How to properly arrange a flower garden at your dacha. Do-it-yourself flowerbed at the dacha (57 photos): plants for decorating the composition. Arrangement of rock garden. Monoflowers of annuals. DIY bottle flower bed options

Flower beds and flower beds on a personal plot are intended primarily for aesthetic pleasure. But besides this, they perform another important role: acting as an extension of the house, flower arrangements allow you to visually combine the appearance of the building with the vegetation of the garden into a single whole. Knowing the secrets of landscape designers on how to design a flower bed will allow any gardener to create flower arrangements in their suburban area that, in addition to aesthetic appeal, will create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort.

When thinking about decorating a flowerbed with your own hands, it is advisable to be guided by the basic rules of landscape design.

Rule #1 – integrity of the picture

A garden is a picture made up of a collection of landscape compositions. The gardener's task is to bring each of the elements of the landscape to perfection. Pointless planting of plants around the site will not give the desired result. Therefore, without being able to landscape the entire territory, to begin with it is worth improving only a small part of it, but making it complete.

Beautiful harmonious flower beds are created by combining mixed plantings, which contain both annuals and perennials, both flowering and decorative foliage plants

Rule #2 – placement of plants by height

The multi-tiered principle involves placing ground cover and low-growing plants in the foreground, which act as a frame for beautifully blooming medium-sized flowers.

Medium-sized perennials, acting as soloists in the flower garden, will become the center of attention. Tapeworms look most impressive against the background of tall plants with decorative foliage or flowers in contrasting shades. Combinations of tall perennials and their medium-sized companions, harmonizing in color and shape, are also successful.

Quite unpretentious and at the same time possessing an expressive leaf texture and color variety, capable of quickly filling empty spaces, they are ideal for decorating flower beds in the countryside

Rule #3 – flower garden architecture

Depending on the landscape features of the site and its size, the design of flower beds can be made either in the form of flat compositions or slightly raised ones and framed with decorative tiles or stones.

The shapes of flower beds can be very diverse, starting with free ones without clearly defined boundaries and ending with original curly and wavy ones.

In order to give an unusual shape to a flower garden, you can use any household items: barrels and baskets, old cars, boats and even beds

In order to design a flowerbed in front of the house, which will become an expressive decoration of the garden and will delight you with its blooming splendor throughout the season, you must first draw its plan on paper. This creative work will allow you not only to organize thoughts in your head, but also to visualize images of flower arrangements, creating the most successful combinations.

For work, it is advisable to use colored pencils: the bright colors of the spots of schematic images of group and spot solitary plantings in a flower garden will allow you to correctly distribute plants with different colors and flowering periods

According to the plan, terry mallows (1) will be placed in the background next to the decorative sunflower Mishka (2), in front of it will be poppy bushes (3) and St. John's wort (4). The lobelia ribbon (5) will add dynamism to the composition. Purple-blue accents will be provided by catnip (6), bluebell (7) and kalanchoe (8). The foreground will be occupied by gravilate (9), sedum (10) and aquilegia (11)

The diagram drawn up is only a kind of rough sketch: the final decision on the optimal placement of flowers will come in the process of planting plants.

Schemes for the original design of flower beds

By painstakingly selecting and combining beautifully flowering plants, you can create many variations of flower beds in which beauty will reign from the first days of spring until frost. Ready-made flower bed designs will make the process of creating a flower bed much easier.

Option #1 – central flower bed

The layout of the central flower bed is one of the simplest.

The shape of the flower garden has the form of concentric circles: the center is filled with dark-leaved cannas (1), which act as soloists of the composition, then green-leaved cannas (2), decorative leafy gnafalium (3) and snapdragons (4) are planted in a circle.

Option #2 – “Vienna Flower”

One of the options for how to beautifully decorate a round flower bed is to create a composition in the shape of a flower. A flowerbed decorated in the shape of a six-leaf flower looks especially elegant and festive, and therefore it is advisable to allocate a central place in the garden for its arrangement.

The center of the composition is the beautiful white gillyflower (1), the frame is a border planting of alpine forget-me-nots (2) against the background of lawn grass (3). The outer contour of the ornament is created by violas (4), primroses (5), zinnias (6), framed by decorative variegated foliage beauties alternathera (7) and achyranthes (8)

Option #3 – “Bizarre Pattern”

A round flowerbed, decorated with many repeating wave-like elements, which are decorated with a motley company of sun-loving perennials, allows you to create a real parade of flowers on a sunny stage.

In the center of the flowerbed there is a squat chamerops (1) with a chic crown of fan leaves, in its shade there is a dahlia zinnia (2), with a contrasting background of coleus (3). Solitaire plantings of dracaena (4) in combination with group plantings of pelargonium (5) and begonia (6) create a fancy pattern of curls that looks impressive against the background of lawn grass (7)

Option #4 – “Piece of Cake” in a corner of the garden

A flower bed of this shape can find a place in any corner of the garden.

A plant composition in burgundy-red tones, bordered by a silver edge, occupying only a couple of meters of area, will become an elegant decoration for the garden

The corner of the flowerbed is filled with three daylily bushes with dark burgundy flowers (1); the silvery leaves of wormwood (2) act as a contrasting background for them. The center of the composition is bright red heuchera bushes (3), the corner elements are Macedonian bark bushes (4), and the silver edge is chistets (5)

The proposed diagrams are only a guideline: in the absence of the desire or opportunity to purchase this or that plant, you can always replace it with a flower you like more, presented in the same color scheme and having similar flowering periods.

Many novice gardeners believe that creating a beautiful flower bed is not at all difficult. However, you should know some nuances in order to avoid common mistakes. Before planting plants, you should think about the size of the flower garden, choose a color scheme and style. It is important to draw up a planting plan in advance and stick to it while working.

How to choose the right plants so that your homemade flower garden turns out spectacular and truly picturesque? We will tell you about the rules for planting plants, help inexperienced gardeners choose the right seeds, and also beautifully design a flower bed.

It is difficult for a novice gardener to create a masterpiece, but it is quite possible to repeat it

General principles for creating a charming flower bed

To begin with, we will present the general principles of organizing a flower garden. What should a DIY garden flower bed look like for beginning gardeners? It will certainly turn out spectacular if you follow our advice. The plants will be in comfortable conditions, which will affect the appearance of the flower garden. So, what to keep in mind:

The flowerbed is small and simple, but arouses interest

Simple and effective flower beds

We will give several examples of simple and effective flower beds with photos that a novice gardener can easily create. We suggest focusing on the color of the flowerbed, creating an elegant composition. You can beautifully create even the simplest shape with your own hands. Each of the proposed options has its own charm, at the same time, the implementation is quite within the capabilities of a beginner.

The monoflower is easy to care for, but can become boring with its monotony

A flower bed containing plants of the same species looks impressive and impressive. However, the budget for this option is quite small. Some gardeners prefer to plant plants of one type without any fencing, arranging a flower garden along a garden path or near the house. The monoflower looks great in any setting. However, not everyone likes to see the same type of flowers in their garden day after day, and such a color composition can quickly become boring.

Regular and irregular flower beds

There are regular flower beds in which the planted plants obey strict geometry, and their flowering periods coincide. Each type of planting occupies its own area, with a noticeable border visible between them. Irregular flower beds are also called mixborders, in which plants are planted in islands, according to their own preferences. Experienced gardeners try to create a planting scheme so that one group of plants begins to bloom after another has faded.

Variant of the mixborder scheme with a description of the necessary plants

External outlines of the flower bed

It is convenient to work with a flower bed that has a symmetrical shape - round or square. Rectangular or oval can also look quite impressive.

In those flower beds that have an overview along the entire perimeter, the plants are selected in such a way that the largest and tallest are in the center, and gradually become lower towards the edges of the flowerbed. If a strip of earth along the path was used for a flowerbed, the plants on it should be low, about 20-45cm. Along with flowering specimens, you can use ordinary plantings with decorative multi-colored foliage.

The easiest way to design a round flower bed is to choose its size wisely. If the area is small, it will be decorated with a miniature flower garden. If there is a lot of free land, it is better to make the flower bed larger. A large flower bed is difficult to appreciate in a small area; the advantages of a small flower bed will be lost in a large area. In a small space, a flower bed can be built around a tree, choosing flowers that do not require a lot of sun. Astilbes and hostas are suitable options.

Several schemes of small flower beds

To avoid making mistakes when creating your first flower garden, you should use a ready-made solution. To begin with, it is advisable to draw a diagram of the future flower bed on paper, and plant the plants, checking the plan. This will make it easier to plant the flower bed and help determine the volume of planting material. We offer diagrams that outline step by step the principles of creating classic round or oval flower beds:

The flowerbed can be decorated with perennial grasses

Ensuring consistent flowering

When planning a flower bed, you should take into account the flowering time of plants. Ideally, the flowerbed should be in bloom throughout the entire summer season, from April to late autumn. It's not that easy to achieve, but it's worth a try. To do this, you need to know the flowering time of the selected plants and create a flower garden based on this information:

  1. Spring. At the very beginning of spring, already in March, white and purple saffron, snowdrops and bright pansies can bloom. In April, you can expect the flowering of daisies, primroses, tulips, and daffodils. Also in mid-spring, lungworts, white scyllas, liverworts, anemones, and muscarine delight the eye with their flowers. In May, you can expect the activity of bulbous plants - tulips continue to bloom, and hyacinths and daffodils enliven the most ordinary-looking flowerbed. This is the time of lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, decorative onions, leotards, arabis, and alyssium.
  2. Summer. The beginning of summer is marked by peonies, daisies, irises, poppies, and lilies. Also in June you can expect the flowering of carnations, delphinium, bluebells, petunia, and felicia. Roses are preparing for summer flowering; at the beginning of summer they can already produce several buds. In July, phlox, late lilies, dahlias, nasturtiums, and cosmos bloom. Midsummer is the time of daylily, astilbe, and matthiola. By the end of summer, late chrysanthemums, gladioli, goldenrod, and decorative sunflowers reach their peak flowering. Phlox, dahlias, astilbes and roses are still blooming wildly.
  3. Autumn. Autumn flowers are the most persistent; they retain their spectacular appearance for a long time, sometimes until the first frost. Marigolds, dahlias, asters, and late chrysanthemums lift the mood with their fresh appearance and rich colors. Daisies, tea roses and pansies are blooming again.

We talked about the color scheme of the composition, the timing of flowering, and also mentioned the shape of the flower bed. However, other factors should be taken into account when designing a flower bed at the dacha. When choosing seeds, you need to remember the quality of the soil, the lighting of the flowerbed, and also take into account the height and size of future plants.

The flowerbed is “small but remote”, tastefully designed

If you need to select low-growing flowers, you should pay attention to bulbous species: snowdrops, crocuses, hyacinths. Among the perennials, you can take a closer look at carnations, awl-shaped phlox, and primroses. Biennials also diversify the flower garden - these are daisies, pansies and small but bright forget-me-nots. If you decide to plant annuals, purslane, petunia, and marigolds are suitable as low plants.

Most of the flower garden consists of plants of medium height. Therefore, they are subject to special decorative requirements. In this case, you can plant iris, peonies, bells, astilbe, daisies, and kachim (gypsum). When filling the voids between perennials that have not yet become sufficiently lush, you can plant tall marigolds, salvia, and asters. Tall plants for the flower bed are delphinium, unpretentious heliopsis, decorative sunflower, wrestler, lupine.

Shade-loving plants feel great near trees or under the wall of a house. These include different types of hosta, forget-me-nots, Japanese anemones, sedum, geranium, astilbe, primrose, and ferns.

It is highly undesirable to buy seeds with a long growing season, as you will have to tinker with them. Seedlings are sown in February - early March and require special conditions for proper growth, one of which is additional lighting.

As you can see, creating a small and simple flower bed with your own hands is not difficult when you know the basic rules and principles of organizing a flower garden. We have provided easy-to-design schemes for creating flower beds. With the right choice of place for the flower bed, and if you do not forget to regularly care for the plants, flowering will continue throughout the warm season.

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It is impossible to imagine a country house without rich flower beds. Flowerbeds are various flower or decorative plantings in a certain form. There are free and regular types of planting flower beds. They consist of perennial or annual plants. Flower beds can include low-growing trees that perform a decorative function, various shrubs and conifers.


A mixborder is a type of flower bed that has an elongated shape, extending in the direction of the paths. In this case, flowers are selected depending on their height (from small to tall), the selection is carried out taking into account the timing of flowering. This allows the flowerbed to look luxurious all year round.

Another type of flower bed is called a parterre; such flower beds have a certain shape (usually they are square or rectangular). They are placed in the center of the garden and planted in a certain pattern. A rabatka is a strip that borders the garden paths (low flowers are usually planted, creating beautiful ornaments).

The formation of flower beds involves a competent selection of plants, designing a flower garden from the fence to the house itself. Different varieties of plants have different flowering times; the difference between flowering can be two or three weeks, this is significant. When choosing flowers for a flower bed, it is important to consider the timing in which they bloom.. This is necessary so that the plants, when they bloom, can replace those that have already faded (this way the flower beds will not be empty).

When planning flower beds, you need to take into account their future view. For example, some flower beds will look equally beautiful from any vantage point (circular flower beds).

Flower beds that have a flat appearance look beautiful only from elevated positions. They are best used when there are terraces and slopes on the site. If the flower bed is vertical, it expands the space, if vertical, it narrows it.

How to do it yourself?

To create a beautiful and luxurious flowerbed at your dacha, you need to follow some rules. To begin with:

  • read scientific literature, various articles in magazines;
  • study online resources with information on creating flower beds on the site;
  • visit online gardening forums.

It is important to consider your desires and capabilities. It is better to choose flowers that will delight and suit the existing microclimate of the region.

It is also necessary to take into account the budget, calculating how much money you need to spend to purchase everything you need to create a flower bed. You can reduce costs if you grow a certain number of plants from seeds yourself. This will take some time.

Next you need to decide how to fence the flower garden. Rocks, trees, earthen ditches, or man-made material (such as plastic or concrete fencing) can be used. Afterwards, you should begin preparing the soil for planting by applying fertilizers. You can draw a rough plan for planting flowers and determine the number of plants that will grow in the flowerbed. It is worth adding a description to the sketch: this way the picture of the future flower garden will be more clear.

Then you should place the flowers in pots at the intended location of the flower garden: this will allow you to see how they will fit together. Having decided on the location of the flowers, you should plant them, water them, and mulch the ground at a distance of 10 or 15 centimeters from the plant. After transplantation, plants need constant care; they need to be watered regularly and shaded in hot weather. Any flower garden will feel great in a sunny space if there is good soil with fertilizer.

When creating your first flower garden, it is better to choose flowers that do not require special care. First you need to gain experience. Afterwards, you can choose more whimsical plants, creating luxurious garden compositions.

For example, a flowerbed with several tiers, framed with stones, will look beautiful. It can be made using common plants. This flower garden looks luxurious.

By composing different compositions, you can experiment and select different types of plants.

Choosing plants

Any gardener wants a flower garden to be a luxurious decoration for their garden plot. The flowerbed will charm guests or family members if you choose the right unpretentious plants suitable for the climatic conditions of the area. Such flowers can be peony and clematis. They are able to grow for many decades without changing location.

If you choose plants that are beautiful but whimsical, they may not survive the harsh winter. You can give preference to southern plants. Not every shrub is able to survive winter. It is worth immediately paying attention to this fact. Choosing plants that suit the climate of the area has many advantages in flower garden design. It is easier to care for such plants; there is no need to cover them in winter. There is no need to be afraid of pests (moles, mice), as well as diseases.

This will significantly reduce costs; there will be no need to buy new plants to replace dead ones, and there will be no labor costs. This way the flower bed can look beautiful in the winter season. Planting unpretentious plants will allow you to find time to relax and enjoy the beauty.

For decoration, it is better to give preference to perennial flowers. Their main advantage is that they will delight and decorate your garden plot for many years. There is also a minus - not all perennial plants bloom immediately after planting, although over time they will not require special care. If you want flowers to bloom when the first rays of sunlight appear, you need to choose plants with bulbs. Bulbous plants begin to bloom early, decorating the flower garden with an abundance of flowers of different shades and shapes.

Among these flowers we can mention hyacinth. In March, scilla begins to bloom, followed by crocus, then they are replaced by daffodil and tulip. A flowerbed with such flowers can be made round in shape, fencing the plants with stones or wood. A flower garden with primrose goes beautifully with violet. Rose looks gorgeous with phlox. When creating a flower bed with annual flowers, you can constantly change the palette and shades, choosing something new every year. It all depends on the gardener’s imagination.

Excellent annual plants include marigolds, petunias, dahlias and impatiens. These spring flowers are undemanding and thrive with regular care. They can be planted near the house.

Planting schemes

Modern flower arrangements decorate almost every garden plot. It is flowers that will allow you to enjoy the beauty of nature in the warm season. Even an amateur gardener can create a beautiful flower garden. To do this, it is necessary to study possible planting schemes.

To begin with, it is necessary to improve the territory of the dacha plot itself. It is necessary to take into account the conditions for favorable plant growth. This will reduce possible errors in the formation of the flower bed. You need to decide on the shape and size of the flower bed and choose its basic palette.

It is better to start by decorating the flower bed with perennial plants. They are unpretentious and do not require complex care. Do not overcrowd the flower garden with plants. An excessive amount of them will have a bad effect on flowering, and the flowerbed will lose its attractiveness. You should not plant flowers one by one: a group of flowers looks more beautiful than one flower individually. Flower beds with an abundance of flowers look luxurious from the beginning of spring until the very end of autumn.

When choosing a scheme for perennial plants, you need to take into account their flowering period. Annual flowers will easily fill the gap between flowering. It is necessary to choose a scheme, taking into account the indicators of mail and the availability of light. Each flowerbed should contain plants that are similar in care. You need to take a responsible approach to choosing the colors of your flower garden. It should not be variegated; it is better to combine bright plants with flowers of calm tones.

If you take into account all the nuances when drawing up a planting scheme, the flowerbed will look luxurious.

Gradually you can create more complex compositions by designing different patterns. The ideal flowerbed would be one that looks equally beautiful from any side of the garden. Many levels are most often made near walls and fences. When choosing a scheme, you need to take into account the shady and sunny parts of the dacha. Due to this, you can choose the right plants for the flower bed, providing them with comfortable conditions.

You need to correctly calculate the required number of plants. To do this, the entire flowerbed layout is divided into conditional square zones of approximately one meter on each side. You need to calculate how much each type of plant will occupy. All data must be divided by the average, standard for planting. For example, in a flowerbed up to 1.2 meters in size, 2 or 3 large plants, 4 - 6 medium-sized ones, 7 - 9 below-average-sized plants and 16 - 20 small ones are planted.

To correctly transfer the diagram from the drawing to the site, you need to mark the contours using sawdust, chalk or sand. Next, you need to dig up the ground, remove weeds and sprinkle the soil with special soil. You can make changes to the diagram. When designing a flower garden, you need to take into account the acidity of the soil: plants are generally demanding, they need certain conditions.

Medium-sized plants perfectly complement any flower arrangement. These include peony, daylily, lily, iris, bell and phlox. To cover empty spaces, you can plant aster, petunia, lavatera or salvia. Lupines, aconites or delphiniums are ideal for decorating the background. The shady parts of the site can be decorated with anemone, fern, and geranium. If the soil is acidic, hydrangea and ferns will thrive on it.

The combination matters. Rose, Virginia, sedum, and balsam go well together. A beautiful combination would be a palette of pink, orange and red tones, diluted with purple. By following these tips, you can easily create an amazingly beautiful flower garden on your site.

Forms of flower beds

Design options for flower beds may vary. An original solution would be to use old car tires. Such flower beds are common. You can paint the tire in the desired color and add decorative elements. The end result will be a beautiful flower bed. You can make a multi-level flower bed from tires, but you need to choose tires that differ in size. This way you can arrange any flower garden.

An old stump is also suitable for a flower bed; it can become an excellent flower bed. Using unwanted furniture can be a great idea. But it is better to bring such flower beds indoors for the winter season. If you want to make a flowerbed out of concrete, it won’t take much time. Such a flower garden will look beautiful and appropriate.

The location and shape of the flower bed directly affects the selection of flower size. Planting plants in a ridge is decorated with flowers of the same height from 15 to 40 cm. A round flower bed is decorated, starting from the center with tall plants, ending with low ones at the outer circle. A flowerbed in the form of a mixborder is usually created near walls or a fence, starting with tall plants with a smooth transition to low flowers.

To properly design a flower bed, you need to choose the right planting scheme and select a zone for a certain type of plant. This will improve the entire flower garden. Before dividing the garden plot into flower beds you need to think about whether they will fit into the design of the garden, whether they will suit the style. For example, a border with flowers beautifully frames the paths of the garden; low plants are better suited for it.

A small pond in the center of a flower garden will look luxurious. This design is most suitable for a large area.

A fashionable trend is the mixed border flower bed. This is a free-form flowerbed. It is more often used in the design of country houses. Vertical flower beds are no less popular. Begonia and petunia are used for them.


When choosing landscape decor for a flower bed on a personal plot, you can follow fashion trends or use non-standard solutions. Now landscape design allows you to realize any gardener’s idea of ​​creating a luxurious flower bed. The main thing is simplicity and harmony of decorative elements. This concept can be accomplished in a variety of ways with perennials and annuals.

The first type of decor is monochrome, it uses the same range of colors. For example, a combination of different shades of green is possible. You can use a combination of green and white (hydrangeas, primroses, moths, hosts, astilbes).

A flowerbed of plants in green and pink tones using roses, peonies, clematis, heuchera, and chrysanthemums looks beautiful. The combination with red looks amazing (maples with red leaves, decorative barberry and heuchera).

The second type of decor is monoform, it uses flowers of the same shape. The combination of flowers with a rounded crown looks great (round spirea, large-leaved hydrangea, rose, spherical willows and thuja). The third type of decor is contrasting. It uses plants of bright colors. Blue and yellow tones are appropriate here (iris, viola, marigolds, nasturtium, yellow daylily). The combination of pink and blue (rose, lavender, verbena, matthiola bicorne) is also original. Vertical flower beds look luxurious. This planting can decorate any garden.

The main requirement of landscape design is the decoration and decoration of flower beds. Absolutely every flowerbed can be transformed by adding decor. It's easy to make it yourself. It is worth decorating the central flowerbed, as it is the basis of the entire flower arrangement of the garden.

In the central flowerbed, the decorative element will be visible from any side. The basis of such a composition could be:

  • mosaic ball;
  • birdbath;
  • wooden cart;
  • snag;
  • log;
  • stump;
  • wheel;
  • sundial;
  • sculpture;
  • mirror;
  • arch;
  • plant with dense foliage.

Any of the key design elements should be unique. In addition to the center element, fencing is important, as well as decorating the soil around the plants with multi-colored gravel. If you use colored gravel, you can emphasize the shape of the flowerbed and beautifully decorate bright plants. The decor of a flower bed should combine the beautiful and the useful.

Nowadays it is fashionable to combine flowers and edible plants: this is how they create a decorative bed. To create a decorative bed, you need to make it raised from beams and large boards. Afterwards it is necessary to cover it with stone slabs. Next, the soil is laid, flowers and garden plants are planted in rows or in beautiful patterns. A combination of different varieties of lettuce would be excellent; you can use green, red, lemon with purple and green basil, different types of cabbage.

Hello, dear readers! In this article we’ll look at how to make an original design for a flowerbed at your dacha with your own hands using a photo. Creating a flower bed is a real art; when coming up with a flower arrangement, you should focus not only on the aesthetic appeal of the flowers, but also take into account the characteristics of their cultivation. Well-thought-out and planned colorful flower beds will delight the eye and give a wonderful aroma, lifting the mood of owners and guests throughout the warm season.

Quite often, in summer cottages, flowers grow chaotically, creating only chaos. In rare cases, in dachas there are ordinary round flower beds that steal a lot of usable space. But there are original ideas for designing flower beds that help save space and give your suburban area all the charm of a blooming garden.

Log flowerbed

The dacha plot will look very original with flowerbeds made of logs. Such flower beds can be made from both long and short logs, the main thing is that the diameter of the trunk is large enough. For the flowerbed, cut out the middle of the log, do not try to make smooth edges for the flowerbed, the more crooked the edge, the better it will look. To stabilize the log, you can use large stones or other small logs. The flower bed log can be raised above the ground by placing it on two small round logs.

It is not necessary to do serious drainage for such a flower bed; the tree will absorb excess moisture. It is enough to pour a layer of small stones at the bottom of the flowerbed, and add soil as a second layer. When creating a flower bed from a log, choose low-growing and ampelous types of flowers, the best choice would be low-growing ones .

In the photo on the left, marigolds grow in the middle of the flower arrangement, and ampelous Lobelia descends along the edges like a blooming waterfall . In the photo on the right, Petunia is the soloist in the flowerbed. When you create a flower bed, choose flowers of approximately the same size; very large buds do not go well with small flowers. In a flower bed made of logs, flowers with small buds look more advantageous.

So cute flowerbed locomotive made from logs will delight not only children, but also adults. It can be used to decorate a playground, a children's corner in the garden.

A log for a flower bed does not have to be perfect; show your imagination and decorate dry driftwood or thick branches found in the forest with flowers. Plant in such a flower bed not flowers, but beautiful and unusual moss, which you can also find in the nearest forest. Maintenance of a moss flower bed is minimal, but it will look very beautiful and harmonious. Place such flower beds as you wish: horizontally, vertically, with a slope, rearrange them in different parts of the garden. In the photo below, the flowerbed composition is made up of different types of succulents and moss.

Stump flower beds

If you have stumps left at your dacha, do not rush to uproot them - this is a very labor-intensive and costly task. Better make a flower bed out of it. Cut out the middle of the stump, cover it with soil and plant your favorite flowering and non-flowering plants. For a flower bed made from a stump, a combination of hosta and low-growing annuals is suitable. If the stump is tall, then plant ampelous species of flowering plants - this could be Lobelia, Nasturtium, Petunia. The stump flower bed can be painted any color or, if it is without bark, varnished. Painting will also protect the stump from rotting and pests.

Tire flower beds

Surely many people already have flowerbeds made of tires at their dacha or near their house. But we will offer new ideas for designing flower beds from old car tires. Moreover, you can make such a flowerbed with your own hands. The tire will look interesting and funny if you hang it on a strong tree branch or on the canopy of the veranda.

First paint the tire, use only a special paint for rubber with a glossy sheen. Other paint can quickly crack and crumble. Rubber does not allow water to pass through, so drill several holes in the bottom of the tire for drainage. Otherwise, the roots of the flowers may rot.

Before pouring soil into the tire, lay a small piece of special fabric (lutrasil) that allows moisture to pass through; it is also used for smart beds. Then add soil and plant your favorite flowers. In the photo, the composition consists of two colors of ampelous Petunia. But you can plant other types of hanging plants, both flowering and non-flowering: hanging Begonia, Morning Glory, Nasturtium, Verbena.

Another idea for designing garden beds out of tires is to simply make tall flower beds by stacking several tires on top of each other and decorating them with fancy designs. It’s easy to care for such flower beds, because now you don’t have to bend over.

Making a flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands photo

Flowerbed stream

This flowerbed looks cool, but it is more suitable for parks, especially since it is not durable. It blooms only in early spring. To decorate such a flower bed, they used Muscari stream or Mouse hyacinth, along the edges of Tulips. We suggest making small funny streams of flowers that will bloom until frost.

For example, decorating a flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands, as in the photo, is not difficult to do. In the left photo “Spilled water from a jug”, in the role of water is the ampelous Lobelia, which itself, when growing, falls down and blooms all summer, and in the right photo “Spilled milk from a can”, in the role of milk, use any white low-growing flowers with dense blooms, for example white Ageratum or Allisum.

To design such flower beds at the dacha, old buckets, pots, tubs, jars, bathtubs and even sinks and umbrellas are used. For “spilled flowerbeds”, choose only low-growing flowers with dense blooms, otherwise you won’t get the same effect as in the photo.

Another idea for a flower bed that you can make with your own hands as in the photo

Cinder block flowerbed

Often after construction there is a lot of unused building material. If you have cinder blocks left, don’t throw them away, but make flower beds out of them with your own hands. Such flower beds do not take up much space and look well-groomed. And if you paint cinder blocks, apply an ornament to them, or glue the remains of decorative tiles, you can actually create a work of art. The structure can be connected using a special mixture or using tile adhesive.

Vertical flower beds made from boxes are a good way to save space on a summer cottage:

If the size of your summer cottage allows, then make a round flowerbed. When creating a round flowerbed, think about which flowers will harmonize best in it. Consider the flowering period of the flowers you plant. These could be plants or . Plant in the very middle of the flower bed. Along the edges are low-growing, bright annuals. And dilute the composition with non-flowering plants with openwork delicate or dense foliage, for example Khostoy or Soft cuff, which will cover the voids of the flowerbed during the dormant period of flowering plants.

When thinking about ideas for decorating flower beds, follow simple rules. Choose flowers with approximately the same flowering period. Large flower buds do not go well with small inflorescences, so for your flowerbed choose either only plants with large or only small flowers. When thinking about the color scheme of your flower bed, decide whether your flower garden will be in soft colors,or in bright ones. Delicate light buds will look faded and dull against the backdrop of brightly colored flowers.

In the article Making a flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands with a photo, we wanted to show that growing and caring for flower pets is both a serious and very exciting process, in which many nuances must be taken into account. And if creating a flower bed is an art, then by doing such art, the soul will be filled with spirituality, and working in the garden will only bring a surge of positive emotionsand the joy of contemplating the results of work, which we will then share with others. Good luck to you in floriculture!