What is violet basil useful for and how to use it correctly. Basil purple useful properties and contraindications Basil strengthens the immune system

This spice was known to the ancient Egyptians, who used it as a spice and medicine, as well as embalming bodies. The properties of the fragrant basil herb were highly valued. Translated from the Greek basilikohn - "royal". This name was not given in vain.

Italians consider fragrant leaves a symbol of love and are actively used in cooking, for example, in world-famous dishes: pesto sauce and Margherita pizza. In India, even today they believe in the magical properties of the spice and even swear to it during testimony in court. There are a huge number of legends associated with the plant. However, the healing properties of basil are valued above all.

plant species

Spicy leaves can have a different color - from green to lilac and blue-violet, as well as a varied aroma. The green Mediterranean basil has a delicate scent that also has beneficial properties. The leaves of Asiatic have a clove flavor and are distinguished by a wine-red color. Lemon with bright greens has a pronounced citrus smell. Thai is licorice-flavored, and its young purple leaves age and turn green.

Due to such a variety of aromas, flavors and chemical composition, the seasoning has become unusually widespread in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

The benefits and harms of basil have been known since antiquity, and the number of valuable qualities is disproportionately greater than the problems caused by the use of spices. The essential oils contained in the leaves and stem have powerful healing effects, but in rare cases, they can cause an allergic reaction.

Health Benefits: Applications

Popularity in all corners of the world and a wide range of uses, the plant owes its composition. The leaves contain a significant amount of essential oils - about 1.5%, giving them a unique smell and piquant taste. The oil has a complex composition and includes eugenol, lanalool, camphor, ocimene and other organic compounds. Also included are:

  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides and simple sugars;
  • magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium and other trace elements;
  • vitamins C, PP, B2, K;
  • carotene;
  • routine;
  • fiber;
  • vegetable fats;
  • flavonoids.

The benefits of basil for the human body have been known for a long time, so it is actively used by culinary specialists, cosmetologists and doctors.

Spicy herb is actively used in many national cuisines, it is added to salads, first courses, meat and fish, sauces and desserts are prepared with it. The plant is especially popular in Italian and Georgian cuisine, while seeds are often used in Azerbaijani cuisine. In dry form, the leaves are added to spice mixtures, canned food, sausages, savory snacks based on butter or cheese.

Basil for women is an excellent cosmetic product. It has powerful antioxidant properties, improves the condition of the skin and hair. Oil, decoction and infusion of herbs are used for:

  • care for aging skin, increasing its elasticity;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • strengthening hair roots;
  • accelerating hair growth, reducing their fragility and adding shine;
  • elimination of comedones and inflammations on the skin;
  • rejuvenating masks;
  • to remove warts.

The use of spices is good for gums and teeth. In dentistry, it is prescribed in the treatment of infections of the oral cavity, healing of ulcers and inflammation of the gums. Basil for smoking men is a great way to freshen breath and improve the color of tooth enamel.

With insect bites, the essential oil of the herb relieves inflammation and accelerates the healing of the wound.

Medicinal properties of basil and contraindications

Hundreds of years ago, the healing qualities of fragrant leaves were known to healers. Modern medicine has confirmed: the rich chemical composition of the plant allows it to be used in many areas and heal dozens of diseases with it. First of all, it will benefit the body of people suffering from excess weight. Greens are low-calorie, so it can be added in any amount to salads and other dishes during a diet. The mineral and vitamin complex will make up for the lack of nutrients, which is possible due to dietary restrictions. The active ingredients help to speed up the metabolism, stimulate the burning of fats and prevent their accumulation.

The presence of a plant in the diet helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Due to its bactericidal properties, the herb is used in the treatment of infectious and viral diseases, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.

The plant is able to calm the nervous system, prevent neurosis and help cope with stress. It is useful for the gastrointestinal tract: improves digestion, helps with bloating and flatulence, indigestion.

In case of urolithiasis, the use of fresh leaves and decoctions is also useful: the excretion of uric acid improves, the stones soften and come out, the pain is minimized.

Essential oils of spices released into the air have an antispasmodic effect, eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, and stimulate the heart. Preparations from the plant are prescribed after surgical injuries - they accelerate the healing of sutures and wounds.

Also noted are the following properties of grass:

  • slowing down the aging process;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • blood saturation with hemoglobin;
  • restoration of immunity after illness;
  • prevention of eye diseases;
  • reduction in the intensity of headaches;
  • rapid recovery of strength after significant physical exertion;
  • elimination of nervousness and hyperexcitability.

The plant has the ability to remove carcinogens from the body and thus prevent the development of cancer. Carotene allows for many years to maintain visual acuity, health of the skin and mucous membranes.

But in addition to benefits, basil can be harmful. To avoid problems, you need to familiarize yourself with contraindications.

A high concentration of essential oils, a bright smell can cause an allergic reaction. This can be irritation of the respiratory mucosa, rash and indigestion. With personal intolerance, even serious poisoning with spice dishes occurs.

Unpleasant side effects may occur in pregnant women or nursing mothers suffering from angina pectoris, epilepsy, coronary heart disease or tachycardia.

The plant contains small amounts of mercury compounds, which are harmless to healthy people, but can provoke complications in those who have hypertension, diabetes, thrombophlebitis or thrombosis.

In general, the benefits and harms of basil for men and women are determined by the amount of the plant in the daily menu. Excessive dosages may not benefit even perfectly healthy people.

Therefore, before including this tasty and healthy spice in the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

purple basil- spicy plant, one of the types of basil. The plant got its name due to the purple color of the leaves. Basil is a member of the Lamiaceae family. The plant belongs to the mint family. Basil purple is an annual plant that grows up to 50cm tall with many deep purple leaves (see photo).

The birthplace of the basil is considered to be South Asia. The pioneers of the basil on the European continent are the Germans. Basil has been cultivated in Germany since the 12th century. Even in the times of ancient civilizations, basil was widely used for the preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Purple basil differs from green basil in that it has a stronger smell. This type of basil is not particularly popular in the European culinary tradition, but Asian and Caucasian cuisines use it very widely.


Growing purple basil under normal conditions is quite problematic. Basil is an annual plant. Spicy herb is planted outdoors only in sunny and warm areas, even in summer the basil will die if it does not receive enough heat. For sale and for home use, basil is grown indoors. The soil for planting basil must be fertile and permeable.

Basil should be planted after all frosts in the form of seedlings. When planting a plant with seeds, it is necessary to constantly sow new seeds. The first sowing is recommended in early May. Basil needs proper care, which consists in regular watering and fertilizing. If the plant is not fertilized in time, then its leaves will be tough, their taste will noticeably deteriorate.

Basil is recommended to be planted in seedlings. To do this, the prepared seeds of the plant are planted first in wooden boxes, and then the germinated seeds are planted in the ground. Basil, due to its rich color, is also cultivated as an ornamental plant.

The Best Varieties of Purple Basil

Among the best and most sought after varieties of purple basil are the following: "Thai", "Yerevan", "Opal", "Ararat", "Pepper Aroma" and "Vanilla".

purple basil variety


This variety of basil grows as a tall bush that curls a little. Its flowers are lilac in color, and the leaves have a purple-green tint. The most important thing is that the leaves contain carotene and essential oils. Harvesting can be done two months after planting. Also, the Ararat variety is also suitable for growing in flower pots. In cooking, such basil is added to various cheeses, vegetable salads, hot dishes (vegetable soup), or they are simply sprinkled on top of the finished hot product.


Basil variety "Vanilla" is an annual herbaceous plant whose stem is branched and can reach forty centimeters in height. Its leaves are jagged at the edges and are painted in a rich purple hue, and the flowers are collected in spikelets. Since basil leaves are very tasty, they can even be put in fruit salads.


It rightfully occupies one of the leading places among other varieties of basil, since it is used not only in cooking, but also in garden decor. Such a plant has purple leaves with a red tint. During the flowering of this variety of basil, its pink flowers completely cover the bush and exude a wonderful aroma. In addition, Yerevan basil is good because its leaves can be cut up to three times during the entire harvest season. Therefore, from one square meter, you can collect up to three kilograms of basil leaves.

The basil bush is covered with purple leaves, and its flowers are crimson. However, from this variety, flowers must be cut so that they do not interfere with the growth of leaves. Since basil leaves have a peppery aroma with a slight smell of cloves, and they also taste good, they can be put in a variety of sauces, gravies, marinades, mixed with oils, vinegar, and added to salads. For the entire period of productivity, you can collect up to two kilograms of such leaves, and this is only from one planted square.

Pepper flavor

This variety of basil is an annual, herbaceous type with red leaves. They have a rich spicy smell and taste. Harvesting can be done twenty days after planting. Most often, the Pepper Flavor basil variety is added to various sauces, marinades instead of pepper.

This variety of basil forms a dense shrub with dark purple leaves that are serrated at the edges and their surface is smooth. The plant has a rich spicy aroma with a slight smell of cinnamon. Most often it is added to vegetable salads, marinades, pickles are prepared with it, and various meat and fish products are seasoned with it.

As you can see, there are a lot of varieties of purple basil, so you can try to plant all varieties, and then choose the one that you liked the most both in taste and aroma.

Below is a video about the beneficial properties of basil.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of purple basil are not much different from its green variety. In Rus', the plant was known as the royal grass, as its medicinal properties were widely used by folk healers. The plant effectively cleanses the body, can be used for inflammation of the bladder, gastric diseases.

Basil is rich in vitamins A, C, PP. This combination of vitamins helps to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, improves the appearance of the skin, strengthens nails. Basil contains a large amount of essential oil, which gives the leaves of the plant a unique aroma, similar to the smell of allspice. The essential oil contains a huge amount of camphor. Basil oil has astringent properties, carminative. In connection with these properties, basil infusion is used to treat flatulence.

Basil is credited with the properties of a radioprotector, it protects the human body from the harmful effects of radiation. Basil, like other medicinal herbs, has an antimicrobial effect, disinfects wounds, and helps with diseases of internal organs. Basil has a beneficial effect on the state of the body with arthritis, rheumatism.

In India, they believe that the use of basil helps to strengthen memory, improves brain function. Hindus revere basil as the second sacred plant after the lotus. Basil considered an aphrodisiac it helps to tune in to a romantic mood for a man and a woman. Basil perfectly relaxes, increases potency. The plant is widely used as a natural remedy for headaches. Basil helps relieve migraines. In order to relax after a hard day, it is enough to take a warm bath with a few drops of basil oil, which must be mixed with honey or cream just before the procedure.

Basil leaves contain carotene, rutin, vitamins C, PP, B2. Basil juice is rich in phytoncides. Basil is used as an effective tonic, for this purpose juice is squeezed from fresh basil. Basil oil is used for bloating, it is used as a natural antispasmodic. Plant oil can also be used for inhalation for colds and viral diseases, it has a bactericidal property, promotes a speedy recovery. The oil is especially effective in the fight against fungal infections. A decoction of basil is used orally, a bunch of basil is boiled for 20 minutes, then cooled and taken several times a day.

Basil juice is used to treat fungus, and decoctions to treat intestinal colic, poisoning, gastritis. Basil juice is obtained from fresh leaves or flowers of the plant, they must be collected before flowering. Juice acts irritably on the gastric mucosa, so you need to drink it after eating, after diluting it with water. Basil is effective in diseases associated with digestion. Avicena recommended using basil for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Use in cooking

In cooking, purple basil can easily replace green basil in many recipes. The aroma of purple basil is no less fragrant than green basil. The Caucasian culinary tradition does not represent the preparation of meat dishes without the addition of basil. Purple basil is known in many regions as regan or rayhon. Azerbaijani cuisine adds basil to dessert drinks. In Uzbekistan, it is added to tea drinks. Basil turns the liquid purple, adding a piece of lemon to the tea turns the drink bright pink.

Dried basil is used as a spice. As a seasoning, purple basil is used to prepare vegetable dishes with eggplant, tomatoes, and sweet peppers. Chefs recommend combining basil with other herbs, such as mint, parsley, marjoram. The combination of basil with coriander is not considered successful, as the dish will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. A spicy plant can be added to homemade sausages, preservation, meat dishes.

Fresh basil leaves go well with all vegetables, suitable for salads. Basil harmonizes especially well with tomatoes; it will be indispensable when preparing tomato sauce. Green basil is one of the ingredients in pesto sauce. In Mediterranean cuisine, this herb is used to prepare seafood dishes. Also, young basil leaves are added to pizza. Lamb, beef and other types of meat also go well with this spicy herb.

Basil can be used both dried and fresh. The calorie content of the product is 23 calories per 100 grams. The relatively low calorie content of the herb, as well as its beneficial properties, make it possible to recommend this plant for the prevention of many diseases. Basil has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which is essential for people who are on a diet.

Purple Basil Benefits and Treatment

The benefits of basil allow it to be used for medicinal purposes in the form of infusions, decoctions and tinctures. Basil is used to increase appetite. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. pour dried herbs with boiling water, insist under the lid for 10 minutes. Then the mixture should be filtered and taken several times a day, before meals.

Basil is taken in the form of decoctions for the treatment of inflammatory processes. For this, 4 tbsp. l. pour boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour. The infusion should be taken in diseases of the throat three times a day before meals. With increased excitability, purple basil tea should be brewed more often. For one serving, 4 tablespoons of crushed basil leaves and flowers in a glass of boiling water will be enough.

With otitis, a compress is made from basil leaves. A small amount of the plant is poured with boiling water, then brought to a boil. When the broth is ready to boil, it is removed from the heat and allowed to brew for about 30 minutes, the compress is made on both ears for 1-2 hours.

Harm of purple basil and contraindications

Basil can harm the body during pregnancy. In moderate doses, purple basil is very useful, but it is undesirable to use it in the form of decoctions for high blood pressure, diabetes, and pregnancy. The course of treatment with basil should not exceed three weeks. Any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, because this herb has some contraindications for use.

Basil is a popular spice in cooking, which gives a piquant taste and unique aroma to dishes seasoned with it. Purple basil is considered especially fragrant, which, unlike green, is widely used in Caucasian cuisine, as it is considered an excellent seasoning for meat and vegetable salads. It is eaten both fresh and dried. And this herbaceous plant is valued for its medicinal properties.

Basil purple in the days of Ancient Rus' was called the royal herb. And this is not surprising, because it was widely used by traditional healers to cure patients from various ailments. This garden plant received its medicinal properties due to its unique composition, which includes all the vitamins and other useful microelements necessary for our body. Regular use contributes to the effective cleansing of the body of toxins, improves memory, stimulates brain activity and perfectly strengthens the immune system. In addition, basil has a powerful tonic effect.

Today, basil is a popular garden plant. This spice, as well as other greens, is grown in the beds of cottages and household plots. It has a spicy clove flavor that perfectly sets off and complements the taste of the main dish when used as a condiment. Moreover, the taste and smell of different varieties of this garden plant will be different. Its most common varieties will be:

  • Yerevan, which has a light aroma of fresh tea mixed with allspice;
  • Baku, its smell is a mixture of clove and mint aromas.

Basil purple in the days of Ancient Rus' was called the royal herb

There are also varieties that smell like almonds, lemongrass and nutmeg. But the taste of all varieties of basil will be the same - mint and at the same time bittersweet.

As mentioned above, this spice, when used regularly, remarkably cleanses the body of toxins, and is also involved in the effective treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and in relieving inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract.

Basil purple has the following healing properties:

  • the ability to restore the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • the possibility of improving skin color;
  • strengthening nails.

No less useful is the essential oil of this herbaceous plant of the mint family. It contains a large amount of camphor and has the ability to treat flatulence.

No less useful is the essential oil of this herbaceous plant of the mint family.

In addition, it is believed that basil is able to protect our body from the harmful effects of radioactive radiation. Just like other garden herbs, for example, it has a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect. Its regular use alleviates the patient's condition with arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It can also relieve migraine headaches. Especially effective in this case will be relaxing baths, in the warm water of which basil oil mixed with honey and cream has been added.

And basil is useful because it is an aphrodisiac. This means that this fragrant garden herb enhances libido, increases potency and helps to tune in to a romantic mood.

Its tart aroma helps to enhance the feelings of two loving people and return the former passion in their relationship. These properties are provided by its tart, bittersweet aroma.

Basil juice is also incredibly useful. It has a powerful tonic property. It contains:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin B2;
  • Rare vitamin PP;
  • Carotene;
  • Rutin;
  • Phytoncides.

It is used to get rid of a fungal infection and a general increase in the tone of the whole organism. Juice is extracted from the leaves and stems of this herbaceous plant, collected before the start of the flowering period. When ingesting it, care should be taken, as it is very irritating to the gastrointestinal mucosa. That is why basil juice should be diluted with water and in no case should you drink it on an empty stomach.

Video about useful and cured properties

No less effective is the oil of this plant. It is used for therapeutic inhalations, which are done for colds and viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. It has strong bactericidal properties, thanks to which its active components successfully fight viruses and bacteria, which contributes to a speedy recovery. And basil oil is a natural antispasmodic, it is successfully used for bloating.

As for decoctions prepared from the dry collection of this garden plant, they will be indispensable for food poisoning, intestinal colic, increased gas formation, ulcers and gastritis.

Basil is an effective and effective remedy against many ailments that overtake the human body.

Like any other medicinal plant, basil has its own contraindications, which include:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • transferred heart attack;
  • thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • any disease of the cardiovascular system.

In pregnant women, this plant can cause tachycardia and high blood pressure.

Like any other medicinal plant, basil has its own contraindications.

But even in the absence of contraindications, violet basil should be consumed within reasonable limits. Excessive consumption of it will lead to intoxication, to which the body will respond with symptoms typical of food poisoning.

Basil storage rules

Since the use of basil must be reasonable, it is necessary to take care of the storage of this medicinal plant in advance.

The plot of the treatment with basil

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • cooling.

All of the above methods will allow you to keep basil for a long time and not lose the vitamins and beneficial properties contained in it so that it supports your body throughout the winter and helps to resist ailments.

Purple basil is considered a common annual plant that is just sometimes added to food. However, in fact, this culture is unique and is popular not only among culinary specialists, but also among scientists. Due to the beneficial properties of purple basil, the plant is often used in medicine for the preparation of medicines that treat various diseases.

Basil belongs to the family of labial plants that many people use to make spices. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the countries of the Middle East and India have used this herb to create fragrant spices.

In Europe, basil did not immediately gain popularity, but only after several centuries. Over time, red basil has become a favorite spice of French gourmets.

Already in the second half of the sixteenth century, this fragrant plant was used as a seasoning for fish or meat dishes all over the world.

The birthplace of this annual herbal plant is South Asia, since it is there that the most favorable conditions for its cultivation. However, today the cultivation of this spice is practiced in all countries. When creating optimal conditions for growing basil, the plant grows up to 70-80 cm in height. Ripe bushes are covered with oblong and ovoid leaves, on the tips of which there are small villi and cloves.

Very beautiful purple basil during flowering. Spikelets or brushes are formed on it, which, when flowering, acquire a purple or pinkish hue. In order for the plant to bloom well, you will have to grow it in greenhouse conditions. When grown outdoors, planted seedlings can die even with minimal frost.

The nutritional value

Before planting basil or adding it to dishes, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of this plant.

The plant contains a lot of water, carbohydrates, ash, fiber and even fats in the amount of 0.6 grams per 100 grams of greens. Separately, mention should be made of vitamins, which are also present in large quantities. Most of the greens are vitamins that are in group B. These include folic acid, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and choline with pyridoxine. The plant also contains vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid. In smaller quantities, greens contain vitamins of the PP, K and E groups.

As part of the vegetable basil Ararat contains a large number of useful trace elements. The plant is rich in magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It also contains about 350 grams of selenium, zinc, manganese and iron. Many are surprised by the calorie content of greens, since it is even greater than that of cucumbers and is about 25 kcal.

Basil is distinguished by its aroma, which appears due to the essential oils in the composition. Various varieties of greens contain from one to one and a half percent of essential oils such as saponin, ocimene, camphor and methydchavinol.

Basil purple: properties

The beneficial properties and contraindications of purple basil should be familiar to every person who plans to use the plant in cooking or in the treatment of diseases.

Beneficial features

Many are interested in the benefits of purple basil and whether it has any beneficial properties. This plant has been known for its medicinal properties for many years. Even in Rus', greenery was called the royal herb, as it was often used by folk healers in the treatment of various diseases.

Many people knew about the benefits of purple basil for the body, and therefore they often used it to relieve inflammation in the genitourinary system or cleanse the body. It was also often used to get rid of diseases of the digestive system.

Due to the high content of vitamins in the plant, it is used to thicken nails, change the appearance of the skin and improve the elasticity of blood vessels. Green leaves contain a lot of essential oils, which not only give them a pleasant smell, but also enrich them with useful microelements. Due to this, the leaves of the plant are often used to prepare medicines for women and men from flatulence.

Many call basil an excellent radioprotector that can protect the human body from the negative effects of radiation. Also, the beneficial properties of the herb include its antimicrobial effect, due to which diseases of the internal organs are treated and disinfect wounds on the surface of the skin.

Doctors advise men with erectile dysfunction to take medicines from basil. Greens are an excellent aphrodisiac that increases the potency and sexual desire of guys of any age.

The beneficial properties of red basil help people cope with severe migraines. To eliminate headaches, you will have to take a hot bath, in which a little basil oil has been added. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add a little cream and a few drops of honey to the oil.

Harm of purple basil and contraindications

It is not recommended to use medicines from basil herb for pregnant girls. Regular use of such drugs can disrupt the course of pregnancy. Also, people who have had a stroke or heart attack will have to give up medicines. The use of preparations made from these greens can worsen the well-being of people with hypertension or diabetes.

If you still had to take such medications, then you should not drink them for more than three weeks. These medicines contain a lot of essential oils, which are harmful to the body if taken in large quantities.

The Best Varieties of Purple Basil

Many people who want to grow basil at home have problems choosing the variety of greens. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the best varieties of purple basil in advance.

Red ruby

The variety is a variety of red basil, which is often grown by gardeners. The features of Red Ruby include the size of the bushes, which are distinguished by their compactness. An adult plant is covered with dark purple leaves. Ripe basil is used fresh or frozen.


Opal bushes are covered with raspberry-colored flowers and leaves with a purple tint. When growing from each plant, it is recommended to carefully cut off all the flowers so that they do not interfere with the growth of the leaves. The leaves of this variety are used as additives for marinades, sauces, gravies and vegetable salads. In one season, about 2-3 kilograms of basil leaves are harvested per square meter of the garden.

dark opal

Gardeners consider this variety to be one of the best among other varieties of purple basil. Dark opal leaves are rich in carotene, phytoncide, vitamins and essential oils. They are quite large in size and have a rich smell. Leaves are used to create preserves, vinegars and salads. Also, the variety is used for decorative purposes to decorate borders or flower beds.


Fans of early ripening plants should pay attention to the Philosopher basil variety, since its technical ripeness occurs 45 days after planting. Greens are compact and grow only 35 cm in height. The leaves of ripe bushes have a clove flavor and a powerful aroma. The plant is used as a flavoring agent in canning and preparing salads.


Purple Ararat bushes differ from other varieties, as they grow up to 80 cm. The leaves on the bushes are purple with a greenish tinge. They contain a lot of essential oils and carotene, so greens are often added to vegetable soups, salads and cheeses.


The properties of the Holy Basil are its main feature. The plant is rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, due to which the variety is often used in medicine.


Purple Yerevan plant variety is actively used not only for cooking, but also for decoration. This is possible thanks to the large red leaves that cover the Yerevan basil.

purple stars

Purple Star bushes are classified as mid-season plants that ripen a month and a half after planting. Shrubs grow up to 45 cm and are covered with ovate leaves, painted in dark purple. The variety is used as a seasoning for dishes or salads.


A distinctive feature of Black Basil is its dark purple leaves with jagged edges. They have a faint cinnamon smell that appears immediately after the plant matures. The variety is used to create marinades, preserves and fish dishes.


Growing basil bushes from seeds is considered difficult, as the plant needs constant care. Only warm areas that are constantly illuminated by sunlight are suitable for landing. Residents of the northern regions will have to use greenhouses to plant the plant in order to protect the greens from frost.

Landings are carried out in the second half of May, when the air temperature does not drop below zero degrees. At least 3-4 seeds are placed in each hole. After planting the seedlings, seedlings must be constantly looked after. Proper care consists in the timely feeding of shrubs and watering. Also, plants are regularly treated with protective agents to protect them from pests and diseases.

purple basil for healing

Basil bushes are often used to prepare medicinal decoctions and tinctures that can cure a person of various diseases. Before using herbs for medicinal purposes, you should familiarize yourself with the recipes for the preparation of medicines:

  • Increased appetite. Often, basil medicines are used to increase a person's appetite. To prepare a decoction, dried grass is poured with hot water, covered with a lid and infused for about 10-15 minutes. After that, the liquid is filtered and taken in a teaspoon before meals.
  • Inflammation treatment. Medicinal preparations in the form of decoctions are sometimes used in the treatment of inflammation. When creating a decoction, four leaves of grass are poured with boiled water and infused for 40 minutes. The drug is drunk daily three times a day.
  • Treatment of otitis. To cope with otitis media, grass leaves must be mixed with honey, added to boiled water and put on a gas stove. The broth is removed from the fire after half an hour and cools to room temperature, after which a compress is made from it.

Use in cooking

Often spicy herb basil is used in cooking to create various dishes. In dry form, the plant is used as a seasoning for dishes prepared from pepper, tomato or eggplant. Also, spicy greens go well with parsley, dill or mint. It is better not to add basil leaves to dishes with coriander, as these plants do not combine.