Preparatory stage. How to dye tulle at home. How to paint tulle How to paint a curtain at home

If you want to make changes to the interior, ideas such as buying or making your own decor, changing the wallpaper, or updating furniture will, of course, come to mind. What about the option of dyeing the tulle? On the one hand, this will give it a new life, on the other, it will add a completely new look to the interior, and it will sparkle with new colors. By the way, you can do this very quickly and simply without leaving your home. So how to dye tulle at home? Get ready, we'll tell you now.

Preparatory stage

In fact, it is very important to properly prepare the fabric for dyeing. Otherwise, you risk irreparably damaging it. For this:

  1. To begin, remove the tulle and soak it in a small amount of warm water.
  2. When it cools down, drain it and repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Then wash the fabric. It is highly recommended to do it by hand - again, this will reduce the risk of damage and deformation.
  4. Rinse the tulle thoroughly and let it dry at room temperature or outside (never over a heater or fireplace).

Dye selection

The next step is to choose what to paint the tulle at home. It all depends on what color you want to get in the end. Eg:

  • from available means it can be brilliant green, tea, potassium permanganate;
  • Professional paints include special aniline-based paints.

Let's start painting

Please read the included instructions if you have a preference for paints. Only after that:

  1. Dissolve the dye in a small amount of water.
  2. Leave the fabric in the resulting solution for the specified time specified in the instructions.
  3. When the result is achieved, carefully rinse the tulle and dry it.

Light shades

Just to give light fabric an interesting shade, it is not at all necessary to use professional paints. Some available means are quite suitable for this purpose. For example, those described below.

Tea and coffee

How to dye tulle beige? For those who are not ready for radically bright colors, there is an option to give the fabric a neutral, but at the same time quite beautiful shade. It can be cream, ivory or the same beige.

Your actions are very simple:

  1. Wash the tulle in advance (preparatory stage).
  2. Brew 1-2 tablespoons of tea in 1.5-2 liters and let the liquid brew.
  3. Strain it.
  4. Leave your fabric in the solution for half an hour to forty minutes.
  5. Rinse well and dry it.

Important! This method is ideal for cream shades. If you intend to get beige tulle, then follow the same steps, replacing tea with coffee.

Potassium permangantsovka

This substance is ideal if the desired result is a pink or purple tint. All you need to do is dilute the crystals with water, and the concentration of the solution depends on how rich the tone of the fabric you want to get.

Important! Do not use large amounts of laundry detergent or any other cleaning product as this may cause the fabric to color unevenly. Take this nuance into account.


How to dye fabric with green paint at home is as easy as shelling pears. The end result is a lovely light green color. In addition, this method will take very little time, like other coloring options.

Instructions for use are the same as in the methods indicated earlier. That is, dilute the brilliant green with water and soak the fabric in it.

Important! It is important to remember only one thing - the exposure time directly depends on how bright the shade you want to get in the end.

Nylon tulle

How to paint nylon tulle? There are a large number of methods and tips for dyeing nylon fabric. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also used them.

Choose one of the options that suit you:

  • The method that requires corrugated paper is one of the simplest. The result will pleasantly surprise you. Cut it into small pieces and fill it with water. Let it brew. Soak the fabric in the resulting colored liquid.
  • Potassium permanganate and tea and coffee work great here, and you can also paint the tulle with brilliant green.
  • Special dyes for nylon, wool or cotton fabric are well suited. But the dye for silk will not work.

Important! You can use all these methods not only to change the shade of the curtains, but also to modify tights or stockings in accordance with the intended image.

We dye in the washing machine

As an option, you can consider dyeing in a washing machine. However, it is imperative to follow the rules and follow the instructions if you do not want to ruin the tulle:

  1. No one has canceled the preparatory stage of the fabric, even if dyeing will take place in the washing machine. So wash the tulle thoroughly before the main action begins.
  2. Dilute the paint according to the instructions and pour it directly into the drum.
  3. Place the wet cloth in the drum.
  4. Select a wash mode and a time of at least 30 minutes.
  5. Press the start button and wait until the wash finishes.
  6. Washing a second time, but always adding vinegar and cold water, will help fix the color.

Important! Once the process is complete, the first thing to do is clean out your dye washer to avoid damaging your items the next time you wash them. You can clean it manually, or you can run another wash, but add one and a half cups of bleach.

Can the paints used damage my car?

Surely the question pops up in your head about what will happen if you dye things in a washing machine. Will the equipment deteriorate after this? You can live calmly and not worry. The dyes do not contain any strong chemicals, which makes them absolutely safe.

Other dyeing methods

There are quite a lot of them. Moreover, coloring can be done either manually or by machine. Here are some of them:

  • Yellow color can be obtained by using all the different yellow flowers as coloring agents. For example, dandelions, daffodils and calendula.
  • Carrots and onion peels will help to acquire an orange tint.
  • If you want to get a green color, then, in addition to the usual greenery, you can also use the leaves and stems of sorrel, yarrow and spinach.
  • Blackberries will give the tulle a black color.

Important! A good option is to apply a fixative to the tissue before starting the procedure. It will help fix the color and preserve it during subsequent washes of the tulle.

Snow-white tulle is the most popular window decor. The main reasons to dye tulle:

  • desire to change the interior;
  • the need to give a fresh look to a curtain that has lost its snow-whiteness over time.

Existing whitening products solve the problem partially and not for long.

Gray or yellowed tulle can be replaced with a new one, or you can give it a second life by repainting it in a new color.

Fabric dyeing is an affordable and widespread service. Curtains can always be entrusted to specialists. However, painting yourself has undeniable advantages:

  • saving money and time (the process is not labor-intensive; as a rule, it requires much less time than delivery and waiting);
  • the ability to accurately select the desired color and its intensity.

You can give tulle almost any color yourself. When choosing a dye, it is advisable to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each. All colors can be divided into chemical and natural.

Chemical dyes

Chemical dyes include potassium permanganate and numerous aniline dyes, including brilliant green solution (zelyonka). They are very popular, their advantages:

  • wide color palette;
  • ease of use compared to natural ones.

The disadvantages include:

  • less gentle treatment of fabric compared to natural ones;
  • the presence of a pungent odor for some, sometimes long, time after painting.

Natural materials used to dye tulle

There are not many natural colors, but their shades are quite noble, many of them are universal. Coloring can be done with tea, coffee, herbal infusions, juices of numerous vegetables and fruits, the most popular being beet juice. The advantages of such dyes:

  • gentle treatment of fabric;
  • the smell, if it remains, is not sharp and dissipates quickly.


  • limited color selection;
  • more time-consuming to prepare.

Preparing a tulle curtain for painting

The preparation process is practically no different from regular washing. The washing temperature should not exceed 30 °C for synthetic fabrics and 40 °C for natural ones.

Important! Additional attention should be paid to:

  • shaking out the curtain before washing so that there are no small specks left that can prevent uniform coloring;
  • gentle spin, it is better not to squeeze at all, let the water drain: creases will also prevent the uniform distribution of color.

How to dye tulle at home

After washing the curtain, we begin preparing the dye. The methods differ depending on what you choose.

Aniline dyes

Quite comfortable to use. As a rule, you need to dilute a certain amount of color in the appropriate amount of water, stir, soak, and rinse.

Important! Before use, you must carefully study the instructions and act strictly according to them! Failure to comply with the proportions can irreversibly damage the tulle.


Zelenka does not completely dissolve immediately, so it is preferable to first prepare a concentrated aqueous solution in a glass. For this:

  • drop a small amount of greenery into a glass;
  • fill with water and leave for 5–10 minutes;
  • stir;
  • If you are not sure that the particles have completely dissolved, it is better to strain it before adding it to a bowl of water.

In a basin, mix warm water and a solution of brilliant green. If you do not want to dilute the aqueous solution separately, give the brilliant green additional time to completely dissolve directly in the basin.

Attention! The concentration depends on the required shade. If you are unsure how brightly green you want the fabric to turn, you should start with a pale solution. If you want to get a brighter color, the procedure can always be repeated with more dye.

Important! The curtain is placed only in a homogeneous aqueous solution of brilliant green; if you want to increase the concentration, you need to remove the curtain from the basin, add and stir the color, put the curtain in the basin.

To ensure uniform coloring, the tulle must be rotated. Having received the desired color, rinse.

Potassium permangantsovka

Painting lilac with potassium permanganate is similar to painting with brilliant green:

  • dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate in a glass of water;
  • leave for 5 minutes, stir;
  • pour warm water into the basin;
  • We also filter a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate in an amount sufficient for the desired shade;
  • stir;
  • soak the tulle;
  • To ensure uniform coloring, constantly turn it over for 15 minutes;
  • rinse with cool water.

Tea or coffee

A natural dye made from tea or coffee will make a curtain brown or cream:

  • Brew 1–2 tablespoons of tea or coffee with boiling water, the amount of boiling water is not important (usual cup, jar), the color will be diluted;
  • After 7–10 minutes, strain;
  • pour water and brewed tea or coffee into a basin, mix, the temperature in the basin should be approximately 30 °C;
  • soak the tulle and constantly turn it;
  • Having received the desired color of the curtain, rinse it with cool water.


Beetroot can dye fabric a pleasant beetroot color; for this you will need:

  • thoroughly wash or peel the beets;
  • we cut it and fill it with vodka, depending on the expected color saturation, the proportions can be from 0.5 to 1 liter of vodka per 1 kg of beets;
  • cook the beets in this solution until tender (check with a knife);
  • filter the solution;
  • pour warm water and strained beet broth into a basin;
  • soak the curtain, don’t forget to turn it over;
  • When the desired shade is achieved, rinse.

Features of painting nylon tulle

Nylon fabric fibers are more difficult to paint than others. To dye nylon using the methods described above, it is necessary to add salt to the dyeing solution. The approximate norm is 1 heaped tablespoon per 10 liters of water (standard basin).

Dyeing tulle in the washing machine

Painting with a washing machine has its advantages:

  • relief of manual labor;
  • more intensive mixing, resulting in uniform coloring.

There are disadvantages:

  • as a rule, additional time is required;
  • risk of slight staining of white items during subsequent washing.

The principle of painting is similar to manual:

  • shake out, pre-wash, but do not wring;
  • dilute the dye according to the instructions (special products) or according to recommendations (folk);
  • pour the concentrate into the drum;
  • we put the curtain there;
  • select the washing mode without spin;

Important! Machine wash only without pre-soaking, otherwise the color may be uneven.

  • We take out the curtain and start the machine without laundry to rinse.

Unusual dyes for tulle

There are many natural materials that can color tulle. Here are some of them and the colors they can be painted in:

  • calendula and dandelion – yellow;
  • carrots – orange;
  • onion peel - from yellow to brown;
  • sorrel and yarrow - green, more natural than green grass;
  • blackberry – black.


The choice of product when dyeing tulle yourself depends on personal wishes and beliefs, as well as the availability of certain dyes at home. Painting is a way to transform an old curtain that has already served its purpose. This is a great opportunity for experimentation and self-expression!

Are you tired of the shade of your curtains and tulle, a white T-shirt has stopped making you happy because its shade has become boring, but you don’t want to buy a new one? There is a solution - painting things at home. In this article, we will tell you how to dye fabric with brilliant green and other natural dyes, as well as how to properly care for the dyed item.

How to dye white fabric using brilliant green and other dyes?

Tulle and curtains are accessories that people notice when they enter your room. Fabric curtains can both decorate and hopelessly ruin your entire interior.

Painting curtains a different color quickly and without any special effort is one of the acceptable options for transforming the appearance of a room. By changing the color scheme of clothes for windows, as well as choosing cute things to match, you can get a new solution for your home or work environment.

Do-it-yourself painting of tulle and curtains can help you if you don’t have the funds or time to update the interior and make repairs, but your soul is asking for something new. The painting process is very economical in every sense, because:

  • no significant cash outlay is required to purchase dyes;
  • it is not necessary to waste your time waiting, and also listen to the designer’s recommendations;
  • there is no need to walk for a long time from store to store in search of new materials;
  • There is a possibility of re-painting.

Home conditions are suitable to give your window wardrobe a new look on your own. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of how to paint fabric with brilliant green and other equally interesting means at hand. Moreover, this fabric can be the basis of both interior decor and your clothing.

The process of dyeing tulle and white T-shirts

Preparing fabrics for dyeing is a prerequisite when choosing any of the various dyes. By dyeing only clean fabric, you can achieve the desired result. Be sure to wait until the fabric is completely dry after washing; slightly damp tulle or a T-shirt will quickly absorb all the coloring pigments.

Important! The color intensity of a fabric product depends on how concentrated the dye is, as well as on time. Therefore, think about how bright the result you are trying to achieve before dyeing the fabric with green paint.

Aniline dyes

If you choose this method of coloring, do not experiment under any circumstances. You can effectively paint tulle in a different shade only by strictly following the instructions. The following options are possible:

  • Dilute the dye in a small container until the dye is completely dissolved, and then pour it into the main volume of water, and then place the tulle there.
  • Immediately add the dye to the basin or to another container into which you have already poured warm water. Place the item you are painting into the resulting solution.

Important! Quite often, dye manufacturers advise salting water with table salt to obtain a permanent color. The proportions of salt, water, and dye must be indicated in the instructions.

Good old green stuff

Painting the fabric with green should be done by those housewives who want to see window curtains or T-shirts in a greenish tint. The method of application is extremely simple:

  1. Dissolve a small amount of green pharmacy liquid in warm water. Determine the required volume of medical solution yourself, based on the desired brightness of the final shade. On average, about 10 ml of diamond solution (1 bottle) is taken per 5 liters of water.
  2. Stir the entire contents of the container evenly.
  3. After this, place a damp cloth or T-shirt there.
  4. Let stand for 20-30 minutes.

Important! You can paint clothes with green paint evenly at home, without streaks or stains, only if you periodically turn the product over in the container. The same rule applies when you decide to change the shade of tulle, curtains, nylon mesh or any other textile.


You need to dye your clothes with green paint if you want to get a green color. Everything is logical here. And if you want to give the fabric a soft pink tint, then feel free to take a similar medical solution called “Fukortsin”. It is popularly called “pink green”, since it is similar in its properties, but has a distinctive color.

The entire painting procedure takes a very short amount of time, and the result will definitely please you. The principle of coloring is exactly the same as when using brilliant green.

Important! If you have powdered potassium permanganate in your home stash, it is an excellent analogue of “Fukortsin” for dyeing fabric. Feel free to use it.

Fragrant coffee and tea

In order to give your window curtains a beige or cream shade, you can use tea leaves or ground coffee. Dyeing fabric with tea at home is just as easy as with other natural dyes - 2 tsp. tea leaves or coffee is enough to prepare a coloring solution:

  1. Place 2 tsp in 1 liter of boiling water. tea leaves or ground coffee.
  2. Wait until completely dissolved and then strain.
  3. After this, place the fabric item to be dyed into the decoction you have prepared.

Important! If the tulle is too large, then increase the proportions of tea or coffee and water.

Beetroot - natural dye

This product has excellent coloring properties and is also capable of dyeing curtains and T-shirts in a different color.

To dye tulle at home:

  1. Cut the beets and fill them with alcohol or vodka in the proportion of one bottle per 1 kg of beets.
  2. Cook the beets until completely softened with the lid closed.
  3. Strain the juice, and dip your product into this strained juice.
  4. The time to “bathe the fabric” depends on how saturated you want the shade to be.
  1. The most important and main advice. Before you start directly painting clothes, weigh the pros and cons. Amateur painting is always a risk.
  2. Know the composition of the fabric, because the entire painting result depends on the composition of the fabric:
    • if the fabric is natural, for example: cotton, linen, denim, then, as a rule, dyeing goes well;
    • if the fabric is mixed, the color will come out a little paler, for example, it will not be blue, but light blue.
    • if the fabric is 100% synthetic, there is a very high risk that the fabric will not dye at all, because with synthetic fabrics, the paint flows off like cellophane, and the product will remain exactly the same shade as before dyeing.

Important! Please note that, unfortunately, at the moment there are more and more cases when the composition that is written on the label does not coincide with reality.

  1. Decide on a color. We recommend dyeing in colors that are slightly darker than the original shade of the fabric. For example, blue is best painted blue or dark blue. Also, do not forget to take into account the original shade of the item. The ideal option is if they are similar colors. But if you dye white jeans black, you will end up with gray or dark gray, but not black.
  2. Judge the final shade only on a thoroughly dried dyed item, because wet items are always darker.
  3. If color is very important to you, dye a test piece of fabric that will be the same in composition, dry it and look at the result.
  4. If you don’t like the shade of the paint you prepared, it’s better not to risk it. In industrial conditions, shades of paint are tested a large number of times, achieving the required color. At home, you only have 1 try.
  5. Paint only with gloves on. Wear gloves before opening the paint package if you decide to use an industrial solution rather than the options we offer. When working with medical solutions, also do not ignore gloves, so as not to think later about how to wipe off brilliant green or potassium permanganate from the skin.
  6. Paint items according to the instructions written on the packaging when using industrial dyes.

Tips for dyeing fabric products in an automatic machine

Painting with a washing machine makes the entire painting process much easier, but there are some peculiarities:

  1. Pour diluted paint into the drum, and only into it.
  2. Choose a temperature of 60-80 degrees, according to the type of fabric, as well as the longest cycle without using pre-soaking.
  3. After painting, rinse the item separately in a solution of table vinegar.
  4. After painting, turn the empty washing machine back on to the rinse cycle to completely remove paint from it.
  5. Immediately after painting is completed, do not wash white items in a washing machine.

Proper care of the product after dyeing is completed:

  1. Do not dry clothes in direct sunlight, otherwise the paint will fade.
  2. Wash the first 2-3 washes separately from other items.
  3. During subsequent washes of clothing, after wearing, add a small amount of vinegar when rinsing.
  4. Use powder for colored fabrics, because powders for white linen contain bleaching agents.

In this article, we tried to collect all the necessary information that would help you safely and efficiently paint any item at home. We hope you can wisely use these recommendations and dye the fabric with brilliant green or any other suitable color product to get the desired shade of your decorative textiles or favorite item.

But we don’t say goodbye to you here, come back again!

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To create a new home interior, you don’t have to resort to the services of a highly paid designer; show your imagination and use a little skill. The point is that by painting the tulle yourself in a different color, you can radically change the perception of any room.

How to transform your interior by painting tulle

Tulle and curtains are the accessories that are the first to be noticed by people entering a room. Fabric curtains can either decorate or hopelessly ruin the interior.

Painting curtains a different color quickly and without much effort is one of the acceptable options for transforming the interior. By changing the color scheme of the clothes for the windows and choosing cute little things to match the color, you can get a new solution for your home or work environment.

Painting curtains with your own hands can help if there is no time and money to repair and update the interior, but the “soul asks” for something new. The painting process is economical in all respects:

  • no significant funds are required to purchase dyes;
  • it is not necessary to waste time waiting and listening to the designer’s recommendations;
  • there is no need to spend a long time shopping in search of new curtains;
  • Re-staining is possible.

Home conditions are quite suitable for updating your window “wardrobe” yourself. Let's look at this process step by step.

Preparing the fabric

Before painting window curtains, you need to prepare the product. After removing the curtains or tulle from the window, you need to carefully knock them out to get rid of dust and foreign particles. Warm water and detergent are what you will need for this step. The washing solution should not be made too concentrated, otherwise it will be difficult to rinse later. It is advisable to use hand washing or gentle cycle in a washing machine.

A warm temperature (no higher than 40 degrees) is suitable in order not to spoil the fabric and at the same time wash it well. To achieve excellent results, repeat the washing and rinsing procedure several times.

High-quality dyeing of tulle at home can only be done on well-washed fabric. Under no circumstances do the following:

  • twisting;
  • strong mechanical impact;
  • twisting push-up.

This will damage the fabric, and painting the curtains will not be a positive event, but a disappointment.

Choosing a dye

After the preparatory stage, you need to decide what color you want to get the textile product. A large selection of aniline dyes sold in retail chains will help you dye nylon mesh or dense fabrics in the desired color. Choose a product that matches the material and intended color.

It is not difficult to color curtains and tulle with purchased dyes; the main thing is to strictly follow all the steps prescribed in the instructions.

But not only aniline agents change the color of window curtains. You can color roller blinds and all other window treatments using available substances that can change the shade of the fabric. This is easy to do using:

  1. Tea leaves.
  2. Brilliant greenery (zelenka).
  3. Potassium permanganate.
  4. Onion peel.
  5. Juice of some products (beets, blueberries, blackberries, spinach).
  6. Coffee.

Painting process

Multicolored tulle

Preparing fabric for dyeing is a prerequisite when choosing any of the dyes. Only by dyeing clean fabric will you get the desired result. It is not necessary for the fabric to dry completely after washing; slightly damp tulle and curtains will absorb coloring pigments faster.

The color intensity of the product depends on the concentration of the dye and time.

Aniline dyes

When choosing this coloring method, do not experiment; you can effectively paint curtains a different color only by strictly following the instructions. The following options are possible:

  1. The dye is diluted in a small container until the dye is completely dissolved and poured into the main volume of water, where the tulle is then placed.
  2. The coloring agent is immediately added to a basin or pan, where warm water is added. The product to be painted is placed in this solution.


Painting the fabric with green paint should be done by those housewives who want to see window decorations in a greenish tint. Dissolve a little green pharmaceutical liquid in warm water and stir the contents of the container evenly. Then place a damp cloth there and leave for a short period of time. You can dye fabric with brilliant green at home evenly, without streaks and stains, if you periodically turn the tulle (curtains, nylon mesh) in a basin.

Potassium permangantsovka

You can paint curtains without much effort and material costs by using potassium permanganate. In this case, you will get a lilac shade. The entire painting process will take very little time, but the result will definitely please you. The principle of coloring is the same as when using brilliant green.

Tea and coffee

To give window curtains a beige or cream color, you can use tea leaves or ground coffee. Dying fabric with tea at home is as easy as using other natural dyes. Two teaspoons of tea leaves or coffee is enough to prepare a coloring solution. They need to be dipped in 1 liter of boiling water, wait until completely dissolved and strain. Then put the material to be painted into this “decoction”.

If the tulle is very large, then increase the proportions of coffee (tea) and water.


This product has good coloring properties and can dye curtains a different color.

In order to dye tulle at home, you need to cut the beets and fill them with alcohol or vodka (one bottle per kilogram of beets). Cook the beets until they are completely softened with the lid closed, strain the juice and use for coloring.


A concentrated decoction of onion peels can also change the color of window curtains.

If you have a desire to update your interior and want to do this by changing the color of the curtains, then this can be done very easily and economically at home. Before you paint nylon tulle, you need to decide what color you want to get in the end.

To dye this type of fabric, aniline dyes, tea, potassium permanganate, and brilliant green are usually used. Having chosen the color and dye, you also need to prepare washing powder, in this case soap is suitable, a container in which the product will be painted and washed, and two glasses of salt (salt helps to wash the material better and contributes to a brighter color of the product).

The process of repainting tulle

Step by step steps:

  1. The first thing you need to do is wash the tulle. First you need to soak it in warm water, after cooling the water needs to be replaced. This pattern is repeated several times. Next, in a prepared basin with diluted soap or powder and the addition of salt, the material is washed and dipped twice. It is advisable that the water is not hotter than 40 degrees. There is no need to rub with soap and squeeze, so that the fabric does not wrinkle and the appearance of the material does not deteriorate. After this, you need to rinse the tulle in warm water.
  2. Painting using aniline dye. When using this method, you must read the instructions for use, which will be given on the packaging of the dye. The dye is poured into non-hot water, and when the substance is completely dissolved, the material to be dyed is dropped into the resulting solution. You should soak it for as long as indicated in the instructions. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.
  3. When dyeing tulle with tea, you can get a creamy color. The brewing is done in this way: 2 small spoons of tea are poured with a liter of boiling water. When the tea leaves are infused, it should be strained. It is necessary to lower the tulle into the resulting solution. Depending on the desired color, the painting time will depend. Afterwards, you need to rinse and dry the tulle.
  4. When painting tulle with potassium permanganate or brilliant green, it is necessary to dissolve the chosen product in warm water (if brilliant green, then the finished product will be light green, if painted with potassium permanganate, then lilac), it is very important not to overdo it with the dye, so that there are no stains and streaks on the dyed tulle. The staining procedure is the same as in the previous methods.

As you can see, even at home, you can really get an excellent result when painting tulle curtains with a minimum of effort.