Twisting on an inclined bench - the nuances of the exercise. Incline Bench Crunches - An Effective Ab Exercise Incline Crunches

Hello. In this article, I will tell you about a mega-effective exercise aimed at working out the rectus abdominis muscle (abs) - reverse twisting on an incline bench.

For those who are not in the know, this exercise is one of the many variations. So, in fact, nothing new 🙁 but, personally, I like this variation of reverse twists much more (and it is more effective) than the usual classic version.

Its only disadvantage (not related to people involved in a fitness club) is that you need special equipment to perform it: “inclined bench” or “special simulator, specifically for this exercise” or “bench upside down” (i.e. at home, exercise, nothing can be done).

In the fitness club, this stuff is in bulk ... and even if there is no “special simulator specifically for this exercise”, you can perform it on an inclined bench (it certainly is in all the halls) or, which is even more convenient, on a bench where they press barbell upside down ... (who is not in the subject, ask the coach to help you).

In general, here is what this incline bench looks like upside down (where the barbell is usually pressed) and where you can (where I recommend you) do reverse crunches on an incline bench without any problems:

Reverse crunches on an incline bench: execution technique

The exercise can be performed in different ways: with bent legs (a lighter option, designed for beginners and intermediate levels of training), with fully extended legs (even) (the most difficult (and therefore most effective) manner of performing this exercise, intended only for advanced boys and girls).

We will consider the option with straight legs, but don’t tell me, the difference between bent / straight legs in terms of execution technique is no, the main thing for you is to understand the essence of what to actually do ... and then you will try.

1 / Sit on the bench with your back and grab the upper edge of it with your hands (so that there is support). Support is required (without it, you will not be able to perform the exercise). After that, lift your legs off the floor and stretch and keep them parallel to the floor. The legs are slightly (quite a bit) bent at the knees, keeping the legs together. See below for a visual/explanatory photo demonstration:

2 / While exhaling, begin to raise your legs together with the pelvis up - due to the press. Don't think about how to lift your legs up, think about how to round your pelvis (up) when you lift your legs. It is very important!!!

Most often, people simply lift their legs up, then lower their legs back (without including the pelvis in the work). This is a gross mistake. Anatomically, the function of the press is to raise (twist) the pelvis, and not the legs.

3 / In general, when you have raised your legs together with the pelvis up, stay for a second in this position (at the top point), then slowly, under control, lower your legs and pelvis to the starting position.

Pay attention, lowering your legs down, you keep them under control, i.e. you don’t throw them and don’t work “jerks”, you have to control everything (lowering is smooth, under control).

4 / After that, repeat all over again, having completed the planned number of repetitions, by the way, for the vast majority of people, I recommend the standard 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions ...

With this, I end this release. For dessert - video: a visual demonstration of this exercise:

- For men:

- For women:

Sincerely, administrator.

Incline crunches or crunches are the most common exercise in men's and women's programs. In addition, an inclined bench for the press is present in any room. The exercise is quite effective, but it also has its drawbacks and contraindications. It is important that many visitors to the gym, not realizing their mistakes, perform the exercise incorrectly, which later leads to serious back problems. Let's figure out how to avoid this and how to exercise on an inclined bench correctly.

Pros and cons of crunches on an incline bench

Advantages and pros of incline bench exercises:

  • The presence of a slope allows you to perform an exercise with a greater amplitude with a constant tension of the abdominal muscles. This increases the load on the press, in comparison with, in which the amplitude is shorter and the muscles relax in the lower position of the body.
  • The presence of rollers for fixing the feet allows you to give all the best and load the muscles harder, without thinking about the emphasis of the legs.
  • Some types of benches structurally involve changing the angle of inclination, thereby increasing or weakening the load. Thus, the bench is suitable for both professionals and beginners.
  • The simplicity and dimensions of the design allow you to install the simulator at home.
  • The bench allows you to perform not only straight, but also oblique twists, more involving the abdominal muscles in the work.

The disadvantage is a possible injury to the back, since the bench does not allow you to determine the lower point of retraction of the body back, thereby inexperienced visitors to the hall often overextend their lower back and lean back too much.

A main mistake when lifting and deflection is performed with a flat back. All these factors lead to back pain or exacerbation of existing problems.

What muscles work

  • Tensioner of the broad fascia.

What benches for twisting are

  1. Adjustable- a universal option in which you can set the required angle of inclination for twisting or use it as a horizontal bench for bench press and many other exercises.

  1. Inclined- these benches are not adjustable and already have a certain predetermined angle of inclination. On this machine, you can only perform straight or oblique twists.

  1. - may include the function of a press bench, but also allows you to perform hyperextension - extension of the torso.
  1. With curved bench- manufacturers of exercise equipment position the product as safe equipment for back problems, which supposedly allows you to get less stress and get rid of pain in the lumbar region. But this is a very controversial issue, because twisting on a bench does not imply complete lowering, and even more so, hyperextension of the spine, which is completely contraindicated in twisting.
  1. folding- These are simulators with the ability to fold, which makes them easy to use at home.

Incline Bench Twisting Technique

  1. Place your feet under the special rollers for fixing the knee and ankle joints. The hips and buttocks should be in full contact with the incline bench.
  2. Put your hands behind your head or hold on your chest - this will simplify the load.
  3. Round your back at the top of the movement and keep your spine straight until the end of the set.
  4. As you inhale, take your torso back, keeping the tension in the abdominal muscles, and lower to such an extent that the angle between the torso and hips is approximately 90 degrees. Don't put your back on the bench be aware of tension in the abdominal muscles and rounding of the spine.
  5. As you exhale with the force of the press, twist, bringing the stomach to the hips, but do not straighten the back.

Oblique crunches on the bench

Crunches are designed to increase the contraction of the external oblique muscles, but this does not mean that the rectus abdominis muscle works less.

  1. Place your feet under the bolsters.
  2. Put your hands behind your head and round your back.
  3. As you inhale, lean back without unbending your lower back, approximately to a right angle between your hips and torso.
  4. With an exhalation, begin to twist and from the middle of the amplitude turn the body into a diagonal, aiming with your right elbow towards your left knee, but do not straighten your spine, keep your back rounded at all times.
  5. On the inhale in the reverse order, slowly deviate to the bottom point of the movement with an even position of the torso.
  6. As you exhale, perform a diagonal twist in the opposite direction.
  7. And as you inhale, return back to the bottom point. Perform the same number of repetitions on both sides.

Recommendations for twisting on a bench with an inclination down

It is best to do ab exercises at the end of your workout. For maximum work on the abdominal muscles, perform both twisting options on the bench, diluting them. For maximum effect, do 20-30 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

For a strong floor, after getting used to the load, you can additionally use weights in the form of a pancake, dumbbells or. The number of repetitions varies between 15-25, and so on for 3-4 sets.


The simulator allows you to do a full set of exercises for the press. It is important to follow the technique. When performing any of the options, there should be no pain in the lower back.

Twisting on an inclined bench in video format

Looking for a way to make a steel press and embossed cubes? Twisting is best suited for these purposes. Almost all variations of this exercise are isolated, and your abs will be on fire after the third set.

What muscles work when twisting

During the exercises, the entire press works, but its different parts are subject to different loads. Depending on what exercise the athlete does, one or another part of the press is worked out with more or less intensity. Therefore, in order for the entire muscle to develop evenly and quickly, it is necessary to train it using different techniques.

Depending on the twisting option, the rectus, oblique or transverse abdominal muscles are worked out. In addition, in some exercises, hips, arms, shoulders, etc. are included in the work. Despite this, it is the abdominal muscles that are pumped best of all, since twisting is aimed at ensuring that the press is 100% involved in the work. The participation of all other muscles should be minimal.

Twisting technique

In order for the exercises to be performed to give results, and the spent energy does not fly into the air, it is necessary to observe the correct technique. In addition, with the high-quality performance of all movements, the risk of injury is significantly reduced. Otherwise, the athlete can take a long unplanned break between workouts.

Straight twists

This type of twisting is considered the easiest, so it is recommended to do it, first of all, for beginners.

Get into starting position:

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Press your lower back against the floor.
  3. Bend your knees so that a right angle forms between your lower leg and thigh, and place your feet on the floor.
  4. Choose one of the options for the position of the hands (stretch in front of you, fold on your chest or put on the back of your head).
  5. Next, you need to raise the torso, straining the abdominal muscles. Only the shoulders come off the surface of the floor, the lower back remains pressed to it.


  • The distance between the chest and chin should be such that a fist can fit between them. You can not press your chin to your chest.
  • When lifting, the back is rounded, and the entire torso is not lifted.
  • The feet are firmly on the floor and do not come off.
  • At the extreme top point, you need to linger for a second, and lower yourself while inhaling. The muscles remain tense.
  • Without allowing the relaxation of the press, twisting is repeated in a similar way.
  • The required number of twists is performed.

Reverse crunches

Unlike straight crunches, this variation lifts the legs, not the torso.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Lie down on a bench or on the floor.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees and lift them up. The shins should be parallel to the floor, and the thighs should be perpendicular.
  3. Hands are located behind the head or hold on to the edge of the bench.
  4. Tightening the abdominal muscles, pull the knees to the chest. When the legs reach the extreme point, the pelvis should be raised above the bench or floor.
  5. Let's pause for a second.
  6. Lower your legs and repeat twisting the desired number of times.

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the legs rise only due to the strength of the press. You can’t unbend them, as the muscles of the thighs will also be included in the work.

Lateral (oblique) twists

This exercise allows you to pump oblique muscles well.

Order of execution:

  1. We lie down on the floor, bend our legs and turn to the left side.
  2. We put the right hand behind the head.
    We put our left hand on the stomach closer to the right side.
  3. We exhale and, straining the right oblique muscles, we try to reach out with the right elbow to the right knee.
  4. At the extreme point, we linger for a second and return to the starting position.

This type of exercise is similar to straight crunches, but there are a few differences.

Order of execution:

  1. We lie down on the floor, press the lower back to it, bend our knees to a right angle. You can also sit by the bed or bench and put your feet on it.
  2. We start the right hand behind the head, and put the left hand on the floor along the torso.
  3. At the next stage, we tear off the shoulder from the floor and try to touch the left knee with the right elbow.
  4. After contact, we return to the starting position.

After that, we perform a similar exercise, working on the other side.
It must be remembered that it is necessary to rise, straining the muscles, on the exhale, to lower, on the contrary, on the inhale.

double twists

The advantage of this exercise over straight twists is that here the load is evenly distributed throughout the press. As a result, the lower and upper parts of the muscle are well worked out.

Order of execution:

  1. We lie down on our back, press our lower back to the surface of the floor, bend our knees to a right angle, put our feet on the floor.
  2. We put our hands behind our heads, but do not cross our fingers.
  3. As you exhale, pull the chest and pelvis towards each other.
  4. At the extreme point, we linger for a second and lower ourselves while inhaling, do not lower our shoulders to the floor.

You can not pull your head with your hands during the exercise. So you can injure the cervical spine. It also reduces the load on the press.

This exercise pumps the abdominal muscles well, but besides this, the rectus muscles of the thighs also lend themselves to the load.

Order of execution:

  1. We adjust the slope of the bench so that the angle is from 30 to 50 degrees. This will depend on the load level.
  2. We sit on the simulator, we fix our legs under the rollers, we put our hands on our chest.
  3. We lay down on the bench, falling back.
  4. We take a deep breath, tighten the press and begin to raise the torso. First of all, the head and shoulders rise, and then the torso.
  5. When the angle between the hips and the torso is equal to 90 degrees, we stop the rise. This will be the highest point.
  6. We linger for a second and strain the abdominal muscles.
  7. Slowly lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. This will be the lowest point.

Before the end of the set, you should not completely lower yourself onto the bench. It is necessary that the abdominal muscles are in constant tension.

Twisting on a block simulator while standing

Twisting performed using a block simulator works well on the upper and inner muscle groups. At the same time, the exercise is completely safe for the lumbar region.

The exercise is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. We fix the rope handle on the simulator.
  2. We stand with our backs to the projectile and pull the handle to the top of the chest.
  3. We exhale and bend our back, trying to reach the handle lower.
  4. We take a breath and return to the starting position.

Twisting on a block simulator kneeling

With the help of this exercise, the upper cubes and oblique ones will be drawn.

Order of execution:

  1. We expose the necessary burden.
  2. We become facing the simulator and take the handle so that the palms are turned inward.
  3. We take two steps back and kneel.
  4. Tilt the torso down so that it is almost parallel to the floor.
  5. Raise your arms above your head so that the angle at the elbows becomes straight.
  6. We bend a little in the lower back and, as we exhale, lower the torso to the floor.
  7. At the bottom point, we try to tighten the press strongly, and linger for a second.
  8. We go back and repeat the twisting the required number of times.

This type of twisting is more suitable for athletes with average training.

The exercise is performed in the following order:

  1. We sit on the fitball and spread our legs to the sides.
  2. We roll a little so that the back is located on the ball.
  3. We put our hands behind our heads.
  4. On the exhale, we perform twisting, lifting the torso up.
  5. We linger for a second and strain the abdominal muscles.
  6. We return.

During twisting, it is necessary to constantly keep the press in the load. You also need to bend your back so that the abdominal muscles tense as much as possible.

Not every gym has a Roman chair, so if an athlete managed to find this simulator, then he can be considered lucky.

Exercise technique:

  1. We sit down on the simulator. The buttocks should not protrude beyond the edges of the seat. We fold our arms on our chest, and we wind our legs behind the support.
  2. We take a breath and lower ourselves back. We stop when the torso is slightly higher than the hips.
  3. From the lowest point we make twisting. When the most difficult section of the amplitude is passed, we exhale and stop. We linger for a second and lower ourselves.
  4. We do the required number of repetitions.
  5. Don't go too low while doing crunches. This can injure your lower back.

Using this version of the exercise, you can draw the oblique muscles of the press, achieve a flat stomach, and reduce the volume of the abdominal cavity.

Classically, the option is performed in this order:

  1. We sit on the floor, bend our knees and lean back a little.
  2. We tear off the feet from the floor.
  3. We turn the body in one direction or the other. The legs remain motionless.
  4. We perform the required number of repetitions.

Benefits of crunches

The benefits of crunches for abdominal muscles cannot be disputed. When performing a set of exercises, you can achieve stunning results. The main thing is to follow the right techniques.

Also, these exercises are beneficial for the spine. When performing various types of twisting, its flexibility improves, and as a result, its general condition. Increases blood flow, which delivers beneficial nutrients to the spinal discs.

Such exercises give strength to the tissues, prepare for heavy loads. As a result, the risk of injury in the future is greatly reduced.

In addition, blood flow to internal organs improves, the work of the digestive system stabilizes, and memory improves.

Also, a strong press maintains the spine in a healthy state, because the stronger the muscle corset, the less load the skeleton receives.


Despite all the advantages of twisting, they can not be performed by everyone. At risk are people with problems of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, kidneys. With rheumatism, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, it is not recommended to do exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure.

The mountain will be mastered by the one who walks!

Twisting is very beneficial not only to the muscles, but to the whole body. For a novice athlete, the main thing, before going to the gym or exercising at home, is to figure out if he can do such exercises. In the presence of dangerous diseases, an innocent desire to get in good shape can end very badly.

Do not forget that the exercises for the press alone will not work. To avoid imbalance, it is necessary to work out other muscle groups as well. First of all, together with the abdominal muscles, you need to swing your back so that the torso develops harmoniously.

All types of twists must be done smoothly and without jerks, straining the press as much as possible. Only in this case, it will soon be possible to see the result.

Be sure to read about it

In addition to the abdominal muscles, the rectus femoris and iliopsoas muscles are involved in the exercise. The first is responsible for bending the leg in the area of ​​​​the knee joint, and the second - flexes the hip joint.

This exercise is well suited for beginners and professionals, as it does not require a high level of preparedness and good coordination of movements. With the help of twists on the bench, you can prepare the abdominal muscles for more complex tasks.

Correct technique

As in any other exercise, it is important to take into account the technique during the performance of twists in order to work out the muscles in a quality manner. Otherwise, the desired effect may remain unattainable. Working with the press on the bench, you must:

  1. The bench descends 40 degrees in relation to the floor surface, and then you can sit on it, resting your feet on comfortable soft rollers.
  2. The arms are crossed and placed on the chest. It is important to lower yourself so that your back, shoulders, and head are firmly in contact with the crunch bench.
  3. A deep breath is taken and the breath is held. It is very important to include the abdominal muscles in the work as much as possible, starting to do twisting. First of all, the head and shoulders come off the bench, and after that - the back.
  4. The rise of the torso should always occur only due to the work of the abdominal press. As soon as a right angle is formed between the hips and the body, you need to linger for a second, and then the body is slowly lowered back, but only by half the amplitude.
  5. It is not recommended to relax the press during the exercise or touch the surface of the bench with your head until the end of the approach.
  6. Starting the exercise, the athlete should look at the ceiling, and then he should look just above the arms crossed on the chest.

Incline bench crunch video with explanations:

In each set of crunches, there should be 10 to 25 repetitions, depending on the level of the athlete. Twisting is performed on the day of work on the abdominal press, immediately after the completion of the exercise on its lower part. It is advisable to do reverse twists or leg raises in emphasis on the elbows before twisting on the bench.

Once you've finished your bench crunches, you can move on to floor crunches or oblique crunches that will help you finally “fill in” your abs.


Before performing the exercise, it is important to check the stability of the incline bench. In no case should she stagger at the moment when you do the exercise. Any swinging can lead to the fall of the structure.

It is important to hook your feet well on the rollers of the bench. They must be comfortable so that the legs can support the weight of the athlete. If holding on to them is not possible, then it is better to adjust their location so as not to accidentally fall in the process.

To avoid the occurrence of injuries to the back and abdominal muscles, it is recommended to do preliminary warm-up. It will help to warm up all the muscles, preparing them for work. If this is not done, then the exercise will have less effect.

Common Mistakes

Most mistakes are made by beginners. Most often they relate to the wrong position of the hands. Some lifters find it comfortable to hold them over their heads when others prefer to cross their arms over their chests. If you still like to keep your hands near your head, then you should remember that the fingers should be next to the ears. No need to cross your arms behind your neck or head to the lock, otherwise you can stretch your neck.

Doing twists, you need to keep the thoracic spine in a straightened state. In this type of ab exercise, excessive roundness can lead to injury.

No need to help yourself with your feet lifting the body up. All movements are performed solely by the abdominal muscles, since this exercise is the target for its development.

It's also important to watch your eyes.. It is advisable to always look ahead, as this will psychologically simplify the work on the exercise. If the athlete looks down, then the body will begin to twist more into itself, and not rise up, as it should ideally be done.


To perform twists, you will need an inclined bench. Every gym has it, so it shouldn't be a problem to find it. For additional weights, athletes use discs clamped by their hands on their chests. In some cases, the help of a friend can be used, who will wrap the expander around the stomach and pull it on as you twist. This will give an additional load on the abdominal muscles.

  1. It is not recommended to lower the incline bench too steeply down if you are doing this exercise for the first time. Beginners should start with only 10 degrees of incline. After acquiring the necessary experience, you can move on to more complex techniques.
  2. It is not necessary to lower the bench below 45 degrees, since in this position the blood rushes strongly to the head, which is dangerous for athletes with weak blood vessels.
  3. If the exercise is too easy, you can cross your arms behind your head and do regular twists. In this case, you do not need to help yourself with your hands - it is easy enough to touch the back of the head with your fingers. In this type of twisting, the neck is always kept straight, and the chin is looking straight.
  4. Beginners may have difficulty doing incline crunches. This exercise can be facilitated by reducing the inclination or stretching the arms along the body. The closer the hands are to the head, the greater the load on the abdominals.
  5. It is important to hold your breath while doing the crunch, as this will increase muscle strength and help you complete the exercise. Exhalation is done immediately after reaching the top point of the amplitude.


Twisting on an inclined bench is referred to as a basic exercise aimed at working out the abdominal muscles. It fits perfectly into a complex workout for this part of the body, and can also be used as an individual exercise. It is important to observe the correct technique - and a positive result will not be long in coming.

A popular simulator for pumping the press is an inclined bench. It is inexpensive and does not take up too much space. At the same time, the exercises performed on such a simulator are very effective for working out the abdominal muscles. Therefore, it is often purchased for training at home. In addition, you can find a press bench in most gyms. Engage in this simulator is for people with an average or high level of physical fitness. Beginners will find it difficult to follow the correct technique.


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What is a press bench?

A board for the press or a Roman chair is a simple simulator that consists of an incline bench and leg rollers.

There are several types of such simulators:

1. Angle adjustable. In this case, the bench can be raised or lowered, due to which the degree of load on the abdominal muscles changes. The higher the back is raised and, therefore, the greater the angle of inclination, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises. It is much easier to do them when the bench is located almost parallel to the floor.

2. The simplest exercise machines may not have a backrest adjustment function. They are cast construction. The inconvenience lies in the fact that it is impossible to change the degree of load, so the simulator is suitable for people with an average level of physical fitness. In addition, such a bench is not intended for people of high stature.

3. The most convenient option for small apartments is a folding press bench. It is easy to remove if necessary, so it practically does not take up space in the house.

4. To protect the spine during exercise, you should choose a bench with a curved back. In this case, the load on the lower back will be much less. Such a simulator is especially necessary for people with back problems.

In addition, you can use a barbell press bench upside down to work out the abdominal muscles.

But don't confuse the ab bench with the Scott board. The second simulator is designed to work out the biceps, not the abdominal muscles.

Barbell Curls on the Scott Bench


Not everyone can pump the press on an inclined bench. Contraindications to classes are:

  • back problems (injuries, postoperative period, diseases);
  • the presence of a hernia of the spine caused by hard work or training with large weights;
  • weak lower back muscles that need to be strengthened by performing hyperextensions, pull-ups with a narrow grip and other exercises;
  • diseases of the digestive system in acute form.

It is possible to understand that the muscles of the lower back are not strong enough if, when performing twists, a deflection occurs in the back. In this case, most of the load will leave the press.

Basic rules for classes

In order for the bench to become a truly useful acquisition, you need to properly pump the press on it. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • do not tear off the pelvis when lifting the body, as this will shift the load on the back and legs;
  • the neck should be a continuation of the spine, you can not pull it forward, otherwise cervical osteochondrosis may develop;
  • when performing twists on the bench, you should round your back so that the abdominal muscles are included in the work;
  • it is advisable to download the press 2-2.5 hours after eating or after the main workout (strength or cardio);
  • exercises should be performed in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Beginners need to strengthen the abdominal muscles with standard floor exercises, as they are easier to perform. After a while, the press will become stronger. Then it will be possible to move on to more complicated and more effective exercises performed on the bench.

You can pump the press on a Roman chair for both men and women. But it must be taken into account that girls should not get too carried away with such training. Overdeveloped abdominal muscles lead to an expansion of the waist, which makes the figure less feminine.

To achieve a light relief and a toned stomach, you should work out on the bench 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time, the muscles will recover. If the goal is noticeable cubes, weights can be used.

How to build oblique abdominal muscles at home and in the gym - top 15 exercises

Best Exercises

In the process of exercising on the bench for the press, such abdominal muscles as the rectus, oblique, serrated and some others swing. The muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh also receive a small load.

Depending on the exercises performed, you can shift the focus to certain areas of the muscles.

Straight twists

The simplest but most effective exercise on the press bench is the torso lifts. With their help, you can pump up the rectus abdominis muscle. It is she who is responsible for the presence of cubes.

This exercise is a variation of the classic crunches. However, its effectiveness is higher, since the amplitude of movement due to the inclination of the bench is greater.

Technique for performing straight twists on the board:

  1. 1. Set a suitable bench angle. It shouldn't be too big. For beginners, 15–20 degrees will be enough, and for more experienced practitioners, 20–40 degrees.
  2. 2. Take a starting position on the simulator. To do this, you need to get your legs under the upper rollers and grab the bottom ones with your feet. Lie with your back completely on the bench.
  3. 3. As you exhale, tear off your head, shoulders and lower back from the back and raise the body. The back must be rounded.
  4. 4. Arms can be kept crossed over the chest. To complicate the exercise, you can get them behind your head. But in this case, you can not pull yourself by the neck.
  5. 5. When the angle between the legs and the body becomes straight, it is necessary to fix on a couple of accounts, and then slowly lower back.
  6. 6. Again, you should not lie down completely on the bench. Partial amplitude will allow you to work out the press more efficiently, since the muscles will not relax.

It is very important to constantly keep the press tense and the back rounded. In no case should you bend in the lower back when lowering.

When it becomes easy to perform 15-20 repetitions of such twists in 3 sets, you can take weights. As it is used a pancake from a barbell or dumbbell. They can be raised above the head or pressed to the chest. The first option is considered the most difficult.

Oblique twists

To work out the oblique muscles on an inclined bench, it is worth including lateral twists in the training program. They differ from ordinary ones in that the body must be rotated when lifting.


  1. 1. Lie down on the bench and put your feet under the stops.
  2. 2. Put your right hand on the back of your head, and your left hand on your thigh.
  3. 3. Perform twisting, trying to reach the left knee with your right hand.
  4. 4. Then go down without lying down on the bench, and change hands.

Leg raise

For many people, the difficulty is working out the lower section of the rectus abdominis. There are fewer nerve endings in this area, so it is more difficult to achieve relief.

To shift the load from the upper part of the rectus muscle to the lower allows such an exercise as lifting the legs on an inclined bench. Its second name is reverse twisting.


  1. 1. Lie down on the bench so that the head is in its upper part, next to the rollers.
  2. 2. Grasp the edge of the board firmly with your hands. Some simulators have a special handle.
  3. 3. Tear off the legs from the floor and raise them to parallel with the floor.
  4. 4. Then tighten the press and throw straight legs up so that they become perpendicular to the floor.
  5. 5. At the same time, the back must be rounded, and the pelvis must be twisted, as if pushing yourself up.
  6. 6. Without relaxing the muscles, you should slowly lower your legs to parallel with the floor and raise them again.

Twisting the pelvis with a rounding of the lower back is necessary to include the abdominal muscles. You can't just raise and lower your legs.

Beginners usually find this exercise difficult. To facilitate the task, at the first stage, you can raise your legs bent at the knees.


On an inclined bench, you can also perform an exercise known to many called a bicycle. It is usually done on the floor, but tilting will provide better muscle development.


  1. 1. Take a starting position on the board, as with reverse twists.
  2. 2. Raise straight legs to parallel with the floor. Tear off the pelvis from the bench and round the lower back.
  3. 3. Alternately pull the right and left knees to the chest, straightening the other leg.

Under no circumstances shouldthe appearance of a deflection in the lower back. This can lead to injury or back problems.

To maintain the correct technique, a strong muscular framework is required. Therefore, beginners should proceed to its implementation only after several months of regular practice.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.