Hammock do-it-yourself weaving drawing. How to make a do-it-yourself hammock for children from improvised means. Folding Wooden Hammock Stands

  1. Types of hammock.
  2. Material and schemes for making a hammock with your own hands.
  3. Which type of hammock is best for you? We decide.

What is summer without relaxing on a hammock?! Do you know that we owe such a priceless gift to the South African tribes?

Then it was an ordinary sleeping place, which was not difficult to transport, wandering from place to place. "Hamak", namely this name was then this wonderful couch, saved from the dampness of the night soil and annoying midges.

The hammock sailed to Europe with Columbus, this famous navigator took a couple of amazing hanging beds on his ship, along with coffee, tobacco, a ball and potatoes.

The hammock came to us in a slightly modified version, but the state of comfort, comfortable relaxation for the back and relaxing swaying remained unchanged. Only the functions have expanded the boundaries a bit. Now it is also an element of interior decor.

And modern scientists have already unequivocally proved that a two-hour sleep in a hammock has a beneficial effect on muscle tone, relieving tension and restoring the body, which corresponds to a full night's rest.

Modern retail offers many options for this wonderful lounger. But it is much more pleasant when you can make a hammock with your own hands.

Making will not take you much time and effort and will require only banal sewing skills or the basics of knitting using the macrame technique.

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Types of hammock

We all remember hammocks from childhood - white, coarse threads intertwined in brutal knitting and reminiscent of a fishing net. The rib of weaving did not stick very nicely into the body, but, nevertheless, it was impossible to drive anyone off this sunbed.

This is the classic view - suspended. The simplest, so to speak. Today it can be bought or made from a wide variety of improvised materials. It is enough to make a mount, slats, or you can do without them (then you get the simplest hammock, but not very convenient), as well as choose a variant of the main bed: thick fabric, braided rope patterns or something else that you like or have available at hand. Some craftsmen, in a good sense of the word, even use wooden pallets to make a hammock, which makes the hanging cradle especially comfortable and luxurious.

You can attach such hammocks to trees, the beams of a summer terrace, special posts or ceiling hooks, and other creatives manage to make a full-fledged sleeping place in city apartments out of a classic hammock.

The second option is the frame. Such hammocks are characterized by the presence of a frame (often it is a prefabricated structure, but it can also be cast), on which the canvas is stretched. The advantage of this option is that there are no questions about where and how to mount.

And another option is a hammock chair. A real mainstream of recent years and a favorite of many architects-designers working in eco-style or loft style.

Material and schemes for making a hammock with your own hands

In order to decide on the material for the hammock, you must first choose a model. In the case when you decide to make a classic fabric version, you will need:

  • Approximately two and a half meters of durable fabric or tarpaulin.
  • Approximately twenty eyelets (haberdashery, metal rivets designed for fastenings)
  • Two wooden or metal bars if you want a stretched version of the hammock. The length should correspond to the width, but the cross section should be at least thirty by fifty millimeters.
  • Two large metal rings.
  • Approximately thirty-five meters of cotton, extra strong rope, with a diameter of at least six millimeters.
  • Well, and, accordingly, a sewing machine and a drill.

When choosing a fabric, you need to give preference to the most dense, having a width of more than three meters - this is the minimum. If you take a one and a half meter width, then your hammock will either be too narrow or unreliable at the seam.

When making a hanging hammock with your own hands, you can replace the eyelets with drawstrings from the main material that you use for sewing.

How to sew a hammock with your own hands?

There is nothing difficult in this. In the video of the master class below, you can see in detail all the nuances.

We smooth the uneven edges of the fabric by cutting off the excess fabric. On both sides, in places where eyelets will be mounted or drawstrings will be sewn, we make markings. An approximate step is eighteen centimeters. When making cuts for the eyelets, make sure that they are exactly along the shared thread - this must be paid attention to avoid tearing the fabric in these places when using a ready-made hammock.

We sew the edges of the fabric of the future hammock with a fold of ten centimeters. In places of fastenings, it is better to make additional zigzag stitches - for reliability and strengthening.

We pass the rope through the eyelets or drawstrings, leaving a margin of about one hundred and eighty centimeters, and in each hole - one meter. With the help of a sea knot, for example, a “bayonet with two swords”, we tie a knot, pulling out three or four loops.

Set aside the fabric and take on the bars. Better, of course, wooden. It is easier to make through holes in them with a drill, which should match the eyelets or drawstrings. Before starting work, do not forget to cover them with a special protective solution, and, if desired, decorative.

Make wooden spacers. These spacers are bars with holes through which the ropes are pulled. Spacers are needed so that the hammock does not fold under your weight.

In principle, the first version of a do-it-yourself hanging hammock is ready. It remains only to stretch the ropes through the holes of the bars ... and ... woo a la - enjoy.

But, as we already know, there are different types of hammocks, and we have considered only one. Therefore, it is too early to disperse, but it is worth getting acquainted with others.

And now we will consider in detail the scheme of how to weave a hammock with our own hands.

So, what do we need for this option? Also, as in the first case, nothing supernatural:

  • Two wooden or metal beams. The length should correspond to the width, but the cross section should be at least thirty by fifty millimeters.
  • The amount of rope or cable depends on the size of the hammock you want to weave. On average, you need to count two hundred meters of rope for a cradle size of two and a half meters. Width - nine millimeters.

It’s worth making a reservation right away that weaving a hammock with your own hands is a little harder than sewing a hammock out of linen. And that's why. A hanging hammock consists of many knots and branches, and in order to achieve their tension, you will have to try sooo hard. A poorly stretched suspension will not give you the desired rest without worries, on the contrary, it can lead to numbness of the shoulder joints or back.

But in this section it is worth clarifying the difference between a rope and a cable. For amateurs, it is not entirely clear, and this will significantly affect operation. A cable is a rope that has a transverse or other twist of threads with transverse transitions, thanks to this, your hammock will be able to withstand heavy loads. The rope has a spiral, twisted structure and loses its elasticity faster.

For the reliability of a wicker hammock, it is better to make four slings. This will prevent a sudden domino break.

And the actual diagrams and drawings so that you can weave a hammock with your own hands:

If your dream is a frame hammock, then, first of all, you need to get the frame itself. It can be made independently from wooden or metal panels and pipes of any configuration you like. And then to the frame to attach a canvas of fabric or rope according to the principle described above.

But our story will not be completely complete if we do not touch on a detailed description: how to make a hammock chair.

This is not difficult to do if you, at least remotely, own the basics of macrame technique. If not, then just watch the video and understand the weaving algorithm.

For our needlework, we need two metal hoops. You can easily buy them at any sporting goods store. It is better to take different diameters - smaller for the back and larger for the seat, respectively. In addition to hoops:

  • Twelve lines.
  • Rope not less than three meters.
  • Scissors and tape measure.

Which type of hammock is best for you? Deciding

Sewing or weaving a hammock with your own hands is not such a difficult job and, in principle, everyone can do it. But before starting work, let's decide which type of hammock suits you perfectly.

Well, for starters, let's define the functionality of the hammock. If you plan to use it in the pool seating area or on the terrace, then frame hammocks or a hammock chair are ideal. But keep in mind that when choosing a bed with a metal base, you need to pay attention to the material from which the frame is made. Wood or rattan does not cause any special questions and problems, but metal has its own nuances. It must be stainless steel or anodized aluminium.

For a mobile lifestyle with trips to nature - definitely hanging, lightweight and compact version of the rope. It can be hung anywhere and won't take up much space in the trunk. We advise you to pay attention to tarpaulin options with a ready-made mosquito net so that your vacation is not overshadowed by anything.

For giving and adjoining territories - the choice is not limited at all. You can choose any to your taste and color, focusing only on the material from which the frame is made, if such a model suits you and on the material of the bed itself. It is better to choose models from tarpaulin or canvas with a water-repellent coating. Cotton can deteriorate very quickly and lose its aesthetic appearance due to moisture and dirt.

Who supports the balcony culture and lifestyle - a hammock chair is the perfect solution. The same applies to apartments, if you decide to mess around in the interior and space allows you, then you can make a hanging version, decorated with a variety of pillows.

Do-it-yourself drawings and diagrams of a hammock. Video.

A hammock is strongly associated with a romantic getaway in unity with nature. As a relaxer after heavy loads of any kind - physical, intellectual, emotional - a hammock is comparable to expensive physiotherapy procedures or potent medicines. But resting in a hammock costs nothing and does not give side effects. Doctors, however, still do not recommend sleeping in a hammock all the time: its beneficial effect manifests itself after fatigue before. In modern conditions of life, it becomes necessary to have your own hammock for trips to the country or nature on weekends or for vacation.

Making a hammock with your own hands means not just achieving 3-4 times savings in money. And not only to get more pleasure, listening to the whisper of leaves in the creation of their own hands. By making a hammock yourself, you can quickly and easily acquire a lot of useful skills that will come in handy in many other cases.


Europeans first saw a suspended piece of upholstered furniture for sleeping and relaxing among the Caribbean Indians; the natives called him hamoc. At that time, the islands of the Caribbean Sea were the same green hell as the current Amazon. The selva is teeming with all sorts of dangerous creatures and it is impossible to sleep on the ground or in a bed: during the night someone will definitely bite, sting or infect. And the livelihood in this seeming luxury comes from hard and dangerous work.

Hammocks caught the eye of members of the first expedition of Columbus. The Spaniards immediately appreciated the merits of hammocks as ship berths. It is impossible for our contemporaries to imagine the conditions under which the great discoveries of the past were made. Imagine a long voyage in rough seas for six months, or even 3 years, on a fragile little boat smaller than a river tram or a small fishing seiner, with a crew of 12-20 people and the same number of passengers on board. Impossible? The Nina, a caravel from Columbus' first flotilla, displaced 50 tons. She crossed the Atlantic twice, back and forth, at its widest point. Withstood a 10-point storm and brought back from Castile, in addition to her crew, the admiral of the ocean-sea with satellites, after the flagship Santa Maria crashed on the reefs. Also, by the way, not a cruise liner - as much as 200 tons. So, from the Spaniards, sailors of other countries adopted hammock beds, then the inhabitants of port cities, and after them all the others.

Varieties and features

Several types of hammocks are known; the main ones are shown in the photo. The discoverers of the New World saw mat hammocks hung on vines. Their modern modifications are known as Mexican hammock, pos. 1. It can be both woven and sewn from fabric, but never contains hard, rigid parts, except perhaps for an eye-ring for suspension. Wicker hammocks are generally more complicated and more expensive than sewn hammocks, but more hygienic, because. provide ventilation from all sides.

The main advantage of the Mexican hammock is simplicity. It can only be a piece of fabric + a pair of stretch ropes, see below. Other advantages are more of a native-nomadic plan: it can be carried with you in a shoulder bag or carried on a horse in an alforch bag. Nowadays, an employee of a paid beach can take a few pieces under his arm, quickly spread them and hang them up to newly arrived customers.

However, the Mexican hammock is, generally speaking, not perfect. In order for the person lying in it to turn from side to side, the cloth needs to be about 3 m long, and another 1.5-2 m for each suspension. The fabric consumption is excessive, there is also a lot of space for hanging. A Mexican hammock cannot be a double bed: the cut on the bed will need such a length that the cocoon, already quite tight, will curl up into a stuffy pipe. It is pleasant to relax in a Mexican hammock no more than 1.5-2 hours. Sailors of sailboats and shepherds-gauchos did not care: after a watch or a day's work on horseback from dawn to dusk, they would sleep like the dead and on a mattress of hedgehogs. But a modern city dweller may be interested in a Mexican hammock only for relatively short-term episodic use.

At pos. 2 hammocks… wrong, not Brazilian. Vietnamese, aka Malay. The natives of the extreme southeast of Asia invented the hammock independently of the Indians and for the same reasons, only the Europeans got to them much later. There are a lot of fish in those parts, fishing is developed, so it is quite natural that the original Vietnamese hammock is wicker. Fortunately, the material is always at hand - a variety of vines. The tropics of the Western Hemisphere are not rich in vines suitable for fine weaving.

A hammock made from a piece of a dilapidated fishing net or stems of heterogeneous mechanical properties required suspension from many sling branches and load distribution between them. Therefore, the Asians supplemented the cloth with cross-beams. It is more difficult to make and set up a hammock on traverses, but it is much more durable, more convenient than a Mexican one and can be double. In a hammock on traverses, you can bliss day by day with all the cells of your body, without experiencing, unless absolutely necessary, the desire to get up and walk.

Note: it can be easier and cheaper for a home craftsman with a craftswoman to make a Vietnamese hammock in amateur conditions than a Mexican one, if you focus not on repeating machine-factory technologies, but on manual rigging and marine practice. Of these, only the basics are required, and they are not at all as complicated as it is commonly believed, we will master them along the way.

The Brazilian hammock is shown in pos. 3. This is a modification of the Mexican hammock for people who are more civilized, demanding on amenities and technologically equipped. A Brazilian hammock can also be hung in a native way, on ropes, or, if you put a solid cross-beam into the drawstring straps, in full extension in width. For recreation, it is convenient no less than Vietnamese; the width can be up to 2 m. Practically - the entire width of the cut.

The convenience of a Brazilian hammock for all occasions is not given in vain - it is complex and expensive. Concentrated loads from suspension points “disperse” through the fabric more difficult than through the mesh, so they require a lot of suspension branches and drawstrings. And each one needs to be reinforced by putting a piece of braided sling into it, as well as into the edging of the cloth. Without reinforcement along the contour, the edges of the bed will soon sag.

As a result, on the wrong side (bottom side) of the cloth there are many sewing elements. Strength is not strength, but in order to at least hide them, the cloth has to be sewn double: 2 identical cuts are sewn along the short sides, the resulting short wide sleeve is turned inside out and the rest is sewn / stitched inside it, where necessary. According to the second method, more designed for skilled manual work, the long sides are first ground down, and the drawstrings are sewn into the wide armholes formed. Fabric consumption doubles this way and that without any, in general, the need. In general, making a Brazilian hammock at home makes sense only for an experienced seamstress who has a machine for a needle of at least No. 100, capable of piercing 3 layers of dense fabric with a sling 1.5 mm thick between them.

Lie or sit?

A Brazilian hammock of a reduced size and simplified design is nothing more than a soft hammock chair on a trapeze suspension, pos. 4. A hammock chair, or a hanging chair, can also be a semi-rigid frame or generally rigid; in this case, the suspension will fit the cradle pose. 5. But hanging chairs are a special class of furniture. How to make a hammock chair with approx. at 500 rubles, or hard from improvised materials, you can watch a couple of videos below, and for now we will deal with hammocks in which you can lie stretched out to your full height.

Video: do-it-yourself hammock chair

Video: how to make a hammock chair in 2 hours

Common to all

The complete hammock device is shown in fig. A thimble, for your information, is a somewhat reinforced loop of a cable or rope for hanging. Here you can already see, firstly, the parts are clearly redundant, these are suspensions. When dealing not with lianas, but with ropes made according to TU, it makes no sense to make so many suspension branches when making it yourself. It is especially bad for fans in suspension systems of many branches that it is very difficult to achieve their uniform tension during handicraft production, and a hammock with a suspension that is not properly covered will not allow you to rest properly. An exception is hammocks suspended from one solid cable loop, including slings that support the long sides of the cloth. One of these structures will be discussed below.

Note: A rope is a twisted rope with a spiral twist. Rope - rope braided, cross or other strands with transverse transitions of the strands. With the same diameter, a rope and a cable made of the same material are significantly different in terms of mechanical and operational qualities. In general, the rope loses its strength more slowly during wear, and the rope is better able to withstand large and, especially, short-term loads. Further, if it is simply said “rope”, then in this case it does not matter whether the rope will pass there or the cable.

For the complete reliability of the hammock in its suspension system, 4 lines are enough for 150 kgf of constant and 300 kgf of instantaneous load each; these are clotheslines from 8 mm in diameter. 4 interconnected and mutually influencing lines can be tightened even without experience in half an hour, and 1.2 tf of permissible jerk will allow you to safely recall, on occasion, the scene between Jean-Paul Belmondo and Gina Plipala from the “Four Hands Game”: “I want you to master me now! Immediately! Right here on this dressing table! Why not skiing? Or standing in a hammock? So, perhaps, too much, but parents can not hurt their heads about a children's battle in a hammock holding 1.2 tf. If a suspension of 4 lines is optimally designed (see below), then if any 2 of all 8 branches (because suspensions 2) break at the same time, the panel will not dangerously warp in the worst case, but the hammock will never capsize.

The weakest points of suspension are braces. Each of them should keep the same 1.2 tf, but for a long time, because. braces 2 and the breakage of any of them means an accident. Therefore, for braces, it is preferable to take a rope with a diameter of 12 mm or more, and not synthetic, but cotton. Internal friction in it is many times greater than in slippery synthetics, and a sudden break on the domino principle is excluded: frayed, disheveled strands will attract attention to themselves before the remaining ones become unable to bear the load.

About fixing in place

The hammock should be hung so that without load, but with a mattress, blanket and pillows, the lowest point of its bed is at least 0.8 m from the ground / floor. The braces should deviate from the vertical within 45-75 degrees. if they go steeper, you will have to lie bent over and lift your legs. The braces are too gentle, according to the school rule of a parallelogram, they will be overloaded.

The brace is tied to the eye or thimble with a bed knot, on the left in fig. To the support is not very thick, about the size of an adult man's hand or thinner - with a faded knot, in the center. On a thick support, the retractable bayonet assembly, on the right, will be more reliable.

Note: if any of the knots here and below seem unreliable to you, tie, tighten and immediately try to give (dissolve). And the knot, covered under load, will keep, of course, no worse.

More about rigging

In addition to 5-6 simple knots, which we will get to know later, to make a hammock, you need to be able to fix the ends of the ropes from marking with a strapping - put marks on them. A simple brand will probably suffice for us (see the figure on the right). Self-tightening is more difficult to apply, it is designed more for rigid and / or slippery cables and ropes, mainly steel. From the edge of the brand to the end of the base rope must be at least 1 of its diameter; better - 1.5-2. Excellent rope marks suitable for a hammock are obtained from shoe laces or similar. They are durable, relatively easy to tighten, sit tight on the base and do not weaken over time.

Note: when tightening a simple brand, the first hose (coil) will come out weakened. To tighten it, the running end of the cord pulled into the loop is pulled out a little, and then tightened again, pulling up the root (initial) end. Do this 2-3 times, and the stamp will lie absolutely tightly. The intersection of the root and running ends of a correctly applied mark should fall approximately in the middle of its length.

Hammocks to choose from

Factory hammocks are most often made with a fan suspension of many lines. In industrial conditions, this is justified: the overspending of 20-30 m of rope is still more cost-effective than the introduction of a no less reliable, but not so material-intensive suspension into the cycle of operations for the manufacture of a suspension.

The fan suspension is not so useless - you can put a pillow on it. However, as mentioned above, it is difficult to evenly fit many branches on your own, and without this the hammock will be inconvenient. Manual operations for the manufacture of a simplified suspension are not difficult, but employees need to pay a salary for them, but not yourself. Based on this, at home it is preferable to do, in order of increasing complexity of work, hammocks of the following types:

  • The simplest Mexican in haste from improvised materials, without any sewing and cutting work.
  • Sewn with a panel on the eyelets.
  • Sewn universal, for hanging in Mexican style and on traverses.
  • Wicker mesh, without any decor, but practical.
  • Braided using macrame technique.

About fabric and braid

The fabric for single-layer panels of embroidered hammocks requires dense and durable: technical, upholstery, canvas, denim, any coarse satin or twill weave. In the case of using technical or upholstery, you need to make sure that the warp threads go along the length of the panel. With dress and linen fabrics, this problem does not arise: the width of their pieces is less than the length of the hammock panel.

Rough fabrics are still rough to lie in a hammock without bedding, they are rarely bright and patterned. Therefore, the panels of the sewn hammocks described below can be made double (see above, about Brazilian hammocks) from softer fabrics. In this case, the underturns of the seams (see below) are sufficient single, not double. The work is almost not complicated, because. power seams in the products described below go only along the contour of the panel. But you still need to lay a simple trouser braid to reinforce the loaded seams: the weaving of the braid is designed so that it evenly distributes the load along the seam. The trouser tape is thin, and along with 2-3 layers of jeans or canvas, an ordinary household sewing machine will take it.

It doesn't get easier

With a short trip to the country, or, say, at a halt on a mushroom hunt, a hammock of the “it’s impossible” type will turn out from any suitable piece of fabric: sheets, blankets, bedspreads, covers, etc. Double bedding should be folded in half lengthwise. How the simplest hammock is made can be seen in fig. A bed of 1.8-1.9 m comes out of a sheet or blanket of ordinary length. This is enough for an adult of average height to relax after work, and children will generally have a paradise in a hammock. The duration of the production cycle is less than 10 minutes, including the choice of supports for suspension.

On eyelets

A hammock on grommets requires a minimum amount of sewing work for this class of products, but from noon or a day it will be necessary to wire the slings and tighten the suspension. The maximum width of the cloth is 0.9 m; length - up to 2.3 m. The length of the suspensions along the longitudinal axis is within 1/4-1/3 of the length of the panel. The design feature is that the entire sling system is a solid end (piece) of cotton rope.

Technological equipment, except for a sewing machine, is a simple slipway, a board with nails driven in at the edges. A 3-meter board is enough to make a hammock with a bed of 2 m. But, since it is much more difficult to fit short suspensions, it is better to find a board that is more authentic and make the suspensions close to the maximum length. The hammock will not become weaker from this, but it will be more convenient, only the cable will leave more.

The appearance and device of the hammock on the grommets are given in fig. The braid in the seams on the short sides needs to be wide, from 8 cm. In the seams of the backstage sleeves on the long sides, a braid of 3-4 cm is enough. In the middle of one of the long sides in the backstage seam, an armhole of 10-12 cm is left for tightening the cable.

Eyelets for curtains are unsuitable in this case: they are too weak and will soon rust in the open air. You need to take eyelets for truck awnings or sails. You can find them in special stores, at a cargo service station or in a yacht club. Pliers for crimping powerful eyelets are not always and everywhere available, so it’s better to first make sure that there are eyelets within reach, agree on the installation, and only then sew the panel.

If the hammock is hung by the eyelets, they are put on nails in the slipway. If the suspension is on self-made thimbles (see below), then the running end of the cable is simply circled around the nail. The cable is tightened as follows: armhole - half sleeve, extreme hole in the traverse, nail or eye, the next hole in the traverse - grommet, etc., until the entire suspension is carried out. Then - another extreme hole in the same traverse, a sleeve on the other long side, another suspension, other half sleeves, an exit to the armhole. The ends of the cable are connected with a benzel (pos. B in the figure) and the joint is tightened into the sleeve. The free ends of the rope must remain at least 5 cm long!

If the hammock is on the eyelets, then before tightening the slings near it, they are assembled into a tourniquet, imposing a brand. This must be done without removing the workpiece from the slipway. If it is supposed to be suspended on thimbles, then first the slings are brought into a bundle with a temporary brand, and the thimble is woven only after the suspensions are tightened.

Tightening is best done on weight, hanging a hammock with one eye or a loop of a tourniquet on a nail, hook, bough, etc., and loading the lower ring / loop with a load of 10-12 kg. traverse, then pick up (tighten so that it weakens) through the grommet conjugated tight. So that the fitting is not too long, and in general, so as not to get confused in it, pairs of lines are sorted out strictly in order, clockwise or counterclockwise. To eliminate the resulting distortions of the traverse, the cable is pulled in the sleeves. If you do not go astray, then the hammock will be perfectly fitted in 2-3 passes.


This is perhaps the most successful of home-made hammocks: it is economical in material, comfortable, strong and durable. Its prototype is a suspended berth from a complete set of military kungs. The bed of a universal hammock can be up to 2.5 m long and up to 1.4 m wide. Hanging in any way in this case is possible because the sleeves for hanging on the short sides will be reinforced at the edges with an embedded rope. If this hammock will be hung and / (or only) on a soft suspension (in this case, not at all Mexican), the length of the bed should be at least 2.2 m, and its width should not exceed 1.1 m. 1 in Fig.) are the minimum allowable.

Tailoring begins with sharpening the long sides, pos. 2, and puffs into the sleeves of ropes from 8 mm in diameter (pos. 2b). The drawstring for the rope is sewn with a double collar and braid, as in the previous one. case, pos. 2a. The ends of the ropes should not protrude beyond the edges of the cut, but they should not be more than 1-1.5 cm away from it either.

Having turned up the sleeves of the suspension on the short sides (pos. 3a) and stitching the lapels, places I (pos. 3 in the figure) are stitched with an envelope or mesh by hand, grabbing the ropes in the sleeves of the long sides, now bent with loops. You will have to sew with a gypsy needle, and the thread needs a harsh waxed or impregnated with PVA and dried. Of course, loosened before impregnation and during drying in free loops. It is easiest to impregnate the thread in the same way as in the manufacture of lampshades or Christmas decorations from threads.

Soft suspension

To hang a universal hammock without traverses, a brace rope is carried into the suspension sleeve and the panel is assembled into a bundle, temporarily grabbing it somehow. Then, on a brace, a gazebo knot is knitted with a rather large loop, pos. 4. Arbor knot is not tightened under any load. Next, insert a spacer (pos. 4a) from any suitable material into the knot loop and do the same on the other side of the panel. Everything, a hammock can be hung.

Suspension on traverses

For the manufacture of suspensions on traverses for this hammock, you will need 2 round wooden sticks with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 3/4-4/5 of the width of the finished panel W. Pieces of shovels cuttings or one cutting of sufficient length sawn in half will work well. You also need to build a slipway from a pair of boards approx. 1.5 m, knocked down in a T-shape. A couple of nails are hammered into the leg T on its far edge along the axis at a distance of 5-10 cm, and the cuttings of the handle, which will be traverses, are fixed on the T stick with 2 more pairs of nails. Not tight, the traverses should move freely between the nails to their caps.

Further on one side of the traverse, at a distance of approx. 5 cm from its end, a double bayonet knot is knitted (point II and the bottom row in the figure), only both ends of the cable (from 8 mm in diameter) are left the same length, about 2 m each. A notch can be made under the knot, but in general a double bayonet is a “dead” knot, in which a smoothly sanded and soaped thick log-pillar rests on weight. Or a heavy torpedo.

The next step is to measure the ends of the suspension lines Λ1 and Λ2 (pos. 5). Its length, from the traverse to the far corner, is allowed at least 1 m. If the hammock is on the eyes, then they immediately thread Λ2 into the ring. Next step - longer the end Λ1 is passed into the hole of the hardwood adjustment bar 5a, then, optionally, into the eye (if any) and led out through the other hole of the bar. The distance between the holes in it is approx. 5 cm; other dimensions are not critical. Then, on the other edge of the traverse, each of the ends is knotted with a simple bayonet (see below, about weaving a hammock), and marks are made on the slings with a ballpoint pen in paragraph IV (pos. 5b). After that, the nodes on the left (according to the figure) end of the traverse are given away.

Now you need to remove the traverse and put a cloth on it, evenly picking it up. If the hammock is constantly suspended on the traverses, then it is advisable, having finally completed the suspension, to also draw an additional seam along the traverse to fix the folds. The fact is that if the traverses are wider than the panel and the suspension sleeve lies freely on the traverses, then the panel will always move to one side. And the folds form a kind of spring that holds the panel evenly. After that, simple bayonets are knitted again at the left end so that the marks stand in the same place.

Finally, they similarly make a suspension on the other edge of the cloth and fit the hammock on weight, as in the previous one. case. But with a huge difference in labor intensity: for tightening it is enough to move the adjusting bars. And in the future, they also regulate the slings. It is possible that during the initial adjustment of the lines it will be necessary to tie knot III 1-3 times, but a simple bayonet is given as easily as it is knitted. In conclusion, if the hammock is on thimbles, loops are braided on the tops of the suspension, see at the end. In this case, after adjusting the lines, you need to make marks on their bends so that the thimble does not “leave” to the side.

Loose ends

In node III, there are ends that cannot be used to decorate a hammock (see below). They can be grabbed with stamps to the appropriate ends of the lines. But it is better to leave up to 3 m long, turning into bays. If the hammock is suspended from a frame with a top bar or, say, from trees with horizontal or gently sloping branches, then the free ends of the lines can be thrown over them and sway by pulling on the ropes.

Simplified version

The same suspension principle makes it possible to significantly simplify the hammock cloth if it is suspended only on traverses. A diagram of a simplified hammock on 4-sling suspensions with an adjusting bar is given in fig. But in this form, it is actually not very comfortable: the head either falls through or rests against the traverse, and the pillow crawls into the gap between it and the edge of the cloth. A possible way out is to put 5-6 ordinary eyelets for curtains, only stainless ones, on the short edges of the panel, and through them tightly fasten the edges to the traverses with a cord.

simple braided

Weave a net hammock across the cloth, i.e. along the long sides. For the base, you will need 2 traverses, the same as in the previous one. case, but 10-15 cm longer than the width of the cloth. At their ends, at a distance of 4-5 cm from the edge, 3 holes are drilled side by side, or one oblong, for carrying slings from a cable from 10 mm. The carrier cable is carried out with one ring, fastened with a benzel, as for a hammock on the grommets, but without bends for additional suspension branches. Through the holes in the traverses, the carrying sling is passed, overflowing with a figure eight.

The next stage is to prepare a pair of racks with a height greater than the width of the panel and at a distance from each other greater than its length. The base (frame) is attached to the uprights, at least by wrapping the supporting slings with a cord across them, and they are pulled tight. The now hanging traverses are aligned according to the distance between them and vertically, tightening / loosening the lines in eights.

Next, a shuttle is prepared for a cord with a thickness of 4 mm. It will need 120-200 mm on the cloth, depending on the size of the hammock, so you will have to weave in rows - so much cord will not fit on the shuttle at once. Therefore, based on the size of the network loop diagonally approx. 7 cm, we count the number of rows of loops along the width of the cloth (so many pieces of cord will be needed), and multiply its length by 2.2, We wind the cord of the corresponding length on the shuttle, it will be enough for 1 row. The surplus will go to waste, because. extra knots scattered in the middle of the cloth will not give it a look.

Now we start weaving, pos. 1 and 2 in fig. To ensure the evenness of the loops, a round mandrel is used from a smoothly sanded shovel handle or something like that. An angular mandrel is not good, it will get stuck! The cloth is knitted with the simplest flat knots, pos. 3, the same ones on which the primitive hammock was hung. Nets are not knitted with such a knot, it is wide and it will be difficult to pull the net in the water. But for a hammock in this knot, its small thickness is good, when tightened it is less than 1.5 rope diameters.

When knitting, the knots are only tightened, so long as they do not hang out. They finally tighten everything at once, pulling the mandrel several times, this operation is called punching knots. The first loops are thrown onto the mandrel along its entire length, and the continuation of the row is knitted, pushing the mandrel halfway. When tightening the first and last loops, hold the free end of the cord with your hand.

Having knitted the cloth, the free ends of the cords are tied to the traverses with a simple bayonet, pos. 4-7. You can tie double bayonets, it won't be worse. Then they make 3-4 union hoses at each bayonet knot, pos. 8-10, they will create elastic links that ensure uniform tension of the mesh cells.

Now you need to decide what to do with the free ends of the cords. In order not to knit too much, they can be cut to size. Then stop knots are knitted at the ends, and the very tips are fluffed into tassels. It will turn out quite a pretty fringe.

It remains to make additional suspension branches, because. 2 "bare" load-bearing lines are few for reasons of reliability. This matter is solved simply: the additional ends of the rope, the same as the annular carrier sling, of diameter, are tied to the traverses with a double bayonet inside from the eights of the main sling close to them. Next, make a suspension as for a universal hammock. It also makes sense to turn the free ends into brushes, they will turn out to be 4 larger in the corners.


It is not possible to consider macramé hammocks in detail here, and you can take on one only if you have mastered the technique of weaving macramé well. We will touch only on individual points, because. a hammock is not a path to the table, not a rug and not a handbag, not only in terms of the amount of work.

First of all, a macrame hammock is not woven across, like a net, but along, hanging one of the traverses horizontally. The cloth is removed, moving from top to bottom. An annular carrier sling is not necessary in this case - macrame weaving distributes the load on the cloth very well by itself.

Second - in general, 2 options for weaving are possible: in 2 threads, pos. A-B in the figure, and in one thread, pos. G-E. Weaving in 2 threads allows you to get by with a cord only 2.5-3 mm thick, which makes the hammock more comfortable, but also gives twice as many loose ends, which are easier to get tangled in. Weaving in 1 thread (cord 4-5 mm) gives a large number of free ends at the edges, sufficient for a reliable suspension. The suspension of many thin lines harmonizes perfectly with the patterned cloth, and its tightness is not so terrifying compared to the overall laboriousness.

The main advantage of weaving in 1 thread is the ability to bring snakes 30-40 cm long along the edges - elastic links that perfectly equalize the tension of the panel. In such a hammock I would lie and lie, if it were not for beer, be it damned. More precisely, side physiological effects from its consumption. However, you can also weave “springs”-macrame using the 2-thread technique in the same way as bracelets are weaved, see fig. on right. Branches 1 and 4 for this take three times the length of the "spring" longer than branches 2 and 3.

Homemade thimble

A braided thimble for a hammock is a rather laborious element, but it allows you to do without purchased steel rings - eyelets. The rope in the thimble wears out much less than the one passed into the eye, and the suspension loop itself is much more reliable. The best material for braiding is also round shoe laces with a diameter of 1.5-3 mm. It will take 2-4 laces, but the quality of the thimble will not suffer from their joints. The step-by-step instructions for making a homemade hammock thimble are as follows (see also the figure):

Note 5: for the durability of the thimble, it will be very useful to shed it with hot wax or hold it for 5-10 minutes in PVA diluted with water two or three times and let it dry properly.

More about knots

All the nodes described above are not the only possible ones suitable for making a hammock. You can use other variants of nodes acc. destination, see, for example, the video:

Video: comfortable knots for a hammock

Supplement in conclusion

It is not so easy to find a place for a hammock, especially on an equipped and well-groomed site. In such a case, in Fig. - drawings of a stand for a hammock made of wood. The design is rather bulky and not quite mobile, but it will allow you not to risk fruit / ornamental trees, house walls, a fence and not start earthworks on the lawn. The installation height of the hooks is somewhere on the chest, and the distance between them is approx. 0.7 m less than the full length of a hammock with suspensions, but without braces. Eyes / thimbles in this case are thrown directly onto the hooks. And then - it's nice to lie around!

A hammock is a hanging bed model that is convenient to take on any trip, it is also within its power to equip a summer cottage, while you organize a comfortable place for yourself in the fresh air. This invention has been known since ancient times, but it has not been possible to establish who owns it. There is a wide variety of hammock products, the classification of which is made according to different criteria. Their design is so simple that the product is quite possible to do it yourself.

Hammocks are classified according to the following criteria:

To size:

  • Family, their width reaches 180 cm. This is a place for several family members to relax.
  • Hammock for two. Its width is no more than 160 m. Two people can freely sit on it, both in a lying and sitting position.
  • A single hammock has a width of 140 cm. Sitting in such a hammock, you feel very comfortable.

By form:

Round hammocks are suitable for sitting. Having made such a design, you can have fun with friends.

The form of hanging chairs is also used for sitting. They can be used instead of a swing, especially this form is relevant if there are children in the house.

Hammock in the form of cocoons. This is one of the simplest designs of the many hammocks. They are light in weight, compact, they can be easily carried from place to place and taken on a picnic or travel. Due to the enveloping effect, it is difficult to fall out of it. But in order to change the situation, you need to make a lot of effort. Climbing into such a hammock also requires some skill.

A product resembling a bed, on a plank mount. This design has a more complex scheme and lying on it does not envelop the body.

According to their belonging to their historical homeland:

All considered types of hammocks can be mounted between trees or on a specially equipped stand, which has an aesthetic appearance and fits well into any interior of a personal plot.

If you decide to make a hammock with your own hands, then to get a good and high-quality product, you need to heed the advice of experts:

  • Material. Before starting the manufacturing process, you need to carefully consider the options for hammock performance. Depending on the shape and size of the hammock, a fabric is selected that must meet all the requirements. The material must be strong, natural and durable. For this, such types of matter as tarpaulin, mattress teak, coarse calico are used.

Synthetics are not recommended due to the fact that it will not allow the body to breathe, especially when the shape of the hammock resembles a cocoon. The fabric must have good moisture resistance, since if the hammock is located between the trees, the soil will be constantly moistened.

Do-it-yourself hammock step by step, drawing

Any type of hammock you like can be purchased at a special store, but people with skillful hands can make it themselves. There are a lot of technicians for the manufacture of such products, and their choice depends on the preferences and skills of the owner.

From materials, you can use both new fabric and material obtained from old jeans, coats, and so on. The main condition when using used materials is their strength.

Planning and drawing

Any construction process consists of several stages, the first of which is the design and drawing up a diagram. When creating a drawing of a future product, its appearance and shape, suitable material, a place for its installation, as well as a design for its fastening are immediately thought out.

When drawing up a drawing, you must specify the following parameters:

  • a list of parts that make up a hammock;
  • the number and size of the constituent elements;
  • pattern of the main part of the hammock;
  • attachment points and the principle of their connection;

Having drawn up a drawing, it remains to choose the right material and the necessary tool. The assembly of the structure according to the drawing is much easier and practically without errors, making the products strong, durable and reliable.

Manufacturing technology of the Moroccan hammock

The easiest to make is a cocoon hammock. The benefits of this product include:

  • inability to fall out when rocking or during sleep;
  • lying down in such a hammock, you can completely relax;
  • It is lightweight and compact, making it easy to take on a hike.

The disadvantages, perhaps, include the fact that it is difficult to roll over and climb out in it.

Step by step manufacturing instructions:

Having drawn up a drawing and prepared the necessary material, we proceed to its processing.

  • A piece of fabric along the entire perimeter is folded and stitched.
  • Loops are sewn to the smallest sides of a rectangular segment of the canvas, in increments of 15–20 cm. The size of the loops themselves should be such that they can be threaded into a rope on which the entire structure will be attached. It must be thick and strong. The loops are sewn with two lines, ensuring the reliability of the entire fastening.

The strength of the loops should be maximum; for their manufacture, you can use a dense braid or a luggage belt.

Manufacturing technology of a hammock on slats

The technology for making a hammock on slats is a little more complicated, but quite doable.

  • When drawing up a drawing, the web is calculated, the material and size of the structure are selected.
  • The edges of the canvas are stitched with a special seam in the hem.
  • The finished canvas is fixed to the slats. This can be done in two ways: bend the small side of the rectangle by 15–20 cm and lay a double seam for fastening strength, retreat a little space, lay another seam, and insert the hinge fittings into the stitched area. The loops are arranged in increments of 10–15 cm. The second edge is processed according to the same principle. The second method of fastening is sewing on loops of dense fabric along the edge of the canvas. Their size should correspond to the thickness of the bar. The step between them should be as often as possible, on average, at least 5 cm.
  • Before installing the strips in the prepared loops, it is necessary to drill holes in it for attaching the slings. The step between the holes is 8-10 cm. Making markings for them on the bar, mark them in the middle of the gap between the loops of the canvas.
  • For the manufacture of slings, it is necessary to use a rope that can withstand a large load. It can have both a natural base and a synthetic one; it does not come into contact with a person.
  • The technology of threading the cord is made according to the same principle as in the manufacture of a cocoon-shaped hammock. Threading the cord into the loop, a loop of 80-100 cm is made from the rope, after which it is threaded into the second. Such work continues until the end of the canvas.
  • After receiving several loops from the rope, they are aligned and tying one large knot, which should be located in the middle of the bar.
  • The hammock is fastened for the received loops on a special stand or between standing trees.

The main thing is to firmly fix the free ends of the rope. Otherwise, they may loosen your fasteners.

Buy or do it yourself

Hammock design is quite simple, which allows you to make it yourself. But the question immediately arises, is it not easier to purchase a finished product in a store. In order to understand which is better, buy or make, consider the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Advantages and disadvantages of a purchased hammock

  • Buying a hammock in a store saves time for its manufacture.
  • Due to the wide variety of models, you can choose the most affordable.
  • If a person spends little time on the site, he simply has no time to make hammocks.

Disadvantages of purchased products:

  • Affordable hammocks do not always meet good quality.
  • Purchased hammocks do not always meet the desired needs.

Advantages and disadvantages of handmade hammocks

  • It is possible to make a hammock of any shape and design at your discretion and in accordance with the design of the site.
  • For manufacturing, it is not always necessary to purchase material, you can use fabric or strips that were already in use, provided that they have retained their strength.
  • The quality of handmade hammocks is several times higher than the quality of purchased ones.
  • The cost of frame ready-made hammocks is too high, making them yourself, you will save an impressive amount. The whole process will cost you much less, especially when using improvised materials.


  • Waste of time, which sometimes is simply not enough.
  • Buying high-quality material for making a hammock, the cost can be the same as purchasing a finished product.

How to make a round hammock can be seen in the video:

Summing up, we can say that the presence of a hammock in the backyard is a good way to relax in the fresh air. Thanks to a large assortment of shapes, sizes and design features, such a product can be selected for every taste and for any design. Since it has a simple design, it can be made by hand, observing the manufacturing technology. In order to make a high-quality and reliable hammock, you must first think through everything, draw up a drawing and purchase high-quality material. Subject to all requirements, the hammock will last a long time.

A hammock is a comfortable and lightweight hanging bed, which is usually used in camping conditions or for landscaping a personal plot.

Who owns this invention and the time of its appearance today is difficult to establish. Different variants of fabric hanging beds have been known since antiquity in many cultures.

Today they occupy an honorable place not only in tourist equipment, but also in personal plots. This is a great way to organize a comfortable place to relax in the garden at minimal cost.

Hammock, if desired, you can make yourself. And if you do not have suitable trees on the site, then you can also assemble a reliable stand with your own hands.

Types of hammocks

Like any other convenient thing, the hammock has gone through many metamorphoses throughout its history. Today, the most popular options for execution can be called:

  • Classic hammock bed(wicker or fabric on slats with two suspension points);
  • Moroccan cocoon hammock, fabric, without slats. Due to the soft design, it completely wraps the body of a lying person. Suspended at two points;
  • Hammock swing(suspended at two points on a special design that allows it to swing);
  • Hanging rocking chair(has one suspension point at the top).

Today, hammocks are used not only in open spaces, they can often be found and in the interior of living rooms. They successfully fit into a variety of styles, save space and are simply comfortable.

DIY hammock

Materials and tools

So, as we have already found out: a hammock is a hanging fabric. So, for its manufacture you will need:

  • textile- it is better to take a dense and natural one (jeans, tarpaulin, canvas), although it is heavier than synthetics, it loses to it in durability, but it is much more pleasant to the touch and lets air through;
  • ropes, capable of withstanding a load of 150-200 kg, they can be made of any material, but natural ones are easier to knit, they slip less and are easier to work with;
  • wooden sticks, with a diameter of 30-50 mm, which are sold at any hardware store;
  • also, depending on the design and complexity of the model, you may need a synthetic winterizer or other soft filler, eyelets (metal or plastic cylinders made of two parts with caps that are used to trim holes in the fabric).

Tools for work:

  • a sewing machine that will sew a thick fabric in several layers, it must be adjusted and thick needles installed;
  • chalk for marking and centimeter tape;
  • square and ruler;
  • sharp and large scissors for cutting.

Project (drawings and dimensions)

A hammock is a very simple product, and does not require special skills in the field of cutting and sewing. This is a simple rectangle of fabric with slings (rope fasteners) for hanging.

The main thing is to choose the right size of a hammock so that everyone is comfortable in it. The length is calculated by the formula: height of the tallest family member + 60 cm.

Width for models without slats is 140-160 cm. For a hammock on slats, we need a canvas with a width: the length of the slats minus 7-10 cm.

Moroccan cocoon hammock

The simplest hammock is a cocoon without planks. It is good because it allows you to completely relax, it is impossible to fall out of it in a dream or when rocking, which is especially important for those who have it.

Its main drawback is that it is inconvenient to turn on it and it is difficult to get out of it. At the prepared canvas, it is necessary to process its edges with a hem seam along the entire perimeter.

After that, small loops are sewn to the smaller sides of the resulting rectangle with a step of no more than 20 cm.

Helpful advice! The size of the loops is made such that a cord can be threaded through them, on which a hammock will be hung. Strong and neat loops are obtained from dense braid or a luggage strap.

Very important fasten the loops well, so they are sewn in several lines. To hide the attachment points and make the edge of the hammock more dense, a dense and wide braid is sewn along the entire length.

We thread rope fasteners into the resulting loops - slings from a cord of at least 8 mm in diameter.

The easiest way to make a reliable suspension for a cocoon hammock:

  • leave the end of the cord 70 cm long;
  • after which we pass the main part of the rope into the first loop;
  • set aside 70 cm on it, bend it, return to the second loop;
  • you should get a large 70 cm loop of cord;
  • repeat the procedure to the end, where we also leave 70 cm of rope;
  • we tie long loops together, leaving about 10 cm;
  • from this residue, we form a loop, which will be attached to the supports.

Hammock on slats

The model on the slats is not much more complicated. The size of the canvas is calculated in the same way as in the previous case.

The width may be less than for a Moroccan hammock (from 90 cm). To the length, if the wooden handle is covered with a canvas, and the slings are threaded through the eyelets, you must add 15 cm on each side to the hem.

The edges of the canvas are processed with a hem seam. After which it is attached to the slats.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. Bend the edge about 15 cm, lay a double line at a distance of a little more than 1.5 diameter of the handle used. Stepping back from the resulting seam, the distance is slightly larger than the diameter of the eyelet, lay another double line. In the resulting dense area, closer to the edge of the hem, we insert the fittings for the loops in increments of 10-15 cm (slings will be threaded into them). The second edge is also processed;
  2. If it is not possible to purchase eyelets, then loops made of dense fabric or a luggage belt are sewn to the edge of the canvas, of such a size that a bar can be freely threaded through them. It is worth doing them as often as possible in increments of 5-10 cm.

In general, the main part of the product is ready. Now you need to bring the straps into loops or a drawstring (a folded and stitched edge into which you can thread a string or, in our case, a wooden stick).

When fastening on hinges, it is worth pre-drilling holes under the slings, in increments of 7-10 cm. When marking, they are shifted so that they fall in the middle of the distance between the loops.

Slings are made of a cord that can withstand a load of 150-200 kg. It can be both natural and synthetic, it does not come into contact with the body.

For a model with loops, we measure a meter of rope from the end and thread it into the first hole from the edge. We make a loop a meter long, and again we wind the cord into the first hole.

Then we thread the rope into the second hole so that a stitch is obtained from the inside of the hammock. We repeat the procedure until the end of the bar.

Then all the resulting loops of the slings are carefully aligned and tied in such a way that the knot is in the middle of the wooden handle at a distance of 30-50 cm from it. It is very important to firmly fasten the free ends of the cord. A loop is formed from free loops after a common knot.

Note! For the model on the eyelets, the same workflow is followed, with the difference that the twine is pulled through the holes in the eyelets so that the loops pass through the upper side of the fabric.

How to weave a hammock

Another way to make a hammock with your own hands at home is to weave. This does not require deep knowledge of macrame, it will be enough to learn how to make a simple flat knot.

His scheme can be viewed on the Internet, it is very simple, and you can master it in five minutes.

For work we need:

  • already familiar to us durable wooden planks;
  • cord, preferably natural;
  • drill.

Holes for slings are drilled in the slats with a step of 5-7 cm. After that, we hang ropes on them, cut into equal parts equal to 6 lengths of the hammock, so that the middle of each rope is on the wooden part.

And just in a checkerboard pattern we connect at an equal distance with a flat knot. To make all the cells the same, you can substitute a piece of a square-section beam between the knots, with a side equal to the size of the cell, as if tying it.

Thus, a mesh of the desired length is woven, which is fixed on the second bar. Slings and a loop are made in the same way as in fabric models.

Of course, the simplest models are described here. And there is always room for creativity. Craftswomen who are well acquainted with the macrame technique weave bright and “lace” hammocks from cords of different colors, decorating them with a fringe or openwork edge.

Also, the original hammock can be made with the skills of patchwork. For example, many housewives in this way give a second life to old jeans, which usually gather a lot of dust in the closets of any modern family. You can also weave a sitting hammock from an old metal hoop.

How to hang a hammock

Usually a hammock is mounted on trees at least 20 cm in diameter, standing at a distance of about three meters. It can also be hung, fixed at one end to any building, or on poles.

It should be remembered that the supports must be at least a meter deep and strong and stable.

But, sometimes there is no suitable place on the site, then a stand can come to the rescue. You can buy it at the store, but usually this design is not cheap. That is why many craftsmen take up the manufacture of the stand with their own hands.

At home, the easiest way to make it is from wood. To do this, you can use a thick board, at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

All we need:

  • two beams for the bases of about 2.5 meters each;
  • two beams for poles approximately 1.8 meters;
  • two beams for transverse supports approximately 1.2 meters.

The poles themselves are attached with several bolts or self-tapping screws to the base at an angle of approximately 60 degrees. For greater stability of the structure, supports are attached to the ends of the base in specially prepared grooves.

A more complex frame can be welded from metal, similar to that used in garden swings.

Where to buy a hammock

Today, hammocks are quite popular, and they can be purchased at almost any outlet from the department of related products of the supermarket to the salon of specialized tourist equipment. And their prices can also vary greatly.

The simplest wicker model can cost from 600 rubles, and a design with a stand, a canopy and a mosquito net will cost more than 50 thousand rubles.

How to make a hammock with your own hands, see this video:

The style of weaving macrame has been known since ancient times. Products that were made using this weaving technique had their popularity not only among the disadvantaged and poor people, but even in rich and affluent estates. Depending on the nature of the thing, it could come in handy and be performed in various variations of macrame weaving. Weaving a hammock is easy to do with a diagram and text instructions that we provide in our DIY article!

In the age of advanced computer technology, macrame knot technique schemes can be performed even on laptops and tablets. There is nothing strange that today, such a technique for making things with your own hands is losing its relevance. Because in the pursuit of cheapness, people forget about the uniqueness and durability of things that they can do on their own at home.

Having studied the master class, having learned what to do step by step, a person is capable of unrealistically cool crafts. Many of you do not even have an idea how much factory items lose as crafts made from photos for beginners.

Using a minimum of knowledge, spending a little time, you can relax by making crafts with your own hands. Having studied the main knots, the technology of their weaving and the correct location in the macrame technique, you will have a significant set of knowledge.

In addition to accessories and applied crafts, according to this technique, numerous interior items are made of rope. Not only a sofa, but also an armchair, can be built using the macrame weaving technique.

On the Internet, there are countless exclusive photos and videos of real hand-made things at home without worries and hassle. They are ideally suited to the interior, as they are made for it.

Weaving a hammock, a detailed scheme for the implementation of the subject and a possible application with your own hands - you will learn all this from this article.

We learn to step-by-step weave a hammock with our own hands with a work scheme

To complete the craft, you need:
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • 2 wooden beams - durable material. With pre-drilled holes for threading hammock material.
  • Strong clothesline.

To make your hammock look more than just visually pleasing, you must use a good hard-wearing material. For this, by the way, you will have a clothesline, about 1 cm thick.

Not only thick clotheslines, but also cords have high strength. Its only difference from the rope is an unusually low level of comfort. Still, it is more comfortable to sit on a soft rope than on a hard cord.

Step-by-step instructions for making a hammock in macrame technology:
  1. Cut 20 m for fasteners, the rest of the rope in equal parts of 6 meters.
  2. Secure each rope with a loop and a knot on the bar.
  3. Schemes of knots for weaving a hammock.
  4. The optimal cell size is about seven cm: this way it will be convenient for you to relax without falling through and not getting confused in a hammock.
  5. When you have finished the hammock, knot the tails of the cords to the second plank and fasteners to both planks. A hammock can be hung on supports after checking its strength.

When you find a place where it is better to fix the craft, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality and appearance of the hammock. Use for joy, we wish a long service life to your product!

One of the many items for relaxation is a hammock. He came to us from ancient times. It was with the help of a hammock that people could fall asleep in unusually unsuitable conditions. Previously, the hammock was used exclusively by sailors, as there was nowhere to rest while swimming. The hammock was built to create comfort. Because the sea lacked comfort and tranquility.

Mainly, pay attention to the reliability of the supports for the hammock. It happens that quite by accident, a person can spend a couple of hours lying in it. Therefore, before you start using a thing, check it for strength and endurance.

Such a craft will be of particular importance and relevance in the summer. Therefore, you can start making it in the middle of spring. An ideal place to relax can be a hammock, which is located in the country. Soviet people who have dachas do not have the habit of relaxing on it. They are used to working hard in the garden, working on the territory, constantly ennobling it. Therefore, if there is still a hammock at your dacha, then it may be tempting to at least take a break between work. Or maybe even fall asleep after a difficult harvest.

Appreciate your work, find time and place for rest. A hammock designed and made by hand using the macrame technique will help you with this. Do not be lazy and adapt things to your comfort, thereby creating coziness. After all, in the modern world, sometimes, only this is not enough.

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