Rules for working with measuring glassware when carrying out analytical measurements. Pipettes - a simple but often used measuring device. What is the purpose of a pipette?

Types of pipettes

Traditionally, pipettes were made of glass; recently, a variety of polymer materials have been increasingly used.

Medical pipettes

The most common are pipettes for infusing medications in the form of drops (into the eyes, nose or ears). Such pipettes consist of a piece of glass tube, one of the ends of the tube, heavily melted or pulled out, has a small hole, and the other is closed with a flexible rubber (or polymer) container (tube, ball) and is designed to draw liquid into the pipette by suction.

In medical microbiology, there is also a special device - the Pasteur pipette (Pasteur pipette).

Volumetric pipettes for chemical and biochemical research

Manual micropipette

Most often this is a glass vessel used for precise measurement (dosing) of the volume of liquid.

They produce different types of measuring pipettes for a variety of purposes, with different accuracy classes and for different volumes.

Traditional glass pipettes for analytical chemistry come in two types:

  • Mora measuring pipette(non-graduated), for a given volume(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 ml, etc.) Mohr pipettes have one circular mark at the top and are designed for sampling liquids of a certain volume. Such pipettes usually provide less measurement error than graduated pipettes. GOST 29169-91 defines the permissible errors of pipettes. The error depends on the volume being measured, so a pipette with a capacity of 25 ml has a permissible measurement error of 25 ± 0.06 ml.
  • graduated(usually cylindrical, 1, 2, 10 ml, etc.) For example, 5 ml pipettes are usually graduated in 0.5 ml. Graduated pipettes allow volume measurements to be made, usually with an accuracy of ±0.1 or 0.2 ml.

Single-label Mohr pipettes are sometimes called aliquot pipettes.

In the laboratory practice of the USSR until the mid-twentieth century, the collection of liquid into chemical pipettes was most often done by sucking it into the mouth, which led to numerous accidents and injuries. Since the end of the 20th century, everyone has been taught to fill pipettes (even with harmless liquids) using a rubber or PVC bulb. Unfortunately, more convenient devices (rubber bulbs with a valve, mechanical level fill regulators, electronic pipette pistols) are used less often.


Oxford single channel pipettes

Micropipettes according to Gilson

Micropipettes are the most accurate and high-quality instruments for measuring small volumes of liquid (1-1000 μl (μl). They are widely used in biology and chemistry.

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. glass micropipettes were a graduated glass capillary with a conical spout.

For modern pipettes of a simple design with dry type seals, after a short dosage of concentrated acids or aggressive solutions, it is enough to disassemble the pipette, inspect and rinse the components (piston, tube and piston seals) with distilled water. Dry all parts thoroughly and assemble the pipette. Prolonged exposure to corrosive vapors can lead to premature seal wear and piston damage. The impact of aggressive vapors on the internal elements of the dispenser is reduced when using tips with anti-aerosol filters. The designs of pipettes from a number of manufacturers include a safety filter at the junction with the tip.

Gas pipettes

Special pipettes

Rules for using glass pipettes

The pipettes are calibrated to allow liquid to flow freely. You should not blow out or quickly squeeze out the liquid - in the first case, excess volume will come out of the pipette, which should remain in its nose due to capillary forces, and in the second case, due to the leakage effect, the volume of leaked liquid will be less than standard.

Pipette calibration and pipetting accuracy

Like other measuring instruments, pipettes must be calibrated during manufacture and subject to periodic verification.

Large manufacturers

  • RAININ in Russia

see also

  • Volumetric flask
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Purka


External links

  • Helpful Hints on the Use of a Volumetric Pipet by Oliver Seely

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Cities of Zug
  • Uabo

Synonym dictionary

PIPETTE- PIPETTE, and, female. Glass tube with a rubber cap for measuring liquid drop by drop, dropper (3 digits). P. for eye drops. Drop with a pipette. | adj. pipette, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

pipette- - Topics oil and gas industry EN pipet ... Technical Translator's Guide

pipette- I. PIPETTE and, g. pipette f. 1. A small glass tube with a rubber tip for collecting, drawing in liquid and releasing it in drops. BAS 1. Any man will be able to use fountain pens that do not write, pipettes that... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language- pipetė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Stiklinis vamzdelis su ant vieno galo užmautu guminiu ar plastikiniu gaubtuku. Vartojamas skysčiams įsiurbti, lašinti arba dujoms praleisti. atitikmenys: engl. pipet; pipette vok... Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

With a tube having an end (tip, tip, spout) with a small hole to limit the rate of liquid flow.

A variety of pipettes are widely used for measuring precise volumes of liquids or gases in medicine, chemistry and biology, and especially widely in analytical chemistry and biochemistry.

Types of pipettes

Traditionally, pipettes were made of glass; recently, a variety of polymer materials have been increasingly used.

Medical pipettes

The most common are pipettes for infusing medications in the form of drops (into the eyes, nose or ears). Such pipettes consist of a piece of glass tube, one of the ends of the tube, heavily melted or pulled out, has a small hole, and the other is closed with a flexible rubber (or polymer) container (tube, ball) and is designed to draw liquid into the pipette by suction.

In medical microbiology, there is also a special device - the Pasteur pipette (Pasteur pipette).

Volumetric pipettes for chemical and biochemical research

Manual micropipette

Most often this is a glass vessel used for precise measurement (dosing) of the volume of liquid.

They produce different types of measuring pipettes for a variety of purposes, with different accuracy classes and for different volumes.

Traditional glass pipettes for analytical chemistry come in two types:

  • Mora measuring pipette(non-graduated), for a given volume(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 ml, etc.) Mohr pipettes have one circular mark at the top and are designed for sampling liquids of a certain volume. Such pipettes usually provide less measurement error than graduated pipettes. GOST 29169-91 defines the permissible errors of pipettes. The error depends on the volume being measured, so a pipette with a capacity of 25 ml has a permissible measurement error of 25 ± 0.06 ml.
  • graduated(usually cylindrical, 1, 2, 10 ml, etc.) For example, 5 ml pipettes are usually graduated in 0.5 ml. Graduated pipettes allow volume measurements to be made, usually with an accuracy of ±0.1 or 0.2 ml.

Single-label Mohr pipettes are sometimes called aliquot pipettes.

Gas pipettes

Special pipettes

Rules for using glass pipettes

The pipettes are calibrated to allow liquid to flow freely. You should not blow out or quickly squeeze out the liquid - in the first case, excess volume will come out of the pipette, which should remain in its nose due to capillary forces, and in the second case, due to the leakage effect, the volume of leaked liquid will be less than standard.

It is not known for certain who first thought of it smoke through a pipette, and we are also unlikely to be able to establish the exact date of the first such experiment. This method fits perfectly under the phrase “Everything ingenious is simple.” After all, what is a pipette and why is it perfect for the role of a device for consuming marijuana? Almost everyone can guess.

Just by looking at its design, you can already imagine how to smoke weed through a pipette. A glass tube with a rubber cap at the end is a simple device that is sold in almost every pharmacy. The main purpose of this instrument is to instill nasal-type medications. They are still made using Soviet technology from cheap raw materials and using the simplest methods; in principle, this thing does not need any modernization and is unlikely to need it in the near future.

We share this material without second thoughts. The text does not contain clear instructions or calls for any action! We are simply trying to describe in an introductory tone how to smoke marijuana through a pipette and provide information of an informative nature. We would also like to strongly note that when using such methods you should be extremely careful so as not to harm yourself.

We can say for sure that the beginning of the 21st century, precisely the period of the rapidly growing popularity of growing, was also marked by the fact that it became very fashionable to smoke cannabis through a pipette.

Today, the marijuana dropper goes by many different names, such as:

  • Russian style;
  • One - hit pipes.

And thanks to our material you will be able to understand why.

Some from the old school claim that the pipette began to be used for these purposes back in the 80s! Again, no one can say for sure when the pipette gained a new wave of popularity in Eastern Europe, only in a different area. Many claim that the pipette is a descendant of the vaporizer lamp. With the help of such a light bulb they used cannabis and other psychoactive substances.

Despite the fact that this method of consuming cannabis is closely connected with the drug culture of the states, smoking cannabis through a pipette was first started not in the USA! Back in the 1960s, the pipette was a popular tool among DMT manufacturers. They were used in the extraction process of this substance. However, unlike the bong, hook and vaporizer, the pipette with its simple design gained the first authority among cannabis users not in the states, but in the vast expanses of the USSR. Paradoxically, yes, but even today in the West this method of smoking cannabis is called russia-style or smoke like a Russian. Therefore, most theorists agree that it was in the Soviets that they first started smoking correctly through a pipette.


Simple and concise

Regarding the use and manufacture of a pipette for smoking, everything here is extremely simple. If someone told you how to smoke tobacco through a pipette, then this method of consuming marijuana is no different. Through a short glass tube, a person inhales the smoke emanating from the burning marijuana. Many who have never heard of this method will shrug their shoulders in confusion. No, you don’t need to invent anything, smoking marijuana buds or even smoking hashish through a pipette is as easy as boiling a cup of water. After all, the main and only difference between a pipette and a classic smoking pipe is the shape of the device itself. The attached mouthpiece and spring in the pipette prevent burns from the heated hot glass.

The one hit pipes industry continues to develop

The finished device is a standard pipette purchased at any pharmacy in your city. With its narrow end, it attaches to a rubber cap (the same mouthpiece with a spring from a pen or a wire inside). The tip of the cap must be cut off. ABOUT productivity such uncomplicated devices should not be judged prejudicially. The effectiveness of the pipette for smoking marijuana leaves much to be desired. Any cannabis lover who has at least once used this method will confirm to you that one puff is enough for a deep and strong effect.

You can believe or not believe this statement, but practice speaks for itself. This is not science fiction; even for a very heavy smoker, one puff will be enough when using the pipette for the first time. It is this amazing level of effectiveness that motivates many to buy or make a pipette for smoking hashish, buds and plan.

Guys like Everyone Does It and Near Dark have become quite firmly entrenched in the market, offering customers original handmade masterpieces: colorful, handmade, multi-colored pipettes for smoking marijuana. The code name for these devices is one-hit pipes, which is quite consistent with reality.

Smokinggrassthroughpipette: advantagesAndflaws

This is what works of art are like!

This method does not have any clearly defined and proven dangerous drawbacks. There are only guesses and assumptions that we will share. Many people believe that when the smoke and air heat up, they do not have time to cool down enough, because they pass through a very thin tube, so there is a possibility that they severely burn a person’s lungs. Therefore, with frequent use of the pipette method, significant damage is caused to the human body. harm from internal burns. Also, a wire or spring filter that filters ash may release toxic substances when heated. Again, there is no evidence, for the reason that no one has conducted scientific experiments with this method.

Such devices for smoking marijuana are distinguished by their versatility and therefore are often used by consumers in conjunction with other devices: a bong and a cigarette mouthpiece. And to tell the truth, the pipette method of consuming marijuana is effective, affordable and extremely popular today. Both in the West and in the East, cannabis lovers widely use this device, which prompts hand-made stores to offer the market a variety of one-hit pipes of various colors, shapes and sizes. And in turn, such products find their buyers on the market.

Yes, this method of use has advantages, but we still cannot recommend smoking through a pipette to everyone to ordinary people in a row. It's easy argue because the slightest carelessness can lead to dangerous consequences. For example, a fragment from a glass pipe may not undergo very reliable filtration and damage the smoker's internal organs. If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest. Here is the choice and responsibility everyone This method is in wide demand and has a safe reputation among cannabis users, thanks to the vigilance and caution of those who use it . And you should not break this trend without leaving the rays of care of the understanding Jah. After all

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First of all, it is responsibility to yourself.

When carrying out volumetric analytical measurements in titrimetry, special volumetric glassware is used: volumetric flasks, pipettes, burettes, graduated cylinders and test tubes. Working with it requires certain skills and abilities. To obtain correct results in volumetric analysis, all operations must be performed very carefully; the utensils used must be clean and suitable for the purposes and purposes of the measurements being taken.

Volumetric flasks

Volumetric flasks are thin-walled, flat-bottomed round vessels with a long narrow neck, on which a mark is applied in the form of a thin ring line. They come in different capacities: from 25 ml to 2 l (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Volumetric flasks

Volumetric flasks are designed for preparing solutions of precise concentration (i.e. standard solutions), as well as for diluting existing solutions to specified volumes.

Dry samples (including the contents of the fixanals) or the existing solution (when diluted) are added to a volumetric flask through a funnel, then washing off the remaining substance from the funnel (and rinsing the fixanal ampoule) with distilled water (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Preparation of a working solution from fixanal

To dissolve the added substance, distilled water is added to the flask (to approximately half its volume). The contents of the flask are thoroughly mixed with rotational movements until a homogeneous solution is formed. After this, add another portion of water through the funnel until the liquid level is 3-5 mm below the circular mark on the neck of the flask. Then the rest of the water is added drop by drop and the volume of the solution is adjusted exactly to the mark. To correctly measure the volume of liquid in a volumetric flask (and in other measuring vessels), it is necessary that the observer’s eye and the circular mark on its neck are in the same horizontal plane (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Reading of the liquid level in the vessel at different eye positions 2 - correct eye position, 1, 3 - incorrect

The volume of transparent liquids is measured along the lower edge of their meniscus (which should coincide with the circular mark of the flask), and intensely colored ones (for example, a KMnO 4 solution) - along the upper edge.

It is not recommended to store the resulting solution in a volumetric flask. After preparation, it must be transferred to a glass vessel intended for this purpose, equipped with a well-ground glass stopper.


Pipettes are designed for selecting small, precisely measured volumes of liquid and transferring them from one vessel to another. Distinguish Mora pipettes, graduated pipettes and automatic pipettes otherwise called pipette dispensers(Fig. 6, 10).

Rice. 6. Pipettes: A– simple (Mohr pipette); b - graduated.

Mohr's pipettes They are a glass tube with a drawn-out spout and an expansion in the middle part. They are designed to select a strictly defined volume of liquid, which is indicated by a number on one of the walls of the expansion.

Graduated pipettes designed for measuring various small volumes of liquid using a scale printed on their wall. They are also glass tubes with a drawn-out spout.

To select the required volume of liquid with a Mohr pipette and a graduated pipette and transfer it to another vessel, proceed as follows:

1. Place a rubber bulb on the neck of the pipette and squeeze it until air is properly removed. Then the pipette is placed in a vessel with the sampled solution (as deep as possible, right up to the tip of the pipette touching the bottom of the vessel), the bulb is released and they wait until the liquid level in the pipette rises 3-4 cm above the upper zero mark.

2. Remove the pear. Quickly close the top of the pipette (or its neck) with your index finger and, holding the pipette itself with your thumb and middle finger, quickly remove it from the vessel with the solution(Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Properly (A), and shouldn't (b) hold a pipette

Holding the pipette vertically above the surface of the solution, release the pressure of the index finger on its neck, so that the liquid slowly falls from the tip of the pipette into the solution until the lower part of its meniscus (or the upper part, if the solution is intensely colored) is equal to the upper zero mark on the wall of the pipette. After this, the pressure on the neck of the pipette is quickly increased until the outflow of liquid completely stops (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Position of the pipette when establishing the meniscus at the level of the line

To remove a drop of liquid remaining on the outside of the pipette nozzle, touch it to the inner wall of the vessel with the sampled solution.

3. The pipette is transferred to another vessel (most often to a titration flask) and, loosening the pressure of the index finger, the required volume of liquid is allowed to flow out of it (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Pouring the solution from the pipette

Recently, more and more widely used pipette dispensers or automatic pipettes. These are special devices that allow you to accurately select the required volume of liquid from a solution by simply pressing a push-button device located in their upper part (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Pipette dispenser

The variable volume of liquid required for sampling is set using a digital display located on the pipette handle. Before working with a pipette dispenser, you must carefully read the instructions for use. These devices are more convenient compared to Mohr pipettes and graduated pipettes; they allow faster selection of a given volume of liquid and currently prevail in the daily practice of scientific and research laboratories. The only disadvantage of pipette pipettes is their much higher cost compared to conventional glass pipettes.

Types of pipettes

Traditionally, pipettes were made of glass; recently, a variety of polymer materials have been increasingly used.

Medical pipettes

The most common are pipettes for infusing medications in the form of drops (into the eyes, nose or ears). Such pipettes consist of a piece of glass tube, one of the ends of the tube, heavily melted or pulled out, has a small hole, and the other is closed with a flexible rubber (or polymer) container (tube, ball) and is designed to draw liquid into the pipette by suction.

In medical microbiology, there is also a special device - the Pasteur pipette (Pasteur pipette).

Volumetric pipettes for chemical and biochemical research

Manual micropipette

Most often this is a glass vessel used for precise measurement (dosing) of the volume of liquid.

They produce different types of measuring pipettes for a variety of purposes, with different accuracy classes and for different volumes.

Traditional glass pipettes for analytical chemistry come in two types:

  • Mora measuring pipette(non-graduated), for a given volume(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 ml, etc.) Mohr pipettes have one circular mark at the top and are designed for sampling liquids of a certain volume. Such pipettes usually provide less measurement error than graduated pipettes. GOST 29169-91 defines the permissible errors of pipettes. The error depends on the volume being measured, so a pipette with a capacity of 25 ml has a permissible measurement error of 25 ± 0.06 ml.
  • graduated(usually cylindrical, 1, 2, 10 ml, etc.) For example, 5 ml pipettes are usually graduated in 0.5 ml. Graduated pipettes allow volume measurements to be made, usually with an accuracy of ±0.1 or 0.2 ml.

Single-label Mohr pipettes are sometimes called aliquot pipettes.

In the laboratory practice of the USSR until the mid-twentieth century, the collection of liquid into chemical pipettes was most often done by sucking it into the mouth, which led to numerous accidents and injuries. Since the end of the 20th century, everyone has been taught to fill pipettes (even with harmless liquids) using a rubber or PVC bulb. Unfortunately, more convenient devices (rubber bulbs with a valve, mechanical level fill regulators, electronic pipette pistols) are used less often.


Oxford single channel pipettes

Micropipettes according to Gilson

Micropipettes are the most accurate and high-quality instruments for measuring small volumes of liquid (1-1000 μl (μl). They are widely used in biology and chemistry.

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. glass micropipettes were a graduated glass capillary with a conical spout.

For modern pipettes of a simple design with dry type seals, after a short dosage of concentrated acids or aggressive solutions, it is enough to disassemble the pipette, inspect and rinse the components (piston, tube and piston seals) with distilled water. Dry all parts thoroughly and assemble the pipette. Prolonged exposure to corrosive vapors can lead to premature seal wear and piston damage. The impact of aggressive vapors on the internal elements of the dispenser is reduced when using tips with anti-aerosol filters. The designs of pipettes from a number of manufacturers include a safety filter at the junction with the tip.

Gas pipettes

Special pipettes

Rules for using glass pipettes

The pipettes are calibrated to allow liquid to flow freely. You should not blow out or quickly squeeze out the liquid - in the first case, excess volume will come out of the pipette, which should remain in its nose due to capillary forces, and in the second case, due to the leakage effect, the volume of leaked liquid will be less than standard.

Pipette calibration and pipetting accuracy

Like other measuring instruments, pipettes must be calibrated during manufacture and subject to periodic verification.

Large manufacturers

  • RAININ in Russia

see also

  • Volumetric flask
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Purka


External links

  • Helpful Hints on the Use of a Volumetric Pipet by Oliver Seely

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Synonym dictionary

PIPETTE, and, female Glass tube with a rubber cap for measuring liquid drop by drop, dropper (3 digits). P. for eye drops. Drop with a pipette. | adj. pipette, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

pipette- - Topics oil and gas industry EN pipet ... Technical Translator's Guide

pipette- I. PIPETTE and, g. pipette f. 1. A small glass tube with a rubber tip for collecting, drawing in liquid and releasing it in drops. BAS 1. Any man will be able to use fountain pens that do not write, pipettes that... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language- pipetė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Stiklinis vamzdelis su ant vieno galo užmautu guminiu ar plastikiniu gaubtuku. Vartojamas skysčiams įsiurbti, lašinti arba dujoms praleisti. atitikmenys: engl. pipet; pipette vok... Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas