How to make an incense bag. How to make a fragrance for linen in the closet with your own hands? I will include both sachets in the Consolidated post of my

A sachet (fr. sachet) is a small bag containing a mixture of aromatic herbs. For a long time, such bags have been popular in many families. They refreshed the house, attracted good luck and love, and even drove away dark forces. Although you can buy ready-made sachets in souvenir shops, but if they are made by yourself, they seem to fill the house with comfort and a pleasant atmosphere.

For manufacturing you will need:

Fabric for the bag;
thread with a needle;
beads and various braids for decoration;
a mixture of dry herbs;
essential oil.

The bag for filling is made from any fabric. The main thing is that it should not be very dense. It can be organza, cotton, silk or linen. Also, several fabrics are combined, it all depends on the imagination of the craftswoman. The product can be decorated with embroidery that matches the type or purpose of the aromatic content. A small pillow, a heart, animal figurines or a beautifully designed pouch - this is what a modern sachet looks like.

First you need to make the desired pattern on paper. According to this template, cut out the details of the sachet, not forgetting to make allowances for the seams. Then, folded inside with the front sides, the parts are sewn by hand or sewn on a sewing machine. It is necessary to leave a small piece of the product without stitching in order to fill it with herbs. The sachet is turned right side out. If you plan to decorate the bag with embroidery, do this before stitching the details. The finished product can be decorated with beads, glass beads, lace or braid.

To prepare an aromatic mixture of herbs, you can buy it at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself in the summer. In order for dry plants to fully release their aroma, they are ground by hand in a mortar or coffee grinder. Then they sift, add a few drops of essential oil and leave for a couple of days in a sealed container so that the herbs are infused and saturated with oil. The finished mixture is poured into a sachet and the bag is tightly sewn up or tied with a decorative ribbon. Change the filler every 3-4 months.

5) Fillers for aromatic bag can be any. The most common compositions are: mint in combination with cloves, rose in combination with lavender, lemon, cloves and rosemary. To smell romance just in the bedroom, lay out a sachet with this mixture: mix an equal amount of chamomile, rose petals, rosemary and carnations, sew into bags. Melissa , lavender , chamomile , oregano and thyme promote sound sleep . A bag of lavender placed in a closet with clothes will drive away uninvited moths.

6) It is believed that if you sew a bag of green fabric and put two parts of cloves, three parts of patchouli and one part of cinnamon into it, this will attract money. If you want to sew a sachet for a motorist, then choose a red material, put a double portion of rosemary and juniper, and a single dose of comfrey, cumin and wormwood. Such a talisman is hidden from prying eyes. And in order to protect your home , a red product is placed on the highest place , which is filled with the following mixture : three equal parts of basil and rosemary , two parts of dill and fennel seeds , one part of fern , laurel and a pinch of salt .

Aromatic sachets can soak bed linen, clothes, serve as part of the interior. In this case, mixtures of dry petals, herbs and spices can be placed in a decorative basket or vase. A cotton bag with herbal mixture is dipped into a filled bath. In addition, the exquisitely decorated sachet will serve as an original and pleasant gift.

Aromatic sachet - a small fabric bag with a filler that gives a pleasant aroma. Natural ingredients are most often used as stuffing: zest, fragrant herbs, flower petals, conifer needles, tree bark, sea salt, vanilla sticks or cinnamon - the choice is almost limitless. To give a more persistent and pleasant smell, a few drops of essential oils are added to the filler.

Aromatic sachet can

  1. put in the closet so that the selected fragrance permeates the things lying on the shelves
  2. hang in the car interior instead of an air freshener
  3. lay out at the head of the bed to inhale your favorite scent while relaxing
  4. leave on the shelves of the kitchen or bathroom to create a cozy atmosphere and mask unpleasant odors.

It is quite simple to make an aroma sachet, as well as with your own hands, it is not necessary to have needlework skills for this.

To sew a fragrant pillow with your own hands, you need to prepare:

How to sew an aromatic sachet?

2 identical parts are cut out of a flap of fabric: rectangles or squares, not forgetting to add 1 cm to each side (seam allowances). You can also make a sachet in the form of a heart or any other shape, for this it is first better to depict the desired shape of the future product on paper, and then cut it out and use it as a pattern.

If you plan to decorate the cover with embroidery, it is more convenient to do this until the details are sewn.

For an aroma sachet made in the form of a bag, you need to grind 3 sides of the parts folded together with the front side inward. Then the finished product is turned on the outside, the outer edge is processed, stuffed with any filler and tied with a ribbon.

If the shape of the aroma sachet is a pillow, a heart or another figure, you need to grind all sides, leaving a small unstitched area on one of them. Through it, the product is turned out and stuffed, and then carefully sewn up from the outside.

How to fill the Aromatic sachet?

Possible options:

  1. Dry herbs. Aromatic mixtures can be collected in the summer on your own or bought ready-made at a pharmacy. First, the plants are crushed to enhance the smell emanating from them. This can be done with a coffee grinder, blender or mortar. The crushed composition is sifted to get rid of a very fine powder, the rest is poured into a bowl. Essential oils are added there to give a more intense flavor to the filler. The most common lavender sachet (it does not need to be crushed additionally)
  2. Sintepon. A pillow is stuffed with artificial fibers, sewn up, and then, having drawn oil into a syringe, they pierce the fabric with a needle in several places, injecting liquid.
  3. Sea salt, coniferous needle. The mixture is poured into a bowl, aromatic oils are dripped, then a pillow is stuffed with it.
  4. Sawdust - perfectly retain the aroma, can be purchased at any department of pet supplies (only take odorless sawdust)

Large ingredients - vanilla sticks, tree bark, plant roots - will look spectacular in a sachet sewn from translucent fabric (organza, lace). Oil is also dripped on them before being placed inside the case.

What oils to use for aroma sachet?

Essential oils can have a variety of actions: invigorate, soothe, improve mood or relax. Therefore, it is important to select fragrances taking into account exactly where the scented pads will be used.

For the bedroom

To ensure proper sleep and relaxation, you can make compositions from essential oils of such plants:

Melissa fights bad mood, protects from bad dreams, helps with headaches.
Lavender adjusts in a positive way, eliminates depressive thoughts, relaxes, fights insomnia.
Rose relieves stress.
Oregano helps to forget about problems and difficulties with sleep.
Peppermint fights neuroses, balances the energy balance.
Chamomile has a calming property, helps to establish peace of mind, it is used against depression, stress, insomnia and neuroses.
Thyme improves the activity of the central nervous system and tones the nervous system.
Myrrh, sage, frankincense, juniper and cedar eliminate obsessive thoughts, even out mood, relieve fatigue.
Pine and fir protect against respiratory diseases, they are good to use during the SARS season.
Geranium and valerian- antidepressants.

for closet

The most popular wardrobe sachet scent is lavender. In addition to a pleasant smell, a fragrant bag will protect things from moths.

Other possible solutions: rose oil, mint, lemon, rosemary, ylang-ylang. For a shelf with bed linen, an aroma sachet with the smell of lemon balm is suitable.

For kitchen

Sachets for the kitchen are filled with spices or aromatic herbs.

A good option is coffee essential oil. It promotes awakening, eliminates drowsiness, increases concentration, increases efficiency. Coffee oil has a special property - it enhances the pleasure that a person receives in the process of any activity. So, by making sachets with the smell of coffee, you can turn routine cooking into an exciting experience.
Carnation helps to recover from mental and physical stress, relieves stress.
Coriander calms, helps fight fears, increases creativity.
Mint restores strength, fights fatigue, nervous excitement, helps eliminate unpleasant thoughts.
Cinnamon relieves stress, awakens craving for activity, increases sensitivity, improves digestion
Citrus invigorate, set up for a productive working day, relieve depression and fatigue of the eye muscles.

For bathroom

Since there is high humidity in the bathroom, and the filler will dampen very quickly, not dry herbs are used here, but bags filled with salt. Sea salt can be mixed with beeswax and after that add essential oil to this mass.

To create an invigorating smell in the bathroom, clove, pine needles, sage, rose, basil and rosemary oils are used. To relax, use an aroma sachet with essential oils of chamomile, lavender, myrrh and frankincense.

For auto

When driving, it is important to concentrate, so substances with invigorating aromas are used to fill the sachet.
Tea tree oil relieves fatigue and weakness, increases attentiveness, helps in stressful situations, repels insects.
fennel essential oil eliminates the smell of tobacco, has an anti-stress effect, reduces nervousness.
Basil helps to concentrate and improves memory.
Laurel and lemongrass reduces fatigue, increases alertness.
Lemon helps to cope with nausea.
Verbena invigorates, reduces irritability, improves mood and stimulates mental activity.
Grapefruit helps fight drowsiness while driving, increases activity, improves mood, relieves aggression.
Patchouli increases vigor and readiness for action, speeds up the reaction, gives a charge of optimism.

Whatever filler is chosen, every 3-4 months it must be replaced with a new one - after this period, almost all the aroma is exhaled, and the sachet loses its properties.

A sachet is a bag of aromatic herbs. It is used for aromatization of the house and as a talisman. Herbs and flowers can cure diseases, but they do not have to be taken orally. You can inhale their smell, it also has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is convenient to spread the aroma sachet around the house to fill it with a beneficial aroma.

History of appearance

There is a belief that the Indians, in memory of the event, dried the thing associated with this incident. They inhaled the fragrance to remember the happiest moments of their lives.

The wives of the ancient warriors put herbs on the campaign, which were considered amulets. Fabric was not always used for this, sometimes they were put into horns, which were tightly closed.

The upper classes wore herbs in medallions as a talisman. A lady of the 18-19th century was supposed to have a sachet with pleasantly smelling flowers with her, it replaced perfume. The ladies decorated the pouches with embroidery, ribbons and lace.

Ordinary peasants sewed aromatic herbs into everyday clothes to protect them from the evil eye. They were also laid out around the house not only for a pleasant smell, but also for protection from evil spirits.


The scented sachet can be used to create a pleasant smell in the house, as well as to scent clothes and bedding.

The filler can be herbs, petals, twigs, the main condition is a pleasant smell. You can also use spices and essential oils.

Filler options:

  • Zest of lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits;
  • Dried rose hips, barberries, raspberries;
  • small cereals;
  • Spices - vanilla, cinnamon, cloves;
  • Rose petals and other flowers.

Essential oils can be chosen according to your taste. You can use the invigorating smells of lemon or eucalyptus, subtle floral aromas (rose, jasmine, lavender) or light coniferous ones - juniper, fir.

Application methods

Most often, sachets are placed in wardrobes with clothes so that the linen has a fresh smell, and does not smell musty. If you choose pleasant, soothing aromas and arrange them in piles of bed linen, then it will be more pleasant to fall asleep, sleep will come faster.

You can make a special sachet to repel moths and other harmful insects. These pouches can be laid out in woolen things, as well as hung next to a fur coat. Then you can be sure that the moth will not spoil them.

You can use the aroma sachet to protect against evil spirits as a talisman. It must be hung above the front door or on the head of the bed. In the latter case, the pouch can cure insomnia and normalize sleep.

Another use case is to hang it next to the table to stimulate work activity. Smells can help you concentrate and get in the mood for work.

There are smells that calm the nervous system and can change a person's mood. If you add them to a sachet and spread it throughout the apartment, the tenants will always have a good mood.

It is known that certain smells can treat diseases. Basically, these are diseases of the respiratory system. For example, pine aroma is useful for asthma sufferers. The smell of eucalyptus helps with a cold. Using this knowledge, you can make pouches for treatment.

Do-it-yourself moth protection

To make an aroma sachet, you need to sew a bag. It can be simply in the form of a square, or an unusual design. For a gift, you can choose the shape of a heart. Fantasy bags can be in the form of ice cream, cake, house, snowman.

After you have decided on the shape, you need to draw a pattern. It is easy to make yourself or find it on the Internet. Then the pattern needs to be transferred to the fabric.

It is best to take fabrics that allow air to pass through - cotton or linen. Handicraft stores sell small patches of various colors. Plain plain fabric is usually decorated with embroidery of flowers and herbs. They also use such decoration as lace, decorative ribbons and buttons.

Sew up your pouch, but don't forget to leave an opening for filling. Now you need to make a mixture to repel moths. Most often, lavender is used for this. It is combined with rose petals and violet root in a ratio of 3:2:1. Fill the bag with this mixture and close the opening.

Done - you can put a bouquet of fragrances in a pile of woolen things or in the pockets of a fur coat.

Do-it-yourself New Year's scented bag

For many, the New Year is associated with the smell of oranges, tangerines and cinnamon. You can make such an aromatic sachet to create a New Year's smell and decorate your home.

To make, prepare:

  • White and orange organza;
  • Orange narrow ribbon;
  • Dried orange slices;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • coarse sea salt;
  • Essential oil of orange.

First sew the bag. Cut out two squares of white organza with a side of 10 cm. Sew them together, leaving one side unsewn. From orange organza, cut out squares with a side of 12 cm. Sew them together.

Prepare the mixture in a bowl. Add essential oil to sea salt and stir. Pour it into a white bag, put orange slices and cinnamon sticks. Sew up the free side.

Insert this pouch into the orange and sew up the free side. Make a bow from the ribbon, sew it on top. It will turn out beautifully if the organza is translucent, and the inner bag is tightly stuffed with filler.

pouch to attract money

Herbs have long been endowed with magical properties. Including people believe that some of them bring money. This is easy to check by making a sachet.

To do this, take green cotton or linen. Sew a simple square or other shape out of it. It is important to make a small size so that it can be put in a pocket or bag.

For filling, you need to prepare a mixture of patchouli, cloves and cinnamon in proportions of 3:2:1. This mixture is poured into a bag and sewn up.

You should always carry a bag with you so that you can carry money.

Aromatization of linen

The rose is the best way to give a delicate aroma to linen. In the closet with personal and bed linen, you can use these bags.

Take a satin or silk fabric. A natural composition is preferable, since polyester does not allow odors to pass through. Draw a pattern of a heart or a nightgown on paper. These shapes are best for wardrobe. If you do not want to sew a complex design, just cut out the squares.

Sew the selected bag from the fabric. Decorate it with lace or ribbons.

Now you need to prepare the mixture. Take 50 g of rose petals, 25 g of lavender, 2 g of orange peel, powdered violet root, a few drops of rose and lavender oil. Mix well and pour into a bag.

Sew up the resulting design and put it on the shelf with linen.

Sachets have been used for many centuries to flavor the house, bed linen, clothes. It is a pouch filled with herbs, flower petals, essential oils and various scented items. The most important thing when creating it is to take into account the tastes of the household. The smell should not irritate, on the contrary, you need to make a composition that will calm the nervous system.

When creating with your own hands, you can feel like a perfumer who selects smells and measures their exact amount. This is a creative process where only you decide which ingredients to put in and how much. You can scent your home or give friends for the holidays. It is better to make such gifts only to people whose tastes you know.

Video: How to make aroma sachet at home

In Rus', grandmothers were engaged in the manufacture of sachets. They collected fragrant and medicinal herbs, dried them and used them as pillow fillers. The aroma exuded by plants helped to sleep better and sounder, soothed headaches and nerves. In Soviet times, soap was put in the closet to add a smell to things.

Modern sachet comes in different shapes and sizes, also differs in smell and type of fabric. In order not to waste money and time searching, make a sachet.

How to fill the bag

Most often, herbs, flowers, spices, orange and lemon peels, essential oils are used to fill the sachet. All these ingredients can be purchased at specialty stores or assembled by yourself. Please note that you need to collect flowers early in the morning in the first days after they have blossomed. In this case, the sun has not yet had time to dry them and deprive them of a pleasant aroma.

When composing a mixture, study the characteristics of herbs. For example, lavender and lemon balm have a calming effect, relieve headaches and stress. Their good use of bed linen. Citrus fruits invigorate, and conifers relieve obsessive thoughts. Such mixtures will be set to work. Try to avoid or minimize lilies, lilies of the valley, jasmine, daffodils,. The flowers of these plants can cause severe headaches.

Rose, lavender, mint, lemon, rosemary, violet root, and ylang ylang are most commonly used to scent clothes.

How to make a sachet

Choose natural fabrics that ventilate the air well: cotton, linen, silk, bamboo, burlap. A sachet packed in a synthetic bag will quickly lose its flavor.

Cut a 10x33 cm rectangle from the fabric. Fold it in half inside out, sew the top and side edges with tight stitches to make a bag. Turn the workpiece through the remaining hole.

Before pouring the prepared mixture of flowers and herbs inside, make sure that all the ingredients are well dried. Otherwise, your bag will not be fragrant with a pleasant aroma, but with the smell of mold. If desired, drip a few drops of essential oils (lavender, verbena, mint, orange) or rose oil. Crushed violet root has a fixing effect. Add it at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 25 g of dry mix. It will make the aroma of the sachet more persistent, while not interrupting it.

After the filling is ready, tie the bag tightly with a satin ribbon, braid or leather cord. You can decorate it with lace, beads, beads or stripes.