Belaz 650 tons. How BelAZ trucks work. Reportage from the cab of a giant dump truck. Dimensions and uniqueness

BelAZ 75710 is a unique dump truck with a load capacity of 450 tons, which is considered the largest in the world. The debut of the car took place in the fall of 2013. The first model in December 2014 went to the Kemerovo region in the city of Berezovsky for operation in the Chernigovets coal mine. A month later, the equipment transported a load of 503.5 tons through the landfill, setting a record officially recorded in the Guinness book.

The second copy of BelAZ 75710 was assembled in 2016. For several years, the car has been tested on the territory of the Belarusian Automobile Plant. The third machine is under assembly. All models are designed to work in Russia.

The predecessor of the BelAZ 75710 was the super-heavy vehicle BelAZ 75501, capable of carrying up to 280 tons. Until 2005, the model was considered the flagship of the line of the Belarusian Automobile Plant. However, the appearance of BelAZ 75600 with a carrying capacity of 320 tons broke its hegemony. The developers did not stop there and created an even more powerful version - BelAZ 75710.

The main reason for the development of such a large dump truck was not the desire for fame and records, but economic benefits. Compared to smaller vehicles, one BelAZ 75710 provides a significant benefit. Despite the high cost and serious maintenance costs, the model has the lowest cost of transporting 1 ton of rock among all mining dump trucks.


BelAZ 75710 is assembled by hand and produced in limited quantities. There is no need to talk about the variety of modifications of this series. It is represented by the only version with specified indicators.

Video review



  • length - 20600 mm;
  • width - 9750 mm;
  • height - 8170 mm;
  • turning radius - 19800 mm.

The mass of the car is 360,000 kg, the load capacity is 450,000 kg. The total mass is 810000 kg.

Body options:

  • geometric volume - 157.5 cubic meters;
  • maximum capacity when loaded with a "cap" - 269.5 cubic meters.

Basic wheel specifications:

  • tires - 59 / 80R63;
  • wheels - 44.00-63/50.

The maximum speed is 67 km/h.


BelAZ 75710 is equipped with 2 diesel units MTU Detroit Diesel 16V4000, mounted transversely. The engine compartment of the car is huge and there is no question of compactness here.

Characteristics of power plants MTU Detroit Diesel 16V4000 (1 engine):

  • working volume - 65 l;
  • rated power - 1715 (2330) kW (hp);
  • maximum torque - 9313 Nm;
  • the number of cylinders is 16.

With such a high power, the units have a corresponding fuel consumption - about 1300 l / 100 km. The car is equipped with 2 fuel tanks, the capacity of each is 2800 liters.


The design of BelAZ 75710 has little in common with classic dump trucks. For a 45-ton car, a unique solution had to be found. As a result, 2 hinged elements were entered into the frame. On them rotate the huge size controlled bridges. The hinge elements are equipped with bearings with a diameter of 2750 mm. The frame itself is made using the caisson section used in shipbuilding. Swedish high-strength steel (Weldox) was chosen to create the frame. Not every machine can process this material, therefore, ready-made blanks come from Sweden, which are finalized and welded at the Belarusian Automobile Plant.

The chassis uses a dependent pneumohydraulic suspension with a hydraulic shock absorber. The front and rear axles of the car are the same. There are no ball bearings and pivots in BelAZ 75710, and both axles are steerable. Despite its huge size, the dump truck is quite maneuverable.

The engines generate enormous power, which is necessary for uninterrupted power generation and the operation of 2 YJ177A generators (power - 1704 kW), directing current to the traction motors and hydraulics.

BelAZ 75710 is equipped with 4 electric motors 1TB3026-0G-03 (located inside the wheel hubs). The power of each electric motor is 1200 (1630) kW (hp). Generators together with electric motors are called traction units. For the car, traction units from Siemens MMT500 are used. In the future, the Belarusian Automobile Plant plans to use traction units, the production of which is mastered in St. Petersburg. This complex, together with the UVTR brake unit and the power control cabinet, is called an electromechanical transmission. It is she who is used to control the BelAZ 75710 dump truck.

The vehicle uses a combined hydraulic system with a common hydraulic fluid tank. The mechanism is powered by a Bosch Rexroth pumping station. 4 hydraulic cylinders are involved in the steering hydraulics. The turn begins with the front axle, and then the rear axle is driven. When the platform is raised, the steering is disengaged so that the full volume of hydraulic oil goes up. The cargo platform is connected to the frame with safety cables, which, in the event of a hydraulic system failure, keep the body from a sharp fall.

Each wheel of BelAZ 75710 has hydraulically actuated double disc brakes. However, they are unable to provide effective braking of a fully loaded machine, therefore an additional electrodynamic braking system is used here. Braking in this case is also carried out using an electric motor that sets the car in motion. An air cooling system is used to remove heat generated during braking.

Safety in BelAZ 75710 is given special attention. For the first time in the history of mining trucks, an anti-roll bar appeared in the design of the model. Due to this, the smoothness of the ride increased and additional protection against lateral rollover was provided. The all-round video review system with cameras, motion sensors and special radars that detect the approach to human technology came in handy. Also, the dump truck received indicators of electronic scales (installed on each side). Through them, the excavator operator could see in real time how much cargo is in the back. In case of problems with the steering hydraulics, a safety system was provided that allowed you to stop safely.

The cabin of BelAZ 75710 is very different from other dump trucks and looks more like a wheelhouse of a huge liner. It is saturated with a variety of sensors and devices and is located very high. The cabin contains everything that is necessary for the safe operation of the machine in normal mode. The upper platform of the car has a large width and is called the deck.

In terms of comfort, BelAZ 75710 is not inferior to advanced European standards. The driver in the cabin of the dump truck feels as comfortable as possible. Inside there is everything you need, including a climate control system, a modern audio system and special compartments. The work seat has many settings that allow you to choose the optimal position for a person with any size. Due to this, ease of use is ensured even in harsh and difficult climatic conditions.

Price of new and used

The cost of BelAZ 75710 is about 9.5-10 million dollars. There are no used offers of this equipment for obvious reasons.

Mining dump trucks "BelAZ" are real giants among cars. These multi-ton machines work all over the world.
In Khakassia, I had the opportunity not only to inspect this hulk up close and even drive in the cab. At the Stepnoy coal mine, where I visited, more than fifty BelAZ vehicles of various carrying capacities are working.

2. The most powerful BelAZ trucks are used to transport waste rock - overburden. 130-ton trucks work here, that is, BelAZ trucks with a carrying capacity of 130 tons. By weight, this is about four Boeing 737-300 aircraft, or 20 African elephants, or two railroad coal cars. Of course, planes and elephants are not transported by BelAZ, I gave the numbers to understand how much this hero raises.

3. There are special signs on the roads here.

4. Mining dump trucks "BelAZ" with a carrying capacity of 110-136 tons are designed to transport rock mass in difficult mining conditions of deep pits, in open pit mining of mineral deposits along technological roads in various climatic operating conditions (at an ambient temperature of -50 to +50 degrees ).

5. Well, are you ready to ride on BelAZ? Then you have to go up the stairs first.
The best place for a souvenir photo. Please note that the cabin is fully protected by a canopy, this is necessary for safety.

6. There are two chairs in the cab. The review is very unusual. In order to control the situation around, a lot of mirrors are installed.

7. From the inside, there is no feeling that you are sitting at the height of the second floor. All sizes here are much larger than in ordinary life: huge dumps, wide technological roads, vehicles moving towards.

8. BelAZ driver Viktor Iglamovich is a real professional, he has been working at the enterprise for a very long time. Satisfied with the work and equipment. He makes more than 40 flights per shift. Dines right there in the context, a dining room on wheels arrives at the break.

9. There are three pedals on the floor in the cab, but these are not the usual "clutch, brake and gas." There is no clutch here, the wheels are driven by electric motors, but there are two brake pedals at once. One brake is dynamic, the other is conventional. The electrodynamic brake significantly reduces the mechanical wear of the friction materials of the brake linings; the classic brake is used only at low speeds and when maneuvering.

10. To some extent, "BelAZ" is an electric car, more precisely a car with an electric transmission. The diesel engine generates electricity, which drives the motor-wheels. The control system algorithm optimizes the parameters of the drive system. Accordingly, gear shifting is not required, a smooth change in power is provided when driving. Significantly reduces the number of nodes subject to wear. Dump trucks, like other equipment, operate around the clock 365 days a year.

11. The on-board computer shows many parameters from the pressure in the suspension, to the weight of the cargo and the number of flights per shift.

12. In terms of electronics, BelAZs are quite modern cars.

13. There are several cameras that show the situation in the back.

14. The car park is constantly updated, several pieces of equipment are purchased every year. They are brought from Belarus disassembled into units, dump trucks are assembled already at the cut.

15. Coal is transported on smaller dump trucks, their carrying capacity is 55 tons, which is also a lot. If you do not put these dump trucks side by side, no one will say that they are small.

16. While driving along the open pit, BelAZ trucks and other vehicles raise a considerable amount of dust. To combat it, specialized tanks based on BelAZ are used. Other specialized enterprises even have BelAZ trucks that plant explosives for industrial explosions.

17. Finally, one more photo from the section. Here the giant BelAZ trucks look like toys, everything is so huge here. But here people literally move mountains with their labor with the help of machines. At such moments, you fully admire the genius of engineering.

18. I express my gratitude to the administration of the Russian Coal Company and the Stepnoy mine for their help in preparing this report.

For completeness, I also post a video:

Be sure to read

The first show of BelAZ‑75710 took place in Zhodina a year ago. And in August 2014, the dump truck started working in Kuzbass.

The largest car in the world BelAZ-75710. Carrying capacity is 450 tons. Manufactured by JSC "BelAZ", Zhodino (Belarus). In Russia since August 2014. The price was not disclosed.

Any of the characteristics of a supergiant is impressive. BelAZ‑75710 is not only 450 tons of cargo in the back and almost 4600 forces from two MTU DD16 V4000 diesel engines, but also 5600 liters of fuel on board, 538 liters of engine oil and 1800 liters of hydraulic fluid!


Assembling a mining dump truck is not assembling a passenger car. It is necessary to find a compromise between all the parameters of an unusual machine. Base, width, height, aggregates and components, geometric features of the quarry - this is not a complete list. But Belarusian designers do not have to take experience.

The first thing the developers of the giant danced from was tires! Their bearing capacity determines everything else. The BelAZ‑75710 has eight Bridgestone tires of gigantic size 59/80R63. They are the largest in the world. One such tire weighs 5.5 tons!

The engineers then chose a control scheme. For mastodons, and even with a dual front tire, the traditional scheme with front turning wheels is not suitable. There are only two options: an articulated frame and swing axles. In the first case, the articulation assembly would have to experience hellish loads and the hinge would have grown to an incredible size. Therefore, they began to work with the second scheme.

In developed quarries, there are overall restrictions, tied, first of all, to the width of technological roads. Since BelAZ-75710 had to travel on roads designed for “compact” 360-, 320- and 220-ton dump trucks, the customer’s requirements for the turning radius were very strict.

The developers call the scheme with swing bridges "excavator upside down". In the excavator, the chassis is motionless, and the body rotates, in BelAZ, the body remains motionless, and the bridges located under the frame rotate.


When they chose the control scheme, they took up the frame, which has nothing to do with the traditional "ladder" of ordinary trucks - it has a completely different shape for quarry workers. But the frame of the 450-ton giant is unique and does not even resemble the design of other heavyweights.

It was required to enter two hinged elements into the frame, on which giant bridges rotate. Arranged cleverly and gracefully. And then it was necessary to perform a small technological miracle.

The swivel swivel requires a bearing with a diameter of 2.75 m! Only four companies in the world manufacture such bearings. The Belarusians were negotiating with two leaders - the French company Rollix and the German IMO (IMO). As a result, the IMO won in the struggle for the prestigious order. And how to make a section of the frame? The so-called caisson section used in shipbuilding was recognized as optimal. This is what can provide the necessary resource at the lowest possible metal costs. But the metal here is unusual! This is a particularly strong Swedish steel "Weldox 800" (Weldox 800). The material is so hard that not every processing machine will take it. Therefore, in Sweden they ordered not just sheets of metal, but already cut according to Belaz drawings. Further, these blanks had to be welded together, bored seats for giant bearings and drilled holes for fasteners.

Even larger equipment was required to assemble the gigantic frame. At BelAZ itself, equipment of such dimensions was not found. The Minsk Machine Tool Plant named after the October Revolution (MZOR) came to the aid of BelAZ. On it, the frame for the supergiant acquired the required shape. Then she was transferred to Zhodino.


They don’t look into the engine compartment - they go into it. You can walk inside. The sensations are unusual, like the hero of Eduard Uspensky's story "Warranty Little Men", who has been in the depths of the refrigerator and clock.

On BelAZ-75710, two powerful MTU DD16 V4000 engines turn two huge generators, and electricity is transmitted to four motor-wheels. The necessary power could be developed by one engine - such exist, but there are no suitable generators capable of generating so much energy alone. That is why we decided to use two diesel engines and two electric generators with a common control cabinet.

An empty dump truck moves on one diesel engine, while a loaded one uses a second one. For uniform wear, the left and right diesel engines are switched on alternately at idle run.

The electric drive was chosen from one of two manufacturers - the Russian holding "Power Machines" and the German "Siemens". The domestic manufacturer was ready to create the required drive only in 2016, and this did not suit the customer. The power engineering division of Siemens manufactured not only an AC electric drive, but also a control system for it.


The hydraulic system of the machine is integrated. Used a common tank of hydraulic fluid for the brakes, for the tipping cylinders and for the turning cylinders. All this economy is driven not even by a pump, but by the Bosch Rexroth pumping station.

When the tipper platform is raised, the steering is disengaged and all hydraulic oil is used for lifting. It is impractical to carry a huge volume of oil in order to ensure simultaneous tipping and maneuvering.

The steering hydraulics used four hydraulic cylinders, two for each axle. First, the front axle is fully rotated to the extreme position, and only after that the rear axle starts to move. With two “folded” axles, the turning radius is only 19.8 m (according to the imprint of the outer wheel). This is with a total length of more than 20 m!

In terms of the ratio of the turning radius and the length of the 450-tonne, it is quite possible to recognize it as a super-maneuverable vehicle. However, for subsequent samples, engineers are working out a different control scheme that will ensure the simultaneous rotation of two bridges. This will improve maneuverability and provide the dump truck with an efficient crab move.


Huge cars sometimes get into accidents and even turn over - anything happens in quarries. For the first time on a mining dump truck, an anti-roll bar was used against rollover in the suspension of a 450-ton truck - a unique solution.

Installed a system of circular video review. But in addition to video cameras, BelAZ-75710 is also hung on four sides with special radars that respond to humans. Yes Yes! If someone decides to walk under the dump truck, the driver will know about it.

Installed on BelAZ‑75710 are electronic scales, the indicators of which are mounted on the sides. The excavator looks at them and sees how much he threw into the box.

There is insurance in case of failure of the steering hydraulics. These are power steering accumulators. The pressure in them is enough to move off the road and give way to other cars.


Do such super trucks justify themselves? Yes. One 450-ton truck is much cheaper to operate than two 220-ton trucks.

Prices for such cars are never announced. We can only operate with indirect data. For example, in the US price list, one 59/80R63 Bridgestone tire costs $40,000. They say that while these tires reach the Siberian quarries, their price rises to 100 thousand. Thus, only a set of tires for BelAZ-75710 can cost about a million dollars.

The price of the power electric drive "Siemens" is about three million dollars. Plus the rest of the iron, delivery, assembly ... In a word, it's expensive.

For that kind of money, cars work hard for three. The working shift of BelAZ in the quarry lasts 23 hours a day. It takes an hour to refuel and change drivers.

BelAZ-75710 will definitely not remain a single sample. The contract provides for the supply of several machines. The second copy is already being assembled in Zhodina, and it should be better than the first.


The Belarusian Automobile Plant thought about the control scheme with two swing axles on eight tires back in the early 1970s. Then, on the components of a 42-tonner, they built an experimental “mobile stand”, on which some ideas were tested for the first time.

In 1977, the scheme was tested on a heavier experimental machine. BelAZ-7520 with swing axles, 110 tons, turned out to be excessively high. The idea of ​​swing bridges was sent to the archive in order to be revived in a new capacity three and a half decades later. The first exploited commodity super-truck on eight tires was the 280-ton BelAZ-75501, assembled in 1990. Only one example was built. He remained the champion in terms of carrying capacity among BelAZ trucks for 15 years.

In 2005, when the production of 55 / 80R63 tires was mastered, the 320-ton BelAZ-75600 on six such wheels was born.

As soon as the tire manufacturers strengthened their product, bringing the tire size to 59 / 80R63, the 320-tonner became a 360-tonner. This happened in 2010. BelAZ‑75710 (450‑ton) is based on the same tires. Such wheels are produced only by Michelin and Bridgestone.

The next spurt in mining truck payloads depends on the tire industry.

PLUS: The lowest cost of transporting a ton of rock MINUS: The number of quarries that can take a dump truck of this size can be counted on the fingers

This dump truck has no equal in terms of carrying capacity in the world. The specialists of the Belarusian Automobile Plant have far surpassed their colleagues - manufacturers of super-heavy equipment from Germany and the USA, having created a giant BelAZ-75710. The carrying capacity of this model is 450 tons. At the beginning of 2014, BelAZ-75710 set an absolute record when it transported a load of 503 and a half tons through the test site. We present to your attention a complete review of this unique mining truck.

It should be noted right away that BelAZ-75710 is not just an exhibition model, as you might think at first. And not the only "truck-record holder" of its kind, a kind of "advertising showcase" of the Belarusian Automobile Plant. Of course, the Zhodino enterprise has not needed advertising for a long time. This is a production model!

The very first copy of the largest truck on the planet, shortly after its appearance in public (in the fall of 2013, at the 65th birthday of the BelAZ plant), already went to work at the Chernigovets coal mine, in the city of Berezovsky, in Kuzbass. Following him, several more of these unique cars were built, also delivered to the Kemerovo region.

The main reason for the appearance of this super-heavy dump truck was not the gigantomania of its creators and not their desire for records, but ordinary economic calculation. Because, in the end, one such 450-ton truck gives tangible savings in operation, compared with two or three mining dump trucks with a lower carrying capacity. Despite its almost "manual" assembly and expensive maintenance. BelAZ-75710 provides not only a record carrying capacity, but also the lowest cost of transporting one ton of rock in the world.

Whether a commercial vehicle is small, large, or extra-large, the most important questions for its potential buyers have been and remain the service life of this vehicle and the fuel consumption it demonstrates. The working resource of mining dump trucks is small: on average, they operate in full mode for about 5-6 years. And the heavy-duty 450-ton BelAZ-75710 is no exception to this rule.

But: the working shift of BelAZ in the quarry lasts 23 hours a day! (One hour, on average, is spent on refueling and changing the driver). Mileage for the specified 5/6-year service life accumulates more than 500 thousand kilometers. After decommissioning, BelAZ trucks that have exhausted their resource are used to repair those dump trucks that are “in service”, which also helps to reduce their cost.

As for fuel consumption, it is, at a maximum, about 470 liters of diesel fuel per hour (for a fully loaded BelAZ-75710 car). For a dump truck traveling "empty", this figure is several times less. The expense is huge. But still much more profitable, compared to the simultaneous use of 2-3 trucks of lower carrying capacity.

BelAZ‑75710 at the test site.

BelAZ-75710 has two diesel engines; each of them works in tandem with its own generator; all systems responsible for ensuring the operation of the motors are independent for each of them. In this regard, some argue that the BelAZ-75710 moves without load, using only one engine, to save fuel, and both engines are put into operation together only when carrying cargo.

Actually it is not. Of course, such a scheme for the operation of the giant's engines is theoretically possible, but in practice it has not yet been implemented. Bye. Because the design bureau of the Belarusian Automobile Plant has such plans. After all, this will really help save a large amount of diesel fuel, further increasing the economic return on operating a super-heavy dump truck.

These plans are already close to implementation, and soon the empty BelAZ-75710 will move on one diesel engine, and the loaded one will be connected to the second one. Moreover, for uniform wear, the left and right engines at idle will turn on alternately. In the meantime, fuel economy is provided by another new engineering solution - the use of two differentials at the same time - inter-axle and inter-board.

The BelAZ-75710 model has all the conditions for sale, further modernization and development. Cyclically recurring crises in the world economy contributed to the emergence of a persistent desire among manufacturers to reduce the cost of mining and transporting minerals. A giant dump truck from Belarus is just right to satisfy these aspirations when it comes to industrial mining of coal and ore in open pits. Therefore, BelAZ-75710 corresponds to modern economic realities.

Since certain overall restrictions have developed in quarrying, related, among other things, to the width of technological roads, BelAZ-75710 needs, despite its gigantic dimensions, to comply with them, and be comparable in terms of turning / turning radius with much more compact "brothers" .

This required engineers to create a new and highly sophisticated control scheme. For such a giant, and even with a dual front tire, the usual option, with front turning wheels, will not work. There are only two other options: this is an articulated frame and swing axles. However, in the first case, the articulation assembly would have to experience terrifying loads, in connection with which the hinge would have to be increased to an incredible size. Therefore, scheme No. 2 was adopted.

The designers called the mechanism with swing bridges "upside down excavator". Because in the excavator the chassis is stationary, and the body rotates; and in the giant BelAZ, the body remains motionless, and the bridges located under the frame rotate.

Clearly: BelAZ‑75710 and the car "Volga".

This new system, like many other new ones, is a well-forgotten old one. Since back in the early 70s of the twentieth century, specialists from the Belarusian Automobile Plant tried to develop a similar truck - with two swing axles on eight tires. On the components of the 42-ton BelAZ, a special "experimental mobile stand" was built, on which this control scheme was tested and honed.

In 1977, this technological solution was, with varying success, tested on a heavier experimental vehicle - BelAZ‑7520. This dump truck with a carrying capacity of 110 tons with swing axles turned out to be too high. Therefore, the control scheme with swing bridges was sent "under the cloth".

In 1990, the theme was revived and developed in a completely new way. The first predecessor of the BelAZ-75710 was the first actually operated commercial super-heavy truck on eight tires - the 280-ton BelAZ-75501. He was the champion in terms of carrying capacity among BelAZs until 2005, when the second predecessor of the BelAZ-75710 was released - the 320-ton BelAZ-75600, based on six wheels with a tire size of 55 / 80R63.

It should be noted that the capacity of mining dump trucks directly depended and depends on the capabilities of the tire industry, and is growing along with it. When the Bridgestone company was able to offer even more reinforced tires in size 59 / 80R63, in 2010, BelAZ‑75600 was able to “take on board” not 320, but 360 tons.

And the supergiant BelAZ-75710 also "stood" on these tires. Only one such tire weighs five and a half tons! By the way, only the first dump trucks were equipped with Bridgestones. Subsequently, the production of these modern products was also mastered at BelShin.

The closest analogue of the BelAZ-75501 among foreign competitors can be called the German heavy mining dump truck Liebherr T282-B (Liebherr). It has been produced since 2004 and has a load capacity of 363 tons.

Specifications BelAZ‑75501

The BelAZ‑75710 frame has nothing to do with the usual classic “ladder” of ordinary trucks. Not only does it generally have a different shape for all mining dump trucks, for a 450-ton truck it was necessary to look for a completely unique technological solution. Two powerful hinged elements were inscribed into the frame, on which giant steerable bridges rotate.

Swivel swivel elements are equipped with unique bearings with a diameter of 2.75 meters! The frame is made using the caisson section used in shipbuilding. Especially strong Swedish steel Weldox-800 (Weldox) was chosen as the metal for the frame. This hard material is simply beyond the power of most machine tools. Therefore, not just sheets of metal were ordered from the Swedes, but blanks already cut according to BelAZ drawings. Which were welded together at the factory, with boring seats for gigantic bearings and drilling holes for fasteners.

They don’t look into the BelAZ‑75710 engine compartment, but simply go in. It is a complete illusion that you are a character from the popular animated series Fixies. Naturally, there was no “struggle for centimeters of free space”, typical for conventional automotive industry, here. The engines of the largest BelAZ are two monumental MTU Detroit Diesel 16V4000 diesel engines located transversely.

The power of each of them is 2332 horsepower, or 1715 kW. In total - 4664 hp The working volume of each of the motors is 65 liters. But powerful MTU engines are not required here to turn the gearbox shaft, as in conventional diesel cars. And for uninterrupted power generation.
There are no gearboxes on the BelAZ‑75710 at all, but traction electric motors move the giant truck.

In the engine compartment of BelAZ‑75710.

Therefore, diesels serve to ensure the operation of two generators that generate current for traction motors, as well as the hydraulic systems of the vehicle. As in the more compact BelAZ trucks, this flagship dump truck uses the principle of heating the bottom of the cargo platform with exhaust gases.

There are four traction electric motors of the brand 1TB3026-0G-03 on BelAZ‑75710, and they are located inside the wheel hubs. In another way, they are called "electric motor-wheels." Since each electric motor has a power of 1200 kW, or 1630 hp, their total power is 6520 horsepower! Two generators in conjunction with four electric motors are called a traction unit.

So far, BelAZ-75710 are equipped with Siemens traction units, Siemens MMT500 brand. But in the future, it is planned to master the production of similar electric power plants at Power Machines LLC, St. Petersburg, which supplies BelAZ with the same products for dump trucks with a lower payload capacity (from 90 to 220 tons).

In the complex, this system is called an electromechanical transmission. In addition to the listed components and assemblies, it also includes a power control cabinet and a UVTR braking unit.

Features of the brake system BelAZ‑75710

Each wheel of the super-heavy dump truck is equipped with hydraulically actuated double disc brakes. But in a loaded state, for a car with a total mass of more than eight hundred tons, this will not be enough. That is why BelAZ-75710 has another braking system - electrodynamic.

Braking is carried out by means of the same wheel electric motor that drives the car forward.
When the electrodynamic braking system is activated, a huge amount of heat is generated, which must be removed. To do this, the design of the dump truck provides a system of forced air cooling of the brake resistors.

Chassis and steering of the dump truck BelAZ‑75710

The undercarriage of the giant is called "dependent pneumohydraulic with built-in hydraulic shock absorber." Even having the most meager knowledge in technology, but an attentive person will notice that both BelAZ-75710 axles - both front and rear - are exactly the same. How then does this huge truck turn? After all, there are no pins or ball bearings.

The fact is that both axles, both front and rear, are controlled on the largest BelAZ. The function of the steering rods here is performed by two cylinders, and the rest of the steering units here differ little from the traditional scheme - hydrostatic control with an ordinary steering column and a "steering wheel" in the cab.

Despite its monumental dimensions, this BelAZ super-truck cannot be called clumsy: the turning radius is only 45 meters. And the turning radius is more than twice as small. In this regard, in terms of the ratio of the turning radius and length, the BelAZ-75710 should be recognized as not just a maneuverable, but even a super-maneuverable vehicle (more on this in the next section of the review).

Nevertheless, for subsequent instances of this model, the specialists of the Belarusian Automobile Plant are preparing and honing an even more sophisticated control scheme that could ensure the simultaneous rotation of two bridges at once. This will further enhance the maneuverability of the BelAZ-75710 and give the huge dump truck both a spectacular and effective "crab move" at the same time.

Hydraulics BelAZ‑75710

The BelAZ-75710 dump truck has an integrated hydraulic system, using a common hydraulic fluid tank - for brakes, tipping cylinders and turning cylinders. The system is powered by a specialized powerful Rexroth pumping station manufactured by Bosch (Bosch Rexroth).

The steering hydraulics uses four hydraulic cylinders, two for each axle. First, a full turn is made by the front axle, and only then the rear axle is set in motion. When both axles “fold”, the turning radius is only 19.8 m (on the track of the outer wheel). Considering that the total length of the machine is more than 20 m, the result is simply fantastic!

When the tipper platform is raised, the steering is turned off, so that the entire full volume of hydraulic oil is used for lifting. During the development of the model, it was considered inappropriate to carry a huge amount of oil so that both the tipping and maneuvering of the machine could be ensured at the same time.

The cargo platform is connected to the frame by special safety cables. They are designed to keep a multi-ton body from a sharp lowering in the event of a hydraulic system failure.

Specifications BelAZ‑75710 in numbers

Any of the parameters of a supergiant is impressive. Therefore, perhaps, the figures more eloquently than any words characterize the scale of the BelAZ‑75710. This dump truck is not only four hundred and fifty tons of standard carrying capacity, but also immediately 5600 liters of diesel fuel on board, 538 liters of engine oil and 1800 liters of fluid in the hydraulic system!

Mass-dimensional indicators, power parameters:

  • Length - 20.6 meters.
  • Width - 9,750 meters.
  • Height - 8.17 meters.
  • Weight without load - 360 tons.
  • Diesel engines: 2 x 2332 hp (1715 kW) power. Maximum torque - 9,313 Nm.
  • Electric motor-wheels: 4 x 1630 hp (1200 kW) power.
  • Suspension: hydropneumatic. The diameter of shock absorbers is 170 mm.
  • Fuel tanks: 2 x 2800 liters.
  • Tire size: 59/80R63. Wheels: 44.00-63/50.
  • Maximum speed - 67 km / h.
  • Specific fuel consumption -198 g/kW*h.

On the first flight of the main staircase leading to the deck.

To service the fuel system, there are special ladders that lead to the tanks - they are located on the sides. Since, although the BelAZ‑75710 is a unique car, it is by no means magical, and it needs refueling and filter replacement regularly. By the way, on the platform of the two-flight stairs leading to the cabin, you need to pass by a row of eight round elements, which everyone from afar takes for headlights closed with plugs. But these are not headlights, but air filters. There are also headlights - they are small, square, and located at the bottom of the cab.

Security systems

On the Internet, you can find many photos of valiant workers in the mining industry against the background of BelAZ vehicles of various brands turned over in their careers. In order to protect the BelAZ‑75710 as much as possible from such “adventures”, for the first time in history, an anti-roll bar was used on a mining dump truck, another solution of Belarusian engineers, which can be called unique in its kind. It also insures against lateral rollover, and gives a smooth ride.

In addition, BelAZ‑75710 is equipped with a 360° video surveillance system. In addition to video cameras, all four sides of the giant dump truck have motion sensors, special radars that detect the approach of a person to the car. Therefore, if someone hesitates in their walks next to the dump truck or under it, the driver will clearly know about it.

On each side of the dump truck, indicators of electronic scales are installed, which are clearly visible to the excavator operator. He sees and knows in real time how many tons of rock have already been loaded into the body. BelAZ‑75710 is also equipped with a safety system in case of breakdown of the steering hydraulics. This system - the power steering accumulators - will provide enough pressure to safely pull off the road to a safe place and stop. There are six of them in BelAZ-75710 - more than in any other truck.

Cabin BelAZ‑75710

The cabin of the largest BelAZ resembles the cabin of an ocean liner, both in its high location and in saturation with a variety of instruments and sensors. Everything necessary for the safe operation of the dump truck in normal mode is concentrated here. By the way, the upper platform of the dump truck, on which the cab is located, is called the deck.

Driver's workplace BelAZ‑75710.

The level of driver comfort is at the level of modern European standards, and there is no need to talk about any damage to the health of the driver when working on the BelAZ‑75710. Even in the most difficult and harsh climatic conditions. The driver's workplace of the largest BelAZ will, of course, be simpler than in a passenger Mercedes, but equipped with everything necessary. The seat is equipped with all adjustments, the cabin has climate control and a modern audio system.

The cost of the dump truck BelAZ‑75710

According to a long-established tradition, the prices at which super-heavy trucks are sold to customers are not made public. In this regard, people interested in these issues can only operate with indirect, unofficial data. According to the most approximate estimates, BelAZ-75710 costs at least ten million dollars. After all, only the power electric drive Siemens MMT500 "pulls" more than 2.5 million dollars. And only one Bridgestone 59 / 80R63 tire costs, according to the official price list of the tire concern, and excluding delivery, 40 thousand dollars. There are eight of them in a set. In a word, what is the car, so is its cost!

The direct purpose of the BELAZ 75600 vehicle with a carrying capacity of 320 tons is to work in quarries, such as coal mines in the Kemerovo region.

The work of new trucks for coal mining at these enterprises has made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of its transportation. By the way, one of the cuts became the first customer of the new model of the Belarusian Automobile Plant, located in the city of Zhodino.

BELAZ 7560 is one of the largest trucks in the world

According to some estimates, only about a hundred units of vehicles of this class were produced all over the world, and now their ranks have been replenished with BelAZ products. Let's get to know the giant better.

Power plant and its characteristics

The truck is equipped with a CUMMINS QSK78-C diesel engine with a capacity of 3500 horsepower at 2000 rpm with a pneumatic starter system. The working volume of the engine is “only” 78 liters. The cooling system with a switchable impeller allows the operation of the car, both in hot climates and at low ambient temperatures.

Full-flow oil filtration in the lubrication system with four oil pumps ensures its reliable cleaning and supply to all rubbing parts. The engine is equipped with electronic control systems, which minimizes human involvement in managing its operating modes.

Interestingly, an engine of this size and power consumes relatively little fuel. The fuel consumption of BELAZ 75600 is 201 grams per 1 kilowatt of power, and the capacity of the fuel tank allows the machine to operate for sixteen hours.

Engine BELAZ Cummins QSK-78. This monster weighs 11300kg.

The diesel engine drives a traction generator, which has a capacity of 2536 kilowatts, and is designed to power two electric motors manufactured by Siemens, with a capacity of 1200 kilowatts each. The engines transmit torque to the rear wheels, equipped with tubeless radial tires, the landing size of which is 64 inches.

Chassis of mining dump truck BELAZ 75600

The frame of the machine is of a spatial design; for its manufacture, sheet parts made of high-strength alloy steel are used. In places of the greatest concentration of loads, the designers introduced elements made by casting, which made it possible to achieve high performance characteristics of the product.

The dump truck is made according to the classical formula - 4 wheels, two of which are driving. The short base of the machine provides it with sufficient maneuverability, despite the solid overall dimensions: length 14900, width 9250 and height 7220 millimeters. With such dimensions, the car is able to turn around on a platform measuring 33.2 meters.

For the dependent suspension of the front axle, a pneumohydraulic scheme was chosen, in the suspension of the rear axle trailing arms and a central hinge are used. This scheme provides ease of control of the machine and its high stability. Compared to foreign analogues, the dynamic workload of the driver is reduced by 2-4 times.

The brake system of the car is double-circuit hydraulic. The parking brake is also hydraulically actuated and brakes the rear axle. Traction electric motors are also involved in the braking system, they switch to generator mode and supply energy to cooled braking resistors. In the role of an emergency brake, the parking brake and any of the serviceable service brake circuits are activated.

The truck body holds 139 “cubes” of rock when normally loaded, although 200 can be loaded if desired. To protect the cab during loading, a massive safety visor is provided on the body, thereby increasing driver safety.

The cabin is designed for two people and is equipped in accordance with all ergonomic requirements. To ensure a normal view, the driver has a video traffic control system that provides rear and side visibility.
The characteristics of BELAZ 75600 allow the model to successfully compete with the leading manufacturers of mining dump trucks.

BELAZ 7560 series - modifications

This series of dump trucks, in addition to the 75600 with the QSK 78-C engine, includes two more machines that differ from each other in carrying capacity and power plants. Let's briefly dwell on each of them.

Model BELAZ 75601

Able to carry from 320 to 360 tons of cargo. The car is equipped with an MTU 20V400 engine with a capacity of 2800 kilowatts, which rotates the KATO generator. The motor-wheel units are combinations of an electric motor and a planetary two-row gearbox built into the rear wheels, which are shod with 59/80R63 tires. The total weight of the machine can reach 610 tons with a cargo volume of 218 cubic meters. At the same time, the car is capable of accelerating to 64 km / h.

Model BELAZ 75602

The largest BELAZ of the series - with the same data as the previous vehicle, is designed for 360 tons of cargo. In principle, this is the same machine as its predecessor, but it uses 1TB330-2GA03 traction motors, allowing it to carry increased weight.

With the increased power and carrying capacity of the new machines, the designers managed to achieve a slightly reduced fuel consumption compared to the first-born of the series. Now dump trucks consume only 198 grams per kilowatt per hour.

Manufacturers claim that they have built the largest BELAZ in the world, well, it is really the largest in the model range of the plant, but one can argue about “in the world”. After all, among such trucks there are absolutely monsters with a carrying capacity of up to 500 tons, and this is not the limit.