Is it useful to drink chicory drink. The benefits and harm of soluble powdered chicory: beneficial properties and contraindications. What is useful for soluble chicory for the body

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Many began to think about the dangers of coffee and began to move to a more useful drink - chicory, which is not particularly different in taste quality, but more positively affected the body.

If you do not comply with the norm or neglect contraindications, chicory may awaken a negative reaction.

We propose to consider all the useful and harmful properties of this plant and find out how to enjoy this drink to not harm the body.

Healing properties

Chicory is a plant whose root is used for a popular coffee substitute, and its leaves - for the preparation of salad.

The root is also famous for a wide range of useful elements and vitamins.

Chicory is popular not only in medicine. Now on the store shelves you can find not one type of this drink and pick it up at your discretion:


    From it usually make salads or served as a side dish. Contains a large amount of vitamin A, to and appreciated, mainly in the Mediterranean.


    Used to prepare a drink instead of coffee, medicinal tinctures, extracts.

    Liquid concentrate

    You can get, removing useful elements from the root of the plant.


    A drying is carried out from the concentrate, which turns the chicory into soluble.

    Roasted hammer

    It turns out by rooting and root grinding, in this way the largest amount of beneficial substances remains.


It is impossible to overestimate therapeutic properties of the plant. Only the first fact that people refuse coffee in favor of this drink, talking about many things.

His taste is pleasant, he gives energy, you can eat croissant or candy without harm to the figure. It affects many organs, immunity, and even hair and skin.



Improper use or neglect of contraindications can cause harm to the body.

  1. Chicories with milk, in fact, are not entirely compatible, it is better to use vegetable milk (coconut, almond, etc.), otherwise problems can occur with the cardiovascular system, the races of heart rhythm can begin.
  2. If you do not comply with the norm, and constantly drink in large quantities, there may be problems with the liver.
  3. Doctors strongly recommend at all to abandon chicory if you have varicose veins.
  4. Chicory can raise appetite, but not to all people suits it.
  5. The drink usually calms the nervous system, but there are people for whom chicory becomes the cause of excited state and insomnia.

How to collect, blank and store

Plant can be found almost everywhere. It loves to dwell in places where sunny: in the gardens, fields, wastehouses. Flowers start collecting from June to September, when chicory is massively blooming. It is worth choosing dry weather, and to collect already after dew. Stems can not be cut off.

As for the root, it is better to cut it at the very beginning of spring or late autumn. At this moment, the plant is most enriched with the useful substances.

The root should be dug, wash with cool water, cut into small parts and put to dry in a ventilated room or in the oven is not more than 60 degrees.

It is advisable to leave the furnace not to the end closed so that the plant is not risen. When the root creak becomes heard, they can be taken.

To prepare coffee from dry chicory, it suffices to take some fresh roots, cut them with a thickness of 1 cm and leave to dry at 100 degrees about 12 hours. After frying in a frying, until you get coffee color. It remains only to grind in a blender or coffee grinder, and you can enjoy a delicious drink.

Chicory, whose photo can be seen below, a unique plant that has a number of useful properties. It is widely used in cooking and traditional medicine.

Chicory: what it is, types

What is chicory? Chicory ordinary is a perennial plant having rigid stems and small flowers of blue.

There is also a second variety of grass - Radicchio Salad. The latter is used in cooking and is part of many cold snacks. For these purposes, an indentured two-year subspecies of chicory is grown. For use as seasonings and beverages, the so-called weed subspecies of chicory are grown.

What makes chicory, which is used as a drink? For these purposes, the ground root is taken, which is subsequently roasted. In addition, the root is used in the form of spices when making basic dishes and desserts.

Based on the rhizomic processing method, different product variants are obtained at the output. There are three types of chicory:

  • Liquid. It is a concentrated extract that is used as an aroma.

It is added to confectionery or sauces to give a piquant taste. In addition, the liquid extract is bred with water and used as a means that allows you to cope with sleep disorders and stress.

  • Ground. To produce this product, the root of the plant is dried in the furnace, after which they are crushed into the powder.

It is used to create a fragrant drink. Ground chicory is required to pour water and insist. The benefits of chicory is that the means based on it improves the concentration of attention and normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Soluble. This is the most difficult plant in production. To obtain a soluble product, the extract of rhizomes is sent to the spray dryers, from which the powder comes out.

According to the characteristics of the soluble chicory, the same natural product, like the ground root of the plant or extract. However, he has a number of undoubted advantages. It does not require long-term insistence. In addition, it is much more convenient to store it than the liquid release option.

How is chicory useful? The beneficial properties of the plant cannot be overestimated. The composition is a mass of the necessary substances for the body, among which vitamins from groups A, B, C, E, B, and PP, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and manganese.

Contains chicory and inulin, which is easily absorbed by the body and is widely used as a sugar substitute with diabetes mellitus.

What else can give the organism chicory? The properties of the plant are as follows:

  • Improves the work of the digestive system, quickly saturates. Thanks to this nutritionists recommend drinking it for the purpose of weight loss. Use a drink, of course, it follows without sugar, but no one forbids adding a sugar substitute.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system. The root is better taken with different additives. For example, a combination of a beverage with ginger helps strengthen the heart muscle and contributes to the extension of the vessels. In addition, the taste of the plant resembles coffee, but there is no caffeine in the composition. This substance is prohibited in violation of the heart.
  • Normalizes the work of the nervous system.Chicory soothes, gives strength and energy. An indispensable drink to combat insomnia and nightmares in children.

However, except for the benefit, the plant can cause the body and harm. Especially with uncontrolled use. Resonantly arises the question of how many times a day you can drink chicory.

According to doctors, per day it is permissible to use no more than two tablespoons of ground or soluble grass root. If you use the liquid type of chicory, remember that the teaspoon of powder is comparable and a half teaspoon of concentrate.

In order not to provoke the occurrence of unwanted reactions, consume chicory in the correct dose. How to drink a drink so as not to cause harm to the body? Take a teaspoon of soluble powder, add 200 ml of hot water and mix well so that it dissolves. The chicory with milk is perfectly combined. If you wish, you can add cream.

The destructive influence of the plant on the body consists in the form of allergic reactions. Especially often they appear if manufacturers are added to chicory flavors and dyes that have an unnatural origin. In order not to encounter allergies, start eating a drink with a small portion.

Be sure to consult a doctor if after taking the chicory there is an increase in heartbeat, nausea, dizziness and weakness.

Chicory: Application in medicine and cooking, contraindications

The drink is prohibited to be used in the following cases: bile disease, varicose veins, resistant reduced blood pressure, pulmonary disease, pregnancy period, children's age up to one year, ulcer and hemorrhoids.

Since the plant saturates well and reduces appetite, chicrics for weight loss are widely used in medicine. In addition, it is used as a sugarpponentiary in the treatment of diabetes of the second type. In folk medicine, decoction from chicory prepare for these purposes. The way its cooking is as follows:

  1. Take the dry root of the plant, crush it and add 1 liter of boiling water to two tablespoons.
  2. Put the liquid on the stove and boil for 15 minutes on a small gas.
  3. Cool, strain.
  4. Drink three times a day per 100 ml before meals.

The plant will also help to cope with colds. To strengthen immunityMake such an infusion:

  1. Take one teaspoon of powder from the root of chicory and dyeing.
  2. Add 500 ml of water.
  3. Insist for 15 minutes, after which it is strain.
  4. Drink 100 ml before meals.

Effectively use of chicory and when dealing with cough. The tool is prepared in this way:

  1. Three raisin tablespoons grind in a blender.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of chicory powder, mix.
  3. Add 250 ml of hot water and send a mixture to weak gas. Boil 10 minutes.
  4. When the composition cools, strain it and add one teaspoon of liquid honey.
  5. Before use, heaver and take 2-3 times a day.

Thanks to the unique bitter-sweet taste, chicory is widely used in cooking. Salad type of plants bake, boiled, extinguished. Ground is used as a fragrant spice. Consider the most popular recipes using this product:

Meat on the leaves of chicory

The dish is ideal for lunch and dinner. Due to the set of beneficial ingredients, in addition to chicory, the bodies saturate the organism with the necessary vitamins and minerals. For cooking Take these products:

  • pork and beef mince - 250 g;
  • chicory - 1 pc.;
  • ginger root - 50 g;
  • onions - half;
  • celery stems - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika, salt and pepper - to taste.

The cooking process is:

  1. Clean the root of ginger and soda it on a shallow grater.
  2. Onions and garlic cut into small cubes.
  3. Send a frying pan with butter and send to it ginger with bow and garlic, add paprika and pepper. Fry until the bow becomes transparent.
  4. Celery chop fine straws and send it to the pan to vegetables, add mince.
  5. Pass the salt, mix the ingredients well.
  6. Fry until the mince gets a ruddy crust.
  7. Chicory Disassembled into separate sheets. Put on the plate and each fill the finished minced meat.
  8. If desired, sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve to the table.

Salad with chicory and chicken

This cold snack has an unusual spicy taste. With her cooking, even one who is not strong in creating culinary masterpieces will cope. The cooking process will take no more than 20 minutes. Prepare such ingredients:

  • chicory and latch - 1 pcs;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • solid cheese - 100 g;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • walnuts - 10 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar wine - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Salad is prepared in this way:

  1. Latuke and chicory are finely cut.
  2. Tomatoes snug and small slices.
  3. Chicken fillet dare and cut straw, cheese - small cubes.
  4. Heat the dry frying pan and fry walnuts, then clean them and bailitate the knife.
  5. In a comfortable deep container, mix chicory, latch, fillet, tomatoes, cheese and nuts.
  6. Take care of the cooking sauce. Sunflower oil Mix with wine vinegar and fill salad.
  7. Add ground pepper and salt to taste. Mix and call guests to the table.

Pie with ground chicory

In cooking, not only the kochens of a salad chicory, but also the ground root of the plant are used. To prepare a gentle and fragrant dessert that melts in the mouth, take such products:

  • creamy oil - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • whole grain wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • dough breakdler - 1 tsp;
  • kefir - half of the glass;
  • ground chicory - 3 h.;
  • sugar - 150 g

For the preparation of cream, components will be required:

  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • chicory - 3 h.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

To prepare a pie, follow such an action algorithm:

  1. Take the cooking test. Mix kefir and chicory.
  2. In a separate container using a mixer, scrape with sugar eggs. Send the resulting mass to kefir, add oil, baking powder and flour.
  3. Baking shape with parchment paper. Pour the cooked dough.
  4. Send the form in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes. Readiness Check with toothpicks. If it remains dry, dessert is ready.
  5. Remove the cake from the oven and let him cool.
  6. At this time, do the cooking cream. Mixer sweat sour cream with sugar and chicory.
  7. Pour the cake cream and enjoy a unique taste.

When buying a chicory powder, pay attention to the fact that there are no insignificant dyes and flavors. Choose a product in a metallized (or other, protected from moisture) package, since the root does not like moisture. Pay attention to the origin of the plant. The most useful chicory is delivered from countries with a Mediterranean climate, for example from France.

Attention! The material is only an introductory character. It should not be resorted to the methods of treatment described in it without prior consultation with the doctor.

The drink from chicory is prepared on the basis of the roots of the eponymous plant, which are first subjected to roasting, and then crushed and poured boiling water. To taste, he resembles the usual coffee, however, it has a slightly bitter wood or walnut shade. It can be used as an alternative to coffee or mix with it in order to obtain a special taste and aroma.

For the first time, people began to use chicory at the beginning of the 19th century in France, when a sharp deficit of coffee has arisen. The drink immediately came to taste to the general public and received distribution throughout the world.

Subsequently, scientists have discovered a lot of useful properties from chicory: from preventing constipation before the prevention of colon cancer. But dangerous contraindications were also identified (for example, chicory can not drink women during pregnancy).

The standard dose of drink is prepared on the basis of 2 tbsp. l. The chopped root of chicory (about 11 grams) and 1 glasses of water (235 ml).

One root of ordinary chicory (60 grams) contains:

Also in its composition there is a large number of vitamins, macro and trace elements:

It is not less important to note that the root of chicory is important (up to 11% of the mass) - which normalizes the microflora of the digestive tract, contributes to the overall improvement and reduction of body weight.

Employees of the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemists (Mexico) also revealed an increase in the activity of the absorption of magnesium from the lumen of the digestive tube. Against the background of regular use of chicory, a decrease in the activity of loss of bone tissue mass is detected.

Chicory warns the development of senile osteoporosis and reduces the risk of developing bone fractures.

5. Protection of the liver

Chicory root is rich in chicarium organic acid and inulin, which protect hepatocytes from oxidative damage and improve the functional activity of the liver.

It has been proven that the regular use of chicory reduces the concentration in the blood of markers of the death of the liver cells (ALT and AST), as well as alkaline phosphatase (satellite disorders of bile acids).

The drink can be used to prevent the cirrhosis caused by any reasons, and fat hepatosis.

Chicory root warns which is observed with age, as well as reduces the risk of a number of deadly diseases (cirrhosis).

6. General increase in life expectancy

Chicory acid is also an opposing agent. Recent scientific achievements show that the mechanism of aging and the development of diabetes mellitus. Consequently, chicory can slow down the natural cycle of aging human body.

Experiments on round worms have shown that the use of chicorylic acid increases the life expectancy by almost 21%.

Similar results demonstrated research on rats - close to "relatives" of people. From 3 months, animals were given chicory as an additive to the familiar diet. After 2 years, it was noted that the death rate in females fell by 35.3%, by males - by 28.6%. All rats have no lower body weight indicators, and atherogenic lipids (LDL and TAG).

According to animal experiments, chicory contributes to an increase in the total life expectancy due to the prevention of potentially fatal diseases.

7. No caffery

Chicory is an excellent coffee alternative. The most important feature is the complete absence of caffeine in the composition.

Consumption of a large amount of coffee, especially in the presence of contraindications, is fraught with the development to which the sleep disturbance, overall anxiety and irritability, nausea, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

In order to reduce caffeine in its diet, it is recommended either, or partially dilute it with a drink from chicory, gradually (in a few weeks) by replacing them with coffee.

About Tom, read in a separate article.

The use of chicory is an effective way to reflect the coffee if there are contraindications to it.

8. Improving the health of the cardiovascular system

Inulin reduces the concentration of general cholesterol in the blood plasma, as well as its atherogenic fractions (Tag, LDL).

Such a property prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of arterial vessels and a number of concerned formidable diseases (ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, chronic brain ischemia, stroke).

The chicory root is also rich in vegetable phenols with antioxidant activity that reduce platelet aggregation (key factor in the formation of thromboms when cutting the tire of atherosclerotic plaque) and preventing arrhythmias.

According to the scientific community, chicory contributes to maintaining the rheological properties of blood and warns the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

The plant also has a diuretic effect and can normalize the condition of patients suffering from chronic heart failure, liver cirrhosis, etc.

Chicory root warns a number of deadly diseases of the cardiological profile, effective in order to reduce the severity of the edema.

9. Body Mass Reduction

Chicory root is an important source of inulin for the human body. Many foreign works demonstrate that inulin indirectly leads to a decrease in body weight, which is extremely important for persons suffering from obesity or having overweight.

Experts revealed that drinking drink for 9 weeks reduces body weight by about 5%.

Workers of Medical University Warsaw (Poland) have shown similar results. Scientists argue that the action is associated with the normalization of the intestinal microflora and the oppression of chronic inflammation. There was no effect on the appetite and changing the content of hormone hormones.

Chicory helps to reduce body weight with long consumption. Biological effects are implemented due to the normalization of the intestinal microflora and the suppression of chronic inflammatory processes.

10. Reducing pain in the joints

One of the foreign studies revealed that against the background of the systematic use of chicory, there is a decrease in the severity of pain, due to arthritis or osteoarthritis, by 20%.

The effect is based on a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, similar to those of drugs such as meloxico or indomethacin (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics).

Chicory can be used to reduce the severity of pain in individuals suffering from the diseases of the articular apparatus.

Contraindications and harm

Any product, even vegetable origin, has a certain list of side effects and has contraindications. It is not recommended to use chicory in the following states:

  1. Pregnancy. Chicory increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus and can lead to premature births, detachment of a normally located placenta, increases the risk of bleeding.
  2. Breastfeeding period. Active plants penetrate into breast milk. Are extremely toxic child for the body.
  3. Increased sensitivity to individual components of the plant. Do not eat drink in the presence of allergic reactions. It is important to note that cases of cross-allergies are recorded: in the intolerance of the plants of the Astrovy and Ambrozes of the chicory of contraindicated.
  4. Acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive system or exacerbation of chronic (gastritis, duodenitis, ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum). Separate components of the composition of the plant irritate the mucous membrane and exacerbate the course of pathologies.
  5. Cholelithiasis. The chicory stimulates the secretion of the bile in the clearance of the gallbladder, increases the risk of biliary concrete risk several times. When choledocholithiasis, a history of product is better to refuse.
  6. Age up to 3 years.

Chicory has a significant list of contraindications, neglect which can lead to various complications.

How to use?

The key raw material for any products based on chicory is the root of this plant. Depending on the method of industrial processing, several variants of the final product are distinguished:

  1. Liquid chicory. It is a concentrated extract from the roots of the plant. It is used as an aromatic additive for various sauces, confectionery. In folk medicine, it is used to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and sleep normalization.
  2. Ground. Production technology implies washing, drying and subsequent grinding of the root to a powdered state. For the preparation of the drink it is necessary to pour 2 tbsp. l. The resulting mixture is boiling water and let it brew a few minutes. This option is classic.
  3. Soluble or sublimated. The root of the plant is placed in drying plants in which it under the influence of high temperatures "turns" into the granular powder. It has a smaller set of beneficial substances (they are destroyed during heat treatment), but easy to prepare. Before use, the powder should simply pour hot water (not lower than 70 degrees). It has the longest shelf life.

Recommended daily rate of beverage from chicory for adult men and women - 3-5 glasses per day. It is not recommended to add sugar and any sweet syrups. But it is perfectly combined with natural vegetable juices.

In addition, in traditional medicine, tea based on grass and flowers of chicory was obtained in folk medicine. Cumarine glycosides are found in their composition, which are compounds with cardiotonic activity.

Glycosides in rare cases are used to treat acute and chronic heart failure. They "force" the heart work more efficiently, but the consumption of oxygen and various nutrients increases. With inadequate assignment capable. Consequently, there is better to refuse the tea from self-use.

Thus, ground chicory is the most useful. It is subjected to the smallest thermal exposure and retains all therapeutic properties.

How to choose in the store?

The most common industrial form of chicory is an ordinary or granulated powder. Before buying in the store, you should familiarize yourself with the following features:

  1. Shelf life. The product cannot be stored over 18-24 months (even in vacuum packaging).
  2. Structure. The only thing that should be specified in the composition is the root of chicory (in any form). The presence of dyes, preservatives, taste amplifiers significantly reduces the benefits of the future drink.
  3. Organoleptic properties. High-quality chicory has a brown (from light to dark shades, depends on the duration of the roasting) color, is distinguished by a pronounced aroma, does not contain moisture particles.
  4. Taste. After cooking, the drink should be slightly bitter and remind of coffee. The presence of foreign tastes signals a violation of the integrity of packaging or inadequate cooking technology.

Chicory is an extremely useful product. However, all healing properties can be leveled by violating the rules of storage or production technology. It is necessary to carefully study the goods before purchasing and use.


Thus, chicory has many medicinal properties. It improves the condition of cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems of the body. Warns the malignant rebirth of cells and increases the total life expectancy.

Before receiving a drink based on the plant, it is recommended to carefully study the range of contraindications and side effects to avoid the development of adverse effects. If necessary, consult with your doctor.

Few people know that a commonly found beautiful, small field flower cichórium, sky-blue color, with difficulty making through the dense jurist, is related to a tasty and useful drink with chicory.

The history of this plant is interesting and overgrown with legends. "Cichórium" - the Egyptian word, which was accepted and used to determine in all European countries. They solved the healing properties of the complex plant 5,000 years ago. Residents of Egypt were purposefully grown to heal. In ancient Rome and Greece, chicory was added to a salad in the form of greens. Poets of Publi Virgili, Quinte Horace, Ovidi, Encyclopedist Pliny, mentioned Chicory in his writings. The Roman Medic Surgeon of Claudius Galen gave him the "liver friend".

Despite the bitter taste, the grass found its application in all countries of the world. Earlier in Northern Europe, whole fields were covered for feeding a cattle, and the Belgians are young shoots and are now happy to eat.

The French tried the taste of a coffee substitute forced when they were in the blockade in 1808. The lack of a familiar drink forced to look for a replacement. After the situation has improved, the habit of adding chicory into coffee is firmly fixed. And Louisiana and New Orleans, made this drink for themselves traditional. Despite the variety of coffee varieties, these are their taste preference, fixed with centuries.

In Russia, the Golden Root began to gain popularity in the 19th century. It was grown for cooking and as an additive to coffee. It was a good investment of profit, since the demand for him was all year round.

Collection and storage of chicory

The agricultural area is wide enough, since in nature this plant does not specice and does not require fertile soil. His favorite habitats are stony, sandy slopes and hills, steppe zones and beams. Large plots can be found in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Crimea.

Cuccian cleaning falls on the autumn period. This is the time when flowering fell, the leaves and flowers sat down. Carefully dig root, carefully cleaned from unsuitable parts and small roots, washed and dried in a strained form under the sunny rays for 5 days. The roots dried through all the rules can be maintained in paper bags up to three years.

To understand what the benefits and harm of chicory, the composition of the plant, which included:

  1. Essential oil.
  2. Thiamine - cares about the nervous system and supports the work of the heart at the proper level.
  3. Inulin is a polymer of fructose, participating in metabolic processes in the body. A part of the undemstable substance grabbing with me and displays naturally outward cholesterol and toxins, and the part that has undergone conversion and penetrated the blood, purifies the body from toxins inside. It can be called a useful tissue.
  4. Carotine is a strong antioxidant. Cares about the elasticity and youth of the skin. Beautiful immunomodulator.
  5. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) is useful for reproductive organs, important for the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also supports hair health, skin, nails.
  6. Glycoside inthibin - widely applicable in pharmaceutical. It is capable of expanding the vessels, eliminates tachycardia, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol. Smoothes cardiovascular violations.
  7. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - supports the work of the immune system, a good antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood circulation vessels, normalizes muscle tone.
  8. Vitamins of beauty groups A, E, RR (nicotinic acid).
  9. Tubils - help the operation of the digestive tract, are removed from the organism of radionuclides, toxins and salts of heavy metals. Help suction in the intestinal walls of nutrients.
  10. Gorough and resinous substances.
  11. Pectin - gives a feeling of satiety.
  12. Holine is a unique natural medicine of nootropic action. Regulates brain metabolism. Celebrates brain (cerebral) blood flow.
  13. Trace elements. Potassium, iron, manganese, sodium, phosphorus.
  14. Fats, squirrels, salts.
  15. Intinbin - applied in traditional medicine as a remedy, leading to the equilibrium nervous system. Fights with tachycardia and is a vasodilator.

  • Characterized by the astringent properties due to the presence in the composition of the tanning substances and bitterness.
  • Reducing blood sugar. Controls and normalizes its level.
  • Sedative action. Contains many components priceless for the work of the nervous system.
  • Immunomodulating, due to the rich composition of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants.
  • Wound-healing.
  • Choleretic. Excellent liver function stimulator. Displays toxins from it.
  • Diuretic.
  • Gives a good push of the work of the digestive system.
  • Good antiseptic. Can take inflammation.
  • Stimulates the growth of bone tissue.
  • Contributes to the absorption of calcium.
  • With coldic diseases, it can serve as an antipyretic and campphic agent.
  • Intensively drives out slags, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals of their organism.
  • Normalizes the work of the heart and heart rhythm.
  • Improves the resistance of the bronchial tree, ureters.

List of diseases that are by the forces of Chicory:

  • Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure.
  • Neurosis.
  • Insomnia
  • Hyperacid gastritis. Chronic inflammation of the stomach. Increased acidity.
  • Kidney disease (jade).
  • Anemia (Malokrovia).
  • The lack of vitamins leading to the burst of the gums (qing).
  • Inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis).
  • Microflora violation in the intestines (dysbacteriosis)
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Weakness, decay of forces.
  • Strengthened sweating.
  • Inflammatory process in the bladder (cystitis).
  • Education in the bustling bubble and stones ducts.
  • Used in the disease of the spleen.
  • Chronic disease of the liver of a destructive nature - cirrhosis.
  • Liver inflammation (hepatitis)
  • Inflammation of the joints (arthritis).
  • Inflammatory process in the colon (colitis).
  • Inflammation of the wall of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

Above the listed diseases can be treated, applying a variety of dosage forms (decoction, beverages, tincture).

Also effectively apply chicory externally (bullshit, wipes, kap, baths, dressings):

  • Purulent wounds, ulcers.
  • Itching, bubble rash (eczema).
  • Painful purulent inflammation (furuncula).
  • Food allergies in children (diathesis).
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes.

A wide range of action will not be ignored by any system of the body. Supports and strengthens the heart, liver, kidneys, blood.

A valuable factor is the ability to use this healing root to people suffering from diabetes. Polysaccharide fully replaces sugar naturally.

Pregnant women chicory are useful and necessary. He is rich in vitamins, trace elements. Cares about the safety of calcium in the body. Perfectly tones, removes excess fluid. Helps cope with nausea and heartburn. Excellent antioxidant.

Beauty and hair health and skin

Nerves, stress, contaminated atmosphere, postpone the imprint of fatigue on the skin and give a painful view of the hair. In cosmetology, the composition of shampoos, air conditioners, masks, often include drawing from the roots. With enhanced hair loss, Seboro, at home, use champs from collecting hair rinsing and removing inflammation from the skin.

Cico juice can be added to the face cream and masks - it will accelerate the healing process of the hennamental rash, acne.

Cycarium calorie per 100 g - 21 kcal. To get rid of unnecessary kilograms, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  • Take on an empty stomach, without additives in the form of milk and sugar.
  • Take 2-3 times during the day.
  • Complete the day of the chicory cup.
  • Reduce the use of excessive calorie products.

Inulin is a prebiotic. Its use is checked and confirmed by microbiologists. Long use is completely safe. For people wishing to reduce their clothing for a couple of sizes, he is a good helper, as it forms a favorable environment for intestinal microflora, and also regulates lipid exchange. An important point is the ability to regulate appetite, create a sense of saturation. Regulates carbohydrate exchange.

Despite the mass of positive characteristics, the magic root also has contraindications. There is a group of people whom the chicory is not suitable for any reason. Until the critical state, this medicinal collection will not bring, but can significantly create discomfort.
  • Neurosis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Individual inosphey.
  • Children under 3 years old.
  • Vitamin C - Allergen. Allergies are in the risk group.
  • Varicose.

Hostess: Recipes for all occasions

  1. Brew tea. The root of chicory is washed and dried. Fry. Pershed in dust. 1 h. A spoon of powder is poured with a glass of steep boiling water and cook for another 5 minutes. It is possible to launch a little and you can enjoy tea with the addition of milk and honey to taste.
  2. Juice chicory. Squeezing out of fresh leaves of plants. Mixed with milk and consume 15 ml three times per day for one and a half months.
  3. Collection recommended with stones in a bustling bubble and ducts. The roots of the dandelion and chicory are taken in equal proportions. They contain a sheet of mint, repaint, trifols (all components of 50 g). From the total number take 2 tbsp. Spoons of collection, pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Insist for several hours. Turn the reception for two days.
  4. Decoction outdoor. 20 g of dry grass collection and roots to dilute 2 glasses of boiling water. Insist 10 min. Use to bundled eyes, affected by conjunctivitis, and the seal - to remove pain in the joints.
  5. Tincture for processing wound surfaces. 10g roots pour alcohol (40 ml). The week insists in a dark place. Use to wipe the skin surface.
  6. Anti-cellulite therapy. Ground root 2 tbsp. Spoons are mixed with 1 glass of boiling water. About an hour is brewed in the thermos. The contents are poured into the bath and plunge 25 minutes. Repeat every other day for 21 days.
  7. Broth for hair growth intensity. Grass and roots poured boiling water. 4 glasses add to 30 g. Boiled 30 min. Insist for 6 hours. They will be made through gauze. The finished medicine is rubbed in the roots of the hair. They give to absorb 10 minutes and wash off under the jet of flowing water.

Video: The benefits and harm of chicory

Chicory is a well-known product, but an infreteen guest on our table. Cicarium is called a plant with oblong leaves, having a long dense root, going deep underground. Most often we meet the crushed dry chicory root, which is brewed as a drink, as an analog of coffee, or as an addition to it. For the completeness of the taste of a drink from chicory, use and harm are fully taken into account, the root is subjected to roasting. The leaves are less in demand, but they can also be found on store shelves in the greenery departments, they are used to prepare salads.

Chicory can be called a two-way product, because its use can affect the body both beneficial and negative consequences. In this article, we will tell about the benefit and harm of chicory, what useful properties carry this product to which categories of persons can be included in the food chicory, and consider the benefit and harm of the soluble chicory - how to prepare a drink from chicory and what it is useful.

The useful properties of chicory, its composition and use in food.

1. Although the chicory is considered a "weed" plant, it is completely undeservedly - it is just a storehouse of beneficial substances and vitamins. Thus, in the chicory contains polyline polysaccharide (9-11%), which in the food industry is used as a sugar substitute. For diabetics, a drink from chicory is a real salvation. It is sweetened naturally and does not increase blood glucose levels. The benefits and harm of soluble chicory are detected immediately - of course, the advantages of the chicory are much more than contraindications that we will talk below.

2. A large content of protein substances in chicory will give the body of cheerfulness and forces, good energy charge. Excellent addition to the snack of any athlete or traveler.

3. The chicory contains the following vitamins:

  • thiamine (provides normal operation of the heart, digestive and nervous system);
  • riboflavin or Vitamin B2 (necessary for the reproductive function of a person, supports a healthy state of nails, hair, skin, and even plays an important role in the work of the thyroid gland);
  • ascorbic acid (stimulating the work of the body's immune system, strengthening blood vessels, maintaining a muscular tone);
  • carotine (powerful antioxidant, prevents the aging of the skin and reduce its elasticity, also has an immunomodulatory action).

4. Cicarium juice strengthens and nourishes the muscular eye system. But since the juice from chicory is even in the amount of one cup rather not easy, it is allowed to mix it with other vegetable fresh squeezed juices, for example, with carrot juice. Remember that in juice, in which several components, for better assimilation, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of cream, milk or any vegetable oil (for example sunflower oil) in an amount of 1 tsp.

5. Chicory increases the appetite well, so it is recommended to people with a weakened stomach function, with weight deficit, or just with a weak appetite. It is enough before drinking coffee from chicory, the benefits and the harm of which is painted in our article, or add leaves or chicory seeds to your favorite dish.

Speaking about chicory, benefits and harm here are simply obvious: doctors often appoint chicory to pregnant and nursing women to restore forces, vital energy. As coffee because of the caffeine is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, the drink from the chicory powder asks the daily diet and helps to diversify the nutrition of young and future mothers.

Preparation of a drink from chicory.

Fortunately, there are already ready-made soluble powders from chicory. You can purchase chicory with numerous additives. The principle of brewing is the same as the instant coffee. A couple of tea spoons of soluble chicory pour 150-200 ml of hot water, mix. You can add milk to taste, cream. With sugar do not overdo it - the drink is sweetened by the chicory themselves. Using coffee from chicory, benefits and harm are compensated by the pleasure and the most notion in the taste of a drink that you love.

If you want to make yourself prepare a drink from chicory, you will need several roots of this plant - 5-6 pieces. They need to be thoroughly rinsed, clean. Then the roots of chicory must be dried. This can be done in the oven at 100 degrees Celsius for 4-6 hours with a shut-off door. On the bastard before this, it is desirable to lay a parchment or foil. If you have the opportunity to dry the roots in the fresh air in the sun, it is the best option. It takes more time - until the whole week, but the result will please you. Dried roots need to cut into small plates. Fry them on a dry frying pan to brown shade. And then the resulting "raw materials" grind in a coffee grinder, with the help of a blender, or a manual mill, as you are comfortable. Store in a tightly closed jar in a dark place. The shelf life of the prepared house of the ground chicory is no more than six months.

You can purchase a ready-made soluble powder from chicory root in almost any supermarket in the tea / coffee department. It is also widely distributed in pharmacies and in specialized stores with phyto-orientation.

The product is perfectly visible in the glass jar. In tin banks, there is a danger to purchase chicory, loss in "dust" - in this case it is difficult to understand if the manufacturer did not dilute the manufacturer of powder from chicory something cheaper.

The powder from chicory should be absolutely uniform, dry. No lumps, balls should not be - their presence suggests that the product was incorrectly stored, most likely in conditions of high humidity.

It is very convenient to use chicory in small "sticks", bags in which the portion is already measured. In such a form of chicory, it is convenient to take on trips, to work where the contents of a poek in a mug floated with hot water and enjoy the excellent taste of a miraculous drink.

Contraindications for the use of a beverage from chicory.

Unfortunately, not for all chicory is equally useful. For some categories of persons with chronic diseases or disturbed organism features, it can serve unsubstituted service. The soluble drink from chicory cannot be used under the following diseases:


Vessel diseases;


Impairment of the heart, heart muscle;

Disruption of the gallbladder.

If you have noticed that after using chicory, you have frequent heartbeat, you felt weakness, dizziness or nausea - consult a doctor and eliminate this drink from your power, you may have exactly that you have contraindications to its use. Speaking about the benefit and harm of the drink from chicory, the unambiguous output is impossible. But I would like to note that there are practically unknown cases of the negative effect of the drink from chicory on the human body. All the reasoning about the benefits and the dangers of chicory are reduced to one - chicory is useful to everyone. So drink health and enjoy!

The benefits, harm and calorie chicory: tops and roots. Secrets of the mysterious product, chicory - useful or harmful?

Chicories are called substitute coffee, and even tea.

His magical properties are known since ancient times, and the aroma and taste tempt not one generation of gourmets.

Plant species. Composition of chicory, beneficial properties and calorie

Like a plant, chicory belongs to the Astera family. Its leaves are added to salads and vegetable borschy.

And as a drink, it is used in the usual and dietary kitchen. Some manufacturers include chicory roots when roasting coffee beans. Such an additive gives the coffee product a savory velvety taste.

For the first time with Chicarium met in the Mediterranean. From there on shopping ships, he was taken out to Eurasia, Africa, America. Until you opened a wonderful flower on your own continents. After all, chicory, the beneficial properties of which have long been proven, has excellent composition and special substances in it. In the Soviet period, the drink appeared in Russia.

If we consider the general classification of chicory, then you can get acquainted with the information that it is said that chicory happens two types: Salad and ordinary. And the one and the other are collected in the wild, and also grown on special landmarks.

But most people are interested in completely different types of chicory. Namely, those that can be used as drinks. Consider them closer:

Liquid concentrate. Such a product can be produced only by evaporation of substances from the root roots. It is considered the primary and most natural variant of chicory. On a pack with the product, it is written "Natural chicory extract";

Soluble raw materials. First, it is still evaporated, then dried to a powder condition. When the powder is manufactured using high-tech and gentle methods, all its useful properties are saved;

Roasted and ground product. With this manufacture, roasting and grinding of the chicory root are produced. This is the lowest version of the product. But it contains useful ingredients, only at a lower concentration.

Usually, calorie Chicory is calculated in the ratio of calorie content in 100 grams of the product. For soluble drink, a ratio is characterized by: 11 kcal per 100 grams. The extract has a higher energy value.

The composition of the plant is extremely interesting, both with scientific and everyday point of view. The processed root almost does not contain fats. Proteins in its composition of about 0.1 grams. A carbohydrates are 2.8 grams. Thus, chicory, whose health benefits are obvious, becomes not just useful, but also a dietary product.

His vitamin composition Also notable. Chicory contains vitamins of groups. B, C and E. What, a priori, builds it into the rank of tonic drinks. Pectines and minerals in his personal table make chicory very healing. A unique inulin allows diabetics around the world to enjoy a great drink at any time.

Multifaceted product. The benefits of chicory for any body

In moderate doses, chicory is useful to almost everyone. It is used for baby food in the gardens, as well as sick them in hospitals. But there are diseases in which the unique properties of chicory are especially valuable:

Vascular diseases;

Light nervous disorders;

Blood diseases;

Intestinal imbalance;

Metabolic diseases (including diabetes mellitus);

Diseases of the kidneys and spleen.

Chicory is able to remove toxins and slags from the body. And also to deal with the pathogenic microflora. At the same time, it has a charming smell and a non-trivial taste. The useful properties of chicory are complemented by its taste properties.

Damper chicory. Refers with caution

There are such special states of the body and illness in which the chicory is not desirable. They are the following aspects:

Cholelithiasis. Chicory stimulates the production of bile, worsening the overall well-being of such patients;

Allergy to complex color. After all, it is precisely this family a product;

Hemorrhoids and varicose veins. These are the problems where the vessels should not be too unnecessary;

Exacerbated gastritis. Chicories do not drink data periods because it can strengthen some unwanted processes in the inflamed stomach;

Serious nervous disorders. As a toning agent, chicory, may be overlooking the psyche with deviations from the norm.

More do not recommend children under three years, and those children who suffer obesity. Chicory, harm from which is due to simple medical contraindications, rarely causes real allergies, and even useful to pregnant women. In general, chicory is quite harmless drink.

Eating pregnant and nursing. Damper chicory

At the beginning of pregnancy, and throughout the upcoming months, young mothers have to radically rebuild their taste habits. And if most of them refuse coffee, chicory comes to the aid. But he also has its own contraindications, both for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The chicory is slightly expanding the vessels, so it cannot be used pregnant with varicose and hemorrhoids. It tones, and with gastritis, as well as in pregnant women, it should be refused.

An obstacle to his reception becomes banal allergies to the plants of this family. And this allergy may be absent from the mother, but manifest itself in a child whom that breast feeds. Chicory, like most substances, easily penetrates breast milk.

Children. The benefits of chicory for the body

Harm or benefits chicory to children? The answer depends on the age of the child and its health. Chicory, health benefits, which is obvious, may be harmful.

The most important "childish" contraindication for the reception of chicory is allergy. Then all the same diseases as in adults. And also oddly enough child obesity.

He can harm, but can and solve children's problems. And if the kid suffers from the bloating, dysbacteriosis or weak tone, then the mother needs to drink chicory, transmitting its beneficial properties through breastfeeding. Of course, after consulting with the doctor.

Until the achievement of a three-year-old age, this product can get into the kid's body with mother's milk. But direct reception of the product is fraught with complications. Since the children's body is actively being formed.

The rest of the drink chicory can successfully replace coffee, can be used in diabetes mellitus, and pregnancy. Its versatile properties benefit for the body. And it does not matter completely, the child is, or an adult.

Diet and weight loss. Chicory: Benefits or Harm?

Chicory, the benefits of which is known for a long time, improves metabolism. Due to the impact on metabolism and low caloric content of chicory, this product contributes to weight loss.

For the means of its properties from the body, a clearing person is increasing more slags, the exchange of lipids and carbohydrates is being established. Chicory has the ability to reduce the non-displeased cholesterol.

The calorie content of chicory is very low, so those who observe the diet can drink it even an hour before sleep. Such a product reduces appetite, contributes to a successful digestion of food.

Science has proven that pectins contained in this product are powerful fat burgers. And the substance "Intinbin" prevents the direct penetration of fat into the cell.

Such a natural fat burner is compatible with other weight loss plants. They can be grass, or ginger, which, by the way, also helps the body lose weight.

Council to leaving people: "If you use chicory daily, and at the same time reduce the number of calories consumed per day to 1500, then you can lose weight by a kilogram per week."

The chicory drink strengthens the body. Sports in its use are more efficient. The sleep and appearance of a person is significantly improved. Today, special teas are developed for weight loss, which is based on this substance.

Its excessive use on an empty stomach can lead to exacerbations of inflammatory processes. Do not apply it in the presence of allergies. Otherwise, medical research confirms the positive effect of the beverage on the process of weight loss.

This product is very loved by supporters of healthy nutrition. His taste and smell cause pleasant associations, and practical benefits are so great that contraindications for its use are quite rare.

Integrated facts about chicory

The plant was known to the ancient Greeks. In Europe, it turned out how "Prussian coffee", or "Surrogate Coffee" in the 18th century. The French made a significant contribution to the spread of chicory in the world. They, like Americans, cultured it with whole plantations.

In the Central Institute of Sugar Industry (Moscow), significant research has been conducted. They are dated the beginning of the 20th century. In the course of research, the percentage of Inulin was revealed at the root. He amounted to 18 percent. What is considered a rather high indicator.

The pharmacological region also did not sentence chicory with their attention. Plant extract is successfully used in the treatment of such terrible diseases as hepatitis, diabetes mellitus. Of course, in comprehensive therapy.

Training on the frogs, British cardiologists found out that the extract of the tincture of chicory contributes to the slowdown of the heart rhythm. So, they can be treated with tachycardia, arrhythmias, and other heart disease. Such versatility and world fame make chicory plants, the benefits of the body of which are incredibly large.

The benefits and harm of chicory are worried about people when they once again meet this product on the store store. Many have already used to drink chicory instead of coffee in the morning. In fact, he raises the mood, charges vigor and gives strength to a new day. Let's see where he has such beneficial properties.

Such benefits of chicory is obliged to highly maintain useful vitamins and minerals. It contains many vitamins of the group B, C, E, various proteins, fats, pectin, tanning substances and salts. The presence of such a bouquet of beneficial substances suggests that chicory has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, helps to eliminate dysbacteriosis, various heart disease and vessels.

The benefits of chicory manifests itself in its ability to reduce blood cholesterol and treat anemia. This grass helps to cope with diabetes and overweight, as it reduces blood sugar levels.

In the ancient times, chicory was used to improve digestion, the treatment of eye diseases and even as an antidote. Now the root of chicory mainly finds the use as an anti-inflammatory, soothing, sugarpponent, antihail means in medicine. The use of chicory is invaluable if you need to knock down a high temperature or apply some kind of choleretic agent.

It is noteworthy that the roots of chicory can be used pregnant and children (older than 3 years). In this, his main difference from coffee, which is more harmful in its properties than chicory. The utility of chicory perfectly relieves heartburn, cleanses the body from toxins, increases the number of erythrocytes (red blood taurus) in the blood.

The beneficial of chicory is used in skin diseases, for example, to cure the bums, borunculosis, dermatitis. For this, the root of this plant is stirred with water and apply half an hour per day. This healing plant has an invalid effect.

Chico harium damage can manifest itself from those people who suffer from diseases of the nervous system, hemorrhoids, gastritis, and also have a varicose extension of vessels.

Calorie chicory in 100 grams - 21 kcal. Therefore, before drinking chicory, consult your doctor if you can take this therapeutic grass. Chicory is also harmful to children who are susceptible to obesity, and those who have not yet turned 3 years old. Because of its influence on the nervous system, the chicory with caution is used by people with a faded psyche.

The benefits and harm of chicory still remain a hot topic for discussion from specialists. This grass is a medicine, so it needs to be treated as a medicine - a lot and for a long time cannot be used, before starting the application, it is necessary to visit the doctor who will confirm that chicory in small quantities will benefit you.

Chicory - harm and benefit

Today it is difficult to imagine an assortment of a food store without chicory. In almost every trading point there are several items of this drink. It is completely mistaken to think that this is a substitute for coffee. This is a completely new word in drinks.

Folk Medicine has been applied and stems, and flowers in preventive and therapeutic purposes for several centuries.

A blue flower, so similar to cornflower, has a miraculous effect on almost the entire human body.

The benefits of this hammer plant is measured by the number of positive feedback.

Is there harm from chicory?

Of course, there is nothing in the world anything that would have no contraindications. So with chicory. Modern ready-made drink is the charge of the morning cheerfulness and forces for the nervous system, brain, digestive tract, skin, hair, etc.

Chicory harm is able to bring suffering asthma, chronic bronchitis, any pulmonary diseases. The reason is that the elements contained in the hammer product are able to strengthen the cough, thereby bringing a person of suffering.

But chicory harm is not limited to pulmonary complications. Do not recommend this drink to people susceptible to allergic reactions. Cause in the large content of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid, it is, first of all, Vitamin C. This vitamin in large quantities is able to cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the use of chicory allergies should be abstained.

The aromatic smelling drink chicory harm brings and those who are diagnosed with varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

To almost all other humanity, this drink benefits!

Vintage recipes.

Still in an old decoction of plants leaves, people retained their youth and beauty. It is a decoction from chicory that you can pour hair, prone to early gray. The formation of gray hair can be fooled by the juices of a heavenly blue flower giving youth.

The beauty of leather without acne, boils can be supported by the same decoction.

Vintage recipes can be applied today. Chicory can be collected from June to October. Flowers and stalks of this plant are harvested from June to July. Root from September to October.

The workpiece of stalks and flowers is necessary for cooking.

And if there is a desire to independently produce a drink from the ground product, the roots will be required.

The root system of the plant is quite powerful (reach a length of up to 1.5 meters). Collect better after the rain. Dug-off roots wash and dried outdoors. The root system is considered good, when it starts to break with a crash. After that, large or broken roots are roasted at a temperature of 180 degrees in the oven or in a frying pan. Then you can proceed to grinding. Finely ground product can be used.

Chicory treats the digestive tract.

Practically mandatory for use, the drink is considered for people suffering from gastritis.

Prevents lethargy of digestion

Helps assimilated even difficult to digest food

Saves from heartburn

The activation of digestion occurs due to bitter substances that contribute to the release of gastric juice.

But it is impossible to forget about the contraindications of chicory: the presence of ulcers and erosions of the digestive tract.

Chicory and diabetes.

Almost the first in the list of allowed products can be considered chicory for diabetics.

The soluble drink is capable of reduced blood sugar content. Many diabetics are very careful about the choice of products, so it is necessary that they can recommend a seasonal blank and cooking.

With independent preparation of a ground product, it is possible to observe the process and see how the polysaccharide contained in the roots is hydrolyzed to fructose. It can be seen when heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Fructose begins to melt and caramelizes. Confirmation of the brown color of fried chicory.

It doesn't matter whether it will be cooked with your own hands or purchased in a hammer form in the store, the main thing, every morning you can start with it (if there are no contraindications when the chicory harm brings), and then it is guaranteed to give a vigor and high performance for the whole day.

Many people do not imagine their lives without a cup of coffee in the morning, or even several times a day. But as practice shows, such a drink does not bring any special benefit to health, and even in some cases it can cause serious harm to the body. Therefore, more and more doctors strongly recommend their patients to reduce coffee consumption to a minimum or replace it with more healthy options. And the chicory will become an excellent alternative to such a drink, let's talk, which is a drink based on it a little more detail. So, we speak about chicory (drink), beneficial properties and contraindications to its use.

Chicory is a rather well-known plant, which has oblong leaves and has a long dense root, deeply outgoing in the ground. For the preparation of a delicious and healthy drink, a dry root of this culture is used. To the taste of such a drink is the most complete, the root is necessarily roasted.

Chicory (drink) - benefit and harm

The benefits of chicory soluble for the body

Despite the fact that chicory root is processed, before getting to the table, it retains a lot of useful qualities. A drink on it is the source of the unique polysaccharide of Inulin, and in the food industry, this substance is used as a sugar substitute. Diabetics chicory can bring great benefits, because its natural sweetness does not lead to an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood.

In the drink from the root of chicory contains a mass of protein substances that add to a person of cheerfulness and forces, giving a huge charge of energy. Such a drink will become an excellent snack for any athlete or traveler.

The chicory root is a source of thiamine, which is important for the full work of the heart, the organs of the digestive tract, as well as the nervous system. It contains riboflavin, which is necessary for normal accomplishment of reproductive functions, maintaining the health of nails, hair and leather. Such a substance benefits and thyroid gland.

Chicory root is rich in ascorbic acid, stimulating the work of immunity, strengthening blood vessels and maintaining muscle tone normally. This vegetable raw material is a source of carotene - the most powerful antioxidant, which helps to suspend the aging of the skin and reduce its elasticity. Also, this element is characterized by immunomodulatory qualities.

There is evidence that the reception of the drink from the root of chicory helps strengthen the visual apparatus and improve its activities. In addition, such a drink stimulates appetite well and optimizes metabolic processes. It should be taken if you are weakened by the stomach function, there is a shortage of body weight, etc.

Drink from chicory is able to benefit pregnant women and nursing mothers. This drink saturates the body forces and vital energy.

Is chicory (drink), harm from it?

In fact, chicory can bring a huge benefit of the body, but some categories of individuals are not recommended. Such a drink is categorically contraindicated with asthma and bronchitis, it is not necessary to take it if you suffer from some vascular diseases and varicose veins. The soluble chicory root is not recommended for consumption in disabilities of the heart and heart muscle, it is not necessary to drink it if you have diagnosed disorders of the gallbladder.

In the event that the reception of the drink chicory caused your heartbeat, severe weakness, nausea or dizziness - better sign up for the reception to the doctor and give up such drinking. Also, it is not necessary to take it if, in response to the use of chicory, any allergic reactions appear.

It is not desirable to be carried away by a drink from chicory if you suffer from excessive nervous excitability.

In any case, excessive coffee consumption from chicory can harm the body. It is better to drink it one or two cups per day, in the morning.

How to prepare chicory at home?

From the finished vice. You can find ready-made powders from chicory, which you just need to dissolve hot water - as quickly brewing coffee. In addition, you can purchase powders with various additional additives. A pair of teaspoons of powder must be boiled by a hundred and fifty-two-hundredstairs milliliters of hot water and mix. You can easily add cream or milk to drink. But do not overdo it with sugar, because the drink is originally sweet.
How to cook the roots of chicory? In the event that you want to prepare a drink from chicory on your own, prepare five to six roots of this culture. Rinse them and clean carefully, after drying. To do this, send the feedstock to the oven, warmed up to one hundred degrees, and withstand for four or six hours, the open door. The baking sheet before this is stuck in foil or parchment. Also, drying can be carried out in the sun.

Roots cut into small plates. Fry such a raw material on a heated pan (dry, without oil) until it is painted in brown. Grind the root in the coffee grinder (also for this you can use a blender or a manual mill), pour it into the jar, close the lid tightly and store in a dark place. Alone prepared powder is suitable for brewing for six months, no more.

Powder chicory for cooking beverage can be purchased in almost any supermarket, in pharmacies and in special stores with fito-orders. Such raw materials should be dry and uniform, balls and lumps should not be present in it.

Additional Information

Chicory can be used not only to brew tea, but also for the preparation of different medicines capable of preventing and eliminating many pathological conditions.

To speed up the digestion in the stomach, to treat the bloating of the abdomen at home, belching, the ailments of the liver and kidney. Prepare and grind overhead and roots, fifteen or thirty grams of dry raw materials. Bill in three glasses of water. Weganize on the fire of minimal power for ten minutes, after express. Take half the glass three times a day.

Chicory treats anemia perfectly and helps to cope with stress. How to treat anemia at home? How to treat the nervous system after stress? To this end, you need to prepare juice from this plant: cut it up, rinse it and scatter with boiling water. Skip the prepared raw materials through the meat grinder, and press juice from such a casis. Stealing him literally a couple of minutes, break into the glass jar and block the lid. Store in the refrigerator. Drain the teaspoon of such juice in a glass of warm milk, sweeten with honey and drink three times a day for one month.

But how conjunctivitis is treated. Chicory can be used and externally. Twenty grams of dried herbs and roots brew half-length boiling water. Insist for ten minutes, after being resolved. Use for washing eyes, affected by conjunctivitis, as well as for the preparation of the seal for sore joints.

People's skin diseases - treatment of chicory roots. If you suffer from skin diseases, connect the ten grams of the roots and herbs of chicory from forty milliliters of alcohol. Insist during the week and use for wiping affected areas.

Home recipe for rapid hair growth. Specialists of traditional medicine argue that the medicine based on chicory perfectly activates hair growth. To prepare such a tool, you need to brew thirty grams of grass and the roots with one liter of boiling water. Heat on fire for half an hour, then leave for six hours to insist. Recurry Warm Use for rubbing hair. Ten minutes after such a procedure, wash the remedy with running water and dry the hair.

Chicory is an amazingly useful plant that can bring great benefits to health.

Cycologies soluble: benefits and harm

A healthy lifestyle is in fashion. Almost each of us sometimes appears the desire to replace with useful herbal infusions of familiar tea or coffee. And what to do, if you can't start the morning without an invigorating cup of the fragrant drink? You can try an alternative - soluble chicory, the taste and smell of which resembles a coffee. A pleasant bonus is the lack of caffeine.
But the use of chicory is both positive and negative sides.
Medicinal plant chicory ordinary.
What is a plant from which a coffee drink is preparing? The chicory itself is known to everyone: pleasing eyes tender blue flowers on high and sufficiently rigid stems. Since ancient times, it has been used in folk medicine, as a faithful remedy for gastric hands, liver and kidney treatment, as well as in arthritis and gout. All parts of the plant are healing and contain a lot of useful substances: Provitamin A, vitamins of group B, vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium, pectin (and this is not a complete list!). The most valuable element in the roots of chicory - Inulin. This is an extraordinary substance on the spectrum of its impact, which improves the metabolism reduces blood sugar levels, normalizes the liver operation, stimulates immunity and even reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases. In addition, Inulin is essentially a natural prebiotic, that is, it contributes to the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine and, as a result, the normalization of its microflora. Soluble chicory manufacturing technology in order to obtain soluble chicory, use various technologies. It is very important how the product is made, it affects its quality and content of nutrients. Most often, chicory powder is obtained from a liquid extract, while all the beneficial properties of the healing plants are preserved. Another way to obtain soluble chicory is inherently similar to the production of sublimated coffee. In this case, at the first stage of processing the roots of chicory roasted. Unfortunately, aggressive thermal treatment, unfortunately, imposes the composition of the final product, the content of a friend already decreases to us ininulin. Manufacturers of high-quality soluble chicory necessarily indicate its composition. Upon receipt

Powder from plant extract on the packaging will be marked: 100% chicory extract. You can buy this drink in any supermarket where it is most often exhibited in the department of healthy food.
The benefits of soluble chicory
The use of a drink from chicory powder is indisputable. Due to the unique composition of the plant, it has a positive effect on the overall condition of the human body and can help with some ailments. Soluble chicory - an excellent choice if you don't know about:
Cardiovascular diseases. Potassium contained in the drink from the root of chicory improves the heart of the heart, normalizing the heart rate, expands the vessels and displays the harmful cholesterol.
Diseases of the nervous system. The large content of the vitamins of the group in helps maintain a good mood and contributes to a strong sleep.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of chicory will help with ulcers and gastritis, and inulin will restore the intestinal microflora.
Liver diseases. The properties of the chicory are such that it is a natural hepaprotector, that is, it helps carefully and naturally restore liver cells, improve bile outflow.
Sugar diabetes. Scientific studies have shown that inulin contributes to a reduction in blood sugar. Soluble chicory, as you know, can replace coffee. And the taste and aroma of the drink will not be too different from the usual coffee. Moreover, many manufacturers now offer a wide selection of products from chicory powder with various additives. This is not only extracts of therapeutic plants (chamomile, ginseng) and fragrant spices (cinnamon, ginger), but also, oddly enough, coffee. A small amount of ground coffee beans - and a drink from chicory becomes almost indistinguishable from the beloved drink of coffee makers. After taking antibiotics or poisoning, it often has to drink expensive drugs to restore the intestinal microflora. Try to replace them with soluble chicory, it will help the body to return a bacterial balance in the norm and remove the uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen. Pregnant women sometimes have to refuse to completely or strongly limit the use of tea and coffee. In this case, the drink from chicory can be just a find. It is harmless to future mothers, especially if you use it within reasonable limits.
Harm of soluble chicory
Despite the fact that soluble chicory is a natural product and quite useful, it has its own negative sides.
This drink is contraindicated to people with weak vessels and varicose veins.
If chronic cough or bronchitis is tormented by you, you will have to draw chicken from the diet.
With asthma, he is just dangerous for health!
It is not recommended to get involved in this natural substitute for coffee and allergies: ascorbic acid contained in it can cause an allergic reaction. Sometimes the harm and benefit of chicory go hand in hand. A good means for the prevention and treatment of gastric diseases, it is contraindicated in exacerbation of gastritis. The soluble chicory improves the metabolism - a wonderful help when dealing with overweight, but at the same time it enhances appetite. If you want to start giving a drink from a soluble chicory to a child, you need to do this with caution and no earlier than a three-year-old age.
In any case, remember that soluble chicory is not only a delicious drink, but also a product prepared from a medicinal plant. Therefore, before applying, better consult your doctor! Especially for - Elena benefit and harm of bananas for women benefits and harm salted cucumbers