What is in cucumber. The chemical composition of cucumbers and their effect on the body. Nutritional value of cucumbers: fresh, pickled, pickled

100 grams of cucumbers contains 15 kcal.

Protein: 0.8 g

Fat: 0.1 g

Carbs: 2.8 g

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) belongs to the gourd family. Its closest relatives are pumpkin, melon, zucchini. It consists of 95-97% water, and in this regard, many have the opinion that there is no benefit from cucumbers - only water. There is really a lot of water, but:

  1. In addition to water, this vegetable contains many organic substances that play an important role in metabolism. They improve digestion and promote better absorption of other foods.
  2. Cucumber water can be called "magic" without exaggeration. It is a perfectly structured liquid that has a healing effect on all organs and systems. The famous propagandist of a healthy lifestyle, Paul Breg, argued that it was cucumber juice that actively removes all poisons and toxins from the body.
  3. Largely due to the high water content, this product is low in calories, only 15 calories per 100 g of mass. You can eat it as much as you like without fear of gaining excess weight.

How many calories are in one cucumber?

On average, one cucumber weighs 100-120 grams, therefore, it contains 15-18 kcal.

For comparison:

Calories in other vegetables

The energy value of fresh cucumbers is not much different from the calorie content of salted ones and is:

How many calories in cucumber salad

The chemical composition of cucumber

The tables indicate the content of minerals, vitamins contained in 100 grams of the product, as well as the daily requirement of an adult for these minerals and vitamins.

The number of trace elements
trace elements quantity daily requirement
iron 0.6 mg. 18 mg.
iodine 3 mcg. 150 mcg.
manganese 0.18 mg. 2 mg.
cobalt 1 mcg. 10 mcg.
selenium 0.3 µg. 55 mcg.
molybdenum 1 mcg. 70 mcg.
copper 100 mcg. 1000 mcg.
fluorine 17 mcg. 4000 mcg.
zinc about 22 mg. 12 mg.
chromium 6 mcg. 50 mcg.
aluminum 425 mcg.
Number of macronutrients
macronutrients quantity daily requirement
calcium 23 mg. 1000 mg.
potassium 141 mg. 2500 mg
sodium 8 mg. 1300 mg.
magnesium 14 mg. 400 mg.
phosphorus 42 mg. 800 mg.
chlorine 25 mg. 2300 mg.

What vitamins are in cucumbers

Although cucumbers are 95% water, they contain no less vitamins than other vegetables.

names of vitamins quantity daily requirement
vitamin A 10 mcg. 900 mcg.
vitamin B1 0.03 mg. 1.5 mg.
vitamin B2 0.04 mg 1.8 mg.
vitamin B4 6 mg. 500 mg.
vitamin B5 0.27 mg. 5 mg.
vitamin B6 0.04 mg. 2 mg.
vitamin B9 4 mcg. 400 mcg.
vitamin C 10 mg. 90 mg.
vitamin E 0.1 mg. 15 mg.
vitamin H o.9 mcg. 50 mcg.
vitamin K 16.4 mcg. 120 mcg.
vitamin PP 0.3 mg. 20 mg.
beta carotene 0.06 mg 5 mg.

Nutritional value of cucumbers

calories 15 kcal. 1684 kcal.
squirrels o.8 g 76
fats 0.1 g 60
carbohydrates 2.5 g 211
alimentary fiber 1 g 20 g
water 95 g 95 g 2400 g
organic acids 0.1 g
ash 0.5 g

How many cucumbers can you eat per day

Cucumber is a tasty, healthy and low-calorie product. Healthy people can use it without restrictions. If you have problems with the heart, kidneys or gastrointestinal tract, then any diet should be discussed with your doctor.

Is it possible to freeze cucumbers for the winter.

Cucumbers are not only possible, but also necessary to freeze for the winter. This is usually done for two purposes:

  1. cosmetic
  2. culinary

For cosmetic purposes, it is most convenient to cut circles. Circles are cut with a thickness of 3-5 mm, then they must be dried on a towel. After that, we lay out our mugs on a board or cardboard and place in the freezer. Only the next day, already frozen cucumbers can be put in a container for further storage.

If fresh cucumber slices are immediately poured into a bag or container and thus frozen, they will freeze into one large piece and then it will be impossible to separate them.

With such round slices, you can try to decorate festive dishes in winter, but it must be borne in mind that after defrosting, cucumbers will no longer have such an attractive appearance as fresh vegetables.

Frozen cucumbers for okroshka.

As practice has shown, frozen cucumbers showed themselves best in okroshka. Thawed vegetables will neither crunch nor please the eye with their appearance. But the cucumber aroma and taste is fully preserved.

For winter okroshka, cucumbers are either cut into small cubes or simply rubbed on a coarse grater. So that later you do not have to break a large frozen piece, immediately spread the mass into bags in small portions.

All this will not take you much time, and okroshka in winter will be as tasty and fragrant as in summer.

Cucumber belongs to the gourd family. The length of the main stem of the plant reaches 2 meters, it has strong numerous antennae, which can cling to the support. Juicy fruits that have not reached full maturity are eaten. Currently, various varieties of cucumbers with useful properties have been bred. We will talk about the composition and properties of cucumbers.

Varieties and varieties

Cucumber varieties are divided into several varieties:

— Pickling

A distinctive feature is a bright dark green color with black spikes. They have thick skin.

Their skin is softer compared to the previous variety, the taste is sweetish, there is no bitterness.

They are distinguished by long maturation, their length is 15-35 cm, the color is different shades of green.

They have fast ripening, smaller fruit size (from 6 to 20 cm) compared to winter varieties, excellent taste.

Such varieties are very fertile, their fruits are graceful gherkins, which are excellent for canning.

- shade-tolerant

They are a subspecies of summer cucumbers. They grow well and bear fruit in shady places.

- Early maturing

The ripening period of such cucumbers is 45-50 days. The fruits have excellent taste.

— Cold-resistant

The most unpretentious variety that can withstand even sharp temperature fluctuations without damage to the crop. It also has great drought tolerance.

– bee pollinated

This variety is sown with empty flowers to attract insects for a richer harvest.

- Parthenocarpic

The plant does not need bees for pollination. This is the best variety for greenhouse cultivation.

Chemical composition

The product is considered very useful due to the presence of carotene, fiber, B vitamins, trace elements (iron, chlorine, sodium, iodine, zinc). The composition of cucumbers and the amount of useful components of a cucumber depend on the soil and the place in which they grew.

Read also: Zucchini, useful properties of zucchini, cooking zucchini

The average figures per 100 grams of fresh product are as follows: 0.8 grams - proteins, 0.1 grams - fats, 2.5 grams - carbohydrates. 100 grams of cucumber is 14 kilocalories.

Useful properties of cucumber

Cucumber refers to dietary products. Many people like its taste and aroma, and the composition of cucumbers and high nutritional value with a minimum calorie content are considered ideal conditions for people struggling with excess weight. That is why cucumber is often found in various diets.

In the composition of the cucumber, only 3-5% is allocated to useful substances, and the rest is water. Eating cucumbers can reduce the risk of kidney stones and gallstones. It is useful for the thyroid gland, its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It has a laxative effect on the body, contributes to a slight decrease in pressure. Cucumber seeds cleanse the blood of "bad" cholesterol.

In cosmetology, the ability to rejuvenate is used. Cucumber juice well whitens and refreshes the skin. Eating improves teeth and gums. It has the ability of light anesthesia. Traditional healers use cucumber to treat chronic coughs.

Does cucumber have contraindications?

Oddly enough, but such a seemingly harmless and beloved by all product as a cucumber has its own contraindications.

Acting on the body as a powerful cleanser, it is not recommended for people with diseases such as kidney failure, all types of hepatitis. It should be avoided during periods of exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, dyskinesia (dysmotility) of the biliary tract.

Juicy crispy fruit is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. Some people may experience unwanted allergic reactions to it.

The benefits of cucumber for children

Children usually love juicy beautiful cucumbers. The composition of cucumbers is extremely useful for children and is completely safe for their nutrition. You just need to strictly adhere to certain rules.

Cucumbers are one of the most widely grown vegetable crops in the world. They are grown in almost all countries of the world. If you look at the map and mentally draw the border of the cultivation of this crop, then it will run from the northern part of Sweden and Norway to the southern part of Canada. Large areas under cucumbers are occupied in the USA, Japan, China, and India. But most of all they are common in our country. About half of the world's cucumber crops are located in Russia, which averages 150,000 hectares. It is easier to list those zones (districts) where we do not grow cucumbers than those where they are cultivated. Almost all areas of the globe are available for cultivation.

In terms of energy (caloric) value, cucumbers are somewhat inferior to other vegetable crops. Their composition is characterized by the following indicators (in percent): water - 94.3 - 98.2, solids -1.8-5.7, including sugars - 1.07 - 2.54, proteins - 0.56 - 1.1, fiber - 0.33 - 0.78, fat - 0.08 - 0.27, ash - 0.25 - 0.58.

Not enough in cucumbers and vitamins. So, for example, they contain 10–20 mg% of vitamin C, 0.04-0.1 mg% of vitamin B, 0.04 mg% of vitamin B1; and 0.02 - 0.06 mg% provitamin A (carotene). However, cucumbers are rich in enzymes that promote better absorption of B vitamins, as well as alkalis that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. The cucumber owes its pleasant aromatic smell to the presence of essential oil in it (about 10 mg per 1 kg), and it has a refreshing taste due to the presence of free organic acids (60-100 mg per 100 g of fresh cucumbers). Nutrients, vitamins, trace elements per 100 g:

Calories: 15.4 kcal

Water: 95.0 g

Proteins: 0.8 g

Fats: 0.1 g

Carbs: 3.0 g

Mono- and disaccharides: 2.5 g

Starch: 0.1 g

Dietary fiber: 0.7 g

Organic acids: 0.1 g

Ash: 0.5 g

Vitamin A: 0.06 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.03 mg

Vitamin B2: 0.04 mg

Vitamin B3: 0.3 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.04 mg

Vitamin B9: 4.0 mcg

Vitamin C: 10.0 mg

Vitamin E: 0.1 mg

Vitamin H: 0.9 mcg

Vitamin PP: 0.2 mg

Iron: 0.9 mg

Potassium: 141.0 mg

Calcium: 23.0 mg

Magnesium: 14.0 mg

Sodium: 8.0 mg

Phosphorus: 42.0 mg

Chlorine: 25.0 mg

Aluminum: 425.0 µg

Iodine: 3.0 mcg

Cobalt: 1.0 mcg

Manganese: 180.0 mcg

Copper: 100.0 mcg

Molybdenum: 1.0 mcg

Fluorine: 17.0 mcg

Chromium: 6.0 mcg

Zinc: 215.0 mcg

In our time, you need to enjoy plenty of fresh cucumbers, in extreme cases - lightly salted. Let's leave aside the extraordinary taste, wonderful aroma and unique pimplyness of crispy greens. Let's talk about the beneficial properties of these vegetables, there are a lot of them.

As you know, cucumbers are champions among vegetable crops in terms of the amount of water they contain, enriched with biologically active substances, mineral salts, and vitamins.

The energy value of cucumbers is low - 670 J / kg, since they contain a lot of water (95–97%). Cucumber water helps dissolve harmful toxins, helping to cleanse the body. By the way, pickles are highly recommended for a snack when drinking, and cucumber pickle is recommended for a hangover.

All this leads to the conclusion that the cucumber is not very good as an independent food, but it is very important as an auxiliary food, helping to assimilate the main one, especially rich in proteins. Therefore, cucumber is very much appreciated in salads and pickles.

In addition, an enzyme similar in nature to insulin was found in cucumbers. This circumstance is important for people with diabetes.

The fresh taste and smell of cucumber are due to the presence of free organic acids and essential oil in it. Cucumber contains potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, iron, silicon and a number of other trace elements. Vitamins in cucumber are also present - C, carotene, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), folic and pantothenic acids (B9 and B5). Cucumbers are a good source of iodine. Iodine, present in cucumbers in an easily digestible form, is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Sulfur contained in cucumbers improves the condition of human teeth, nails and hair.

Fresh cucumber has pronounced diuretic and antipyretic properties, sharply reduces the acidity of gastric juice. Cucumber is used in folk medicine to treat gouty tumors, diseases of the lungs and kidneys. In addition, cucumber juice is a well-known cosmetic product that rejuvenates the skin.

Due to the low calorie content, cucumbers are indicated for people prone to obesity and obesity. By the way, experts strongly recommend that everyone who wants to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins, arrange fasting days once a week in the summer. They should be carried out on weekends, while limiting physical activity. About 2 kg of cucumbers should be eaten per day. Such fasting days are also very indicated for people suffering from hypertension.

It is worth saying a few words about cucumber juice. Fresh cucumber juice perfectly quenches thirst, calms and strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, and helps with bad gums. A mixture of cucumber juice with carrot juice is recommended for rheumatic diseases.

Cucumber juice has healing properties. For example, it is able to dissolve kidney stones, uric acid crystals in the body. The healing composition prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Cucumber juice helps dissolve many toxins that accumulate in the body. Of course, the cucumber is not able to cope with strong toxic substances that require medical intervention. But it will help with minor ailments.

Mixed with honey, it is used to treat colds and coughs. It is also added to herbal teas.

Cucumber is an excellent choleretic and laxative. Cucumber juice is especially useful. It can be obtained using a juicer. The fruits have a calming effect, regulate and unload the excessive work of the heart, liver, kidneys.

And for women, this is not only a real source of health, but also beauty. Juice and water extract of cucumber peel can rejuvenate the skin. Cucumber is an indispensable prophylactic for maintaining healthy hair and teeth. To preserve the blush on the cheeks, it is recommended to apply a mask of cucumbers mixed with grated apple once a week.

In addition, cucumber, like an apple, perfectly removes plaque and cleans teeth due to the hard peel and the whitening ability of some of the substances contained in it.

Cucumbers contain a large amount of iodine. Cucumber fruits are useful for people suffering from thyroid diseases. Folk healers have long noticed: whoever eats cucumbers enough does not suffer from thyroid disease, which is very “popular” these days.

Contraindications to the use of cucumbers are a period of exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis, enterocolitis. Nutritionists do not recommend adding tomatoes to salads with cucumbers, as this sharply reduces the nutritional value of cucumbers. It is not recommended to eat pickles with obesity, obesity, acute and chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, exacerbation of gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia. It remains to be added that people suffering from colitis should not abuse fresh cucumbers.

An annual herbaceous plant of the gourd family. Appeared in culture more than 6 thousand years ago. , the foothills of the Himalayas, where it still grows naturally. What is the vegetable of Egypt mentioned in the Bible. This culture was already known to the Greeks, from whom it passed to the Romans, and in the era of Charlemagne it was already spread throughout Central Europe. Cucumber came to Russia in the 15th century, which way is unknown. Nowadays, the cucumber culture is ubiquitous and has many varieties and varieties. The fruits of wild cucumbers are small and inedible due to the content of bitter substances - cucurbitacins.

Cucumber treatment
Let's start with the fact that the fiber of cucumbers greatly stimulates bowel function. If a person suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or liver, obesity, gout or metabolic polyarthritis, then it is simply necessary to include cucumber pulp and cucumber juice in the diet.

This vegetable improves appetite, has diuretic, choleretic and laxative properties. Traditional medicine recommends using cucumber for dropsy of cardiac origin. Potassium contained in large quantities accelerates the processes of movement and removal of water from the body.

The closer the cucumber to its garden, the more useful it is. After separating the cucumber from the stalk, the cucumber begins to lose the concentration of all useful substances. Even 15 minutes plays a role, while the cucumbers dry out, after a day the percentage of vitamins falls by 15-30%, and after two or three days almost by half. That is why it is important to eat cucumbers from a “personal” garden.

10-12-day ovaries are considered therapeutic and diabetic. Cucumber helps fight edema, lowers blood pressure, is a strong diuretic, in addition, cucumber has a positive effect on heart rhythm disturbances, prevents various inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, as well as dystrophic conditions.

The optimal combination of salts in the pulp and juice of cucumber is indispensable for thyroid diseases, and the zinc contained will help in the treatment of diabetics.

For 100g of product:
Calories 11.2 kcal. Proteins 0.6 g. Fats 0.08 g. Carbohydrates 2.2 g. Dietary fibers: 1.4 g. Organic acids: 34 g. Water: 95.2 g. and disaccharides: 1.8 gr. Starch: 0.1 gr. Ash: 0.4 gr.

Vitamins contained in cucumbers
For 100g of product:
Vitamin A: 0.05 mg. Vitamin PP: 0.1 mg. Vitamin A (RE): 50 mcg. Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.02 mg. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.03 mg.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 0.2 mg. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.03 mg. Vitamin B9 (folic): 3 mcg. Vitamin C: 8.5 mg. Vitamin E (TE): 0.07 mg. Vitamin H (biotin): 0.6 mcg. Vitamin H (biotin): 0.6 mcg. Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 0.1996 mg

See also:

Cucumber is one of the most popular plant foods grown on almost all continents of the Earth. The vegetable belongs to the pumpkin family, but in scientific theses, cucumbers are often called a “false” berry.

Grow cucumbers from seeds by planting in soft soil in early spring. Before planting, the seeds are germinated in advance. The best fruits are harvested from plants planted in greenhouses.

Cucumber is the only vegetable that is eaten at the ripening stage. A ripe fruit has a less pleasant taste: the peel becomes dense, and the seeds are large and hard.

Nutritional value and composition of cucumbers

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Calories: 14 kcal
  • Proteins: 0.8 gr
  • Fats: 0.1 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 2.5 gr
  • Dietary fiber: 1 gr
  • Organic acids: 0.1 gr
  • Water: 95 gr
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 2.4 g
  • Starch: 0.1 gr
  • Ash: 0.5 gr


  • Calcium: 23 mg
  • Magnesium: 14 mg
  • Sodium: 8 mg
  • Potassium: 141 mg
  • Phosphorus: 42 mg
  • Chlorine: 25 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 0.2 mg
  • Beta-carotene: 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 10 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.03 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic): 4 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 10 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin H (biotin): 0.9 mcg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone): 16.4 mcg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 0.3 mg
  • Choline: 6 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 0.6 mg
  • Zinc: 0.215 mg
  • Iodine: 3 mcg
  • Copper: 100 mcg
  • Manganese: 0.18 mg
  • Selenium: 0.3 mcg
  • Chromium: 6 mcg
  • Fluorine: 17 mcg
  • Molybdenum: 1 mcg
  • Cobalt: 1 mcg
  • Aluminum: 425 mcg

95% cucumber is water. But, despite this, it also contains a complex of valuable vitamins and minerals.

The table of useful substances can be represented as follows:

  • Vitamins - A, C, D, B6 and others;
  • Minerals - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron;
  • Cellulose.

Due to the high amount of moisture, cucumbers help neutralize dehydration in the body. The water in this miracle vegetable is much different from the usual drinking water. Its composition can be compared with distilled water.

Vegetables are recommended to be eaten by all nutritionists. They contain virtually no fat, and the liquid contributes to rapid satiety and suppresses appetite. Cucumbers also contribute to the rapid absorption of protein foods, which explains their frequent use in salads and meat dishes.

Freshly squeezed cucumber juice has a cleansing effect. It removes all accumulated toxins from the body, thereby facilitating the work of the liver.

Dietary fiber normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolic processes.

Another advantage of cucumbers is potassium salts. This element has a direct impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

In cosmetology, cucumber extract and juice are used to create moisturizing, tonic and anti-aging products. Such preparations help eliminate dry skin, relieve irritation and redness, and also have a visible lifting effect.

Harm cucumber

The abuse of cucumbers can also lead to a negative effect. So, lactating women after childbirth want to bring the figure back to normal and “sit down” on a cucumber diet. And excessive consumption of this vegetable can lead to increased gas formation in a young mother and an undesirable laxative effect in infants.

Recipes for home cosmetology

To create beauty recipes at home, the pulp, peel, juice and even cucumber seeds are used. Masks, lotions, creams and tonics are prepared from the vegetable. And those who do not like the long process of preparing homemade cosmetics simply wipe their face and neck with slices of fresh cucumber.

Moisturizing face lotion

This classic recipe has been used for centuries. The cucumber is ground on a grater or in a blender, then poured with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mixture is infused in a dark place for 10 days, then filtered and diluted with 10 ml of boiled water.

Every morning and evening wipe the face with a cotton pad dipped in lotion. This procedure soothes inflammatory processes, and also maintains the hydrobalance of the skin.

Both oily and dry skin require additional hydration. To do this, the cucumber is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. In the resulting mass, you can add egg white and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face in a dense layer. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water.