special device and form a waterproof layer on the surface.

The advantage of such waterproofing is its hermetic adhesion to the material being processed. The disadvantage is the low strength and durability, especially bitumen-based compositions.

Penetrating waterproofing is also applied with a brush or roller. But it does not create an outer layer on the surface, but is absorbed into the material, reducing its hygroscopicity.

This is achieved mainly due to a chemical reaction with lime, which is part of the concrete mixture. So, if the foundation was poured from self-made concrete without the addition of lime, penetrating waterproofing will simply not work.

Pasting waterproofing is rolls with a bituminous coating, often on a paper basis. They are fixed on the surface due to a sticky primer - the same bituminous mastic. Sometimes rolls need to be preheated, melting the bottom layer, for better adhesion to the surface to be glued.

Injection waterproofing is a whole range of activities and is carried out from the inside of the building. Holes are drilled in the walls, floor, and sometimes in the ceiling, if it is located below ground level, where the waterproofing mixture is poured under pressure through packers with a check valve. Due to the pressure created, it fills the cracks and effectively eliminates leaks.

But it does not create a closed circuit, so that when new cracks form, water can again begin to flow into the basement.

Stucco waterproofing is also used to seal leaks from inside a basement, although it can be applied to an exterior wall. In the latter case, the plaster must be protected from sunlight before the foundation is backfilled with earth. Due to low elasticity during shrinkage, the building may crack, so it is not recommended for use on new houses, as well as for sealing expansion joints.

In addition to a simple roofing felt and a polyethylene film, a special membrane also applies to roll waterproofing. Its task is to prevent moisture from reaching the foundation, but to help remove it. Due to special protrusions, the necessary drainage or ventilation of the foundation is provided, and the water flows down into the drainage pipe.

It is necessary to carefully monitor how the rolled waterproofing is attached to the foundation. Fungal nails, building staples and other attempts to corny nail it violate the integrity and open a direct path for water.

External waterproofing and its features

It is not enough just to glue the roofing material on the foundation wall to protect the basement from water ingress for many years. A whole range of activities is important, and you should not skip any of the stages, even if it seems not very important. Otherwise, you can wake up in a house where, after a good downpour, water collects ankle-deep in the basement. And here you have to fork out well, correcting past mistakes.

Horizontal waterproofing of the foundation during the construction phase

After the foundation is poured and the construction of walls has begun, you can proceed in parallel with the waterproofing device. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Organization of access to the outer wall of the foundation. To do this, you will have to dig a trench around the perimeter up to a meter wide and as deep as the foundation itself. If the foundation was poured in the pit, everything is much simpler - just remove the formwork.
  2. Surface preparation. When pouring concrete into a formwork assembled from different-sized boards, the appearance of protrusions and depressions on the wall is inevitable. If a waterproofing roll is selected that must fit snugly against the wall, it may be necessary to level the outside of the foundation. But monolithic adhesion with plaster will not work, and under the influence of moisture it may fall off. In such a situation, it is better to reconsider your choice of materials.
  3. Application of waterproofing. You should scrupulously adhere to the recommendations of manufacturers and do not save on the amount of material. If it is bituminous mastic - the layer should be dense enough and fill all the bumps. If it is a membrane, it is necessary to provide ventilation between the wall and the waterproofing to evaporate moisture. To do this, the edge protruding above the ground is fixed using strips with holes that cannot be closed. And in all cases, complete tightness of the circuit is needed - the slightest gap or puncture, and the effectiveness of waterproofing tends to zero.
  4. Ensuring good drainage around the foundation. Water that stands under the top layer of soil and leaves very slowly will eventually find its way into the house. Proper drainage will allow you to forget about the problem for the entire life of the house. Therefore, along the perimeter, close to the base of the foundation, a drainage pipe is dug in - with holes in the upper part. It is important to observe a pipe slope of 2 cm per meter and bring its drain outside the site. Everything is covered with a layer of rubble 15 cm high, always washed! Otherwise, crushed stone dust will clog the holes in the pipe.
  5. A more reliable way to remove moisture is to dig wells in the corners of the building to the depth of one concrete ring and draw a drainage pipe into them. And already the water from the wells is diverted outside the site.
  6. Backfilling of the foundation. It is best to backfill with sand - this is a good and non-porous soil. But it can be expensive to fill a trench of one and a half meters deep, so a layer of sand above a layer of rubble can be made 30-50 cm high, and everything else can be filled with excavated earth.
  7. The device of the blind area and storm sewerage. When the house is ready, protecting its perimeter from rain will help keep the basement dry. The blind area is made a meter wide and is laid on a sand and gravel cushion. Storm drains can be brought to the mentioned wells or, if they are not available, outside the blind area.

Measures to protect the basement of an already built house from moisture

Most often, they begin to think about waterproofing the foundation after the first year of life in the house. After all, it is during the period of intense precipitation that all the flaws in construction are manifested. And if water is found in the basement in the spring, here's what you can do:

If the blind area is laid on a concrete base, removing it to dig out the foundation is difficult and expensive. Then you can try to solve the problem from the inside.

Waterproofing from the inside - its necessity and effectiveness

Just covering the walls and floor with penetrating waterproofing is not always enough. Although this option should not be ruled out. The most reliable protection against water is the organization of anti-pressure waterproofing. For this:

The video shows an interesting solution with double waterproofing for a house with underfloor heating on the ground.