How to feed cabbage at the dacha. How to feed cabbage: folk remedies. Slurry as fertilizer for cabbage

You can achieve a good harvest in your garden by caring for your vegetables at every stage of their development. You can help seedlings turn into juicy and tasty heads of cabbage with the help of special fertilizers. And we will tell you how to do this below.

Fertilizer for white cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable crop that has adapted well to the conditions of our country. You can prepare many dishes from it, and it has long been successfully grown throughout Russia. And if a few decades ago, mainly organic matter was used as nutrients for this crop, today, with the help of the chemical industry, several fertilizers have been developed that can provide a rich harvest even when growing this vegetable, even in the far north.

Domestic enthusiasts successfully use organic fertilizers such as humus, ash and chicken manure to grow large and juicy heads of cabbage. And superphosphate, nitrophoska and ammonium nitrate are very popular in our country as mineral fertilizers for this plant.

When is the first time to feed cabbage?

The first application of fertilizers should occur after planting the seedlings of this vegetable plant from seedling boxes into the ground. During this period, the tops need to increase their mass and need nitrogen-containing additives.

Even before this stage, experienced gardeners fill the cabbage holes with special nutrient mixtures. This stage of growing this crop is especially important if the beds have not been properly prepared since the fall.

In this case, before planting cabbage, you need to prepare a complex mixture consisting of:

  • Humus (500 g) can be replaced with compost
  • Superphosphate (1 teaspoon) can be replaced with nitrophoska
  • Wood ash (1-2 tablespoons)

This mixture must be added to each hole where the seedlings of this plant will be planted.

Feeding cabbage seedlings after picking

Today, more and more gardeners are abandoning such a process as picking seedlings. Firstly, not all plants can tolerate it well. And, secondly, this is a time-consuming process. You can do without it and still grow a rich harvest.

However, if you use picking in your arsenal, you should definitely feed the seedlings after it. To do this, you can use a mixture of ammonium nitrate (3 g), potassium chloride (1 g) and superphosphate (4 g).

How to feed cabbage after planting in the ground?

If the holes were prepared in the manner described above, then fertilizer can be applied no earlier than 25-30 days after planting. But, if you haven’t done this, be sure to feed the cabbage 10 days after planting it in the beds.

The first feeding should be a source of nitrogenous fertilizers and be aimed at accelerating plant growth. We present to you several types of fertilizers that can be used as the first fertilizing:

  • Mullein (500 ml) diluted in water (10 liters)
  • Ammonium nitrate (1 box) diluted in water (10 liters) - used for spraying cabbage (foliar feeding)
  • Potassium humate (20 g) diluted in water (10 liters)
  • Ash (200 g) and superphosphate (60 g) diluted in water (10 liters)
  • Urea (10 g), potassium chloride (10 g) and superphosphate (20 g) diluted in water (10 liters)

Under each cabbage seedling you need to pour 500 ml of one of the listed fertilizers.

IMPORTANT: If the soil in your cabbage beds is acidic, then you need to add chalk, slaked lime or ash at the rate of 2 cups per 1 square meter. Such soil treatment will make it suitable for growing vegetables and will reduce the development of diseases such as clubroot.

Phosphorus fertilizers for cabbage

For cabbage to fully develop, it needs phosphorus fertilizers. After all, the lack of this substance leads to disastrous consequences that can directly affect the meager harvest of this vegetable crop. The first signs of phosphorus deficiency are darkened leaves with bright purple edges. Head formation takes longer than usual.

The most popular organic supplement to restore the required level of phosphorus is bone meal. These are processed cattle bones that are rich not only in phosphorus, but also in many dietary supplements. Bone meal is used to feed all types of agricultural crops, including cabbage.

Bone meal is not used for instant feeding. But, it can be added to the beds 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings on them.

Another popular phosphorus fertilizer is ammonium hydrogen phosphate (diammophos). This is a concentrated fertilizer that not only improves the development and formation of large heads of cabbage, but can also affect the taste of this popular vegetable. At the same time, this additive does not contain nitrates and has a relatively low cost.

Ammonium hydrogen phosphate is added to the soil before planting cabbage at the rate of 5 - 10 g per 1 m2.

The most popular phosphorus fertilizer, used by a large number of domestic gardeners, is superphosphate. This fertilizer contains compounds useful for plants such as monocalcium phosphate, sulfur, phosphoric acid, magnesium and other elements. Superphosphate is used to strengthen the immune system of garden crops and increase their productivity.

Most often, superphosphate (50 - 100 g) is diluted in water (10 liters) and watered with it at the roots of the plants.

Some useful elements of phosphorus fertilizers are quite difficult to absorb by plants. Therefore, most of these fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall. In winter, they enrich the topsoil and prepare it for planting cultivated plants.

Feeding cauliflower and regular cabbage in open ground with yeast

Yeast can be used not only in cooking or as part of cosmetics, but also in the garden. They contain many useful elements, vitamins and amino acids. Yeast helps seedlings cope with many diseases and survive transplantation into open ground. With the help of yeast, you can activate the growth of the root system and improve the overall composition of the soil in the beds.

IMPORTANT: For all its advantages, yeast can reduce the amount of potassium and calcium in the soil. Therefore, fertilizing with them should be combined with adding ash or crushed chicken egg shells to the soil.

Yeast must be added 20 days after the first feeding. To do this, dry yeast (200 g) and sugar (1 teaspoon) are diluted in warm water (1 liter) and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Then add another ten liters and water (300-400 ml) the plants at the root.

How to feed cabbage for growth using folk remedies?

Cabbage is responsive not only to “store-bought” fertilizers, but also to nutrient mixtures prepared using folk remedies. This vegetable crop can be fed with boric acid. To do this, the powder (1 teaspoon) is diluted in boiling water (1 glass) and mixed thoroughly. The concentrate is diluted in water at room temperature (10 liters) and the leaves of this plant are sprayed with it. It is best to spray with boric acid to stimulate the growth of this crop in the first part of July.

You can also use baking soda for the above purpose. It will prevent the heads of cabbage from cracking in the beds and allow them to be stored better. Soda (20 g) is diluted in a bucket of water and the cabbage in the beds is watered with this solution.

Young nettle is a very good source of beneficial nutrients. This burning plant is filled into a container and filled with water. After 3-4 days, the resulting infusion is diluted with water (1:10) and watered over the cabbage.

Ammonia is a rich source of nitrogen. Add 3 tablespoons of this substance to a bucket of water, mix and water the cabbage (100-150 ml each) right to the root. Ammonia should be used for the first feeding of cabbage.

If cabbage lacks potassium, you can pour it with banana infusion. To do this, fill the container to the brim with the skins of this yellow fruit and fill it with water. After 3-4 days, filter the infusion and water the cabbage beds with it.

If the cause of poor development of cabbage is a lack of phosphorus, then it can be minimized by preparing food for this plant from fresh fish. To do this, the fish is crushed and a small amount of this mass is buried between the cabbage bushes.

If there is a calcium deficiency, eggshells must be added to the soil under the cabbage. You can also improve the structure of the soil and add the necessary substances to it with the help of potatoes. It is cut into small cubes and placed in open ground before planting seedlings.

Fertilizing cabbage seedlings with urea

Urea is a chemical compound that was originally derived from human waste. Today, urea fertilizer is produced from protein from mammals and some fish. This fertilizer is a supplier of nitrogen for plants and is used by gardeners to accelerate the growth of green mass by plants.

To feed with urea, dilute this substance (30 g) in a bucket of water and apply 500 ml of fertilizer under each bush.

How to feed cabbage to form a head of cabbage?

To form a large and juicy fork, complex compositions based on mullein are used. To do this, part fresh manure is mixed with five parts water. After two days, another five parts of water are added to the solution.

Before watering the cabbage, superphosphate (30 g) is added to each bucket of this fertilizer. For each plant you need to pour 1.5 liters of this fertilizer. For early-ripening varieties it is carried out in July, and for late-ripening varieties in August.

IMPORTANT: If you want the heads of cabbage not to crack, then try to water them right to the root. Even better, use drip irrigation for this purpose. Water stagnating in the leaves causes the forks to crack and can cause this vegetable to become rotten.

How to feed late cabbage in August?

Late-ripening varieties can be fed with nitrophoska in August. It (1 tablespoon) is diluted in water (10 liters) and watered with 5-8 liters per square meter of beds. This is a complex fertilizer containing three main elements: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. With its help, you can supply cabbage with all the necessary microelements and speed up the formation of its heads.

To get a good harvest, you need to regularly fertilize vegetable crops. To feed cabbage after planting in the ground, mineral and organic fertilizers are used.

Basic rules for fertilizing cabbage

You should start preparing the soil for planting white cabbage in the fall. It is useful to apply organic fertilizers for cabbage when planting in the ground. Cabbage does not react well to “acidic” soil, so regular coal ash or lime will be a good help. They need to be scattered on the ground during digging, this will help reduce acidity. If preliminary preparation was not possible, you can fertilize the bed about a week before planting the vegetable crop. Compost is used for this, which is scattered around the perimeter and sprinkled with earth on top.

First feeding of cabbage

  • Urea

The first feeding of cabbage is carried out 14 days after the plant is moved into the ground. At this stage, plants require nitrogen, which allows them to grow green mass. The source of this element for plants is urea. This is a universal fertilizer containing up to 46% nitrogen. For 10 liters of water, 15 g of urea is required. Urea is highly soluble in water and easily absorbed by plants. The resulting solution is treated with 10 square meters. m landings.

  • Ammonium nitrate

Another option for feeding after planting cabbage in the ground is the use of ammonium nitrate. It contains sulfur, which helps plants obtain nitrogen and produce protein. An additional property of sulfur is to repel pests and prevent the development of harmful fungi. Therefore, with the help of ammonium nitrate you can not only feed cabbage, but also protect it from diseases. The norm of ammonium nitrate is 15 g per 10 liters of water. When working with this fertilizer, you must follow the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, the cabbage will begin to accumulate nitrates. For this reason, nitrogen fertilizing is stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

  • Mullein

Mullein (500 ml) diluted in water (10 liters).

  • Chicken droppings

Chicken manure for feeding cabbage is an organic fertilizer. In terms of nitrogen content, it is several times higher than mullein. The benefits of feeding with droppings include:

  • acceleration of maturation;
  • increase in productivity;
  • increasing plant resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases;
  • prevention of mold formation on the soil surface;
  • non-toxic;
  • improvement of soil properties;
  • long lasting effect;
  • balanced plant nutrition.

In the garden, concentrated liquid fertilizer made from chicken manure is often used. A barrel is used for its preparation. Chicken manure and water are mixed in it in a 1:1 ratio. The mass is thoroughly mixed and infused under a tightly closed lid for 3 days. The finished fertilizer is stored throughout the season. When used, it is diluted from a ratio of 1 liter of concentrate to 10 liters of water. The product is applied under the bushes and between the ridges several times a season. This type of feeding is suitable for cabbage and other types of vegetables or flowers.

Mix a ten-liter bucket of water with 200 g of wood ash and 60 grams of superphosphate. Dissolve half a liter of mullein in a ten-liter container.

Second feeding of cabbage

Let's find out how to feed cabbage seedlings again after planting them in garden beds for normal growth and successful formation of a large head of cabbage.

  • Pitching Yeast

Yeast fungi are full of amino acids, vitamins, etc., so they can be used to enrich the soil under cabbage, especially since they contribute to the growth of the root system.

We enrich the soil using the yeast method 20 days after the first enrichment of the soil with fertilizers as follows:

  • Mix a liter of warm water with 200 grams of dry yeast and a teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  • Let the mixture sit for a couple of hours.
  • Mix the infusion with water (10 l) and pour 0.3 l under each cabbage.

Attention: since yeast fungi extract a lot of calcium and potassium from the soil, at the same time as the yeast we add ash (an infusion from it) or crushed eggshells to it.

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  • Ammonium sulfate

These are salts of sulfuric acid. The fertilizer looks like white crystals, contains about twenty percent nitrogen and a sufficient amount of sulfur. It is necessary to apply it according to the norm in the amount of one hundred and fifty percent of nitrate in order to give the plants the required amount of nitrogen. But remember that this fertilizer can increase the acidity of the soil composition, which is not very desirable. And you don’t have to spray the plant to get rid of pests.

  • Potassium chloride

In its pure form, it is represented by white crystals, reminiscent of ordinary salt. It is rarely found in nature in this form, but the natural version is distinguished by reddish tones. Available potassium in the composition is about sixty percent. There is a high probability of soil acidification.

  • Potassium sulfate

These are potassium salts of sulfuric acid containing up to fifty percent of the component. In most cases, the composition is used for chlorophobic crops, which do not include cabbage. Can be used as a feeding composition.

  • Phosphorus

Phosphorus (simple or double superphosphate, phosphate rock). These fertilizers are especially important for white cabbage during the head setting period. It is almost impossible to overfeed the plant with them; it will take exactly as much phosphorus as it needs.

Complex ones (azophoska, nitroammophoska) contain nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. They are usually used by inexperienced gardeners or if the plant shows signs of lack of general nutrition.

  • Eggshell

Eggshells are one of the available and common natural products for fertilizing garden beds. It is used when it is necessary to normalize acidic soil. The procedure requires a large volume of shell. For this reason, eggs are harvested starting in the fall.

The shells are stored in a dry place in whole or crushed form. The powder is used to feed cabbage seedlings after transferring the seedlings to open ground. It is added to freshly dug holes. The presence of calcium nourishes the roots and promotes the active development of seedlings.

Egg shells are used as fertilizer in the fight against mole crickets. A clear sign of calcium deficiency in plants is the presence of white spots on cabbage leaves.

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Last feeding of late varieties of cabbage

The last fertilizing is applied only for late varieties of white cabbage two weeks before harvesting, and is intended to prepare the plants for long-term storage. For example, the composition of the mixture would be:

  • 40 g of potassium sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered at a rate of 2 - 4 liters per bush;
  • or stir 0.5 kg of wood ash in 10 liters of hot water, leave for 24 hours, strain and feed the cabbage.

To summarize the above, we can say that only strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology will allow you to harvest a rich harvest of healthy, healthy vegetables. It is worth remembering that not only a lack of nutrition has a detrimental effect on the development of plants, but also an excess. It is not allowed to sprinkle fertilizers “by eye”; this can lead to an imbalance of nutrients and the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables. Treat your plants with attention and care, and they will reward you with an excellent harvest.

The traditions of growing cabbage in temperate climates go back many centuries, because it is not only a familiar, but also a tasty and healthy vegetable that can be preserved in various forms for the winter. This crop is very demanding of nutrients added to the soil, and fertilizers were not always sold in gardening stores.

Therefore, people widely used improvised components that were prepared in a special way, and many gardeners still use similar folk remedies.

During the fruiting period, the vegetable is fed several times, both while it is in the form of seedlings and when it is in open ground. When the question arises about intermediate feeding for a demanding crop, and a vegetable grower decides how to feed the crop, cabbage is often fertilized for growth using his own observations and experiences.

Fertilization with folk remedies, in contrast to a clearly defined amount and frequency of factory-made chemical components, can be carried out at any stage of growing a vegetable, in a greenhouse, under film, and in open ground.

Practicality and observation have allowed us to develop a whole arsenal, which is used to solve the problem of how to additionally feed the grown cabbage at an early stage, when caring for seedlings, during planting in beds or for the growth of heads of cabbage.

Often these are products that are many decades old; sometimes outright garbage waste is used for this purpose. Often, this process uses inexpensive chemical components at hand, sold in any pharmacy, or relatively recently introduced products that have already been successfully mastered by resourceful domestic gardeners.

Frequency of feeding cabbage depending on the plant variety

Feeding cabbage with folk remedies, like any process of feeding a vegetable, is carried out the required number of times, and largely depends on the type of vegetable. What this plant has in common is the need to improve and replenish the soil in the fall. This action gives even greater results than feeding cabbage seedlings. When using folk remedies for the autumn stage of soil preparation, you need to focus not only on the variety of vegetables that will subsequently be planted, but also on whether it will be an early or later ripening variety.

Fertilizing for cabbage, which begins in open ground, is carried out using both folk remedies and chemical fertilizers. The confidence of some plant growers is that organic matter is sufficient for such processing. Such a conviction is completely justified, and will give significant results if you know how to properly feed the cabbage with mullein, or correctly feed the future cabbage with chicken droppings.

Important. Bird droppings are a very specific fertilizer, when fresh they are very concentrated organic matter. It is used only in dry form. To the question of whether it is possible to fertilize cabbage with manure, the answer is definitely positive, and you can use either fresh or rotted manure.

The amount of fertilizing depends on the type of soil in which the cabbage is planted, as well as on whether the seedlings will be picked, and if so, in what form they were originally grown. Without diving, it is fed on the second leaf, and before the hardening stage begins. This method allows you to get the expected harvest faster.

If the dive is still carried out, then three meals a day are necessary:

  • a week after the pick;
  • 2 weeks after the first feeding;
  • immediately before planting in the ground.

Note. Early ripening varieties must be provided with fertilizer 2-3 times during growth, late varieties need additional nutrition at least 4 times. During this period, intensive feeding of cabbage in open ground becomes especially important. And if you do this using folk remedies, you can achieve a good harvest without overdosing on chemical components.

Review of possible folk remedies after planting in the ground

Experienced gardeners are well aware of how to feed cabbage both during the growth of seedlings, and after planting in the ground, and for good growth of the head of cabbage, and they do this not only with the help of purchased fertilizers, but also with long-proven folk remedies.

Popular wisdom suggests that to grow this common vegetable you can use:

  • cow manure, rotted and fresh, in diluted form (feeding cabbage with mullein is done immediately after planting in open ground, and shortly before the head begins to set);
  • bird droppings, dry and diluted in water (knowing how to feed cabbage with chicken droppings, you can achieve good growth of seedling leaves before the hardening stage);
  • brewer's yeast (an excellent remedy for deciding how to fertilize cabbage for growth with folk remedies throughout the summer, or in a solution of lower concentration - for watering seedlings);
  • baking soda (essential for preventing cabbage heads from cracking);
  • infusion of nettles, or other weeds removed from the site during weeding;
  • ammonia dissolved in water for watering during the first feeding;
  • fresh small fish, which are placed in the holes before planting seedlings, 1-2 pieces each to obtain natural phosphorus;
  • banana peel, fresh, when planted in open ground, or dried and crushed, in the form of a water infusion;
  • potato peels or crushed potatoes, used to fertilize the hole before planting young cabbage;
  • eggshells, powder (eggshells for cabbage in the garden are an irreplaceable source of natural calcium, which has both protective properties and is easily absorbed by plants);
  • boric acid (fertilizing cabbage with boron is done by spraying the leaves with an aqueous solution, and not only gives the effect of accelerating growth, but also protects against some pests).

Advice. Brewer's yeast can be replaced with fermented or candied jam, which is mixed with simple yeast in water and kept for 10-14 days in a dark place. You can water the cabbage with this mixture once a week, but little by little. This gives, in the absence of precipitation, good leaf growth and a strong head of cabbage.

Iodine, salt, toothpaste, vinegar, potassium permanganate for cabbage - in low concentrations can become not only a small supplement, but also a means of pest control.

Hydrogen peroxide for cabbage is popularly used many times and for large purposes - for soil disinfection, as a fertilizer, for watering and spraying seedlings.

Interesting. According to the observations of experienced gardeners, within a few hours after spraying with hydrogen peroxide, it can be seen how the treated plants outstrip those left for comparison without this procedure. They also note that the yield after such fertilizer increases noticeably.

Any experienced plant grower will give an unequivocally positive answer to the questions of whether it is possible to fertilize cabbage with chicken droppings and whether it is possible to feed cabbage with mullein. At the same time, he will also recommend other proven remedies that may seem incredible to an uninitiated person.

Meanwhile, summer residents, concerned about the future harvest, sit at home all winter and solve the problem of how to feed cabbage to grow in open ground using folk remedies, collecting eggshells and banana skins, and stocking up at the pharmacy with bottles of peroxide, boric acid and ammonia.

Phased and targeted application

Some folk remedies are used constantly in the gardener's practice, others find one-time or spontaneous use (such as an infusion of picked weeds, which is prepared after each weeding, or young nettles, which is possible only at the beginning of the season).

Finding the right option for feeding cabbage for growth using folk remedies may depend on how intense feeding is required, whether cabbage pests have appeared, or at a certain stage (when growing in seedlings or transferring it to open ground). Finding opportunities and options for feeding cabbage in June can be solved with folk remedies.

In an early variety, it is necessary to stimulate the growth of the head of cabbage, prevent its cracking with abundant watering, or protect the crop in advance from possible cabbage diseases.

For reference. Using baking soda as a fertilizer allows you to produce large heads of cabbage that can be grown commercially without the cracking and deterioration that can occur with heavy rainfall or improper watering.

The most common options for using folk remedies at a certain stage are the following:

  • after planting in the soil - mullein (500 ml per 10 liters of water), ash or chalk in acidic soil;
  • to add to the hole before planting - a banana peel, fresh fish or a handful of eggshells;
  • for full development - phosphorus fertilizers, in the case of folk remedies, this is bone meal;
  • yeast not only gives intensive growth, but also strengthens the root system, it can be introduced after transplantation, but a mixture of dry yeast and candied jam can be added weekly;
  • to form a head of early cabbage, a solution of fresh mullein is ideal; in August, for late varieties, boric acid or a solution of bird droppings is used.

Fact. A large and juicy fork can be obtained if you use a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:5 for late cabbage, infused for 2 days, and again diluted in a similar way.

This is an excellent answer to the question of how to feed cabbage for growth in open ground in July or August, when it comes to late varieties.

Cabbage is one of those vegetables that gratefully accept any fertilizer, including traditional methods of fertilizing, and return it to their owners in the form of a good harvest.

Cabbage seedlings are fed two or three times. Feed for the first time 7-8 days after picking, or rather, when the plants take root after picking and begin to grow. This time they can be fed with mullein, diluted with water 1:5 or bird droppings, also diluted with water 1:15. It is advisable to add superphosphate to the solution at the rate of 3 g per 1 liter of liquid. You can give bird droppings diluted with water 1:20, with the addition of urea at the rate of 0.25 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of liquid. You can feed cabbage seedlings after picking with a urea solution (a matchbox of 10 liters of water), which helps to grow high-quality seedlings. You can also use fertilizers: “Kemira Universal”, “Solution” and others in the appropriate volume.

Plants that have developed their second or fourth true leaf especially need feeding. 10-15 days after the first feeding, you can feed the seedlings a second time with one of the following compositions:

An aqueous solution of mullein in a ratio of 1: 5 with the addition of superphosphate, 6 g per 1 liter of liquid;

Bird droppings diluted with water 1:10;

A mixture of 3-4 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 g of superphosphate and 2 g of potassium chloride per 1 liter of water.

You can give complex mineral fertilizers as top dressing. A specialized complex microfertilizer for cabbage should be given in the appropriate dose indicated on the package. It is good if they contain boron and molybdenum - microelements that cabbage plants actively use.

Once again you need to feed the seedlings about a week before planting in the ground. The third feeding should be given in the same doses as the second.

It is advisable to use microfertilizers in one of the fertilizers. To do this, dilute in 1 liter of water: 0.10-0.20 g of boric acid, 0.15-0.20 g of copper sulfate, 0.05-0.10 g of potassium permanganate and zinc sulfate.

When applying fertilizing, you need to ensure that the plants do not stretch.

After planting seedlings in open ground

The first fertilizing should be done at a time when the leaves of the cabbage are actively growing. Usually this period occurs two weeks after planting the seedlings in open ground.

The question of how to feed cabbage after planting in the ground worries all gardeners, because this vegetable is an integral attribute of Slavic cuisine. But to obtain a significant harvest from tight and large heads of cabbage, you cannot do without regular fertilizing.

How to feed cabbage after planting?

Any cabbage loves water; it needs it during the growth of leaves and setting heads. With the help of mineral fertilizers, you can increase the yield of vegetables, improve its quality, and speed up the ripening period of the crop. Feeding cabbage after planting in the ground should be rich in nitrogen in the stage of growth of green mass, in the phase of head formation - in potassium and phosphorus. Then in the fall you can count on a high-quality harvest.

Feeding cauliflower after planting in the ground

A week later, you need to feed the cauliflower for the first time after planting the seedlings in the ground. For this you need nitrogen fertilizer - half a liter of mullein slurry per 10 liters of water. Next time (after 20 days) a complex mixture is used. The third replenishment of this type should coincide in time with the start of the formation of heads. How to feed cauliflower after planting in the ground - complex compositions for the 2nd and 3rd feeding:

  1. 20 g of superphosphate + 30 g of ammonium nitrate + 40 g of potassium sulfate.
  2. 30 g of azofoska () and 10 liters of water.

When deciding what to feed cabbage after planting in the ground, it is important to know that its colored variety needs boron and molybdenum. They increase the density of its heads of cabbage and strengthen immunity to blackleg fungus. You can feed the crop with these elements using foliar feeding:

  1. Mix the solution – 10 g boric acid + 10 g ammonium molybdate/10 l water.
  2. To the composition of microelements you can add 5 g of manganese sulfate + 5 g of copper sulfate + 5 g of zinc sulfate and 0.1 g of potassium iodide.
  3. The first time is sprayed in the germination phase of 4-5 leaves, and again when 12-15 leaves appear.

Feeding broccoli after planting

When caring for broccoli, regular feeding is provided:

  1. The first time - after waiting a couple of weeks after planting, diluted (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20). It is advisable to add 1 teaspoon of urea to it.
  2. The second - after waiting a couple of weeks after the first. For feeding you need ammonium nitrate - 1 matchbox per bucket of water.
  3. For the third make-up, dissolve 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. It is necessary to feed the cabbage when the first inflorescences form.
  4. After cutting the center head, broccoli fertilizer is applied to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots. Add 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of potassium sulfate to 10 liters of water. Fertilizer dose – 1l/plant.

Fertilizing white cabbage in open ground

Experienced gardeners advise feeding cabbage after planting in the ground according to the following scheme. The first replenishment is carried out 15 days after planting; it is necessary to add 0.5 liters of any nitrogenous solution to each specimen:

  1. 0.5 liters of mullein per regular bucket of water.
  2. 30 g urea/10 l water.
  3. 10 g of urea and potassium chloride + 20 g of superphosphate/10 l of water.
  4. 20 g ammonium nitrate/10 liters of water.

The second feeding of white cabbage in open ground is carried out 10-15 days after the first. It is necessary to pour a liter of any recharge under each bush:

  1. Infusion of bird droppings in a combination of 1:15.
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water.
  3. Half a liter of liquid mullein + 30 g of azofoska + 15 g of complex fertilizer (Kemira, Mortar, Kristalon) per 10 liters of water.

After another 10 days, a third replenishment is performed. Norm – 6-8 l/m2 of any gravy:

  1. Half a liter of mullein slurry + 30 g of superphosphate + 15 g of microfertilizers/10 l of water.
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate + 15 g of microfertilizers/10 l of water.

The fourth time it is necessary to feed late varieties of cabbage 20 days before harvest. This is necessary so that the heads of cabbage can be stored better. To recharge, dilute:

  1. 40 g of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water.
  2. A glass of wood ash per 1 liter of infusion.

Fertilizers for cabbage in open ground

Sophisticated summer residents have learned the secrets of growing cabbage and try not to use chemical compounds to fertilize it. You can feed the crop with various folk mixtures that successfully saturate the vegetable with microelements and help reap a good harvest. Yeast and wood ash are useful for this. Even an infusion of banana peels (one peel per liter of water), left for 3-4 days, will saturate the plants with potassium.

Feeding cabbage after planting in the ground with yeast

The addition of minerals or organic matter will be replaced by fertilizing cabbage in open ground. They contain a full range of basic nutrients and are also rich in rare microelements. Yeast fungi generate beneficial flora and suppress the proliferation of pathogens. Brewer's yeast is considered more useful for cabbage, but baker's yeast can also be grown. Refill recipes:

  1. 100 g of pressed yeast (or 40 g of dry) are liquefied in a bucket of water, add a couple of tablespoons of old jam or sugar. After the characteristic smell of mash appears, the infusion is diluted 1 to 10 with water. Plants are watered three times a season every 30-40 days.
  2. An infusion of bread crusts or crackers will also work; for this, the bucket is filled to a third with them and topped up with water. The solution is infused for a day and 1 liter is watered under the plant.

Feeding cabbage after planting in the ground with urea

Urea or urea is a highly effective nitrogen fertilizer. It stimulates the growth of green plant biomass and is used at the beginning of the growing season. This fertilizer is ideal for the first feeding of cabbage seedlings after planting. It is used 10-12 days after the plants have been planted in the ground. Cabbage is fed with a solution of 30 g/10 l of water, the dose of gravy is 1 l/bush. Before using urea, the plantings must be moistened abundantly.

When to feed cabbage with ash after planting?

Wood ash is a universal fertilizer; it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese - all in an easily digestible form. To feed her cabbage you need to do:

  1. Infusion: fill a bucket 1/3 with ash, pour boiling water over it and let stand for 3 days. Then the liquid must be filtered and fed to the cabbage; for spraying, 50 g of soap is added to the infusion.
  2. Solution: stir 1 cup of wood combustion product in 10 liters of water and water the crop at the root with this mixture. Watering rate – 0.5 l/bush.