Phone painting. Removing old paint

Today, everyone wants to somehow stand out, and for these purposes, the mobile phone is the best fit. Not only covers and replaceable protective panels can make it interesting and bright. Painting the phone will help to add originality to the gadget. In order to properly implement the design, you need to know some of the nuances, as well as the phased actions, which is what we will talk about in this article.

Removing old paint

To ensure high-quality painting, it is necessary to improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface. If you paint over the old one, it can cause some problems. Here it is necessary to take into account some points:

  • To remove old paint, it is better to use “Paint Remover” - that's what it is called.

Important! It is worth noting that it has an incredibly strong, unpleasant odor, so all work must be done outdoors.

  • It is undesirable to use acetone or solvents (with the exception of solvent 646), because if the body of your gadget is made of plastic, it can simply corrode.
  • If the old paint stubbornly does not want to be removed, then it's okay, it means that it is securely attached to the body and should not cause problems when painting.

Important! If you still want to remove it, you will have to use the skin.

Surface preparation

Before you paint your phone at home, you need to properly prepare the surface.

We remove scratches

If there are deep scratches or even chips on the case, then it is better, of course, to eliminate them. To do this, you can use automotive putty.

However, you still have to take the skin in your hands - you need to sand the top layer of the material, create micro-scratches invisible to the eye for better “sticking” of the new paint to the surface.

Important! These actions can remove possible small scratches on the case. To do this, you should take a skin with a face value of 180-240, and after that, carry out the final cleaning in ascending order: 400, then 800 and complete 1000-1400.

Degrease the surface

It is undesirable to degrease the surface with white spirit or gasoline - an alcohol solution is best suited for these purposes. But if your conscience torments you, then you can degrease with the help of household “Fairy”.

Perform the operation with a piece of gauze or a cotton swab, and then leave the part to dry.

We prime

It is advisable to prime the surface before applying new paint. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a primer in a spray can, since the layer of its application will be much smaller than when painting with a brush, and it will dry faster.

Here are some things to keep in mind when doing this job:

  • Before painting, cover all areas that do not require painting with masking tape.
  • Apply the primer in layers, holding the can about 30 cm from a horizontally lying surface.
  • Do not immediately apply too much primer.
  • Dry the soil at a slightly elevated temperature, but do not blow with a hair dryer, as this can blow up dust or move layers of mortar.

Important! For drying, it is better to use a heater or incandescent lamp.

  • After the soil dries, treat it with a fine sandpaper.


You need to start by choosing the right paint. Everything is more or less simple here - it is better to take paint in a spray can.

Important! It is advisable to choose not the cheapest paint. But it's also not worth buying very expensive ones.

When painting, there are also some nuances:

  • Paint should be from the edges to the center.
  • Do not spare paint on the edges - let part of the jet pass by.
  • If a drip has formed, then wait until the paint dries, take a fine skin and sand it. Then continue painting.
  • Do not touch the paint with your hands until completely dry.

Important! If you use chrome or metallic paint, then the parts should be dried much longer, as these paints dry up to two days.

Imaging Options

Now let's talk about the possible options for how you can paint the phone at home. Let's look at them in order of increasing complexity.

Using stencils

Using stencils and the same paint in spray cans, the drawing can turn out to be quite clear, although this option is more suitable for all kinds of texts or mechanisms, and not for highly artistic images. However, nevertheless, this method has the right to life:

  • The simplest stencils are made from thick paper using scissors or a clerical knife.

Important! Due to the looseness of the paper to the surface, the ink can crawl out of the contour, although in some cases this effect is used on purpose.

  • The best option is a self-adhesive film, for example, construction. The contour is also cut out with a clerical knife. But if you have a very small and complex drawing, you can take it for cutting with a plotter.

Color transition

Also a very interesting option for painting the phone will be the transition of colors. The transitions will be quite smooth, so you won't be able to make many stripes.

In addition, there are such wonderful things as "Caps" - these are special nozzles for spray cans that change the thickness of the jet. As a rule, they are used by people who are engaged in graffiti.

Important! With a thin jet, you can apply more intricate images.


Using an airbrush is the most beautiful, high-quality and, at the same time, expensive way to put an image on your phone. The airbrush makes it possible to apply lines up to 1 mm and create smooth beautiful transitions.

Important! For this option, you will have to invest a lot of money, however, with the condition that this will not be a single work, as in previous cases.

For full operation, you will need the following:

  • The airbrush itself.
  • Compressor.
  • Some little things like connecting hoses and, of course, paint.


Since the phone is a device that is subjected to numerous mechanical stresses, varnishing is highly desirable for it. Moreover, this procedure is mandatory for all the same metallic and chrome.

First you need to decide what kind of finish you want - matte or glossy. Sometimes the final result of painting greatly depends on this:

  • Gloss. To obtain a glossy finish, as a rule, ordinary varnish in cans is used. It is applied with a soft brush, not pressing the brush hard so as not to scratch the surface.

Important! It is better to repeat the procedure several times. The thickness of the layer will depend on the viscosity of the varnish used. That is, the thinner the varnish, the thinner the coating will be.

  • Matte finish. This type requires varnish in cylinders. But be careful, because the varnish in the cylinders is not only matte, but also glossy - consult the seller about the compatibility of varnish and paint.

Important! To create a stable coating, you will have to apply many layers of matte varnish.

In chapter Equipment Care to the question Can anyone tell me what paint can be used to paint the phone. given by the author Zhenechka Shadiyarova the best answer is When I worked as a car painter, I was often asked to paint phone panels. Auto enamel (polyurethane, preferably matellic) is sprayed with a very thin layer and varnished. This is done with a special spray gun and dried in a special chamber at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees. At home, you can paint with a spray can, but it will peel off quickly.

Can you buy a cover and paint it? well as an option

Replacement covers and housings for cell phones are sold in radio markets in great abundance.

nitro (NC) + sponge, having tried it on "lighters" and doing it very quickly ..

Automotive from a spray can, it is better to paint the screen black ..)

it is better to paint with auto enamel. thin layer of course! Well, as an option, there is always toxic minium! The plastic case won't rust for sure.

Acrylic, for large-scale soldiers. they are also plastic.

nail polish.

Telephone? Paint? If the phone is not protected, then your cell phone may be inked from paint. It's easier to decorate a computer case than a phone. What if it rains? Will you paint with indelible paint? By the way, what will you paint, what beauty?

A familiar artist paints phones and laptops with acrylic paints.

How to paint your phone

Does your phone make you feel squeamish? Do you want something new? Do you want to stand out in the gray crowd? If you answered YES to at least one question, then you should definitely read this article.

So, your phone has lost its former appearance, covered with scuffs, scratches. There are several ways to get out of this situation. What is the easiest thing to do? Of course, buy a new one, but it's expensive and not as interesting as the last way!

You can buy a new case, for example, a Korean one for 100 rubles, it will creak for a month and fall apart. Smart people will say: "In such cases, you need to buy the original case." The price of the original case ranges from 800-1000 rubles, while they can not be bought everywhere. Before you buy it, ask yourself: “Is a piece of plastic worth this money?”

And finally, the most interesting thing is to paint the body on your own. This method is not as costly as the previous two, but requires diligence in work. All costs will be about 300-400 rubles.

First. We will need paint and varnish in spray cans, a set of special screwdrivers for the phone, the smallest skin and adhesive tape. Screwdrivers for the phone, sandpaper and adhesive tape are sold in hardware stores. Paint and varnish can be bought at any auto shop. The choice of paint must be taken seriously. First, you need paint for plastic surfaces. Secondly, it is worth looking for high-quality paint on the Internet, because. low-quality can lead to damage to the case, the appearance of smudges and cracks, besides, bad paint will quickly peel off.

Second. We select the room where we will paint. It should be a ventilated, warm room, preferably without dust. Next, we disassemble the phone and begin to sand it, this must be done carefully, otherwise deep scratches will remain. Next, we seal all the places that do not require painting with tape.

Third. Evenly apply the first layer of paint, wait 15 minutes. Then apply another layer and let dry for 15 minutes. It may not be 15 minutes, but 10 or 20, or rather look at the can. After the third coat, the paint should dry for 1 hour. Lastly, we apply varnish, remove the adhesive tape and wait 4 hours.

Fourth. If there are no smudges, the paint does not peel off, does not crack, then you can assemble the phone. If it is painted poorly, then you need to repeat everything, starting with sanding, again!

I painted my phone in one color, you can take several colors and paint different parts of the case in different colors. Don't overdo it, a phone painted with more than 3 colors looks gaudy.

Finally, I will give you one idea, I have not yet implemented it, but you can try it. I draw badly and therefore I can’t manually draw a drawing on my phone, there is a way out of this situation. You can go to some printing agency and print the drawing on a thin adhesive film. After painting the phone, you can apply a drawing and cover it with another layer of varnish, then the drawing will last longer.

Dare and be different, stand out!

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Phone painting

Today, everyone wants to somehow stand out, and for these purposes, the mobile phone is the best fit. Not only covers and replaceable protective panels can make it interesting and bright. Painting the phone will help to add originality to the gadget. In order to properly implement the design, you need to know some of the nuances, as well as the phased actions, which is what we will talk about in this article.

To ensure high-quality painting, it is necessary to improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface. If you paint over the old one, it can cause some problems. Here it is necessary to take into account some points:

  • To remove old paint, it is better to use “Paint Remover” - that's what it is called.

Important! It is worth noting that it has an incredibly strong, unpleasant odor, so all work must be done outdoors.

  • It is undesirable to use acetone or solvents (with the exception of solvent 646), because if the body of your gadget is made of plastic, it can simply corrode.
  • If the old paint stubbornly does not want to be removed, then it's okay, it means that it is securely attached to the body and should not cause problems when painting.

Important! If you still want to remove it, you will have to use the skin.

Before you paint your phone at home, you need to properly prepare the surface.

If there are deep scratches or even chips on the case, then it is better, of course, to eliminate them. To do this, you can use automotive putty.

However, you still have to take the skin in your hands - you need to sand the top layer of the material, create micro-scratches invisible to the eye for better “sticking” of the new paint to the surface.

Important! These actions can remove possible small scratches on the case. To do this, you should take a skin with a face value of 180-240, and after that, carry out the final cleaning in ascending order: 400, then 800 and complete 1000-1400.

It is undesirable to degrease the surface with white spirit or gasoline - an alcohol solution is best suited for these purposes. But if your conscience torments you, then you can degrease with the help of household “Fairy”.

Perform the operation with a piece of gauze or a cotton swab, and then leave the part to dry.

It is advisable to prime the surface before applying new paint. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a primer in a spray can, since the layer of its application will be much smaller than when painting with a brush, and it will dry faster.

Here are some things to keep in mind when doing this job:

  • Before painting, cover all areas that do not require painting with masking tape.
  • Apply the primer in layers, holding the can about 30 cm from a horizontally lying surface.
  • Do not immediately apply too much primer.
  • Dry the soil at a slightly elevated temperature, but do not blow with a hair dryer, as this can blow up dust or move layers of mortar.

Important! For drying, it is better to use a heater or incandescent lamp.

  • After the soil dries, treat it with a fine sandpaper.

You need to start by choosing the right paint. Everything is more or less simple here - it is better to take paint in a spray can.

Important! It is advisable to choose not the cheapest paint. But it's also not worth buying very expensive ones.

When painting, there are also some nuances:

  • Paint should be from the edges to the center.
  • Do not spare paint on the edges - let part of the jet pass by.
  • If a drip has formed, then wait until the paint dries, take a fine skin and sand it. Then continue painting.
  • Do not touch the paint with your hands until completely dry.

Important! If you use chrome or metallic paint, then the parts should be dried much longer, as these paints dry up to two days.

Imaging Options

Now let's talk about the possible options for how you can paint the phone at home. Let's look at them in order of increasing complexity.

Using stencils

Using stencils and the same paint in spray cans, the drawing can turn out to be quite clear, although this option is more suitable for all kinds of texts or mechanisms, and not for highly artistic images. However, nevertheless, this method has the right to life:

  • The simplest stencils are made from thick paper using scissors or a clerical knife.

Important! Due to the looseness of the paper to the surface, the ink can crawl out of the contour, although in some cases this effect is used on purpose.

  • The best option is a self-adhesive film, for example, construction. The contour is also cut out with a clerical knife. But if you have a very small and complex drawing, you can take it for cutting with a plotter.

Also a very interesting option for painting the phone will be the transition of colors. The transitions will be quite smooth, so you won't be able to make many stripes.

In addition, there are such wonderful things as "Caps" - these are special nozzles for spray cans that change the thickness of the jet. As a rule, they are used by people who are engaged in graffiti.

Important! With a thin jet, you can apply more intricate images.

Using an airbrush is the most beautiful, high-quality and, at the same time, expensive way to put an image on your phone. The airbrush makes it possible to apply lines up to 1 mm and create smooth beautiful transitions.

Important! For this option, you will have to invest a lot of money, however, with the condition that this will not be a single work, as in previous cases.

For full operation, you will need the following:

  • The airbrush itself.
  • Compressor.
  • Some little things like connecting hoses and, of course, paint.

Since the phone is a device that is subjected to numerous mechanical stresses, varnishing is highly desirable for it. Moreover, this procedure is mandatory for all the same metallic and chrome.

First you need to decide what kind of finish you want - matte or glossy. Sometimes the final result of painting greatly depends on this:

  • Gloss. To obtain a glossy finish, as a rule, ordinary varnish in cans is used. It is applied with a soft brush, not pressing the brush hard so as not to scratch the surface.

Important! It is better to repeat the procedure several times. The thickness of the layer will depend on the viscosity of the varnish used. That is, the thinner the varnish, the thinner the coating will be.

  • Matte finish. This type requires varnish in cylinders. But be careful, because the varnish in the cylinders is not only matte, but also glossy - consult the seller about the compatibility of varnish and paint.

Important! To create a stable coating, you will have to apply many layers of matte varnish.

Painting with phosphor

A phosphor is a powder that can glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. Its abundance can be seen in nightclubs, so this is where your phone will be in the spotlight.

It comes in both powder form and ready-made paint in a can. But it would probably be inappropriate to buy a whole bottle, since it is better to use a phosphor for some details, rather than paint the phone completely, but this is a matter of personal taste.

Important! You can buy such a powder in tents with various luminous objects. You will also need nail polish.

To make a bright and original thing out of your old or simple gadget, you can paint the phone at home. Here you can use different options. Choose the one that suits you best, use your imagination, and create a truly unique piece that will delight you and amaze everyone around you.

Even a “worn-out” mobile phone will shine like new!

With a little time and paint, you can update the body of an old mobile phone, or you can change the color of a new one if you don't like it.

1. Before painting, the phone must be prepared: remove the case, thoroughly clean, dry and, if necessary, degrease.

2. Seal with tape the areas where the paint should not get (for example, the camera lens).

3. We put the phone case on the spread newspapers.

4. First, it is advisable to apply a thin layer of aerosol primer for BosnyPlasticPrimer plastic - then the paint will “lie down” better.

5. After 5 minutes, apply a thin coat of Bosny acrylic paint in the selected color.

6. After 1-2 minutes, apply the second layer. If necessary, apply more thin coats of paint until the desired degree of color saturation is obtained.

7. After the paint has dried (after about 10-15 minutes), spray varnish can be applied. This will make the surface shiny and additionally protect it from wear.


1. You need to paint at room temperature in a room with good ventilation.

2. Shake the can well before use.

3. The paint is applied from a distance of 20-25 cm.

4. After work, the can must be turned upside down and press the spray button until clean air comes out. After that, the remaining paint can can be stored until the next time - there will be no dried paint on the sprayer that would clog the sprayer valve and prevent reuse.

5. Although Bosny paint dries very quickly (from dust in 10-15 minutes), it is recommended to use painted objects no earlier than a day later, when the coating is completely dry.

Operational repainting of any phone (and iphone too) or back cover at a price of 2 thousand rubles. with high-quality preparation and varnishing(possible ceramic and matt varnish), any colors and the possibility of using exclusive paints(glowing, bright, rubber and other interesting effects).

  • 1. repainting in any color;
  • 2. chrome plating;
  • 3. phosphate paints;
  • 4. fluorescent paints;
  • 5. rubber paints;
  • 6. exclusive paints;

There was a time when the presence of a cell phone already determined the degree of wealth of a person. Today, everything is different - literally everyone has mobile phones. Of course, some of them are simpler, others are more expensive. We especially appreciate multifunctional smartphones - the faithful assistants of a modern person, they not only allow you to call anywhere, but also make it possible to access the Internet, communicate with friends without borders, view documents and do a lot of necessary things. Agree, once picking up such a high-quality gadget, we get used to it and we won't be parting anytime soon.

Despite the sea of ​​​​internal functions, outwardly the smartphone looks pretty ordinary. Of course, manufacturers try to diversify the color of its body as much as possible - today such shades as pink, red, blue, black or steel are common. The problem is that not everyone likes them. Sometimes want something extraordinary, for example, mauve or a shade of lush green. And how to be? Even if phones of this color were sold, is it really worth changing a familiar and convenient gadget? You can, of course, find replacement cases specifically for your model - but this is not always realistic and invariably expensive.

There is another way out - reasonable in price and one hundred percent satisfying your desire. And it's called - phone painting. You yourself choose the shade, the style of painting, in addition you can order such a service as airbrushing on your phone. Aerbit studio specialists professionally approach any business - after the desired color and painting location is determined, the surface of the smartphone is properly prepared, and special paints are mixed until “your” shade is revealed. The final stages are drying and coating with high-quality varnish, which makes the painting durable.

A phone painted in this way becomes one of a kind It's hard to steal and even harder to fake. And you get a lot of pleasant emotions every time you take the gadget in your hands - because it perfectly matches your tastes both internally and externally. Now it becomes not just appropriate to the image - it determines your image.

Helpful Hints

Any transparent silicone or plastic smartphone case can be decorated to your liking.

There are several ways to do this.

You can decorate the cover with nail polish, acrylic paints, rhinestones and other small details.

Here are some interesting options on how you can decorate your smartphone case with your own hands:

How to decorate a case with washi tape. Option 1: geometric shapes.

With the help of this Japanese colored tape (can be found in stationery) you can decorate almost anything.

You will need:

Clear case

washi tape

Stationery knife

Cutting surface (board or special mat).

1. Prepare several types of washi tape.

2. Start cutting off pieces of colored tape and carefully stick them to the outside of the case, varying the colors as you like.

3. Use a utility knife to carefully cut a hole for the camera.

How to decorate a phone case with washi tape. Option 2 (photo).

How to decorate a case with your own hands: using acrylic paint

You will need:

acrylic paint


masking tape

Clear case

Cotton swab (if necessary).

1. Stick a piece of painter's tape to the inside of the transparent cover - it will divide the cover into 2 parts.

You can cut out the shape of the cover from white paper, insert it inside the cover and then paint it. With a utility knife, you can cut a hole for the camera and flash.

2. Using acrylic paint, paint one color on the top and another color on the bottom - paint only on the inside of the case, NOT on the outside.

3. When the paint is dry, apply another coat.

* To keep everything neat, check the edges of the cover, and if necessary, clean them of paint with a cotton swab.

4. When the second coat of paint is dry, remove the masking tape - you're done!

How to decorate a phone case with your own hands: paper with patterns

You will need:

Clear case

Phone case template (cases for iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and HTC One can be found here)

colored paper

Drawings or patterns (some can be found)


Stationery knife

Surface on which you can cut (board or special mat).

1. Download the template for your phone and print it on colored paper.

2. Cut out the template with a utility knife.

* You can draw a template for your case yourself and cut it out.

3. Print out the designs and patterns and glue them to the template.

* You can simply draw any patterns or make a drawing on the template, it is not necessary to print.

4. Insert the pattern template into the case and place the case on your phone.

How to decorate a case with nail polish

You will need:

Clear case

Nail polish (several colors available)

1. Cover the case with drops of varnish. Change colors the way you like.

2. Wait for the varnish to dry.

How to decorate a silicone case with watercolors

You will need:

Clear case

watercolor paper

Watercolor paints


Waterproof handle (if necessary).

1. If desired, you can print the cover template on watercolor paper.

2. Draw an image on the template with a waterproof pen.

3. Paint the drawing with watercolors and let the paints dry.

4. Cut out the template and paste it into the clear case. Put a case on your phone.

How to decorate a transparent case: "confetti"

You will need:

Nail polish (several colors)

Clear case


1. Using toothpicks, apply a few small drops of nail polish. Use different colors of varnish.

2. Put a transparent case on your phone and you're done!

* If you wish (especially if the phone is dark), you can insert white paper cut under the shape of the case under the case.

How to decorate a case with rhinestones

You will need:

Glue (PVA, rubber or superglue)

1. Add a drop of glue to each rhinestone and carefully, starting from the edge of the case, glue them.

2. Use different sizes of rhinestones. It is better to start with large rhinestones, and then fill in the gaps with small ones.

How to make a beautiful case of beads and pearls

You will need:

Beads, pearls and other jewelry

Simple cover.

1. Think about what kind of bead pattern you want to depict on the case.

2. Using glue, start gluing the decorations in the way you planned to get a nice and neat pattern.

Another version of the cover, decorated with more severe rhinestones or pearls

You can use multi-colored neon decorations

Such decorations can be found in stationery, and, as a rule, they already come with an adhesive surface. But if you find simple ones, you can buy Moment glue or any other superglue.

DIY phone case (video)