How to make a table for an aquarium with your own hands. We make a curbstone for an aquarium with our own hands. Making a cabinet with your own hands

The aquarium allows everyone to arrange a corner for relaxation in their home. The beauty of underwater life is mesmerizing and soothing. That is why people are happy to purchase aquarium fish and organize comfortable conditions for them in their home. The organization and maintenance of an aquarium home corner is quite expensive for amateurs. In addition to the aquarium itself and its inhabitants, it is necessary to spend money on many additional items for caring for and feeding the fish. But all these worries initially fade into the background, because first you need to arrange a habitat - by placing the aquarium on a pedestal.

The organization and maintenance of an aquarium home corner is quite expensive for amateurs.

The choice of cabinets comes down not so much to aesthetic aspects, although this is important, but to functionality. The cabinet for the aquarium must have the correct dimensions, withstand the necessary loads, be easy to use and moisture resistant.

But all these worries initially fade into the background, because first you need to arrange a habitat - by placing the aquarium on a pedestal.

It takes into account not only the spatial possibility, aesthetic affiliation, but also the technical equipment.

Not every lover of the aquarium world understands why it is spent on a bulky structure in the form of a pedestal for an aquarium. It takes up a lot of space, and it costs, let's say right away, not cheap. In addition, not all manufacturers can vouch for the strength and durability of this design. So is it worth buying?

The cabinet for the aquarium must have the correct dimensions, withstand the necessary loads, be easy to use and moisture resistant.

Having a ready drawing of the future design, and having decided on the materials for work, you can safely proceed to the further implementation of the project.

The final touches after the assembly of the furniture product is the correct installation of the nightstand.

Experienced aquarists will definitely answer in the affirmative. There are exceptions to the rule - aquariums with a capacity of up to 50 liters can be placed on any piece of furniture. Under small containers, you can adapt a table, bedside table or put them on durable shelves. All glass structures exceeding the specified volume require specialized stands - pedestals. This factor is due not to the desire of furniture manufacturers to sell an additional product, but to the safety of the aquarium itself and the surrounding space. The slightest crack in the glass can lead to the destruction of the aquarium, the death of fish, damage to property that will be flooded with water from a broken flask.

Making a cabinet with your own hands is not only cost-effective. Making a homemade design can solve a lot of issues.

  1. Product individualization.
  2. Harmonization with the interior.
  3. Accurate calculation of strength.
  4. Quality.

Having made a stand for an aquarium with your own hands, you can be sure that it will last a long time and will not bring any unpleasant surprises to the owner.

Not every lover of the aquarium world understands why it is spent on a bulky structure in the form of a pedestal for an aquarium.

If you have a serious metal frame, you can also use glass to decorate the doors in the nightstand.

Making a project

The basic basis of any work in the manufacture of furniture is the creation of a drawing. The scheme of the future cabinet is based on the size of the existing aquarium. It is recommended to create a design in which the countertop will match the parameters of the glass bulb or slightly exceed them. The increase in the stand should be insignificant, you should not leave extra centimeters on the sides.

The main purpose of the pedestal is to hold the weight of the aquarium, which means the total mass of the aquarium itself, the water in it and additional elements. Therefore, when creating a project, it is necessary to take into account this value and create a drawing that will cope with this task.

The height of the furniture product is also of great importance. Here you should consider in what position a person will observe the fish - sitting or standing. If it is understood that this is a rest room where people usually sit, then the height of the nightstand, together with the legs, should be limited to 70 centimeters and not higher. The location of the aquarium in the bedroom allows you to reduce the height.

The drawing should take into account the further functionality of the use of this furniture product. It can provide shelves not only for special aquarium fixtures, but for books, newspapers or decorative ornaments.

In addition, not all manufacturers can vouch for the strength and durability of this design.

It is better to plan partitions inside the cabinet with the calculation every 40 centimeters.

Everything that concerns decorative finishes in the form of doors on a bedside table or handles on drawers, it all depends on the taste of the master and the desired final effect.

Deciding on materials

When choosing materials for work, it must be remembered that the very purpose of the cabinet implies the contact of the furniture surface with water. Therefore, it is recommended to use only waterproof materials. In this case, laminated MDF or chipboard is great. It is better not to use a tree, because it is difficult to make it waterproof, and an array will also increase the weight of an already dimensional structure.

When calculating the required amount of materials, it should be borne in mind that, unlike bedside tables or chests of drawers, an aquarium cabinet requires a solid back wall. This is where most of the load will fall. The thickness of the MDF or chipboard for the back wall must be at least 22 mm. It is recommended not to make it solid, but to build it between the side and internal partitions. Thus, the strength of the structure is increased.

The frame of the cabinet for the aquarium is better to make metal. If this is not possible, and the frame of the structure will be made of wooden beams, then strong and not thin elements should be chosen. It is better to plan partitions inside the cabinet with the calculation every 40 centimeters. This design avoids countertop deflections.

The countertop for the aquarium is made of high-strength material. When attaching it, it is important to check the level around the perimeter of the entire surface. The tabletop must be ideal in level and not have even minimal disagreements. The thicker the material for the countertop, the better.

Legs for cabinets are selected for strength. You should pay attention to metal legs with a large surface or wooden stable stands.

Everything that concerns decorative finishes in the form of doors on a bedside table or handles on drawers, it all depends on the taste of the master and the desired final effect. You can visually lighten the design a little by adding thread elements to the external facade. If you have a serious metal frame, you can also use glass to decorate the doors in the nightstand.

The basic basis of any work in the manufacture of furniture is the creation of a drawing.

The countertop for the aquarium is made of high-strength material.

Getting Started

Having a ready drawing of the future design, and having decided on the materials for work, you can safely proceed to the further implementation of the project. To make a cabinet with your own hands, you must perform the following steps in stages.

  1. Cut chipboard or other selected material. You can do it yourself, if you have the space and the necessary tools. Sawing can also be ordered at any furniture workshop or store by purchasing chipboard sheets. For a fee, you can also order gluing the tape along the cut edges. This service will significantly save future assembly time and reduce the amount of garbage in the room.
  2. The assembly of the product begins with the frame part. Bars or metal slats are assembled. Proper fastening of frame parts will ensure the strength of the future product. All corners are verified and should not have deviations from the drawing. A roll of even one degree can lead to skew and deformation of the product, and, accordingly, the aquarium itself. External walls and internal partitions are attached to the frame. Fasteners are made using euro screws and a screwdriver. Confirmates are not self-tapping and require pre-prepared holes in the materials. When choosing a drill for a drill, one should proceed from the size of the selected confirmations minus 1 mm.
  3. Mounting the tabletop is best done in several stages. First, two holes are made at its diametrically opposite corners. After fixing the tabletop, the level is verified and, in the absence of flaws, the final screwing is performed. For this reason, it is better not to make preliminary holes over the entire surface of the table, but to drill holes after a preliminary level measurement.
  4. Next, horizontal shelves are mounted, drawers are assembled, doors are hung. For drawers, it is very important to properly fix the guides, which will allow them to be used without hindrance. Hinged doors are attached to furniture canopies. When fixing them, it is better to use closers that will allow the doors to open and close correctly and gently.
  5. After complete assembly, the product lies on its side, after which the legs are attached. They should be fastened strictly along the edges of the frame structure to prevent subsidence and deflection. Heel pads should be placed on the attached legs to avoid scratching the floor surfaces.

When calculating the required amount of materials, it should be borne in mind that, unlike bedside tables or chests of drawers, an aquarium cabinet requires a solid back wall.

The frame of the cabinet for the aquarium is better to make metal.

Do-it-yourself assembly of the product allows the master to provide for any details. Therefore, the final step will be to drill the back wall for the passage of electrical cables and water or air vent hoses. Holes should be made only after a clear definition of the purpose of each hole and its functionality.

The main purpose of the pedestal is to hold the weight of the aquarium, which means the total mass of the aquarium itself, the water in it and additional elements.

When choosing materials for work, it must be remembered that the very purpose of the cabinet implies the contact of the furniture surface with water.

In this case, laminated MDF or chipboard is great.

Finishing touches

The final touches after the assembly of the furniture product is the correct installation of the nightstand. The surface of the floor must be perfectly flat, otherwise it will nullify all the efforts of the master. Given the weight of the bedside table itself, plus the aquarium with all its contents, one should be aware of the impossibility of moving this monumental composition. Therefore, you should first choose a convenient place for installation. It takes into account not only the spatial possibility, aesthetic affiliation, but also the technical equipment. The aquarium is connected to the power supply, so it is necessary to provide for the presence of electrical outlets within walking distance.

When creating a project, it is necessary to take this value into account and create a drawing that will cope with this task.

You can provide shelves not only for special aquarium fixtures, but for books, newspapers or decorative ornaments.

The height of the furniture product is also of great importance.

If it is understood that this is a rest room where people usually sit, then the height of the nightstand, together with the legs, should be limited to 70 centimeters and not higher.

The drawing should take into account the further functionality of the use of this furniture product.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself cabinet for an aquarium

To make your home even more beautiful, cozy and interesting, you can supplement it with an aquarium with marine life. Such an invention is not only an interior decoration, but also has a beneficial effect on the mood of the household. The inhabitants of the underwater world are always watched with pleasure not only by adults, but also by children. It is quite natural that every owner of domestic fish wants the service life of an artificial reservoir to be longer, and this is directly affected by the strength of the structure on which it stands. We offer you to learn how to make a do-it-yourself cabinet for an aquarium, which will provide reliable protection for a glass container.

The table on which the artificial reservoir is located, in addition to the decorative function, also performs a practical one: with its help, the normal functioning of the underwater world is carried out. Of course, you can buy a nightstand for an aquarium, but you must admit that a home-made design is a more interesting option, because you can come up with its dimensions and design yourself.

Handmade cabinet making for an aquarium allows you not only to show your creative abilities, but also save money. To assemble such a bedside table, you will need a fairly strong base, which is calmly related to a heavy load. In this case, the following materials are suitable:

  • natural wood;

Their advantage lies not only in the calm transfer of heavy loads, but also in the correct structure. It is also important to take care of strengthening the rear partition. The structure should be reinforced with metal corners under the lid so that it does not sag under the influence of gravity. For a large aquarium of 200 liters, you will need a rigid metal frame that will take all the load on itself. Do not think that the strength and reliability of the stand exclude its aesthetics - the bedside table should harmoniously fit into the interior, and not look like the creation of a mediocre author.

Structural design

To date, the most popular are bulk glass tanks designed for 200 and 700 liters of water. Making a cabinet for an aquarium involves making a rigid frame and lining it with chipboard panels. Such work should begin with the creation of a sketch and calculation of dimensions. The optimal height of the cabinet for the aquarium is 60-70 cm (this should take into account the height of the legs). As for the horizontal dimensions of the product, their calculation should be made based on the length and width of the artificial reservoir.

A design in which the size of the countertop is equal to or slightly larger than the size of the bottom of the glass vessel will look very neat. In order for the support and the aquarium to look like a single whole, it is desirable that the dimensions of the pedestal lid and the bottom of the reservoir are the same. Unlike smaller tanks (up to 130 litres) that can be placed in larger areas with additional functions, 200 liter aquariums require individual stands.

Key components of an aquarium cabinet

Answering the question of how to make a cabinet for an aquarium, it is worth saying that this process is similar to making an ordinary chest of drawers. First, a drawing of the future product is drawn up and the dimensions of all its parts are determined. Such a design consists of several main parts:

  1. Back wall. To make the rear partition of the aquarium cabinet, it is recommended to choose a strong and dense (durable) material with a thickness of more than 2.2 cm. Chipboard or MDF is suitable. The fact is that it is this part of the product that is responsible for the stability of the vertical walls and does not allow them to settle under the weight of the aquarium. Embedding a rear partition between the side partitions will help to make the structure more durable.
  2. Frame. Vertical inner walls are installed approximately every 25 cm. They protect the countertop itself from the load and make it more stable.
  3. Tabletop. One of the most important elements in the manufacture of cabinets for the aquarium. Such a table should have a flat, durable and waterproof surface. The larger the countertop, the more reliable and durable the whole structure will be.
  4. Doors. Without this detail, it is difficult to imagine a full-fledged aquarium bedside table. The doors can be hung using overhead hinges for furniture with a closer. First, you should measure the places of their installation on the side partitions, and then cut the cups under the bases.
  5. Legs. The finished stand for the aquarium is usually equipped with stable legs. The best option for creating them would be thick aluminum.

It is important to bear in mind that at the time of adding water and catching fish, drops of water from an artificial reservoir will fall on the table, as a result of which the untreated surface can quickly become unusable, which will also lead to damage to the aquarium itself. In order to avoid such consequences of mating all parts, the ends and all kinds of sockets with fasteners must be varnished 2-3 times.

The process of making an aquarium table

Tools that will be needed for work:

  • milling machine;
  • Circular Saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • paint coatings.

At the first stage of assembly, the back and side walls are installed on the base with the help of a confirmation. Next, a screed is made with a screwdriver. First you need to assemble the box, and then install the internal partitions and shelves. Particular attention during the assembly process should be given to fixing the tabletop. On the diagonal of the structure, it is necessary to make 2 recesses with a drill, and then pull off the surface of the countertop. If this part is really light as needed, you can drill the rest of the holes.

When the do-it-yourself cabinet for the aquarium is assembled, holes must be made in the rear partition through which hoses and wires will pass. The finished table will need to be carefully installed in a pre-prepared place, the choice of which should take into account the design of the room, as well as the presence of sockets near it. The final step is to cover the countertop with varnish, which will protect the product from water and moisture.

Making a rack for aquariums

Sometimes, for fish lovers and other representatives of the underwater world, one aquarium is not enough, they want something on a larger scale. The only problem is that there is not always enough space in the house to implement such an idea. A self-made rack will help to solve it. Thanks to such a universal shelf design, it will be possible to place several aquariums in one room at once, without forcing the whole room. In the manufacture of shelving, preference should be given to natural wood: pine, mahogany or oak. For this purpose, you can also use laminated chipboard, OSB board and plywood.

First, a solid base is installed, which involves fixing the frame to self-tapping screws and reinforcing the corners with additional strips. Be sure to use a level to avoid distortion during assembly. The finished base must be attached to the wall. Armed with the necessary tools, you should cut the side walls from pre-prepared material, and then cut grooves in them with a router, install shelves in them and fix them with self-tapping screws.

Please note that the minimum thickness of each shelf should be 2.5-3 cm, and the distance between them should be 30-60 cm. The assembled rack must be installed on the base and securely fixed. To give the structure a more attractive look, you can drill plywood linings to the side walls and sew them up with laminated chipboard.


A hand-made rack and a bedside table for an aquarium will allow you to enjoy the beauties of your own underwater world every day and feel proud of your masterpiece. Such a product is always noticeable, moreover, it is 100% cheaper several times cheaper than if you made a purchase in a specialized store.

Living inhabitants of the underwater world are always interesting to watch for both adults and children. The natural desire of every ornamental fish owner is that the aquarium, which has a beneficial effect on the home atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, serves as long as possible. And this largely depends on how strong the artificial reservoir is. So it turns out that the pedestal on which the aquarium is installed performs not only a decorative function, but also plays an important role in maintaining the good condition of the aquarium.

Now, perhaps, you will not meet standing directly on the floor. It is always installed on a special stand - cabinet.

Of course, the 15-liter container can be placed on a regular table or on a TV stand. But, according to the aquarists themselves, starting with a 50-liter jar and above, a cabinet is a must.

Moreover, it should not be a chest of drawers for linen sold in a furniture store, but a special stand.

What is it connected with?

But here's the thing: the constant pressure, for example, of a 100-liter aquarium, on the stand is so great that its surface can bend over time, and even a slight deflection will certainly cause.

Simply put, the glass will crack at best and shatter at worst. Therefore, the main difference between an aquarium cabinet and ordinary chests of drawers or stands is a large number of vertical internal supports that do not allow the tabletop to sag.

The second feature is the material for the cabinet. It must be waterproof (especially the countertop), since when servicing a home aquatic system, minor spills of water are inevitable, and this threatens to deform the surface. Therefore, it is better to use laminated MDF (fine fraction) or chipboard (chipboard).

Is it easy to find a ready-made cabinet for sale that meets all these requirements? Probably, for some standard aquariums, you can pick up a stand in specialized stores. And if the aquarium is non-standard? In this case, it is recommended to make it yourself. Not a particularly difficult task for an experienced home master.

Design principles and dimensions

Project. Such work begins, of course, with a sketch and calculation of dimensions. When determining the height of the pedestal, it is usually assumed that it is convenient to observe life in an aquarium in a sitting position. Therefore, it is not advisable to do it above 60-70 cm (taking into account the height of the legs).

The horizontal dimensions of the pedestal are usually calculated in relation to the length and width of the aquarium. For example, if the size of the countertop is usually either equal to or slightly larger than the size of the bottom of the aquarium, then the whole structure looks very neat and attractive.

What is the back wall made of? The main difference between an aquarium cabinet and a linen chest of drawers is that the back wall is made of thick and durable material (chipboard or MDF with a thickness of at least 22 mm).

This is due to the fact that it is the back wall that holds the vertical partitions, preventing them from collapsing under the weight of a heavy aquarium.

Many home craftsmen advise embedding the back wall between the side walls, and not putting it on top. The structure will be stronger.

frame. Vertical internal partitions are installed every 30-40 centimeters. It is they who protect the countertop from bending. Of course, the distance between the internal partitions is determined depending on the equipment that will then be installed.

tabletop is a very important element. It must be strong, smooth, waterproof. It is better to let it be thicker than thinner, especially for large aquariums (from 150 liters or more). For such a weight, a 22 mm chipboard panel is quite suitable.

Drawing. Based on these calculations, a drawing is made with the exact dimensions of the parts.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence in the project of shelves for equipment (external filter, network extension cord, places for storing aquarium accessories).

Making an aquarium stand with your own hands

Procurement of parts. You can cut the chipboard panel into parts yourself, but it is better to contact the nearest woodworking workshop or furniture workshop. There, for a small fee, professionals will not only cut the slab, but also make a PVC edge at the cut points.

Assembly you can start by installing the walls (back and side) on the base. First, it is recommended to connect the vertical walls to each other using side clamps and accurately align all the corners and design dimensions. As the saying goes, measure twice, cut once.

fasten the walls recommend with the help of a confirmatory - euroscrew-screed. Exactly the same is used to assemble furniture. The main feature: to use the confirmat in details, it is required to make holes with a diameter of 1 mm less than the diameter of the confirmat's thread. The depth of the hole should be slightly less than the length of the euro screw. The screed is made using a screwdriver. First, the box is assembled, and then the internal walls and shelves are installed according to the project.

Tabletop fixing- a very crucial moment of assembly. When it is attached to the finished structure, there is nothing to fix it in such a way that when drilling holes for confirmations, it does not move. The main thing here is not to rush. It is necessary to carefully and accurately drill first 2 through holes along the diagonal of the structure, pull off the countertop and take measurements.

If the countertop lays down correctly, the remaining holes are drilled, and the confirmations are pulled together around the entire perimeter.

doors- a necessary element of an aquarium curbstone. It is better to hang them using standard overhead furniture hinges with a closer. Such hinges are commonly used in the manufacture of inexpensive home furniture. First, the locations of the hinges on the side walls are accurately measured with a pencil, and then, using a special round cutter, cups are cut out under the bases of the hinges. After their installation, doors are applied, on the inner surface of which the attachment points of the hinge screws are marked. The doors are carefully hung, and then fine-tuned with the help of adjusting screws.

Technological holes. After assembling the structure, including the internal shelves, holes for equipment hoses and wires are cut out in the back wall with a round cutter. In principle, this can be done even at the stage of cutting the wood board, but if changes are made to the structure during the assembly process, then it is better to drill holes at the end of the work.

Cabinet base. The finished heavy structure should stand on legs. Such thick aluminum legs can be picked up and purchased at furniture fittings stores. The cabinet is carefully laid on its side and the legs are screwed strictly under the vertical surfaces. This is very important for the correct distribution of the total load.

Installation. The finished cabinet is carefully installed in its place. It is selected based on the interior design of the room space. But it is also necessary to take into account the presence of household sockets of the internal electrical network nearby. It is not recommended to install a curbstone and an aquarium near windows, room and balcony doors.

Countertop protection. The final touch: a coating on the countertop, without which it is not recommended to put the aquarium. For example, a piece of substrate under a laminate is well suited as such a hard and durable coating.

In this way, you can independently make a cabinet of almost any size.

Preparatory work (purchasing materials, designing and cutting parts) can take quite a lot of time, but a home master can assemble the structure in a few hours. The price of a do-it-yourself cabinet will, of course, be much lower than the cost of products sold in stores. But if there is even the slightest doubt about your artisan abilities, then it is better not to waste time and nerves, but to purchase a ready-made sample.

A useful video on how to make a cabinet for an aquarium with your own hands:

The presence of an aquarium in the house has a beneficial effect on the well-being and mood of each family member. The underwater world has always made a strong impression on a person, and if you create an artificial aquasphere in an apartment, the room will have an unusual design. You, too, can follow suit without spending extra on expensive equipment furniture.

Unique shells, mysterious grottoes and amphorae buried in the sand fascinate anyone. If you also decide to become the owner of such beauty, then it is better not to install the aquarium on a chest of drawers, because a durable and moisture-resistant cabinet made by yourself will be the best solution. If we are talking about a regular container, where only a few fish are placed, it can be installed on any flat surface, having previously been protected by Izolon.

Why do you need a special cabinet

If the volume of the container is 50 liters or more, then a flimsy table is not suitable for this, you will need a strong stand. In addition to a heavy aquarium, the walls of which have a thickness ranging from 8 to 10 mm, water, soil, decorative elements and technical devices will affect the countertop. If a deflection of at least one millimeter occurs, then a crack may appear in the bottom glass, which will subsequently cause trouble. Therefore, the issue of making cabinets should be taken seriously.

Preparatory stage

If you are going to make a cabinet for it, then it is better to fit the glass container to the dimensions of the structure. However, if the aquarium already exists, then it is better to adjust the dimensions of the stand to fit it. Its basic dimensions are 1060 x 1000 x 450 mm. The future design will look like a cabinet with two doors and an upper folding box, which will be used for lighting. It has to be fixed to the side high walls.

Material preparation

To carry out the work, it is necessary to prepare a joiner's plate. It is recommended to use laminated chipboard or MDF. It is important to consider that water from an artificial reservoir will fall on the pedestal, because you will have to catch fish during spawning and add water. If we are talking about a non-laminated surface, then it deforms quite quickly. This will cause cracks in the aquarium. Therefore, the ends, nests with screws and interfaces of parts must be covered with several layers of varnish.

Instrument preparation

If it is made by hand, then you will need some tools, including:

  • Circular Saw;
  • drill;
  • clamp;
  • milling machine.

The circular saw must be mounted on a workbench. As for the drill, it will be needed to prepare the holes for the dowels. A screwdriver might also come in handy.

Preparation of fittings and blanks

Do-it-yourself cabinet for an aquarium, the drawings of which are presented in the article, should be made of joinery, it should be represented by two varieties, one of them will have a thickness of 18 mm, while the other will be 38 mm.

The first type of material will be used for the manufacture of shelves and walls, the second will be needed to make load-bearing elements. Make sure you have:

  • piano loop;
  • wood glue;
  • wooden dowels;
  • handles;
  • furniture varnish.

The latter can be replaced with decorative wax.

When buying handles, you must remember that they will be installed on the door. You will need self-tapping screws and screws. With a circular saw, you can cut out all the details. This tool will help prepare the grooves and form the ridges, the latter of which are needed to mate the parts. The main load will fall on the side walls, for them a 38 mm shield should be used.

Cabinet assembly

When you make a stand for an aquarium with your own hands, it is better to enlist outside help, because some workpieces have to be connected at the same time, working on weight. At the first stage, the ridges and grooves for the wall should be prepared. They will be located in the bottom, sidewalls and middle cover. Such elements will also be in the blanks of the upper box.

Instead of a circular saw, a milling machine is sometimes used. The next step is to glue the details of the back wall and the upper corner. The latter will be located behind the backlight module. The planks are pulled together with clamps and left until dry. When a do-it-yourself cabinet for an aquarium is made, at the next stage, base 38 mm bars should be screwed to the bottom shelf, which will act as the bottom. It is on them that the entire structure will be installed.

18mm plates should be screwed to the inner sides to install the middle cover. The front edges must be flush with the bottom flange edges. The rear will be located at the level of the inner edge of the groove. The middle lid and bottom must be glued to the central inner baffle. According to the design features, the described chest of drawers must have a vertical partition for every 30 cm of the table top. If you make amplification in this way, you will be able to save the specified geometry.

The lower part of the rear wall should be inserted into the bottom groove. One side is fixed to the middle cover and the bottom with the help of dowels, they should be put on the glue, directing the back wall into the groove of the side wall. A corner is attached to the upper part of the sidewall, you need to do this in the same way, using glue and dowels. It is on the corner that the upper module will rest. All these manipulations must be repeated using the second side wall.

Work methodology

A curbstone for an aquarium, made with your own hands (photos are presented in the article), must have an upper box, its assembly is carried out in the next step. It is there that the fittings for lighting are installed. The bottom of the box, which will be facing the water, will look like a sheet of frosted glass, it is installed in the grooves of the longitudinal sides.

The assembled module must be fixed to the cabinet; if necessary, it can be folded back. Doors should be cut out of the joiner's shield, the dimensions of each of which will be 433 x 494 mm. According to the template, it is necessary to mark the sockets for installing hinges in order to select them with a drill. The doors are mounted to the side walls using hinges with hinges.

To supply air, you need to install a compressor in the cabinet. This is where the backlight control will be located. Tubes and cables must be led out through a groove, the dimensions of which will be 25 x 50 mm. It must be placed in the lid. The assembled stand must be covered with furniture varnish, which is applied in several layers. On this, we can assume that the cabinet for the aquarium with your own hands, the drawings, the photo of which is presented in the article, was made by you.

Making a corner pedestal for an aquarium of 150 or 200 liters

To simplify the work on the manufacture of cabinets, you can purchase ready-made chipboard panels that have laminated edges. It is especially important before starting work to decide on additional components that are to be placed inside a piece of furniture. It can be a water filter that is installed outside.

For work, you will need 4 panels with dimensions equal to 16 x 300 x 800 mm, two panels should have dimensions of 16 x 268 x 284 mm, one panel will have dimensions of 16 x 316 x 300 mm, another one - 16 x 800 x 800 mm. For technical elements, it is necessary to supply electricity to the installation site of the pedestal. At the first stage, side panels with dimensions of 16 x 300 x 800 mm are connected. It is necessary to do these works with the help of self-tapping screws 3.8 x 55 mm. Sometimes confirmatory screws are used, for which holes must first be prepared.

When a do-it-yourself corner pedestal for an aquarium is made, in the next step you can connect the resulting structure to the top shelf, for this the same technology is used. The next step is to install the bottom, the fasteners remain the same. The doors are installed last, then the turn of the legs comes. The supporting corners should be strengthened on the sidewalls, they must be made from cuts from the countertop. On the upper connection, self-tapping screws with dimensions of 3.8 x 55 mm should be used, as for the lower connection, the dimensions of the fasteners are reduced to 3.8 x 42 mm. The fastener must not be set too low.

Action algorithm

Do-it-yourself cabinet for an aquarium of 200 liters is made according to a certain technology. When designing, it is necessary to use a pattern, it will look like a piece of cardboard that needs to be adjusted to the dimensions of the panel. Once the cuts are made, you can glue the edge by treating the edges with silicone.

The tabletop is installed on the body and connected with self-tapping screws. If you are making a cabinet for an aquarium of 150 liters with your own hands, then you should not forget to make cutouts in the remaining panels for furniture hinges. To do this, use a cutter for the diameter of the loop. By the same principle, holes for handles are prepared.

Further, the cabinet can be installed in a corner, placing an aquarium on the tabletop. The design is preliminarily leveled with the help of legs. On the wall, it is necessary to mark the lower edge of the structure in order to install iron corners on both sides of the wall. They are necessary so that the do-it-yourself cabinet for a 100-liter aquarium is screwed to the base. If necessary, you can embed and then install the shelf. It will be represented by a panel with dimensions equal to 16 x 268 x 284 mm. Shelf holders are installed inside the cabinet, which should be located at the height that the equipment requires.


When choosing the height of the pedestal, you should take into account that a person in a sitting position should be comfortable viewing the contents of the aquarium. It is important to provide the structure with adjustable legs, with which it will be possible to change the height in the range from 50 to 100 mm.

Before you make a cabinet for an aquarium with your own hands, you must also determine the depth of the future artificial reservoir. This will allow you to make a cabinet with a width that is equal to or slightly larger than the mentioned parameter. It will be safe and beautiful. Do not neglect the internal vertical partitions. If the depth of the aquarium is 50 cm, then chipboard with a thickness of 22 mm or more is usually used for this.

An aquarium is a great invention, which is not only a great addition to any interior, but also has a beneficial effect on the mood of the residents of the house. you can arrange an aquarium and populate it with such inhabitants as you wish.

However, it is important not only to think over the design of an artificial home aquasphere, but also to prepare a place for its installation. An excellent solution to this problem will be a curbstone for an aquarium with your own hands. Of course, you can buy it ready-made, but a homemade nightstand is more preferable, because. You can make it exactly the size you need and save extra money.

In this case, it will be considered how to make a curbstone for an aquarium, having 106 cm in height, 1 m in width and 45 cm in depth. you can adjust its dimensions to the dimensions of your aquarium, this will not affect the operation in any way.

This aquarium cabinet will have 2 hinged doors and a top folding box. This box will have a built-in backlight. The box itself is attached to the side walls of the nightstand. It is much easier to make a do-it-yourself cabinet for an aquarium if you have previously drawn up a drawing indicating all the structural elements and overall dimensions. You can refer to the finished drawing shown in the following image: Fig. 1.

The aquarium bedside table can be made of wood chipboard, MDF or laminated chipboard.

Non-laminated materials must not be used.

Moisture from the container will inevitably fall on the nightstand when you add water, catch fish, etc. Under the influence of moisture, non-laminated surfaces deteriorate quite quickly. As a result, the aquarium itself may be damaged. For the same reason, the interfaces of all parts, the ends and all kinds of sockets with fasteners must be varnished several times.

Prepare the tools that will allow you to make a bedside table for the aquarium:

  • milling machine;
  • circular saw;
  • clamps;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill.

If you want to make a cabinet for an aquarium that will retain its original characteristics for many years, do not spare money on quality materials and accessories. Buy the following:

  • joinery plate 18 mm thick, shelves and walls will be made from it;
  • the same plate, but 38 mm thick, you will use it to create load-bearing elements;
  • piano loop;
  • decorative wax (furniture varnish is possible);
  • wooden dowels;
  • self-tapping screws and screws;
  • handles for cabinet doors;
  • wood glue.

Take your own or previously presented finished drawing and saw the boards into blanks of the required dimensions. Use a circular saw for this. With the same tool you will make ridges and grooves for mates. The main load will fall on the side walls of the structure, so they must be made from a board with a thickness of at least 38 mm.

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Beginning of work

By following these simple rules, you will make an excellent aquarium cabinet that will serve you for many years and will be easy to use. First of all, keep in mind that there should be holes in the back wall of the structure. Electrical cords and hoses of external filters will pass through them.

The curbstone must have stiffening ribs. They are installed in increments of 40 cm along the length of the structure. The stiffening ribs will make the structure more durable, and it will not sag. An aquarium with all its contents will put a lot of pressure on the cabinet. If you do not follow the following recommendation, then you simply will not be able to open the doors, because. they will be sandwiched between the bottom and top of the nightstand. To prevent this from happening, make a gap a few millimeters wide between the doors and the top cover of the nightstand.

If you plan to install a very heavy aquarium on a homemade pedestal, then it is better to make it without legs and put it on a perfectly flat surface, laying foam, linoleum or a rubber mat.

The standard height of the cabinet for the aquarium is 600-700 mm. Try not to deviate from this value. The top of the cabinet should be the same length as the aquarium, and even better - protrude a little. 5-10 mm on each side will be enough. Most often, laminated chipboard is used to make home-made bedside tables, because. This material normally tolerates moisture. The countertop can be taken from an old kitchen set, and shelves and doors from an unnecessary closet. To prevent the board from delamination over time, cover its edges with melamine edging.

Instead of chipboard, you can use a natural array as a sheathing. It must first be treated with sandpaper and varnished. Natural wood has a longer service life, because. it tolerates moisture much better.

The interior of the aquarium cabinet can be put to good use. Install several shelves for various little things. If you are making doors (and this is highly desirable), buy handles and awnings in advance. On the shelves it will be possible to store all kinds of accessories for the care of the aquarium and its inhabitants.

Before you start assembling the cabinet for the aquarium, be sure to check the condition and make sure that the floor is even in the place where you are going to put the finished cabinet. If everything is fine with him, you can get to work. If the floor is uneven, then you will have to level it or choose a more suitable surface for installing the aquarium.

If your aquarium weighs relatively little, you can equip the nightstand with legs that can be adjusted in height. This will also resolve the issue.

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Step by step assembly instructions

To make the work go faster and more fun, invite an assistant. In the process of assembling the cabinet, many parts will need to be held on weight and connected at the same time, so an extra pair of hands will definitely not hurt you.

Take a saw and prepare the ridges and grooves for the back wall of the nightstand in the middle cover, sides and bottom of the structure. Also, grooves must be made in the blanks of the upper box. This is best done with a circular saw. If this is not available, a milling machine will do.

Take 2 pieces of the upper corner of the back wall and glue them together. This corner will be installed behind the backlight module. Take the clamps, pull off the planks and let dry. Screw the plinth bars to the bottom of the future bedside table. Use bars with a thickness of 38 mm. They will have a finished structure.

Next, you need to screw the 18 mm thick plates to the inner surfaces of the side walls of the homemade bedside table. The middle cover will be installed on these plates. The front edges of the parts must be installed so that they are flush with the edges of the middle cover of the nightstand and its bottom, and the rear edges are flush with the inner edge of the groove for the back cover.

Glue the middle lid and bottom to the inner center baffle. The nightstand should have several internal partitions located at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other, depending on the length of the tabletop and the weight of the aquarium.

Take the back wall and insert its lower part into the bottom groove. Fasten to the bottom 1 of the side walls. It also needs to be attached to the middle cover. To do this, you will need dowels planted on glue. At the same time, guide the back wall of the cabinet into the groove on the side. Next, you will need to take a corner and attach it to the top of the sidewall using all the same dowels and glue. In the future, the top module of the bedside table will rely on this corner. Do the same with the second side wall of the aquarium cabinet.

The next step is to assemble the top box. Assemble the structure and install the backlight. The part that will face the water must be made of frosted glass. The assembled box is attached to the nightstand with a piano loop, so that in the future it can be easily folded back.

Cut out blanks for doors with dimensions of 433x494 mm from the joiner's shield. Mark the slots for the loops and make holes. Attach the finished doors to the side walls of the bedside table on the hinges using four hinges.

Install a water purification system and a compressor in the nightstand. You can also place the backlight control panel there. All kinds of tubes and wires must be brought out through a 2.5x5 cm groove in the cover. Cover the finished bedside table with several layers of furniture varnish.