Codiaum variegated. All methods of propagating Croton (Codium) at home How to care for Codium at home

If you want to bring a tropical piece of Polonesia or Malaysia into your home, pay attention to the evergreen shrub called Codiaum. The plant reaches a height of 50 cm to 70 cm. If you like Codiaum and are ready to provide it with proper care at home, learn the basic rules for caring for this beautiful plant.

This indoor plant is rich in a variety of varieties. It will look especially beautiful in the house Codeum Petra (see photo), Mammi, Mix, Excellent or Varigatum. Plants with small red, dark purple, yellow leaves with pink spots look impressive.

It is extremely difficult to achieve flowering at home. This phenomenon is very, very rare. However, if it does happen, it will happen exclusively in the summer. The flower itself is not very impressive. It captivates the gardener with its incredible variety of foliage colors. That is why the conversation is worth it so that you will ultimately enjoy a Codiaum of unprecedented beauty.

Features of care

When purchasing this bright plant at a flower shop, many believe that its rough leaves indicate the flower’s absolute unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Such self-conviction is already the first mistake. Therefore, to prevent yourself from taking further wrong steps, remember:

  • the flower does not tolerate drafts;
  • the plant needs a certain humidity;
  • the leaves should be washed frequently and also moistened while removing dust from them with a damp sponge;
  • during the growing season, the plant urgently requires feeding for growth and normal development;
  • overdrying the soil is strictly prohibited, as it simply kills the flower.

Now let's talk about those factors that guarantee successful care of the plant at home, so that it looks like it came out of a glossy magazine photo:

  • lighting – bright, diffused, protection from direct rays is necessary;
  • temperature is high, since the flower is tropical (not lower than 18C);
  • air humidity is high, increased. Spraying - every day. Washing leaves – 2-3 times for 7 days;
  • watering during the active growing season is abundant, in the cold season - moderate;
  • propagation - in spring using stem cuttings;
  • transplantation - if necessary in the spring.

After studying the photo and briefly summarizing the basic conditions that will provide the plant with the required care at home, you can move on to a more detailed description of each of the factors.


Codiaum prefers diffused light and does not tolerate direct sunlight. The most favorable places for its location will be the eastern and western window sills (see photo). In relation to the south side, the plant will have to be shaded from the sun. The north side is undesirable. If you hold the flower on this side, the color of its leaves will be less bright. This is especially noticeable in variegated species. In any case, care should include providing the plant with plenty of daylight, excluding direct sunlight. In winter, place Croton in the most illuminated place, as shown in the video.


It is always advisable to grow Croton under conditions of uniform temperature conditions in a room, house, or apartment.

Care in this part must also be provided. We understand that in different seasons and conditions vary, however, they must comply with the limits of +18 C (the minimum value) and +22 C (which can rise higher, but within reasonable limits). In any case, the heat-loving plant always feels great in the warmth; even proximity to heating radiators creates excellent conditions for it to grow. Please note that soil temperature is just as important as ambient air temperature. Try to monitor the humidity of the same air and soil that the plant needs. Since Codiaum motley, like any other type of flower, suffers from drafts, do not try to take it out to the balcony to “get some fresh air” on warm days. It will be enough to ventilate the room in which Croton grows.


The flower also needs regular, abundant watering, excluding the winter period. Always keep the soil moist enough at this time. Croton Variegated requires watering from the grower with soft, settled water. The signal will be the dried top layer. It is better to water the plant with warm water, while avoiding its stagnation in the tray of the flower pot. To prevent soil acidification, try to plant your Codiaums exclusively in cramped containers.

This is done so that the roots quickly fill the entire space, and also absorb the moisture supplied to them faster and more productively. Overdrying the soil substrate is strictly prohibited. Codiaum also requires daily spraying with settled water, followed by wiping the leaves and secondary irrigation of the crown. Washing the leaves should be done at least 2 - 3 days for one week. The plant requires abundant watering in the shower every month.

To maintain the required level of moisture in the soil, wet moss is used at home, in which the pot is wrapped.

Eat There is also another method: the container is placed on expanded clay or peat and lowered into water on a special stand ( see photo).

Soil fertilization

Croton is fed with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Flower growers do this throughout the year, but observing a certain periodicity: spring-autumn - once every seven days, and winter - once every thirty days.

Croton transplant

Every year Codiaum requires replanting. However, this condition is met when the plant is young. If your flower is a sufficient number of years old, replanting is necessary no more than once every two to three years. . It is also possible to transship the plant, namely adding new fertile soil to the old substrate.

In order for the transplant to be completed successfully for the flower, it is necessary to provide it with a slightly larger pot than the previous one. At home, codiaum prefers slightly acidic soil, in which the pH is no more than 5.5 and with the obligatory presence of humus.

Such a substrate is prepared by mixing equal parts of turf, leaf soil, sand, peat and humus. Professional gardeners add charcoal to this substrate and also make drainage at the bottom of the flower pot. In this case, Codiaum can also be grown hydroponically.

Codiaeum is an evergreen deciduous flower that pleases the eye with its large leaves of unusual color. It has many types, and each of them has an individual color and shape. In the article you will find useful information necessary for successfully maintaining Codiaum at home.

The most common name is Kodium, "Joseph's Cloak". Its name is often confused with representatives of a completely different type of flower - Croton, which is completely incorrect.
The plant has leaves of different shapes - it depends on its type:

  • flat
  • spirally twisted
  • wide
  • narrow
  • similar to ribbons
  • smooth
  • asymmetrical

The only type of Codiaum that can be grown at home is called Codiaum variegated.

In comfortable conditions and with proper care it grows up to 3 meters in height. The leaves are often asymmetrical, with yellow veins. Breeders started from this species, creating many hybrids:

  • Petra
  • Norma
  • Excellent
  • GoldFinger and others.

Variegated codiaeum (Codiaeum variegatum)

Codiaeum variegata or Codiaeum variegata.
At home it grows in height from 60 cm to 1.5 meters.
It has a red-yellow color and varied leaf shapes.

Home care

The first thing that needs to be said is the temperature regime. If previously it was not possible to grow Codiaum in low temperature conditions (and our climate and temperature regime in comparison with India are exactly like this), now it is possible.

Temperatures above 20 degrees are considered comfortable for a flower. A good place for its location is the west or east of the room.

Remember that the flower loves high humidity and warm air - after all, it was brought to us from India. Therefore, do not place it outdoors or on a balcony. Drafts are destructive for him.

In winter, it is better to keep the flower near the radiator - to maintain the same temperature in the soil of the flower and in the air around it. But since the indoor air is dry in winter, it is important to ensure sufficient humidification during this period - spray the flower with water from a spray bottle every day, or use a humidifier.

Constant sunlight is also important for Codieum - if there is not enough light, then very soon it will become an ordinary green color.

Important! When exposed to direct sunlight, Codiaum gets burned. The light should be diffused.

In order for the leaves (crown) of the flower to have the same thickness, you need to periodically turn it with different sides towards the light.

Soil and watering

Several conditions must be met:

  1. The soil for the flower should be loose, slightly acidic and nutritious. Such soil can be purchased in a store - you just need to check with the seller for which flower.
  2. The pot for planting should be cramped so that the rhizome of the flower takes up most of the soil. Codium grows easier in crowded spaces.
  3. Also, the flower pot must have good drainage.
  4. The flower requires constant watering. As soon as the surface of the soil has dried, it is time to water again.
  5. Water for irrigation should stand for at least a day. You cannot use raw water.

Once a month you need to give Codiaum a warm shower. In this case, the soil must be covered with a film so as not to flood the flower.
And also regularly wipe the leaves from dust with a damp towel or sponge.


For the successful growth of a flower, quite a few conditions for its maintenance must be observed. What happens if they are not fulfilled?

  • If there is insufficient air humidity, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out.
  • With insufficient watering and dry soil, Codiaum begins to lose leaves
  • With excessive watering and poor soil drainage, the leaves will begin to droop with their tips down.

Codiaeum Excellent

The leaves of this Codiaum are shaped like oak leaves. As they age, they change color from yellow-green to red-orange.

Important! The juice of the plant can cause an allergic reaction on the skin - redness and rash. Therefore, wash your hands well after handling the plant.

Fertilizer and replanting

In the first few years, Codiaum actively grows its root system. Therefore, they need a transplant every year, preferably in the spring. Adult plants are transplanted when the pot becomes too small for them.

When you buy a flower, it is located in the so-called “transport substrate” - that is, in soil that is suitable only for the temporary existence of the flower. When planting Koideum in a permanent place, you need to carefully clean the roots from this substrate.

Replanting a flower is quite simple - place the flower in a new pot along with old soil (without damaging the root system), and fill the gaps with new soil.

Also, when replanting, you need to fill the new pot with drainage to about one quarter. Drainage can be made by mixing charcoal, expanded clay and clay shards. It is useful because it prevents moisture from remaining in the roots for too long and thereby prevents root rot.

From late spring to early autumn, Codiaum grows very quickly. Feeding during this period is needed once every 2 weeks. In the cold season (from November to April), you can feed the plant once a month.

For this, complex mineral fertilizers (preferably liquid) are used. Before fertilizing, the soil needs to be watered.


With proper care at home, Codiaum can begin to bloom. But this takes away a lot of his vitality, and the flowers do not look attractive. Therefore, they can be cut off immediately.

Lighting. Codiaum prefers bright lighting; it should receive oblique sunlight for up to 2-3 hours a day. Only in this case will all the varietal features of the rich color of the leaves appear, otherwise they will become green. The plant should be protected from the midday summer sun; the optimal place for it is eastern and western windows. In winter, southern windows are best. With a lack of light, the lower leaves rapidly drop and the stem quickly becomes exposed. During warm winter conditions, additional lighting is required.

Temperature. In summer, codiaum grows well at normal room temperature, comfortable for humans. It is necessary to protect it from sudden changes in temperature, never allow the temperature to drop below +13 o C, and strong cold drafts, which can cause leaf fall. It is undesirable for the temperature to rise above +30 o C. As a tropical plant, codiaum does not require mandatory winter dormancy in the cool, it can easily be kept at room temperature with mandatory additional lighting, but if there is a lack of light, the optimal temperature in winter will be +16 ... + 18 o C. A drop in room temperature below +10 o C for a long period will cause the death of the plant.

In summer, codiaum can be taken out into the garden in the light shade of trees, observing the temperature regime.

Watering. During active growth, from spring to autumn, water abundantly - sufficient to keep the soil moist, but not lead to stagnation of water in the pot. Drying out the coma can lead to the loss of all leaves; if it becomes waterlogged, the roots will begin to rot. In winter, in cool conditions, watering is reduced, but the soil is not allowed to dry completely. With warm winter conditions, in the presence of additional lighting, the watering regime is similar to the summer one.

If the watering regime is not followed, brown spots appear on the leaves, they lose turgor and may crumble. Irrigation water should be left standing for 24 hours, at the temperature of the air surrounding the plant, or be several degrees warmer. To avoid overwatering, add perlite to the soil and do not plant the plant in a pot that is too large.

Air humidity high is required, spray the leaves or air near the plant at temperatures above +18 o C, and especially during hot weather. Do not place the plant near heating devices. Often it is the low humidity in the room that does not allow growing a beautiful plant. Dry air leads to severe damage by spider mites, which sharply reduces the decorative value of the leaves, they become whitish in color and lose their gloss, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out, and leaf fall may begin. It is useful to give the plant a warm shower once a week; this will reduce the number of mites.

Feeding carried out from spring to autumn with universal complex fertilizers with microelements, according to the instructions. At the beginning and end of the spring-summer season, the dosage is halved. If there is additional lighting in winter and the conditions are warm, then they continue to feed all winter with a half dose of fertilizer.

Soil and replanting. Ready-made universal peat soil is quite suitable for codiaum. For good drainage, mix in ¼ volume of perlite. Young plants are replanted in the spring if the roots have mastered the previous volume well. The size of the pot is increased by one size (2-3 cm in diameter). Transplantation is carried out only by careful handling, so as not to damage the roots. When the size of the pot becomes large, they limit themselves to replacing the top layer of soil with fresh one every few months.

Trimming and shaping. As it grows with age, the codiaum itself begins to branch. No pruning is required until the plant has taken up all the space allotted to it. It is better to shorten long branches in early spring, before active growth begins. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal to stop the secretion of poisonous milky juice.

Reproduction varieties occurs vegetatively, using rooting of cuttings using the standard method. To do this, in the spring or summer, take the apical semi-lignified parts of the shoots about 10 cm long. Until the milky juice stops secreting, the cuttings are kept under running cold water. Then they are treated with root formation stimulants, planted in soil or peat (or coconut) tablets and placed in a greenhouse with high air humidity at a temperature of about +24 o C under bright artificial light.

Bloom codiaum occurs in summer time. There is an opinion that flowering foreshadows the imminent death of the plant, but this is not so. Codiaum blooms at home infrequently, but in good conditions, small panicles with flower balls may appear on the top of the plant every year. Do not rush to pick off the peduncle - the flowering is not very lush, but interesting; for a healthy plant this is a natural process that will not deplete it. Often, it is after the next flowering that the plant begins to branch. Seed setting does not occur at home, since codiaum is a dioecious plant; one specimen bears only female or only male flowers.

Pests and diseases of codiaum

Codiaeum is affected by spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs.

The mite can be identified by the loss of brightness and shine in the leaves. There may be a powdery coating on the underside of the leaves, and a thin cobweb between the leaf petioles and branches (not always). Wash the plant in a warm shower and do this procedure once a week. Do not place the plant close to radiators, increase the air humidity, and do not overdry. In case of severe damage, treat with acaricides (Neoron, Fitoverm, Akarin, etc.).

The mealybug is noticeable by cotton wool-like lumps in the axils, on the branches and, less often, on the leaves of the plant. When you press on them, an orange liquid is released, and when removed, a thin cobweb stretches. The scale forms cakes on the leaves that look like droplets of dark wax, which can be easily removed with a fingernail without damaging the leaf. If you find a mealybug, first try to remove all visible pests using a cotton swab dipped in a water-oil emulsion, and then treat with Aktara 4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

About control measures - in the article Pests of indoor plants and measures to combat them.

Possible problems during cultivation and methods for eliminating them

  • Loss of turgor in leaves. Spray the leaves with warm water and analyze the conditions. The reason may be insufficient watering - wet the lump; in waterlogging, because without air access, the roots cannot consume water - carefully remove the entire lump from the pot, wrap it in paper to remove excess moisture, and let it dry; in a very cold coma, for example, in winter on a cold windowsill or after watering with cold water, the roots cannot consume cold water - move the plant to a warm place, water with warm water.
  • The appearance of brown spots on the leaves. The reason often lies in non-compliance with the watering regime. If the coma dries out too much or with systematic waterlogging, the roots suffer, and as a result, necrotic spots form on the leaves. Such stains will not disappear; they should be carefully cut out so as not to spoil the decorative effect, and be sure to adjust the watering. If the roots are not seriously damaged, these measures are sufficient; the roots will gradually recover. It is better to avoid replacing soil; do it in extreme cases; after such a transplant, the plant needs resuscitation.
  • The leaves have lost their gloss and become whitish in color.. The reason may be severe spider mite infestation, which is observed in dry air, overdrying or overheating of the plant. Normalize conditions, arrange weekly warm showers, and in case of severe damage, treat with acaricides.
  • Leaf fall. Usually leaf fall is a consequence of hypothermia of the plant, strong drafts, drying out of the coma, or severe mite infestation. Normally, with age, the lower leaves naturally fall off due to old age; this process occurs intensively with a lack of light.
  • Dry leaf tips. The reason is that the air is too dry. Increase air humidity.
  • Light dry spots on leaves. These are sunburns. Such spots will not recover; remove the plant from direct sun.
  • Loss of variegation. Occurs due to lack of light. Move the plant closer to the light.

The plant is magnificent. Leaves of fabulous beauty. Will decorate any corner in the house. To maintain the health and decorative appearance of codiaum, you need to know several rules for care.

  1. Apply weekly throughout the growing season. In winter, feed once a month.
  2. Fertilizing is applied after watering, and not before it.
  3. Choose a preparation composition that is intended for decorative foliage plants.
  4. Dissolve a strictly defined dosage indicated on the container.

The plant is replanted annually. Buy soil for decorative foliage plants at a flower shop, substrate pH 5.5 - 6.8. Choose a pot that is wide but shallow, with a 3 cm layer of drainage at the bottom.

The plant is carefully handled so as not to damage the root system.

A small amount of earth is poured onto the drainage layer, a depression is made, the plant is transferred into it and the sides are sprinkled with earth. Shoots and branches are trimmed to form a bush. Codiaum tolerates the procedure painlessly. Pruning is carried out in the spring. Removed shoots are used for cuttings. During manipulation, the plant releases juice. It is poisonous, causing vomiting, diarrhea and skin lesions (dermatitis). Precautions must be taken.

Propagation of coleum:

  1. Top cuttings. With the onset of warm spring weather, cuttings up to 15 cm long are cut with a knife. The leaves are tied to the trunk in the form of a tube and planted. The seedlings are placed in greenhouse conditions. Plants are ventilated and sprayed with water daily. Within a month, the root system will form. The use of growth stimulator "Kornevin" is recommended.
  2. Air layering. Press the branch to the ground and fix it by sprinkling earth on top. The lower edge of the branch is cut and treated with a rooting agent. As soon as the root is formed, the branch is cut off from the mother and planted in another pot.
  3. . Sowing is carried out only with freshly collected seeds in January–February. Before sowing, soak for 3 hours in a solution with phytohormones. Sow in containers with soil, deepening them by 1 cm. Bottom watering is used and the optimum temperature is maintained. The seeds germinate after a month. With the appearance of the third leaf, it is planted in small diameter pots (up to 7 cm).

For young plants, the same microclimate parameters are observed as for adult plants. For active growth of leaves, the preparation “Zircon” is added to the water for irrigation or spraying.

Causes of the pest:

  1. Low air humidity.
  2. The accumulation of water between the leaves of a plant and in its core.
  3. Irregular removal of faded and wilted parts of the plant.

Control measures:

  • Wash all parts of the plant with soapy water. This will reduce the number of ticks.
  • Spray the soil generously and cover tightly with cellophane for 3 days. High humidity is harmful to pests.
  • They are treated with acaricidal and insecticidal preparations: Apollo, Sunmite, Floromite, Akarin, Aktofit, Agravertin, Kleschevit, Vermitek, Fitoverm.

More information can be found in the video:

Reasons for appearance:

  1. Scale insect eggs are stored in the ground and in water.
  2. The plant was purchased by a sick person.

Control measures:

  • Use of chemicals: Aktar, Akteplik, Bankol.

Codium diseases:

  • Leaves have brown tips and/or drop off. Reason: low air and soil humidity.
  • The edges of the leaves are brown. Cause: The room temperature is too low.
  • Loss of color in leaves. Reason: lack of light.

Codiaum has earned special attention from gardeners due to the magnificent color of its leaves, which distinguishes it from other indoor plants. But as beautiful as it is, it is also poisonous! It must be placed in a place inaccessible to children. The grower himself should wear gloves and be careful when working with it.

Croton (codium) is a tall tropical ornamental foliage plant from the Euphorbiaceae family of the genus Croton. It is often popularly called “indoor oak”. Growing croton at home is very popular among gardeners because of its unusually beautiful leaves - bright and shaped.

Cultivated varieties of croton come from wild species that are still found on the Pacific islands, in the forests of India, Indonesia and Australia.

In the wild, croton grows up to 3 meters in height. And at home, this indoor plant grows up to 1 meter, and almost all of its species, with the most careful care, do not grow above one and a half meters. This flower is very beautiful and decorative. It can decorate not only our home, but also the lobbies of hotels, schools, medical institutions and various offices. Its leaves, of unusual color and shape, always attract people's attention. Croton has the shape of a small tree, although one should not hope for the rapid formation of a beautiful crown. In order for a flower to grow neat and beautiful, it must be trimmed, thereby forming a lush bush.

This is how croton blooms

Codiaum is a flowering plant. When croton rarely blooms, an arrow appears with small, inconspicuous flowers of light yellow color. These flowers are not particularly beautiful or decorative, but croton spends considerable energy and nutrients on their flowering. Therefore, flower growers usually remove these arrows immediately.

Croton species

Codiaum variegated is the most common domesticated species of codiaum. It is this plant that gardeners often call croton. There are about 15 species of croton, from which many hybrids have been developed. Different varieties differ in size, color and shape of leaves. Below is a description and photo of the most popular of them.

Petra has bright green dense glossy leaves, which are located alternately on the stem. They come in oval or lobed shapes. The edges of the leaves and veins are bright yellow. The trunk is branching.

Mrs Eyeston

Mrs Eyeston has wide, short leaves with a rounded tip. The color of the leaves is uneven, has different shades - yellow, red, pink.

Norm differs in that on its emerald green leaves yellow spots of different sizes and bright red veins clearly stand out.


In the variety Gold Finger the leaves are very long, thin, green-yellow in color.


Excellent It has leaves like oak leaves - large, dense, with veins of different colors. The upper side of the leaf is yellow-green, and the lower side is yellow-purple down to the petiole.

Variety Mammy has beautiful red-green leaves interspersed with yellow, red and pink. The leaves are wavy, arching, and curl inward.

Variety Gold Sun– has large oval leaves of light green color with yellow spots of different sizes.

Zanzibar also distinguished by its leaves - thin, long, hanging down, of different colors - from yellow-brown and orange to red.

Croton care at home

When buying croton, you need to pay attention to the condition of the leaves, their color, elasticity, and appearance. The leaves should look perfect - strong, glossy, brightly colored. The stem should be free of dents and small dimples from fallen leaves, the earthen ball should be moderately moistened.


Codiaum will grow and develop well in loose, well-fertilized soil. The best solution for this is purchased soil for beautifully flowering ornamental deciduous plants. If you want to prepare the soil yourself, take equal amounts of turf, deciduous, peat and sand mixtures. To prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms and pest larvae in the soil, it must first be frozen or calcined.

To prevent rotting of the root system of a young plant, place a few pieces of charcoal in the soil. Place a 2-3 cm layer of expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom of the pot.


The pot for young croton is medium, not deep, so that there is no extra space and the roots do not rot from excess moisture. Young plants, as they grow, should be transplanted annually into larger pots. It is enough to replant adult plants once every 2-3 years. When you see roots already peeking out of the drainage holes, it’s time to replant your croton. The new pot should not be much larger in volume than the previous one, and the diameter should be increased by no more than 5 cm.

Before transplanting, the flower must be well watered. Then the earthen lump will not fall apart and the roots will not be damaged. Add fresh soil to the new pot, try not to let the roots touch the drainage layer, water it generously and place it in a bright, warm place. Croton replanting is best done in spring or summer. It is better not to replant a flower bought in a store for 2-3 weeks, to allow the plant to get used to the new conditions and acclimatize.


Croton is a heat-loving plant. It will grow and develop well at a temperature of 20-25 °C. Above 26 °C and below 16 °C. harmful to the plant. The flower does not feel well in a draft, so there is no need to place the pot under the window. Planting in the garden or on the balcony is contraindicated for it. In summer, it should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid leaf burns. The east or west side of the apartment will do. And in winter you can put the flower on a sunny windowsill. A lack of light can affect the decorative effect of the flower - the leaves will lose their bright color and become uniformly green. At prolonged low temperatures - below 14 °C, the flower becomes sick, sheds all its leaves and may even die. It is best to place the flower near a window, even near a heating device. Croton loves bright but diffused light and high humidity. He likes to have his leaves wiped on both sides with a damp swab. Dust accumulates on them, which can lead to pests or disease. In winter it feels great if it is warm, light and has enough watering. And one more thing: once a week in the morning, it is advisable to spray the croton with warm, settled water, even with growth stimulants such as zircon, epin-extra or immunophytophyte.

Watering Croton

In summer, it is recommended to water the codiaum as the top layer of soil dries, preferably every other day. In winter, less often, twice a week is enough. We remind you that if the surrounding air is very dry, you need to spray the croton with warm, soft, settled water. It’s good if the pot is in a tray, where 1-2 cm of settled water is added. Moisture will flow to the roots as needed, and the soil will be moderately moistened.

Croton feeding

Feeding croton is important, since the flower is very responsive to it, especially in spring. At this time, it must be fed once every 1-2 weeks with special fertilizers for ornamental deciduous plants or a two percent solution of mineral fertilizers. To avoid burns to the root system, the plant should be watered abundantly before feeding. In winter, croton also needs to be fertilized, but less often - once a month is enough with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers.


In order for the plant to form a beautiful crown, it must be pinched regularly. This is done initially at a height of 15 cm. Side branches begin to develop, the flower becomes more bushy and beautiful. This procedure is repeated afterwards, along the entire length of the plant, every 20 cm.


There are several ways to propagate croton: seeds, cuttings, leaves and air layering. You can read more about each method of reproduction in the article.

Diseases and pests of croton

Croton rarely gets sick because it is poisonous, but insufficient care can lead to various diseases. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with some of his diseases.

  • Anthracnose is a fungal disease. It occurs when overwatering with cold water. A sign of anthracnose is the appearance of reddish or grayish-ashy spots on the leaves. The fungus penetrates the leaf veins and destroys the plant. The pot with the diseased plant is urgently isolated from the rest and treated with an antifungal drug. It is better to spray all plants in contact with it with biological products to avoid infection.
  • Root rot - appears with low acidity
    soil. The leaves turn pale, dry out and fall off. U
    of a diseased plant, the roots become soft,
    exfoliating, they rot. To combat root rot, broad-spectrum antifungal drugs are used.
  • It happens that the tips of croton leaves begin to dry - this is due to lack of moisture in the soil and in the air. It is necessary to water the flower more abundantly and spray its leaves. To increase the humidity in the room, you can place containers of water next to the pot.
  • If brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, this is due to direct sunlight hitting the flower, especially in the summer. Adjust the watering mode and remove the pot from the sunny windowsill - the croton will come to life again. And dry ends can be carefully trimmed.
  • The appearance of a brown edge on the leaves indicates that the plant is cold; it is necessary to increase the temperature of the air surrounding the croton.
  • If the leaves begin to turn pale and cease to be bright and colorful, the plant does not have enough lighting, move it to a brighter place.
  • If the leaves fall, the plant is most likely cold, uncomfortable, and lacks nutrition and moisture.


  • On diseased plants, spider mites may appear - a thin web on the stems and leaves of the flower. It appears due to a combination of two reasons - dry air and insufficient watering.
  • If a light fluffy coating appears on the leaves, this is.
  • Sometimes croton is affected by scale insects - light areas appear on the leaves in places where the pest feeds.

In all these cases, pots with diseased plants should be taken to the bathroom and there all the leaves on both sides should be treated with a soap solution. Then wipe them with regular vegetable oil. If a flower is severely damaged by pests, it is treated with special preparations - insecticides, such as karbofos or actellik.
In fact, the appearance of pests and diseases of croton is caused by two factors - insufficient ambient humidity and improper watering of the plant. If you provide these conditions to your flowers, they will never get sick and pests will not disturb them.


Croton is a poisonous plant. If the juice gets on human skin, it can cause a burn or develop contact dermatitis. If croton juice enters the stomach, it will cause vomiting and diarrhea. If the juice of this plant gets into the blood, then the person can die - its poison is fatal. Therefore, before you start a croton, you need to weigh the pros and cons. During any operations with this plant, you must be careful; after work, wash your hands with soap. It is not advisable for children to play near croton to exclude the possibility that they will want to tear off a beautiful juicy leaf and put it in their mouth. If a child just touched a flower or stroked its beautiful glossy leaves, don’t be alarmed, it’s not scary - just wash his hands with soap. Croton does not release toxic substances into the air.


Despite the fact that in the photo the croton looks not only beautiful, but also a powerful, strong plant, it is one of the most difficult to care for and demanding of its living conditions. It needs to be watered, fed, sprayed often, and protected from drafts, diseases and pests. Croton requires attention no less than pets. But if you decide to purchase this miracle, and you are not afraid of the difficulties of growing it, the time spent on it will pay off - a healthy croton of amazing beauty will create a wonderful atmosphere in your home.