Types of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Getting ready for the GIA “SPP with several clauses. What is submission in a sentence: I heard the door slam and people in the hallway started talking


  • Educational: to deepen the knowledge of a complex sentence - structures with several types of clauses; master the concept of heterogeneous, consistent, homogeneous subordination, combined subordination; learn to see the structure and reproduce sentence schemes;
  • Developing: improving punctuation skills, practical skills in analyzing a complex sentence, developing the skills to use a complex sentence in speech, the ability to construct a complex sentence;
  • Upbringing: continue the formation of habits for work, self-assimilation of the material; the ability to work in pairs, evaluate the work of a classmate; enrich the vocabulary of students with vocabulary of moral topics; cause students to think about the orientation of the personality.

Installing the lesson: organization of the educational process in order to ensure that all students achieve a basic level on the topic, creating conditions for the assimilation of material at a higher level for a specific group of students.

Registration for the lesson: poster "Studying a complex sentence" (tasks are defined, practical skills in studying the topic); didactic material - cards for individual and group work.

During the classes

1. Organization of students for the lesson. Goals and objectives of the lesson; registration of entries in the workbook.

Teacher's word:

We continue to study the topic "Complex sentence". Lesson Objectives: To deepen the knowledge of a complex sentence with several clauses. Practically on this large topic, we worked in previous lessons, at home you worked out theoretical material on the topic (209, Textbook by V.V.Babaytsev, L.D. Chesnokov "Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grade" - Education, M. 2005)

So, a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses, the nature of subordination, types of subordination; we practice practical skills and abilities to hear, see and graphically reproduce the structure of the sentence; along the way, we will repeat the material on the analysis, syntactic characteristics of a complex sentence.

2. Implementation of homework. Condensed survey:

a) 4 students work with the cards of the individual assignment at the blackboard (cards No. 1, 2, 3, 4 -<Attachment 1 >)

b) The class works in pairs. Assignment: interrogation - reciting the studied theoretical material on the topic of the lesson (Paragraph 209 of the study guide), draw, explain the graphic diagrams of a complex sentence with different types of subordination.

The control is carried out by the students, the children give marks to each other, then they pass the sheets with the marks to the teacher. The teacher controls the survey, then draws the attention of the class to the blackboard - the outline of the proposals of card number 2.

Let's check ourselves if we are able to determine by ear the type of subordination, the structure of the sentence, the type of subordinate clause; examples of cards number 1, 3, 4.

Homework review and review findings prepare students for the next type of work.

3. Graphic dictation.

1. I saw how the stars began to fog up and lose their radiance, how coolness swept across the earth with a light sigh.

Homogeneous subordination with additional clauses (explanatory).

2. When our boat went from the frigate to the shore, we saw women and children rushing from the village.

Heterogeneous subordination with adverbial clauses (time) and additional.

3. For a long time it was heard how he walked to where the light was shining.

Sequential subordination with additional subordinate clauses (I st.), Adverbial - places (II st.)

4. In the silence, one could distinctly hear how the man groaned and how the crust crunched heavily under the feet of the bear, which was driven out of the forest by an unusual rumble and crackle.

Combined submission with homogeneous and consistent submission.

Control of this type of work: on the back of the board, diagrams of dictated proposals are drawn in advance. Children exchange notebooks, checking each other's sentence schemes, checking them against the schemes written on the blackboard, mark each other for graphic dictation. Then the teacher asks to comment on the schemes drawn up, paying attention to the fourth scheme with a combined type of submission and the absence of a comma before the union AND with homogeneous submission.

The work is summarized:

We worked with individual sentences, learned to analyze the sentence structure by ear, and graphically reproduce it. The next type of work is with text. We work in two groups. On the students' tables, cards with the text and the assignment to it are laid out in advance (Option "A" and "B").

4. Working with text(Option "A" and "B" -<Appendix 2 >).

  • Tasks No. 1, 2, 3 are performed orally.
  • Task number 4 - in writing.

Control: at the end of the work, we listen to the answers of the students of group "A", then group "B"

Conclusions on the work related to the analysis of texts (complex text analysis). We especially emphasize the conclusions on the material studied in the lesson - a complex sentence with several types of clauses.

5. The next type of work associated with the ability to use complex sentences in speech, the ability to construct them; at the same time, the skill is being developed in the ability to put punctuation marks, highlight the semantic parts of sentences, and read them expressively.

So, the development of speech. We work in groups No. 1, 2, 3. Find the task cards "Speech development"<Appendix 3>. At the end of the work with the card, we listen to the answers of students from the groups. The teacher always draws the attention of children to the semantic side of the text in any kind of work on the topic.

Conclusions: complex sentences with several subordinate clauses enrich our speech, make it brighter, more imaginative, more convincing. Let's pay attention to the fact that complex sentences are used in reasoning in publicistic texts.

6. Independent work with text in two versions (task cards for independent work and homework - options "A" and "B" -<Appendix 4 >)

It is proposed, performing independent work on the text, to observe the use of complex sentences in the artistic style of speech.

Students who have not finished their work in the lesson take it as homework and hand it over to the next lesson.

7. Lesson summary. Students summarize the lesson, say what they learned in the lesson, what they learned.

The teacher summarizes the conclusions, comments on the grades given for the lesson (all students received grades for theoretical material and practical work, for independent work - after checking it in the next lesson)

Russian language grade 9

43 The concept of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses and punctuation in them

Lesson type: a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    to give an idea of ​​the types of SPP with several clauses;

    introduce the terms homogeneous, sequential, parallel subordination;

    to teach how to build SPP schemes with several clauses;

    to acquaint students with the peculiarities of punctuation in the SPP with several clauses;

    repeat the main SPP groups according to their meaning, recall the differences between the union and the union word and the algorithm for determining the type of the subordinate clause.

Security: notebook, textbook, assignments.

Handout: tasks.

During the classes

I ... Org. Moment

II ... Updating previous knowledge

Teacher's word. Today, in the lesson, we will repeat the main groups of SPPs according to their meaning, recall the differences between a union and a union word and get acquainted with new complex syntactic constructions. But we will formulate the topic of our lesson with you a little later, and we will begin the lesson by reading and commenting on the epigraph of the lesson, and then a lexical warm-up.

    Frontal conversation

    What groups are complex sentences divided into according to their meaning?

    How to distinguish a union from a union word?

    Tell us about the algorithm by which we determine the type of subordinate clause.

III ... Explanation of the new material.

Teacher's word. Until today's lesson, we talked about the SPP, consisting of one main and one subordinate part. This form is the most typical for the SPP, the most common in oral and written speech.

However, in the Russian language, especially in the styles of writing and in the language of fiction, sentences that are more complex in their form, consisting of several parts, are often found. Today we begin our acquaintance with such proposals. So, the topic of our today's lesson

The main types of SPP with two or more subordinate clauses and punctuation in them

Victor asked to be a miner because he had heard that this is the most honorable profession in the mine.

SPP with clauses and explanatory reasons

Such offers are called SPP with SEQUENTIAL SUBMISSION:
the first subordinate clause refers to the main clause (subordinate clause first degree), the second - to this subordinate clause (subordinate clause second degree) etc.

Main offer

1st degree subordinate clause

2nd degree clause

    So, what unions can appear side by side with the consistent subordination of clauses?

What if, what though, what when, since though, since if and dr.

    In what case is a comma placed between them?

Comma put if after the clause not THAT or SO

    Punctuation marks for concatenation of unions

She told him that if he was sick, he had to be treated.

She told him th about e if he is sick then need medical help

    Arrange punctuation marks, determine the type of clauses, draw up a sentence outline

When we arrived, my father showed me the perches and carpenters, which he fished out without me.

(When ...),, (which ...).

SPP with clauses and tense

Such offers are called SPP with PARALLEL SUBMISSION:
subordinate clauses refer to one common main clause and are different in meaning.

    Arrange punctuation marks, determine the type of clauses, draw up a sentence outline

I woke up when the sun had not yet risen, when nature was enveloped in a predawn dream.

SPP with clauses

Such offers are called SPP with HOMOGENEOUS SUBMISSION:
subordinate clauses refer to one main clause common to them and are the same in meaning - homogeneous

    With homogeneous subordination in the second (and the following) subordinate subordinate union can be omitted:

We went on a hike when the rain stopped, the sun came out, the birds began to sing.

, (when ...), (...), (...).

We went camping when the rain ended when the sun came out when the birds sang.

, (when ...), (when ...), (when ...).

    Homogeneous subordinate clauses can have a compositional conjunctions with them, before which a comma is placed in the same way as with homogeneous members:

The gardener was heard walking in the garden and how his car creaked.

Sonechka wrote that the mood was heavy, but so that he doesn't worry about them.

He is irritable and when healthy and when sick.

    Arrange punctuation marks, make diagrams

It was necessary to see how the lilac leaves unfold and how it releases gray brushes of future flowers.

We will shudder if a bird suddenly rushes up or an elk trumpets in the distance.

IV ... Anchoring.

Task number 1 Build proposals for schemes, determine the type of subordination

1., (like ...), (like ...), (like ...).

I remember well how we walked along the path, how bright the sun was shining, how I found a mushroom spot. (Uniform subordination)

2., (when ...), (to ...).

It was already completely dark when we got to the camp to spend the night there.

3.(When ...),, (... which ...).

When I felt thirsty, I bent down to the stream, in the waters of which I saw frolicking fish. (Parallel submission)

4., (what ...), (which ...).

Makar knew that the bitter frost was no joke with people who went into the taiga without mittens and without a hat. (Sequential submission)

5.(When ...),, (although ...).

When Vanya told his story, I listened attentively, although I was very upset. (Parallel submission)

6., (what ...), (to ..).

It seemed to me that you need to have some special knowledge to determine our location. (Sequential submission)

Task number 2 Make one complex out of three simple sentences, indicate its structure.

As soon as I stepped out onto the porch, there was a thunderclap that made me flinch. (As soon as ...), (which)

Although it was late, the room was lit by a lamp that illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ...),, (which ...)

When rain poured down, we rushed to the barn, which the stood at the edge of the village. (When ...),, (which ...)

V ... Summing up the lesson. Frontal conversation.

What are the main types of NGNs with two or more clauses do you know?

What is the difference between homogeneous and parallel submission?

Tell us about the peculiarities of punctuation at the "junction" of unions in the sequential subordination of clauses.

- Homogeneous subordinate clauses can carry conjunctive conjunctions. How are punctuation marks placed in this case?

VI ... Reflection.

Vii ... Homework.

    Write out five SPPs with several subordinate clauses from the Literature textbook, parsing, scheme, determine the type of connection.

    Write a discourse essay “What do I know about SPP?”

1., (like ...), (like ...), (like ...).

2., (when ...), (to ...).

3.(When ...),, (... which ...).

4., (what ...), (which ...).

5.(When ...),, (although ...).

6., (what ...), (to ..).

(Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

(When ... which ...)


Task number 1 Build proposals for schemes, determine the type of subordination

1., (like ...), (like ...), (like ...).

2., (when ...), (to ...).

3.(When ...),, (... which ...).

4., (what ...), (which ...).

5.(When ...),, (although ...).

6., (what ...), (to ..).

Task number 2 From three simple sentences, make one complex, indicate its structure.

1) I went out onto the porch. There was a thunderclap. The blow made me flinch. (Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

3) The rain poured down. We rushed to the barn. The barn stood at the edge of the village. (When ... who ...)

Task number 1 Build proposals for schemes, determine the type of subordination

1., (like ...), (like ...), (like ...).

2. , (when ...), (to ...).

3. (When ...),, (... which ...).

4. , (what ...), (which ...).

5. (When ...),, (although ...).

6. , (what ...), (to ..).

Task number 2 From three simple sentences, make one complex, indicate its structure.

1) I went out onto the porch. There was a thunderclap. The blow made me flinch. (Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

3) The rain poured down. We rushed to the barn. The barn stood at the edge of the village. (When ... who ...)


Task number 1 Build proposals for schemes, determine the type of subordination

1., (like ...), (like ...), (like ...).

2. , (when ...), (to ...).

3. (When ...),, (... which ...).

4., (what ...), (which ...).

5.(When ...),, (although ...).

6., (what ...), (to ..).

Task number 2 From three simple sentences, make one complex, indicate its structure.

1) I went out onto the porch. There was a thunderclap. The blow made me flinch. (Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

3) The rain poured down. We rushed to the barn. The barn stood at the edge of the village. (When ... which ...)


1) I went out onto the porch. There was a thunderclap. The blow made me flinch. (Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

3) The rain poured down. We rushed to the barn. The barn stood at the edge of the village. (When ... who ...)

Task number 1 From three simple sentences, make one complex, indicate its structure.

1) I went out onto the porch. There was a thunderclap. The blow made me flinch. (Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

3) The rain poured down. We rushed to the barn. The barn stood at the edge of the village. (When ... who ...)

Task number 1 From three simple sentences, make one complex, indicate its structure.

1) I went out onto the porch. There was a thunderclap. The blow made me flinch. (Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

3) The rain poured down. We rushed to the barn. The barn stood at the edge of the village. (When ... who ...)

Task number 1 From three simple sentences, make one complex, indicate its structure.

1) I went out onto the porch. There was a thunderclap. The blow made me flinch. (Once ... that)

2) It was late. A lamp was burning in the room. She illuminated the faces of those present with soft light. (Although ... which ...)

3) The rain poured down. We rushed to the barn. The barn stood at the edge of the village. (When ... which ...)

In this chapter:

§one. Types of subordination in NGN with multiple clauses

There can be more than one subordinate clause in the NGN. In this case, it is important to understand how all the parts of a complex sentence are related to each other, what obeys what. Three types are possible:

1) consistent subordination,
2) parallel subordination,
3) homogeneous subordination.

Consistent submission

With consistent subordination, a chain of sentences is formed: the first subordinate clause is subordinate to the main clause, the second subordinate clause is subordinate to the first subordinate clause, etc. With this type of subordination, each subordinate clause is the main one for the subsequent subordinate clause.

I am afraid that Anna will be late for the exam, which is due to start early in the morning.

Scheme: [...], (union what...), (union word which the…).

With successive subordination, the subordinate clause related to the main one is called the subordinate clause of the first degree, and the next subordinate clause is called the subordinate clause of the second degree, etc.

Parallel subordination

If subordinate clauses of different types belong to one main clause, then parallel subordination is formed. In this type of subordination, both subordinate clauses refer to one main one. It is important that these clauses are of different types and they answer different questions.

When the teacher came in, the guys stood up to greet her.

Scheme: (union word when...), [...], (union so that …).

Uniform subordination

If the subordinate clauses are sentences of the same type and refer to the same member of the main clause or the entire main clause as a whole, then a homogeneous subordination is formed. With homogeneous subordination, subordinate clauses answer the same question.

I suddenly felt how the tension subsided and how light it became in my soul.

Scheme: [...], (union as...) and (union as …).

Clauses of explanatory clauses are similar to homogeneous members of a sentence, they are connected with each other by a union and... Both clauses refer to the clause in the main clause. There is no comma between them.

It is important that with homogeneous subordination, conjunctions or union words can be omitted, which is typical for sentences with several subordinate clauses.

Test of strength

Find out how you understood the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that there can be more than one subordinate clause in the NGN?

  2. What is the name of subordination when the first clause is subordinate to the main clause, the second to the first, etc.?

    • consistent submission
    • homogeneous subordination
    • parallel submission
  3. What is the name of subordination when different types of subordinate clauses belong to the same main clause?

    • consistent submission
    • homogeneous subordination
    • parallel submission
  4. What is the name of subordination when the subordinate clauses are sentences of the same type and refer to the same member of the main clause or the entire main clause in general?

    • consistent submission
    • homogeneous subordination
    • parallel submission
  5. When the performance was over, the children clapped so that the artists felt their gratitude.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel submission
    • homogeneous subordination
  6. What is submission in a sentence: I think that in the next episode the hero will save the girl he is in love with.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel submission
    • homogeneous subordination
  7. What is submission in a sentence: I heard the door slam and the people in the hallway started talking.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel submission
    • homogeneous subordination
  8. What is submission in a sentence: I think that my brother will be happy with my gift and that I have made a very good choice.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel submission
    • homogeneous subordination

Russian language lesson in grade 9 on the topic: "SPP with several clauses."

Purpose: (students formulate themselves)

to acquaint with the SPP with several subordinate clauses, to teach to see its parts.


General education: show the features of the SPP with several subordinate clauses, consolidate the knowledge about the setting of punctuation marks with homogeneous members of a sentence and homogeneous clauses,

Developing: to form the ability to distinguish between the types of clauses, to work individually;

Educational: to cultivate a respect for the language, the desire to improve their speech.

The place of this lesson in the lesson system: continuation of the study of complex sentences.

Form of carrying out: mixed lesson.

Lesson type: learning new material.



    Training apparatus


During the classes:

    Organizational moment. Hello, sit down. We have guests. And today we will work fruitfully in the lesson, we will learn a lot of new things. I wish you a positive mood and success. Video clip. 1.5 minutes

2. Warm up 2 min.

The Russian language lesson is unusual today. Let's turn to the epigraph on the board. (The teacher reads the epigraph)Grammar is a springboard from which one should push off in order to get into the sphere of thought. N.I. Zhinkin.

This is the statement of the scientist - linguist N.I. Zhinkin.

Guys, to understand the meaning of the epigraph, we must remember what grammar is?

(The formal structure of the language (word formation, morphology and syntax), forming its integral system with phonetics and vocabulary)

What is the meaning of this epigraph?

(1. Using the elements of grammar, we will think. 2. Elements such as morphology, syntax, vocabulary, word formation will help to get into the sphere of thought and learn something new. 3. With the help of language we express thoughts, the language itself and the elements, of which it consists, help us in this).

Suggest how this epigraph can be related to the topic of today's lesson, in the system with the topics that we worked on before.

(1. We are studying complex sentences, perhaps we will use such an element of grammar as syntax. 2. This is a complex sentence, maybe we will continue to study them.)

We will check how correct your hypotheses are at the end of the lesson. But you are close.

3. Control and preparatory stage. 4 minutes

Filling in a blind diagram.

Repetition of types of subordinate clauses

Now let's get back to the epigraph of the lesson.

Try to outline this sentence.

How many subordinate clauses are there?

That's right, there are two clauses in this sentence.

Tell me, maybe this is a sentence with several clauses? (Yes.)

What good fellows you are. This little discovery will be our topic for our lesson. Let's fix our discovery. Write down the date, classwork, and lesson topic.Today we will get acquainted with the types of homogeneous and heterogeneous subordination and consistent subordination.

Division into groupson topics of subordination: 1.5 min.




4. Setting an educational goal. Creation of a call situation. 1 min.

Today we will continue to work with complex sentences, we will study their new types (with several subordinate clauses)

But before we begin to study such sentences, I would like you to define your own, important for you personally, the goals of the lesson. What actions could you take to better understand and reinforce this topic?

Okay, at the end of the tutorial we will go back to your goals and see if you managed to achieve them.

5. Co-creation.

Group work.

First, let's define the criteria for evaluating our posters with you. Are written on the board.

Research work in groups. 10 min

1 group independently learns sequential submission

Group 2 - homogeneous subordination

Group 3 - heterogeneous subordination

Learn the rule

Make a cluster

Give examples

Make diagrams

Sheets with new material for assimilation are distributed. Display this material on a poster. Protection in the classroom.

Uniform subordination

Submission, in which the subordinate clauses refer to the same word in the main clause and answer the same question.

I came to you with greetings, to tell you what Sun is up, what it fluttered with hot light through the sheets. (A. Fet)

, (I'm sorry, what …).

In the SPP with homogeneous subordination, subordinate clauses of the same type, refer either to one member of the sentence, or to the entire main one.

In the second subordinate clause, there may be no subordinate union:

( If there is water) and (there will be no fish in it), [I will not believe the water]. (M. Prishvin)

If homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by non-repeating unions and, or, comma in front of them not put , as with homogeneous terms of the sentence: 1) I answered that nature is good and that the sunsets are especially good in our places. (V. Soloukhin.) 2) We will shudder if a bird suddenly flies up or the elk will trumpet in the distance. (Yuri Drunina.)

Parallel (heterogeneous) subordination

    Submission, in which the subordinate clauses refer to different words of the same main sentence.Subordinate clauses answer different questions, that is, they are different types of subordinate clauses.Inhomogeneous (parallel) clauses will also be subordinate clauses that have the same meaning, but refer to different words in the general main clause.

1 When I have a new book in my hands, I feel what something living, speaking, wonderful has entered my life. (M. Gorky.)

(When ...), [... n.], (What ...).

Consistent submission

Subordination, in which the first subordinate clause is subordinate to the main one, and the rest - sequentially to each other.

For a long time he walked there , Where the light was shining, so that tell about everything.

, (where… verb.), (to…).

NGN with successive reporting is a chain. The clauses that explain the main clause are called clauses. I degree; clauses, explaining clauses I degrees are called subordinate clauses II degrees, etc.

With sequential subordination, one subordinate clause can be inside another, for example:He said, what , if a the weather will not improve, there is nothing to think about fishing.

, (what if …) …).

A comma is not placed between adjacent unions, if there is a second part of the union further -then orSo.

, (what, (when),).

,( what ( when ), then ).

Make a conclusion.

Fragment of the video lesson 3 min

Drawing up an algorithm for determining the type of subordination 2 min.

I see that you have mastered this topic well and I want to give you an independent work. - 3 min

1. Returning home, she remembered how they met, how friends helped them to make friends.

, (how how…).

2. When nature wakes up from a winter sleep, I again feel the strength in myself that gives me a feeling of joy and happiness.(When ...),, (which ...).

3. Nature requires a keen eye and continuous inner work so that you can see the beauty that surrounds you., (how how…).

MOSAIC 5 min

If anything
He has already mastered it sufficiently

The person will stop paying attention to their language and will begin to think
He will retreat

If a person stops paying attention to his language and begins to think that he has mastered it sufficiently, he will begin to retreat.

If Which

Pay attention to your tongue
You want to be a truly intelligent person
Strives to raise the level of his culture and education

Pay attention to your language if you want to be a truly intelligent person who strives to raise the level of your culture and education.

For what

The performance was interesting
Everything should be interesting for you
You speak

To make the performance interesting, everything you say must be interesting to you.

Working with the textbook 5 min.

Write out two complex sentences and determine the type of subordination.

Group 1 - exercise 226

Group 2 - exercise 228

Group 3 - exercise 230

Work on the text.

In order to understand everythingh, how do we express our thoughts, are we fluent in speech, depends,

Read the text

Determine the type of text. . (Reasoning)

Determine your speaking style.(Publicistic)

Determine the main point.

[, (ssl. how), (whether),], (how much). Homogeneous and consistent slave

pass. explanatory pass. will explain.

Graphic dictation

I saw how the stars began to fog up and lose their radiance, how coolness swept through the earth with a light sigh.

For a long time it was audible how he walked to where the light was shining.

As our boat headed for the shore, we saw women and children rushing from the village.


6. Reflective stage of the lesson. 5 minutes

What did you do?

Training apparatus

Now let's get back to your goals. Who achieved their goal? Who hasn't reached yet?

And, finally, have your hypotheses about the epigraph and the topic of our lesson been confirmed?

You all worked well, and I would like to give such marks ... 3 min

Student assessment sheet for work done


Student name

Criteria for evaluation

did not participate


Actively participated

Repetition of IPS information

New topic

Parsing sentences


Exercise in the tutorial

Training apparatus

7. Homework. 2 min.


exercise 231

Compose a text about your village using complex sentences with several clauses.

The lesson is over, thank you all.

Working with gifted students

1 ) I thought so that I did not even notice how the sun went down, how it began to get dark.

BUT) [so], (what), (how), (how)

B) [so], (what), (how), (how)

IN) [so], (what), (how), (how)

2) Draw up a sentence diagram, indicate the type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

1. If every man on a piece of his land did everything he can, how beautiful our land would be.

2. She gazed at the sky, covered with living traces of the disappearing sun, as if there was happiness there, which was made by nature, that from her it penetrated into a person.

Dealing with weak learners

Arrange punctuation marks in WBS with multiple clauses and highlight conjunctions

1. One could hear how the gardener walked in the garden and how his wheelbarrow creaked.

2. I knew that if I stretch my hand dew will fall from the bushes.

4. It seemed to him that he had never heard the wind whistle and howl so viciously.


1st level

Level 2:

place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination and draw a diagram:


Now millions of people listen to the radio, turn on televisions, pick up newspapers to find out everything that our country, our planet lives with.

In order to understand everythinghThis is happening in the world around us, in order to be understood by those with whom we communicate, we must have a good command of modern Russian. However, there is no need to close our eyes to the fact that very often we speak casually and write somehow. If our speech is incomprehensible to the interlocutor, how easily our words can be interpreted in a different way! From that, how do we express our thoughts, are we fluent in speech, depends, as far as we will be correctly understood.

Read the text

Determine the type of text. . (Reasoning)

Determine your speaking style.(Publicistic)

Determine the main point.

-- Write out one SPP with several clauses

Make a proposal outline, indicating the type of subordination and the type of submission. etc.

Now millions of people listen to the radio, turn on televisions, pick up newspapers to find out everything that our country, our planet lives with.

In order to understand everythinghThis is happening in the world around us, in order to be understood by those with whom we communicate, we must have a good command of modern Russian. However, there is no need to close our eyes to the fact that very often we speak casually and write somehow. If our speech is incomprehensible to the interlocutor, how easily our words can be interpreted in a different way! From that, how do we express our thoughts, are we fluent in speech, depends, as far as we will be correctly understood.

Read the text

Determine the type of text. . (Reasoning)

Determine your speaking style.(Publicistic)

Determine the main point.

-- Write out one SPP with several clauses

Make a proposal outline, indicating the type of subordination and the type of submission. Etc

Now millions of people listen to the radio, turn on televisions, pick up newspapers to find out everything that our country, our planet lives with.

In order to understand everythinghThis is happening in the world around us, in order to be understood by those with whom we communicate, we must have a good command of modern Russian. However, there is no need to close our eyes to the fact that very often we speak casually and write somehow. If our speech is incomprehensible to the interlocutor, how easily our words can be interpreted in a different way! From that, how do we express our thoughts, are we fluent in speech, depends, as far as we will be correctly understood.

Read the text

Determine the type of text. . (Reasoning)

Determine your speaking style.(Publicistic)

Determine the main point.

-- Write out one SPP with several clauses

Make a proposal outline, indicating the type of submission and the type of submission. etc

Exercise: handout of two levels

1st level

place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination and draw a diagram:

To hide her excitement, she bent low to the table and pretended to read the newspaper.

Everyone knew that the lady had arrived and that Kapiton had let her in.

Level 2:

place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination and draw a diagram:

When I see these distant, harsh, inaccessible mountains, I want to climb

them and see what kind of world opens up before my eyes beyond the mountains.

By the time I got home, two more hours passed, so when I went out again, it was already


Exercise: handout of two levels

1st level

place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination and draw a diagram:

To hide her excitement, she bent low to the table and pretended to read the newspaper.

Everyone knew that the lady had arrived and that Kapiton had let her in.

Level 2:

place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination and draw a diagram:

When I see these distant, harsh, inaccessible mountains, I want to climb

them and see what kind of world opens up before my eyes beyond the mountains.

By the time I got home, two more hours passed, so when I went out again, it was already


Exercise: handout of two levels

1st level

place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination and draw a diagram:

To hide her excitement, she bent low to the table and pretended to read the newspaper.

Everyone knew that the lady had arrived and that Kapiton had let her in.

Level 2:

place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination and draw a diagram:

When I see these distant, harsh, inaccessible mountains, I want to climb

them and see what kind of world opens up before my eyes beyond the mountains.

By the time I got home, two more hours passed, so when I went out again, it was already


Examines the structure of phrases and sentences. At the same time, a particular difficulty is usually caused by the construction and punctuation of various types of complex sentences, especially with three or more predicative parts. Let us consider, using specific examples, the types of SPP with several subordinate clauses, the ways of connecting the main and subordinate parts in them, the rules for setting punctuation marks in them.

Complex sentence: definition

To clearly express a thought, we use a different sentence characterized by the fact that two or more predicative parts are distinguished in it. They can be equivalent in relation to each other or enter into a relationship of dependence. SPN is a sentence in which the subordinate clause is subordinate to the main clause and is attached to it using subordinate unions and / or For example, “ [Styopka was very tired by the evening], (WHY?) (Since he walked at least ten kilometers in a day)". Hereinafter, the main part is designated, round - dependent. Accordingly, in the SPP with several subordinate clauses, at least three predicative parts are distinguished, two of which will be dependent: “ [The area (WHAT?) (Which we were passing now) was well known to Andrey Petrovich], (WHY?) (Since a good half of his childhood passed here)". In this case, it is important to correctly identify the sentences where you need to put the commas.

NGN with multiple clauses

A table with examples will help determine what types of complex sentences with three or more predicative parts are divided into.

Type of subordination of the subordinate clause to the main



The guys ran off into the river, the water in which had already warmed up enough, because the last days it was incredibly hot.

Parallel (heterogeneous)

When the speaker finished speaking, there was silence in the hall, as the audience was shocked by what they heard.


Anton Pavlovich said that reinforcements would arrive soon and that you just need to be patient a little.

With different types of subordination

Nastenka reread the letter for the second time, which was trembling in her hands, and thought that now she would have to quit her studies, that her hopes for a new life were not justified.

Let's figure out how to correctly determine the type of subordination in the NGN with several subordinate clauses. The above examples will help with this.

Consistent submission

In a sentence " [The guys ran into the river with a run] 1, (the water in which has already warmed up enough) 2, (because the last days it was incredibly hot) 3»First, we select three parts. Then, with the help of questions, we establish semantic relations: [… X], (in which… X), (because…). We see that the second part has become the main one for the third.

Let's give one more example. " [There was a vase with wildflowers on the table], (which were collected by the guys), (when we went to the forest on an excursion)". The scheme of this SPP is similar to the first one: [… X], (which… X), (when…).

With homogeneous subordination, each subsequent part depends on the previous one. Such SPP with several subordinate clauses - examples confirm this - resemble a chain, where each subsequent link joins the one in front.

Parallel (heterogeneous) subordination

In this case, all subordinate clauses refer to the main (to the entire part or the word in it), but answer different questions and differ in meaning. " (When the speaker finished speaking) 1, [silence reigned in the hall] 2, (as the audience was shocked by what they heard) 3 ". Let's analyze this SPP with several clauses. Its scheme will look like this: (when ...), [... X], (since ...). We see that the first subordinate part (it comes before the main one) denotes the time, and the second - the reason. Hence, they will answer different questions. Second example: " [Vladimir certainly had to find out today] 1, (at what time the train arrives from Tyumen) 2, (to have time to meet a friend) 3". The first subordinate part is explanatory, the second is the goal.

Uniform subordination

This is the case when it is appropriate to draw an analogy with another well-known syntactic construction. For registration of PP with homogeneous members and such SPP with several subordinate clauses, the rules are the same. Indeed, in the sentence “ [Anton Pavlovich talked about] 1, (that reinforcements will arrive soon) 2 and (that you just need to be patient a little) 3»Subordinate clauses - 2nd and 3rd - refer to the same word, answer the question" what? " and both are explanatory. In addition, they are interconnected by means of an alliance. and without a comma. Let's represent it in the scheme: [… X], (what…) and (what…).

In the SPP with several subordinate clauses, with homogeneous subordination between the subordinate clauses, any compositional conjunctions are sometimes used - the punctuation rules will be the same as in the design of homogeneous members - and the subordinate union in the second part may be completely absent. For example, " [He stood at the window for a long time and watched] 1, (how cars drove up to the house one after another) 2 and (workers were unloading construction materials) 3».

SPP with several clauses with different types of subordination

Very often, four or more parts are distinguished as part of a complex sentence. In this case, they can communicate with each other in different ways. Let's look at the example in the table: “ [Nastenka read the letter for the second time, (which was trembling in her hands) 2, and thought] 1, (that now she would have to quit school) 3, (that her hopes for a new life did not come true) 4". This is a sentence with parallel (non-uniform) (P 1,2,3-4) and homogeneous (P 2,3,4) subordination: [… X, (which…),… X], (what…), (what… ). Or another option: " [Tatiana was silent all the way and only looked out the window] 1, (behind which small, closely located villages flashed) 2, (where people were scurrying about) 3 and (work was in full swing) 4) ". This is a complex sentence with sequential (P 1,2,3 and P 1,2,4) and homogeneous (P 2,3,4) subordination: [... X], (followed by ...), (where ...) and (... ).

Punctuation marks at the junction of unions

To arrange in a complex sentence, it is usually sufficient to correctly define the boundaries of the predicative parts. Complexity, as a rule, is represented by the punctuation of the CSS with several subordinate clauses - examples of schemes: [... X], (when, (which ...), ...) or [... X], [... X], (how (with whom ...), then ...) - when there are two subordinate unions (union words) nearby. This is characteristic of consistent submission. In such a case, you need to pay attention to the presence of the second part of the double union in the proposal. For example, " [An open book remained on the sofa] 1, (which, (if there were time left) 3, Constantine would certainly have read to the end) 2 ". Second option: " [I swear] 1, (that (when I get home from my trip) 3, I will definitely visit you and tell you about everything in detail) 2 ". When working with such a WBS with several subordinate clauses, the following rules. If the second subordinate clause can be excluded from the sentence without prejudice to the meaning, a comma between the unions (and / or union words) is put, if not, it is absent. Let's return to the first example:" [There was a book on the couch] 1, (which had to be finished in time) 2 "... In the second case, if the second subordinate clause is excluded, the grammatical structure of the sentence will be violated by the word "that".


A good assistant in mastering the SPP with several clauses - exercises, the implementation of which will help to consolidate the knowledge gained. In this case, it is better to act according to the algorithm.

  1. Carefully read the sentence, indicate the grammatical foundations in it and indicate the boundaries of the predicative parts (simple sentences).
  2. Select all means of communication, not forgetting about the compound or used by a number of unions.
  3. To establish semantic connections between the parts: to do this, first find the main one, then ask her question (s) to the subordinate clause (s).
  4. Build a diagram showing the dependence of the parts on it with arrows, place punctuation marks in it. Move commas to recorded sentence.

Thus, attentiveness in the construction and analysis (including punctuation) of a complex sentence - SPP with several subordinate clauses specifically - and reliance on the above features of this syntactic construction will ensure the correct execution of the proposed tasks.