Why high blood glucose. Elevated blood sugar. Diet with high glucose: menu for every day

Glycemia is a measure of the level of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream. Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that provides all cells and tissues of the body with energy, that is, it is considered a kind of fuel. First of all, the substance is necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system and muscle tissue.

The human body is designed in such a way that it daily regulates blood sugar levels, because their critical increase or decrease is harmful to health. Elevated blood sugar (hyperglycemia) can be not only a physiological process that occurs after eating food, but also a symptom of a number of diseases that require timely diagnosis and correction.

Why high sugar is dangerous, what are the consequences and how to deal with such a condition, is discussed in the article.

A little about the role of glucose

After the food products enter the body, the processes of their processing are started. Carbohydrates, like proteins, lipids, begin to break down into small components, including the monosaccharide glucose. Further, glucose is absorbed through the intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream, a high blood sugar level is considered physiological. This state does not last long, until the compensatory mechanisms are activated.

The pancreas receives a signal from the central nervous system about the need to return glycemia to normal limits. A certain amount of the hormone-active substance insulin is released. It transports sugar into cells and tissues, "opening doors for them."

Against the background of a number of pathological conditions, insulin cannot send sugar into cells due to its insufficient amount or in cases where body tissues lose their sensitivity to it. That is, the cells simply “do not see” the hormone-active substance. Both mechanisms for the development of high blood sugar are characteristic of diabetes mellitus, but for different types.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the reasons that there is an increased level of sugar in the blood

In addition to "sweet sickness", there are other conditions that may be accompanied by temporary or long-term elevated blood glucose levels. However, before moving on to the question of the causes, you should understand which glycemic figures are considered acceptable and what is outside the normal range.

What sugar numbers are considered normal?

Normal levels of glucose in the bloodstream are those numbers that are considered optimal for the normal functioning of the body and the course of vital processes. There are figures approved by the Ministry of Health that are considered normal. Indicators depend on the following points:

  • venous blood is used for testing or capillary;
  • age group;
  • the presence of concomitant pathological processes.

From the moment of birth and during the first 28 days of a child's life, the maximum allowed is 4.4 mmol / l. If glucose is below 2.8 mmol / l, you can think about its critical decrease. From 1 month of life to 5-6 years, the permissible maximum rises to 5 mmol / l, then to 5.55 mmol / l, which corresponds to the figures of the glycemia of an adult.

Important! The minimum threshold is 3.33 mmol / L, in case of a decrease in the numbers, we are talking about hypoglycemia. Both conditions (hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia) are considered dangerous for the human body.

During pregnancy, the sugar rate remains the same as that of an adult, however, gestational diabetes may develop at this time. This is a condition in which the cells of a woman's body lose their sensitivity to insulin (similar to the non-insulin-dependent form of diabetes mellitus). Pathology disappears after the baby is born.

You can read more about increasing sugar during pregnancy in this article.

With increasing age, the sensitivity of tissues with receptors to insulin gradually decreases, which is associated with a decrease in the number of receptors themselves and an increase in body weight. Accordingly, the allowable glycemic figures in the elderly are slightly shifted upward.

Causes of increased glucose

High blood sugar triggers an improperly composed menu. An excess of carbohydrate intake can increase glucose levels in the bloodstream, however, this condition is considered physiological.

If the pancreas copes with the tasks, the signs of hyperglycemia will be minimally pronounced and temporary, since insulin will return the indicators to normal. You should think that some of the sugar will be deposited in fatty tissues, which means that a person's body weight will grow.

Abuse of carbohydrate food is one of the etiological factors of hyperglycemia

In addition, problems may appear:

  • on the part of the cardiovascular system - high blood pressure figures and a high risk of heart attacks;
  • on the part of lipid metabolism - the amount of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides increases sharply, which provokes the development of an atherosclerotic process;
  • on the part of the sensitivity of cell receptors to the hormone insulin - over time, cells and tissues "see" the hormone worse.

When a high weight of a person is combined with one or more of the above-described manifestations, the doctor confirms the presence of a metabolic syndrome, which over time can transform into an insulin-independent form (type 2) of diabetes mellitus.


An increased blood sugar level can occur during therapy with certain medications:

  • diuretics;
  • adrenal cortex hormones;
  • glucagon;
  • non-selective beta blockers.


The next reason is the impact on the body of stressful situations. This factor does not act directly, but through a decrease in protective forces, a slowdown in metabolic processes. In addition, stress stimulates the synthesis of hormones that are considered insulin antagonists, that is, reduce its action and the production of the pancreas.


Diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature also affect the fact that there is an increased glucose in the blood. In order for the human body to resist pathological agents, it needs energy resources. The liver starts the process of gluconeogenesis - the independent synthesis of glucose from the reserves of non-carbohydrate substances. The result is temporary hyperglycemia that does not require special treatment.

Insulin deficiency

One of the important reasons that becomes a key factor in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus. The lack of insulin production is hereditary. It develops more often at a young age, occurs even in children.

An increase in blood sugar is triggered by the fact that the hormone is not enough to transport glucose molecules into cells and tissues. The body's own immune system destroys the insulin-secretory cells of its own pancreas. Some of the sugar is processed by the liver, while the other is excreted in the urine. A small amount is stored in adipose tissue. Over time, hyperglycemia becomes toxic, as its indicators are considered critical.

The mechanism of development of "sweet disease" type 1

The following structural elements are affected:

  • brain cells;
  • blood vessels;
  • peripheral nervous system;
  • kidneys;
  • visual analyzer;
  • lower limbs.

Tumor processes

There are several types of tumors that can trigger the development of hyperglycemia. This includes pheochromocytoma and glucagonoma. Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal cortex. When it occurs, the production of counterinsular hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine), which are insulin antagonists, increases.

Glucagonoma is a hormone-active tumor that independently produces glucagon. This hormone also has the opposite effect, which decreases insulin levels in the blood.


There are several degrees of condition, which are divided depending on the indicators of sugar:

  • Mild degree - glucose does not exceed 8.3 mmol / l. Signs can be weak or almost invisible.
  • Medium - sugar does not cross the line of 11 mmol / l. Symptoms of the pathology are well expressed.
  • Severe degree - above 11.1 mmol / l. Most people are already showing signs of ketoacidosis.

If glucose crosses the threshold of 16 mmol / L, we are talking about a critical increase, the development of a precoma state. Above 50 mmol / L - hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma.


Unfortunately, the initial stage of the pathological process remains unnoticed. Physiological hyperglycemia has practically no manifestations. The desire to drink a lot of fluids is the only symptom, and even then it is temporary.

Important! In diabetes mellitus, noticeable symptoms of elevated blood glucose levels appear when more than 85% of the insulin-secretory cells of the pancreas die. This explains the incurability of the pathological process.

The severity of symptoms indicates the severity of the condition.

Later, the patient has the following complaints:

  • weight loss with increased appetite;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pathological thirst;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • itching of the skin, frequent rashes of an unclear nature;
  • constant fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • depressive state.

High levels of glycemia are found in a blood test, and later in urine. With the progression of hyperglycemia, the manifestations of pathology become more pronounced.

Read more about the symptoms of high blood sugar in this article.

Critical conditions

Critical blood sugar levels can lead to the development of a coma, and in the absence of help, even fatal. It goes like this:

  1. Due to the fact that glucose does not enter the cells, the latter experience energy depletion.
  2. The liver reacts to this, starting to synthesize sugar on its own, but there is already so much of it in the blood.
  3. The body tries to solve the problem differently by converting the existing fat cells into energy.
  4. As a result of such processes, acetone (ketone) bodies are released into the blood, which nourish the cells, but sharply violate the pH of the blood.
  5. This condition is called ketoacidosis and is considered one of the acute complications of diabetes.

Important! When the acidity of the blood is 7.0, a person falls into a coma, if the numbers drop to 6.87, death occurs.

When confirming the development of a complication, the doctor relies on laboratory indicators

With a high content of acetone bodies in the blood, the body tries to get rid of them by excreting them in the urine (ketonuria). In the exhaled air of a sick person, an acetone odor is also noticed. There is a severe headache, the symptoms of hyperglycemia are very pronounced. Abdominal pain syndrome, nausea and vomiting appear, breathing becomes loud and deep.

The condition requires immediate medical attention. If a person enters a coma, he can only be saved for 4-8 hours.

First aid and treatment principles

An endocrinologist will tell you what to do with the development of ketoacidosis and how to treat the condition of hyperglycemia. With a critical rise in glucose in the bloodstream, follow these recommendations:

  • You need to know the level of glycemia. At home, this can be done using a glucometer, in a hospital setting - by laboratory methods (in capillary or venous blood serum).
  • Provide plenty of drinking fluids, but if the person is unconscious, water should not be poured into him.
  • Inject insulin if the person is using it.
  • If necessary, oxygen therapy with compulsory hospitalization.

In a hospital, gastric lavage or enema is carried out with a soda solution in order to restore acid-base balance.

For more information on what to do if your blood glucose rises, see this article.

Further treatment is as follows. You should follow a low-carb diet, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and completely eliminate alcohol. It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions, clearly observing the daily calorie intake, which is calculated individually. Sugar from the diet must be completely excluded, it is allowed to use sugar substitutes.

Endocrinologist - a specialist who develops a treatment regimen for diabetes mellitus and other endocrinological disorders that cause hyperglycemia

With type 1 diabetes mellitus, the insulin therapy regimen is corrected, with type 2 - the intake of antihyperglycemic tablets, allowing the blood glucose levels to return to normal levels. A prerequisite for treatment is an adequate level of physical activity. Performing specific exercises further stimulates insulin production and increases the sensitivity of cells and tissues of the body to the hormone.

Last updated: October 7, 2019

Increased blood sugar (in medicine - hyperglycemia), indicates a violation of the processes of formation and assimilation of glucose. With overestimated glucose levels, the development of diabetes mellitus is primarily assumed - an incurable disease of the endocrine system of the body. Glucose is a source of nutrition for the brain, and maintains tone. Its molecules are formed from derivatives of carbohydrate food - saccharides and amino acids formed from protein products.

One part of the obtained glucose, the endocrine (intrasecretory) hormone, insulin delivers to the tissues and cells of the body, the second part is converted by the liver into glycogen (sugar reserve). With healthy carbohydrate metabolism, the concentration of glucose relative to homeostasis (the internal environment of the body) is always stable and does not go beyond the normal range. A deviation from the norm, towards an increase, means that glucose is not used for its intended purpose, but is accumulated in the blood.

Blood sugar rates

The unit for measuring sugar in Russia is millimole per liter (mmol / l). When assessing fasting blood glucose, the upper normative limit should not exceed 5.5 mmol / L, the lower limit is 3.3 mmol / L. In children, the normative indicator is slightly lower. In older people, a slight increase in values ​​is allowed due to the age-related decrease in the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

If the indicators do not correspond to the norms, it is necessary to find out why the blood sugar rises. In addition to diabetes, there are other lifestyle and general health reasons for increased glucose levels. Glycemia is classified as:

  • Stable (constant).
  • Temporary.
  • On an empty stomach.
  • After eating (postprandial).

Normal value table

To determine the true cause and form of hyperglycemia, differential diagnosis is required. Hypoglycemia, otherwise a decrease in blood sugar below normal, is also an abnormal state of the body, often dangerous to health.

Determination methods

A basic blood sugar test is performed when venous or capillary (finger) blood is taken on an empty stomach. In case of deviations from the norm, an extended blood microscopy is prescribed, including:

  • GTT (glucose tolerance testing).
  • Analysis for HbA1C (assessment of the concentration of glycated hemoglobin).

The glucose tolerance test determines the level of glucose uptake by the cells of the body. The analysis is carried out in two stages: the initial fasting blood sampling, and the second one two hours after the load. As a load, the patient drinks an aqueous solution of glucose (75 grams per 200 ml of water). The results are assessed by comparison with standard indicators.

Glycated (glycosylated) hemoglobin is the result of the interaction of glucose and protein (hemoglobin). The HbA1C analysis evaluates the sugar level in retrospect, over the past 120 days - the life time of red blood cells. The HbA1C test result is determined according to the patient's age. The normal indicator under 40 is

In case of impaired glucose tolerance, prediabetes is diagnosed - a condition in which the sugar values ​​are consistently overestimated, but do not "reach" the diabetic values ​​according to the norms. Prediabetes is not an official condition, but it nevertheless requires urgent treatment to prevent true type 2 diabetes from developing.

Reasons for the increase in performance

Persistent hyperglycemia is the main symptom of diabetes mellitus. The disease is classified into two main types. The first (insulin dependent or juvenile). Formed in childhood or adolescence due to a hereditary predisposition or activation of autoimmune processes. It is characterized by a failure of the endocrine work of the pancreas to produce insulin.

The second (non-insulin dependent or insulin resistant). It occurs in adults aged 30+ under the influence of bad habits and overweight. A distinctive feature is the stable production of insulin against the background of the inability of the body's cells to adequately perceive and use the hormone.

Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Patients

Excessively high blood sugar in diabetics is a consequence of:

  • Violations of the rules of the diet.
  • Incorrect intake of antihyperglycemic drugs.
  • Refusal (skipping injection) with insulin therapy.
  • Nervous shocks.
  • Physical activity that does not correspond to the patient's capabilities.

Often, "jumps" of sugar in diabetics are noted in the morning. Fasting hyperglycemia, or the so-called morning dawn syndrome, occurs when overeating, the presence of infections, an insufficient dose of insulin given before bedtime. In children, this phenomenon is due to the active production of growth hormone (somatotropin) in the morning hours.

Pathological causes of hyperglycemia

In people without diabetes mellitus, an increase in blood glucose may be associated with the presence of other diseases:

  • Chronic infections affecting metabolic processes.
  • Diseases of the hepatobiliary system (in particular, the liver).
  • Pancreatic pathology.
  • Imbalance of hormonal levels.
  • Obesity.
  • Postoperative period after surgical intervention in the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • TBI (traumatic brain injury) affecting the hypothalamus region of the brain.

Overweight people are most susceptible to pre-diabetes and diabetes

Exacerbations of diagnosed cardiovascular diseases can increase sugar.

Physiological causes of increased glucose levels

In a healthy person, an increase in sugar occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • Distress (permanent neuropsychological stress).
  • Abundance in the daily diet of simple carbohydrates (confectionery, sugary drinks, pastries, etc.).
  • Incorrect therapy with hormone-containing drugs.
  • Excessive passion for alcoholic beverages.
  • Polyavitaminosis of B and D vitamins.

Hyperglycemia in women

In women, the concentration of glucose in the blood often increases during the perinatal period. Hyperglycemia in the second half of pregnancy can be triggered by:

  • Change in hormonal status. The active synthesis of the sex hormone progesterone and endocrine hormones of the provisional organ (placenta) blocks the production of insulin.
  • Overstrain of the pancreas. A pregnant woman's body needs more glucose to feed her baby. In response to the increased supply of sugar, the pancreas is forced to raise its production of insulin. As a result, insulin resistance develops - the immunity of cells to the hormone.

This condition is diagnosed as GDS (gestational diabetes mellitus). This is a pregnancy pathology that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of abnormal development of the fetus, complicated delivery, and negative consequences for the health of the mother and child. Another reason for the increased sugar content in women is hormonal changes in the body during menopause.

At the age of 50+, the production of sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen) and thyroid hormones, which take an active part in metabolic processes, decreases sharply. At the same time, the pancreas increases the production of insulin during menopause. Hormonal imbalances interfere with stable metabolism, which leads to insulin resistance.

Even without a pronounced deterioration in well-being during menopause, it is recommended to regularly monitor blood sugar levels.

Causes of hyperglycemia in children

Increased glucose in children is observed in type 1 diabetes mellitus, due to an unbalanced diet (abuse of sweets and fast food) against a background of low physical activity, in a state of stress. In newborns, elevated sugar levels are most often the result of active glucose injection therapy given to underweight infants.

Hyperglycemia symptoms

The clinical picture of hyperglycemia may be mild. If the sugar is not critically increased, the symptoms that appear do not always attract attention. People without diabetes tend to attribute ailments to overstrain (mental, physical, emotional).

The main features are:

  • Decrease in general tone, performance, rapid fatigue from normal activities. If sugar accumulates in the blood and does not feed cells, the body simply lacks physical energy.
  • Disis (sleep disorder). In the daytime, drowsiness is observed after eating, since glucose released from food is not consumed. Due to the sugar starvation of the brain and nervous system, insomnia may occur at night.
  • Polydipsia (permanent feeling of thirst). The increased number of glucose molecules constantly requires fluid replenishment. The body requires water to prevent dehydration (dehydration).
  • Pollakiuria (frequent urge to urinate). The amount of urine increases in proportion to the water drunk, plus, in case of metabolic disorders, the process of reabsorption of free fluid by the renal apparatus is inhibited.
  • Frequent manifestation of cephalgic syndrome (headache). With an altered blood composition (with a predominance of glucose) and impaired blood circulation, blood pressure may rise, which causes headaches and sometimes nausea.
  • Polyphagia (increased appetite). Eating behavior is regulated by the hypothalamus for the quality and quantity of insulin produced. With a lack of hormone or insensitivity to it, control over the feeling of hunger and satiety is lost.
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). An increase in sugar negatively affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine (sweat) glands. The regulation of heat exchange in the body is impaired.
  • Delayed skin regeneration. Sweet blood and disturbed metabolic processes prevent the normal outflow of tissue fluid, therefore, with skin damage, the healing and recovery processes are complicated. Even small scratches on contact with pathogens can become inflamed and suppurate.
  • Systematic colds. An increase in the frequency of viral and colds is due to weak immunity, lack of vitamin C. In hyperglycemia, ascorbic acid is replaced by glucose, the molecules of which are similar in structure. Immune cells use sugar for nutrition, not vitamin C and cannot fully defend the body.

If sugar is increased for a long time, there is a nutritional deficiency of the nerve fibers and the brain, as a result of which the work of the central nervous system (central nervous system) is disrupted, psychoemotional deviations occur:

  • Unmotivated aggression and irritability.
  • Unreasonable nervous excitement.
  • Decreased visual perception and memory functions.

By gender, the characteristic symptoms for men are a decrease in potency and libido (sex drive). For women - NOMC (violations of the ovarian-menstrual cycle) and vaginal infections (candidiasis, vaginal dysbiosis).

External signs

The external manifestations of high blood sugar relate to changes in the structure of the hair and nail plates. With impaired metabolism, the body cannot fully assimilate minerals and vitamins. Due to lack of nutrition, hair and nails become brittle and dry. On the feet, the skin thickens in the form of hardened growths (hyperkeratosis). Often there is mycosis (fungal diseases) of the skin and toenails. With hyperglycemia, the integrity of the capillaries is disrupted, telangiectasia (spider veins on the legs) appears.


The symptoms of hyperglycemia should be distinguished and not ignored. Experienced diabetics are more sensitive to changes in health status, as they are aware of possible acute complications. With undiagnosed diabetes mellitus, it is more difficult to determine the cause of a sharp deterioration in well-being. This means that first aid may not be provided in a timely manner.

High glucose levels can provoke the development of a hyperglycemic crisis - a critical condition, the consequence of which is often a diabetic coma. There are three forms of acute complications: hyperosmolar, lactic acidotic, ketoacidotic. The latter is the most common and dangerous. A distinctive feature is the increased content of ketone (acetone) bodies in the blood - poisonous decay products that poison the body.

Important! A sharp increase in blood glucose requires emergency medical intervention.

Methods for Stabilizing Glycemia

For type 1 diabetics, when glucose levels rise, it is recommended to make an extra injection of insulin. The dose is determined by the doctor, according to the prescribed treatment regimen. Acute states of hyperglycemia in diabetic patients are stopped in a hospital setting. With a single physiological deviation of glucose values ​​from the norm, it is necessary to take care of the sugar-increasing trigger (stress, unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption) and eliminate it.

What to do to neutralize hyperglycemia: adjust eating behavior and diet, rationally engage in feasible sports and walk in the fresh air, use herbal remedies of traditional medicine. A prerequisite for treatment is a complete rejection of nicotine and alcoholic beverages.

Diet therapy

The basic principles of organizing a healthy diet:

  • Eliminate simple carbohydrates from the menu (sugary foods and drinks) that can dramatically increase glycemic levels.
  • Exclude fatty and spicy foods (pork, mayonnaise-based sauces, sausages, canned products).
  • Refuse dishes prepared in a culinary way of frying.
  • Introduce products that inhibit glycemia into the daily menu (Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, cinnamon, wild and garden berries, cabbage of all varieties, green beans, etc.).
  • Observe the drinking and food regime (1.5-2 liters of liquid and six meals a day in small portions).

The ratio of nutrients in the daily diet should be within the framework: carbohydrates - 45%, proteins - 20%, fats - 35%. The total daily calorie intake is 2200–2500 kcal. The menu is developed taking into account the glycemic index of each product (the rate of formation and absorption of glucose). When sugar rises, products indexed from 0 to 30 units are allowed.

Physical education and sports

Regular physical activity and sports training help maintain a stable glucose level. The lesson plan should be developed taking into account the possibilities (overstraining is unacceptable). For diabetics, classes are organized in exercise therapy groups. For independent training, Finnish walking, daily exercises, swimming and water aerobics are suitable. Physical activity increases the access of oxygen to cells and tissues, eliminates extra pounds, and eliminates impaired glucose tolerance.

Folk remedies

With increased sugar, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, wood raw materials (buds, bark, leaves of medicinal plants), bee products are used. The most popular folk remedies for lowering glucose include:

  • Buds (lilac and birch).
  • Hazel bark.
  • Leaves (currants, laurel, walnut, blueberry grapes).
  • Dried walnut partitions.
  • Dandelion and burdock roots.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Goat's rue (rue, galega).
  • Cuff and others.

Herbal medicine is not an absolutely safe way to stabilize glycemia. Before starting phytotherapy, you need to get medical advice.


Elevated blood sugar indicates a violation of metabolic and hormonal processes and is a sign of the development of diabetes mellitus. A glucose level of 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / L is considered normal. With the manifestation of regular ailments and a decrease in working capacity, it is necessary to undergo an examination. With diagnosed hyperglycemia, you should change the diet, exercise and eliminate bad habits.

In each case, the diet with increased glucose is developed individually, based on the specific gravity, age and sex of the patient, identified concomitant pathologies, individual sensitivity to foods and the type of professional activity (activity).

A healthy diet for a diabetic is based on the correct distribution of proteins (up to 25%), carbohydrates (up to 50%) and fats (up to 35%). The total mass is carbohydrate food, but it should be remembered that it is subdivided into:

  • simple carbohydrates (honey, fruits) - fructose and glucose, which increase sugar, and therefore limit their consumption;
  • complex carbohydrates - from cereals, vegetables, the use of which is required by diabetics.

The permissible proportion of fat in meals depends on the level of physical activity and body mass index. What is the diet for high glucose? It is advisable to use vegetable fats, and animal fats (lard, bacon, butter, etc.) are eaten in small portions for lunch. The consumption of cheese products is also minimized. with increased glucose, they refuse dairy and fermented milk products with a low fat content (0.5-1.5%).

You should not forget about a sufficient amount of protein foods - beans, nuts, soybeans, peas, etc. The diet of a diabetic should be saturated with vitamins and minerals.

Diet with high glucose: menu for every day

Fresh vegetables form the basis of a diabetic's diet, but it is important to remember that some of them affect glucose levels, these include: eggplant, cabbage, beets, carrots, beans and onions. It is required to consume raw vegetables: potatoes, carrots, radishes, onions. Especially useful are low-calorie foods that normalize the water-salt balance and do not affect the glucose content: tomatoes, cranberries, bell peppers, herbs, celery, lemons, mushrooms, cucumbers (fresh or salted).

Berries and fruits are an irreplaceable source of vitamins, fiber and microelements. They need to be eaten in 4-5 receptions and only after the main meal, and the daily allowance is no more than 300 grams. Give preference to sour or sweet and sour gifts of nature with a minimum of simple carbohydrates (grapefruit, apple, watermelon, strawberry). Eliminate dried fruits.

Diet with high glucose:

  • bakery products - from coarse flours (bran, rye bread, etc.). Forbidden - cakes, pastries, white breads;

  • low-fat dietary meat / fish is allowed - preferably cooked in a double boiler, boiled or aspic;
  • cereals - rich in vitamin B, vegetable protein, microelements. In the first place for diabetics will be: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. Allowed: pearl barley and wheat. You should not cook semolina;
  • eggs - can be soft-boiled, in the form of an omelet, as an ingredient in various dishes;
  • honey - with the permission of the attending physician, but not more than 2 teaspoons per day;
  • milk - with the permission of the doctor, up to 2 glasses;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, etc.) - in limited quantities;
  • cottage cheese - useful in any form (casserole, cheesecakes, etc.), as it normalizes liver function and contributes to the balance of fat metabolism;
  • cheeses, cream, sour cream - limit consumption.

The consumption of sweets, chocolate, sugar, raisins, grapes, figs is minimized.

Diet with high glucose: menu:

  • the first meal - low-fat cottage cheese, sugar-free coffee or herbal tea;
  • the second meal - wheat bran in the form of a decoction, salad, diet bread;
  • for lunch - vegetable soup, steamed / boiled meat, buckwheat porridge, cabbage salad, rosehip broth;
  • second lunch - scrambled eggs, fresh apple;
  • in the evening - boiled / steamed fish, vegetable cutlets with herbs, green / herbal tea;
  • before going to bed - kefir or milk.

Diet with high glucose: recipes for every occasion

The diabetic diet is individually tailored, so you need to visit a nutritionist to draw up your daily menu. The doctor takes into account the patient's taste preferences, allergic reactions, as well as the type of diabetes and the amount of glucose. To the aid of diabetics come steamers, multicooker, preserving the maximum of useful substances and discovering new taste qualities of familiar products.

Not only a diet with high glucose, but also adherence to nutritional rules is the key to recovery:

  • you need to take food every day at the same time, without skipping, avoiding snacks;
  • chew thoroughly, enjoy the dishes;
  • do not overeat, stop before you are full;
  • drink more clean, fresh water.

The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is not a reason to give up your favorite diet, but only the need to adapt meals by changing the amount of salt, fat and sugar consumed. What is required is a restriction, but not a complete rejection of sweets, while increasing the total amount of fiber consumed.

Diet with high glucose: recipes:

  • first courses are vegetable, mushroom soups (you can use chicken / beef broth), pickle, lentil soup, etc.
    about frying, it is possible to fry onions, mushrooms in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes. A variant of a soup with mushrooms and sauerkraut: you will need - onions, pearl barley, mushrooms, carrots, sauerkraut. The pearl barley is soaked overnight, the water is drained and boiled, mushrooms are added. Onions with carrots are fried in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes and added to the soup. Add cabbage before the end of cooking for 10 minutes (you can pre-fry it in a pan). Season with salt and spices to taste;
  • salads - from fresh vegetables, herbs, it is possible with chicken, fish, seasoned with yogurt, olive oil. An example of a chicken and avocado salad: boiled / baked chicken breast cut into pieces, half a cucumber, grate one apple (without the skin), peel the avocado and cut into slices, add half a lemon, add chopped spinach, grease with olive oil;
  • meat dishes - prepared from low-fat varieties of fish / meat, preferably steamed or baked in the oven. For example, chicken cutlets with oatmeal in sour cream sauce: chop the chicken in a meat grinder, pre-pour the flakes with boiling water and let them swell, then mix with the meat, add the egg, salt and knead the minced meat. Form cutlets, place them in a mold, pour in a small amount of water, cook in the oven for about half an hour. Mix milk (0.5% fat) and skim sour cream (no more than 15% fat), add salt and garlic, pour over the cutlets with this mixture and bake for about 10 minutes;
  • desserts are the most sore point for diabetics. If possible, replace sugar with fructose (other sweeteners), avoid fatty, butter creams, sour cream and cottage cheese, use only fat-free ones. A variant of a cottage cheese casserole: for a pound of low-fat cottage cheese, take two tablespoons of semolina or rolled oats, an egg, 1-2 apples, fructose to taste.

Diet with high glucose: table

The glycemic index of food and beverages is a vital unit for diabetics, showing the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down. All food can be divided into three groups depending on the rate of glucose breakdown:

  1. high speed (from 70 and higher) - the most dangerous food for diabetics;
  2. medium (70-50);
  3. lower (from 50 and below) - the recommended diet for high blood glucose.

Diet with high glucose is a table displaying the glycemic index and calorie content of foods using vegetables as an example:

Glycemic index

Kcal per 100g

parsley, basil

asparagus / spinach / dill

lettuce / onion / fresh tomato

fresh cucumbers

cabbage / broccoli fresh

stewed cabbage / sauerkraut

braised cauliflower / red pepper

green pepper

raw carrots

lentils / boiled beans

vegetable stew

boiled beets

baked pumpkin / fried zucchini

boiled potatoes / mashed potatoes

French fries / fried

The diabetic patient needs to be able to adapt his habitual meals to the treatment program. A diet with high glucose requires replacement of most of the ingredients:

Dish component


fatty meat

lean meats, no fat

chicken with skin

white meat without skin, boiled or baked

baked, grilled



canned fish

fish in brine

low-fat cheeses

cream cheese

fat-free cottage cheese

milk / fermented milk products

fat-free or low-fat

minimum or sugar substitutes

premium flour


rice white

brown rice


coarse wheat pasta

boiled vegetables

raw vegetables

dry breakfasts

whole grain bran breakfasts

lemon juice

soy sauce

low salt soy sauce

Diet with high glucose during pregnancy

During pregnancy, gestational diabetes often occurs, which poses a threat of early miscarriage and is fraught with congenital malformations for the baby.

A pregnant woman should definitely visit a dietitian in order to draw up an individual dietary restriction scheme. The diet for high glucose during pregnancy is based on reducing the number of calories consumed without compromising nutritional value. Basic rules for eating:

  • you should eat regularly without gaps in 5-6 receptions in small portions;
  • forget about semi-finished products and instant products (sausages, mashed potatoes, etc.);
  • enrich the diet with plant fiber - cereals, raw vegetables and fruits, rice, cereals;
  • exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, canned food;
  • do not eat foods that increase sugar levels - figs, persimmons, butter creams, baked goods, etc.;
  • replace animal fat with vegetable;
  • it is preferable to cook in a double boiler, multicooker, oven or grill;
  • make sure that you consume enough clean water per day (at least 1.5 liters);
  • make sure that the intake of trace elements and vitamins is sufficient.

In case of morning sickness, stock up on salty cookies, which in the amount of one should be eaten before getting out of bed. The diet is supplemented with high glucose during the period of gestation with a set of physical exercises that help control weight and improve the effect of insulin. Insulin therapy can only be prescribed by the attending physician if the diet does not bring the expected effect and the glucose level does not decrease.


General information

In the body, all metabolic processes occur in close connection. When they are violated, various diseases and pathological conditions develop, including an increase glucose in blood .

People now consume very large amounts of sugar, as well as easily digestible carbohydrates. There is even evidence that their consumption has increased 20 times in the last century. In addition, ecology and the presence of a large amount of unnatural food in the diet have recently been negatively affecting people's health. As a result, metabolic processes are disrupted in both children and adults. Lipid metabolism is impaired, the load on the pancreas increases, which produces hormone insulin .

Already in childhood, negative food habits are developed - children consume sweet soda, fast food, chips, sweets, etc. As a result, too much fatty food contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body. As a result, even a teenager may show symptoms of diabetes, whereas earlier diabetes was considered to be an ailment of the elderly. Nowadays, signs of an increase in blood sugar are very common in people, and the number of cases of diabetes mellitus in developed countries is now growing every year.

Glycemia Is the glucose content in human blood. To understand the essence of this concept, it is important to know what glucose is and what should be the indicators of glucose content.

Glucose - what it is for the body depends on how much of it a person consumes. Glucose is monosaccharide , a substance that is a kind of fuel for the human body, a very important nutrient for the central nervous system. However, its excess is harmful to the body.

To understand if serious diseases are developing, you need to clearly know what the normal blood sugar level is in adults and children. The level of sugar in the blood, the norm of which is important for the normal functioning of the body, is regulated by insulin. But if not enough of this hormone is produced, or the tissues respond to insulin inadequately, then blood sugar levels increase. An increase in this indicator is influenced by smoking, an unhealthy diet, and stressful situations.

The answer to the question of what is the norm of blood sugar in an adult is given by the World Health Organization. There are approved glucose standards. How much sugar should be in the blood taken on an empty stomach from a vein (blood can be either from a vein or from a finger) is indicated in the table below. Indicators are indicated in mmol / l.

So, if the indicators are below normal, then the person has hypoglycemia if higher - hyperglycemia ... You need to understand that any option is dangerous for the body, since this means that violations occur in the body, and sometimes irreversible.

The older a person becomes, the less his tissue sensitivity to insulin becomes due to the fact that some of the receptors die, and body weight also increases.

It is generally accepted that if capillary and venous blood is examined, the result may fluctuate slightly. Therefore, determining what the normal glucose content is, the result is slightly overestimated. The norm of venous blood is on average 3.5-6.1, capillary blood is 3.5-5.5. The amount of sugar after a meal, if a person is healthy, differs from these indicators slightly, rising to 6.6. Sugar does not rise above this indicator in healthy people. But do not panic that blood sugar is 6.6, what to do - you need to ask your doctor. It is possible that the next study will result in a lower result. Also, if, with a one-time test, blood sugar, for example, 2.2, needs to be analyzed again.

Therefore, it is not enough to have a blood sugar test done once to diagnose diabetes mellitus. It is necessary to determine the blood glucose level several times, the norm of which can be exceeded each time within different limits. The performance curve should be assessed. It is also important to correlate the results obtained with symptoms and examinations. Therefore, when receiving the results of analyzes for sugar, if 12, a specialist will tell you what to do. It is likely that diabetes is suspected with glucose levels 9, 13, 14, 16.

But if the norm of glucose in the blood is exceeded slightly, and the indicators in the analysis from the finger are 5.6-6.1, and from the vein is from 6.1 to 7, this condition is defined as prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance).

If the result from a vein is more than 7 mmol / l (7.4, etc.), and from a finger - above 6.1, we are already talking about diabetes mellitus. For a reliable assessment of diabetes, a test is used - glycated hemoglobin .

However, when conducting tests, the result is sometimes determined lower than the norm of blood sugar in children and adults provides. What is the norm of sugar in children, you can find out from the table above. So if the sugar is lower, what does that mean? If the level is less than 3.5, it means that the patient has developed hypoglycemia. The reasons that the sugar is low may be physiological, or may be associated with pathologies. Blood sugar readings are used both to diagnose illness and to assess how effective diabetes treatment and diabetes compensation are. If glucose before meals or after 1 hour or 2 hours after meals is not more than 10 mmol / l, then type 1 diabetes is compensated.

In type 2 diabetes, more stringent criteria for assessment apply. On an empty stomach, the level should not be higher than 6 mmol / l, during the day the permissible rate should not be higher than 8.25.

Diabetics should constantly measure their blood sugar values ​​using ... The glucometer measurement table will help you to correctly evaluate the results.

What is the norm of sugar per day for a person? Healthy people should adequately compose their diet without overusing sweets, diabetics should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Women should pay special attention to this indicator. Since the fair sex has certain physiological characteristics, the rate of blood sugar in women may vary. An elevated glucose value is not always a pathology. So, when the norm of blood glucose levels in women is determined by age, it is important that how much sugar is contained in the blood is not determined during menstruation. During this period, the analysis may be unreliable.

In women after 50 years of age during menopause, there are serious hormonal fluctuations in the body. At this time, changes occur in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, women over 60 years old should have a clear understanding that sugar should be checked regularly, while understanding what is the norm of blood sugar in women.

Blood glucose levels in pregnant women may also vary. When pregnancy an indicator of up to 6.3 is considered to be a variant of the norm. If the sugar norm in pregnant women is exceeded up to 7, this is a reason for constant monitoring and the appointment of additional studies.

The norm of blood sugar in men is more stable: 3.3-5.6 mmol / l. If a person is healthy, the blood glucose rate in men should not be higher or lower than these indicators. The normal indicator is 4.5, 4.6, etc. Those who are interested in the table of norms for men by age should take into account that it is higher for men after 60 years.

Symptoms of high sugar

Elevated blood sugar can be determined if a person has certain symptoms. A person should be alerted by the following symptoms that appear in an adult and a child:

  • weakness, severe fatigue;
  • reinforced appetite while losing weight;
  • thirst and a constant feeling of dry mouth;
  • abundant and very frequent excretion of urine, night trips to the toilet are characteristic;
  • pustules, boils and other lesions on the skin, such lesions do not heal well;
  • regular manifestation of itching in the groin, in the genitals;
  • deterioration immunity , deterioration in performance, frequent colds, allergy in adults;
  • deterioration of vision, especially in people who are already 50 years old.

The manifestation of such symptoms may indicate that there is an increased glucose in the blood. It is important to consider that the signs of high blood sugar can be expressed only by some of the manifestations listed above. Therefore, even if only some symptoms of high sugar levels appear in an adult or a child, you need to be tested and determine glucose. What sugar, if increased, what to do - all this can be found out by consulting a specialist.

The risk group for diabetes includes those who have a hereditary predilection for diabetes, obesity , diseases of the pancreas, etc. If a person belongs to this group, then a single normal value does not mean that the disease is absent. After all, diabetes mellitus very often proceeds without visible signs and symptoms, in waves. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out several more analyzes at different times, since it is likely that in the presence of the described symptoms, an increased content will still occur.

In the presence of such signs, it is possible that blood sugar is high during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important to determine the exact causes of high sugar. If glucose is elevated during pregnancy, what does this mean and what to do to stabilize the indicators, the doctor should explain.

It should also be borne in mind that a false positive test result is also possible. Therefore, if the indicator, for example, 6 or blood sugar 7, what does this mean, can be determined only after several repeated studies. What to do if in doubt is determined by the doctor. For diagnosis, he may prescribe additional tests, for example, a glucose tolerance test, a sugar load test.

Mentioned glucose tolerance teste carried out to determine the hidden process of diabetes mellitus, also with its help, the syndrome of impaired absorption, hypoglycemia is determined.

NTG (impaired glucose tolerance) - what it is, the attending physician will explain in detail. But if the norm of tolerance is violated, then in half of the cases, diabetes mellitus in such people develops over 10 years, in 25% this state does not change, in another 25% it completely disappears.

The analysis for tolerance allows you to determine the violation of carbohydrate metabolism, both latent and explicit. It should be borne in mind when conducting a test that this study allows you to clarify the diagnosis if there are doubts about it.

This diagnosis is especially important in such cases:

  • if there are no signs of an increase in blood sugar, and in the urine, the check periodically reveals sugar;
  • in the case when the symptoms of diabetes are absent, but manifests itself polyuria - the amount of urine per day increases, while the fasting glucose level is normal;
  • increased sugar in the urine of the expectant mother during the period of bearing the baby, as well as in people with kidney disease and thyrotoxicosis ;
  • if there are signs of diabetes, but there is no sugar in the urine, but its content in the blood is normal (for example, if the sugar is 5.5, on re-examination it is 4.4 or lower; if 5.5 during pregnancy, but signs of diabetes are present) ;
  • if the person has a genetic predisposition to diabetes, but there are no signs of high sugar;
  • in women and their children, if the weight of those at birth was more than 4 kg, subsequently the weight of the one-year-old child was also large;
  • people with neuropathy , retinopathy .

The test that determines IGT (impaired glucose tolerance) is carried out as follows: initially, the person to whom it is performed is taken on an empty stomach from the capillaries. After that, the person should consume 75 g of glucose. For children, the dose in grams is calculated differently: 1.75 g of glucose per 1 kg of weight.

For those who are interested, 75 grams of glucose is how much sugar, and whether it is harmful to consume such an amount of it, for example, for a pregnant woman, you should take into account that approximately the same amount of sugar is contained, for example, in a piece of cake.

Glucose tolerance is determined 1 and 2 hours after that. The most reliable result is obtained after 1 hour.

You can assess glucose tolerance using a special table of indicators, units - mmol / l.

  • Hyperglycemic - shows how glucose relates 1 hour after sugar load to fasting blood glucose. This figure should not be higher than 1.7.
  • Hypoglycemic - shows how glucose relates 2 hours after sugar load to fasting blood glucose. This figure should not be higher than 1.3.

In this case, the definition of a dubious result is recorded, and then a person is at risk for diabetes mellitus.

What should be the sugar in the blood, determined by the tables above. However, there is another test that is recommended for diagnosing diabetes in humans. It is called glycated hemoglobin test - the one with which glucose is associated in the blood.

Wikipedia testifies that the analysis is called the level hemoglobin HbA1C, measure this indicator as a percentage. There is no difference in age: the rate is the same for both adults and children.

This study is very convenient for both the doctor and the patient. After all, it is permissible to donate blood at any time of the day and even in the evening, not necessarily on an empty stomach. The patient should not drink glucose and wait for a certain time. Also, unlike the prohibitions that other methods suggest, the result does not depend on medication, stress, colds, infections - you can even take an analysis in this case and get the correct readings.

This study will show whether a patient with diabetes mellitus has had a clear blood glucose control over the past 3 months.

However, there are certain drawbacks to this study:

  • more expensive than other tests;
  • if the patient has a low level of thyroid hormones, the result may be overestimated;
  • if a person has anemia, low hemoglobin , a distorted result may be determined;
  • there is no way to go to every clinic;
  • when a person uses large doses vitamins FROM or E , a reduced indicator is determined, however, this dependence has not been precisely proven.

What should be the level of glycated hemoglobin:

Hypoglycemia indicates that your blood sugar is low. This sugar level is dangerous if it is critical.

If the organs do not feed due to the low glucose content, the human brain suffers. As a consequence, it is possible coma .

Serious consequences can occur if sugar drops to 1.9 or less - to 1.6, 1.7, 1.8. In this case, convulsions are possible, stroke , coma ... A person's condition is even more serious if the level is 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,

1.5 mmol / L. In this case, death is possible in the absence of adequate action.

It is important to know not only why this indicator rises, but also the reasons why glucose can drop sharply. Why does it happen that the sample indicates that glucose is lowered in the body of a healthy person?

First of all, this may be due to limited food intake. With strict diet internal reserves are gradually depleted in the body. So, if for a large amount of time (how much depends on the characteristics of the body) a person refrains from eating, sugar in blood plasma decreases.

Active physical activity can also reduce sugar. Due to the very heavy load, even with a normal diet, sugar can drop.

When sweets are consumed excessively, glucose levels rise dramatically. But within a short period of time, sugar drops rapidly. Soda and alcohol can also increase and then dramatically decrease blood glucose.

If blood sugar is low, especially in the morning, a person feels weak, he is overcome drowsiness , irritability. In this case, a measurement with a glucometer will most likely show that the allowable value has been lowered - less than 3.3 mmol / L. The value can be 2.2; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6, etc. But a healthy person, as a rule, should only have a normal breakfast so that blood plasma sugar is normalized.

But if a reciprocal hypoglycemia develops, when the glucometer readings indicate that the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases when a person has eaten, this may be an indication that the patient is developing diabetes.

Insulin high and low

Why there is increased insulin, what it means, you can figure it out, understanding what insulin is. This hormone, which is one of the most important in the body, is produced by the pancreas. It is insulin that has a direct effect on lowering blood sugar, determining the process of glucose transfer into body tissues from blood serum.

The norm of insulin in the blood in women and in men is from 3 to 20 μU / ml. In older people, the upper figure is considered to be 30-35 units. If the amount of the hormone decreases, the person develops diabetes.

With increased insulin, the processes of glucose synthesis from proteins and fats are inhibited. As a result, the patient shows signs of hypoglycemia.

Sometimes patients have increased insulin with normal sugar, the reasons may be associated with various pathological phenomena. This may indicate development Cushing's disease , acromegaly , as well as diseases associated with liver dysfunction.

How to lower insulin, you should ask a specialist who will prescribe treatment after a series of studies.

Thus, a blood glucose test is a very important study that is necessary to monitor the state of the body. It is very important to know exactly how to donate blood. This analysis during pregnancy is one of the important methods for determining whether the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby is normal.

How much blood sugar should be normal in newborns, children, adults, you can find out from special tables. But still, it is better to ask the doctor all the questions that arise after such an analysis. Only he will be able to draw the correct conclusions, if the blood sugar is 9, what does this mean; 10 is diabetes or not; if 8, what to do, etc. That is, what to do if the sugar rises, and whether this is evidence of a disease, can only be determined by a specialist after additional research. When analyzing for sugar, it must be borne in mind that certain factors can affect the measurement accuracy. First of all, you need to take into account that the blood test for glucose, the rate of which is exceeded or lowered, could be affected by a certain disease or exacerbation of chronic ailments. So, if in a one-time study of blood from a vein, the sugar indicator was, for example, 7 mmol / l, then, for example, an analysis with a "load" for glucose tolerance can be prescribed. Also, impaired glucose tolerance can be noted with chronic lack of sleep, stress. During pregnancy, the result is also distorted.

When asked whether smoking affects the analysis, the answer is also yes: it is not recommended to smoke for at least a few hours before the study.

It is important to donate blood correctly - on an empty stomach, therefore, on the day the study is scheduled, you should not eat in the morning.

About the name of the analysis and when it is carried out, you can find out at the medical institution. Blood sugar should be donated every six months to those who are 40 years old. People at risk should donate blood every 3-4 months.

In the first type of insulin-dependent diabetes, a glucose test should be performed each time before insulin is administered. At home, a portable blood glucose meter is used for measurement. If type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, then the analysis is carried out in the morning, 1 hour after meals and before bedtime.

To maintain normal glucose levels for those with diabetes mellitus, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations - take medications, adhere to a diet, and lead an active life. In this case, the glucose indicator may approach the norm, amounting to 5.2, 5.3, 5.8, 5.9, etc.


Why does blood become "sweet"

In people who do not complain about their health, their blood sugar levels rise briefly after consuming large amounts of sugary foods: the pancreas does not have time to produce enough insulin for glucose to be absorbed. But if the pancreas is working properly, glucose levels drop rapidly and sometimes fall below normal. Sugar also rises with moderate physical exertion.

Blood sugar is often elevated in obese people: fat cells are deposited on the surface of those cellular receptors that are responsible for the absorption of glucose, and the receptors begin to lose sensitivity. This means that the body needs more and more insulin to process glucose, and even if the pancreas is healthy, it has to constantly work with a double load. Blood sugar levels can be elevated:

  • against the background of endocrine disorders (an excess of growth hormone, increased production of corticosteroids);
  • with pancreatitis, some other diseases of the pancreas, less often - liver and kidneys;
  • with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis), various diseases and tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • due to alcohol or arsenic poisoning and in case of an overdose of certain medications.

A very common cause of severe hyperglycemia is stress. When we are in danger, the adrenal glands release the steroid hormone cortisol into the bloodstream: it activates carbohydrate metabolism, preparing the body to resist or escape. In this case, the production of insulin decreases. During prolonged stress, blood sugar levels are steadily elevated, and if not lowered, hyperglycemia will lead to serious health problems.

Alarming symptoms

Unlike many other metabolic disorders, an increase in blood glucose does not always manifest itself immediately, and a person consults a doctor even when he has developed diabetes. Should alert us:

  • feeling of constant dry mouth, thirst for no reason;
  • painless, frequent, profuse urination (as opposed to cystitis, when urination can be painful and frequent, but scanty);
  • weakness, increased fatigue, decreased immunity;
  • poor healing of skin wounds and scratches, the appearance of acne, boils, severe itching for no apparent reason;
  • blurred vision, frequent headaches.

Each of these symptoms alone does not mean you have diabetes. Intense thirst and frequent urination are also common with kidney failure, and itchy skin often accompanies liver disease. Immunity decreases in any infectious and many chronic diseases. But if you notice two or three alarming symptoms in yourself, you must definitely be examined.

How to lower sugar levels

Regardless of whether diabetes is detected during the examination, only the joint efforts of the doctor and the patient will reduce the blood sugar level and prevent it from rising above normal. Insulin therapy or hypoglycemic drugs will not help to establish metabolism without proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, smoking cessation and alcohol.

  1. Proper nutrition. Even if the patient is not prescribed a strict diet, he will have to give up sweets and muffins and introduce foods that can lower blood sugar into the diet. These are some vegetables (cucumbers, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, beans), berries and fruits (grapefruit, blueberries), barley, oat and buckwheat porridge. You need to eat not three times a day, but 5-6 times in small portions.
  2. Physical activity. Having heard from a doctor about your diagnosis, you should not become an athlete. But fitness, dancing, light jogging, swimming not only "burn excess glucose", but also become allies in the fight against stress.
  3. Alcohol, smoking. Alcohol abuse and smoking make the body use up vitamins and minerals obtained from food faster, and sweet wines (like all sweets) increase blood sugar.

Having adjusted the daily routine and nutrition, it will be easier for a diabetic to compensate for his illness, and for a person who first learned that his metabolism is impaired, it will be easier to prevent the development of diabetes and other dangerous complications. After a while, the analysis is repeated. According to its results, the doctor can prescribe a more strict diet, prescribe or cancel antihyperglycemic drugs, or advise additional examinations to clarify the diagnosis.


Why is the concentration of glucose in the blood increasing?

Improper nutrition, a large amount of consumed carbohydrates and various chemical additives to food disrupt metabolic processes in the body. They overload the pancreas, create favorable conditions for the accumulation of excess weight. All this has a bad effect on the state of human health. More and more people have elevated blood glucose levels. Most often, this indicator indicates the presence of diabetes mellitus. However, diabetes is not the only reason for the increase in blood sugar.

When is blood glucose high?

  • With diabetes mellitus,
  • In case of disorders in the endocrine system,
  • In acute and chronic pancreatitis, some diseases of the liver and kidneys, pancreas,
  • As a result of poisoning with arsenic or alcohol, as well as an overdose of certain medications,
  • With severe stress.

Signs of increased glucose:

  • Feeling of constant dry mouth
  • Frequent urination
  • An increase in the amount of urine
  • Weakness, increased fatigue,
  • Poor healing of scratches, wounds,
  • The appearance of acne, boils,
  • Itchy skin
  • Frequent headaches
  • Deterioration of vision
  • Decreased immunity.

If at least two or three of the listed signs appear, you need to see a doctor and be sure to do a blood glucose test to identify a possible disease.

What does an increase in glucose threaten the body with?

An increase in blood glucose may not appear for a long time in the form of tangible symptoms. Many people begin to pay attention to the deterioration of well-being only when the sugar exceeds 10 mmol / L. Meanwhile, even slightly elevated blood glucose can be dangerous. Destructive processes proceed slowly in the body. Excess glucose, which the body cannot process, enters the bloodstream. As a result, the vessels are primarily affected. This leads to problems in the work of many organs, since their nutrition through damaged vessels is disrupted.

The entire body suffers from the destructive effect of excess sugar. When large vessels are damaged, atherosclerosis develops, which entails heart failure, an increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke. Very often, the small vessels of the eyes are affected, from which vision suffers until the development of blindness in severe cases. With damage to the vessels of the kidneys, renal failure manifests itself.

Suffering from excess glucose and nerves. In this regard, nerve conduction is disrupted.

If an elevated blood glucose level is detected, urgent action is needed. At the very least, a low-carb diet is prescribed, in addition, hypoglycemic drugs or insulin injections may be prescribed. Treatment methods depend on the type, stage and characteristics of the disease.

If urgent action is not taken, then sugar continues its destructive effect. Metabolism is more and more disturbed, which can cause a severe deterioration in the condition, up to a diabetic coma.

How to lower blood glucose?

  • Proper nutrition. This means giving up sweets, flour and confectionery products. The use of hypoglycemic foods: cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, celery, beans, blueberries, grapefruit, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal. In addition, you should eat little by little, but often, 5-6 times a day.
  • Physical activity. This is a prerequisite. Do not exhaust yourself, but jogging, cycling, fitness or dancing has a very positive effect on the general tone of the body, improves mood and "burns" excess blood glucose.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking. Drinking alcohol and smoking increases sugar content. Also, due to these bad habits, additional consumption of vitamins and minerals occurs, which leads to depletion of vitality and further harms the body weakened by excess sugar.

That is, we can say that, to a greater extent, it is the lifestyle that affects the state of the body and blood parameters that reflect this state.


Conducting a glucose test

  • Overweight;
  • Bad heredity;
  • High blood pressure.

You also need to check your blood sugar level immediately if any of the following symptoms appear:

  • A constant feeling of dry mouth, which provokes thirst;
  • Decrease in body weight with a normal diet;
  • Weakness and fatigue without increased stress;
  • The appearance of pustular formations on the skin and a feeling of itching;
  • A general weakening of the immune system, which is expressed in colds and poor wound healing.

To obtain reliable information about the glucose level, it is necessary to fulfill a number of important requirements before taking blood. First of all, it is very important to donate blood on an empty stomach. The last meal should be no earlier than 12 hours. In addition, you must not drink alcohol for at least a couple of days before the analysis.

You can independently determine the blood sugar content with a special device - a glucometer. It is quite easy to use and the result can be obtained within a quarter of an hour.

Advice! You should know that in a healthy adult, the blood glucose level should be between 3.5 and 5.5 mmol / l. Re-analysis is prescribed if the indicator is higher than 6.0 mmol / l. At the same time, a glucose level above 7.0 mmol / l signals a high likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus.

Causes of high sugar levels

There are a wide variety of reasons for high blood sugar levels. For a short time, this can occur during various physiological processes in the human body. Doctors identify the following household reasons:

  • Increased physical activity;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Eating a lot of carbohydrates.

Also, in some pathological conditions, a short-term increase in sugar may be observed. In such situations, the reasons for this may be related to the following:

  • Viral or bacterial infections that cause an increase in body temperature;
  • Persistent pain symptom of any origin;
  • Acute heart attacks;
  • Burns of large areas of the skin;
  • Traumatic brain injury due to damage to areas of the brain that are responsible for the absorption of glucose;
  • Epileptic seizures.

A persistent increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, which is confirmed by repeated tests, can occur in various diseases that pose a serious threat to human health. First of all, high sugar levels signal the possible development of diabetes mellitus.

Also, the causes of high blood sugar can be associated with other diseases, namely:

  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Liver pathologies;
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Problems with the organs of the endocrine system.

Ways to lower sugar content

If, after repeated tests, a high sugar level has been confirmed, then urgent measures must be taken to reduce it. Medical measures are always prescribed by a doctor, and they depend on how neglected the patient's condition is:

  • If, after the diagnosis, no diseases were found against the background of high glucose, then a low-carbon diet can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • When confirming the development of diabetes mellitus or other serious pathologies of organs and systems, in order to lower the glucose level, you will need to take special drugs.

Today, there are many different medicines that can help keep blood glucose normal. But it is very important to constantly monitor the level of the substance using a glucometer.

In any case, it is important to adhere to the correct diet and quit smoking and alcohol. Addictions require additional consumption of vitamins and minerals, which aggravates the harmful effects of high sugar levels on the body.

Advice! If the analysis showed a high sugar level, you cannot self-medicate. All actions must be coordinated with a doctor.

When confirming high glucose levels, it is important to normalize exercise. It is necessary to abandon a sedentary lifestyle, be sure to do morning exercises, and also organize physical activity in accordance with the age and condition of the body.

To reduce blood sugar, you will first need to undergo a full examination. This will allow the doctor to establish the causes of increased glucose, and, therefore, correctly prescribe treatment.

You can lower your glucose level on your own by reviewing your diet. First of all, you need to exclude from the menu simple carbohydrates, which are contained in:

  • sweets, jams and various confectionery products;
  • sweet fruits such as grapes, melons, figs, bananas;
  • fatty meats, as well as sausages;
  • industrial juices and nectars;
  • industrial ketchups and mayonnaises.

The food used in the diet should contain sufficient amounts of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Helpful and recommended for inclusion in the menu with high glucose levels are:

  • Boiled lean meat;
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Porridge made from buckwheat, barley, oatmeal and pearl barley;
  • Sour fruits and berries;
  • Freshly squeezed juices;
  • Stewed, raw and boiled vegetables, except for potatoes.
  • Meals should be at approximately the same time;
  • You need to eat more often, at least 5 times a day, but the portions should be small;
  • It is necessary to track the calorie content of dishes and not overeat.

You can quickly reduce the amount of sugar in your blood by regularly including vegetable juices in your diet. A widely used folk remedy is juice from potatoes, beets, cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke. In this case, the components can be taken in arbitrary proportions.

The increased amount of glucose in the blood should not be a tragedy. The main thing is not to treat pathology irresponsibly, but to take all measures to treat the disease, following the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.


Symptoms of high sugar

The classic list of external symptoms of high blood glucose includes:

  1. Constant intense thirst.
  2. Sharp non-dynamic weight gain or loss.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  5. Dry skin and mucous membranes.
  6. Vision problems, accommodative muscle spasms.
  7. Arrhythmias.
  8. Weak immune response to infections, poor wound healing.
  9. Deep noisy breathing, moderate form of hyperventilation.
  10. In acute forms of hyperglycemia, there is severe dehydration, ketoacidosis, impaired consciousness, in some cases - coma.

It should be understood that the above-mentioned signs can be indicators of the symptoms of various diseases, therefore, if at least a few negative manifestations are found, you should consult a doctor and take tests to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Possible reasons

Most often, the cause of the symptom is:

  1. Diabetes. In the overwhelming majority of cases, chronic manifestation of hyperglycemia is the main characteristic of this disease.
  2. Improper nutrition. Severe disturbances in the normal diet, as well as the predominance of a high-calorie basis in food, can lead to acute forms of hyperglycemia and not be associated with its diabetic form.
  3. Stress. Post-stress hyperglycemia is typical for patients with weak immunity, most often against the background of the development of a local inflammatory process.
  4. Severe infectious diseases of a wide spectrum.
  5. Taking a number of medications - rituximab, corticosteroids, niacin, free-form asperaginase, beta-blockers, 1-2 generation antidepressants, protease inhibitors, thiazide diuretics, fentimidine.
  6. Chronic lack of vitamins of group B in the body.

Causes of high sugar levels in adults and pregnant women

As medical practice shows, in 90 percent of cases, persistent chronic hyperglycemia in adults is a manifestation of diabetes mellitus, mainly type 2. Additional negative factors are usually poorly worked out circadian rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, stress at work, as well as a sedentary lifestyle accompanied by obesity.

The increased blood sugar level in pregnant women deserves special attention - hyperglycemia here can be temporary in nature, associated with the restructuring of the body as a whole and hormonal changes in particular (physiological manifestation), or be a special type of diabetes mellitus - the so-called gestational diabetes mellitus, which occurs during during pregnancy and often disappears after childbirth. If in the first case, the usual medical monitoring of the patient's condition is sufficient, in the second, the disease detected in 4-5 percent of women in an interesting position can harm both the fetus and the health of the expectant mother, therefore specialists prescribe complex therapy taking into account the current physiology sick.

Causes of High Blood Sugar Levels in Newborns and Children

In children of primary school and adolescence, hyperglycemia is usually associated with a number of factors - malnutrition, stress and the development of infectious and inflammatory processes against the background of activation of endogenous endogenous counterinsulin hormones, which are produced in large quantities with the active growth of the body. Only in some cases, after excluding all of the above reasons, are children diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, mainly type 1.

Hyperglycemia of newborns deserves special attention - it is caused by a number of factors that are usually not related to the classic causes of symptoms in children and adults. In the vast majority of cases, an increase in blood sugar levels occurs due to the active intravenous administration of glucose in newborns with low birth weight. In premature babies in the first days of life, hyperglycemia is a manifestation of a lack of a hormone that breaks down proinsulin, often against the background of incomplete resistance to insulin itself.

The transient type of hyperglycemia can also be caused by the administration of glucocorticosteroids, fungal sepsis, respiratory distress syndrome, hypoxia. As modern medical statistics show, more than half of newborns admitted to the intensive care unit for one reason or another have an elevated blood sugar level. Despite the fact that high glucose levels are less common than classical hypoglycemia, the likelihood of complications and the risk of death is greater.


The complex of basic diagnostic measures to identify high blood sugar levels include texts and tests. If you have mild hyperklycemia, it is rather difficult to determine it yourself using a classic convenient glucometer. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate tests.

  1. Fasting blood donation. A well-known orthotoluidine method that determines the plasma glucose concentration without taking into account other reducing components. It is taken in the morning on an empty stomach (12 hours before the analysis, you must stop taking food, medications and physical activity). If the primary diagnosis reveals deviations from the norms, the specialist directs the patient for additional research.
  2. Load method. It is carried out mainly in a day / round-the-clock hospital. In the morning, blood is donated on an empty stomach, adhering to the rules of the first method, after which glucose is dosed into the body and, after several hours, blood is taken again. If the results of the secondary test threshold of 11 mmol / L are exceeded, the doctor usually diagnoses "hyperglycemia".
  3. Clarifying reducing method. Donating blood for analysis taking into account other components - in particular, uric acid, ergonine, creatinine. Allows you to clarify the diagnosis and identify possible associated problems - for example, diabetic nephropathy.

Possible consequences

Hyperglycemia is only a symptom indicating a malfunction in the body's systems or diabetes. However, this does not mean that there are no complications with high blood sugar levels. The most dangerous consequence of this pathological condition is ketoacidosis. This violation of carbohydrate metabolism significantly increases the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood plasma, most often against the background of diabetes of any type of decompensation stage, which in turn provokes ketonuria, arrhythmia, respiratory disorders, the rapid progress of sluggish infections present in the body, and dehydration. In some cases, in the absence of a properly qualified medical response, diabetic / hyperglycemic coma develops, and after the pH (acidity of the body) drops to 6.8, clinical death occurs.

How to lower blood sugar levels?

Hyperglycemia therapy is aimed at temporarily eliminating high blood glucose levels, as well as treating the underlying disease that caused this pathological condition.

Medicines and medicines that lower blood sugar levels:

  1. Direct insulin injection. The dosage is selected individually, in case of a precomatic state, drugs of an ultra-short, fastest possible effect are used - humalog, humulin.
  2. Use of oral hypoglycemic drugs. Groups of drugs based on benzoic acids, sensitizers, A-glucosidase inhibitors, phenylalanine amino acids, sulfonylureas - maninil, metformin, etc.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. Weak baking soda solution for severe hyperglycemia.
  4. In the medium term, a therapeutic diet.

Nutrition and diet

Since persistent hyperglycemia in the overwhelming majority of cases is a manifestation of diabetes mellitus, the correct diet is required for effective treatment of the problem.

It is especially important to stick to a diet if type 1 diabetes is detected. The base is the exclusion from the diet of food based on easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as the maximum balance of the diet in terms of calories, fats and proteins.

Blood sugar lowering foods

Of all the variety of products on the domestic market, with a high blood glucose level, it is necessary to choose those that have the lowest glycemic index. It should be understood that there is no food that would reduce sugar - all currently known low-glycemic food practically does not increase its level, however, it alone cannot relieve a person of hyperglycemia.

  1. Seafood - lobster, crabs and lobster have one of the lowest glycemic indexes.
  2. Soy cheeses - tofu in particular.
  3. Cabbage, squash, pumpkin, lettuce.
  4. Spinach, soy, broccoli.
  5. Mushrooms.
  6. Certain types of fruits - lemons, avocados, grapefruit, cherries.
  7. Cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, celery, carrots, asparagus, horseradish.
  8. Fresh onions, Jerusalem artichoke.
  9. Certain types of spices are ginger, mustard, cinnamon.
  10. Oils - linseed or rasp oil.
  11. Foods rich in fiber - legumes, nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds), cereals (oatmeal).
  12. Lentils.

All of the above products are on the "green list" and can be consumed without fear for people with hyperglycemia.


Modern medicine classifies diet as one of the main factors in the normalization of the quality of life and health of patients with hyperglycemia, which plays a key role in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and allows for effective compensation of carbohydrate metabolism.

For patients diagnosed with the first type of diabetes, adherence to the diet is mandatory and vital. In type 2 diabetics, proper nutrition is often aimed at correcting body weight.

The basic concept of a diet is a unit of bread equivalent to 10 grams of carbohydrates. For people with hyperglycemia, detailed tables have been developed indicating this parameter for most modern foods present in the diet.

When determining the daily set of such products, it is imperative to exclude any refined food, sweets, sugar and limit as much as possible pasta, white bread, rice / semolina, as well as components of the diet with refractory fats, focusing on carbohydrate foods with a large amount of dietary fiber and not forgetting the balance of polyunsaturated / saturated fatty acids.

It is advisable to eat food fractionally, developing the daily ration into three main and 2-3 additional meals. The daily set for the classic 2 thousand calories for a person with hyperglycemia without complications and an indicative menu includes:

  • Breakfast 1 - 50 grams of black bread, one egg, 5 grams of butter, a glass of milk, 40 grams of permitted cereals.
  • Breakfast 2 - 25 grams of black bread, 100 grams of fruit and low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - 50 grams of permitted bread, 100 grams of lean meat and potatoes, 20 grams of dried fruits, 200 grams of vegetables and 10 grams of vegetable oil.
  • Afternoon snack - 25 grams of black bread and 100 grams of fruit / milk.
  • Dinner - 25 grams of bread, 80 grams of low-fat fish or seafood, 100 grams of potatoes, vegetables and fruits, 10 grams of vegetable oil.
  • Before going to bed - 25 grams of bread and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Any substitution of products is possible for calorie equivalents within the four main basic groups:

  1. Vegetables, fruits / berries, bread, cereals.
  2. Cottage cheese, lean fish / meat.
  3. Sour cream, cream, butter.
  4. Milk / eggs and other ingredients containing a variety of food ingredients.

The use of sugar substitutes, which was so popular at the beginning of the new century, is currently criticized by large groups of nutritionists because of its high calorie content, so we do not recommend overusing them, in extreme cases using strictly limited in your daily diet.

Useful video

Elevated blood sugar


General characteristics

Blood glucose levels are not the same throughout the day. Highest sugar in the afternoon, 1-2 hours after eating. If its level exceeds 3.5-5.5 mmol / L on an empty stomach or 7.5 mmol / L after a meal, the person has high blood sugar. What this means and how serious the situation is, you can only find out from a doctor.

Reasons for the increase

Abnormal increases in glucose are often associated with impaired insulin production. It is he who is responsible for processing sugars and transporting them to cells for conversion into energy.

There are predisposing factors that explain why a person has an increase in sugar:

  • pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis, oncology);
  • pituitary tumor;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • frequent stress;
  • taking medications;
  • frequent consumption of alcohol and sugary drinks;
  • overeating, especially sweets and baked goods, fast food;
  • smoking;
  • suffering serious injuries;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent severe infectious diseases;
  • hereditary factor.

Important: the reasons for the increase in blood sugar in women may be associated with the use of hormonal drugs, including birth control pills. The menstrual cycle and pregnancy also have an impact.

Some people wonder why glucose levels rise at night and in the morning. This is due to the production of hormones that interfere with the production of insulin. For diabetics, this phenomenon is quite dangerous.

Manifestation symptoms

It is easy enough to recognize the problem if you know what signs indicate high blood sugar. Symptoms in men and women are almost the same:

  • dry mouth and constant thirst;
  • headache;
  • prostration;
  • polyuria;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • itching and flaking;
  • unstable breathing rhythm;
  • nausea;
  • sharp acetone odor from the mouth;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • deterioration of the reparative ability of the body.

If you notice at least 3-4 symptoms, you should definitely go to the hospital to check your glucose levels in the body.

Changes in body functions

Since certain disorders cause high blood sugar, the adult's symptoms have an explanation. Glucose attracts water, and therefore, with its excess, the body experiences dehydration, which is expressed in itching, dry mucous membranes and constant thirst. A large amount of water does not compensate for it, but only leads to polyuria.

Since the available insulin does not have time to process glucose, there are signs of high blood sugar such as fatigue and headaches. To compensate for the lack of energy, fats and muscle fibers are processed, so the patient may begin to lose weight, and ketone metabolic products cause the smell of acetone.

It will also be useful for you to find out which foods lower blood sugar on our website.

Due to energy starvation, cells become unable to quickly repair damaged tissue, from where non-healing skin ulcers appear. Also, high blood sugar can distort the hormonal background of a person, causing menstrual irregularities in women and problems with potency in men.

Further consequences of hyperglycemia are expressed in the development of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. If the glucose level exceeds 11.5 mmol / L, a hyperglycemic coma develops, which can become irreversible and lead to the death of the patient.

Treatment and prevention

If you have a tendency to jumps in glucose levels, it makes sense to purchase a home glucometer. For diabetics, this device is a must.

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor as soon as an increase in blood sugar is noticed. Symptoms and treatment are discussed with a specialist. Additionally, the following analyzes are carried out:

  • a standard blood or plasma sugar test;
  • glucose tolerance test;
  • blood test for glycated hemoglobin.

Further methods for reducing indicators are selected on an individual basis.

First aid and therapy

It is very difficult for people with diabetes mellitus in their daily life. At any time, the glucose level can become critical. In this case, first aid should be to lower its level below 11.5 mmol / l.

A special injection of insulin will help to lower blood sugar quickly. Additionally, the patient must be provided with plenty of drink. It is best to use mineral water without gas with the addition of soda. This will help normalize water balance and remove toxins from the body.

People with hyperglycemia are prescribed drugs to lower their blood sugar. In diabetes, an insulin injection is a must. Without a dose of insulin, the body is unable to process sugar normally, and a person may fall into a coma. Vitamins are also prescribed to maintain a weakened body.


A prerequisite is adherence to a diet. The menu should consist of foods with a low glycemic index.

Important: it should be borne in mind that the method of preparation and the combination of different products can also change the glycemic index.

From the diet, you need to exclude foods that significantly increase blood sugar. What causes glucose to rise:

  • sugar and sweeteners;
  • sweets;
  • flour products, especially baked goods;
  • cheeses;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • lard and fatty meat;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • potatoes;
  • rich soups;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • sweet soda and packaged juices.

Form your daily menu from the following products:

  • green tea;
  • low-fat milk;
  • eggs in moderation;
  • hen;
  • liver;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • buckwheat;
  • salads and spinach;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • fruits in moderation, except for bananas and grapes.

Since it is difficult to quickly lower blood sugar without medication, such a diet should be present for at least a month. In the future, you need to protect yourself from harmful products and control glucose levels.

Folk remedies

There are also many ways known in traditional medicine to lower blood sugar. Most of the recipes are based on the use of herbal preparations. Some plants are able to stimulate the production of insulin and remove excess glucose, as well as have a symptomatic effect on the body. You can buy such a fee at any pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

What lowers blood sugar:

  • blueberries;
  • dandelion root;
  • oats;
  • horseradish;
  • Walnut;
  • lemon;
  • rice straw;
  • wheat;
  • bean pods;
  • lilac.

Broths are drunk in courses of 2-4 weeks with interruptions or are used in small doses as a prophylactic agent for hyperglycemia. Since it is ineffective to treat high blood sugar exclusively with home methods, they must be combined with the therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

The role of exercise

Effectively accelerates metabolic processes in the body and stimulates the processing of sugar, moderate physical activity. To eliminate excess glucose, it is recommended to do morning exercises daily. Hiking, jogging, yoga, skiing, Nordic walking, etc. will also help reduce blood sugar levels.

Table: Effect of Exercise on Sugar Level

Sports and proper nutrition are not only methods of treating hyperglycemia, but also an excellent prevention, not only of this problem, but also of many other diseases.

Synonyms: Glucose (in blood), plasma glucose, blood Glucose, blood sugar.

Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. Pavlova, general medicine.
September, 2018.

General information

Glucose (a simple carbohydrate, monosaccharide) enters the body with food. In the process of splitting saccharide, a certain amount of energy is released, which is necessary for all cells, tissues and organs of a person to maintain their normal vital activity.

The concentration of glucose in the blood is one of the main criteria for assessing the state of human health. A change in the balance of blood sugar in one direction or another (hyper- or hypoglycemia) has the most negative effect on both general well-being and the functionality of all internal organs and systems.

In the process of digestion, sugar from food breaks down into individual chemical components, among which glucose is the main one. Its blood level is regulated by insulin (a pancreatic hormone). The higher the glucose content, the more insulin is produced. However, the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas is limited. Then the excess sugar is deposited in the liver and muscles in the form of a kind of "sugar reserve" (glycogen), or in the form of triglycerides in fat cells.

Immediately after a meal, blood glucose levels rise (normal) but quickly stabilize due to the action of insulin. The indicator may decrease after prolonged fasting, intense physical and mental stress. In this case, the pancreas secretes another hormone, an insulin antagonist (glucagon), which increases glucose levels by forcing liver cells to convert glycogen back into glucose. So in the body there is a process of self-regulation of blood sugar concentration. The following factors can violate it:

  • genetic predisposition to diabetes mellitus (impaired glucose metabolism);
  • violation of the secretory function of the pancreas;
  • autoimmune damage to the pancreas;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • age-related changes;
  • unhealthy diet (predominance of simple carbohydrates in food);
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • stress.

The most dangerous condition is when the concentration of glucose in the blood rises sharply (hyperglycemia) or decreases (hypoglycemia). In this case, irreversible damage to the tissues of internal organs and systems develops: heart, kidneys, blood vessels, nerve fibers, brain, which can be fatal.

Hyperglycemia can also develop during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). If the problem is not identified in a timely manner and measures are not taken to eliminate it, then a woman's pregnancy can proceed with complications.


A biochemical blood test for sugar is recommended to be done once every 3 years for patients over 40 years old and once a year for those who are at risk (heredity for diabetes, obesity, etc.). This will help prevent the development of life-threatening diseases and their complications.

  • Preventive examination of patients at risk for diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, liver, adrenal glands;
  • Monitoring the state of patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus receiving treatment, together with analysis for glycated hemoglobin and C-peptide;
  • Suspected development of gestational diabetes (24-28 weeks of gestation);
  • Obesity;
  • Prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance).

Also, an indication for an analysis is a combination of symptoms:

  • intense thirst;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • rapid weight gain / loss;
  • increased appetite;
  • excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis);
  • general weakness and dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • visual impairment;
  • increased susceptibility to infections.

Diabetes risk groups:

  • Age from 40 years;
  • Overweight; (abdominal obesity)
  • Genetic predisposition to diabetes.

An endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, therapist, surgeon, pediatrician and other narrow specialists or general practitioners can interpret the results of a blood sugar test.

Blood glucose rates

Important! Rates vary depending on the reagents and equipment used in each specific laboratory. Therefore, when interpreting the results, it is necessary to use the standards adopted in the laboratory where the analysis was submitted. You also need to pay attention to units.

Glucose norms, according to L. Danilova's reference book, 2014:

Reference values ​​taken from the reference book by A. Kishkun, 2007:

Important! The interpretation of the results is always carried out in a comprehensive manner. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on only one analysis.

High glucose (hyperglycemia)

  • Diabetes:
    • 7.0 mmol / l and above on an empty stomach;
    • 11.1 mmol / L and above 2 hours after a meal.
  • Gestational diabetes during pregnancy
  • Disorders of the endocrine system and pancreas;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) in chronic or acute form;
  • Pancreatic oncology;
  • Dysfunction of internal organs: liver, kidneys, adrenal glands;
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Hyperthyroidism (hypersecretion of iodinated hormones);
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome (increased production of the hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands);
  • Acromegaly (dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland).

Provoking factors:

  • stress as a result of severe trauma, complex surgery, heart attack or stroke, painful shock;
  • unbalanced diet (predominance of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates in the menu);
  • taking medications: diuretics, antidepressants, corticosteroids, hormones, salicylates, lithium preparations, dilantin, epinephrine, etc.

According to recent studies, elevated blood glucose levels increase the risk of liver cancer in people with prediabetes and diabetes.

Low glucose (hypoglycemia)

  • Disruption of the pancreas;
  • Hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormones);
  • Insulinoma (usually a benign neoplasm that can secrete insulin);
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, incl. malignant;
  • adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease);
  • Hypopituitarism (violation of the secretion of hormones by the pituitary gland);
  • Glycogenosis (a group of hereditary diseases caused by a violation of the synthesis and breakdown of glycogen due to the existing defects of various enzymes).

Provoking factors:

  • prolonged fasting, adherence to a strict diet or fasting;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, autonomic disorders, postoperative conditions;
  • overdose of insulin or other hypoglycemic drugs;
  • intoxication (poisoning) with arsenic;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • feverish conditions;
  • taking medications: steroids, amphetamine, etc.

Preparation for analysis

The biomaterial for the study is venous or capillary blood, the collection of which is carried out according to standard algorithms.

  • Blood sampling is performed in the morning (8.00 - 11.00) and strictly on an empty stomach. The last meal should be at least 8-14 hours before the procedure;
  • On the eve, you can not abuse sweets, fatty and fried foods;
  • Also, the day before the test, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol, energy drinks;
  • It is not recommended to smoke 3-4 hours before blood sampling;
  • On the day of the examination, you need to protect yourself from any physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Analysis for sugar at home

At home, it is possible to conduct an express test using a glucometer.

A drop of capillary blood from a finger is placed on a test strip, which is installed in a device that reads the information and processes the result within a few minutes. This type of diagnosis is most convenient for patients with established diabetes mellitus, since it allows you to independently control blood sugar levels at any time and in any place.

An alternative way to monitor blood glucose is to detect breath acetone using a portable device with disposable sensor slides. However, this method shows false positive results in smokers, since acetone is also a product of the combustion of tobacco smoke.