White coating on tomato seedlings. What to do if tomatoes have white spots on the leaves: main reasons. Optimal home conditions for growing eggplant seedlings

Novice gardeners may think that the only thing to be wary of when growing tomatoes is late blight. This is a truly terrible disease, very difficult to treat and prevent. At the same time, it has many “competitors”, because tomato seedlings can be attacked by pests, as well as numerous diseases of the roots and aerial parts.

At the same time, everything is not so bad at all, the main thing is to recognize the symptoms of impending problems in time and take appropriate measures. Our article will tell you what to do if white spots appear on the seedlings and what could be the cause.

Reasons for appearance

Having noticed white spots on tomato leaves, any gardener must urgently take measures to eliminate this phenomenon. First of all, it is necessary to identify the causes. They can be divided into two groups, and after making a “diagnosis”, treatment can be carried out.

White spots on the leaves of tomato seedlings

Why did the spots appear:

  1. Sun or heat burn.
  2. Fungal diseases.

In the first case, the location of the spots is the upper tiers of leaves. Diseases most often initially affect the lower parts of the plant, spreading higher over time. More details about this, as well as methods for treating and preventing such ailments are described below.

In the video - why white spots appear on the leaves of seedlings:

How to treat leaf burns

The appearance of such spots was necessarily preceded by changes in the usual regime. Usually this means taking the seedlings outside or transplanting them to a new place. To eliminate the risk of such manifestations, it is advisable to accustom the seedlings to sunlight gradually, using local darkening and regular watering.

He will tell you about the treatment of brown spots on grape leaves.

Watering, by the way, can also serve as a negative factor. If you water tomatoes in hot weather, every drop that falls on the leaves of the plant becomes a miniature lens, literally burning a hole in the shell. That is why it is best to water in the evening, treating exclusively the root area. The same rule can be extended to spraying, which must be carried out in dry weather and in the evening, so as not to burn the leaves and stem of the plant being treated.

You can fight sunburn only by strengthening the plant’s defenses. If there is significant damage, there is no point in nurturing such seedlings, because such a situation will adversely affect productivity.

Video shows how to treat leaf burns:

In addition to the sun, the plant can also suffer from heat stroke. For example, if you use too cold water when watering. The soil heats up during the day and forms steam when moisture enters. It burns the leaves and can also cause the stem of the plant to literally cook.

The second possible option: increasing the temperature in the greenhouse. That is why it is necessary to take care of good ventilation in advance, otherwise overheating of the plants cannot be avoided. Here, too, it is best to take reasonable measures before such a problem arises, because such conditions cannot be treated.

The appearance of white spots on the leaves, as well as other alarming symptoms, must be considered by a zealous gardener. This may be a signal of fungal diseases, and also indicate a burn of the leaf part of the plant. Our information will tell you what the main reasons for the appearance of such signals are, as well as what to do in each individual case.

If suddenly white spots appear on the leaves of tomato seedlings, you need to react immediately. What to do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for their occurrence, and then take some action.

Reasons for appearance

Summer residents prepare seeds for planting, fuss over them, germinate them, water them, turn them, replant them, and fertilize the seedlings. And when it’s time to enjoy healthy plants in anticipation of the harvest, spots may appear on the leaves.

Of course, this is worrying because it means something has gone wrong. The spots may be white, dry, may have some kind of border, may be covered with a whitish coating, they can be dark or light, depressed or protruding above the surface of the leaf blade. You need to look at them carefully, remember what happened to the plants recently, this will help identify the spots and determine the cause of their occurrence.

Sometimes it happens that seedlings grow well, look healthy, but as soon as they begin to be taken out to the sun or a few days after planting in the garden, white, irregularly shaped spots appear. These spots often appear on the upper leaves, or all the leaves may turn white, leaving only the stems green. Most likely it's a sunburn. It occurs when direct sunlight hits an unhardened plant; a plant exposed to the sun's rays while wet is especially affected. This is very unpleasant, but not fatal; in most cases, the plant can recover and continue to grow.

It is much worse if white spots on the leaves on tomatoes occur due to a disease. If cloudy white spots with dark edges start from the lower leaves and then spread further, if they leave the impression of a gray coating, then most likely this is septoria - a very dangerous fungal disease. If no action is taken, black dots will appear in the middle of the white spots, the leaves will darken and fall off, and the disease will spread to other leaves, stems, and fruits. The plant could become infected if the soil was poorly prepared and spores could remain in it. The seed material could be contaminated, which is why the seeds need to be treated before sowing. Septoria usually develops in July because it is triggered by high humidity and intense heat.

Spots may appear on tomato leaves as a result of other diseases, but they will look different. With cladosporiosis, the spots are olive on top and brown on the bottom. A mossy or velvety coating on the underside of the leaf indicates a fungal origin. A whitish coating appears on the leaves during powdery mildew, but it is on the underside of the leaf.

A viral disease called mosaic also covers the leaves with spots, they are usually multi-colored - light and dark green shades, they can be whitish and almost black.

Video “Problems of tomato seedlings”

From the video you will learn about possible problems and diseases of tomato seedlings.

Control measures

Having established the cause, you can deal with troubles. If the spots appear as a result of sunburn, shading the plants will save the situation. If a burn appears on seedlings that have begun to be taken outside, then it is worth changing the schedule of “walks”, first ventilate the plants in the early morning, then in the afternoon, but start from shady places, exposing young plants to the sun for a very short time, gradually increasing this time.

Epin will help you cope with the situation and quickly get the plant into shape. You can treat with this drug in the evening; it will help the seedlings survive stress and return to normal.

If the spots appeared due to a fungal disease, it is not so easy to deal with it. With early diagnosis, you can try to save the plant by removing the affected leaves. Septoria blight has entered the plant's body either from the soil or from the seed, so that, having removed some leaves, you can continue to lose the next, and at this time the threat of infection of other bushes increases. If an adult plant is engulfed in disease, it must be removed and destroyed as soon as possible. If signs are found on seedlings, you can try to treat them with Fitosporin. It is necessary to dilute the drug according to the instructions written on the package and carry out several treatments. If the plants continue to receive proper care and balanced nutrition, then there is a possibility that they will not remember the disease until the end of summer.

If a mosaic is detected, you need to quickly get rid of the diseased plants. But you can fight cladosporiosis with the help of the drugs “Barrier” or “Barrier”. Affected leaves are removed and the plants are treated. Powdery mildew is combated with the help of the drugs “Zineba”, “Trichodermin”, “Gaupsin”.

Preventing the occurrence

To prevent sunburn from affecting tomatoes, seedlings must be gradually accustomed to sunlight from the very beginning, from the first days of life. Vegetable growers do the wrong thing by waiting for it to get stronger, and then before planting it in the ground they begin to expose it to the sun. This needs to be done as early as possible, the threat of burns will disappear, and the plant will receive more strength and energy. If time is lost, you will have to use lutrasil for shading after planting, but such tomatoes grow more slowly.

To prevent fungal diseases, you need to carefully select planting material and disinfect seeds and soil.

Video “Diseases and pests of tomatoes”

From the video you will learn about the most common diseases and pests of tomatoes.

Very often, white, yellow or brown spots appear on the leaves of tomatoes that grow in greenhouses and in open ground. They arise as a result of improper care, errors in fertilizer, if attacked by pests or diseases. Why do tomatoes get sick and how to determine the causes of spots on tomato leaves, how to deal with this phenomenon?

Tomato seedlings may change color due to disease

White spots on tomato leaves

May indicate various reasons. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine the seedlings on site, determine why and what factors contribute to the development of the disease. Small, round, white spots on tomato leaves quickly merge with each other and are accompanied by a white, powdery coating, indicating powdery mildew damage to the seedlings. This fungal disease affects the leaves at the bottom of the plant, but quickly moves to the top. A white crumbly coating also appears on the stems and petioles. The development of powdery mildew is promoted by high temperature and high humidity.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fairly common but very serious plant disease. It can be easily recognized and difficult to confuse with other diseases. The disease is characterized by a symptom - a white powdery coating that covers the stems, buds, flowers, and the entire plant. Initially, the plaque is small and can be easily removed by rubbing it with your finger. It spreads quickly, tightly covering all parts of the plant. The coating is very characteristic, it looks as if someone sprinkled flour on the stem and the whole plant. The affected parts turn brown, blacken, and then die.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease of tomatoes

How to deal with white mold

Having noticed the first signs, it is necessary to spray against the disease. For tomato seedlings growing in private gardens, the use of chemical pesticides is usually avoided and Timorex Gold 24 EC, based on natural tea tree extract and approved for use in organic agriculture, is used to combat tomato powdery mildew. Against powdery mildew, the drug is used in an amount of 5-10 ml per liter of water. Sprayed onto 10 m² of seedlings. Spraying is carried out four times with an interval of 7-10 days. Good results are obtained by alternating Timorex Gold with Topsin M 500 SC fungicide.

White necrotic spots

Whitish, necrotic-looking spots may indicate a much more dangerous disease called bacterial tomato canker. Symptoms of the disease:

  • leaf curling;
  • drying of tomato leaves;
  • partial withering on one side.

Gradually, yellow-brown spots are added to the whitish spots, and the whole plant begins to weaken. The stem and petioles turn white and brown or almost black stripes appear on them. In the case of such a disease, the infected seedlings must be completely removed and burned along with the roots. The remaining seedlings are treated with a preparation containing copper, such as Miedzian 50 WP.

Repeat spraying every 7 days. If tomato seedlings are planted in a greenhouse, reduce humidity and disinfect all tools. And to prevent bacterial cancer from infecting tomatoes again, it is better to stop growing tomatoes in this area for 3-5 years.

Bacterial canker of tomatoes first manifests itself as leaf curling

Food for pests

Very often, white spots are the result of feeding pests. If clusters of small, white, round spots form on the upper surface of the leaf, along the edges: a tomato moth (miner fly) has settled here. It is its larvae that feed on juicy and soft greens. As a result, narrow corridors called passages (shafts) are formed on the leaves. As the larvae grow, the number and size of the whitish mines increases. The leaves are severely damaged, die, and fall off the plant. Mospilan 20 SP is used to combat tomato leafminer. A 2.4 g packet is dissolved in 6 liters of water. Repeat spraying after 7-10 days. During the growing season, only 2 sprayings are done.

Voracious thrips

White spots on seedlings may be the result of feeding on one of two types of thrips. Random, uneven whitish spots, which change color to beige as the seedlings grow and age, indicate the presence of a pest - Western flower thrips. Pest excrement is also visible around the spots in the form of black, shiny and slightly convex dots.

Exactly similar silvery-white spots located along the main veins of tomato leaves, which eventually cover the entire surface of the leaf, are the result of greenhouse thrips.

This is why infected leaves eventually turn yellow and die. To control thrips, as well as miner flies, Mospilan 20 SP is used. The natural preparation Agricola will help avoid chemical pesticides in the fight against thrips. The concentrate is dissolved in a dose of 40 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water.

Thrips leave small white spots on tomatoes


If the temperature is too high and the sun's rays are very strong, young tomato seedlings may get sunburn. Appears as white spots that are not colored. There are no drugs for this disease, and it is difficult to help a diseased plant; burnt and whitened leaves are not restored. Even if the leaf has only turned half white, but the stem remains green, the seedlings will be pale and lag behind healthy plants in development.

Why are tomato seedlings sometimes covered with lutrasil in a greenhouse and in open ground? This measure helps unhardened young plants survive during particularly active sun hours.

That is why, when growing seedlings from the first days of life of tomato seedlings, it is recommended to harden them and regularly place them in the sun so that they adapt and get used to ultraviolet rays and sunlight. Increase the time spent in the sun from day to day and then you will not have to resort to additional protective measures and worry about the whitened leaves of the seedlings.

Eggplants, or “blue” ones, as they are lovingly called, are very popular due to their piquant taste and beneficial effects on health. Growing this vegetable is not easy: it is sensitive to temperature conditions, humidity, and is susceptible to diseases and pest attacks.

Optimal home conditions for growing eggplant seedlings

Successful cultivation of eggplants in our weather conditions is possible in open ground or a greenhouse only using the seedling method. Despite their capricious nature, eggplants are successfully grown at home. It is worth remembering the main rules necessary for growth and fruiting: sufficient light, moisture, heat and soil fertility.

Having provided these main conditions, you need to be patient - 80–140 days will pass from the appearance of sprouts to the first harvest.

The seedlings of these vegetables are tender, susceptible to dangerous diseases and pest attacks, so you need to be aware of all the difficulties that may arise in order to avoid the death of the sprouts. The sprouts need to be watered as the soil dries; the optimal temperature of settled water is 25˚C. After watering, carefully loosen the soil, trying not to damage the roots.

Until the shoots appear, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 27–29˚C, and with the appearance of sprouts in the first 5 days, temperatures up to 16˚C during the day and up to 12˚C at night are allowed. The plant must be illuminated for at least 12 hours a day, so it is worth taking care of additional lighting. When the seedlings grow, they need systematic ventilation. Permissible temperature is from 16˚С to 20˚С.

How to avoid problems: proper care and prevention of lesions

Timely measures taken, which include proper care, preventive feeding and spraying of greens, will help avoid dangerous diseases and pest attacks.

First of all, to prevent the development of diseases and insect attacks, it is worth following the recommendations on agricultural technology:

  1. Before sowing, thoroughly disinfect the seeds and soil, and avoid thickening the plantings. This will prevent the occurrence of diseases such as late blight, mosaic, black leg, black bacterial spot, and spider mite damage.
  2. Seedlings should be planted no earlier than the cotyledons have developed, otherwise the weak root system will be damaged and the sprouts will die or develop blackleg.
  3. Greens should be planted in large containers (about 500 mg). This will help avoid yellowing of the seedlings and will not cause growth arrest or infection with black leg or black bacterial spot.
  4. Regular watering and avoiding stagnation of water will help to avoid the disease of black leg, gray (white) rot, and black bacterial spot.

It is important to carry out preventive feeding and spraying to prevent diseases and death of seedlings, using safe biological products such as Fitosporin M, Bishal, growth stimulants and drugs to strengthen the immune system (Zircon, Humate and others). These drugs are also effective at the onset of disease and insect damage, but it is better to prevent problems using preventive measures:

  1. The very first feeding is carried out at the root, when 2 true leaves unfold, using one of the preparations (Kemira-universal, Kemira-lux, Epin-extra, Mortar, Crystallon, Zircon, Gumate).
  2. The second feeding is carried out after 14 days with the same preparation as the first. Before this, you can also sprinkle the plants with ash. After a few days you can pick.
  3. The third feeding is a week after the picking. The same drugs are used. After a few days, to protect against late blight, bacterial black spot, and other diseases, it is worth carrying out foliar treatment with Bishal, Fitosporin M.
  4. The same treatment of seedlings should be repeated 5–6 days before planting. If pests are noticed in the garden, then you can additionally carry out preventive treatment with Strela (for spider mites and aphids), Fitoverm - for whiteflies, thrips, and spider mites.

Before fertilizing, it is worth powdering the plants with sifted ash: this will help protect the seedlings not only from fungal diseases, but also from the invasion of aphids and spider mites. After root feeding, you need to water the plants a little to prevent burns.

Such preventive treatments will allow you to avoid serious diseases, damage to plants by pests, and eliminate the need to use stronger agents.

Daily careful inspection of the sprouts will help you not to miss important symptoms and eliminate possible problems in growing.

We determine the causes of problems by external signs - table

Problem Symptoms Possible care errors, pests or disease
Seedlings are fallingThe sprouts do not grow vertically upward, but bend towards the ground
  1. Incorrect temperature selection.
  2. Improper care: non-compliance with the watering regime, lack of light and too thick sowing.
  3. Diseases, including fungal ones: black leg, root rot.
  4. Pests: whitefly, spider mites, aphids.
Seedlings stretched outThe stems of the seedlings are thin, stretch upward, the sprouts are weak
  1. Incorrect temperature.
  2. There is not enough light (the seedlings must be illuminated for at least 12 hours).
White spots on seedlingsLight spots appear on the leaves
  1. Watering with too cold water.
  2. Sunburn.
  3. Excess or lack of fertilizing.
  4. Pests (greenhouse whitefly, spider mites, aphids).
The leaves of the seedlings have turned whiteThe leaves of the plant take on a whitish tint.
  1. Sunburn on seedlings (the seedlings were exposed to sunlight without preparation).
  2. Diseases: bacterial spot, white rot, powdery mildew, late blight.
The seedlings have turned yellowLeaves turn yellow
  1. Lack of nutrients.
  2. Overmoistening of the soil.
  3. Presence of pests in the soil.
  4. Fungal disease.
Seedlings grow poorlyThe sprouts do not grow, no causes of disease or pests have been identified
  1. Poor quality seeds.
  2. The seedlings were picked too early.
  3. Too much watering and lack of loosening of the soil, which causes the roots to rot.
  4. Overheating of roots due to heat.
  5. Insufficient plant nutrition.
  6. Lack of lighting.

Description of seedling diseases with photos

Eggplant seedlings are at risk of infection with dangerous diseases. The most common of them are “black leg”, late blight, black bacterial spot, mosaic. Plant protection and proper care will help prevent the disease, and if the problem cannot be avoided, urgent measures must be taken to treat eggplants.

Root collar rot, or “blackleg,” affects both young and mature plants. Its causes are excessive soil moisture, which causes roots to rot, low temperature, dense plantings, and lack of light.

“Black leg” occurs due to excessive soil moisture

It is better to plant eggplants in peat humus cups: in them, plants are rarely affected by the “black leg”.

Black bacterial spot

Eggplants at all stages of growth are affected by black bacterial spot. The causative agent of the disease can be on seeds, in soil, or plant debris, so it is important to disinfect seeds and soil before sowing or picking seedlings. At the first signs of disease, diseased leaves should be removed.

You can recognize black bacterial spot by small black dots bordered with yellow.

Mosaic of leaves

Leaf mosaic is caused by the tobacco or mottled mosaic virus. The virus multiplies in the soil and is spread by pests (aphids, spider mites).

The spots resemble a mosaic, and the leaves appear variegated

Late blight of eggplant

Like all nightshades, eggplant is susceptible to late blight. In order to avoid plant infection, you should choose varieties that are resistant to the disease, observe crop rotation - do not plant eggplant after or next to other nightshades.

Gray (white) rot

The disease gray rot (caused by a fungus) occurs due to sudden changes in temperature and waterlogging.

White or gray moss on the stem is the first sign of rot disease

Powdery mildew

The disease, caused by fungi, first affects the lower leaves of the plant. Powdery mildew most often develops in greenhouses.

Powdery mildew is easily recognized by the white coating on the leaves.

Tracheomycosis wilt

Vascular (tracheomycosis) wilt is caused by fungi, by the name of which the diseases are distinguished - fusarium and verticillium. The causative agents of the disease are spread by seeds and live in the soil. First the roots are affected, then the leaves, and the plant dies.

If it is not possible to stop tracheomycosis wilt at the beginning of development, all plants will have to be destroyed

Treatment of diseases of eggplant seedlings - table

DiseasesCausesMain symptomsTreatment methods (step by step)
Late blightThe causative agent is a fungusBrown spots on leaves that affect stems and fruits1. Spraying the bushes with garlic infusion (1 glass of chopped garlic per 3 liters of water, leave for a week, dilute with water 1:1 and spray).
2. Spray with Bordeaux mixture or 0.2% solution of copper sulfate. Watering and spraying with biological preparations Fitosporin-M, Alirin, Gamair, Baksis.
3. Spraying with broad-spectrum fungicides to protect vegetable crops from a range of diseases (Quadris, Ridomil, Thanos, etc.).
MosaicThe causative agent is a virusLeaves become lighter, mosaic-like spots appear, leaves are deformed1. Spraying with milk once every 10 days (add 20 g of soap per 1 liter). Treatments should be carried out every 10 days.
2. Spraying with the biological product Farmayod, Fitosporin M.
3. Feeding with the preparation “Uniflor-micro” (2 tsp per 10 liters of water).
"Blackleg"The causative agent is a fungusConstriction of the plant stem in the area of ​​the root collar, further withering of the plant1. Plants are sprayed and watered with a solution of Trichodermin, Planriz, Fitolavin, Farmayod, Fitosporin M.
2. Treatment with Hom and Previkur.
Black bacterial spotBacterial diseaseSmall spots of green-brown color. They spread to all leaves, stems1. Spraying with bactericides (1% solution of Bordeaux mixture).
2. Treatment of plants with the preparations Hom, Kartotsid.
Powdery mildewThe causative agent is a fungusWhite powdery coating on leaves1. Treatment with biological products Pentafag S, Fitosporin M.
2. Spraying with Quadris, Thiovit, Cumulus, Privent (0.1%).
Gray (white) rotThe causative agent is a fungusGray coating on plants that spreads further1. It is necessary to dry the soil, water it with a solution of Trichodermin, Planriz, Farmayod, Fitosporin M.
2. Spray the plants with fungicides Horus, Antrakol.
Tracheomycosis or vascular wilt (fusarium and verticillium wilt)The causative agent is a fungusYellowing and further wilting of leaves1. Watering and spraying with a solution of Fitosporin-M, Fitolavin, Farmayod, Gamair.
2. Spraying with Topsin, Fundazol, watering with Rovral.

Pests of eggplant seedlings and their control

Pests can destroy young shoots in a matter of days, so you need to carefully inspect the crops every day to identify and neutralize insects. The most common pests are spider mites, aphids, thrips, and whiteflies.


Since aphids reproduce instantly, you need to constantly monitor your plants. Curled leaves are the first evidence that aphids have settled on their lower parts.

You can detect aphids by looking under the leaves of plants and noticing that they have begun to curl.


Despite their tiny size, thrips are not so harmless: the insects suck the juice from the leaves, which then leave silvery spots on them. As a result, the plant dies.

Several generations of thrips can survive in greenhouse conditions


The whitefly not only sucks the juice from plants, but also secretes special substances that create a favorable environment for the development of fungal diseases. The whitefly loves dry air and heat, so it is worth paying attention to the conditions for growing eggplants.

Whitefly infects plants in indoor and greenhouse conditions

Spider mite

The presence of spider mites is indicated by wilting and falling leaves, and the presence of black dots on the back of the leaf.

It is sometimes possible to detect spider mites only when most of the plant is affected.

PestsCausesMain symptomsTreatment methods (step by step)
AphidOn the shoots and lower parts of the leaves, accumulations of insects are visible, the plant becomes covered with sticky liquid1. Spraying with garlic infusion (2 heads of crushed garlic per 1 liter of water, leave for 5 days; for spraying, dilute the solution 1:1), onion peel infusion (100 g of onion peel per 5 liters of water, leave for 5 days), mustard, etc.
2. Treatment (spraying) of seedlings with biological preparations Aktofit, Fitoverm, Entobacterin, Strela. Tanrek, Biotlin according to the instructions.
3. Spray the plant with Intavir, Karate, Iskra, Kinmiks, etc.
ThripsNo preventative measures takenLight yellow spots appear on the leaves, which transform into silver-yellow stripes with black dots1. Spraying with infusion of onion peels, garlic, mustard, capsicum, etc.
2. Spray with Actellik, Bovelin, Fitoverm, Actofit, Apollo, Akarin, Vermitek, Fufanon
WhiteflyNo preventative measures takenWhite-yellow insects appear on the underside of leaves1. Spraying with infusion of garlic, yarrow, tobacco with the addition of liquid soap.
2. Spraying with insecticides Actellik, Pirmethrin, Malathion, Aktara, Neudosan
Spider miteNo preventative measures takenSmall holes appear on the leaves. The plant becomes covered with spots, the leaves dry out1. Spraying with infusion of onion peels, garlic infusion, strong infusion of plants (henbane, chamomile, St. John's wort).
2. Spray with Actellik, Fitoverm, Actofit, Apollo, Akarin, Vermitek, Fufanon

If seedlings die without diseases and not from pests - resuscitation with fertilizing

When growing, seedlings may look unhealthy: either the plants stop growing and die, or the shade of the leaves changes. It is necessary to inspect the plant and identify signs of disease or insect infestation. Perhaps the reason lies in a lack of microelements. By learning some tips, you can prevent the development of serious diseases.

Diagnosis of micronutrient deficiency and ways to eliminate the problem:

  1. The shape and color of the leaves have changed. Thin, frail stems and pale leaf color may indicate a lack of nitrogen. To eliminate the problem, it is worth adding a urea solution: dissolve 4 g of urea in 10 liters of water. Fertilizer is applied to the soil; before this, the seedlings need to be watered.
  2. Purple-red hue on the undersides of the leaves. When the color of the leaves changes to purple-red, phosphorus fertilizers must be applied. Having dissolved superphosphate at the rate of 35 g per 10 liters of water, water the seedlings.
  3. Yellowing and deformation of leaf edges. When the lower leaves of an adult plant turn yellow and fall off, do not worry, this is normal. Yellowing and falling leaves of seedlings indicate potassium deficiency. Fertilizing with potassium sulfate (12 g per 10 liters of water) will help correct the situation.
  4. Light or dark spots on the leaves. Marble-like spots may appear between the veins on the leaves. This indicates a lack of magnesium. 25 g of magnesium sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of water and watered over the plants.

Video: problems of eggplant seedlings and ways to solve them

Strong and healthy seedlings are the key to a good harvest. Knowing the basic requirements of agricultural technology, methods of disease prevention and protection from and control of pests, you can grow excellent eggplants.

» Tomatoes

Experienced gardeners claim that tomatoes are a strong and resilient crop. Caring for them is quite simple, and the harvest almost always pleases the owner of the site. However, not every beginner achieves good yields. Either pests spoil the seedlings, then diseases appear, or the leaves of the plants turn white. In order to save a vegetable crop in time, you need to have basic skills in caring for an annual plant.

There are several reasons why the leaves of seedlings may turn white and then dry out. Very often the problem occurs due to sunburn on young plants. The first step to confirm the cause is to inspect the greenery. Sunburn affects leaves partially or everywhere and they may become covered with white spots and begin to thin out. White dots can appear not only from exposure to the sun when transplanting into open ground, but also while on a windowsill, upholstered in cups, and even in a greenhouse.

What can you do to avoid sunburn? Is it possible to revive the landings? Following simple rules will allow gardeners to prevent this problem from occurring:

Tomato seedlings close up
  • Under no circumstances should you immediately plant seedlings from a shaded place in the open sun. It is necessary to gradually accustom the green shoots to the sun's rays, otherwise the tomatoes will dry out even more. To do this, cups with seedlings should be taken outside for 20-30 minutes every day. Gradually, the time spent in the air increases and as soon as the time is right, the tomatoes can be transplanted into open ground.
  • Chemical burns are no less common cause of the appearance of white spots on tomato foliage. They appear due to an increase in the recommended dosage of chemical fertilizer during the preparation of the solution. Excessive density of the solution, once on plants, provokes the appearance of white spotting on the foliage. Gradually, the affected greenery dies.
  • There are times when green leaves become covered with white spots due to the manifestation of various diseases.

Some chemicals can be used only in cloudy weather, so as not to provoke a decrease in the degree of natural protection of plants from sunlight. Very often, ignoring these rules leads to the death of seedlings.

Diseases of adult plants in greenhouses and open ground

Low yields are ensured by gardeners who believe that tomatoes do not require care and fertilization. Only proper care of the vegetable crop will make it possible to form weighty fruits that will delight the tomato owner. If there are white spots on green growth, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance. Not only pests, but also unpleasant diseases, such as:

  • brown spot;
  • white rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • septoria;
  • late blight

Brown spot

When brown spot appears, tomato leaves turn white. In addition, seedlings are exposed to a number of concomitant diseases. This disease mainly affects greenhouse annual plants.

With brown spotting, the spots turn from white to dark

The main signs of brown spot include:

  • the appearance of white fluff on the inner parts of tomato leaf blades;
  • gradual modification of the color scheme of the plaque, a smooth transition from white to dark brown shades;
  • the appearance of yellowness on the outer part of the foliage.

The development of the disease can be stopped in the initial stages. If you ignore the symptoms, the tomato foliage will gradually curl and the plant will soon die. To prevent brown spot, seedlings should be provided with regular ventilation and a decrease in humidity. Such methods will help prevent the consequences of a disastrous scourge.

The occurrence of white rot negatively affects the leaves and stems of vegetables. The vegetative part of the seedlings becomes covered with white spots, the stems become soft and a coating similar to the mucous membrane forms on them.

To prevent the death of bushes, urgent therapy is necessary. To do this, you need to strictly follow the advice of experts:

  • First of all, we eliminate the infected part of the seedlings.
  • We treat the cut areas with a solution of copper sulfate.

For preventive purposes against white rot, you can use a universal remedy called Bordeaux mixture. Spraying seedlings will relieve tomatoes from an unpleasant disease.

Powdery mildew of tomatoes

Light-colored tomato foliage may indicate powdery mildew. The main signs of trouble are:

  • a gray-white coating on the lower part of the foliage;
  • yellowness on the upper side of the foliage.

The disease develops quite rapidly. The foliage quickly dries out and the annual plant dies. It is very important to promptly pay attention to affected tomatoes and carry out proper treatment. Powdery mildew is incredibly difficult to defeat.

It is best to take preventive measures in advance. High levels of air humidity and frequent changes in moisture levels become ideal conditions for the appearance of an unpleasant disease.

During periods of high humidity, experts recommend treating bushes with special means, namely:

  • Foundationazole;
  • Topaz;
  • Previkur;
  • Vitaros.

Septoria no less often than other diseases destroys tomato seedlings. The fungal infection spreads quite quickly throughout the green tomatoes and forms many yellow-brown spots.

Elimination of the manifestations of this fungus is possible in two stages:

  • pruning the affected vegetation of the bush;
  • treating plantings with fungicidal agents such as Bordeaux mixture, Baktofit.

The appearance of late blight

Almost every experienced gardener has encountered late blight, which destroys not only tomatoes, but also potatoes. The primary signs of late blight are:

  • the appearance of spots of brown-brown shades with a white edging along the extreme parts of the leaf plate;
  • rapid increase in spots;
  • the appearance of a light coating resembling a cobweb on the lower part of the foliage;
  • yellowing of the leaves, their further curling and drying.

The stems of the plant gradually turn into dust, break and the seedlings die. Only timely treatment will prevent the death of the bushes.

How to deal with white spots on tomato leaves

Treatment of leaves affected by white coating is not always effective. That is why it is better to worry in advance about preventive measures that will protect the bushes from pests and various infections. Experienced gardeners believe that it is important to plant seedlings correctly, which also affects the durability of the vegetable crop.

To prevent the appearance of white spots on the foliage, it is necessary to wisely select the site for planting seedlings. Plants should receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, which will not make it possible to provoke excessive pampering of the shoots.

In the case when the seedlings were in the shade for a long time and then were planted in open ground on the sunny side, most of the bushes soon became covered with white spots from sunburn and died. Even when the seedlings are barely visible from the soil in the cup, they must be systematically brought into sunlight so that they get used to such an environment.

Do not suddenly move tomatoes from the shade to the sun. The transition must be gradual

It is equally important to take care in advance to protect the bushes from various diseases. To do this you need:

  • select and prepare the soil for planting tomatoes in advance;
  • add fertilizers recommended by experts to the soil, which will increase the ability of plants to resist diseases of various types.

When spraying seedlings using chemicals, you should strictly follow the instructions. This will avoid chemical burns and further plant death.

Proper care of tomato seedlings will help avoid problems in the future.

In cases where white spots from sunburn appear on the foliage of tomatoes, it is no longer possible to return the green color. However, using special means you can help the bushes recover and acquire new green mass.

After sunset, you can process tomatoes using the drug Espin. Such procedures should be carried out every 6-7 days for 3 weeks. These measures will allow the plants to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

If the seedlings do receive sunburn, then their fruiting will be delayed by 7-14 days, unlike healthy bushes.