How to fry a turkey in a pan with onions. Recipes for cooking juicy turkey fillet in a pan. Chops recipe

Fried turkey in a pan with chunks with onions can be one of many cooking options for tender turkey fillets. Oven-baked turkeys take longer to cook, but pan-baked turkeys will take a few minutes to cook.

You can fry turkey fillets in a pan in a whole chunk, like chops, or in small pieces. Whichever of the options for its preparation you choose, it is worth remembering that turkey meat, just like chicken meat, belongs to dietary types of meat and various spices, sauces or marinades are widely used to give it a bright taste and aroma.

Fried turkey in pieces in a pan will turn out juicy, aromatic and tasty in marinades based on mayonnaise, tomato and soy sauce, sour cream. You should also not forget about vegetables - bell peppers, onions, carrots, broccoli, green beans and tomatoes can bring new notes to the dish.

Today I want to tell you how to prepare turkey fillet fried in a pan in pieces with onions in tomato sauce.


  • Turkey fillet - 400-500 gr.,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Tomato sauce - 4 tbsp spoons,
  • Mustard - 1 tsp,
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons spoons,
  • Spices: paprika, ginger, black pepper,
  • Refined sunflower oil

Fried turkey in a pan with chunks with onions - recipe

Fried turkey in a pan with chunks with onions. Photo

Turkey meat is one of the healthiest types of meat. You can cook a huge number of interesting and tasty dishes from turkey that will please the whole family, and the cooking process will not take much time. In this article, we will look at how to fry a turkey in chunks in a pan, and also talk about the beneficial properties of poultry.

Benefit and harm

It is not for nothing that turkey meat is considered a universal meat that absolutely everyone, without exception, can eat. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and is much more beneficial for the diet of children than chicken. The poultry does not cause an allergic reaction, it has a low calorie content, so even people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition or follow a diet can eat it. The protein contained in turkey is absorbed much faster and easier than chicken.

The only drawback of this bird is its large size, which you need to get used to. Turkey meat can be purchased at any supermarket; meals are prepared within a few minutes. Even a novice hostess can handle turkey dishes. In the markets you can buy whole poultry or parts. The brisket is considered the lowest-calorie piece, but it is also the least juicy. A lot more dishes can be prepared from the sirloin than from other parts of the carcass.

Turkey meat should be consumed in limited quantities for overweight people.

Do not forget that the cholesterol content increases in meat fried in vegetable oil.

Experienced housewives use certain tricks in the kitchen, with the help of which the meat is most juicy.

  • It is recommended to fry the poultry pieces separately from the rest of the ingredients, unless braising is expected.
  • Purchase fresh meat two days before cooking.
  • If the poultry is frozen, it must first be defrosted naturally at room temperature, or in the refrigerator. In no case should you speed up the process with a microwave oven or warm water. Such manipulations will affect the quality of the meat and the taste of the final dish.
  • There is only one way to speed up defrosting: put the fillets under a thin stream of cold water.

  • Immediately before cooking, the meat should be thoroughly rinsed and discarded in a colander to allow excess moisture to drain. You also need to remove excess fat and cartilage.
  • Each piece is fried for a certain amount of time. Legs and wings must be sautéed for about half an hour. The sirloin is sufficient for a maximum of 25 minutes.
  • It is better to pre-rinse vegetables in cold water, peel, remove seeds.

Preparation of all components will greatly facilitate and speed up the culinary process.

Cooking recipes

There are many interesting ways to pan turkey chunks. Each option is good in its own way and guarantees a juicy meal.


A basic recipe that uses the minimum amount of ingredients. The dish is prepared in a matter of minutes.

At your discretion, you can add spices or herbs to the dish.


  • 400 g fillet;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • salt and pepper.


Divide the prepared fillet into slices. Burn the olive oil in a frying container and transfer the turkey meat there. Add salt and pepper and fry the meat until golden brown. Then the slices should be turned over and spiced again. Continue to fry the poultry until tender, then place on paper towels to absorb excess fat.

With sour cream and onions

A delicious dish with a pleasant aroma will become the "star" of any table. Sour cream sauce will add juiciness and softness to the turkey.

You can take any broth to your taste: meat, chicken, turkey or vegetable.

Products composition:

  • 500 g fillet;
  • 70 ml olive oil;
  • 120 ml sour cream;
  • 1 glass of broth;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • dill and cilantro;
  • spices to taste.

Preparation method:

Cut the prepared sirloin into large cubes. Send to fry in heated olive oil until a delicious crust forms. Chop the onion in half rings and add to the meat. Saute the contents of the pan for 6 minutes, then pour in the sour cream and broth. Season with salt and pepper, an Italian herb blend, or any other spices you like. Stir all the ingredients with a wooden spatula and simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Finely chop cilantro, dill, garlic cloves and sprinkle with them on the finished dish, let stand for 10 minutes before serving.

With ginger

Ginger, mint and lemon zest will give the turkey an original flavor. This dish will definitely be appreciated by lovers of oriental cuisine.

Optionally, you can replace the water with a small amount of soy sauce, so the dish will turn out to be even more spicy.


  • 1 kg hips;
  • 3 onion heads;
  • ginger root;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • mint;
  • 3 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • spices as desired.


Cut the thighs into small cubes, the onion into thick circles. Pass the garlic through a press, grate the lemon and ginger root, chop the mint leaves. Heat olive oil in a skillet and add turkey. It is important to fry the pieces on each side until golden brown, which will take about 10 minutes.

When the meat is ready, add the chopped onions, garlic and mint. Pour the ingredients with half a glass of boiled liquid and mix well. Simmer the mixture over low heat for about 20 minutes. Put the lemon zest and ginger in the pan, leaving the meat to simmer for 15 minutes. Then add spices, mix and keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, let stand under the lid for a quarter of an hour, and then serve.

With vegetables

Vegetables go well with any type of meat. A turkey on a vegetable stew pillow can be a main course for lunch or a full dinner. A combination of foods rich in protein and fiber has always been considered the best for an evening meal.


  • 500 g fillet;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 3 red bell peppers;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 st. l olive oil;
  • spices as desired.


Divide the fillet into small pieces and fry in a frying container with the addition of two teaspoons of oil (the rest of the oil will be needed later). Chop the onion into cubes, grate the carrots. Send vegetables to the skillet as soon as the bird has a delicious crust.

Pour the tomato over with boiling water and peel, then chop finely. Cut the zucchini into small squares, pass the garlic through a press, cut the bell pepper into strips.

Heat the remaining oil in a separate skillet and send the vegetables to simmer. When the frying is done, add it to the turkey container, add the spices and 100 ml of hot water. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.

Turkey in a pan - general cooking principles:

It is better to fry the turkey separately from the rest of the ingredients. Of course, if the recipe provides for subsequent stewing, then there will be no crispy crust. But it will taste good: stewing the turkey in a pan without frying, you will no longer achieve it.

Chilled turkey is always better than frozen turkey.

Never start cooking a turkey while it is still cold. In this case, its meat loses its juiciness. Remove the bird from the refrigerator early to bring the temperature back to room temperature.

Frozen poultry should be thawed slowly: in water that needs to be changed regularly, or indoors. A carcass of about 8-9 kg, for example, is thawed for up to two days.

You need to buy a turkey no earlier than two days before cooking: a fresh carcass must be thoroughly rinsed in running water, wiped dry both inside and outside, covered with foil and refrigerated.

Homemade turkey is fried in a frying pan without oil - it will start up the fat itself, and you will not need oil. You always have to add vegetable oil to store-bought poultry.

Each part of the turkey in the pan takes its own time. The fillet will be ready to eat in 25 minutes. It takes 20 minutes for the fillet chop, the legs need to be fried for about 35 minutes.

The skin of a fresh bird should be light, a slight yellowish tint is possible.

If the turkey is pre-soaked in a marinade (suitable for any recipe), then the turkey meat will turn out to be much softer and richer. The carcass is marinated from 2 to 4 days, depending on the size. Marinade can be simply salt water with the addition of spices or vinegar (ordinary or wine), dry wine, as well as pomegranate, apple, orange and any freshly squeezed juices. Natural kefir or yogurt are also excellent marinades for turkey.

There are a lot of spices suitable for marinating turkey. Poultry is marinated with pepper and ginger, cloves and cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon and many other spices. Oriental and Caucasian spices work well. However, it is not recommended to use ready-made black pepper for such purposes - it will add bitterness to your turkey dish. Better crush the peppercorns yourself. It is advisable to use salt, coarsely ground. You can swap it for soy sauce if you like.

Common ingredients for all recipes are vegetable oil (usually 2-3 tablespoons), pepper and salt.

Tender turkey in a Stroganoff pan with mushrooms


Turkey leg meat: 300 g.

Porcini mushrooms: 100 g.

Bulbs: 2

Sour cream (high fat): 0.25 cups.

Mustard: 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Meat from the legs is required to be cut into "cubes" and put on a hot frying pan with butter and fry a little. Then the onion is cut into cubes, and each porcini mushroom is cut into quarters. Mushrooms and onions are added to the turkey in a pan, the resulting mass is stewed over low heat until the water evaporates.

Then sour cream, mustard, pepper and salt are added here. It remains only to stir, bring the dish to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Turkey in a frying pan "Hercules" in oatmeal breading


Poultry fillet: 1 kg.

Chicken egg: 1 pc.

Onion: 1 pc.

Mayonnaise: 3 tbsp l.

Flour: 1 tbsp. l.

Some oatmeal.

Cooking method:

The cooking process begins by marinating the turkey according to one of the above principles. The fillet is cut into small pieces and placed in the marinade. Then, when the marinating process is over, you can start preparing the dish itself. Before putting the pieces of turkey in the pan, grate (or just finely chop) the onion on a coarse grater, mix it with egg, flour and mayonnaise, add vegetable oil to the mixture, pepper and salt. The resulting mass is poured into fillets, the products are mixed, and in this form remain for some time at room temperature. This is an additional marinade in mayonnaise.

After 2 hours, you need to heat the pan, pour two tablespoons of any vegetable oil into it, and, breading the fillet pieces in oatmeal, put the turkey in the pan and fry until it is well browned.

Country-style turkey in a pan in batter


Egg whites: 3 pcs.

Flour: 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

First you need to separate the whites and yolks. Add flour, salt and pepper in a small amount to a container with proteins, and beat thoroughly with a whisk or blender. Cut the turkey meat into pieces, beat off, pepper and salt. In a frying pan preheated with oil, each piece of turkey is laid out after being dipped in batter. Pieces of turkey are fried in a pan for about 10-15 minutes on all sides over low heat, without a lid, until tender.

Crispy turkey breast chops

This healthy and completely diet turkey dish in a pan cooks as quickly as the previous ones. Turkey chops according to this recipe will save you in case of unexpected guests, when you need to act quickly and feed is delicious.


Fillet: 400-500 g.

Chicken eggs: 1-2 pcs.

Bread crumbs: 5-6 tbsp. l.

Provencal herbs (or other spices): 0.5-1 tsp.

Flour: 1 tbsp. l.

Some oatmeal.

Ghee or butter (other than vegetable oil): 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

You need to start by rinsing a piece of fillet and drying it thoroughly with paper napkins or towels. Then the meat is cut into pieces - always across the fibers. A half-kilogram piece of fillet is from 4 to 6 slices about 20 mm thick. Place the slices in a bag and beat with a wooden mallet, without much effort, until they "lose weight" up to 13-15 mm. Sprinkle with pepper.

Next, beat the egg with a fork or whisk, adding Provencal herbs there (they can be replaced with any set of dried herbs that can be found on the farm). Chops should be dipped in a mixture of eggs and herbs, then put into a container and pour the rest of the beaten egg there. Leave to stand for at least a quarter of an hour at room temperature. If your guests did not come unexpectedly, then such a marinade can be made in advance. In this case, the container with meat and eggs can be covered with foil and left overnight or even half a day in the refrigerator.

It remains only to thickly bread the chops in breadcrumbs just before the frying process. Put a frying pan with a thick bottom on an intense fire and, when the vegetable oil "overheats", add a little butter (not necessary to taste). The turkey chops themselves in the skillet will fry faster than the preparation process went on. Almost a minute later the bottom of the chop becomes rosy, it is necessary to turn it over, "remove" the heat a little, salt the already fried side. The second side is ready just as quickly. The main thing is not to overcook, the turkey in such cases quickly becomes tough and dry.

Turkey drumstick in a skillet spicy in soy sauce


Shin: 1 pc.

A little olive oil: about 2-3 tbsp. l.

Paprika: 1 tbsp. l.

Garlic: 2-3 teeth.

Dried basil: 1 tsp

Soy sauce: 2 tbsp. l.

Balsamic vinegar: 2 tbsp l.

Cooking method:

The poultry drumstick should be cut across into pieces of approximately 2 cm. Place the pieces in a deep plate or bowl. Then grind.

Now you need to prepare the sauce: mix olive oil and balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, adding paprika, basil, and salt. Pieces of drumstick are poured with the resulting mixture, the whole mass is covered with a lid and it remains to marinate for at least one hour (at room temperature). Pieces need to be turned over periodically. The longer the cooked mass stands, the tastier and more tender the dish will turn out.

When the time comes to fry a spicy turkey in a pan, you will need to heat the pan with olive oil over low or medium heat and put the pickled pieces there, leaving the marinade in the container without pouring. In this case, the shank is fried for 5 minutes on all sides, then it is poured with the remaining marinade. Put out another 10 minutes.

Juicy turkey in a pan with vegetables in Samarkand style


Turkey fillet: 0.5 kg.

Zucchini: 1 pc.

Bell pepper: 1 pc.

Tomatoes: 2 pcs.

Carrots: 1 pc.


Garlic: 2 prongs

Olive oil: 3 tablespoons l.

Parsley: half a bunch.

Turmeric: 1/2 tsp

Cooking method:

First, heat a frying pan with 2 tablespoons of oil, then put the turkey and fry, stirring the pieces from time to time, for about a quarter of an hour over low heat, without covering.

At the same time, you can have time to peel and cut vegetables, if not everything is ready. Onions and bell peppers are cut in half rings, carrots should be grated with a coarse grater. Tomatoes must not only be washed, but also doused with boiling water and peeled, then cut into small pieces. The zucchini also needs to be peeled and seeds removed. Chop the garlic in any suitable way.

For vegetables, you first need another pan. On it, in turn, with a break of five minutes, vegetables are laid out in a certain sequence:




After the products in both pans look like ready-made ones, mix them together and fry together for another 20 minutes, adding seasonings.

Mix vegetables and fillets, sprinkle them with salt, turmeric, pepper, add garlic, add half a glass of boiling water, then simmer under a lid over low heat for about 20-25 minutes.

Chopped parsley and sour cream will add the final flavor to the Samarkand-style turkey with vegetables - already on the table, as a seasoning and decoration.

Roasted Mexican Turkey with Green Beans, Tomatoes and Garlic


Turkey fillet: 0.4 kg.

Tomatoes and onions: 2 pcs.

Garlic: 2 teeth.

Green beans: 2 cups

Olive oil: 2 tbsp. l.

Parsley, other spices.

Cooking method:

Turkey fillet in a pan with vegetables is an easy and “quick” dish, which is enough for a large family.

First, the fillet is finely chopped, then it is fried in olive oil until lightly browned. Put the pieces on a separate plate using a slotted spoon.

All green bean pods must be cut into pieces 2-3 parts, remove the hard parts and veins and boil until softened in a small amount of water. In the pan where the fillets were prepared (in the same oil), fry the tomatoes and onions, cut into half rings, add chopped herbs and garlic, season with spices to taste, salt and pepper.

Mix the resulting mass and fry together for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Then add the turkey and beans. The last stage of cooking is stewing. A little liquid is poured into the pan (just enough so that the ingredients are barely covered with water). Now you can cover the almost finished dish with a lid, and in 10-15 minutes of the final stage of the process, you can start serving the table.

French turkey steak in a pan dietary

Due to the ease with which turkey fat is absorbed by the human body, this dish is perfect for those who follow a weight-based diet, although the very word "steak" sounds like something high in calories.


Turkey meat: 0.5 kg.

Butter: 1 tbsp. l.

Ground red pepper: 1/3 tsp.

Oil - olive or corn.

Paprika: oh, 5 tsp

Curry powder: oh, 5 tsp

Cooking method:

Rinse the fillets thoroughly in running water and cut into steaks. Stir all the spices together. Grate each piece of turkey with spices and leave for half an hour. You can wrap the steaks in cling film - so the spices soak the meat deeper.

Heat a skillet with a mixture of butter and corn or olive oil.

Then cover the pan with a lid and set the heat to low. Thus, the steaks should simmer for another 5 minutes. After turning off the pan, cover the pan with foil for a few minutes and allow the ready-made steaks to "reach" a little.

Pumpkin ragout with turkey "Autumn"


Turkey (legs, fillets or minced turkey): 0.5 kg.

Pumpkin: 4 cups

Onion and bell pepper: 1 pc.

Garlic: 1 clove.

Tomatoes: 3 pcs.

Greens: to taste.

Grated cheese: 0.5 cups.

Sour cream: 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

Grate cheese and pumpkin.

If you have prepared drumsticks or turkey fillets for the recipe, then they must be fried in a pan until they even blush, turning over and set aside.

Peel vegetables. Onions and garlic are cut into smaller pieces, bell peppers are cut into squares. Put vegetables in a preheated pan and simmer over low heat until they become softer. Then add the turkey to the pan (or minced turkey) and fry until the mixture is dark golden.

Add diced tomatoes together with pumpkin, season with spices and salt. It remains only to simmer under a lid on low heat for another 15–20 minutes.

Grated cheese will come in handy for a ready-made stew: the dish is served to the table with cheese, sour cream and a decoration of herbs.

Turkey fillet in a frying pan "The remains are sweet"


Turkey fillet: how much to eat.

Sour cream, cream, kefir: any fermented milk products.

Onions, garlic, herbs, dill, parsley - any vegetable that can be found in the refrigerator.


Cooking method:

This recipe is suitable for those housewives who have a turkey, but nothing has been purchased for it from the ingredients specified in other recipes. Therefore, in the refrigerator you can find everything that looks like vegetables and herbs, and chop it for frying.

Fillets are cut first. Pieces of turkey are fried in a pan for a few minutes until light blush. Then chopped vegetables are added to the ruddy pieces. The resulting mass is fried over not very high heat for about 15 minutes.

In principle, you can do without fermented milk products by extinguishing the dish under the lid over low heat, adding ordinary water. But with kefir or sour cream, the taste will be softer and thinner.

Turkey in a pan - tricks and tips

If you want the turkey meat in the pan to be crispy, there should be no excess liquid in the dish - vegetables or water. Only fry over medium heat, excluding extinguishing. You can fry the vegetables separately and serve as a side dish.

If you dare to fry and stew the whole turkey in a pan, then put the bird breast-side down. This is the driest place in the carcass and will make it much juicier this way.

The readiness of a turkey, like a chicken, is determined by piercing: a clear liquid should flow from the thick parts.

Any liquid left over from frying the turkey fillet in the pan can be used to prepare another dish, such as a side dish, soup, or gravy.

Adding a few drops of lemon will add a delicate and subtle flavor to the turkey steak in the skillet.

After frying, steaks must "rest" for a few minutes.

Roasted turkey is as good for sandwiches as sausage or bacon, especially if you add a piece of lettuce and a slice of tomato to the fillet.

During frying, it is better to pour large pieces of meat of this bird with its “own juice”. This is an additional safety net against the notorious dryness of turkey meat.

Do not forget about the intricacies: the rules for defrosting and pickling. This applies not only to satsivi, chakhokhbili, schnitzels, julienne, but also to cutlets, meatballs and even nuggets and turkey pates.

Fried turkey in a pan is an incredibly delicious and delicious dish, it is easy to prepare and at the same time able to satisfy the gastronomic tastes of the most demanding gourmet. This food will be relevant with any side dish - be it potatoes, rice or buckwheat. The culmination of this gastronomic extravaganza can be a simple light vegetable salad and a glass of dry white wine. This dish can be consumed even by women on diets. How delicious to cook the meat of this bird? This will be discussed in the article.

Benefits of turkey meat

It does not cause allergies, and the amount of vitamins it contains significantly exceeds the entire vitamin complex of chicken meat. And, of course, turkey meat protein is absorbed much easier than chicken protein. There are many countries where the turkey is the national bird and an irreplaceable attribute of the festive table. Unfortunately, due to the huge number of stereotypes, our housewives prefer other types of meat. Perhaps the only drawback when cooking turkey meat (although this is a controversial issue) is its large size. But this is more a stage that needs to be overcome in order to cook an appetizing dish, rather than a reason why you should give preference to another type of meat. Nowadays, you can buy a turkey in any supermarket, and related products can be found in the kitchen of any self-respecting housewife. turkeys are distinguished by their simplicity and unpretentiousness, they will not take much time and effort, and the result obtained will exceed the expectations of even the most demanding people!

Fried turkey in a pan

There are many opinions that turkey meat is very dry, it is difficult to cook it, and you cannot boast of a wide variety of dishes, and the result may be generally questionable. In fact, this is not the case, having certain culinary skills and having a recipe in front of you, you can cook just a masterpiece.

First, the turkey is best roasted on its own with no other ingredients added. An exception to this rule may be recipes that require subsequent stewing. In this case, the crust will not work, although the taste will be very pleasant and unforgettable.

It is preferable to buy an idea chilled, since otherwise its taste will not be so pronounced. And even when defrosting, a significant amount of nutrients loses their properties. It is best to stew the turkey when its temperature is equal to room temperature, in which case the meat will not lose its juiciness. The more the turkey weighs, the longer it takes to defrost it. It is best to buy a turkey two days before cooking, first you need to rinse it under running water, wipe it dry inside and out, cover with foil and send it to the refrigerator. Since homemade turkey is quite fatty, it is not recommended to add oil (olive or sunflower) when cooking it. Each part of the carcass has its own readiness period: it is advisable to fry the turkey legs for 30 minutes, but the fillet will be ready for use in 20-25 minutes.

How to cook a delicious turkey fillet

It is recommended for people on diets to eat turkey fillet, it contains a small amount of calories. Now in stores you can buy different parts of the bird's body separately. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy it entirely. Although the turkey breast is not as juicy compared to other parts, this disadvantage is fully compensated for by the more refined taste and lack of extra calories. How to cook a delicious turkey fillet?

Cut the breast into small pieces and stew with any sauce or vegetables, add a little oriental spices, just a little, as the spice should emphasize the main taste of the dish, and not drown it out with its aroma. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to grate the cheese and sprinkle the turkey slices on top.

Roasted turkey recipe

The roasted turkey recipe will become a traditional dish on your table. So, sprinkle the meat with salt, put in a pan, add sunflower or olive oil and pour 250 ml of water over the whole thing. Then we put everything in a slightly preheated oven. It is necessary to fry the carcass for up to two hours, while do not forget to water our bird with its own juice formed and turn it over. It is necessary to fry the meat until a golden crust appears on all sides. After two hours, take out the meat, remove the fat and add to 300 ml of broth, cook over low heat. Then we drain the broth. We cut the carcass and fry in a pan. Serve meat with a side dish (potatoes, rice or buckwheat), decorating with branches of herbs, preferably parsley or lettuce.

Roasted turkey with sour cream

Required Ingredients:

  • poultry meat - 700 g;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • premium flour - 0.5 tsp;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greens - at the discretion;
  • salt and cinnamon to taste.

Pan-fried turkey with sour cream is quick and easy to cook. So, take the poultry fillet and wash thoroughly under the tap. It is advisable to cut the meat into small pieces, add spices to taste. The fillet is placed in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Fry the meat until half cooked. Without wasting time, we take another pan and put flour on it, where it should warm up for three minutes, then add about a glass of water mixed with sour cream. Stir the sauce with the meat and cook until tender; it takes about 40 minutes. Sprinkle the dish on top with finely chopped herbs. Pan-fried turkey is ready. Can be served with rice or buckwheat.

Fried turkey pieces in a pan


  • turkey breast fillet - 500 g;
  • oil - 70 ml;
  • sour cream - 120 g;
  • meat broth - one glass;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • greens - at your discretion;
  • salt, aromatic herbs to taste.

First you need to rinse the turkey under running water, then dry it with dry napkins. The fillet is skinned and then washed and dried again. The meat is cut into large pieces. Heat the pan in vegetable oil and pour the chopped meat into it. Fry the meat until golden brown. Then add onions (preferably cut into half rings) and fry the dish for another 5 minutes. Add sour cream and meat broth. Spices and seasonings to taste. Simmer the turkey for another 15 minutes. The culmination of the dish is the addition of finely chopped garlic and fresh herbs. Sliced ​​fried turkey in a pan is ready! Can be served at the table.

Pan fried turkey thigh

The following foods should be prepared:

  • turkey thigh - about 1 kilogram;
  • onion - 3 pieces;
  • ginger root;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • mint to choose from;
  • salt, pepper to taste

Separate the bones from the turkey and cut into small pieces. Take an onion and cut into thick circles. Then we take lemon and rub on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic. Grind the mint leaves. Next, the turkey thigh should be placed in a frying pan preheated in olive oil. Thoroughly fry the meat on all sides for 10 minutes. Next, take onion, garlic and mint leaves and add to the dish. Pour in 100 ml of water, stir and reduce the heat. Simmer the turkey thigh over low heat for another 20 minutes. We take the prepared lemon zest and send it to our turkey, simmer the dish for another 15 minutes. Salt a little and don't forget about the pepper. Fry for another 5 minutes without a lid. Remove from heat, cover and let cool for 10 minutes. Roasted turkey thigh (in a pan) is ready. Bon Appetit!

Braised turkey with vegetables

You should take such products:

  • turkey fillet - 500 grams;
  • Ukrainian zucchini - 1 piece;
  • sweet peppers - 3 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • head of garlic;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Rinse the turkey and pat dry with a dry towel and cut into small cubes. Pour 2 teaspoons of olive oil into a preheated skillet and place an idea. Fry the meat over low heat (do not cover with a lid) for 10 minutes.

Then add the onion, previously cut into half rings, and the carrots grated on a coarse grater. Wash the tomatoes, dip them in boiling water for 5 seconds and peel them, chop finely. Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes, it is also recommended to cut the garlic into small pieces. Wash the bell peppers, peel and cut into half rings. Preheat a frying pan, add vegetable oil, put onions, and after 5 minutes add carrots and peppers. Simmer for 2 minutes and add tomatoes and zucchini. Pour stewed vegetables with turkey meat, salt and pepper, add garlic to taste and half a glass of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes, covered.

Turkey is considered one of the most healthy and dietary meats. Like any other bird, it can turn out dry after cooking, so you need to know the existing culinary rules. Fried fillet is a great option for lunch and dinner, because such a dish is not only tasty, but also very satisfying.

How to cook turkey fillets in sour cream in a pan?

Let's start with a simple recipe that even a novice cook can handle. Meat cooked with sauce will be a great addition to any side dish. Sour cream makes the bird juicy and tender.

For this recipe, you should take such products: 600 g turkey, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and raisins, 1 teaspoon of flour, a little nutmeg, ground cinnamon, parsley, dill and salt.

Everything is being prepared like this:

  1. First, wash the turkey and pat dry with paper towels. After that, cut it into small pieces and rub on all sides with salt and prepared spices. You can leave everything to marinate for a few minutes, or you can cook right away. Heat oil in a frying pan and put the meat there;
  2. To make the sauce, rinse the raisins well and pour 0.5 tbsp. water. Place on the stove and boil until soft. Fry the flour separately in fat until pleasant golden brown and add it to the raisins. Mix well and pour in sour cream. Send the resulting sauce to the turkey, which should already be fried until golden brown on both sides. It is important to know how much to cook the dish so that it does not burn and dry out. Simmer everything over low heat for 40 minutes. Serve with chopped herbs.

How to cook turkey fillets in a pan with vegetables?

We offer a recipe that does not require any side dish, since we will serve delicious vegetables. In the event that you keep track of your weight, then you can safely include this dish in your menu, if you wish, you can replace the vegetables used with others.

To cook fried fillets, use these foods: 350g pulp, medium-sized beets, a couple of small carrots, a cup of broccoli, a small courgette and zucchini, and bell peppers. To make the marinade, prepare: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of light soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of mustard beans and spices.

Everything is being prepared like this:

  1. first, combine the ingredients prepared for the marinade and mix well using a whisk. Wash the meat, if necessary, peel it off, dry it, and then cut it into layers, which should be as thick as a finger. Transfer them to the marinade, stir by hand, cover with plastic foil and leave to rest for 30 minutes. in fridge;
  2. at this time, take care of vegetables. Peel the carrots and beets, then cut into medium-sized pieces. First, mix the beets with a spoonful of butter so that they do not color the other ingredients of the dish. Place it in a heated skillet. Simmer for a while until a pleasant ruddy appears, then add the carrots and continue simmering until soft;
  3. if you are using young zucchini and zucchini, then do not peel the peel, but simply wash the vegetables and cut into large pieces or rings. Divide the broccoli into florets. Remove the core from the pepper and cut it into cubes;
  4. remove the marinated bird and scrape off the marinade. Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and add the meat there, frying on both sides until golden brown. After that, reduce the heat, pour in a little water and simmer until half cooked. The next step is to turn the pieces over and top with the zucchini, courgette and broccoli. Close the lid and simmer for 7-10 minutes. That's all, a tasty, and most importantly, healthy dish is ready.

Recipe for cooking turkey fillet in a pan in breadcrumbs

Chops are very popular because they are not only delicious but also very satisfying. You can also cook such a dish from turkey, which turns out to be very juicy.

Prepare such a set of products: 1 kg fillet, 55 ml soy sauce, 70 ml vegetable oil, 100 g bread crumbs, 3 cloves of garlic, egg, ground pepper and salt.

Everything is being prepared like this:

  1. first you need to cut the fillet, which must first be washed and cleaned of films. Place the slices in a bowl and cover them with soy sauce. Send finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper there. Mix everything well and it is best to do it with your hands. Leave to marinate for an hour;
  2. in a small bowl, beat the egg using a whisk and place the croutons on a flat plate. Heat the oil well in a skillet and start frying the meat. To do this, dip each piece first into an egg, then into crackers, again into an egg and crackers. You need to fry on both sides until a beautiful golden brown crust forms. It is recommended to spread the chops on a plate covered with a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat. Such a dish is ideal not only for the daily menu, but also for the celebration.

How to cook deliciously Stroganoff turkey fillet in a pan?

A very popular dish that can be prepared from different types of meat, including poultry. For aroma and taste, we suggest adding mushrooms. If there are no white ones, then ordinary mushrooms will do.

To cook a delicious turkey, you need to take these products.: 300 g of pulp, 125 g of porcini mushrooms, a couple of onions, 1/4 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Everything is being prepared like this:

  1. cut the poultry into cubes and fry it in hot oil in a frying pan. You need to fry the fillets from all sides until a beautiful ruddy is formed. Cut the onion, peeled from the husk, into cubes, and the mushrooms - into 4 parts. Add these ingredients to the meat and cook over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated;
  2. the next step is to combine mustard with sour cream, and add salt and pepper. Mix everything well and pour the sauce into the pan. After boiling, simmer for another 5-10 minutes. and you can serve.

How to cook fried Black Forest turkey fillets in a pan?

This dish can be tasted in many cities in Germany. It turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. If you want to surprise your loved ones, then be sure to cook such meat.

This recipe includes such products: 4 pieces of boneless breast, raw smoked ham, 100 g cheese, 0.5 tbsp. white wine, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 200 ml of 30% cream, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper. For the marinade, take: 3 cloves of garlic, dried marjoram, half a lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of paprika, vegetable oil and pepper.

Everything is being prepared like this:

  1. Since the poultry tastes a little bland, the pickling process is considered mandatory. Combine minced garlic with lemon juice and other prepared ingredients. Mix everything well and wipe the meat from all sides with the resulting mixture. Put it in a bowl and cover with oil. Send everything to the refrigerator for 24 hours. During this time, it is recommended to turn the pieces over 2 times;
  2. we take out the bird and wipe it from the excess marinade, and then we make a longitudinal incision. Cut the ham into thin slices and put them in the cut fillet. Place a slice of cheese there. After that, take a twine and tie it around each piece of breast. This is necessary so that the cheese does not leak out during cooking. Dip the bird in the marinated oil and place in a hot skillet. It is important to know how much turkey fillet to fry in a pan so as not to dry it out. Cook over high heat until golden brown on all sides;
  3. Transfer the meat, cut up, into the warmed pan and remove the twine. Pour the wine into the pan where the fillets were prepared and scrape everything from the bottom thoroughly. Heat until the liquid is reduced in volume by half. Then add the mustard and cream. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. The next step is to add salt, pepper and nutmeg;
  4. Pour the sauce to the meat and send the form to the oven, which needs to be heated to 200 degrees. Cook for 20 minutes.

Whichever fillet recipe you choose, we are sure that the dish will turn out to be very tasty. Bon Appetit!