How to shape the bamboo of happiness. Bamboo is an indoor plant. Care. How to twist at home. How to replant bamboo at home video

Bamboo is a tropical plant that in natural conditions reaches a height of 30-40 meters. It is known for being able to stretch several tens of centimeters per day. But at home, other types are used that do not show such impressive results and do not reach gigantic sizes. They are great for growing in a city apartment.

From this article you will learn how to grow bamboo at home, whether it can be propagated at home, problems that arise while it is growing, and much more.

Decorative types, photos

Bamboo is grown in tubs, which grows to a height of 2-3, sometimes 4 meters. These types include:

  • polysyllabic;
  • polysyllabic variegated;
  • shiny - stands out with its purple stems;
  • muriel - has yellow stems.

There are also dwarf forms of bamboo that are grown in pots at home. Their height does not exceed 1 m. These include:

  • bluish (up to 40 cm);
  • kumasaz, an interesting species that stands out for its zigzag, flattened stems;
  • variegated - grows up to 1 m in height, has variegated leaves with cream-colored stripes.

Dracaena Sandera

The Dracaena Sandera plant is also often called decorative or indoor bamboo.

Outwardly, it really resembles bamboo, but in fact is a type of shrubby dracaena.

It is perfect for growing at home, looks good, and its stem can be curled to create different interesting shapes.

One of the main differences between dracaena and bamboo is the fleshy rather than hollow stem.

It reaches a height of one meter, gray-green leaves up to 20-25 cm long.

Dracaena Sandera blooms with small white flowers.

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How to plant in soil

To grow an indoor flower like bamboo at home, heavy, nutritious soil is suitable. The best option is clay-turf soil, to which peat and humus must be added in a 2:1:1 ratio.

Young shoots need to be fertilized more often; a good option is to fertilize once every two weeks.

Landing in the water

It is not necessary to plant dracaena in the ground - it grows well in water too, even better than in the ground.

You need to choose a suitable ceramic or glass container and place the plant in it.

At the bottom you need to put pebbles or glass balls on which the roots will catch.

You just need to periodically change the water and rinse the leaves from dust.

Water straight from the tap will not work, it is better to use melt or rain.

It’s easy to make melt yourself- to do this, you need to fill the bottle with the same tap water, freeze it, and then defrost it.

You can also grow bamboo in water, but still the main way to plant it at home is in a pot with soil.

Growing from seeds

Dracaena can be grown at home and from seeds. This method is more complicated, but more interesting than planting rhizomes or cuttings. You need to proceed as follows:

  • soak the seeds in gauze until they begin to sprout;
  • plant them in a box with soil, consisting of earth, sand and drainage in a ratio of 2:1:1;
  • spray daily seedlings from a spray bottle;
  • cover the box with polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions for the seedlings: there should be a lot of moisture, heat and light;
  • so that young plants do not rot, the greenhouse must be ventilated three times a day.

When the seedlings reach a height of five centimeters, the strongest of them need to be transplanted into pots in which they will continue to grow.


In summer, when active plant growth occurs, it needs to be watered very generously. The soil should always be moist.

If there is not enough water, brown spots will appear on the leaves and the leaves will curl. If there is too much water, the foliage will begin to droop.

But the plant is not very demanding when it comes to air humidity. However, if the room is dry, its leaves stand periodically spray with a spray bottle.

To feed the plant, you need to use organic or complex fertilizers. In spring and summer Feeding can be done once every two months, in autumn and winter - less often.

With enough nutrients, growth will proceed quickly; if there is not enough nutrition, it will slow down.


The plant loves light, but does not tolerate bright direct sunlight. Therefore, a pot or tub with a plant in the spring and In summer it should be kept in a bright place, but avoiding overly lit areas.

In autumn and winter, when natural light is not enough, you can illuminate the plant using fluorescent lamps, but this is usually not necessary.


Bamboo is a heat-loving plant, in summer the temperature for growing it is from 20 to 32 degrees, in winter - not lower than 16-18. If the room gets colder, the plant's leaves will darken, lose their rigidity and curl.

How to twist stems into a spiral

The stem of indoor bamboo can be twisted at home, creating different unusual shapes of a twisted spiral.

Most often it is twisted into a spiral. This process is not complicated, but it will take a lot of time:

  • the pot or tub with the shoot must be covered with a cap with a hole, so that the light falls on the plant from the top and side;
  • after this, the shoot will begin to stretch towards the window, gradually bending;
  • then, in order to curl the stem into a spiral, the cap must be gradually turned.

It will take a year to get one turn of the spiral. As a cap, you can use a cardboard box with one side cut out.

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The easiest way to reproduce is divide the rhizome when transplanting. Thus, from one bush you can get several.

Each new root should have two or three shoots or nodules (buds).

When transplanted into suitable soil they will take root without any problems. T

You can also simply dig up the rhizome in a pot or tub to separate the required number of root shoots for plant propagation.

Another option is propagation by cuttings. In this case, the cutting formed after cutting the stem must be placed in water and kept there until roots appear. Then it is planted in a pot.

We invite you to watch the video, where you can learn in more detail how bamboo (or Dracaena Sander) is propagated and how to care for a houseplant at home:


Young sprouts need to be transplanted from a smaller pot to a larger one once a year. Adult plants are usually replanted every two to three years.

In order for the transplant to take place successfully, several rules must be followed:

  • It is better to replant the plant in April-May, at this time it tolerates this procedure as well as possible;
  • When replanting, no mineral fertilizers should be added;
  • You can fertilize the soil with them in two to three weeks by adding them to the water for irrigation.

Why leaves turn yellow and how to deal with it

Bamboo leaves turn yellow and wither due to excess light: as mentioned above, despite the fact that this plant is very light-loving, it does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Therefore, if yellowing and drying out of the foliage appears, It’s better to move it away from the window, perhaps even placed in partial shade.

This will prevent the problem from getting worse. However, those leaves that have already turned yellow must be removed, while smearing the cut area with wax or sprinkling with charcoal powder.

Other possible causes of yellowing- insufficient watering, use of hard water for irrigation and excess fertilizer. In order to be on the safe side, it is necessary to eliminate all these unfavorable factors.

How to grow bamboo and properly care for a houseplant at home, learn from this useful video:

Bamboo is an interesting and rather unpretentious plant that looks great in the interior. It is not very common, despite the fact that it is not difficult to grow it at home.

Beautiful lacy greenery, ease of cultivation and ease of propagation make it an excellent choice for home growing. If you're looking to add a unique touch to your interior, this might be just what you need.

Indoor bamboo - green shoot practically without leaf mass. It does not change its green color, since it is a resident of the tropics, but the degree of intensity depends on the conditions of keeping the flower and care. This is a fairly fast-growing plant, which needs to be kept in check by pruning it in time.

In order for a plant to actively grow and develop, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary conditions for its life.

Lighting and temperature

Lighting for the plant should be bright, but without direct sunlight, which can burn its foliage. Therefore, windows with east or west orientation are ideal.

Since this is a plant of the tropics, it is quite thermophilic and therefore it will feel good in the fresh air in light shade. Summer temperatures should be in the range of 25-27 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature rises above 35 degrees, it is better to bring it into a cool room. Since the roots at this temperature stop absorbing moisture, and the flower falls into stagnation.

In winter, the temperature should not fall below 17 degrees Celsius.

It is important in summer to ensure the temperature does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius.

Humidity and watering

Watering should be balanced, but it all depends on how the flower is cultivated:

  • In the ground.

If the plant is planted in the ground, then in the summer it requires abundant watering. In winter, at low temperatures, it is watered only when the soil dries out half the pot. If for some reason the air temperature in the room drops below 17 degrees Celsius, then watering is temporarily stopped.

If the plant is grown in water, then it is changed once a week all year round, and as the temperature rises, it should be changed once every four days.

Water Bamboo only with melt water. It is not difficult to prepare it at home by first freezing the settled water, and then defrosting and heating it naturally to 14 degrees Celsius.

Soil and fertilizing

Bamboo prefers nutritious and loose soil rich in various minerals. Purchased soil is suitable for Dracaena. It can be purchased at specialized flower shops.

It is important that the soil has a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen. Therefore, if you select fertilizers, then fertilizers for Dracaena are more likely to be suitable because it is for

Bamboo is practically not produced. The frequency of fertilizing in the autumn-winter period is once in the fall and once in the winter. In summer they are held quite often once every two weeks. If there is insufficient nutrition, the plant sheds its leaf mass.

Do not remove fallen leaves from the pot - Bamboo will clearly object.


When choosing a pot, you need to take into account the fact that it roots in the soil are located horizontally, and do not go into depth. In this case, it is better to purchase a pot for growing.

After inspecting the new pot, you need to make sure that it has drainage holes through which excess water will drain. Expanded clay and a small layer of earth are poured onto the bottom of the pot and bamboo stems are placed in a bunch or individually. Then the soil around is filled to the required level. After replanting, it is worth thoroughly watering the soil where the plant is planted.

For the first three years, bamboo is replanted annually.

How to trim and pinch correctly

Pruning is necessary as it grows very quickly. If you don’t pin it or cut it in time, it will look like a rather long fishing rod.

When part of the top is cut off, side shoots immediately appear, which can be left for propagation of the massive green crown or put for rooting.

Diseases and pests (diagnosis and treatment)

Plants get sick so rarely that the disease can be noticed if you don’t take care of it at all.

  • Yellowing of leaf plates– it is worth adding minerals to water for irrigation;
  • Darkening leaf blades at the same time they lose their elasticity and become sluggish - most likely the Bamboo is cold and should be moved to a warmer place;
  • Black spots along the trunk and leaf blades - infection with sooty fungus due to too humid content plus lack of fresh air. It is worth treating with any fungicide and adjusting watering;
  • The tip dries out leaf - if it is winter time, then the flower is cold. If it's summer, it's too dry and hot.
  • Spider mites - sometimes red and dark, weave webs between the leaves and feed on plant sap. It can be removed using Aktara.
  • Mealybugs - they are easy to spot if you look at the axils of the leaves. There will be accumulations that look like white cotton wool. To get rid of this pest, they are collected with a cotton swab, and then the plant treated with insecticide – Actellik.


Flowering has not been fully studied. It is believed that he blooms once every 100 years and then dies. There have been cases when flowering begins in a bamboo grove, which lasts up to 10 years, and then the entire grove dies. Now, to be on the safe side, one variety of Bamboo is planted in botanical gardens.

Growing a plant

This rather unspoiled plant does not require much care. It can be cultivated in two ways:

  1. Growing in soil.
  2. Growing in water.

But no matter what method is chosen by the gardener, It is very easy to grow these delicate greens at home.

In the ground

In order to cultivate Bamboo in the ground, you must first decide on the choice of soil. Therefore, by visiting a flower shop, you can buy soil for Dracaena or any other soil with a high nitrogen content. The container should be wide with holes for draining water. Expanded clay is necessary for drainage.

Having acquired everything necessary, we plant according to all recommended rules. Further care consists of timely watering and fertilizing.

Very often in offices you can see Bamboo living in beautiful containers with water. Care for such cultivation consists of constant water changes. This is done once a week or if the weather is very hot, then once every four days. Mineral fertilizers are simply added to the water.

The water that will serve as a replacement should be at room temperature and allowed to stand for 24 hours.

This plant has always been grown for its rich, fast-growing greenery.

What is the difference between the types “Bamboo of Happiness” and “Lucky Spiral”

These are not two separate species, Bamboo of Happiness grows with straight trunks upward, and Lucky spiral is intricately twisted trunks. Caring for them is exactly the same, since they are one type of grass called Bamboo.

Feng Shui meaning of Bamboo in a home

This plant brings health and longevity. Depending on this, the number of sticks growing in one container is selected. The Chinese not only plant bamboo at home, but also embroider pictures with its image. The Chinese garden near the house provides for the planting of several varieties of Bamboo, because swaying in the wind, each sounds in its own way.

For the sake of well-being in the family, you can not only plant bamboo in your home, but also embroider panels to decorate your home.

Is bamboo at home good or bad?

Many signs indicate that this is rather a useful flower because it is kept in the house significantly improves the well-being of the family and its health. But you need to make sure that children and animals do not get to the foliage, since they contain cyanogenic glycoside - a toxic substance that is killed after the plant is thermally treated.

This magnificent plant should find a place in the home, as it brings a lot of positive energy. Its cultivation comes down to timely watering and replacing the water in the container in which it is grown.

Dracaena Sandera looks very much like real indoor bamboo, which is why it is popularly called the “bamboo of happiness.” However, apart from external similarities, the plants have nothing in common. Amazing sticks with a bunch of green leaves on the top are considered a symbol of good luck; according to Feng Shui, they bring happiness and prosperity to the home of their owners. Dracaena Sander is used to create compositions, giving the shoots a variety of shapes, and is also grown as an independent plant at home in the ground or in water.

Unpretentious dracaena with a “bamboo” appearance

Under natural conditions, the plant grows in equatorial Africa, in particular, it is found in Cameroon. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, according to the botanical classification, belonging to the Asparagus family.

This type of dracaena received its name in honor of the famous English botanist, gardener and plant taxonomist Henry Frederick Conrad Sander.

The stem of dracaena is fleshy, in contrast to the hollow shoot of bamboo, colored green, and its shade does not change with the growth of the plant, which is a characteristic feature of this species. The shoots grow up to 1 m in height. Constrictions are noticeable on them, which, in fact, are dormant buds. The leaf blades, which are 15–25 cm long, are colored gray-green.

In indoor conditions, happiness bamboo is very unpretentious and requires minimal care, therefore it is highly valued as an ornamental plant decorating office premises. But dracaena can also add zest to a home interior, since florists use shoots to create amazing compositions in the form of pyramids, braids, etc. The plant is also shaped into a spiral, which gives the plant an extravagant appearance.

Lucky Bamboo and other types of Dracaena Sander

Dracaena Sander is often found on sale under the name Lucky Bamboo, which means “lucky bamboo”, the shoots of which are either straight or twisted in a spiral. The latter form is achieved artificially. The technology is quite simple. The young sprout is placed in a special curved tube and when it grows to the required size, it is released from “imprisonment.” The trunk retains a spiral shape for some time, and then stretches out, becomes overgrown with leaves and looks like an ordinary dracaena.

Breeders have developed several spectacular varieties of Dracaena Sander. Among them we can highlight

  • White Stripe Victory with white stripes on light green leaves;
  • White Stripe Gold with a yellowish border and white stripes along the entire length of the leaf.

Varieties and forms of Dracaena Sander in the photo

In the natural environment, the shoots of Dracaena Sander grow without bending
The bend in the form of a spiral is obtained artificially. A characteristic feature of the White Stripe Gold variety is a yellow border along the edge of the leaf. Pyramids can be formed from several shoots tied together. The shoots of Dracaena Sander are quite flexible, so they can be used to form fantasy compositions
The White Stripe Victory variety has white stripes along the entire length of the leaf.

Video: bamboo of happiness, bringing prosperity to the home

Lighting, humidity and other conditions required by Dracaena Sander - table

Features of planting and replanting pseudobamboo at home

You can grow Dracaena Sander both in water and in a container with substrate. Regardless of the cultivation method, luck bamboo should be replanted annually, and a plant growing in a humid environment can be replanted even more often, as needed.

Transplantation into the ground

When growing lucky bamboo in a substrate, it is very important to create a thick layer of drainage, the thickness of which should be approximately two-thirds of the pot. For this purpose, you can use small pebbles or other rounded stones, as well as coarse sand. When growing in transparent containers, decorative stones are an excellent option for creating drainage, which will not only remove excess moisture, but also give an aesthetic appearance to the composition.

The substrate is made up of:

  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • 1/2 part of turf soil.

You can also use ready-made soil mixture for dracaenas to plant happiness bamboo.

The transplant procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot; the layer should occupy 2/3 of the container.
  2. Remove the dracaena from the old pot, rinse the roots, cut off any damaged, dry or rotten parts.
  3. Place the plant on a drainage layer and lightly cover the roots with stones. Then add the substrate. compact it and water it.
  4. Place it in a semi-shaded place, and after a week move it to a western or eastern window with diffused light.

Growing Dracaena Sander in water

Very often the plant is sold in cones filled with water. There is no need to replant it into the soil immediately after purchase. The plant can grow well in a humid environment for several years, but the replanting procedure must be carried out annually (sometimes even more often), as when grown in a substrate.

Water for growing Dracaena Sander must be filtered. Experienced gardeners also recommend using rainwater or distilled water. During transplantation you must:

  1. Remove the shoot from the container, wash the roots and remove rotten parts. If the root system is not sufficiently developed on the lower part of the stem, several cuts can be made. This technique will stimulate the formation of new roots.
  2. Place rounded pebbles at the bottom of the container.
  3. Install dracaena shoots and press them with stones.
  4. Then pour clean water into the flowerpot. The liquid level should be 1–2 cm above where the roots begin to grow, otherwise the shoot may rot.

An effective way to grow Dracaena Sander is to use hydrogel. For planting, it is best to choose a transparent pot, so the composition will look more impressive. The transplant process is simple:

  1. Fill the hydrogel with water and leave for 4 hours to swell.
  2. Then prepare the plant by removing any rotten parts.
  3. Place it in a flowerpot and fill the voids with swollen hydrogel balls.

The hydrogel does not lose its properties for five years; after this period it must be replaced with a new one.

Nuances of caring for Dracaena Sander

As already mentioned, happiness bamboo is a very unpretentious plant and grows quickly. Because of this feature, the plant requires special feeding and frequent pruning.

Watering and fertilizing

When grown in water or hydroponically, bamboo must be periodically fed with mineral complexes, since due to their lack, the leaves will gradually begin to turn yellow and the plant will wither. To prevent bamboo from losing its attractiveness, it is necessary to add special preparations for dracaenas, produced in liquid form, to the water. In this case, their concentration should be 2 times less than indicated on the packaging.

Pseudobamboos growing in soil also need to be fertilized once a month. The procedure should be carried out during active plant growth from spring to autumn. In winter, feeding will lead to excessive growth, the dracaena will stretch out and look unattractive.

There is no need to water plants grown in water, but the water should be changed once every two weeks. The liquid must be filtered.

Dracaena planted in the ground is watered 2-3 times a week in the summer (as the top layer of the substrate in the pot dries). In winter, the number of moisturizers is reduced to one per week.

Forming a plant in a pot

Indoor bamboo has good growth. In suitable conditions, the shoots begin to quickly lengthen, leaves begin to grow on the top and on the trunk, which is why the plant becomes completely different from real bamboo and looks sloppy.

As it grows, side shoots and leaves on the stem must be trimmed periodically to maintain the appearance of the plant. In addition, if there are many shoots in the composition, then gradually keeping them crowded leads to yellowing and death of the leaves. To prevent this from happening, formative pruning is done. For this:

To create some compositions, for example, original pyramids, on the contrary, you need to stimulate the growth of side shoots. To do this you need:

Another way to stimulate the growth of side shoots is to spray the stem with a growth stimulant, for example, Epin or Zircon.

If the plant has become too elongated, you can replace it with a new specimen by cutting off the top and rooting it in water.

Even at home, you can try to create an interesting plant shape: make a braid or “braid” the stems into a pigtail. To do this, cut the apical cuttings, root them and plant them in the ground. To form a braid, it is enough to plant 3 plants at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other. When the cuttings grow to 7–10 cm, the leaves are cut off from the bottom and the shoots are intertwined. The joints of the stems are wrapped with wire. Then, when the plant grows another 10 cm, the shoots are intertwined in the same way and the braid is secured with wire. After a few months, when the stems become strong, the wire will need to be removed.

In the same way, a composition in the form of a braid is formed. Rooted cuttings are planted in a container at an angle to each other and the junctions are wrapped with wire.

Rest period

Dracaena Sander does not have a rest period as such. But in winter it is best to reduce the temperature to +20 o C and reduce the number of waterings. In this way it will be possible to restrain the stretching of shoots.

Consequences of mistakes made when caring for Dracaena Sander, and what to do to correct the situation - table

Problem What caused it? How to fix the situation?
The tips of the leaves dry out
  • low room temperature;
  • the air is too dry
Move the bamboo to a warmer place and place it away from radiators.
The leaves are curlingcold roomPlace the container with Dracaena Sander in a warm place. Please note that the temperature for keeping the bamboo of happiness should not be lower than +20 o C.
Dry spots appear on leaf bladessunburnShade the plant with a curtain or move it to a place with diffused light (on the windowsill of a window facing east or west).
The lower leaf blades turn yellownatural processRemove yellowed leaves so that they do not spoil the appearance of the lucky bamboo.

Diseases and pests of indoor happiness bamboo - table

Diseases/pests How to recognize? Reason for appearance How to treat?
  • the roots soften and turn brown;
  • leaves droop, turn yellow and dry out
fungal diseaseIt is almost impossible to revive. It is best to remove a diseased dracaena.
  • reddish-yellow spots appear on the leaves;
  • leaf blades die
  • low temperature;
  • poor lighting
  1. Treat with fungicidal preparations, for example Fitoverm, according to the instructions.
  2. Bring conditions of detention in accordance with the recommended ones.
Shield aphid (scale insect)
  • yellow spots and brown, gray or black shields appear on leaf blades and shoots;
  • the leaves become paler, wither, then dry out completely and fall off
insufficient humidity in the room
  1. Scrape off the bumps.
  2. Wipe all parts of the plant with a cotton swab dipped in soap or soap-alcohol solution.
  3. Spray the flower with Actellik (according to the instructions).
  • appears on plants grown in soil;
  • the junction of the leaf blades with the trunk, as well as the leaves themselves, become covered with powdery secretions;
  • leaves curl, become covered with yellowish spots and die
too much wateringTreat the soil and aerial parts of dracaena three times with Intavir or Inta-cm with an interval of 10 days.

Signs of diseases and pests on Dracaena Sander - photo gallery

Dracaena Sander is propagated by apical and lateral cuttings, as well as by stem division.

Bamboo of happiness from apical cuttings

The stages of propagation using cuttings are as follows:

  1. Choose healthy bamboo shoots 10–15 cm long. This is quite easy to determine: it is hard and green in color. Specimens that are yellowed and soft to the touch cannot be used for propagation.
  2. Remove excess leaves from the stems.
  3. Cut off the top.
  4. Place the cutting in a glass of water.
  5. After 2–3 months, roots will form on the cutting and it can be planted in the ground or continued growing in water.
  6. Cuttings taken from side shoots can be rooted in a similar way.

New specimens from stem pieces

The shoot, after the apical and lateral cuttings have been cut from it, can also be used to propagate happiness bamboo. The stem takes root well and begins to grow quickly. To get new plant specimens, you must:

  1. Cut the shoot with a clean knife into pieces approximately 5 cm long, each of which should have two jumpers (dormant buds).
  2. Fill the top cut with wax. It needs to be melted in a water bath, cool slightly and pour over the cut.
  3. After the wax hardens, place the prepared pieces in water.
  4. There is no need to plant cuttings immediately after roots appear on them. Let them develop a good root system and wait for new shoots to appear on a piece of stem. Only after this can Sander’s dracaena be planted in the ground or continue to grow it in water.

Video: planting and caring for decorative bamboo

Bamboo is a tropical plant that in natural conditions reaches a height of 30-40 meters. It is known for the fact that it can stretch several tens of centimeters per day.

But other types are used at home, which do not show such results and do not reach gigantic sizes. They are great for growing in a city apartment.

We'll tell you how to grow bamboo at home, whether it can be propagated at home, problems that arise while it is growing, and much more.

Decorative types, photos

Bamboo is grown in tubs, which grows to a height of 2-3, sometimes 4 meters. These are the following types:

  • polysyllabic;
  • polysyllabic variegated;
  • shiny - stands out with its purple stems;
  • muriel - has yellow stems.

There are dwarf forms of bamboo that are grown in pots at home.. Their height is no more than 1 m. These include:

  • bluish (up to 40 cm);
  • kumasaz, an interesting species that stands out for its zigzag, flattened stems;
  • variegated - grows up to 1 m in height, has variegated leaves with cream-colored stripes.

Dracaena Sandera

The Dracaena Sandera plant is also often called decorative or indoor bamboo.

Outwardly it resembles bamboo, but in fact This is a type of shrubby dracaena. It is perfect for growing at home, looks good, and its stem can be curled to create different interesting shapes.

One of the main differences between dracaena and bamboo is the fleshy, rather than hollow, stem. It reaches a height of one meter, gray-green leaves up to 20-25 cm long.

Dracaena Sandera blooms with small white flowers.

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Have you received an invitation to a wedding? look for a list of unusual wedding gifts - surprise the newlyweds and guests!

And you will find many useful tips on how to improve your mood, even if it is at zero! We know the most effective methods and recommendations of psychologists.

How to plant in soil

To grow an indoor flower like bamboo at home, heavy, nutritious soil is suitable.

Better to use clay-turf soil, to which peat and humus must be added in a 2:1:1 ratio.

Young shoots need to be fertilized more often; a good option is to fertilize once every two weeks.

Landing in the water

It is not necessary to plant dracaena in the ground - it also grows in water, even better than in the ground.

You need to choose a suitable ceramic or glass container and place the plant in it. At the bottom you need to put pebbles or glass balls on which the roots will catch.

It is necessary to periodically change the water and wash the leaves from dust. Tap water will not work, it is better to use melt or rain.

Thaw is easy to make– to do this, you need to fill the bottle with the same tap water, freeze it, and then defrost it.

Bamboo can also be grown in water, but the main way to plant it at home is in a pot with soil.

Growing from seeds

Dracaena can be grown at home and from seeds. This method is more complicated, but more interesting than planting rhizomes or cuttings.

You need to do this:

  • soak the seeds in gauze until they begin to sprout;
  • plant them in a box with soil, consisting of earth, sand and drainage in a ratio of 2:1:1;
  • spray daily seedlings from a spray bottle;
  • cover the box with polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions for the seedlings: there should be a lot of moisture, heat and light;
  • so that young plants do not rot, the greenhouse must be ventilated three times a day.

When the seedlings reach a height of five centimeters, the strongest of them need to be transplanted into pots in which they will continue to grow.


In summer, when active plant growth occurs, it needs to be watered very generously. The soil should always be moist.

If there is not enough water, brown spots will appear on the leaves and the leaves will curl. If there is too much water, the foliage will begin to droop.

But the plant is not very demanding when it comes to air humidity. However, if the room is dry, its leaves stand periodically spray with a spray bottle.

To feed the plant, you need to use organic or complex fertilizers.

In spring and summer Feeding can be done once every two months, in autumn and winter - less often.

With enough nutrients, growth will proceed quickly; if there is not enough nutrition, it will slow down.


The plant loves light, but does not tolerate bright direct sunlight.

Therefore, a pot or tub with a plant in spring and summer it should be kept in a bright place, but avoiding overly lit areas.

In autumn and winter, when natural light is not enough, you can illuminate the plant using fluorescent lamps, but this is not necessary.


Bamboo is a heat-loving plant, in summer the temperature for growing it is from 20 to 32 degrees, in winter – not lower than 16-18.

If the room gets colder, the plant's leaves will darken, lose their rigidity and curl.

How to twist stems into a spiral

The stem of indoor bamboo can be twisted at home, creating different unusual shapes of a twisted spiral.

Most often it is twisted into a spiral. This process is not complicated, but it will take a lot of time:

  • the pot or tub with the shoot must be covered with a cap with a hole, so that the light falls on the plant from the top and side;
  • after this, the shoot will begin to stretch towards the window, gradually bending;
  • further, in order to curl the stem into a spiral, the cap must be gradually turned.

It will take a year to get one turn of the spiral. As a cap, you can use a cardboard box with one side cut out.

Find out all about

Each new root should have two or three shoots or nodules (buds). When transplanted into suitable soil they will take root without any problems.

You can simply dig up the rhizome in a pot or tub to separate the required number of root shoots for plant propagation.

Another option is propagation by cuttings. The cuttings formed after cutting the stem must be placed in water and kept there until roots appear.

Then it is planted in a pot.

In this video you can learn how to propagate bamboo (or Dracaena Sander) and care for a houseplant at home:


Young sprouts need to be transplanted from a smaller pot to a larger one once a year. Adult plants are usually replanted every two to three years.

For the transplant to be successful, several rules must be followed:

  • It is better to replant the plant in April-May, at this time it tolerates this procedure as well as possible;
  • When replanting, no mineral fertilizers should be added;
  • You can fertilize the soil with them in two to three weeks by adding them to the water for irrigation.

Why leaves turn yellow and how to deal with it

Bamboo leaves turn yellow and wither due to excess light. Despite the fact that this plant is very light-loving, it does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Therefore, if yellowing and drying out of the foliage appears, It’s better to move it away from the window, perhaps even placed in partial shade.

This will prevent the problem from getting worse. However, those leaves that have already turned yellow must be removed, while smearing the cut area with wax or sprinkling with charcoal powder.

Other possible causes of yellowing– insufficient watering, use of hard water for irrigation and excess fertilizer.

To be on the safe side, you need to eliminate all these factors.

How to grow bamboo and properly care for a houseplant at home, learn from this useful video:

Bamboo is an interesting and rather unpretentious plant that looks great in the interior. It is not very common, despite the fact that it is not difficult to grow it at home.

Beautiful lacy greenery, ease of cultivation and ease of propagation make it an excellent choice for home growing.

If you want to add an original detail to your interior, this may be what you need.

Dracaena Sandera or “Bamboo of Happiness” is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Dracaena genus. We will look at bamboo at home, its reproduction, planting and care, and photos in this article. Young shoots of Dracaena Sander are similar to bamboo shoots, which is why this analogy appeared.

The plant harmonizes space, brings happiness and prosperity to the house. Due to its exotic appearance, the ability to picturesquely bend young shoots, and unpretentiousness, it has become popular for growing at home and in the office.

Secrets of success

Dracaena Sandera is an unpretentious plant native to Asia. Any room with a temperature range of 17-28 ºС is suitable for its cultivation. Powerful shoots can reach a length of 1 m, so for home bamboo you need to choose a spacious, heavy pot.

Growing methods

This unique plant can be grown in three ways:

  • In the ground. Purchase specialized soil for dracaenas. It is allowed to use garden soil with sand in a ratio of 3:1.
  • It's amazing that Dracaena Sander can develop in water! Does not tolerate chlorinated tap water, it must be soft. The easiest way is to use melt water. To do this, pour tap water into a plastic bottle, place it in the freezer, then defrost it and use it to grow bamboo. Change every 14 days, top up as it evaporates. In order for bamboo grown in water to be strong, healthy, and not turn yellow, you need to add fertilizer for dracaenas. You can use products to extend the life of cut flowers. Rainwater may be used. For disinfection, be sure to add charcoal.
  • In hydrogel. This substance can have a variety of decorative particle shapes and be different in color; it looks impressive in a transparent container. The hydrogel provides dracaena with moisture and nutrients and performs a decorative function.

Knowing the preferences of an exotic pet, even novice gardeners can easily achieve success:

  1. The plant develops best on the east or west window of the house.
  2. Doesn't like cold drafts.
  3. Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  4. In summer, when growing in the ground, provide frequent, abundant watering. The soil should always be moist. In winter, water moderately.
  5. When grown in water, when the plant has become stronger and its stems have become thicker, it is better to place the dracaena in the ground for further growing season, because The soil contains many nutrients necessary for active growth.
  6. When grown in soil, feed once every 3 months with a special fertilizer for dracaenas according to the instructions.
  7. There should be no dust on the bamboo leaves! Therefore, they need to be wiped with a damp sponge. Place a container of water nearby to humidify the air. It is not advisable to spray, because this can lead to rotting of sections of the stem.
  8. If part of the plant has turned yellow, then it needs to be cut off, and the healthy part should be placed in melt water at room temperature; it will quickly take root. Change the water every 14 days. For pruning, use garden pruning shears with short blades, because the stem is hard. The cut areas must be treated with garden pitch, coal, candle wax or ash for disinfection.
  9. Attention! Dracaena should be fed rarely, no more than once every 3-4 weeks. It can die from excess feeding.

How to give a twisty shape to stems

Since the shoots grow quickly, they can be shaped into a variety of shapes. It is because of this feature that the plant has become a favorite for growing in indoor gardens. The most common and attractive is the spiral shape.

Ways to shape bamboo:

  • Purchase special curved plastic tubes. Tuck the shoots inside them. After a few weeks, remove the tubes; the stems will retain their acquired shape.
  • To form the trunk of a young seedling in the form of a spiral, you need to wind coconut fiber around a rod (pencil, straight stick, etc.). Insert the rod into the pot next to the young plant. As the seedling grows, while its stem is flexible, you need to guide it around the support, securing it with wire.
  • For shaping, you can use a wire frame. As it grows, we secure the shoot with wire in the desired position. After obtaining the desired shape, remove the frame; the stems will remain curved.

To maintain the bamboo-like appearance for a long time, you need to remove growing side shoots with pruners.

If you do not form the shoots in the form of a spiral, then a “tree” will grow with a thick trunk and leaves at the top, reminiscent of a palm tree.

Reproduction of Dracaena Sander

On the stem of the plant there are so-called constrictions, in these places there are dormant buds. The awakened buds begin to form young shoots. You can separate the young shoot from the mother plant with pruning shears and place it in water. It will quickly take root. Shoots that have reached a length of 10-13 cm must be separated.

Place the seedling with roots in a pot with soil, cover the roots with soil and compact. The root system is strong, the plant is unpretentious and tenacious.

Bamboo of happiness is usually given as a gift to women and men for various occasions. It is a great addition to add variety to floral arrangements and is beautiful in its own right.

It is very easy to grow bamboo at home. Reproduction is also not difficult, and planting and care will bring only positive emotions. Photos will help you get an idea of ​​your future exotic pet!