Water connection for irrigation from a well. Water supply of a private house from a well video. Detailed instructions for installing the system

Providing a private house or summer cottage with water is one of the main aspects of a comfortable human life. Full water supply and proper sanitation allow you to solve a number of domestic issues, and also make it possible to use all the benefits of civilization: a washing machine and dishwasher, various plumbing fixtures.

The most common method of water supply is water supply from a well. Consider the main stages of arranging water supply at home and practical recommendations that ensure the reliability and stability of the water supply system.

A well on a personal plot - the advantages of autonomous water supply

For the water supply of a private house, various sources of water intake can be used: a centralized water supply system, a well or a well.

Water supply of a private house from a well has some advantages:

The first step is to decide on the type of well: "sandy" or artesian.

The "sandy" well has a depth of 40-50 meters - to the upper aquifers of the sandy horizon. If you get to the bed of an underground river, then the level of drilling a well can be reduced to 15 meters.

Advantages of a well "on sand":

  • water quality is better than in a well or a centralized main;
  • well completion speed (2-3 days);
  • It is possible to drill a well without the involvement of special equipment.

Disadvantages of a "sandy" well:

  • low productivity - about 1.5 m3 / h;
  • service life - up to 10 years;
  • water may contain impurities;
  • needs periodic pumping.

❝A “sandy” well is suitable for seasonal water supply to a summer cottage, for a cottage or a private house it is better to equip an artesian well❞

The depth of an artesian well can reach 200 meters - it affects the aquifer of calcareous rocks. The drilling of an artesian well must be coordinated, since the calcareous aquifer is considered a strategic reserve of the state.

Advantages of an artesian well:

  • high productivity - about 10 m3 / h;
  • unlimited supply of lime water;
  • service life - about 50 years;
  • high water quality;
  • water is supplied under high pressure.

Disadvantages of an artesian well:

  • the need to coordinate the project and obtain permits;
  • high cost of drilling a well (work must be performed by a specialized company).

Autonomous water supply scheme: main elements of the system

Whatever the source of autonomous water supply for a private house, it is necessary to create a diagram indicating all the main elements of the system and the materials used to lay the water supply.

The water supply scheme of a private house includes the following elements.

  • the mud filter does not let large crumbs into the accumulator (if the water source is an artesian well, then you can not install such a filter);
  • filter with a cleaning cartridge - mechanical cleaning from small impurities of clay, sand, rust and dirt.

  • The manometer is used to control the pressure in the water supply system. Required to set the pressure switch.
  • Pressure switch - turns the pump power on and off. The threshold of the minimum and maximum pressure is set in the relay: at low pressure, the relay closes the contacts - the pump starts to work, at high pressure - the contacts open.

  • The dry-running relay disconnects the pump from the power supply if the water in the well runs out.
  • A pressure reducer is needed so that the outlet water flow has maximum pressure. In fact, this is a pressure stabilizer that "smoothes" the lower and upper pressure thresholds.
  • ROM is a start-up protection device necessary for starting and gradual acceleration to the maximum speed.
  • The plumbing system of a private house can be divided into three blocks:

    1. Water intake system.
    2. Courtyard highway.
    3. Domestic plumbing.

    Arrangement of the water intake system

    well drilling and installation of a caisson

    The process of drilling a well for water is the sampling of soil using a special drill. Depending on the type of well and its depth, drilling can be done independently, or you can use the services of drilling rigs. The method of drilling (impact, rotary) will depend on the type of soil.

    ❝The area around the location of the proposed well should not have any underground paths and buildings. To equip a well, it is necessary to allocate a plot with an area of ​​​​4 * 6 m 2 ❞

    For manual drilling use:

    Well drilling sequence:

    The next step is the arrangement of the caisson. This room is necessary for protection against groundwater, freezing and for servicing the well. In the caisson, the outlet of the pipe from the well and the water supply leading to the house will be connected.

    You can purchase a ready-made caisson body, or you can make it yourself from concrete rings or bricks.

    ❝The caisson must be installed so that its bottom and pipeline are below the level of soil freezing, and the roof of the hull rises above the surface - by 30 cm❞

    The order of installation of the caisson:

    selection of the optimal pump

    To ensure the supply of water to consumers with the necessary pressure, it is necessary to install powerful equipment for lifting water. This may be an automated pumping station for the water supply of a private house or a submersible pump.

    The pumping station includes:

    • water pump;
    • hydraulic accumulator;
    • pressure switch.

    ❝The pumping station is suitable for servicing a shallow well (up to 10 m), if the distance from the water intake point to the end user is no more than 10 meters❞

    An autonomous station can be used to equip a water supply system in a country house from a well, and to provide water to a cottage or a private house, it is better to install a deep-well pump - a borehole submersible rotary pump.

    When choosing a submersible pump model, consider:

    • pump head - the pressure force applied in order to push the water;
    • flow rate (capacity) of the pump.

    It is necessary to determine the required power of a submersible pump to service a particular well. Consider the example of a private 2-storey house for a family of 4 people. We summarize the following indicators:

    • well depth (35 m);
    • distance from the hydraulic accumulator to the outlet of the well in the ratio 1:10 (0.8);
    • distance from ground level to the highest water intake point (about 3.5 m - for a 2-storey building);
    • required pressure at the high point of water intake (3);
    • possible losses in the system (about 2).

    Thus: Pump head = 35+0.8+2+3+2=44.3 m

    The family's peak water consumption of 38 l/min (2.28 m3/h) determines the performance of the pump.

    submersible pump installation

    It is necessary to lower the pump into the well very carefully so as not to damage the equipment. To do this, you can use a winch for drilling a well or cables.

    Pump submersion sequence:

    The next step after installing the pump is to bring the pipeline into the house and assemble an automatic water supply system.

    Yard highway: conducting water supply from the well

    tools and materials

    For conducting water supply on the site, you can use different types of pipes:

  • Iron pipes are reliable and durable, but corrode.

  • Polypropylene pipes are often used when installing do-it-yourself plumbing. The material has good performance characteristics: it does not oxidize, is easy to install, reliable and durable (service life is about 50 years).

  • ❝Diameter of the pipeline from the well should be 32mm❞

    Piping tools:

    1. For installation of steel or copper plumbing:

  • For installation of a water supply system from metal-plastic pipes:
    • adjustable, gas and wrenches;
    • fittings, fum-tape.
  • For the installation of polypropylene pipes, you will need a soldering iron with nozzles.

  • the sequence of laying and warming the water supply

    The pipeline can be laid in two ways:

    • through the trench
    • over the earth.

    In the first case, a trench is dug at a depth of 2 meters and a pipeline is laid. The pipe in the lifting points must be insulated (especially near the foundation). This can be done with a self-regulating heating cable.

    ❝The foundation of the house to which the water supply is connected must be insulated at least to a depth of 1 meter❞

    If the water supply is laid on top, then a heating cable (9 W / meter) must be connected to the pipe. In addition, the entire pipe is thoroughly insulated with heat-insulating material - a layer of insulation of at least 10 cm.

    You can use energy flex and cotton wool. The joints between the heaters must be wrapped with reinforced tape - this will improve the sealing between the layers.

    ❝The pipe must be insulated along the entire length of the yard main: from the house to the well❞

    The entire "pie" of the water supply is placed in a large corrugated or sewer pipe. Such measures will avoid freezing of the water supply and use the well in winter.

    Together with the pipe, the supply cable for the pump can also be laid at the same time. It is better to use a 4-core cable with a cross section of 2.5.

    After installing the pump and laying the water supply to the house, it is necessary to assemble an automatic water supply system according to the scheme.

    Plumbing in the house

    The laying of water pipes in a private house can be carried out according to two schemes:

    For the installation of an intra-house water supply system, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes are used.

    Recommendations of specialists for the installation and configuration of the water supply system

    Normal operation of household appliances and plumbing is possible with uninterrupted supply and sufficient water pressure. Here are some tips that will help you correctly assemble and configure the water supply system:

    Before starting operation, the system must be checked for leaks and performance.

    In the water supply system of a private house from a well, which is common in suburban construction, the scheme seems simple, but this is only at first glance. It is simple if you collect water in buckets and manually carry it into the house, and the desire to automate this process at least a little bit leads to the use of modern pumps, automation, water treatment filters and various wiring diagrams. All this puts water supply from a well on a par with an autonomous water supply system from a well, and even higher in terms of the complexity of prevention and control of water quality.

    A modern version of a well with summer and winter plumbing

    Features of water supply from a well

    A conventional well uses free-flowing aquifers that "lean" on the first water-resistant layer. It is believed that the optimal depth of a shaft well lies within 6-10 m. Everything above is rain or melt water, which did not have time to pass through natural filtration, and the well itself is protected from its penetration. Therefore, to some extent, the arrangement of a well is more complicated than wells, because in the latter a metal pipe serves as a reliable barrier against "dirty" groundwater. If the well is deeper than 10 m, then it is more economically feasible to equip the well with “sand”.

    Water extraction methods depending on the occurrence of aquifers

    Another feature that complicates the maintenance of the water supply system at home from a well is the effect on the operation of the pump of solid particles present in suspension in the water.

    If at the well the first stage of water purification begins at the level of the galloon mesh on the perforated part of the pipe, then the submersible pump for the well "works" with untreated water. The mechanical cleaning filter is part of its design and must be cleaned periodically.

    And the main feature is the low flow rate (productivity) of most wells. It does not exceed 1 m3 / h, usually much less, and depends not only on the characteristics of the site, but also on weather factors in each year. That is, this value is not stable, as in a well “for lime”, and in dry years the water level can fall by one or two “rings”.

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    Clearly about the features of water supply from the well in the video:

    House water supply scheme from a well

    Fundamentally, the water supply of a private house from a well does not differ from other types of autonomous systems and has the following form:

      source (well);

      pump (pumping station);

      storage capacity;

      external plumbing;

      water treatment system;

      internal plumbing;

      automation that controls the system.

    The differences begin at the level of choosing the type of pump and when the water supply from the well is equipped, which depends on the nature of the residence in the house.

    Simplified scheme of autonomous water supply at home

    Types of pumps for a well

    According to the installation method, there are two types of pumps for wells:



    There are also semi-submersible pumps, which are installed in the form of a "float" on the water surface. But given the air type of cooling of the unit and the rather stringent requirements for operating temperatures that cannot be provided in the unventilated volume of the well shaft, they are not used for these purposes.

    Surface (suction) pumps for water supply of a private house from a well are installed if the height of the water rise does not exceed 7-9 meters. You can increase this figure by using an external ejector, but this will reduce the performance of the equipment.

    Self-priming pump with remote ejector

    On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installation and design of sewerage and water supply. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    There are natural restrictions on operating temperatures - usually this figure starts from + 4 ° C. Therefore, a surface pump for a well for water supply at home is used either as part of a summer water supply system, or it is installed in a caisson or basement of a house (but no further than 10-12 m from the source). By the way, if the caisson is made correctly, and its “working” surface is below the freezing level, then this allows you to win an additional 1.5-2 m of water rise. But this advantage makes sense if its own pumping station is responsible for the further supply of water to consumption points.

    Water supply scheme with a "boost" pumping station after the storage tank

    Submersible well pumps are capable of lifting water to a height of up to 100 m. This does not mean that there are wells of such depth, just a reserve is needed to raise water to a storage tank, which is located as high as possible, for example, in an insulated attic of a house. And the most powerful models can be used for the collective use of one source by several houses or cottages (if the flow rate of the well allows it).

    Submersible well pump

    When using such powerful equipment, there is no need to install another pump for supplying water, since it gets from the accumulator to the points of analysis due to the constant high pressure in the system.

    The well differs from other sources in its versatility - borehole pumps can also be used to supply water. They differ from wells in smaller diameter and longer length with the same other characteristics. But the price of such equipment is higher.

    Hydraulic accumulator

    This is an indispensable element of the water supply system, regardless of the type of pump used. It is here that sensors and automation are installed that control the on and off of the pump and maintain the required pressure level in the system. If there is no storage tank (hydraulic accumulator), then the pump will operate when any water consumer is turned on / off.

    Surface pumps can be immediately equipped with their capacity, and these models are called pumping stations.

    But their hydraulic accumulator capacity is small (20-50 liters), so they do not create how significant a water reserve. The purpose of such a tank is purely functional - the suction pump works only if there is water in the intake pipe and in it, and the water in the tank simply “supports” it in working condition. But even such a small reserve reduces the number of switching on / off of the station and eliminates the possibility of water hammer in the system.

    Pumping station with automation and hydraulic accumulator

    In the water supply scheme of a private house from a well with a submersible pump, large-capacity hydraulic accumulators are used. The larger the volume of the tank, the less often the automation works when the pressure in the system decreases, and given that for any electric motor the “start” mode is the most difficult, this has a positive effect on the service life of the equipment.

    When choosing a hydraulic accumulator model, they take into account the volume of water consumption, which depends on the composition of the family. In addition, it is necessary to "tie" its size and type of installation (vertical or horizontal) to the features of the room, internal piping, plus it is necessary to provide for the possibility of its maintenance.

    There are also such models of accumulators that can ensure the stable operation of the water supply system at home for several families.

    Features of the summer external water supply

    Depending on the seasonality of living in the house, methods of laying the outer part of the water supply are chosen.

    If this is a house outside the city, and they live in it only in the warm season, then you can choose a “summer” water supply scheme.

    In this case, if the depth of the well allows, a surface pump is used, which can be installed simply under a canopy that protects it from precipitation and the sun. And they save significant funds on the arrangement of the caisson (pit, walls, insulation, stairs, roof, airtight hatch).

    The water supply from the pump to the house can be laid according to the "budget" scheme, using shallow trenches, the depth of which is chosen in such a way as not to damage the pipes when digging up the site.

    Such pipe laying is suitable for a summer house or a "summer" house in the countryside.

    You can generally lay pipes on the surface of the earth, but they obviously will not decorate the landscape, and at the end of the season they will have to be dismantled and hidden “under lock and key”.

    Another article of savings is the entry into the house. The pipe can be led either through the base, or even through the wall. And it is not necessary to drill a hole in a monolithic or prefabricated foundation, if it was not provided for during construction.

    The main disadvantage of the summer water distribution scheme is the need to drain water from the system at the end of the season. Therefore, when arranging the underground part of the pipe, they are laid with a slight slope to the source and a drain with shutoff valves is specially installed so that the water can be drained by gravity after the pump is turned off.

    Advantages of winter external water supply

    When installing a surface-type pumping station in an insulated caisson (or basement of a house), it is more expedient to equip an external water supply system according to the winter scheme. Even if the house is intended for seasonal living, and in winter it is visited "occasionally", the water from the external part of the water supply system can not be drained, but only for the internal water supply. In this case, after the house is “heated”, it will be much easier to start the pump and the water supply system.

    A submersible well pump for water supply at home does not have such difficulties with starting as a suction one. But the fact that the external part of the water distribution scheme in a private house from the well is in working condition and is reliably protected from “defrosting” is an argument in favor of such a choice.

    For water supply in winter, it is necessary to insulate both the “upper meter” of the well and the pipe entrance through the foundation

    There is, of course, an option to equip a shallow winter water supply with a heating cable, but it is better to dig a trench for pipes once deeper than the freezing line than to buy more expensive pipes in a sheath (with insulation and a heating cable) and spend electricity on heating the external pipeline. In addition, this option is suitable if they live in the house all the time - when leaving for more than a day (time depends on air temperature, depth of occurrence and thickness of the insulation), water from such a water supply must be drained.

    Video description

    Ready system on video:

    Water treatment system

    To water the garden, the quality of well water is acceptable. Mechanical cleaning of large impurities at the first stage of pump filtration is in most cases sufficient to even wash the car and not damage its paintwork. But to the quality of drinking, well water, in most cases, must be brought separately.

    The problem lies in the instability of the chemical and bacterial composition of water from shallow formations. Even in the middle of the last century, most people did not think about what ecology is - the top layer of the earth and surface waters were not spoiled by the "waste products" of man, therefore, even near cities, wells were clean.

    Now 10-15 meters of soil is often not enough for the water to undergo natural purification and acquire a stable composition. Even remote areas from cities and industrial enterprises cannot guarantee the purity of the upper aquifers - agricultural chemicals, rainfall and rivers have their effect. And if in deep wells “for lime” the composition of the water is relatively constant and practically does not change during operation, then for wells “for sand”, and even more so for wells, water analysis must be carried out frequently in order to timely correct the composition of the filters in the water treatment system.

    Seven steps of purification is not the limit. You can also install a reverse osmosis system in the kitchen

    Equipment selection

    The most crucial moment is the choice of a pump and a hydraulic accumulator for the water supply from the well to the house. The following parameters must be taken into account:

      well depth;

      static water level (height from the mirror to the ground);

      dynamic water level (shows the flow rate of the well when the equipment is running);

      the degree of water pollution with suspensions and solid fractions;

      water consumption at simultaneously switched on points of consumption;

      distance from the well to the pumping station (for suction pumps);

      distance from the well to the accumulator (for submersible pumps).

    If we talk about the degree of adaptation, then submersible well pumps best meet the conditions for a stable water supply at home. They are reliably protected from "dry running" in case of excess water flow over the well flow rate. They have models for the lower and upper water intake, so you can choose the best option even for a “shallow” well. And most importantly, well pumps are able to work with more “dirty” water than downhole equipment, and their filters are easier to clean.

    If the flow rate of the well is low, and it does not provide a long-term water consumption with several consumption points turned on simultaneously (bath or shower mixer, washbasin, kitchen sink faucet, washing machine), then a large storage tank can correct the situation. Based on a daily rate of 200 liters per person, a 1 m3 hydraulic accumulator can meet the needs of a family of 4 people.

    Video description

    Clearly about the water supply system from the well in the video:


    As a summary. If you can still equip a summer water supply from a well for a country house with your own hands, then in order to properly organize a stable water supply to a private house and provide the family with good quality water, the participation of specialists is necessary. Only professionals will be able to take into account all the features of the source, select the appropriate equipment, assemble a system that will work reliably and provide water supply from the well to the house at a high level.

    Until recently, wells were used everywhere, from which cold and tasty water was raised, but technogenic environmental pollution increasingly imposes restrictions on the use of water from the upper aquifers. The solution to the problem of water supply in private households, and at a new technological level, can be a well in or near the house, from which, using a pump, high-quality drinking water can be supplied in the required quantity.

    An indispensable condition for human habitation is a reliable supply of high-quality drinking water. In the conditions of urban development or in villages where there is a water supply system, the issue is resolved relatively simply - by connecting to existing water supply networks. But what if there are no such networks or the quality of water in them leaves much to be desired?

    How to bring water into the house from a well in order to provide cold and hot water supply to the house and the local area? To do this, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions and a fairly significant amount of construction work, depending on the type of well and the complexity of the system:

    • Perform the necessary calculations and make a scheme or project of home plumbing;
    • Drill the selected type of well;
    • Analyze the quality of water received from the well;
    • Select and purchase the necessary equipment;
    • Install the water supply system.

    Scheme and calculations

    In order to supply life-giving moisture to the house, it is necessary to make a real water supply system, for which you must first draw a diagram and make simple calculations, and then mount the equipment and pipelines. Calculations and a diagram are necessary to determine the amount of water consumed and the cross-section of pipelines, for the correct choice of equipment that will make up a home water supply.

    The water supply scheme is a drawing that shows all the elements of the water supply system, the diameters of the pipes and the material from which they are made, the places of installation and connection of technological and water-folding equipment. In complex systems, when home plumbing includes several pumping units, storage tanks and pressure regulators, without which the operation of modern household units is impossible, it will be necessary to design a water supply system that takes into account all the necessary initial conditions and requirements for the water supply system.

    But what if there are two houses on the site? Depending on the productivity of the well and water consumption, the water supply scheme may consist of two autonomous sources, the device of which will require the drilling of a second well or one source of high-capacity water with piping into two separate buildings.

    In the absence of the necessary experience, it is almost impossible to do the calculations yourself without annoying mistakes, so it is better to entrust the design of a home plumbing to specialists.

    Choose the type of well

    Arrangement of autonomous water supply of a private house begins with the choice of the type of well. For a country house, an Abyssinian well is perfect, hammered to a relatively shallow depth into an aquifer of coarse sand, which can be made even directly in the house. The only and main drawback of such a well is the intake of water from the upper aquifers, which can adversely affect its quality.

    Everything else is just an advantage. A sufficient volume of water, a simple device, no need to use complex and expensive technological equipment, which not only reduces costs, but also allows you to do the work yourself. Through Abyssinian wells, water is supplied by surface pumps with electric or manual drive. The service life of such a well can reach 30 years or more.

    To make water intake in a private house, a more complex device is often used to supply water from the upper aquifer sandy soils using a submersible electric pump. The diameter of the pipe of this type of wells starts from 100 mm, which requires the use of bulky drilling equipment.

    The quality of water in such a source is comparable to that of an Abyssinian well, and the service life usually does not exceed 10 years, which is due to silting of the casing perforation. It is simply impossible to make even a shallow well with your own hands without involving several assistants or a team of builders, so arranging a water supply source will cost the developer much more than a driven Abyssinian well.

    The highest quality source for supplying water to a private house is an artesian well, the device of which requires not only sophisticated equipment, but also special knowledge. Drilled to a depth of 80 meters or more into the limestone aquifer, such a well provides the supply of about 10 m 3 of pure water per hour using a deep pump. Drilling is done only with the help of drilling machines and is quite expensive. Despite the high cost of manufacture, such a source of water supply can provide a large private house with drinking water and water a significant area of ​​​​the territory adjacent to the house, and the long period, more than 50 years, that an artesian well can serve in a house pays for all the costs of its arrangement.

    Equipment selection

    When the water supply scheme or project is ready, it's time to start choosing the necessary equipment. If the work is carried out by a design organization, then the project, as a rule, indicates not only the type and performance of the equipment, but also its brand. Very often, the consumer chooses equipment from another manufacturer, which may be more expensive and better, or vice versa.

    The most important node from which home plumbing begins is the pump. It must be selected from well-known and time-tested manufacturers. One main supply pump is installed directly in the well and creates the necessary pressure in the line. One or two pumps of small capacity can be additionally installed in the water supply system to ensure the operation of various equipment. The performance of the pump is selected 10-15% lower than the amount of water that the well can give per unit time in order to avoid dry running and premature failure.

    The rest of the equipment that will make up the home plumbing is selected based on the best price / quality ratio.

    System installation

    The installation of home plumbing must begin with earthworks. The scheme of laying highways from the well to the house is broken, and a trench is being dug to the place where the pipe entry into the basement is located. To prevent freezing of water, pipes are laid below the estimated depth of soil freezing, the value of which can be viewed on a special map developed back in Soviet times.

    Attention! You should not save on earthworks and lay pipes practically on the surface using additional heating. If the electricity is cut off and the owners are not at home, the system will freeze in a very short time. Modern polymer pipes may not burst, but it will be very difficult to warm the system.

    To ensure the protection of the well from the ingress of surface melt water, debris and freezing, it is necessary to make a caisson. This is a special cylindrical or rectangular chamber located in the ground, which, in addition to protecting the well, serves to connect the pipe distribution, especially if there are two separate pipelines, as well as to place valves and carry out maintenance of the pump. The arrangement of an insulated caisson is essential to protect pumping equipment from exposure to cold air. The dimensions of the chamber are selected based on the free accommodation of at least one person with the ability to work with a bench tool. For the manufacture of the caisson, you can use polymeric materials, metal or brickwork from red, well-annealed bricks.

    Having finished the trenches, we lay the main water supply in them from a pipe with a conditional passage of at least 25 mm, made of cross-linked polyethylene, polypropylene or alloy steel. Plumbing made of plastic pipes must be laid in a concrete or brick gutter on a sand cushion in order to exclude the effects of frost heaving forces on it and the possibility of damage to the pipes by rodents, and metal pipes require high-quality anti-corrosion treatment.

    Sometimes it is necessary to connect two pipelines to one well to power a second house or outbuildings. In this case, it is necessary to provide valve decoupling, which excludes the mutual influence of these lines. The entry of the pipeline into the house must be insulated and protected by a sleeve at the point of passage through the structural elements of the foundation.

    Earthwork, caisson making and pipe laying can be done by hand with a simple hand tool, which will reduce the overall cost of plumbing.

    Having finished laying the pipes, it is necessary to pressurize the line with a pressure twice the working one to identify possible defects, and after that you can proceed with the installation of technological equipment that turns a simple well into an automated home water supply. Depending on the complexity of the system, it may have one or two storage tanks, one or two pressure boosting stations, a gearbox, a filter section and various shutoff valves.

    When supplying water from a well, it is imperative to install coarse and fine filters from mechanical impurities at the inlet, which protect the installed equipment from premature wear. After the storage tank, it is desirable to install a reducer that provides a constant set pressure of water supplied to the shut-off valves. As operating experience shows, reducing the pressure in the intra-house line to 2 atm increases the service life of shut-off plumbing fittings by 2-3 times and reduces water consumption by about 10%.

    The installation of equipment and all the necessary connections can be done qualitatively with your own hands, but to ensure a guarantee in the event of a possible failure of complex devices, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

    The device of home water supply cannot do without the electricity necessary to power the pumping and distribution systems. The electrical circuit can be relatively simple, based on the simplest pressure contactors, but for branched systems that feed two houses, an external technical water supply and a hot water supply system, the circuit can be quite complex, based on modern microcontroller devices. To bring the electric cable to the pump, a corrugated protective sheath is used, and for underground laying, a plastic pipe is used to ensure the replacement of the cable if necessary.

    All electrical connections are made in a moisture-proof design, which prevents moisture from entering the contact pads, which can cause short circuits and equipment failure. When doing electrical work with your own hands, you should not forget about the safety rules to prevent electric shock. It is better to do this work with an assistant.

    To get a reliable and durable source of water supply for a summer residence or a house, it is necessary not only to bring a pipe into the house from a well located in the yard. The installation of a home water supply is a whole complex of calculations and construction work, after which the owner receives fresh clean water all year round for several decades.

    The main advantage of an apartment over a private house is the availability of water supply and sewerage systems. Connecting and distributing these systems around the house will help equalize the chances.

    Usually the water supply of a private house is carried out from a well. This option will not only be optimal in terms of low costs, but will also exclude monthly payments for centralized water supply (the quality of water in which, to put it mildly, is not credible).

    According to the depth of the well are divided:

    • filter- up to 35 meters;
    • artesian- 100 meters, and in some cases more.

    For a private country house, the first type is usually used. Drilling with the help of special equipment takes a little time; the finished structure is a pipe with a diameter of 120 to 135 mm, at the end of which there is a fine mesh filter.

    Water supply is carried out by a deep pump or a water station. The quality of water directly depends on the composition of the soil, the depth of drilling and the location of nearby objects. Water from the filter well needs additional treatment and is usually used only for irrigation.

    Artesian well, on the contrary, is famous for its exceptionally clean water. The cost of installing a filter well will be several times cheaper (about $ 80), and an artesian well will be about $ 2,500. The service life will also differ significantly: 8 years for the filter and 50 for the artesian.

    When comparing, the second classification is also appropriate:

    • clay;
    • sandy;
    • limestone.

    Here, the differences will appear from the type of rock to which drilling is performed. The first two layers will produce water at the outlet with a significant content of impurities and foreign inclusions. Such water can be used for drinking only with a positive analysis for the absence of harmful substances.

    If the depth has reached lime, its high quality is practically guaranteed due to filtration through several layers of rock. Such water can be used for cooking, but it is still better to take it for examination beforehand.

    Water supply scheme and its main elements

    The autonomous water supply network in a private house is a complex wiring plan indicating all the necessary elements.

    An ideal equipment for supplying water from a shallow well would be the purchase of a pumping station. This is a set of elements connected directly to the pump and designed to rationally provide a private house with water.

    The pumping station is equipped with:

    1. Directly self-priming pump, the power of which is determined by the depth of the well and the required frequency of use. When buying, you should take into account the nominal flow rate, usually stations have a capacity of 4-8 m³ / h. Water supply height up to 55 meters. Together with the pump, there is also a start-up protection device (ROM).
    2. Accumulative or membrane tanks. The storage tank is located in the house or in an auxiliary heated room, from where the wiring goes to all points of water intake (washbasin, washing machines and dishwashers). For more comfortable work the tank is equipped with a water level sensor, turning off the station when the tank is full. In the event of a sensor failure, water can flood the house, which is a serious negative factor in the use of just such equipment.
    3. membrane tank(sometimes the name “hydroaccumulator tank” is found), in turn, is a container with two compartments separated by a membrane. Pressurized air is pumped into one compartment, and water is pumped into the other.
    4. The pressure switch controls the filling of the tank with water, thus, there is a constant reserve in the tank, which can be used during power outages. Equipping the system with a manometer will help to adjust the upper and lower limits of working pressure. The design of the membrane tank is more advanced compared to the storage option, but the volume is usually not so significant.
    5. The pumping station must be equipped with a check valve, which prevents water from sinking down when the system is turned off.
    6. Placed at the end of the water pipe cleaning system, usually these are coarse mesh filters. At the request of the customer, a fine filter can also be installed, but, as a rule, it serves more to block the pump mechanism from foreign inclusions than to actually filter water. Drinking water is in any case needed by complex systems, such as reverse osmosis.
    7. Dry running sensor refers to protective devices and provides automatic shutdown of the station in the absence of water. This will significantly extend the life of the equipment and help avoid fire hazards.

    If the pumping station will be used throughout the year, a suitable "housing" for the winter should be considered. Traditionally, such complexes are located in heated utility rooms.

    The second option would be to equip a well near the water supply pipeline. It should be located below the freezing level of the soil and additionally insulated in winter.

    Pump station alternative

    If the depth is more than 8 meters, it would be more appropriate to purchase a deep or submersible pump. The cost of the goods will be slightly lower, but the hassle of setting up an autonomous water supply system will increase somewhat.

    The first difference between a water supply scheme with a submersible pump will appear in the diameter of the well, for a submersible pump it should be at least 150 mm, for a deep well pump, 50 mm is enough.

    There are special types of well pumps, but the diameter of these usually does not allow comfortable use for relatively narrow openings.

    Centrifugal pumps belong to the "elite" of water pressure equipment. The acquisition cost will be much higher than the options considered, but such pumps are more powerful and are also successfully used for artesian wells.

    Estimated price of different types of pumps:

    • Pumping station (complete set) can be purchased from $100.
    • The deep well pump is on sale from 120 $.
    • Well pump from $25.
    • An inexpensive submersible option will cost $20.
    • Centrifugal equipment is sold from $175.

    Do-it-yourself water supply to the house

    Pipes are dug in below the freezing level of the ground, it is better to use additional thermal insulation, especially at the point where the pipe is brought to the foundation of the building. Together with the pipe, a cable from the pumping station is also placed.

    Automation is installed only in a heated room to avoid deformation and freezing. To eliminate possible drops in electricity, it is desirable to secure the pumping station with a voltage stabilizer.

    Connecting a well to water to the mains is best left to professionals.

    Calculation of the optimal type of pumping equipment will depend on the depth of the well and on the distance to consumers. Approximately 20% are unavoidable losses, so the approximate formula for calculating the nominal head power will look something like this:

    Required head = depth + distance to consumers + system pressure + losses

    The organization and arrangement of water supply for a private house is a laborious process, the result of which largely depends on the selected equipment. The information in our article will help you choose the best option.

    In this video you can see an example of the implementation of water supply to a private house from a well:

    Before you draw up a project and proceed with its implementation, you should weigh all the pros and cons of a well in a private house, compare alternative water supply options. In practice, water supply to the building can be organized from any source: a nearby river, pond, spring or a well dug on the site - but you need to be prepared for the fact that its quality and purity will be far from ideal.

    If the water supply to the cottage is seasonal, then building a well on the site and using a pump to supply fluid in most cases will be sufficient to meet the needs of those living in the house in the summer. When a country cottage is used year-round as a full-fledged housing for a family or you need winter water supply in the country, it is wiser to organize water supply to a private house from a well. This option provides residents with many advantages:

    • water supply systems of a private house from a well do not depend on the season;
    • the volume of the supplied liquid is unlimited;
    • guaranteed excellent quality and purity of the water resource;
    • high reliability of the equipment complex ensures its long-term trouble-free operation.

    At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that water supply from a well will cost more than other methods: the drilling process, the purchase of pumping equipment, the installation of water supply and drainage - these activities will require significant costs.

    Funds spent on providing water to a residential building or on water supply in a country house from a well guarantee decades of comfort for residents, convenience and ease of use of equipment, and an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Therefore, the monetary costs of carrying out technically complex works on water supply are justified.

    Where to begin

    If it is decided to make a well to supply water to a private house, then the process should begin by determining how deep the aquifer is on the site. With its shallow location, you can do it yourself with your own hands to bring water into the house from the well. To develop deep artesian wells, an invitation from a team of specialists with drilling rigs will be required. Then you should draw up a water supply scheme for a private house from a well. Since the general principles for supplying water to a house from a well are the same, it is not necessary to contact specialists to draw up a specific scheme - typical samples can be taken from the Internet.

    It is important to remember that the longevity of a water supply from a well is determined not only by the wear resistance of the equipment, but also by the nature and depth of the mine. The operational period of shallow (up to 40 m) workings lasts about 10 years, and artesian wells serve more than half a century.

    The very scheme of water supply of a private house from a well is largely determined by the depth of the well shaft: the choice of the working power of the pumps, the total length of the pipeline, the choice of ways to stabilize the pressure in the system and other points depend on it.

    Key process steps and total cost.

    The whole process of arranging home water supply, from choosing the place where the water is taken to the disposal of sewage from the building, can be divided into three large stages:

    1. drilling and construction of wells for water;
    2. installation of a complex of equipment for supplying water from a well: laying a pipeline, connecting pumps, installing water storage tanks, etc.;
    3. disposal of used liquid, arrangement of sewerage.

    The total cost of organizing water supply in a private house will consist of the cost of work at each stage and the equipment to be installed.

    The total amount of expenses is largely determined by the depth at which the aquifer is located. Drilling a deep well, which is called an artesian, is technically difficult and expensive: prices for 1 m are 2-3 thousand rubles. Given the depth at which the water is located - from 40 to 230 m, the lion's share of the cost of water supply from the well will go to drilling.

    Stage one: drilling and well construction.

    The first stage of arranging a water supply system from a well is one of the most critical - drilling. It can be carried out manually or produced using drilling rigs.

    Manual is used to develop a shallow mine. Sometimes it is called "sand drilling" - by definition, the soil in which the hole is made. This type of work is carried out at relatively low cost, it requires simple equipment: a drill and pipes for casing the walls of the hole.

    For work in hard ground (“on limestone”), professionals with drilling rigs are invited, the principles of which may differ.

    There are several types of mechanical drilling:

    Simultaneously with drilling, the walls of the mine are being equipped - casing. The purpose of these actions is to prevent shedding and erosion of the soil by the water supplied upward, to strengthen the soil along the perimeter of the hole. After casing, hydraulic pumping (flushing) of the mine is done until clean liquid begins to flow from the depth.

    Stage two: installation of a complex of equipment for supplying water from a well.

    Further actions for the water supply of a private house from a well in the scheme of work performed are the installation of equipment that supplies liquid to the building. Water enters the house from the well through a pipe system. Its movement occurs from the bottom up and in a certain direction, so it is impossible to do without the use of pumps and devices for correcting pressure in the system.

    Installation of pumping equipment.

    Two types of equipment can be used to supply water from a well to a house:

    1. submersible pump;
    2. specialized pumping station of factory production.

    The choice of one of these two types of hydraulic installations to provide a country house with water from a well is determined by several factors:

    • well depth;
    • its remoteness from home;
    • estimated daily water consumption;
    • the height to which the liquid will be supplied.

    Depending on these indicators, a pump or station with certain technical parameters and power is selected. If large loads on the system are not expected, for example, when supplying water from a well in a country house, then you can limit yourself to installing a submersible pump. For year-round water supply to a residential one- or two-story house or cottage, it will be necessary to install a special pumping station, and its capacity must be sufficient to ensure the transfer of the required amount of water to all water points.

    Important components of the house water supply scheme from a well are the following devices:

    1. non-return valve that prevents the flow of fluid back;
    2. hydraulic accumulator - a reservoir with a gasket made of high-strength synthetic rubber, thanks to which pressure surges in the system are leveled, damage to equipment from water hammer is prevented;
    3. automation for pressure control and protection of the pump from running dry;
    4. cleaning filters of two types - for coarse and fine cleaning.

    These elements can be installed in a caisson - a specially equipped chamber at the exit of the well to the surface, which protects the mine working from the ingress of seasonal water and facilitates access to it.

    Arrangement of the pipeline - the path from the well to the house.

    The next step in solving the problem of how to bring water into the house from a well is laying pipes, connecting them, and entering the building.

    When arranging the water supply of a private house with your own hands, you should first familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of pipes made of different materials, the principles of their connection, connection diagrams.

    Knowledge of the process, how to make plumbing in a country house or in a house, will allow you to do the work yourself or control the performers.

    For the installation of water supply in a country house or a country house, the following types of pipes are most often used:

    • fiberglass;
    • steel;
    • plastic PVC pipes.

    The water supply from the well is laid underground at a depth of at least 1 m to reduce the risk of freezing in winter. Provided that pipes are laid above the freezing level of the soil, they must be insulated. It is advisable to enter the pipe and connect the well to the house from the basement - this will reduce the risk of freezing of the liquid when the water supply system exits to the surface of the earth. When we bring the pipe into the house, it is not recommended to bend it - you should use special couplings for the corner connection.

    If a well is designed in the house, and not on the site outside it, this can significantly save costs: the length of the pipeline is reduced to a minimum, the need for its insulation is eliminated.

    Distribution of the pipeline through the house to the points of water intake.

    Bringing water into the house is half the work of organizing its autonomous water supply. Next, you should correctly mount the wiring of pipes supplying liquid to the points of water intake: to the kitchen sink, to the shower room, toilet. First, you need to draw up a graphical wiring diagram and decide on the method of connecting pipes into a single network. There are two types of connection - serial and collector.

    In series, one central pipe is laid from the entry point, to which all other branches are connected using tees. This is a simple type of wiring that does not require large expenses, but it has one drawback: when the taps are opened at the same time, the pressure in the system drops, the water pressure at the farthest point of the water intake will be low.

    Collector connection will require additional costs for the purchase of a distribution unit, to which all pipes in the house are connected. In this case, the pipes are connected to the collector separately using valves, they are independent of the others. When repairing, it is not necessary to stop the entire system, it is enough to close the desired valve. The manifold connection pressure is always stable.

    Stage three: a little about drainage.

    Installation of sewerage is carried out according to the same principles as water supply lines, the difference lies in the diameter of the pipes and their angle of inclination when laid horizontally. For unobstructed water outlet, wide pipes 110-150 mm are used, which are laid in the ground at an angle to ensure independent movement of the liquid. The degree of slope is at least 3 cm per 1 m. The liquid is drained into a septic tank or an equipped concrete sump, which must be periodically cleaned, pumping out and taking out the drains.

    A well inside the house - maximum convenience at a minimum cost.

    The answer to the question of whether it is possible to make a well inside the house is most often positive, but the drilling process itself is complicated by the limited space and the need to remove the worked out soil. The well inside the house should be located at the lowest point of the room, which gives more room for maneuvering the drilling rig. Certain requirements are also imposed on the size of the room where the mine is being developed - it must be more spacious than 2 meters in length and width, and half a meter higher than the highest point of the drilling apparatus. Ideally, a well is located in the basement of a house or a specially dug pit.

    It is technically more difficult to drill a well under the house, but it is more cost-effective, it is more convenient to maintain and use.


    Knowledge of how to conduct water from a well to a house, how to connect it, helps to navigate the proposals of construction companies that provide water supply services for a country house. Mastering the principles of organizing work will help you build a water pipe in the country with your own hands or seek help from a specialized company. You can carry water into the house in any area, and the result is worth the money and effort spent.