How to draw a birch grove. How to draw a birch

In this age of open self-expression, it has become fashionable to break the accepted standards. This is especially observed in the design of various premises, as well as the landscape. Paper wallpaper pasted on newspaper replaced colorful wall decoration with various designs. Due to the fact that the services of specialists are not cheap, the owners are trying to transform the premises on their own. Most often, nature, trees, plants, flowers are depicted on the walls. In this article we will give a description of how to paint a birch with paints on the wall. We will also teach you how to create a sketch with a pencil on paper, from which you can later make a panel and decorate the wall with it.

birch features

Before you draw a birch, you need to study it on a walk. Take a close look at the tree trunk, the leaves, the location of the branches. Examine the tree up close, then at a distance. Birch features are branches, in which thinner shoots, under the weight of buds and leaves, stretch to the ground, as well as a white trunk with dark spots. The leaf is wide with serrations and sharp at the end. The trunk is often straight and rarely curved. During the flowering period, the tree is strewn with yellow earrings. With the onset of autumn, birch leaves turn yellow.

We decorate the wall

Let's look at how to draw a birch in stages. Starting work, apply vertical lines to the wall with white paint. Do not adhere to ideal proportions, it is not scary if the trunk is not quite even. The main thing is that at the top it tapers a little. In addition, birch trunks often bifurcate. At the next stage, in a chaotic manner, draw dark spots on the bark of the tree - the main difference between birch. They should not be too large with jagged edges. Also cover the birch bark with characteristic black horizontal strokes. Further, starting from the middle of the trunk, draw large short branches in the same color in different directions, and from them thinner and more flexible shoots inclined to the ground. If you are thinking about how to draw a birch tree in bloom, then depict bunches of hanging gold earrings. At the final stage, designate large diamond-shaped leaves with serrated edges in rich green.

Sketch on paper

Let's give an example of how to draw a birch leaf. First you need to make an outline. The tree should be thin and fragile, with branches falling down. Initially, you need to determine where the birch will be located: at the edge of the sheet or in the middle. The trunk must be drawn vertically with a slightly tilted crown. You can add a little curvature - this will give the picture realism. Do not forget to narrow the trunk up. Please note that the lower branches of the birch are longer than the rest. Draw them stretching down. Next, mark the places on the bark where the black spots will be. Then draw leaves on the branches. When the sketch is ready, you can start coloring it.

watercolor painting

Here is another interesting way of how to draw a birch beautifully. In this technique, the image can be drawn not only by a novice artist, but also by an amateur.

We will need paper, brushes of different sizes, water and watercolor. Draw the trunk and branches with a pencil as described above. In order not to stain the table with paints in the future, cover it with newspaper. Next, take a large brush and dip it in a container of water, then in paint. Remember, there should be less paint on the brush than water. Now position the tool over the place where the birch leaves should be, and lightly tap it on your fingers. Colorful splashes from the brush will fly onto the paper. Change colors, mix paints, and your birch will be the most beautiful!

With similar drawings on paper, you can decorate the walls by framing them, or create an original panel.

Drawing on the theme of Winter for children 5-7 years old

Master class on drawing "White birch under my window"

Author: Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education at the kindergarten "Solnyshko", a structural unit of the Northern Pedagogical College, Serov
The master class is intended for educators, teachers of additional education, students of pedagogical colleges, parents and is designed for children of older preschool age.
Target: development of creative abilities when drawing emotionally expressive images using artistic means.
to form the ability of children to vary the means of depicting winter trees with various materials and techniques;
improve the technical skills of mastering watercolor in the a la prima technique, gouache in the stroke technique, using a space;
develop compositional flair, the ability to emotionally control color in the image of dawn;
to cultivate interest in admiring and learning about nature, co-creation skills with peers.
Purpose of the drawing: for decorating the interior of a room, a natural corner in a kindergarten, making a postcard.

The birch is called the symbol of Russia. The original name was given to her on behalf of Beregini, the ancient Slavic goddess, who was the mother of all good intentions and spirits. There are "male" and "female" trees (birch - birch), which also differ in shape: the birch branches bloom to the sides, the birch - up. Birch is an excellent air purifier. In the spring, a birch tree can give a bucket of juice in a day. Birch brooms can heal, cleanse, filling the human body with vitamin C, essential oils. In the old days, a birch torch was considered the best for lighting peasant huts - it burns brightly and without soot. But the main value of birch for us, the Russians, is in its beauty, grandeur, sincerity. No wonder poets, composers and artists at all times dedicated their works to her.

Grabar I.E. "February Blue"

S. Yesenin (1913)
White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire
A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver. Materials: landscape sheet, simple pencil, candle, watercolor, squirrel brush, foam rubber, glass of water.

1. We place the sheet vertically, in the middle with a simple pencil we draw a trunk, black “pockets” on it

2. To the right and left of the trunk, draw branches that first stretch up and then gradually fall down (the higher the branches, the shorter)

3. Each adult branch has baby branches (branches should not turn out too small, otherwise it will be difficult to apply wax)

4. The trunk and each branch must be painted over - circle the corner of the candle (the pressure is strong enough)
5. With a certain inclination of the sheet, wax lines become visible, this will allow you not to miss a single branch; you can also fill snowdrifts with wax and apply snowflake dots in the air

6. With foam rubber or a thick brush, moisten the entire sheet with water to apply watercolor using the a la prima technique (wet painting)

7. To convey the beauty of the sky - the dawn with color: “fill in” with horizontal lines whole sheet watercolor, gradually descending from the top edge of the sheet to the bottom, making smooth transitions from color to color

8. The magic that happens when filling with watercolors is beyond words: a snow-covered birch seems to appear out of nowhere, striking the imagination of preschoolers

For greater resemblance to the Yesenin birch, you can print an image of the window on the printer, while cutting out the “glass” part

Superimpose a window silhouette on a birch pattern

As a variant, the birch pattern can be supplemented with an application of a snow-covered Christmas tree (older children can draw the Christmas tree immediately on a sheet with a birch, in this case it is necessary to add a drop of dish detergent, such as Fairy, to gouache, otherwise the wax will not overlap with gouache).

Materials: a sheet of pastel-colored paper, green and white gouache on a palette, a flat bristle brush, scissors for cutting.

1. We collect green gouache on the entire plane of the brush

2. Dip the tip of the brush in white paint

3. We start the image of spruce from the lower tier: stick the brush with the entire plane, applying wide vertical strokes close to each other (each stroke is immediately two-color, with a whitewash - such a stroke is typical for the Ural house painting)

4. We apply each subsequent tier, reducing the number of strokes to convey the triangular shape of the Christmas tree

5. Finish the top with a pointed stroke

6. After drying, the Christmas tree can be cut out and supplemented with a birch composition.

Children 5-6 years old can easily cope with a birch pattern

but the Christmas tree is better for preschoolers 6-7 years old

Many people think that drawing is not for everyone. That is why they do not even try and do not know that it is really easy to draw if you know where to start. In this article, you will learn how to draw a birch. It can be autumn, summer, winter or spring. Birch, which is easy to draw, is a symbol of Russian soulfulness and kindness.

  • Black, brown and green felt-tip pens or pencils.
  • Paints if you want to use them.
  • Sheet of A4 white paper for drawing.

Step by step drawing of a birch

Video instruction

This video shows how to draw a birch beautifully and quickly. This master class will be understandable even for children. This drawing can even be sent to an exhibition or to a children's matinee in the younger group.

From the information above, you could learn how to draw a birch in stages. This master class is very useful, and even if we draw a birch, this does not mean that another tree cannot be drawn according to this scheme. For example, you can safely depict rowan, aspen, oak or any coniferous tree with paints or pencils. You can also make various pictures and draw a forest in autumn. Such drawing will help your child develop his creativity and imagination. Did you like the master class on how to draw a birch? What drawings does your child already know how to draw? Could you explain to him how to draw a birch tree? Share your experience and opinion in the comments!

Of course, graceful white birches are one of the most common and beloved trees by all. Poets often dedicate lines of their beautiful poems to them, and artists depict their black and white trunks on their colorful canvases. Therefore, in order to understand how to draw a birch, it will be useful to get acquainted with the work of the most famous painters by visiting the nearest museum of fine arts for this. You can also draw a birch with a pencil directly from nature, having come to some park or even to a deciduous forest for this.
Before you draw a birch, you should prepare:
1). Eraser;
2). album sheet;
3). Pencil;
4). Liner;
5). Multicolored pencils.

The easiest way to understand how to draw a birch with a pencil in stages, if you take your time, but slowly draw each tree step by step:
1. Draw a horizon line. Draw a thin path approximately in the middle. Mark five birch trunks. Try to keep the trees of different sizes;
2. Draw tree trunks, depict branches and outline stripes characteristic of birches;
3. Outline the outlines of the forest in the distance. Draw a couple of stones in the foreground;
4. Outline the foliage of the trees;
5. Now you know how to draw a birch tree step by step using a pencil. But this is just a sketch that needs to be colored. But first outline the sketch with a liner. Also stroke the birches with a liner, depicting with it a characteristic pattern for them;
6. Erase the original sketch with an eraser;
7. With a dark gray pencil, paint over the stripes, as well as the birch branches;
8. Shade the stones with brown and gray pencils;
9. Color the foliage of birches green;
10. In blue, indicate the clouds and shade the sky;
11. Dark green paint over the forest, and bright green - the grass;
12. Shade the path with brown shades.
Now the birch is drawn and colored with a pencil. To make the landscape more realistic and colorful, it is better to use gouache or watercolor. Also, birches can be depicted with an ordinary pencil, having worked out the drawing in more detail using hatching. You can create a very beautiful picture if you paint a bright autumn landscape, because in September the foliage of these wonderful trees acquires a magnificent golden yellow hue. Birches also look wonderful in winter, when their bare branches are decorated with lush snowdrifts.

Author: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region.
Description: work can be done with children from 3 years. The material can be useful for preschool teachers and teachers of additional education, parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, participation in creative exhibitions, gift.
Target: execution of the landscape composition "Birches"
- continue to introduce children to the basics of color science: local color (the main color of the object), lightness and saturation of color, warm colors;
- to teach children to draw trees (trunks - horizontal lines from top to bottom), leaflets by "adhering" the brush pile to a sheet of paper, changing the color of the paint;
- to improve children's orientation in the space of a sheet of paper, the ability to build the main drawing according to the proposed model and complement the landscape with various elements of their own design (grass, clouds, sun, mushrooms);
- to form the skill to hold the brush correctly, to use paints;
- exercise children in filling the space of the sheet with color (background of work), using horizontal wide strokes, rubbing and drying the background with a damp cloth;
- Raise interest in visual literacy.

Good day, dear friends and guests, I am glad to welcome you on the pages of my block! Today I invite you to another journey through the world of fine arts, to the fabulous forest of the country of Drawing. And what a journey without amazing stories, fabulous adventures and true friends.
What is a forest?
Trees to the sky
Birches and oaks, berries, mushrooms.
different paths,
hillocks and lowlands,
Soft grass, like an owl.
The forest is like a house, open on all sides
A carved roof of leaves is covered.
For birds, animals - a wonderful home,
You will see miracles in it!

The forest is like a very large apartment building, and there are many inhabitants in it, and as it should be, it also has its own owner, and his name is Grandfather Lesovik.
Many people confuse Grandfather Lesovik with Leshy - a prankster, but he is not at all a playful person, Lesovik is a kind forest spirit. And he looks different: his arms and legs are covered with thick wooden bark, his hair and long beard are entwined with ivy, and moss usually grows on his cheeks. In addition, a small bird's nest always flaunts on the head of Grandfather Lesovik.
Grandfather Lesovik always helps people who are lost in the forest, you just need to ask him: "Grandfather Lesovik, you are in the forest, but I'm used to my house." If in the forest, where people often walk, Leshy is naughty, then in the hollow of a tree they put a small note to Grandfather Lesovik with a complaint about this spirit, and then the good Grandfather Lesovik will put things in order.

Grandfather Lesovik is a real, fair and kind owner of the forest, who came to visit us today! It is he who manages the forest, pacifies offenders, helps people, and since he has a lot to do, there are also a lot of helpers. About them, about the various magical secrets of the forest, we will talk today.
Who is hiding in your forest?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, do not hide:
You see, we are...

In the forest, everything is alive, every grass and berry, a tree has its own spirit - the guardian. For beautiful and juicy grass in the answer Herbalist with Herbalist.
The herbs need to be bowed down
And fall in love with them forever
Herbs medicinal stock
Helps in difficult times.
- Look at their beautiful outfits, what color are they? (green)
- What is the difference between the Herbalist's dress and the Herbalist's shirt? (one color is darker, the other is lighter)
Why did they choose this color? (main grass color)

Protects green leaves - Listich, but grandfather Listin and grandmother Listina paint the leaves with warm, like the sun, autumn colors.
Shu-u! Please stop!
On the trees - leaves-birds!
Multicolored! Carved!
Playfully mischievous!
Breaking away, leaves are birds
A flock rush for a tit!
(S. Dream)
- What color are the leaves? (green, yellow, red, orange)
- Which of the colors can we call warm, sunny? (those with which we can draw the sun, fire - yellow, red, orange)

I walked somehow
Through the forest
I see:
Fly agaric has grown...
The cheerful Mushrooms look after the mushrooms in the forest so that they grow to the joy of the beast and people, and their brothers, the Mohoviches, grow mushrooms in the forest swamp, and they stir up moss (there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest and they are all different, but many are similar to each other in shape and the color of the legs - white).

For forest berries - Berry looks after, plays songs on the pipe, sings to them so that they grow well, they are sweet, and Strawberry helps him in that.
Know, children, strawberries -
It's a wild strawberry.
She bears early
Grows in forest glades...
- For strawberries, what will be the main color? (red)
- And if it is still unripe and sour? (green)

There are many different inhabitants in the forest, and there are enough miracles. They all live together, oh well, but only now a misfortune happened, and Grandfather Lesovik came to us for help:
I live in a dense forest
Forest friend I'm the best:
Protect and protect...
In autumn I fall asleep.
Only today I can not sleep,
Oh, I'm afraid something bad will happen!
Of course, you all know that the night is the most magical time, and when everyone is sleeping, everything happens ... At night, everything comes to life in the forest, and the trees get tired of standing in one place, and they go to visit each other, have fun and dance , lead round dances.

But most of all, birch trees know how to dance, they will see enough during the day, how girls in bright scarves in a clearing dance smoothly, beautifully, and try to repeat the movements.

And today a disaster happened, the oak and willow have already returned, and other trees have gone to their places, but there are still no birches. The night was dark, the trees got scared and called Grandfather Lesovik for help.

And he called for help all his assistants, and all together they went to look for birch trees. It is good that the trunk of the birch is white, it is clearly visible in the dark, and the squirrel found one of the birch sisters. It turns out that birches not only have fun, but love to dance, but they also really like to draw different patterns - especially in winter in frosty air. And having learned that new artists appeared in the country of Drawing, they went to look at their drawings, but among the colors they got lost. Only one sister was able to return home. And Grandfather Lesovik asks you to help him, to return the birch sisters home. And for this you need to conjure with magic brushes, and draw white-barreled birches.

Materials and tools:
- sheet of A3 paper
- gouache
- brushes
- water bank
- cloth for hands and hands
- wet wipes

Master class progress:

First of all, to find birch trees among the colors, you need to draw a day, it is easier to search during the day than at night - in the dark. At night, the sky is black as a coal from a fire, and during the day it is like a blue river, and on a white leaf - we will not find white birches.
Over paper over sheet
Waving brush tail.
And not just waving,
And smears paper
She paints blue.
Wow, what a beauty!
How good is
Sky blue river!
We find the blue color in the paints, select the brush necessary for drawing the sky (background) (the largest one - we provide the children with a choice). We remember how to use a brush and paints correctly, and start drawing from the very top of the sheet, applying horizontal blue lines.

To make the sky beautiful and even, use wet wipes (rub the color). We got acquainted with this method of work in the previous lesson.
The sky turned out to be bright, gentle as if lit by the sun, it's time to draw a meadow where our sisters - birch trees live.
We wash the brush well, and start working with the green color at the bottom of the sheet (we do the same work as with the blue color).
Green grass, green leaf,
Green grasshopper on a bump - jump-jump!
The green toad, seeing him,
She said only: “Am!”, And then - nothing ..
(M. Yanushkevich)

The background of our drawing turned out wonderful, like a warm autumn day. It's time to look for birches, their snow-white trunks (children find white).
White color lives in chamomile
Loves daddy's shirt
Sleeps in snow, snowdrifts, ice,
And frolicking in the clouds.

White-trunked birch -
Symbol of my Motherland.
There is no other tree
Dear Russian heart.
We all know that trees grow from small seeds that fall into the ground, but in the land of Drawing, the opposite is true. We grow a tree from the tip of the brush, from a small dot at the top of the sheet. We put a small dot on the drawing, apply a brush to it, then “roll” the brush along the drawing down to the green grass. They "rolled" the brush and found a lot of birch trees (do not forget that the brush loves to drink water and eat paint - such a glutton).

And now let's dress the birch trees in green sarafans, draw the leaves with the help of "tyap - lyapochek" (adhering the brush to a sheet of paper).
One two three four five
Let's draw leaves.
Leaf color is green
Under the green moss hummock,
And green needles
They grow on the tree all year round.

Now we will decorate the green sundresses of birch trees with patterns of yellow, warm as the sun leaves. We draw yellow leaves by sticking a brush to a sheet of paper.
Birches with yellow foliage
Shine in the azure blue ...

The yellow color on the brush mixed with the green color of the leaves and we got a beautiful yellow-green color, the artists call it light green. With this warm and delicate color, we will draw leaves that have fallen to the ground.
The leaves sparkle with bright colors,
The wind blows - they fly around ...

So our beauties were found - birches.

For older children, the task can be complicated by offering to circle the trunks of birches with a black contour line (we draw the line from top to bottom with a thin brush).

Then we draw twigs that stretch towards the sun and spots on the birch trunk.

Using the priming method, we draw leaves on birch trees and the ground. Among the fallen leaves we draw blades of grass - small thin strokes.

Well, what is autumn without mushrooms. First, draw their legs in white (apply the brush to the sheet vertically), then the hats in red (apply the brush to the legs in a horizontal position).

These are the Russian beauties, white-trunked birches, we found with children in the country of Drawing, lost among the colors.

The birch trees were very happy that they were again in their native clearing in the forest, and of course meeting new friends. They thank with all their hearts both the saviors and the guests, and invite them to visit, marvel at the wonders of the forest, and treat themselves to birch sap! And, Grandfather Lesovik is always on duty, a kind person and help and joy from the gifts of the forest, but there is no evil way there, the forest will not let him in! How to draw a birch in stagesNon-traditional drawing technique for children 5-6 years oldGrisaille mountain landscape in stages with a photoHow to draw a gouache landscape for children from 5 years old step by step with a photo