The girl has short fingers. What do long fingers indicate? Joints and phalanges of the fingers

To assess personality, professional psychologists observe a person’s behavior, talk with him, analyze speech, timbre of voice, and identify typical gestures. Based on observations, they draw up a personality map and determine the character of a person.

An experienced palmist will be able to quickly understand what type the interlocutor is and what to expect from him. Diagnosis is made by examining the hands. The palmist is interested in the length and shape of the fingers, the type of palm and skin color. That's enough to understand inner world person.

In this article

Hand color

Indicates the character and state of health:

  1. Red hands are a sign of poor health. And they also say that a person is prone to irritability.
  2. Dark red hands, close to purple, indicate health problems and laziness.
  3. White hands belong to weak-willed people with a painfully refined nature. They have weak energy. And if the fingers have a pointed shape, then there is anger and deceit in the character. It is better not to mess with such people.
  4. Palmists evaluate moderate hair growth on the outside of the hand as positive. The owner of such a hand has an easy-going character and good health.
  5. The presence of hair on the inside of the palm indicates a high level of intelligence and the potential for longevity.
  6. The complete absence of hair on the hand indicates the instability of the personality, and the uneven scattering of hair on the hand is a sign of a poor spiritual life.
  7. If the hand has a pinkish color and veins are visible through the skin, we have a smart and kind person.
  8. Ideally, the hand is slightly brown with a pink tint. This is a sign of excellent health and goodwill towards others.

White hands indicate weakness

Palm shape

Before a detailed analysis of the meaning hidden in the length of the fingers, we will give a description of the palm. It reflects a person’s character in general terms:

  1. Let's start with a broad, rough-shaped palm whose fingers are far from perfect. This type of hand is found in short-sighted people with primitive needs. Their intellect is underdeveloped, their interests are monotonous and trivial. What distinguishes such people is sedentary lifestyle life and inhibited reaction.
  2. If the palm is oblong, has an elegant shape and long graceful fingers, we have a person of an artistic bent. He is distinguished by sensuality and a penchant for high arts. Natural talents allow them to realize themselves in the field of creativity.
  3. The philosophical type of hand is elongated fingers, but the palm does not look like an elongated one. The knobby fingers, shapelessness and roughness of the outlines are striking. Among the owners of hands of the philosophical type there are thinkers, writers and famous musicians. This type of palm indicates a tendency to think about the nature of the world, about inner peace and rationalism.
  4. The square hand shape belongs to practical and reliable people. These are pragmatists who are distinguished by determination and hard work. An individual with a square hand does not have a rich imagination, but as a loyal comrade he has no equal.
  5. The spade hand type is similar in many ways to the square hand type. A wide palm narrows slightly at the base or in the area of ​​the fingers. Actually, the character of a person is not too different from representatives of the previous type. Characteristic qualities are perseverance, courage and reliability.

A square palm is a sign of a practical person

Typology of the palm according to different elements:

Aristocratic hands and a complex inner world

These are hands with thin wrists, narrow palms and long flexible fingers. This combination of signs indicates a subtle nervous system, increased sensitivity, high intelligence and developed sexuality.

The owners of such hands are creative individuals with well-developed intuition and refined taste. They include inventors, talented doctors, artists, musicians, and painters. Intelligence allows them to grasp the essence of the situation, analyze and understand where it leads. Often these are leaders.

A man with elongated fingers (primarily the ring finger) usually enjoys success with the fair sex. Women are attracted to the beauty of men's hands. The fame of heartthrobs and unfaithful husbands follows them.

Aristocratic hand type

A woman with aristocratic hands is demanding of her partner and often pesters him with whims. She has high self-esteem and a romantic nature. A long ring finger characterizes a sensual woman who enjoys sexual variety. She is a magnificent lover who knows how to charm a man with her intimate talents.

Palmistry says that if the fingers are long but thin, then their owner is characterized by excessive pride and increased vulnerability. Even minor troubles throw you off balance. Disappointment, depression and melancholy are his constant companions. When making decisions, such an individual constantly hesitates and indulges in reflection. Thin, long fingers may indicate a desire to subjugate others and psychological sadism, which manifests itself in the form of poisonous sarcasm.

The influence of finger length on character and health

If you compare brushes different people, it can be found that the length ratio of the three central fingers varies from person to person. In most cases, the index and ring fingers are the same in length, the middle finger is slightly longer than them. But there are people with different hand proportions. In some, all three central fingers are of equal length, in others the ring finger is much larger than the index finger, and sometimes even the middle finger.

In order to learn about the temperament, character and special qualities of a person using the palmistry method, watch the following video:

Length of fingers on men's hands

During intrauterine development, sex hormones influence the formation of the unborn child’s body. Testosterone determines the body structure of men. In particular, the length of the fingers depends on its concentration. Having studied the hand in adulthood, one can draw conclusions about the temperament and character of a man.

By comparing the middle and index fingers, palmistry will tell you what to expect from a person in a family union. If these two fingers differ little in length, then a woman will have an even, trusting relationship with such a man. He will make a caring and attentive spouse, ready to come to an agreement on controversial issues. On the contrary, if the fingers are different in length, then this indicates a strong influence of testosterone during the period in the womb. Consequently, such a man is more rude and will strive to suppress his spouse emotionally.

Length of fingers in women

The presence of long ring fingers in a woman indicates immoderate sexual appetites. In the biography of such a lady there is a whole string of sexual partners, although there are exceptions to the rules. The owner of long ring fingers is not averse to having a romance with a lesbian twist.

An even distribution of finger lengths is typical for a woman who strives to have a healthy, strong family and many children.

Length of fingers at different ages

Parents show interest in their children's predispositions. Analysis of hands using the palmistry method will give an idea of ​​character qualities and inclinations. If we talk about the length of the fingers, then it contains the same characteristics as in the hand of an adult. This is a trace of the influence of hormones during pregnancy of the mother of the child.

However, there is no need to absolute the shape of the fingers, indicating future sexual promiscuity. A person’s character is formed not only under the influence of hormones, but also depends on upbringing, moral principles and life experiences.

Long fingers and possible diseases

For example, elongated ring fingers are found in people who are prone to colds. As a rule, they are poorly protected from measles, rubella, chickenpox, and they have a high chance of developing arthrosis. But heart attacks and strokes bypass such an individual.

Unusually long fingers indicate possible illnesses

A woman who has long index fingers probably has excess estrogen in her body. This makes her vulnerable to problems in the field of gynecology. In addition, the chances of developing a breast tumor are high. Availability of long index fingers in men, it indicates the risk of stroke and heart attack. In people of both sexes, this sign indicates probable allergies, pulmonary problems and bronchial asthma.

Of course, one cannot draw definitive conclusions about hidden diseases based only on the length of the fingers. You should talk about this to your interlocutor in an extremely delicate manner, avoiding categoricalness.

Finger length and character

In the arsenal of palmistry there is one simple method for analyzing the character of an individual. For comparison, take the length of two fingers - the index and ring fingers.

Thus, we get three main personality types:

  1. The index finger is shorter than the ring finger. This combination indicates a charismatic personality. A person is attractive in the eyes of others, communicating with him is a pleasure. He has a wide circle of friends who appreciate his ability to listen and give useful advice. However, such an individual is ready not only to sympathize, but also to take an active part in solving problems. He shows enviable determination and perseverance. The things he undertakes end in success. Personalities of the first type have developed intelligence and realize themselves in science and engineering. Having achieved their goal, they do not intend to stop. They are always looking for ways to further improve themselves.
  2. The index finger is longer than the ring finger. Before us is a self-sufficient person. But unlike the first type, this person avoids crowded society, preferring a solitary lifestyle. Possessing pride, such an individual rarely takes the first steps to start a relationship. This applies to the personal sphere and business cooperation. To attract such a person to your project, you will have to take the initiative. Keep in mind that praise and attention to his person are extremely important.
  3. Equal length of index and ring fingers. This is a sign of a good-natured person with a peaceful character. Conflicts and disputes make him uncomfortable. These people know how to build smooth, friendly relationships with everyone. Character is based on loyalty, loyalty and deep integrity. In the family, these are faithful spouses and caring fathers. At work they are valued for their commitment and diligence. They are patriots of their enterprise. Despite all his peacefulness, this person is ready to stand up for himself. He rarely takes offense, but if necessary, he will put the offender in his place.

Meaning of finger shape

In addition to the shape of the palm and the length of the fingers, palmistry takes into account the type of fingers and the distance between them. Nature is wise in giving us specific traits. We don't often think about what external forms say about the inner world.

What will crooked fingers tell you?

In palmistry, crooked fingers are a rare phenomenon and such deformation is striking. What to expect from a person?

The meaning of crooked fingers is considered in the context of the picture provided by the main lines on the palm. If the analysis gives a positive diagnosis, then the curvature of the fingers indicates an irritable nature. A negative pattern of palm lines combined with crooked fingers indicates an embittered person who hates the whole world. Perhaps there are criminal tendencies.

When the fingers are curved towards the outside of the palm, one can speak of an inquisitive and sociable person who has a kind soul. If the fingers are curved towards the inside, then we are dealing with a cautious person.

Thin and thick fingers

Palmistry considers the thickness of the fingers as a very important indicator for analyzing a person’s character. And the length of the fingers must be taken into account. This approach identifies four types of people:

  1. Thick and short fingers. This combination indicates a priority goal in life - material well-being. You cannot rely on such people, because personal gain comes first for them, and the interests of others come last. They cannot be called professionals. They do not have deep knowledge, but they are abundantly endowed with patience and the ability to achieve their goals. Usually people with this type of fingers work in trade.
  2. Thin and short fingers. This type of hand indicates rapid mastery of skills. Inspiration is a frequent guest in his life, creation is his element. A person copes well with the role of a leader, he is appreciated by his superiors and respected by his subordinates. Unfortunately, he is inattentive to detail and overlooks details. Such individuals realize themselves in the field of business, finance and politics. They often start their own business in order to have financial independence.
  3. Thick and long fingers. This combination is typical for a person with a high level of intelligence and extraordinary creative abilities. Shows good results in any field of activity. He also has managerial talent. The path to the top in politics or to lead a religious movement, to make a great discovery, is open for him. In a word, he is capable of achieving world fame.
  4. Thin and long fingers indicate a careful person who attaches great importance to detail. If a job requires precise intelligence, then such a person is simply irreplaceable. When making decisions, he relies exclusively on logic; intuition is poorly developed. But his bias towards logic does not prevent him from appreciating art; he himself is not averse to expressing himself in creativity. He could easily become an artist, musician or publicist. Given his meticulousness, he realizes himself as an excellent editor, design engineer or manager in the construction industry.

Thin and long fingers are a sign of a creative personality

Square fingers

The owner of square fingers (they are also called knobby) is distinguished by a serious approach to business and a desire for order. Such a person has a critical mindset. It is characterized by self-confidence and a desire to control others. This type of finger is found in many successful entrepreneurs and scientific practitioners.

Spade fingers

Such hands, as a rule, belong to people who are in constant motion. Idleness for them is tantamount to death. They are active in both mental and physical labor. Freedom and personal independence are of paramount value to them.

In life they are guided by practical considerations rather than by high ideals. They can be called calculating and even selfish. Among people with spade-shaped fingers, highly skilled workers, farm owners, engineers and managers in the industrial sector are most often found.

A short video test about the meaning of finger shapes:

Distance between fingers

In palmistry, this is an important sign for analysis:

  1. If the fingers are almost closely adjacent to each other, then the owner of the hand is characterized by secrecy and a reluctance to stand out. Their actions are based on common sense. They are distinguished by frugality, which over the years turns into stinginess.
  2. If the fingers lag behind each other, then the person has an open character and likes to be generous.
  3. The habit of holding your middle and index fingers close to each other indicates success.
  4. The absence of a gap between the middle and ring fingers indicates a person who is changeable in emotions and needs psychological support.
  5. If the little finger deviates far from the other fingers, such a person has a wayward character, which is combined with enviable stubbornness. In disputes, a person holds on to his position until the end.
  6. If the space between the little finger and the ring finger is small, then we have a person who does not care about the opinions of others. This person shows complete freedom, including generally accepted norms. This sign is not uncommon among representatives of sexual minorities.
  7. It happens that the gap between adjacent fingers is more pronounced at the base than in the area of ​​the nails. In this case, the person is prone to antisocial behavior, such as vagrancy. This sign also indicates an inability to handle money carefully and possible bankruptcy.

For example, the gap between the middle and index fingers indicates independent views

Fingertip Shape

The fingertips also contain valuable information about the character of the owner of the hand:

  1. Square fingertips. Belongs to hard materialists. Their interests are down to earth. They are skeptical about change, preferring stability. These are practical people who prefer to do business rather than waste time on empty entertainment. It is for their practicality and determination that they are highly valued.
  2. Conical fingertips. They reveal a sensual personality. For such people, a rich emotional life is important. In a sense, these are idealists, but they cannot be called slackers. They can work productively, but only in a comfortable atmosphere and supportive environment. The owner of conical fingers appreciates “smart” entertainment: visiting exhibitions and museums, reading, self-improvement courses. Traveling is another favorite pastime.
  3. Pointed fingertips. A sign of a refined nature. Such a person has strong emotionality bordering on nervousness. He is impressionable, but unstable in his mood. People with such fingers often experience impulses of inspiration, but rarely finish what they start because they quickly cool down and become disappointed. Such individuals want to be the center of attention and have leadership talents. If such a person occupies a leadership position, then his subordinates consider his style to be tough but fair.
  4. Fingertips resembling drops. This form is characteristic of a person with a kind soul who is always ready to help. We are talking about close friends and strangers. Possessing altruism and gullibility, such a person rarely becomes a victim of scammers, because he has good intuition and quickly recognizes other people's intentions. People of this type also treat nature and animals with love, directing their efforts to improve the world around them.
  5. The fingertips are spade-shaped. Indicate a high level of vitality. They are constantly in search of new bright impressions. The monotonous flow of life drives you into a state of melancholy and apathy. Monotony tires such people so much that it can cause them to become ill. They can work long and fruitfully, but not in an office environment. They are distinguished by eccentric behavior and a skeptical attitude towards generally accepted truths. For work, it is better for them to choose a profession that requires regular business trips, or to go into creativity.

Joints and phalanges of the fingers

An analysis of palmistry of the finger phalanges and joints will help complete the overall picture:

  1. The upper, also known as the nail, phalanx is associated with the spiritual world, aspirations, principles, and perception of reality. A narrow upper phalanx speaks of developed intuition, a wide phalanx speaks of an entrepreneurial streak and material interest.
  2. The middle phalanx will tell you how practical a person is. By looking closely at the length of the phalanx and its thickness, one can get an idea of ​​whether an individual knows how to implement plans.
  3. The lower phalanx is associated with the individual’s attitude towards material values. A pronounced lower phalanx indicates a person whose interests revolve around wealth and pleasure. The lower phalanx of the thumb is of particular importance, since at its base is the Mount of Venus, which is responsible for the emotional and sensory sphere.

Let's pay attention to the finger joints. Movable, developed joints are a sign of a well-honed, high mind and impeccable logic. Knobby joints indicate a person with a philosophical view of things. And smooth joints usually belong to superficial and frivolous people.

Hand behavior

As a rule, people do not notice that their hands are in constant motion, and these gestures are unconscious.

Clasped hands indicate that the interlocutor is closed

In palmistry, an accurate description of a person is compiled based on the behavior of the hands:

  1. If the interlocutor holds his hands behind his back or tries to hide them in any other way, then this behavior indicates the person’s insecurity. He is clearly plagued by doubts.
  2. If a person conducts a conversation with his hands tightly clasped or crossed on his chest, then the conversation depresses him, he tries to close himself off from you. He does not intend to be open and speak out frankly.
  3. It happens that the interlocutor simply does not know where to put his hands. Every now and then he goes through the objects lying in front of him, clenches and unclenches his fingers, taps on the table. In this case, the person suffers from a nervous disorder or is overwhelmed by strong emotions that he tries to suppress.
  4. Active gestures during a conversation indicate the interlocutor’s genuine interest in the topic under discussion and his trust in you.

The position of the hands when walking also characterizes a person:

  1. The arms hang down freely, and the fingers are slightly clenched. Such a person can be called prudent and cautious. He has a peaceful character.
  2. If your arms dangle freely when walking, this indicates gullibility. And it also indicates a dislike of haste in thoughts and actions.
  3. Hands clenched tightly into a fist indicate an aggressive personality. Such a person is not averse to starting a fight.
  4. The habit of waving your arms back and forth while walking indicates that a person is emotional and is not accustomed to controlling his feelings.


Here palmistry will also tell you who you are dealing with:

  1. A person with an open, honest soul, when offering his hand, always keeps his palm slightly turned upward.
  2. A person whose palm faces down shows arrogance. In fact, this is a limited individual of a narrow mind.
  3. An overly intense handshake reveals a weak personality who wants to appear strong and confident.
  4. A limp, devoid of energy handshake indicates a weak-willed and pampered person. He is insecure, capricious and spoiled.
  5. Another type of greeting is quick and casual. There is not a drop of soul in it, just a tribute to the ritual. This gesture is typical for busy people who are indifferent to others.


Palmistry gives an accurate description, indicating strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden vices. Nevertheless, palmistry speaks more about predisposition than about the real state of affairs.

Hands give a hint, and a person has a will and chooses what to do. If you find unfavorable signs in yourself, do not rush to get upset. On the contrary, accurate knowledge of the shortcomings is an advantage. Now you know what you have to work on.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Thin, thick or crooked fingers - a subsection that calculates character traits. Let's look at what the different types of shape, thickness, length and placement of fingers mean.

In the article:

What do crooked fingers tell you about your character?

Crooked fingers are rare. Curvature has a meaning.
Before interpreting the meaning of crooked fingers, look at the general meaning. A beginner's knowledge of palmistry is enough to understand the character.

If positive, the curvature of the fingers indicates irritability. With a negative prognosis based on the lines on the hand, this is a sign of anger, hatred, and a penchant for crime.

Fingers curved towards the outer palm indicate curiosity, sociability and kindness. In an extremely cautious person, the fingers curve towards the inner part of the palm.

What do thin and thick fingers mean?

The length of the fingers matters. If the thumb on the hand is short, and the rest of the fingers are long, even of a different shape, the person has character traits that correspond to the signs found on the hand.

People with long and thin fingers are petty, attentive, even meticulous. This is a good employee if the position requires high intelligence. But a person does not have intuition; decisions are made thanks to logical thinking. There is a penchant for creativity, a love for art. Possible professions: journalist, artist, musician. Meticulousness will make the owner an excellent editor, construction manager, and project developer.

Long and thick fingers are often visited by inspiration - a sign of high intelligence, a bright creative component. The peculiarity of the hands allows one to achieve the top in the profession and skillfully manage people. Personality can become a major political figure, religious leader, great soothsayer, inventor or world-class celebrity.

Thin and short fingers indicate a person who quickly learns new skills. Inspiration comes often, energy is directed towards creation. This is a good leader with whom his subordinates and superiors are happy. But the individual does not pay attention to the little things and pitfalls. People are doing commerce, politics, management and finance, open their own enterprise, working for yourself.

Thick and short fingers on the hands are a sign of a person who values. The personality is unreliable and seeks benefits. He has low qualifications, but he has enough determination, patience and funds for training. Works in sales.

Finger length and human character

A simple test about character on the fingers - based on the length of the fingers relative to one another. Compare the length of the index and ring fingers, which will give an understanding of the main character traits.

Type A. If the index finger is shorter than the ring finger. An indication of attractiveness and charisma. The personality is pleasant to talk to and knows how to impress. Has many friends - excellent character, the ability to empathize and listen is valued. A person is distinguished by determination and ability to take risks, solves problems with ease, and quickly achieves financial success. A developed mind allows you to become a skilled engineer and scientist. There is a love for intellectual entertainment; learning does not end with receiving a diploma.

Type B. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger. A sign of self-sufficiency and self-confidence. This is a loner who does not take the first steps in relationships, business and affairs. To conclude cooperation, the partner will have to take the initiative. Attention and praise are appreciated.

Type C. If the length is the same. A good-natured, peace-loving person. Does not like to enter into conflict, tries to avoid quarrels. Prefers to maintain friendly relations with everyone. He is distinguished by his organization, loyalty and devotion. These are reliable husbands and employees who work stably at the same enterprise. Despite his friendliness, it is dangerous to harm him: a person rarely gets angry, but if he gets angry, many suffer.

What does the shape of your fingertips tell you?

The shape of your fingers will help determine your character.

  1. Square fingers are found among inveterate materialists. A down-to-earth personality who values ​​material wealth, conservative. Considered boring, their positive qualities are practicality and focus on success.
  2. Conical fingers indicate sensuality, emotionality, and idealism. For a person to work productively, a pleasant atmosphere and friendly team are necessary. There is a penchant for self-improvement, and intellectual pleasures are not alien to them. Likes to read, visit museums and exhibitions, and travel.
  3. The pointed form is observed in an emotional, sensitive, nervous person who is easily impressed. A person often experiences inspiration, which quickly gives way to disappointment in business. There is a tendency towards selfishness, towards power, and leadership abilities. The boss will have a reputation as a stern but fair boss. Likes to be the center of attention and has many friends.
  4. The drop-like ends of the fingers indicate kindness, sensuality and emotionality. Their owner is an altruist who will not refuse to help even a stranger. They note a heightened intuition - scammers do not take advantage of kindness. He loves animals, nature, and tries to make the world around him a better place.
  5. Shovel shape is a sign higher level vital energy. A person needs new ideas, vivid impressions. Boredom and monotony lead to depression. Without a constant change of environment and new activities, a person will not last long; he is characterized by increased efficiency, but the office routine quickly becomes boring. The person is skeptical, self-willed, eccentric. Creative professions or positions associated with constant business trips are suitable.

Character by fingers on the hand - their location

Tells about the nature of the location of the fingers relative to the palm. Pay attention to the border between the palm and fingers, their bases. If a straight line is formed, the person is distrustful, selfish, does not like to listen to other people’s opinions and will not help unselfishly. Anyone who dares to start a relationship with him will have to forget about his own interests.

Palmistry is a science that tells about the personality traits and fate of a person along the lines on the palm. It is very popular in our time, but few people know that it has a “relative” - chirognomy, which determines a person’s character by the shape of his hands, their size, shape and structure of fingers. It is associated with the influence of heredity on a person’s character.

We have prepared a simple test that will help you learn a little more about yourself, your loved ones and even strangers. Look at the photo and choose a finger!

What does the shape of the fingers mean?

Finger A
If you have the same finger shape as in picture A, then most likely you are a secretive person. You don’t like to talk about your plans and dreams at every turn. You trust such information only to those closest to you.

You have a big heart and are willing to sacrifice yourself if necessary.

As a rule, people with this finger shape are honest and kind. And they also have an excellent sense of humor!

Finger B
Are your fingers shaped most like option B in the picture? Most likely, at times you are unsure of yourself. But if you really like something, then nothing can stop you.

It’s not easy for you to communicate with strangers, but you are ready to devote all your free time to your loved ones. And at the same time they really value and respect you!

You are a strong person who will come out of any situation with honor. And I can only envy your persistence!

Finger C
If the shape of your fingers matches pattern C, then you are a real angel of peace, helping people find mutual understanding. You are also characterized by emotionality and an easy-going attitude towards others, which many people lack nowadays.

You are a person with a subtle mental organization. The happiness of all the people around you is important to you.

You also have good artistic taste and high mental abilities.

Diseases according to the shape of the fingers

Some diseases can also be determined by the shape of the fingers and the condition of their joints.

Painful knuckles who have irregular shape, is a sign of arthrosis. Most often, such changes appear in patients with gout.

If the joints become swollen and swollen, redness appears - this is a manifestation of polyarthritis. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

But painful sensations between the second and third phalanges of the ring and index fingers warn of the imminent manifestation of an illness in the knee joints.

Too flexible or very poorly bending joints with reduced muscle tone in the fingers mean problems in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Fingers can provide a lot of information about a person. Their length is of greatest importance. When meeting someone for the first time, many people immediately pay attention to the palms of their interlocutor. This doesn't happen by accident. It is from them that they learn a lot about their owner.

Palmistry attaches importance not only to the pattern of lines on the hand, but also to its general structure. The ratio of its various proportions is also important. Simple, discreet observation can provide a wealth of knowledge about it.

Therefore, everyone subconsciously strives to understand what the length of a new acquaintance’s fingers says.

This information is especially important in business or personal relationships.

It is necessary to understand in advance what to expect when communicating with a particular individual, and also whether you should expect a trick from him. The very first impression of a person concerns the overall length of his fingers.

In general, we can say that if it is large, then people:

  • Very smart;
  • like to evaluate everything independently;
  • capable of careful observation;
  • demanding of others, sometimes even excessively;
  • rational;
  • do not rush into making decisions;
  • sometimes unbalanced.

Therefore, such people are usually trusted with fine jewelry work, because they tend to keep their emotions under control.

However, various doubts and thoughts from time to time can simply tear them apart.

In cases where the fingers are disproportionately long, it is believed that their owners are characterized by exorbitant greed. If they are in business, they may sacrifice the well-being of others for the sake of profit.

Short fingers mean that a person has a pronounced temperament and has difficulty keeping his feelings under control.

He doesn't care what impression he makes on others, so sometimes he is able to go beyond accepted limitations.

Palmistry specialists have long noticed that this type of fingers is more often characteristic of people who are benevolent and compassionate.

But if they do not have pronounced intellectual data, then they are capable of rigidity. Such a person judges everything confidently and is sometimes even capable of being tactless. He approaches everything very soberly and has both feet firmly on the ground. But, if emotions get the better of him, then he does not resist their command.

If the fingers are excessively shortened, then their appearance indicates that people are not very smart and often indulge in rash actions.

Their average size indicates pronounced patience. The individual tries to maintain smooth relations with everyone.

In addition, he has a tendency to perform work in a multitasking mode and uncertainty.

It is important to know about the peculiarities of finger length in children, which will allow parents or educators to better understand the child in order to facilitate the process of his development. Identifying the characteristics of his personality will help to grow a harmoniously developed personality. It is worth noting that a child’s palm is no different from an adult’s. The length of a baby's fingers usually indicates the same as that of mature people.

Different types of people depending on their fingers

Hands provide a lot of information about character. Palmistry experts divide them into three types. They take the comparison of the lengths of the index and ring fingers as a basis.

Option A is typical for those whose index finger is smaller in size than their ring finger. In such a case, we can say that the person has considerable charm, he is flexible and purposeful.

These people often choose a natural science field of activity. They never get tired of learning something new and throughout their lives they strive to understand the world around them.

Option B characterizes an individual whose index fingers are quite long and are larger in size than the ring fingers. In such cases, it is believed that their owner is somewhat withdrawn, strives for isolation and is in no hurry to make new acquaintances. Even in the business sphere, he prefers to deal with trusted partners.

Option C represents people who have both fingers the same length. The person is easy to communicate with, preferring to be in peaceful relations with everyone.

He usually has many friends and is very reliable in business. Such people usually form the backbone of the team.

It is they who are escorted with honor to retirement after forty or even fifty years of work in one place.

However, things don’t get better for them on the road, because they can be terrible in anger.

Therefore, it becomes clear that knowledge about finger length is of great importance. They help build relationships with people so that they bring as much joy as possible.

Finger sizes for men and women - interpretation

Finger length can mean different things for different genders. In situations where a lady’s index finger is shorter than her ring finger, this indicates that she will not be left alone.

If they are equal in size, then such women usually marry once and become excellent mothers of the family. A man whose fingers vary significantly in size has a high hormonal level.

This feature has its downside, as sometimes he can be aggressive. However, these people make excellent husbands.

Length ratio of individual fingers

In this regard, the comparative length of the thumb has considerable meaning. It is one of the main ones in the palm of your hand, it carries a large layer of information about its owner and makes it possible to assess its energy reserves.

The basis is taken to be the size when the straightened tip reaches the center of the lower phalanx of the index finger.

  • In the case when it turns out to be longer, such a ratio indicates that the person has a strong character.
  • If it is shorter, this indicates indecision and lack of desire for dominance.
  • When its upper phalanx is significantly pronounced, this feature indicates that a person lives by the dictates of reason. Sometimes he is able to suppress all good feelings in himself and then becomes difficult to control.
  • If both phalanges are equal, then such proportions are a sign of a harmonious, developed personality.
  • When the length of the lower phalanx predominates, the person is too soft and too compassionate to take decisive action.

The size of the index finger is also important. If it is small, then this indicates pronounced individualism.

Usually such people can lead others, but they tend to consider themselves superior to others. If the length is slightly less than average, then it indicates that all the qualities of the individual are balanced.

A shortened middle finger indicates impetuosity. For such people, feelings guide all their actions. Therefore, they often change their mind, which makes them unreliable. They have a certain amount of selfishness, so they do not take into account others too much. A normal length, as in the previous case, indicates a balanced person.

An enlarged ring finger indicates a penchant for adventurism. These people can give in to real passion.

They live by the “All or nothing” principle. Often they do not separate the important from the unimportant.

If the length of the finger is short, then such a person, on the contrary, is characterized by indecision.

A long little finger speaks of a delicate mental makeup. Such people are very sensitive, due to which they quickly find a way out of any situation. A shortened finger indicates a desire to follow the desire of your heart, as well as amazing charisma.

The length of the fingers allows one to judge quite fully the character of people. Both their size and ratio matter.

The degree of influence of an individual in society, his desire to establish interpersonal connections and his ability to develop business acumen depend on these data.

The length of the fingers is also used to judge how suitable a person is for family life or whether he will become a good friend.

Therefore, it is very important to know what their size means. Many people believe that the source of information about people is concentrated in the lines of their palm, which is true. But still, it is not always possible to examine it, and the fingers are in plain sight and it is not worth neglecting the data that they provide about their owner.

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Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


At all times, graceful long fingers on the hands were considered a sign of aristocracy, a person’s noble origin. The dream of all ladies, and not only that, is beautiful musical hands. What to do when your fingers or hands are not thin, excess fat is deposited at the base, and they look plump, thick and short? How to lose weight in your fingers, reduce their volume and make them long, elegant and thin?

Why do my fingers get fat?

If you are wondering how to lose weight in your fingers, you need to find out the reason why they have lost their original attractive appearance. There are several factors that contribute to an increase in size:

  • the occurrence of edema as a result of poor nutrition, stagnation of fluid in the body;
  • gaining excess weight as a result of poor nutrition, abuse of fatty foods or sweets, restrictions on mobility and physical activity;
  • Thick fingers are observed as a result of metabolic disorders or health problems;
  • Visual changes are observed with age; this problem can be corrected with the help of exercises and diet.

Do fingers get thinner when you lose weight?

Will your arms become visually smaller if you lose weight through exercise or dietary restrictions? The answer is yes, because these are the same parts of the body as muscles, bones, stomach, legs. Therefore, if you have a need to lose weight on your fat fingers, start with general weight loss. By removing excess mass, you will be pleasantly surprised by the elegant, sophisticated and aristocratic look of your hands.

The main steps on how to start losing weight on your fingers is to take care of your body as a whole. You don’t need to completely give up your favorite foods, it’s just important to monitor your diet and remove excess sweet and fatty foods.

What to do to lose weight on your fingers?

If you are tormented by the question of how to lose weight in your fingers, we hasten to assure you that the process is not so complicated. The main task is to organize yourself, it is better to make a specific plan of complex actions. Every day, spend a few minutes doing certain exercises, plus watch your diet. And remember, you don’t have to forbid yourself anything, otherwise your body will rebel! So, what actions will help you lose weight in your fingers:

  • an important factor is a healthy diet, you need to eat more fiber, fruits, cereals, light soups, proteins and salads, do not allow yourself a lot of flour, carbonated drinks, processed foods, limit your coffee consumption;
  • you should monitor the amount of daily fluid intake: excess water in the body leads to edema, and its lack has a bad effect on metabolism;
  • Special exercises that are important to do for a few minutes every day will help make your fingers slender;
  • massage helps improve the appearance of any part of the body, including hand massage is a popular way to make them thinner and more elegant;
  • Another way to make your fingers visually thin is to use moisturizing creams, which helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin and improve appearance hands in general.

Exercises for losing weight on fingers

A separate effective way is to highlight exercises for losing weight on your fingers. In addition to improving visual appearance, such gymnastics helps improve joint health, blood circulation and muscle activity. So what should you do to quickly make your hands worthy of the attention of the cameras of the best magazines?

  1. The simplest and effective method stretching the joints means bending and straightening them. Complex repetition is required 10-20 times with a break of 5 minutes. It is better to repeat the exercise in the morning and evening. The beauty of this method is that it can be used everywhere: at work, on the subway, while walking or in the cinema.
  2. Another effective exercise- squeezing the hand. We squeeze it into a fist (firmly), then relax it, put the brush on the table, fan out our fingers as far as possible (until you feel a slight tension). We tear off each finger in turn from the surface, lifting it up. Repeat this combination 2-3 times, in a few weeks you will see the first results.
  3. Have you noticed what beautiful, refined hands pianists have? This is not an accident; constantly playing the piano develops your hands, making them thin and graceful. Therefore, do not be lazy to periodically “play the keys”; fortunately, this activity is not difficult (and at times pleasant and calming), and can be done on any hard surface.