Why do geranium leaves turn yellow and dry? The indoor beauty geranium withers: why does this happen and what to do to make the flower come to life? Why does geranium wither in a pot at home?

It is very beautiful, has healing properties and is very easy to care for. However, sometimes you have to deal with the fact that the leaves of such a charming plant begin to fade. In this case, all the rules for growing a flower may be followed, but it still dries out and a yellow tint appears on the foliage. In such cases, you need to understand the possible causes of the problem and take measures to save the geranium.

Main reasons

Most often, geranium begins to fade when it feels discomfort or lack of some elements. The reasons for this may be different. Among them it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • cramped pot;
  • incorrect temperature conditions;
  • overflow and high humidity;
  • excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers.

When the pot chosen for a flower is too small, the plant feels a lack of space for normal growth. This leads to yellowing of the foliage and wilting of the flower. Therefore, when you see the first signs of poor health of a geranium, you should transplant it into a larger container. Transplantation is also carried out as the flower grows, and not only in case of wilting.

Geranium does not tolerate temperature changes. It is adversely affected by both an excess of heat and a lack of it. The optimal temperature regime for good flower growth and development ranges from 10 to 14°C. In winter, the plant is removed from the window sills to avoid the influence of drafts from window cracks. It is also not recommended to place a pot of geranium near radiators, as dry hot air will negatively affect its condition.

The cause of flower wilting can also be excessive watering and high humidity. In this case, the leaves become yellow. In this case, decay processes may occur. To avoid this, you should properly water the flower with a sufficient, but not excessive amount of water. The top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out; it should be slightly moist.

Excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers have a negative effect on the condition of geranium leaves. They begin to turn yellow and fade rapidly. Therefore, you should avoid feeding too frequently. When fertilizing the soil in the spring, you need to strictly follow the instructions and observe the required dosage. In summer, it is better to use potassium supplements, and in winter, refrain from fertilizing.

Preventing geraniums from wilting

To prevent geranium foliage from wilting, you should provide it with proper care. The flower loves light, fresh air, good, but not excessive watering. During hot periods, it is necessary to move the plant to the shade. Fertilizing should be done correctly, without overusing the amount of fertilizer. Do not forget about drainage, as geranium is very sensitive to damp soil. It is also necessary to take into account the optimal temperature regime, which is in the range of 10-15°C. As the flower grows, the plant is transplanted into a larger container. In addition, it is important to promptly get rid of diseases and pests that affect the flower.


The geranium flower is grown by many home gardeners. This unpretentious plant pleases with its long beautiful flowering and bush of green leaves. However, there are often situations when, under certain unfavorable conditions, the foliage begins to turn yellow and dry out, the flower takes on a not very beautiful appearance, and sometimes even dies. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to find out as quickly as possible - why the leaves of indoor geraniums turn yellow, what to do, how to save your favorite home flower?

Incorrect growing conditions

When choosing a place in the room for a new flower, you need to know that the reason why indoor geraniums turn yellow may be due to unsuitable conditions for growing them:

  1. For abundant flowering of pelargonium, good lighting is needed, but no direct sunlight. If the bush stands on a southern windowsill (especially in summer), yellow and brown spots will appear on its leaves. These are sunburns.
  2. If the geranium is stretched and its foliage turns pale, most likely it there is not enough lighting.
  3. One of the reasons for dry leaf tips is dry air in the apartment. In the fall, the heating radiators are turned on, from which warm, dry air emanates onto the bush growing on the windowsill.
  4. The leaves will not only turn yellow and black, but also wither if you place a flower pot in a draft.

What to do:

  • grow geraniums on eastern or western windowsills;
  • if the apartment only has southern windows, shade the plant or place it on a shelf near the window;
  • in a dark room, the flower will need additional lighting;
  • In winter when the batteries are on and in summer when it’s hot, spray the air around the plants or place containers of water nearby;
  • in winter, remove plants from window sills where windows open.

Errors in care

Many inexperienced flower growers, knowing that geranium is an unpretentious plant, do not pamper the flower with attention and are not first interested in how to properly care for it. As a result, after a while they wonder why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry?

Learn the basic and very simple rules for caring for pelargonium.

Air temperature

Geranium grows well in rooms with temperatures within +16..+25 degrees. At higher temperatures, the flower will dry out, and at lower temperatures, the root system may begin to rot due to hypothermia.


Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature. Water pelargonium only after the top layer of soil has dried.

With excessive watering the roots will not have time to absorb moisture, mold and fungi appear in the soil. As a result, the foliage turns yellow and withers. If no measures are taken, the flower will disappear.

What to do:

  • adjust watering;
  • water the soil with a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • if the soil begins to turn white, remove the top layer and add new soil;
  • if the bush withers, replant it in new soil, after removing the rotten roots (it is advisable to choose a smaller pot).

Negatively affects the development and flowering of geraniums constant dryness soil. Lack of moisture can lead to dry edges of leaves and falling buds. Due to regularly overdried soil, the leaves become yellow, dry and fall off.

Try to water the bush so that there is no stagnation of water, but the earthen ball does not dry out completely. Do not forget to pour out excess water from the pan, stagnation of which can lead to rotting of the lower roots.


From spring to autumn, all plants need additional feeding, since at this time they have a growing season. Today you can buy various complex fertilizers in specialized stores. There are even special fertilizers for geraniums. Be sure to use them strictly according to the instructions, since an excess of various elements also negatively affects the growth and development of the flower.

Transplanting and choosing a pot

Pelargonium transplantation should be carried out as needed. Young bushes are replanted every year, and adult plants once every 2-3 years.

Each subsequent pot should be only 2-3 cm larger than the old one. If you plant a small bush immediately in a large pot, it will not grow until its roots fill the container. In addition, in a large volume of soil, small roots will not cope with moisture. The plant may turn yellow and die. Even if the bush begins to grow, its leaves will be small.

Be sure to choose soil suitable for geraniums in the store. It should be loose, light and nutritious. When replanting, the bottom of the pot is filled with drainage so that excess water does not stagnate and is easily poured into the tray.


Why do the leaves of indoor geraniums dry out if they are properly cared for? In this case, carefully examine the leaves and stems on which pests may settle.

Most people like pelargonium:

  1. Spider mites- barely noticeable insects that can be seen on the back of the leaf. They weave sticky webs between the leaves. As a result of their vital activity, the leaves begin to dry out, curl up, and fall off.
  2. Aphid is a larger pest and may be green or grey. You can see a large number of aphids clinging to the stems. Insects feed on plant sap, causing the leaves to first turn yellow and then wither.
  3. Mealybug- a pest that looks like small pieces of cotton wool. It affects both above-ground and underground parts of plants.

If pests are not controlled, the flower will die after a while. In addition, insects quickly move to nearby growing plants.

If there are few pests, you can try to destroy them with folk remedies (garlic infusion, etc.). But it is best to immediately take drastic measures and use special preparations - insecticides.


Errors in care, contaminated soil, unsuitable conditions - all this can cause geraniums to become infected with a viral or fungal disease. The most common:

  1. Rust– the disease can be recognized by dark brown spots on the leaves, around which light stains form. After some time, the foliage dries and falls off.
  2. Dropsy recognized by small bubbles on the underside of the leaf blades. After some time, the leaves become pale yellow and rough.

Almost all diseases manifest themselves as yellowing of the leaves, which after some time may begin to dry out or wither.

The main causes of diseases are cold air, waterlogging of the soil, the use of cold water for irrigation, and soil that is not disinfected before planting the flower.

If geranium leaves begin to turn yellow, dry, wither, or become smaller, carefully examine all parts of the flower. If there are no pests, remove the affected leaves and treat the bush with a solution of the fungicide Privekur, Fundazol, Trichodermin or others.

Attention! A small number of lower leaves may turn yellow in pelargonium after transplanting into another pot or moving the flower from place to place. There is nothing wrong with this, since the plant is simply acclimatizing. Also, over time, the lower old leaves of geraniums turn yellow and dry out. The process is natural. They will just need to be cut off.

Now you know why the leaves of indoor geraniums can turn yellow, and also how to save the flower. But, if you choose a suitable place for your pelargonium and take proper care of it, it will not get sick and will thank you with its long, lush flowering.

Loses its attractiveness. Its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. How to avoid this?

If a plant gradually loses its lower leaves, this is a natural process. It grows new leaves and loses old ones. But this rarely happens; geraniums can lose no more than 1 leaf per month. If the leaves fall more often, the plant is suffering from a disease or improper care.

Yellowing and drying occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Excess or lack of moisture;
  • Excess or lack of fertilizers;
  • Direct sunlight;
  • Cramped pot;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Insufficient lighting;
  • High humidity.

Incorrect watering mode

If you water too much, it will almost always cause the root or stem to rot. The defeat of a fungal infection quickly affects the appearance of the plant.

It grows worse, and the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out. Often only 2-3 leaves remain on the tips of the shoots before it can be determined that the plant is affected by root rot.

Geranium reacts in almost the same way to a lack of moisture in the soil. It also begins to shed its lower leaves, and the trunk is unsightly exposed. But the upper young leaf blades become sluggish and droop.

Proper watering of geraniums should be regular and moderate.. The earthen ball should not be overdried, but there should not be stagnation of water in the soil. Typically, geraniums are watered 1-2 times a week in summer, and no more than once every 2 weeks in winter, to keep the soil moist.

Excess or lack of fertilizers

To maintain a healthy geranium bush, regular feeding is needed. Use complex liquid fertilizers for flowering plants. Feed twice a month, but only in spring and summer. In autumn and during winter dormancy, fertilizing cannot be carried out.

If there is a lack of nutrients and minerals in the soil, geranium may begin to shed its leaves. This happens in the absence of feeding in the summer.

In summer, the plant blooms profusely, this requires intensive nutrition, the soil is quickly depleted. Soon it becomes impossible to maintain all the leaf mass in a healthy state, so the plant sheds some of its leaves.

It is not recommended to overuse fertilizers for geraniums.. When there is an excess of organic matter and minerals in the soil, especially nitrogenous compounds, geranium leaves turn yellow, and then become covered with dry spots and fall off. This flower must be fed very carefully so as not to overfeed.

Direct sunlight

Although geranium is a light-loving plant, direct sunlight causes burns on its leaves. At first, the burned areas appear as yellow spots that gradually dry out. As a result, the affected leaf falls off.

In direct sun, the plant loses not the lower, but the upper leaves; the bush can burn on one side, but on the other the leaves will remain healthy.

Geraniums are usually placed on south-eastern windows, where there is a lot of diffused light and few direct rays.. In other places the bush needs to be shaded. If geranium is planted in open ground for the summer, it is better to plant it in the garden under the protection of tree foliage.

Incorrectly selected pot

In order for geraniums to bloom profusely, they cannot be planted in a very large pot. But this does not mean that containers that are too small are good for this plant.

Gardeners who grow geranium in small pots are faced with yellowing and drying of its leaves, stunting of growth and lack of flowering.

Geranium roots need to fit in the pot and be able to grow. Otherwise, they will begin to grow outward through the surface of the earth and drainage holes. The plant will not be able to feed normally and will begin to shed its lower leaves. If it is not transplanted into a larger container, it will lose its foliage, wither and die.

Temperature changes

When caring for geraniums, it is advisable to keep them stable indoors, without sudden changes. The leaves of the plant immediately respond to a decrease in temperature. They wither, curl, and then turn yellow.

The flower also reacts painfully to rising temperatures, cold drafts and hot air currents from heating devices.

To make geranium look elegant and decorative, you should not place it near opening windows or balcony doors, so that the cold during ventilation does not damage it.

You also need to remove geranium bushes from air conditioners, electric heaters and radiators.

Insufficient lighting

Lack of light is detrimental to geraniums. In partial shade or shade it becomes very elongated. Its shoots weaken and may break under their own weight.

An elongated flower sheds its lower leaves. They turn yellow and dry out. As a result, only bare stems with young leaves at the ends may remain. Such a plant looks pathetic and never blooms.

Geraniums need good indirect lighting. If wide leaves grow on it, and the distance between the nodes is small, the lighting is chosen correctly.

High humidity

High air humidity in the room where geraniums grow can cause the development of fungal infections. Often the plant is covered with rust, and yellow-brown spots form on the leaves, which then dry out. This disease is difficult to fight. Repeated treatment of the bush with antifungal drugs is necessary.

There is no need to specifically increase the humidity level. spraying is very harmful to geraniums. If water gets on the leaves, it can cause rotten areas that will dry out over time. The affected leaf will turn yellow and fall off.

To keep the stems and leaves of geraniums healthy, dry air is needed. It is useful to ventilate the room to reduce humidity. You can take the bush out into the open air into the garden in the summer.

No rest period

Geraniums should not grow in winter. It overwinters at lower temperatures and rests before growing and flowering in the spring.

Without a dormant period, geranium does not bloom!

If the plant is kept at room temperature in winter, it will very quickly become ugly elongated. After all, in winter there is always not enough light for its development, therefore, if geranium grows in winter, it stretches and grows. And at the same time it loses its leaves. Providing the plant with a period of rest will help avoid this.

A home healer on the windowsill - fragrant geranium. She is absolutely unpretentious in her care and has no whims when choosing a place to live. An adequate young lady, what can I say. But search engines often come up with the question why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry out. What to do?

Some flower growers believe that if a flower is described as unpretentious, it means it grows on its own. If they remember, they look after him, if they don’t remember, maybe he’ll survive somehow. But any indoor plant requires at least minimal care. And geranium is no exception.

Let's look at the reasons for yellowing and drying of geranium foliage.

Lack of light

Signs. The lower leaves gradually turn yellow and dry out, the stem becomes elongated, and the geranium blooms very rarely and little.

Solution. Change your young lady's place of residence. Place it closer to the light or even add additional lighting with phytolamps. Do not touch the leaves themselves. You can pinch the crown so that the geranium grows wider. Otherwise, only a bare stem and a bunch of leaves at the top will remain.

If you already have such a “miracle”, then the best option would be cutting cuttings and rooting. Because new leaves will no longer grow on the stem.


Signs. The leaf blades turn yellow and then turn white throughout the entire plant. Then they dry out.

Solution. Geranium is of course light-loving and can easily tolerate direct sunlight. But there is a limit to everything. For example, in recent years, the summer of the middle zone has brought incredible surprises. On the windowsill the temperature can be well over +40°C. Even a cactus will wither here, let alone a geranium.

Be sure to shade the bush for the summer with white paper or a curtain made of cotton fabric. If the window design does not allow it, then simply move the pot from the windowsill to a table or bedside table near the window. There will be enough light, but there will be no burn.

Excess moisture

Signs. The leaves turn yellow at the tops of the shoots, then become limp and watery. The last stage is the rotting of the stem and drying of the leaves.

Solution. Stop creating a swamp in your geranium pot. Check the drainage holes for debris and overgrown roots. If this problem persists, then carefully remove the holes. Or better yet, transplant the plant into another pot.

Water your pet correctly. Since geraniums are often placed on a sunny window, the top layer of soil dries out quite quickly, forming a crust. But it's still quite humid down there. Many people are too lazy to dig up the soil before the next watering and see what is happening below the crust level. And the geranium is watered again.

Get into the habit of sticking a wooden skewer or sushi stick all the way to the bottom of the pot for 12-14 minutes. Then take it out and look. Unpainted wood will clearly show the moisture level in the ground.

And further. Geranium does not have a strict regular drinking schedule. Water is given to the plant only when the soil in the pot is almost completely dry.

Water scarcity

Signs. The leaves of geranium have a dry yellow border of a dark, almost brown hue. Pigmentation is noticeable throughout the plant.

Solution. Watering is discussed above. You should not rush from one extreme to another and completely dry out the earthen lump. Geranium is also a living plant and loves to eat and drink. Especially in summer and in the heat.

Don't have time to water your flower often? Place him in more reliable hands. Or change the geranium’s place of residence, where the temperature is lower. This way, the moisture from the pot will evaporate more slowly, and the roots will not absorb it at the speed of the pump.

By the way, if possible, then in the summer you can not torment the beauty with a hot window sill, but transplant it directly into open ground. Just not in direct sun. Preferably where you most often run with a watering can or watering hose. In autumn you won’t recognize your geranium. Instead of a stunted stick with yellowing, drying leaves, a beautiful powerful bush with juicy green burdocks will grow.

Just don’t plant it in the far corner of the garden or plot. You'll definitely forget.

Low temperature content

Signs. The border on all leaves is red at first, then turns yellow and dries.

Solution. The normal temperature range for keeping geranium is from +15 to +24°C. A lower thermometer reading is completely uncomfortable for the plant. The cold season is especially rich in unpleasant surprises. Hot, dry air comes from the heating radiators, and cold and damp air blows from the window. So it’s no wonder that geraniums get sick.

Move the pot to a more comfortable place with an acceptable temperature and normal air humidity. If this is not possible, then do the following:

  1. Cover the radiators under the window with a thick towel or blanket. Better wet. This eliminates excessive dry air.
  2. Cold glass is fenced off from the pot with a plate of polystyrene foam or a strip of foam insulation. Even a piece of cork coaster or a piece of thick woolen fabric will do.
  3. The same materials are placed under the pot to insulate the root system.
  4. Place the geranium on the windowsill so that the shoots and leaves do not touch the glass.

As you can see, the procedures are not that complicated, but the benefits from them are enormous. Thanks to these actions, the temperature of keeping geraniums on the windowsill in winter is equalized. It is close to the room and does not fluctuate from drafts from the window. The leaves will stop turning yellow and drying out.

Fungal diseases

Signs. First, yellow spots appear on the leaves. Over time, they grow over the entire surface. Sometimes a gray or whitish coating of mold may appear. Then the leaf blades dry out. The fungus affects the entire plant.

Solution. When the disease has just begun, treatment should be started immediately. Otherwise, it will be impossible to save the geranium later. Spray with any suitable systemic fungicide. Strictly according to the instructions and without increasing the dosage.

A small young plant can simply be dipped entirely into the medicinal solution. Most likely, it will not be possible to bathe an adult large bush. But it is necessary to spray thoroughly, until all leaf plates are completely wetted from the outside and inside. Because the fibers trap microdrops of the solution and prevent it from working directly with the green mass.

If time has already passed and the plant is completely affected (the fungus has spread to the stem), then fungicides will no longer help. Can you find shoots that are not heavily infected? Cut them off with a sterile knife or blade. Then try to root it. Couldn't find at least one healthy twig? You'll have to say goodbye to geraniums.

By the way, the soil from under it also needs to be thrown out. Before the next use, the pot must be disinfected with boiling water or a hot, strong solution of potassium permanganate.


Signs. Small yellow dots appear on the leaves. Uninvited guests are always clearly visible from the underside of the burlap trees. Sometimes there are cobwebs or a sticky coating on the shoots. Then the dots grow into spots and the leaves dry out. Absolutely any part of the plant can be damaged.

Solution. Found enemies? Get rid of them immediately! Not only do they suck out all the nutritional juices and vitality from the geranium, but pests also often carry pathogenic bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi.

There are recommendations to use a solution of laundry or potassium soap to wash the leaves. You can try it. This method works well with nasty guests. The difficulty of using it is that the fluff on the geranium prevents the soap solution from thoroughly washing the leaves.

In this regard, any systemic insecticide with complex action is much more convenient. Even if you fail to thoroughly wet the leaves with the solution, some part will remain on the fibers and will certainly fall on insects.


Signs. The leaves turn yellow evenly throughout the entire plant, first from the edges, then as a whole. Gradually they dry out, leaving a bare trunk. There is no flowering and is not expected. The roots are visible from the drainage hole.

Solution. The reason is banal: the geranium’s pot has become too small. This plant is quite tolerant of small containers. Requires transplantation every 3-4 years. But sometimes, with good care and high-quality feeding, the flower grows too quickly. This is especially true for young plants.

Just transplant the geranium into a larger home. Just not by much. Otherwise, you won’t see flowers in the next 2 years. The plant will begin to intensively grow its root system to the detriment of foliage and buds. It is very important not to feed it for 3 months after transplantation. This is a time of acclimatization and habituation.

By the way, if you notice thickenings, bumps or knots on the roots, then we sympathize with you. Geranium is affected by root nematode. This can also cause yellowing and drying of the leaves. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be cured. You will have to throw away the entire plant along with the soil and pot.

Even prolonged soaking of the container in bleach or boiling does not give a 100% result in getting rid of the larvae and the worms themselves.

After discovering such nasty things, you will have to inspect all neighboring plants. Often they also have to be disposed of. Do not buy plants at spontaneous markets and avoid a similar fate.

Those who truly love home flowers will never worry about why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry. What to do? - they also know very well. This article will help everyone else, including beginners.

Video: how to care for geraniums

This tropical indoor beauty loves a lot of light, so for active growth and flowering it must be placed in well-lit places. On hot summer days, do not forget to shade the flower from direct rays to avoid sunburn. In winter, use additional lighting.

Important! Comfortable temperature is a prerequisite for the growth of geraniums. In summer – 22-27 degrees, in winter – 12-16 degrees.

Ventilate the room regularly, while avoiding drafts.

The most An important procedure in caring for a tropical crop is regular and abundant watering. Especially often, at the first signs of dry soil, it is necessary to water the plant in the summer.

Why does the plant wither?

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why geraniums may begin to fade.

Lack of light

With a lack of lighting, the stem stretches, and the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out. As a result, the indoor pet blooms little and rarely. In this case, the pot must be moved closer to the light or additional lighting in the form of lamps must be added. There is no need to touch the leaves, otherwise only a bare stem will remain.

To make the geranium begin to grow wider, you can pinch its crown. If it was not possible to rehabilitate the plant in time, then the only option left is cutting cuttings and rooting.


If you notice that the leaf blades begin and then dry out, then the flower has received a sunburn. Geranium loves light very much, but direct sunlight is very dangerous for it.

On hot summer days, be sure to shade the flower curtain or white paper, or remove the pot from the windowsill onto a nearby cabinet.

Excess moisture in a flower pot

If there is an excess of moisture, the leaves begin to turn yellow at the tops of the shoots and become sluggish and watery. As a result, if measures are not taken, the stem will rot and the leaves will dry out.

Note! Do not allow water to stagnate in the flower pot!

The drainage holes must not be clogged with anything. For prevention, you can transplant the plant into another pot. Also, tropical crops must be properly watered. Before the next watering, the entire soil should be dry - not just on top. You can check the soil for dryness with a regular wooden stick.

Water scarcity

Geranium loves regular moisture. The main signs that there is not enough water are a dry yellow-brown border and pigmentation throughout the plant.

Water the flower as soon as the soil in the pot is completely dry.

Low temperature content

When the exotic young lady begins to freeze, it appears on its leaves, which then dries.

Observe temperature conditions. Especially in winter. Move the plant away from heating radiators and drafts. Or, cover the batteries with a thick blanket or towel, relieving your pet of dry air. The shoots and leaves of the flower should not touch the window glass.

Fungal diseases

Yellow leaves growing over the entire surface are a sign of a fungal disease (read in detail about the most common causes of geranium diseases, and from this you will learn about diseases of plant leaves). The leaf blades dry out over time, and the fungus affects the entire flower. It is necessary to start treatment as early as possible. Spray with a suitable fungicide.

Young geranium can be completely dipped into the medicinal solution. Spray the adult plant thoroughly.

If the fungus has already infected the stem, then fungicides will not help. Both the plant and the soil must be disposed of, and the pot must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water.


  1. You can wash the leaves with a solution of laundry or potassium soap.
  2. You can treat the plant with any complex action insecticide.


Important! If the pot has become too small for the geranium, its leaves begin to turn yellow evenly from the edges. Then they dry out, leaving only a bare trunk. In this case, you can’t expect flowering.

It is enough to replant a tropical crop once every 3-4 years. But if a flower grows quickly, then it needs a larger home. In this case, transplant the indoor beauty into a slightly larger pot - do not overdo it with the size. Otherwise, you won’t see flowering for another couple of years. Instead of foliage and buds, it will grow a root system.

After transplantation, there is no need to feed geraniums for three months.

What to do to prevent the flower from fading?

It’s easy to avoid the wilting of your tropical pet - just follow the basic rules of care. Tropical the flower loves good lighting, fresh air and regular watering.

Geranium leaves can wilt for various reasons. Diagnose the problem in time, take the necessary measures, and then the tropical beauty will delight you with abundant and bright flowering for a long time.

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Perennial garden geraniums are unpretentious. If they are planted in a place suitable for this species, drought-resistant ones - in the sun in well-drained soil, moisture-loving ones - in partial shade in moist soil, there are usually no problems when growing, the plants can grow without transplanting for up to 10-15 years. Diseases and pests affect geraniums rarely and insignificantly, almost never leading to their death.

Sometimes, in cold and wet years, fungal diseases appear on plants: powdery mildew, brown spot, gray rot. Diseased leaves and stems must be cut out and burned; for powdery mildew, treat with Bordeaux mixture; for gray rot and brown spot, treat with any fungicide. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to cut them off immediately after flowering or at the beginning of the dying of leaves. When pruned after flowering, new shoots appear, some species bloom again.

Due to the hard, pubescent leaves rich in essential oils, pests usually do not attack the crop. In rare cases, during hot, dry weather, spider mites may appear; any insecticide can be used to combat them, but usually it is enough to treat the affected areas, stems and internodes, with a soap solution.

With proper care, indoor geraniums also rarely get sick. Diseases of geranium and damage by pests are usually the result of improper maintenance - lack of lighting, high humidity or dryness of air and soil, and violation of temperature conditions. The appearance of a flower can tell which of the unfavorable factors is affecting it at the moment.

Why do geraniums get sick: the leaves dry out and turn yellow

If the lower leaves of a geranium dry out and fall off, the stem is exposed, which means the plant does not have enough light. It should be moved to a more illuminated place, for example, to a south window; in winter, additional lighting should be provided with a fluorescent lamp.

It is more difficult to answer the question of why geraniums turn yellow. There may be several reasons. If the leaves turn yellow at the top of the bush, become lethargic, and rot, then the plant is experiencing an excess of moisture. It is necessary to reduce watering. This indoor flower is watered only when the lump of earth in the pot is completely dry to the touch, and excess moisture is drained from the pan.

When the leaves of a geranium turn yellow, located below, while they remain elastic or dry only at the edges, this indicates a lack of moisture. It is necessary to increase watering.

Sometimes the leaves turn yellow when moving a flower from open ground or from a balcony to a closed room. In this case, after acclimatization, the yellowing stops.

In too hot weather, you can observe how the leaves of geraniums turn yellow or white. Usually, therefore, high temperatures affect the young growth of leaves; later they will dry out and fall off, so in summer it is better to shade the plants from the bright midday sun.

If geranium leaves turn red around the edges, the likely cause is low temperature. The flower should be moved away from the window or moved to a warmer place, providing it with a temperature of about 18 ° C. Redness of geranium leaves may also indicate a lack of nutrition, in which case the plant should be fed or replanted.

The cause of discoloration of leaves is a common fungal disease, rust, which leads to the appearance of yellowing spots on them and their subsequent drying out. Sometimes plants become covered with mold, which indicates infection with gray rot caused by the Botrius fungus. If such signs are present, treatment with special preparations – fungicides – is necessary.

The risk of fungal diseases increases when the soil is waterlogged. It also causes a non-infectious disease such as edema, in which soft, watery pads appear on the leaves. For prevention, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often and reduce watering.

Under unfavorable conditions, planted cuttings and seedlings of geranium are affected by blackleg. To avoid this, it is necessary to plant plants in disinfected soil. Sterilizing the soil during transplantation will also help prevent the occurrence of viral diseases.

A dangerous disease that causes the death of a flower is root nematode, which manifests itself in the formation of large nodes on its roots. Affected specimens are destroyed and the soil is thrown away, as it cannot be used for any other plants.

Pests on the leaves may include aphids, mites and whiteflies. To destroy aphids, the flower can be washed with a solution of laundry soap, and the crown can be thoroughly rinsed to remove mites with running water. Whitefly is more dangerous, the appearance of which is promoted by high temperature and dry air. This pest adapts very quickly to pesticides; to destroy it, the drugs must be alternated, so it is better to prevent whiteflies from appearing on house plants at all.

Why doesn't geranium bloom at home?

Another problem that arises when growing indoor geraniums is the lack of flowering.

The reasons why geranium does not bloom may be the following:

  • if the plant stops blooming in the fall, there is no need to worry, most likely it has entered a dormant period, the flower should be pruned, watering and fertilizing should be reduced;
  • if the bush looks healthy, the lack of flowering is most likely caused by a warm winter;
  • a pot that is too large also does not contribute to lush flowering, which begins only after the roots completely fill the container;
  • finally, unfavorable conditions, namely, lack of lighting, low temperature, lack of fertilizing and pruning also delay the flowering of geraniums.

It is no secret that in most cases the reason why the leaves of indoor plants dry out and turn yellow is due to improper care.

If the situation is not corrected, this may ultimately lead to the complete death of the plant. Therefore, you should study the typical shortcomings in growing geraniums at home.

Mistakes when planting and replanting plants

Sometimes the reason why geranium leaves acquire an unhealthy yellow color and begin to gradually die is an incorrectly selected pot. If its size is too small for the root system (especially in plants whose age is several years old), then pelargonium does not have enough capacity for development. But you should not choose a pot that is too large: in this case, the geranium will begin to actively grow roots to the detriment of green mass and flowering, which is also undesirable.

When planting a plant, it is important to ensure good drainage. Expanded clay purchased at a flower shop or the hardware department of a supermarket is ideal. If there is insufficient drainage, excess moisture will not leave the soil. Proper air circulation will also be impaired. In some cases, the yellow color of the leaves is caused by damage to the roots due to careless transplantation.

Lack of minerals

The supply of minerals found in the soil is a resource that quickly runs out. And immediately after transplanting into new soil, the elements are not always contained in the required quantities. But geranium spends a lot of energy on flowering and growth. Therefore, there is a need for additional and regular addition of mineral complexes to the soil through root feeding. The need for them increases during the growing season, when pelargonium is actively growing and blooming. A lack of minerals often causes the leaves to turn yellow. But It is important to remember that an excess of elements will also negatively affect the condition of the plant.

Improper care at home

As already said, geranium is a fairly unpretentious home flower, feeling good in the room. But to prevent diseases and yellow leaves from appearing, you must try to provide it with suitable conditions in which the plant will feel comfortable.

Pelargonium loves light, but direct sunlight is harmful to its leaves. Low and excessive air humidity in the room can cause great damage to the appearance of the plant. Its optimal figure is 50–60%. Geranium dries in cool drafts. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to keep the pot away from heating devices in the apartment - the heat from them will cause the leaves to turn yellow and dry out. It is better to take it out to a cool glazed balcony if the temperature in the loggia remains around 12 °C, reducing watering to once a week.

Another common mistake is related to watering. Its frequency should depend on the time of year: in warm months, geraniums need to be watered more often. You should also pay attention to the quality of the water. If it is too hard, it will lead to excess calcium in the soil. The leaves will react to this and turn yellow. To make water suitable for irrigation, it must be allowed to settle for several days; add a couple of drops of lemon juice or a small pinch of citric acid.

What to do if geranium leaves turn yellow

The plant can be saved if the necessary measures are taken in time. First of all you should:

  1. Make sure the pot is suitable for geraniums and has good drainage. If necessary, you need to transplant it into a container that meets all the criteria as soon as possible. If the geranium blooms, then all flower stalks must first be carefully cut off.
  2. The pot should be placed on the sunny side. If the plant is exposed to direct rays, you will need to create temporary artificial shading. It is important that pelargonium does not stand in a draft.
  3. Avoid exposure of geranium to heating devices.
  4. If possible, maintain an acceptable temperature during the cold season. In other months there are no strict recommendations in this regard.
  5. If the air is too dry, you can place a container of water or moistened expanded clay next to the pot. Florists do not recommend spraying.
  6. Adjust watering and fertilizing of the plant. It must receive sufficient amounts of water and minerals. But overflow and excess of elements are also destructive.

When caring for pelargonium in an apartment, it is best to adhere to the “golden mean” rule. If you correct the mistakes described above in time, the flower will not disappear and will quickly recover, delighting you with carved green leaves and abundant flowering.

Pelargonium: other diseases and care errors

Geranium leaves indicate the health of the entire plant. This is a kind of indicator that can indicate possible diseases of pelargonium, incorrect watering and fertilizing patterns. There are some specific “symptoms” that can tell you a lot.

The edges of geranium leaves dry out

If the edges of the leaf blades of a geranium begin to dry, there may be two reasons for this condition:

  1. The plant does not receive enough moisture. This drying usually occurs if the pot is in a very hot place. It is better to move the geranium to partial shade.
  2. The root system of pelargonium was damaged. You can try to replant the plant by treating the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. But to be on the safe side, it is better to cut and root the cuttings in water or soil so as not to lose the variety.

Leaves curl inward

If the leaves of pelargonium begin to curl inward, this may be evidence of an imbalance of mineral substances. This condition is caused by a lack of nitrogen or excess potassium. Nitrogen is needed in large quantities only during the growth stages of the plant, Therefore, the leaves of young plants often curl. To prevent deficiency or oversaturation of elements, it is recommended to use ready-made complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants: they contain substances in the required proportions.

Often the cause of leaves curled at the edges is pests. Most often - spider mites. To detect it, you need to examine the leaf blades of pelargonium from all sides. It is advisable to use a magnifying glass. Ticks can be easily treated with chemicals - insecticides. Several treatments may be required.

Viral infection is much more dangerous. With it, the inflorescences take on a clumsy, ugly shape. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the geranium. It should be thrown out of the house to prevent the infection from spreading to other indoor plants.

Pelargonium withers in a pot

If a geranium withers in a pot and slowly dies, then the reason lies in root rot. This disease can easily destroy a plant. Such pelargonium is usually thrown away, cutting off healthy cuttings for further rooting. The instruments must then be disinfected. To avoid root rot, you should try not to overwater the plant and ensure good drainage.

Geranium leaves turn black

Geranium leaves turn black if not cared for properly. Dry spots are associated with insufficient moisture, and “wet” spots that are slippery to the touch, on the contrary, are associated with excess moisture. Sometimes mealybugs are the cause of black spots. A plant infected with them begins to shed its leaves. In places where scale insects live, sooty fungi form, causing a black coating to appear. This disease is treated with insecticides.

White plaque on the plant

The leaves are getting smaller

Pelargonium leaves inevitably become smaller with age. If the plant is too old, then its freshest shoots should be cut off for further rooting. Other causes of small leaves in pelargonium may be:

  • nitrogen starvation (it is necessary to additionally apply the substance in the form of foliar feeding);
  • low indoor air humidity;
  • high air temperature.

Pelargonium leaves turn yellow and dry: preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent yellowing of leaves than to cure an already diseased plant. To avoid having to fight to save your favorite geranium, you should:

  1. Replant the pelargonium in a suitable pot in a timely manner.
  2. Find a place for it, closed from drafts, with enough diffused light.
  3. Water as the earthen clod dries out.
  4. Apply mineral complex fertilizers suitable for flowering plants in a timely manner. The application rates and schedule are indicated in the instructions for the product. During the flowering period, it is recommended to do root feeding twice a month. Organic fertilizers will also be useful.
  5. In winter, you need to try to keep the geranium cool.
  6. Regularly inspect the plant for infection by pests, bacteria, fungi and viruses, providing treatment if necessary.

Yellowing of geranium leaves is an alarming sign. It is important to understand in time the cause of such a plant malaise. By carefully examining it and analyzing the conditions under which the pelargonium is kept, you can find what provoked such a reaction. The sooner the errors are corrected, the less damage will be done to the geranium.

Many gardeners prefer growing geraniums, because this flower is very beautiful, has healing properties and is very easy to care for. However, sometimes you have to deal with the fact that the leaves of such a charming plant begin to fade. In this case, all the rules for growing a flower may be followed, but it still dries out and a yellow tint appears on the foliage. In such cases, you need to understand the possible causes of the problem and take measures to save the geranium.

Main reasons

Most often, geranium begins to fade when it feels discomfort or lack of some elements. The reasons for this may be different. Among them it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • cramped pot;
  • incorrect temperature conditions;
  • overflow and high humidity;
  • excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers.

When the pot chosen for a flower is too small, the plant feels a lack of space for normal growth. This leads to yellowing of the foliage and wilting of the flower. Therefore, when you see the first signs of poor health of a geranium, you should transplant it into a larger container. Transplantation is also carried out as the flower grows, and not only in case of wilting.

Geranium does not tolerate temperature changes. It is adversely affected by both an excess of heat and a lack of it. The optimal temperature regime for good flower growth and development ranges from 10 to 14°C. In winter, the plant is removed from the window sills to avoid the influence of drafts from window cracks. It is also not recommended to place a pot of geranium near radiators, as dry hot air will negatively affect its condition.

The cause of flower wilting can also be excessive watering and high humidity. In this case, the leaves become yellow. In this case, decay processes may occur. To avoid this, you should properly water the flower with a sufficient, but not excessive amount of water. The top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out; it should be slightly moist.

Excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers have a negative effect on the condition of geranium leaves. They begin to turn yellow and fade rapidly. Therefore, you should avoid feeding too frequently. When fertilizing the soil in the spring, you need to strictly follow the instructions and observe the required dosage. In summer, it is better to use potassium supplements, and in winter, refrain from fertilizing.

Preventing geraniums from wilting

To prevent geranium foliage from wilting, you should provide it with proper care. The flower loves light, fresh air, good, but not excessive watering. During hot periods, it is necessary to move the plant to the shade. Fertilizing should be done correctly, without overusing the amount of fertilizer. Do not forget about drainage, as geranium is very sensitive to damp soil. It is also necessary to take into account the optimal temperature regime, which is in the range of 10-15°C. As the flower grows, the plant is transplanted into a larger container. In addition, it is important to promptly get rid of diseases and pests that affect the flower.

Thus, geranium leaves may begin to wilt for various reasons. But timely measures aimed at saving the flower and proper care will help get rid of the problem.