Vitamin complexes for bodybuilding. The best vitamins for bodybuilding: which complex to choose Undevit in bodybuilding how to take

The craze of people for their figure led to the rapid development of the fitness and sports nutrition industry.

Professionals have long understood one simple truth, classes in the gym give only 30% of the total result. The remaining 70% of progress a person receives during recovery.

From this we can conclude that without high-quality recovery, the efforts applied in the gym may be ineffective.

The quality of rest depends on several factors:

  • Nutrition;
  • Emotional condition.

This article will discuss such an important aspect of nutrition as vitamins.

Along with the intake of macronutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a person needs the simplest compounds involved in the absorption of nutrients and fermentation.

Knowing how to take vitamins in bodybuilding will allow you to increase performance, speed up recovery and improve overall well-being.

What are vitamins

These are simple compounds that living organisms need to build tissues, create complex systems, and assimilate nutrients.

Most of them are indispensable and come from outside with food and drink.

There are several dozen such compounds, and depending on the activity, a person needs to increase the consumption of one or another element.

You also need to know the dosages of vitamins in bodybuilding, so as not to disrupt the functioning of the organs and not provoke an allergic reaction.


Vitamins are necessary for men involved in bodybuilding. This is due to the fact that all systems are stressed when doing hard work.

To restore, they need a certain set of building materials, consisting of macro and micronutrients.

A lack of even one of them can provoke a deterioration in well-being, and with a prolonged deficiency, a disease or deviation may develop.

In addition, almost all gym goers, especially males, strive to build muscle mass. Because of this, they eat a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates, in which there are not enough vitamins.

The use of plant foods to make up for a deficiency can cause an overstrain of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the best vitamins for bodybuilding in a concentrated form.

Manufacturers of sports nutrition produce various products designed to make classes in the gym as effective as possible.

Participation in the development was taken by sports doctors who know what vitamins are needed in bodybuilding.

Professional products

As in any industry, this one also has its leaders. Almost every product is a unique development. Some are better absorbed, others are suitable for certain people, there are budget options.

The products of the company "Universal Nutrition" are considered the most effective. They produce a separate line of vitamins, which contain an increased dose of all trace elements. They are suitable for professional men.

The second most common is Optimum Nutrition. Their products are good because with a balanced composition, you can choose the type of product. There are special complexes for men and women.

Simple Sets

Pharmacy vitamins in bodybuilding have also found their application. They differ from those described earlier in that the concentration of elements in them is designed for the average person who is not fond of iron sports.

This is if we consider the complexes, but anyone can purchase an additive for a small cost, which will make up for the lack of the missing element.

The well-known Complivit is a useful supplement for an athlete. Its advantage lies in the rich composition and content of not only vitamins, but also microelements necessary for high-quality recovery.

In the pharmacy, you can find various forms of supplements: in the form of capsules, effervescent tablets and marmalade sweets. The latter option is designed for children and does not contain the composition necessary for an adult.

Many professional publications and qualified doctors put forward developments from the Alphabet series to the first place. This is due to the fact that:

You can choose the option that suits you from a dozen complexes. Some are designed for emotional stress, while others, understanding how vitamin D is needed in bodybuilding and sports, increase its concentration.

The daily complex is divided into three receptions. This is both a plus and a minus, since you need to constantly remember about the order of reception. But at the same time, it increases the digestibility of a particular supplement.

Price. Vitamins "Alphavit" from a domestic manufacturer rarely cost more than 500 rubles for a monthly complex. Regarding professional supplements, this is an extremely pleasant feature.

What do you need in bodybuilding

Each supplement performs a specific function in the body. Depending on the activity, it is desirable for a person to create an individual complex.

Vitamin C

The most important assistant of any athlete. It is involved in the assimilation of the most important macronutrients, allows collagen to line up in chains and restore connective tissues.

Vitamin strengthens the immune system and increases the speed of recovery. Its only drawback is weakness to heat. Because of this, there is very little of it in cooked food.

Vitamin B

B vitamins are found in both animal and plant foods. They are the main components in the formation of new tissues, cellular respiration and fermentation.

The micronutrient B-12 is found only in food of animal origin, it is rather problematic to obtain it from plants.

Vitamin D

The correct dosage of vitamin D in bodybuilding is important because it is involved in the process of contraction of muscle fibers.

Its deficiency leads to a deterioration in strength indicators and a general decline in strength.

This compound is formed under the influence of sunlight.

Microelements stored in the liver and kidneys are sent to the upper layers of the epidermis, where, as a result of the photosynthesis reaction, an irreplaceable vitamin is formed.

Vitamin E

In addition to being a powerful antioxidant that fights the damaging effects of free radicals, it is also involved in the synthesis of testosterone.

When providing the body with this substance, strength indicators and muscle mass begin to grow.

Recovery, due to the fact that the body does not need to expend energy on the treatment of cells, is accelerated. Therefore, vitamin E in bodybuilding is one of the most important.

Vitamin A

Also known as the growth vitamin. It is especially important in childhood, when the body is just building the body.

For athletes, vitamin A aids in the absorption of glucose and the repair of damaged fibers, and also allows the use of inactive growth zones.


Whatever the benefits of vitamins, you need to approach them with your head.

The lack of even one element is undesirable, since a chain reaction can disrupt the operation of all systems.

But thoughtless use of concentrated complexes can lead to problems.

We are talking only about additives, since it is almost impossible to overdo it with vitamins from vegetables and fruits.

But even one capsule, with a daily dose of any substance, can cause an allergic reaction.

In addition, some compounds tend to be deposited in organs and tissues. This can be a serious problem, especially for the liver and kidneys.

Many are interested in how to take "Undevit" in bodybuilding. These vitamins have been developed taking into account the various physiological characteristics of the human body. In combination, useful ingredients have a tonic, and at the same time, strengthening effect. Due to the content of antioxidants, homeostasis can be maintained normally.

This drug is very effective for stabilizing metabolic processes and restoring the activity of organs, endocrine glands, which can be disturbed with age. Substances that are part of the product are able to be well absorbed in the small intestine. It is worth noting that this vitamin remedy is very relevant for various diseases. "Undevit" is actively used in sports.

Description of the drug

"Undevit" is a Russian multivitamin complex, which has proven itself positively as a prophylactic for the treatment of diseases. The drug was invented by Professor Efremov. He took this drug, and besides, he tested its effect on himself, recommended it for metallurgists and workers, in whom, in the course of prophylactic administration, cases of illness were sharply reduced, and at the same time physical endurance increased.

The scientist recommended taking these vitamins for prevention, and in addition, for the treatment of beriberi and hypoavitaminosis, provoked by an unbalanced and malnutrition. The professor also called intolerance to certain products as recommendations for the appointment. It is advisable to use this remedy during the period of intensive growth of adolescents and children, and in addition, while taking antibiotics.

Among other things, these vitamins were developed for prescription in case of heavy physical exertion, with mental stress, as well as against the background of constant stress, during pregnancy and lactation. "Undevit" for athletes is often indispensable.

It will not be superfluous to take this drug after suffering a serious infectious disease or surgery. This medicine is also taken in order to prevent infectious pathologies, epidemics, and in addition, in the presence of any chronic disease. The presented drug is excellent for increasing vitality, as well as for improving the performance of citizens who live in adverse environmental or climatic conditions.

Why is Undevit used in sports? More on that below.

How does the remedy work, what does it consist of?

The presented complex contains vitamins that are necessary for the full functioning of the body. They are presented in the form of the following compounds, namely retinol, vitamins "B1", "B5", "B9" and "B12". The composition of the drug includes nicotinamide along with rutin, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. The pharmacological effect of this therapeutic agent is based on the beneficial properties of the vitamins that are part of the drug. This is confirmed by the instructions for the use of "Undevit".

The substance retinol contributes to the normalization of the work of the retina. It is required for each cell to perform its function. Retinol is required for the transformation of stem cells into red blood cells. One of the main indications for its use is the lack of useful components in the body. Vitamin A and its derivatives can increase the body's resistance to various infections, and in addition, maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin B1 is an integral part of various enzymes that are involved in the digestion of food. Without it, the synthesis of proteins and fats is simply impossible. The role of all vitamins from category "B" for the functioning and normal functioning of the nervous system is great and invaluable. Thiamine is involved in the transmission of various nerve impulses.

Vitamin B2 is able to prevent the effects of harmful free radicals. Niacin along with folic acid and pyridoxine are required for proper metabolism. Together with retinol, the substance riboflavin can provide the desired visual acuity, contributing to the normal functioning of the retina.

Vitamin B3 is included in the composition of oxidative and reducing enzymes. This component is involved in the processes of cell respiration, promotes the release of energy from various organic substances, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The effect of vitamin B3 on the synthesis of red blood cells has been proven. In the case of its regular intake into the body, the work of the digestive system improves.

Vitamin "B5", being an integral ingredient of coenzyme "A", takes an active part in the biochemical reaction. Processes such as the synthesis of hemoglobin, along with the formation of melatonin and the neutralization of harmful toxins - all this is simply impossible with a deficiency of vitamin "B5".

Vitamin B6 is essential for the production of serotonin. It can control sleep, emotions and appetite as well. With the participation of this component, the formation of nucleic acids, which are the main component of hemoglobin, is carried out. The beneficial effect of this vitamin on sex hormones has been proven.

Folic acid, which is also included in the complex under consideration, is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, and in addition, for the exchange of nucleic and amino acids.

Vitamin B12 allows damaged tissues to fully recover. Its sufficient concentration in the body is able to maintain the normal functioning of the entire nervous system as a whole, since this component affects the production of myelin compounds, which is involved in the formation of the sheath of various nerve processes.

Ascorbic acid, which is also part of this drug, even in small quantities protects the human body from the action of free radicals. This compound perfectly normalizes all metabolic processes, increasing immunity. I must say that the drug "Undevit" contains other antioxidants. Ascorbic acid is required by humans to convert cholesterol into bile acid.

The substance tocopherol is the vitamin of youth. With its insufficiency, the full-fledged work of the human reproductive system is simply impossible. Thus, the tool "Undevit" can restore the structure of nails and hair. Vitamin "E" gives the vessels the opportunity to relax, contributing to a reliable strengthening of the immune system. That is why Undevit is used more and more often in sports.

Indications for admission

Indications for the use of the considered medicinal product are:

  • The need for the treatment and prevention of avitaminosis.
  • Prolonged therapy with antibacterial drugs.
  • Recovery after diseases.
  • Excessive mental, and in addition, physical stress.
  • Malnutrition regimen, including a passion for low-calorie diets.

According to the instructions for the use of "Undevita", it is allowed to take this drug during periods of lactation and childbearing. This drug in such cases is not at all contraindicated, but it is prescribed in dosages recommended by the doctor. Vitamins, especially in large quantities, such as retinol, can harm the fetus. Therefore, in the presence of pregnancy, it is recommended to take special complexes.

Among other things, the drug "Undevit" is prescribed to people of advanced and middle age, in the presence of symptoms of premature aging, and in addition, in violation of material metabolism.

How to take vitamins "Undevit" is described further.

Contraindications to the use of the vitamin complex

It is recommended to discontinue the use of this drug in case of intolerance to the components. With great care, you should drink these vitamins with severe liver disease, with a stomach or intestinal ulcer. This drug is not prescribed to children under fourteen years of age.

A contraindication to use may be acute as well as chronic nephritis along with pancreatitis, the presence of gallstones, and so on. With such diagnoses, this drug is prescribed with caution.

Mode of application

What is the dosage of Undevita?

Instructions are included with each jar of dragees. These vitamins are recommended to be taken after meals. If the instruction has been violated, then overdose symptoms are possible. In order to prevent beriberi during the second trimester of pregnancy, children over the age of fourteen are prescribed one tablet each. How many times a day should you drink Undevit? The daily dose for elderly patients is two tablets.

For the purpose of treatment, this drug is prescribed two tablets three times. During the first trimester during pregnancy, one tablet is prescribed, in the next two - two tablets and no more. The duration of the therapeutic course is at least three weeks. The question of the purposefulness of repeated intake of these vitamins is decided by the doctor. For athletes, the drug is prescribed two pills three times within one month.

Why do we need "Undevit", now it's clear.


If you take this remedy according to the instructions, then an overdose is impossible. In the case of an excess of vitamin "A" in patients, lethargy is noted along with increased drowsiness, cramps of the lower extremities, disruption of the nervous system, digestive system disorders, and the like. Treatment in this case, as a rule, is aimed at eliminating various symptoms.

Now let's try to find out what side effects are possible against the background of using this medication for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

What are the possible side effects?

Side effects of Undevita, if they occur, are usually as follows:

  • Probably the occurrence of indigestion, which may be characterized by soreness of the abdomen, and in addition, diarrhea.
  • Allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and itching are not excluded.
  • Probably also a violation of the liver.

The components that make up Undevit cannot affect the ability to drive a car or complex mechanisms.

Interaction of drug components with other medical drugs and substances

Retinol with tocopherol can enhance the interaction of each other. At the same time, vitamin A reduces the effectiveness of drugs that contain glucocorticoids. Taking nitrites can help reduce the effectiveness of retinol. In combination with retinoids, toxic effects are likely.

Ascorbic acid can not only increase the toxicity of sulfonamides and penicillin, but also increase the degree of their impact. There is a loss of the benefits of heparin, the absorption of iron worsens. Vitamin C is absorbed much worse when taking oral hormonal contraceptives.

Vitamins of group "B" can neutralize the toxic effects that are observed when using anti-tuberculosis drugs. Riboflavin reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics such as Doxycycline along with Erythromycin and Tetracycline.

"Undevit" in sports

This medical preparation is an effective mixture of vitamins that are highly demanded in sports, which are aimed at improving physical fitness, and in addition, at stabilizing the mental state. The composition includes ascorbic acid along with riboflavin, nicotinamide, calcium and other beneficial substances. Folic acid is also a very useful and important element that is part of this remedy.

"Undevit" in bodybuilding helps to achieve the desired results. The pharmacological effect that the drug exhibits is due not only to the properties of the vitamins contained, but also to the synergism of their action on the human body. Of great importance for achieving effectiveness in this case is the dosage along with the quantitative ratio of vitamins from groups "B", "C", "E" and so on.

Vitamin A Supports many functions in the human body and is essential for improving overall health:

  • maintaining good vision
  • formation of healthy teeth and bones
  • normal reproductive function
  • maintaining beautiful skin and hair
  • building a healthy immune system

It is also good and prevents free radical damage to the cells of the body, which is of great importance for maintaining your health.

Vitamin A deficiency leads to growth retardation in children, brittle nails, hair loss, dryness of the oral mucosa, development of night blindness in humans, dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea, and eventually to complete loss of vision.

Vitamin A exists in two forms - retinol (ready-made vitamin A) and beta-carotene (provitamin A), which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, so it requires the presence of fats and minerals in order to be absorbed.

Foods Rich in Vitamin A

Retinol is found in animal products:

  • liver
  • fish fat
  • egg yolk
  • butter
  • cream
  • whole milk
  • cottage cheese

Beta-carotene is found in red-yellow and dark green plant foods:

  • pumpkin
  • carrot
  • Sweet pepper
  • rose hip
  • apricots
  • peaches
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn
  • mountain ash red
  • spinach
  • parsley
  • cabbage
  • sorrel
  • green onion

Include these foods in your daily diet and get vitamin A from natural foods. If you don't eat enough of these foods, you can make up for your vitamin A deficiency by supplementing with supplements or vitamin/mineral supplements.

Vitamin A should not be consumed daily in high doses, as the human body is not able to remove its excess. As a result, the vitamin can accumulate in the body in a dangerous, toxic dose. Intoxication can be manifested by fever, headache, photophobia, nausea and even vomiting. Chronic intoxication leads to enlargement of the liver and spleen, damages the nervous system, bones, nails, skin and hair.

For an adult, the daily requirement for vitamin A is:

  • men - 1000 mcg
  • women - 800 mcg

With active bodybuilding, the daily requirement for vitamin A is:

  • men - 1500 mcg
  • women - 1200 mcg

Vitamin A in bodybuilding

Vitamin A also has benefits that are very important in bodybuilding. First of all, it plays an important role in protein synthesis, i.e. during muscle growth. Secondly, it is involved in the production of glycogen in the body, which is necessary for the muscles during physical exertion. Therefore, vitamin A not only affects the volume and density of muscles, but also promotes high-intensity workouts that require significant energy costs.

Since the need for retinol increases during bodybuilding, bodybuilders should deliberately enrich the diet with foods high in vitamin A or take nutritional supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, but not exceed the recommended dose.

When taking vitamin preparations, always follow the instructions.


What are the most important vitamins for bodybuilders? Rating of the most necessary vitamin complexes

The human body is unable to synthesize nutrients such as vitamins on its own. They come only in the form of special pharmacy supplements or when using certain foods. Unlike the average person, athletes require increased intake of these substances due to increased physical activity. Bodybuilding vitamins are carefully selected and combined by doctors to achieve the desired performance and reduce fatigue during regular sports training.

What is the importance of vitamins in bodybuilding?

All professional athletes know that the intake of these nutrients is one of the basic rules in bodybuilding. Vitamins are indispensable in sports, as they perform the following functions:

  • increase the mass and volume of cells and organs;
  • are catalysts for various biochemical processes in the body, increasing the activity of enzymes;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • regulate the processes of contractility and excitability of muscles;
  • help cells and tissues regenerate after damage;
  • strengthen bones;
  • participate in the process of energy formation by protein synthesis;
  • maintain body tone.

Bodybuilders have a faster metabolism due to regular high physical activity, so their body needs a large amount of food. Eating this amount of food can lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend introducing vitamin complexes into the diet of athletes in order to reduce the amount of food consumed. Vitamin deficiency negatively affects the growth of muscle mass of a bodybuilder and does not allow him to approach training with full dedication of strength.

Important: the consumption rate of the necessary supplements for each bodybuilder is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the age and gender of the person, the nature of his loads, their duration, nervous strain and the physiological characteristics of the body.

An important external factor is the natural climate of the area in which the training and competition of the athlete takes place (heat over 40 0 ​​C or frost with the same minus temperature). In this situation, the amount of necessary nutrients can be increased by 2-3 r.

In no case are bodybuilders recommended to select the dosage of taking vitamins on their own, since the doctor determines the required amount of these substances on the basis of a blood test. Only a balanced intake of fortified supplements will enable the athlete to achieve the desired results and maintain their health at the proper level under such heavy loads. If you do not want your classes to be wasted, then be sure to contact a specialist who, after examining and conducting the necessary research, will prescribe a specific dosage of each element and determine the duration of the course of their use.

List of essential vitamins for bodybuilders

These substances are classified into 2 groups:

  1. Water soluble.
  2. Fat soluble.

The first group includes micronutrients C and their use is permissible in unlimited doses, since they do not accumulate, but are excreted from the body along with urine. Bodybuilders need more muscle mass, which means that the cells of their body contain more water than the average person. In this case, these vitamins dissolve and leave the body faster, which indicates a high need for their regular intake for athletes.

The second group includes vitamins A, E, D and K. Unlike water-soluble vitamins, they are retained by body tissues (especially the liver), so a person does not need to consume them daily. The cumulative ability of these micronutrients makes us to be careful when prescribing them, since their excess can negatively affect the athlete's condition.

To achieve the effect of synergy, the doctor may advise a combined intake of vitamins, in which they are combined into the following groups:

  • B1-B3;
  • C, B6 and B12;
  • C, B1, B2 and B6.

Vitamin C

Deficiency of this micronutrient causes the following negative consequences:

  • bodybuilders expend a lot of energy to obtain the necessary body weight, and this leads to a weakening of the body's protective function and the occurrence of colds. Such diseases threaten increased fatigue, the impossibility of attending training sessions and subsequently loss of muscle mass;
  • insufficient collagen synthesis will lead to muscle weakness and bone fragility;
  • accumulation of harmful substances arising from metabolism. Free radicals in large quantities cause malignant formations and the development of premature aging processes;
  • prone to allergic reactions. Many food products contain various allergens, and their neutralization is one of the functions of ascorbic acid;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system due to an excess of cholesterol. Such diseases will not allow a person to engage in heavy sports;
  • lack of strength and energy for long workouts;
  • permanent depression.

In such situations, the bodybuilder will not be able to achieve the necessary growth of muscle fibers, regardless of the time spent on training. Fruits and vegetables, which contain the vitamin, must be consumed raw, but they are not present in the diet in all seasons, so athletes cannot do without taking the appropriate supplements. Doctors prescribe athletes 200-350 gr. per day of ascorbic acid, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of tablets or powder of the same name, as well as as part of complex preparations. It is better to divide the dose into 6 doses so that the body does not lack the vitamin. The first should be after waking up, and the last before going to bed.

Vitamin B1

Thiamine is necessary for bodybuilders, as it stimulates carbohydrate and protein metabolism, participates in oxygen transport, increases the effectiveness of training and helps the body recover after prolonged exercise. With its deficiency, the athlete experiences the following symptoms:

  • pain in the calf area;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • lack of desire to eat;
  • cessation of muscle growth.

For normal health, an athlete needs to take 2.5-5 mg of thiamine per day, and it is also recommended to consume liver, kidneys or legumes.

Vitamin B2

Riboflavin provides the human body with the necessary energy, increases endurance, participates in cell regeneration and growth, metabolic processes of the body, improves memory and normalizes eye function. Its deficiency is manifested by such signs:

  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • growth retardation;
  • loss of muscle elasticity;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the mouth;
  • eye discomfort.

Vitamin is found in foods such as milk, eggs, nuts, meat, spinach, cabbage. The recommended dose for bodybuilders is 3.5-5 mg per day (maximum - up to 20 mg / day). In women involved in this sport, the need is slightly higher than in men.

Vitamin B3

Nicotinic acid is a component of many metabolic processes, and therefore is associated with energy production and the maintenance of the normal functioning of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. With its deficiency, the athlete has:

  • nervous irritation and depression;
  • increased weakness and fatigue;
  • bad sleep;
  • lack of appetite.

Immediately before the competition, athletes use vitamin PP in a large dosage to improve blood circulation and muscle nutrition, which makes their shape more pronounced and embossed. But in the process of preparation, such doses can lead to a sharp weight loss due to the burning of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, during this period, the daily intake of the vitamin should not exceed 50 mg. Dairy products, meat, liver should be present in the diet.

Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine is very important for the production of many enzymes involved in the metabolic processes of the body and the formation of cellular energy, strengthening the nervous and immune systems. Thanks to this vitamin, the muscles gain the necessary mass, the endurance and performance of the athlete increases, especially when performing heavy exercises. With its deficiency, a person suffers:

  • anemia
  • decreased attention and memory;
  • dermatitis;
  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • increased fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vascular diseases.

With increased sports loads, a bodybuilder is recommended a daily intake of 20 mg of pyridoxine. Among plant products, its largest amount is found in cereals, cereals, walnuts, potatoes, cabbage. It is also present in eggs, chicken meat, liver and fish.

Vitamin B12

Cyanocobalamin helps to increase the effectiveness of training by providing the body with the necessary energy, supplying the muscles with oxygen and nutrients, and supporting the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Vitamin b12 in bodybuilding increases the athlete's endurance and reduces fatigue after long sessions.

For an athlete, the dose is 10-50 mcg/day. Taking b12 is especially necessary for people who adhere to the principles of vegetarianism.

Important: injectable vitamins B1, B6 and b12 can be bought and injected on separate days for best results.

Vitamin D

This sport requires a person to have strong and strong bones, strong muscles, endurance and normal functioning of individual body systems. Daily intake of 20 micrograms of cholecalciferol in the form of tablets, as well as the use of seafood, cheese, cottage cheese and raw egg yolk provides such qualities to the bodybuilder's body and reduces the risk of injury. When using this vitamin, one should not forget about a possible overdose and deterioration, so it must be taken strictly in the prescribed amount.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol has an anabolic effect, as it stimulates the formation of testosterone, which is responsible for muscle growth. In addition, it strengthens the immune system, removes free radicals, eliminates muscle pain and overwork, restores damaged cells and increases endurance. In combination with fatty acids, it has a beneficial effect on the joints.

Vitamin H

The content of biotin in food is low, so its deficiency must be compensated by taking special pharmacy supplements. For an athlete, it is necessary, as it provides muscle growth and supplies their tissues with energy. A lack of vitamin H will lead to reduced results, increased fatigue, depression, and various skin and eye diseases.

Athletes need to consume 250-300 micrograms per day of biotin to maintain the normal state of the body after training.

Vitamin A

Retinol is indispensable in the process of protein formation, and, consequently, muscle growth. It also plays an important role in providing the body with the necessary energy during increased physical exercise, providing glycogen synthesis.

During training, you need to eat foods such as liver, cottage cheese, fish oil, pumpkin, carrots, or vitamin complexes with retinol. An athlete needs 1500-2000 micrograms of vitamin per day, but it is important not to exceed this dose, as problems with the skin, liver and nervous system may occur.

Complexes of vitamins for bodybuilding

Vitamins in bodybuilding are often taken in the form of pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes, which contain a certain amount of the necessary elements.

Complivit (basic vitamin preparation)

It is inexpensive and one of the most effective in the ranking of such drugs. In the instructions, the manufacturer indicated that it is prescribed for regular high physical exertion to increase the protective function of the body.

Alphabet Effect

It differs from other complexes by dividing the dose of vitamins into separate 3 tablets of different colors, which are taken in the morning, afternoon and evening:

  • white - contains vitamins B5, B9, B12, D, K, H;
  • blue - A, C, E, B2, B3, B6;
  • pink - A, C, B1, B9.

The alphabet drug was developed specifically for athletes in order to eliminate pain and muscle tension after heavy physical exertion.

Vitrum Performance

This drug is a good multivitamin complex that enhances metabolism, relieves fatigue and nervous strain, gives endurance and strengthens the immune system. With daily sports, it helps to restore strength and normalize sleep. For a novice athlete, Vitrum will be one of the best options, its only drawback is its high cost.


Bodybuilders often prefer this drug because of its low price. In terms of its vitamin composition, it is not inferior to expensive complexes, and 2 capsules of Undevita will provide the body with the necessary daily norm.

When using vitamins or their complexes, you must not forget about the breaks between courses, during which the doctor assesses the physical condition of the bodybuilder. It is not advised to select the dosage on your own, since an excess of some micronutrients can cause undesirable consequences. We advise

I am glad to welcome you, friends! Read this article. At the end, I will talk about my experience with drugs.

Many athletes, with the development of muscles, sooner or later rest against the ceiling. In such a situation, their eyes turn to drugs for muscle building. And this is logical, because our muscles have a development limit. Drugs are designed to expand this limit. But which of them should be taken, and which should not? - the question is not simple.

I hope you have already put on at least 20 kg of muscle since the beginning of training! Why am I doing this? The fact is that such an amount of meat can be increased without drugs, even without sports nutrition. So to speak, on Greek and breasts. If you have less muscle, then just understand the training methodology and your diet. Because you still have room to grow on natural products.

At the NAP European ChampionshipAlexey Akimov. Multiple champion and record holder of Russia in power sports. Master of Sport. Training experience - more than 20 years. He brought up more than a dozen strong men, helped to improve the health of hundreds of people.

When your training experience and form are at a decent level, then it makes sense to think about taking drugs.

I’ll start not even with drugs, but with sports supplements. They can also benefit you. But don't expect mind-blowing muscle growth. The contribution of supplements to your progress is no more than 10%.


The most popular sports nutrition product. Protein is a supplement made primarily of protein, which we need to build muscle! Basically, protein intake is relevant in cases where we cannot get the protein norm of their products.

Indeed, an additional intake of protein will not be superfluous if you are an experienced athlete who cannot get his required norm of this nutrient from ordinary products. However, do not go to extremes, the recommended and really justified protein intake is 1.5-2 g per kilogram of body weight. Exceeding these norms can lead to increased stress on the kidneys and liver, as well as worsen digestion. If you want how to ensure maximum protein absorption, write to me, I will help you figure it out.


I must say that the gainer can really help in weight gain. You just need to carefully study the composition of the product - it is desirable that the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in it be from 40/60 to 30/70, but not 10/90. In addition, an important point will be the qualitative composition of carbohydrates - it is necessary that it be not sugar, but more complex carbohydrates - for example, maltodextrin or amylopectin. Otherwise, most of the weight gained will be body fat.


One of the few supplements from which the effect can be felt already at the next workout! Creatine plays an important role in energy metabolism in muscle cells. As a result, it increases muscle strength and performance. And this subsequently translates into an increase in muscle mass!

Creatine does work, at least for most people. Since there is a category of people (on average, about 30%) who practically do not feel the intake of creatine. Here you need to proceed from the goals and objectives. Creatine increases strength and muscle mass, but also retains water. This must be taken into account. In addition, it is important not to get confused among the numerous forms of release of this product. Manufacturers and sellers are actively promoting new, and often more expensive forms of release, but the good old monohydrate, according to athletes, is still out of competition. The capsule option creates less stress on the gastrointestinal tract. Do not forget about the ways of taking this supplement and course options (loading, constant intake, alternation).


It is a complex of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine. These amino acids are very important for our muscles! BCAAs are mainly recommended for gaining lean muscle mass or for maintaining muscle during cutting. But the effectiveness of this supplement is questionable.

BCAAs really work and can help an athlete in terms of increasing strength and muscle mass. Basically, it is from these amino acids that the matrix of a new muscle cell is built, the prerequisites for the creation of which are created during strength training. Therefore, it is worth taking them before or during training with a small portion of carbohydrates, carefully choosing an individual portion. If you need help with the nutrition program, write to me, I will help.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

In addition to consuming macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), you need to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Your performance and other important parameters of the body directly depend on them.

The importance of taking vitamins and minerals cannot be denied, especially since in people who train hard, the need for these substances increases, especially in winter. A feature of sports options for vitamin-mineral complexes is, as a rule, an increased dosage of active ingredients, as well as the presence of additional additives that can help in the absorption of vitamins and minerals directly. However, it should be remembered that the constant intake of excessive doses of vitamins (especially fat-soluble) and minerals can have a toxic effect on the body.

The considered sports nutrition will be a good help to increase your achievements in “bodybuilding” (from the English “bodybuilding” - lit. “body building”). By the way, you can buy all these products in flexSport stores.

Pharmacy preparations

Well, we have considered sports nutrition. Now it's the pharmacy's turn. Drugs that are available in a pharmacy can be either cheaper analogues of sports nutrition products or have more pronounced anabolic effects.

But before you run to the pharmacy, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Study the side effects, contraindications and the possibility of individual intolerance to the drug. Better yet, consult your doctor! At least consult with a professional athlete.

Glutamic acid

Accelerates nitrogen metabolism. Which leads to increased muscle growth. In addition, glutamic acid improves immunity, which is important during periods of heavy stress.


An essential amino acid that is beneficial to our body. In addition to influencing muscle growth, it has hepatoprotective properties. In simple terms, it protects the liver. It is found in large quantities in chicken and beef. Methionine is suitable for adolescents as an acne prophylaxis.


Effective, but "uncomfortable" drug. Since it is administered intravenously. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to do it yourself. You can take a course of droppers at any hospital for a fee. In fact, Alvezin contains all the amino acids necessary for our muscles. And due to intravenous administration, they almost instantly enter the muscles.

Potassium Orotate

It activates metabolic processes in the body, thereby stimulating muscle growth. It is also popular among athletes because of its beneficial effect on the heart. Especially relevant during high-intensity training.


This drug is an adaptogen. Simply put, it helps the athlete adapt to new loads. Recommended for athletes who increase muscle mass.


A drug that stimulates weight gain. The main component is Leuzea safflower. Due to its plant origin, ecdysterone has practically no contraindications and side effects. Experienced athletes recommend taking it in conjunction with a protein shake.


You can buy it in almost any pharmacy. Taking the drug has an anabolic effect. In addition, it protects the heart during intense stress. Riboxin improves blood supply to the muscles and is involved in energy metabolism.


It is an actoprotector. In other words, it increases the efficiency of your body. As a result, you can train longer and more efficiently, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Over the years of development of the pharmaceutical industry, many drugs have been created that can help the athlete achieve his goals. I would divide all available drugs into several groups:

  • individual amino acids, their derivatives or amino acid complexes (glutamic acid, methionine, alvesin, aminoven and others);
  • drugs that improve energy, cellular metabolism and cellular respiration (potassium orotate, riboxin (inosine), mildronate, carnitine chloride, etc.);
  • adaptogens and drugs similar in action (leveton, ecdisten, eleutherococcus, ginseng, magnolia vine, etc.);
  • vitamins, minerals and their complexes (supradin, complivit, asparkam, panangin, magnerot, etc.).

Of the advantages of pharmaceutical preparations, it should be noted that they undoubtedly work, that is, they perform the declared function. However, this raises a very important question of the actual need for taking these drugs, as well as possible side effects, which, of course, are possible with improper use and incorrect dosages. It is necessary to compare your goals and health status with the effect of these drugs, consult with specialists and carefully monitor changes.

Parameters by which supplementation regimens and their dosages are determined

  • age,
  • level of physical activity and lifestyle,
    the presence of chronic diseases and / or predispositions to diseases (especially the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system),
  • the presence of allergic reactions to the active substances of additives,
    results of the Body Composition Analysis (height, weight, body mass index, percentage of fat, muscle and bone mass, water and visceral fat levels, metabolic rate, recommended daily caloric intake),
  • sports goals of a person.

Only by comparing all these parameters, it is possible to determine and draw up a supplementation regimen that will not only not harm human health, but will also help to achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Example (simulation model)


male, 25 years old, office work,

strength training 3 times a week, good health,

of the features - increased acidity of the stomach, intercostal neuralgia, pinched nerve, allergy to gluten, height 178 cm, weight - 89 kg, fat 21%, muscle tissue 54%, water 59%, visceral fat 6%, bone tissue 3.9%,

The goal is to increase muscle tissue, increase strength, and reduce fat mass.

  • 10-day course of B vitamins (combilipen, injectable),
  • 10-day course of vitamin C injection,
  • morning intake of adaptogen Eleutherococcus 15 drops,
  • taking melatonin and tryptophan before bed
  • 10 g of creatine monohydrate daily, divided into two doses, in capsules,
  • 10 g of BCAAs and 20 g of carbohydrates (amylopectin) before a 1.5-hour workout,
  • 30 g of whey isolate 30 minutes after training,
  • 20 g of casein before bed.

From personal experience

During my practice, I very often came across the fact that people incorrectly use nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical preparations, do not correlate them with their goals and condition, choose the wrong dosages and methods of administration. As a result - the lack of results and the loss of money at best, at worst - health problems. Let's look at three specific examples.

young girl

A swimmer, on the recommendation of her coach, turned to a sports store for supplements that would help her improve her fitness and performance. Without understanding the specifics of the goals, the seller advised the girl to take creatine and a gainer, which the girl did, since she herself did not really understand this issue. As a result of two weeks of taking these supplements, the girl gained an extra 4 kilograms of mass (mainly fat), her results worsened and she was not taken to the training camp.

Aged man

A man who wants to lose weight as soon as possible purchased a fat burner from the Hardcore series in a sports nutrition store. The man had problems with pressure, which he knew very well, but he did not use this supplement, even twice the dosage. He didn't even bother to read the ingredients of the drug, which included geranium extract and a hefty dose of caffeine. Thus, he acquired such health problems that for a long time threw him off from achieving his goal.

Middle-aged woman

The woman decided to reconsider her diet after reading recommendations on the Internet for making a drying diet for professional athletes. There were instructions to sharply limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed and increase the protein content, including through sports nutrition. As a result, she began to consume up to 4-4.5 g of protein per kilogram of her own weight. The result of this venture was that the predisposition to kidney disease that she had developed into a disease, and she dropped out of the training process for a year, spending a lot of time, money and effort on treatment.