So that the castle does not freeze. How to lubricate the door lock. Why you need to lubricate car doors

How to grease door locks? This question torments many motorists with the advent of frost. The set of measures also includes lubrication of door locks, trunk, hood, as well as lubrication of seals. For this, special means are used, the purpose of which is to ensure the reliable operation of locks in conditions of even significant frosts. In this article, we will review the most popular lubricants among motorists, as well as give useful tips on this matter.

Lubricant properties

First of all, let's figure out what requirements the means for lubricating door locks must meet. These include:

  • preservation of its operational properties at low temperatures;
  • resistance to corrosion processes;
  • low coefficient of friction;
  • resistance to washing off not only with water, but also with various compounds based on salts and alkalis;
  • long period of validity.

The agent must be hydrophobic, that is, one that does not dissolve in water. Otherwise, it will easily wash out of the cavity. It should also prevent moisture from entering the volume where it is laid itself.

Lubricants are designed to perform preventive actions. However, if the lock on your car is already frozen, then it exists.

Lubricants for car door locks

Now consider the most popular means for processing locks of their larvae and mechanisms. On the Internet you can find a lot of conflicting reviews about a particular tool. We have tried to be objective and have collected information for you about lubricants that really effective even in severe frost conditions. It is also worth mentioning that most of the tools below can be successfully used to process not only locks and their larvae, but also.

Also, when processing the lock, pour the funds listed below not only into the larva, but also process the mechanisms directly with them. This can be done with or without dismantling the lock. It all depends on the design of a particular car. For example, it is better to remove the locks of domestic VAZs completely and lubricate the rubbing parts. And in foreign cars, where dismantling is complicated by design, only accessible parts of the lock can be lubricated.

This is one of the most popular means for lubricating the larvae of car door locks. Its operating temperature range is -40°С…+150°С. The lubricant is absolutely harmless to humans, and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, it is compatible with metals, plastics, rubber and various chemical compounds found in the machine body. The manufacturer claims a 3-month warranty for use even in difficult operating conditions. The most popular package size is 400 ml (although there are packages of 5 kg or more). The approximate cost of such a tube in Moscow for the fall of 2017 is 1300 ... 1400 rubles.

Grease characteristics:

  • base oil - polyalphaolefin;
  • thickener - a thickener based on an aluminum complex;
  • operating temperature range - -40°С…+150°С;
  • starting moment at a temperature of -40 ° C - 0.9 N m.

The specified tube will last you for several seasons, depending on the intensity of use.

Step Up SP5545

The temperature range of this lubricant is even wider - -50°С ... +220°С. It is sold in aerosol cans weighing 312 g. The product is suitable not only for lubricating the car door lock, but also for other parts of it. After all, since the grease is based on lithium, therefore, it can be used to process plastic and rubber surfaces to protect them from moisture and destruction.

The composition of the lubricant includes the original composition of WetOut, which creates a water-repellent film on the treated surface. It will help extend the life of not only the iron parts of the lock, but also rubber seals and plastic trim parts. The price of a tube weighing 312 grams is 160 ... 180 rubles in Moscow as of autumn 2017.


The lubricant is also created on a silicone basis. When applied to a work surface, it forms a thin but durable polymeric material that reliably protects it from moisture. In fact, the lubricant is universal, therefore, in addition to cars, it can be used in other equipment - with household door locks, rubber and plastic surfaces, drive cables, and much more. It is also possible to use the product in everyday life with products from the listed materials.

The capacity of the bottle is 283 ml. The kit includes a plastic tube that can be connected to the sprayer and apply lubricant to hard-to-reach places. The price of a cylinder is about 400 ... 450 rubles as of autumn 2017.

Grease Wurth HHS-2000

Wurth HHS-2000 grease is extremely popular among motorists in our country. According to the instructions, it is intended for lubricating parts under high pressure and loads. Like the previous tool for lubricating car door locks, it is universal. Its features include:

  • High penetrating power and short thickening time. It can be used to lubricate car door locks. With the help of a tube, it is laid inside the lock, where it almost immediately becomes thick, forming a protective film on the surface of the parts and simultaneously displacing moisture. The composition of the product provides a high lubricating effect.
  • High adhesion. That is, the ability to adhere to the treated surface. During processing, the liquid fraction evaporates, leaving only directly lubricating substances in operation.
  • High pressure resistant. Wurth HHS-2000 grease has a long service life even under high loads and pressures.
  • The agent prevents sticking of metal surfaces, and also reduces the resistance to screwing.

Wurth HHS-2000 grease is sold in small cans of 150 ml and 500 ml. Since the tool is universal, we recommend that you buy it for use not only in the car, but also at home. The price of a 150 ml bottle is approximately 250 ... 300 rubles as of autumn 2017.

LIQUI MOLY Pro-Line Haftschmier Spray is an all purpose lubricant. Including it can lubricate the locks of car doors. It is an adhesive spray lubricant packaged in 400 ml cans. The product can be used for the processing of hinges, levers, joints, bolts, door hinges, conservation and operation. Lubrication features include:

  • wide temperature range of use;
  • excellent adhesive properties;
  • providing anti-corrosion protection;
  • resistance to both cold and hot water (it is practically not washed off);
  • resistance to high pressure;
  • long service life;
  • the possibility of spraying in any position of the cylinder.

The only drawback of this tool is its high cost - 600 ... 700 rubles for a 400 ml bottle. However, if you have the opportunity, we recommend that you buy this tool, since it can be used in various parts of the car, as well as at home.

Despite the entire track record of products suitable specifically for lubricating car door locks, car owners are often in no hurry to overpay. As a rule, they are looking for something to lubricate door locks from freezing or from heavy opening that are directly at hand, so we will provide a list of folk remedies used for lubrication.

Additional tools than you can lubricate the lock

The lubricants described above are modern developments and results of the chemical industry. However, before their appearance, drivers used various improvised means for lubricating locks and door hinges for decades. For example, kerosene, acetic acid and even iodine. Let's present for you a couple more, so to speak, "folk" remedies, with which you can lubricate car door locks for the winter. After all, it is in the cold season that locks create additional difficulties in order to get inside or close the door. And the question of what kind of lubricant is better to lubricate becomes more relevant.


Processing of locks VAZ 2108-2109

Yes, the good old WD-40 grease can also be used to inject into the lock cylinder, but in no case on all its rubbing mechanisms. The fact is that the main component of this product is white spirit (50% of the volume), in which the freezing point is -60 ° C. Therefore, it washes away the remaining grease. The liquid is sold in the form of an aerosol in a can with a straw, with which you can easily spray the product into hard-to-reach places.

WD-40 grease can be used to dehydrate the surface to which it is applied, remove corrosion from it and prevent its reappearance, and form a protective film on it. In general, the tool is used very widely. And not only for processing car parts, but also in everyday life.

A significant disadvantage of processing the WD-40 lock is its short duration of action. In severe frosts, the larva must be treated with this remedy approximately once every two days.

When processing a door lock (both automobile and household) with a “vedeshka”, it is advisable to apply it to the same surfaces. You can use one of the lubricants listed above, or use any other.

Various defrosters

In this case, we are talking about special tools, on the packaging of which it says “Lock Defroster” or something similar. Usually they include oil or white spirit, less often silicone. Such funds are inexpensive, but they work well, at least with relatively slight frosts. The disadvantage of these funds is the short duration of action, since they are similar in composition to WD-40.

When buying such lubricants, carefully read the instructions. Often, manufacturers attribute truly miraculous properties to their products. However, you must understand that if the tool is inexpensive (and most often it is), then you should not expect any miracles from it. Just regularly process the larva and the lock mechanism with "Lock Defrosters" in the winter and there will be no difficulties with opening it. But only in the spring, after using it, it is recommended to process the lock mechanism with a different composition. In particular, one that could protect against corrosion and friction.

Engine oil

If for some reason you don’t have any lubricant at hand (from the listed or others), then you can use ordinary engine oil to lubricate the car door lock and from freezing and for stable operation. Its viscosity, brand and consistency are not important in this case.(well, except that it should not be frankly black from soot and debris). Using a syringe or other similar device, you must pour a few drops of oil into the larva and / or process the lock mechanism. This will create a water-repellent film on the surface of its internal parts and prevent freezing.

However, the oil has the disadvantage mentioned above - its action is short-lived, and will also attract dust. Therefore, it can only be used if you do not have more professional tools at your disposal. And as soon as possible, buy any of the above lubricants.

Instead of a conclusion

Finally, we remind you that you need to process the hinges and locks of the doors of your car not only in advance (before the onset of cold weather), but also regularly. This will ensure their reliable operation even in the most difficult conditions. Today, for reasonable money, you can buy professional tools for processing locks with a long service life. The main thing is to buy lubricants in trusted stores so as not to run into a fake.

Harsh Russian winters often bring many unpleasant surprises. Sudden temperature changes, high atmospheric humidity can play a cruel joke. Each of the living people has many keys to locks that protect their property from outside encroachment. However, the keys do not always help to gain access to the desired object, and the low temperature is to blame.

The problem of a frozen castle is always sudden and unexpected. The world, which is in constant motion, requires punctuality from every person. But what if being late for work is associated with such an unpleasant trifle as a frozen castle?

Once you find that your car door is unopenable, you need to get rid of the temptation to find your way out with sudden movements, emotional twitching, and physical force. Since most car keys have a plastic base, attempts to twist the lock mechanism in severe frost can result in a banal key breakage.

It must be remembered that the freezing of the castle is a consequence of the accumulation of moisture. It will be very difficult to extract water that has passed into a solid state from a small mechanism by pushing or warm breathing.

Do not turn to the help of boiling water. One of the unrecoverable consequences of a spontaneous decision to beat cold with hot is damage to the paint. In addition, boiling water will cool down and turn into an additional ice obstacle that can only exacerbate the problem.

Among the effective ways to deal with a frozen car lock are:

silicone sprays. Specialized sprays contain substances that prevent freezing at the lowest temperatures - alcohol, hygroscopic solvents, silicone, butane. When the product hits the surface of the ice, a dissolution process occurs. After injecting, you should place the key in the well, and slowly develop the mechanism, without exceeding the available rotation threshold. In the future, the action of the spray has a preventive character - the silicone that is part of the product envelops the metal surfaces of the interior of the lock and prevents the accumulation of condensate.

Brake fluid. It is used with a syringe, which contributes to the effect of metered injection in the absence of specialized tools.

Any alcoholic liquid(for example, toilet water or alcohol). The effectiveness of such a tool is questioned and directly depends on the indicator of the thermometer, but with shallow icing it will completely cope with the task.

After opening the lock, you should carefully consider the door seal, as it can also be subjected to freezing. If the door does not give in, you should not panic. It is enough to lightly tap on the perimeter of the seal. This will break the thin ice film without causing additional damage to the car.

To prevent an unpleasant situation, you should turn to some preventive measures:

  • Treating a car seal with a water-repellent agent before the onset of a period of low temperatures.
  • Thorough drying of the car after washing and cleaning the interior.
  • If possible, store the car in a garage or under a shed roof.

Mortise lock

Mortise locks are also often let down in frosts, both in heated rooms - private houses, and in cold ones - garages, warehouses, sheds. The reason for the freezing of the lock of the front door of the house is considered to be improper design and installation of the mechanism, which is influenced by cold external and warm internal temperatures. Such a difference in atmospheres contributes to the accumulation of condensate and subsequent freezing. Since the front door is an expensive home accessory that cannot be subjected to rough mechanical stress, the opening measures should be as follows:

  • If the problem has caught a person inside the room, the solution is to use a hair dryer, fan heater or other electrical appliance that can give off a sufficient amount of heat.
  • Frost control from the outside is carried out using alcohol-containing liquids or silicone sprays injected into the mechanism.
  • Heating key fobs are gaining popularity - small mechanisms capable of warming metal surfaces when placed in a keyhole.

The problem of access to the garage in winter is faced by every owner at least once. Autumn rains, cellar evaporation, along with a sharp drop in temperature, can paralyze the lock mechanism that is not protected by preventive measures. The mortise lock of a non-residential premises is easier to warm than a home one:

  • Use of open fire. As a rule, a few burning newspaper sheets rolled into tubes, a lighter, a gas burner are enough. When using this method, it is necessary to exclude preliminary attempts to open the lock with flammable alcohol-containing liquids.
  • In some cases, a car exhaust pipe is used if there is a hose corresponding to the distance from the pipe to the keyhole.
  • Antifreeze is an effective tool for dealing with a frozen mechanism. Enough plentiful and thorough injection inside and a few minutes of waiting.

Padlock freezing

Padlocks in the modern world are not as popular as their more intricate ones are taken by function. However, utility rooms and gates are still protected by this simple guarding mechanism. Since the use of locks of this kind is most often associated with outdoor conditions, the accumulation of liquid and its subsequent freezing is a frequent phenomenon. To quickly open the lock, all the methods discussed above are suitable - the use of open fire, alcohol-containing liquids, but the specifics of the padlock mechanism require careful attention not only to the keyhole that is affected, but also to the attachment points of the shackles.

The padlock is the only one for which hot water can be used. After it has been removed, it is wise to move it to a warm, dry area and dry thoroughly, taking care to apply lubricant to prevent rusting and refreezing.

Measures to prevent freezing locks

Forewarned is forearmed. Making simple preparations for the winter will allow you not to worry about unpleasant surprises associated with access to your own property.

car locks

When preparing a car for the winter period, you should stock up on specialized fluids. An ideal companion for a motorist is WD-40 silicone grease, or its domestic counterparts. The seal, previously cleaned of dust and dirt, is covered with a thin layer of lubricant, which is able to prevent the accumulation of unwanted liquid until the very beginning of spring. It is believed that the annual treatment of the automotive sealant with silicone has a positive effect on its service life.

The lock well is also processed - the substance is applied to the key, which is turned several times in the mechanism.

A good way to protect yourself in the winter is to buy a heating key fob that has a probe that enters the lock slot. A simple device can heat up to 150 degrees, providing fast and efficient heating of the structure.

Mortise garage lock

In order to predict possible problems with the freezing of a mortise lock, it is necessary to take care of its functionality in advance. First of all, the lock must be installed in an expedient manner, with at least basic protection measures against direct exposure to rain and snow. If we are talking about non-residential premises, most often a welded overlay helps to avoid the formation of ice, which covers the keyhole after the mechanism is closed. The pad is driven by a simple door hinge, which is welded onto the garage door or gate.

An excellent preventive measure is the annual removal of the mortise lock, followed by analysis. The most reliable locks, regularly serving their owners for many years, accumulate metal dust and atmospheric pollution. Together with old grease, such impurities lead to the formation of an accumulation of unwanted fluid in the winter. To eliminate such consequences, it is advisable to disassemble the lock, thoroughly clean it and apply a layer of silicone grease to all elements that drive the mechanism.

Mortise door lock

The specifics of freezing the door lock of the front door of a private house is due to the direct contact of the mechanism with the surrounding atmospheric conditions, which is excluded when living in an apartment building with an entrance.

The best way to prevent a front door lock from freezing is to design the exit correctly from the outset, as well as choosing a lock designed for outdoor use. Technically suitable locks for such purposes are designed to provide a sufficient level of tightness. This condition is necessary when the mechanism is located at the boundary between atmospheric low and domestic high temperatures, which contributes to the formation of water condensate.

The operation of the mortise lock of the front door requires the obligatory presence of lubrication, which must be done every 3-4 months, as well as the annual cleaning of the mechanism.

Lubrication with used engine oil, grease and other methods from the past is not the best option for modern locks.

A specialized silicone-based spray will not only ensure high-quality operation of the lock, but also extend it, protecting it from troubles during fluctuations in humidity levels and low winter temperatures.


Padlocks need to be prepared for the winter no less than their counterparts. In the past, they were kept in tanks that were treated to prevent rust and ensure reliable lubrication. However, the use of such tools in the modern world is simply inconvenient, because each time, locking the door, the owner of the lock will stain not only his hands, but also the pocket in which the key is stored. In addition, engine oil and grease, with the accumulation of dust and dirt in the lock mechanism, can become an independent obstacle to operation even before the onset of frost.

To avoid such troubles, the lock should be cleaned with WD-40 liquid, dried thoroughly and silicone grease applied not only to the keyhole area, but also to the attachment points of the temples. A thin film will prevent the accumulation of liquid and will repel dust particles of other impurities from the metal surfaces of the mechanism. An additional measure of protection for a padlock is an ordinary plastic bottle, which is cut off and used as a dome through which not a drop of rain will seep through.

Any lock requires care, then it will last you longer and without any jamming. The mechanism on the front door requires special attention, as it is directly exposed to the environment. Consider which lubricant for locks is better and how to apply it correctly.

Keyholes are on our way every day - this is the front door, and the doors of the garage or utility rooms. If any of them stop functioning, it will cause a lot of inconvenience. To avoid this, you should lubricate the mechanism in time.

Aerosol use

As a preventive measure, experts advise treating the lock once a year. This method will remove unwanted dust and dirt from the mechanism and improve the turning ability of the locking elements.

Lubricant is used for several purposes:

  • To improve the turning of the mechanism.
  • Extend service life.
  • Prevent rust formation.

At the same time, pollution prevention will not allow the lock to freeze, because it freezes in several cases:

  • Direct exposure to moisture.
  • Not designed for outdoor use.
  • The presence of dirt.

Visor from moisture ingress into the mechanism

To avoid thickening of the grease, it is better to use a special spray. Consider how to handle the door lock before the onset of cold weather.

Tip: door hinges, which are responsible for the correct operation of the canvas, also require periodic processing.

If you are thinking about how to lubricate the locking mechanism to prevent the formation of rust and freezing due to accumulated dirt, then you can use various tools that will do a good job of this task:

  1. "Working out" - a product that is obtained from used engine oil. This option is suitable for standard mechanisms, it will help save car owners on the purchase of special tools.
  2. Silicone. Suitable for cylinders, as it will provide complete sliding of the elements, protection against corrosion.
  3. graphite dust. A lever lock lubricated in this way will last much longer.
  4. Sunflower oil. It is possible to clean the mechanism in this way only in the most extreme cases, if there is nothing at hand, and it is urgent to lubricate.
  5. Melted fat. It will only give a one-time effect, and over time it will only make it worse.
  6. WD. A popular rust preventative. They can lubricate the larva and other elements of the locking mechanism so that corrosion does not occur.
  7. Solidol. Often used to lubricate a wide variety of elements.
  8. Litol. Water-resistant grease, more often used for bearings, but the lock can also be processed.
  9. Carbon. The liquid looks like a dark liquid substance, which is subsequently easily washed off with water.

Lubrication of doors and hinges

If you plan to buy a professional product in the store, then opt for aerosols, as they are easier to apply. You can also buy a product such as hinge lubricant separately.

Important! Funds should not be applied to the lock with cotton wool, which will only clog the main mechanism more.

When you have decided how to lubricate the locks, proceed to the very process of applying the product. In order not to harm the locking mechanism even more, follow the rules for applying lubricant.

  1. First you need to clean the keyhole. To do this, pour a special cleaning liquid into it. It will remove dust, dirt or other particles that have entered the lock.
  2. Moisten the lock itself with liquid, and in such an amount that it pours out. Just make sure that the door leaf itself does not get wet.
  3. In order for you to eliminate all debris from the well, rotate the key several times, removing dirt from the key in between.
  4. Now inject or pour the product into the keyhole. Wipe off excess with a paper towel or cotton cloth.
  5. Wait a while, remove the key and wipe dry. First check if everything is working correctly now.
  6. If you are processing a lever lock, then you should first remove it from the canvas and open the secret. Then process with graphite powder and assemble the mechanism back.

You can pour grease separately into the larva

If you carry out preventive maintenance regularly, then you will not have a question of how to defrost a door lock that is frozen due to accumulated dirt.

To make it clearer to you how to lubricate the lock, watch the video:

In addition to the clean maintenance of the lock mechanism, two conditions must also be met in order to avoid freezing:

  • Choose a lock that is not affected by aggressive environments.
  • Do not allow moisture or condensation to enter the mechanism.

So that the garage lock or the front door does not freeze, it is better to install a lever type of mechanism. Moreover, in the cold, structures with stiff springs on levers behave well.

Also, the right choice of the canvas itself will save your door from freezing. If you install a door with an additional layer of thermal insulation, this will eliminate the formation of condensate on the structure, which means it will save you in frost.

And do not forget to control the process of direct moisture getting into the lock, that is, the front door should be under the visor. If you want to secure your garage door, then mount a small canopy directly above the lock.

Most often, automobile locks are subject to cold, which subsequently have to be defrosted.

As already mentioned, absolutely any castle can freeze, including rack and pinion. Even an electromechanical or combination lock with a sharp drop in temperature can fail, although it will not physically freeze through, since it is inside the web. What to do if the lock on the car door is frozen?

Hot key defrost

If your car door lock is frozen, do the following:

  1. Heat up the key. When hot, insert into the keyhole. Wait a bit and try to open the door.
  2. Open the car hood. Dip the key in brake fluid or anti-freeze. Insert the key into the lock cylinder and wait for the ice to melt.
  3. If there is a hair dryer, it will quickly warm the desired area.
  4. You can ask for help from a nearby motorist, and warm the lock with exhaust gases. To do this, you need to pick up a hose of the right size and connect one end to the exhaust pipe, attach the other to the lock.
  5. You can pour pure alcohol, only pure alcohol. He can handle the ice.

So that you do not have to resort to all these methods, it is necessary to carry out frost treatment.

To avoid freezing door locks, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance, keep them clean and dry. You can decide on the best way to lubricate the lock in winter on your own, and you can use improvised means or purchased in a store.

Choose from the wide variety of lubricants for door locks suitable for your design and carry out preventive maintenance at least once a year. Then you will not face the need to defrost the mechanism in winter.

And also consider the features of buying a lock for the front door and take care of the visor to avoid direct moisture.

All new cars come with well lubricated door locks - usually a heavy grease is used at the assembly plant or dealership.

Hinges are treated in the same way, as they are also a moving mechanism subject to accelerated wear. However, after a while, the grease is washed out of the car doors, which leads to unpleasant consequences.

A few months of driving with unlubricated locks and hinges will guarantee their complete wear and destruction under the influence of corrosion, and moisture ingress in winter will cause the doors to simply stop opening. Therefore, every car owner should know the best way to lubricate the locks and hinges of car doors.

Polymer lubricants

The best option for processing car hinges and locks is silicone grease, which is produced by many well-known companies, including XADO, Forsters, TurtleWax and others. The main advantage of the silicone base of such a tool is the ability to withstand high loads without loss of properties and the ability to operate at any temperature, starting from -50 degrees. It is also recommended to lubricate door locks with such a composition because of its durability - due to its high adhesive properties, it instantly sticks to the surface of metal parts. The resulting film remains on the surface of hinges and other parts for 1-2 seasons with careful operation.

It comes in spray form, making it easy to use. Car locks and other moving parts should be treated with it when the existing lubricant layer is thinned, as well as immediately after washing in the winter. To do this, you need to take paper napkins or a special cleaning material - they should wipe the hinges and door locks, removing any moisture from them. Then you should spray the lubricant from the can onto the moving joints of the car, opening and closing the door several times to evenly distribute it. Silicone grease can be supplied in the form of a paste in tubes, which is typical for domestic manufacturers - it is recommended to apply it with gloves, carefully rubbing into each part of the lock or hinge protruding on the surface.

There is also an improved version of silicone grease. Liqui Moly produces a product called HAFTSCHMIER SPRAY - a complex of synthetic oils and is added to it. The result of the use of the modified agent is a decrease in friction in the hinges and car locks, and the duration of this effect is quite long. In addition, after the solvent contained in this multi-component lubricant evaporates, it forms a thick layer that adheres to metal parts and is not washed off even under the influence of a water jet. Thanks to this, the lubricant protects the hinges and door locks of the car for two seasons, if it is not intentionally removed from moving parts.

The most low-quality type of polymer lubricant for car doors is technical petroleum jelly. It also forms a protective film that reduces the wear rate of metal parts and repels moisture, but its service life is limited to 2-3 weeks or one wash. In addition, such a product, which is usually used to preserve certain parts of the car, is only available in tubes, which makes it inconvenient to apply.

Mineral lubricants

Despite the fact that polymer lubricants protect car locks and door hinges well from wear and moisture, they have little resistance to washout and destruction under strong heat. Therefore, some experts recommend lubricating moving parts with greases that allow you to get a longer effect. They are advised to lay them down, since it is at this time that there is the greatest risk of moisture getting into the mechanisms - it is deposited in the form of condensate when the car interior cools down.

The best option for lubricating car doors are lithium-based compounds. They are represented by domestic Litol-24, as well as several foreign analogues, among which Castrol LMXLI-KOMPLEXFETT 2 is worth highlighting. Lithium greases significantly reduce the friction force and also effectively repel moisture. However, their anti-corrosion properties are sometimes called into question, since moisture still washes out such a product and in places where it is applied in the thinnest layer, rust spots may appear over time. Therefore, if you prefer to use just such products, then you should give preference to complex compounds like the mentioned Castrol lubricant.

In addition, car door hinges and locks can be treated with molybdenum disulfide-based products. This metal salt is included in numerous products suitable for protection:

  • Engines;
  • transmissions;
  • SHRUS;
  • bearings.

Such a lubricant will effectively protect door locks from moisture and accelerated wear when rubbing metal parts. However, it also has its drawbacks - in particular, with a strong dust content of the air, solid particles entering the agent can significantly change its properties, therefore, such a lubricant is not recommended to be used for treating SUV locks. In addition, products based on molybdenum disulphide can leave greasy stains on clothing, so they should be applied very carefully.

The best option would be to purchase a lubricant manufactured by Liqui Moly or Castrol - as a rule, special anti-wear and adhesive additives are added to the products of these companies, which significantly improve its properties. Among the budget options, one can especially highlight the domestic funds SHRUS-4 and Fiol-8, which contain a fairly large amount of molybdenum disulfide. As in previous cases, car hinges can be lubricated only after preliminary removal of moisture with a paper towel or cleaning material. In this case, ice crystals will not form on the surface of the hinges or locks, destroying the lubricant itself and the surface of metal parts.

In extreme cases, you can use graphite grease. It contains a lot of abrasive particles, so there is no need to talk about wear protection - such a lubricant will contribute to the appearance of wear on the hinges and door locks in the car. Its main purpose is to preserve the car for a long time and prevent the spread of corrosion on the surface of the hinges or locks of the car. Graphite grease is usually chosen because of its cheapness, but it should be discarded if it is possible to purchase a better protective agent.

Be careful!

Quite often, on forums, car owners recommend processing car hinges using WD-40 universal grease or a product called a “liquid key”. It is worth remembering that the main purpose of such a composition is to displace moisture and dissolve rust, but not to protect parts from wear for a long time. can damage the surface of the hinges and locks of the car, which will lead to the need to replace them in the near future. In addition, it is washed out very quickly, so that after a few days after treatment, moving parts will be left without protection.

It is also not recommended to process auto loops with grease or its analogues. This lubricant has an increased plasticity, so it can spread too much on the surface of the doors, leaving black or brown spots on the painted surface. For the same reason, grease is quickly washed out, which leads to an increased wear rate of moving joints. Solid oil absorbs dust and other contaminants well - this causes a rapid change in the properties of such a lubricant.

Finally, spindle oil or similar liquid formulations that can be used in other parts or components of the car are not suitable for processing doors. They spread quickly enough, which causes moisture to appear on the surface of moving parts after a few days. Such oils can be used to treat the internal mechanisms of locks when they work poorly or when doors are jammed, but not external surfaces.

A similar approach should be used with respect to products of unknown origin - if you do not know anything about the composition and properties of the lubricant, you should not apply it to car doors, as this can cause significant problems in the future.

The best option for door protection

If you do not want your car doors to stop opening one winter morning, you should use a special tool for treating the outer surfaces of locks and hinges. A versatile option is silicone grease, which forms a thin polymer film that repels water and reduces wear by combating friction.

Any lock requires care, then it will last you longer and without any jamming. The mechanism on the front door requires special attention, as it is directly exposed to the environment. Consider which lubricant for locks is better and how to apply it correctly.

Why is lubrication needed?

Keyholes are found on our way every day - this is the front door, and the doors of the garage or utility rooms. If any lock ceases to function, it will cause a lot of inconvenience. To avoid this, you should lubricate it in time.

As a preventive measure, experts advise doing the treatment once a year. This method will remove unwanted dust and dirt and improve the turning ability of the locking elements.

Lubricant is used for several purposes:

  • To improve key turning.
  • To remove trapped dust.
  • To increase the life of the lock.
  • To prevent the formation of rust inside the mechanism.

Reasons for jamming locks

The most common cause of a stuck locking mechanism is dust ingress. Over time, the dust is compressed together with small particles of metal chips and blocks the rotation of the key and bolts.

The second reason for jamming is the abrasion of the mechanism parts. This is the result of a lack of care or its poor performance. In the process of work, the parts gradually rub against each other, provoking the formation of metal chips, which eventually leads to complete wear of the parts.

The next reason is the formation of rust inside the mechanism. This is mainly the problem of external locks, which, under the influence of weather conditions, become unusable. If moisture is prevented from entering the mechanism itself, breakdowns and jamming during operation can be avoided.

And another common reason is a violation of the sliding of the moving parts of the mechanism. This is a consequence of the lack of lubrication, so regular lubrication of the mechanism and its cleaning will significantly extend the life of the device without any complaints from the owner of the house or garage.

Prevention of sticking and freezing

The frequency of preventive measures depends on where the locking mechanism is located:

  • if it is a castle installed on the street, it needs care at least 1 time in 2 months;
  • if this is a lock on the front door of an apartment located in the entrance, then care and lubrication can be carried out 1 time in 6 months;
  • if this is a lock on an interior door, then the mechanism can be lubricated once a year. Although it all depends on the load on the mechanism, if it is used frequently, then maintenance should be carried out more often.

At the same time, the prevention of pollution will not allow the freezing of the mechanism, because freezing occurs in several cases:

  • In direct contact with moisture.
  • If the locking mechanism is not designed for outdoor use.
  • If there is dirt inside the device.

Visor from moisture ingress

To avoid thickening of the grease, it is better to use a special spray. Consider how to process the device before the onset of cold weather.

Tip: door hinges, which are responsible for the correct operation of the canvas, also require periodic processing.

After we have analyzed the main causes of breakdowns of the locking mechanism, we found out how often preventive measures need to be taken, we will analyze what types of lubricants are suitable for caring for different types of locks.

Lubrication type

If you are thinking about how to lubricate the lock to prevent rust and freezing due to accumulated dirt, then you can use various tools that will do a good job of this task:

    1. "Working out" - a lubricant that is obtained from used engine oil. This option is suitable for standard models, will help save car owners on the purchase of special tools.
    2. Silicone - such a lubricant is suitable for cylinders, providing complete sliding of elements, protection against corrosion.
    3. Graphite dust - if you lubricate the lever lock with this tool, it will last much longer.
    4. Sunflower oil - you can clean it in this way only in the most extreme cases, if there is nothing at hand, and you need to lubricate the lock urgently.
    5. Melted fat is not the most successful lubricant, and gives only a one-time effect, and over time will only make it worse for the mechanism.
    6. WD is a popular anti-rust lubricant. It can be lubricated with a door lock cylinder and other elements so that corrosion does not occur.
  1. Solidol - often used to lubricate locks and various elements.
  2. Litol is a waterproof grease, more often used for bearings, but can also be treated with it.
  3. Carbon - the liquid looks like a dark fluid substance, which is subsequently easily washed off with water.

If you plan to buy a professional lubricant from the store, then opt for aerosols, as they are easier to apply. You can also buy a separate tool such as hinge grease.

Important! Funds should not be applied with cotton wool, which will only clog the castle more.

How to apply lubricant

When you have decided how to lubricate the door lock, proceed to the process of applying the product itself. In order not to harm even more, follow the rules for applying lubricant.

  1. First you need to clean the well. To do this, pour a special cleaning liquid into it. It will remove dust, dirt or other particles from the lock.
  2. Moisten the device with liquid, and in such an amount that it pours out. Just make sure that the door leaf itself does not get wet.
  3. In order for you to eliminate all debris from the well, rotate the key several times, removing dirt from the key in between.
  4. Now squirt or pour the lubricant into the keyhole. Wipe off excess with a paper towel or cotton cloth.
  5. Wait a while, remove the key and wipe dry. First check if everything is working correctly now.
  6. If you are processing a lever lock, then you should first remove it from the canvas and open the secret. Then treat with graphite powder and assemble back.
You can pour grease separately into the larva

If you carry out preventive maintenance regularly, then you will not have a question of how to defrost a device that is frozen due to accumulated dirt.

To make it clearer to you how the door lock lubrication process takes place, watch the video:

How to prevent freezing in the cold

In addition to clean content, two conditions must also be met in order to avoid freezing:

  • Choose a model that is not affected by aggressive environments.
  • Do not allow moisture or condensation to enter inside.

To prevent the garage lock from freezing, it is better to install a lever lock. Moreover, in the cold, structures with stiff springs on levers behave well.

Also, the right choice of the canvas itself will save your door from freezing. If you install a door with an additional layer of thermal insulation, this will eliminate the formation of condensate on the structure, which means it will save you in frost.

And do not forget to control the process of direct moisture ingress, that is, the door should be under the visor. If you want to secure your garage door, install a small canopy.

Most often, automobile mechanisms are subject to cold, which subsequently have to be defrosted.

How to defrost a car lock

As already mentioned, absolutely any kind can freeze, including rack. Even an electromechanical or combination lock with a sharp drop in temperature can fail, although it will not physically freeze, as it is inside the web. What to do if the lock on the car door is frozen?

Hot key defrost

If your car door lock is frozen, do the following:

  1. Heat up the key. When hot, insert into the keyhole. Wait a bit and try to open the door.
  2. Open the car hood. Dip the key in brake fluid or anti-freeze. Insert the key into the lock cylinder and wait for the ice to melt.
  3. If there is a hair dryer, it will quickly warm the desired area.
  4. You can ask for help from a nearby motorist, and warm the lock with exhaust gases. To do this, you need to pick up a hose of the right size and connect one end to the exhaust pipe, attach the other to the lock.
  5. You can pour pure alcohol, only pure alcohol. He can handle the ice.

So that you do not have to resort to all these methods, it is necessary to carry out frost treatment.

To avoid freezing of the front door lock, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance, maintain cleanliness and ensure the absence of moisture. You can decide on the best way to lubricate the mechanism in winter, and you can use improvised tools or lubricants purchased at the store.

Choose from the variety of lubricants the one that suits your device and carry out preventive maintenance at least once a year. Then you will not face the need to defrost.

And also consider the features of buying a lock for the entrance block and take care of the visor to avoid moisture settling inside.

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