Eduard Assumption brief biography. Eduard Asspensky - biography, personal life of a children's writer: from childhood Eduard's success biography

Many unexpected components absorb the tales of Assumption. In addition to generously spilled in them, the engineering sense, there are also popular burning issues of today's time. In another other way, there is a "genuine" publicist in the form in which it can be delivered to children's consciousness. Clear, funny and childish created the figure of the head of the famous Tazesschensky story, which fills the grant of the cement for the construction of his friends and Cheburashka.

The boss has a rule: everything should be done all. Ask why? "If I," he says, "always and everything will be done to the very end and constantly allow everything to allow everything, then I must say about me that I am unusually kind and everyone regularly does what he wants. Well, if I don't want anything I will not make anyone to do anything to do anything to anyone, then they will definitely tell me that I constantly beat Baklushi and all prevent everyone. And after all, no one ever says anything terrible about me. " And in almost full compliance with its own paradigm, our hero always permits to give their friends half the one they need for carrying - that is, half of the car. And remembering that half the truck will not go, he quickly gives a truck only half the way ...

No, do not encourage the guys of Assumption's stories to look at the world around the world through the pink glasses. They always encourage to endure everything affordable in the direction of love and kindness. Talking about one of his own leads, the writer noted: "In the new book, everything is absolutely everything. If you regularly talk to children about the bad sides of life, they will definitely seem that the world is generally terrible and bad. And I always want to give them the concept of a cheerful and good peace! "

Every Russian will tell you that all the story, stories and fairy tales of Edward Uspensky, read which you can on our website, a wonderful children's writer with a technical education and a good soul of a funny storyter - a gift to guys, warm and kind.

Entry, or almost the beginning once in the third class in which Masha studied, lecturer came. He was an elderly, older than thirty, such, wow, in a gray suit, and immediately said: - Hello, my name is Professor Barinov. Now we will all take the handles and write an essay: "What would I do if I were the Chairman of the City Council." Clear? The guys led by the old-fashioned kiseleu, staring out eyes and ...

Chapter The first magic path in one village has one city boy lived at one grandmother. The name of his Mitya. He spent in the village of Vacation. For all day, he was bought in the river and sunbathe. In the evenings, he climbed onto the stove, looked like her grandmother spins his yarn, and listened to her magic fairy tales. "And we still knit everything in Moscow," said Baby Babushka. "Nothing," said that - soon and sprinkle ...

Chapter 1. The beginning of the country's season in the near Moscow region Opalia has the village of Dorokhovo, and next to the village village of the pilot. Each year at the same time, one family moves from Moscow to the cottage - Mom and daughter. Dad arrives rarely, because no wonder the village is called the "pilot". Mom is the name of the light, the daughter of Tanya. Each time before moving, they are transported to the cottage the necessary things. And this year, as always, on that ...

The head of the first arrival of the refrodiline in a clear sunny day in the apartment brought a fridge. Business and angry movers made it to the kitchen and immediately went along with the hostess. And quietly became quiet. Suddenly, through the slot of a facing lattice from the refrigerator, the small man of a slightly strange view was released on the floor. Behind his back, he hung a gas can, like scabulants, and were on his hands and legs ...

Chapter First Letter from Holland It began early warm yellow autumn at the very beginning of the school year. On a big change to the class in which Roma Rogov studied, the class teacher Lyudmila Mikhailovna entered. She said: - Guys! We had a big joy. Our school director returned from Holland. He wants to talk to you. The class of school Peter Sergeevich entered the class ...

Chapter first. Uncle Fedor is going to learn time in Prostokvashino slowly, but steadily went upwards: the year was added to another, and not vice versa. And soon Uncle Fyodor turned six. "Uncle Fedor," Mom said, "and you have to go to school." So we will take you to the city. - Why in the city? - Cat Matroskin intervened. - We have in the nearby village ...

Part one. Arrival in Prostokvashino Chapter First Uncle Fedor The boy was the boy. His uncle Fedor called. Because he was very serious and independent. He has learned to read at four years old, and at six, the soup itself was cooked. In general, he was a very good boy. And parents were good - Dad and Mom. And everything would be fine, only my mother did not love his animals. Especially all ...

One day, the ball came home to Uncle Fyodor: - Uncle Fedor, here you say, is it possible to have a military coup on the village? - Why do you ask me about it? - Because everyone is talking about it. What is this "military coup"? "This is such a situation," says Uncle Fedor, "when the military takes all power." - But as? - Very simple. Military posts are introduced everywhere. At the factory, in ...

Edward Uspensky is currently very sick - at the outstanding writer cancer of the fourth stage, he is sure that his third wife of Eleonor Filina left him because of a terrible diagnosis and quickly found her lover.

In the program "New Russian Sensations" on NTV, Edward Uspensky spoke in detail about the tragedy, which occurred in his family. An 80-year-old writer, playwright and screenwriter, the author of children's books and the TV presenter suffers very much as due to illness and because of the fact that Eleanor Filina threw him in the hardest moment of his life.

Currently, the sick writer caresses his second spouse Elena, which he left for Eleonora in 2005, however, she found her strength to forgive her husband's betrayal and helps him fight a dangerous disease.

Edward Uspensky is now undergoing the fourth course of chemotherapy and hopes for recovery soon, because doctors note a positive dynamics, although the author of such popular books, like "Crocodile Gena and his friends" and "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat".

At the same time, the writer and his former third spouse, a 55-year-old TV presenter Eleanor Filina, with which they met on the set of the program "Ships in our harbor", after a while they still have been recalled, and there are no disagreements yet - everyone lives their lives .

Eduard Assumption Biography

Edward Fedorovich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk in the Moscow region in the family of Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), an employee of the office of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), and Natalia Alekseevna (1907-1982), engineering engineer.

After graduating from school, Edward entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), receiving a diploma of which he became an engineer. At this time, he also begins to write scripts and stories for children as a hobby. In addition, he creates and conducts student cabbage and speeches of the local "club fun and resourceful."

After some time, Edward Fedorovich realizes that the work of the engineer is not for him and completely devotes his time writing stories and poems for children, as well as humorous sketches and stories for the Satira block.

The first book of Assumption about the currently well-known Uncle Fedor "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" was published in 1974. Multipliers drew attention to the children's book and offered the author to remove the series of cartoons on the book.

As a result, thanks to them, Assumption is gaining recognition and world fame. Its stories are translated into more than 20 languages \u200b\u200bof the world and are actively published and reprinted many years after their appearance. The writer is invited to the Writers of Sweden. They admire other famous writers, such as Astrid Lindgren, Tuva Jansson and Anna Schmidt.

An impressive writer's creative heritage, the scriptwriter looks impressive:

Eduard Assumption Books

Crocodile Gena and his friends (1966, 1970)
Multicolored family (1967)
So School (1968)
Crocodile Gena (1970)
Balloons (1971)
Down the magic river (1972)
Hollyde (1973)
Inheritance Bahram (1973)
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat (1974)
Academician Ivanov (1974)
Leave Crocodile Gene (1974)
Warranty men (1975)
Crocodile Gena (1975)
All right (1976)
Repeat (1976)
Amazing business (1976)
Crocodile Gena (1977)
Crocodile gene and other fairy tales (1977)
Down the magic river (1979)
Clown School (1981)
Hollyde (1982)
If I were a girl (1983)
Vacation in Prostokvashino (1983)
Over our apartment (1980, 1981, 1984)
Faith and anfisa in the clinic (1985)
Faith and Anfisa get acquainted (1985)
Cloown Ivan Bull (1987)
Kolobok walks along the trail (1987)
25 professions Masha Filipenko (1988)
About Sidorov Vova (1988)
Fur board (1989)
Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (1990)
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat (Dialogues on Political Affairs) (1990)
"Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat, and Politics (1991)
Lectures of Professor Tearnova (1991)
Gram: A book for one reading and ten illiterate (1992)
Business Crocodile Genes (1992)
Year of a nice child (1992) (co-author E. de Ground)
Underwater Berets (1993)
Aunt Uncle Fyodor, or Escape from Prostokvashino (1995)
Winter in Prostokvashino (1997)
Favorite girl Uncle Fedor (1997)
New Orders in Prostokvashino (1997)
Uncle Fedor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino (1999)
Lhadmitriy Second, Real (1999)
Spring in Prostokvashino (2001)
Cheburashka Mushrooms (2001)
Crocodile Gena - Militia Lieutenant (2001)
Pechkin against mustache (2001)
Chetburashka Abduction (2001)
Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino (2001)
Prostokvashino (2002)
Stepanid Case: Stories (2002)
Bite Vijuki (2002)
Casal from Prostokvashino village (2004)
Mysterious Guest from Cosmos (2004)
Birthdays in Prostokvashino (2005)
Acid rain in Prostokvashino and other funny stories (2005)
New Life in Prostokvashino (2007)
Error postman Pechkin
Cheburashka goes to the people "
Ivan - Tsarsky Son and Gray Wolf
About faith and anfisu
Zabs Zabych Skovorodkin
The son of Zhabsha's son
History with an overshaver
Corobci leads
Magnetic house under Vladimir
Household dog on the Belarusian farm
Incidents in Prostokvashino, or Inventions Postman Pechkin
Stories about a girl with a strange name (2009)
Warranty men return (2011)
History about Geviechik, Gutta-Perfect Man (2011)
Ghost from Prostokvashino (2011)
Spanish series
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat (1976)
Warranty men (1979)
Teacher Girl (1983)
New Year in Prostokvashino
Island of scientists
Vacation of Santa Claus
About the buyer of the extension
Lost white elephant
Corobci leads

Eduard Assumption Art Films

1982 - There, on the unknown paths (according to the story "down the magic river")
1991 - a year of a good child (based on the eponymous stories of E. Suspensky and E. De Paru)

Eduard Assumption Scenarios of Cartoon Films

1969 - Antoshka (merry carousel, No. 1), crocodile gene
1971 - Cheburashka
1971 - defeat (fun carousel, No. 3) (director V. Ugarov, Composer Sh. Kalloos, Text read: A. Livshits, A. Levenbuk)
1971 - Redhead, Redhead, Konopatoy (fun carousel, № 3)
1972 - Loser (scenario: R. Kachanova, E. Uspensky, director V. Golikov)
1974 - Shapoklyak
1974 - Bird Market (director M. Novogrudskaya)
1975 - Picture. Vanya rode
1975 - Bahram Wizard Inheritance
1975 - Wonderful day
1975 - Elephant Dilo-Soyn (director B. Ardov)
1975 - Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Matroskin and Ball (film first)
1976 - Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Mitya and Murka (film second)
1976 - Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Mom and Dad (film Third)
1976 - Osmontozhi
1978 - Three from Prostokvashino
1979 - Uncle AU (film first)
1979 - Uncle AU error (film second)
1979 - Uncle Au in the city (film Third)
1979 - Pro refrigerator, gray mice and warranty men (director L. Domnin)
1979 - Olympic Character
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino
1980 - Klyaksa
1980 - Canoeing (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director R. Strautmann)
1980 - Dzu-to (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director Yu. Butrina)
1980 - equestrian sport (from the series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director Yu. Butrina)
1980 - Sports gymnastics (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director B. Akulinichyev)
1980 - Walking (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Hockey on the grass (from the series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (film first)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (movie second)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (Film third)
1981 - Plasticine Crow
1981 - Ivashka from Piano Palace
1982 - Teleglas (Screensaver to a cycle of economy transmission) (director A. Tatar)
1983 - Cheburashka goes to school
1983 - The investigation leads kolobki (film first) (director Aida Zyablov)
1983 - Corobci leads (film second) (director Aida Zyablov)
1983 - Santa Claus New Year's Song
1984 - Winter in Prostokvashino
1985 - about Sidorov Vova
1986 - Academician Ivanov
1986 - about faith and anfisu
1986 - Corobca leads (film first, second) (Directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatar
1987 - Corobci leads (the film Third, Fourth) (Directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatar)
1987 - about faith and anfison: faith and anfisa extinguish a fire
1988 - About faith and anfison: faith and anfisa in school lesson
1988 - Riddle (merry carousel, № 19)
1989 - Today in our city
1989 - Happy Start 1 (film about dolphins)
1989 - Happy Start 3 (film about dolphins)
1989 - Lake at the Day of the Sea (film about dolphins)
1989 - Miko - Son Pavlova (director E. Prophetov) (film about dolphins)
1989 - Superwater part of Iceberg (film about dolphins) (director A. Gorlenko, composers: T. Khayen, E. Artemyev)
1989 - Secret Ocean Pumps (film about dolphins)
1990 - Happy Start 4 (film about dolphins)
1991 - Underwater Berets [full-length film about dolphins]
1993 - Three types and violinists (director N. Lerner, composers: M. Meerovich, I.-S. Bach, A. Vivaldi)
2011 - Spring in Prostokvashino (director V. Sprinin, composer E.Krylatov)
2013 - Cheburashka (director Makoto Nakamura)

Eduard Assumption Teleceals

2001 - "Tips of Professor Tearnov", television series for children (director Oleg Ryaskov, MNVK, TV6).

Since the late 1970s, Edward Uspensky begins to work on radio and television - reads his poems and stories, and also releases a telecast cycle for children.

Eduard Assumption Prize

1991 - Prize and Diploma them. A. Gaidar for the story "Year of a Good Child" by the writer Eles de Ground and the writer Eduard Asspensky.
1997 - Prize of the magazine "Ogonosk"
1997 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
2005 - Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization
2010 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture for the book "History about a girl with a strange name"
2010 - Prize them. K. Chukovsky in the nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature"
Laureate of the All-Union Competition for the Best Children's Book
2015 - Prize them. Lion Copelleva for the struggle for peace and human rights
2015 - National Award "Telegrand" for an outstanding contribution to the creation of children's television programs and significant merits in the development of animation cinema

Eduard Assumption Personal Life

An outstanding personality was married three times, while his family: wives and children always inspired him to search for new ideas and creating regular characters. So Shapoklyak - a copy of the first Rimma wife. According to the writer himself, his spouse was distinguished by harm. Although he laid into the image of Shapoklyak and his own character traits that he was not very proud of.

The marriage with Rimma existed for 18 years, the daughter of Tatyana was born, who in turn gave birth to the daughter of Ekaterina and the son of Edward, named after the Grand Grandfather.

Elena's second wife, with whom Edward Uspensky again fell asleep, could not have children, so together they have fallen twin girls Irina and Svetlana.

The third marriage with TV presenter Elenori Filin, which was much younger than his spouse, existed for 6 years, although together they were 20 years old. There were no common children. Together with them, the son of Eleanora from previous relations Vlad lived.

Eduard Assumption Latest News

Recently, the Soyuzmultfilm Studio has created a remake on the legendary cartoon on the Assumption "Prostokvashino". The new cartoon is called "Return to Prostokvashino". The first series of this cartoon saw the light. The number of views on the first days they beat all records. In the first series, Matroskin's cat in memory of Oleg Tabakov speaks about his voice. It makes the eldest son of Tabakov, 57-year-old Anton Tabakov.

Soymulilm decided to make a series of 30 short 6-minute parts.

However, the author of the main plot, Eduardo Asspensky, did not like this remake. And most likely the error of the Studio Soyuzmultfilm, that they made a continuation without consultation of the maestro. All - the copyright must be respected.

"They do not belong to them and will not belong. Trying to portray that they have them and the opportunity to act. I will definitely apply to court. Lawyers are preparing as soon as possible - the story will be deployed. "

Famous Russian poet and writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky Not one generation of small readers is familiar. The images of the Cheburashki, crocodile, and others. Heroes love children very much.

Edward Nikolayevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Egoryevsk in the Moscow region.

After graduating from school, entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. The student years begins to engage in literary creativity, it is printed since 1960. The Institute graduated from 1961.

The creative path of Uspensky began as a humorist, he, together with Arkadia Arkanov, had several humorous books. According to his own recognition, the Assumptionsky's children's literature fell by chance. His children's poems began to print, as humorous, in the "literary newspaper", they sounded in a broadcast "with good morning!". Edward Uspensky received broad fame as the author of children's books: "Crocodile Gena and his friends" (1966), "down the magic river" (1972) and others. Huge popularity acquire his plays, written together with Roman Kachanov, "Cheburashka and His Friends "(1970); "Inheritance of Bakhram" (1973); "Leak of crocodile genes" (1974) and others.

In 1976, the collection of poems Edward Uspensky "Everything is in order" came out. In 1980 - 90, Assumptionsky publishes the following series of children's books: "Vacation in Prostokvashino", "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat", "Kolobok goes on the trail", "Multicolored family", "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (Scary Stories For fearless children) "," Lectures of Professor Tearnov (entertaining textbook on radio engineering) "is published in 1994. Eduard Asspensky performed as the author of cartoon scenarios, many of which are not loved by one generation of viewers. Her heroes, Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, live in several cartoons for several decades.

No less success fell to the share of adventures of friends from Prostokvashino - Uncle Fedor, the ball, Cat Matroskin. And they also gained their screen incarnation.

In addition, Edward Uspensky wrote for the popular children's transfer "Radionnai", for the TV shows "ABVGDIK", led the transfer "Ships came to our harbor."

The works of Assumption were translated in more than 25 languages, his books went out in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, USA. In recent years, his new books have been published in the Samovar organized by the publishing house. In 2010, the Assumption was awarded the Prize named Chukovsky, established for children's writers, in the main nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature."

List artistic works of the author from the Foundation of our library.

Collected works by E. N. Asspensky:

Uspensky, E. N. General Meeting of the Heroes of Tags, stories, poems and plays. At 10 tons. . [Text] / E. N. Uspensky; Il. V. Shevchenko.

T. 1. Underwater berets; Nature stories.

T. 2. School of clowns; Letters a child; Youth is an honest glory.

T. 3. Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat; Warranty men; Mr. Ay.

T. 4. Crocodile gene, Cheburashka and others.

T. 5. 25 professions of Masha Filipenko; Cloown Ivan Bullov.

T. 6. Down the magic river; Fur board.

T. 7. Multicolored family.

T. 8. Plastic grandfather; Lectures of Professor Tearnov; Island of scientists.

T. 9. About faith and anfisu; Corobca leads.

T. 10. Red hand, black sheet, greenent fingers; Creepy children's folklore.

Eduard Asspensky. General meeting. T. 1.

Eduard Asspensky. General meeting. T. 2.

Eduard Asspensky. General meeting. T. 3.

Series of books about Cheburashka and Crocodile Genze:

Uspensky, E. N. Crocodile Gena and his friends [Text]: Tale Tale / E. Asspensky; Fig. Shevchenko E. - Moscow: Angstrom, 1993. - 127 p.

In this book, young readers will find a wonderful fairy tale of E. Uspensky on how a very lone crocodile named the gene found real friends. Among them, Cheburashka is an incomprehensible animal from Africa, who sailed on the ship in a box with oranges, Galya girl, a dog Tobik, Lev Chandra and many others. And everything would be fine, but the harmful old female Shapoklyak with his trained lalarian rat adjusts to them different dirty. What will end the adventure?

Uspensky, E. N. Business crocodile genes [Text] / Eduard Assumption, Inna Agron; Art. Alexander Shevchenko. - Moscow: Teremok 97, 2005. - 94 p.

Dear comrades Students! (In this case, these are guys from six to nine years.) Postpone hockey sticks, pedal cars, kittens, chickens, puppies and other distracting items and sit next to dad, mom, grandfather or grandmother on the sofa. We start the first lesson. This book is a guide for beginner millionaires. Just do not think, comrades seven-year-old students that, after reading it, you, along with your grandmother, towards the end of the week it is terribly growing. No, we can not promise this. But the first step towards millions you can do. We will definitely tell you what stocking, shares, marketing and dividends are. We will try to explain how the bank works. And you will know exactly where you should, but where the capital should not be placed.

Uspensky, E. Crocodile Gena - Militia Lieutenant [Text]: Tale Tale / Eduard Assumption; Art. I. Wheat, A. Solin. - Moscow: Rosman, 1999. - 77 p.

Crocodile gene, which you all know and love, knows how to not only work in the crocodile zoo. Completely unexpectedly, he himself went to serve in the army, where he learned how to shoot, jump with a parachute and mastered the techniques of self-defense. And after the army of the gene, together with his friend, Cheburashka decided to start a new life. Now he catches robbers on a chocolate factory. And it has, like a combat crocodile, it turns out well. So robbing plans from Zhulikov failed, and the award found their heroes - Geno and Cheburashka. And the most delicious chocolates went to children who love to read the books that Edward Uspensky wrote. Artists: I. Wheat and A. Solin.

Uspensky, E. Cheburashka goes to the people [Text]: History for Youth 6-9 years / E. Uspensky; Art. R. Gazizov. - Moscow: Onyx: Astrel, 2006. - 63 p.

Many different stories told about the crocodile Geno and Cheburashka. Many times they were shown in the movies. Many times they were written in newspapers. But one thing from the life of our friends knows not all. Because Cheburashka, and the crocodile is not very like to tell about him. It happened one day when the crocodile gene and Cheburashka were on vacation.

Uspensky, E. N. Olympiad for Cheburashka, or Cheburashka rides in Sochi [Text] / E. Uspensky; Fig. I. Savchenkova. - Moscow: AST: Kid, 2013. - 77 p.

Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena leave again! This time in Sochi. They want to see how builders and athletes are preparing for the 2014 Olympics. But not so easy to get to Sochi, if the old woman's chapoklyak will rise on the way as always. However, this time there was one use from her goat - the gene and Cheburashka got acquainted with the future Olympic champions and their incredible achievements. So, Cheburashka goes to the Olympics, and the Olympiad is waiting for Cheburashka!

Uspensky, E. N. Cheburashka rides in Sochi and the mistress of the old woman Shapoklyak [Text] / E. Uspensky; [Art. M. Zotov, S. Gokes, I. Savchenkov]. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Planet Childhood, 2010. - 125 p.

Of course, you already guessed, with whom and why Cheburashka rides in Sochi. Of course, with Geno, of course, at the Olympics! It would seem that here is special - I bought a ticket for a plane or train and forward! But it was not there: the old woman Shapoklyak would not sleep, will it allow the journey to be without adventure! And imagine, precisely thanks to the irrepressible harm of the chapoklyak crocodile gene and Cheburashka learned so much interesting and brought new sports achievements to Sochi.

A series of books about Uncle Fedor and his friends:

Uspensky, E. N. Uncle Fedor, dog and cat [Text]: Tale tale / E. N. Uspensky; Fig. A. S. Cher. - Moscow: Samovar, 1997. - 127 p.

Good boy Uncle Fedor! Uncle - because serious and independent. And his parents are good. Father and mother. Yes, that's just mom animals do not like. And Uncle Fedor loves, and the cat loved the speaker, Matroskin. And I decided to escape from my parents to the village so that there is a house to find and make a cow. And there he met Psa, the ball, also speaking.

Having fun to live in Prostokvashino! And the tractor, which works on the products, and the treasure, and the galconies of the watchdog. And all after all is different - and the cat, and the dog, and the boy. All good, but different. So live - and all of them all in Prostokvashino! ..

Uspensky, E. N. Aunt Uncle Fedor or Escape from Prostokvashino [Text]: Tale Tale / E. Asspensky; [Art. A. S. Cher]. - Moscow: Samovar: Samovar, 1995. - 117 p.

Everyone or almost every person should have relatives. There are both uncle Fedor. Among the large number of uncle, aunt, aunt named Tamara he has a tendas. This is a very original person. She is a colonel in retirement. It has many awards. And wants everything around her a raised step. But Uncle Fedor, Cat Matroskin, Dog Ball and Cow Murka did not go build, stand at the Rack "Smirno" and putting on gas masks, and took and re-educate military aunts into a charming citizen.

Uspensky, E. N. Winter in Prostokvashino [Text]: Tale tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. A. Vorobyov. - Moscow: Planet Childhood: Astrel: AST, 2004. - 72 p.

Cat Matroskin and Dog Ball sit down each in her corner and quarrel because the ball bought himself instead of the boat sneakers. The parties hold communication through Pechkin, which delivers telegrams from one end of the hut on another. Bored ... But here is the joyful news - Uncle Fedor will come to celebrate the New Year! So adventure continues!

Uspensky, E. N. Favorite girl Uncle Fedor [Text]: Tale Tale / E. Asspensky; Fig. S. Grigoriev. - St. Petersburg. : "The World of the Child", 1997. - 111 p.

In Prostokvashino, the summer came. Uncle Fedor was bought in the river, caught fish. Cat Matroskin sold postcards in the kiosk, and the ball "With his photoruise for all interesting places was worn." A girl Katya Syuba arrived in Prostokvashino from America. Her uncle lives here. Amazing girl! Reads Brema, knows a lot about fish and animals, loves to go fishing, and most importantly believes that uncle Fedor has no flaws. How not to make friends with such a wonderful girl.

Uspensky, E. N. Uncle Fedor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino [Text]: Tale tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. S. Grigoriev, E. Grigorieva. - Moscow: Onyx 21st Century: Astrel, 2003. - 96 p.

Uncle Fedor goes to the preparatory class Postman Pechekin very seriously referred to the first class. He sewed himself a school shape of blue with chains. I bought a student backpack with pockets, notebooks, pencils and a lot of all sorts of lasty pencils. He even got out, the fun became, it was simply not to know. In the morning, together with Uncle Fedor, Pechkin began to go to the neighboring Troitskoye village for preparatory courses for entering the first class. As soon as the shepherd Uncle Shura from the sawmill will be thrown into the Trinity Cow Hard on the high Barsky Hill to the Church, all without any hours understood that nine. And from all villages, from all places to the Trinity School, children began to stretch. There they took them a young rural teacher Olga Vasilyevna Perezova. Olga Vasilyevna asked to future disciples all sorts of complex questions. For example: - How much will it be, if you add five to two? .. And how much will it be, if you add two to five?

Uspensky, E. N. New orders in the village of Prostokvashino [Text]: Tale tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. A. Shevchenko. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2001. - 96 p.

Dear guys, this book is best to read with parents, because there are many unusual situations from modern life in it. If something is unclear to you - the dads and moms will explain to you. This book is very ironic and with a big dose of sarcasm. In the whole country, life began to change markedly for the better. The stalls opened with alcohol, baths. Plants that have spoiled ecology disappeared. And those that the ecology did not spoil, also worried. So many people in the village reached out. In Prostokvashino, life also improved noticeably - earlier there was no single store, now eight beer tents immediately appeared. And the people in the village gained great. And even though the people around a strongly impoverished, passenger cars on the village became more. Therefore, about Prostokvashino, the post of traffic police opened.

Uspensky, E. N. Birthdays in Prostokvashino [Text]: Fabulous Stories / E. N. Uspensky; Art. A. Artyukh. - Moscow: Planet Childhood, 2005. - 64 p.

Good holiday - Birthday! All the gifts are carrying you, congratulate. Birthdays love everything - even grandparents, even cats and dogs, even the characters of cartoons and books. Here are read how the inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino celebrated their birthdays. At the same time you learn when you need to congratulate Uncle Fyodor and his friends.

Uspensky, E. N. Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino [Text]: New Merry Stories / E. Asspensky; Art. A. Artyukh. - Moscow: Childhood Planet: AST: Astrel, 2001. - 74 p.

Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino are the same as everyone, plus the birthdays of the boy's birthday of the uncle Fedor, Cat Matroskin, Psa Ball, Postman Pechekin. But there are also some special, Prostokvashinsky events. And if you celebrate each, you can easily forget about your own birthday!

Uspensky, E. N. Ghost from Prostokvashino [Text]: Tale tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. A. Shevchenko. - Moscow: Childhood planet, 2003. - 95 s.

The village of Prostokvashino is the most peaceful village on Earth. But in the most peaceful villages there are serious troubles. Ghost appeared in Prostokvashino. This event was interested in all: residents, journalists, television. Travel firms interested also because Cat Matroskin began to breed ostriches. Therefore, all the northern people will gladly come to look at African exotic.

Uspensky, E. N. Troubles in Prostokvashino [Text]: Fabulous Tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. A. Artyukh. - Moscow: Planet Childhood, 2005. - 93c.

Each person has a life dotted. Even the most fortunate people there are failures. Such a bad luck fell on Uncle Fedor. From deep Krasnoyarsk snows in Prostokvashino, the owner of the house was returned, where Uncle Fedor, Cat Matroskin and the Pins Ball. And began to live with them. Such a tenant will make few people. And few people will benefit. And even this, almost finished, man (thorish and hooligan) Uncle Fedor managed to re-educate.

Uspensky, E. N. Casal from the village of Prostokvashino [Text]: Fabulous Tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. A. Artyukh. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2004. - 127 c.

In an old-starving time, there was a robber cotton Kosolap in the Prostokvashinsky Forest. He was a good man - a good robbers never happen. He robbed, robbed and rewarded a whole treasure - beads, earrings and diamonds. But one day it had to hide this treasure. Many years have passed ... And the uncle Fedor trees found this. They are then with a matroskinkin bought, the tractor, remember?

Yes, the trouble - the robbers also have grandchildren, here and the cotton closure was a grandson. He was very interested in the treasure. And the whole of this strange story ended - read in the fabulous story of Edward Uspensky "treasure from the village of Prostokvashino".

Uspensky, E. N. Severe cases in Prostokvashino [Text]: Tale Tale / E. Asspensky; Fig. O. Bogolyubova. - Moscow: Astrel; Schelkovo: AST, 2010. - 61 s.

With every person someday an unpleasant story happened. Such as I do not want to remember. But it's not right. To get rid of bad thoughts and complexes, you need to remember everything in detail and forgive yourself and your offenders. This is how our Prostokvashina residents were engaged in long autumn evenings. The ball remembered how he was stolen. Matroskin - how to pee him. And Uncle Fyodor did not remember anything. But not because there was nothing like that, but because Pechekin had a grandmother's witch ...< /p>

Detective stories about Kolobka - Super Detective:

Uspensky, E. N. Kolobok goes on the trail [Text]: Tale Tales / E. N. Asspensky; Fig. A. Cher. - Moscow: Angstrom, 1994. - 116 p.

In the depths of the Central Park, where the asphalt ends and the construction of a multi-storey garage of GorgarTranshozoza begins, there is a one-story mysterious house with a signboard "NPDD". This is an urgent item of good deeds, and the main thing in it is a bun. It helps him a true friend and comrade - Bunchkin. They deal with the disclosure of small crimes and violations ...

Uspensky, E. N. Corobci leads [Text]: Detective Tale / E. Asspensky; Art. E. Nytykina. - Moscow: Rosman, 1999. - 124 p.

A long time ago he lived in the light of a bunker, who left the grandmother and left grandfather. I deceived everyone, but the fox caught. But this is not our bun. From our kolobka, no one will go away - his calling to find all the stolen and catch all the kidnappers, because he is a famous detective. And if the child disappeared from the house, from the zoo - an elephant, and from the Tretyakov Gallery - a picture, no one will handle the best kolobka and his assistant buns.

Uspensky, E. N. Three deaf crimes opened by a kolobom [Text] / Eduard Assumption; Art. D. Skvortsov. - Moscow: Dragonfly, 2000. - 77 p.

After reading this book, you at least get acquainted with the basics of investigative work. Kolobok and his assistant Bunochkin is actually Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes - the most famous detectives in the world. And if you love them, and if you enjoy their struggle for justice, if you learn the ability to think about them, when you grow up, you will definitely go to work in the police ranks. And then, accurately with crime in the country will be committed.

Uspensky, E. N. Kolobok and robbery in the museum of combat fame [Text]: Detective Tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. D. Belozers. - Moscow: Dragonfly, 2001. - 77 p.

Where the public no longer helps, and the police come even early, there are a voluntary police inspector kolobok and Bunchkin. And stubbornly and very qualified, they disclose crimes, re-educate young violators of order. About this and not only in the Book of Kolobok and Robbery in the Museum of Combat Glory.

Books about the toad mushhek and his family:

Uspensky, E. N. Zabs Zabych Skovorodkin [Text]: Tale - Tale / Eduard Assumption; Art. E. Antonenkov. - Moscow: Rosman, 1999. - 68 p.

Zabych's toad is not the first strange creature created by the writer Edward Asspensky. Remember at least an unknown science of the beast Cheburashka or a cute, albeit the silent aliens from the space - the stonezika from Klyazma Station, resembling a rubber pad for the bathroom. Zabych Zabich is a big reasonable toad, which with amazing ease begins to live the life of an ordinary Russian man of the era of change. The Zabych Zabych is trying to make money, even tries himself in politics and at the same time adores children and dogs. His kindness and naivety attract not only the guys, but also the police, and this says a lot ...

Uspensky, E. N. Son Zhabschi [Text]: Realistic Fairy Tale / E. N. Uspensky; Art. V. Korkin. - Moscow: Rosman, 1999. - 84 p.

The story-fairy tale about how Zhabsch's Zhabsch decided to make a dog.

Separate works by E. Uspensky with other heroes:

Uspensky, E. N. Magic River down [Text]: Tale Tale / Eduard Assumption; Fig. Olga Ionatis. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Planet Childhood, 2009. - 129 p.

To come to the holidays to the grandmother in the village and to be in the fairy kingdom, where the snakes of Gorynych, Koschey, immortal, famously one-eyed, cat Baun and another fabulous attic public, "such a boy likes it. But Sidorov Mith all really liked it. Because he not only saw what he read about the books, but also managed to help good fabulous heroes: Vasilis Wolly, Uncle House, Baba Yaga and the king Makaru. How did the city boy of Mitya in the fabulous kingdom hit? Yes, it's very simple - he was a Baba Yaga relatives.

Uspensky, E. N. Warranty men [Text] / E. N. Uspensky; Art. N. and T. Dvobrochotov-Maikov. - Moscow: Planet Childhood, 2001. - 151c.

Clock, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, radio - inside each such device there are small little men who follow the equipment during the entire warranty service life.

Once a company has fallen with their household appliances to the country, where they had to survive some adventures and even a war with local mice.

Uspensky, E. N. Gramota [Text]: a book for one reading and ten illiterate: / Eduard Assumption; Art. D. Buruses. - Moscow: Samovar: Rosman, 1992. - 156 p.

Yagi and Emelie - went to Moscow to learn. And since they were already a great-old ignorant, he had a special program. Together with Eduard Asspensky, we offer you guys, try to become knowledgeable contrary to the recommendations of all ordinary textbooks and ordinary teachers. For mid-school age. "Nowadays, there are practically no illiterate people. If you do not count the preschoolers. And if you sometimes meet illiterate or low-grade people, then this is somewhere in the tundra, in a taiga or in the Bryansk forestry. I do not mean workers, sawers or plackers. I mean fantastic characters. This is a daughter of Baba Yagi, the son of the Koschery of the immortal and Emely, the son of the famous Emelia-on-oven. They themselves do not really rush to learn, but their parents understand that if children are not finished at least the initial School, they will spend their entire lives among the hemp and burvero and will never see another life.

Uspensky, E. N. Eduard Observation Diary [Text]: Little conversations with a big reader / Edward Uspensky; Fig. Igor Pankov. - Moscow: Astrel, 2011. - 157 p.

For a long time, Edward Uspensky wrote fairy tales and fabulous stories. Who does not know, remind: about Cheburashka and Crocodile Geno, about Uncle Fedor and Cat Matroskin, about the girl faith and monkey anfisa and many, many others. But, staying in his fabulous world, the writer did not forget to look around and conduct observations of modern life. So it turned out this book. There are a lot of funny stories in it, but there are also sad. It has questions about you guys, and there are advice. In general, this is a book about how to find yourself, to understand what you can and why appeared to this light. You want to be president, or write pictures, or, for example, to work as a rescue in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And if you do not want anything, then why and how to deal with it. Asspensky's writer loves to talk with children. We hope that you guys will be interested in the pages of this book to communicate with the writer Eduard Asspensky.

Uspensky, E. N. Creepy children's folklore [Text] / E. N. Uspensky, A. A. Usachev; Fig. E. Vasiliev. - Moscow: Rosman, 1998. - 92 p.

A collection of children's terrible stories collected by Andrei Usachev and Eduard Asspensky, was released by Rosman's publishing house in 1998. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe book appeared in 1993, when Uspensky in the radio. Asked children to send him children's horror stories, which he was later going to release as a compilation. As a result, he received more than 1,500 letters. Processed them and turned out such a book.

Uspensky, E. N. Ivan-Tsarsky Son and Gray Wolf [Text] / E. N. Uspensky; Art. R. Gazizov. - St. Petersburg. : The world of the child, 1997. - 62 p.

In one thirtieth of the kingdom, the Tsar lived in the three-entent of the state. However, there and besides the king, the people lived full-fully. Basically, all peasant people. And there were no workers there and all sorts of proletarians. Otherwise, would have come to this king for a long time, would overthrow. The name of the king is different. According to one sources, Berendeum, according to others, by Slav, on the third - Vasily. And his middle name was Andronovich. And he had this Berende-Slavs-Vasily (Anna-Maria-Gonzalez) Andronovich for three sons. The younger son was called Ivan. Growth this son was under two meters, and he had so much forces that he could easily raise the horse on the fourth floor. It is a pity that there was badly bad. All houses were low. Senior brothers and later were. For example, the Middle Son Danila-Tsarevich could kill a fist to kill a cow if anyone allowed him. And the eldest son Peter-Tsarevich once tried to throw a sledgehammer on the sky. The sledgehammer returned and right on his head. The other would have killed, and ... what happened further you will learn by reading the book to the end.

Uspensky, E. N. How to love dogs [Text]: Stories / Eduard Asspensky; Fig. K. Pavlova. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 61 p.

Almost every person in childhood dreams of a dog. But not every child, parents allow it to start it. Because of this, conflicts occur in the family. Uncle Fyodor, for example, even left the house and settled in the village of Prostokvashino. (True, in his case it happened because of the cat, well, it doesn't matter. Cats and dogs in this sense almost brothers.) But I, Eduardo Asspensky, was lucky in my life - I always had dogs and cats. Even when I was a boy. They helped me to write books about Uncle Fedor and the village of Prostokvashino. I have both four dogs at home! And this book about those dogs that have ever lived with me. All of them were different in size and breeds. Maybe these funny and sad stories will make thinking of those guys who are asked by the dog's parents, whether they are ready for this difficult and responsible friendship

Uspensky, E. N. Fur board [Text]: instructive tale about the teacher's girl and her fluffy friends / E. Asspensky; Art. V. Chizhikov. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1989. - 157 p.

"Fur board" - a fun fabulous story of E. Asspensky about the girl Lucy Trunkina, which becomes a teacher in the fur board. Do you know what hendriks are? Where does Mokhnurka live? How to teach animals to Russian language and good manners? Readers, together with Luce, will have to solve many secrets of this amazing educational institution. Drawings of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Viktor Chizhikov.

Uspensky, E. N. New Russian fairy tales [Text] / E. Uspensky; Art. O. Baselian, A. Shevchenko. - Moscow: Planet of childhood: AST: Astrel, 2005. - 224 p.

The publisher is convincingly asking for the parents not to be afraid: "New Russian fairy tales" - not about how one banker had a beauty daughter; He flew here on his three-storey mansion an unfailed brother and kidnapped the girl on the six hundred "Mercedes." There is nothing in our book. Footage are traditional. The heroes of Olderussian. But the author ... The author carefully read the old fairy tales and decided that modern children need some explanations. And they told these fairy tales in Russian, in a new way, in Assumption.

Uspensky, E. N. Plastic grandfather [Text]: Fantastic Tale / E. Asspensky; Fig. I. Pankov. - Moscow: Astrel: AST: Childhood Planet, 2007. - 113 p.

The Tales of Assumption about the coming on Earth of one aliens will be interesting and adults and children. The adventures of the plastic grandfather in the city of Moscow, his meetings with different people, ranging from the hotel administrator and ending with the composer G. Gladkovy, will laugh the most sullen dads and most busy mothers. And that adult will be incomprehensible, children will explain.

Uspensky, E. N. Underwater berets [Text]: Fabulous History / Eduard Assumption; Fig. I. Savchenkova. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Childhood Planet, 2008. - 127 p.

Boys dreaming to become scouts, loving secrets and investigations, this book is for you. And even for those who love with pleasure, understands jokes and humor. In one quiet Bay of the Pacific Ocean opened a new special sabotage and underwater school with a blurred name "Underwater Berets". Dolphins were trained in it. The task of "Beretov" included liquidation, destruction, seizure, sumps and search. For such a dangerous and difficult work, guys were needed with iron nerves, flippers and brains. How did Dolphins cope with this?

Uspensky, E. N. About faith and anfisu [Text] / E. Uspensky; Art. J. Varentsova. - Moscow: Teremok 97, 2004. - 107 p.

How the first meeting of the girl of faith and monkey Anfisa took place and what adventures they expected them, the guys will be able to find out by reading this exciting book.

Uspensky, E. N. Prince from Kinder Eggs [Text]: Probably the story ... / E. Uspensky; [Art. Sokolov]. - Moscow: AST, 2014. - 61 p.

The new story of E. Uspensky "Prince from Kinder Eggs" - about the mysterious, but the most real prince. No one knows where he came from, besides what he got out of the Kinder Surprise, but everyone is clear that this little man is noble, cleverly, freedoming and absolutely everything understands about our life.

Uspensky, E. N. Mysterious Guest from Cosmos [Text]: Fairy Tale: New Superistor / Eduard Assumption; Fig. Alexey Shevchenko. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Ermak, 2004. - 123 p.

Guys! You have a new book of the writer Assumption, that is mine. I wrote her for a long time, because the situation in it is completely unusual. You, like me, meet with an extremely interesting object, a representative of another civilization. And his appearance, and the habits have nothing to do with earth creatures. The appearance on Earth aliens - an event is no less important than landing a person on the moon. And from the children's toy, it turns into a figure of a planetary scale. And the girl Katya, his bodyguard and comrade, becomes an equally important figure than the president of the country. I wrote this book for several years, but you have to read it in a few days, otherwise I will be offended. Everything. Your friend, writer E. Uspensky.

Uspensky, E. N. Crank among monsters [Text]: Jul / Eduard Asspensky; Art. Viktor Mineyev. - Moscow: Rosman, 2014. - 48 p.

The main hero of the book, Dimka Pickyovsky loves and knows how to play computer games. He and his friend Arthur's Rozhina is there no equal in this matter. They constantly win in all games, destroy huge monsters and small monsters and go from a level to level. But one day a computer monster enters Dimkin, which is not so computed. Or is it Dimka getting into Cybermir? This is to deal with the readers of the book "Cordish among monsters."

Uspensky, E. N. School of Clowns [Text]: Tale / Eduard Assumption; Art. E. Spare room. - Moscow: Childhood planet: AST: Astrel, 2001. - 190 p.

One day a completely unusual school opened in Moscow: for those who love to mix and merry people - school clowns. You understand that this school is very fun to learn. Even more than what is fun to read it. And although such nasty unles, like tomatoes and cockroaches, in our country there are still enough, maybe after reading this book, they will react sharply.

Artist-illustrator: E. Spare room.

Uspensky, E. N. If I were a Girl's Assumption, E. N. about the boy Ish

Uspensky, E. N. About the boy of Jasha [Text]: Poems and Stories / E. N. Uspensky; Art. I. Glazov. - Moscow: Planet Childhood, 2001. - 181 p.

Uspensky, E. N. Stories for kids [Text]: Poems / E. N. Uspensky; Il. M. A. Salina. - Moscow: Rosman, 1998. - 55 p.

Uspensky, E. N. City of kids [Text]: Songs, fairy tales, poems and stories / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2004. - 159 p.

Favorite several generations of children The famous writer Eduard Asspensky died on the evening of August 14 at the age of 80.

The friend who died on the eve of Eduard Assumption, composer Grigory Gladkov called the cause of the death of the writer.

"Yes, Edward Uspensky died in his house from cancer. He was treated for a long time in Baden-Baden. It is very sad, "the Gladkova quotes the Moscow Agency" Moscow ".

In Moscow, they can establish a monument to Eduard Asspensky

The monument to the Children's writer Eduardo Asspensky may appear in Moscow, as reported by TASS. According to the chairman of the Commission of the Moscow City Duma for the culture and mass communications of Evgenia Gerasimov, the writer is worthy that the monument appears in the capital in his honor. He noted that the profile commission of the city parliament would necessarily consider such a proposal if it came.


Eduard Nikolaevich Asspensky (December 22, 1937, Egoryevsk, Moscow region - August 14, 2018, Puchkovo) - Soviet and Russian writer, playwright and screenwriter, author of children's books, TV host. Among the popular characters invented by him - Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, Cat Matroskin, Uncle Fedor, Postman Pechkin, Pins Ball, Brothers Koloboki, warranty men, Tr-Tr-Tr-Mitya.

Edward Uspensky was born in the city of Egoryevsk in the Moscow region. Father - Uspensky Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), employee of the CPP Central Committee (b). Mother - Assumption Natalia Alekseevna (1907-1982), engineering engineer. Having received education at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and becoming an engineer, he earned a living by writing and made cartoon scenarios. In addition to children's books, Assumption wrote poems and theatrical scenes from the cycle about Cheburashka, "crocodile gene and his friends."

The first book of Assumption about Uncle Fedor "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" was published in 1974. The main hero was a six-year-old boy who was called Uncle Fedor for being very independent. After the parents have forbidden him to leave Matroskin's speaking homeless cat in the apartment, Uncle Fyodor left the house. Together with the matroskin and dog, they settled in the village of Prostokvashino in the village. Finding a treasure, they were able to buy a tractor driving on the soup and potatoes. According to the book, a little-known cartoon "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" was removed, as well as three popular animated films: "Three from Prostokvashino", "Vacation in Prostokvashino" and "Winter in Prostokvashino".

He was the chairman of the jury award "Cepete Dream". Also in 1986 was a member of the jury in the first games of the revived Higher League of KVN.

Edward Uspensky was one of the creators of the gear "Good night, kids!", "ABVGDIKA", "Radionnya", as well as the program on the author's song "Ships came to our harbor", which in 2000 was awarded the Thafi Prize.

In 2007-2008, he entered the Supreme Council of the Political Party "Civil force".

In 2010, Uspensky was awarded the Kornea Chukovsky premium, established for children's writers, in the main nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature."

Personal life Edward Uspensky

Father - Uspensky Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), employee of the CPP Central Committee (b).

Mother - Natalia Assumption Assumption (to Marriage Dzurov) (1907-1982), Engineer Engineer.

Senior - Igor,

Jr. - Yuri,

First wife - Rimma,

Daughter Tatiana,

Ekaterina's granddaughter

Grandson Eduard

Second wife - Elena Uspenskaya,

Daughters - twins Irina and Svetlana,

Third Wife (2005-2011) - Eleonora Filina, TV presenter.

Works of Edward Uspensky

Crocodile Gena and his friends. - M., 1966, 1970
Multicolored family. - M., 1967
That's the school. - M., 1968
Crocodile Gena. - M., 1970
Balloons. - M., 1971
Down the magic river. - M., 1972
Holly. - M., 1973
Inheritance Bahram (1973)
Uncle Fedor, dog and cat. - M., 1974
Academician Ivanov. - M., 1974
Leave Crocodile Gene (1974)
Warranty men. - M., 1975
Crocodile Gena. - Tallinn, 1975
Everything is fine. - M., 1976
Repeat. - M., 1976
Amazing business. - M., 1976
Crocodile Gena. - M., 1977
Crocodile gene and other fairy tales. - M., 1977
Down the magic river. - M., 1979
Clown School (1981)
Holly. - M., 1982
If I were a girl. - M., 1983
Vacation in Prostokvashino. - M., 1983
Over our apartment. - M., 1980, 1981, 1984
Faith and anfisa in the clinic. - M., 1985
Faith and anfisa get acquainted. - M., 1985
Cloown Ivan Bull (1987)
Kolobok goes along the trail. - M., 1987
25 professions Masha Filipenko (1988)
About Sidorov Vova. - M., 1988
Fur board. - M., 1989
Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (1990)
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat (Dialogues on Political Affairs) (1990)
"Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat, and Politics (1991)
Lectures of Professor Tearnova (1991)
Gram: A book for one reading and ten illiterate (1992)
Business Crocodile Genes (1992)
Year of a good child (1992) (co-author E. de Ground)
Underwater Berets (1993)
Aunt Uncle Fyodor, or Escape from Prostokvashino. - M.: Samovar, 1995
Winter in Prostokvashino (1997)
Favorite girl Uncle Fedor (1997)
New Orders in Prostokvashino (1997)
Uncle Fedor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino (1999)
Lhadmitriy Second, Real (1999)
Spring in Prostokvashino (2001)
Cheburashka Mushrooms (2001)
Crocodile Gena - Militia Lieutenant (2001)
Pechkin against mustache (2001)
Chetburashka Abduction (2001)
Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino (2001)
Prostokvashino (2002)
Stepanid Case: Stories (2002)
Bite Vijuki (2002)
Casal from Prostokvashino village (2004)
Mysterious Guest from Cosmos (2004)
Birthdays in Prostokvashino (2005)
Acid rain in Prostokvashino and other funny stories (2005)
New Life in Prostokvashino (2007)
Error postman Pechkin
Cheburashka goes to the people "
Ivan - Tsarsky Son and Gray Wolf
About faith and anfisu
Zabs Zabych Skovorodkin
The son of Zhabsha's son
History with an overshaver
Corobci leads
Magnetic house under Vladimir
Household dog on the Belarusian farm
Incidents in Prostokvashino, or Inventions Postman Pechkin
Stories about a girl with a strange name (2009)
Warranty men return (2011)
History about Geviechik, Gutta-Perfect Man (2011)
Ghost from Prostokvashino (2011)

Many unexpected components absorb the tales of Assumption. In addition to generously spilled in them, the engineering sense, there are also popular burning issues of today's time. In another other way, there is a "genuine" publicist in the form in which it can be delivered to children's consciousness. Clear, funny and childish created the figure of the head of the famous Tazesschensky story, which fills the grant of the cement for the construction of his friends and Cheburashka.

The boss has a rule: everything should be done all. Ask why? "If I," he says, "always and everything will be done to the very end and constantly allow everything to allow everything, then I must say about me that I am unusually kind and everyone regularly does what he wants. Well, if I don't want anything I will not make anyone to do anything to do anything to anyone, then they will definitely tell me that I constantly beat Baklushi and all prevent everyone. And after all, no one ever says anything terrible about me. " And in almost full compliance with its own paradigm, our hero always permits to give their friends half the one they need for carrying - that is, half of the car. And remembering that half the truck will not go, he quickly gives a truck only half the way ...

No, do not encourage the guys of Assumption's stories to look at the world around the world through the pink glasses. They always encourage to endure everything affordable in the direction of love and kindness. Talking about one of his own leads, the writer noted: "In the new book, everything is absolutely everything. If you regularly talk to children about the bad sides of life, they will definitely seem that the world is generally terrible and bad. And I always want to give them the concept of a cheerful and good peace! "

Every Russian will tell you that all the story, stories and fairy tales of Edward Uspensky, read which you can on our website, a wonderful children's writer with a technical education and a good soul of a funny storyter - a gift to guys, warm and kind.

Entry, or almost the beginning once in the third class in which Masha studied, lecturer came. He was an elderly, older than thirty, such, wow, in a gray suit, and immediately said: - Hello, my name is Professor Barinov. Now we will all take the handles and write an essay: "What would I do if I were the Chairman of the City Council." Clear? The guys led by the old-fashioned kiseleu, staring out eyes and ...

Chapter The first magic path in one village has one city boy lived at one grandmother. The name of his Mitya. He spent in the village of Vacation. For all day, he was bought in the river and sunbathe. In the evenings, he climbed onto the stove, looked like her grandmother spins his yarn, and listened to her magic fairy tales. "And we still knit everything in Moscow," said Baby Babushka. "Nothing," said that - soon and sprinkle ...

Chapter 1. The beginning of the country's season in the near Moscow region Opalia has the village of Dorokhovo, and next to the village village of the pilot. Each year at the same time, one family moves from Moscow to the cottage - Mom and daughter. Dad arrives rarely, because no wonder the village is called the "pilot". Mom is the name of the light, the daughter of Tanya. Each time before moving, they are transported to the cottage the necessary things. And this year, as always, on that ...

The head of the first arrival of the refrodiline in a clear sunny day in the apartment brought a fridge. Business and angry movers made it to the kitchen and immediately went along with the hostess. And quietly became quiet. Suddenly, through the slot of a facing lattice from the refrigerator, the small man of a slightly strange view was released on the floor. Behind his back, he hung a gas can, like scabulants, and were on his hands and legs ...

Chapter First Letter from Holland It began early warm yellow autumn at the very beginning of the school year. On a big change to the class in which Roma Rogov studied, the class teacher Lyudmila Mikhailovna entered. She said: - Guys! We had a big joy. Our school director returned from Holland. He wants to talk to you. The class of school Peter Sergeevich entered the class ...

Chapter first. Uncle Fedor is going to learn time in Prostokvashino slowly, but steadily went upwards: the year was added to another, and not vice versa. And soon Uncle Fyodor turned six. "Uncle Fedor," Mom said, "and you have to go to school." So we will take you to the city. - Why in the city? - Cat Matroskin intervened. - We have in the nearby village ...

Part one. Arrival in Prostokvashino Chapter First Uncle Fedor The boy was the boy. His uncle Fedor called. Because he was very serious and independent. He has learned to read at four years old, and at six, the soup itself was cooked. In general, he was a very good boy. And parents were good - Dad and Mom. And everything would be fine, only my mother did not love his animals. Especially all ...

One day, the ball came home to Uncle Fyodor: - Uncle Fedor, here you say, is it possible to have a military coup on the village? - Why do you ask me about it? - Because everyone is talking about it. What is this "military coup"? "This is such a situation," says Uncle Fedor, "when the military takes all power." - But as? - Very simple. Military posts are introduced everywhere. At the factory, in ...