Chess game for beginners kids to play. Chess for beginners - the rules of the game, the moves of the pieces. End of the game, check and checkmate

At first glance, it may seem that learning how to play chess is quite easy, but in fact, it takes a lot of effort and memorizes a few basic rules.

History of origin

People still debate whether this game is a sport or an art. Today computer technologies have reached the point that any computer can easily solve "chess" problems of the highest complexity in a matter of seconds, but a person will need years of practice to do this.

For the first time, the game in the form in which it is now customary to see it appeared 15 centuries ago in the East. Its rules were based on the Arabic shatranj and the Indian chaturanga. In the Middle Ages, the first chess tournament was held in Europe, in which only knights took part. These were real mind games. Chess in those days was considered the property of noble people.

There is one eastern legend according to which this game made a real rich man out of a poor man. One sage who first showed the world how to play chess asked for his "invention" one grain of wheat for one cell, for the second - two, for the next - four, and in a similar progression further to the end of the board. The ruler agreed, but he did not even suspect that in the end he would have to give 8.5 quintillion grains (a number with 18 zeros). As a result, several kilograms of wheat came out, which in those days was a great luxury.

As the legend shows, this is exactly how many variations in the development of events in chess, but there are isolated situations that more often than others develop on the board, and it is them that experts study. Great grandmasters know by heart dozens of winning algorithms that have been sought out and adjusted over the years in the course of hundreds of games.

Today this game has become popular all over the world. Many experts even advise chess for children as a tool for developing deductive thinking.

Starting position

All pieces can only move on 64 squares of the board. Their correct location is also important. The board must be rotated so that there is a white square to the right of the player. On the plane itself there are 32 figures of two colors (black and white).

The rules of the game of chess state that each of the opponents' "armies" must be mirrored to each other. In the first rank, pawns are placed to the enemy, and on the last line of the board - all other pieces. Rooks are placed in the corners, then knights are placed next to them, and bishops are located behind them. In the center of the board, as expected, there are a queen and a king, and the second must be on a square of the opposite color.

The moves are made in turn, and White starts the game first. Often pawns go into battle at the beginning.

Figures and their moves

The most important thing in chess is the king, but by himself he is practically helpless. Moves one cell in any direction. If he is placed in a hopeless position, the game is lost regardless of the number of pieces remaining. This position is called obscenity, which means "to die" from Arabic.

The second most important piece is the king's most powerful weapon, which can move in any straight line and pass an unlimited number of cells in one move.

The rook, along with the queen, is included in the group of "heavy" pieces. It can only move in a straight line to the sides, except for the diagonal. There is no limit on the number of cells traversed per turn.

The bishop is located closest to the king and queen. The variability of moves is limited by the diagonals, but not by the number of cells.

The knight is the most unique and interesting piece on the board. Unlike the others, he moves only with the letter "G", that is, two cells forward in the chosen direction and one to the side. Before each move, the knight has 8 variations to maneuver.

There is one more piece that is important to become familiar with before playing chess - the pawn. And even if she is considered the weakest on the board, without her the king would face a very quick “death”. He moves only forward 1 or 2 cells on his own half and one on the other side.

It is possible to take an opponent's piece only when it is in the path of the player's turn. Then the figure that hits her takes her place. If a situation arises when the king is threatened with deprivation of a place on the board, then he can be protected or made a move to the side. A pawn can capture any piece that is one square in front of it diagonally.

Rules of conduct and cost of figures

The king can engage in battle with anyone except the queen, since he can attack all the cells around him.

The cheapest and weakest piece is the pawn. Its main advantage is the ability to make a fork, that is, simultaneously threaten two elements of the enemy "army" at once.

The rook is equal in value to five pawns and is higher than all except the queen. This is a very important piece for any strategy, with the help of which you can checkmate at any moment.

The elephant and the knight are approximately equal in value, although they have different properties. Equated to three pawns. Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the "dead zones" where these pieces cannot get (the bishop - never, the knight - for several moves).

The most useful and strong element on the board is the queen. Its cost is equal to two rooks at once. The queen is able to make not only a "fork", but also threaten 8 pieces at the same time.

Before playing chess, it is important to familiarize yourself with one more nuance. If a pawn has reached the last opposite square of the board (up to the opponent's first line), then it can be exchanged for any piece that was previously captured by the opponent.

Game recording

A standard chessboard is a square and consists of 64 fields. Along the vertical lines are always placed from "a" to "h", and horizontally - the numbers from 1 to 8. It is these designations that are used in the recording of moves.

Thus, each square has its own name, for example, d5, e1, f8, etc. In the record of the figure's move, two fields (initial and final) are written with a hyphen. For example: a2 - a4.

In addition, the figures have their own short designations - these are the first letters of their names (Ф, Л, С, К). The only exception is the king. Its abbreviation in the recording is Kr. The pawn is not indicated in any way.

Party outcomes

The rules of the game of chess describe only two possible developments of the final and one intermediate one.

Attacking the king is called check. This action is indicated in the record with a "+" sign. Among chess players, it is customary to call it an intermediate outcome, when there is a possibility of mate. In the case of a check, there are several ways to defend: leave the king to the side, close it with another piece, or take the attacker.

If the king is unable to escape the attack, then the opponent has been checkmated. In this case, the game is considered won. It is denoted by an "x".

A draw in chess is called stalemate. This is a situation when the player has only one step left to checkmate, but it will not be possible to make it, since the opponent has no options for maneuvering any of the pieces. It is denoted by the "#" symbol.


The rules of the game allow the king and rook to be swapped once per game. Chess for children excludes the possibility of castling of figures, since there are nuances that are quite difficult to perceive in it. A rearrangement is allowed only when neither the rook nor the king have made a single move and are not under attack by the opponent. Also, it cannot be done at the very beginning of the game. During castling, the rook stands close to the king, and he stands on an adjacent square on the other side.

Russian chess

The rules of this game are in no way different from its Arabic counterpart. Russian chess is a board with 64 cells and 32 pieces. The pawns are called taurels here. The rest of the figures have names: prince, horseman and warrior. The king is a sorcerer.

How to play chess with such pieces? The main difference is the tower position. During the game, not a single piece is removed from the board. If one of them hits the other, then it is placed on top of the first, forming a kind of tower, and so on.

The game continues until the first figure appears on the sorcerer.

If you are offered to play chess, never say: "I can't." Say: "I can, but I don't want to."

Vladimir Vysotsky, "A Story about the Game of Chess"

It was after such a situation that my desire to learn how to play chess appeared. True, I was able to say “I can”, but I couldn’t continue “but I don’t want to”. I had to play. Several deafening defeats after short games made it clear that knowing the rules of the game is not enough to win. There was something else that only chess players knew about. That helped them to see the board from a different angle, as if to look into the future and comment disappointedly: “Well, what have you done!”. I wanted to know this secret, and I decided to understand ...

How an adult can learn to play chess

To begin with, it was necessary to find out whether it was possible to learn how to play chess on your own: using the Internet, mobile applications or a tutorial. A thorough survey of those who already know how to play showed that you can try to learn how to play yourself, but it is better to do it with a friend or teacher.

However, the first steps can and should be taken alone. Desirable:

  • find or buy a board;
  • get to know the figures;
  • learn the rules of the game.

This will take you no more than an hour. Use YouTube videos, there are many videos on this topic. If there is a desire, excuses are unnecessary. Even a child (from the age of four) can start playing.

After you understand this stage, it is worth looking for a teacher. Why can't you learn to play yourself? The answer is very simple. You can try doing it yourself and you will even start to succeed. It's only about the speed of learning. What you think of in a few days, the teacher will explain in an hour. Moreover, an experienced player or teacher will help you see on the board something that you simply will not notice due to lack of experience.

How to find a teacher

Sign up for a chess school or club

The only problem you may have is age restriction. But it can also be solved.

When I tried to enroll in the nearest chess schools, I was refused due to the fact that only kids are accepted for training. Instead, they offered to come and try to negotiate with the teacher about private lessons.

Even if there is only one chess school in your city, go there and try to find yourself a coach.

There are also chess clubs. Most often they are played by older people, united by a great desire and passion for the game. It's a cool choice for those who love chess, but not always a good choice for a beginner.

Find a Chess Friend

When I tried to do this, it turned out that the chess players belong to a kind of "Fight Club". A simple post on social media showed that more than half of my friends have played or are playing chess. They just don't tell anyone about it. Try to ask your friends and you. I'm sure you will be surprised.

As for my personal experience, among my acquaintances and friends I found one who turned out to be a candidate for master of sports in chess. We quickly agreed on the lessons, and I got a little closer to my goal.

Hire a teacher

Without contacting organizations, schools, clubs and circles, you can simply find a teacher for private lessons. Try to meet with him in person before you agree on the first lesson, to make sure that you can learn with this person and do not be afraid to ask him again and again incomprehensible points. If you feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or embarrassed, try to find another teacher.

“Anyone who plays better than you can already teach. But the teacher should not be a bore. And it's not worth spending money on super-professionals right away, ”advises Vladimir Khlepitko.

Peter Miller /

What to read

While your coach will tell you what the opening, middlegame and endgame are, teach the theory and practice of chess, along the way demonstrating the art of composition, you can already start helping yourself to move even faster. For example, with the help of books. Literature by itself will not teach you how to play, but it will become a powerful help in this difficult task.

1. Self-study books and problem collections are suitable for beginners. For example, "Collection of Chess Combinations" by S. D. Ivashchenko, "Textbook of the Chess Game" by H. R. Capablanca and "Journey to the Chess Kingdom" by Y. Averbakh. Feel free to open books for children or those marked "For those who are just starting to play." After all, it is in them that the complex system of chess is explained very clearly and clearly.

2. Once you've gotten through the introduction and at the same time have had some fruitful lessons with your instructor, move on to the strategy and tactics books. Understand each stage of the game of chess, since a lot has been written about them. It is quite difficult to figure out which book to choose, so be sure to ask your coach for advice. You can pay attention to these works:

  • "My System", A. I. Nimtsovich;
  • "Strategic Techniques in Chess", A. I. Terekhin;
  • "In the wake of debut catastrophes", Ya. I. Neishtadt;
  • “Transition to the endgame”, Y. Razuvaev, G. Nesis.

3. Look for inspiration. Read not only chess textbooks, but also books related to this great game. For example, Vladimir Khlepitko says that he likes Garry Kasparov's book Chess as a Model of Life.

Watch films about chess and chess players, for example:

  • Bobby Fischer vs. the World is about the biography of the American champion and his legendary match with Boris Spassky.
  • "Luzhin's Defense" is a film in which you should not look at chessboards in search of interesting combinations, but you can plunge into its unique atmosphere.
  • Chess Fever is a black-and-white Soviet comedy, of course, almost not about chess. But Capablanca himself appears in the frame!

What else?

Of course, you shouldn't ignore online help. As long as you practice in reality, all other ways to make your lessons more effective will work as well.

  • a channel that makes chess understandable, adds excitement and inspires new achievements.
  • « ShahMatCanal"- a channel that specializes in video tournaments between bloggers and everyone, after which it analyzes in detail the mistakes and successes of the players.
  • I will say this: if you really want to, you will definitely succeed. For me, trying to learn how to play chess was a real challenge. The game, to put it mildly, is not easy. But beautiful. Therefore, if you really like chess and are ready to devote a little time to it every day, or at least every week, everything will definitely work out.

    Desire and love for the game will give success, and there are many ways to achieve success, the main thing is to keep moving the figures!

    Vladimir Khlepitko, head of the Wisdom chess club

    Chess is a wise game. Long ago people were attracted by the beauty of chess, their mysterious world. So how can children or beginners learn to play chess?

    Place the chessboard in front of you. It is divided into squares. There are 64 squares in total, half are black, the other half are white. The board is positioned so that the black square is located in the lower left corner (which is closer to you).

    Pieces walk on the chessboard. Remember, in order to be able to play, you need to know how the pieces should be placed before starting. In the first row there are pawns, behind them are the rest of the pieces: the outer ones are the rooks, behind them are the knights, then the bishops, in the middle are the queen and the king. The queen should always be in her color: black on black, white on white. This position of the pieces is always respected before the start of the game.

    Chess is always played by 2 people. One plays with black, the other with white. Only one piece can be moved in one move. The players take turns.

    Now UchiEto will introduce you to chess pieces and teach them how to move:

    King. This is the most important figure, but rather weak. If the king is checkmated, then the game is lost. He can only move one square to any adjacent field. The main goal the game is to put the opponent's king in a stalemate and checkmate him. If you succeed, then you have won.

    Queen. The strongest figure. She is also called the queen. She walks as she wants: both diagonally and vertically and horizontally, back and forth. In one move, the queen can pass both the entire chess field and one cell.

    Rook. This is the second most powerful piece in chess. She moves in almost the same way as the queen, but not diagonally.

    Horse. This is a pretty interesting figure. He walks in this way: 2 cells back, 1 to the side, or 2 cells to the side, 1 back, and also 2 cells forward, 1 to the side, or 2 cells to the side, 1 forward. The knight changes its color on every move.

    Elephant. This piece can only move diagonally, backward or forward. He walks on cells of only his own color, that is, if the knight is white, then on white, and if black, then on black.

    Pawn. The weakest figure. The pawn moves only forward, and only one square, only from its original position and once it can make a double move (that is, through the square, for example, a2-a4). But if a pawn manages to pass the entire square, then, having reached the last cell in a row, it can become any chess piece, of course, except for the king.

    How to play chess correctly?

    You have learned how all chess pieces move individually. But if one figure blocks the path of another, what to do then? You should do this: if your figure is on the way, then the way is closed. However, if a piece is an opponent, the path can be cleared by beating it. It happens like this: you remove the opponent's piece from the board, and in its place you put your piece with which you beat it. It's all one move. But it is not necessary to beat the pieces.

    Let's see an example:

    On the right and on the left of the white pawn there is a black piece, if it is White's move, then the pawn can capture both one and the second piece and take its place.

    Almost all the pieces during the game move along the board, hit each other, and are removed from the board. Only the king cannot be removed from the board. He can be declared “check”, that is, a warning that he may be beaten. If he gets a check, you must immediately react, leave this position. This can be done in the following way: by going to a safe square, defending it with another piece, knocking down the attacking piece. If you are unable to defend your king, then you have been checkmated. The game is lost. When writing "check" denote +, mate - x.

    There are 2 more exceptions to the rules of chess

    1. 1. You already know that only 1 piece can be moved in one move, but each player is allowed to make a double move once - to castle (simultaneously rearrange the rook and the king). It is done like this: move the rook to the king, throw the king over it and place it on the other side. A castling cannot be done if: after castling, the rook and king should not be under attack, the king has been checked, and the rook and king have already moved.
    2. 2. This exception applies only to pawns. You can beat a pawn on the pass, while it makes a double move. Once your opponent's pawn has made a double move, you can remove it from the board by placing your pawn on the square as if the opponent's pawn made a simple move. You can take a pawn on the pass only immediately after a double move. You won't be able to take it right away. For example, the white a2-pawn made a double move to a4. The black pawn a! 4 can remove the white pawn from a4 and stand on a3, as if the white pawn had made a normal move.

    During the game, observe the main rule of chess: if you touch a piece, you must resemble it. Therefore, if you have not thought about the next move in advance, you should not touch the pieces.

    You have been introduced to the most basic rules of chess and now you can play your first chess game.

    How to learn chess annotation?

    Annotation is the designation of the figures on the board. Beginners and children who want to seriously engage in this game should definitely learn how to do it. There is a kind of chess language to describe a chess game. It's pretty straightforward. All cells of the chess board are designated by a Latin letter and a number. Horizontal lines are designated by numbers, vertical lines - by letters.

    The score is taken from the left square of the white pieces. For example: a1, c2, d3, h4, f8. When writing a piece, the designations are made in abbreviated form: queen - Ф, king - Кр, knight - К, bishop - С, rook - Л, pawn - not indicated.

    For example: a2-a4 the number denotes the ordinal number of the move, the pawn has moved from the a2 square to the a4 square.

    You can record your move in abbreviated form, indicating only the “point of arrival”. For example: a4.

    Black's move is recorded with three dots before writing. For example: ... a5 - the black pawn has moved from a7 to a5.

    The capture of a piece is recorded as “:”. For example: Q: a7 - the queen took the a7-pawn.

    Not many chess beginners know that professionals, too, make gross mistakes and blunders. Top chess players make mistakes, which is quite logical when playing blitz when there is no time to think. As for beginners, they also make mistakes in games with an unlimited amount of time (playing without a clock).

    To reduce the number of losses, one should follow three rules from Dmitry Lugovoy's book "How to learn to play chess in 30 minutes!":

    1. Before making your move, think about your opponent's previous move - why was it made? Is there a threat to you? Try to understand its meaning. This will save you from a lot of unnecessary mistakes!
    2. Before each move, even if you are 100% sure of its correctness, the move seems obvious or the only one - think for at least a minute. 50% of all mistakes are made precisely because of haste!
    3. Think not only for yourself, but also for your opponent, try to predict his future actions - this will allow you to reveal his plans and take action.

    Let's talk about the third rule in more detail. Many chess players, in the midst of a battle, are so carried away by the implementation of their plan that they "forget" about the enemy. Such forgetfulness often leads to an unexpected mate. On this occasion, two quotes would be appropriate:

    "A partner also has a right to exist."

    Savely Tartakover

    "If you don't keep track of what your opponent is doing, you will have to complain of bad luck after each game."

    Victor Korchnoi

    How Champions Ponder

    Watch the recording of the friendly blitz game between Anatoly Karpov and Mikhail Tal - pay special attention to how they voice their reflections during the game.

    As you can see from the plot, professionals calculate not only their moves, but also the possible responses of the opponent - only in this way you can avoid unsuccessful moves.

    Examples of games lost due to carelessness

    Very often, amateur chess players break the first rule listed above, i.e. they simply “forget about the enemy”.

    Chriselevator - Pupkin (1-0)

    The game developed well for Pupkin - he responded to the king's gambit and in the endgame everything went to the victory of black. Moreover, the players had more than 10 minutes left - there was no need to rush. Nevertheless, Pupkin hastened and after his last move Bxf3 received checkmate Rd8 #.

    To avoid mate, black needs to make a move with the knight Ne7. If played correctly, Black's position is absolutely winning 21… Ne7 22. Rd3 Bxf3 23. e4 Bh1 24. b4 Rg6 25. Be5 $ 17

    Devi81 - Pupkin (1-0)

    If you do not make the right conclusions, then the chance to step on the same rake is great enough. Once again, Pupkin overlooked the trap and received a well-deserved checkmate.

    It may seem funny that once again Albin's counter-gambit was used. Maybe this is an unsuccessful opening for black or just an elementary carelessness? The correct answer is carelessness. Albin's counter-gambit is a perfectly acceptable answer to the king's gambit if you are playing with low-level players. You will find several successful examples of the application of this opening in the article.

    Note that in the two games discussed above, Black could sharpen the game significantly if he played correctly. With the four move, it was necessary to move not Nf3, but Bb4 +.

    Pupkin - Mustafghan (1-0)

    On the move e4, Black answered d5 -. Mistakes, as happens in novice games, were made by both players. However, Mustafghan (USA) got too carried away with his attack and did not pay enough attention to the threats posed by the whites.


    For those chess lovers who want to think not only for themselves, but also for the opponent, we suggest studying the two-volume book of the outstanding chess coach Mark Dvoretsky "Remember your opponent!"

    Two-volume "Remember your opponent!" - a chess workshop, a collection of exercises from the unique card index of the honored trainer of the USSR, Russia and Georgia Mark Dvoretsky.

    For the first time in Russian literature, the publication is entirely devoted to a very important topic for a practicing chess player - attention to the opponent's capabilities.

    Each of the four parts of the collection consists of a theoretical section, tasks and answers to them with detailed analysis and comments. Carefully selected exercises teach the ability to think not only for oneself, but also for a partner, take into account all his resources - as if to put oneself in his place. Without the development of this skill, which is “lame” even among many grandmasters, the growth of chess strength is impossible.

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    Do you want to have a good rest and switch your brains from endless work or study to something more enjoyable? Evenings are designed to play chess with the computer - it's hard to find a more interesting and more useful activity for the mind! The main thing is that, contrary to the common misconception, playing chess with a computer is almost as cool as playing with a live opponent. Of course, in this case it is impossible to break the rules, and in case of a loss it will not be possible to hit the opponent in the head with the queen - this is a minus ...

    If you want to become the strongest in this intellectual sport, you will certainly need live opponents with non-standard logic and the ability to generate creative solutions. But it is impossible to enter the tournament for the real champions unprepared: online chess will allow you to train as long as you need! And when you practice playing chess online, you can safely challenge even Kasparov himself to the tournament. There is no doubt: as with any sport, regular training will allow you to prevail in any situation!

    A bit of history

    It was not for nothing that we immediately began to compare the board game with military strategy. It is now difficult for us to imagine that a knight, rook or bishop (not at all like an elephant at all) can have anything to do with military operations. Where are the tanks, you ask? Where is the aviation? Okay, if we decided to do with the infantry - let it be the infantry ... But why, then, the pawns are more likely to look not like stern infantrymen, but like girls in ball gowns?

    It is easy to answer all these questions if we remember that the history of the game of chess originates in ancient India: scientists agree that the game appeared no later than the 6th century AD. Since at that time humanity was already a fairly civilized and organized society, the battles were little like primitive battles. It was not the personal endurance and strength of warriors that came to the fore in the art of war, but the ability of their commander to build tactics and plan a battle strategy.

    It was somewhat expensive to work out various tactical schemes on living people even in those days, and therefore the ancient rulers decided to come up with something that would allow them to simulate the course of the battle. And they came up with chess - not so much a game as a training ground for commanders, a tool for planning and practicing possible tactical techniques. On the board were exactly the troops that the then generals had at that time. Yes, and for the commanders themselves, a place was found: in the role of a king, who is of little use like an ordinary warrior, but without whom the battle is instantly lost.

    Of course, there were no tanks in those days - that's why we still play with rooks (chariots), elephants (in fact, elephants are elephants) and cavalry. Well, the infantry - where can we go without it? Pawns have the shortest move, but there are always a lot of them, and it is they who start the battle. Well, do you still have doubts that playing chess perfectly reflects the picture of hostilities?

    Chess players of all countries, unite!

    Of course, time cannot but affect traditional entertainment. And, although chess has not only existed for a long time, but has been popular for many centuries, the rules of this game became more or less settled only in the 19th century. Finally, the game acquired the status not only “ubiquitous”, but also “international” with the creation of the FIDE organization. The history and purpose of the emergence of this community are typical of any such association in the sports world. With the growing popularity of some kind of entertainment, the number of different interpretations rules that make it almost impossible to hold more or less large-scale competitions.

    To turn the board game into a real sport, it is necessary to create a unified system of rules, a mechanism for assigning sports titles and competition rules. It is these questions that FIDE has been solving since 1924 - that is, for almost a century. Of course, no one bothers you to create your own set of rules - only with whom will you play? And after studying the generally accepted rules approved by FIDE, you can play chess with a computer, with a Chinese or with a world champion - and with all according to the same rules! In this regard, playing chess is a universal language of communication, because wherever you come, you can always play a game or two with any local resident, without worrying about the language barrier. You just don't need to speak: your moves will say everything for you!

    Computer chess player

    It just so happens that not all mind sports are considered equally valuable for mental development. For some reason, an inveterate gambler is more likely to be associated in society with some asocial element, while a chess player is a well-deserved and respected person.

    I distinguish this sport among all board games precisely because in it, as nowhere else, the importance of manifestation of all aspects of human thinking is great. Reading books and studying games played by other people, a novice chess player gains a theoretical knowledge base, which in part can even be tried to be transferred to practice: we all know such a concept as, for example, "classical opening" - what is it like not an attempt to replace the work of one's own imagination with reproduction of the accumulated combinations from memory?

    However, any really talented chess player will beat a beginner in no time, who will reproduce entire scripts, read from books. The fact is that all standard schemes have long been known to the whole world, and therefore are easily predictable. Reproducing even the most ingenious sequences of actions on the board, the player exposes himself to the blow, because the enemy knows all his steps several moves ahead.

    A complex combination of mock compositions and original finds - this is where true skill lies. It is not for nothing that beating a real champion is more than an easy task for a computer, which, by definition, is only able to choose the most successful variants out of hundreds of thousands of chess games that were once played into its memory.

    However, this does not mean that there is no point in playing online if)