Children's playground 3 top views drawing. Sports ground at the dacha: we build it with our own hands. Simple wooden playground

Summer is coming, vacation. How to organize leisure time for children in nature, in the countryside, in the countryside? We make a playground for children ourselves!
In the summer, most parents try to take their children out of dusty, polluted cities into nature. If you spend the summer months at the dacha with your children, then you need to make sure that their summer vacation is not only beneficial for them, but also enjoyable. To prevent your child from getting bored at the dacha, make a playground for him with your own hands. This will require very small financial investments plus your time and imagination. Be sure to involve the children themselves in creating the playground. Firstly, joint work helps to unite the family and strengthen the relationship between parents and children, and, secondly, designing a playground is a creative activity that will be useful for the overall development of the child.

Any child will prefer natural materials (for example, wood) to artificial plastic when playing. Therefore, we will focus on creating crafts for the playground from natural materials.

The required components of any children's playground are as follows:

- sandbox
- water
- green spaces
- children's playhouse (tent, awning)
- swing
- natural materials for play (gravel, stones, tree cuts, cones, twigs, plants, etc.)

1. DIY playground. DIY sandbox

All children get a lot of joy and pleasure when playing with sand. Playing with sand provides unlimited opportunities for a child's development. You can make Easter cakes from sand, build castles and tunnels, cook “soup” for dolls, and it can be transported in cars. Another fun thing to do is bury various objects in the sand and then dig them up. You can sprinkle dry sand on the beetle, and then watch how it gets out of it. It is interesting to draw pictures and write letters on damp sand.

Making a children's sandbox with your own hands is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The sandbox should not be in the sun, but at the same time, a too dark, damp place is not suitable for it. If the child is still small, the sandbox should be near the house so that the baby is always in your sight.

You can fence off the sandbox using logs, stumps, and boards. If the sandbox is large enough, you can divide it into several play areas (see photo below).

To protect from the sun, you can make a canopy.

2. Children's playgrounds for the dacha. Swimming pools

Just like with sand, children only like to play with water. The best option is to combine games with water and sand. Make sure that your child always has a source of water near the sandbox. Even a small bowl of water will be enough.

Of course, any child will be delighted to have a pool at their dacha.

Another good fun is to spray each other with water from a hose on a hot summer day. Or you can ask your dad or grandfather to make an outdoor shower from PVC pipes.

3. Children's playgrounds. Children's playgrounds photo

When creating a playground with your own hands, you cannot do without all kinds of logs, stumps, tree cuts, and boards. You can make tables and chairs from stumps and surround the sandbox with them. Stumps and logs can be used as sports equipment: it is useful for children to learn to walk on them while maintaining balance. The tree cuts will make a nice path.

A child's imagination can turn a simple log into a bridge spanning an abyss, into an airplane, a car, a horse, etc. Such games with object replacement are very useful for developing children's creative thinking.

4. Decoration of the playground. DIY playground photo

A prerequisite for a good playground is the presence of greenery: trees, shrubs, grass, flowers.

Large trees provide protection from the sun on a hot summer day. They are fun to climb.

Sometimes trees have to be removed for various reasons. However, you should not cut down the tree at the very root - turn it into an interesting decorative element - a fairy-tale “house”.

The base of large trees is the best place to create fairy houses. Making such a fairy-tale house from any available material will be interesting for every little girl.

Be sure to help your child make his own flowerbed, which he will take care of on his own.

Even if you yourself prefer not to plant anything in your dacha, make sure that your child has his own small garden. Just a couple of beds where he can grow unpretentious and tasty plants, for example, green peas.

5. Crafts for the playground. Decorating a playground with your own hands

Decorating children's playgrounds is an interesting and creative activity. Handmade crafts made from wood, tires and plastic bottles are suitable for decorating a children's playground. Here are some ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating crafts for the playground.

6. How to make a playground. Playground ideas

When creating a playground with your own hands, be sure to give your child a secluded corner where he can be alone or in the company of his friends, dream, play, read, and finally take a break from you, the adults. This could be a purchased children's playhouse or tent. Or you can make a children's house (tent, pavilion) with your own hands. Here are some interesting ideas.

DIY children's house made of wood

Children's houses for dachas. Children's houses tents.

The easiest way to make a children's house with your own hands is to stretch a rope between two trees, pillars, between a tree and a fence (see photo below) and throw a thin blanket over it. The ends of the blanket must be tied with ropes to pegs driven into the ground, or pressed with stones.

DIY children's house.

The most interesting way to make a children's house for a summer cottage is to “grow” it on your own plot. Any climbing plants with lush foliage, such as beans, are suitable for this.

Using the same principle, you can “grow” a children’s house from sunflowers. Sunflowers are a good plant to grow with children. They have large seeds, grow quickly and are very unpretentious. Plant sunflowers around the perimeter of the circle at a distance of 10 cm from each other. When they grow to 1.5 meters, collect their tops and tie them together - your sunflower house is ready! Yes, don’t forget to leave room for entry when planting!

7. DIY playground. Children's playground made of wood

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, be sure to make sure that the child has natural materials available for play: sand, water, large stones, small stones, twigs, pine cones, plants. Games with natural materials are of great importance for the development of sensory perception, motor skills, creative thinking of the child, and have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of children.

8. DIY playground ideas.
Concluding our review article “Do-It-Yourself Playground,” we will share with you a few more useful ideas for decorating playgrounds.

Plexiglas easel.

Many mothers know how useful games with paints are for young children. But most do not very often allow children to draw at home, because... After such activities, you have to wash both the child and the apartment.

Games at the dacha in warm weather have one great advantage - a child dressed in only panties, no matter how dirty he gets, can be very easily washed right on the street, by watering, for example, with warm water from a hose. And at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the carpet, furniture, or floor. Let the children at the dacha have plenty of fun with dirty materials, with the same paints, for example. A homemade plexiglass easel, which can be washed using the same hose, will provide you with invaluable help.

It's a good idea to hang a chalk board on the fence. Don't forget to give your child crayons, a bucket of water, and a rag.

Taking care of the physical development of children, you can make a rope bridge and a bungee for them. And from an old chair you can make a comfortable swing.

Good luck in fulfilling your plans!

There is no child who would not love to play and have fun on the playground. Children of all ages are drawn like a magnet to ride on swings, climb ladders and other equipment, and slide down the slide with delight. There are playgrounds in many courtyards of apartment buildings, and in large shopping centers there are special children's corners. But you can imagine what joy a child will have if he organizes a playground in his dacha with his own hands.

On the Internet there are many options for a children's playground in the photo and ideas that are easy to implement. It will be possible to install the elements that the child likes most. Some people dream of being the captain of a pirate ship, while others want to try themselves as the owner of their own house. The youngest family members will watch the construction process with interest, and older children will be able to help adults or independently participate in the construction of a playground with their own hands.

Selecting a location

In order to correctly position a children’s playground in the country, it is necessary that several difficult conditions coincide with each other:

  1. The area on which the playground will be located should be visible from several points in the room where adults spend most of their time.
  2. A playground made for children at the dacha with your own hands should be located as far as possible from outbuildings, where an unpleasant odor may come from, and also where various gardening equipment or tools are stored. Excessive children's curiosity can lead to bad consequences.
  3. For a gaming complex, it is preferable to choose an area with poor soil fertility and a complex geological structure

Lighting plays an important role when choosing a place to build a children's playground in the countryside with your own hands. The playing space should not be constantly in shadow, but the sun should also be avoided. Therefore, it is necessary to position the site so that approximately 60% is in shadow and 30% is in the sun. Installing a canopy or large umbrella can help create shade. It is also necessary to ensure that the playground is not overly ventilated.


Before construction, it is necessary to draw up a rough plan of the playground, determine where each element will be located, and calculate the required area. It is better to plan the image of the future playground together with the children. It is worth listening to what specific equipment the child wants to see in the play area, and not deciding for himself what will be best for him. Otherwise, it may turn out that the child will not even approach the new playground. You can also ask your friends which elements their children prefer.

Depending on the age of the children, the number of required square meters is calculated. Kids don’t need so many elements, so their arrangement will take a little space. The main thing for little ones is the sandbox. You can add a couple of simple shells and, if possible, organize a small pool. If desired, there is a lawn with a soft surface on which children can lie. A piece of territory of 4-5 square meters is enough for all this pleasure. It is advisable to fence off this area.

Older children need a larger field of activity. There will be no need to block off the site area. If possible, 8-9 m² are allocated for children under seven years of age. Since children from 7 to 12 years old require even more elements and equipment, it is necessary to allocate an area of ​​12 m2.

Safety precautions

To ensure that nothing threatens the life and health of the child, a do-it-yourself playground at the dacha must meet all safety requirements.

The play area for children must be fenced off. This will help adults go about their business and be sure that nothing will happen to the children. Any fence can be built. The main thing is that it has such basic characteristics as strength and safety. An excellent option would be a chain-link mesh with a plastic coating. It is produced in a variety of bright colors and is absolutely safe, unlike metal ones.

Another option is to install a picket fence. It should be shoulder height. The distance between the boards should be such as to prevent the child from sticking his head there. To add brightness to the fence, you can paint it in different colors, such as a rainbow. The tops must be well processed and rounded. The boards themselves must be thoroughly cleaned to avoid splinters getting on the child’s body. The pickets must be firmly secured so that children do not tear them off.

Rope fencing is used less frequently in the design of a playground. They also perform all safety functions and are aesthetically pleasing.

The playing area should be at a sufficient distance from plants with thorns. To avoid accidents, you should not build a playground on the shoreline of a reservoir. It is also necessary to organize good lighting of the area at night. In this case, all electrical appliances, panels and other communications must be taken outside the playground area.

Site preparation and coverage options

Before organizing a playground with your own hands, you need to level the surface, fill in all the holes, remove protruding roots, and also remove all debris and remove small pebbles. How to create children's playgrounds from wood with your own hands - you can see photos of interesting options in our article.

The choice of coating should be approached with particular care. A sports lawn is a good choice for small children. It contains herbs with a high degree of abrasion resistance. The main disadvantage of this type of coating is that it requires constant maintenance.

For older children, the lawn on the playground is no longer suitable. The main problem areas are places near slides and swings, where over time the lawn covering is “erased”, leaving clearings that turn into puddles after rain.

To avoid this, you can create a drainage surface. To do this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil (approximately 15-20 cm). Fill the resulting space with crushed stone, then compact it (you should get a layer of about 10 cm), then fill it with sand in the same layer and compact it just as well. We can end here. But the sand will gradually be pulled away and will have to be changed frequently. To avoid this, you can spread a rubber mat or regular rubber mats on top.

The most practical option would be to fill the entire area with fine sifted sand. But it needs to be constantly leveled and topped up. You can also use crushed bark as a covering, after removing all chips and knots.

There are also more modern options:

  1. Regupol is a rubber-based coating that is laid on a concrete or asphalt base.
  2. Rubber crumbs combined with binding elements. A liquid material applied to a flat surface, which can be compacted sand poured onto crushed stone.
  3. Modular systems based on PVC.

The most popular and inexpensive coatings are lawn and sand. Modern technological options will be much more expensive and will require careful preparation of the base.

Playground elements

There are many DIY playground ideas out there. In addition to the devices that are available in any play area, you can make the design of the playground very unusual, which will delight the child and help develop his skills. But let's start with the standard elements, which are the most popular on the playground in a private home.


The most important element on any playground with your own hands. A regular open sandbox can be created very easily:

  1. For the future structure, a pit is dug approximately half a meter deep with a side width of two meters.
  2. Pebbles or crushed stone are used as drainage.
  3. A wooden beam is installed in each corner. This will serve as a support for the structure.
  4. A board pre-planed and treated with an antiseptic compound is attached to each side. The wood can be painted if desired.
  5. Boards for seats are fixed.
  6. At the final stage, sand is poured in, previously passed through a fine sieve, filling the sandbox space by about 20 cm. It is better to use river or quarry sand - it contains the least amount of waste.
  7. To prevent cats or dogs from entering the sandbox, care should be taken to create a lid.

You can use stumps or logs of different heights as sandbox material, digging them around the perimeter. This will give the sandbox an original feel, and children will be able to jump or walk on these logs.

You can also improve the design by stretching an awning over the sandbox. This will help protect children in hot weather from the scorching sun.

On the Internet you can find many children's playgrounds in the photo with original and beautiful sandboxes made in the form of cars and even pirate ships. You just have to imagine and bring it to life.

Simple swing

Creating this element is easy and inexpensive. On the Internet you can see many options for what a children’s playground at the dacha looks like - you can also see photos of the structures later in the article. To build you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare two wooden beams 3 m long, a galvanized pipe, a chair with a back, a rope or cable.
  2. Two holes are dug, the depth of which should be approximately 60 cm, and wooden beams, pre-treated with an antiseptic composition, are installed in them. All this is filled with concrete mortar. We are waiting for it to harden.
  3. A galvanized pipe is attached to the crossbar on top, to which a seat with a backrest is attached using ropes or a cable.

You can also purchase an already assembled swing in a store, or make a rope swing by attaching it to a strong branch of a large tree.

Houses for children

Kids love this element very much. In it they can be alone, hide from adults or keep secrets with each other. A playground house can be purchased ready-made from various materials: plastic, wood.

You can also build a house on the children's playground with your own hands. This could be, for example, a hut or a tent. Children love to play in such structures, imagining that this is their “headquarters” or fortress.

There are many options for hut designs. Here are just a few of them:

  1. You can install several poles, fasten them with twine and clamps. Then plant climbing plants around and wait for them to grow. The result will be a kind of “living” hut.
  2. A hut in the form of a wigwam can be made by sewing a fabric cover, then putting it on the frame and making a hole for the entrance.

Everything depends only on the imagination. You can design an original home in your own style.

Building a wooden house yourself has even more options. The base is made using frame technology. And then you can dream up and do something special.

Children's slides

This element is no less popular among children. But adults have difficulty choosing the material from which to make a slide. There are several options to consider:

  1. Use a plastic tray as a surface for the slide.
  2. A wooden slide made of carefully polished boards will have good safety, but you should not expect a high-speed descent on it.
  3. Improve the wooden frame by covering it, for example, with linoleum. The result will be a smooth and safe slide.

Free-standing slides are very rarely made in playgrounds. Usually they are included in children's DIY garden complexes, which additionally include rope ladders, hanging paths and other elements.


A country pool as an element of a children's complex with your own hands will delight children of different ages. Especially in hot, sultry weather. There will be no problems with the purchase. You can install a small inflatable pool or a practical plastic one on your site.

Sports area

In order to develop children’s sports skills and good spirits, it is imperative to organize a children’s sports complex for the garden with your own hands. The most common element for sports purposes are tires dug into the ground, painted in bright colors. They must be from a truck, as they have sufficient rigidity, unlike cars.

Older children will definitely like the presence of a horizontal bar, rope and rings on the sports ground. A mini climbing wall will also fit perfectly into the sports area.

You can equip a place for playing basketball, badminton, or organize an impromptu obstacle course. A good addition to a sports corner would be a ping pong table. It all depends on the availability of square meters, funds and desire. You can see options for what sports playgrounds look like - photos are presented below.

A place for creativity

The construction of a table for various crafts, drawing or assembling puzzles can be easily accomplished using a stump and a decorated board or tabletop installed on it. An inexpensive plastic table will also work. You can use smaller stumps as chairs. They can be painted with original drawings.


Images of cartoon characters or animals cut from plywood and decorated with bright colors will help decorate the site and give it aesthetic appeal. The use of ready-made elements of garden decor in the form of gnomes, flowers and other utensils will also breathe life into a children's play complex with their own hands.

Original ideas

Many have seen do-it-yourself playgrounds in photos where there are unusual decorative elements made from improvised materials. The field of activity in this regard is almost limitless. All you need is imagination. Anything can be used: plastic bottles, used car tires, even old pallets. You need to use your imagination a little, and then you will be able to bring your original ideas to life and make your site individual.

Now you know how to make a playground with your own hands, and what elements can be included in its composition. Do not forget that all work must be carried out carefully and efficiently, because the life and health of children will depend on this.

Photo gallery

In our gallery you will find 26 more photos with interesting examples of playground design.

Summer time gives children a great opportunity to get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Children's sports and playgrounds can not only liven up the look of your yard, but also encourage children to spend more time outside. In this article, we offer several original ideas for creating such a site, which are designed for different possibilities and can even be done with your own hands. Well, go ahead: let's turn our children's childhood into a fairy tale!

1. Children's playgrounds: slides, swings, etc.

One of the simplest and most economical ideas for a playground is to install swings, which can be made from boards, old chairs and even car tires. Other budget options include hammocks, sandboxes and slides, which can also be installed yourself. Let's look at the following photos and get inspired:

Also read:

2. Children's sports grounds: climbing wall, etc.

Climbing walls, trampolines and rope installations allow not only to have fun outside, but also to get a fair amount of exercise, both for children and their parents. And if you are too worried about your child, then just add a mattress!

Let the following children's playgrounds be a source of ideas for you:

3. Children's houses

It will not be difficult for anyone to build woven wigwams or above-ground children's houses from boards. But how much happiness they will bring to your children and their friends! You remember how, as a child, you loved to hide in secluded places?

Also read:

Tree house

Of course, this is the No. 1 idea and dream of every child: to have their own treehouse. But it is also clear that to create it you need to have a suitable place, as well as serious skills in construction. If you are lucky enough to have both, then the following treehouse photos are especially for you!

4. Children's complexes for playing with water

In the hot summer it is very important to have the opportunity to cool down. What's more, we have some amazing water play ideas that kids will love! Please note that these are all playground crafts that you can easily make yourself.

Also read:

5. Playgrounds for creativity

Some children's fun is often not to the taste of their parents. The first place among them is occupied by musical experiments (hitting something loud on something heavy) and artistry (“hello wallpaper, why are you so boring?”). By arranging your yard according to the example of the following photos, you will no longer have to limit your child in the manifestation of his talent.

Decorating a playground: key points

Proper design of a children's play complex will make it not only more interesting, but also safer. Here are some useful tips to help you in this matter:

  1. Soften sharp corners - if you cannot do without them, then use a protective rubber coating or the like. material.
  2. Use bright colors - so that the kids forget about TV and games on the smartphone, make the playground as bright and cozy as possible.
  3. Create different areas - Instead of organizing the playground as one big area, try setting up several different departments. For example, swings and sandboxes can be in one place, a playground for sports games - a little further away, and between them - tents or children's houses.
  4. Use old things as accessories - children love fun garden decorations, such as old rubber boots, umbrellas, dishes, toys, etc. All this will make the process of exploring the playground much more fun.
  5. Take care of a place to store toys - things that children play with outside should be stored separately so as not to bring all the dirt into the house. A good idea for storing them is the inside of a garden bench or a shelf in a children's playhouse.

Children's playgrounds and garden houses (ideas + photos) updated: October 10, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

In the summer, children spend most of their time outside. It’s good if there is a playground for them in the yard. On its territory you can have fun and develop physically. Well, if you live in a private house or in a country house, then you can equip a playground yourself in your yard.

There are the following types of playgrounds:

  1. Small, designed for babies. They have a small area. They consist mainly of a sandbox and a small lawn.
  2. Large, entire complexes for school-age children. They include a sandbox, a swing, and complex elements.
  3. “Home”, for one child. They are built by parents in their homes or dachas.

Sequence of construction of a playground

  1. Choosing a location. Preparing the area.
  2. Placement and fixation of large equipment.
  3. Performing surface coating.
  4. Installation of small elements and decorative decorations.

The site should not be located near roads, construction sites, garages, or greenhouses. It will be convenient to keep an eye on the child if the place can be viewed from the windows of an apartment or house.

What dimensions can the site have?

Small children do not need a lot of space, but babies grow and their needs increase. It is better to immediately allocate a larger area.

For preschool children, an area of ​​8-9 m2 will be enough, for schoolchildren - already 14-15 m2. If the playground is multifunctional, designed for children of different ages, then its area can be 100 m² or more.

The dimensions directly depend on the number of components. Better draw the project to scale and then calculate the required area. The dimensions of the game elements and the distances between them should be taken into account.

Preparing the area

  1. Level the area.
  2. Remove debris and stones.
  3. Pull weeds and uproot unnecessary shrubs and trees.
  4. View the area near the playground. It should not contain thorny or poisonous plants. If they are present, remove them.
  5. A path for cycling can be provided around the site.

Site coverage

Often the site area is covered with a thick layer of sand. If it is not possible to purchase sand, you can stop at planting lawn grass. The child can run on it even barefoot. Grass mixtures intended for sports lawns are resistant to trampling and have a dense structure.

Currently on the market there are crumb rubber mats. Comfortable and durable. They allow you to create an elastic surface that will allow water to pass through well. But it is rational to use such coverage on small home sites.

The choice of components for children's playgrounds depends on the age of the children. For children under 3 years old it is enough to place:

  • swing;
  • slides;
  • carousel;
  • table with chairs.

Older children already need various climbing elements and structures, such as:

  • rock climbers;
  • labyrinths;
  • ladders with horizontal bars;
  • ropes, rings;
  • basketball hoop;
  • house;
  • fortress.

Game complexes

Complex, multi-level children's play complexes are available for sale. You can build them yourself. Such structures can significantly save space. Children really like them.

Complexes include:

  • stairs;
  • slides of different sizes;
  • elements for climbing and pulling;
  • "cobwebs";
  • bridges.

Equipment for the site can be do it yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones. In the first case, you need to draw up diagrams of the components and calculate the necessary materials. In addition to gaming equipment, you will definitely need:

  • locksmith tools;
  • boards for building a fence;
  • sledgehammer;
  • shovel;
  • cement mortar for fixing swing posts and other complex elements;
  • ready-made jewelry or natural materials for crafts;
  • paints of different colors, brushes.

Precautionary measures

To gaming structures There are increased requirements for children.

  1. All elements must be well secured. The supports are buried in the ground, preferably concreted. Wooden surfaces are well polished, without burrs.
  2. For swings, it is better to use chains or ropes.
  3. The slides are equipped with high sides and the bottom is rounded.
  4. Play equipment must not have sharp corners, protruding edges, nails or bolts.
  5. The swing must have a safety zone of at least 2 m² in front and behind.

Nowadays you can find many different options for designing playgrounds near houses. Elements are made from almost anything. Old tires are used; plastic bottles; rubber and plastic toys; disks; logs, etc. Having a good imagination, you can come up with many original crafts, repeat what you made in a neighboring yard or what you saw on the Internet.

Playgrounds are elements child development. Kids play outdoor games, communicate with other children, have fun, and all this in the fresh air. This pastime helps improve health, develop courage and dexterity. Therefore, every child should visit playgrounds.

- the manufacturing company offers children's play complexes, playgrounds, outdoor sports equipment for children and adults, as well as small architectural forms (MAFs) for local areas and summer cottages.

In the summer, most parents try to take their children out of dusty, polluted cities into nature. If you spend the summer months at the dacha with your children, then you need to make sure that their summer vacation is not only beneficial for them, but also enjoyable. To prevent your child from getting bored at the dacha, make a playground for him with your own hands. This will require very small financial investments plus your time and imagination. Be sure to involve the children themselves in creating the playground. Firstly, joint work helps to unite the family and strengthen the relationship between parents and children, and, secondly, designing a playground is a creative activity that will be useful for the overall development of the child.

Any child will prefer natural materials (for example, wood) to artificial plastic when playing. Therefore, we will focus on creating crafts for the playground from natural materials.

The required components of any children's playground are as follows:

- water
- green spaces
- children's playhouse (tent, awning)
- swing
- natural materials for play (gravel, stones, tree cuts, cones, twigs, plants, etc.)

1. DIY playground. DIY sandbox

All children get a lot of joy and pleasure when playing with sand. Playing with sand provides unlimited opportunities for a child's development. You can make Easter cakes from sand, build castles and tunnels, cook “soup” for dolls, and it can be transported in cars. Another fun thing to do is bury various objects in the sand and then dig them up. You can sprinkle dry sand on the beetle, and then watch how it gets out of it. It is interesting to draw pictures and write letters on damp sand.

Making a children's sandbox with your own hands is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The sandbox should not be in the sun, but at the same time, a too dark, damp place is not suitable for it. If the child is still small, the sandbox should be near the house so that the baby is always in your sight.

You can fence off the sandbox using logs, stumps, and boards. If the sandbox is large enough, you can divide it into several play areas (see photo below).

To protect from the sun, you can make a canopy.

2. Children's playgrounds for the dacha. Swimming pools

Just like with sand, children only like to play with water. The best option is to combine games with water and sand. Make sure that your child always has a source of water near the sandbox. Even a small bowl of water will be enough.

Of course, any child will be delighted to have a pool at their dacha.

Another good fun is to spray each other with water from a hose on a hot summer day. Or you can ask your dad or grandfather to make an outdoor shower from PVC pipes.

3. Children's playgrounds. Children's playgrounds photo

When creating a playground with your own hands, you cannot do without all kinds of logs, stumps, tree cuts, and boards. You can make tables and chairs from stumps and surround the sandbox with them. Stumps and logs can be used as sports equipment: it is useful for children to learn to walk on them while maintaining balance. The tree cuts will make a nice path.

A child's imagination can turn a simple log into a bridge spanning an abyss, into an airplane, a car, a horse, etc. Such games with object replacement are very useful for developing children's creative thinking.

4. Decoration of the playground. DIY playground photo

A prerequisite for a good playground is the presence of greenery: trees, shrubs, grass, flowers.

Large trees provide protection from the sun on a hot summer day. They are fun to climb.

Sometimes trees have to be removed for various reasons. However, you should not cut down the tree at the very root - turn it into an interesting decorative element - a fairy-tale “house”. See link >>>>

The base of large trees is the best place to create fairy houses. Making such a fairy-tale house from any available material will be interesting for every little girl.

Read about how to make furniture for dolls from twigs in the article “Crafts from tree branches with your own hands” >>>>

Be sure to help your child make his own flowerbed, which he will take care of on his own.

Even if you yourself prefer not to plant anything in your dacha, make sure that your child has his own small garden. Just a couple of beds where he can grow unpretentious and tasty plants, for example, green peas.

5. Crafts for the playground. Decorating a playground with your own hands

Decorating children's playgrounds is an interesting and creative activity. Handmade crafts made from wood, tires and plastic bottles are suitable for decorating a children's playground. Here are some ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating crafts for the playground.

6. How to make a playground. Playground ideas

When creating a playground with your own hands, be sure to give your child a secluded corner where he can be alone or in the company of his friends, dream, play, read, and finally take a break from you, the adults. This could be a purchased children's playhouse or tent. Or you can make a children's house (tent, pavilion) with your own hands. Here are some interesting ideas.

DIY children's house made of wood.

Children's houses for dachas. Children's houses tents.

The easiest way to make a children's house with your own hands is to stretch a rope between two trees, pillars, between a tree and a fence (see photo below) and throw a thin blanket over it. The ends of the blanket must be tied with ropes to pegs driven into the ground, or pressed with stones.

DIY children's house.

Using the same principle, you can “grow” a children’s house from sunflowers. Sunflowers are a good plant to grow with children. They have large seeds, grow quickly and are very unpretentious. Plant sunflowers around the perimeter of the circle at a distance of 10 cm from each other. When they grow to 1.5 meters, collect their tops and tie them together - your sunflower house is ready! Yes, don’t forget to leave room for entry when planting!

7. DIY playground. Children's playground made of wood

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, be sure to make sure that the child has natural materials available for play: sand, water, large stones, small stones, twigs, pine cones, plants. Games with natural materials are of great importance for the development of sensory perception, motor skills, creative thinking of the child, and have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of children.

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

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